From 4152264a00bba458de95521b472d6afc14c6b4b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SPNATI Utilities Bot <>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2021 14:04:03 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Erufuda: Some targets and responses

**Total Linecount: ** 1604 -> 1755 (+151)
**Special-Conditions Linecount: ** 42 -> 46 (+4)
**Targeted Linecount: ** 905 -> 1056 (+151)
**Filtered Linecount: ** 67 -> 88 (+21)
**Total Targeted Characters: ** 69 -> 72 (+3)
**Total Targeted Tags: ** 16 -> 17 (+1)

Targeting Updates:
    - `adrien`: 0 -> 19 (+19)
    - `meia`: 78 -> 113 (+35)
    - `nami`: 5 -> 23 (+18)
    - `mae`: 0 -> 1 (+1)
    - `jura`: 31 -> 70 (+39)
    - `marinette`: 15 -> 64 (+49)
    - `human`: 0 -> 3 (+3)

Filter Updates:
    - `chubby`: 12 -> 27 (+15)
    - `athletic`: 16 -> 21 (+5)
    - `non-human`: 1 -> 2 (+1)
    - `bodysuit`: 3 -> 2 (-1)
    - `skinny`: 0 -> 1 (+1)

Command executed by: Mike#4433
 opponents/erufuda/behaviour.xml | 604 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 opponents/erufuda/editor.xml    | 172 ++++++++-
 opponents/erufuda/meta.xml      |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 750 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/opponents/erufuda/behaviour.xml b/opponents/erufuda/behaviour.xml
index f7a1929231c..b500625e69e 100644
--- a/opponents/erufuda/behaviour.xml
+++ b/opponents/erufuda/behaviour.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v6.1 at 6:42:27 PM on October 27, 2020. Do not edit this file directly unless you know what you're doing.-->
+<!--This file was machine generated using the Character Editor v6.3.3 at 1:51:36 PM on February 01, 2021. Do not edit this file directly unless you know what you're doing.-->
-    <version>v6.1</version>
+    <version>v6.3.3</version>
     <last />
@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@
                 <condition role="other" character="streaming-chan" sayingMarker="viewers=1" />
                 <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="nicole_start">A camera? Um... well... Hi, I'm a normal human pretending to be an elf. Elves aren't real. Also, we're actually skinny. But, with big boobs!</state>
+            <case stage="0" oneShotId="80">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="Strip poker? Aren't there &lt;i&gt;better&lt;/i&gt; ways of seeing a superhero naked?" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="marinette_proposition">Is that a proposition, Ladybug? I'm up to skip ahead a bit if you are.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0">
                 <state img="#-concerned.png">The only problem is... I can't go home until I lose weight. It's a magic thing.</state>
                 <state img="#-concerned.png">The thing is... I can't cross back into my world until I slim down again.</state>
@@ -153,6 +157,9 @@
             <case stage="1-3" id="153" oneShotId="53">
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="suck_it_in" />
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="adrien_purrfect" />
+                </alternative>
                 <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="suck_it_in">&lt;i&gt;Maybe I can hold my stomach in if I just... hnnnnng...&lt;/i&gt;</state>
                 <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="suck_it_in">&lt;i&gt;If I suck in my stomach, it's almost like I've got abs... Come on! Just... fuuu...&lt;/i&gt;</state>
                 <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="suck_it_in">&lt;i&gt;That's it! I'll just hold my belly in! Just. Gotta.... Squeeeeze...&lt;/i&gt;</state>
@@ -198,7 +205,7 @@
                 <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="215">In high class restaurants, fries are considered vegetables.</state>
                 <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="216">Dietitians recommend three servings of fries per day.</state>
                 <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="217">It's important to balance your calorie intake with your workout.</state>
-                <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="218">~player~ should take a break and get some fries. We'll be here when you get back.</state>
+                <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="218">~Player~ should take a break and get some fries. We'll be here when you get back.</state>
                 <state img="#-smug.png" oneShotId="219">Elves don't need good cards to win!</state>
                 <state img="#-smug.png" oneShotId="220">These aren't perfect, but they're probably good enough to beat ~player~.</state>
                 <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="223">High cards? More like high carbs!</state>
@@ -246,6 +253,17 @@
         <trigger id="hand">
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="113" priority="500">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="0-1" />
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="adrien_purrfect" notSaidMarker="adrien_sucking_failure" />
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="adrien_sucking_failure">&lt;i&gt;Huff... Huff... I guess that's not a realistic plan. Maybe Cat Noir won't notice?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="106" totalRounds="0-">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" sayingMarker="luffy" />
+                <test expr="~month.number~" value="5" />
+                <test expr="~day.number~" value="5" />
+                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="nami_birthday_party">Oooh, invite me, Nami! I like birthdays! And food!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-6">
                 <condition role="self" saidMarker="meia_trainer_opinion" notSaidMarker="meia_trainer_opinion2" />
                 <condition role="other" character="meia" />
@@ -261,6 +279,12 @@
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="jura_meia_proper_butt" />
                 <state img="#-horny.png" marker="jura_meia_proper_butt">See, Meia? &lt;i&gt;This&lt;/i&gt; is what a proper butt looks like. A little softness is good!</state>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="60">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_jura_opinion" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="meia_jura_gossip_mejarians">I've only known you two for a short while, but I'm already certain Mejarians gossip more than Meia says.</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="meia_jura_gossip_invitation">How about we stick around after the game and chat a bit, Jura? I understand not wanting to say things in front of your commander.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-6">
                 <condition role="other" character="meia" stage="2" saying="How's my figure?  My stomach and thighs are still exposed, even in this elaborate costume..." />
                 <test expr="~meia.costume~" value="meia_cupid" />
@@ -414,7 +438,11 @@
             <case stage="0" priority="150">
                 <condition role="other" character="sakura" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="sakura_recognize" />
-                <state img="#-panic.png" oneShotId="243" marker="sakura_recognize">Wait! ~player~! ~player~! ~player~! That's Number One! From TV!</state>
+                <state img="#-panic.png" oneShotId="243" marker="sakura_recognize">Wait! ~Player~! ~Player~! ~Player~! That's Number One! From TV!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="100" totalRounds="0-3">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="0-1" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="adrien_hello_cat">Well hello, cat guy. I didn't realize I'd be eating my fries with a &lt;i&gt;snack.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
             <case stage="0-6" id="105">
                 <condition status="not_naked" />
@@ -644,6 +672,35 @@
                 <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_size_up">Looks like I'm not the only one who needs to go up a size! Don't worry, Jura. I'm sure Mejare's got plenty of fashion for us bigger girls.</state>
                 <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_warning_sign">Careful, Jura. Tight underwear was the first warning sign for me. Next you'll start to feel your belly poke out when you sit down.</state>
+            <case stage="0-2" id="155">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="0-1" saying="Next time, maybe we should play for food. I happen to know of an &lt;i&gt;excellent boulangerie.&lt;/i&gt; " />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_bologna">That sounds like fun, Ladybug! Just... no bologna for me, thanks.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-3" id="168" priority="141">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-4" sayingMarker="marinette_fashion" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="marinette_fashion_sweatpants">
+                    <alt-img stage="1-3">#-weight_conscious.png</alt-img>
+                    <text>Well, uh, my &lt;i&gt;favorite&lt;/i&gt; outfit doesn't exactly fit me at the moment... but sweats are pretty great!</text>
+                </state>
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="marinette_fashion_sweatpants">
+                    <alt-img stage="1-3">#-weight_conscious.png</alt-img>
+                    <text>Usually I like to wear something a little more flashy, but sweatpants are nice too!</text>
+                </state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="4-6" id="169" oneShotId="89">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="6-8" saying="If you win this one... I guess it's a fair win. So... I've worked hard on my figure, so maybe I &lt;i&gt;shouldn't&lt;/i&gt; be so embarrassed." />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_figure_embarassed">I've worked hard on my figure too, Marinette! I have nothing at all to be embarrassed about!</state>
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_figure_bug">So you're saying I &lt;i&gt;should&lt;/i&gt; be embarrassed? Kiss my big beautiful butt, bug.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="102">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="2" />
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="adrien_the_fragrance" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="adrien_cheese_tv">Wait a minute, why does he smell like cheese? TV made him look so... fresh!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" id="179" oneShotId="116">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="0-1" saying="...Oh. Well, this is bad... um... did I see some pastries? I might need those. For a friend. " />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="marinette_pastries">Now you're getting it, Ladybug! Get some pastries and join the party!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-6">
                 <condition role="other" character="sakura" stage="0-2" />
                 <state img="#-worried.png" oneShotId="260" marker="sakura_hunger_worry">Are you ok? You look a little...faint? You're not hungry, are you?</state>
@@ -657,6 +714,14 @@
                 <condition role="other" character="yunyun" stage="0-3" />
                 <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="yunyun_wager">Oh! A punishment game, huh? Well then, Yunyun, how about if &lt;i&gt;I&lt;/i&gt; win, you do my workouts for me for a week!</state>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="117">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="2-7" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="adrien_model_diet">So I guess they've got you on a pretty strict diet for your modeling, huh, Adrien?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="3-6" oneShotId="118">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="2-7" />
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="adrien_model_potential">What do you think, Adrien? Think &lt;i&gt;I've&lt;/i&gt; got modeling potential?</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-6" id="73" totalRounds="3-" priority="116">
                 <condition role="other" character="meia" sayingMarker="men_info" />
                 <condition count="4-5" gender="female" />
@@ -794,6 +859,16 @@
                 <condition role="other" character="streaming-chan" />
                 <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="nicole_flattering_angles">You'll make sure to only show me from flattering angles, right, Streaming-chan?</state>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="55" priority="102">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="meia_pilot_recruitment" />
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" sayingMarker="erufuda_recruitment" />
