function effectsWater() { DOL.Perflog.logWidgetStart("effectsWaterJs"); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const sWikifier = text => { fragment.append(Wikifier.wikifyEval(text + " ")); }; const span = (text, colour) => { const element = document.createElement("span"); if (colour) element.classList.add(colour); element.textContent = text + " "; fragment.append(element); }; const br = () => fragment.append(document.createElement("br")); let wetIntro = 0; let squidArousal = 0; switch (V.squidcount) { case 1: sWikifier('<span class="purple">You feel the squid tease your <<genitals>>.</span> <<garousal>><<arousal 100 "genitals">>'); break; case 2: sWikifier( '<span class="purple">You feel the squids tease your <<genitals>> and chest.</span> <<garousal>><<arousal 100 "breasts">><<arousal 100 "genitals">>' ); break; case 3: sWikifier( '<span class="purple">You feel the squids tease your <<genitals>> and <<breasts>>.</span> <<garousal>><<arousal 200 "breasts">><<arousal 100 "genitals">>' ); break; case 4: sWikifier( '<span class="purple">You feel the squids tease your <<genitals>>, <<breasts>>, and <<bottom>>.</span> <<garousal>><<arousal 200 "breasts">><<arousal 100 "genitals">><<arousal 100 "bottom">>' ); break; default: if (V.squidcount >= 5) { squidArousal = V.squidcount * 30; sWikifier(`<span class="purple">You feel ${V.squidcount} squids tease your <<genitals>>, <<breasts>>, <<bottom>>, and other parts of your body.</span> <<garousal>><<arousal ${squidArousal} "breasts">><<arousal ${squidArousal} "genitals">><<arousal ${squidArousal} "bottom">>`); } break; } if (!V.worn.upper.type.includes("naked") && !waterproofCheck(V.worn.upper)) { if (V.upperwet >= 100 && V.upperwetstage < 3) { V.upperwetstage = 3; wetIntro = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="lewd">Water soaks through your ${}, exposing your <<undertop>>.</span>`); } else if (V.upperwet < 90 && V.upperwetstage >= 3) { V.upperwetstage = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<upperhas>> dried, concealing your <<undertop>>.</span>`); } else if (V.upperwet >= 80 && V.upperwetstage < 2) { V.upperwetstage = 2; wetIntro = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="purple">Your ${} <<upperplural>> wet.</span>`); } else if (V.upperwet < 70 && V.upperwetstage >= 2) { V.upperwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<upperplural>> drying out.</span>`); } else if (V.upperwet >= 50 && V.upperwetstage < 1) { V.upperwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="blue">Your ${} <<upperplural>> damp.</span>`); } else if (V.upperwet < 40 && V.upperwetstage >= 1) { V.upperwetstage = 0; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<upperplural>> dry.</span>`); } } if (!V.worn.lower.type.includes("naked") && !waterproofCheck(V.worn.lower)) { if (V.lowerwet >= 100 && V.lowerwetstage < 3) { V.lowerwetstage = 3; wetIntro = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="lewd">Water soaks through your ${}, exposing your <<undies>>.</span>`); } else if (V.lowerwet < 90 && V.lowerwetstage >= 3) { V.lowerwetstage = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<lowerhas>> dried, concealing your <<undies>>.</span>`); } else if (V.lowerwet >= 80 && V.lowerwetstage < 2) { V.lowerwetstage = 2; wetIntro = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="purple">Your ${} <<lowerplural>> wet.</span>`); } else if (V.lowerwet < 70 && V.lowerwetstage >= 2) { V.lowerwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<lowerplural>> drying out.</span>`); } else if (V.lowerwet >= 50 && V.lowerwetstage < 1) { V.lowerwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="blue">Your ${} <<lowerplural>> damp.</span>`); } else if (V.lowerwet < 40 && V.lowerwetstage >= 1) { V.lowerwetstage = 0; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<lowerplural>> dry.</span>`); } } if (!V.worn.under_lower.type.includes("naked") && !playerChastity() && !waterproofCheck(V.worn.under_lower)) { if (V.underlowerwet >= 100 && V.underlowerwetstage < 3 && V.pantiesSoaked) { V.underlowerwetstage = 3; if (V.lowerwetstage === 3 || V.worn.lower.type.includes("naked")) { // If clothing above underwear is also wet, or missing wetIntro = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="lewd">Your bodily fluids soak through your ${}, exposing your <<genitals>>.</span>`); } else if (setup.clothes.lower[clothesIndex("lower", V.worn.lower)].skirt === 1) { sWikifier( `<span class="lewd">Your bodily fluids soak through your ${}, exposing your <<genitals>> to the air under your $</span>` ); } else { span(`Your bodily fluids soak through your ${}.`, "lewd"); } } else if (V.underlowerwet >= 100 && V.underlowerwetstage < 3) { V.underlowerwetstage = 3; wetIntro = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="lewd">Water soaks through your ${}, exposing your <<genitals>>.