From 2bbc1c1db8807c4a4a9f0f0c82dd7316f5330c95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kaden <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 11:52:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] expanded shared_functions

 Mods_Kaden/shared_functions.rpy | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/shared_functions.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/shared_functions.rpy
index 4fdcc96..90a8a38 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/shared_functions.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/shared_functions.rpy
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ init -1 python:
         return formatted_title
     def return_underwear(the_item):
-        list = []
+        temp_list = []
         for key, list_of_values in mc.stolen_underwear.items():
             if the_item in list_of_values:
-                list = list_of_values
-                list.remove(the_item)
+                temp_list = list_of_values
+                temp_list.remove(the_item)
                 del mc.stolen_underwear[key]
-                if list:
+                if temp_list:
                     mc.stolen_underwear[key] = []
-                    for clothing in list:
+                    for clothing in temp_list:
@@ -22,3 +22,67 @@ init -1 python:
             if clothing not in [thong, tiny_g_string]:
                 return True
         return False
+    def home_residents():
+        residents = []
+        for person in [x for x in all_people_in_the_game() if x.home == mc.location]:
+            residents.append(person)
+        return residents
+    def get_existing_rivals(self, person):
+        return_list = []
+        for relationship in self.get_relationship_type_list(person, types = ["Nemesis", "Rival"]):
+            return_list.append(relationship[0])
+        return return_list
+    def get_existing_rival_count(self, person):
+        return __builtin__.len(get_existing_rivals(self, person))
+    def get_existing_friends(self, person):
+        return_list = []
+        for relationship in self.get_relationship_type_list(person, types = ["Friend", "Best Friend"]):
+            return_list.append(relationship[0])
+        return return_list
+    def get_exisiting_friend_count(self, person):
+        return __builtin__.len(get_existing_friends(self, person))
+    def get_exisiting_family_count(self, person):
+        return __builtin__.len(get_family_members(self, person))
+    def pregnant_family(person):
+        the_mothers = []
+        if len(get_family_members(town_relationships, person)) > 0:
+            for x in get_family_members(town_relationships, person):
+                if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_knows", False):
+                    if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_tits_date", 999) < day-5:
+                        the_mothers.append(x)
+        return the_mothers
+    def pregnant_friends(person):
+        the_mothers = []
+        if len(get_existing_friends(town_relationships, person)) > 0:
+            for x in get_existing_friends(town_relationships, person):
+                if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_knows", False):
+                    if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_tits_date", 999) < day-5:
+                        the_mothers.append(x)
+        return the_mothers
+    def pregnant_enemies(person):
+        the_mothers = []
+        if len(get_existing_rivals(town_relationships, person)) > 0:
+            for x in get_existing_rivals(town_relationships, person):
+                if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_knows", False):
+                    if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_tits_date", 999) < day-5:
+                        the_mothers.append(x)
+        return the_mothers
+    def pregnant_people(person): #change to body type check?
+        the_mothers = []
+        if pregnant_family(person):
+            the_mothers.extend(pregnant_family(person))
+        if pregnant_friends(person):
+            the_mothers.extend(pregnant_friends(person))
+        if pregnant_enemies(person):
+            the_mothers.extend(pregnant_enemies(person))
+        return the_mothers

From 0fe7574e7a2b37bde6cc68f836c80a590cb8dfa1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kaden <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 12:02:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] temp_list and shared_functions clean up

 Mods_Kaden/baby_fever.rpy         | 55 ++++---------------------------
 Mods_Kaden/bedroom_search.rpy     |  9 +----
 Mods_Kaden/bra_size_crisis.rpy    | 15 +++++----
 Mods_Kaden/college_girls.rpy      |  4 +--
 Mods_Kaden/missing_bra.rpy        |  8 ++---
 Mods_Kaden/missing_panties.rpy    |  8 ++---
 Mods_Kaden/pajamas.rpy            | 15 +++++----
 Mods_Kaden/side_effect_crisis.rpy | 10 ------
 Mods_Kaden/time_capsule.rpy       | 12 +++----
 Mods_Kaden/uniform_designer.rpy   | 30 +++++++----------
 10 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/baby_fever.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/baby_fever.rpy
index ec4fee1..493aa85 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/baby_fever.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/baby_fever.rpy
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 init -1 python:
     def baby_fever_get_people():
-        list = []
+        temp_list = []
         final_list = []
         for person in known_people_in_the_game():
             if person not in [lily, mom, cousin, aunt]:
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ init -1 python:
                         if person.event_triggers_dict.get("last_birth", 0) < 1: # no baby
                             if person.event_triggers_dict.get("baby_fever_chat", 0) < day -14: # no recent talk
                                 if pregnant_people(person):
-                                    list.append(person)
-        if list:
+                                    temp_list.append(person)
+        if temp_list:
             while len(final_list) < 1:
                 target ="baby_fever", -4)
-                for person in list:
+                for person in temp_list:
                     if person.get_opinion_score("creampies") + person.get_opinion_score("bareback sex") == target:
                 if not final_list:
@@ -23,49 +23,6 @@ init -1 python:
               ["baby_fever"] = target + 1
         return final_list
-    def get_existing_friends(self, person):
-        return_list = []
-        for relationship in self.get_relationship_type_list(person, types = ["Friend", "Best Friend"]):
-            return_list.append(relationship[0])
-        return return_list
-    def pregnant_family(person):
-        the_mothers = []
-        if len(get_family_members(town_relationships, person)) > 0:
-            for x in get_family_members(town_relationships, person):
-                if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_knows", False):
-                    if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_tits_date", 999) < day-5:
-                        the_mothers.append(x)
-        return the_mothers
-    def pregnant_friends(person):
-        the_mothers = []
-        if len(get_existing_friends(town_relationships, person)) > 0:
-            for x in get_existing_friends(town_relationships, person):
-                if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_knows", False):
-                    if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_tits_date", 999) < day-5:
-                        the_mothers.append(x)
-        return the_mothers
-    def pregnant_enemies(person):
-        the_mothers = []
-        if len(get_existing_rivals(town_relationships, person)) > 0:
-            for x in get_existing_rivals(town_relationships, person):
-                if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_knows", False):
-                    if x.event_triggers_dict.get("preg_tits_date", 999) < day-5:
-                        the_mothers.append(x)
-        return the_mothers
-    def pregnant_people(person): #change to body type check
-        the_mothers = []
-        if pregnant_family(person):
-            the_mothers.extend(pregnant_family(person))
-        if pregnant_friends(person):
-            the_mothers.extend(pregnant_friends(person))
-        if pregnant_enemies(person):
-            the_mothers.extend(pregnant_enemies(person))
-        return the_mothers
     def crisis_baby_fever_requirement():
         if"baby_fever_chat", 0) < day - 5:
             if baby_fever_get_people():
@@ -209,7 +166,7 @@ label crisis_baby_fever_label():
     the_person "...[the_person.mc_title]?"
     $ the_person.tits = tit_size
     $ the_person.body_type = body_type
-    if the_person.is_at_work():
+    if the_person.is_employee() and the_person.is_at_work():
         $ the_person.wear_uniform()
         $ the_person.apply_planned_outfit()
@@ -268,7 +225,7 @@ label crisis_baby_fever_label():
                     $ the_person.draw_person(position = "kissing", special_modifier = "kissing")
                     "You put your arms around her waist and she kisses you immediately. When you break the kiss she's grinning ear to ear."
                     $ the_person.draw_person(emotion = "happy")
-                    $ ex_title = so_title[:4] #Get's only the first 4 characters of any title for some hesitant-sounding speach.
+                    $ ex_title = so_title[:4]
                     the_person "It feels so good to not have to hide anything anymore! I'll break the news to my [ex_title]... My ex-[so_title] later today."
                     the_person "You can't be serious. I already have a [so_title]. Do you really think I'd leave him for you just to have a kid?"
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/bedroom_search.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/bedroom_search.rpy
index 0e3bb12..a45838e 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/bedroom_search.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/bedroom_search.rpy
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
 init -1 python:
-    def home_residents():
-        residents = []
-        for person in [x for x in all_people_in_the_game() if x.home == mc.location]:
-            residents.append(person)
-            return residents
     def aunt_suitcase_search_requirement():
         if hall.has_person(aunt):
             if time_of_day == 3:
@@ -16,7 +10,7 @@ init -1 python:
     def bedroom_search_requirement():
         if mc.location.get_person_count() > 0:
             person = get_random_person_in_location(mc.location)
-            return "Not with " + person.title + " around."
