From 57dd5bb6892edea985284b978877e1541ac0a463 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kirsty <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 22:14:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Small bug fixes

 game/base-clothing/clothing-sets.twee         |   6 +-
 game/base-clothing/widgets.twee               |   6 +-
 game/base-combat/end.twee                     |   2 +-
 game/base-system/feats.twee                   |   1 +
 game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee        |   2 +-
 game/base-system/time/time.js                 |   1 +
 game/base-system/widgets.twee                 |   2 +-
 game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/main.twee      |   8 +-
 game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/skating.twee   |   2 +-
 .../loc-wolfpack/widgets.twee                 |   2 +-
 game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/cottage.twee   |   6 +-
 game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/events.twee    |   8 +-
 game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/main.twee      |  19 ++--
 game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/work.twee      |  18 ++--
 .../overworld-plains/loc-livestock/field.twee |   4 +-
 .../overworld-plains/loc-livestock/intro.twee |   2 +-
 .../loc-adultshop/adultshop.twee              |   4 +-
 .../loc-adultshop/sex-shop-menu.twee          |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-arcade/main.twee      |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-beach/balloon.twee    |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-brothel/main.twee     |  34 +++----
 game/overworld-town/loc-bus-station/main.twee |  12 +--
 game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/chef.twee        |  30 +++---
 game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/widgets.twee     |   7 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-compound/main.twee    |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/job.twee |   2 +-
 .../overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/main.twee |   2 +-
 .../overworld-town/loc-danube-homes/work.twee |   8 +-
 .../overworld-town/loc-hospital/pharmacy.twee |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-landfill/main.twee    |  29 +++---
 game/overworld-town/loc-park/robin.twee       |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/attack.twee   |   6 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/events.twee   |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-pound/abduction.twee  |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-pound/main.twee       |  14 +--
 game/overworld-town/loc-pub/seduction.twee    |   2 +-
 .../loc-school/classes/history-events.twee    |   2 +-
 .../loc-school/classes/science.twee           |  20 ++--
 .../loc-school/english-play.twee              |   8 +-
 .../loc-school/science-project.twee           |   2 +-
 .../loc-shop/clothingCategories-v2.twee       |  20 ++--
 game/overworld-town/loc-street/cliff.twee     |  30 +++---
 .../overworld-town/loc-street/connudatus.twee |   6 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-street/danube.twee    |   8 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-street/domus.twee     |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-street/events.twee    |  10 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-street/starfish.twee  |   4 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-street/widgets.twee   |  19 ++--
 game/overworld-town/loc-temple/cloister.twee  |   8 +-
 game/overworld-town/loc-temple/confess.twee   |  86 +++++++++---------
 game/overworld-town/loc-temple/main.twee      |  12 +--
 game/overworld-town/special-kylar/main.twee   |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/special-robin/flirt.twee  |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/special-robin/main.twee   |   4 +-
 .../overworld-town/special-robin/widgets.twee |   4 +-
 game/overworld-town/special-sydney/walk.twee  |   2 +-
 game/overworld-town/special-whitney/main.twee |   5 +-
 game/overworld-town/special-whitney/park.twee |   2 +-
 img/hair/sides/space buns/chest.png           | Bin 4818 -> 2319 bytes
 img/hair/sides/space buns/feet.png            | Bin 6042 -> 2991 bytes
 img/hair/sides/space buns/navel.png           | Bin 5019 -> 2391 bytes
 img/hair/sides/space buns/short.png           | Bin 4629 -> 2002 bytes
 img/hair/sides/space buns/shoulder.png        | Bin 4506 -> 2096 bytes
 img/hair/sides/space buns/thighs.png          | Bin 5178 -> 2540 bytes
 64 files changed, 254 insertions(+), 259 deletions(-)

diff --git a/game/base-clothing/clothing-sets.twee b/game/base-clothing/clothing-sets.twee
index dd7c89e432..44bb581826 100644
--- a/game/base-clothing/clothing-sets.twee
+++ b/game/base-clothing/clothing-sets.twee
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@
 		<<storeon $storeLocation>>
 	<<elseif $wear_outfit isnot "none">>
 		<<set _equip to setup.clothingLayer.all>>
-		<<set _equipSkip to {"over_upper":false, "over_lower":false, "upper":false, "lower":false, "under_upper":false, "under_lower":false, "over_head":false, "head":false, "face":false, "neck":false, "hands":false, "legs":false, "feet":false}>>
-		<<set _storeItemSkip to {"over_upper":false, "over_lower":false, "upper":false, "lower":false, "under_upper":false, "under_lower":false, "over_head":false, "head":false, "face":false, "neck":false, "hands":false, "legs":false, "feet":false}>>
-		<<set _equipDamageValue to {"over_upper":3, "over_lower":3, "upper":3, "lower":3, "under_upper":3, "under_lower":3, "over_head":1, "head":1, "face":1, "neck":1, "hands":1, "legs":1, "feet":1}>>
+		<<set _equipSkip to {"over_upper":false, "over_lower":false, "upper":false, "lower":false, "under_upper":false, "under_lower":false, "over_head":false, "head":false, "face":false, "neck":false, "hands":false, "handheld":false, "legs":false, "feet":false}>>
+		<<set _storeItemSkip to {"over_upper":false, "over_lower":false, "upper":false, "lower":false, "under_upper":false, "under_lower":false, "over_head":false, "head":false, "face":false, "neck":false, "hands":false, "handheld":false, "legs":false, "feet":false}>>
+		<<set _equipDamageValue to {"over_upper":3, "over_lower":3, "upper":3, "lower":3, "under_upper":3, "under_lower":3, "over_head":1, "head":1, "face":1, "neck":1, "hands":1, "handheld":1, "legs":1, "feet":1}>>
 		<<set _corruptionEquipSkip to ["over_upper","over_lower","upper", "lower", "under_upper", "under_lower"]>>
 		<<set _towels to ["towel top","large towel","towel skirt"]>>
 		<<set _notEquipped to {}>>
diff --git a/game/base-clothing/widgets.twee b/game/base-clothing/widgets.twee
index bfec4a9a1c..d263d89370 100644
--- a/game/base-clothing/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/base-clothing/widgets.twee
@@ -814,8 +814,7 @@
 	<<if !($ is "naked" and $ is "naked" and $ is "naked" and $ is "naked")>>
-		You fix your clothing<<if $rightarm is "bound">><<silently>><<handheldruined>><</silently>><<elseif !($ is "naked")>> and pick up your $<</if>>.
-		<br><br>
+		You fix your clothing<<if $rightarm is "bound">><<silently>><<handheldruined>><</silently>><<elseif !($ is "naked")>> and pick up your $<</if>>.<br><br>
 	<<elseif $rightarm is "bound">>
 	<<elseif !($ is "naked")>>
@@ -843,7 +842,7 @@
 			<<set $_slot to _args[0]>>
 		<<set _slots to []>>
-		<<if $carried[$_slot].name isnot "naked" or ($_slot is "handheld" and $propEquipped is 1 and $carried[$_slot].name is "naked")>>
+		<<if $carried[$_slot].name isnot "naked" or ($_slot is "handheld" and $worn.handheld.type.includes("prop") and $ is "naked")>>
 			<<if $worn[$_slot].cursed is 1>>
 				<<carriedSend "wardrobe" $_slot>>
@@ -860,7 +859,6 @@
 				<<unset _outfitPrimaryOn>>
-				<
diff --git a/game/base-combat/end.twee b/game/base-combat/end.twee
index 1610b914d5..8264a000ce 100644
--- a/game/base-combat/end.twee
+++ b/game/base-combat/end.twee
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@
 	<<if $propEquipped is 1 and $worn.handheld.type.includes("prop")>>
-		<<unset $propEquipped>>
+		<<set $propEquipped to 0>>
diff --git a/game/base-system/feats.twee b/game/base-system/feats.twee
index 068ed50835..76b7ebfee5 100644
--- a/game/base-system/feats.twee
+++ b/game/base-system/feats.twee
@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@
+			handheld:[],
diff --git a/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee b/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee
index d49626cb16..802612724b 100644
--- a/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee
+++ b/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
 		<span class="gold bold">Holidays</span>
-	<<if $valentines is 1>>
+	<<if $valentines_eden is 1>>
 		<ul style="margin-top:10px;margin-left:-5px;">
 			<li>Valentine's day is held on February 14th.</li>
 			<<if $valentines_eden is 1 and !$valentines_eden_bought>>
diff --git a/game/base-system/time/time.js b/game/base-system/time/time.js
index 63a5f5293d..2716b68125 100644
--- a/game/base-system/time/time.js
+++ b/game/base-system/time/time.js
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ function weekPassed() {
 	if (V.brothelVending) {
 		if (V.brothelVending.condoms === 0 && V.brothelVending.lube === 0) V.brothelVending.weeksEmpty += 1;
+		if (V.brothelVending.weeksEmpty >= 4); V.brothelVending.status = "sold";
 	fragment.append(wikifier("world_corruption", "soft", V.world_corruption_hard));
diff --git a/game/base-system/widgets.twee b/game/base-system/widgets.twee
index 4f20331234..f0df38aae1 100644
--- a/game/base-system/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/base-system/widgets.twee
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@
 		<div id="hallucinogencaption">
 			<div @class="($options.showCaptionText is true ? '' : 'rightMeterText')">
 				<<if $options.showCaptionText is true>>
-					<span class="purple">Your perception is altered</span>
+					<span class="purple">Your perception is altered.</span>
diff --git a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/main.twee b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/main.twee
index 6d8efccd14..307d5305ce 100644
--- a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/main.twee
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ You ask.
 		<<He>> nods. "My team has collected samples-"
-		As if on queue, someone enters the tent. It's Sirris. <<npc Sirris 2>><<person2>> <<He>> drops a large backpack onto the desk beside Winter, smiling. "Branch trimmings, a sketch of the heartwood rings, and a small jar of sap," <<he>> says proudly before smiling at you.
+		As if on cue, someone enters the tent. It's Sirris. <<npc Sirris 2>><<person2>> <<He>> drops a large backpack onto the desk beside Winter, smiling. "Branch trimmings, a sketch of the heartwood rings, and a small jar of sap," <<he>> says proudly before smiling at you.
 		<<npc Niki 3>><<npc Wren 4>>
@@ -405,13 +405,13 @@ You ask.
 		<<set $niki_seen to "winter">>
 		<<link [[Next|Lake Office Volunteers]]>><</link>>
-		<br>		
+		<br>
 	<<case 3>>
 		"Nothing new, yet. It may be some time before we make any meaningful progress."
 		<<link [[Next|Lake Office]]>><</link>>
-		<br>		
+		<br>
 		"Nothing yet," <<he>> says with a hint of regret. "We've hit something of a standstill."
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ You are at the bus stop beside the lake. The road from town terminates here, end
 		<<lakeicon "fishing">><<link [[North to fishing rock (0:10)|Lake Fishing Rock]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
 	<<if $earSlime.forcedCommando isnot undefined and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and $exhibitionism gte 35>>
 		<span class="red">The slime in your ear refuses to allow you to leave with swimwear on.</span>
diff --git a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/skating.twee b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/skating.twee
index 474df5417e..8566d7f3f0 100644
--- a/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/skating.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-forest/loc-lake/skating.twee
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ The delinquents drag you further from shore, debating what to do with you and th
 :: Lake Skate Teach
-There's no substitute for practise, but your presence is great for the <<persons>> confidence. You give <<him>> pointers, and offer an arm when <<he>> needs it. <<He>> doesn't seem quite so wobbly by the end.
+There's no substitute for practice, but your presence is great for the <<persons>> confidence. You give <<him>> pointers, and offer an arm when <<he>> needs it. <<He>> doesn't seem quite so wobbly by the end.
 <<link [[Next|Lake Shallows Ice]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-forest/loc-wolfpack/widgets.twee b/game/overworld-forest/loc-wolfpack/widgets.twee
index cc5ac4a0a2..f38f74c335 100644
--- a/game/overworld-forest/loc-wolfpack/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-forest/loc-wolfpack/widgets.twee
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
 <<widget "wolfpackhuntoptions">>
 	<<if $wolfpackshroom is "red">>
-		<<tendingicon "mushrooms">><<link [[Add a red mushroom to the Black Wolf's food (3:00)|Wolf Deer2]]>><<set $phase to 0>><<tiredness -12>><<pass 3 hours>><<tiredness -12>><<tiredness -12>><</link>><<ltiredness>>
+		<<tendingicon "wolfshrooms">><<link [[Add a red mushroom to the Black Wolf's food (3:00)|Wolf Deer2]]>><<set $phase to 0>><<tiredness -12>><<pass 3 hours>><<tiredness -12>><<tiredness -12>><</link>><<ltiredness>>
 	<<elseif $wolfpackshroom is "pink">>
 		<<tendingicon "mushrooms">><<link [[Add a pink mushroom to the Black Wolf's food (3:00)|Wolf Deer2]]>><<set $phase to 1>><<tiredness -12>><<pass 3 hour>><<tiredness -12>><<tiredness -12>><</link>><<ltiredness>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/cottage.twee b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/cottage.twee
index 76c639b42d..c0b4fac09f 100644
--- a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/cottage.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/cottage.twee
@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ You hold the back of Alex's head, and pull <<him>> into a kiss.<<set $consensual
 <<elseif $enemyhealth lte 0>>
-	<<He>> drops backward, into a sitting position. "Am I that out of practise?" <<he>> says.