</span>`); } else if (V.underlowerwet < 90 && V.underlowerwetstage >= 3) { V.underlowerwetstage = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<underlowerhas>> dried, concealing your <<genitals>>.</span>`); } else if (V.underlowerwet >= 80 && V.underlowerwetstage < 2) { V.underlowerwetstage = 2; wetIntro = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="purple">Your ${} <<underlowerplural>> wet.</span>`); } else if (V.underlowerwet < 70 && V.underlowerwetstage >= 2) { V.underlowerwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<underlowerplural>> drying out.</span>`); } else if (V.underlowerwet >= 50 && V.underlowerwetstage < 1) { V.underlowerwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="blue">Your ${} <<underlowerplural>> damp.</span>`); } else if (V.underlowerwet < 40 && V.underlowerwetstage >= 1) { V.underlowerwetstage = 0; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<underlowerplural>> dry.</span>`); } } if (!V.worn.under_upper.type.includes("naked") && !V.worn.under_upper.type.includes("chastity") && !waterproofCheck(V.worn.under_upper)) { if (V.underupperwet >= 100 && V.underupperwetstage < 3) { V.underupperwetstage = 3; wetIntro = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="lewd">Water soaks through your ${}, exposing your <<breasts>>.</span>`); } else if (V.underupperwet < 90 && V.underupperwetstage >= 3) { V.underupperwetstage = 2; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<underupperhas>> dried, concealing your <<breasts>>.</span>`); } else if (V.underupperwet >= 80 && V.underupperwetstage < 2) { V.underupperwetstage = 2; wetIntro = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="purple">Your ${} <<underupperplural>> wet.</span>`); } else if (V.underupperwet < 70 && V.underupperwetstage >= 2) { V.underupperwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<underupperplural>> drying out.</span>`); } else if (V.underupperwet >= 50 && V.underupperwetstage < 1) { V.underupperwetstage = 1; sWikifier(`<span class="blue">Your ${} <<underupperplural>> damp.</span>`); } else if (V.underupperwet < 40 && V.underupperwetstage >= 1) { V.underupperwetstage = 0; sWikifier(`<span class="green">Your ${} <<underupperplural>> dry.</span>`); } } if (!V.possessed) { if (wetIntro >= 2) { sWikifier("<<exposure>>"); if (V.exhibitionism >= 55) { span( !V.worn.face.type.includes("blindfold") ? "You feel a lewd thrill as you look down and see your clothes clinging tight to your body, completely transparent." : "You feel a lewd thrill as your clothes cling tight to your body, completely transparent." ); } else { span( !V.worn.face.type.includes("blindfold") ? "You look down in horror at your clothes, which cling tight to your body and are completely transparent." : "Horror takes over you as you feel your clothes, which cling tight to your body and are completely transparent." ); } sWikifier("<<covered>>"); br(); br(); } else if (wetIntro >= 1) { if (V.exhibitionism >= 35) { span( !V.worn.face.type.includes("blindfold") ? "You feel a lewd thrill as you look down and see your clothes clinging tight to your body, giving a hint of transparency." : "You feel a lewd thrill as your clothes cling tight to your body, giving a hint of transparency." ); } else { span( !V.worn.face.type.includes("blindfold") ? "You look down anxiously at your clothes, now clinging tightly to your body and giving a hint of transparency." : "You feel your clothes, now clinging tightly to your body and giving a hint of transparency." ); } br(); br(); } } DOL.Perflog.logWidgetEnd("effectsWaterJs"); return fragment; } Macro.add("effectswater", { handler() { const fragment = effectsWater(); if (fragment) this.output.append(fragment); }, }); function effectsMakeup() { DOL.Perflog.logWidgetStart("effectsMakeupJs"); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const span = (text, colour) => { const element = document.createElement("span"); if (colour) element.classList.add(colour); element.textContent = text + " "; fragment.append(element); }; if (V.makeupWashed) { delete V.makeupWashed; span(`Your makeup is washed away${ >= (V.beautymax / 7) * 4 ? " revealing your natural beauty" : ""}.