diff --git a/.eslintrc.cjs b/.eslintrc.cjs
index a6015b2cc1361e0d78812fff919c1da121fec500..fd70cac48a628330d41056a0eabbb9b048fe2fd5 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.cjs
+++ b/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ module.exports = {
 		ZIndices: "readonly",
 		Time: "readonly",
 		EventSystem: "readonly",
+		Weather: "readonly",
 		// DoL functions
 		assignDefaults: "readonly",
 		between: "readonly",
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index d85c387ffeabdd5d288b6efc1e4d6ba711828b8e..93d6b56d16c05938ec6d854080faa954a0760f96 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ devTools/androidsdk/image text eol=lf
 *.twee	text eol=lf
 *.py	text eol=lf
 *.txt	text eol=lf
+*.bat	text eol=lf
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/colour-utils.js b/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/colour-utils.js
index 04a86c93f20612b3635abc2aaa25b74ba12561a7..2e2940cbd54588cac2141e93ee319b4ca48c93fe 100644
--- a/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/colour-utils.js
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/colour-utils.js
@@ -141,6 +141,39 @@ const ColourUtils = (() => {
 		return hslToFilter(hsl);
+	function interpolateColor(color1, color2, factor) {
+		factor = Math.max(0, Math.min(factor, 1));
+		// Convert hex colors to RGBA
+		const parseColor = (color) => {
+			let rgb = parseInt(color.slice(1, 7), 16);
+			let r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff;
+			let g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff;
+			let b = rgb & 0xff;
+			let a = color.length > 7 ? parseInt(color.slice(7), 16) / 255 : 1; // Normalize alpha to [0, 1]
+			return [r, g, b, a];
+		};
+		const [r1, g1, b1, a1] = parseColor(color1);
+		const [r2, g2, b2, a2] = parseColor(color2);
+		// Interpolate RGBA
+		const r = Math.round(r1 + (r2 - r1) * factor);
+		const g = Math.round(g1 + (g2 - g1) * factor);
+		const b = Math.round(b1 + (b2 - b1) * factor);
+		const a = Math.round((a1 + (a2 - a1) * factor) * 255); // Denormalize alpha to [0, 255]
+		// Convert each component to a two-digit hexadecimal string and concatenate
+		let hex = `#${r.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}${g.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}${b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}`;
+		// Append alpha to hex string only if it's less than full opacity
+		if (a < 255) {
+			hex += a.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
+		}
+		return hex;
+	}
 	/* Export module */
 	return Object.seal({
@@ -152,6 +185,7 @@ const ColourUtils = (() => {
+		interpolateColor,
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/macros.js b/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/macros.js
index 596f072811d8fcc7d594957d2ca6ccd4e9011705..9dd73616d2d0d08a7573758d604e7c62f98fb835 100644
--- a/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/macros.js
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/02-Helpers/macros.js
@@ -59,26 +59,6 @@ const ErrorSystem = ((Scripting, Errors) => {
-	/**
-	 * DEPRECATED: Time should no longer be able to desynchronise, so this check is unnecessary.
-	 *
-	 * Jimmy: checkTimeSystem macro to print a message if time desynchronises.
-	 *  	   Potential to place time correction code here instead of in backComp.
-	 */
-	Macro.add("checkTimeSystem", {
-		handler() {
-			if (V.time !== undefined && V.hour !== undefined && V.minute !== undefined) {
-				if (V.time !== V.hour * 60 + V.minute) {
-					const message = `$time: ${V.time} desynchronised from $hour: ${V.hour} and $minute: ${V.minute}. Total: ${V.hour * 60 + V.minute}.`;
-					const source = `Caught in Passage ${this.args[0]}. ${V.passage}, <<checkTimeSystem>>.`;
-					throwError(this.output, message, source);
-				}
-			} else {
-				console.debug(`One of the time variables is not accessible yet: ${V.passage}: ${DOL.Stack}.`);
-			}
-		},
-	});
 	 * Jimmy: defer Macro, to be used to defer execution of the provided contents until after the passage has been processed.
 	 * 		   For example, let's say you create <div id="myDiv"></div> in a widget. And you want to use $('#myDiv') in that
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/base.js b/game/03-JavaScript/base.js
index ed3df62e13bf61deff8641cd9e916b3e6a12fa01..43a5a78752894b1f0ef6ea91970036c32a8d39c4 100644
--- a/game/03-JavaScript/base.js
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/base.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
 /* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence */
 // adjust mousetrap behavior, see mousetrap.js
 Mousetrap.prototype.stopCallback = function (e, element, combo) {
@@ -216,27 +217,27 @@ function integrityWord(worn, slot) {
 				T.text_output = "";
-    let colorClass;
-    switch (kw) {
-        case "full":
-            colorClass = "green";
-            break;
-        case "tattered":
-            colorClass = "red";
-            break;
-        case "torn":
-            colorClass = "purple";
-            break;
-        case "frayed":
-            colorClass = "teal";
-            break;
-        default:
-            colorClass = ""; // default without color
-    }
-    if (T.text_output) {
-        T.text_output = `<span class="${colorClass}">${T.text_output.trim()}</span> `;
-    }
-    return T.text_output;
+	let colorClass;
+	switch (kw) {
+		case "full":
+			colorClass = "green";
+			break;
+		case "tattered":
+			colorClass = "red";
+			break;
+		case "torn":
+			colorClass = "purple";
+			break;
+		case "frayed":
+			colorClass = "teal";
+			break;
+		default:
+			colorClass = ""; // default without color
+	}
+	if (T.text_output) {
+		T.text_output = `<span class="${colorClass}">${T.text_output.trim()}</span> `;
+	}
+	return T.text_output;
 window.integrityWord = integrityWord;
 DefineMacroS("integrityWord", integrityWord);
@@ -309,7 +310,12 @@ function outfitChecks() {
 	T.underNaked = V.worn.under_lower.name === "naked" && V.worn.under_upper.name === "naked";
 	T.middleNaked = V.worn.lower.name === "naked" && V.worn.upper.name === "naked";
 	T.overNaked = V.worn.over_lower.name === "naked" && V.worn.over_upper.name === "naked";
-	T.topless = V.worn.over_upper.name === "naked" && V.worn.upper.name === "naked" && V.worn.under_upper.name === "naked" && (V.worn.lower.name !== "plaid school pinafore" && V.worn.lower.name !== "school pinafore");
+	T.topless =
+		V.worn.over_upper.name === "naked" &&
+		V.worn.upper.name === "naked" &&
+		V.worn.under_upper.name === "naked" &&
+		V.worn.lower.name !== "plaid school pinafore" &&
+		V.worn.lower.name !== "school pinafore";
 	T.bottomless = V.worn.over_lower.name === "naked" && V.worn.lower.name === "naked" && V.worn.under_lower.name === "naked";
 	T.fullyNaked = T.topless && T.bottomless;
@@ -503,6 +509,43 @@ function normalise(value, max, min = 0) {
 window.normalise = normalise;
+ * Selects a random item from an array of weighted options. Each option is an array with
+ * two elements: the item, and its weight.
+ * Works similar to eventpool, but more generic and lightweight, and works with any data types.
+ *
+ * Options with a higher weight have a higher chance of being chosen.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} options Each option is an array where the first item is a value, and the second item is its weight.
+ * Example: ["apple", 1], ["banana", 2], ["cherry", 3]
+ * @returns {*} The selected item
+ * @example
+ *     console.log(weightedRandom(["apple", 1], ["banana", 2], ["cherry", 3]));  // Relative probability for these will be: apple: 16.67%, banana: 33.33%, cherry: 50%
+ */
+function weightedRandom(...options) {
+	if (!Array.isArray(options) || options.length === 0) {
+		throw new Error("Options must be a non-empty array.");
+	}
+	let totalWeight = 0;
+	const processedOptions = options.map(([value, weight]) => {
+		if (typeof weight !== "number") {
+			throw new Error("Weight must be a number.");
+		}
+		totalWeight += weight;
+		return [value, totalWeight];
+	});
+	const random = Math.random() * totalWeight;
+	for (const [value, cumulativeWeight] of processedOptions) {
+		if (cumulativeWeight >= random) {
+			return value;
+		}
+	}
+	console.error("weightedRandom: Unreachable code reached. Returning " + options[0][0]);
+	return options[0][0];
+window.weightedRandom = weightedRandom;
  * This macro sets $rng. If the variable $rngOverride is set, $rng will always be set to that.
  * Set $rngOverride in the console for bugtesting purposes. Remember to unset it after testing is finished.
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/00-canvasElement.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/00-canvasElement.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c41e3c431edea3e7046c70fdba50a19769387295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/00-canvasElement.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+class SkyCanvasElement {
+	constructor(name, settings) {
+		if (!arguments[0]) return;
+		this.name = name;
+		this.settings = settings;
+		this.position = {};
+		this.expandFactor = 0.1;
+		this.createCanvasImage(settings);
+	}
+	createCanvasImage() {
+		this.img = new Image();
+		this.img.src = this.settings.imgPath;
+		this.canvas = $("<canvas/>", {
+			id: this.name,
+		});
+		this.canvasElement = this.canvas[0];
+		this.ctx = this.canvasElement.getContext("2d");
+	}
+	loaded() {
+		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+			resolve();
+		});
+	}
+	interpolate(value1, value2, factor) {
+		return value1 + (value2 - value1) * factor;
+	}
+	normalize(value) {
+		return (value + 1) / 2;
+	}
+	setOrbit(currentTime) {
+		this.riseTime = this.settings.orbit.riseTime * Time.secondsPerHour;
+		this.setTime = this.settings.orbit.setTime * Time.secondsPerHour;
+		// Adjusts for overnight duration if needed
+		if (this.setTime < this.riseTime) {
+			this.setTime += Time.secondsPerDay;
+		}
+		const timePercent = this.calculateTimePercent(currentTime);
+		const position = this.getElementPosition(timePercent);
+		this.position.adjustedX = position.x;
+		this.position.adjustedY = position.y;
+	}
+	calculateTimePercent(currentTime) {
+		const expandedDuration = (this.setTime - this.riseTime) / (1 - 2 * this.expandFactor);
+		let elapsed = currentTime - (this.riseTime - this.expandFactor * expandedDuration);
+		if (elapsed < 0) elapsed += Time.secondsPerDay;
+		return Math.clamp(elapsed / expandedDuration, 0, 1);
+	}
+	getElementPosition(timePercent) {
+		timePercent = Math.clamp(timePercent, 0, 1);
+		const adjustedTimePercent = (timePercent - this.expandFactor) / (1 - 2 * this.expandFactor);
+		const x = lerp(Math.clamp(adjustedTimePercent, 0, 1), this.settings.orbit.path.startX, this.settings.orbit.path.endX);
+		const amplitude = this.settings.orbit.path.peakY - this.settings.orbit.path.horizon;
+		const factor = 1 - 4 * Math.pow(adjustedTimePercent - 0.5, 2);
+		const y = this.settings.orbit.path.horizon + amplitude * factor;
+		return { x, y };
+	}
+	draw() {}
+window.SkyCanvasElement = SkyCanvasElement;
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-cloudsElement.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-cloudsElement.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db70d431b61e83e9cf467b23b978259f19ed8085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-cloudsElement.js
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+class SkyCanvasWeather extends SkyCanvasElement {
+	constructor(name, settings) {
+		super(name, settings);
+		this.currentWeather = "clear";
+		this.Cloud = class Cloud {
+			constructor(type, sprite, x, y, movementSpeed) {
+				this.type = type;
+				this.sprite = sprite;
+				this.x = x;
+				this.y = y;
+				this.movementSpeed = movementSpeed;
+				this.destroy = false;
+				this._opacity = 0;
+				this.fadeDuration = 20; // Duration for fade in/out in minutes
+			}
+			get opacity() {
+				return this._opacity;
+			}
+			set opacity(value) {
+				this._opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, value));
+				if (this._opacity === 1) this.fadeIn = false;
+				else if (this._opacity === 0) this.fadeOut = false;
+			}
+			move(elapsedTime) {
+				this.x += this.movementSpeed * elapsedTime;
+			}
+			updateOpacity(elapsedTime) {
+				this.opacity += ((this.fadeIn ? 1 : -1) * elapsedTime) / this.fadeDuration;
+			}
+			create(fadeIn = false) {
+				if (fadeIn) {
+					this._opacity = 0;
+					this.fadeIn = true;
+				} else {
+					this._opacity = 1;
+				}
+			}
+			update(elapsedTime) {
+				if (elapsedTime < 1) return;
+				this.move(elapsedTime);
+				if (this.fadeIn || this.fadeOut) this.updateOpacity(elapsedTime);
+			}
+			draw(ctx) {
+				ctx.globalAlpha = this.opacity;
+				console.log("GLOBAL ALPHA", ctx.globalAlpha);
+				ctx.drawImage(this.sprite, this.x, this.y);
+				ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // Reset alpha
+			}
+		};
+	}
+	createCanvasImage() {
+		this.cloudSprites = [];
+		this.clouds = [];
+		this.loadCloudSprites();
+		this.canvas = $("<canvas/>", {
+			id: this.name,
+		});
+		this.canvasElement = this.canvas[0];
+		this.ctx = this.canvasElement.getContext("2d");
+		this.canvasElement.width = this.settings.dimensions.width;
+		this.canvasElement.height = this.settings.dimensions.height;
+		const x = 0;
+		const y = 0;
+		this.canvas.css({
+			left: `${x}px`,
+			top: `${y}px`,
+		});
+	}
+	loadCloudSprites() {
+		this.settings.clouds.images.forEach((value, key) => {
+			const img = new Image();
+			img.src = this.settings.clouds.imgPath + key;
+			this.cloudSprites.push({ img, size: value });
+		});
+		console.log("cloudSprites", this.cloudSprites);
+	}
+	loaded() {
+		const loadSprites = this.cloudSprites.map(sprite => {
+			return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+				sprite.img.onload = resolve;
+				sprite.img.onerror = e => reject(new Error("Error loading cloud image: " + e.message));
+				this.currentDate = 0;
+			});
+		});
+		return Promise.all(loadSprites);
+	}
+	updateWeather(weatherType, instant = false) {
+		if (!instant && this.currentWeather === weatherType) return;
+		this.clouds.forEach(cloud => {
+			cloud.movementSpeed *= 2;
+			cloud.destroy = true;
+		});
+		let behavior = this.settings.behaviors[weatherType];
+		if (!behavior) behavior = this.settings.behaviors.clear;
+		this.currentWeather = weatherType;
+		console.log("behavior.count", behavior.count);
+		for (const key in behavior.count) {
+			console.log("Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(behavior.count, key)", Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(behavior.count, key));
+			console.log("key", key);
+			if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(behavior.count, key)) {
+				const count = behavior.count[key]();
+				console.log("count", count);
+				for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+					this.clouds.push(this.createCloud(key));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		console.log("CLOUDS1", this.clouds);
+	}
+	createCloud(cloudType, fadeIn = true, offScreen = false) {
+		console.log("CreateCloud");
+		const spritesOfSameType = this.cloudSprites.filter(sprite => sprite.size === cloudType);
+		const cloudSprite = spritesOfSameType.filter(sprite => !this.clouds.some(cloud => cloud.sprite === sprite.img)).concat(spritesOfSameType)[
+			random(0, spritesOfSameType.length - 1)
+		];
+		let xPosition, yPosition, isPositionValid;
+		const maxAttempts = 5;
+		let attempts = 0;
+		do {
+			xPosition = offScreen ? -cloudSprite.img.width - random(0, cloudSprite.img.width) : random(-cloudSprite.img.width, this.settings.dimensions.width);
+			yPosition = random(this.settings.clouds.maxHeight - cloudSprite.img.height / 2, this.settings.clouds.minHeight - cloudSprite.img.height / 2);
+			isPositionValid = !this.clouds.some(cloud => {
+				const xOverlap = Math.abs(cloud.x - xPosition) < (cloud.sprite.width + cloudSprite.img.width) / 2;
+				const yOverlap = Math.abs(cloud.y - yPosition) < (cloud.sprite.height + cloudSprite.img.height) / 2;
+				return xOverlap && yOverlap;
+			});
+			attempts++;
+		} while (!isPositionValid && attempts < maxAttempts);
+		const movementSpeed = randomFloat(this.settings.clouds.movement.speedMin, this.settings.clouds.movement.speedMax);
+		const newCloud = new this.Cloud(cloudType, cloudSprite.img, xPosition, yPosition, movementSpeed);
+		newCloud.create(fadeIn);
+		console.log("CREATED CLOUD:", newCloud);
+		return newCloud;
+	}
+	draw(date) {
+		console.log("NEW DATE", date);
+		console.log("OLD DATE", this.currentDate);
+		this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasElement.width, this.canvasElement.height);
+		const elapsedTime = this.currentDate === 0 ? 0 : this.currentDate.compareWith(date, true) / Time.secondsPerMinute;
+		this.currentDate = new DateTime(date);
+		console.log("elapsedTime", elapsedTime);
+		console.log("CLOUDS2", this.clouds);
+		// Drawing each cloud
+		this.clouds.forEach(cloud => {
+			cloud.update(elapsedTime);
+			if (cloud.x >= this.canvasElement.width) cloud.opacity = 0;
+			cloud.draw(this.ctx);
+		});
+		// Clean the array by removing faded out or hidden clouds
+		for (let i = this.clouds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+			const cloud = this.clouds[i];
+			if (!cloud.fadeIn && cloud.opacity === 0) {
+				if (!cloud.destroy) {
+					this.clouds.splice(i, 1, this.createCloud(cloud.type, false, true));
+				} else {
+					this.clouds.splice(i, 1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+window.SkyCanvasWeather = SkyCanvasWeather;
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-moonElement.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-moonElement.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5698641b6db0be3ccff9ca5190ab0d78995171c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-moonElement.js
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+class SkyCanvasMoon extends SkyCanvasElement {
+	loaded() {
+		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+			this.img.onload = () => {
+				this.canvasElement.width = this.img.width + this.settings.glow.size * 2;
+				this.canvasElement.height = this.img.height + this.settings.glow.size * 2;
+				this.position.diameter = this.img.width;
+				this.spriteDiameter = this.position.diameter + 1;
+				this.radius = this.spriteDiameter / 2;
+				this.centerPos = (this.canvasElement.width - this.spriteDiameter) / 2 + this.radius;
+				this.offscreenCanvas = $("<canvas/>")[0];
+				this.shadowCanvas = $("<canvas/>")[0];
+				resolve();
+			};
+			this.img.onerror = reject;
+		});
+	}
+	updateCanvas(moonPhaseFraction) {
+		this.updateShadow(moonPhaseFraction);
+		this.offscreenCanvas.width = this.canvasElement.width;
+		this.offscreenCanvas.height = this.canvasElement.height;
+		const offscreenCtx = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d");
+		offscreenCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.offscreenCanvas.width, this.offscreenCanvas.height);
+		// Prepare the glow effect
+		offscreenCtx.fillStyle = this.settings.glow.color;
+		offscreenCtx.beginPath();
+		offscreenCtx.arc(this.centerPos, this.centerPos, this.radius - 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
+		offscreenCtx.fill();
+		// First shadow-pass
+		offscreenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
+		offscreenCtx.drawImage(this.shadowCanvas, 0, 0);
+		// Cut away most of the inner glow to make the texture appear
+		offscreenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
+		offscreenCtx.fillStyle = "black";
+		offscreenCtx.beginPath();
+		offscreenCtx.arc(this.centerPos, this.centerPos, this.radius - 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
+		offscreenCtx.fill();
+		// Draw the texture below the glow
+		offscreenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over";
+		offscreenCtx.drawImage(this.img, this.centerPos - this.radius, this.centerPos - this.radius, this.img.width, this.img.height);
+		// Second shadow pass - makes the shadow-area completely transparent
+		offscreenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
+		offscreenCtx.drawImage(this.shadowCanvas, 0, 0);
+	}
+	updateShadow(moonPhaseFraction) {
+		this.shadowCanvas.width = this.canvasElement.width;
+		this.shadowCanvas.height = this.canvasElement.height;
+		const shadowCtx = this.shadowCanvas.getContext("2d");
+		shadowCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.shadowCanvas.width, this.shadowCanvas.height);
+		// Rotate the canvas based on angle setting
+		shadowCtx.save();
+		shadowCtx.translate(this.centerPos, this.centerPos);
+		shadowCtx.rotate((this.settings.shadow.angle * Math.PI) / 180);
+		shadowCtx.translate(-this.centerPos, -this.centerPos);
+		shadowCtx.fillStyle = "black";
+		shadowCtx.beginPath();
+		const radius = this.radius + 2;
+		// Calculate the shadow arc offset based on the moon-phase
+		let antiClockwise = false;
+		let flippedRadius = radius;
+		if (moonPhaseFraction > 0.5) {
+			antiClockwise = true;
+			moonPhaseFraction = 1 - moonPhaseFraction;
+			flippedRadius = -radius;
+		}
+		const fraction = moonPhaseFraction * 4;
+		// Offset depends on if it's before or after half-moon
