diff --git a/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCG.js b/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCG.js
index 9c170b540b4ff6cce04b0461a8cfdb773623cbc8..42613bdaac5fc38c2b48ef58fdcc3d8f962fe796 100644
--- a/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCG.js
+++ b/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCG.js
@@ -2191,7 +2191,7 @@ var AssetFemale3DCG = [
 			{ Name: "StraitJacket", Value: 150, Difficulty: 6, SelfBondage: 8, Time: 35, RemoveTime: 20, AllowLock: true, DefaultColor: "#A0A0A0", Hide: ["Cloth", "ItemNipplesPiercings"], HideItem: ["ClothLowerSkirt1", "ClothLowerSkirt2", "ClothLowerSkirt3", "ClothLowerTennisSkirt1", "ClothLowerGown2Skirt", "ClothLowerWaspie1", "ClothLowerWaspie2", "ClothLowerWaspie3", "ClothLowerLatexSkirt1", "ClothLowerLatexSkirt2", "ClothLowerClothSkirt1", "ClothLowerChineseSkirt1", "ClothLowerAdmiralSkirt", "ClothLowerJeanSkirt", "ClothLowerPencilSkirt"], SetPose: ["BackElbowTouch"], Effect: ["Block", "Prone"], AllowType: ["Normal", "Snug", "Tight"], Block: ["ItemNipples", "ItemNipplesPiercings", "ItemTorso", "ItemBreast", "ItemHands"], Extended: true, SelfUnlock: false, HasType: false },
-			{ Name: "CollarCuffs", Fetish: ["Leather"], Value: 60, Difficulty: 6, SelfBondage: 3, Time: 35, RemoveTime: 20, Visible: false, Random: false, AllowLock: true, Prerequisite: "Collared", SetPose: ["BackBoxTie"], Effect: ["Block", "Prone"], Block: ["ItemHands", "ItemNeck"], AllowType: ["Normal", "Snug", "Tight"], Extended: true, SelfUnlock: false, AllowActivityOn: ["ItemNeck"] },
+			{ Name: "CollarCuffs", Fetish: ["Leather"], Value: 60, Difficulty: 6, SelfBondage: 3, Time: 35, RemoveTime: 20, Visible: false, Random: false, AllowLock: true, Prerequisite: "Collared", SetPose: ["BackBoxTie"], Effect: ["Block", "Prone"], Block: ["ItemHands", "ItemNeck"], Extended: true, SelfUnlock: false, AllowActivityOn: ["ItemNeck"] },
 			{ Name: "LeatherStraitJacket", Fetish: ["Leather"], Value: 200, Difficulty: 7, SelfBondage: 8, Time: 45, RemoveTime: 30, AllowLock: true, Hide: ["Cloth", "ItemNipplesPiercings"], HideItem: ["ClothLowerSkirt1", "ClothLowerSkirt2", "ClothLowerSkirt3", "ClothLowerTennisSkirt1", "ClothLowerGown2Skirt", "ClothLowerWaspie1", "ClothLowerWaspie2", "ClothLowerWaspie3", "ClothLowerLatexSkirt1", "ClothLowerLatexSkirt2", "ClothLowerClothSkirt1", "ClothLowerChineseSkirt1", "ClothLowerAdmiralSkirt", "ClothLowerJeanSkirt", "ClothLowerPencilSkirt", "ItemNipplesLactationPump"], SetPose: ["BackElbowTouch"], Effect: ["Block", "Prone"], AllowType: ["Normal", "Snug", "Tight"], Block: ["ItemNipples", "ItemNipplesPiercings", "ItemTorso", "ItemBreast", "ItemHands"], Extended: true, SelfUnlock: false },
 				Name: "Bolero", Fetish: ["Leather"], Priority: 33, Value: 100, Difficulty: 11, SelfBondage: 7, Time: 35, RemoveTime: 20, AllowLock: true, DefaultColor: ["#E080A0", "Default"], SetPose: ["BackElbowTouch"], Effect: ["Block", "Prone"], Block: ["ItemHands"],
diff --git a/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCGExtended.js b/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCGExtended.js
index 2b09030291aff61b2ff12ba6531db8aed8a62950..671b8118974a19fd8bf450a01a2ad07fc1efe821 100644
--- a/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCGExtended.js
+++ b/BondageClub/Assets/Female3DCG/Female3DCGExtended.js
@@ -178,6 +178,42 @@ var AssetFemale3DCGExtended = {
 		}, // BitchSuit
+		CollarCuffs: {
+			Archetype: ExtendedArchetype.TYPED,
+			Config: {
+				Options: [
+					{
+						Name: "Loose",
+						Property: {
+							Type: null,
+							Difficulty: 0,
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Name: "Normal",
+						Property: {
+							Type: "Normal",
+							Difficulty: 3,
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Name: "Snug",
+						Property: {
+							Type: "Snug",
+							Difficulty: 6,
+						},
+					},
+					{
+						Name: "Tight",
+						Property: {
+							Type: "Tight",
+							Difficulty: 9,
+						},
+					},
+				],
+				DrawImages: false,
+			},
+		}, // CollarCuffs
 	}, // ItemArms
 	ItemNeck: {
 		ShinySteelCollar: {
diff --git a/BondageClub/Screens/Character/Player/Dialog_Player.csv b/BondageClub/Screens/Character/Player/Dialog_Player.csv
index d4332f2db81458472dd64fbe74c86118d67c3309..b9f582ab9826974a17a5abf78b97f21c4ac5fd59 100644
--- a/BondageClub/Screens/Character/Player/Dialog_Player.csv
+++ b/BondageClub/Screens/Character/Player/Dialog_Player.csv
@@ -680,15 +680,15 @@ LeatherStraitJacketRestrainLoose,,,SourceCharacter loosens the straps on Destina
 LeatherStraitJacketRestrainNormal,,,SourceCharacter adjusts the straps normally on DestinationCharacter leather straitjacket.,,
 LeatherStraitJacketRestrainSnug,,,SourceCharacter snugs the straps on DestinationCharacter leather straitjacket.,,
 LeatherStraitJacketRestrainTight,,,SourceCharacter tightens the straps on DestinationCharacter leather straitjacket.,,
-CollarCuffsSelectTightness,,,How tight do you want the strap linking the cuffs?,,
