diff --git a/Regula_Magistri/common/character_interactions/regula_character_interactions_powers.txt b/Regula_Magistri/common/character_interactions/regula_character_interactions_powers.txt
index b51ba84b2ea324a5902f751c70af3f09e38e2f84..e8c0a24668f44262cd1923938e20d5a152746792 100644
--- a/Regula_Magistri/common/character_interactions/regula_character_interactions_powers.txt
+++ b/Regula_Magistri/common/character_interactions/regula_character_interactions_powers.txt
@@ -51,22 +51,35 @@ regula_covert_conversion_interaction = {
+		# We can show the book to
+		# - Family members (including all consorts)
+		# - Vassals
+		# - Our Liege
+		# - People in our court (or guest)
+		# - Special relationship (eg friend)
 		scope:recipient = {
+			# Only adult females can be charmed (and cant be in prison)
 			is_male = no
 			is_adult = yes
+			is_imprisoned = no
 			OR = {
-				# is_vassal_or_below_of = scope:actor
-				scope:actor.primary_spouse ?= this # Player's main wife
-				liege ?= {
-					OR = {
-						is_vassal_or_below_of = scope:actor
-						this = scope:actor
-					}
-				}
-				AND = {
-					is_in_the_same_court_as_or_guest = scope:actor
-					is_imprisoned = no
-				}
+				# Family Members and consorts
+				is_close_or_extended_family_of = scope:actor
+				is_consort_of = scope:actor
+				# Vassal/Liege
+				is_vassal_or_below_of = scope:actor
+				is_liege_or_above_of = scope:actor
+				# Courtier/Guest
+				is_in_the_same_court_as_or_guest = scope:actor
+				# Special relationsips
+				has_relation_friend = scope:actor
+				has_relation_best_friend = scope:actor
+				has_relation_lover = scope:actor
+				has_relation_soulmate = scope:actor
@@ -106,9 +119,6 @@ regula_covert_conversion_interaction = {
-	on_send = {
-	}
 	redirect = {
 		scope:recipient = {
@@ -254,9 +264,7 @@ regula_covert_conversion_interaction = {
 		flag = hook
 		localization = SCHEME_HOOK
-	# should_use_extra_icon = {
-	# 	scope:actor = { has_usable_hook = scope:recipient }
-	# }
 	extra_icon = "gfx/interface/icons/character_interactions/hook_icon.dds"
 	send_options_exclusive = no
@@ -412,43 +420,35 @@ regula_covert_conversion_interaction = {
 				NOT = { has_relation_rival = scope:actor }
 			add = 25
+			desc = "AI_YOUR_SPOUSE"
-		#Target is actor's lover.
+		#Target is actor's lover/soulmate.
 		modifier = {
 			add = 50
-			has_relation_lover = scope:recipient
-		}
-		#Target is actor's soulmate.
-		modifier = {
-			add = 75
-			has_relation_soulmate = scope:recipient
+			OR = {
+				has_relation_lover = scope:actor
+				has_relation_soulmate = scope:actor
+			}
+			desc = "AI_YOUR_LOVER"
-		#Target is actor's friend.
+		#Target is actor's friend/best friend.
 		modifier = {
 			add = 25
-			has_relation_friend = scope:recipient
-		}
-		#Target is actor's best friend.
-		modifier = {
-			add = 50
-			has_relation_best_friend = scope:recipient
-		}
-		#Target is actor's rival.
-		modifier = {
-			add = -25
-			has_relation_rival = scope:recipient
+			OR = {
+				has_relation_friend = scope:actor
+				has_relation_best_friend = scope:actor
+			}
+			desc = "AI_YOUR_FRIEND"
-		#Target is actor's nemesis.