+            return "Not with " + (person.title or "someone") + " around."
         elif < 15:
             return "Not enough {image=gui/extra_images/energy_token.png}"
@@ -415,7 +409,6 @@ label aunt_suitcase_search_description():
                     $ the_person.event_triggers_dict["stolen_bras"] += 1
                     $ the_person.event_triggers_dict["stolen_bras"] = 1
                 $ mc.change_location(bedroom)
                 $ mc.location.show_background()
             "Steal a pair of panties" if len(underwear_list(the_person, bra = False, panties = True)) > 0:
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/bra_size_crisis.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/bra_size_crisis.rpy
index e5838b2..cbf688a 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/bra_size_crisis.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/bra_size_crisis.rpy
@@ -26,22 +26,23 @@ init -1 python:
         return count
     def crisis_bra_size_get_people():
-        list = []
+        temp_list = []
         for person in
             if not pregnant_role in person.special_role:
                 if person.bra_size + 1 < Person.rank_tits(person.tits): #more than 1 size bigger
                     if bra_count(person) > 0:
-                        list.append(person)
+                        temp_list.append(person)
                     elif person.bra_size + 2 < Person.rank_tits(person.tits):
-                        list.append(person)
+                        temp_list.append(person)
                 elif person.bra_size - 1 > Person.rank_tits(person.tits): #more than 1 size smaller
                     if bra_count(person) > 0:
-                        list.append(person)
-            for person in list:
+                        temp_list.append(person)
+            for person in temp_list:
                 for serum in person.serum_effects:
                     if serum.has_trait(breast_enhancement) or serum.has_trait(breast_reduction) or serum.has_trait(lactation_hormones):
-                        list.remove(person)
-        return list
+                        if person in temp_list:
+                            temp_list.remove(person)
+        return temp_list
 init 3 python:
     crisis_bra_size_action = ActionMod("Bra Size", crisis_bra_size_requirement, "crisis_bra_size_label",
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/college_girls.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/college_girls.rpy
index 47dafb0..ddd48c1 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/college_girls.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/college_girls.rpy
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ label lily_intro_one(the_sister): #friend
     $ scene_manager = Scene()
     $ lily_friend_mod_initialization()
     $ lily.event_triggers_dict["classmate_1"] = True
-    $ lily.event_triggers_dict["classmate_2"] = day + 5
+    $ lily.event_triggers_dict["classmate_2"] = day + 3
     $ the_sister = lily
     $ the_sister.apply_university_outfit()
     $ the_person = lily_friend
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ label lily_intro_two(the_sister): #rival
     $ scene_manager = Scene()
     $ lily_rival_mod_initialization()
     $ lily.event_triggers_dict["classmate_2"] = 999
-    $ lily.event_triggers_dict["classmate_3"] = day + 5
+    $ lily.event_triggers_dict["classmate_3"] = day + 3
     $ the_sister = lily
     $ the_sister.apply_university_outfit()
     $ the_person = lily_rival
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/missing_bra.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/missing_bra.rpy
index 706e88b..075245f 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/missing_bra.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/missing_bra.rpy
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ init -1 python:
         return False
     def home_missing_bra_get_people():
-        list = []
+        temp_list = []
         if mc.is_home():
             for person in [x for x in people_in_mc_home()]:
                 if person.event_triggers_dict.get("stolen_bras",0) > 0:
                     count = person.event_triggers_dict.get("stolen_bras",0)
                     if get_person_bra_list(person):
                         while count:
-                            list.append(person)
+                            temp_list.append(person)
                             count -= 1
-        if list:
-            return get_random_from_list(list)
+        if temp_list:
+            return get_random_from_list(temp_list)
             return get_random_from_list(people_in_mc_home())
         return None
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/missing_panties.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/missing_panties.rpy
index 9acc81e..b8baf0e 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/missing_panties.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/missing_panties.rpy
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ init -1 python:
         return False
     def home_missing_panties_get_people():
-        list = []
+        temp_list = []
         if mc.is_home():
             for person in [x for x in people_in_mc_home()]:
                 if person.event_triggers_dict.get("stolen_panties",0) > 0:
                     count = person.event_triggers_dict.get("stolen_panties",0)
                     if get_person_panties_list(person):
                         while count:
-                            list.append(person)
+                            temp_list.append(person)
