diff --git a/BondageClub/Scripts/Dialog.js b/BondageClub/Scripts/Dialog.js
index 8331b15fd53c12790bc8bbb97f6e6a8a20c3f538..d8d7314b62131dcce0934c40b345bf46e6f5886f 100644
--- a/BondageClub/Scripts/Dialog.js
+++ b/BondageClub/Scripts/Dialog.js
@@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@ class DialogMenu {
 			 * @type {(this: HTMLButtonElement, ev: MouseEvent) => void}
 			_ClickPaginatePrev: function(event) {
-				document.getElementById("MainCanvas")?.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "PageUp" }))
+				document.getElementById("MainCanvas")?.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "PageUp" }));
@@ -2938,7 +2938,7 @@ class DialogMenu {
 			 * @type {(this: HTMLButtonElement, ev: MouseEvent) => void}
 			_ClickPaginateNext: function(event) {
-				document.getElementById("MainCanvas")?.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "PageDown" }))
+				document.getElementById("MainCanvas")?.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "PageDown" }));
@@ -3405,14 +3405,34 @@ class _DialogItemMenu extends DialogMenu {
 		for (const [i, button] of Array.from(buttonGrid.children).entries()) {
 			const clickedItem = DialogInventory[i];
+			// Tasks already performed during a full `options.resetDialogItems` operation
+			if (!options.resetDialogItems) {
+				const wasWorn = clickedItem.Worn;
+				const isWorn = !!(equippedItem && !DialogAllowItemClick(equippedItem, clickedItem));
+				if (isWorn) {
+					Object.assign(clickedItem, equippedItem);
+				}
+				if (isWorn !== wasWorn) {
+					clickedItem.Worn = isWorn;
+					button.setAttribute("aria-checked", isWorn.toString());
+				}
+			}
 			const status = this.GetClickStatus(this.C, clickedItem, equippedItem);
 			if (status) {
 				button.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
 			} else {
+			if (options.reset) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Tasks already performed during a full `options.reset` operation
 			button.toggleAttribute("data-hidden", CharacterAppearanceItemIsHidden(clickedItem.Asset.Name, clickedItem.Asset.Group.Name));
 			button.toggleAttribute("data-vibrating", clickedItem.Property?.Effect?.includes("Vibrating") ?? false);
+			ElementButton.ReloadAssetIcons(/** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */(button), clickedItem, this.C);
 		if (options.resetScrollbar) {
@@ -3542,7 +3562,12 @@ class _DialogLockingMenu extends DialogMenu {
 			} else {
-			button.toggleAttribute("data-hidden", CharacterAppearanceItemIsHidden(clickedLock.Asset.Name, clickedLock.Asset.Group.Name));
+			if (!options.reset) {
+				// Tasks already performed during a full `options.reset`
+				button.toggleAttribute("data-hidden", CharacterAppearanceItemIsHidden(clickedLock.Asset.Name, clickedLock.Asset.Group.Name));
+				ElementButton.ReloadAssetIcons(/** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */(button), clickedLock, this.C);
+			}
 		if (options.resetScrollbar) {
@@ -3632,12 +3657,25 @@ class _DialogPermissionMenu extends DialogMenu {
+		const equippedItem = InventoryGet(this.C, this.focusGroup.Name);
 		for (const [i, button] of Array.from(buttonGrid.children).entries()) {
 			const clickedItem = DialogInventory[i];
+			const status = this.GetClickStatus(this.C, clickedItem, equippedItem);
+			if (status) {
+				button.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
+			} else {
+				button.removeAttribute("aria-disabled");
+			}
 			const permissions = this.C.PermissionItems[`${clickedItem.Asset.Group.Name}/${clickedItem.Asset.Name}`];
 			button.setAttribute("data-permission", permissions?.Permission ?? "Default");
-			button.toggleAttribute("data-hidden", CharacterAppearanceItemIsHidden(clickedItem.Asset.Name, clickedItem.Asset.Group.Name));
+			if (!options.reset) {
+				// Tasks already performed during a full `options.reset`
+				button.toggleAttribute("data-hidden", CharacterAppearanceItemIsHidden(clickedItem.Asset.Name, clickedItem.Asset.Group.Name));