+	<<He>> drops backward, into a sitting position. "Am I that out of practice?" <<he>> says.
 	<<tearful>> you make room for <<him>> on the sofa.
@@ -3183,7 +3183,7 @@ Alex slams the door.
 <<if getPregnancyObject().ultrasoundDone>>
-    "I already have." You hand Alex a printout of your ultrasound. 
+    "I already have." You hand Alex a printout of your ultrasound.
     It takes <<him>> a moment to put two and two together, then <<he>> laughs. "Is this your way of explaining that beer belly you have?" <<he>> teases. "Nice sense of humour." <<He>> ruffles your hair playfully.
@@ -3204,7 +3204,7 @@ Alex slams the door.
 		You shrug. "Don't ask questions."
-	It takes <<him>> a moment to pull <<him>>self together. "Well," <<he>> finally says, "I've seen some pretty strange things here on the farm before, but this takes the cake. I guess nature can be pretty wild, huh?" 
+	It takes <<him>> a moment to pull <<him>>self together. "Well," <<he>> finally says, "I've seen some pretty strange things here on the farm before, but this takes the cake. I guess nature can be pretty wild, huh?"
     <<link [[Next|Farm PC Pregnancy Reveal]]>><<set $phase to 4>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/events.twee b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/events.twee
index 983a8867e9..9286658e4b 100644
--- a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/events.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/events.twee
@@ -4077,9 +4077,9 @@ You follow Alex's instructions, and walk down the road.
 <<if !npcIsPregnant("Alex") and $rng gte 72>>
 	<<set $alexBooze to true>>
 	You glance over the list, taking note of the alcohol mentioned.
 <<set $danger to random(1, 10000)>>
@@ -4581,7 +4581,7 @@ You pocket the money as Alex enters the farmhouse.
-	You grab Alex by <<his>> shoulder. <<He>> look back at you. You grab <<his>> hand and place the bank notes into it. "Here's what was left." 
+	You grab Alex by <<his>> shoulder. <<He>> look back at you. You grab <<his>> hand and place the bank notes into it. "Here's what was left."
 	Alex's face softens a bit before <<he>> kisses your cheek.<<glove>><<npcincr "Alex" love 1>>
@@ -5176,7 +5176,7 @@ You stand beside Alex as the goons close in. <<He>> plants <<his>> feet, then la
-Another goon rushes to assist, while the other two rush you.
+Another goon advances on Alex, while the remaining two rush you.
 <<link [[Next|Farm Lorry Fight]]>><<set $fightstart to 1>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/main.twee b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/main.twee
index e1045454c2..7f84e13248 100644
--- a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/main.twee
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ Alex beams. "Great! You can start whenever you like, and don't be afraid to ask
 		<<link [[Next|Farm Stage 4]]>><<set $phase to 1>><<set $farm_stage to 4>><<set $farm.clearing to 100>><</link>>
 		<<if playerBellyVisible()>>
 			<<He>> pulls another from <<his>> pocket, before quickly looking at your <<bellyDescription "pc">> and frowning.
@@ -878,19 +878,18 @@ Alex is already walking towards the farmhouse. <<He>> stops at the door. "Tea or
 :: Farm Stage 6 5
 <<set $location to "alex_cottage">><<effects>>
-You sit at the kitchen table with Alex's <<if $pronoun is "m">>father<<else>>mother<</if>>. 
+You sit at the kitchen table with Alex's <<if $pronoun is "m">>father<<else>>mother<</if>>.
 <<if C.npc.Alex.pregnancy.selfKnowledge is true or (C.npc.Alex.pregnancy.pcKnowledge is true and C.npc.Alex.pregnancy.sample isnot true and getPregnancyObject().fetus[1].father is "Alex" and getPregnancyObject().fetus.length is 1)>>
-    "So, you're the townie
-    <<if talkedAboutPregnancy("Alex","pc")>>
-        who knocked up my little <<if C.npc.Alex.gender is "f">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>>?"
-    <<else>>
-        my little <<if C.npc.Alex.gender is "f">>girl<<else>>boy<</if>> knocked up?"
-    <</if>>
+	"So, you're the townie
+	<<if talkedAboutPregnancy("Alex","pc")>>
+		who knocked up my little <<print $pronoun is "m" ? "boy" : "girl">>?"
+	<<else>>
+		my little <<print $pronoun is "m" ? "boy" : "girl">> knocked up?"
+	<</if>>
-    "Surprised a townie can be so helpful-"
+	"Surprised a townie can be so helpful-"
diff --git a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/work.twee b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/work.twee
index c95364aeff..895b9faa4c 100644
--- a/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/work.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-plains/loc-farm/work.twee
@@ -1985,26 +1985,26 @@ You lead the <<farm_text_many cattle>> into the barn, and strap them into the ma
 		<<if $farm_work.cattle.monster_roll is true and ($hallucinations gte 1 or $monsterhallucinations is "f")>>
 			<<if $farm_work.cattle.gender_plural is "m">>
 				<<if $cbchance gte 100>>
-					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their nipples, your practiced hands moving automatically. The bullboys moo in anticipation.
+					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their nipples, your practised hands moving automatically. The bullboys moo in anticipation.
-					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their cocks, your practiced hands moving automatically. The bullboys moo in anticipation.
+					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their cocks, your practised hands moving automatically. The bullboys moo in anticipation.
 			<<elseif $farm_work.cattle.gender_plural is "f">>
 				<<if $dgchance gte 1>>
-					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their breasts and cocks, your practiced hands moving automatically. The cowgirls moo in anticipation.
+					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their breasts and cocks, your practised hands moving automatically. The cowgirls moo in anticipation.
-					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their breasts, your practiced hands moving automatically. The cowgirls moo in anticipation.
+					You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their breasts, your practised hands moving automatically. The cowgirls moo in anticipation.
-				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their breasts and cocks, your practiced hands moving automatically. The cowgirls and bullboys moo in anticipation.
+				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their breasts and cocks, your practised hands moving automatically. The cowgirls and bullboys moo in anticipation.
 			<<if $farm_work.cattle.gender_plural is "m">>
-				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their cocks, your practiced hands moving automatically. The bulls moo in anticipation.
+				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their cocks, your practised hands moving automatically. The bulls moo in anticipation.
 			<<elseif $farm_work.cattle.gender_plural is "f">>
-				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their udders, your practiced hands moving automatically. The cows moo in anticipation.
+				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their udders, your practised hands moving automatically. The cows moo in anticipation.
-				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their udders and cocks, your practiced hands moving automatically. The cattle moo in anticipation.
+				You daydream as you attach the suction tubes to their udders and cocks, your practised hands moving automatically. The cattle moo in anticipation.
@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ The milking machine works fast, and soon finishes gathering fluid. You release t
 <<elseif $cattle_milked lte 1200 or $deviancy lt 35>>
 	You're used to milking cattle, and the <<beasttype>> appreciates the attention.
-	You daydream as you work, your practiced hands moving on their own. The <<beasttype>> appreciates the attention.
+	You daydream as you work, your practised hands moving on their own. The <<beasttype>> appreciates the attention.
diff --git a/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/field.twee b/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/field.twee
index 2c64bf4791..f866952f7e 100644
--- a/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/field.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/field.twee
@@ -3188,7 +3188,7 @@ You crawl over to <<him>> and nuzzle <<his>> leg.
 <<if $livestock_obey gte 60>>
-	You turn around to prop a leg out, kicking <<him>> behind <<his>> knee. "T-twat," you say. Your voice shakes from disuse.
+	You turn around to prop a leg out, kicking <<him>> behind <<his>> knee. <<if $worn.face.type.includes("gag")>>You try to protest, but your voice is muffled by your $<<else>>"T-twat," you say. Your voice shakes from disuse.<</if>>
 	<<He>> turns around with fury, ready to grab at your hair before <<he>> recognises you. <<He>> regards you with furrowed eyebrows, but doesn't push it.
@@ -3202,7 +3202,7 @@ You crawl over to <<him>> and nuzzle <<his>> leg.
 	<<link [[Next|Livestock Field]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
-	You turn around to prop a leg out, kicking <<him>> behind <<his>> knee. "Twat," you say, walking back towards the herd.
+	You turn around to prop a leg out, kicking <<him>> behind <<his>> knee. <<if $worn.face.type.includes("gag")>>You make a noise of disdain through your $<<else>>"Twat," you say, walking back towards the herd.<</if>>
 	<<He>> turns around with fury, grabbing you by the hair and stopping you in your tracks. "You..." <<He>> composes <<himself>>, letting out a breath before turning <<his>> attention to a pair of farmhands. "Deal with this one, I don't have the time for it."
diff --git a/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/intro.twee b/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/intro.twee
index 0cf5d1af48..109b2c92a2 100644
--- a/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/intro.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-plains/loc-livestock/intro.twee
@@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ Remy nods at someone behind you, prompting several unseen hands to grasp your li
 Remy approaches one of the cages, sticking <<nnpc_his "Remy">> hand through the bars and stroking the <<beasttypes>> head. "We care for you, keep you safe and secure," Remy says. "And yet, you still defy us." You hear the jangle of iron chains behind you as Remy speaks. "Defiance is never acceptable."
-A thick iron collar clamps around your neck from behind, connecting the short length of chain with a mounting in the ground you hadn't noticed and rendering you immobile.
+<<print ["collar with leash", "free use collar with leash", "leather collar with leash", "spiked collar with leash"].includes($ ? "Remy grabs the thick iron collar around your neck" : "A thick iron collar clamps around your neck from behind">>, connecting the short length of chain with a mounting in the ground you hadn't noticed and rendering you immobile.
 The farmhands whisper to each other as Remy undoes the latch to the cage, swinging the door open. You hear the <<if $monster is 1>>patter of bare feet<<else>>clatter of claws<</if>> on the floor as a slew of the estate's guard-<<beastsplural>> emerge from the kennel.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/adultshop.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/adultshop.twee
index 9065663f8c..4e02fad4ea 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/adultshop.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/adultshop.twee
@@ -263,11 +263,12 @@ Sirris smiles as you approach.
 "Is there anything you need?"
 <<if !$adultshopclerk>>
 	<<link [[Ask for work|Adult Shop Approach Sirris Ask]]>><</link>>
-<<if $brothelVending and $brothelVending.status is "set" and $brothelVending.weeksEmpty lt 4>>
+<<if $brothelVending and $brothelVending.status is "set">>
 	<<if $brothelVending.products gte 2 and !$weekly.brothelVMLube and $brothelVending.lubeToRefill gte 10>>
 		<<link [[Buy lube for the brothel (0:10)|Adult Shop Buy Lube in Bulk]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
@@ -278,7 +279,6 @@ Sirris smiles as you approach.
 <<link [[Back|Adult Shop]]>><</link>>
 :: Adult Shop Approach Sirris Ask
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/sex-shop-menu.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/sex-shop-menu.twee
index ecba1faa1d..a830693565 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/sex-shop-menu.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-adultshop/sex-shop-menu.twee
@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ You are inside the adult shop
-<<elkicon>><<link [[Leave|$sextoyInvReturnLink]]>><<unset $sextoyInvReturnLink>><</link>>
+<<link [[Leave|$sextoyInvReturnLink]]>><<unset $sextoyInvReturnLink>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-arcade/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-arcade/main.twee
index eacc24c41d..874cb8b2af 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-arcade/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-arcade/main.twee
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ The games and gambling machines lie silent.
 			You spot the "Tenyclus" cabinet tucked away in the corner. No one else seems to notice it.
-			<<ind>><<link [[Play Tenyclus|Arcade Tenyclus Play]]>><</link>>
+			<<arcadeicon>><<link [[Play Tenyclus|Arcade Tenyclus Play]]>><</link>>
 		<<starfishicon>><<link [[Leave|Starfish Street]]>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-beach/balloon.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-beach/balloon.twee
index 90b1e2e3fd..903a8a4073 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-beach/balloon.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-beach/balloon.twee
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ The <<personsimple>> chats up a customer, doing <<his>> best to keep <<his>> voi
 <<loadNPC 0 "stall_owner">><<npc Robin 2>>
 <<set $balloonStand.robin.talked to true>>
-<<set $balloonStand.robin.knows to ($phase is "confess" ? true : false)>>
+<<set $balloonStand.robin.knows to ($phase is "confess_helped" or $phase is "confess_sabotaged" ? true : false)>>
 <<set _lemonade to Time.season is "winter" ? "hot chocolate" : "lemonade">>
 <<set _botchedHelp to ["angry", "appeased"].includes($balloonStand.owner)>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-brothel/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-brothel/main.twee
index 7508457932..a67cd3b05c 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-brothel/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-brothel/main.twee
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ You are in the brothel's dressing room. There are a few mirrors, currently occup
 	<<elseif $brothelVending.status is "bought">>
 		<<condomicon "machine">> <<link [[Install the vending machine (0:30)|Brothel Dressing Room]]>><<set $brothelVending.status to "set">><<set $weekly.brothelVMCollect to true>><<pass 30>><</link>>
-	<<elseif $brothelVending.status is "set" and $brothelVending.weeksEmpty lt 4>>
+	<<elseif $brothelVending.status is "set">>
 		<<if !($brothelVending.products % 2) and $condomLvl gte 1>>
 			<<condomicon>>You can talk with the <span class="gold">pharmacy nurse</span> about reselling condoms.