+		#Target is actor's rival/nemesis.
 		modifier = {
 			add = -50
-			has_relation_nemesis = scope:recipient
+			OR = {
+				has_relation_rival = scope:recipient
+				has_relation_nemesis = scope:recipient
+			}
+			has_relation_rival = scope:recipient
+			desc = "AI_YOUR_RIVAL"
 		#Trait similarity to actor
 		compatibility_modifier = {
diff --git a/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_character_templates/regula_raiding_character_templates.txt b/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_character_templates/regula_raiding_character_templates.txt
index 7fe19e4e4c77866229c11bb9b7f6bbd702d0f50d..9a4454f05d7389c59b46c85d73ddcd5a49714809 100644
--- a/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_character_templates/regula_raiding_character_templates.txt
+++ b/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_character_templates/regula_raiding_character_templates.txt
@@ -5,15 +5,18 @@
 # Submissive - A young, shy submissive tribal girl. Craven and shy personality. Either beautiful or intelligent with a diplomacy/stewardship/learning eudcation. Not very good at martial/prowess.
 # Gaintess - Gaintess tribal women. Strong and good physique but not very intelligent and poor education. Fantastic prowess but little elsewhere.
 # Chieftess - A tribal chieftess, leads a matriachal village of women. Good fighter and maybe intelligent/beautiful. "Amazonian" vibes.
 ## Castle Characters
 # Noble - All rounder character, have personality and lifestyle trait based of education, also get a single good congential trait.
 # Knight - Martial character with an upstanding personality, good commander or knight
 # Ranger - Martial character with hunter trait, also good personality traits
 # Princess - Better version of noble, always has a "good" personality
 # Temple Characters
 # Priestess - A devoted character with physician skills plus good learning, has virtuous traits (according to their faith)
 # Gardener - Servent character with gardener/herbalist trait
 # Head Priestess - Better then Priestess with good diplomacy as well (but starts a little older)
 ## City Characters
 # These are quite sterotypical to their name, each is geared to a different Attribute
 # Merchant - Stewardship
@@ -22,6 +25,12 @@
 # Guard - Martial
 # Teacher - Good teacher, has shrewd and intelligence but is also frail
+## Generic Characters
+# Farmers daughter - A young, farmers daughter. Gregarious and strong. Good physqiue, ok attributes but nothing special.
+# Adventurer Princess - Similar to Princess, an adventurer with a far away culture/look. Should have good all around stats and traits.
+# Orphan - Young Orphan girls, three sisters in total, variable attributes and stats but generally just ok
+# Dwarf - Dwarf women
 ## Reminder for self when building character templates
 # We need:
 # 1. Age
@@ -1088,3 +1097,144 @@ regula_raiding_city_teacher_character = {
 		intellect_good_3 = {}
+## Generic Characters
+# Farmers Daughter
+regula_raiding_generic_farmgirl_character = {
+	# Age
+	age = { 16 20 }
+	# Education
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 1
+		education_stewardship_1 = {}
+		education_diplomacy_1 = {}
+	}
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 1
+		physique_good_1 = {}
+		physique_good_2 = {}
+	}
+	# Personality
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 2
+		content = {}
+		gregarious = {}
+		calm = {}
+		diligent = {}
+		patient = {}
+		humble = {}
+		trusting = {}
+		honest = {}
+		brave = {}
+	}
+	# Attributes
+	# Random stats
+	# Custom Traits
+	trait = lifestyle_gardener
+# Adventurer Princess
+regula_raiding_generic_adventurer_princess_character = {
+	# Age
+	age = { 16 20 }
+	# Education
+	# Here we tie their bonus lifestyle trait to their education and also a single personality trait
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 1
+		education_intrigue_4 = {}
+		education_diplomacy_4 = {}
+		education_stewardship_4 = {}
+		education_martial_4 = {}
+		education_learning_4 = {}
+	}
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 1
+		schemer = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_intrigue}}}
+		seducer = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_intrigue}}}
+		torturer = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_intrigue}}}
+		diplomat = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_diplomacy}}}
+		family_first = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_diplomacy}}}