-CollarCuffsRestrainNone,,,SourceCharacter loosens the strap on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
-CollarCuffsRestrainNormal,,,SourceCharacter adjusts the strap normally on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
-CollarCuffsRestrainSnug,,,SourceCharacter snugs the strap on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
-CollarCuffsRestrainTight,,,SourceCharacter tightens the strap on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
+ItemArmsCollarCuffsSelect,,,How tight do you want the strap linking the cuffs?,,
+ItemArmsCollarCuffsSetNone,,,SourceCharacter loosens the strap on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
+ItemArmsCollarCuffsSetNormal,,,SourceCharacter adjusts the strap normally on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
+ItemArmsCollarCuffsSetSnug,,,SourceCharacter snugs the strap on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
+ItemArmsCollarCuffsSetTight,,,SourceCharacter tightens the strap on DestinationCharacter collar cuffs.,,
 InflatableBodyBagSelectTightness,,,How much do you want to inflate the body bag?,,
diff --git a/BondageClub/Screens/Inventory/ItemArms/CollarCuffs/CollarCuffs.js b/BondageClub/Screens/Inventory/ItemArms/CollarCuffs/CollarCuffs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c3eb4a382fa046a18e860d94313e75b6f3c81c6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/BondageClub/Screens/Inventory/ItemArms/CollarCuffs/CollarCuffs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsOptions = [
-	{
-		Name: "Loose",
-		Property: {
-			Type: null,
-			Difficulty: 0,
-		},
-	},
-	{
-		Name: "Normal",
-		Property: {
-			Type: "Normal",
-			Difficulty: 3,
-		},
-	},
-	{
-		Name: "Snug",
-		Property: {
-			Type: "Snug",
-			Difficulty: 6,
-		},
-	},
-	{
-		Name: "Tight",
-		Property: {
-			Type: "Tight",
-			Difficulty: 9,
-		},
-	},
- * Loads the item extension properties
- * @returns {void} - Nothing
- */
-function InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsLoad() {
-	ExtendedItemLoad(InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsOptions, "CollarCuffsSelectTightness");
- * Draw the item extension screen
- * @returns {void} - Nothing
- */
-function InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsDraw() {
-	ExtendedItemDraw(
-		InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsOptions, "CollarCuffsPose", InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsOptions.length, false);
- * Catches the item extension clicks
- * @returns {void} - Nothing
- */
-function InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsClick() {
-	ExtendedItemClick(InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsOptions, InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsOptions.length, false);
- * Publishes the message to the chat
- * @param {Character} C - The target character
- * @param {Option} Option - The currently selected Option
- * @param {Option} PreviousOption - The previously selected Option
- * @returns {void} - Nothing
- */
-function InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsPublishAction(C, Option, PreviousOption) {
-	var msg = "CollarCuffsRestrain" + ((Option.Property.Type == null) ? "None" : Option.Property.Type);
-	var Dictionary = [
-		{ Tag: "SourceCharacter", Text: Player.Name, MemberNumber: Player.MemberNumber },
-		{ Tag: "DestinationCharacter", Text: C.Name, MemberNumber: C.MemberNumber },
-	];
-	ChatRoomPublishCustomAction(msg, true, Dictionary);
- * The NPC dialog is for what the NPC says to you when you make a change to their restraints - the dialog lookup is on
- * a  per-NPC basis. You basically put the "AssetName" + OptionName in there to allow individual NPCs to override their
- * default "GroupName" dialog if for example we ever wanted an NPC to react specifically to having the restraint put on
- * them. That could be done by adding an "AssetName" entry (or entries) to that NPC's dialog CSV
- * @param {Character} C - The NPC to whom the restraint is applied
- * @param {Option} Option - The chosen option for this extended item
- * @returns {void} - Nothing
- */
-function InventoryItemArmsCollarCuffsNpcDialog(C, Option) {
-	C.CurrentDialog = DialogFind(C, "ItemArmsCollarCuffsNPCReaction" + Option.Name, "ItemArms");
diff --git a/BondageClub/index.html b/BondageClub/index.html
index 5ae64455a72fcf9f4ea756dfbcacf4a64502bb81..2c02a72aa7679d5766475d89dbf857922318d023 100644
--- a/BondageClub/index.html
+++ b/BondageClub/index.html
@@ -235,7 +235,6 @@
 <script src="Screens/Inventory/ItemAddon/CeilingChain/CeilingChain.js"></script>
 <script src="Screens/Inventory/ItemAddon/CeilingRope/CeilingRope.js"></script>
 <script src="Screens/Inventory/ItemHands/FuturisticMittens/FuturisticMittens.js"></script>
-<script src="Screens/Inventory/ItemArms/CollarCuffs/CollarCuffs.js"></script>
 <script src="Screens/Inventory/ItemDevices/InflatableBodyBag/InflatableBodyBag.js"></script>
 <script src="Screens/Inventory/ItemArms/WristShackles/WristShackles.js"></script>
 <script src="Screens/Inventory/ItemEars/HeadphoneEarPlugs/HeadphoneEarPlugs.js"></script>