@@ -159,42 +159,43 @@ You are in the brothel's dressing room. There are a few mirrors, currently occup
 		<<if $brothelVending.products>>
-			You check the vending machine's stock.
+			You check the vending machine's stock.<br>
 			<<if $brothelVending.products % 2>>
 				<<if $brothelVending.condoms lte 1>>
-					The condom dispenser is <span class="red">empty.</span> You can get them at the pharmacy.
-					<br><br>
+					<<condomicon>> The condom dispenser is <span class="red">empty.</span> You can get them at the pharmacy.
+					<br>
 					<<if $brothelVending.condoms gte 200>>
-						The condom dispenser is <span class="green">full.</span>
+						<<condomicon>> The condom dispenser is <span class="green">full.</span>
-						<<set $brothelVending.condomsToRefill to 200 - $brothelVending.condoms>>
+						<<condomicon>> <<set $brothelVending.condomsToRefill to 200 - $brothelVending.condoms>>
 						You count <<number $brothelVending.condoms>> <<print $brothelVending.condoms is 1 ? "pack" : "packs">> of condoms. There is room for <<number $brothelVending.condomsToRefill>> <<print $brothelVending.condomsToRefill is 1 ? "3-pack" : "3-packs">>. You can purchase condoms at the pharmacy.
 					You have set the price of the 3-condom packs to £80, while in the pharmacy, they cost £60.
 					<<condomicon>><<link [[Buy condoms (£80)|Brothel Vending Machine Buy]]>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>>
-					<br><br>
+					<br>
 			<<if $brothelVending.products gte 2>>
 				<<if $brothelVending.lube lte 1>>
-					The lube bottles dispenser is <span class="red">empty.</span> You can get them at the adult shop.
-					<br><br>
+					<<sextoysicon "lube">> The lube bottles dispenser is <span class="red">empty.</span> You can get them at the adult shop.
+					<br>
 					<<if $brothelVending.lube gte 200>>
-						The lube bottles dispenser is <span class="green">full.</span>
+						<<sextoysicon "lube">> The lube bottles dispenser is <span class="green">full.</span>
-						<<set $brothelVending.lubeToRefill to 200 - $brothelVending.lube>>
+						<<sextoysicon "lube">> <<set $brothelVending.lubeToRefill to 200 - $brothelVending.lube>>
 						You count <<number $brothelVending.lube>> <<print $brothelVending.lube is 1 ? "bottle" : "bottles">> of lube. There is room for <<number $brothelVending.lubeToRefill>> <<print $brothelVending.lubeToRefill is 1 ? "bottle" : "bottles">>. You can purchase lube at the adult shop.
-					You have set the price of the lube to £30, while in the adult shop, it costs £20.
+					<<sextoysicon "lube">> You have set the price of the lube to £30, while in the adult shop, it costs £20.
 					<<sextoysicon "lube">><<link [[Buy lube (£30)|Brothel Vending Machine Buy]]>><<set $phase to 2>><</link>>
-					<br><br>
+					<br>
+				<br>
@@ -563,11 +564,11 @@ I'd like to offer you work looking after our guests. You saw how it works on the
 	<<if $brothelshowdata.intro is 2>>
 		<<if $brothel_escortjob is undefined>>
-			<<ind>><<link [[Work for wealthy client|Brothel Escort Job Accept]]>><</link>>
+			<<danubeicon>><<link [[Work for wealthy client|Brothel Escort Job Accept]]>><</link>>
 		<<elseif $brothel_escortjob.accept isnot true and $weekly.escortjob isnot 1>>
-			<<ind>><<link [[Work for wealthy client|Brothel Escort Job Accept]]>><</link>>
+			<<danubeicon>><<link [[Work for wealthy client|Brothel Escort Job Accept]]>><</link>>
@@ -2365,7 +2366,7 @@ The car comes to a stop, and Briar pulls you out. "I like avoiding this place. I
 <<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "brothel">><<effects>>
 You ask Briar if <<he>> has already checked your vending machine's stock and collected the money this week.
-<<if $brothelVending.weeksEmpty gte 4>>
+<<if $brothelVending.status is "sold">>
 	Briar snorts. "Your vending machine was cleared out for $brothelVending.weeksEmpty. I told you if it was empty for three weeks in a row, I was going to throw it away. You have no vending machine anymore."
 	You try to explain why you haven't been able to refill the machine for so long, but Briar cuts you off.
@@ -2373,7 +2374,6 @@ You ask Briar if <<he>> has already checked your vending machine's stock and col
 	"I don't give a shit about your life, your time, or your money. To do business, you need time, money, both things, or luck. If you don't have time to buy products every week, you need money to refill the machine with a lot of them. If you don't have enough money to fully restock the machine, you need the time to top it off a little bit every week." Briar takes some bills out of a drawer. "But you were lucky. A friend of mine needed a vending machine for the school toilets because someone broke one there. I sold yours to <<nnpc_him Leighton>> instead of throwing it away. Here, £1,000 for you. Now, if you want, <span class="gold"> you can buy a new vending machine and set it up in the dressing rooms</span>, but be sure to keep it filled this time. Same rules as before."
 	<<set $money += 100000>>
-	<<set $brothelVending.status to "sold">>
 	<<set $brothelVending.weeksEmpty to 0>>
 	<<if $brothelVending.condomsSold + $brothelVending.lubeSold>>
 		Briar pauses. "You never collected on your last sales before it was emptied.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-bus-station/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-bus-station/main.twee
index e8a6512942..ad9023edfc 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-bus-station/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-bus-station/main.twee
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ You are in the bus station.
-				<<harvesticon>><<link [[Harvest Street (0:02)->Bus Station Front Door]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
-				<br>
 				<<exiticon>><<link [[Leave via back door (0:02)|Industrial alleyways]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
+				<br>
+				<<harvesticon>><<link [[Harvest Street (0:02)->Bus Station Front Door]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ You are in the bus station.
-			<<harvesticon>><<link [[Harvest Street (0:02)->Bus Station Front Door]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
-			<br>
 			<<exiticon>><<link [[Leave via back door (0:02)|Bus Station Back Door]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
+			<br>
+			<<harvesticon>><<link [[Harvest Street (0:02)->Bus Station Front Door]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
-			<<harvesticon>><<link [[Harvest Street (0:02)->Harvest Street]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
-			<br>
 			<<exiticon>><<link [[Leave via back door (0:02)|Bus Station Back Door]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
+			<br>
+			<<harvesticon>><<link [[Harvest Street (0:02)->Harvest Street]]>><<pass 2>><</link>>
 		<<if $cheatdisable is "f">>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/chef.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/chef.twee
index e3e83bf126..6836782e42 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/chef.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/chef.twee
@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ The only question is, how much milk should you use?
 :: Cafe Coffee Creation
 <<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
-<<if $phase is 1>> 
+<<if $phase is 1>>
 	You grab a small bowl and start milking yourself. Soon you have a decent amount of milk in the bowl. You mix it into their coffees. After a couple of minutes, Sam comes to collect them.<<breastfeed 4>>
@@ -1678,12 +1678,12 @@ The only question is, how much milk should you use?
 	You grab a small bowl and start milking yourself. Soon you have a large amount of milk in the bowl. Hopefully the amount of milk won't seem unusual. You mix it into their coffees. After a couple of minutes, Sam comes to collect them.<<breastfeed 7>>
-<<elseif $phase is 3>> 
+<<elseif $phase is 3>>
 	You grab a small bowl and start milking yourself. Soon you have nearly filled the bowl. They're sure to notice how much milk there is. You mix it into their coffees. After a couple of minutes, Sam comes to collect them.<<breastfeed 10>>
-<<elseif $phase is 4>> 
+<<elseif $phase is 4>>
 	You decide to give them drinks they're sure to love. You decide to add the milk straight in. You make sure to squeeze out a lot of milk. Some of it misses the coffee, making a mess in the kitchen. <<breastfeed 15>>
@@ -1691,10 +1691,10 @@ The only question is, how much milk should you use?
 	You put in so much milk that you're not sure these drinks even count as coffee anymore. You try to mix it in as best as you can. After a couple of minutes, Sam comes to collect them.
 /*Normal, no milk*/
 	<<set _coffee to ["mocha", "latte", "caramel latte", "white chocolate mocha", "flat white", "caramel iced latte"].pluck()>>
-	You decide to make some normal <<print _coffee>>s for them. After a couple of minutes, the drinks are ready. Sam soon comes to collect them. 
+	You decide to make some normal <<print _coffee>>s for them. After a couple of minutes, the drinks are ready. Sam soon comes to collect them.
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ The only question is, how much milk should you use?
 :: Cafe Coffee Creation Results
 <<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "cafe">><<effects>>
 <<npc Sam>><<person1>>
-<<if $phase is 1>> 
+<<if $phase is 1>>
 You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' table. They seem satisfied with your coffee. You go back into the kitchen.
@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' ta
 You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "Thank you for making the coffee on such short notice. They seemed happy with it. Here, think of this as a little 'thank you' for helping me out." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 100>>. "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says as <<he>> leaves.
-<<elseif $phase is 2>> 
+<<elseif $phase is 2>>
 	<<if $rng % 2 == 0>>
 		You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' table. They seem delighted with your coffee. You go back into the kitchen.
@@ -1722,7 +1722,7 @@ You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "Thank you for making the cof
 		You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "Thank you for making the coffee on such short notice. They seemed to really like it. Some of them said that the milk was even better than normal. How were you able to do that?" <<gsuspicion>><<set $chef_sus += 15>>
-		"Ah, sorry for asking into your secrets. Here, this is for your great work." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 125>>. "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says <<he>> he leaves.
+		"Ah, sorry for asking into your secrets. Here, this is for your great work." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 125>>. "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says as <<he>> leaves.
 		You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' table. They seem delighted with your coffee. You go back into the kitchen.
@@ -1731,21 +1731,21 @@ You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "Thank you for making the cof
 		You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "Thank you for making the coffee on such short notice. They seemed to really like it."
-		"Here, this is for your great work." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 125>>. "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says <<he>> he leaves.
+		"Here, this is for your great work." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 125>>. "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says as <<he>> leaves.
-<<elseif $phase is 3>> 
+<<elseif $phase is 3>>
 You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' table. They seem thrilled with your coffee. You go back into the kitchen.
-You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "Thank you for making the coffee on such short notice. They seemed to love your recipe. Were you able to make the milk even better somehow?" <<gsuspicion>> 
+You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "Thank you for making the coffee on such short notice. They seemed to love your recipe. Were you able to make the milk even better somehow?" <<gsuspicion>>
-"Ah sorry for asking into your secrets. Here, this is for your great work" <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 150>>. "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says as <<he>> leaves.
+"Ah, sorry for asking into your secrets. Here, this is for your great work." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 150>>. "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says as <<he>> leaves.
-<<elseif $phase is 4>> 
+<<elseif $phase is 4>>
 You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' table. At first they seem irritated to have been brought what appears to be milk. But as soon as one of them takes a sip, their mood changes entirely. All of them begin to enthusiastically drink their 'coffees'. You return to the kitchen, satisfied with the effect your drinks had.
@@ -1753,13 +1753,13 @@ You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' ta
 You put the dough in the oven. Sam comes in again. "I wasn't sure about your drinks when I saw them, but it seems they were a great success. They were so great that even the other guests wanted to get a taste." <<ggsuspicion>>
-"Too bad you're usually busy making buns, else I'd ask you to make more of those drinks." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 200>>. "You really outdid yourself, thank you." <<npcincr Sam love 2>> <<glove>> 
+"Too bad you're usually busy making buns, else I'd ask you to make more of those drinks." <<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 200>>. "You really outdid yourself, thank you." <<npcincr Sam love 2>> <<glove>>
 "I won't keep you any longer." <<he>> says as <<he>> leaves.
 /*Normal, no milk*/
 You watch from the kitchen door as Sam brings the coffees to the aristocrats' table. They seem pleased with the coffee. You go back into the kitchen.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/widgets.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/widgets.twee
index d0a00bee35..3d2b81bb9d 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-cafe/widgets.twee
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 	You ask why they would want a drink instead of the buns. "Oh, they're ordering buns too, it's just that… I already promised them you would be handling their entire meal, which also includes the drinks..." <<he>> says apologetically. "I'm sorry to spring this on you so suddenly, but I'm sure you won't have any problems making just a couple of drinks for them."
-	<br><br> 
+	<br><br>
 	Not seeing many options, you tell <<him>> you'll do it. "Wonderful! Don't worry, there are no expectations for you to be a skilled barista. What matters is that they are made by our star chef."
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	<<link [[Use your secret ingredient |Cafe Coffee Lewd]]>><<endevent>><</link>><<promiscuous2>>
 <<addinlineevent "chef_thief" 0.7>>
 		You hear the back door squeak.
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@
-	<<else>>
+<<addinlineevent "chef_consistency" 0.7>>
 		Getting the consistency right is a little troublesome, but you manage to balance the ingredients properly.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-compound/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-compound/main.twee
index ec0e1c1079..d7f19ca7d5 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-compound/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-compound/main.twee
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ Finding your way out is much easier than getting here.
 	<<He>> turns the dial once more and the pain surges through you again. "This could be so much easier for you," <<he>> says.
 <<elseif $compoundlie is 3>>
-	"I'm looking for my ball," <<he>> interrupts you with another surge of pain.