+		const offset = fraction <= 1 ? flippedRadius * 2 * (1 - fraction) : flippedRadius * 2 * (0.5 - Math.abs(0.5 - fraction));
+		if (fraction === 0) {
+			// New moon
+			shadowCtx.arc(this.centerPos, this.centerPos, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
+		} else if (fraction === 2) {
+			// Full moon
+			return;
+		} else {
+			// Other phases
+			shadowCtx.moveTo(this.centerPos, this.centerPos - radius);
+			if (fraction < 2) {
+				shadowCtx.arc(this.centerPos, this.centerPos, radius, Math.PI / 2, (3 * Math.PI) / 2, antiClockwise);
+			} else {
+				shadowCtx.arc(this.centerPos, this.centerPos, radius, (3 * Math.PI) / 2, Math.PI / 2, !antiClockwise);
+			}
+			shadowCtx.quadraticCurveTo(this.centerPos + offset, this.centerPos, this.centerPos, this.centerPos + radius);
+		}
+		shadowCtx.closePath();
+		shadowCtx.fill();
+		shadowCtx.restore();
+	}
+	draw(lightFactor) {
+		this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasElement.width, this.canvasElement.height);
+		// Set transparency for the whole moon - from settings
+		const interpolatedTransparency = this.interpolate(this.settings.visibility.night, this.settings.visibility.day, this.normalize(lightFactor));
+		this.ctx.globalAlpha = interpolatedTransparency;
+		// Glow effect only on non-shadow parts
+		this.ctx.shadowBlur = this.settings.glow.size;
+		this.ctx.shadowColor = this.settings.glow.color;
+		this.ctx.drawImage(this.offscreenCanvas, 0, 0);
+		// Apply a transparent texture on top of the shadow-area based on settings
+		this.ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
+		this.ctx.shadowColor = "transparent";
+		this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over";
+		this.ctx.globalAlpha = this.interpolate(
+			this.settings.shadow.opacity.night / interpolatedTransparency,
+			this.settings.shadow.opacity.day / interpolatedTransparency,
+			this.normalize(lightFactor)
+		);
+		this.ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.centerPos - this.radius, this.centerPos - this.radius, this.img.width, this.img.height);
+		// Reset global settings
+		this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
+		this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
+		// Position the canvas
+		this.position.x = this.position.adjustedX - this.canvasElement.width / 2;
+		this.position.y = this.position.adjustedY - this.canvasElement.height / 2;
+		this.canvas.css({
+			left: `${this.position.x}px`,
+			top: `${this.position.y}px`,
+		});
+	}
+window.SkyCanvasMoon = SkyCanvasMoon;
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-starfieldElement.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-starfieldElement.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee25308af4021f1a321f27d92c58ae7c902f6b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-starfieldElement.js
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+class SkyCanvasStars extends SkyCanvasElement {
+	constructor(name, settings) {
+		super(name, settings);
+		this.generateStars();
+	}
+	createCanvasImage() {
+		this.starSprites = [];
+		this.loadStarSprites();
+		this.canvas = $("<canvas/>", {
+			id: this.name,
+		});
+		this.canvasElement = this.canvas[0];
+		this.ctx = this.canvasElement.getContext("2d");
+		this.canvasElement.width = this.settings.dimensions.width;
+		this.canvasElement.height = this.settings.dimensions.height;
+		const offsetX = this.settings.pivot.x - this.canvasElement.width / 2;
+		const offsetY = this.settings.pivot.y - this.canvasElement.height / 2;
+		this.canvas.css({
+			left: `${offsetX}px`,
+			top: `${offsetY}px`,
+		});
+	}
+	loadStarSprites() {
+		this.starSprites = this.settings.stars.spriteChance.slice(1).map(entry => this.loadSprite(entry[0]));
+	}
+	loadSprite(src) {
+		const img = new Image();
+		img.src = this.settings.imgPath + src;
+		return img;
+	}
+	loaded() {
+		const loadSprites = this.starSprites.map(sprite => {
+			return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+				sprite.onload = resolve;
+				sprite.onerror = e => reject(new Error("Error loading star image: " + e.message));
+			});
+		});
+		return Promise.all(loadSprites);
+	}
+	generateStars() {
+		this.stars = [];
+		const minDistance = 12;
+		for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.stars.count; i++) {
+			let tooClose;
+			let attempts = 0;
+			let newStar;
+			// Make sure it doesn't generate stars too close to other stars
+			do {
+				tooClose = false;
+				const spriteIndex = this.getRandomSpriteIndex();
+				newStar = {
+					x: Math.random() * this.canvasElement.width,
+					y: Math.random() * this.canvasElement.height,
+					sprite: spriteIndex === 0 ? null : this.starSprites[spriteIndex - 1],
+					color: this.getRandomStarColor(),
+				};
+				// Check distance from all existing stars
+				for (const star of this.stars) {
+					const dx = newStar.x - star.x;
+					const dy = newStar.y - star.y;
+					const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+					if (distance < minDistance) {
+						tooClose = true;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				// Failsafe to avoid infinite loops
+				attempts++;
+				if (attempts > 100) {
+					break;
+				}
+			} while (tooClose);
+			if (!tooClose) {
+				this.stars.push(newStar);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	getRandomSpriteIndex() {
+		const weights = this.settings.stars.spriteChance.map((element, index) => [index, element[1]]);
+		return weightedRandom(...weights);
+	}
+	getRandomStarColor() {
+		if (!this.settings.stars.colorRange.length) return "#ffffff";
+		const interpolateFrom = this.settings.stars.colorRange;
+		const interpolateTo = interpolateFrom.slice(0, -1)[0];
+		if (!interpolateFrom.length) return interpolateTo;
+		return ColourUtils.interpolateColor(either(interpolateFrom), interpolateTo, randomFloat(0, 1));
+		// const shading = random(125, 255);
+		// return `rgba(${shading}, ${shading}, 255, ${alpha})`;
+	}
+	draw(cullingElement, dayFactor) {
+		const moonRadius = cullingElement.position.diameter / 2;
+		const moonX = cullingElement.position.x - (this.settings.pivot.x - this.canvasElement.width / 2) + cullingElement.position.diameter - moonRadius / 2;
+		const moonY = cullingElement.position.y - (this.settings.pivot.y - this.canvasElement.height / 2) + cullingElement.position.diameter - moonRadius / 2;
+		const directionMultiplier = this.settings.rotation.clockwise ? 1 : -1;
+		const radians = directionMultiplier * this.angle * (Math.PI / 180);
+		const cos = Math.cos(radians);
+		const sin = Math.sin(radians);
+		this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasElement.width, this.canvasElement.height);
+		this.ctx.globalAlpha = this.interpolate(this.settings.stars.opacity.night, this.settings.stars.opacity.day, this.normalize(dayFactor));
+		this.ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
+		this.ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
+		this.stars.forEach(star => {
+			const relativeX = star.x - this.canvasElement.width / 2;
+			const relativeY = star.y - this.canvasElement.height / 2;
+			const rotatedX = cos * relativeX - sin * relativeY + this.canvasElement.width / 2;
+			const rotatedY = sin * relativeX + cos * relativeY + this.canvasElement.height / 2;
+			// Cull stars if behind a culling object - like the moon
+			const dx = rotatedX - moonX;
+			const dy = rotatedY - moonY;
+			const distanceFromMoonCenter = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+			if (distanceFromMoonCenter < moonRadius + 2) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (star.sprite) {
+				// const offscreenCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
+				const offscreenCanvas = $("<canvas/>")[0];
+				offscreenCanvas.width = star.sprite.width;
+				offscreenCanvas.height = star.sprite.height;
+				const offscreenCtx = offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d");
+				offscreenCtx.clearRect(0, 0, offscreenCanvas.width, offscreenCanvas.height);
+				offscreenCtx.drawImage(star.sprite, 0, 0);
+				offscreenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop";
+				offscreenCtx.fillStyle = star.color;
+				this.ctx.shadowBlur = 15;
+				this.ctx.shadowColor = this.settings.stars.glowColor;
+				offscreenCtx.fillRect(0, 0, offscreenCanvas.width, offscreenCanvas.height);
+				offscreenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
+				this.ctx.drawImage(offscreenCanvas, rotatedX, rotatedY);
+				this.ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
+				this.ctx.shadowColor = "transparent";
+			} else {
+				this.ctx.fillStyle = star.color;
+				this.ctx.fillRect(rotatedX, rotatedY, 2, 2); // Drawing a 2x2 pixel star
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	updateRotation(newAngle) {
+		this.angle = newAngle;
+	}
+window.SkyCanvasStars = SkyCanvasStars;
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-sunElement.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-sunElement.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d75bd1bf38acd56b5e57ce23d2cdc729a3ba44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/01-sunElement.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+class SkyCanvasSun extends SkyCanvasElement {
+	loaded() {
+		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+			this.img.onload = () => {
+				this.canvasElement.width = this.img.width + this.settings.glow.outerSize * 5;
+				this.canvasElement.height = this.img.height + this.settings.glow.outerSize * 5;
+				this.position.bottom = this.getElementPosition(1);
+				this.position.diameter = this.img.width;
+				this.spriteDiameter = this.position.diameter + 1;
+				this.radius = this.spriteDiameter / 2;
+				this.centerPos = (this.canvasElement.width - this.spriteDiameter) / 2 + this.radius;
+				this.addGlowEffect();
+				resolve();
+			};
+			this.img.onerror = reject;
+		});
+	}
+	addGlowEffect() {
+		this.offscreenCanvas = $("<canvas/>")[0];
+		this.offscreenCanvas.width = this.canvasElement.width;
+		this.offscreenCanvas.height = this.canvasElement.height;
+		const offscreenCtx = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d");
+		offscreenCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.offscreenCanvas.width, this.offscreenCanvas.height);
+		const glowRadius = this.radius / 2 + this.settings.glow.outerSize;
+		const gradient = offscreenCtx.createRadialGradient(this.centerPos, this.centerPos, 0, this.centerPos, this.centerPos, this.radius + glowRadius);
+		gradient.addColorStop(0, this.settings.glow.dayColor);
+		gradient.addColorStop(0.3, this.settings.glow.dayColor);
+		gradient.addColorStop(1, "transparent");
+		offscreenCtx.fillStyle = gradient;
+		offscreenCtx.fillRect(0, 0, this.offscreenCanvas.width, this.offscreenCanvas.height);
+		// Cut away most of the inner glow to make the texture appear
+		offscreenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
+		offscreenCtx.fillStyle = "black";
+		offscreenCtx.beginPath();
+		offscreenCtx.arc(this.centerPos, this.centerPos, this.radius - this.settings.glow.innerSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
+		offscreenCtx.fill();
+	}
+	draw() {
+		this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasElement.width, this.canvasElement.height);
+		this.ctx.drawImage(this.offscreenCanvas, 0, 0);
+		this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over";
+		this.ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.centerPos - this.radius, this.centerPos - this.radius, this.img.width, this.img.height);
+		const x = this.position.adjustedX - this.canvasElement.width / 2;
+		const y = this.position.adjustedY - this.canvasElement.height / 2;
+		this.canvas.css({
+			left: `${x}px`,
+			top: `${y}px`,
+		});
+	}
+window.SkyCanvasSun = SkyCanvasSun;
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/02-weather.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/02-weather.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09511549e7d400e6634a25a12853124abc269927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/02-weather.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
+- Add function:
+	- setWeather: Should replace current weather, but then smoothly transition to a new weather after a while.
+	- Only use winter-images after it has snowed once
+	- if it melts (at least 5 hours of warm temperature) back to normal images until it snow again
+const Weather = (() => {
+	/* Helper functions */
+	function generateKeyPoints({ date, minKeys, maxKeys, timeApart, rangeValue, totalSteps }) {
+		const numberOfKeyPoints = random(minKeys - 1, maxKeys - 1);
+		const keyPoints = new Map();
+		while (keyPoints.size < numberOfKeyPoints) {
+			const randomUnit = random(timeApart + 1, totalSteps - timeApart);
+			const isFarEnough = Array.from(keyPoints.keys()).every(kp => Math.abs(kp - randomUnit) >= timeApart);
+			if (isFarEnough) {
+				keyPoints.set(randomUnit, rangeValue(date));
+			}
+		}
+		// Add the last key point
+		keyPoints.set(totalSteps + 1, rangeValue(date));
+		return new Map([...keyPoints.entries()].sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]));
+	}
+	return {
+		generateKeyPoints,
+		get currentWeatherType() {
+			return Weather.WeatherConditions.getWeather();
+		},
+	};
+window.Weather = Weather;
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/03-temperature.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/03-temperature.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7307363bf71bb8331734d620f486751888b30d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/03-temperature.js
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
+- Add function:
+	- setWeather: Should replace current weather, but then smoothly transition to a new weather after a while.
+	- Only use winter-images after it has snowed once
+	- if it melts (at least 5 hours of warm temperature) back to normal images until it snow again
+	Change variable names - use object - then use getters in Weather namespace 
+Weather.Temperature = (() => {
+	const monthlyTemperatureRanges = [
+		[-8, 7], // Jan
+		[-5, 9], // Feb
+		[4, 12], // Mar
+		[6, 16], // Apr
+		[9, 18], // May
+		[12, 21], // Jun
+		[14, 24], // Jul
+		[14, 22], // Aug
+		[11, 20], // Sep
+		[9, 16], // Oct
+		[-1, 10], // Nov
+		[-4, 7], // Dec
+	];
+	// Sets current temperate (at start of day) to this temperature
+	// However, the actual temperature might vary, since it interpolates to the next day's temperature during the day
+	// After this is set it will still interpolate to the next temperature, which shifts midnight
+	// To keep a certain temperature for a longer duration without too much interpolation - set the temperature for the day after too by using the optional date parameter.
+	function set(temperature, date) {
+		if (V.monthlyTemperatures.length < 1) return;
+		if (date === undefined) date = Time.date;
+		const modifiers = calculateModifiers(date.date);
+		V.monthlyTemperatures[0].temperatures[date.monthDay] = temperature - modifiers;
+	}
+	function add(temperature, date) {
+		if (V.monthlyTemperatures.length < 1) return;
+		if (date === undefined) date = Time.date;
+		set(V.monthlyTemperature[0].temperatures[date.monthDay] + temperature, date);
+	}
+	function getFahrenheit(date) {
+		return Math.round(((getCelcius(date) * 9) / 5 + 32) * 100) / 100;
+	}
+	function getCelcius(date) {
+		date = new DateTime(date ?? Time.date);
+		// Will only generate if the array doesn't already exist, or if the month doesn't match
+		generateMonthlyTemperatures(date);
+		const baselineTemperature = interpolateDailyTemperature(date);
+		const modifiers = calculateModifiers(date);
+		return Math.round((baselineTemperature + modifiers) * 100) / 100;
+	}
+	function interpolateDailyTemperature(date) {
+		const tomorrowDate = new DateTime(date).addDays(1);
+		const tomorrowKey = date.month !== tomorrowDate.month ? 1 : 0;
+		const todayTemp = V.monthlyTemperatures[0].temperatures[date.day];
+		const tomorrowTemp = V.monthlyTemperatures[tomorrowKey].temperatures[tomorrowDate.day] || todayTemp;
+		const deltaTemp = tomorrowTemp - todayTemp;
+		// Linear interpolation
+		return todayTemp + deltaTemp * date.fractionOfDay;
+	}
+	function calculateModifiers(date) {
+		const sunModifier = calculateSunModifier(date.fractionOfDay);
+		const seasonModifier = calculateSeasonModifier(date);
+		const weatherModifier = getWeatherModifier("clear");
+		const locationModifier = getLocationModifier();
+		return Math.round(locationModifier + (1.5 * sunModifier + 2 * seasonModifier) * weatherModifier * 100) / 100;
+	}
+	function calculateSunModifier(fraction) {
+		return 2 * (1 - Math.abs(fraction - 0.5) * 2) - 1;
+	}
+	function calculateSeasonModifier(date) {
+		const totalDaysInYear = DateTime.getDaysOfYear(date.year);
+		return -2 * Math.pow((Time.getDayOfYear(date) - totalDaysInYear / 2) / (totalDaysInYear / 2), 2) + 1;
+	}
+	function getWeatherModifier(weatherCondition) {
+		// to Weather (temperatureModifier)
+		const weatherMultipliers = {
+			clear: 2,
+			lightClouds: 1.5,
+			clouds: 1.2,
+			overcast: 1,
+			lightPrecipitation: 1,
+			heavyPrecipitation: 1,
+		};
+		return weatherMultipliers[weatherCondition] || 1.0;
+	}
+	function getLocationModifier() {
+		// Location modifiers here
+		switch (V.location) {
+			case "town":
+				return 3;
+			default:
+				return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	function generateMonthlyTemperatures(date) {
+		if (V.monthlyTemperatures.length === 2 && V.monthlyTemperatures[0].month === date.month) return;
+		// Remove past months and adjust array for the current time
+		while (V.monthlyTemperatures.length > 0 && V.monthlyTemperatures[0].month !== date.month) {
+			V.monthlyTemperatures.shift();
+		}
+		// Ensure current and next month data are present
+		while (V.monthlyTemperatures.length < 2) {
+			let monthDate = new DateTime(date);
+			if (V.monthlyTemperatures.length > 0) {
+				monthDate = monthDate.addMonths(1);
+			}
+			V.monthlyTemperatures.push(generateDailyTemperatures(monthDate));
+		}
+	}
+	function generateDailyTemperatures(date) {
+		const keyPointsMap = generateTemperatureKeyPoints(date);
+		let lastTemp;
+		if (V.monthlyTemperatures.length > 0) {
+			const prevMonthData = V.monthlyTemperatures[V.monthlyTemperatures.length - 1];
+			lastTemp = prevMonthData.temperatures[prevMonthData.temperatures.length - 1];
+		} else {
+			lastTemp = Array.from(keyPointsMap.values()).pop();
+		}
+		const monthlyTemperatures = [];
+		let lastDay = 0;
+		for (const [day, temp] of keyPointsMap) {
+			const interpolatedTemps = interpolateBetweenTemperatureKeys(lastDay, day, lastTemp, temp);
+			for (let d = lastDay; d < day; d++) {
+				monthlyTemperatures[d] = interpolatedTemps[d];
+			}
+			lastDay = day;
+			lastTemp = temp;
+		}
+		return { month: date.month, temperatures: monthlyTemperatures };
+	}
+	function generateTemperatureKeyPoints(date) {
+		const minDays = 4; // Minimum key points
+		const maxDays = 6; // Max key points - don't set too high if timeApart is a high value
+		const timeApart = 3; // Minimum days between each keypoint
+		const daysInMonth = DateTime.getDaysOfMonthFromYear(date.year)[date.month - 1];
+		const numberOfKeyPoints = random(minDays - 1, maxDays - 1);
+		const keyPoints = new Map();
+		while (keyPoints.size < numberOfKeyPoints) {
+			const randomDay = random(timeApart + 1, daysInMonth - timeApart);
+			const isFarEnough = Array.from(keyPoints.keys()).every(kp => Math.abs(kp - randomDay) >= timeApart);
+			if (isFarEnough) {
+				keyPoints.set(randomDay, getRandomTemperature(monthlyTemperatureRanges[date.month - 1]));
+			}
+		}
+		// Add the last key point
+		keyPoints.set(daysInMonth + 1, getRandomTemperature(monthlyTemperatureRanges[date.month - 1]));
+		return new Map([...keyPoints.entries()].sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]));
+	}
+	function getRandomTemperature([minTemp, maxTemp]) {
+		return randomFloat(minTemp, maxTemp);
+	}
+	function interpolateBetweenTemperatureKeys(startPoint, endPoint, startTemp, endTemp) {
+		const temperatures = {};
+		const deltaTemp = endTemp - startTemp;
+		const deltaPoint = endPoint - startPoint;
+		// Linear interpolation
+		for (let point = startPoint; point <= endPoint; point++) {
+			const t = (point - startPoint) / deltaPoint;
+			temperatures[point] = startTemp + t * deltaTemp;
+		}
+		return temperatures;
+	}
+	return Object.create({
+		monthlyTemperatureRanges,
+		getCelcius,
+		getFahrenheit,
+		set,
+		add,
+	});
+// window.Weather.Temperature = Weather.Temperature;
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/04-weatherConditions.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/04-weatherConditions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51ee4d39a77c933ed863be2f0dfe1a9d80ab94da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/04-weatherConditions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
+- Option to increase number of temp months more than 2
+- Option to increase number of weather days more than 2 - min 2 max 28
+Minimum 2 check
+- Add function:
+	- setWeather: Should replace current weather, but then smoothly transition to a new weather after a while.