+		august = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_diplomacy}}}
+		architect = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_stewardship}}}
+		administrator = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_stewardship}}}
+		avaricious = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_stewardship}}}
+		strategist = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_martial}}}
+		overseer = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_martial}}}
+		gallant = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_martial}}}
+		whole_of_body = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_learning}}}
+		scholar = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_learning}}}
+		theologian = {trigger={scope:created_character={has_trait = education_learning}}}
+	}
+	# Personality
+	# Only good "Princess" like traits
+	# Always brave
+	trait = brave
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 2
+		lustful = {}
+		honest = {}
+		trusting = {}
+		compassionate = {}
+		gregarious = {}
+		diligent = {}
+		just = {}
+		temperate = {}
+		ambitious = {}
+		calm = {}
+		humble = {}
+		zealous = {}
+		forgiving = {}
+	}
+	# Attributes
+	learning = { min_template_decent_skill max_template_decent_skill }
+	intrigue = { min_template_decent_skill max_template_decent_skill }
+	stewardship = { min_template_decent_skill max_template_decent_skill }
+	diplomacy = { min_template_decent_skill max_template_decent_skill }
+	martial = { min_template_high_skill max_template_high_skill }
+	prowess = { min_template_high_skill max_template_high_skill }
+	# Custom Traits
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 1
+		pure_blooded = {}
+		fecund = {}
+		strong = {}
+	}
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 1
+		beauty_good_1 = {}
+		beauty_good_2 = {}
+		beauty_good_3 = {}
+	}
+	random_traits_list = {
+		count = 1
+		physique_good_1 = {}
+		physique_good_2 = {}
+		physique_good_3 = {}
+	}
+	trait = lifestyle_blademaster
+	trait = adventurer
+	# Make dynasty have some levels
+	after_creation = {
+		dynasty = {
+			add_dynasty_prestige_level = 6
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_effects/regula_initialize_effects.txt b/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_effects/regula_initialize_effects.txt
index af1c7b560b8344bd78c182f30486bef388e43466..b6d4eb64989460173cf2e44f55e725ff485e64ae 100644
--- a/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_effects/regula_initialize_effects.txt
+++ b/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_effects/regula_initialize_effects.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
-regula_initialize_magister_effect = {
+# Sets up a new Magister, Run each time a new Magister is created on that character
+# Sets us as the global_var:magister_character
+# Makes us able to fight (regardless of gender law), Heterosexual, lustful
+# Gives us Regula sacred blood and rests bloodline goals (if we use single life rule)
+# Scope is Magister character
+regula_initialize_magister_effect = {
 	set_global_variable = {
 		name = magister_character
 		value = root
@@ -74,29 +79,35 @@
+## Secret Regula Stage #############
+# Gives the target a secret conversion secret
+# scope:actor - the character that is "secretly" converting the scope:recipient
+# scope:recipient - the character that is being "secretly" converted.
 regula_secret_conversion = {
-	regula_secret_conversion_with_target = {
-		TARGET = scope:actor
-	}
-regula_secret_conversion_with_target = {
+	# Add our conversion secret
 	add_secret = {
 		type = regula_covert_conversion
+	# Reveal this to the person that converted us (should be proto-Magister)
 	random_secret = {
 		limit = {
 			secret_type = regula_covert_conversion
-			NOT = { is_known_by = $TARGET$ }
+			NOT = { is_known_by = scope:actor }
-		reveal_to = $TARGET$
+		reveal_to = scope:actor
+	# Bonus opinion effect
 	add_opinion = {
 		modifier = regula_secretly_converted_opinion
-		target = $TARGET$
+		target = scope:actor
+	# Set our vassal succession law
 	if = {
 		limit = {
 			is_landed = yes
@@ -105,6 +116,9 @@ regula_secret_conversion_with_target = {
+# Oh dear, the Proto-Magister died!
+# Probally fell over the boat trying to bag a whale :(
+# For the next Proto-Magister, we have to find all of the secretly converted.
 regula_secret_reboot = {
 	# Please forgive me CK3...
 	# Just this once, I'll have to go all out
@@ -119,113 +133,73 @@ regula_secret_reboot = {
+# Reveal the secret!