+                <state img="#-pleased.png" marker="meia_pilot_recruitment2">Oh, it's &lt;i&gt;robust&lt;/i&gt; all right. The enemies always glow right before a big attack, so you might say I'm tactically educated.</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="meia_pilot_recruitment2">Would &lt;i&gt;dual&lt;/i&gt; analog sticks and &lt;i&gt;actual vibrations&lt;/i&gt; when you get hit count as a robust flight simulation? It's pretty much real life.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" priority="102">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_baby_fat" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" sayingMarker="erufuda_baby_fat" />
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-3">
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="emi_diet" />
                 <condition role="other" character="emi" />
@@ -913,6 +988,12 @@
                 <condition role="self" saidMarker="yunyun_mention_demon" />
                 <state img="#-panic.png" marker="yunyun_demon_fries">Wait.. you're a demon!? Watch out, ~player~! Demons trick you into eating too many fries!</state>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="81">
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" sayingMarker="erufuda_baby_fat" />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="jura_no_baby">I'm not the one having a baby! I have to focus on the important things in life!</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_mom_jeans">Just something to watch out for, Jura. I'm sure you'll look &lt;i&gt;great&lt;/i&gt; in "mom jeans."</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_pregnancy_cravings">Just remember my warning when you wake up in the middle of the night craving something fried.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="1-6">
                 <condition role="other" character="rinkah" />
                 <state img="#-pleased.png" oneShotId="235" marker="rinkah_warrior_easy">I'm glad to see I'm not the only warrior here tonight. Don't think I'll go easy on you though, Rinkah!</state>
@@ -1093,6 +1174,10 @@
                 <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="pyrrha_affect_goals_experience">Oh, really! Are you speaking from experience or something?</state>
+            <case stage="0-1" oneShotId="110">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="0-1" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="adrien_flirt">You're too cute, Cat Noir. &lt;i&gt;Hold that thought for me, would you?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0">
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="meia_intro" />
@@ -1389,6 +1474,27 @@
                 <state img="#-eating.png" marker="jolyne_fries">You bet, Jolyne! Bad Burger's finest.</state>
                 <state img="#-bored.png" marker="jolyne_no_fries">Yeah, I can see that, Jolyne. It looks like you burned off your last fries long ago...</state>
+            <case stage="0-5" oneShotId="69">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saying="I tell my pilots that they're their own biggest obstacles.  That may be the case if you feel frustrated." />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="meia_biggest_obstacle">Oh, Ha, &lt;i&gt;ha.&lt;/i&gt; Commander Zero-Calorie made a fat joke. I'm sure your pilots &lt;i&gt;love&lt;/i&gt; that one.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="3" oneShotId="74">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" sayingMarker="erufuda3" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="meia_cooking_fries">I &lt;i&gt;did&lt;/i&gt; learn how to make my own fries once... but I'm more specialized in the later part of the supply chain.</state>
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="meia_cooking_busy">I &lt;i&gt;can&lt;/i&gt; cook, but I'm just &lt;i&gt;so busy!&lt;/i&gt; You wouldn't believe how convenient fast food is!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1 3-5" oneShotId="120">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" saying="『{plagg}Adrien, you're &lt;i&gt;sta-ring...&lt;/i&gt;{!reset}』 She's &lt;i&gt;beautiful!&lt;/i&gt; I think it's hardly offensive... I hope. " />
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="adrien_staring">&lt;i&gt;He's staring right at me! Gods, why didn't I stick to that stupid diet!?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1 3-5" oneShotId="121">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" saying="...You know, you're really pretty, ~name~. " />
+                <state img="#-pleased.png" marker="adrien_pretty">Don't worry, Adrien. I know.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1 3-5" oneShotId="122">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" saying="Am I supposed to look? Not supposed to look? I'm not sure what's the right thing to do here? ~Name~? " />
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="adrien_boobs_look">My boobs are up here, model-boy.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0">
                 <condition role="other" character="spooky" />
                 <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="344" marker="spooky_mansion">A work-out mansion? Sounds luxurious! I'll have to ask the human to come along.</state>
@@ -1468,12 +1574,64 @@
                 <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_hash_browns">You know what they say, you can't make hash browns without... &lt;i&gt;hnf...&lt;/i&gt; frying a few potatoes. </state>
                 <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_barnette_pampering">She must not be that great of a cook if your waist looks like that... Whatever happened to pampering?</state>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_fries_jealous" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12jealous" saying="I'm jealous of Barnette back on the ship, getting to change with girls who are in shape.  I've got to have her cook for me less." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_love_handles">Awww, are you afraid of love turning to love handles? You can think of your girlfriend every time you look in the mirror!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_fries_jealous" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12jealous" saying="No, I'm doing just fine, thank you.  In fact, I don't think I'll ever eat anything again." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_starving_diet">Don't do that, Jura! Starving yourself will just make you more likely to overindulge later!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_fries_savor" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12savor" saying="Oh, sure, go ahead and &lt;i&gt;savor&lt;/i&gt; them.  If you came here to find your one true love, I think you already have." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_fries_vs_love">Imagine playing a game like this to find &lt;i&gt;love.&lt;/i&gt; I might just be after fries, but at least I'll be going home satisfied.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_fries_savor" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12savor" saying="Ugh.  Why don't you make out with them while you're at it?  I haven't embraced &lt;i&gt;Barnette&lt;/i&gt; the way you &quot;savor&quot; those things." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_barnette_passion">Sounds like you might need to work on your passion, Jura. Or maybe try something new to spice things up?</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0">
                 <condition role="self" saidMarker="meia_intro" notSaidMarker="meia_warrior" />
                 <condition role="other" character="meia" stage="0-4" />
                 <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="meia_warrior">It might not be obvious to someone who lets lasers do all the work, but I'm a warrior. I fight up close with a bow and sword.</state>
                 <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="meia_warrior">I can understand why a "pilot" might not recognize a ground warrior, but I'm a master of the bow and sword.</state>
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="67">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" stage="0-5" sayingMarker="erufuda12" saying="&lt;i&gt;...French fries.&lt;/i&gt;  What an odd food to get addicted to...most women would prefer sweets.  I imagine you don't have those in your world, either?" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="meia_sweet_tooth">&lt;i&gt;Ooooooo!!!&lt;/i&gt; Someone's got a sweet tooth! Don't worry, your... &lt;i&gt;huff...&lt;/i&gt; secret's safe with me.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_black_dress" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12blackdress" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_black_slimming">Oh please. &lt;i&gt;Everyone&lt;/i&gt; knows black is a slimming color. &lt;i&gt;Huff...&lt;/i&gt; Maybe that's why you chose it?</state>
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_dress_butt">Hah! You know this cute butt of mine would look &lt;i&gt;stunning&lt;/i&gt; in that dress. Admit it!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_fries_striptease" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12striptease" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_elven_form">And deny you the glory of the elven form? I would &lt;i&gt;never&lt;/i&gt; do something so cruel!</state>
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_admire">Forget it! You'll admire my cute elven ass whether you want to or not!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_hungry_now" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12hungry" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_holding_back">Oh, I'm holding back all right. You can tell because of how nice I'm being to rude people like you!</state>
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_base_desires">Please. As if you're a model of self-discipline. We're just two girls here to satisfy our basest desires.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_shovel" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12shovel" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_fry_deal">I'll make you a deal, Jura. I'll finish these as quick as I can, if you bring me some more so I don't run out.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_wasting_away" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda12wasting" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jura_dieting_expert">What you don't &lt;i&gt;hng...&lt;/i&gt; realize, Jura, is that you're talking to a dieting &lt;i&gt;expert.&lt;/i&gt; I've probably lost more weight than you've gained in your life!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0">
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="caulifla_warning" />
                 <condition role="other" character="caulifla" stage="0-3" />
@@ -1571,6 +1729,14 @@
                 <condition role="self" saidMarker="spooky_mansion" />
                 <state img="#-stripping.png" oneShotId="345" marker="spooky_mansion_2">That doesn't sound luxurious at all! I'll keep my fries and exercise routine, thanks.</state>
+            <case stage="0">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" sayingMarker="erufuda01" saying="Obsession with food is not good for you. At least Luffy doesn't get fat with all the meat that he eats." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="nami_luffy_meat">Well &lt;i&gt;good&lt;/i&gt; for Lovely! Perhaps the screams of nature's children scare the pounds away!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" sayingMarker="erufuda01" saying="It's not good for your health eating so much. I don't know how Luffy does it, but not everybody is like him." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="nami_luffy_exercise">He probably does a lot of exercise. I try to wear lots of exercise clothes, which is pretty much the same thing.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0">
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="futaba_casual" />
                 <condition role="other" character="futaba" />
@@ -1706,6 +1872,29 @@
                 <condition role="other" character="jolyne" sayingMarker="Prison_showers" />
                 <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="jolyne_wild_ways">I'll keep that in mind in case my wild ways ever catch up with me, Jolyne...</state>
+            <case stage="1" id="176">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" saying="So that's where all those fries are going..." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="nami_fries_going">As if, Nami! It takes a lot of squats to get a butt this cute!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1" id="177">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" saying="You probably eat &lt;i&gt;a lot&lt;/i&gt; of fries to get this... form." />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="nami_fries_form">Well, I &lt;i&gt;do&lt;/i&gt; eat a lot of fries, Nami, but I never filled out a form. Do you think Bad Burger has a loyalty program?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="3" oneShotId="104">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" sayingMarker="erufuda34" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="nami_gimmie">Nami!!! Gimmie the fries!!!</state>