+	"I'm looking for my ball—" Your excuse is interrupted by another surge of pain.
 	"I'm not falling for that one," <<he>> says.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/job.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/job.twee
index 5e7cc564d8..290ba249b1 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/job.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/job.twee
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ You feel your legs carry you back outside. A great cheer goes up from the dark.
 	<<socialiseicon>><<link [[Chat with servants|Dance Job Stage Chat]]>><<set $dance_job_stage_explore += 150>><<stress -6>><</link>><<lstress>><<note "- Exploration difficulty" "green">>
 	<<set $skulduggerydifficulty to 1000 - $dance_job_stage_explore>>
-	<<link [[Explore the manor|Dance Job Stage Explore]]>><</link>><<skulduggerydifficulty>>
+	<<investigateicon>><<link [[Explore the manor|Dance Job Stage Explore]]>><</link>><<skulduggerydifficulty>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/main.twee
index bee5d64136..a768bd3928 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-dance-studio/main.twee
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ Charlie immediately recognises that something is wrong. <<He>> pulls you aside a
 	<<set $dancestudioanger += 1>>
 <<elseif $phase is 2>>
-	<<promiscuity2>>Not wanting to be outdone, you return <<his>> fondling with your own. Hiding the lewd touching under the veneer of dance practise, you grope each other right in the middle of the room, the rest of the class ignorant of the lechery occurring right in front of them. By the time Charlie calls for a stop, both you and the <<person>> are breathing far more heavily than anyone else.
+	<<promiscuity2>>Not wanting to be outdone, you return <<his>> fondling with your own. Hiding the lewd touching under the veneer of dance practice, you grope each other right in the middle of the room, the rest of the class ignorant of the lechery occurring right in front of them. By the time Charlie calls for a stop, both you and the <<person>> are breathing far more heavily than anyone else.
 <<link [[Next|Dancing Lesson]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-danube-homes/work.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-danube-homes/work.twee
index d3b9939274..8aba90fc7b 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-danube-homes/work.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-danube-homes/work.twee
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ You walk up to one of the mansions and knock on the door.
 <<elseif $unlocked is true>>
-	/*To return this housekeeping check? 
-	- Remove `$unlocked is true` and place 
+	/*To return this housekeeping check?
+	- Remove `$unlocked is true` and place
 	- Add `danube_housekeeping is undefined`*/
 	<<if $danube_housekeeping is undefined>>
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ You walk up to one of the mansions and knock on the door.
 		<<getouticon>><<link [[Say you've got the wrong address and leave|Danube Street]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
@@ -1958,7 +1958,7 @@ You enter the lounge. The <<person2>><<person>> briefly quizzes you on _subject.
 			<<He>> laughs in your face. <<if $rapestat gte 5>>It's rude, but at least <<he>> isn't trying to rape you.<<else>>It's rude.<</if>>
-			<<He>> shakes <<his>> head. "Explaining the basics to you will be good English practise."
+			<<He>> shakes <<his>> head. "Explaining the basics to you will be good English practice."
 			<<person2>><<He>> hands you <<moneyGain 20>>.
 			<<set $phase to 0>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-hospital/pharmacy.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-hospital/pharmacy.twee
index 4c25f00a24..bca4e7ac02 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-hospital/pharmacy.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-hospital/pharmacy.twee
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
-	<<if $brothelVending and $brothelVending.status is "set" and $brothelVending.products % 2 and $brothelVending.condomsToRefill gte 10 and $condomLvl gte 1 and !$weekly.brothelVMCondoms and $brothelVending.weeksEmpty lt 4>>
+	<<if $brothelVending and $brothelVending.status is "set" and $brothelVending.products % 2 and $brothelVending.condomsToRefill gte 10 and $condomLvl gte 1 and !$weekly.brothelVMCondoms>>
 		<<condomicon>><<link [[Buy condoms for the brothel (0:10)|Pharmacy Buy Condoms in Bulk]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-landfill/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-landfill/main.twee
index 4fe63947b8..2a846f4b67 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-landfill/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-landfill/main.twee
@@ -76,34 +76,35 @@ You are in the landfill on Elk Street.
-	<<link [[Search for valuables (1:00)|Trash Search]]>><<pass 60>><</link>><<crime "thievery">>
+	<<investigateicon>><<link [[Search for valuables (1:00)|Trash Search]]>><<pass 60>><</link>><<crime "thievery">>
+	<<if $trash lte 99>>
+		<<getinicon>><<link [[Go towards the sound of heavy machinery (0:10)|Trash]]>><<pass 10>><<set $trash += 10>><</link>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $trash gte 100 and $robinmissing is "landfill" and $robinmistknown>>
+		<<getinicon>><<link [[Go towards the sound of heavy machinery (0:10)|Robin Mist Intro]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
+		<br>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $trash gte 1>>
+		<<getouticon>><<link [[Go towards the sound of traffic (0:10)|Trash]]>><<pass 10>><<set $trash -= 10>><</link>>
+		<br>
+	<</if>>
 	<<if $trash lte 0>>
 		<<if $trash_unlocked is 1>>
 			<<elkicon>><<link [[Elk Street (0:10)|Elk Street]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
 			<<if $trash_key is 1>>
-				<<link [[Use the key (0:10)|Trash Leave]]>><<pass 10>><<set $trash_unlocked to 1>><</link>>
+				<<ind>><<link [[Use the key (0:10)|Trash Leave]]>><<pass 10>><<set $trash_unlocked to 1>><</link>>
-				<<link [[Try the gate (0:05)|Trash Gate Leave]]>><<pass 5>><</link>>
+				<<ind>><<link [[Try the gate (0:05)|Trash Gate Leave]]>><<pass 5>><</link>>
-	<<if $trash gte 1>>
-		<<link [[Go towards the sound of traffic (0:10)|Trash]]>><<pass 10>><<set $trash -= 10>><</link>>
-		<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $trash lte 99>>
-		<<link [[Go towards the sound of heavy machinery (0:10)|Trash]]>><<pass 10>><<set $trash += 10>><</link>>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif $trash gte 100 and $robinmissing is "landfill" and $robinmistknown>>
-		<<link [[Go towards the sound of heavy machinery (0:10)|Robin Mist Intro]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
-		<br>
-	<</if>>
 <<set $eventskip to 0>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-park/robin.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-park/robin.twee
index e9c204f4e3..6a5ce3e507 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-park/robin.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-park/robin.twee
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	Robin waves when <<he>> sees you. <<He>> stirs a steaming pot with <<his>> other hand. "Hey," <<he>> says. "People don't buy much lemonade when it's so cold. I'm selling hot chocolate instead. Here." <<He>> mixes warm milk from the pot with cocoa powder and sugar, then hands you the mug. It's very sweet.<<lstress>><<stress -6>>
-	You see Robin stood behind <<his>> hot chocolate stand, wrapped up warm against the cold. <<print $robin.timer.hurt gte 1 ? "<<He>> glances away when <<he>> sees you." : _robin.trauma gte 40 ? "<<He>> flinches whenever somebody passes <<him>>. When <<he>> sees you, <<he>> gives a timid wave." : "<<He>> waves when <<he>> sees you.">>
+	You see Robin stood behind <<his>> hot chocolate stand, wrapped up warm against the cold. <<print $robin.timer.hurt gte 1 ? "<<He>> glances away when <<he>> sees you." : C.npc.Robin.trauma gte 40 ? "<<He>> flinches whenever somebody passes <<him>>. When <<he>> sees you, <<he>> gives a timid wave." : "<<He>> waves when <<he>> sees you.">>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/attack.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/attack.twee
index 8ec210dd80..65ecbe36b9 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/attack.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/attack.twee
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Zephyr strides towards you, excitement on <<his>> face. "I have a special job fo
 	<<set $enemytrust -= 100>>
 	<<set $enemyanger += 200>>
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ The <<person1>><<person>> follows you up, a microphone in hand. "Honoured passen
     "This <<girl>> was found stranded in a small boat. <<pShe>> worries that we will take advantage of <<pher>>." <<He>> pauses for laughter. "Who wants to be the first to show our guest how 'gentle' we are?"
-A sea of hands rises. The <<person>> points at a 
+A sea of hands rises. The <<person>> points at a
 <<person>>, who climbs the stage with lust-filled eyes.
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ The <<person>> quiets the audience with a gesture, preparing to announce the nex
 You turn your back to the <<person>>. Rather than put the cream there however, <<he>> reaches around your chest and places <<his>> hands over your <<breasts>>.
-<<His>> slippery hands slide over them as <<he>> massages, one hand traveling downward, over your abdomen, towards your <<genitals>>.
+<<His>> slippery hands slide over them as <<he>> massages, one hand travelling downward, over your abdomen, towards your <<genitals>>.
 <<if !$worn.genitals.type.includes("naked")>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/events.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/events.twee
index a794ed54c8..710174768a 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/events.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-pirates/events.twee
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ You walk past the <<person>>.
-    The <<person1>><<person>> glares at you, and roles up <<his>> sleeves.
+    The <<person1>><<person>> glares at you and rolls up <<his>> sleeves.
     <<link [[Next|Pirate Work Fight]]>><<set $fightstart to 1>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/abduction.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/abduction.twee
index bccedb9688..e360c28d85 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/abduction.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/abduction.twee
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ You are imprisoned in the pound on Starfish Street. <<pound_text cap>> fill the
 <<elseif Time.hour is 12 and !$pound.compete>>
 	<<set $pound.compete to 1>>
-	A <<person>> stops outside your cage. "Time for practise," <<he>> says, opening the door. "Be on your best behaviour."
+	A <<person>> stops outside your cage. "Time for practice," <<he>> says, opening the door. "Be on your best behaviour."
 	<<link [[Crawl outside|Pound Show Crawl]]>><<sub 1>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/main.twee
index 6b68bc7dd0..ae48e70e9c 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-pound/main.twee
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ You are in the dog pound on Starfish Street. Stray <<pound_text>> fill the cages
 	<<if $openinghours is 0 and Time.hour isnot $closinghour>>
 		<<if $deviancy gte 15 and $pound.sneak is 0 and ($bestialitydisable is "f" or $monster is 1)>>
-			<<link [[Tease (0:05)|Pound Tease]]>><<pass 5>><<set $pound.sneak to 1>><<arousal 600>><</link>><<deviant2>><<garousal>>
+			<<ind>><<link [[Tease (0:05)|Pound Tease]]>><<pass 5>><<set $pound.sneak to 1>><<arousal 600>><</link>><<deviant2>><<garousal>>
 		<<if $pound.progress is 4>>
-			<<link [[Free the black dog|Pound Free]]>><<set $pound.progress to 5>><</link>><<dangerousText>>
+			<<ind>><<link [[Free the black dog|Pound Free]]>><<set $pound.progress to 5>><</link>><<dangerousText>>
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ You are in the dog pound on Starfish Street. Stray <<pound_text>> fill the cages
-		<br><br>
+		<br>
 		<<if $pound.progress is 0>>
-			<<link [[Ask for work|Pound Ask]]>><<set $pound.progress to 1>><<endevent>><</link>>
+			<<askicon>><<link [[Ask for work|Pound Ask]]>><<set $pound.progress to 1>><<endevent>><</link>>
-			<<link [[Work (1:00)|Pound Work]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
+			<<ind>><<link [[Work (1:00)|Pound Work]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ You are in the dog pound on Starfish Street. Stray <<pound_text>> fill the cages
 		A low growl can be heard within the shadowed cage.
 			<<if $pound.progress gte 2 and $pound.status gte 100>>
-				<<link [[Approach the brute|Pound Work Brute]]>><<endevent>><</link>><<tendingdifficulty 1 1000>>
+				<<wolfcaveicon "black dog">><<link [[Approach the brute|Pound Work Brute]]>><<endevent>><</link>><<tendingdifficulty 1 1000>>
 				<span class="blue">You wouldn't get close.</span>
@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ You glance around to ensure you're not being watched, then drop to all fours. "R
 			<<if Time.hour gte $closinghour>>
 				<<link [[Next|Pound]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
-			<<else>>	
+			<<else>>
 				<<link [[Next|Pound Work]]>><<endevent>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-pub/seduction.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-pub/seduction.twee
index c6a621974e..88bafc0925 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-pub/seduction.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-pub/seduction.twee
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ You lean over and whisper something into the <<persons>> ear.
-"Alright. I knew I was out of practise. Just go so I can get home in time to wash." <<He>> opens a door for you to leave. <<tearful>> you leave the car.
+"Alright. I knew I was out of practice. Just go so I can get home in time to wash." <<He>> opens a door for you to leave. <<tearful>> you leave the car.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/history-events.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/history-events.twee
index f32113022e..8e0b268865 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/history-events.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/history-events.twee
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ The <<person>> tries to argue, but Winter won't hear it. <<He>> rubs <<his>> hea
 	<<set $timer to 18>>
-	<<set $position to "wall">><<set $walltype to "cleanpillory">><<set $leftarm to "bound">><<set $rightarm to "bound">><<handheldruined>><<set $head to "bound">><<set $NPCList[0].lefthand to 0>>
+	<<set $position to "wall">><<set $walltype to "cleanpillory">><<set $leftarm to "bound">><<set $rightarm to "bound">><<set $head to "bound">><<set $NPCList[0].lefthand to 0>>
 	<<enableSchoolRescue "delinquency">>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/science.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/science.twee
index 7dd83c0ce5..dc2b9dcb59 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/science.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/classes/science.twee
@@ -110,20 +110,14 @@
 	You enter the science classroom. No one else has arrived yet. You could use the extra time to study.