+	- Only use winter-images after it has snowed once
+	- if it melts (at least 5 hours of warm temperature) back to normal images until it snow again
+Weather.WeatherConditions = (() => {
+	const monthlyTemperatureRanges = [
+		[-8, 7], // Jan
+		[-5, 9], // Feb
+		[4, 12], // Mar
+		[6, 16], // Apr
+		[9, 18], // May
+		[12, 21], // Jun
+		[14, 24], // Jul
+		[14, 22], // Aug
+		[11, 20], // Sep
+		[9, 16], // Oct
+		[-1, 10], // Nov
+		[-4, 7], // Dec
+	];
+	const WeatherTypes = {
+		clear: {
+			value: 0,
+			probability: {
+				summer: 0.6,
+				winter: 0.3,
+				spring: 0.5,
+				autumn: 0.4,
+			},
+		},
+		lightClouds: {
+			value: 1,
+			probability: {
+				summer: 0.3,
+				winter: 0.4,
+				spring: 0.4,
+				autumn: 0.3,
+			},
+		},
+		heavyClouds: {
+			value: 2,
+			probability: {
+				summer: 0.1,
+				winter: 0.4,
+				spring: 0.2,
+				autumn: 0.3,
+			},
+		},
+		lightPrecipitation: {
+			value: 3,
+			probability: {
+				summer: 0.05,
+				winter: 0.1,
+				spring: 0.05,
+				autumn: 0.15,
+			},
+		},
+		heavyPrecipitation: {
+			value: 4,
+			probability: {
+				summer: 0.05,
+				winter: 0.1,
+				spring: 0.05,
+				autumn: 0.1,
+			},
+		},
+		thunderstorm: {
+			value: 4,
+			probability: {
+				summer: 0.02,
+				winter: 0.005,
+				spring: 0.015,
+				autumn: 0.01,
+			},
+		},
+	};
+	function getWeather(date) {
+		date = new DateTime(date ?? Time.date);
+		generateWeather(date);
+		return interpolateWeather(date);
+	}
+	function interpolateWeather(date) {
+		const currentTimeStamp = date.timeStamp;
+		// Find the current and next weather key points
+		let currentKeyPoint = null;
+		let nextKeyPoint = null;
+		for (const keyPoint of V.weatherKeypointsArr) {
+			if (keyPoint.timestamp <= currentTimeStamp) {
+				currentKeyPoint = keyPoint;
+			}
+			if (keyPoint.timestamp > currentTimeStamp && !nextKeyPoint) {
+				nextKeyPoint = keyPoint;
+			}
+		}
+		// If no next key point is found for the day, assume weather stays the same
+		if (!nextKeyPoint) {
+			return currentKeyPoint ? currentKeyPoint.value : "Clear"; // Default to 'Clear' if none found
+		}
+		const currentValueNumeric = WeatherTypes[currentKeyPoint.value].value;
+		const nextValueNumeric = WeatherTypes[nextKeyPoint.value].value;
+		// Calculate the fraction of time passed between the current and next key points
+		const fraction = (currentTimeStamp - currentKeyPoint.timestamp) / (nextKeyPoint.timestamp - currentKeyPoint.timestamp);
+		// Interpolate the weather value
+		const interpolatedValueNumeric = Math.round(currentValueNumeric + (nextValueNumeric - currentValueNumeric) * fraction);
+		// Find the closest weather type to the interpolated value
+		return findClosestWeatherType(interpolatedValueNumeric);
+	}
+	function findClosestWeatherType(interpolatedValue) {
+		const closestTypes = Object.entries(WeatherTypes).reduce(
+			(acc, [key, type]) => {
+				const difference = Math.abs(type.value - interpolatedValue);
+				if (difference < acc.minDifference) {
+					return { minDifference: difference, types: [key] };
+				}
+				if (difference === acc.minDifference) {
+					acc.types.push(key);
+				}
+				return acc;
+			},
+			{ minDifference: Number.MAX_VALUE, types: [] }
+		).types;
+		// Randomly choose one type if there are multiple options with the same int value
+		return closestTypes[random(0, closestTypes.length - 1)];
+	}
+	function generateWeather(currentDate) {
+		const numDays = 20;
+		if (V.weatherKeypointsArr === undefined) {
+			V.weatherKeypointsArr = [];
+			generateWeatherKeypoints(currentDate, numDays);
+		}
+		// Trim old keypoints, keeping one before the current time for interpolation
+		while (V.weatherKeypointsArr.length > 1 && V.weatherKeypointsArr[1].timestamp <= currentDate.timeStamp) {
+			V.weatherKeypointsArr.shift();
+		}
+		const lastKeypoint = V.weatherKeypointsArr[V.weatherKeypointsArr.length - 1];
+		const lastDate = new DateTime(lastKeypoint.timestamp);
+		const targetDate = new DateTime(currentDate).addDays(numDays);
+		const dayDifferenceFromKeypoint = (targetDate.timeStamp - lastDate.timeStamp) / Time.secondsPerDay;
+		if (dayDifferenceFromKeypoint > 0) {
+			generateWeatherKeypoints(lastDate.addDays(1), dayDifferenceFromKeypoint);
+		}
+	}
+	function generateWeatherKeypoints(startDate, daysToAdd) {
+		const minKeyPointsPerDay = 2;
+		const maxKeyPointsPerDay = 5;
+		const timeApart = 120; // Minimum time apart in minutes
+		for (let dayCount = 0; dayCount < daysToAdd; dayCount++) {
+			const date = new DateTime(startDate).addDays(dayCount);
+			const numKeyPoints = random(minKeyPointsPerDay, maxKeyPointsPerDay);
+			let lastTime = -timeApart;
+			for (let i = 0; i < numKeyPoints; i++) {
+				const timeWindow = 24 * 60 - lastTime - timeApart;
+				const time = lastTime + timeApart + random(1, timeWindow / (numKeyPoints - i));
+				const value = getRandomWeatherValue();
+				const timestamp = new DateTime(date.year, date.month, date.day, Math.floor(time / 60), time % 60).timeStamp;
+				V.weatherKeypointsArr.push({ timestamp, value });
+				lastTime = time;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function getRandomWeatherValue() {
+		const currentSeason = Time.season;
+		const options = Object.entries(WeatherTypes).map(([key, weatherType]) => {
+			const weight = weatherType.probability[currentSeason];
+			return [key, weight];
+		});
+		return weightedRandom(...options);
+	}
+	return Object.create({
+		get keysObject() {
+			const arr = V.weatherKeypointsArr;
+			return arr.map(item => {
+				const date = new DateTime(item.timestamp);
+				return {
+					date: `${date.day}/${date.month} ${ampm(date.hour, date.minute)}`,
+					value: item.value,
+				};
+			});
+		},
+		getWeather,
+		generateWeatherKeypoints,
+	});
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/05-sky.js b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/05-sky.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e182109f76331086fb347880901ecda530546ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/05-sky.js
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-undef */
+Weather.Sky = (() => {
+	const settings = {
+		sky: {
+			canvasSize: { x: 64, y: 192 },
+			colors: {
+				day: {
+					sky1: "#ccccff",
+					sky2: "#408aca",
+					sunGlow: "#fbffdb25",
+				},
+				dawnDusk: {
+					sky1: "#d47d12",
+					sky2: "#6c6d94",
+					sunGlow: "#f7ff4a50",
+				},
+				night: {
+					sky1: "#010015",
+					sky2: "#0f0f41",
+					sunGlow: "#fd634d00",
+				},
+				cityLights: "#b9a17925",
+			},
+			lightsOnTime: 18,
+			lightsOffTime: 6,
+		},
+		sun: {
+			imgPath: "img/misc/sky/sun2.png",
+			glow: {
+				outerSize: 10,
+				innerSize: 3,
+				dayColor: "#f4ffd3cc",
+				dawnDuskColor: "#f7ff4acc",
+			},
+			orbit: {
+				riseTime: 6,
+				setTime: 18,
+				path: {
+					startX: 0,
+					endX: 64,
+					peakY: 40,
+					horizon: 162,
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		moon: {
+			imgPath: "img/misc/sky/moon2.png",
+			glow: {
+				color: "#ffffffaa",
+				size: 6,
+			},
+			shadow: {
+				color: "#0d001522",
+				opacity: {
+					night: 0.02,
+					day: 0.08,
+				},
+				angle: 10, // In degrees - The angle the shadow eclipse travels (from right to left)
+			},
+			visibility: {
+				night: 1,
+				day: 0.4,
+			},
+			orbit: {
+				riseTime: 18,
+				setTime: 6,
+				path: {
+					startX: 0,
+					endX: 64,
+					peakY: 40,
+					horizon: 162,
+				},
+			},
+		},
+		starfield: {
+			dimensions: {
+				width: 256, // Size of the generated starfield - should be square
+				height: 256,
+			},
+			imgPath: "img/misc/sky/stars/",
+			pivot: { x: 64, y: 128 }, // At which coordinates the starfield rotates around
+			rotation: {
+				clockwise: true, // Set false for anti-clockwise
+			},
+			stars: {
+				count: 100, // Number of stars in the whole canvas (The actual visible stars in the area is less than 20%, since it rotates around a pivot)
+				colorRange: ["#ae9ff5", "#bc91e6", "#7db9e3", "#ffffff"],
+				// Sets the chance of which stars to spawn - The weight (second number) determines the chance based on the other weights
+				spriteChance: [
+					//Change to Map()
+					[0, 10], // Chance of square non-sprite 2x2 stars
+					["star_0.png", 0.8],
+					["star_1.png", 0.3],
+					["star_2.png", 0.15],
+					["star_3.png", 0.02],
+				],
+				opacity: {
+					night: 0.75,
+					day: 0,
+				},
+				glowColor: "#ffffff6a",
+			},
+		},
+		weather: {
+			dimensions: {
+				width: 64, // Size of the canvas
+				height: 192,
+			},
+			behaviors: {
+				clear: {
+					count: {
+						small: () => random(0, 2),
+						large: () => 0,
+					},
+				},
+				lightClouds: {
+					count: {
+						small: () => random(2, 3),
+						large: () => random(0, 1),
+					},
+				},
+				heavyClouds: {
+					count: {
+						small: () => 0,
+						large: () => random(3, 3),
+					},
+				},
+				lightPrecipitation: {
+					count: {
+						small: () => 0,
+						large: () => random(3, 3),
+					},
+				},
+				heavyPrecipitation: {
+					count: {
+						small: () => 0,
+						large: () => random(3, 3),
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			clouds: {
+				maxHeight: 15,
+				minHeight: 128,
+				movement: {
+					speedMin: 0.3, // Pixels per minute of game time
+					speedMax: 0.5,
+					direction: 1,
+				},
+				imgPath: "img/misc/sky/clouds/",
+				images: new Map([
+					["0.png", "small"],
+					["1.png", "small"],
+					["2.png", "small"],
+					["3.png", "large"],
+					["4.png", "large"],
+					["5.png", "large"],
+				]),
+			},
+		},
+		location: {
+			imgPath: {
+				normal: "img/misc/normal_apng/",
+				winter: "img/misc/winter_apng/",
+			},
+		},
+	};
+	let dayFactor = 0;
+	let imagesLoaded = false;
+	const elements = {};
+	const canvasElements = {
+		sun: new SkyCanvasSun("sun", settings.sun),
+		moon: new SkyCanvasMoon("moon", settings.moon),
+		stars: new SkyCanvasStars("starField", settings.starfield),
+		clouds: new SkyCanvasWeather("clouds", settings.weather),
+	};
+	function getDayFactor() {
+		const sunPositionYPercent =
+			(canvasElements.sun.position.adjustedY - settings.sun.orbit.path.horizon) / (settings.sun.orbit.path.peakY - settings.sun.orbit.path.horizon);
+		if (sunPositionYPercent > 0) {
+			dayFactor = 1 - Math.pow(1 - sunPositionYPercent, 6);
+		} else {
+			dayFactor = -(
+				(canvasElements.sun.position.adjustedY - settings.sun.orbit.path.horizon) /
+				(canvasElements.sun.position.bottom.y - settings.sun.orbit.path.horizon)
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	function updateSkyLighting() {
+		const canvasSize = settings.sky.canvasSize;
+		const positionX = (canvasElements.sun.position.adjustedX / canvasSize.x) * 100;
+		const positionY = (canvasElements.sun.position.adjustedY / canvasSize.y) * 100;
+		let background = "";
+		let glow = "";
+		if (dayFactor > 0) {
+			const colors = settings.sky.colors;
+			// Adds main sky radial lighting
+			const color1 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(colors.dawnDusk.sky1, colors.day.sky1, dayFactor);
+			const color2 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(colors.dawnDusk.sky2, colors.day.sky2, dayFactor);
+			// Sun outer glow
+			//todo add to canvas
+			const glowColor1 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(colors.dawnDusk.sunGlow, colors.day.sunGlow, dayFactor);
+			const glowColor2 = "#ffffff00";
+			glow = `radial-gradient(circle at ${positionX}% ${positionY}%, ${glowColor1} 5%, ${glowColor2} 40%)`;
+			background = `radial-gradient(circle at ${positionX}% ${positionY}%, ${color1}, ${color2})`;
+		} else {
+			const nightFactor = 1 - Math.abs(dayFactor);
+			const colors = settings.sky.colors;
+			const transparent = "#ffffff00";
+			const color1 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(colors.night.sky1, colors.dawnDusk.sky1, nightFactor);
+			const color2 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(colors.night.sky2, colors.dawnDusk.sky2, nightFactor);
+			const color3 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(transparent, colors.night.sky1, Math.abs(nightFactor - 1));
+			const color4 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(transparent, colors.night.sky2, Math.abs(nightFactor - 1));
+			const gradient = `radial-gradient(circle at ${positionX}% ${positionY}%, ${color4}, ${color3})`;
+			const glowColor1 = ColourUtils.interpolateColor(colors.night.sunGlow, colors.dawnDusk.sunGlow, nightFactor);
+			const glowColor2 = "#ffffff00";
+			glow = `radial-gradient(circle at ${positionX}% ${positionY}%, ${glowColor1} 5%, ${glowColor2} 40%)`;
+			background = `${gradient}, radial-gradient(circle at ${positionX}% ${positionY}%, ${color1}, ${color2})`;
+		}
+		elements.skybox.css("background", background);
+		elements.skyboxGlow.css("background", glow);
+	}
+	function updateLocationImage() {
+		// todo --- Change to  if snow
+		const seasonPath = Time.season === "winter" ? settings.location.imgPath.winter : settings.location.imgPath.normal;
+		const dayState = Time.dayState;
+		let imagePath = "";
+		switch (V.location) {
+			case "adult_shop":
+				getAdultShopState(); // Assuming getAdultShopState() updates the $adultshopstate
+				if (Time.dayState === "day" && $adultshopstate !== "closed") {
+					imagePath = `${seasonPath}sex_shop_${dayState}_open.apng`;
+				} else {
+					imagePath = `${seasonPath}sex_shop_${dayState}.apng`;
+				}
+				break;
+			case "alex_farm":
+				imagePath = $bus === "woodland" ? `${seasonPath}forest_${dayState}.apng` : `${seasonPath}/alex_farm_${dayState}.apng`;
+				break;
+			default:
+				// Default case if $location doesn't match any of the cases
+				imagePath = `${seasonPath}${V.location}_${dayState}.apng`;
+		}
+		elements.skybox.append($("<img>", { id: "location", src: imagePath }));
+	}
+	function updateSun(date) {
+		canvasElements.sun.setOrbit(Time.getSecondsSinceMidnight(date));
+		getDayFactor();
+		canvasElements.sun.draw();
+	}
+	function updateMoon(date) {
+		canvasElements.moon.setOrbit(Time.getSecondsSinceMidnight(date));
+		canvasElements.moon.draw(dayFactor);
+	}
+	function updateStarField(date) {
+		const rotation = date.fractionOfDay * 360;
+		canvasElements.stars.updateRotation(rotation);
+		canvasElements.stars.draw(canvasElements.moon, dayFactor);
+	}
+	function updateWeather(date) {
+		canvasElements.clouds.updateWeather(Weather.currentWeatherType);
+		canvasElements.clouds.draw(date);
+	}
+	function redraw(date) {
+		updateSun(date);
+		updateSkyLighting();
+		updateMoon(date);
+		updateStarField(date);
+		updateWeather(date);
+	}
+	function display(date) {
+		elements.skybox.append(canvasElements.sun.canvas);
+		elements.skybox.append(canvasElements.moon.canvas);
+		elements.skybox.append(canvasElements.stars.canvas);
+		elements.skybox.append(canvasElements.clouds.canvas);
+		setMoonPhase(date);
+		canvasElements.clouds.updateWeather(Weather.currentWeatherType, true);
+		redraw(date);
+		updateLocationImage();
+		// City glow
+		let glow = "";
+		if (dayFactor < 0) {
+			glow = `linear-gradient(#ffffff00 60%, ${settings.sky.colors.cityLights})`;
+		}
+		elements.locationLayer.css("background", glow);
+	}
+	function setMoonPhase(date) {
+		canvasElements.moon.updateCanvas(date.moonPhaseFraction);
+	}
+	function setWeather() {
+		canvasElements.clouds.updateWeather(Weather.currentWeatherType);
+	}
+	return {
+		settings,
+		get canvasElements() {
+			return canvasElements;
+		},
+		get imagesLoaded() {
+			return imagesLoaded;
+		},
+		set imagesLoaded(value) {
+			imagesLoaded = value;
+		},
+		updateSkyLighting,
+		updateLocationImage,
+		dayFactor,
+		display,
+		setMoonPhase,
+		redraw,
+		elements,
+		setWeather,
+	};
+Macro.add("skybox", {
+	handler() {
+		if (!Weather.Sky.imagesLoaded) {
+			Weather.Sky.elements.skybox = $("<div />", { id: "skybox" }).appendTo(this.output);
+			Weather.Sky.elements.skyboxGlow = $("<div />", { id: "skybox-sunGlow" }).appendTo(Weather.Sky.elements.skybox);
+			Weather.Sky.elements.locationLayer = $("<div />", { id: "skybox-location" }).appendTo(Weather.Sky.elements.skybox);
+		}
+		Weather.Sky.elements.skybox.appendTo(this.output);
+		const date = Time.date;
+		// const $locationOverlay = $("#locationOverlay");
+		// const $canvas = $("<canvas/>", {
+		// 	id: "skybox",
+		// }).prop({
+		// 	width: 64,
+		// 	height: 192,
+		// });
+		if (Weather.Sky.imagesLoaded) {
+			Weather.Sky.redraw(date);
+			return;
+		}
+		Promise.all(Object.values(Weather.Sky.canvasElements).map(element => element.loaded()))
+			.then(() => {
+				console.log("LOADED");
+				Weather.Sky.imagesLoaded = true;
+				Weather.Sky.display(date);
+			})
+			.catch(error => console.error("Error loading one or more images. Message: ", error));
+	},
diff --git a/game/03-JavaScript/weather/image-guide.txt b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/image-guide.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bb625f39ae317e5c71962611fb6c4023a50adab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/03-JavaScript/weather/image-guide.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Normal maps are used to get depth in the lighting.
+However, there are restrictions to reading image data when loading the game locally.
+To avoid this, we can convert the normal map to a base64 string instead of using the basic image,
+then paste the string into an array.
+There are simple online tools that can convert an image to a base64 string, like this one: https://www.base64-image.de
diff --git a/game/04-Variables/variables-start.twee b/game/04-Variables/variables-start.twee
index 33a687d6d03b0684da629aa4916d31cc3cf8dd3a..31036d1781083614eb1dbeaed2861a7d6200a2c1 100644
--- a/game/04-Variables/variables-start.twee
+++ b/game/04-Variables/variables-start.twee
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
 	<<set Time.startDate to new DateTime()>>
 	<<set $timeStamp to 0>>
+	<<set $monthlyTemperatures to []>>
 	<<if StartConfig.enableImages is false>>
 		<<set $options.images to 0>>
 		<<set $options.combatImages to 0>>
diff --git a/game/base-system/caption.twee b/game/base-system/caption.twee
index 983b7c822d83cfab6acaaccb44fc0cc8aa04014e..6c5d2d46b9b2fa07a16c5080394b2ad713d6790f 100644
--- a/game/base-system/caption.twee
+++ b/game/base-system/caption.twee
@@ -339,33 +339,6 @@
 :: Widgets Clothing Caption [widget]
 <<widget "sidebarlookdescription">>
-	<!--old version
-	<<clothingcaption>>
-	<br>
-	<<stripcaption>>
-	<<if ($player.gender is "m" or $player.gender is "h") and $player.gender_appearance is "f">>
-		<<if $breastindicator is 1>>
-			<span class="pink">Your exposed breasts will make people think you're a girl!</span>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif $exposed gte 2>>
-			<span class="pink">The way you look, people will think you're a girl!</span>
-			<br>
-		<<else>>
-			<span class="pink">The way you're dressed, people will think you're a girl!</span>
-			<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($player.gender is "f" or $player.gender is "h") and $player.gender_appearance is "m">>
-		<<if $breastindicator is 0 and $worn.upper.exposed is 2 and $worn.under_upper.exposed gte 1>>
-			<span class="pink">Your exposed flat chest will make people think you're a boy!</span>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif $exposed gte 2>>
-			<span class="pink">The way you look, people will think you're a boy!</span>
-		<<else>>
-			<span class="pink">The way you're dressed, people will think you're a boy!</span>
-			<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>-->
 	<<switch $body_temperature>>
@@ -486,381 +459,6 @@
 	<<if $makeup.mascara != 0>><<set $attractiveness += 100>><</if>>
-<<widget "clothingcaption">>
-	<<if $worn.upper.name is "naked">>
-		<<if $worn.lower.name is "naked">>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name is "naked" and $worn.genitals.name is "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-				<span class="red">You are completely naked!</span>
-				<<else>>
-				<span class="red">Your bottom half is completely exposed!</span> <span class="pink">Your <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name <<if $worn.under_upper.plural is 1>>give<<else>>gives<</if>> little comfort.</span>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif $worn.under_lower.name is "naked" and $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-					<span class="red">Your <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name <<if playerChastity("anus")>>with an anal shield<</if>> gives you no comfort.</span>
-				<<else>>
-					<span class="red">Other than your <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name <<if playerChastity("anus")>>with an anal shield<</if>>, your bottom half is completely exposed!</span>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name isnot "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-				<span class="pink">You are wearing nothing but a<<if $worn.under_lower.name.last() is "s">> pair of<</if>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name.</span>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if $worn.under_lower.set is $worn.under_upper.set>>
-					<span class="pink">You are wearing nothing but <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name.</span>
-					<<else>>
-					<span class="pink">You are wearing a<<if $worn.under_lower.name.last() is "s">> pair of<</if>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name and <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name.</span>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-					You wear <<genitalsword>> <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name<<if playerChastity("anus")>> with an anal shield<</if>>.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $worn.lower.name isnot "naked">>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name is "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-				<span class="pink">You are topless and wearing no underwear</span> but your lower half is covered by <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name.
-				<<else>>
-				<span class="pink">You are wearing <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name</span> and <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name, <span class="purple">with nothing underneath.</span>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-					You wear <<genitalsword>> <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name<<if playerChastity("anus")>> with an anal shield<</if>>.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name isnot "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-				<span class="pink">You are topless</span> with <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name and <<underlowerword>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name.
-				<<else>>
-				Your lower half is covered by <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name and <<underlowerword>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name, <span class="pink">but only <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name protects your chest.</span>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-					You wear <<genitalsword>> <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name<<if playerChastity("anus")>> with an anal shield<</if>>.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $worn.upper.name isnot "naked">>
-		<<if $worn.lower.name is "naked">>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name is "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.upper.one_piece is "broken" and $worn.lower.set isnot $worn.upper.set>>
-					<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-					You are wearing just <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name that <<upperhas>> been torn at the waist <span class="red"> leaving your bottom half completely exposed!</span>
-					<<else>>
-					You are wearing <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name that <<upperhas>> been torn at the waist <span class="red"> leaving your bottom half completely exposed!</span>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-					<span class="red">Your bottom half is completely exposed!</span> Your top half is covered by <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name, <span class="purple">with nothing beneath.</span>
-					<<else>>
-					<span class="red">Your bottom half is completely exposed!</span> Your top half is covered by <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name, with <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath.
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-					<span class="red">Your <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name<<if playerChastity("anus")>> with an anal shield<</if>> gives you no comfort.</span>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name isnot "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.upper.one_piece is "broken" and $worn.lower.set isnot $worn.upper.set>>
-					<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-					You are wearing <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name that has been torn at the waist <span class="purple"> leaving your <<underlowerword>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name exposed.</span>
-					<<else>>
-					You are wearing <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name that has been torn at the waist <span class="purple"> leaving your <<underlowerword>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name exposed.</span>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-					You are wearing <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name and <<underlowerword>> <span class="purple">exposed <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name.</span>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if $worn.under_upper.one_piece is 1>>
-						You are wearing <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name. <span class="purple">Your $worn.under_upper.name is visible beneath your waist.</span>
-						<<else>>
-						You are wearing <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name and <<underlowerword>> <span class="purple">exposed <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name.</span>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-					Your <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name<<if playerChastity("anus")>> with an anal shield<</if>> <<if $worn.under_lower.reveal gte 500>>is clearly visible<<else>>can be made out<</if>> underneath.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $worn.lower.name isnot "naked">>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name is "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-				You are wearing <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name
-					<<if $worn.lower.one_piece isnot 1>>
-					and <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name
-					<</if>>
-				<span class="purple"><<if $worn.lower.type.includes("swim")>>and<<else>>but<</if>> you are not wearing underwear.</span>
-				<<else>>
-					You are wearing <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name
-					<<if $worn.lower.one_piece isnot 1>>
-					and <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $worn.under_upper.one_piece is "broken">>
-					<span class="purple">with just <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name that has been torn at the waist beneath.</span>
-					<<else>>
-					<span class="purple">with just <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath.</span>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-					You wear <<genitalsword>> <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name<<if playerChastity("anus")>> with an anal shield<</if>>.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $worn.under_lower.name isnot "naked">>
-				<<if $worn.under_upper.name is "naked">>
-				You are wearing <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name
-					<<if $worn.lower.one_piece isnot 1>>
-					and <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $player.breastsize lt 3>>
-						with <<underlowerword>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name beneath.
-					<<else>>
-						<span class="purple">with just <<underlowerword>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name beneath.</span>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-				You are wearing <<upperword>> <<upperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'upper'>> $worn.upper.name
-					<<if $worn.lower.one_piece isnot 1>>
-					and <<lowerword>> <<lowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'lower'>> $worn.lower.name
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $worn.under_lower.one_piece is 1>>
-					with <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath.
-					<<else>>
-					with <<underlowerword>> <<underlowerintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_lower'>> $worn.under_lower.name and <<underupperword>> <<underupperintegrity>> <<clothescolour 'under_upper'>> $worn.under_upper.name beneath.
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $worn.genitals.name isnot "naked">>
-					You wear <<genitalsword>> <<genitalsintegrity>> $worn.genitals.name<<if playerChastity("anus")>> with an anal shield<</if>>.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $worn.face.type.includes("mask")>>
-	<br>
-	Your identity is concealed by your $worn.face.name.
