From c7a54e9366e631b157293de3d67c11ca297e3302 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: a wombat <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2020 17:31:18 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Tiny Hint for Scorpion

 classes/classes/Scenes/Areas/Desert/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/classes/classes/Scenes/Areas/Desert/ b/classes/classes/Scenes/Areas/Desert/
index 728881a55..9a2e8efdb 100644
--- a/classes/classes/Scenes/Areas/Desert/
+++ b/classes/classes/Scenes/Areas/Desert/
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ public class ScorpionScene extends BaseContent implements Encounter, SelfSaving,
 			saveContent.state = 1;
 			outputText("As satisfying as the soft, rhythmic crunch of sand [if (isnaga) {under the weight of your coils|underfoot}] is, you are starting to think that aimlessly walking through this desert might not yield much, if anything at all. Heat distortions flickering high into the air[if (!isday) { despite the late hour}] and the steady rise and fall of sandhills are almost all your eyes can see. Although, just almost—far in the distance, you spy something that looks like the tips of a group of spires peeking out behind a dune. It's hard to tell them from a mirage, but with the utter lack of other points of interest around, you might as well investigate.");
 			outputText("[pg]Having made your way close enough through the [if (!isday) {still-}]scorching sand, you realize they are indeed real, and a bit larger than you initially thought. Towering a good [if (metric) {ten meters|thirty feet}] above you and standing wide apart, a circling quintet of stone monoliths soon draws you into its shadow as you slide down into the deep caldera that is their resting place.");
-			outputText("[pg]Dried-out shrubbery and small, dead trees decorate the ground around the weather-worn standing sandstones; perhaps they once marked an oasis, but no trace of water remains, nor of any other signs of life. Only the white of bone hangs discarded in one of the bushes to the side. The unfortunate soul it once belonged to could have been a succubus, though you only have its horns to go by—the lower half of the skeleton is missing and nowhere to be found. You wonder what happened to it. Perhaps the demon simply died of thirst in this endless desert and crumbled under the oppressive heat, but the remains provide no answers.");
+			outputText("[pg]Dried-out shrubbery and small, dead trees decorate the ground around the weather-worn standing sandstones; perhaps they once marked an oasis, but no trace of water remains, nor of any other signs of life. Only the white of bone hangs discarded in one of the bushes to the side. The unfortunate soul it once belonged to could have been a succubus, though you only have its horns to go by—the lower half of the skeleton is missing and nowhere to be found. You wonder what happened to it, but the remains provide no answers.");
 			outputText("[pg]As you look around more, you notice inscriptions on one of the monuments, something scratched into the brittle stone.");
-			outputText("[pg]What looked like ancient writing at first turns out to be a picture. A picture of what you think is the scene of a hunt: a sizeable group of humanoid stick-figures with long spears chasing a creature that has been rendered unrecognizable by erosion, a few bodies lying dead on the ground, some missing limbs or heads. You glance at the skeleton and back again. There are some shapes that " + (flags[kFLAGS.CODEX_ENTRY_NAGAS] ? "should be nagas" : "that seem like a cross between snake and human") + ", standing in opposition to the hunters. It's rather difficult to distinguish, since time and the elements have left what probably was an elaborate carving barely legible, but it continues on the other boulders, showing off different settings. More humanoids, more snake-people, palm trees, and that creature again. It's depicted as fairly large, long, bulky at the front, and always in the center of attention. Perhaps a[if (silly) { K-pop|n}] idol? Was this a site of worship?");
-			outputText("[pg]Your mind is called back to " + (flags[kFLAGS.MET_MARAE] ? "Marae's little island, and " : "") + "the half-sunken temple in the bog, but this place feels entirely different. Nothing surrounds you but dry hotness, stone, dead wood, and sand, and you now realize just how still and quiet this spacious basin is—no wind pours down from the high crests of the dunes around you, no animal moves below the sun-[if (!isday) {warmed|seared}] ground at your [if (singleleg) {[foot]|feet}], no bird's or reptile's call can be heard in the distance. All the more easily, a tiny trickle of sand down the hill draws your eyes. You watch it slowly slide down and pool against a withered tree, where it comes to rest again. Nothing else follows.");
+			outputText("[pg]What looked like ancient writing at first turns out to be a picture. A picture of what you think is the scene of a hunt: a sizeable group of humanoid stick-figures with long spears chasing a creature that has been rendered unrecognizable by erosion, a few bodies lying on the ground, some missing limbs or heads. You glance at the skeleton and back again. There are some shapes that " + (flags[kFLAGS.CODEX_ENTRY_NAGAS] ? "should be nagas" : "that seem like a cross between snake and human") + ", standing in opposition to the hunters. It's rather difficult to distinguish, since time and the elements have left what probably was an elaborate carving barely legible, but it continues on the other boulders, showing off different settings. More humanoids, more snake-people, palm trees, and that creature again. It's depicted as fairly large, long, bulky at the front, and always in the center of attention. Perhaps a[if (silly) { K-pop|n}] idol? Was this a site of worship?");
+			outputText("[pg]Your mind is called back to " + (flags[kFLAGS.MET_MARAE] ? "Marae's little island, and " : "") + "the half-sunken temple in the bog, but this place feels entirely different. Nothing surrounds you but dry hotness, stone, dead wood, and sand, and you now realize just how eerily still and quiet this spacious basin is—no wind pours down from the high crests of the dunes around you, no animal moves below the sun-[if (!isday) {warmed|seared}] ground at your [if (singleleg) {[foot]|feet}], no bird's or reptile's call can be heard in the distance. All the more easily, a tiny trickle of sand down the hill captures your eyes. You watch it slowly slide down and pool against a withered tree, where it comes to rest again. Nothing else follows.");
 			outputText("[pg]You have some options. Staying here is one of them; you could catch a little break and explore further—maybe you've missed something. Or you could leave and return to your camp. There's a good possibility that you can find this place again anyway, if you wandered the desert long enough.");
 		else {