-		<<classgrades>>
-		<<schoolperiodtext>>
-		<<if $worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.lower.type.includes("naked")>>
-			<!-- Should be changed once naked classes are a thing -->
-			You don't think you should study while not being properly dressed.
-			<br>
-		<<elseif !$worn.handheld.type.includes("bookbag")>>
-			<span class="blue">You can't study without your bookbag.</span>
-			<br>
-		<<else>>
-			<<scienceicon>><<link [[Study science|Science Classroom Study]]>><</link>><<gstress>><<gscience>>
-		<</if>>
+	<<classgrades>>
+	<<schoolperiodtext>>
+	<<if $worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.lower.type.includes("naked")>>
+		<!-- Should be changed once naked classes are a thing -->
+		You don't think you should study while not being properly dressed.
-		<<getouticon>><<link [[Leave|Hallways]]>><</link>>
+	<<elseif !$worn.handheld.type.includes("bookbag")>>
+		<span class="blue">You can't study without your bookbag.</span>
 		<<scienceicon>><<link [[Study science|Science Classroom Study]]>><</link>><<gstress>><<gscience>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/english-play.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/english-play.twee
index 57ae053ec9..2f7ba65297 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/english-play.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/english-play.twee
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ You sign up to take the role of
-<span class="gold">English Theatre play added to journal. You may practice your lines by yourself or with your partners for better results. You can meet your partners in the English classroom after school.</span>
+<span class="gold">English Theatre play added to journal. You may practise your lines by yourself or with your partners for better results. You can meet your partners in the English classroom after school.</span>
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ You sign up to take the role of
-<span class="gold">English Theatre play added to journal. You may practice your lines by yourself or with your partners for better results.</span>
+<span class="gold">English Theatre play added to journal. You may practise your lines by yourself or with your partners for better results.</span>
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ You approach Kylar. <<He>> looks extremely uncomfortable, but lightens up when <
-<<He>> looks down timidly. "Say, maybe we should spend some time together? T-To practice, I mean." <<Hes>> about to say something else, but stops <<himself>>.
+<<He>> looks down timidly. "Say, maybe we should spend some time together? T-To practise, I mean." <<Hes>> about to say something else, but stops <<himself>>.
 <<if $weather is "rain" or $weather is "snow">>
 	"Just... come see me, alright? <span class="gold">I'll be in the library.</span> There's... a lot of people in here. Too many."
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ You spend some time talking to Sydney about the role. "Oh! Speaking of which," <
 :: English Play Rehearse Alone
-You open your booklet and prepare to practice. You read through the lines, trying your best to memorise your dialogue, as well as the other characters' lines in order to know when to speak.
+You open your booklet and prepare to practise. You read through the lines, trying your best to memorise your dialogue, as well as the other characters' lines in order to know when to speak.
 <<set _chair to Furniture.get('chair')>>
 <<if $location is "home" and _chair.type.includes("comfy")>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/science-project.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/science-project.twee
index 2c2b5734e2..610fe4b4fd 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-school/science-project.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-school/science-project.twee
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ The teachers confer on the stage, then Leighton steps up to the microphone. "We'
 	<span class="red"><<He>> announces that the <<person2>><<person>> with a flower display is the winner.</span> <<He>> rushes up to accept <<his>> trophy.
-	Leighton herds you and the other students from the hall. "Thank you for taking part," Sirris says to you on the way out. "It's good practise."
+	Leighton herds you and the other students from the hall. "Thank you for taking part," Sirris says to you on the way out. "It's good practice."
 	<<lldelinquency>><<detention -18>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-shop/clothingCategories-v2.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-shop/clothingCategories-v2.twee
index e55021c2af..689e00efb0 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-shop/clothingCategories-v2.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-shop/clothingCategories-v2.twee
@@ -353,15 +353,17 @@
 			<div class="category-group">
-				<<set _active = _args[0] == "underoutfit" ? "active" : "">>
-				<div @class="'div-link category-tab ' + _active">
-					<<if $options.images is 1>>
-						<<clothingcategoryicon "underoutfit">>
-					<<else>>
-						<div class="category-icon-alt">UO</div>
-					<</if>>
-					<<link "">><<set $shopPage = 0>><<unset $clothes_choice>><<set _shopNameFilter to ''>><<replace "#clothingShop-div">><<UnderOutfitShop>><</replace>><</link>>
-				</div>
+				<<if $shopName isnot "forest">>
+					<<set _active = _args[0] == "underoutfit" ? "active" : "">>
+					<div @class="'div-link category-tab ' + _active">
+						<<if $options.images is 1>>
+							<<clothingcategoryicon "underoutfit">>
+						<<else>>
+							<div class="category-icon-alt">UO</div>
+						<</if>>
+						<<link "">><<set $shopPage = 0>><<unset $clothes_choice>><<set _shopNameFilter to ''>><<replace "#clothingShop-div">><<UnderOutfitShop>><</replace>><</link>>
+					</div>
+				<</if>>
 				<<set _active = _args[0] == "underupper" ? "active" : "">>
 				<div @class="'div-link category-tab ' + _active">
 					<<if $options.images is 1>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/cliff.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/cliff.twee
index 0e76b6e188..74489e3fc1 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/cliff.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/cliff.twee
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ There's a path leading down to the beach.
 				<span class="blue">A police officer starts trying to disperse the crowd.</span>
 				<<pilloryicon>><<link [[Watch (0:10)|Cliff Street]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
-				<br>				
+				<br>
 				<<pilloryicon>><<link [[Watch pillory (0:10)|Cliff Street Pillory]]>><<pass 10>><</link>>
@@ -242,26 +242,26 @@ There's a path leading down to the beach.
-People are going about their business, to and from the beach. 
+People are going about their business, to and from the beach.
 The note said to start at the cafe, but you need to find somewhere to put your clothes. There's a trashcan placed right next to the cafe entrance.
 <<if $exhibitionism gte 35>>
-		<<stripicon>><<link [[Strip|Cliff Challenge Strip]]>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
+		<<link [[Strip|Cliff Challenge Strip]]>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
 		<span class="blue">You are not exhibitionist enough to do this.</span>
-	<<getouticon>><<link [[Leave|Cliff Street]]>><</link>>
+	<<link [[Leave|Cliff Street]]>><</link>>
 :: Cliff Challenge Strip
 <<set $challengetimer to 10>>
 <<effects>><<strip>><<fameexhibitionism 7>>
-You take off your clothes, getting naked in public in front of countless people. You bunch up your clothes and quickly shove them behind the trashcan. 
+You take off your clothes, getting naked in public in front of countless people. You bunch up your clothes and quickly shove them behind the trashcan.
 The commotion starts immediately. You hear gasps and shouts and cheers from the people surrounding you.<<if $exhibitionism gte 35>><<garousal>><<arousal 600>><<else>><<gstress>><<stress 6>><</if>>
@@ -278,14 +278,14 @@ The commotion starts immediately. You hear gasps and shouts and cheers from the
 	You turn and see that the entire cafe is staring at you, including a shocked-looking Sam. Several customers have gotten closer to the window to get a better look at your naked body.
-You turn and take off, running down the street away from the cafe. 
+You turn and take off, running down the street away from the cafe.
 The seawall is to your left.
 You pass by numerous people in swimsuits and summer clothes on their way to the beach. Most of them stop and gawk at you. Your running slows, as you have to maneuver between several people on the crowded sidewalks.
-The air blows on your bare skin. You can feel it flowing between your legs, over your completely exposed <<genitals>> and bare ass. 
+The air blows on your bare skin. You can feel it flowing between your legs, over your completely exposed <<genitals>> and bare ass.
 <<link [[Next|Cliff Challenge 3]]>><<pass 1>><</link>>
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ The air blows on your bare skin. You can feel it flowing between your legs, over
 :: Cliff Challenge 3
-You leave the beach wall behind and are soon surrounded by people in suits and business wear. You are running naked outside the civic center, with the city hall on your right. 
+You leave the beach wall behind and are soon surrounded by people in suits and business wear. You are running naked outside the civic center, with the city hall on your right.
 People continue to shout and jeer at you. You have to run in between large crowds of public servants.<<if $exhibitionism gte 35>><<garousal>><<arousal 600>><<else>><<gstress>><<stress 6>><</if>>
@@ -304,10 +304,10 @@ People continue to shout and jeer at you. You have to run in between large crowd
 :: Cliff Challenge 4
-You pass city hall and turn right onto High Street. This part of town is even more crowded. 
+You pass city hall and turn right onto High Street. This part of town is even more crowded.
-You pass by customers and drivers and store fronts and restaurants. Everyone on the street gets a good look at your naked run. Many are able to take out their phones and grab footage of your streak.<<if $exhibitionism gte 35>><<garousal>><<arousal 600>><<else>><<ggstress>><<stress 12>><</if>> 
+You pass by customers and drivers and store fronts and restaurants. Everyone on the street gets a good look at your naked run. Many are able to take out their phones and grab footage of your streak.<<if $exhibitionism gte 35>><<garousal>><<arousal 600>><<else>><<ggstress>><<stress 12>><</if>>
 <<link [[Next|Cliff Challenge 5]]>><<pass 1>><</link>>
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ You pass by customers and drivers and store fronts and restaurants. Everyone on
 :: Cliff Challenge 5
-You pass by the storefront and the office building, the most crowded part of High street. 
+You pass by the storefront and the office building, the most crowded part of High street.
 The noise is deafening as people shout and cars honk at you. It becomes difficult to weave through people as you make your way down the sidewalk. You're only halfway through your run.<<if $exhibitionism gte 35>><<garousal>><<arousal 600>><<else>><<ggstress>><<stress 12>><</if>>
@@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ The noise is deafening as people shout and cars honk at you. It becomes difficul
 :: Cliff Challenge 6
 <<effects>><<set $location to "alley">>
-You reach the alley and take another right. The alley provides some brief privacy after the crowds on High Street. 
+You reach the alley and take another right. The alley provides some brief privacy after the crowds on High Street.
-You pass through quickly and take a final right back onto Cliff Street. 
-It's less crowded here, but there are still plenty of people and cars passing by to see your fully-exposed body. The cafe is straight ahead. 
+You pass through quickly and take a final right back onto Cliff Street.
+It's less crowded here, but there are still plenty of people and cars passing by to see your fully-exposed body. The cafe is straight ahead.
 You run as fast as you can. You sprint across the crosswalk, forcing several cars to screech to a halt. You finish your streak as you return to the cafe.
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ You run as fast as you can. You sprint across the crosswalk, forcing several car
 :: Cliff Challenge 7
 <<effects>><<set $location to "town">>
-Miraculously, your clothes are still there. You get dressed as quickly as you can. 
+Miraculously, your clothes are still there. You get dressed as quickly as you can.
 Several people clap and cheer as you put your clothes on. You catch your breath as another box floats onto the sidewalk in front of you. There's <<moneyGain 1000>> and another note inside.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/connudatus.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/connudatus.twee
index 69af4e5df8..b952fac852 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/connudatus.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/connudatus.twee
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ You are on Connudatus Street. The numerous clubs, bars and restaurants make it t
 			<<stallicon "open">><<link [[Attend your stall (0:20)|Stall]]>><<pass 20>><</link>>
-		<<if Time.hour gte 6 and Time.hour lte 20>>
+		<<if Time.hour gte 6 and Time.hour lte 20 and $exposed lte 0>>
 			<<ind>><<link [[Explore the markets (0:30)|Connudatus Markets]]>><<pass 15>><</link>>
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ You leave the car, and it drives away.
 	"That's what you get for fighting back, bitch," the <<person1>><<person>> says as <<he>> fixes <<his>> clothes. "Better be more careful next time," <<he>> adds, before leaving the alley.
@@ -435,4 +435,4 @@ The <<person1>><<person>> scoffs and removes <<his>> hand.
 "Fucking slut. Think you can lead people on and just walk away? You better watch your back," <<he>> says before leaving.<<gstress>><<gtrauma>><<stress 6>><<trauma 3>>
-<<link [[Next|Connudatus Street]]>><<pass 15>><<endevent>><</link>>
\ No newline at end of file
+<<link [[Next|Connudatus Street]]>><<pass 15>><<endevent>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/danube.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/danube.twee
index 0bfd766b42..3c17b97da4 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/danube.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/danube.twee
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ Some homes host extravagant Halloween displays.
 	You walk behind the spa, and find the oak the note mentioned. It stands at the edge of the forest. This is where you were told to strip. There's no one around.
 	<<if $exhibitionism gte 35>>
-		<<stripicon>><<link [[Strip|Danube Challenge Strip]]>><<set $phase to 0>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
+		<<link [[Strip|Danube Challenge Strip]]>><<set $phase to 0>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
 		<span class="blue">You are not exhibitionist enough to do this.</span>
-	<<getouticon>><<link [[Leave|Danube Street]]>><</link>>
+	<<link [[Leave|Danube Street]]>><</link>>
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ Some homes host extravagant Halloween displays.
