diff --git a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
index 08bf406babbc1af057e971d7800bd3a673b23955..390969c3b5cab929ad44136985a38ff69ee41bc0 100644
--- a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
+++ b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,18 @@
+	8
+	-induced NCS fixes (you can now actually buy it)
+	-fixes to surname stripping having trouble lowercasing a number and losing its shit
+	7
+	-added anon's induced NCS
+	-tweaks to arm/leg tattoos and how they are managed when slaves lack arms and legs
+	-minor fixes and tweaks
 	-bodyswapping moved out of cheatmode
diff --git a/devNotes/twine JS b/devNotes/twine JS
index a33a38f590bf83a4bc70ab9d41d2ddc38a606488..33fabbb2b6568144cbe8875c36df7dab0f32bdab 100644
--- a/devNotes/twine JS	
+++ b/devNotes/twine JS	
@@ -9514,14 +9514,28 @@ Macro
 /*:: Quick List [script]*/
-window.sortDomObjects = function (objects, attrName)
+window.sortDomObjects = function (objects, attrName, reverse = 0)
+    reverse =   (reverse)
+            ?   -1
+            :   1
+            ;
     var sortingByAttr = function (a, b)
-        var     aVal    =   parseInt(a.getAttribute(attrName))
-            ,   bVal    =   parseInt(b.getAttribute(attrName))
+        var     aVal    =   a.getAttribute(attrName)
+            ,   bVal    =   b.getAttribute(attrName)
+            ;
+        var     aInt    =   parseInt(aVal)
-        return  bVal - aVal;
+        if  (!isNaN(aInt))
+        {
+            return  ((parseInt(bVal) - aInt) * reverse);
+        }
+        else if (bVal > aVal)
+        {
+            return  -1 * reverse;
+        }
+        return  ((aVal == bVal) ? 0 : 1) * reverse;
     return  objects.toArray().sort(sortingByAttr);
@@ -9565,3 +9579,71 @@ window.quickListBuildLinks  =   function ()
             }, $speed);
+window.sortIncubatorPossiblesByName =   function ()
+    var $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =  $('#qlIncubator div.possible').detach();
+    $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =   sortDomObjects($sortedIncubatorPossibles, 'data-name');
+    $($sortedIncubatorPossibles).appendTo($('#qlIncubator'));
+window.sortIncubatorPossiblesByPregnancyWeek    =   function ()
+    var $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =  $('#qlIncubator div.possible').detach();
+    $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =   sortDomObjects($sortedIncubatorPossibles, 'data-preg-week');
+    $($sortedIncubatorPossibles).appendTo($('#qlIncubator'));
+window.sortIncubatorPossiblesByPregnancyCount   =   function ()
+    var $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =  $('#qlIncubator div.possible').detach();
+    $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =   sortDomObjects($sortedIncubatorPossibles, 'data-preg-count');
+    $($sortedIncubatorPossibles).appendTo($('#qlIncubator'));
+window.sortIncubatorPossiblesByReservedSpots    =   function ()
+    var $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =  $('#qlIncubator div.possible').detach();
+    $sortedIncubatorPossibles   =   sortDomObjects($sortedIncubatorPossibles, 'data-reserved-spots');
+    $($sortedIncubatorPossibles).appendTo($('#qlIncubator'));
+window.sortIncubatorPossiblesByPreviousSort    =   function ()
+    var     sort    =   State.variables.sortIncubatorList
+        ;
+console.log('sort', sort);
+    if  ('unsorted' !=  sort)
+    {
+console.log("sort isn't unsorted", sort);
+        if  ('Name' ==  sort)
+        {
+console.log("sort is name", sort);
+            sortIncubatorPossiblesByName();
+        }
+        else if ('Reserved Incubator Spots' ==  sort)
+        {
+console.log("sort is spots", sort);
+            sortIncubatorPossiblesByReservedSpots();
+        }
+        else if ('Pregnancy Week'   ==  sort)
+        {
+console.log("sort is week", sort);
+            sortIncubatorPossiblesByPregnancyWeek();
+        }
+        else if ('Number of Children'   ==  sort)
+        {
+console.log("sort is count", sort);
+            sortIncubatorPossiblesByPregnancyCount();
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw b/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
index a25071758272ac57f07f5ec60c89b9eaeaa15f11..ad76b9edcae9d463a8122acf8fe59100079a4faf 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
+++ b/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 <<set $neighboringArcologies = Math.clamp($neighboringArcologies, 0, 8)>>
 <<for $i = 0; $i <= $neighboringArcologies; $i++>>
-	<<set $activeArcology = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: "north", government: "an individual", leaderID: 0, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, ownership: 50, minority: 20, PCminority: 0, demandFactor: 0, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSAztecRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, CyberEconomic: 1, CyberEconomicTarget: -1, CyberReputation: 1, CyberReputationTarget: -1, rival: 0, FSRestart: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", FSCummunism: "unset", FSIncestFetishist: "unset", FSGenderRadicalistResearch: 0, FSGenderFundamentalistResearch: 0, FSPaternalistResearch: 0, FSDegradationistResearch: 0, FSBodyPuristResearch: 0, FSTransformationFetishistResearch: 0, FSYouthPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSMaturityPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch: 0, FSAssetExpansionistResearch: 0, FSPastoralistResearch: 0, FSPhysicalIdealistResearch: 0, FSRepopulationFocusResearch: 0, FSRestartResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch: 0, FSCummunismResearch: 0, FSIncestFetishistResearch: 0, childFertilityInducedNCSResearch: 0}>>
+	<<set $activeArcology = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: "north", government: "an individual", leaderID: 0, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, ownership: 50, minority: 20, PCminority: 0, demandFactor: 0, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSAztecRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, CyberEconomic: 1, CyberEconomicTarget: -1, CyberReputation: 1, CyberReputationTarget: -1, rival: 0, FSRestart: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", FSCummunism: "unset", FSIncestFetishist: "unset", FSGenderRadicalistResearch: 0, FSGenderFundamentalistResearch: 0, FSPaternalistResearch: 0, FSDegradationistResearch: 0, FSBodyPuristResearch: 0, FSTransformationFetishistResearch: 0, FSYouthPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSMaturityPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch: 0, FSAssetExpansionistResearch: 0, FSPastoralistResearch: 0, FSPhysicalIdealistResearch: 0, FSRepopulationFocusResearch: 0, FSRestartResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch: 0, FSCummunismResearch: 0, FSIncestFetishistResearch: 0}>>