`, "teal"); fragment.append(document.createElement("br")); } if ( && < painToTearsLvl(V.pain) && !"waterproof")) { = painToTearsLvl(V.pain); } DOL.Perflog.logWidgetEnd("effectsMakeupJs"); return fragment; } function effects() { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const sWikifier = text => { fragment.append(Wikifier.wikifyEval(text + " ")); }; const element = (element, text, colour) => { const result = document.createElement(element); if (colour) result.classList.add(colour); result.textContent = text + " "; fragment.append(result); }; const br = () => fragment.append(document.createElement("br")); // Depricated as of current // if (V.newVersionData) sWikifier("<<newversionnotification>>"); sWikifier("<<autoTakePillCheck>>"); fragment.append(effectsWater()); fragment.append(effectsMakeup()); V.speechcycle++; if (V.speechcycle >= 7) V.speechcycle = 0; if (Weather.bodyTemperature < setup.WeatherTemperature.minTemperature + 1 && !Weather.BodyTemperature.isIncreasing()) { element("span", `You're very cold, and about to get hypothermia!`, "red"); br(); } else if (Weather.bodyTemperature > setup.WeatherTemperature.maxTemperature - 1 && !Weather.BodyTemperature.isDecreasing()) { element("span", `You're extremely hot, and about to get heatstroke!`, "red"); br(); } if (!T.inWater && V.squidcount) { element("span", `The squid${V.squidcount > 1 ? "s" : ""} drop${V.squidcount > 1 ? "" : "s"} off you, seeking water.`, "blue"); V.squidcount = 0; } if (V.scienceproject === "ongoing" && V.scienceprojectdays === 0 && !V.scienceprojectwarning) { V.scienceprojectwarning = 1; element("span", `The science fair is being held in the town hall on Cliff Street today from ${ampm(9, 0)} until ${ampm(18, 0)}.`, "gold"); } if (V.mathsproject === "ongoing" && V.mathsprojectdays === 0 && !V.mathsprojectwarning) { V.mathsprojectwarning = 1; element("span", `The maths competition is being held in the town hall on Cliff Street today from ${ampm(9, 0)} until ${ampm(18, 0)}.`, "gold"); } if (V.englishPlay === "ongoing" && V.englishPlayDays === 0 && !V.englishPlayWarning) { V.englishPlayWarning = 1; element("span", `The school plays are being held on Cliff Street tonight from ${ampm(17, 0)} until ${ampm(21, 0)}.`, "gold"); } if (V.innocencemessage === "start") { delete V.innocencemessage; element("span", "A profound sense of peace falls on your mind. You were upset a moment ago, but you can't remember why.", "red"); element("i", "Your trauma has been replaced with innocence. Trauma will continue to accumulate, and will return should you run out of innocence."); } else if (V.innocencemessage === "end") { delete V.innocencemessage; element("span", "You have a terrible epiphany. The abuse you've endured can be ignored no longer.", "red"); element("i", "Your innocence has been replaced by trauma."); } if (V.eventskipoverrule) V.eventskipoverrule = 0; if (V.underwatercheck > 0) { V.underwatercheck--; } else if (V.underwater === 1) { V.underwater = 0; sWikifier("<<oxygenrefresh>>"); } sWikifier("<<updateHallucinations>>"); switch (V.location) { case "town": if (V.flashbacktownready === 1 && V.controlled === 0) { delete V.flashbacktownready; sWikifier("<<flashbacktown>>"); } break; case "home": if (V.flashbackhomeready === 1 && V.controlled === 0) { delete V.flashbackhomeready; sWikifier("<<flashbackhome>>"); } break; case "beach": if (V.flashbackbeachready === 1 && V.controlled === 0) { delete V.flashbackbeachready; sWikifier("<<flashbackbeach>>"); } break; case "underground": if (V.flashbackundergroundready === 1 && V.controlled === 0) { delete V.flashbackundergroundready; sWikifier("<<flashbackunderground>>"); } break; case "school": if (V.flashbackschoolready === 1 && V.controlled === 0) { delete V.flashbackschoolready; sWikifier("<<flashbackschool>>"); } break; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef if (isPregnancyEnding()) { sWikifier( `<span class="red">Your waters have broken.</span> ${ ["asylum", "prison", "hospital"].includes(V.location) ? "You need to find help, fast!" : "You need to head to the hospital, fast!" } <<ggstress>>` ); br(); } if (V.effectsmessage && !V.statFreeze) { delete V.effectsmessage; if (V.recovered_from_pregnancy) { delete V.recovered_from_pregnancy; element("span", "You feel a familiar emptiness return in your womb.", "green"); } if (V.skulduggerymessage) { const grade = ["S", "A+", "A", "B+", "B", "C+", "C", "D+", "D", "F+"]; const colour = ["green", "teal", "teal", "lblue", "lblue", "blue", "blue", "purple", "purple", "pink"]; element("span", "Your skulduggery has improved to", "gold"); element("span", `${grade[V.skulduggerymessage - 1]}.