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="nami_absolute_best">The &lt;i&gt;absolute best!?&lt;/i&gt; &lt;br&gt;I need them! &lt;i&gt;Now!!!&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="114">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" saying="Looking fit for a catwalk, ~name~. " />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="adrien_workouts">Thanks, Cat! I &lt;i&gt;have&lt;/i&gt; been working out lately...</state>
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="adrien_kuroeda">I'm glad you think so! I'm lucky to have a cute butt, unlike that fatass friend of mine...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="115">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" saying="~clothing~" />
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="adrien_shoes_butt">Please, Cat Noir. You can admit it's not my &lt;i&gt;shoes&lt;/i&gt; that caught your eye.</state>
+                <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="adrien_shoes_butt">My... &lt;i&gt;shoes.&lt;/i&gt; Well, you can look at my &lt;i&gt;shoes&lt;/i&gt; all you like, Kitty.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0">
                 <condition role="other" character="miko" />
                 <state img="#-stripping.png" marker="miko_president">Health &lt;i&gt;President?&lt;/i&gt; Does that mean you know some super-secret fitness tips?</state>
@@ -1777,12 +1966,54 @@
                 <test expr="~self.tag.shaved~" value="true" />
                 <state img="#-after_stripping.png" oneShotId="239" marker="rinkah_naturally_smooth">This &lt;i&gt;is&lt;/i&gt; my natural state. Do you want me to wear a wig?</state>
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="77">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_cushion" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda1s_cushion" saying="&quot;Cushion&quot;?  I'm one of the biggest girls around on the Nirvana, and I have plenty of &lt;i&gt;cushion&lt;/i&gt; as-is.  And still they ignore me!  I think you're making fun of me." />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="jura_big_question">Well I... uh... Wait! &lt;i&gt;Are you really considered "big" where you come from?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="1">
                 <condition role="self" saidMarker="meia_warrior" notSaidMarker="meia_combat_capability" />
                 <condition role="other" character="meia" stage="0-5" />
                 <state img="#-angry.png" marker="meia_combat_capability">I may be a little &lt;i&gt;better armored&lt;/i&gt; than usual, but don't think I can't still draw a bow or throw a punch. And I've been working out!</state>
                 <state img="#-angry.png" marker="meia_combat_capability">You'd be surprised at how quickly I can move! Even if I'm carrying a bit of fry-weight, I'm still an elf!</state>
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="68">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="meia_forest_food" />
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" stage="0-5" sayingMarker="erufuda2s" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="meia_tarak_food">That's so sad! Everyone should get to enjoy nature's produce!</state>
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="meia_tarak_advantage">I'd be more worried about their habits rubbing off on your crew. Men have an &lt;i&gt;infuriating&lt;/i&gt; advantage when it comes to dieting.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_barnette_pampering" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda1s_pampering" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="jura_personality_dodge">Well, uh... maybe they just haven't met the right curvy girl yet! Personality goes a long way!</state>
+                <state img="#-worried.png" marker="jura_womanly_curves">I... hrm... Have you ever heard of a little thing called "womanly curves?" Men love them!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_cushion" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda1s_cushion" />
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="jura_backpedal_flattery">Hmmm! I must have been fooled by how flattering your dress looks! I'd never have guessed you were anything but thin!</state>
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="jura_backpedal_curves">If it's not your curves, I guess there must be something else turning them away then...</state>
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="jura_backpedal_fries">Let's not quibble about who may or may not have stretched the truth. The important thing is we've all got plenty of fries.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_hash_browns" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda1s_hash_browns" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="jura_deflect_join">Well... uh... wouldn't it make sense that they wanted someone to join them?</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_deflect_bite">How would you even know? Do you even &lt;i&gt;have&lt;/i&gt; any girls on your spaceship who can match them bite-for-bite?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_men_extra_curves" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda1s_extra_curves" />
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="jura_deflect_squeeze">I... uh... guess they just must not know very much about women then. Everybody likes a little extra, right?</state>
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="jura_deflect_beauty">Well, I guess even curvy girls like us need to rely on more than our beauty to find love.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_winter" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="0-6" sayingMarker="erufuda1s_winter" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="jura_doubt_women">Awww, come on. I bet even the &lt;i&gt;women&lt;/i&gt; on your ship don't mind a little extra to grab onto, at least not in bed.</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_deflect_parade">What, did you parade past them organized by dress size? &lt;i&gt;I bet you'd be near the back of the line.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="2">
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="caulifla_nice" />
                 <condition role="other" character="caulifla" stage="0-5" />
@@ -1837,6 +2068,14 @@
                 <condition role="other" character="jolyne" stage="0-3" sayingMarker="erufuda_foreshadowing" />
                 <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="jolyne_forgot_pants">I didn't &lt;i&gt;forget&lt;/i&gt; my pants! Do you think I'm some kind of idiot? They just, failed. Catastrophically.</state>
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="111">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="0-1" saying="So... that being said, &lt;i&gt;did&lt;/i&gt; you come with what looked good, or what looked good to take off? " />
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="adrien_looking_good">Please, Kitty. I just threw on something comfy. Looking good was never an issue.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1" oneShotId="112">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="0-1" saying="Liked your ~clothing~, but I think you look &lt;i&gt;purrrrfect&lt;/i&gt; like this. " />
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="adrien_purrfect">I'm-so-glad-you-think-so!&lt;br&gt;&lt;i&gt;Hnnng...&lt;br&gt;Now I just have to keep my belly sucked in forever.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="3">
                 <condition role="other" character="misato" stage="0-4" />
                 <state img="#-angry.png" oneShotId="74">Imagine laughing at a girl in her moment of weakness! Shameful!</state>
@@ -2143,6 +2382,78 @@
                 <condition role="self" saidMarker="jolyne_fries_zipper" />
                 <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="jolyne_fries_need">Maybe even take two or three, Jolyne. You... uh... look like you need them more than I do.</state>
+            <case stage="5" oneShotId="70">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saying="I hate feeling so envious of women with large breasts.  They would only get in my way during combat." />
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="meia_breasts_combat">It's not so bad, really, so long as you wear a nice, supportive bra. And don't you mostly spend "combat" sitting on your butt anyway?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5" oneShotId="71">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saying="Those are enormous...I wonder if I could make mine grow by having a child.  But the effect wouldn't last..." />
+                <state img="#-worried.png" marker="meia_breasts_helping">What? You don't need to have a child to get bigger boobs. Just have some extra helpings at mealtime!</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="meia_breasts_power_fries">Wanna know a secret, Meia? &lt;i&gt;None of my old bras fit.&lt;/i&gt; Thanks to the power of french fries!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="Well, you're certainly... ample. Lots of people are really attracted to your body type, &lt;i&gt;oui&lt;/i&gt;?" />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_stickbug">"Ample" am I? That's rich coming from you, stickbug.</state>
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="marinette_measuring_up">&lt;i&gt;W-well, I guess I am pretty stacked, huh... It must be hard not measuring up, huh, Ladybug?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="marinette_callout">&lt;i&gt;Geeze... I must have really let myself go if even Ladybug feels comfortable calling me out.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="I'm a little jealous... I used to get made fun of for being... rather slender. Full-figured beauties are &lt;i&gt;so&lt;/i&gt; popular right now! " />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_empathy_reject">Oh noooo... It must have been &lt;i&gt;so hard&lt;/i&gt; for you to be made fun of for your figure. Do tell.</state>
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="marinette_belly_fashion">My belly is... fashionable!? Since when?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="Well... of course &lt;i&gt;you&lt;/i&gt; would have a big chest... you'd hardly match if you didn't!  " />
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="marinette_jealous_boobs">What's the matter, Marinette? Jealous of my amazing boobs?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="...So when it's on your chest, it's somehow very attractive, but anywhere else and it's not? That's ridiculous. ~Name~'s very sexy." />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_negging">Again with the subtle negativity! You're the one who keeps bringing it up, Marinette!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="...They're so... &lt;i&gt;big&lt;/i&gt;. Aren't some people really into things that are... &lt;i&gt;big&lt;/i&gt;?" />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_so_big">I suppose so, Marinette. Especially when those things are boobs.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="A woman that loves eating out? What's not to love about tha--a--a--at a restaurant, of course! " />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="marinette_love_curves">Of course, of course. We all know how much you &lt;i&gt;love&lt;/i&gt; my curves, Marinette.</state>
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="marinette_taste_comparison">Sorry, Marinette. I'm sure you're &lt;i&gt;great&lt;/i&gt; but there's no way you can compete with the the magic of potatoes.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="Well... &lt;i&gt;je suis mince et petit ... tu es épais et voluptueux ...&lt;/i&gt; contrasts are important, &lt;i&gt;oui&lt;/i&gt;? " />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_french_assumption">I don't know what that means, but I bet it's another fat joke!</state>
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_petty_space">The only "petty" one in this "&lt;i&gt;e&lt;/i&gt;space" is you, Marinette!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="...I certainly think there's a lot of you to love... more than enough to never be bored, &lt;i&gt;oui&lt;/i&gt;?" />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_map">Actually, Marinette, I give my partners a map so they don't get lost.</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="marinette_meal">You might be a snack, Marinette, but I'm a whole meal.</state>