 	<<if $exhibitionism gte 35>>
-		<<stripicon>><<link [[Strip|Danube Challenge 2]]>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
+		<<link [[Strip|Danube Challenge 2]]>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
 		<span class="blue">You are not exhibitionist enough to do this.</span>
-	<<getouticon>><<link [[Leave|Danube Street]]>><</link>>
+	<<link [[Leave|Danube Street]]>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/domus.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/domus.twee
index 34020f8d1c..beae0960c9 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/domus.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/domus.twee
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ You are on Domus Street. The orphanage is here. The street is dominated by small
 				<span class = "blue">You recognise <<him>> now. <<Hes>> Avery's new date.</span>
-				As if on queue, you see a familiar car stopping nearby.
+				As if on cue, you see a familiar car stopping nearby.
 				The <<personsimple>> excitedly walks over to it<<if $pronoun is "f">>, almost tripping in the process<</if>>.
 				You see <<him>> give Avery a peck on the lips as <<he>> climbs onboard. The door shuts, and the new couple drives away.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/events.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/events.twee
index 1eff9c28e9..ac86701d93 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/events.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/events.twee
@@ -3124,7 +3124,7 @@ Industrial
 You follow the slime's urging and approach the <<person>>.
-"Can you bind my arms behind me with that rope?" you ask. 
+"Can you bind my arms behind me with that rope?" you ask.
 <<if $fame.exhibitionism gte 500>>
 	<<He>> takes another look at you before smirking and grabbing the rope. "Sure, I can help bind up a slut like yourself." <<He>> ties your arms tightly behind your back, admires <<his>> work with a leer, and leaves.
@@ -3164,7 +3164,7 @@ You follow the slime's urging and approach the <<person>>.
 	You follow the slime's urging and approach the <<person>>.
-	"C-can you bind my arms behind me with that rope?" you ask. 
+	"C-can you bind my arms behind me with that rope?" you ask.
 	<<if $fame.exhibitionism gte 500>>
 		<<He>> takes another look at you before smirking and grabbing the rope. "Sure, I can help bind up a slut like yourself." <<He>> ties your arms tightly behind your back, admires <<his>> work with a leer, and leaves.
@@ -9794,7 +9794,7 @@ Despite the <<persons>> sincere tone, you think better of accepting a ride from
 		/* common block with phase 1, adjust together. tbd, todo: break out of the switch and reuse? */
-		You spend the next few minutes striking practiced poses while <<he>> snaps picture after picture. You throw in a few winks and seductive smiles for good measure. The <<person>> is elated.
+		You spend the next few minutes striking practised poses while <<he>> snaps picture after picture. You throw in a few winks and seductive smiles for good measure. The <<person>> is elated.
 		<<if $hypnosis gt 0 and random(0, 100) lt 10 + $hypnosis and $hypnosisdisable is "f">>
 			<span class="blue">You feel something shift in your consciousness, as if you're entering a trance.</span> A lewd thought strikes you.
@@ -9851,7 +9851,7 @@ Despite the <<persons>> sincere tone, you think better of accepting a ride from
 				Together with the <<person>>, you find a nearby quiet alley.
 			/* common block with phase 0, adjust together. tbd, todo: break out of the switch and reuse? */
-			You spend the next few minutes striking practiced poses while <<he>> snaps picture after picture. You throw in a few winks and seductive smiles for good measure. The <<person>> is elated.
+			You spend the next few minutes striking practised poses while <<he>> snaps picture after picture. You throw in a few winks and seductive smiles for good measure. The <<person>> is elated.
 			<<if $hypnosis gt 0 and random(0, 100) lt 10 + $hypnosis and $hypnosisdisable is "f">>
 				<span class="blue">You feel something shift in your consciousness, as if you're entering a trance.</span> A lewd thought strikes you.
@@ -9877,7 +9877,7 @@ Despite the <<persons>> sincere tone, you think better of accepting a ride from
 					<<link [[Pose topless (0:05)|Street Private Photoshoot Alley]]>><<pass 5>><<set $phase to 2>><</link>><<exhibitionist4>>
 				<<if $earSlime.growth gte 200 and $earSlime.exhibitionism gte 4 and $exhibitionism gte 55>>
 					<span class="red">You know the ear slimes wouldn't let you do anything but expose yourself.</span>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/starfish.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/starfish.twee
index fd21a1620b..2dbd32168e 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/starfish.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/starfish.twee
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ Traffic is moving briskly, there will be many cars passing by for you to show yo
 <<if $exhibitionism gte 35>>
-		<<stripicon>><<link [[Strip|Starfish Challenge Strip]]>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
+		<<link [[Strip|Starfish Challenge Strip]]>><</link>><<exhibitionist3>>
 		<span class="blue">You are not exhibitionist enough to do this.</span>
-	<<getouticon>><<link [[Leave|Starfish Street]]>><</link>>
+	<<link [[Leave|Starfish Street]]>><</link>>
 :: Starfish Challenge Strip
 <<effects>><<lowerstrip>><<underlowerstrip>><<fameexhibitionism 5>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/widgets.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/widgets.twee
index 83f67b55bb..1779900933 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-street/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-street/widgets.twee
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@
 <<widget "street9">>
 	You notice a <<generate1>><<person1>><<person>> stealing glances at your chest as <<he>> walks by.
 	<<if $earSlime.growth gte 200 and $earSlime.exhibitionism gte 2 and $exhibitionism gte 15>>
 		<span class="red">You know the ear slimes wouldn't let you leave without flaunting your chest.</span>
@@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@
 		<<case 7>>
 			As you walk around the market, you notice a bank note on the ground. You bend over and pick it up. It's a <<printmoney 500>> bill.<<lstress>><<stress -6>>
 		<<case 8>>
 			As you walk around the market, you notice of a bank note on the ground. You bend over to pick it up, only to realize that it is fake. Someone slaps your ass, and you turn to spot the culprit running away.<<gstress>><<stress 6>>
@@ -3110,7 +3110,7 @@
 					<<ind>><span class="blue">You can't afford to buy it.</span>
 			<<case 3>>
@@ -3120,7 +3120,7 @@
 				<<crimeicon "mark">><<link [[Steal the change|Connudatus Street]]>><<crimeUp 1 "petty">><<set $money += _change>><<pass 15>><<endevent>><</link>><<crime "petty">>
 			<<case 4>>
 				You notice a stall with some eggs on display and a "be back soon" sign on the table. You could probably steal some eggs if you wanted.
@@ -3149,7 +3149,7 @@
 						<<ind>><span class="blue">You can't afford to buy the Gingham Dress.</span>
 					<<if $daily.corruptionSlimeClothes and setup.clothes.upper[33].reveal lt Math.clamp($daily.corruptionSlimeClothes, 0, 500)>>
 						<<ind>><span class="red">The slime in your ear won't allow you to buy the Checkered Shirt.</span>
@@ -3166,7 +3166,7 @@
 					<<ind>><span class="blue">You can't afford to buy any of it.</span>
@@ -3180,16 +3180,16 @@
 <<widget "connudatusMarketsLewdEvents">>
-	You stop to take a look at some products. Suddenly, you feel a hand rest on your ass. You look back and notice a <<person1>> right behind you. <<He>> smiles.
+	You stop to take a look at some products. Suddenly, you feel a hand rest on your ass. You look back and notice a <<person>> right behind you. <<He>> smiles.
 	<<if $promiscuity gte 15>>
 		<<link [[Reciprocate|Connudatus Markets Hook Up]]>><<set $phase to 2>><</link>><<promiscuous2>>
 	<<link [[Move away|Connudatus Markets Hook Up]]>><<set $phase to 1>><</link>>
 :: Widgets High [widget]
@@ -3769,7 +3769,6 @@
 <<widget "eventsstreetnight">>
 	<<set $dangerevent to random(1, 158)>>
-	<<set $dangerevent to 40>>
 	<<if $location is "alley" and !Time.schoolDay and $bullytimer gte $rng and C.npc.Whitney.init is 1 and !["dungeon", "pillory"].includes(C.npc.Whitney.state) and $daily.whitney.park is undefined>>
 		<<set $bullytimer to 0>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/cloister.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/cloister.twee
index c32a7eaa62..4775e3dba4 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/cloister.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/cloister.twee
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Jordan looks bashful as <<he>> stands, and helps you to your feet.
 <<link [[Next|Temple Cloister Explore 5]]>><</link>>
 :: Temple Cloister Whip Guard
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ You try to squirm free from the coil around your ankles, but it's too tight. Jor
 :: Temple Cloister Explore 5
-"These weapons take practise," Jordan says. "You're welcome to visit here to train whenever you like. There should be someone to spar with, as long as it's not too late. You can carry your weapon from the temple, too, but there are rules."
+"These weapons take practice," Jordan says. "You're welcome to visit here to train whenever you like. There should be someone to spar with, as long as it's not too late. You can carry your weapon from the temple, too, but there are rules."
 "First rule. <span class="pink">Never use your weapon on another natural being.</span> Whether person or animal."
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ The slab is restored with a thud. "More experienced <<brothers_and_sisters>> wil
 You follow Jordan back to the cloister, then to the temple proper. <<He>> leads you towards the confessional. A <<person4>><<monk desc>> emerges at that moment, looking serene.
-Jordan pauses, and watches <<him>> leave the building. 
+Jordan pauses, and watches <<him>> leave the building.
 <<link [[Next|Temple Cloister Explore 12]]>><</link>>
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ It appears to be made of marble. Its wings are spread out wide, and its middle a
     You feel as though this gesture is aimed at you. Its upper arms are raised in rapture, and as you look up to its face, you can't shake the feeling that it's smiling at you.
-    You reach up to touch one of the lower hands. 
+    You reach up to touch one of the lower hands.
     <<if $world_corruption_hard gte 3>>
         <span class="blue">You feel reassured, yet worried. Like a child being cradled by <<pher>> parent as a storm rolls in. This is merely the calm before the tempest.</span>
     <<elseif $world_corruption_hard gt 0>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/confess.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/confess.twee
index 25a6499cef..f1d30af453 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/confess.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/confess.twee
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ A <<personsimple>>'s voice greets you.
 		<<if $world_corruption_soft gte 100>>
 			"<span class="wraith">Yet, you are blind to all. You have not seen, known, felt, true doubt.</span>"
-			Two pale hands cup your face. 
+			Two pale hands cup your face.
 			<<if $wraith.state is "haunt">>
 				"<span class="wraith">Repent.</span>"
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ You share your sinful thoughts and temptations with <<him>>. <<He>> lends a pati
 		<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Self End Alone]]>><</link>>
-		<br>			
+		<br>
 		<<set $seductiondifficulty to (4000 - ($world_corruption_soft * 10))>>
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ You recount your acts of sinful temptation and lust.
 			<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Self End Alone]]>><</link>>
-			<br>			
+			<br>
 		<<case "Sydney">>
 			<<run statusCheck("Sydney")>>
 			<<if _sydneyStatus.includes("corrupt")>>
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ You recount your acts of sinful temptation and lust.
 			<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Self End]]>><</link>>
-			<br>			
+			<br>
 		<<case "Sydney">>
 			<<run statusCheck("Sydney")>>
 			<<if _sydneyStatus.includes("corrupt")>>
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ You recount your acts of exposure and indecency.
 			<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Self End Alone]]>><</link>>
-			<br>			
+			<br>
 		<<case "Sydney">>
 			<<run statusCheck("Sydney")>>
 			<<if _sydneyStatus.includes("corrupt")>>
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ You recount your acts of exposure and indecency.
 			<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Self End]]>><</link>>
-			<br>			
+			<br>
 		<<case "Sydney">>
 			<<run statusCheck("Sydney")>>
 			<<if _sydneyStatus.includes("corrupt")>>
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ You recount your acts of deviancy and debauchery.
 			<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Self End Alone]]>><</link>>
-			<br>			
+			<br>
 		<<case "Sydney">>
 			<<run statusCheck("Sydney")>>
 			<<if _sydneyStatus.includes("corrupt")>>
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ You recount your acts of deviancy and debauchery.
 			<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Self End]]>><</link>>
-			<br>			
+			<br>
 		<<case "Sydney">>
 			<<run statusCheck("Sydney")>>
 			<<if _sydneyStatus.includes("corrupt")>>
@@ -1005,16 +1005,16 @@ You share your various affairs and escapades, and the amount of partners you've
 					<<link [[Tell Sydney you want to face your punishment|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Early]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
-					<br>	
+					<br>
 					<<link [[Ask Sydney not to tell anyone|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Cancel]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
-					<br>					
+					<br>
 					<<He>> freezes. "W-well. Shit." <<He>> shuffles in place awkwardly. "Thanks for... telling me, I guess. Even if you weren't really meaning to."
 					<<npcincr Sydney love -10>><<lllove>>
 					<<link [[Apologise|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Apologise]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
-					<br>	
+					<br>
 					<<link [[Ask Sydney not to tell anyone|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Forget]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ You share your various affairs and escapades, and the amount of partners you've
 					<<link [[Tell Sydney you want to face your punishment|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Early]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
-					<br>	
+					<br>
 					<<link [[Ask Sydney not to tell anyone|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Cancel]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ You share your various affairs and escapades, and the amount of partners you've
 					<<link [[Apologise|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Apologise]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
-					<br>	
+					<br>
 					<<link [[Ask Sydney not to tell anyone|Sydney Temple Punish Intro Forget]]>><<endconfessionself>><</link>>
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ The scraping of metal irritates your ears, but you can't see what's happening. <
 <<set $outside to 0>><<set $location to "temple">><<temple_effects>><<effects>>
 <<pass 30>>
-You continue talking with <<him>> about it. <<tearful>> you say goodbye, 
+You continue talking with <<him>> about it. <<tearful>> you say goodbye,
 <<if $exposed gte 1>>
 	taking a moment to grab one of the towels above you and covering yourself before
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ Jordan places a hand on your head. "You must use your best judgement to properly
 	<<link [[Next|Temple]]>><<endconfession>><</link>>
-	<br>	
+	<br>
 :: Temple Confess
@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ You hear the other door open and greet your attendant.