`, colour[V.skulduggerymessage - 1]); delete V.skulduggerymessage; V.skulduggeryday = V.skulduggery; } if (V.hypnosis_deviancy_message) { delete V.hypnosis_deviancy_message; sWikifier( `<<hypnosisicon>> You weren't very deviant yesterday. ${ V.hypnosis_traits.deviancy < 5 ? "The thought fills you with " : "The thought sends your mind " }` ); switch (V.hypnosis_traits.deviancy) { case 1: element("span", "shame.", "lblue"); break; case 2: element("span", "regret.", "blue"); break; case 3: element("span", "guilt.", "purple"); break; case 4: element("span", "intense guilt.", "pink"); break; case 5: element("span", "whirring with guilt and anxiety.", "red"); break; } sWikifier("<<gggtrauma>><<hypnosisicon>>"); } // expects the use of $science_up_message, $maths_up_message, $english_up_message, $history_up_message, $science_down_message, $maths_down_message, $english_down_message, $history_down_message ["science", "maths", "english", "history"].forEach(subject => { if (V[`${subject}_up_message`]) { delete V[`${subject}_up_message`]; sWikifier(`You feel more confident at ${subject}. <<${subject}_skill_up_text>>`); br(); } else if (V[`${subject}_down_message`]) { delete V[`${subject}_down_message`]; element("span", `The ${subject} curriculum has outpaced your understanding${V[`${subject}trait`] > 0 ? ", weakening your trait" : ""}.`, "red"); br(); } }); if (V.lactationmessage) { delete V.lactationmessage; if (V.lactating) { sWikifier('<span class="purple">Your <<breasts>> feel heavy and sensitive.</span>'); } else { sWikifier('<span class="lblue">Your <<breasts>> feel light. They are no longer so sensitive.</span>'); } } if (V.penisgrowthmessage !== undefined) { switch (V.penisgrowthmessage) { case 4: element("span", "Your penis has grown to a prodigious size.", "purple"); break; case 3: element("span", "Your penis has grown larger.", "purple"); break; case 2: element("span", "Your penis has grown to an unremarkable size.", "purple"); break; case 1: element("span", "Your penis has grown, though it's still small.", "purple"); break; case 0: element("span", "Your penis looks like it's recovering.", "purple"); break; case -1: element("span", "Your penis looks like it's been given another chance.", "purple"); break; } delete V.penisgrowthmessage; } if (V.penisshrinkmessage !== undefined) { if ( === "chastity parasite") { switch (V.penisshrinkmessage) { case 3: element("span", "Your chastity parasite has shrunk, though it still hints of an impressive penis size.", "purple"); break; case 2: element("span", "Your chastity parasite has shrunk, it hints of a much less unremarkable penis size.", "purple"); break; case 1: element("span", "Your chastity parasite has become smaller.", "purple"); break; case 0: element("span", "Your chastity parasite has become tiny.", "purple"); break; case -1: element("span", "Your chastity parasite looks ridiculously tiny, you briefly wonder if your penis could still work.", "purple"); break; case -2: element( "span", "Your chastity parasite looks like it could just have a clit inside, you briefly wonder if you still have a penis.", "purple" ); break; } } else { switch (V.penisshrinkmessage) { case 3: element("span", "Your penis has shrunk, though it's still of an impressive size.", "purple"); break; case 2: element("span", "Your penis has shrunk to an unremarkable size.", "purple"); break; case 1: element("span", "Your penis has become smaller.", "purple"); break; case 0: element("span", "Your penis has become tiny.", "purple"); break; case -1: element("span", "Your penis looks like it may shrivel up.", "purple"); break; case -2: element("span", "Your penis looks like it may never be used properly again.", "purple"); break; } } delete V.penisshrinkmessage; } if (V.breastgrowthmessage !== undefined) { switch (V.breastgrowthmessage) { case 12: element("span", "Your large breasts feel heavy and might get in the way.", "purple"); break; case 11: element("span", "Your large breasts feel heavy and impressive.", "purple"); break; case 10: case 9: element("span", "Your breasts feel heavy.", "purple"); break; case 8: case 7: element("span", "Your breasts feel a little heavier.", "purple"); break; case 6: case 5: element("span", "Your small breasts will be obvious to those around you.", "purple"); break; case 4: case 3: element("span", "Your small breasts might be obvious to others.", "purple"); break; case 2: case 1: element("span", "Your chest feels odd; it might be growing.", "purple"); break; } delete V.breastgrowthmessage; } if (V.milkFullPainMessage) { if (V.milkFullPain >= 275) { sWikifier(`<span class="red">You haven't been milked enough in some time. Your <<breasts>> throb painfully from being so full.</span>`); } else if (V.milkFullPain >= 250) { sWikifier(`<span class="red">You haven't been milked enough in a while. Your <<breasts>> are sore from being so full.</span>`); } else { sWikifier(`<span class="red">You haven't been milked enough recently. Your <<breasts>> feel a little sore from being so full.</span>`); } V.daily.milkFullPainMessage = true; delete V.milkFullPainMessage; } if (V.breastshrinkmessage !