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_act_sweet">&lt;i&gt;"More than enough,"&lt;/i&gt; huh? Don't act sweet if you're going to keep slipping in little burns like that.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5" oneShotId="98">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="They're... they're bigger than &lt;i&gt;both&lt;/i&gt; of mine put together! " />
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="marinette_jeans_boobs">That's the price you pay for those itsy-bitsy jeans you wear, Marinette. Face it. I'm &lt;i&gt;stacked.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="5" oneShotId="99">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="Is this a joke? Are you serious? It's not funny-- they're so big! T-terrifyingly so! " />
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="marinette_serious_boobs">There's no joke here, Marinette, just me. &lt;i&gt;Deadly serious.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="1" id="178">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" sayingMarker="erufuda1s" />
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="nami_pain">You said it, Nami. The pain of a tight waistband is nothing compared to the pain of shopping for a larger size.</state>
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="nami_alright">Finally! Someone who &lt;i&gt;gets it.&lt;/i&gt; You're alright, Nami.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="3">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" sayingMarker="erufuda3s" />
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="nami_sweatpants_betrayed">I guess you're right, Nami. &lt;i&gt;To think I could be betrayed by my very sweatpants.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="nami_squats_denial">I don't know, Nami. It could just be too many squats wore them out!</state>
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="nami_food_court">&lt;i&gt;Ugh.&lt;/i&gt; I guess so, Nami... &lt;br&gt;At least there's a food court at the mall!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="4" oneShotId="105">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" sayingMarker="erufuda4s" />
+                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="nami_tell_more">No, no! Please, Nami! &lt;i&gt;Tell me more about the fries!&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="nami_skinny">I guess they can't be &lt;i&gt;that&lt;/i&gt; good. At least not according to that flat tummy of yours.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="6">
                 <condition role="other" character="jin" />
                 <state img="#-after_stripping.png" marker="jin_working_out">Well, Jin, I guess I &lt;i&gt;have&lt;/i&gt; been working out...</state>
@@ -2255,6 +2566,11 @@
         <trigger id="male_must_strip">
+            <case stage="0-8" id="180" oneShotId="119">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="7-8" />
+                <condition role="target" character="adrien" stage="3" sayingMarker="plagg" saying="I'll... take you out for dinner after this? 『{plagg}Ah, the way to a girl or a Kwami's heart: food!{!reset}』 When in doubt, it rarely fails..." />
+                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="adrien_buy_dinner">You really know how to treat a girl, Adrien. You can buy me dinner anytime.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-6 8">
                 <condition role="target" character="jin" stage="0-4" saying="I'll give you a rice cracker if I get to stay dressed. No? Damn." />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="jin_rice_potato" />
@@ -2350,6 +2666,11 @@
         <trigger id="female_must_strip">
+            <case stage="0-2" id="174" oneShotId="96">
+                <condition role="other" character="adrien" stage="6" />
+                <condition role="target" character="marinette" stage="5" />
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="marinette_adrien_pants">Awww, someone's getting too skinny for her pants! Adrien! Go get your &lt;i&gt;bugaboo&lt;/i&gt; some fries or something.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-2">
                 <condition role="target" character="meia" stage="0" />
                 <test expr="~target.costume~" value="meia_cupid" />
@@ -2496,6 +2817,10 @@
                 <condition role="target" character="rinkah" stage="0" />
                 <state img="#-pleased.png" oneShotId="241" marker="rinkah_armor_warrior">I can see by your armor that you're a warrior like me. It's good to meet someone else who understands true strength.</state>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="93">
+                <condition role="target" character="marinette" stage="0-1" />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_tossed_around">Maybe if you had a little more meat on your bones, you wouldn't get tossed around by villains.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0" totalRounds="0">
                 <condition role="target" character="rainbow_dash" />
                 <state img="#-taunting.png" oneShotId="78" marker="rainbow_jock">Way to live up to the "dumb jock" stereotype, Rainbow. In this game, being first is &lt;i&gt;bad.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
@@ -2536,7 +2861,7 @@
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition role="target" character="leggy" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="leggy_another_world" />
-                <state img="#-worried.png" marker="leggy_another_world">~player~! I believe Leggy may be from another world!</state>
+                <state img="#-worried.png" marker="leggy_another_world">~Player~! I believe Leggy may be from another world!</state>
                 <state img="#-worried.png" marker="leggy_another_world">~Player~! I don't recognize her race, but Leggy's &lt;i&gt;definitely&lt;/i&gt; not human!</state>
             <case stage="0-8">
@@ -2671,9 +2996,8 @@
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition filter="bodysuit" role="target" stage="0-1" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="nice_bodysuit" />
-                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="nice_bodysuit">That suit... it doesn't leave much to the imagination, huh...</state>
-                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="nice_bodysuit">I guess bodysuits are great... if you've got the figure for them.</state>
-                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="nice_bodysuit">That suit removes any doubt about your fitness...</state>
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="nice_bodysuit">That suit... it doesn't leave much to the imagination, huh...</state>
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="nice_bodysuit">I guess bodysuits are great... if you've got the figure for them.</state>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition role="target" stage="0" />
@@ -2929,6 +3253,12 @@
         <trigger id="female_removing_accessory">
+            <case stage="0-8">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="jura_meia_ease_up" />
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="jura_erufuda2" sayingMarker="jura_erufuda23" />
+                <condition role="target" character="jura" stage="2" sayingMarker="meia_erufudaresp23" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="meia_jura_betrayal">Hmph... So much for standing up for someone. I thought you were &lt;i&gt;fun,&lt;/i&gt; Jura.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8" id="8">
                 <condition role="target" character="akko" stage="0" saidMarker="necronomicon" />
                 <state img="#-panic.png">AAAAAA!</state>
@@ -3121,6 +3451,10 @@
                 <state img="#-horny.png" marker="workout_time">I wonder when ~name~ finds the time to work out...</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png" marker="workout_time">I wonder how he finds time to stay in such good shape...</state>
+            <case stage="0-5" id="154">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="So, ~name~, you feeling hungry? My mouth's watering for some reason... what are they serving at this ~background~ place, anyway?" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="marinette_hungry_diet">The fries are pretty great, Marinette! Unless you're on a dumb diet or something.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <state img="#-smug.png">I don't blame you for taking it slow. You're up against some tough competition.</state>
                 <state img="#-bored.png">Every little bit helps, I guess...</state>
@@ -3201,7 +3535,7 @@
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <state img="#-taunting.png">A crushing defeat for ~name~!</state>
-                <state img="#-smug.png">You're weak. Weak!</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png">You're weak. Weak!</state>
                 <state img="#-bored.png">Eh, I've seen better.</state>
                 <state img="#-bored.png" oneShotId="40">So dramatic! I can &lt;i&gt;hardly wait&lt;/i&gt; to see what you've got coming next.</state>
                 <state img="#-smug.png">Bit by bit, I will wear you down!</state>
@@ -3275,7 +3609,7 @@
         <trigger id="male_removing_major">
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="more_confident_than_player" />
-                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="more_confident_than_player">I love your confidence, ~name~. ~player~ could learn a thing or two from you.</state>
+                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="more_confident_than_player">I love your confidence, ~name~. ~Player~ could learn a thing or two from you.</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png" marker="more_confident_than_player">See, ~player~? &lt;i&gt;This&lt;/i&gt; is how a real man strips.</state>
             <case stage="0-6">
@@ -3308,6 +3642,10 @@
         <trigger id="male_removed_major">
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="101">
+                <condition role="target" character="adrien" stage="2" sayingMarker="plagg" />
+                <state img="#-panic.png" marker="adrien_the_fragrance">&lt;i&gt;~Player~!!! ~Player~!!! It's Adrien!!! The Fragranceâ„¢!&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="hypocritical_clothing_size_jab" />
@@ -3325,10 +3663,10 @@
                 <state img="#-horny.png">~name~ gets it.</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png">I like a man who knows what he's doing.</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png">Yes, you'll do nicely, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="#-smug.png">You may not be up to elven standards, but at least you're enthusiastic!</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" oneShotId="400">You may not be up to elven standards, but at least you're enthusiastic!</state>
                 <state img="#-smug.png">It won't be long now, ~name~!</state>
-                <state img="#-horny.png">You should stop by the Smiley Boar sometime, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="#-smug.png">If you need any assistance with your workout, I'm sure Human would be willing to help.</state>
+                <state img="#-horny.png" oneShotId="401">You should stop by the Smiley Boar sometime, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" oneShotId="399">If you need any assistance with your workout, I'm sure Human would be willing to help.</state>
             <case stage="7">
                 <state img="#-heavy.png">Just in time, ~name~!</state>
@@ -3387,7 +3725,7 @@
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition filter="confident" role="target" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="more_confident_than_player" />
-                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="more_confident_than_player">I love your confidence, ~name~. ~player~ could learn a thing or two from you.</state>
+                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="more_confident_than_player">I love your confidence, ~name~. ~Player~ could learn a thing or two from you.</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png" marker="more_confident_than_player">See, ~player~? &lt;i&gt;This&lt;/i&gt; is how a real woman strips.</state>
             <case stage="0-6">
@@ -3482,6 +3820,10 @@
                 <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="cynthia_athlete_sarcastic">Oh yeah, you're &lt;i&gt;totally&lt;/i&gt; not an athlete, Cynthia. Might as well just curl up on the couch with a bucket of ice cream with that figure.</state>
                 <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="cynthia_athlete_fine">Are you just &lt;i&gt;trying&lt;/i&gt; to make me feel enormous, Cynthia? Jeez. You look fine.</state>
+            <case stage="0-8">
