diff --git a/src/init/storyInit.tw b/src/init/storyInit.tw
index e3277b1ec7cd8547d838f19a3a907b10cecc6605..d99d83e008df786a43e7d4c44c6a59eb78293d12 100644
--- a/src/init/storyInit.tw
+++ b/src/init/storyInit.tw
@@ -1066,7 +1066,9 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 <<set $elapsedSupplyTimer = 0>>
 <<set $slaveCostRandom = 0>>
 <<set $deltaDemand = 0>>
+<<set $deltaDemandOld = 0>>
 <<set $deltaSupply = 0>>
+<<set $deltaSupplyOld = 0>>
 <<set $NPCSexSupply = {lowerClass: 3000, middleClass: 3000, upperClass: 3000, topClass: 3000}>>
 <<set $NPCMarketShare = {lowerClass: 1000, middleClass: 1000, upperClass: 1000, topClass: 1000}>>
 <<set $sexSubsidies = {lowerClass: 0, middleClass: 0, upperClass: 0, topClass: 0}>>
diff --git a/src/js/datatypeCleanupJS.js b/src/js/datatypeCleanupJS.js
index 859baf790e0554996c062e1c845f7ac1445175da..6660be9704146b0f034fc9e413b34e360ba92a90 100644
--- a/src/js/datatypeCleanupJS.js
+++ b/src/js/datatypeCleanupJS.js
@@ -1766,8 +1766,10 @@ window.EconomyDatatypeCleanup = function EconomyDatatypeCleanup() {
 	V.elapsedDemandTimer = Math.max(+V.elapsedDemandTimer, 0) || 0;
 	V.supplyTimer = Math.max(+V.supplyTimer, 0) || 0;
 	V.elapsedSupplyTimer = Math.max(+V.elapsedSupplyTimer, 0) || 0;
-	V.deltaSupply = Math.clamp(+V.deltaSupply, -3000, 3000) || 0;
-	V.deltaDemand = Math.clamp(+V.deltaDemand, -3000, 3000) || 0;
+	V.deltaSupply = Math.clamp(+V.deltaSupply, -6500, 6500) || 0;
+	V.deltaDemand = Math.clamp(+V.deltaDemand, -6500, 6500) || 0;
+	V.deltaSupplyOld = Math.clamp(+V.deltaSupply, -6500, 6500) || 0;
+	V.deltaDemandOld = Math.clamp(+V.deltaDemand, -6500, 6500) || 0;
 	V.sexSubsidies.lowerClass = Math.clamp(+V.sexSubsidies.lowerClass, 0, 4) || 0;
 	V.sexSubsidies.middleClass = Math.clamp(+V.sexSubsidies.middleClass, 0, 4) || 0;
 	V.sexSubsidies.upperClass = Math.clamp(+V.sexSubsidies.upperClass, 0, 4) || 0;
diff --git a/src/js/economyJS.js b/src/js/economyJS.js
index 79fab073eb7e96ee09516ef27e1d0da041abe74e..136e4193bacfd9beb893d0216a9f3e71850f5957 100644
--- a/src/js/economyJS.js
+++ b/src/js/economyJS.js
@@ -1005,9 +1005,12 @@ window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 	return getSlaveCostArray(s).reduce((result, {value})=>result + value, 0);
-// Supply and Demand for slaves (linear, simple)
-// PC buying slaves reduces supply, selling slaves reduces demand.
+ * Supply and Demand for slaves (linear, simple)
+ * PC buying slaves reduces supply, selling slaves reduces demand.