== undefined) { switch (V.breastshrinkmessage) { case 11: element("span", "Your large breasts feel lighter, but are still very large.", "purple"); break; case 10: case 9: element("span", "Your breasts feel light, and are looking less impressive.", "purple"); break; case 8: case 7: element("span", "Your breasts feel lighter.", "purple"); break; case 6: case 5: element("span", "Your small breasts feel a little lighter.", "purple"); break; case 4: case 3: element("span", "Your small breasts look less obvious.", "purple"); break; case 2: case 1: element("span", "Your chest looks flatter.", "purple"); break; case 0: element("span", "Your chest looks flat.", "purple"); break; } delete V.breastshrinkmessage; } if (V.bottomgrowthmessage !== undefined) { switch (V.bottomgrowthmessage) { case 8: element("span", "Your large butt has become even larger.", "purple"); break; case 7: element("span", "Your butt feels heavy.", "purple"); break; case 6: element("span", "Your butt feels plump.", "purple"); break; case 5: element("span", "Your butt feels round.", "purple"); break; case 4: element("span", "Your butt feels plush.", "purple"); break; case 3: element("span", "Your butt has gained a little weight.", "purple"); break; case 2: element("span", "Your small butt sticks out more than you remember.", "purple"); break; case 1: element("span", "Your butt doesn't feel so small any more.", "purple"); break; } delete V.bottomgrowthmessage; } if (V.bottomshrinkmessage) { switch (V.bottomshrinkmessage) { case 7: element("span", "Your large butt feels a bit lighter.", "purple"); break; case 6: element("span", "Your butt feels lighter.", "purple"); break; case 5: element("span", "Your butt isn't quite as cushioned as before.", "purple"); break; case 4: element("span", "Your butt has lost weight.", "purple"); break; case 3: element("span", "Your butt feels a lot sleeker.", "purple"); break; case 2: case 1: element("span", "Your butt feels small.", "purple"); break; case 0: element("span", "Your butt feels tiny", "purple"); break; } delete V.bottomshrinkmessage; } if (V.speech_attitude_bratty_message) { delete V.speech_attitude_bratty_message; element("span", "You've become too submissive to adopt a bratty demeanor in conversation.", "purple"); } if (V.speech_attitude_meek_message) { delete V.speech_attitude_meek_message; element("span", "You've become too defiant to adopt a meek demeanor in conversation.", "purple"); } if (V.pillsTaken) { element("span", "You take your daily pills.", "purple"); if (V.pillsTakenLast) element("span", "You have run out of some of them.", "red"); delete V.pillsTaken; delete V.pillsTakenLast; } if (V.hairGrowthApplied) { element("span", `You apply growth formula to your hair${V.hairGrowthAppliedLast ? "," : "."}`, "purple"); if (V.hairGrowthAppliedLast) element("span", "but used the last of it.", "red"); delete V.hairGrowthApplied; delete V.hairGrowthAppliedLast; } if (V.exhibitionism_message) { sWikifier( `<span class="lblue">You've spent time in public with no underwear on. You wonder if people can tell, and shiver at the thought.</span> <<exhibitionism1>>` ); delete V.exhibitionism_message; } if (V.rebuy_success.length) { const rebuyMessage = {}; V.rebuy_success.forEach(([item, location]) => { if (!rebuyMessage[location]) rebuyMessage[location] = []; rebuyMessage[location].push(item); }); Object.entries(rebuyMessage).forEach(([location, items]) => { element( "span", `Your ${formatList(items, "and", true)} signal${items.length > 1 ? "s" : ""} for a replacement${ V.wardrobes[location] ? ` to the ${V.wardrobes[location].name}` : `. (Likely One-off update error, no need to report unless seen multiple times in the same save) ${ Array.isArray(V.rebuy_success) ? JSON.stringify(V.rebuy_success) : "" }` }. `, "lblue" ); }); V.rebuy_success = []; } if (V.rebuy_failure.length) { element( "span", `Your ${formatList(V.rebuy_failure, "and", true)} signal${ V.rebuy_failure.length > 1 ? "s" : "" } for a replacement, but you don't have enough money.`, "purple" ); V.rebuy_failure = []; } if (V.masochism_message) { switch (V.masochism_message) { case "up 1": element("span", "Your thoughts wander over the attacks you've suffered. You shiver.", "blue"); element("i", "You've become a guilty masochist.", "blue"); break; case "up 2": element("span", "Your thoughts turn to the attacks you've suffered. A thrill follows, unbeckoned.", "purple"); element("i", "You've become a normal masochist.", "purple"); break; case "up 3": element("span", "Your body yearns for more abuse.", "pink"); element("i", "You've become a hardened masochist.", "pink"); break; case "up 4": element("span", "Your body craves more abuse.", "red"); element("i", "You've become a drooling masochist.", "red"); break; case "down 0": element("i", "You are no longer a masochist.", "lblue"); break; case "down 1": element("span", "You are no longer so masochistic, and can only be considered a", "blue"); element("i", "guilty masochist.", "blue"); break; case "down 2": element("span", "You are no longer so masochistic, and can only be considered a", "purple"); element("i", "normal masochist.", "purple"); break; case "down 3": element("span", "You are no longer so masochistic, and can only be considered a", "pink"); element("i", "hardened masochist.", "pink"); break; } delete V.masochism_message; } if (V.sadism_message) { switch (V.sadism_message) { case "up 1": element("span", "Your thoughts turn to the pain you've inflicted. You shiver.", "blue"); element("i", "You've become a guilty sadist.", "blue"); break; case "up 2": element("span", "Your thoughts turn to the pain you've inflicted. A thrill follows, unbeckoned.", "purple"); element("i", "You've become a normal sadist.", "purple"); break; case "up 3": element("span", "You yearn to hurt others.", "pink"); element("i", "You've become a hardened sadist.", "pink"); break; case "up 4": element("span", "If they want to play rough, so be it.", "red"); element("i", "You've become a vengeful sadist.", "red"); break; case "down 0": element("i", "You are no longer a sadist.", "lblue"); break; case "down 1": element("span", "You are no longer so sadistic, and can only be considered a", "blue"); element("i", "guilty sadist.", "blue"); break; case "down 2": element("span", "You are no longer so sadistic, and can only be considered a", "purple"); element("i", "normal sadist.", "purple"); break; case "down 3": element("span", "You are no longer so sadistic, and can only be considered a", "pink"); element("i", "hardened sadist.", "pink"); break; } delete V.sadism_message; } if (V.school_crossdress_message) { switch (V.school_crossdress_message) { case 5: element("span", "Your crossdressing has become common knowledge at school. Everyone knows, including the teachers.", "red"); break; case 4: element("span", "Rumours of your crossdressing are spreading throughout the school.", "pink"); break; case 3: element("span", "Rumours of your crossdressing are spreading, and have become a popular topic of conversation at school.", "purple"); break; case 2: element("span", "Whispers of your crossdressing are spreading through the school.", "blue"); break; case 1: element("span", "A few cliques at school have begun whispering of your crossdressing.", "lblue"); break; } delete V.school_crossdress_message; } if (V.school_herm_message) { switch (V.school_herm_message) { case 5: element("span", "Everyone at school has heard of your unique genitalia, including the teachers.", "red"); break; case 4: element("span", "Rumours of your unique genitalia have spread throughout the school.", "pink"); break; case 3: element( "span", "It sounds far-fetched to many, but the school is rife with gossip about a student with both boy and girl parts.", "purple" ); break; case 2: element("span", "Rumours of a student with both boy and girl parts are spreading through the school.", "blue"); break; case 1: element("span", "A few cliques at school have begun whispering about a student with both boy and girl parts.", "lblue"); break; } delete V.school_herm_message; } // expects the use of $orgasm_trait_message, $molest_trait_message, $rape_trait_message, $bestiality_trait_message, $tentacle_trait_message, $vore_trait_message, $milk_trait_message and $cum_trait_message [ ["orgasm", "Hedonist", "Orgasm Addict"], ["molest", "Graceful", "Plaything"], ["rape", "Survivor", "Fucktoy"], ["bestiality", "Tamer", "Bitch"], ["tentacle", "Witch", "Prey"], ["vore", "Daredevil", "Tasty"], ["milk", "Milk Enthusiast", "Milk Addict"], ["cum", "Cumoisseur", "Cum Dump"], ].forEach(([variable, defiantName, submissiveName]) => { if (V[`${variable}_trait_message`]) { element("span", `You've gained the "${V.submissive <= 850 ? defiantName : submissiveName}" trait.`, "gold"); delete V[`${variable}_trait_message`]; } }); if (V.nectarmessage) { switch (V.nectarmessage) { case "traitGain": element( "span", `You find yourself craving more sweet nectar. You've gained the "${V.submissive <= 850 ? "Dendrophile" : "Plant Lover"}" and`, "purple" ); element("span", '"Nectar Addict"', "red"); element("span", "traits.", "purple"); break; case "traitLost": element( "span", `The cravings for nectar finally subside. You've lost the "${V.submissive <= 850 ? "Dendrophile" : "Plant Lover"}" and`, "lblue" ); element("span", '"Nectar Addict"', "red"); element("span", "traits.", "lblue"); break; case "withdrawals": sWikifier( '<span class="red">Your body craves nectar, and has begun to suffer from withdrawals.