+                <condition role="target" character="mae" stage="4" saying="My summer bikini body isn't ready, but my winter sweater body is on point!" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="mae_bikini_body">Awww, I'm sure you'd look great in a bikini, Mae!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition role="target" character="caulifla" stage="2" />
                 <state img="#-worried.png">What kind of magic is this?</state>
@@ -3515,6 +3857,16 @@
                 <state img="#-worried.png" marker="rinkah_iron">&lt;i&gt;It's like she's made of iron or something!&lt;/i&gt;</state>
                 <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="rinkah_iron">How can she be so casual about those iron-hard muscles?</state>
+            <case stage="0-6 8" oneShotId="78">
+                <condition filter="athletic" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="3" saying="There's nothing like a nice healthy run or swim.  That's why I let Barnette do it, while I relax at the spa." />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="jura_lover_workout">You said it, Jura! There's nothing like letting a lover do your workouts for you!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6 8" oneShotId="79">
+                <condition filter="athletic" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" stage="5" saying="You look like you exercise, ~name~.  Me?  I sweat away all my fat in the hot springs." />
+                <state img="#-pleased.png" marker="jura_hot_springs">That's a great idea, Jura! You could probably even get a snack delivered while you're slimming down!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="hypocritical_clothing_size_jab" />
@@ -3535,10 +3887,10 @@
                 <state img="#-smug.png">You may not be as beautiful as me, but at least you're enthusiastic.</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png">I like a woman who knows what she's doing.</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png">Strike a pose, ~name~! Show me what you've got!</state>
-                <state img="#-smug.png">You may not be up to elven standards, but at least you're enthusiastic!</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" oneShotId="405">You may not be up to elven standards, but at least you're enthusiastic!</state>
                 <state img="#-smug.png">It won't be long now, ~name~!</state>
-                <state img="#-horny.png">You should stop by the Smiley Boar sometime, ~name~.</state>
-                <state img="#-smug.png">If you need any assistance with your workout, I'm sure Human would be willing to help.</state>
+                <state img="#-horny.png" oneShotId="406">You should stop by the Smiley Boar sometime, ~name~.</state>
+                <state img="#-smug.png" oneShotId="407">If you need any assistance with your workout, I'm sure Human would be willing to help.</state>
                 <state img="#-concerned.png">Do you need help understanding the rules, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="female_fitness_flirt">Would you be up to trade fitness tips later, ~name~?</state>
                 <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="female_fitness_flirt">&lt;i&gt;~Name~'s been working out~&lt;/i&gt;</state>
@@ -3572,6 +3924,15 @@
         <trigger id="male_chest_is_visible">
+            <case stage="6-8">
+                <condition role="target" character="adrien" />
+                <state img="#-horny.png" marker="adrien_on_top">Say, you're pretty strong, Adrien. Think you could handle having a... uh... &lt;i&gt;bigger girl&lt;/i&gt; on top?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="171" oneShotId="92">
+                <condition filter="athletic" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="0-1" saying="&lt;i&gt;~Name~'s&lt;/i&gt; been taking it easy on the baked goods, haven't you, ~name~? " />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_bakery_athletic">So I enjoy myself a little more than ~name~ does. I bet I'd be more popular at the bakery anyway.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="1-8">
                 <condition filter="athletic" role="target" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="ab_envy" />
@@ -3680,6 +4041,14 @@
                 <condition role="target" character="sakura" saidMarker="6DN" />
                 <state img="#-panic.png" marker="sakura_bra_flying">Look out! Bra attack!</state>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="72">
+                <condition role="target" character="meia" saying="I have to work hard just to maintain the figure I have now.  Without training, I might turn into the broad, stocky woman my Oma was, with a waist matching my hips." />
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="meia_oma_bod">Oh no, that would be just &lt;i&gt;terrible,&lt;/i&gt; wouldn't it? Imagine how ridiculous you'd look with, what, an extra five centimeters around your waist?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="73">
+                <condition role="target" character="meia" saying="Some of my crewmates tell me I'm too sensitive about the size of my breasts.  It's true I'm not the flattest aboard--but I hate settling for less." />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="meia_lane">You spend so much of your life getting skinny and then complain about your chest size? Pick a lane!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8" id="1">
                 <condition role="target" character="cammy_white" />
                 <state img="#-horny.png">Someone's been doing her squats!</state>
@@ -3708,6 +4077,23 @@
         <trigger id="female_small_chest_is_visible">
+            <case stage="0-8" id="170" oneShotId="90">
+                <condition filter="skinny" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="0-1" />
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="Your chest might not be more than a bite-- um... I was trying to be funny but... maybe we should grab a bite to eat after this? " />
+                </alternative>
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="&lt;i&gt;Très sexy!&lt;/i&gt; ...But if you're ever in the mood for some sweets, you should visit the The Tom &amp; Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie in Paris! " />
+                </alternative>
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="...I'm not sure if I want to take you to bed or take you to dinner... b-both of those sound a little &lt;i&gt;romantic&lt;/i&gt;, huh...?" />
+                </alternative>
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="You're... I just want to take you out for ice cream and... well... I'm already... and you're... " />
+                </alternative>
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="marinette_bakery_misunderstand">Thanks Ladybug! I'd &lt;i&gt;love...&lt;/i&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;i&gt;You were talking to ~name~, weren't you?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-6 8" id="64">
                 <condition role="target" character="megumin" stage="7" saying="not wearing a bra" />
                 <state img="#-pleased.png" oneShotId="94" marker="megumin_no_bra">Awww, that's ok, Megumin. If I had your figure, I wouldn't wear a bra either.</state>
@@ -3733,6 +4119,48 @@
                 <condition role="target" character="raven" />
                 <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="raven_butt">It's not that special... definitely not something to be jealous of. No way.</state>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="156" oneShotId="83">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="0-1" saying="If it helps, ~name~, &lt;i&gt;Ladybug&lt;/i&gt; struggles with her body image sometimes. Ladybug &lt;i&gt;also&lt;/i&gt; thinks you're very cute. " />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_condescending">Can you believe this, ~name~!? I never would have guessed Ladybug could be so condescending!!!</state>
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_condescending">Don't patronize ~name~, Ladybones. I see how you look at us curvy girls!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="157" oneShotId="82">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="0-1" saying="~Name~, you're &lt;i&gt;perfect&lt;/i&gt; for boyfriend clothes... and probably an excellent snuggler!" />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_boyfriend_clothes">Don't listen to her, ~name~! You can wear any kind of clothes you want to!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="158" oneShotId="84">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="You're such a cinnamon roll! I'm pretty jealous of your curves, though... I always feel a little too bony... " />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_cinnamon_roll">"Cinnamon roll!?" Are chubby girls like ~name~ just &lt;i&gt;desserts&lt;/i&gt; to you, Marinette?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="159" oneShotId="85">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="Oh! You're unique! Don't most women with some extra heft have larger breasts...? 『{Tikki}Marinette! That could be really rude! {!reset}』 N-no! I like how she looks! It's new! " />
+                <state img="#-angry.png" marker="marinette_jerk">You're such a jerk, Marinette! How could you say something like that to sweet little ~name~?</state>
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_heft">Extra... &lt;i&gt;heft...&lt;/i&gt; huh? I don't see anything wrong with ~name~.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="172" oneShotId="94">
+                <condition filter="athletic" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="0-1" saying="Truth be told, I rather enjoy the... er... tangential benefits of a lithe frame... " />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_stiff_breeze">Even in my own world, I was never as "lithe" as you, Ladybug. Do those benefits include blowing away in a stiff breeze?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="173" oneShotId="95">
+                <condition filter="athletic" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="Do you think if I worked out more, I could look like her, Tikki? 『{Tikki}...Maybe if you ate less at the bakery, considering how much you &lt;i&gt;do&lt;/i&gt; work out...{!reset}』" />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_vanish">You &lt;i&gt;still&lt;/i&gt; want to lose weight, Marinette? You'd vanish into thin air!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="160">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="6-8" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_size_unique">Oh, so a figure like ~name~'s would be unheard-of in your precious Paris? I bet you think &lt;i&gt;mine&lt;/i&gt; would end up on the news.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="161">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="9-10" />
+                <state img="#-angry.png" marker="marinette_skinny_cuddle">What is it with you skinny girls!? Fat jokes behind our backs, then it's all "let's cuddle" as soon as we show off the goods! ~Name~ and I are too good for you!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="chubby_flat" />
@@ -3775,6 +4203,33 @@
                 <condition role="target" character="rinkah" saidMarker="WillShowButt" pose="butt" />
                 <state img="#-miffed.png" oneShotId="234" marker="rinkah_butt_envy">I remember when my butt looked just like that. Actually, mine was cuter!</state>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="162" oneShotId="86">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="Oh... you've got beautiful curves. One of my &lt;i&gt;best&lt;/i&gt; friends-- when I have the mask on &lt;i&gt;or&lt;/i&gt; off-- has such a voloptuous figure. I'm &lt;i&gt;tres&lt;/i&gt; jealous!" />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_jealous_jeans">And let me guess, Miniette... as "jealous" as you are, you'd still panic if your jeans started getting tight.</state>
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_euphemistic_praise">I'm sure she'd be &lt;i&gt;thrilled&lt;/i&gt; to hear your euphemistic praise. Does she have a "great personality" too?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="163" oneShotId="87">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="You're quite the beauty, &lt;i&gt;oui&lt;/i&gt;? A little extra in someone's bag at the bakery never hurts, you know that, right? " />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="marinette_thrilled_approve">I'm sure ~name~ is &lt;i&gt;thrilled&lt;/i&gt; to hear you approve of her body, Marinette. Wanna judge the rest of us while you're at it?</state>