+# Convert anyone who is secretly charmed
+# Then we do "bonus" conversions
+# Anyone in our family at our court who is not zealous converts (basic religion change)
+# Our capital barony converts
 regula_secret_conversion_reveal_effect = {
 	faith = { save_scope_as = magister_faith }
 	save_scope_as = actor
-	# Set the faith of our family who are at our court
-	every_close_or_extended_family_member = {
-		custom = all_family_members_at_court
+	save_scope_as = recipient
+	new_faith_created_conversion_effect = yes
+	# For each secret charmed person (we should know about all of them)
+	# Convert them, then if they are landed convert their capital county (as a "bonus" effect)
+	every_known_secret = {
 		limit = {
-			exists = court_owner
-			court_owner = root
-			NOT = { faith = root.faith }
-			is_ai = yes
+			secret_type = regula_covert_conversion
+			NOT = { secret_owner = scope:actor }	# Don't do effect on Magister twice!
-		set_character_faith = scope:actor.faith
-		hidden_effect = {
-			add_character_flag = {
-				flag = converted_by_forced_conversion_interaction
-				years = 5
+		secret_owner = {
+			set_character_faith = scope:magister_faith
+			add_trait = mulsa
+			# Remove secret conversion opinion
+			remove_opinion = {
+				target = scope:actor
+				modifier = regula_secretly_converted_opinion
+			}
+			# Extra modifier for being our initial spellbound characters
+			add_character_modifier = {
+				modifier = regula_initial_spellbound
-		}
-	}
-	# Set the faith of our counties
-	every_held_title = {
-		limit = {
-			tier = tier_county
-		}
-		set_county_faith = scope:magister_faith
-	}
+			save_scope_as = recipient
+			new_faith_created_conversion_effect = yes
-	# Set our vassals faith (if secretly charmed)
-	every_vassal_or_below = {
-		regula_secret_conversion_reveal_for_landed = yes
-	}
+			# If landed, convert our capital county and divorce (unless already married to Magister)
+			if = {
+				limit = {
+					is_landed = yes
+				}
-	# Set courtiers and guests faith (if secretly charmed)
-	every_courtier_or_guest = {
-		limit = {
-			any_secret = {
-				secret_type = regula_covert_conversion
-			}
-		}
-		regula_secret_conversion_to_mulsa = yes
-		demand_conversion_interaction_effect = yes
-		every_held_title = {
-			limit = {
-				tier = tier_county
-			}
-			set_county_faith = scope:magister_faith
-		}
-	}
+				# Divorce from spouse if not married to Magister
+				if = {
+					limit = { 
+						is_married = yes
+						NOT = { is_consort_of = scope:actor }
+					}
+					divorce = this.primary_spouse
+				}
-	if = {
-		limit = {
-			# This is possible if the wife is a ruler and not in player's domain
-			primary_spouse = {
-				NOT = {
-					has_trait = mulsa
+				# Convert capital county
+				capital_county = {
+					set_county_faith = scope:magister_faith
-		primary_spouse = {
-			# Convert spouse and her court
-			regula_secret_conversion_reveal_for_landed = yes
-			# Convert her vassals
-			every_vassal_or_below = {
-				regula_secret_conversion_reveal_for_landed = yes
-			}
-		}
-# Convert every secretly charmed vassal and their courts
-regula_secret_conversion_reveal_for_landed = {
-	if = {
-		limit = {
-			any_secret = {
-				secret_type = regula_covert_conversion
-			}
-		}
-		regula_secret_conversion_to_mulsa = yes
-		save_scope_as = recipient
-		new_faith_created_conversion_effect = yes
-		add_character_modifier = {
-			modifier = regula_initial_spellbound
-		}
-	}
-	every_courtier_or_guest = {
-		limit = {
-			any_secret = {
-				secret_type = regula_covert_conversion
-			}
-		}
-		regula_secret_conversion_to_mulsa = yes
-		save_scope_as = recipient
-		new_faith_created_conversion_effect = yes
+	# Convert capital county
+	capital_county = {
+		set_county_faith = scope:magister_faith
-# Apply the Mulsa trait and remove the "secret" opinion modifier.