 		<<link [[Yes|Temple Confess Jordan Yes]]>><</link>>
 		<<link [[No|Temple Confess Jordan No]]>><</link>>
-		<br>	
+		<br>
@@ -1932,46 +1932,46 @@ You hear the other door open and greet your attendant.
 		<<He>> flees the confessional in hysterics. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_2">>
 		"You... forgive me? Despite these terrible thoughts? Well, alright. Let's hope your forgiveness is enough to stop me."
 		<<He>> leaves the confessional, uncertain of your judgement. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_3" "corrupt_6">>
 		"Forgiven... so I've done nothing wrong? Th-thank you, <<sister>>! Hopefully this horrible feeling will go away..."
 		<<He>> exits the confessional in higher spirits. <<trauma -3>><<ltrauma>><<awareness -3>><<lawareness>>
 	<<case "corrupt_4">>
 		"I... I don't need forgiveness! I need help! If you can't help me..."
 		<<He>> stands and leaves the confessional in a hurry. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_5" "corrupt_5_fake">>
 		"Forgiveness? Are you daft? Forget this, you're wasting my time. I'll come back when a more competant confessor is available."
 		<<He>> leaves the booth with a huff. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_7">>
 		"You would... forgive someone as sinful as me? I'm not sure whether to be thankful or disturbed. Th... thank you <<sister>>." <<He>> leaves the confessional. <<trauma -3>><<ltrauma>><<awareness -3>><<lawareness>><<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_8">>
 		<<He>> goes silent for a moment. "Forgive yourself. Please forgive yourself. Please forgive yourself. Please forgive yourself."
 		<<He>> continues to repeat <<himself>> as <<he>> leaves the booth. You hear <<his>> voice fade away slowly. <<stress 3>><<gstress>>
 	<<case "corrupt_9">>
 		"Oh, how adorable! You have no idea what's going on, do you?" <<He>> chuckles. "Open your eyes, <<sister>>. <span class="red">Some sins can't be forgiven.</span>"
@@ -2150,21 +2150,21 @@ You hear the other door open and greet your attendant.
 		<<He>> flees the confessional in hysterics. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_2">>
 		A pause. "Okay. I will do my best to push away these terrible thoughts, <<sister>>. Thank you."
 		<<He>> leaves the confessional, uncertain of your judgement. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_3" "corrupt_6">>
 		"B...but how do I repent? I don't know what I did! No matter what I do, it's not enough!"
 		<<He>> exits the confessional in distress. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_4">>
 		"I... I don't need repentance! I need help! If you can't help me..."
@@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ You hear the other door open and greet your attendant.
 	<<case "corrupt_5">>
 		"Trying to trick a confessor is evil. You would tempt me in such a holy place?"
 		"Ah. You don't know. I'll come back when a more competant confessor is available."
@@ -2184,18 +2184,18 @@ You hear the other door open and greet your attendant.
 		There's a moment of silence. "Damn it. You hopeless prudes, can't have any fun." <<He>> leaves the booth quickly. <<grace 1>><<ggrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_7">>
 		"I will... do my best to change my ways again, despite my previous failings. Th... thank you <<sister>>." <<He>> leaves the confessional. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "corrupt_8">>
 		<<He>> goes silent for a moment. "Repent. Repent. Repent. Repent. Repent. Repent."
 		<<He>> continues to repeat <<himself>> as <<he>> leaves the booth. You hear <<his>> voice fade away slowly. <<stress 3>><<gstress>>
 	<<case "corrupt_9">>
 		"Oh, how adorable! You have no idea what's going on, do you?" <<He>> chuckles. "Open your eyes, <<sister>>. <span class="red">Some sins can't be atoned for.</span>"
@@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@ You hear the other door open and greet your attendant.
 		"I... shit, I guess I am being a bit of an ass, aren't I? Fine, you win." <<He>> exits the confessional. <<grace 1>><<ggrace>>
-	<<case "sinner_6">> 
+	<<case "sinner_6">>
 		"You are above this. There are other ways to make money. Why not join us here in the order?"
@@ -2474,7 +2474,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 		"M-my name? I'm... I'm not sure about this..." <<He>> stays silent for a moment, before leaving the confessional. <<He>> doesn't write <<his>> name. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "sinner_2">>
 		"Purification? I'll pass, I just wanted some quick fun." <<He>> exits the booth. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
-	<<case "sinner_6">> 
+	<<case "sinner_6">>
 		There's a moment of silence. "I... I thought this was all anonymous. I can't do this, if someone sees my name here... sorry. Goodbye." <<He>> leaves in a hurry. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "sinner_7">>
 		<<Hes>> silent for a moment. "This is some weird shit. I knew this was a mistake." <<He>> exits the booth. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
@@ -2552,7 +2552,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 		Panic fills <<his>> voice. "What is the meaning of this, <<sister>>? I have not broken my vow!" <<His>> door opens. "Stop! Stop this at once! I'll remember this!"
-		The <<if $temple_confessor_intro>>confessors<<else>>specialists<</if>> take <<him>>. <<grace -10>><<lllgrace>><<stress 12>><<ggstress>><<control 50>><<gggcontrol>> <<world_corruption "soft" 1>>		
+		The <<if $temple_confessor_intro>>confessors<<else>>specialists<</if>> take <<him>>. <<grace -10>><<lllgrace>><<stress 12>><<ggstress>><<control 50>><<gggcontrol>> <<world_corruption "soft" 1>>
 	<<case "corrupt_4">>
 		<<if $temple_confessor_intro>>
 			"Thank you for your honesty. You must be purified. Please exit the booth and do not resist."
@@ -2572,7 +2572,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 		You pull the rope and ring the bell.
-		<<He>> takes a deep breath. "I'm ready to atone. Thank you, <<sister>>." <<His>> door opens, and <<he>> willingly leaves with the <<if $temple_confessor_intro>>confessors<<else>>specialists<</if>>. <<grace 2>><<ggrace>>		
+		<<He>> takes a deep breath. "I'm ready to atone. Thank you, <<sister>>." <<His>> door opens, and <<he>> willingly leaves with the <<if $temple_confessor_intro>>confessors<<else>>specialists<</if>>. <<grace 2>><<ggrace>>
 	<<case "temple_6">>
 		<<if $temple_confessor_intro>>
 			"Thank you for your honesty. You must be purified. Please exit the booth and do not resist."
@@ -2583,7 +2583,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 		"No! No no no! Please!" <<His>> door opens. "It wasn't my fault! Please!"
-		The <<if $temple_confessor_intro>>confessors<<else>>specialists<</if>> take <<him>>. <<grace 2>><<ggrace>><<stress 12>><<ggstress>><<trauma 6>><<gtrauma>>	
+		The <<if $temple_confessor_intro>>confessors<<else>>specialists<</if>> take <<him>>. <<grace 2>><<ggrace>><<stress 12>><<ggstress>><<trauma 6>><<gtrauma>>
 		<<if $temple_confessor_intro>>
 			"You must be purified. Please exit the booth and do not resist."
@@ -2654,7 +2654,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 		"If... if you think this will help..." <<He>> complies.
 	<<case "sinner_4" "sinner_5">>
 		"Woah, what?! Creep!" <<He>> flees the booth. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
-	<<case "sinner_6">> 
+	<<case "sinner_6">>
 		"You're... just trying to take advantage of me, because of what I told you!" <<He>> flees the booth. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
 	<<case "sinner_7">>
 		"Fuck no, at least at the brothel I'd get paid for this shit." <<He>> exits the booth. <<grace -2>><<lgrace>>
@@ -2971,7 +2971,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 				"Do you... want to keep going?"
-	<</switch>>	
+	<</switch>>
 	<<link [[Next|Temple Confess Sydney Sex]]>><<set $speechdisable to 0>><</link>>
@@ -3035,7 +3035,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 		<<elseif _sound>>
 			"Forgive me, <<sister>>, for I have... is everything alright?" You rapidly nod your head, before remembering that <<if $sydneyConfession.Pronoun is "m">>he<<else>>she<</if>> can't see you.
 			"Everything's fine. Lay your sins bare, so they may be forgiven," you say.
 			You speak to the penitent. "Welcome. Lay your sins bare, so they may be forgiven."
@@ -3149,7 +3149,7 @@ You grab one of the pieces of paper and a pen from the stack and slip them throu
 						"What a prick, huh? I bet <<if $sydneyConfession.Pronoun is "m">>he<<else>>she<</if>> was jealous," <<he>> proclaims with a smug smile.
 						"Sorry for... messing this all up," <<he>> mutters with a giggle.
-				<</switch>>				
+				<</switch>>
 				<<switch _sydneyStatus>>
 					<<case "pure" "pureLust">>
@@ -3817,11 +3817,11 @@ The <<person1>>center <<priest>> sits, coming down to your eye level. <<His>> fa
 	<<case "jordan">>
 		The <<bishop>> laughs. Hard. <<He>> throws <<his>> head back, and wipes a tear from <<his>> face. "Get comfortable, sweet child." All the other dark-robed figures sit down.
 		"Jordan's flock is the face of our order. They take confessions. They give alms, and run the soup kitchen, and smite the creatures from the other side that creep through the holes. But they won't ever harm... us. Humans. They're powerless against humans who have fallen to corruption. This is why we're needed."
-		<<He>> delights in speaking. "Without us, the temple would have fallen long ago. In fact, it did, once. Jordan and <<nnpc_his "Jordan">> order can stir soup, and spar, and fight monsters of mist and sin, but ask yourself this;
+		<<He>> delights in speaking. "Without us, the temple would have fallen long ago. In fact, it did, once. Jordan and <<nnpc_his "Jordan">> order can stir soup, and spar, and fight monsters of mist and sin, but ask yourself this:
 		<<if $kylar_manor_secret is 3>>
 			Could they ever exact justice on your <<nnpc_girlfriend "Kylar">>'s parents? And leave their child behind?
@@ -4069,7 +4069,7 @@ They help you stand, but don't let go. You're immediately grateful, as your legs
 The priests help you get steady again. You can just barely see under their hoods. A silver handprint is painted, or perhaps tattooed, on one cheek for each of them.
-The <<bishop>> nods again, and the other figures in the room begin to file out through shadowed doors. Each one that passes by bids you "Welcome, <<sister>>."
+The <<bishop>> nods again, and the other figures in the room begin to file out through shadowed doors. Each one that passes by bids you welcome.
 "We'll be in touch soon. For now, continue your duties in the confessional. This is but the first step. Welcome, <<sister>>." The <<bishop>> bows to you before making <<his>> exit.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/main.twee
index c500149dc2..9e8a937970 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/loc-temple/main.twee
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ You are in the main hall of the temple. Stone walls and pillars tower into darkn
 						<span class="teal">Sydney is staying overnight.</span>
-			<</switch>>		
+			<</switch>>
 		<<elseif !$ and (_sydney_location_message is "shop" or _sydney_location_message is "home" or _sydney_location_message is "rehearsal")>>
 			<span class="blue">You don't see Sydney around.</span>
@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ You look away from the <<monk>>, and <<he>> continues down the aisle.
 Jordan kneels once more, but this time <<he>> feels along the ground beside it. <<He>> pries loose a stone brick, and reaches into a revealed chamber. A bell is lifted out without a sound. The priest holds it carefully as <<he>> produces a baton from <<his>> robe.
-The baton strikes the bell. It only makes a gentle jingle, but most of the resonance doesn't pass through the air. Jordan's arm quivers, and you feel it enter your feet, rooting you to the spot and traveling up your spine as a shiver of ecstasy.
+The baton strikes the bell. It only makes a gentle jingle, but most of the resonance doesn't pass through the air. Jordan's arm quivers, and you feel it enter your feet, rooting you to the spot and travelling up your spine as a shiver of ecstasy.
 You hear a heavy door open. Three <<monks_and_nuns>> ascend a staircase, and gaze at the spear with naked awe. Until Jordan coughs. One of them, a <<person2>><<monk>>, takes the spear with careful hands.
@@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ You hear a set of doors open behind you, followed by footsteps and laughter.
 	<<saveNPC 0 "bishop">>
-Stern-faced <<monks>> cluster you and the other victims together. 
+Stern-faced <<monks>> cluster you and the other victims together.
 <<if $temple_confessor_intro>>
 	<<loadNPC 1 "bishop_right_hand">><<loadNPC 2 "bishop_left_hand">>
 	The bishop stands in the middle of the room, flanked by <<his>> two usual companions.
@@ -2836,7 +2836,7 @@ Then <<he>> sighs with relief, and pulls away.
 	"It is not the right day child," Jordan says. "Return on <span class="gold">Sunday at <<ampm 20>>.</span> The vigil will last all night."
 	<<link [[Next|Temple]]>><<endevent>><<set $temple_vigil_asked to 1>><</link>>
-	<br>	
+	<br>
 <<elseif Time.hour isnot 20>>
 	"It is not the right hour child," Jordan says. "Return at <span class="gold"><<ampm 20>>.</span> The vigil will last all night. Make sure you are well-rested before hand."