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_bakery_bag">It's comments like that that'll keep you from ever getting into ~name~'s "bakery," Marinette. &lt;i&gt;Honestly.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="164" oneShotId="88">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="Oh... you're so lucky! You'd be surprised how many men prefer a woman with more to cuddle...! " />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="marinette_men_figure">I'm pretty sure ~name~ has a good idea how men feel about her figure, Marinette. &lt;i&gt;We can see them drool.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="165">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="6-8" saying="I never understood why the phrase &quot;muffin-top&quot; was so rude. Who doesn't love muffins? They're delicious and so fun to look at...?" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_muffin_top">Maybe if skinny girls like you would stop using it as a put-down, it wouldn't be a problem, nuthin-top.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="167">
+                <condition filter="chubby" role="target" />
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="9-10" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_masturbating_jealous">Oh, so you're into &lt;i&gt;~name~'s&lt;/i&gt; curves but mine are a problem. I just don't get you, Marinette.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <state img="#-horny.png">Not bad, but it's hard be compared with me.</state>
                 <state img="#-horny.png">Looking good, ~name~. I know  a way you can make them even bigger...</state>
@@ -3793,12 +4248,35 @@
                 <condition role="other" character="tharja" saying="HA! How about them melons, bitch!" />
                 <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="tharja_shrink_belly">Oooh! Oooh! Shrink me next! Try to aim for the belly!</state>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="91">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" />
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="You're... skinny but with &lt;i&gt;seins énormes&lt;/i&gt;? Lots of girls have to live with dreaming of looking like you-- but I bet a lot more boys dream of &lt;i&gt;being&lt;/i&gt; with you!" />
+                </alternative>
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="W-wow, you're-- actually-- w-wow! I thought... for sure that you'd... um... w-with your waistline I didn't expect them to be so &lt;i&gt;big&lt;/i&gt;--" />
+                </alternative>
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="I... can certainly see the appeal behind... um... your figure, ~name~. It's quite attractive!" />
+                </alternative>
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="H-how did all of your bodyfat end up in one place...? And in the best place, too?! " />
+                </alternative>
+                <alternative>
+                    <condition role="other" character="marinette" saying="W-wow-- you're... not only rather impressive but you have such a delicate figure... " />
+                </alternative>
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="marinette_figures_past">You know, Marinette, I used to have a figure &lt;i&gt;just&lt;/i&gt; like ~name~'s. Probably just natural elven beauty.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition filter="athletic" role="target" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="boobs_and_abs" />
                 <state img="#-angry.png" marker="boobs_and_abs">Big boobs &lt;i&gt;and abs?&lt;/i&gt; That's just cruel!</state>
                 <state img="#-angry.png" marker="boobs_and_abs">You can't have big boobs and abs! That's illegal!</state>
+            <case stage="0-8" id="175" oneShotId="97">
+                <condition role="other" character="marinette" stage="2-5" saying="Well... I like bite-sized desserts, but lots of people like the whole &lt;i&gt;croquembouche&lt;/i&gt;, don't they?" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="marinette_croquembouche">We all know who you're talking about, Marinette. It's not &lt;i&gt;my&lt;/i&gt; fault nobody told me that bread-thing was meant for everyone.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="5-8">
                 <condition role="other" character="megumin" saying="You must be some kind of cow demon in disguise! We must get an exorcist at once!" />
                 <state img="#-angry.png" oneShotId="102" marker="megumin_cow_demon">If anyone here is a demon, it's you, Megumin! Miss dark-magic-demon-village!</state>
@@ -3978,7 +4456,7 @@
                 <condition role="target" character="sakura" />
                 <state img="#-pleased.png" oneShotId="255" marker="sakura_zombie_diet">Important question! Do zombies eat? And if so, do they have to watch their diets?</state>
-            <case stage="0-2">
+            <case stage="0-2" oneShotId="59">
                 <condition role="target" character="meia" stage="2-4" />
                     <test expr="~month.number~" cmp="&gt;=" value="11" />
@@ -4030,6 +4508,19 @@
                 <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="skinny_stupid">Just because you're skinny, that doesn't make you good at cards!</state>
                 <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="skinny_stupid">Poor ~name~. She spent so much time in the gym that she got stupid.</state>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="56">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_properbutt" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" />
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_meia_bodysuit_butt">Whatever helps you feel better, Meia. &lt;i&gt;Just watch out if Jura ever puts on a bodysuit.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_meia_line_butt">You can tell yourself whatever you like, Meia, but I bet there's been a shoving match or two to stand in line behind your crewmate.</state>
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="jura_meia_kiss_it">Why don't you kiss it and find out for yourself?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="58">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_dressdown" />
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="meia_jura_dressdown_doubt">Is that really true, Jura? Or does Meia tend to go a bit too far with her "dressdowns?"</state>
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="meia_jura_dressdown_gentle">Something tells me Meia's put you through the ol' "public fitness intervention" routine, Jura. Is it really as &lt;i&gt;gentle&lt;/i&gt; as she makes it sound?</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition filter="american" role="target" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="america_fries" />
@@ -4041,7 +4532,32 @@
             <case stage="0-6">
                 <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_sightseeing3" />
-                <state img="#-pleased.png" oneShotId="358" marker="meia_sightseeing4">Well... The portal's &lt;i&gt;stable&lt;/i&gt; but it has some weird rules. Once you pass through it, you can't return unless you're the same weight you were when you first crossed over.</state>
+                <state img="#-eating.png" oneShotId="358" marker="meia_sightseeing4">Well... The portal's &lt;i&gt;stable&lt;/i&gt; but it has some weird rules. Once you pass through it, you can't return unless you're the same weight you were when you first crossed over.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="57">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_dressdown" />
+                <state img="#-worried.png" marker="meia_dressdown_scary">That sounds really scary! No wonder your girls tend to stay in shape!</state>
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="meia_dressdown_turnabout">Hmph! I bet some of them are dreaming of the day when it's your turn to tip the scales!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="61">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_measure" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="meia_measure_doubt">Suuuure... Ms. Fitness Freak just &lt;i&gt;happens&lt;/i&gt; to preside over a &lt;i&gt;totally spontaneous&lt;/i&gt; shipwide weigh-in.</state>
+                <state img="#-angry.png" marker="meia_measure_aha">Ah HA! I knew it! You &lt;i&gt;are&lt;/i&gt; lining your girls up to judge them!</state>
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="meia_measure_chubby_girl">Don't you ever worry about how the... uh... "chubby girl" might feel about such a humiliating ritual?</state>
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="meia_measure_guess">And let me guess. &lt;i&gt;You've&lt;/i&gt; never been the "chubby girl" yourself, have you?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-6" oneShotId="62">
+                <condition role="other" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_routine" />
+                <state img="#-smug.png" marker="meia_crossfit">I'm &lt;i&gt;pretty sure&lt;/i&gt; the idea is to confuse your muscles by constantly changing your workout. Learning how to do an exercise means it won't work.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="76">
+                <condition role="other" character="jura" saidMarker="erufuda_baby_responsibility" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="jura_baby_raise">You &lt;i&gt;do&lt;/i&gt; know it takes more than looking pretty to raise a baby, right, Jura?</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="jura_baby_diaper">What's that supposed to mean, Jura? Are you going to &lt;i&gt;flirt&lt;/i&gt; your way out of a 3am diaper change?</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="103">
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" saidMarker="erufuda_food" />
+                <state img="#-concerned.png" marker="nami_homesick">Awww, that's so sweet, Nami! Sometimes, the taste of fries reminds me that I can't go back home... &lt;i&gt;because of fries.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
             <case stage="0" id="77" totalRounds="0">
                 <state img="#-pleased.png" marker="high_stakes">Don't you just love punishment games, ~name~? They're so exciting!</state>
@@ -4071,12 +4587,28 @@
                 <state img="#-eating.png" marker="trainer_workout_clothes_lazy">Did you know workout clothes are &lt;i&gt;also&lt;/i&gt; great for just sitting around the house?</state>
                 <state img="#-eating.png" marker="trainer_workout_clothes_lazy">Workout clothes are also comfy for lazy home days, you know.</state>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="63">
+                <condition role="target" character="meia" stage="2" saidMarker="erufuda_resp2" />
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="meia_mejarians_harder">No, no, I understand... If anything, it sounds like you Mejarians might be even &lt;i&gt;harder&lt;/i&gt; on each other than humans or elves are.</state>
+                <state img="#-miffed.png" marker="meia_mejarians_women">I guess I just thought &lt;i&gt;women&lt;/i&gt; might understand how hard it is for us to keep in shape...</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-2" oneShotId="65">
+                <condition role="target" character="meia" stage="2" saidMarker="erufuda_resp2sweats" />
+                <state img="#-pleased.png" marker="meia_sweats_flattering">Well, if you ever go through something like that again, a sweatsuit is perfect! They're also super flattering!</state>
+                <state img="#-pleased.png" marker="meia_sweats_fitness">I'd have thought someone as into fitness as you would have had some sweats handy! They can't be beat for warmups!</state>
+                <state img="#-sucking.png" marker="meia_sweats_forgiving">Sweatpants are great! They're comfy hot or cold, thin or... less thin!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="66">
+                <condition role="target" character="meia" stage="3" saidMarker="erufuda_resp3food" />
+                <state img="#-bored.png" marker="meia_food_jealous">I guess it's easy to stay in shape when you've got a personal team of cooks! &lt;i&gt;Maybe I should go out to eat more often..?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+                <state img="#-taunting.png" marker="meia_food_taunt">They must not be very good cooks if they've left you all skin-and-bones. Somebody should tell them about oil!</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition role="target" character="marinette" stage="1" />
                 <state img="#-panic.png">&lt;i&gt;Ahhh!!!&lt;/i&gt;</state>
                 <state img="#-panic.png">&lt;i&gt;What?!?&lt;/i&gt;</state>
-            <case stage="0-8">
+            <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="64">
                 <condition role="target" character="meia" saidMarker="erufuda_resp0" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="meia_artificial_gravity" />
