diff --git a/Source/Harmony/patch_races.cs b/Source/Harmony/patch_races.cs
index 0c75ae46d266e6a2b3d087a15dfb4fd2f51f8d59..6d13bf76bb205d06148929fd01233559a1e2f610 100644
--- a/Source/Harmony/patch_races.cs
+++ b/Source/Harmony/patch_races.cs
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Globalization;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using Harmony;
-using RimWorld;
+using System.Linq;
 using Verse;
-using System.Collections;
 namespace rjw
 	/// <summary>
-	/// Patch all races into rjw genitals recipes
+	/// Patch all races
+	/// 1) into rjw parts recipes 
+	/// 2) remove bodyparts from non animals and human likes
 	/// </summary>
@@ -20,34 +14,56 @@ namespace rjw
 		static HarmonyPatches()
-			foreach (RecipeDef x in
-					DefDatabase<RecipeDef>.AllDefsListForReading.Where(x => x.IsSurgery && (x.targetsBodyPart || !x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.NullOrEmpty())))
+			BodyPartDef genitals = DefDatabase<BodyPartDef>.GetNamed("Genitals");
+			BodyPartDef breasts = DefDatabase<BodyPartDef>.GetNamed("Chest");
+			BodyPartDef anus = DefDatabase<BodyPartDef>.GetNamed("Anus");
+			//summons carpet bombing
+			//inject races into recipes
+			foreach (RecipeDef x in	DefDatabase<RecipeDef>.AllDefsListForReading.Where(x => x.IsSurgery && (x.targetsBodyPart || !x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.NullOrEmpty())))
-				try
-				{
-					if (x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.Contains(DefDatabase<BodyPartDef>.GetNamed("Genitals"))
-						|| x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.Contains(DefDatabase<BodyPartDef>.GetNamed("Chest"))
-						|| x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.Contains(DefDatabase<BodyPartDef>.GetNamed("Anus"))
-						)
-						foreach (ThingDef thingDef in DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefs)
-						{
-							if (thingDef.race == null)
-								continue;
-							//filter something?
-							//if (thingDef.race. == "Human")
-							//	continue;
-							if (!x.recipeUsers.Contains(thingDef))
-								x.recipeUsers.Add(item: thingDef);
-						}
-				}
-				catch
+				if (x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.Contains(genitals)
+					|| x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.Contains(breasts)
+					|| x.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.Contains(anus)
+					)
+					foreach (ThingDef thingDef in DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefs)
+					{
+						if (thingDef.race == null)
+							continue;
+						if (!(thingDef.race.Humanlike || thingDef.race.Animal))
+							continue;
+						//filter something, probably?
+						//if (thingDef.race. == "Human")
+						//	continue;
+						if (!x.recipeUsers.Contains(thingDef))
+							x.recipeUsers.Add(item: thingDef);
+					}
+			}
+			//remove rjw parts from non animals and non humanlikes
+			foreach (ThingDef thingDef in DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefs)
+			{
+				if (thingDef.race == null)
+					continue;
+				if (!(thingDef.race.Humanlike || thingDef.race.Animal))
-					//ignore all teh errors
+					if (thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Exists(x => x.def == genitals))
+						thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Remove(thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Find(bpr => bpr.def.defName == "Genitals"));
+					if (thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Exists(x => x.def == breasts))
+						thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Remove(thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Find(bpr => bpr.def.defName == "Chest"));
+					if (thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Exists(x => x.def == anus))
+						thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Remove(thingDef.race.body.AllParts.Find(bpr => bpr.def.defName == "Anus"));