-regula_secret_conversion_to_mulsa = {
-	set_character_faith = scope:magister_faith
-	add_trait = mulsa
-	# This opinion modifier is replaced by Mulsa trait
-	remove_opinion = {
-		target = scope:actor
-		modifier = regula_secretly_converted_opinion
+	# Create Domina
+	scope:domina = {
+		remove_trait = mulsa
+		add_trait = domina
@@ -249,10 +223,6 @@ regula_faith_setup_inital_effect = {
 		if = {
 			limit = { NOT = { has_character_flag = regula_forced_start } }
 			regula_secret_conversion_reveal_effect = yes
-			scope:domina = {
-				remove_trait = mulsa
-				add_trait = domina
-			}
diff --git a/Regula_Magistri/events/war_events/regula_raid_events.txt b/Regula_Magistri/events/war_events/regula_raid_events.txt
index 8193681f95daf08b0ee0d7f2c1b479ed1a49eff5..20d2ec999222e3b11db545c088e6f29bde0b2f52 100644
--- a/Regula_Magistri/events/war_events/regula_raid_events.txt
+++ b/Regula_Magistri/events/war_events/regula_raid_events.txt
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
 	## 0403 - Capture Spy OR intrigue bonus
 	## 0404 - Capture Guard OR gain common weapon
 	## 0405 - Capture Teacher OR gain book
+# 0500: Generic Raid Events
+	## 0501 - Capture Farmers Daughter OR gain army supply modifer
+	## 0502 - Capture Foreign Adventurer OR gain prestige
+	## 0503 - Capture Orphans OR gain dynasty prestige
+	## 0504 - Capture Farmers Daughter OR gain army supply modifer
 # Tribal Events
@@ -1661,8 +1666,10 @@ regula_raiding.0205 = {
 		# Make them friends
-		scope:raid_prisoner_1 = {
-			set_relation_friend = scope:raid_prisoner_2
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner_1 = {
+				set_relation_friend = scope:raid_prisoner_2
+			}
 		# If we have an enslaver, give them glory
@@ -3057,4 +3064,456 @@ regula_raiding.0405 = {
 			diligent = minor_stress_impact_loss
+# Generic Events
+# These events should always be applicable, regardless of holding. We should use modifiers to make them more/less likely
+# The specific raiding events (per holding type) above should add these events to their possible events, where appropriate
+# Capture Farmers Daughter
+regula_raiding.0501 = {
+	type = character_event
+	title = regula_raiding.0501.t
+	desc = regula_raiding.0501.desc
+	theme = battle
+	override_background = { reference = farmland }
+	left_portrait = {
+		character = root
+		triggered_animation = {
+			trigger = {
+				age < 18
+			}
+			animation = flirtation
+		}
+		animation = drink
+	}
+	right_portrait = {
+		character = scope:raid_prisoner
+		animation = idle
+	}
+	immediate = {
+		create_character = {
+			save_temporary_scope_as = created_character
+			location = scope:sacked_barony.title_province
+			culture = scope:sacked_county.culture
+			faith = scope:sacked_county.faith
+			gender = female
+			dynasty = none
+			template = regula_raiding_generic_farmgirl_character
+		}
+		scope:created_character = { save_scope_as = raid_prisoner }
+		# If we have an enslaver, give them glory
+		regula_enslaver_gain_minor_glory = yes
+	}
+	# Take prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.capture
+		# Block default imprison event and use prisoner of war capture effect
+		hidden_effect = {
+			add_character_flag = {
+				flag = block_imprisonment_event
+				days = 1
+			}
+		}
+        prisoner_of_war_capture_effect = {
+            TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner
+            IMPRISONER = root
+        }
+        scope:raid_prisoner = {
+            add_opinion = {
+                target = root
+                modifier = imprisoned_me
+            }
+        }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
+	# Sex
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.sex
+		add_piety = medium_piety_gain
+		trait = lustful
+		regula_sex_with_raid_prisoner = { TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = major_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+	}
+	# Leave prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.reward