+				ElementButton.ReloadAssetIcons(/** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */(button), clickedItem, this.C);
+			}
 		if (options.resetScrollbar) {
@@ -3673,7 +3711,11 @@ class _DialogActivitiesMenu extends DialogMenu {
 	/** @type {DialogMenu<T, ItemActivity>["clickStatusCallbacks"]} */
-	clickStatusCallbacks = {};
+	clickStatusCallbacks = {
+		IsBlocked: (C, clickedActivity, equippedItem) => {
+			return clickedActivity.Blocked === "blocked" ? InterfaceTextGet("ExtendedItemNoItemPermission") : null;
+		},
+	};
 	_Load() {
 		const ids = this.ids;
@@ -3724,9 +3766,12 @@ class _DialogActivitiesMenu extends DialogMenu {
+		const equippedItem = InventoryGet(this.C, this.focusGroup.Name);
 		for (const [i, button] of Array.from(buttonGrid.children).entries()) {
 			const clickedActivity = DialogActivity[i];
-			if (clickedActivity.Blocked === "blocked") {
+			const status = this.GetClickStatus(this.C, clickedActivity, equippedItem);
+			if (status) {
 				button.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
 			} else {
diff --git a/BondageClub/Scripts/Element.js b/BondageClub/Scripts/Element.js
index f20458347c4dfc163a61f7279e28416b0018ecf4..0918e37c38b94e5fadc9985d3c1df5adf30276a9 100644
--- a/BondageClub/Scripts/Element.js
+++ b/BondageClub/Scripts/Element.js
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ var ElementButton = {
 	 * Parse the passed icon list, returning its corresponding `<img>` grid and tooltip if non-empty
 	 * @param {string} id - The ID of the parent element
-	 * @param {readonly (InventoryIcon | { iconSrc: string, tooltipText: string | Node })[]} [icons] - The (optional) list of icons
+	 * @param {readonly (InventoryIcon | { name: string, iconSrc: string, tooltipText: string | Node })[]} [icons] - The (optional) list of icons
 	 * @returns {null | { iconGrid: HTMLDivElement, tooltip: (string | HTMLElement)[] }} - `null` if the provided icon list is empty and otherwise an object containing the icon grid and a icon-specific tooltip
 	_ParseIcons: function _ParseIcons(id, icons) {
@@ -1154,50 +1154,61 @@ var ElementButton = {
 			return null;
-		const tooltip = ElementCreate({
+		const tooltip = document.getElementById(`${id}-icon-ul`) ?? ElementCreate({
 			tag: "ul",
 			attributes: { id: `${id}-icon-ul` },
 			classList: ["button-icon-tooltip-ul"],
 			children: [],
-		const iconGrid = ElementCreate({
+		const iconGrid = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */(document.getElementById(`${id}-icon-grid`)) ?? ElementCreate({
 			tag: "div",
 			classList: ["button-icon-grid"],
-			attributes: { "aria-hidden": "true" },
-			children: icons.map((icon) => {
-				/** @type {string} */
-				let src;
-				/** @type {string | Node} */
-				let tooltipText;
-				if (typeof icon === "object") {
-					src = icon.iconSrc;
-					tooltipText = icon.tooltipText;
-				} else if (icon.endsWith("Padlock")) {
-					src = `./Assets/Female3DCG/ItemMisc/Preview/${icon}.png`;
-					tooltipText = InterfaceTextGet("PreviewIconPadlock").replace(
-						"AssetName",
-						AssetGet("Female3DCG", "ItemMisc", icon).Description,
-					);
-				} else {
-					src = `./Icons/Previews/${icon}.png`;
-					tooltipText = InterfaceTextGet(`PreviewIcon${icon}`);
-				}
+			attributes: { id: `${id}-icon-grid`, "aria-hidden": "true" },
+		});
-				ElementCreate({
-					tag: "li",
-					attributes: { id: `${id}-icon-li-${icon}` },
-					classList: ["button-icon-tooltip-li"],
-					children: [tooltipText],
-					parent: tooltip,
-					style: { "background-image": `url("./${src}")` },
-				});
-				return {
-					tag: "img",
-					classList: ["button-icon"],
-					attributes: { decoding: "async", loading: "lazy", src },
-				};
-			}),
+		icons.forEach((icon) => {
+			let custom = false;
+			/** @type {string} */
+			let name;
+			/** @type {string} */
+			let src;
+			/** @type {string | Node} */
+			let tooltipText;
+			if (typeof icon === "object") {