                 <state img="#-pleased.png" marker="meia_artificial_gravity">Artificial gravity, huh... So if you turn it down, you'll weigh less? Sounds handy for checkups.</state>
@@ -4117,6 +4649,24 @@
         <trigger id="opponent_stripped">
+            <case stage="0-2" oneShotId="107">
+                <condition role="target" character="human" />
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" saying="I think my jeans feel a little tighter lately. I doubt I'm gaining weight, since Sanji takes good care of my diet. Maybe I'm still growing?" />
+                <test expr="~clothing~" value="pants" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="nami_dryer_shrink">Don't worry about it, Nami. It was probably just your dryer or something. Mine's always shrinking things.</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-2" oneShotId="108">
+                <condition role="target" character="human" />
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" saying="It's always stressing going shopping for new pants, isn't it?" />
+                <test expr="~clothing~" value="pants" />
+                <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="nami_vanity_sizing">You said it, Nami! I think they're changing the sizes or something to make us self-conscious!</state>
+            </case>
+            <case stage="0-2" oneShotId="109">
+                <condition role="target" character="human" />
+                <condition role="other" character="nami" saying="It's so hard sometimes to find that perfect pair of pants that makes your ass look good without making you look fat." />
+                <test expr="~clothing~" value="pants" />
+                <state img="#-eating.png" marker="nami_perfect_fit">You wouldn't &lt;i&gt;believe&lt;/i&gt; how many stupid outfits I tried before I found this one, Nami. It's all about finding your perfect fit.</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-6">
                 <condition role="target" character="meia" stage="4" saidMarker="erufuda_resp34" />
                 <condition role="self" saidMarker="meia_pilots1" notSaidMarker="meia_trainer_opinion" />
@@ -4256,7 +4806,7 @@
             <case stage="0-6 8" priority="0">
                 <condition count="0" filter="non-human" role="target" />
-                <state img="#-horny.png" oneShotId="328" marker="human_woman_can_do">~Name~! Show me what a human woman can do!</state>
+                <state img="#-horny.png" oneShotId="328" marker="human_man_can_do">~Name~! Show me what a human man can do!</state>
@@ -4676,6 +5226,12 @@
         <trigger id="global">
+            <case stage="1-3" id="152" oneShotId="54" priority="500">
+                <condition role="self" saidMarker="suck_it_in" />
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="suck_it_in_fail">&lt;i&gt;Ooof...&lt;br&gt;No. That's not going to work.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="suck_it_in_fail">&lt;i&gt;Huff... Huff... &lt;br&gt; Not... Huff... Realistic.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="suck_it_in_fail">&lt;i&gt;Oooof... I guess that's a no.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
+            </case>
             <case stage="0-8">
                 <condition role="target" character="pinkie_pie" sayingMarker="pop2" />
                 <condition role="self" notSaidMarker="pinkie_painful" />
@@ -4785,12 +5341,6 @@
                 <condition role="other" character="jura" saidMarker="erufuda_seduction" />
                 <state img="#-frustrated.png" marker="jura_seduction_tips2">No no no... you can't just have &lt;i&gt;your girlfriend&lt;/i&gt; cook for them! You have to do it yourself. With love!</state>
-            <case stage="1-3" id="152" oneShotId="54">
-                <condition role="self" saidMarker="suck_it_in" />
-                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="suck_it_in_fail">&lt;i&gt;Ooof...&lt;br&gt;No. That's not going to work.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
-                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="suck_it_in_fail">&lt;i&gt;Huff... Huff... &lt;br&gt; Not... Huff... Realistic.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
-                <state img="#-weight_conscious.png" marker="suck_it_in_fail">&lt;i&gt;Oooof... I guess that's a no.&lt;/i&gt;</state>
-            </case>
             <case stage="0-8" oneShotId="16" hidden="1">
                 <condition role="other" character="cynthia" saying="Sinnoh" />
                 <state marker="cynthia_mentioned_sinnoh">If you see this, please file a bug report! (3)</state>
diff --git a/opponents/erufuda/editor.xml b/opponents/erufuda/editor.xml
index 038eb06c956..71a808beb56 100644
--- a/opponents/erufuda/editor.xml
+++ b/opponents/erufuda/editor.xml
@@ -145,11 +145,47 @@
         <response id="148" opponent="streaming-chan" opponentId="26" />
         <response id="150" opponent="streaming-chan" opponentId="27" />
         <response id="151" opponent="jura" opponentId="33" />
+        <response id="154" opponent="marinette" opponentId="144" />
+        <response id="155" opponent="marinette" opponentId="103" />
+        <response id="156" opponent="marinette" opponentId="343" />
+        <response id="158" opponent="marinette" opponentId="344" />
+        <response id="160" opponent="marinette" opponentId="345" />
+        <response id="161" opponent="marinette" opponentId="346" />
+        <response id="168" opponent="marinette" opponentId="114" />
+        <response id="169" opponent="marinette" opponentId="33" />
+        <response id="170" opponent="marinette" opponentId="326" />
+        <response id="171" opponent="marinette" opponentId="192" />
+        <response id="172" opponent="marinette" opponentId="324" />
+        <response id="173" opponent="marinette" opponentId="329" />
+        <response id="174" opponent="marinette" opponentId="809" />
+        <response id="175" opponent="marinette" opponentId="305" />
+        <response id="176" opponent="nami" opponentId="76" />
+        <response id="178" opponent="nami" opponentId="77" />
+        <response id="179" opponent="marinette" opponentId="105" />
+        <response id="180" opponent="adrien" opponentId="332" />
-    <nextId>153</nextId>
+    <nextId>180</nextId>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="ab_envy">Erufuda is jealous of an athletic player's abs.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="ab_print" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_boobs_look" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_buy_dinner" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_cheese_tv" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_flirt" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_hello_cat" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_kuroeda" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_looking_good" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_model_diet" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_model_potential" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_on_top" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_pretty" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_purrfect" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_shoes_butt" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_staring" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_sucking_failure" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_the_fragrance" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="adrien_workouts" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="aella_book_club" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="aella_book_club2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="aella_father_exercise" />
@@ -337,6 +373,7 @@
         <marker scope="Public" name="high_stakes" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="hold_on_winner" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="holiday_weight" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="human_man_can_do" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="human_underwear" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="human_underwear2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="human_woman_can_do" />
@@ -388,30 +425,64 @@
         <marker scope="Public" name="jolyne_payback" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jolyne_silent_chocolate" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jolyne_wild_ways" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_admire" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_baby_diaper" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_baby_fat" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_baby_raise" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_baby_responsibility" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_backpedal_curves" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_backpedal_flattery" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_backpedal_fries" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_barnette_loving_cook" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_barnette_pampering" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_barnette_passion" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_base_desires" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_big_question" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_black_dress" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_black_slimming" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_cushion" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_deflect_beauty" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_deflect_bite" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_deflect_join" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_deflect_parade" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_deflect_squeeze" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_dieting_expert" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_doubt_women" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_dress_butt" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_elven_form" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_fries_jealous" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_fries_savor" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_fries_striptease" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_fries_vs_love" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_fry_deal" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_hash_browns" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_holding_back" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_hot_springs" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_hungry_now" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_love_handles" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_lover_workout" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_meia_bodysuit_butt" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_meia_ease_up" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_meia_fitness_nuts" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_meia_kiss_it" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_meia_line_butt" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_meia_proper_butt" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_men_curves" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_men_extra_curves" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_mom_jeans" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_no_baby" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_personality_dodge" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_pregnancy_cravings" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_seduction_tips">Erufuda suggests Jura might find luck cooking for men.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_seduction_tips2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_shovel" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_size_up" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_starving_diet" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_tall_blonde" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_warning_sign" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_wasting_away" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="jura_winter" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="jura_womanly_curves" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="kyu_fairy_magic">Erufuda thinks Kyu is a dark elf because of her clothing dissipation.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="leafy_coffee">Erufuda warns the player not to let Leafy have coffee. In the manga, this results in plant girls turning violent.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="leafy_houseplant">Erufuda dismissively says Leafy would probably be good to care for a houseplant.</marker>