 	<<if $i == 0>>
 		<<set $activeArcology.direction = 0>>
 		<<set $activeArcology.name = "Arcology X-4">>
@@ -256,6 +256,8 @@
 <<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy = 0>>
 <<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistInterest = 0>>
+<<set $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 0>>
 /*Nationalities Setup*/
 <<unset $nationalitiescheck>> /* Removes unique nationalities array to avoid var bloat */
diff --git a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
index db05ef944a17539c1eee20a1264654ec98e9ace4..e4418b4b5c727b5ec1d86308b5bc47c49a488b07 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
                                 <<if $minimumSlaveAge > 8>>
                                         Illegal information for the Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@ (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br>
-                                        "I'm sorry, I can't sell this product to you, even if I wanted to," he says.  "I have this technology, which if applied, would make slaves appear younger than the legal age of majority. I picked up from an exotics dealer, who picked it up from some old world government research center. And yes, I know, this is a black market, and I would be happy to sell it to you, except, you see, too many of the wrong people know I have it, and while the knowledge isn't illegal, selling or using it is. See if I sell this to you, you'd start getting younger looking slaves, and those people would try to take us both down, and since I'm not the master of an arcology, I would probably end up enslaved, and I'm not interested in that.  If only the laws had a lower minimum age for slaves, I could sell this to anyone interested."
+                                        "I'm sorry, I can't sell this product to you, even if I wanted to," he says. "I have this technology, which if applied, would make slaves appear younger than the legal age of majority. I picked up from an exotics dealer, who picked it up from some old world government research center. And yes, I know, this is a black market, and I would be happy to sell it to you, except, you see, too many of the wrong people know I have it, and while the knowledge isn't illegal, selling or using it is. See if I sell this to you, you'd start getting younger looking slaves, and those people would try to take us both down, and since I'm not the master of an arcology, I would probably end up enslaved, and I'm not interested in that. If only the laws had a lower minimum age for slaves, I could sell this to anyone interested."
                                         While the minimum slave age is greater than 8, you cannot purchase this illegal technology for the Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@ (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br>
                                         He notices your interest and lets you read the information [[Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Childhood Fertility Induced NCS"]].
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
                                         <<if $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch == 0>>
                                                 <<if $cash >= 135000>>
                                                         "_toydolls _match _norefunds"<br>
-                                                        [[Purchase childhood fertility @@.orange;induced NCS@@|The Black Market][$cash -= 135000, $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("childFertilityInducedSyndromeX")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>.@@//<br>
+                                                        [[Purchase childhood fertility induced NCS|The Black Market][$cash -= 135000, $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("childFertilityInducedSyndromeX")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>.@@//<br>
                                                         "_toydolls _match _norefunds Or, you know, come back with money."<br>
                                                         You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>@@ for the Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@ (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br>
-                                                He notices your interest and lets you read the information [[Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Childhood Fertility Induced NCS"]].
+                                                He notices your interest and lets you read the information [[Childhood Fertility Induced NCS|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Childhood Fertility Induced NCS"]].
                                                 You already possess the Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@ (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br>
                                                 <<set _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("childhoodFertilityInducedNCS")>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
index 0b766f7d72f2f21337fa0391cd201a0ef6a39447..38d0523ffc149af04b533e38fa0f75982e20a95d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
@@ -752,11 +752,11 @@
 	<<set _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("childhoodFertilityInducedNCS")>>
 	<<set $merchantIllegalWares.push("childhoodFertilityInducedNCS")>>
-<<if ndef $arcologies[0].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch>>
-	<<for _bci = 0; _bci < $arcologies.length; _bci++>>
-		<<set $arcologies[_bci].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 0>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<set $arcologies[0].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 0>>
+<<if ndef $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch>>
+	<<set $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 0>>
+<<if $arcologies[0].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch>>
+	<<unset $arcologies[0].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch>>
 <<if $SFMODToggle == 1 && $securityForceCreate == 1>>