+				custom = true;
+				name = icon.name;
+				src = icon.iconSrc;
+				tooltipText = icon.tooltipText;
+			} else if (icon.endsWith("Padlock")) {
+				name = icon;
+				src = `./Assets/Female3DCG/ItemMisc/Preview/${icon}.png`;
+				tooltipText = InterfaceTextGet("PreviewIconPadlock").replace(
+					"AssetName",
+					AssetGet("Female3DCG", "ItemMisc", icon).Description,
+				);
+			} else {
+				name = icon;
+				src = `./Icons/Previews/${icon}.png`;
+				tooltipText = InterfaceTextGet(`PreviewIcon${icon}`);
+			}
+			ElementCreate({
+				tag: "li",
+				attributes: { id: `${id}-icon-li-${name}` },
+				classList: ["button-icon-tooltip-li"],
+				children: [tooltipText],
+				parent: tooltip,
+				style: { "background-image": `url("./${src}")` },
+			});
+			ElementCreate({
+				tag: "img",
+				classList: ["button-icon"],
+				attributes: { decoding: "async", loading: "lazy", src, "aria-owns": `${id}-icon-li-${name}` },
+				dataAttributes: { name, custom: custom ? "" : undefined },
+				parent: iconGrid,
+			});
 		return { iconGrid, tooltip: [InterfaceTextGet("StatusAndEffects"), ElementCreate({ tag: "br" }), tooltip] };
@@ -1466,6 +1477,45 @@ var ElementButton = {
 		options.tooltip ??= options.icons.length ? [""] : undefined;
 		return ElementButton.Create(id, onClick, options, htmlOptions);
+	/**
+	 * Reload the icons of the passed {@link ElementButton.CreateForAsset} button based on the items & characters current state.
+	 * @param {HTMLButtonElement} button - The button in question
+	 * @param {Asset | Item} asset - The asset (or item) for linked to the button
+	 * @param {null | Character} C - The character wearing the asset/item (if any)
+	 * @returns {boolean} - Whether the icons were updated or not
+	 */
+	ReloadAssetIcons: function ReloadAssetIcons(button, asset, C) {
+		const item = "Asset" in asset ? asset : { Asset: asset };
+		asset = item.Asset;
+		const icons = Array.from(button.querySelectorAll(".button-icon"));
+		const iconNamesOld = icons.map(el => el.getAttribute("data-name"));
+		const iconNamesNew = [
+			DialogGetFavoriteStateDetails(C ?? Player, asset)?.Icon,
+			...DialogGetLockIcon(item, "Property" in item),
+			...DialogGetAssetIcons(asset),
+			...DialogEffectIcons.GetIcons(item),
+		];
+		const iconNamesAdded = iconNamesNew.filter(i => i != null && !iconNamesOld.includes(i));
+		const iconNamesRemoved = iconNamesOld.filter(i => !/** @type {string[]} */(iconNamesNew).includes(i));
+		if (iconNamesAdded.length === 0 && iconNamesRemoved.length === 0) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		console.log(true, button, asset, C, iconNamesAdded, iconNamesRemoved);
+		for (const icon of icons) {
+			if (!icon.hasAttribute("data-custom")) {
+				const tooltipComponentID = icon.getAttribute("aria-owns");
+				if (tooltipComponentID) { document.getElementById(tooltipComponentID)?.remove(); }
+				icon.remove();
+			}
+		}
+		ElementButton._ParseIcons(button.id, iconNamesAdded);
+		return true;
+	},
diff --git a/BondageClub/Scripts/Typedef.d.ts b/BondageClub/Scripts/Typedef.d.ts
index 828f4cecd73787ecdf71b1f65da76092fdd66402..47f31efe75220245c0e161c422e4b83427a5b170 100644
--- a/BondageClub/Scripts/Typedef.d.ts
+++ b/BondageClub/Scripts/Typedef.d.ts
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ declare namespace ElementButton {
 		 * Alternatively, one can directly pass the icon's {@link HTMLImageElement.src} and its tooltip component.
-		icons?: readonly (null | InventoryIcon | { iconSrc: string, tooltipText: string | Node })[];
+		icons?: readonly (null | InventoryIcon | { iconSrc: string, tooltipText: string | Node, name: string })[];
 		/** The role of the button. All accepted values are currently special-cased in order to set role-specific event listeners and/or attributes. */
 		role?: "radio" | "checkbox" | "menuitemradio" | "menuitemcheckbox";
 		/** Whether to limit the default styling of the button's border and background */