@@ -427,6 +498,7 @@
         <marker scope="Public" name="lucina_pants_split2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="lucina_shaved_ice" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="lucina_shaved_ice2" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="mae_bikini_body" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="maki_beauty_standards" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="maki_counter" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="maki_doctor" />
@@ -441,10 +513,57 @@
         <marker scope="Public" name="maki_tried_fries" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="maki_umi" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="maki_weight" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_act_sweet" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_adrien_pants" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_bakers_daughter">Erufuda taunts Marinette for being a skinny baker's daughter.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_bakery_athletic" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_bakery_bag" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_bakery_misunderstand" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_belly_fashion" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_bologna" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_boyfriend_clothes" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_callout" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_cinnamon_roll" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_condescending" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_croquembouche" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_dark_elf">Erufuda accuses Marinette of using dark elf clothing magic.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_eating_out" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_empathy_reject" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_euphemistic_praise" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_fashion_sweatpants" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_figure_bug" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_figure_embarassed" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_figures_past" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_fix_pants">Erufuda asks Marinette to fix her pants.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_french_assumption" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_heft" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_hungry_diet" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_jealous_boobs" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_jealous_jeans" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_jeans_boobs" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_jerk" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_kwami_confused">Erufuda doesn't know what a Kwami is.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_love_curves" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_map" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_masturbating_jealous" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_meal" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_measuring_up" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_men_figure" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_muffin_top" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_negging" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_pastries" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_petty_space" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_proposition" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_serious_boobs" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_size_unique" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_skinny_cuddle" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_so_big" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_stickbug" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_stiff_breeze" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_taste_comparison" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_thrilled_approve" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_tossed_around" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="marinette_vanish" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="mary_ass_woman" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="mary_jacket" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="mary_metabolism" />
@@ -480,44 +599,71 @@
         <marker scope="Public" name="megumin_stripTwo2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="megumin_tall_dwarf" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="megumin_weaving" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="mei" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_armor_meals" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_artificial_gravity" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_artificial_gravity2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_artificial_gravity3" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_artificial_gravity3_dressing" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_artificial_gravity3_measure" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_biggest_obstacle" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_birthday" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_breasts_combat" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_breasts_helping" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_breasts_power_fries" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_butt_envy">Erufuda is jealous of Meia's butt.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_combat_capability" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_concealed_2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_concealed_weapon" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_conveyor_belt" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_cooking_busy" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_cooking_fries" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_crossfit" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_cupid_bow" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_cupid_chocolate_butt" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_cupid_figure_check" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_cupid_tape_measure" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_cupid_weight_issues" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_diet_other" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_dressdown_scary" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_dressdown_turnabout" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_erufuda_backstory" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_exercise_crewmates_critical" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_fat" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_fat_ass_kuroeda" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_fish_toast" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_food_jealous" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_food_taunt" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_forest_food" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_hardass" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_huge_behind" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_human_curvier" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_hypocritical_butt" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_intro">Erufuda and Meia don't get off on the right foot.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_jura_betrayal" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_jura_dressdown_doubt" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_jura_dressdown_gentle" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_jura_gossip_invitation" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_jura_gossip_mejarians" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_jura_rippling_abs" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_lane" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_measure_" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_measure_aha" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_measure_chubby_girl" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_measure_doubt" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_measure_guess" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_mejarians_harder" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_mejarians_women" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_mejeran_beauty" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_men_info_simple" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_men_kiss" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_men_simple_2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_muscle_fat" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_muscle_weight" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_oma_bod" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_pilot_butts" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_pilot_recruitment" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_pilot_recruitment2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_pilots_1" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_pilots_2" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_pilots1" />
@@ -533,7 +679,13 @@
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_sightseeing4" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_space_weightless" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_sports_bra" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_sweats_fitness" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_sweats_flattering" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_sweats_forgiving" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_sweats_winter" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_sweet_tooth" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_tarak_advantage" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="meia_tarak_food" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_tightass" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_tightass_coal" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="meia_tightening" />
@@ -603,8 +755,26 @@
         <marker scope="Public" name="mulan_running">Erufuda considers Mulan's running advice.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="mulan_take_it_easy">Erufuda is offended by Mulan's advice.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="mulan_vegetarian">Erufuda tells Mulan she's a vegetarian.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_absolute_best" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_alright" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_birthday_party" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_dryer_shrink" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_food_court" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_fries_form" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_fries_going" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_gimmie" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_homesick" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="nami_like_fries">Erufuda tells Nami that she likes fries.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_luffy_exercise" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_luffy_meat" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_pain" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_perfect_fit" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_skinny" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_squats_denial" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_sweatpants_betrayed" />
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_tell_more" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="nami_tipped_off">Erufuda sarcastically asks Nami how she guessed she likes fries.</marker>
+        <marker scope="Public" name="nami_vanity_sizing" />
         <marker scope="Public" name="nami_worship_fries">Erufuda tells Nami that "like" is too weak of a word to describe her feelings about fries.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="natsuki_boob_diet">Erufuda tells Natsuki she knows a way to get bigger boobs.</marker>
         <marker scope="Public" name="natsuki_fry_offer">Erufuda offers Natsuki a few fries.</marker>
diff --git a/opponents/erufuda/meta.xml b/opponents/erufuda/meta.xml
index 98a6c5af22d..e0b11c5bc63 100644
--- a/opponents/erufuda/meta.xml
+++ b/opponents/erufuda/meta.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-    <lastupdate>1603849347113</lastupdate>
+    <lastupdate>1612216296606</lastupdate>
     <last />
@@ -38,6 +38,6 @@
-    <lines>1598</lines>
+    <lines>1749</lines>