+ * @param {Number} q
+ * @returns {Number}
+ */
 window.menialSlaveCost = function(q = 0) {
 	const demand = State.variables.menialDemandFactor;
 	const supply = State.variables.menialSupplyFactor;
@@ -1747,6 +1750,140 @@ window.effectiveWhoreClass = function(s) {
 	return result;
+ * End week function to handle the (menial) slave market prices through supply and demand
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+window.endWeekSlaveMarket = function() {
+	const demandVariance = jsRandom(-10, 10) * 20;
+	const supplyVariance = jsRandom(-10, 10) * 20;
+	const demand = V.menialDemandFactor;
+	const supply = V.menialSupplyFactor;
+	const relativeDemand = Math.trunc(Math.pow(Math.abs(demand) / 10000, 2)); // A variable that gets much greater the further demand is from 0
+	const relativeSupply = Math.trunc(Math.pow(Math.abs(supply) / 10000, 2));
+	let randomDemand;
+	let randomSupply;
+	V.slaveCostRandom = jsRandom(-3, 3);
+	if (V.demandTimer === 0) { // First week setup
+		let random = jsRandom(1, 100);
+		if (random > 55) {
+			V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+		} else if (random <= 45) {
+			V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+		} else {
+			V.deltaDemand = 0;
+		}
+		newTimer();
+		random = jsRandom(1, 100);
+		if (random > 55) {
+			V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+		} else if (random <= 45) {
+			V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+		} else {
+			V.deltaDemand = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	if (demand >= 50000 && V.deltaDemand >= 0) { // Turning the market around if demand hits the upper bound
+		newTimer();
+		V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(-500, 40) * 10; // Force with which the market moves
+	} else if (demand <= -50000 && V.deltaDemand <= 0) { // Turning the market around if demand hits the lower bound
+		newTimer();
+		V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(500, 40) * 10;
+	}
+	if (V.elapsedDemandTimer >= V.demandTimer) { // Changing the delta once the timer runs out
+		newTimer();
+		randomDemand = jsRandom(1, 100) - relativeDemand * 2; // A variable used to determine if demand will go up, down or remain stable while taking into account relativeDemand, thus making movement towards the extreme less likely
+		if (demand >= 0) { // If demand is currently positive (or 0) the chances for even greater demand are reduced by randomDemand
+			if (randomDemand > 55) {
+				V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+			} else if (randomDemand <= 45) {
+				V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+			} else {
+				V.deltaDemand = 0;
+			}
+		} else { // If demand is currently negative the chances for even lower demand are reduced by randomDemand
+			if (randomDemand > 55) {
+				V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+			} else if (randomDemand <= 45) {
+				V.deltaDemand = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+			} else {
+				V.deltaDemand = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	V.elapsedDemandTimer += 1;
+	const relativeTimeDemand = V.elapsedDemandTimer / V.demandTimer;
+	V.menialDemandFactor += demandVariance + Math.trunc(relativeTimeDemand * V.deltaDemand + (1 - relativeTimeDemand) * V.deltaDemandOld); // Actual movement of demand gradually shifts from old to 'new' deltaDemand
+	if (V.supplyTimer === 0) { // First week setup
+		let random = jsRandom(1, 100);
+		if (random > 55) {
+			V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+		} else if (random <= 45) {
+			V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+		} else {
+			V.deltaSupply = 0;
+		}
+		newTimer("supply");
+		random = jsRandom(1, 100);
+		if (random > 55) {
+			V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+		} else if (random <= 45) {
+			V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+		} else {
+			V.deltaSupply = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	if (supply >= 50000 && V.deltaSupply >= 0) { // Turning the market around if supply hits the upper bound
+		newTimer("supply");
+		V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(-500, 40) * 10; // Force with which the market moves
+	} else if (supply <= -50000 && V.deltaSupply <= 0) { // Turning the market around if supply hits the lower bound
+		newTimer("supply");
+		V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(500, 40) * 10;
+	}
+	if (V.elapsedSupplyTimer >= V.supplyTimer) { // Changing the delta once the timer runs out
+		newTimer("supply");
+		randomSupply = jsRandom(1, 100) - relativeSupply * 2;
+		if (supply >= 0) { // If supply is currently positive (or 0) the chances for even greater supply are reduced by randomSupply
+			if (randomSupply > 55) {
+				V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+			} else if (randomSupply <= 45) {
+				V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+			} else {
+				V.deltaSupply = 0;
+			}
+		} else { // If supply is currently negative the chances for even lower supply are reduced by randomSupply
+			if (randomSupply > 55) {
+				V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(-350, 60) * 10;
+			} else if (randomSupply <= 45) {
+				V.deltaSupply = normalRandInt(350, 60) * 10;
+			} else {
+				V.deltaSupply = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	V.elapsedSupplyTimer += 1;
+	const relativeTimeSupply = V.elapsedSupplyTimer / V.supplyTimer;
+	V.menialSupplyFactor += supplyVariance + Math.trunc(relativeTimeSupply * V.deltaSupply + (1 - relativeTimeSupply) * V.deltaSupplyOld); // Actual movement of supply gradually shifts from old to 'new' deltaSupply