                             count -= 1
-        if list:
-            return get_random_from_list(list)
+        if temp_list:
+            return get_random_from_list(temp_list)
             return get_random_from_list(people_in_mc_home())
         return None
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/pajamas.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/pajamas.rpy
index 53e91a4..a652a9a 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/pajamas.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/pajamas.rpy
@@ -113,13 +113,14 @@ init 0 python:
             # run original function
             org_func(person, destination)
             # run extension code
-            if person.location == person.home:
-                wear_pajamas(person)
-            if not aunt.event_triggers_dict.get("invited_for_drinks", False):
-                if aunt.location == hall:
-                    wear_pajamas(aunt)
-                if cousin.location == lily_bedroom:
-                    wear_pajamas(cousin)
+            if time_of_day > 3:
+                if person.location == person.home:
+                    wear_pajamas(person)
+                if not aunt.event_triggers_dict.get("invited_for_drinks", False):
+                    if aunt.location == hall:
+                        wear_pajamas(aunt)
+                    if cousin.location == lily_bedroom:
+                        wear_pajamas(cousin)
         return run_move_enhanced_wrapper_2
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/side_effect_crisis.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/side_effect_crisis.rpy
index 1e054d2..c2adfeb 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/side_effect_crisis.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/side_effect_crisis.rpy
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
 init -1 python:
-    def get_existing_rivals(self, person):
-        return_list = []
-        for relationship in self.get_relationship_type_list(person, types = ["Nemesis", "Rival"]):
-            return_list.append(relationship[0])
-        return return_list
-    def get_existing_rival_count(self, person):
-        return __builtin__.len(get_existing_rivals(self, person))
     def serum_test_crisis_requirement():
         if and mc.is_at_work():
             if mandatory_paid_serum_testing_policy.is_active():
@@ -224,4 +215,3 @@ label serum_test_crisis_label():
             $ clear_scene()
     $ the_person.apply_serum_study()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/time_capsule.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/time_capsule.rpy
index 92edc6a..4c79120 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/time_capsule.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/time_capsule.rpy
@@ -137,19 +137,19 @@ init 1 python:
         return time_capsule
     def get_time_serum():
-        list = []
+        temp_list = []
         list2 = []
         list2 = hidden_trait_list()
-        list = persistent.time_capsule
+        temp_list = persistent.time_capsule
         time_serum = SerumDesign() = "Time Serum"
-        if list:
-            for y in list:
+        if temp_list:
+            for y in temp_list:
                 for x in list_of_traits:
                     if == y:
-        if list and list2:
-            for y in list:
+        if temp_list and list2:
+            for y in temp_list:
                 for x in list2:
                     if == y:
diff --git a/Mods_Kaden/uniform_designer.rpy b/Mods_Kaden/uniform_designer.rpy
index 85a771b..39bf2c2 100644
--- a/Mods_Kaden/uniform_designer.rpy
+++ b/Mods_Kaden/uniform_designer.rpy
@@ -119,38 +119,32 @@ init 2 python:
         menu_tooltip = "An employee wants to talk about the work uniforms.", category = "Business Crisis", is_crisis = True)
     def get_uniform_designer():
-        list = []
+        temp_list = []
         opinion = -2
         slut = 0
-        while not list:
+        while not temp_list:
             for person in
                 person.create_opinion("work uniforms", start_positive = False, start_known = False, add_to_log = False)
                 if person.get_opinion_score("work uniforms") == opinion:
-                    list.append(person)
+                    temp_list.append(person)
             opinion += 1
-        person = get_random_from_list(list)
-        for x in list:
+        person = get_random_from_list(temp_list)
+        for x in temp_list:
             if x.sluttiness > person.sluttiness:
                 person = x
         return person
-    def get_existing_friends(self, person):
-        return_list = []
-        for relationship in self.get_relationship_type_list(person, types = ["Friend", "Best Friend"]):
-            return_list.append(relationship[0])
-        return return_list
     def build_forced_uniform_list(the_person):
-        list =
-        list.remove(the_person)
-        for person in list:
+        temp_list =
+        temp_list.remove(the_person)
+        for person in temp_list:
             if not person.event_triggers_dict.get("forced_uniform", None):
-                list.remove(person)
-        return list
+                temp_list.remove(person)
+        return temp_list
     def uniform_followup_prep():
-        list =
-        for person in list:
+        temp_list =
+        for person in temp_list:
             if person.event_triggers_dict.get("forced_uniform", None):
                 person.apply_outfit(person.event_triggers_dict.get("forced_uniform", None).get_copy())