diff --git a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/snatched.twee b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/snatched.twee
index 66c66aff8028fddaa82990a4f1229df8372bc8bd..8eedc3d12bc4d04e44fb540fa1eeb5dc84cedc76 100644
--- a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/snatched.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/ivory/snatched.twee
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ You clumsily walk over to the $container[$location].name.
 <<set _container to $container[$location]>>
 <<set _pregnancy to $sexStats.anus.pregnancy>>
 <<set $checkboxResult to {}>><<set _paleCount to 0>>
-<<for _i to 0; _i lt _container.count; _i++>>
-	<<if _container.creatures[_i].creature.includes("Pale")>>
+<<for _i to 0; _i lt Object.keys(_container.creatures).length; _i++>>
+	<<if _container.creatures[_i] isnot null and _container.creatures[_i].creature.includes("Pale")>>
 		<<set _paleCount ++>>
@@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ You find yourself sinking through the ice, submerging without causing a break.
 					<<if $phaseWraith lt 1 and $container and $container.home and $container.home.count gte 1 and !$wraithPaleVisit>>
-						<<for _i to 0; _i lt $container.home.count; _i++>>
-							<<if $container.home.creatures[_i].creature.includes("Pale")>>
+						<<for _i to 0; _i lt Object.keys($container.home.creatures).length; _i++>>
+							<<if $container.home.creatures[_i] isnot null and $container.home.creatures[_i].creature.includes("Pale")>>
 								<<set $wraithPaleVisit to "home">>
@@ -620,8 +620,8 @@ You find yourself sinking through the ice, submerging without causing a break.
 			<<case "Lake Waterfall">>
 				<<pass 5>>
 				<<if $phaseWraith lt 1 and $container and $container.lake and $container.lake.count gte 1 and !$wraithPaleVisit>>
-					<<for _i to 0; _i lt $container.lake.count; _i++>>
-						<<if $container.lake.creatures[_i].creature.includes("Pale")>>
+					<<for _i to 0; _i lt Object.keys($container.lake.creatures).length; _i++>>
+						<<if $container.lake.creatures[_i] isnot null and $container.lake.creatures[_i].creature.includes("Pale")>>
 							<<set $wraithPaleVisit to "lake">>