+	function newTimer(side="demand") {
+		if (side === "demand") {
+			V.demandTimer = jsRandom(6, 10);
+			V.elapsedDemandTimer = 0;
+			V.deltaDemandOld = V.deltaDemand;
+		} else if (side === "supply") {
+			V.supplyTimer = jsRandom(6, 10);
+			V.elapsedSupplyTimer = 0;
+			V.deltaSupplyOld = V.deltaSupply;
+		}
+	}
  * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} s
  * @param {Object|undefined} facility
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw b/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw
index fe6e161bf3c2c6ca6404927c564c629850803903..79c02e466f03dfeb59bdb7e7b6daeb952bcaf1ef 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw
@@ -883,154 +883,98 @@ Routine upkeep of your demesne costs @@.yellow;<<print cashFormat($costs)>>.@@
 /*Adding random changes to slave demand and supply*/
-/*Without events triggering and a relatively average supply/demand situation, the best case scenario is an increase/decrease in the price of slaves of 10 in one week. Chance of these conditions happening are 1/25. For demand or supply to go from average to their maximum will take 25 weeks if rolling highest growth each time a roll is made and all other luck is average. Because of the properties of the market and how it develops the likely prices one will encounter are distributed in a bell-shaped fashion, centered around 1000. Minimum possible price is 750, maximum 1250. At +/- 35000 chances of supply or demand getting even more extreme are reduced.*/
-<<set _demandSlaveVar = random(-10,10)*10>>
-<<set _supplySlaveVar = random(-10,10)*10>>
-<<set $slaveCostRandom = random(-3,3)>>
-<<if $menialDemandFactor <= -50000>>
-	<<set $deltaDemand = random(1,3) * 1000>>
-	<<set $demandTimer = random(7,12)>>
-	<<set $elapsedDemandTimer = 1>>
-	<<set $menialDemandFactor += $deltaDemand + _demandSlaveVar>>
-<<elseif $menialDemandFactor >= 50000>>
-	<<set $deltaDemand = random(-3,-1) * 1000>>
-	<<set $demandTimer = random(7,12)>>
-	<<set $elapsedDemandTimer = 1>>
-	<<set $menialDemandFactor += $deltaDemand + _demandSlaveVar>>
-<<elseif $demandTimer - $elapsedDemandTimer <= 0>>
-	<<set $demandTimer = random(7,12)>>
-	<<set $elapsedDemandTimer = 1>>
-	<<if $menialDemandFactor > 35000>>
-		<<set $deltaDemand = random(-3,1) * 1000>>
-	<<elseif $menialDemandFactor < -35000>>
-		<<set $deltaDemand = random(-1,3) * 1000>>
+<<run endWeekSlaveMarket()>>
+<<if $menialDemandFactor <= -35000>>
+	<br>Demand for slaves is approaching a @@.red;''historic low'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.green;''demand will rise''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
+		@@.red;''demand will continue to weaken'',@@ but warn the bottom is in sight.
-		<<set $deltaDemand = random(-2,2) * 1000>>
+		the current demand will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
-	<<set $menialDemandFactor += $deltaDemand + _demandSlaveVar>>
-	<<if $menialDemandFactor <= -35000>>
-		<br>Demand for slaves is approaching a @@.red;''historic low'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.green;''demand will rise''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
-			@@.red;''demand will continue to weaken'',@@ but warn the bottom is in sight.
-		<<else>>
-			the current demand will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $menialDemandFactor <= 20000>>
-		<br>Demand for slaves is @@.red;''very low'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.green;''demand will rise''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
-			@@.red;''demand will continue to weaken''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			the current demand will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $menialDemandFactor >= 35000>>
-		<br>Demand for slaves is approaching a @@.green;''historic high'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
-			@@.green;''demand will continue to rise'',@@ but warn the peak is in sight.
-		<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.red;''demand will weaken''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			the current demand will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $menialDemandFactor >= 20000>>
-		<br>Demand for slaves is @@.green;''very high'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
-			@@.green;''demand will continue to rise''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.red;''demand will weaken''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			the current demand will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
+<<elseif $menialDemandFactor <= -20000>>
+	<br>Demand for slaves is @@.red;''very low'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.green;''demand will rise''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
+		@@.red;''demand will continue to weaken''.@@
-		<br>Demand for slaves is @@.yellow;''average'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
-			the market will see @@.green;''rising demand''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
-			the market will see @@.red;''weakening demand''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			@@.yellow;''no change''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
+		the current demand will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
+	<</if>>
+<<elseif $menialDemandFactor >= 35000>>
+	<br>Demand for slaves is approaching a @@.green;''historic high'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
+		@@.green;''demand will continue to rise'',@@ but warn the peak is in sight.
