diff --git a/game/base-combat/init.twee b/game/base-combat/init.twee
index ec7c83bd76901265b26443bb3c8acdd15a4c6efc..248d1424a4dc0c48f7e5ffebed637d508d01441f 100644
--- a/game/base-combat/init.twee
+++ b/game/base-combat/init.twee
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
 	* This will prevent said NPC from entering combat plus deal with all the rest of the math.
 	* Optional arguments [1] and [2] for health and arousal respectivelly. If the original health or arousal values for the NPCs haven't been changed, no need to use those arguments.
-	<<set $_hpToReduce to _args[1] || $NPCList[_args[0]].healthmax * $npcHealthMult>>
+	<<set $_hpToReduce to _args[1] || $NPCList[_args[0]].healthmax * ($npcHealthMult / 100)>>
 	<<set $_arousalToReduce to _args[2] || $enemyarousalmax/$enemyno>>
 	<<if _args[0] isnot undefined and $NPCList[_args[0]]>>
 		<<if $NPCList[_args[0]].active isnot "inactive">>
diff --git a/game/base-combat/npc-damage.twee b/game/base-combat/npc-damage.twee
index c53050b992d9946cd8e261cee13598894d9f3bf0..24e6ffbe3eb114db68e870bf44a9fb3551c77491 100644
--- a/game/base-combat/npc-damage.twee
+++ b/game/base-combat/npc-damage.twee
@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@
 	<!-- Remove Defeated NPC from loops -->
 	<<set $enemyno-->>
 	<!-- Reset Group attributes-->
-	<<set $enemyarousalmax to 500 * $enemyno * $npcArousalMult>>
+	<<set $enemyarousalmax to 500 * $enemyno * ($npcArousalMult / 100)>>
 	<<set $enemyarousal to $enemyarousal * ($enemyno / ($enemyno +1))>>
-	<<set $enemyhealthmax -= $NPCList[_i].healthmax * $npcHealthMult>>
+	<<set $enemyhealthmax -= $NPCList[_i].healthmax * ($npcHealthMult / 100)>>
 	<<set $_excessdamage to (0-$NPCList[_i].health)>>
 	<!-- Debug message -->
diff --git a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/widgets.twee b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/widgets.twee
index 3c21c83bdcb98caadaa5c773745ee99fb080ceea..7b0c1c1469fcbf65dd3000833319c4181a9eba26 100644
--- a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/widgets.twee
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
 	<<generateWraith 1>>
 	<<initWraith _wraithSelect>>
 	<<set $NPCList[0].intro to 0>>
-	<<if $wraithHealth lt ($enemyhealth * 0.2) * $npcHealthMult>>
-		<<set $enemyhealth to $enemyhealth * 0.2 * $npcHealthMult>>
+	<<if $wraithHealth lt ($enemyhealth * 0.2) * ($npcHealthMult / 100)>>
+		<<set $enemyhealth to $enemyhealth * 0.2 * ($npcHealthMult / 100)>>
 		<<set $enemyhealth to $wraithHealth>>