</span> <<stress 12>><<ggstress>><<trauma 12>><<ggtrauma>><<physique_loss 4>><<lphysique>>' ); br(); break; } delete V.nectarmessage; } if (V.hiddenTransformMessage) { element( "span", V.hiddenTransformMessage === 1 ? "Your mental state is too fragile to continue hiding your inner self." : "Hiding your inner self takes a toll on your mental state.", "red" ); delete V.hiddenTransformMessage; } if (V.prof_spray_message) { element("span", "Your spray was accurate. You didn't need to use a full cartridge, saving ammo.", "green"); delete V.prof_spray_message; } if (V.community_message === "missed") { sWikifier('<span class="red">You missed community service. The police have taken note.</span><<crime "obstruction">>'); delete V.community_message; } if (V.toy_message) { element("span", "Sex toys are becoming more popular throughout town.", "purple"); delete V.toy_message; } if (V.loveInterest_message === 1) { element("i", "You feel that having multiple lovers is wrong. You can no longer choose more than one love interest.", "blue"); delete V.loveInterest_message; delete V.loveInterestAwareMessage; } else if (V.loveInterest_message === 2 && !V.loveInterestAwareMessage) { element("i", "Your mind is open to the possibility of multiple lovers. You may now choose a second love interest.", "pink"); delete V.loveInterest_message; V.loveInterestAwareMessage = 1; } if (V.fallenangelmessage) { sWikifier('<span class="red">You feel a dark presence clawing at your skin.</span> <<gstress>>'); V.stress += V.stressmax; delete V.fallenangelmessage; } if (V.demonmessage) { sWikifier('<span class="red">You feel a terrible light sear through you.</span> <<gstress>>'); V.stress += V.stressmax; delete V.demonmessage; } if (V.foxCrimeMessage) { element( "span", V.blackmoney >= 100 ? "You feel an animalistic satisfaction towards your growing collection of stolen goods." : "You feel an animalistic satisfaction as you commit such crimes.", "gold" ); delete V.foxCrimeMessage; } if (V.bookoverduemessage) { if (V.bookoverduemessage === 1) { sWikifier(`<<crimeUp 5 "thievery">><<delinquency ${5 / 4}>>`); element("span", "You have a book severely overdue, and the police have been informed.", "red"); } else { sWikifier(`<<delinquency ${3 / 4}>>`); element("span", "You have a book overdue, and have incurred delinquency.", "red"); } delete V.bookoverduemessage; } if (V.wraithcompoundmessage) { element("span", "A fell mist hangs over Elk Street.", "red"); delete V.wraithcompoundmessage; } if (V.earSlimebreastsParasite || V.earSlimePenisParasite || V.earSlimeClitParasite) { const parasiteCount = (V.earSlimebreastsParasite ? 1 : 0) + (V.earSlimePenisParasite ? 1 : 0) + (V.earSlimeClitParasite ? 1 : 0); let parasiteMessage = ""; if (V.earSlimebreastsParasite) parasiteMessage += `A new parasite forms around your ${V.player.breastsize >= 1 ? "breasts" : "chest"}`; if (V.earSlimePenisParasite) { parasiteMessage += parasiteMessage ? " and the base of your penis" : "A new parasite forms around the base of your penis"; } if (V.earSlimeClitParasite) { if (V.earSlime.focus === "pregnancy") { parasiteMessage += parasiteMessage ? " and <<pussy>>" : "A new parasite forms around your <<pussy>>"; } else { const looks = playerChastity("vagina") ? "feels" : "looks"; parasiteMessage += parasiteMessage ? ` and clit. It ${looks} like you have your own penis now` : `A new parasite forms around the base of your clit, it ${looks} similar to a penis`; } sWikifier(`<span class="blue">A satisfied warmth fills you. ${parasiteMessage}.</span>`); element("span", `You can tell that ${parasiteCount > 1 ? "they are" : "it's"} from the slimes in your ears.`); if (V.earSlimePenisParasite && V.earSlimePenisParasite !== 1) { element("span", `The previous ${V.earSlimePenisParasite} falls off shortly after it finishes growing.`, "red"); } if (V.earSlimeClitParasite && V.earSlimeClitParasite !== 1) { element("span", `The previous ${V.earSlimeClitParasite} falls off shortly after it finishes growing.`, "red"); } delete V.earSlimebreastsParasite; delete V.earSlimePenisParasite; delete V.earSlimeClitParasite; } } if (V.penisslimebrokenchastitymessage) { element( "span", `The parasite at the base of your genitals frees you from the ${V.penisslimebrokenchastitymessage}${ V.penisslimecagemessage === 1 ? ", and almost just as quickly, a new chastity parasite forms around your penis" : "" }.