-	<</if>>
-<<widget "stripcaption">>
-	<<if !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $upperwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $lowerwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $underlowerwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.under_upper.type.includes("naked") and $underupperwetstage gte 3>>
-		<<if $worn.under_upper.set is $worn.under_lower.set>>
-			<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name and $worn.under_upper.name are drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<<else>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name and $worn.under_upper.name are drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.under_lower.name and $worn.under_upper.name are drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<<else>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name, $worn.under_lower.name and $worn.under_upper.name are drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $upperwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $lowerwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $underlowerwetstage gte 3>>
-		<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name, and $worn.under_lower.name are drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<<else>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name and $worn.under_lower.name are drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $upperwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.under_upper.type.includes("naked") and $underupperwetstage gte 3 and $lowerwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked")>>
-		<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name and $worn.under_upper.name are drenched, <span class="purple">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-		<br>
-		<<else>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name and $worn.under_upper.name are drenched, <span class="purple">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-		<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $upperwetstage gte 3 and $lowerwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked")>>
-		<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name is drenched, <span class="purple">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<<else>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name and $worn.lower.name are drenched, <span class="purple">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $upperwetstage gte 3>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name <<upperplural>> drenched, <span class="purple">revealing your <<breasts>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $lowerwetstage gte 3 and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $underlowerwetstage gte 3>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.lower.name and $worn.under_lower.name are drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $lowerwetstage gte 3>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.lower.name <<lowerplural>> drenched, <span class="purple">revealing your <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $underlowerwetstage gte 3>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.under_lower.name <<underlowerplural>> drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.under_upper.type.includes("naked") and $underupperwetstage gte 3>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.under_upper.name <<underupperplural>> drenched, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.upper.exposed is 2 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $worn.lower.exposed is 2 and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $worn.under_lower.state isnot "waist" and !$worn.under_upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.under_upper.state isnot setup.clothes.under_upper[clothesIndex('under_upper', $worn.under_upper)].state_base>>
-		<<if $worn.under_upper.set is $worn.under_lower.set>>
-			<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, skirt and $worn.under_upper.name have been pulled aside, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<<else>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name and $worn.under_upper.name have been pulled aside, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, skirt, $worn.under_upper.name and $worn.under_lower.name have been pulled aside, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<<else>>
-		<br>
-		Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name, $worn.under_upper.name and $worn.under_lower.name have been pulled aside, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-		<br>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.upper.exposed is 2 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $worn.lower.exposed is 2 and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $worn.under_lower.state isnot "waist">>
-		<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name, skirt and $worn.under_lower.name have been pulled aside, <span class="pink">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<<else>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name and $worn.under_lower.name have been pulled aside, <span class="pink">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.upper.exposed is 2 and $worn.lower.exposed is 2 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and !$worn.under_upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.under_upper.state isnot setup.clothes.under_upper[clothesIndex('under_upper', $worn.under_upper)].state_base>>
-		<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name, skirt and $worn.under_upper.name have been pulled aside, <span class="purple">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<<else>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name, $worn.lower.name and $worn.under_upper.name have been pulled aside, <span class="purple">revealing your <<breasts>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.upper.exposed is 2 and $worn.lower.exposed is 2 and !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked")>>
-		<<if $worn.upper.set is $worn.lower.set>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name and skirt have been pulled aside, <span class="purple">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<<else>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name and $worn.lower.name have been pulled aside, <span class="purple">revealing your <<undertop>> and <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !$worn.upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.upper.exposed is 2>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.upper.name <<upperhas>> been pulled aside, <span class="purple">revealing your <<breasts>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $worn.lower.exposed is 2 and !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $worn.under_lower.state isnot "waist">>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.lower.name <<lowerhas>> been pulled aside and your $worn.under_lower.name pulled down, <span class="pink">revealing your <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.lower.type.includes("naked") and $worn.lower.exposed is 2>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.lower.name <<lowerhas>> been pulled aside, <span class="purple">revealing your <<undies>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") and !playerChastity() and $worn.under_lower.state isnot setup.clothes.under_lower[clothesIndex('under_lower', $worn.under_lower)].state_base>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.under_lower.name <<underlowerhas>> been pulled
-	<<if $worn.under_lower.state is "totheside">>
-		pulled aside,
-	<<else>>
-		down to your $worn.under_lower.state,
-	<</if>>
-	<span class="pink">revealing your <<genitals>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<<elseif !$worn.under_upper.type.includes("naked") and $worn.under_upper.state isnot setup.clothes.under_upper[clothesIndex('under_upper', $worn.under_upper)].state_base>>
-	<br>
-	Your $worn.under_upper.name <<underupperhas>> been pulled to your $worn.under_upper.state, <span class="pink">revealing your <<breasts>>.</span>
-	<br>
-	<</if>>
-/* Obsolete - replaced with js
-<<widget "clock">><<silently>>
-	<<if Time.hour gte 12>>
-		<<set _hour to Time.hour - 12>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set _hour to Time.hour>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if Time.minute lt 30>>
-		<<switch _hour>>
-			<<case 1>><<set _text_output to "🕐">>
-			<<case 2>><<set _text_output to "🕑">>
-			<<case 3>><<set _text_output to "🕒">>
-			<<case 4>><<set _text_output to "🕓">>
-			<<case 5>><<set _text_output to "🕔">>
-			<<case 6>><<set _text_output to "🕕">>
-			<<case 7>><<set _text_output to "🕖">>
-			<<case 8>><<set _text_output to "🕗">>
-			<<case 9>><<set _text_output to "🕘">>
-			<<case 10>><<set _text_output to "🕙">>
-			<<case 11>><<set _text_output to "🕚">>
-			<<case 0>><<set _text_output to "🕛">>
-			<<default>><<set _text_output to "OHNO">>
-		<</switch>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<switch _hour>>
-			<<case 1>><<set _text_output to "🕜">>
-			<<case 2>><<set _text_output to "🕝">>
-			<<case 3>><<set _text_output to "🕞">>
-			<<case 4>><<set _text_output to "🕟">>
-			<<case 5>><<set _text_output to "🕠">>
-			<<case 6>><<set _text_output to "🕡">>
-			<<case 7>><<set _text_output to "🕢">>
-			<<case 8>><<set _text_output to "🕣">>
-			<<case 9>><<set _text_output to "🕤">>
-			<<case 10>><<set _text_output to "🕥">>
-			<<case 11>><<set _text_output to "🕦">>
-			<<case 0>><<set _text_output to "🕧">>
-			<<default>><<set _text_output to "OHNO">>
-		<</switch>>
-	<</if>>
-<</silently>><<print _text_output>><</widget>> */
 <<widget "statsCaption">>
 	<<printmoney $money true>>
diff --git a/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee b/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee
index f8028681b00d609053a64ca38f998c4fd480e6d6..78e0a1c8be826d0ba3ee52489c1e34a71b8e0111 100644
--- a/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee
+++ b/game/base-system/overlays/journal.twee
@@ -792,9 +792,8 @@
 	<<if !_currentPage>><<set _currentPage to "default">><</if>>
 	<<set _listPageName to _currentPage>>
-	<details>
-		<summary style="display:list-item;">Extra</summary>
-		<br>
+	<<foldout false "_journalFoldout">>
+		<span>Extra</span>
 		<<listbox "_listPageName" autoselect>>
 			<<optionsfrom Object.keys($journalNotes)>>
@@ -832,7 +831,7 @@
 			Page names can only contain A-Z, numbers, underscore, dashes and spaces.
 		<div id="journalNotesMessage"></div>
-	</details>
+	<</foldout>>
 	<div id="journalNotesTextarea"><<journalNotesTextarea>></div>
diff --git a/game/base-system/overlays/traits.twee b/game/base-system/overlays/traits.twee
index 7d5f3851f813d6f3457431c229e27e25ec6915ca..9d1d628e0ef48fdc7361e61a42ba0841adb85c70 100644
--- a/game/base-system/overlays/traits.twee
+++ b/game/base-system/overlays/traits.twee
@@ -908,8 +908,8 @@
 <<widget "traitListsSearch">>
 	<<if $options.traitOverlayFormat is undefined>><<set $options.traitOverlayFormat to "table">><</if>>
 	<<set _traitSearch to "">>
-	<details>
-		<summary style="display:list-item;">Filter</summary>
+	<<foldout false "_traitFilterFoldout">>
+		<span>Filter</span>
 		<label>Search: <<textbox "_traitSearch" _traitSearch>></label>
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@
 			<<replace "#traitListsSearch">><<traitListsSearch>><</replace>>
 			<<replace "#traitLists">><<traitLists>><</replace>>
 		<</link>> |
-	</details>
+	<</foldout>>
 <<widget "traitLists">>
@@ -1008,4 +1008,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/game/base-system/radio.twee b/game/base-system/radio.twee
deleted file mode 100644
index 24022728ef364fd97033acff5d739a1f148abb51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/game/base-system/radio.twee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3990 +0,0 @@
-Radio mod for Degrees of Lewdity v.1.
-Feb 2019
-(c) khan@buntownik.pl
-:: RadioDummy
-<<radio_listen>><<pass 1>>
-<<radio_listen>><<pass 1>>
-<<radio_listen>><<pass 1>>
-<<radio_listen>><<pass 1>>
-<<radio_listen>><<pass 1>>
-<<link [[Next|previous()]]>><</link>>
-:: RadioWidgets [widget]
-<<widget "radio_midnight">> /*call every midnight to reduce importance of news, and shift the Tanktracks*/
-	<<set $news1_importance to $news1_importance-1>>
-	<<if $news1_importance lte 0>>
-		<<set $news1 to "gossip">>
-		<<set $news1_importance to 0>>
-		<<set $news1_gen to "person">>
-		<<set $news1_hairc to "dark">>
-		<<set $news1_hairl to "regular">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $news2_importance to $news2_importance-1>>
-	<<if $news2_importance lte 0>>
-		<<set $news2 to "gossip">>
-		<<set $news2_importance to 0>>
-		<<set $news2_gen to "person">>
-		<<set $news2_hairc to "dark">>
-		<<set $news2_hairl to "regular">>
-	<</if>>
-	/*move the tank*/
-	<<if $tanktracks is 1>>
-		<<set $tanktracks to 2>>
-	<<elseif $tanktracks is 2>>
-		<<set $tanktracks to 3>>
-	<<elseif $tanktracks is 3>>
-		<<set $tanktracks to 4>>
-	<<elseif $tanktracks is 4>>
-		<<set $tanktracks to 5>>
-	<<elseif $tanktracks is 5>>
-		<<set $tanktracks to 6>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $tanktracks to 1>>
-	<</if>>
-<<widget "radio_placehere">>
-	<<set $_rem_str to getTimeString(Time.hour + 1, 0)>>
-	<<set $loc to passage()>>
-	<<radio_listen>>
-	<<link [[Listen to the radio (0:01)|passage()]]>><<pass 1>><</link>> /*script thing is magically required to link to the same page*/
-	<br>
-	<<link [[Listen for a while (0:05)|passage()]]>><<pass 5>><</link>>
-	<br>
-	<<if Time.minute lte 47>>
-		<<link "Wait for the news ($_rem_str)" $loc>><<advanceToHour>><</link>>
-		<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<widget "radio_hardreset">> /* call this to reset news. Should be called when fresh new game is initialised */
-	<<set $news1 to "gossip">>
-	<<set $news1_importance to 0>>
-	<<set $news1_gen to "person">>
-	<<set $news1_hairc to "black">>
-	<<set $news1_hairl to "regular">>
-	<<set $news2 to "gossip">>
-	<<set $news2_importance to 0>>
-	<<set $news2_gen to "person">>
-	<<set $news2_hairc to "black">>
-	<<set $news2_hairl to "regular">>
-<<widget "radio_addnews">>
-	/*sort news*/
-	<<if $news2_importance gt $news1_importance>>
-		<<set $newstemp1 to $news1>>
-		<<set $newstemp2 to $news1_importance>>
-		<<set $newstemp3 to $news1_gen>>
-		<<set $newstemp4 to $news1_hairc>>
-		<<set $newstemp5 to $news1_hairl>>
-		<<set $news1 to $news2>>
-		<<set $news1_importance to $news2_importance>>
-		<<set $news1_gen to $news2_gen>>
-		<<set $news1_hairc to $news2_hairc>>
-		<<set $news1_hairl to $news2_hairl>>
-		<<set $news2 to $newstemp1>>
-		<<set $news2_importance to $newstemp2>>
-		<<set $news2_gen to $newstemp3>>
-		<<set $news2_hairc to $newstemp4>>
-		<<set $news2_hairl to $newstemp5>>
-	<</if>>
-	/*if the incoming news are actually something new*/
-	<<if (_args[0] isnot $news1) and (_args[0] isnot $news1)>>
-		/*if incoming news is more or as important as than news2, but less important than the news1*/
-		<<if (_args[1] gte $news2_importance) and (_args[1] lt $news1_importance)>>
-			/* new news shall replace news2 */
-			<<set $news2 to _args[0]>>
-			<<set $news2_importance to _args[1]>>
-			/* store PC appearance */
-			<<if $player.gender is "m">>
-				<<set $news2_gen to "male">>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $news2_gen to "female">>
-			<</if>>
-			<<set $news2_hairc to $haircolour>>
-			<<if $hairlength gte 300>>
-				<<set $news2_hairl to "long">>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $news2_hairl to "short">>
-			<</if>>
-			/* if incoming news is more or as important as both current news */
-		<<elseif (_args[1] gte $news2_importance) and (_args[1] gte $news2_importance)>>
-			/*new1 should replace news2
-			new news should replace news1*/
-			<<set $news2 to $news1>>
-			<<set $news2_importance to $news1_importance>>
-			/* store PC appearance */
-			<<set $news2_gen to $news1_gen>>
-			<<set $news2_hairc to $news1_hairc>>
-			<<set $news2_hairl to $news1_hairl>>
-			<<set $news1 to _args[0]>>
-			<<set $news1_importance to _args[1]>>
-			/* store PC appearance */
-			<<if $player.gender is "m">>
-				<<set $news1_gen to "male">>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $news1_gen to "female">>
-			<</if>>
-			<<set $news1_hairc to $haircolour>>
-			<<if $hairlength gte 300>>
-				<<set $news1_hairl to "long">>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $news1_hairl to "short">>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		/*if the incoming news already exist*/
-	<<else>>
-		/*if incoming news are the same as news1 but are more important */
-		<<if (_args[0] is $news1) and (_args[1] gt $news1_importance)>>
-			/*refresh importance*/
-			<<set $news1_importance to _args[1]>>
-		<</if>>
-		/*if incoming news are the same as news2 but are more important */
-		<<if (_args[0] is $news2) and (_args[1] gt $news2_importance)>>
-			/*refresh importance*/
-			<<set $news2_importance to _args[1]>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<widget "radio_listen">> /* call this to listen to the radio */
-	<<set $radioname to "Sunshine Radio">>
-	<<set $radioslogan to "Your window to the world">>
-	/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/*create news*/
-	/*default set*/
-	<<set $news1_line1 to "The corruption scandal in the city council continues.">>
-	<<set $news1_line2 to "The investigative commission is in the process of determining what happened to the money earmarked for the renovation of the city's orphanage and asylum.">>
-	<<set $news1_line3 to "As reported by anonymous sources - someone from the city council may be involved in the loss of money.">>
-	<<set $news1_line4 to "In the coming days the mayor is to make a special statement.">>
-	<<silently>><<nnpc_he "Quinn">><</silently>>
-	<<set $news1_line5 to "Until then, "+_text_output+" abstains from comments and states that the whole thing is part of the pre-election provocation.">>
-	<<set $news2_line1 to "The number of wolves in forest areas near the city keep growing.">>
-	<<set $news2_line2 to "Ah gone up in smoke a sheep this week, an' two goats previous one! Lord, far ta cut a path thuh house! - claims one of local farmers.">>
-	<<set $news2_line3 to "According to some commentators, this is the result of recent changes in the law on poaching and hunting.">>
-	<<set $news2_line4 to "The mayor announces that the situation will soon be settled.">>
-	<<set $news2_line5 to "For now, it is recommended to not stay alone in the forest areas after dark.">>
-	<<if $news1 is "meteor_fall">>
-		<<set $news1_line1 to "Meteor fall line one.">>
-		<<set $news1_line2 to "Meteor fall line two.">>
-		<<set $news1_line3 to "Meteor fall line three.">>
-		<<set $news1_line4 to "Meteor fall line four.">>
-		<<set $news1_line5 to "Meteor fall line five.">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $news2 is "meteor_fall">>
-		<<set $news2_line1 to "Meteor fall line one.">>
-		<<set $news2_line2 to "Meteor fall line two.">>
-		<<set $news2_line3 to "Meteor fall line three.">>
-		<<set $news2_line4 to "Meteor fall line four.">>
-		<<set $news2_line5 to "Meteor fall line five.">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $news1 is "godzilla_awaken">>
-		<<set $news1_line1 to "Godzilla line one.">>
-		<<set $news1_line2 to "Godzilla line two.">>
-		<<set $news1_line3 to "Godzilla line three.">>
-		<<set $news1_line4 to "Godzilla line four.">>
-		<<set $news1_line5 to "Godzilla line five.">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $news2 is "godzilla_awaken">>
-		<<set $news2_line1 to "Godzilla line one.">>
-		<<set $news2_line2 to "Godzilla line two.">>
-		<<set $news2_line3 to "Godzilla line three.">>
-		<<set $news2_line4 to "Godzilla line four.">>
-		<<set $news2_line5 to "Godzilla line five.">>
-	<</if>>
-	/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-	<<if $hour gte 0 and $hour lt 6>>
-		<<if (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 13)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 73)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 133)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 193)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 253)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 313))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 14)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 74)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 134)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 194)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 254)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 314))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 15)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 75)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 135)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 195)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 255)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 315))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 16)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 76)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 136)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 196)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 256)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 316))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 17)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 77)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 137)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 197)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 257)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 317))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 18)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 78)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 138)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 198)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 258)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 318))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 19)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 79)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 139)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 199)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 259)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 319))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 20)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 80)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 140)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 200)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 260)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 320))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 21)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 81)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 141)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 201)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 261)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 321))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 22)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 82)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 142)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 202)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 262)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 322))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 23)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 83)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 143)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 203)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 263)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 323))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 24)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 84)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 144)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 204)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 264)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 324))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 25)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 85)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 145)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 205)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 265)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 325))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 26)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 86)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 146)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 206)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 266)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 326))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 27)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 87)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 147)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 207)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 267)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 327))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 28)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 88)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 148)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 208)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 268)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 328))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 29)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 89)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 149)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 209)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 269)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 329))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 30)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 90)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 150)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 210)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 270)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 330))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 31)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 91)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 151)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 211)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 271)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 331))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 32)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 92)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 152)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 212)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 272)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 332))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 33)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 93)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 153)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 213)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 273)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 333))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 34)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 94)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 154)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 214)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 274)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 334))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 35)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 95)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 155)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 215)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 275)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 335))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 36)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 96)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 156)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 216)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 276)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 336))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 37)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 97)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 157)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 217)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 277)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 337))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 38)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 98)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 158)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 218)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 278)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 338))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 39)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 99)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 159)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 219)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 279)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 339))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 40)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 100)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 160)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 220)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 280)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 340))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 41)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 101)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 161)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 221)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 281)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 341))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 42)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 102)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 162)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 222)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 282)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 342))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 43)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 103)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 163)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 223)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 283)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 343))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 44)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 104)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 164)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 224)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 284)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 344))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 45)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 105)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 165)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 225)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 285)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 345))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 46)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 106)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 166)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 226)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 286)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 346))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 47)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 107)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 167)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 227)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 287)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 347))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 48)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 108)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 168)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 228)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 288)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 348))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 49)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 109)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 169)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 229)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 289)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 349))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 50)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 110)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 170)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 230)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 290)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 350))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 51)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 111)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 171)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 231)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 291)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 351))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 52)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 112)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 172)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 232)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 292)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 352))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 53)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 113)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 173)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 233)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 293)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 353))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 54)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 114)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 174)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 234)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 294)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 354))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 55)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 115)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 175)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 235)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 295)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 355))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 56)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 116)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 176)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 236)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 296)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 356))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 57)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 117)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 177)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 237)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 297)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 357))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 58)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 118)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 178)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 238)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 298)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 358))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 59)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 119)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 179)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 239)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 299)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 359))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 1, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 13)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 73)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 133)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 193)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 253)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 313))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 14)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 74)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 134)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 194)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 254)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 314))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 15)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 75)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 135)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 195)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 255)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 315))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 16)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 76)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 136)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 196)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 256)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 316))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 17)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 77)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 137)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 197)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 257)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 317))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 18)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 78)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 138)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 198)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 258)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 318))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 19)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 79)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 139)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 199)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 259)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 319))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 20)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 80)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 140)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 200)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 260)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 320))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 21)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 81)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 141)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 201)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 261)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 321))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 22)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 82)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 142)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 202)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 262)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 322))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 23)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 83)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 143)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 203)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 263)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 323))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 24)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 84)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 144)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 204)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 264)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 324))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 25)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 85)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 145)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 205)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 265)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 325))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 26)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 86)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 146)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 206)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 266)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 326))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 27)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 87)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 147)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 207)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 267)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 327))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 28)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 88)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 148)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 208)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 268)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 328))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 29)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 89)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 149)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 209)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 269)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 329))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 30)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 90)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 150)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 210)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 270)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 330))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 31)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 91)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 151)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 211)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 271)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 331))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 32)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 92)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 152)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 212)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 272)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 332))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 33)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 93)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 153)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 213)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 273)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 333))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 34)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 94)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 154)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 214)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 274)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 334))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 35)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 95)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 155)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 215)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 275)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 335))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 36)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 96)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 156)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 216)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 276)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 336))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 37)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 97)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 157)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 217)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 277)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 337))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 38)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 98)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 158)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 218)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 278)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 338))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 39)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 99)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 159)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 219)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 279)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 339))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 40)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 100)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 160)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 220)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 280)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 340))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 41)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 101)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 161)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 221)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 281)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 341))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 42)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 102)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 162)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 222)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 282)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 342))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 43)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 103)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 163)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 223)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 283)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 343))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 44)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 104)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 164)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 224)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 284)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 344))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 45)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 105)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 165)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 225)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 285)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 345))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 46)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 106)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 166)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 226)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 286)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 346))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 47)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 107)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 167)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 227)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 287)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 347))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 48)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 108)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 168)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 228)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 288)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 348))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 49)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 109)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 169)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 229)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 289)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 349))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 50)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 110)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 170)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 230)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 290)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 350))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 51)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 111)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 171)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 231)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 291)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 351))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 52)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 112)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 172)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 232)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 292)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 352))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 53)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 113)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 173)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 233)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 293)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 353))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 54)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 114)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 174)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 234)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 294)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 354))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 55)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 115)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 175)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 235)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 295)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 355))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 56)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 116)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 176)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 236)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 296)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 356))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 57)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 117)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 177)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 237)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 297)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 357))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 58)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 118)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 178)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 238)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 298)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 358))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 59)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 119)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 179)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 239)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 299)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 359))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 2, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 13)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 73)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 133)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 193)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 253)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 313))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 14)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 74)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 134)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 194)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 254)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 314))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 15)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 75)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 135)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 195)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 255)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 315))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 16)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 76)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 136)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 196)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 256)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 316))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 17)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 77)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 137)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 197)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 257)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 317))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 18)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 78)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 138)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 198)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 258)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 318))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 19)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 79)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 139)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 199)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 259)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 319))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 20)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 80)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 140)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 200)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 260)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 320))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 21)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 81)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 141)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 201)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 261)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 321))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 22)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 82)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 142)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 202)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 262)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 322))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 23)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 83)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 143)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 203)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 263)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 323))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 24)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 84)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 144)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 204)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 264)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 324))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 25)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 85)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 145)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 205)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 265)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 325))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 26)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 86)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 146)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 206)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 266)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 326))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 27)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 87)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 147)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 207)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 267)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 327))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 28)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 88)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 148)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 208)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 268)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 328))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 29)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 89)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 149)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 209)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 269)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 329))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 30)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 90)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 150)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 210)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 270)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 330))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 31)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 91)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 151)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 211)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 271)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 331))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 32)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 92)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 152)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 212)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 272)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 332))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 33)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 93)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 153)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 213)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 273)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 333))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 34)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 94)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 154)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 214)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 274)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 334))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 35)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 95)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 155)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 215)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 275)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 335))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 36)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 96)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 156)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 216)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 276)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 336))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 37)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 97)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 157)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 217)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 277)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 337))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 38)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 98)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 158)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 218)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 278)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 338))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 39)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 99)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 159)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 219)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 279)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 339))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 40)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 100)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 160)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 220)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 280)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 340))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 41)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 101)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 161)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 221)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 281)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 341))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 42)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 102)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 162)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 222)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 282)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 342))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 43)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 103)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 163)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 223)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 283)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 343))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 44)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 104)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 164)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 224)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 284)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 344))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 45)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 105)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 165)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 225)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 285)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 345))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 46)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 106)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 166)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 226)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 286)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 346))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 47)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 107)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 167)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 227)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 287)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 347))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 48)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 108)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 168)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 228)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 288)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 348))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 49)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 109)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 169)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 229)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 289)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 349))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 50)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 110)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 170)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 230)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 290)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 350))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 51)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 111)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 171)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 231)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 291)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 351))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 52)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 112)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 172)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 232)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 292)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 352))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 53)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 113)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 173)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 233)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 293)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 353))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 54)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 114)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 174)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 234)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 294)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 354))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 55)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 115)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 175)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 235)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 295)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 355))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 56)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 116)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 176)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 236)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 296)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 356))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 57)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 117)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 177)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 237)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 297)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 357))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 58)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 118)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 178)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 238)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 298)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 358))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 59)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 119)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 179)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 239)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 299)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 359))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 3, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 13)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 73)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 133)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 193)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 253)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 313))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 14)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 74)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 134)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 194)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 254)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 314))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 15)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 75)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 135)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 195)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 255)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 315))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 16)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 76)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 136)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 196)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 256)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 316))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 17)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 77)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 137)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 197)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 257)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 317))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 18)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 78)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 138)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 198)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 258)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 318))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 19)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 79)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 139)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 199)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 259)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 319))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 20)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 80)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 140)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 200)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 260)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 320))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 21)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 81)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 141)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 201)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 261)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 321))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 22)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 82)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 142)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 202)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 262)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 322))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 23)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 83)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 143)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 203)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 263)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 323))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 24)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 84)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 144)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 204)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 264)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 324))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 25)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 85)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 145)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 205)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 265)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 325))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 26)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 86)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 146)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 206)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 266)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 326))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 27)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 87)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 147)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 207)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 267)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 327))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 28)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 88)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 148)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 208)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 268)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 328))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 29)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 89)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 149)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 209)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 269)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 329))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 30)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 90)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 150)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 210)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 270)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 330))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 31)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 91)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 151)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 211)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 271)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 331))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 32)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 92)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 152)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 212)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 272)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 332))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 33)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 93)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 153)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 213)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 273)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 333))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 34)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 94)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 154)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 214)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 274)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 334))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 35)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 95)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 155)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 215)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 275)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 335))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 36)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 96)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 156)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 216)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 276)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 336))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 37)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 97)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 157)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 217)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 277)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 337))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 38)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 98)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 158)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 218)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 278)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 338))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 39)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 99)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 159)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 219)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 279)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 339))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 40)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 100)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 160)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 220)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 280)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 340))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 41)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 101)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 161)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 221)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 281)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 341))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 42)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 102)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 162)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 222)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 282)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 342))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 43)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 103)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 163)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 223)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 283)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 343))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 44)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 104)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 164)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 224)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 284)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 344))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 45)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 105)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 165)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 225)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 285)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 345))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 46)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 106)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 166)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 226)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 286)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 346))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 47)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 107)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 167)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 227)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 287)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 347))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 48)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 108)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 168)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 228)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 288)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 348))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 49)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 109)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 169)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 229)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 289)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 349))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 50)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 110)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 170)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 230)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 290)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 350))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 51)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 111)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 171)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 231)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 291)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 351))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 52)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 112)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 172)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 232)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 292)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 352))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 53)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 113)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 173)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 233)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 293)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 353))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 54)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 114)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 174)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 234)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 294)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 354))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 55)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 115)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 175)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 235)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 295)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 355))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 56)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 116)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 176)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 236)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 296)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 356))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 57)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 117)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 177)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 237)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 297)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 357))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 58)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 118)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 178)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 238)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 298)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 358))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 59)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 119)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 179)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 239)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 299)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 359))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 4, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 13)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 73)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 133)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 193)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 253)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 313))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 14)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 74)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 134)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 194)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 254)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 314))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 15)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 75)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 135)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 195)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 255)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 315))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 16)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 76)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 136)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 196)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 256)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 316))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 17)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 77)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 137)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 197)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 257)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 317))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 18)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 78)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 138)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 198)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 258)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 318))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 19)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 79)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 139)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 199)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 259)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 319))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 20)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 80)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 140)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 200)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 260)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 320))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 21)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 81)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 141)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 201)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 261)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 321))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 22)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 82)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 142)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 202)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 262)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 322))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 23)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 83)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 143)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 203)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 263)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 323))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 24)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 84)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 144)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 204)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 264)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 324))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 25)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 85)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 145)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 205)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 265)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 325))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 26)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 86)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 146)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 206)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 266)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 326))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 27)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 87)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 147)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 207)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 267)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 327))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 28)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 88)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 148)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 208)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 268)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 328))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 29)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 89)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 149)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 209)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 269)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 329))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 30)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 90)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 150)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 210)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 270)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 330))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 31)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 91)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 151)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 211)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 271)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 331))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 32)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 92)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 152)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 212)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 272)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 332))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 33)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 93)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 153)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 213)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 273)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 333))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 34)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 94)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 154)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 214)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 274)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 334))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 35)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 95)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 155)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 215)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 275)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 335))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 36)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 96)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 156)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 216)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 276)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 336))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 37)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 97)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 157)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 217)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 277)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 337))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 38)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 98)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 158)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 218)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 278)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 338))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 39)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 99)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 159)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 219)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 279)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 339))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 40)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 100)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 160)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 220)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 280)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 340))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 41)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 101)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 161)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 221)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 281)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 341))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 42)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 102)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 162)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 222)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 282)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 342))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 43)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 103)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 163)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 223)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 283)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 343))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 44)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 104)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 164)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 224)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 284)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 344))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 45)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 105)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 165)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 225)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 285)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 345))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 46)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 106)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 166)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 226)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 286)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 346))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 47)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 107)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 167)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 227)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 287)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 347))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 48)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 108)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 168)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 228)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 288)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 348))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 49)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 109)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 169)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 229)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 289)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 349))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 50)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 110)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 170)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 230)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 290)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 350))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 51)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 111)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 171)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 231)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 291)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 351))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 52)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 112)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 172)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 232)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 292)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 352))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 53)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 113)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 173)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 233)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 293)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 353))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 54)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 114)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 174)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 234)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 294)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 354))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 55)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 115)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 175)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 235)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 295)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 355))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 56)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 116)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 176)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 236)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 296)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 356))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 57)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 117)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 177)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 237)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 297)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 357))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 58)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 118)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 178)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 238)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 298)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 358))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 59)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 119)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 179)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 239)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 299)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 359))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 5, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 13)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 73)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 133)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 193)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 253)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 313))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 14)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 74)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 134)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 194)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 254)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 314))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 15)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 75)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 135)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 195)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 255)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 315))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 16)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 76)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 136)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 196)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 256)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 316))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 17)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 77)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 137)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 197)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 257)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 317))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 18)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 78)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 138)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 198)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 258)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 318))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 19)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 79)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 139)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 199)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 259)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 319))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 20)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 80)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 140)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 200)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 260)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 320))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 21)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 81)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 141)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 201)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 261)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 321))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 22)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 82)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 142)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 202)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 262)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 322))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 23)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 83)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 143)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 203)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 263)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 323))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 24)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 84)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 144)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 204)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 264)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 324))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 25)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 85)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 145)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 205)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 265)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 325))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 26)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 86)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 146)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 206)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 266)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 326))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 27)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 87)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 147)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 207)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 267)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 327))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 28)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 88)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 148)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 208)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 268)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 328))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 29)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 89)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 149)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 209)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 269)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 329))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 30)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 90)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 150)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 210)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 270)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 330))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 31)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 91)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 151)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 211)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 271)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 331))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 32)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 92)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 152)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 212)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 272)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 332))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 33)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 93)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 153)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 213)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 273)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 333))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 34)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 94)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 154)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 214)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 274)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 334))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 35)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 95)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 155)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 215)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 275)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 335))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 36)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 96)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 156)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 216)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 276)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 336))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 37)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 97)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 157)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 217)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 277)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 337))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 38)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 98)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 158)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 218)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 278)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 338))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 39)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 99)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 159)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 219)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 279)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 339))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 40)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 100)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 160)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 220)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 280)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 340))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 41)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 101)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 161)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 221)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 281)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 341))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 42)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 102)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 162)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 222)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 282)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 342))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 43)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 103)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 163)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 223)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 283)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 343))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 44)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 104)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 164)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 224)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 284)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 344))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 45)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 105)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 165)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 225)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 285)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 345))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 46)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 106)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 166)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 226)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 286)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 346))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 47)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 107)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 167)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 227)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 287)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 347))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 48)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 108)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 168)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 228)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 288)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 348))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 49)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 109)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 169)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 229)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 289)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 349))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 50)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 110)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 170)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 230)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 290)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 350))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 51)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 111)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 171)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 231)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 291)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 351))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 52)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 112)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 172)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 232)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 292)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 352))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 53)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 113)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 173)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 233)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 293)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 353))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 54)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 114)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 174)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 234)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 294)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 354))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 55)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 115)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 175)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 235)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 295)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 355))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 56)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 116)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 176)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 236)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 296)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 356))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 57)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 117)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 177)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 237)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 297)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 357))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 58)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 118)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 178)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 238)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 298)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 358))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 59)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 119)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 179)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 239)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 299)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 359))>>
