diff --git a/game/major_game_classes/character_related/Person.rpy b/game/major_game_classes/character_related/Person.rpy
index 30c52c71944c5acef736f81dabd194cbf46520f9..9b6d1bc22ac6d3cde845ef7518c8f523f81d62bb 100644
--- a/game/major_game_classes/character_related/Person.rpy
+++ b/game/major_game_classes/character_related/Person.rpy
@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ init -2 python:
             for word in new_what.split(): #Per word modifications
                 flattened_word = remove_punctuation(word).lower() #Stripped and lower case for easy comparison, we use the full raw word (including punctaiton) for replacement.
                 modified_word = False
-                effect_strength = str(int(6*(self.arousal/self.max_arousal)) + 2) #If an effect triggers this scales the effect with arousal.
+                effect_strength = int(6*(self.arousal/self.max_arousal)) + 2 #If an effect triggers this scales the effect with arousal.
                 if word[0] == "{" and word [-1] == "}":
                     pass #Don't do anything to tags.
@@ -1454,29 +1454,29 @@ init -2 python:
                         cum_color = Color("#e5e5d6")
                         word_replace = self.wrap_string(word, the_colour = cum_color, the_font = "fonts/plasdrip.ttf")
-                        word_replace = "{atl=0.3,drop_text~#~ 2.0, bounce_text~" + effect_strength + "}" + word_replace + "{/atl}"
+                        word_replace = "{atl=0.3,drop_text~#~ 2.0, bounce_text~" + str(effect_strength) + "}" + word_replace + "{/atl}"
                         temp_what += word_replace + " "
                 elif flattened_word == "cock" or flattened_word == "dick":
                     if self.arousal > (40 - 20*(self.get_opinion_score("big dicks"))):
                         modified_word = True
                         word_replace = self.wrap_string(word, the_colour = new_colour, size_mod = effect_strength)
-                        word_replace = "{sc=1}{bt=" + effect_strength + "}" + word_replace + "{/bt}{/sc}"
+                        word_replace = "{sc=1}{bt=" + str(effect_strength) + "}" + word_replace + "{/bt}{/sc}"
                         temp_what += word_replace + " "
                 elif flattened_word == "pussy" or flattened_word == "vagina" or flattened_word == "cunt":
                     if self.arousal > (50):
                         modified_word = True
                         word_replace = self.wrap_string(word, the_colour = new_colour)
-                        word_replace = "{bt=" + effect_strength + "}" + word_replace + "{/bt}"
+                        word_replace = "{bt=" + str(effect_strength) + "}" + word_replace + "{/bt}"
                         temp_what += word_replace + " "
                 elif any(flattened_word == target_word for target_word in ["tit","tits","boob","boobs","breast","breasts","mommy milkers"]):
                     if self.arousal > 40 - 10*self.get_opinion_score("showing her tits"):
                         modified_word = True
-                        tit_effect_strength = str(int(6*(self.arousal/self.max_arousal)) + (self.tit_value * 2))
+                        tit_effect_strength = int(6*(self.arousal/self.max_arousal)) + (self.tit_value * 2)
                         word_replace = self.wrap_string(word, the_colour = new_colour)
-                        word_replace = "{atl=bounce_text~" + tit_effect_strength + "}" + word_replace + "{/atl}"
+                        word_replace = "{atl=bounce_text~" + str(tit_effect_strength) + "}" + word_replace + "{/atl}"
                         temp_what += word_replace + " "
                 elif flattened_word == "fuck":