+		# Well provisioned army
+		add_character_modifier = {
+			modifier = warfare_well_provisioned_troops_modifier
+			years = 5
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+		stress_impact = {
+			greedy = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
+# Capture Foreign Adventurer
+regula_raiding.0502 = {
+	type = character_event
+	title = regula_raiding.0502.t
+	desc = regula_raiding.0502.desc
+	theme = battle
+	override_background = { reference = wilderness }
+	left_portrait = {
+		character = root
+		animation = celebrate_sword
+	}
+	right_portrait = {
+		character = scope:raid_prisoner
+		animation = sword_yield_start
+	}
+	immediate = {
+		# Find a random county thats far away from this one
+		# Preferably with a different culture and not part of Magisters realm
+		random_county = {
+			limit = {
+				squared_distance = {
+					target = scope:sacked_county
+					value >= 5000
+				}
+			}
+			save_scope_as = exotic_county
+		}
+		create_character = {
+			save_temporary_scope_as = created_character
+			location = scope:sacked_barony.title_province
+			culture = scope:exotic_county.culture
+			faith = scope:exotic_county.faith
+			gender = female
+			dynasty = none
+			template = regula_raiding_generic_adventurer_princess_character
+		}
+		scope:created_character = { 
+			save_scope_as = raid_prisoner
+			add_character_flag = wear_armor
+		}
+		# If we have an enslaver, give them glory
+		regula_enslaver_gain_minor_glory = yes
+	}
+	# Take prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0502.capture
+		# Block default imprison event and use prisoner of war capture effect
+		hidden_effect = {
+			add_character_flag = {
+				flag = block_imprisonment_event
+				days = 1
+			}
+		}
+        prisoner_of_war_capture_effect = {
+            TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner
+            IMPRISONER = root
+        }
+        scope:raid_prisoner = {
+            add_opinion = {
+                target = root
+                modifier = imprisoned_me
+            }
+        }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
+	# Sex
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0502.sex
+		add_piety = medium_piety_gain
+		trait = lustful
+		regula_sex_with_raid_prisoner = { TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = major_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+	}
+	# Leave prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0502.reward
+		# Prestige gain
+		add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain
+		# Cultural acceptance with her culture
+		scope:exotic_county.culture = {
+			change_cultural_acceptance = {
+				target = root.culture
+				value = 25
+			}
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+		stress_impact = {
+			greedy = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
+	after = {
+		scope:raid_prisoner ?= {
+			remove_character_flag = wear_armor
+		}
+	}
+# Capture Orphans
+regula_raiding.0503 = {
+	type = character_event
+	title = regula_raiding.0501.t
+	desc = regula_raiding.0501.desc
+	theme = battle
+	override_background = { reference = corridor_night }
+	left_portrait = {
+		character = root
+		animation = toast_goblet
+	}
+	right_portrait = {
+		character = scope:raid_prisoner
+		animation = personality_bold
+	}
+	immediate = {
+		create_character = {
+			save_temporary_scope_as = created_character
+			location = scope:sacked_barony.title_province
+			culture = scope:sacked_county.culture
+			faith = scope:sacked_county.faith
+			gender = female
+			dynasty = none
+			template = regula_raiding_city_guard_character
+		}
+		# If we have an enslaver, give them glory
+		regula_enslaver_gain_minor_glory = yes
+	}
+	# Take prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.capture
+		# Block default imprison event and use prisoner of war capture effect
+		hidden_effect = {
+			add_character_flag = {
+				flag = block_imprisonment_event
+				days = 1