`, "purple" ); delete V.penisslimecagemessage; delete V.penisslimebrokenchastitymessage; } if (V.penisslimecagemessage) { element( "span", V.penisslimecagemessage === 1 ? "A new chastity parasite forms around your penis." : "Your chastity parasite looks brand new again.", "purple" ); delete V.penisslimecagemessage; } if (V.pregnancyDailyEvent) { sWikifier("<<pregnancyDailyEvent>>"); delete V.pregnancyDailyEvent; } if (V.daily.parasiteEvent) { let minDaysLeft; if (V.sexStats.vagina.pregnancy.type === "parasite") { minDaysLeft = V.sexStats.vagina.pregnancy.fetus.reduce((prev, curr) => (prev.daysLeft < curr.daysLeft ? prev.daysLeft : curr.daysLeft), 30); } if (V.sexStats.anus.pregnancy.type === "parasite") { minDaysLeft = V.sexStats.anus.pregnancy.fetus.reduce( (prev, curr) => (prev.daysLeft < curr.daysLeft ? prev.daysLeft : curr.daysLeft), minDaysLeft || 30 ); } const stressMulti = Math.clamp(2 - V.sexStats.anus.pregnancy.motherStatus + V.sexStats.vagina.pregnancy.motherStatus, 0, 2); const arousalMulti = Math.clamp(1 + V.sexStats.anus.pregnancy.motherStatus + V.sexStats.vagina.pregnancy.motherStatus, 1, 3); let arousalGain = 0; if (V.daily.parasiteEvent.includes("anus3") && V.daily.parasiteEvent.includes("vagina3")) V.daily.parasiteEvent.delete("vagina3"); V.daily.parasiteEvent.forEach(event => { switch (event) { case "anus0": case "vagina0": if (V.pregnancyStats.parasiteDoctorEvents >= 4) { sWikifier( `You feel ${V.pregnancyStats.namesParasitesChild ? "your grown child" : "the grown parasite"} in your ${ event === "anus0" ? "stomach" : "uterus" }. <<ggarousal>>` ); } else { sWikifier( `You feel something large move around in your ${ event === "anus0" ? "stomach" : "uterus" }. Might be best to go to the hospital again. <<ggarousal>>` ); } arousalGain += 2000; break; case "anus1": case "vagina1": if (V.pregnancyStats.parasiteDoctorEvents >= 2) { sWikifier( `You feel one of ${V.pregnancyStats.namesParasitesChild ? "your children" : "the parasites"} move around in your ${ event === "anus1" ? "stomach" : "uterus" }. <<ggarousal>>${stressMulti ? "<<gstress>>" : ""}` ); } else { sWikifier(`You feel something move around in your ${event === "anus1" ? "stomach" : "uterus"}. Might be best to go to the hospital. <<ggarousal>>${stressMulti ? "<<gstress>>" : ""}`); } arousalGain += (arousalMulti * 500) / (minDaysLeft + 1); V.stress += 300 * stressMulti; break; case "anus2": case "vagina2": sWikifier( `Your ${ event === "anus2" ? "stomach" : "uterus" } rumbles a little. You hope the noise hasn't attracted any attention. <<garousal>>${stressMulti ? "<<gstress>>" : ""}` ); arousalGain += (arousalMulti * 250) / (minDaysLeft + 1); V.stress += 200 * stressMulti; break; case "anus3": case "vagina3": sWikifier(`You feel a little lightheaded for a moment.${stressMulti ? "<<gstress>>" : ""}`); V.stress += 100 * stressMulti; break; } }); if (arousalGain) sWikifier(`<<arousal ${Math.clamp(arousalGain, 0, 10000)}>>`); br(); delete V.daily.parasiteEvent; } } if (numberOfEarSlime() && V.earSlime.event && !V.statFreeze) { if (V.earSlime.event.includes("get sperm into your") && V.earSlime.event.includes("completed") && V.earSlime.eventTimer <= 2) { element( "span", `The slime in your ear is pleased that you completed its task of getting sperm into your ${V.player.vaginaExist ? "vagina" : "anus"}.`, "green" ); sWikifier(`<<pain -4>><<stress -6>><<trauma -12>><<lpain>><<lltrauma>><<lstress>>`); br(); V.earSlime.event = ""; } else if (V.earSlime.event.includes("get your own sperm into your") && V.earSlime.event.includes("completed") && V.earSlime.eventTimer <= 2) { element( "span", `The slime in your ear is pleased that you completed its task of getting your own sperm into your ${V.player.vaginaExist ? "vagina" : "anus"}.`, "green" ); sWikifier(`<<pain -4>><<stress -6>><<trauma -12>><<lpain>><<lltrauma>><<lstress>>`); if (V.earSlime.growth >= 100 && V.earSlime.focus === "pregnancy" && === "naked") { sWikifier(`<span class="purple">A new chastity parasite forms around your penis.</span> <<genitalswear 8>>`); V.worn.genitals.origin = "ear slime"; } br(); V.earSlime.event = ""; } else if (V.earSlime.eventTimer <= 2 || (V.earSlime.noSleep && Time.dayState !== "night")) { if (V.earSlime.startedThreats) { element("span", "The slime in your ear punishes you for failing to complete your task.", "red"); sWikifier(`<<ggpain>><<ggtrauma>><<ggstress>><<pain 16>><<stress 12>><<trauma 12>>`); V.earSlime.defyCooldown += 4; } else { element("span", "The slime in your ear is upset you were unable to complete what you said you would do.", "cyan"); } br(); V.earSlime.event = ""; V.earSlime.noSleep = false; } } sWikifier("<<integritycheck>><<exposure>>"); V.orgasmdown -= 1; if ( >= 1 && V.exposedcheck === 1) { V.exposedcheck = 0; sWikifier("You feel self-conscious about your <<nudity>>."); br(); } if (V.timer >= 1) V.timer--; // V.turnCount++; sWikifier("<<bindings>>"); if (V.worn.genitals.cursed === 1 && V.worn.genitals.integrity <= 0) V.worn.genitals.type.push("broken"); sWikifier("<<heelsUpdate>>"); if (V.combat) sWikifier("<<pass 10 seconds>>"); if (fragment.children.length) br(); = 0; if (V.combat === 0 && V.ironmanmode === true) IronMan.scheduledSaves(); return fragment; } Macro.add("effects", { handler() { DOL.Perflog.logWidgetStart("effectsJs"); const fragment = effects(); this.output.append(fragment); DOL.Perflog.logWidgetEnd("effectsJs"); }, });