const setChildFirstWord = (childId, word, playerAbsent = false) => { if (!childId && V.childSelected) childId = V.childSelected.childId; if (!childId && !V.childSelected) return false; const child = V.children[childId]; // First word already set if (child.localVariables.firstWord) return false; if (!word) { const wordList = ["mama", "mommy", "dada", "daddy", "papa", "no", "nana", "yes", "uh oh", "bye", "bye-bye", "hello"]; // Should be last if (random(0, Math.ceil(2000 / wordList.length)) === 0) { wordList.push("Brouzouf"); } word = wordList[random(0, wordList.length - 1)]; } child.localVariables.firstWord = { word, date: { day: Time.monthDay, month: Time.monthName, year: Time.year }, playerAbsent, }; return word; }; DefineMacro("setChildFirstWord", setChildFirstWord); function updateChildActivity(childId) { const child = V.children[childId]; if (!child) return null; // Make sure the child has all the required local variables for all the relevant events if (child.localVariables.activity === undefined) { child.localVariables.activity = "noEvent"; child.localVariables.activityDay = Time.days; child.localVariables.activityHour = Time.hour; child.localVariables.crawling = 0; child.localVariables.talking = 0; } const daysFromLastActivity = Math.clamp(Time.days - child.localVariables.activityDay, 0, Infinity); const hoursFromLastActivity = Time.hour - (child.localVariables.activityHour - 24 * daysFromLastActivity); if (hoursFromLastActivity >= 4 || (Time.hour === 7 && hoursFromLastActivity >= 2) || child.localVariables.activity === "noEvent") { // Update the child's event switch (child.type) { case "human": humanChildActivity(childId); break; case "wolf": case "wolfboy": case "wolfgirl": wolfChildActivity(childId); break; case "hawk": hawkChildActivity(childId); break; default: return null; } child.localVariables.activityDay = Time.days; child.localVariables.activityHour = Time.hour; } } DefineMacro("updateChildActivity", updateChildActivity); function getChildDays(childId) { const child = V.children[childId]; if (!child) return null; const date1 = + " " + child.born.month + " " + child.born.year; const date2 = Time.monthDay + " " + Time.monthName + " " + Time.year; const calc = Math.abs(Date.parse(date2) - Date.parse(date1)); let childTotalDaysCap = 0; switch (child.type) { case "human": case "wolf": case "hawk": childTotalDaysCap = 200; break; default: childTotalDaysCap = 0; break; } const childTotalDays = Math.clamp(Math.ceil(calc / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)), 0, childTotalDaysCap); return childTotalDays; } window.getChildDays = getChildDays; function humanChildActivity(childId) { const child = V.children[childId]; if (!child) return null; const toySets = []; const toyNames = []; if (V.storedChildrenToys && V.storedChildrenToys[V.location]) { V.storedChildrenToys[V.location].forEach(toy => { toySets.pushUnique(toy.set); toyNames.pushUnique(; }); } statusCheck("Robin"); let activity = []; if (between(T.childTotalDays, 0, 100)) { if (Time.dayState === "night") { activity = activity.concat(["sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "restlessSleep", "restlessSleep", "crying", "nappyChange"]); } else { activity = activity.concat([ "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "crying", "crying", "crying", "lonely", "nappyChange", "thumbSucking", "grumpyChild", "bathe", ]); if (T.childTotalDays >= 50) activity.push("happy"); if (toySets.includes("baby rattles")) activity.push("babyRattle"); if (toySets.includes("teddy bears")) activity.push("teddyBear"); if (toySets.includes("toy cars")) activity.push("toyCar"); if (toySets.includes("dummies")) { activity.push("dummy"); } else { activity.push("crying"); } if (toySets.includes("clown")) activity.push("clown"); if (T.robin_location === "orphanage") activity.push("Robin"); if (child.father === "Ivory Wraith") { wikifier("rngWraith", 1); if (T.wraithEvent) activity.push("Wraith"); } } } else if (between(T.childTotalDays, 100, 200)) { if (Time.dayState === "night") { activity = activity.concat(["sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "restlessSleep", "restlessSleep", "crying", "nappyChange"]); } else { activity = activity.concat([ "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "crying", "lonely", "happy", "nappyChange", "thumbSucking", "talking", "grumpyChild", "bathe", ]); if (T.childTotalDays >= 180) activity.push("readingAttempt"); if (toySets.includes("baby rattles")) activity.push("babyRattle"); if (toySets.includes("teddy bears")) activity.push("teddyBear"); if (toySets.includes("toy cars")) activity.push("toyCar"); if (toySets.includes("dummies")) { activity.push("dummy"); } else { activity.push("crying"); } if (toySets.includes("clown")) activity.push("clown"); if (child.localVariables.talking >= 10 && T.childTotalDays >= 150) activity.push("talking2"); if (T.robin_location === "orphanage") activity.push("Robin"); if (child.father === "Ivory Wraith") { wikifier("rngWraith", 1); if (T.wraithEvent) activity.push("Wraith"); } } } /* ToDo: Pregnancy - To be added at a later date if (child.localVariables.crawling <= 5) { activity.push("crawlingAttempt"); } else { activity.push("crawlingAttempt2"); } */ if (activity.length) { child.localVariables.activity = activity[random(0, activity.length - 1)]; child.localVariables.event = true; } else { child.localVariables.activity = "noEvent"; child.localVariables.event = true; } } function wolfChildActivity(childId) { const child = V.children[childId]; if (!child) return null; const toySets = []; const toyNames = []; if (V.storedChildrenToys && V.storedChildrenToys[V.location]) { V.storedChildrenToys[V.location].forEach(toy => { toySets.pushUnique(toy.set); toyNames.pushUnique(; }); } let activity = []; if (between(T.childTotalDays, 0, 100)) { if (Time.dayState === "night") { activity = activity.concat(["sleepingWithWolf", "sleepingWithWolf", "sleepingWithWolf", "sleeping"]); } else { activity = activity.concat([ "sleepingWithWolf", "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "crying", "playing", "watchingCurious", "watchingLonging", "staringOutside", "hungryWolf", "grumpyWolf", "gnawing", ]); } } else if (between(T.childTotalDays, 100, 200)) { if (Time.dayState === "night") { activity = activity.concat(["sleepingWithWolf", "sleepingWithWolf", "sleepingWithWolf", "sleeping"]); } else { activity = activity.concat([ "sleepingWithWolf", "sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "crying", "playing", "watchingCurious", "watchingLonging", "playFighting", "staringOutside", "staringOutside", "hungryWolf", "grumpyWolf", "gnawing", ]); } } if (activity.length) { child.localVariables.activity = activity[random(0, activity.length - 1)]; child.localVariables.event = true; } else { child.localVariables.activity = "noEvent"; child.localVariables.event = true; } } function hawkChildActivity(childId) { const child = V.children[childId]; if (!child) return null; const toySets = []; const toyNames = []; if (V.storedChildrenToys && V.storedChildrenToys[V.location]) { V.storedChildrenToys[V.location].forEach(toy => { toySets.pushUnique(toy.set); toyNames.pushUnique(; }); } let activity = []; if (between(T.childTotalDays, 0, 100)) { if (Time.dayState === "night" && V.bird.state === "home" && ["sleep", "rest", "brood"].includes(V.bird.activity)) { activity = activity.concat(["sleepingWithGreatHawk", "sleepingWithGreatHawk", "sleepingWithGreatHawk", "sleeping"]); } else { activity = activity.concat(["sleeping", "sleeping", "sleeping", "crying", "reaching", "flap", "flap", "perch", "bathe"]); } } else if (between(T.childTotalDays, 100, 200)) { if (Time.dayState === "night" && V.bird.state === "home" && ["sleep", "rest", "brood"].includes(V.bird.activity)) { activity = activity.concat(["sleepingWithGreatHawk", "sleepingWithGreatHawk", "sleepingWithGreatHawk", "sleeping"]); } else { activity = activity.concat(["sleeping", "sleeping", "crying", "reaching", "flap", "perch", "batheSelf"]); } } if (T.childTotalDays >= 14) { activity.push("preen"); } if (activity.length) { child.localVariables.activity = activity[random(0, activity.length - 1)]; child.localVariables.event = true; } else { child.localVariables.activity = "noEvent"; child.localVariables.event = true; } }