-			<i>Night radio, audition 6, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $hour gte 6 and $hour lt 12>>
-		<<if (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 373)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 433)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 493)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 553)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 613)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 673))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 374)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 434)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 494)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 554)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 614)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 674))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 375)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 435)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 495)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 555)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 615)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 675))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 376)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 436)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 496)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 556)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 616)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 676))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 377)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 437)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 497)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 557)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 617)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 677))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 378)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 438)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 498)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 558)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 618)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 678))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 379)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 439)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 499)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 559)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 619)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 679))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 380)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 440)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 500)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 560)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 620)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 680))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 381)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 441)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 501)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 561)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 621)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 681))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 382)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 442)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 502)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 562)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 622)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 682))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 383)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 443)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 503)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 563)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 623)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 683))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 384)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 444)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 504)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 564)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 624)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 684))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 385)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 445)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 505)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 565)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 625)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 685))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 386)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 446)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 506)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 566)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 626)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 686))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 387)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 447)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 507)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 567)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 627)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 687))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 388)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 448)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 508)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 568)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 628)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 688))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 389)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 449)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 509)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 569)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 629)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 689))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 390)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 450)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 510)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 570)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 630)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 690))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 391)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 451)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 511)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 571)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 631)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 691))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 392)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 452)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 512)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 572)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 632)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 692))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 393)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 453)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 513)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 573)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 633)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 693))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 394)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 454)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 514)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 574)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 634)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 694))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 395)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 455)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 515)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 575)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 635)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 695))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 396)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 456)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 516)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 576)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 636)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 696))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 397)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 457)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 517)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 577)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 637)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 697))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 398)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 458)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 518)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 578)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 638)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 698))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 399)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 459)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 519)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 579)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 639)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 699))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 400)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 460)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 520)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 580)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 640)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 700))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 401)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 461)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 521)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 581)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 641)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 701))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 402)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 462)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 522)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 582)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 642)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 702))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 403)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 463)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 523)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 583)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 643)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 703))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 404)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 464)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 524)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 584)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 644)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 704))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 405)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 465)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 525)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 585)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 645)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 705))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 406)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 466)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 526)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 586)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 646)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 706))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 407)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 467)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 527)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 587)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 647)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 707))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 408)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 468)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 528)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 588)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 648)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 708))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 409)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 469)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 529)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 589)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 649)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 709))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 410)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 470)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 530)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 590)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 650)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 710))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 411)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 471)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 531)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 591)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 651)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 711))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 412)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 472)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 532)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 592)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 652)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 712))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 413)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 473)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 533)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 593)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 653)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 713))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 414)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 474)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 534)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 594)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 654)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 714))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 415)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 475)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 535)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 595)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 655)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 715))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 416)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 476)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 536)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 596)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 656)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 716))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 417)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 477)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 537)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 597)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 657)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 717))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 418)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 478)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 538)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 598)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 658)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 718))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 419)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 479)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 539)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 599)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 659)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 719))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 1, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 373)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 433)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 493)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 553)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 613)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 673))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 374)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 434)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 494)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 554)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 614)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 674))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 375)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 435)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 495)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 555)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 615)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 675))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 376)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 436)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 496)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 556)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 616)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 676))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 377)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 437)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 497)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 557)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 617)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 677))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 378)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 438)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 498)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 558)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 618)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 678))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 379)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 439)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 499)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 559)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 619)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 679))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 380)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 440)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 500)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 560)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 620)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 680))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 381)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 441)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 501)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 561)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 621)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 681))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 382)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 442)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 502)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 562)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 622)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 682))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 383)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 443)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 503)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 563)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 623)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 683))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 384)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 444)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 504)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 564)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 624)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 684))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 385)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 445)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 505)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 565)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 625)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 685))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 386)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 446)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 506)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 566)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 626)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 686))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 387)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 447)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 507)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 567)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 627)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 687))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 388)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 448)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 508)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 568)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 628)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 688))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 389)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 449)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 509)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 569)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 629)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 689))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 390)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 450)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 510)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 570)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 630)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 690))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 391)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 451)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 511)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 571)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 631)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 691))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 392)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 452)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 512)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 572)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 632)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 692))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 393)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 453)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 513)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 573)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 633)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 693))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 394)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 454)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 514)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 574)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 634)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 694))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 395)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 455)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 515)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 575)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 635)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 695))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 396)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 456)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 516)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 576)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 636)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 696))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 397)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 457)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 517)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 577)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 637)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 697))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 398)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 458)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 518)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 578)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 638)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 698))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 399)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 459)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 519)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 579)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 639)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 699))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 400)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 460)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 520)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 580)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 640)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 700))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 401)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 461)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 521)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 581)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 641)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 701))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 402)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 462)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 522)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 582)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 642)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 702))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 403)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 463)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 523)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 583)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 643)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 703))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 404)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 464)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 524)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 584)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 644)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 704))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 405)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 465)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 525)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 585)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 645)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 705))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 406)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 466)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 526)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 586)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 646)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 706))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 407)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 467)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 527)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 587)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 647)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 707))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 408)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 468)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 528)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 588)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 648)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 708))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 409)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 469)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 529)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 589)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 649)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 709))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 410)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 470)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 530)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 590)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 650)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 710))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 411)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 471)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 531)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 591)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 651)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 711))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 412)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 472)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 532)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 592)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 652)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 712))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 413)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 473)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 533)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 593)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 653)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 713))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 414)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 474)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 534)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 594)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 654)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 714))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 415)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 475)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 535)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 595)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 655)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 715))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 416)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 476)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 536)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 596)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 656)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 716))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 417)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 477)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 537)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 597)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 657)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 717))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 418)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 478)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 538)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 598)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 658)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 718))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 419)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 479)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 539)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 599)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 659)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 719))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 2, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 373)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 433)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 493)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 553)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 613)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 673))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 374)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 434)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 494)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 554)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 614)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 674))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 375)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 435)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 495)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 555)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 615)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 675))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 376)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 436)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 496)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 556)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 616)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 676))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 377)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 437)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 497)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 557)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 617)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 677))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 378)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 438)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 498)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 558)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 618)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 678))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 379)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 439)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 499)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 559)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 619)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 679))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 380)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 440)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 500)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 560)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 620)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 680))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 381)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 441)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 501)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 561)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 621)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 681))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 382)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 442)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 502)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 562)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 622)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 682))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 383)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 443)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 503)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 563)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 623)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 683))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 384)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 444)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 504)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 564)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 624)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 684))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 385)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 445)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 505)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 565)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 625)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 685))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 386)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 446)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 506)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 566)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 626)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 686))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 387)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 447)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 507)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 567)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 627)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 687))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 388)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 448)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 508)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 568)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 628)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 688))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 389)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 449)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 509)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 569)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 629)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 689))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 390)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 450)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 510)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 570)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 630)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 690))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 391)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 451)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 511)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 571)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 631)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 691))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 392)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 452)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 512)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 572)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 632)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 692))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 393)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 453)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 513)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 573)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 633)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 693))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 394)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 454)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 514)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 574)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 634)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 694))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 395)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 455)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 515)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 575)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 635)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 695))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 396)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 456)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 516)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 576)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 636)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 696))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 397)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 457)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 517)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 577)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 637)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 697))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 398)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 458)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 518)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 578)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 638)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 698))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 399)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 459)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 519)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 579)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 639)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 699))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 400)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 460)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 520)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 580)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 640)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 700))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 401)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 461)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 521)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 581)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 641)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 701))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 402)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 462)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 522)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 582)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 642)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 702))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 403)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 463)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 523)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 583)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 643)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 703))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 404)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 464)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 524)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 584)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 644)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 704))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 405)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 465)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 525)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 585)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 645)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 705))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 406)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 466)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 526)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 586)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 646)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 706))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 407)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 467)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 527)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 587)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 647)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 707))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 408)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 468)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 528)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 588)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 648)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 708))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 409)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 469)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 529)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 589)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 649)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 709))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 410)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 470)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 530)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 590)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 650)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 710))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 411)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 471)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 531)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 591)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 651)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 711))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 412)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 472)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 532)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 592)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 652)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 712))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 413)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 473)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 533)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 593)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 653)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 713))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 414)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 474)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 534)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 594)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 654)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 714))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 415)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 475)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 535)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 595)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 655)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 715))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 416)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 476)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 536)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 596)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 656)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 716))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 417)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 477)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 537)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 597)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 657)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 717))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 418)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 478)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 538)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 598)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 658)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 718))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 419)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 479)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 539)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 599)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 659)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 719))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 3, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 373)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 433)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 493)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 553)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 613)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 673))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 374)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 434)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 494)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 554)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 614)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 674))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 375)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 435)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 495)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 555)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 615)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 675))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 376)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 436)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 496)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 556)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 616)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 676))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 377)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 437)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 497)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 557)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 617)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 677))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 378)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 438)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 498)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 558)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 618)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 678))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 379)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 439)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 499)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 559)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 619)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 679))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 380)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 440)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 500)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 560)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 620)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 680))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 381)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 441)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 501)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 561)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 621)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 681))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 382)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 442)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 502)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 562)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 622)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 682))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 383)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 443)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 503)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 563)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 623)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 683))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 384)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 444)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 504)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 564)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 624)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 684))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 385)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 445)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 505)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 565)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 625)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 685))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 386)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 446)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 506)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 566)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 626)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 686))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 387)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 447)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 507)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 567)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 627)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 687))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 388)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 448)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 508)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 568)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 628)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 688))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 389)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 449)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 509)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 569)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 629)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 689))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 390)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 450)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 510)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 570)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 630)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 690))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 391)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 451)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 511)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 571)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 631)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 691))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 392)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 452)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 512)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 572)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 632)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 692))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 393)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 453)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 513)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 573)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 633)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 693))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 394)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 454)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 514)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 574)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 634)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 694))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 395)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 455)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 515)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 575)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 635)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 695))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 396)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 456)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 516)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 576)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 636)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 696))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 397)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 457)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 517)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 577)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 637)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 697))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 398)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 458)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 518)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 578)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 638)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 698))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 399)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 459)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 519)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 579)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 639)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 699))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 400)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 460)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 520)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 580)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 640)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 700))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 401)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 461)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 521)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 581)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 641)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 701))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 402)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 462)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 522)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 582)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 642)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 702))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 403)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 463)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 523)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 583)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 643)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 703))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 404)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 464)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 524)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 584)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 644)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 704))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 405)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 465)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 525)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 585)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 645)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 705))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 406)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 466)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 526)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 586)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 646)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 706))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 407)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 467)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 527)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 587)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 647)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 707))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 408)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 468)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 528)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 588)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 648)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 708))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 409)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 469)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 529)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 589)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 649)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 709))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 410)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 470)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 530)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 590)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 650)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 710))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 411)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 471)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 531)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 591)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 651)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 711))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 412)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 472)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 532)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 592)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 652)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 712))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 413)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 473)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 533)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 593)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 653)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 713))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 414)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 474)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 534)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 594)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 654)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 714))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 415)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 475)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 535)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 595)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 655)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 715))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 416)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 476)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 536)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 596)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 656)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 716))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 417)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 477)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 537)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 597)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 657)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 717))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 418)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 478)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 538)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 598)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 658)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 718))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 419)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 479)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 539)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 599)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 659)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 719))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 4, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 373)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 433)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 493)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 553)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 613)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 673))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 374)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 434)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 494)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 554)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 614)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 674))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 375)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 435)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 495)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 555)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 615)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 675))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 376)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 436)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 496)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 556)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 616)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 676))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 377)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 437)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 497)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 557)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 617)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 677))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 378)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 438)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 498)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 558)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 618)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 678))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 379)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 439)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 499)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 559)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 619)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 679))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 380)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 440)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 500)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 560)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 620)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 680))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 381)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 441)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 501)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 561)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 621)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 681))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 382)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 442)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 502)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 562)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 622)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 682))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 383)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 443)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 503)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 563)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 623)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 683))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 384)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 444)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 504)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 564)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 624)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 684))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 385)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 445)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 505)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 565)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 625)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 685))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 386)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 446)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 506)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 566)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 626)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 686))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 387)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 447)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 507)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 567)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 627)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 687))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 388)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 448)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 508)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 568)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 628)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 688))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 389)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 449)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 509)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 569)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 629)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 689))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 390)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 450)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 510)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 570)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 630)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 690))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 391)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 451)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 511)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 571)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 631)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 691))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 392)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 452)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 512)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 572)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 632)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 692))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 393)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 453)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 513)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 573)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 633)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 693))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 394)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 454)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 514)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 574)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 634)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 694))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 395)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 455)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 515)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 575)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 635)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 695))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 396)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 456)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 516)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 576)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 636)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 696))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 397)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 457)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 517)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 577)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 637)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 697))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 398)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 458)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 518)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 578)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 638)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 698))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 399)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 459)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 519)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 579)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 639)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 699))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 400)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 460)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 520)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 580)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 640)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 700))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 401)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 461)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 521)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 581)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 641)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 701))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 402)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 462)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 522)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 582)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 642)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 702))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 403)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 463)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 523)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 583)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 643)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 703))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 404)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 464)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 524)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 584)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 644)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 704))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 405)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 465)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 525)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 585)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 645)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 705))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 406)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 466)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 526)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 586)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 646)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 706))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 407)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 467)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 527)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 587)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 647)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 707))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 408)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 468)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 528)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 588)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 648)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 708))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 409)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 469)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 529)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 589)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 649)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 709))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 410)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 470)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 530)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 590)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 650)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 710))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 411)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 471)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 531)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 591)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 651)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 711))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 412)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 472)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 532)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 592)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 652)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 712))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 413)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 473)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 533)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 593)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 653)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 713))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 414)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 474)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 534)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 594)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 654)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 714))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 415)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 475)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 535)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 595)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 655)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 715))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 416)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 476)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 536)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 596)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 656)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 716))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 417)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 477)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 537)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 597)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 657)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 717))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 418)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 478)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 538)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 598)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 658)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 718))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 419)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 479)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 539)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 599)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 659)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 719))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 5, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $hour gte 12 and $hour lt 18>>
-		<<if (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 373)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 433)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 493)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 553)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 613)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 673))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 374)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 434)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 494)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 554)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 614)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 674))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 375)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 435)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 495)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 555)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 615)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 675))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 376)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 436)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 496)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 556)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 616)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 676))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 377)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 437)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 497)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 557)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 617)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 677))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 378)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 438)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 498)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 558)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 618)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 678))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 379)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 439)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 499)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 559)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 619)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 679))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 380)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 440)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 500)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 560)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 620)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 680))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 381)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 441)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 501)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 561)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 621)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 681))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 382)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 442)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 502)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 562)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 622)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 682))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 383)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 443)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 503)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 563)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 623)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 683))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 384)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 444)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 504)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 564)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 624)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 684))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 385)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 445)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 505)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 565)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 625)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 685))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 386)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 446)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 506)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 566)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 626)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 686))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 387)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 447)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 507)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 567)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 627)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 687))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 388)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 448)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 508)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 568)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 628)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 688))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 389)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 449)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 509)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 569)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 629)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 689))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 390)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 450)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 510)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 570)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 630)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 690))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 391)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 451)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 511)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 571)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 631)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 691))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 392)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 452)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 512)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 572)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 632)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 692))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 393)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 453)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 513)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 573)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 633)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 693))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 394)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 454)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 514)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 574)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 634)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 694))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 395)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 455)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 515)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 575)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 635)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 695))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 396)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 456)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 516)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 576)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 636)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 696))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 397)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 457)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 517)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 577)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 637)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 697))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 398)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 458)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 518)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 578)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 638)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 698))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 399)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 459)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 519)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 579)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 639)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 699))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 400)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 460)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 520)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 580)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 640)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 700))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 401)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 461)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 521)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 581)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 641)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 701))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 402)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 462)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 522)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 582)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 642)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 702))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 403)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 463)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 523)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 583)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 643)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 703))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 404)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 464)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 524)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 584)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 644)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 704))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 405)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 465)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 525)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 585)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 645)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 705))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 406)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 466)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 526)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 586)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 646)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 706))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 407)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 467)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 527)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 587)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 647)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 707))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 408)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 468)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 528)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 588)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 648)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 708))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 409)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 469)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 529)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 589)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 649)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 709))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 410)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 470)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 530)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 590)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 650)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 710))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 411)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 471)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 531)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 591)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 651)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 711))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 412)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 472)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 532)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 592)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 652)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 712))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 413)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 473)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 533)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 593)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 653)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 713))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 414)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 474)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 534)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 594)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 654)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 714))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 415)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 475)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 535)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 595)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 655)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 715))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 416)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 476)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 536)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 596)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 656)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 716))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 417)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 477)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 537)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 597)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 657)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 717))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 418)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 478)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 538)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 598)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 658)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 718))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 419)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 479)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 539)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 599)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 659)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 719))>>