+			}
+		}
+        prisoner_of_war_capture_effect = {
+            TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner
+            IMPRISONER = root
+        }
+        scope:raid_prisoner = {
+            add_opinion = {
+                target = root
+                modifier = imprisoned_me
+            }
+        }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
+	# Sex
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.sex
+		add_piety = medium_piety_gain
+		trait = lustful
+		regula_sex_with_raid_prisoner = { TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = major_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+	}
+	# Leave prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.reward
+		# Well provisioned army
+		add_character_modifier = {
+			modifier = warfare_well_provisioned_troops_modifier
+			years = 5
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+		stress_impact = {
+			greedy = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
+# Capture Dwarf in a Barrel
+regula_raiding.0504 = {
+	type = character_event
+	title = regula_raiding.0501.t
+	desc = regula_raiding.0501.desc
+	theme = battle
+	override_background = { reference = market }
+	left_portrait = {
+		character = root
+		animation = toast_goblet
+	}
+	right_portrait = {
+		character = scope:raid_prisoner
+		animation = personality_bold
+	}
+	immediate = {
+		create_character = {
+			save_temporary_scope_as = created_character
+			location = scope:sacked_barony.title_province
+			culture = scope:sacked_county.culture
+			faith = scope:sacked_county.faith
+			gender = female
+			dynasty = none
+			template = regula_raiding_city_guard_character
+		}
+		# If we have an enslaver, give them glory
+		regula_enslaver_gain_minor_glory = yes
+	}
+	# Take prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.capture
+		# Block default imprison event and use prisoner of war capture effect
+		hidden_effect = {
+			add_character_flag = {
+				flag = block_imprisonment_event
+				days = 1
+			}
+		}
+        prisoner_of_war_capture_effect = {
+            TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner
+            IMPRISONER = root
+        }
+        scope:raid_prisoner = {
+            add_opinion = {
+                target = root
+                modifier = imprisoned_me
+            }
+        }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
+	# Sex
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.sex
+		add_piety = medium_piety_gain
+		trait = lustful
+		regula_sex_with_raid_prisoner = { TARGET = scope:raid_prisoner }
+		stress_impact = {
+			lustful = major_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+	}
+	# Leave prisoner
+	option = {
+		name = regula_raiding.0501.reward
+		# Well provisioned army
+		add_character_modifier = {
+			modifier = warfare_well_provisioned_troops_modifier
+			years = 5
+		}
+		hidden_effect = {
+			scope:raid_prisoner = {	death = { death_reason = death_disappearance }}
+		}
+		stress_impact = {
+			greedy = minor_stress_impact_loss
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/event_localization/regula_raid_events_l_english.yml b/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/event_localization/regula_raid_events_l_english.yml
index 072c65167219f3e7d04939979bd5ae9e55a77873..ebfab8576fa176a5c011c43d3e8046b85714e0f5 100644
--- a/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/event_localization/regula_raid_events_l_english.yml
+++ b/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/event_localization/regula_raid_events_l_english.yml
@@ -134,23 +134,31 @@
   regula_raiding.0405.sex:0 "Privately tutor her in lovemaking."
   regula_raiding.0405.reward:0 "Take her book."
-  regula_raiding.0406.t:0 "A Tattered House"
-  regula_raiding.0406.desc:0 ""
-  regula_raiding.0406.capture:0 "Take the last vestige of [raid_prisoner_1.GetHouse.GetName] prisoner"
-  regula_raiding.0406.recruit:0 "Adopt them as my daughters."