+	<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.red;''demand will weaken''.@@
+	<<else>>
+		the current demand will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
+	<</if>>
+<<elseif $menialDemandFactor >= 20000>>
+	<br>Demand for slaves is @@.green;''very high'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
+		@@.green;''demand will continue to rise''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.red;''demand will weaken''.@@
+	<<else>>
+		the current demand will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
-	<<set $elapsedDemandTimer += 1>>
-	<<set $menialDemandFactor += $deltaDemand + _demandSlaveVar>>
-	<<set $menialDemandFactor = Math.clamp($menialDemandFactor,-50000,50000)>>
+	<br>Demand for slaves is @@.yellow;''average'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaDemand > 0>>
+		the market will see @@.green;''rising demand''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaDemand < 0>>
+		the market will see @@.red;''weakening demand''.@@
+	<<else>>
+		it will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
+	<</if>>
-<<if $menialSupplyFactor <= -50000>>
-	<<set $deltaSupply = random(1,3) * 1000>>
-	<<set $supplyTimer = random(7,12)>>
-	<<set $elapsedSupplyTimer = 1>>
-	<<set $menialSupplyFactor += $deltaSupply + _demandSlaveVar>>
-<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor >= 50000>>
-	<<set $deltaSupply = random(-3,-1) * 1000>>
-	<<set $supplyTimer = random(7,12)>>
-	<<set $elapsedSupplyTimer = 1>>
-	<<set $menialSupplyFactor += $deltaSupply + _demandSlaveVar>>
-<<elseif $supplyTimer - $elapsedSupplyTimer <= 0>>
-	<<set $supplyTimer = random(7,12)>>
-	<<set $elapsedSupplyTimer = 1>>
-	<<if $menialSupplyFactor > 35000>>
-		<<set $deltaSupply = random(-3,1) * 1000>>
-	<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor < -35000>>
-		<<set $deltaSupply = random(-1,3) * 1000>>
+<<if $menialSupplyFactor <= -35000>>
+	<br>Supply of slaves is approaching a @@.green;''historic low'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.red;''supply will rise''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
+		@@.green;''supply will continue to weaken'',@@ but warn the bottom is in sight.
-		<<set $deltaSupply = random(-2,2) * 1000>>
+		the current supply will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
-	<<set $menialSupplyFactor += $deltaSupply + _supplySlaveVar>>
-	<<if $menialSupplyFactor <= -35000>>
-		<br>Supply of slaves is approaching a @@.green;''historic low'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.red;''supply will rise''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
-			@@.green;''supply will continue to weaken'',@@ but warn the bottom is in sight.
-		<<else>>
-			the current supply will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor <= 20000>>
-		<br>Supply for slaves is @@.green;''very low'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.red;''supply will rise''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
-			@@.green;''supply will continue to weaken''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			the current supply will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor >= 35000>>
-		<br>Supply for slaves is approaching a @@.red;''historic high'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
-			@@.red;''supply will continue to rise'',@@ but warn the peak is in sight.
-		<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.green;''supply will weaken''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			the current supply will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor >= 20000>>
-		<br>Supply for slaves is @@.red;''very high'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
-			@@.red;''supply will continue to rise''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
-			the market will turn and @@.green;''supply will weaken''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			the current supply will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
+<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor <= -20000>>
+	<br>Supply for slaves is @@.green;''very low'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.red;''supply will rise''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
+		@@.green;''supply will continue to weaken''.@@
-		<br>Supply for slaves is @@.yellow;''average'',@@ forecasts predict
-		<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
-			the market will see @@.red;''rising supply''.@@
-		<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
-			the market will see @@.green;''weakening supply''.@@
-		<<else>>
-			@@.yellow;''no change''@@ for the coming months.
-		<</if>>
+		the current supply will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
+	<</if>>
+<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor >= 35000>>
+	<br>Supply for slaves is approaching a @@.red;''historic high'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
+		@@.red;''supply will continue to rise'',@@ but warn the peak is in sight.
+	<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.green;''supply will weaken''.@@
+	<<else>>
+		the current supply will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
+	<</if>>
+<<elseif $menialSupplyFactor >= 20000>>
+	<br>Supply for slaves is @@.red;''very high'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
+		@@.red;''supply will continue to rise''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
+		the market will turn soon and @@.green;''supply will weaken''.@@
+	<<else>>
+		the current supply will @@.yellow;''stabilize''.@@
-	<<set $elapsedSupplyTimer += 1>>
-	<<set $menialSupplyFactor += $deltaSupply + _supplySlaveVar>>
-	<<set $menialSupplyFactor = Math.clamp($menialSupplyFactor,-50000,50000)>>
+	<br>Supply for slaves is @@.yellow;''average'',@@ forecasts predict
+	<<if $deltaSupply > 0>>
+		the market will see @@.red;''rising supply''.@@
+	<<elseif $deltaSupply < 0>>
+		the market will see @@.green;''weakening supply''.@@
+	<<else>>
+		it will @@.yellow;''remain stable''@@ for the coming months.
+	<</if>>
 /* Menial and regular slave markets are part of the same market, e.a. if (menial)slave supply goes up, all slave prices fall.