-			<i>Morning radio, audition 6, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 733)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 793)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 853)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 913)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 973)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1033))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 734)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 794)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 854)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 914)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 974)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1034))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 735)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 795)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 855)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 915)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 975)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1035))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 736)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 796)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 856)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 916)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 976)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1036))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 737)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 797)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 857)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 917)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 977)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1037))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 738)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 798)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 858)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 918)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 978)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1038))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 739)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 799)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 859)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 919)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 979)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1039))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 740)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 800)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 860)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 920)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 980)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1040))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 741)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 801)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 861)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 921)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 981)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1041))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 742)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 802)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 862)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 922)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 982)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1042))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 743)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 803)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 863)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 923)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 983)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1043))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 744)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 804)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 864)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 924)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 984)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1044))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 745)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 805)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 865)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 925)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 985)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1045))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 746)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 806)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 866)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 926)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 986)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1046))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 747)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 807)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 867)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 927)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 987)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1047))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 748)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 808)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 868)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 928)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 988)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1048))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 749)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 809)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 869)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 929)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 989)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1049))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 750)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 810)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 870)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 930)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 990)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1050))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 751)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 811)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 871)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 931)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 991)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1051))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 752)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 812)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 872)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 932)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 992)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1052))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 753)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 813)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 873)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 933)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 993)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1053))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 754)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 814)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 874)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 934)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 994)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1054))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 755)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 815)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 875)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 935)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 995)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1055))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 756)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 816)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 876)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 936)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 996)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1056))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 757)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 817)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 877)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 937)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 997)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1057))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 758)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 818)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 878)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 938)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 998)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1058))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 759)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 819)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 879)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 939)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 999)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1059))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 760)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 820)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 880)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 940)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1000)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1060))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 761)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 821)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 881)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 941)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1001)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1061))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 762)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 822)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 882)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 942)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1002)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1062))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 763)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 823)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 883)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 943)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1003)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1063))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 764)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 824)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 884)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 944)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1004)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1064))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 765)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 825)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 885)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 945)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1005)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1065))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 766)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 826)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 886)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 946)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1006)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1066))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 767)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 827)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 887)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 947)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1007)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1067))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 768)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 828)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 888)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 948)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1008)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1068))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 769)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 829)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 889)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 949)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1009)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1069))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 770)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 830)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 890)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 950)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1010)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1070))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 771)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 831)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 891)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 951)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1011)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1071))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 772)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 832)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 892)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 952)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1012)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1072))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 773)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 833)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 893)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 953)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1013)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1073))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 774)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 834)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 894)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 954)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1014)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1074))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 775)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 835)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 895)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 955)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1015)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1075))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 776)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 836)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 896)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 956)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1016)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1076))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 777)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 837)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 897)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 957)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1017)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1077))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 778)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 838)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 898)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 958)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1018)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1078))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 779)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 839)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 899)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 959)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1019)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1079))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 1, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 733)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 793)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 853)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 913)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 973)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1033))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 734)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 794)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 854)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 914)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 974)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1034))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 735)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 795)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 855)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 915)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 975)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1035))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 736)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 796)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 856)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 916)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 976)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1036))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 737)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 797)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 857)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 917)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 977)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1037))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 738)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 798)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 858)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 918)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 978)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1038))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 739)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 799)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 859)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 919)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 979)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1039))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 740)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 800)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 860)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 920)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 980)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1040))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 741)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 801)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 861)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 921)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 981)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1041))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 742)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 802)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 862)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 922)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 982)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1042))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 743)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 803)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 863)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 923)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 983)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1043))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 744)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 804)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 864)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 924)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 984)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1044))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 745)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 805)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 865)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 925)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 985)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1045))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 746)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 806)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 866)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 926)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 986)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1046))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 747)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 807)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 867)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 927)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 987)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1047))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 748)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 808)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 868)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 928)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 988)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1048))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 749)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 809)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 869)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 929)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 989)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1049))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 750)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 810)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 870)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 930)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 990)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1050))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 751)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 811)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 871)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 931)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 991)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1051))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 752)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 812)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 872)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 932)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 992)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1052))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 753)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 813)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 873)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 933)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 993)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1053))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 754)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 814)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 874)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 934)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 994)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1054))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 755)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 815)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 875)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 935)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 995)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1055))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 756)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 816)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 876)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 936)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 996)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1056))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 757)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 817)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 877)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 937)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 997)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1057))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 758)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 818)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 878)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 938)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 998)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1058))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 759)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 819)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 879)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 939)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 999)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1059))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 760)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 820)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 880)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 940)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1000)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1060))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 761)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 821)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 881)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 941)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1001)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1061))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 762)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 822)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 882)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 942)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1002)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1062))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 763)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 823)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 883)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 943)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1003)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1063))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 764)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 824)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 884)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 944)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1004)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1064))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 765)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 825)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 885)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 945)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1005)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1065))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 766)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 826)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 886)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 946)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1006)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1066))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 767)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 827)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 887)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 947)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1007)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1067))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 768)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 828)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 888)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 948)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1008)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1068))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 769)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 829)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 889)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 949)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1009)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1069))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 770)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 830)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 890)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 950)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1010)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1070))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 771)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 831)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 891)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 951)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1011)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1071))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 772)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 832)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 892)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 952)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1012)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1072))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 773)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 833)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 893)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 953)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1013)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1073))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 774)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 834)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 894)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 954)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1014)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1074))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 775)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 835)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 895)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 955)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1015)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1075))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 776)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 836)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 896)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 956)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1016)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1076))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 777)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 837)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 897)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 957)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1017)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1077))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 778)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 838)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 898)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 958)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1018)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1078))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 779)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 839)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 899)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 959)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1019)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1079))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 2, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 733)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 793)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 853)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 913)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 973)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1033))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 734)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 794)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 854)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 914)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 974)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1034))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 735)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 795)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 855)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 915)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 975)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1035))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 736)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 796)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 856)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 916)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 976)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1036))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 737)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 797)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 857)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 917)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 977)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1037))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 738)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 798)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 858)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 918)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 978)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1038))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 739)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 799)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 859)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 919)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 979)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1039))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 740)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 800)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 860)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 920)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 980)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1040))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 741)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 801)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 861)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 921)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 981)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1041))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 742)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 802)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 862)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 922)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 982)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1042))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 743)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 803)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 863)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 923)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 983)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1043))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 744)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 804)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 864)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 924)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 984)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1044))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 745)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 805)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 865)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 925)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 985)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1045))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 746)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 806)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 866)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 926)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 986)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1046))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 747)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 807)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 867)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 927)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 987)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1047))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 748)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 808)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 868)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 928)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 988)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1048))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 749)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 809)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 869)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 929)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 989)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1049))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 750)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 810)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 870)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 930)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 990)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1050))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 751)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 811)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 871)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 931)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 991)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1051))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 752)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 812)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 872)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 932)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 992)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1052))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 753)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 813)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 873)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 933)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 993)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1053))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 754)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 814)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 874)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 934)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 994)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1054))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 755)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 815)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 875)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 935)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 995)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1055))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 756)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 816)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 876)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 936)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 996)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1056))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 757)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 817)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 877)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 937)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 997)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1057))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 758)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 818)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 878)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 938)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 998)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1058))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 759)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 819)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 879)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 939)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 999)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1059))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 760)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 820)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 880)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 940)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1000)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1060))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 761)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 821)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 881)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 941)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1001)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1061))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 762)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 822)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 882)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 942)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1002)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1062))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 763)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 823)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 883)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 943)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1003)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1063))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 764)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 824)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 884)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 944)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1004)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1064))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 765)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 825)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 885)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 945)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1005)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1065))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 766)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 826)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 886)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 946)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1006)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1066))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 767)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 827)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 887)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 947)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1007)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1067))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 768)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 828)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 888)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 948)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1008)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1068))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 769)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 829)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 889)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 949)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1009)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1069))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 770)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 830)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 890)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 950)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1010)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1070))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 771)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 831)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 891)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 951)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1011)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1071))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 772)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 832)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 892)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 952)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1012)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1072))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 773)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 833)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 893)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 953)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1013)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1073))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 774)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 834)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 894)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 954)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1014)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1074))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 775)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 835)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 895)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 955)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1015)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1075))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 776)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 836)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 896)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 956)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1016)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1076))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 777)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 837)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 897)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 957)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1017)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1077))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 778)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 838)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 898)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 958)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1018)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1078))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 779)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 839)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 899)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 959)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1019)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1079))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 3, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 733)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 793)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 853)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 913)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 973)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1033))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 734)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 794)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 854)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 914)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 974)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1034))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 735)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 795)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 855)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 915)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 975)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1035))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 736)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 796)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 856)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 916)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 976)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1036))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 737)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 797)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 857)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 917)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 977)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1037))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 738)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 798)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 858)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 918)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 978)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1038))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 739)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 799)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 859)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 919)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 979)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1039))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 740)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 800)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 860)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 920)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 980)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1040))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 741)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 801)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 861)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 921)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 981)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1041))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 742)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 802)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 862)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 922)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 982)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1042))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 743)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 803)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 863)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 923)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 983)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1043))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 744)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 804)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 864)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 924)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 984)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1044))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 745)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 805)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 865)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 925)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 985)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1045))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 746)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 806)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 866)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 926)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 986)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1046))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 747)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 807)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 867)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 927)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 987)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1047))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 748)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 808)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 868)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 928)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 988)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1048))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 749)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 809)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 869)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 929)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 989)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1049))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 750)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 810)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 870)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 930)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 990)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1050))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 751)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 811)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 871)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 931)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 991)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1051))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 752)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 812)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 872)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 932)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 992)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1052))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 753)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 813)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 873)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 933)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 993)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1053))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 754)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 814)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 874)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 934)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 994)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1054))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 755)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 815)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 875)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 935)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 995)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1055))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 756)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 816)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 876)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 936)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 996)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1056))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 757)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 817)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 877)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 937)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 997)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1057))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 758)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 818)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 878)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 938)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 998)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1058))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 759)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 819)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 879)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 939)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 999)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1059))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 760)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 820)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 880)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 940)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1000)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1060))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 761)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 821)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 881)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 941)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1001)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1061))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 762)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 822)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 882)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 942)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1002)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1062))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 763)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 823)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 883)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 943)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1003)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1063))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 764)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 824)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 884)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 944)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1004)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1064))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 765)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 825)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 885)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 945)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1005)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1065))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 766)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 826)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 886)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 946)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1006)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1066))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 767)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 827)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 887)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 947)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1007)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1067))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 768)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 828)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 888)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 948)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1008)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1068))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 769)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 829)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 889)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 949)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1009)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1069))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 770)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 830)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 890)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 950)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1010)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1070))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 771)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 831)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 891)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 951)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1011)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1071))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 772)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 832)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 892)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 952)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1012)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1072))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 773)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 833)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 893)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 953)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1013)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1073))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 774)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 834)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 894)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 954)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1014)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1074))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 775)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 835)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 895)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 955)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1015)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1075))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 776)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 836)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 896)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 956)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1016)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1076))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 777)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 837)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 897)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 957)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1017)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1077))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 778)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 838)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 898)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 958)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1018)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1078))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 779)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 839)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 899)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 959)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1019)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1079))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 4, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 733)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 793)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 853)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 913)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 973)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1033))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 734)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 794)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 854)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 914)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 974)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1034))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 735)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 795)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 855)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 915)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 975)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1035))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 736)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 796)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 856)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 916)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 976)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1036))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 737)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 797)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 857)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 917)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 977)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1037))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 738)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 798)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 858)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 918)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 978)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1038))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 739)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 799)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 859)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 919)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 979)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1039))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 740)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 800)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 860)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 920)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 980)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1040))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 741)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 801)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 861)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 921)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 981)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1041))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 742)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 802)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 862)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 922)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 982)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1042))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 743)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 803)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 863)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 923)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 983)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1043))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 744)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 804)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 864)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 924)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 984)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1044))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 745)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 805)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 865)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 925)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 985)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1045))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 746)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 806)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 866)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 926)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 986)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1046))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 747)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 807)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 867)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 927)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 987)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1047))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 748)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 808)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 868)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 928)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 988)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1048))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 749)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 809)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 869)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 929)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 989)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1049))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 750)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 810)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 870)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 930)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 990)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1050))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 751)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 811)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 871)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 931)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 991)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1051))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 752)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 812)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 872)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 932)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 992)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1052))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 753)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 813)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 873)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 933)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 993)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1053))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 754)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 814)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 874)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 934)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 994)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1054))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 755)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 815)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 875)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 935)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 995)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1055))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 756)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 816)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 876)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 936)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 996)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1056))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 757)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 817)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 877)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 937)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 997)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1057))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 758)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 818)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 878)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 938)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 998)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1058))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 759)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 819)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 879)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 939)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 999)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1059))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 760)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 820)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 880)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 940)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1000)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1060))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 761)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 821)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 881)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 941)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1001)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1061))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 762)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 822)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 882)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 942)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1002)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1062))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 763)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 823)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 883)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 943)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1003)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1063))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 764)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 824)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 884)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 944)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1004)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1064))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 765)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 825)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 885)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 945)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1005)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1065))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 766)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 826)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 886)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 946)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1006)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1066))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 767)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 827)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 887)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 947)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1007)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1067))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 768)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 828)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 888)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 948)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1008)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1068))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 769)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 829)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 889)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 949)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1009)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1069))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 770)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 830)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 890)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 950)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1010)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1070))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 771)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 831)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 891)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 951)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1011)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1071))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 772)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 832)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 892)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 952)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1012)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1072))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 773)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 833)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 893)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 953)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1013)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1073))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 774)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 834)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 894)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 954)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1014)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1074))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 775)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 835)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 895)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 955)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1015)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1075))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 776)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 836)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 896)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 956)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1016)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1076))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 777)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 837)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 897)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 957)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1017)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1077))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 778)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 838)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 898)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 958)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1018)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1078))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 779)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 839)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 899)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 959)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1019)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1079))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 5, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 733)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 793)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 853)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 913)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 973)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1033))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 734)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 794)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 854)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 914)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 974)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1034))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 735)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 795)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 855)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 915)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 975)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1035))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 736)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 796)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 856)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 916)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 976)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1036))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 737)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 797)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 857)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 917)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 977)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1037))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 738)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 798)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 858)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 918)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 978)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1038))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 739)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 799)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 859)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 919)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 979)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1039))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 740)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 800)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 860)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 920)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 980)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1040))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 741)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 801)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 861)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 921)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 981)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1041))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 742)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 802)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 862)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 922)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 982)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1042))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 743)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 803)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 863)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 923)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 983)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1043))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 744)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 804)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 864)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 924)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 984)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1044))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 745)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 805)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 865)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 925)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 985)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1045))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 746)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 806)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 866)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 926)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 986)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1046))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 747)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 807)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 867)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 927)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 987)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1047))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 748)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 808)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 868)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 928)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 988)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1048))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 749)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 809)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 869)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 929)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 989)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1049))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 750)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 810)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 870)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 930)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 990)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1050))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 751)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 811)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 871)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 931)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 991)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1051))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 752)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 812)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 872)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 932)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 992)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1052))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 753)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 813)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 873)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 933)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 993)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1053))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 754)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 814)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 874)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 934)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 994)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1054))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 755)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 815)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 875)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 935)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 995)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1055))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 756)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 816)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 876)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 936)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 996)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1056))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 757)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 817)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 877)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 937)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 997)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1057))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 758)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 818)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 878)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 938)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 998)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1058))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 759)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 819)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 879)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 939)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 999)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1059))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 760)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 820)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 880)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 940)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1000)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1060))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 761)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 821)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 881)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 941)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1001)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1061))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 762)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 822)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 882)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 942)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1002)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1062))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 763)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 823)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 883)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 943)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1003)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1063))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 764)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 824)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 884)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 944)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1004)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1064))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 765)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 825)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 885)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 945)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1005)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1065))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 766)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 826)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 886)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 946)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1006)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1066))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 767)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 827)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 887)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 947)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1007)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1067))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 768)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 828)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 888)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 948)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1008)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1068))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 769)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 829)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 889)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 949)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1009)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1069))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 770)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 830)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 890)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 950)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1010)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1070))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 771)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 831)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 891)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 951)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1011)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1071))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 772)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 832)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 892)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 952)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1012)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1072))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 773)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 833)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 893)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 953)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1013)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1073))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 774)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 834)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 894)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 954)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1014)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1074))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 775)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 835)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 895)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 955)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1015)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1075))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 776)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 836)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 896)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 956)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1016)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1076))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 777)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 837)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 897)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 957)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1017)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1077))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 778)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 838)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 898)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 958)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1018)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1078))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 779)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 839)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 899)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 959)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1019)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1079))>>
-			<i>Afternoon radio, audition 6, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $hour gte 18 and $hour lt 24>>