-  regula_raiding.0406.sex:0 ""
-  regula_raiding.0406.reward:0 ""
   # Generic Raid Events
   # These should be applicable to any barony
-  regula_raiding.0051.t:0 "Humbled Homestead"
-  regula_raiding.0051.desc:0 "As my raiders sack [sacked_barony.GetNameNoTier], I take my personal guards to a local noble home, on the outskirts of the holding.\n\nWhen I arrive, instead of finding a valuables to plunder, I find a trio of young girls homed in a large but dilapted manor house.\n\nThe eldest, [raid_prisoner_1.GetFirstName] tells me a sob story of "
-  regula_raiding.0051.capture:0 "Take the Farmers daughter"
-  regula_raiding.0051.sex:0 "Rut her like an animal"
-  regula_raiding.0051.reward:0 "Take the farmers supplies"
-  regula_raiding.0052.t:0 "Suspicious Barrel"
-  regula_raiding.0052.desc:0 ""
-  regula_raiding.0052.capture:0 "Take the entire barrel"
-  regula_raiding.0052.sex:0 "Eject your load inside her."
-  regula_raiding.0052.reward:0 ""
+  regula_raiding.0501.t:0 "Humbled Homestead"
+  regula_raiding.0501.desc:0 "After raiding [sacked_barony.GetNameNoTier], I move my troops into a small village to restock on supplies for the journey home. The local farmers know better then to refuse hosting us for the night, and soon I am seated at a modest but merry feast.\n\nThe farmers daughter, a jolly buxom wench, hands me another [raid_prisoner.Custom('RegionalDrink')]"
+  regula_raiding.0501.capture:0 "Take the Farmers daughter"
+  regula_raiding.0501.sex:0 "Plow her fertile fields."
+  regula_raiding.0501.reward:0 "Take the farmers supplies"
+  regula_raiding.0502.t:0 "Foreign Adventurer"
+  regula_raiding.0502.desc:0 ""
+  regula_raiding.0502.capture:0 "Take her prisoner"
+  regula_raiding.0502.sex:0 "Give her a unique experience"
+  regula_raiding.0502.reward:0 ""
+  regula_raiding.0503.t:0 "A Tattered House"
+  regula_raiding.0501.desc:0 "As my raiders sack [sacked_barony.GetNameNoTier], I take my personal guards to a local noble home, on the outskirts of the holding.\n\nWhen I arrive, instead of finding a valuables to plunder, I find a trio of young girls homed in a large but dilapted manor house.\n\nThe eldest, [raid_prisoner_1.GetFirstName] tells me a sob story of "
+  regula_raiding.0501.capture:0 "Take the last vestige of [raid_prisoner_1.GetHouse.GetName] prisoner"
+  regula_raiding.0501.recruit_adopt:0 "Adopt them as my daughters."
+  regula_raiding.0501.recruit_court:0 "Place them under my protection."
+  regula_raiding.0501.recruit_imprision:0 "Bind the trio and take them captive."
+  regula_raiding.0501.sex:0 ""
+  regula_raiding.0501.reward:0 ""
+  regula_raiding.0501.t:0 "Suspicious Barrel"
+  regula_raiding.0501.desc:0 ""
+  regula_raiding.0501.capture:0 "Take the entire barrel"
+  regula_raiding.0501.sex:0 "Eject your load inside her."
+  regula_raiding.0501.reward:0 ""
diff --git a/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/modifiers/regula_modifiers_l_english.yml b/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/modifiers/regula_modifiers_l_english.yml
index 01497010aa9a93850f71811a085a59b4b7e81299..4d5c1fc4b74a97450519e39cfb8555acc204b593 100644
--- a/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/modifiers/regula_modifiers_l_english.yml
+++ b/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/modifiers/regula_modifiers_l_english.yml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   regula_assassinated_incapable_magister:0 "Assassinated the Magister"
   regula_heresy_conspirator_opinion:0 "Committed Heresy Against the Magister"
   regula_heresy_uncharmed_opinion:0 "Charmed Me And Stole My Will"
-  regula_secretly_converted_opinion:0 "Shown me a particular book with a beautiful spiral"
+  regula_secretly_converted_opinion:0 "Entranced me with a beautiful spiral"
   # Orgy modifiers
   regula_orgy_health:0 "Orgy Health Boost"