Versions.registry = [];
Versions.log = [];
// this will be updated automatically
Versions.latest = 0;
Versions.register = (versionId, migration) => {
console.log(`Registering version schema`, typeof versionId, versionId, migration);
if (versionId !== Versions.registry.length + 1) {
// If we get all versions in order, we don't have to try to verify them after the fact.
`Invalid migration registration. Next expected version id was ${Versions.registry.length + 1},
but got ${versionId} instead. Version migrations might not work as expected`
Versions.migrate = (originalVersion, state) => {
Versions.log = [];
let currentVersion = originalVersion;
let migrationFailed = false;
let nextMigration = Versions.registry[currentVersion];
migrationFailed = nextMigration.migration(originalVersion, state);
currentVersion = nextMigration.versionId;
nextMigration = Versions.registry[currentVersion];
if (migrationFailed) {`One or more errors occurred while attempting to migrate from schema version ${originalVersion} to the latest`, Versions.log);
if (currentVersion !== Versions.latest && !migrationFailed) {`Migration steps missing for schema version: ${originalVersion}`, Versions.log);
* Utility for migrations to use. Make more robust migrations + provides logging in case of later errors.
* Usage:
* Versions.stepper(originalVersion, <youridhere>)
* .step(() => ...)
* // option; critical = true;
* // if it fails nothing else will execute and the migration will be marked as a failure
* .step(() => ..., { critical: true })
* // option; name = <string>
* // provides a human readable name for the purpose of logging and error reporting
* .step(() => ..., { name: 'my specific step' })
* // option; requires = <function>
* // ensures that the step did what was intended to be done.
* // this is useful in that if the update step fails, but we're already in a good state
* // then we know we can (probably) continue successfully, despite the earlier failure
Versions.Stepper = class Stepper {
constructor(originalVersion, currentStage) {
this.originalVersion = originalVersion;
this.currentStage = currentStage;
this.nextStepIdNumber = 0;
this.shouldContinue = true;
const errors = [];
let requirementsComplete = !requires;
if (this.shouldContinue) {
if (name === undefined) {
name = statement.toString();
const stepId = `${this.currentStage}-${this.nextStepIdNumber++}`;
} finally {
try {
requirementsComplete = requires();
originalVersion: this.originalVersion,
currentStage: this.currentStage,
this.shouldContinue = requirementsComplete && !(errors.length > 0 && critical);
return this;
Versions.stepper = (originalVersion, currentStage) => {
$(document).on(":archiverevive", function (e) {
const state = e.archive.state;
const version = state.variables.version;
if (!version || version.schema === undefined) {
// The sugarcube baseline version has yet to be applied. Move to a special passage to apply it. The user will be able to resume afterwords.
if (state.title !== "Upgrade Waiting Room" && state.title !== "Start") {
console.log(`Schema version number not found. Banishing the player to the waiting room.`);
state.variables.navigation = state.variables.navigation || {};
state.variables.navigation.stack = state.variables.navigation.stack || [];
} else if (version.schema !== Versions.latest) {
console.log(`Migrating game state from ${schemaVersion} to ${Versions.latest}`);
state.variables.schemaVersion = Versions.migrate(schemaVersion === undefined ? 0 : schemaVersion, state);
// modified history, be sure to notify the framework by returning the history object
// TODO: apply class transformations to objects in state *after* migrations are complete