-		<<if (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1093)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1153)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1213)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1273)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1333)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1393))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1094)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1154)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1214)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1274)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1334)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1394))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1095)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1155)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1215)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1275)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1335)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1395))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1096)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1156)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1216)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1276)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1336)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1396))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1097)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1157)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1217)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1277)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1337)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1397))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1098)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1158)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1218)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1278)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1338)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1398))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1099)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1159)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1219)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1279)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1339)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1399))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1100)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1160)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1220)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1280)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1340)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1400))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1101)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1161)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1221)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1281)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1341)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1401))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1102)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1162)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1222)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1282)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1342)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1402))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1103)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1163)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1223)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1283)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1343)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1403))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1104)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1164)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1224)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1284)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1344)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1404))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1105)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1165)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1225)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1285)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1345)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1405))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1106)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1166)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1226)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1286)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1346)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1406))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1107)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1167)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1227)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1287)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1347)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1407))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1108)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1168)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1228)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1288)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1348)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1408))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1109)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1169)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1229)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1289)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1349)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1409))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1110)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1170)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1230)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1290)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1350)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1410))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1111)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1171)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1231)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1291)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1351)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1411))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1112)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1172)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1232)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1292)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1352)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1412))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1113)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1173)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1233)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1293)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1353)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1413))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1114)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1174)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1234)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1294)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1354)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1414))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1115)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1175)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1235)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1295)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1355)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1415))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1116)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1176)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1236)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1296)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1356)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1416))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1117)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1177)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1237)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1297)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1357)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1417))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1118)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1178)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1238)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1298)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1358)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1418))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1119)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1179)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1239)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1299)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1359)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1419))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1120)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1180)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1240)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1300)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1360)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1420))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1121)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1181)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1241)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1301)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1361)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1421))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1122)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1182)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1242)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1302)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1362)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1422))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1123)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1183)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1243)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1303)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1363)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1423))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1124)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1184)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1244)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1304)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1364)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1424))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1125)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1185)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1245)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1305)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1365)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1425))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1126)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1186)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1246)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1306)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1366)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1426))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1127)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1187)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1247)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1307)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1367)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1427))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1128)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1188)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1248)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1308)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1368)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1428))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1129)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1189)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1249)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1309)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1369)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1429))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1130)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1190)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1250)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1310)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1370)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1430))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1131)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1191)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1251)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1311)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1371)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1431))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1132)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1192)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1252)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1312)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1372)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1432))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1133)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1193)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1253)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1313)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1373)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1433))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1134)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1194)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1254)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1314)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1374)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1434))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1135)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1195)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1255)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1315)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1375)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1435))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1136)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1196)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1256)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1316)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1376)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1436))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1137)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1197)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1257)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1317)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1377)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1437))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1138)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1198)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1258)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1318)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1378)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1438))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1139)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1199)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1259)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1319)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1379)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1439))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 1, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1093)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1153)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1213)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1273)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1333)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1393))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1094)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1154)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1214)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1274)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1334)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1394))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1095)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1155)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1215)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1275)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1335)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1395))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1096)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1156)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1216)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1276)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1336)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1396))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1097)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1157)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1217)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1277)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1337)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1397))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1098)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1158)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1218)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1278)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1338)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1398))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1099)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1159)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1219)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1279)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1339)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1399))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1100)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1160)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1220)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1280)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1340)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1400))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1101)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1161)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1221)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1281)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1341)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1401))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1102)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1162)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1222)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1282)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1342)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1402))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1103)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1163)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1223)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1283)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1343)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1403))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1104)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1164)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1224)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1284)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1344)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1404))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1105)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1165)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1225)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1285)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1345)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1405))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1106)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1166)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1226)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1286)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1346)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1406))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1107)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1167)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1227)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1287)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1347)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1407))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1108)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1168)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1228)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1288)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1348)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1408))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1109)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1169)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1229)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1289)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1349)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1409))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1110)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1170)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1230)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1290)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1350)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1410))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1111)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1171)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1231)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1291)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1351)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1411))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1112)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1172)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1232)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1292)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1352)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1412))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1113)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1173)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1233)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1293)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1353)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1413))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1114)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1174)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1234)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1294)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1354)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1414))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1115)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1175)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1235)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1295)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1355)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1415))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1116)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1176)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1236)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1296)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1356)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1416))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1117)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1177)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1237)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1297)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1357)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1417))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1118)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1178)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1238)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1298)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1358)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1418))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1119)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1179)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1239)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1299)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1359)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1419))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1120)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1180)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1240)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1300)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1360)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1420))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1121)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1181)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1241)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1301)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1361)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1421))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1122)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1182)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1242)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1302)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1362)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1422))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1123)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1183)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1243)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1303)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1363)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1423))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1124)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1184)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1244)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1304)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1364)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1424))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1125)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1185)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1245)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1305)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1365)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1425))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1126)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1186)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1246)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1306)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1366)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1426))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1127)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1187)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1247)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1307)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1367)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1427))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1128)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1188)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1248)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1308)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1368)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1428))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1129)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1189)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1249)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1309)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1369)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1429))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1130)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1190)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1250)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1310)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1370)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1430))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1131)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1191)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1251)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1311)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1371)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1431))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1132)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1192)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1252)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1312)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1372)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1432))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1133)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1193)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1253)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1313)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1373)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1433))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1134)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1194)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1254)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1314)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1374)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1434))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1135)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1195)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1255)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1315)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1375)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1435))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1136)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1196)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1256)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1316)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1376)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1436))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1137)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1197)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1257)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1317)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1377)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1437))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1138)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1198)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1258)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1318)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1378)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1438))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1139)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1199)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1259)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1319)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1379)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1439))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 2, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1093)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1153)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1213)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1273)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1333)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1393))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1094)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1154)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1214)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1274)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1334)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1394))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1095)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1155)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1215)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1275)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1335)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1395))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1096)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1156)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1216)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1276)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1336)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1396))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1097)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1157)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1217)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1277)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1337)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1397))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1098)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1158)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1218)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1278)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1338)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1398))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1099)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1159)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1219)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1279)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1339)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1399))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1100)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1160)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1220)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1280)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1340)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1400))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1101)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1161)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1221)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1281)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1341)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1401))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1102)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1162)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1222)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1282)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1342)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1402))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1103)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1163)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1223)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1283)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1343)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1403))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1104)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1164)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1224)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1284)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1344)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1404))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1105)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1165)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1225)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1285)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1345)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1405))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1106)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1166)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1226)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1286)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1346)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1406))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1107)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1167)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1227)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1287)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1347)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1407))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1108)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1168)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1228)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1288)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1348)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1408))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1109)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1169)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1229)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1289)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1349)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1409))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1110)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1170)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1230)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1290)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1350)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1410))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1111)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1171)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1231)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1291)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1351)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1411))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1112)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1172)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1232)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1292)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1352)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1412))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1113)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1173)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1233)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1293)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1353)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1413))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1114)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1174)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1234)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1294)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1354)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1414))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1115)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1175)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1235)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1295)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1355)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1415))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1116)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1176)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1236)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1296)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1356)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1416))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1117)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1177)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1237)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1297)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1357)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1417))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1118)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1178)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1238)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1298)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1358)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1418))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1119)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1179)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1239)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1299)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1359)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1419))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1120)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1180)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1240)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1300)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1360)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1420))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1121)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1181)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1241)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1301)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1361)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1421))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1122)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1182)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1242)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1302)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1362)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1422))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1123)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1183)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1243)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1303)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1363)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1423))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1124)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1184)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1244)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1304)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1364)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1424))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1125)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1185)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1245)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1305)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1365)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1425))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1126)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1186)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1246)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1306)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1366)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1426))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1127)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1187)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1247)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1307)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1367)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1427))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1128)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1188)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1248)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1308)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1368)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1428))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1129)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1189)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1249)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1309)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1369)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1429))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1130)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1190)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1250)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1310)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1370)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1430))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1131)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1191)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1251)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1311)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1371)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1431))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1132)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1192)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1252)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1312)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1372)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1432))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1133)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1193)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1253)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1313)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1373)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1433))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1134)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1194)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1254)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1314)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1374)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1434))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1135)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1195)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1255)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1315)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1375)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1435))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1136)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1196)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1256)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1316)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1376)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1436))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1137)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1197)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1257)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1317)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1377)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1437))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1138)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1198)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1258)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1318)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1378)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1438))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1139)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1199)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1259)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1319)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1379)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1439))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 3, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1093)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1153)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1213)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1273)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1333)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1393))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1094)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1154)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1214)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1274)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1334)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1394))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1095)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1155)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1215)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1275)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1335)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1395))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1096)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1156)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1216)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1276)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1336)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1396))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1097)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1157)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1217)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1277)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1337)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1397))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1098)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1158)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1218)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1278)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1338)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1398))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1099)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1159)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1219)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1279)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1339)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1399))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1100)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1160)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1220)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1280)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1340)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1400))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1101)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1161)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1221)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1281)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1341)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1401))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1102)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1162)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1222)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1282)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1342)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1402))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1103)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1163)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1223)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1283)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1343)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1403))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1104)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1164)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1224)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1284)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1344)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1404))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1105)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1165)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1225)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1285)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1345)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1405))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1106)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1166)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1226)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1286)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1346)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1406))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1107)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1167)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1227)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1287)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1347)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1407))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1108)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1168)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1228)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1288)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1348)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1408))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1109)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1169)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1229)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1289)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1349)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1409))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1110)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1170)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1230)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1290)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1350)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1410))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1111)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1171)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1231)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1291)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1351)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1411))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1112)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1172)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1232)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1292)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1352)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1412))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1113)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1173)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1233)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1293)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1353)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1413))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1114)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1174)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1234)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1294)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1354)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1414))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1115)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1175)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1235)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1295)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1355)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1415))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1116)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1176)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1236)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1296)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1356)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1416))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1117)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1177)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1237)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1297)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1357)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1417))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1118)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1178)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1238)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1298)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1358)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1418))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1119)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1179)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1239)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1299)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1359)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1419))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1120)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1180)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1240)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1300)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1360)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1420))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1121)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1181)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1241)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1301)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1361)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1421))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1122)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1182)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1242)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1302)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1362)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1422))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1123)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1183)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1243)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1303)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1363)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1423))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1124)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1184)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1244)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1304)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1364)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1424))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1125)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1185)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1245)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1305)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1365)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1425))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1126)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1186)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1246)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1306)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1366)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1426))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1127)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1187)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1247)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1307)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1367)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1427))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1128)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1188)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1248)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1308)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1368)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1428))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1129)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1189)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1249)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1309)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1369)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1429))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1130)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1190)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1250)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1310)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1370)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1430))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1131)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1191)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1251)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1311)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1371)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1431))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1132)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1192)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1252)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1312)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1372)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1432))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1133)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1193)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1253)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1313)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1373)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1433))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1134)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1194)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1254)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1314)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1374)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1434))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1135)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1195)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1255)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1315)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1375)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1435))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1136)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1196)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1256)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1316)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1376)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1436))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1137)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1197)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1257)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1317)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1377)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1437))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1138)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1198)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1258)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1318)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1378)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1438))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1139)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1199)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1259)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1319)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1379)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1439))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 4, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1093)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1153)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1213)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1273)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1333)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1393))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1094)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1154)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1214)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1274)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1334)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1394))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1095)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1155)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1215)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1275)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1335)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1395))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1096)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1156)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1216)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1276)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1336)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1396))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1097)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1157)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1217)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1277)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1337)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1397))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1098)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1158)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1218)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1278)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1338)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1398))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1099)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1159)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1219)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1279)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1339)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1399))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1100)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1160)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1220)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1280)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1340)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1400))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1101)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1161)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1221)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1281)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1341)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1401))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1102)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1162)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1222)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1282)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1342)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1402))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1103)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1163)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1223)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1283)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1343)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1403))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1104)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1164)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1224)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1284)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1344)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1404))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1105)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1165)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1225)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1285)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1345)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1405))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1106)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1166)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1226)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1286)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1346)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1406))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1107)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1167)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1227)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1287)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1347)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1407))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1108)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1168)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1228)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1288)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1348)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1408))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1109)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1169)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1229)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1289)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1349)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1409))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1110)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1170)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1230)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1290)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1350)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1410))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1111)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1171)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1231)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1291)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1351)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1411))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1112)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1172)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1232)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1292)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1352)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1412))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1113)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1173)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1233)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1293)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1353)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1413))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1114)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1174)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1234)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1294)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1354)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1414))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1115)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1175)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1235)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1295)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1355)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1415))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1116)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1176)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1236)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1296)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1356)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1416))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1117)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1177)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1237)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1297)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1357)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1417))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1118)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1178)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1238)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1298)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1358)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1418))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1119)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1179)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1239)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1299)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1359)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1419))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1120)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1180)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1240)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1300)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1360)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1420))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1121)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1181)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1241)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1301)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1361)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1421))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1122)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1182)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1242)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1302)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1362)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1422))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1123)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1183)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1243)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1303)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1363)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1423))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1124)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1184)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1244)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1304)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1364)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1424))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1125)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1185)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1245)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1305)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1365)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1425))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1126)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1186)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1246)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1306)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1366)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1426))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1127)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1187)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1247)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1307)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1367)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1427))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1128)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1188)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1248)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1308)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1368)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1428))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1129)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1189)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1249)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1309)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1369)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1429))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1130)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1190)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1250)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1310)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1370)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1430))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1131)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1191)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1251)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1311)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1371)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1431))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1132)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1192)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1252)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1312)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1372)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1432))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1133)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1193)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1253)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1313)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1373)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1433))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1134)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1194)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1254)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1314)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1374)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1434))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1135)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1195)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1255)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1315)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1375)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1435))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1136)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1196)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1256)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1316)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1376)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1436))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1137)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1197)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1257)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1317)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1377)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1437))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1138)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1198)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1258)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1318)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1378)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1438))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1139)) or (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1199)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1259)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1319)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1379)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1439))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 5, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1093)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1153)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1213)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1273)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1333)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1393))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 1</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1094)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1154)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1214)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1274)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1334)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1394))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 2</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1095)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1155)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1215)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1275)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1335)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1395))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 3</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1096)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1156)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1216)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1276)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1336)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1396))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 4</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1097)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1157)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1217)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1277)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1337)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1397))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 5</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1098)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1158)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1218)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1278)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1338)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1398))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 6</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1099)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1159)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1219)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1279)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1339)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1399))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 7</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1100)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1160)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1220)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1280)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1340)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1400))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 8</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1101)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1161)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1221)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1281)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1341)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1401))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 9</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1102)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1162)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1222)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1282)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1342)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1402))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 10</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1103)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1163)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1223)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1283)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1343)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1403))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 11</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1104)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1164)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1224)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1284)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1344)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1404))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 12</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1105)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1165)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1225)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1285)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1345)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1405))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 13</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1106)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1166)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1226)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1286)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1346)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1406))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 14</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1107)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1167)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1227)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1287)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1347)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1407))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 15</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1108)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1168)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1228)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1288)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1348)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1408))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 16</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1109)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1169)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1229)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1289)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1349)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1409))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 17</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1110)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1170)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1230)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1290)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1350)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1410))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 18</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1111)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1171)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1231)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1291)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1351)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1411))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 19</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1112)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1172)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1232)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1292)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1352)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1412))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 20</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1113)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1173)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1233)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1293)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1353)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1413))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 21</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1114)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1174)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1234)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1294)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1354)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1414))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 22</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1115)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1175)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1235)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1295)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1355)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1415))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 23</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1116)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1176)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1236)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1296)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1356)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1416))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 24</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1117)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1177)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1237)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1297)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1357)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1417))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 25</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1118)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1178)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1238)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1298)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1358)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1418))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 26</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1119)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1179)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1239)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1299)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1359)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1419))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 27</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1120)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1180)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1240)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1300)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1360)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1420))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 28</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1121)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1181)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1241)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1301)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1361)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1421))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 29</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1122)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1182)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1242)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1302)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1362)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1422))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 30</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1123)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1183)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1243)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1303)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1363)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1423))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 31</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1124)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1184)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1244)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1304)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1364)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1424))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 32</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1125)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1185)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1245)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1305)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1365)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1425))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 33</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1126)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1186)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1246)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1306)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1366)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1426))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 34</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1127)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1187)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1247)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1307)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1367)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1427))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 35</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1128)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1188)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1248)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1308)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1368)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1428))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 36</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1129)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1189)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1249)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1309)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1369)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1429))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 37</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1130)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1190)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1250)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1310)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1370)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1430))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 38</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1131)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1191)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1251)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1311)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1371)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1431))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 39</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1132)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1192)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1252)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1312)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1372)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1432))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 40</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1133)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1193)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1253)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1313)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1373)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1433))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 41</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1134)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1194)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1254)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1314)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1374)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1434))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 42</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1135)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1195)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1255)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1315)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1375)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1435))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 43</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1136)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1196)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1256)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1316)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1376)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1436))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 44</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1137)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1197)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1257)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1317)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1377)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1437))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 45</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1138)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1198)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1258)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1318)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1378)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1438))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 46</i>
-			<br>
-		<<elseif (($tanktracks is 6) and ($time is 1139)) or (($tanktracks is 1) and ($time is 1199)) or (($tanktracks is 2) and ($time is 1259)) or (($tanktracks is 3) and ($time is 1319)) or (($tanktracks is 4) and ($time is 1379)) or (($tanktracks is 5) and ($time is 1439))>>
-			<i>Evening radio, audition 6, line 47</i>
-			<br>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	/*emit news*/
-	<<if ($time is 0) or ($time is 60) or ($time is 120) or ($time is 180) or ($time is 240) or ($time is 300)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"Jeffrey Hall. It's <<ampm>>, <<print Time.weekDayName>>, <<print ordinalSuffixOf(Time.monthDay)>> of <<print Time.monthName>>. Let's hear the news."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1) or ($time is 61) or ($time is 121) or ($time is 181) or ($time is 241) or ($time is 301)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 2) or ($time is 62) or ($time is 122) or ($time is 182) or ($time is 242) or ($time is 302)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 3) or ($time is 63) or ($time is 123) or ($time is 183) or ($time is 243) or ($time is 303)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 4) or ($time is 64) or ($time is 124) or ($time is 184) or ($time is 244) or ($time is 304)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 5) or ($time is 65) or ($time is 125) or ($time is 185) or ($time is 245) or ($time is 305)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 6) or ($time is 66) or ($time is 126) or ($time is 186) or ($time is 246) or ($time is 306)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"Let's change the topic."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 7) or ($time is 67) or ($time is 127) or ($time is 187) or ($time is 247) or ($time is 307)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 8) or ($time is 68) or ($time is 128) or ($time is 188) or ($time is 248) or ($time is 308)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 9) or ($time is 69) or ($time is 129) or ($time is 189) or ($time is 249) or ($time is 309)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 10) or ($time is 70) or ($time is 130) or ($time is 190) or ($time is 250) or ($time is 310)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 11) or ($time is 71) or ($time is 131) or ($time is 191) or ($time is 251) or ($time is 311)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 12) or ($time is 72) or ($time is 132) or ($time is 192) or ($time is 252) or ($time is 312)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jeffrey]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"That's all for now. Have a good night."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 360) or ($time is 420) or ($time is 480) or ($time is 540) or ($time is 600) or ($time is 660)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"Good morning! It's <<ampm>> and my name is Evelyn Walsh. It's <<print Time.monthName>> <<print ordinalSuffixOf(Time.monthDay)>> and here are the morning news."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 361) or ($time is 421) or ($time is 481) or ($time is 541) or ($time is 601) or ($time is 661)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 362) or ($time is 422) or ($time is 482) or ($time is 542) or ($time is 602) or ($time is 662)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 363) or ($time is 423) or ($time is 483) or ($time is 543) or ($time is 603) or ($time is 663)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 364) or ($time is 424) or ($time is 484) or ($time is 544) or ($time is 604) or ($time is 664)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 365) or ($time is 425) or ($time is 485) or ($time is 545) or ($time is 605) or ($time is 665)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 366) or ($time is 426) or ($time is 486) or ($time is 546) or ($time is 606) or ($time is 666)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"Now something different."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 367) or ($time is 427) or ($time is 487) or ($time is 547) or ($time is 607) or ($time is 667)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 368) or ($time is 428) or ($time is 488) or ($time is 548) or ($time is 608) or ($time is 668)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 369) or ($time is 429) or ($time is 489) or ($time is 549) or ($time is 609) or ($time is 669)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 370) or ($time is 430) or ($time is 490) or ($time is 550) or ($time is 610) or ($time is 670)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 371) or ($time is 431) or ($time is 491) or ($time is 551) or ($time is 611) or ($time is 671)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 372) or ($time is 432) or ($time is 492) or ($time is 552) or ($time is 612) or ($time is 672)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Evelyn]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"That's everything in this release. Have a good <<print Time.weekDayName>> with $radioname!"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 720) or ($time is 780) or ($time is 840) or ($time is 900) or ($time is 960) or ($time is 1020)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Katherine]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"Good day. Katherine Reynolds."
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"And Jacob Ross. We have <<print Time.weekDayName>>, <<print ordinalSuffixOf(Time.monthDay)>> of <<print Time.monthName>>. It's <<ampm>> and you're listening to $radioname News."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 721) or ($time is 781) or ($time is 841) or ($time is 901) or ($time is 961) or ($time is 1021)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Katherine]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 722) or ($time is 782) or ($time is 842) or ($time is 902) or ($time is 962) or ($time is 1022)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Katherine]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 723) or ($time is 783) or ($time is 843) or ($time is 903) or ($time is 963) or ($time is 1023)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Katherine]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 724) or ($time is 784) or ($time is 844) or ($time is 904) or ($time is 964) or ($time is 1024)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Katherine]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 725) or ($time is 785) or ($time is 845) or ($time is 905) or ($time is 965) or ($time is 1025)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Katherine]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 726) or ($time is 786) or ($time is 846) or ($time is 906) or ($time is 966) or ($time is 1026)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"Thank you Katherine. Now to the other news."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 727) or ($time is 787) or ($time is 847) or ($time is 907) or ($time is 967) or ($time is 1027)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 728) or ($time is 788) or ($time is 848) or ($time is 908) or ($time is 968) or ($time is 1028)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 729) or ($time is 789) or ($time is 849) or ($time is 909) or ($time is 969) or ($time is 1029)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 730) or ($time is 790) or ($time is 850) or ($time is 910) or ($time is 970) or ($time is 1030)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 731) or ($time is 791) or ($time is 851) or ($time is 911) or ($time is 971) or ($time is 1031)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 732) or ($time is 792) or ($time is 852) or ($time is 912) or ($time is 972) or ($time is 1032)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Jacob]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"That's everything in this release. Next in an hour. Stay with $radioname!"
-		<br>
-		<b>[Katherine]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$radioname - $radioslogan!"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1080) or ($time is 1140) or ($time is 1200) or ($time is 1260) or ($time is 1320) or ($time is 1380)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"This is Emma Lee. It's <<print Time.monthName>> <<print ordinalSuffixOf(Time.monthDay)>> - <<print Time.weekDayName>>. It's <<print Time.hour>> o'clock. Time for the evening news in $radioname."</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1081) or ($time is 1141) or ($time is 1201) or ($time is 1261) or ($time is 1321) or ($time is 1381)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1082) or ($time is 1142) or ($time is 1202) or ($time is 1262) or ($time is 1322) or ($time is 1382)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1083) or ($time is 1143) or ($time is 1203) or ($time is 1263) or ($time is 1323) or ($time is 1383)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1084) or ($time is 1144) or ($time is 1204) or ($time is 1264) or ($time is 1324) or ($time is 1384)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1085) or ($time is 1145) or ($time is 1205) or ($time is 1265) or ($time is 1325) or ($time is 1385)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news1_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1086) or ($time is 1146) or ($time is 1206) or ($time is 1266) or ($time is 1326) or ($time is 1386)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"But there are some other news too!"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1087) or ($time is 1147) or ($time is 1207) or ($time is 1267) or ($time is 1327) or ($time is 1387)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line1"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1088) or ($time is 1148) or ($time is 1208) or ($time is 1268) or ($time is 1328) or ($time is 1388)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line2"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1089) or ($time is 1149) or ($time is 1209) or ($time is 1269) or ($time is 1329) or ($time is 1389)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line3"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1090) or ($time is 1150) or ($time is 1210) or ($time is 1270) or ($time is 1330) or ($time is 1390)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line4"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1091) or ($time is 1151) or ($time is 1211) or ($time is 1271) or ($time is 1331) or ($time is 1391)>>
-		<i><span class="black">*news music in the background*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"$news2_line5"</i>
-		<br>
-	<<elseif ($time is 1092) or ($time is 1152) or ($time is 1212) or ($time is 1272) or ($time is 1332) or ($time is 1392)>>
-		<i><span class="gold">*news jingle*</span>
-		<br>
-		<b>[Emma]</b>:
-		<br>
-		"We will keep you informed about anything else special happening. For $radioname - Emma Lee."</i>
-		<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-	/*this part is for debugging only*/
-	/*
-	<span class="green">
-	Debug mode:
-	<br>
-	First news are "$news1" with importance $news1_importance.
-	<br>
-	Witnesses may report that they have seen young $news1_gen with $news1_hairl $news1_hairc hair.
-	<br>
-	Second news are "$news2" with importance $news2_importance.
-	<br>
-	Witnesses may report that they have seen young $news2_gen with $news2_hairl $news2_hairc hair.
-	<br>
-	Tank track value is: $tanktracks.
-	<br><br>
-	</span>
-	*/
diff --git a/game/base-system/time/dateTime.js b/game/base-system/time/dateTime.js
index 08a32913b1dfaf69ea88c5d46144dbfd6826f61d..63a24d58330cfb048e07416dfc8b5fa10962ca22 100644
--- a/game/base-system/time/dateTime.js
+++ b/game/base-system/time/dateTime.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class DateTime {
 	static leapYearMonths = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
 	static monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
 	static daysOfWeek = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
+	static synodicMonth = 29.53058867;
 	constructor(year = 2020, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0) {
@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ class DateTime {
 		this.toTimestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
@@ -105,6 +105,31 @@ class DateTime {
 		this.second = second % 60;
+	// Compares this DateTime object with another DateTime object and returns the difference.