@@ -3290,7 +3290,7 @@ Your skin stings. Overpowering heat surrounds you. You feel your skin blister, m
 		<span class="green">But these bodies are mere shells.</span> The fire frees you. You suffer no fear because you have no fear.
 		<<gwillpower>><<willpower 1>><<wash>>
 		<<link [[Next|Temple Vigil 12]]>><</link>>
@@ -3306,7 +3306,7 @@ Your skin stings. Overpowering heat surrounds you. You feel your skin blister, m
 		<span class="green">But this body is but a shell.</span> The fire frees you. You suffer no fear because you have no fear.
 		<<gwillpower>><<willpower 1>><<wash>>
 		<<link [[Next|Temple Vigil 12]]>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/special-kylar/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/special-kylar/main.twee
index 4abfd2fcbd..4eed621965 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/special-kylar/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/special-kylar/main.twee
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
-			<<He>> looks down timidly. "Say, maybe we should spend some time together? T-To practice, I mean." <<Hes>> about to say something else, but stops <<himself>>. "Just... come see me<<if $schoolstate isnot "afternoon">> after school<</if>>, alright? <span class="gold">I'll be in the rear courtyard.</span>"
+			<<He>> looks down timidly. "Say, maybe we should spend some time together? T-To practise, I mean." <<Hes>> about to say something else, but stops <<himself>>. "Just... come see me<<if $schoolstate isnot "afternoon">> after school<</if>>, alright? <span class="gold">I'll be in the rear courtyard.</span>"
 		<<elseif gte 90 and $spray lt $spraymax and !$daily.kylar.spray>>
 			<<set $daily.kylar.spray to true>>
 			"I made you something," <<he>> says as <<he>> rummages in <<his>> bag. <<He>> hands you a charge for your pepper spray.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/special-robin/flirt.twee b/game/overworld-town/special-robin/flirt.twee
index aa2f07533c..13975a578e 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/special-robin/flirt.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/special-robin/flirt.twee
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
 			<<his>> voice quieter than usual.
 			<<if _robin.lovestage gte 4>>
 				<<if _robin.dom gte 40>>
-					"Maybe I should say you're <<print (_petname)>> too, to make it even." <<He>> turns back to you in an attempts to recover,
+					"Maybe I should say you're <<print (_petname)>> too, to make it even." <<He>> turns back to you in an attempt to recover,
 					<<his>> face still red.
 					"B-but it does make me feel nice that you'd use that word for me." <<His>> voice is barely a whisper, and you strain to hear <<him>>.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/special-robin/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/special-robin/main.twee
index 0e21fc510b..9a6c7f79c4 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/special-robin/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/special-robin/main.twee
@@ -1590,14 +1590,14 @@ You nod, continuing to walk to the school with Robin. The rest of the trip is un
 		Robin smiles at the sight of your $ "I'm glad you're keeping dry," <<he>> says. "I'd hate for you to get to sick."
-		Your umbrella occasionally bumps into Robin's as the two of you walk back to the orphanage, causing <<him>> to giggle. <<if $robinromance>>You hold hands as you walk. <<takeHandholdingVirginity "Robin" "romantic">><</if>>
+		Your umbrella occasionally bumps into Robin's as the two of you walk back to the orphanage, causing <<him>> to giggle.
 		<<ltrauma>><<lstress>><<trauma -2>><<stress -4>>
 		<<He>> holds out an umbrella so that both of you can fit under it. "Somehow I knew you'd forget again," <<he>> says with a soft smile. <<if $worn.head.type.includes("rainproof") or $worn.over_upper.type.includes("rainproof")>>"At least you have something to keep you dry, but still, you should consider getting an umbrella."<</if>>
-		<<if $worn.head.type.includes("rainproof")>>Your $ and the umbrella keep<<elseif $worn.over_upper.type.includes("rainproof")>>Your $ and the umbrella keep<<else>>Robin's umbrella keeps<</if>> you dry, and together you walk back to the orphanage<<if $robinromance>>, holding hands as you go. <<takeHandholdingVirginity "Robin" "romantic">><<else>>.<</if>>
+		<<if $worn.head.type.includes("rainproof")>>Your $ and the umbrella keep<<elseif $worn.over_upper.type.includes("rainproof")>>Your $ and the umbrella keep<<else>>Robin's umbrella keeps<</if>> you dry, and together you walk back to the orphanage.
 		<<ltrauma>><<lstress>><<trauma -2>><<stress -4>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/special-robin/widgets.twee b/game/overworld-town/special-robin/widgets.twee
index 468a9cfbc6..d45d73e7d9 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/special-robin/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/special-robin/widgets.twee
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
 	<<elseif Time.hour gte 21 or Time.hour lte 5>>
 		Robin looks at the clock on the wall.
 		<<if $balloonStand.robin.time gte 1>>
-			"<<print _robin.trauma lte 30 ? "It's past my bed time," : "I-I should probably go to sleep,">>" <<he>> says. "<<print $robinromance ? "I'd rather sleep alone tonight, if you don't mind" : "You should get some sleep too">>."
+			"<<print _robin.trauma lte 30 ? "It's past my bed time," : "I-I should probably go to sleep,">>" <<he>> says. "<<print $robin.timer.hurt gte 1 ? "I'd rather sleep alone tonight, if you don't mind" : "You should get some sleep too">>."
 		<<elseif _robin.trauma lte 30>>
 			"It's past my bed time," <<he>> says. <<He>> hugs you. "Goodnight."
 		<<elseif _robin.trauma lte 60>>
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 		<<if _robinrequest is 1>>
 			<<bedroomicon>><<link [[Stay with Robin|Robin Room Bed Intro]]>><<npcincr Robin trauma -3>><<npcincr Robin love 1>><</link>><<glove>><<lrtrauma>>
-		<<elseif $robinromance or _robin.trauma gt 30>>
+		<<elseif $robin.timer.hurt is 0 and ($robinromance or _robin.trauma gt 30)>>
 			<<bedroomicon>><<link [[Ask to stay|Robin Room Bed Intro]]>><</link>>
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/special-sydney/walk.twee b/game/overworld-town/special-sydney/walk.twee
index 2a4b16bcec..1c15c64b28 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/special-sydney/walk.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/special-sydney/walk.twee
@@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ You arrive at the beach with Sydney.
 <<if $weather is "rain" or $weather is "snow">>
 	The beach itself is mostly deserted due to the $weather, but the violent waves have attracted surfers. You decide to stick to the promenade overlooking the ocean.
-	<<print $worn.handheld.type.includes(rainproof) ? "You and Sydney stand side-by-side under your respective umbrellas" : "Sydney makes sure to keep you under <<his>> umbrella">> as you watch the waves roll in. The sound of the<<if $weather is "rain">> rain and<</if>> waves is relaxing. <<stress -12>><<llstress>>
+	<<print $worn.handheld.type.includes("rainproof") ? "You and Sydney stand side-by-side under your respective umbrellas" : "Sydney makes sure to keep you under <<his>> umbrella">> as you watch the waves roll in. The sound of the<<if $weather is "rain">> rain and<</if>> waves is relaxing. <<stress -12>><<llstress>>
 	You spot a large wave coming in. It will likely splash over the edge of the promenade and soak both of you if you don't move.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/main.twee b/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/main.twee
index d9264aa8a0..7af236ca24 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/main.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/main.twee
@@ -4200,7 +4200,7 @@ You approach Whitney, and take shelter from the $weather under the tree.
 				Increased lung capacity from smoking doesn't sound right, but you don't know enough about science to dispute it.
 		<<elseif $whitney_smoke gte 5>>
-			<<He>> stares at your lips as you take a practiced drag. "I guess your mouth might be good at more than just <<if $NPCList[0].penis isnot "none">>sucking me off<<else>>eating me out<</if>>," <<he>> comments. <<if C.npc.Whitney.lust gte 10>>"Gonna need you to refresh my memory here with a little demonstration." <<He>> grabs <<his>> crotch and gives a vulgar grin.<<else>>"You'll have to refresh my memory with a little demonstration some other time."<</if>>
+			<<He>> stares at your lips as you take a practised drag. "I guess your mouth might be good at more than just <<if $NPCList[0].penis isnot "none">>sucking me off<<else>>eating me out<</if>>," <<he>> comments. <<if C.npc.Whitney.lust gte 10>>"Gonna need you to refresh my memory here with a little demonstration." <<He>> grabs <<his>> crotch and gives a vulgar grin.<<else>>"You'll have to refresh my memory with a little demonstration some other time."<</if>>
 		<<elseif $whitney_smoke gte 3>>
 			<<His>> eyes linger on your lips as you take a pull of the cigarette.
@@ -4292,7 +4292,6 @@ You approach Whitney, and take shelter from the $weather under the tree.
 	Whitney's mouth follows yours when you start to pull away, chasing a familiar high. <<He>> grabs your waist, <<print C.npc.Whitney.dom lte 10 ? "pulling you flush against <<his>> body. <<He>> backs up so <<his>> back is flat against the tree, hands firmly planted on your <<bottom>>" : "manhandling you until your back is pressed against the tree">>. You make out for a few minutes, until Whitney shoves <<print C.npc.Whitney.dom lte 10 ? "you away" : "off of the tree">>.
-	<</if>>
 	"Damn, slut," <<he>> says with a gasp. "You're good with that mouth." <<He>> straightens out <<his>> <<npcClothesText $NPCName[$NPCNameList.indexOf("Whitney")] "upper">> before holding <<his>> hand out for the cigarette. You pass it back to <<him>>.
 	<<link [[Next|Park]]>><<clotheson>><<unset $hasUmbrella>><<endevent>><<set $eventskip to 1>><</link>>
@@ -4396,7 +4395,7 @@ Dropping the cigarette, you sink to your knees in front of Whitney, heedless of
 			Whitney gives a breathy little laugh, still recovering from <<his>> orgasm. "Good <<girl>>," <<he>> says.
-		Whitney's already glistening with arousal. You drink it in, teasing your tongue between <<his>> slick folds to <<oraltext>> lap at <<his>> entrance. Whitney sighs with pleasure, carding <<his>> fingers through your hair. You give <<him>> a slow, sweet parting kiss before traveling further north.
+		Whitney's already glistening with arousal. You drink it in, teasing your tongue between <<his>> slick folds to <<oraltext>> lap at <<his>> entrance. Whitney sighs with pleasure, carding <<his>> fingers through your hair. You give <<him>> a slow, sweet parting kiss before travelling further north.
 		You take a moment to tease <<him>>, exhaling against the stiff bud of <<his>> clit. <<He>> twitches in annoyance, canting <<his>>  hips towards you and grumbling for you to get a move on. <<He>> glowers down at you, but <<his>> flushed face tells another story. You <<print $speech_attitude is "meek" ? "giggle" : $speech_attitude is "bratty" ? "snicker" : "smile">> and finally give <<him>> the direct stimulation <<he>> seeks.
diff --git a/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/park.twee b/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/park.twee
index 9dd6a3fb6f..06828b0022 100644
--- a/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/park.twee
+++ b/game/overworld-town/special-whitney/park.twee
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 				doing your best to clean up all of the cream, even though it's hard to reach every inch.
 				Your own saliva begins to coat your face as the wet parts of <<his>> cock rub against it.
 			<<case 3>>
-				You slowly lick up and down Whitney's _whitney.penisdesc with your tongue, traveling across the shaft to clean the cream off of every last inch.
+				You slowly lick up and down Whitney's _whitney.penisdesc with your tongue, travelling across the shaft to clean the cream off of every last inch.
 			<<case 2>>
 				You slowly rub your tongue across <<his>> _whitney.penisdesc, using the friction of your tongue to search every inch for cream.
diff --git a/img/hair/sides/space buns/chest.png b/img/hair/sides/space buns/chest.png
index 6e478d92281ff7854c5b8d5ab96540cbeaff869c..d70df39f38112e760284fbe3a3eac341d9e78768 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 2319

literal 4818

diff --git a/img/hair/sides/space buns/feet.png b/img/hair/sides/space buns/feet.png
index d568deaa8c51a73bb4394e938c9daffe487b3d1a..5973e2304d14d4e1be2397cf67e6ae5dd05b96f6 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 2991

literal 6042

diff --git a/img/hair/sides/space buns/navel.png b/img/hair/sides/space buns/navel.png
index 3e6b6c63b7aa63885f3980f60fbf7a5ba378e238..15f18de04c6c68f5b39aab495faf062a53a07008 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 2391

literal 5019

diff --git a/img/hair/sides/space buns/short.png b/img/hair/sides/space buns/short.png
index e17e8ab800195bdb1629fd469d606e19fa62ed72..984fdbf91c0728ddf60543c1cb9e8ca80889ec4f 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 2002

literal 4629

diff --git a/img/hair/sides/space buns/shoulder.png b/img/hair/sides/space buns/shoulder.png
index 553ddf9fe24c5f415f588791c0a25a94a94a9dc0..f1b2d34801c4d4160e5e6239439fc047be14a673 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 2096

literal 4506

diff --git a/img/hair/sides/space buns/thighs.png b/img/hair/sides/space buns/thighs.png
index b152032e6f4b125fe671f0835e15cf9f32a1c0bd..a2f214c7a55a8b01edf99fbb200d469c3989e2f0 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 2540

literal 5178