+	compareWith(otherDateTime, getSeconds = false) {
+		let diffSeconds = Math.abs(this.timeStamp - otherDateTime.timeStamp);
+		if (getSeconds) return diffSeconds;
+		const years = Math.floor(diffSeconds / (Time.secondsPerDay * 365.25));
+		diffSeconds -= years * Time.secondsPerDay * 365;
+		const months = Math.floor(diffSeconds / (Time.secondsPerDay * 30));
+		diffSeconds -= months * Time.secondsPerDay * 30;
+		const days = Math.floor(diffSeconds / Time.secondsPerDay);
+		diffSeconds -= days * Time.secondsPerDay;
+		const hours = Math.floor(diffSeconds / Time.secondsPerHour);
+		diffSeconds -= hours * Time.secondsPerHour;
+		const minutes = Math.floor(diffSeconds / Time.secondsPerMinute);
+		diffSeconds -= minutes * Time.secondsPerMinute;
+		const seconds = diffSeconds;
+		return { years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds };
+	}
 	// Returns the first occurrence of a given weekday (1-7 for Sun-Sat) in the current month.
 	getFirstWeekdayOfMonth(weekDay) {
 		if (weekDay < 1 || weekDay > 7) throw new Error("Invalid weekDay: Must be between 1-7");
@@ -133,7 +158,7 @@ class DateTime {
 	// Adds the specified number of years to the current date
 	// Adding a negative value (e.g. -1) subtracts the years instead
 	addYears(years) {
-		if (years === 0) return this;
+		if (!years) return this;
 		const newYear = this.year + years;
 		const daysInMonth = DateTime.getDaysOfMonthFromYear(newYear);
 		const newDay = Math.min(this.day, daysInMonth[this.month - 1]);
@@ -145,7 +170,7 @@ class DateTime {
 	// Adds the specified number of months to the current date
 	// Adding a negative value (e.g. -1) subtracts the months instead
 	addMonths(months) {
-		if (months === 0) return this;
+		if (!months) return this;
 		const addedMonths = this.month + months;
 		const newYear = this.year + Math.floor((addedMonths - 1) / 12);
 		const newMonth = ((addedMonths - 1) % 12) + 1;
@@ -158,7 +183,7 @@ class DateTime {
 	// Adds the specified number of days to the current date
 	// Adding a negative value (e.g. -1) subtracts the days instead
 	addDays(days) {
-		if (days === 0) return this;
+		if (!days) return this;
 		this.fromTimestamp(this.timeStamp + days * Time.secondsPerDay);
 		return this;
@@ -166,7 +191,7 @@ class DateTime {
 	// Adds the specified number of hours to the current date and time
 	// Adding a negative value (e.g. -1) subtracts the hours instead
 	addHours(hours) {
-		if (hours === 0) return this;
+		if (!hours) return this;
 		this.timeStamp += hours * Time.secondsPerHour;
 		return this;
@@ -175,7 +200,7 @@ class DateTime {
 	// Adds the specified number of minutes to the current date and time
 	// Adding a negative value (e.g. -1) subtracts the minutes instead
 	addMinutes(minutes) {
-		if (minutes === 0) return this;
+		if (!minutes) return this;
 		this.timeStamp += minutes * Time.secondsPerMinute;
 		return this;
@@ -184,7 +209,7 @@ class DateTime {
 	// Adds the specified number of seconds to the current date and time
 	// Adding a negative value (e.g. -1) subtracts the seconds instead
 	addSeconds(seconds) {
-		if (seconds === 0) return this;
+		if (!seconds) return this;
 		this.timeStamp += seconds;
 		return this;
@@ -229,5 +254,28 @@ class DateTime {
 		const daysPerMonth = DateTime.getDaysOfMonthFromYear(this.year);
 		return daysPerMonth.slice(0, this.month - 1).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) + this.day;
+	// Returns the current moon phase as a fraction (0-1), where 0 is new moon and 0.5 is full moon
+	get moonPhaseFraction() {
+		// Real new moon (in london) as a reference point
+		const referenceNewMoon = new DateTime(2022, 1, 2, 18, 33);
+		let phaseFraction = ((this.timeStamp - referenceNewMoon.timeStamp) / (Time.synodicMonth * Time.secondsPerDay)) % 1;
+		// Special rounding cases - to round to a complete new-moon or full-moon more often
+		phaseFraction =
+			phaseFraction >= 0.48 && phaseFraction <= 0.52 ? 0.5 : phaseFraction < 0.02 || phaseFraction > 0.98 ? 0 : Math.round(phaseFraction * 100) / 100;
+		return phaseFraction;
+	}
+	// Returns a fraction of a day. (0 at 0:00 and 1 at 24:00)
+	get fractionOfDay() {
+		return (this.hour * 60 + this.minute) / (24 * 60);
+	}
+	// Returns a fraction of a day, but starting at noon. (0 at 12:00 and 0.99 at 11:59)
+	get fractionOfDayFromNoon() {
+		return (((this.hour + 12) % 24) * 60 + this.minute) / (24 * 60);
+	}
 window.DateTime = DateTime;
diff --git a/game/base-system/time/time.js b/game/base-system/time/time.js
index 238efa185ee0f7f5b8f0984269159f4a5fbc49a3..a41efaa69a668124fb6aa5782452b54f03fe2b40 100644
--- a/game/base-system/time/time.js
+++ b/game/base-system/time/time.js
@@ -58,6 +58,50 @@ const Time = (() => {
 	const secondsPerMinute = 60;
 	const standardYearMonths = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
 	const leapYearMonths = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
+	const synodicMonth = 29.53058867;
+	const moonPhases = {
+		new: {
+			start: 0,
+			end: 0.03,
+			endAlt: 1,
+			description: "New Moon",
+		},
+		waxingCrescent: {
+			start: 0.03,
+			end: 0.22,
+			description: "Waxing Crescent",
+		},
+		firstQuarter: {
+			start: 0.22,
+			end: 0.28,
+			description: "First Quarter",
+		},
+		waxingGibbous: {
+			start: 0.28,
+			end: 0.47,
+			description: "Waxing Gibbous",
+		},
+		full: {
+			start: 0.47,
+			end: 0.53,
+			description: "Full Moon",
+		},
+		waningGibbous: {
+			start: 0.53,
+			end: 0.72,
+			description: "Waning Gibbous",
+		},
+		lastQuarter: {
+			start: 0.72,
+			end: 0.78,
+			description: "Last Quarter",
+		},
+		waningCrescent: {
+			start: 0.78,
+			end: 0.97,
+			description: "Waning Crescent",
+		},
+	};
 	const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
 	const daysOfWeek = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
@@ -132,25 +176,26 @@ const Time = (() => {
 		return fragment;
-	function nextSchoolTermStartDate(date) {
+	function getNextSchoolTermStartDate(date) {
 		const newDate = new DateTime(date);
 		if (!holidayMonths.includes(newDate.month) && date.day < newDate.getFirstWeekdayOfMonth(2).day) {
 			return newDate.getFirstWeekdayOfMonth(2);
-		newDate.addMonths(holidayMonths.find(e => e > newDate.month) - newDate.month + 1);
+		newDate.addMonths(holidayMonths.find(e => e >= newDate.month) - newDate.month + 1);
 		return newDate.getFirstWeekdayOfMonth(2);
-	function nextSchoolTermEndDate(date) {
+	function getNextSchoolTermEndDate(date) {
 		const newDate = new DateTime(date);
 		newDate.addMonths(holidayMonths.find(e => e >= newDate.month) - newDate.month);
 		return newDate.getFirstWeekdayOfMonth(2).addDays(-3).addHours(15);
 	function isSchoolTerm(date) {
-		let termEndDate = nextSchoolTermEndDate(date);
-		termEndDate = new DateTime(termEndDate.year, termEndDate.month, termEndDate.day + 1);
+		let termEndDate = getNextSchoolTermEndDate(date);
+		termEndDate = new DateTime(termEndDate.year, termEndDate.month, termEndDate.day);
+		termEndDate.addDays(1);
 		const firstMonday = date.getFirstWeekdayOfMonth(2);
 		const prevMonth = ((date.month - 2 + 12) % 12) + 1;
@@ -169,6 +214,51 @@ const Time = (() => {
 		return isSchoolDay(date) && date.hour > 8 && date.hour < 15;
+	function getDayOfYear(date) {
+		const start = new DateTime(date.year, 1, 1);
+		const diff = date.timeStamp - start.timeStamp;
+		return Math.floor(diff / Time.secondsPerDay);
+	}
+	function getSecondsSinceMidnight(date) {
+		return date.hour * Time.secondsPerHour + date.minute * Time.secondsPerMinute;
+	}
+	// Current moon phase
+	function currentMoonPhase(date) {
+		const phaseFraction = date.moonPhaseFraction;
+		for (const phase in moonPhases) {
+			const range = moonPhases[phase];
+			if ((phaseFraction >= range.start && phaseFraction < range.end) || (range.endAlt && phaseFraction >= 0.97)) {
+				return phase;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Previous occurrence of a specific moon phase
+	function previousMoonPhase(targetPhase) {
+		const date = new DateTime(currentDate.year, currentDate.month, currentDate.day, 0, 0);
+		date.setTime(0, 0);
+		do {
+			date.addDays(-1);
+			const currentPhase = currentMoonPhase(date);
+			if (currentPhase === targetPhase) {
+				return date;
+			}
+		} while (true);
+	}
+	// Next occurrence of a specific moon phase
+	function nextMoonPhase(targetPhase) {
+		const date = new DateTime(currentDate.year, currentDate.month, currentDate.day, 0, 0);
+		do {
+			date.addDays(1);
+			const currentPhase = currentMoonPhase(date);
+			if (currentPhase === targetPhase) {
+				return date;
+			}
+		} while (true);
+	}
 	return Object.create({
 		get date() {
 			return currentDate;
@@ -241,14 +331,23 @@ const Time = (() => {
 			return hour < 6 ? "morning" : hour >= 9 ? "evening" : undefined;
 		get nextSchoolTermStartDate() {
-			return nextSchoolTermStartDate(currentDate);
+			return getNextSchoolTermStartDate(currentDate);
 		get nextSchoolTermEndDate() {
-			return nextSchoolTermEndDate(currentDate);
+			return getNextSchoolTermEndDate(currentDate);
 		get lastDayOfMonth() {
 			return currentDate.lastDayOfMonth;
+		get dayOfYear() {
+			return getDayOfYear(currentDate);
+		},
+		get secondsSinceMidnight() {
+			return getSecondsSinceMidnight(currentDate);
+		},
+		get currentMoonPhase() {
+			return currentMoonPhase(currentDate);
+		},
@@ -257,17 +356,23 @@ const Time = (() => {
+		getDayOfYear,
+		getSecondsSinceMidnight,
+		nextMoonPhase,
+		previousMoonPhase,
+		synodicMonth,
+		moonPhases,
-		getNextSchoolTermStartDate: nextSchoolTermStartDate,
-		getNextSchoolTermEndDate: nextSchoolTermEndDate,
+		getNextSchoolTermStartDate,
+		getNextSchoolTermEndDate,
 		getNextWeekdayDate: weekDay => currentDate.getNextWeekdayDate(weekDay),
 		getPreviousWeekdayDate: weekDay => currentDate.getPreviousWeekdayDate(weekDay),
 		isWeekEnd: () => currentDate.weekEnd,
@@ -397,6 +502,8 @@ function dayPassed() {
 	fragment.append(wikifier("clearNPC", "pharmNurse"));
+	Weather.Sky.setMoonPhase(Time.date);
 	V.physiquechange = 1;
 	V.park_fame = Math.clamp(V.park_fame - 7, 0, 100);
@@ -765,6 +872,7 @@ function hourPassed(hours) {
 function minutePassed(minutes) {
 	const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
 	// Stress
 	// decay/rise and crossdresser trait
 	const isCrossdresser = V.backgroundTraits.includes("crossdresser");
diff --git a/game/base-system/time/timeMacros.js b/game/base-system/time/timeMacros.js
index d6a81e306bf43f6d64a31bcf6945bb1fcb6095a3..f30e02a03f13105dfee43520a2b0909355a725e8 100644
--- a/game/base-system/time/timeMacros.js
+++ b/game/base-system/time/timeMacros.js
@@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ Macro.add("advancetohour", {
 function passTimeUntil(hour, minute) {
-	const diffHour = (24 - Time.hour + hour) % 24;
-	const diffMinute = (60 + Time.minute - (minute || 0)) % 60;
-	return passTime(diffHour * 60 + diffMinute);
+	const currentSeconds = Time.hour * Time.secondsPerHour + Time.minute * Time.secondsPerMinute;
+	const targetSeconds = hour * Time.secondsPerHour + minute * Time.secondsPerMinute;
+	const secondsToPass = (targetSeconds - currentSeconds + Time.secondsPerDay) % Time.secondsPerDay;
+	return passTime(secondsToPass, "sec");
 Macro.add("passTimeUntil", {
 	handler() {
@@ -118,6 +119,9 @@ function schoolTerm() {
 	const date = Time.nextSchoolTermStartDate;
+	if (Time.date.compareWith(date).days === 1) {
+		return "School term starts tomorrow.";
+	}
 	return "School term starts on " + date.weekDayName + " the " + ordinalSuffixOf(date.day) + " of " + date.monthName;
diff --git a/game/base-system/widgets.twee b/game/base-system/widgets.twee
index dae98d03fc9e4e34f01f5c1536843d78328c734a..f2df83a9c3d58403acf5598d6214906494dd72e3 100644
--- a/game/base-system/widgets.twee
+++ b/game/base-system/widgets.twee
@@ -1757,6 +1757,7 @@
 <<widget "weatherdisplay">>
+	<<set _season to (Time.season == "winter" ? "_winter" : "")>>
 	<<set _weather_display to (Time.season == "winter" ? "winter" : "normal")>>
 	<<if $options.images is 1>>
 		<<if Time.dayState is "night" and (isBloodmoon() or $forcedBloodmoon)>>
@@ -1767,54 +1768,53 @@
 		<<set _dayState to "_"+Time.dayState>>
 		<<set _imgLoc to 'img/misc/'>>
-		<<set _imgSky to 'img/misc/'>>
-		<<set _imgWeather to 'img/misc/'>>
+		<<set _imgSky to 'img/misc/sky/'>>
 		/* sky (upmost part) */
-		<<if $location is "tentworld">>
-			<img id="daystate" @src="_imgSky+'tentsky'+_dayState+'.png'">
+		/* <<if $skyHidden is true>>
+			<<set _skybox to "skybox_blank">>
+		<<elseif $location is "tentworld">>
+			<<set _skybox to "skybox" + _dayState + "_tentacle">>
-			<img id="daystate" @src="_imgSky+'sky'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.png'">
-		<</if>>
+			<<set _skybox to "skybox" + _dayStateWithBloodMoon>>
+			<<if $location is "bog">><<set _skybox += "_haze">><</if>>
+			<img id="daystate" @src="_imgSky + 'sun' + _dayState + '.png'">
+			<img id="daystate" @src="_imgSky + 'moon' + _dayStateWithBloodMoon + '.png'">
+		<</if>> */
+		<<skybox>>
 		/* weather (middle part) */
-		<<if $location is "tentworld">>
-			<img id="weather" @src="_imgWeather+'tentsky'+_dayState+'.png'">
+		/* <<if $location is "tentworld" or $skyHidden is true>>
 			<<switch $weather>>
-				<<case "clear">>	<img id="weather" @src="_imgWeather+'clear'+_dayState+'.png'">
-				<<case "overcast">> <img id="weather" @src="_imgWeather+_weather_display + '/overcast'+_dayState+'.png'">
-				<<case "rain">>		<img id="weather" @src="_imgWeather+'rain'+_dayState+'.gif'">
-				<<case "snow">>		<img id="weather" @src="_imgWeather+'winter/snow'+_dayState+'.gif'">
+				<<case "clear">>
+				<<case "overcast">> <img id="weather" @src="_imgSky + 'overcast' + _dayState + _season + '.png'">
+				<<case "rain">>		<img id="weather" @src="_imgSky + 'rain' + _dayState + '.gif'">
+				<<case "snow">>		<img id="weather" @src="_imgSky + 'snow' + _dayState + '.gif'">
-		<</if>>
+		<</if>> */
 		/* location (bottom part) */
-		<<switch $location>>
+		/* <<switch $location>>
 			<<case "adult_shop">>
-				<<if $adultshopstate is "closed">>
-					<<if Time.dayState is "night" or Time.dayState is "dusk">>
-						<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/sex_shop'+_dayState+'.gif'">
-					<<else>>
-						<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/sex_shop'+_dayState+'.png'">
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
+				<<if Time.dayState is "day" and $adultshopstate isnot "closed">>
 					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/sex_shop'+_dayState+'_open.gif'">
+				<<elseif Time.dayState is "night" or Time.dayState is "dusk">>
+					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/sex_shop'+_dayState+'.gif'">
+				<<else>>
+					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/sex_shop'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "alex_cottage">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/alex_cottage'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "alex_farm">>
 				<<if $bus is "woodland">>
-					<<if Time.dayState is "night" or Time.dayState is "dawn">>
-						<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/forest'+_dayState+'.png'">
-					<<else>>
-						<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/forest'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
-					<</if>>
+					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/forest'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
 					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/alex_farm'+_dayState+'.png'">
-			<<case "alley">>
+	--		<<case "alley">>
 				<<if $bus is "industrial">>
 					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/indust_alley'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
 				<<elseif $bus is "residential">>
@@ -1830,17 +1830,13 @@
 					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/asylum'+_dayState+'slow.gif'">
-			<<case "beach" "chalets">>
+	--		<<case "beach" "chalets">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/beach'+_dayState+'.gif'">
 			<<case "brothel">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/brothel'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "cabin">>
-				<<if Time.season is "winter">>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/cabin'+_dayState+'.png'">
-				<<else>>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/cabin'+_dayState+'.gif'">
-				<</if>>
-			<<case "cafe">>
+				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/cabin'+_dayState+'.png'">
+	-	-	<<case "cafe">>
 				<<if $chef_state gte 9>>
 					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/cafe_renovated'+_dayState+'.png'">
 				<<elseif $chef_state gte 7>>
@@ -1862,7 +1858,7 @@
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/docks'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "drain">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/drain.gif'">
-			<<case "estate">>
+	--		<<case "estate">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/remy_farm'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "factory">>
 				<<if Time.dayState is "night">>
@@ -1875,11 +1871,7 @@
 			<<case "flats">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/flats'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "forest">>
-				<<if Time.dayState is "night" or Time.dayState is "dawn">>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/forest'+_dayState+'.png'">
-				<<else>>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/forest'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
-				<</if>>
+				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/forest'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
 			<<case "forest_shop">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/forest_shop'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "home">>
@@ -1892,13 +1884,13 @@
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/kylar_manor'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "lake">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/lake'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
-			<<case "lake_ruin">>
+		-	<<case "lake_ruin">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/ruins'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
 			<<case "landfill">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/landfill'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "meadow">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/meadow'+_dayState+'.gif'">
-			<<case "mines">>
+	--		<<case "mines">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/underground'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "moor">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/moor'+_dayState+'.gif'">
@@ -1917,11 +1909,7 @@
 			<<case "police_station">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/police_station'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "pound">>
-				<<if Time.dayState is "night">>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/dog_pound'+_dayState+'.png'">
-				<<else>>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/dog_pound'+_dayState+'.gif'">
-				<</if>>
+				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/dog_pound'+_dayState+'.gif'">
 			<<case "pool">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/pool'+_dayState+'.gif'">
 			<<case "prison">>
@@ -1959,17 +1947,13 @@
 			<<case "tower" "castle">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/tower'+_dayStateWithBloodMoon+'.gif'">
 			<<case "town">>
-				<<if Time.dayState is "dusk">>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/town'+_dayState+'.png'">
-				<<else>>
-					<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/town'+_dayState+'.gif'">
-				<</if>>
+				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/town'+_dayState+'.gif'">
 			<<case "underground">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/underground'+_dayState+'.png'">
 			<<case "wolf_cave">>
 				<img id="location" @src="_imgLoc + _weather_display + '/wolf_cave'+_dayState+'.png'">
-		<</switch>>
+		<</switch>> */
+		<div id="locationOverlay"></div>
 		<<switch Time.dayState>>
 			<<case "day">>
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b8f3ece05d3fb45529f7056b0d8f2a85b40ea7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/img/misc/normal_apng/convert.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+for %i in (*.gif) do ffmpeg -i "%i" -plays 0 "F:\Modding\DoL3\img\misc\normal\apng\%~ni.apng
+for %i in (*.png) do ffmpeg -i "%i" "F:\Modding\DoL3\img\misc\normal\apng\%~ni.apng  
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3b1a20cd820daf5aa3fb16874cb2ba9282f7e19
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68de6e73d820346b5ae52e3a6c6c7e107eeff99b
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4c6dd09e53162b8c7fc09d262842a781b904bf9
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/misc/winter_apng/wolf_cave_day.apng differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4c6dd09e53162b8c7fc09d262842a781b904bf9
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/misc/winter_apng/wolf_cave_dusk.apng differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20be07a81f78a073e70bb36dcfc479ac1efe2ee8
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index 14db86d1aece37cf32c827cad4826dd9534bd525..753067ef31a5088f9ff41352453bacca5c2ec388 100644
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--- a/modules/css/base.css
+++ b/modules/css/base.css
@@ -7804,3 +7804,75 @@ Built-in icons go from e800 - e84b. Click on 'show codes' to find the correspond
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 	margin: -10px 0 -5px;
+.skybox_blank {
+	position: fixed;
+	left: 0;
+	z-index: 9;
+	user-select: none;
+	top: 0;
+	width: 64px;
+	height: 192px;
+.skybox_dawn {
+	background-color: #fd7d01;
+.skybox_dawn_haze {
+	background-image: linear-gradient(#fd7d01, #e5d397 65%);
+.skybox_day {
+	background-color: #408aca;
+.skybox_day_haze {
+	background-image: linear-gradient(#408aca, #d0ffea 65%);
+.skybox_dusk {
+	background-color: #fad6a5;
+.skybox_dusk_haze {
+	background-image: linear-gradient(#fad6a5, #d7a350 65%);
+.skybox_night {
+	background-color: #280137;
+.skybox_night_haze {
+	background-image: linear-gradient(#280137, #1a2753 65%);
+.skybox_bloodmoon {
+	background-image: linear-gradient(#8b0804, #280137 20%);
+.skybox_bloodmoon_haze {
+	background-image: linear-gradient(#8b0804, #280137 20%, #4f284e 65%);
+.skybox_dawn_tentacle {
+	background-color: #44056d;
+.skybox_day_tentacle {
+	background-color: #69159d;
+.skybox_dusk_tentacle {
+	background-color: #550e81;
+.skybox_night_tentacle {
+	background-color: #2e0854;
+.skybox_blank {
+	background-color: #000000;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb611c796dbca650a1088df800534bc5337c210d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/css/weather.css
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#skybox {
+	position: fixed;
+	left: 0;
+	z-index: 6;
+	user-select: none;
+	top: 0;
+	width: 64px;
+	height: 192px;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	background-color: #280137;
+#starField {
+	position: relative;
+	z-index: 7;
+#skybox-sunGlow {
+	position: absolute;
+	width: 64px;
+	height: 192px;
+	z-index: 12;
+#skybox-location {
+	position: absolute;
+	width: 64px;
+	height: 192px;
+	z-index: 10;
+#sun {
+	position: absolute;
+	display: block;
+	z-index: 8;
+#moon {
+	position: absolute;
+	display: block;
+	z-index: 9;
+#clouds {
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 10;