From 0787566756f15afc879d2e288ea47bccadeaae5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: StuffedAnon <>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 16:10:56 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Port wardrobe use to <<options>> macro

 sanityCheck                      |    5 +-
 src/gui/css/optionsMacro.css     |    8 +
 src/gui/css/wardrobeUse.css      |   24 +
 src/js/colorinput.js             |   59 ++
 src/js/optionsMacro.js           |   24 +-
 src/uncategorized/ | 1689 ++++++++----------------------
 6 files changed, 578 insertions(+), 1231 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/gui/css/wardrobeUse.css
 create mode 100644 src/js/colorinput.js

diff --git a/sanityCheck b/sanityCheck
index e7cb57edda8..38f754a4ef5 100755
--- a/sanityCheck
+++ b/sanityCheck
@@ -89,13 +89,14 @@ $GREP -i -E "\Wan (b|c|d|f|g|j|k|l|m|n|p|q|r|s|t|v|w|x|y|z)\w." -- src/*.tw | gr
 $GREP -i "\w$\w" -- src/*.tw | myprint "VarSignMidWord"
 # check for $ sign at beginning of macro
 $GREP '<<\s*\$' -- 'src/*'  | myprint "VarSignAtMacroStart"
-# check our custom option macro is either options,option,optionlt,optionlte,optiongt,optiongte,optiondefault
-$GREP -e '<<option' --and --not -e "<<option\(\|s\|lt\|lte\|gt\|gte\|default\)[ >]" -- 'src/*'  | myprint "OptionUnrecognized"
+# check our custom option macro is either options,option,optionlt,optionlte,optiongt,optiongte,optiondefault,optionstyle,optionif
+$GREP -e '<<option' --and --not -e "<<option\(\|s\|lt\|lte\|gt\|gte\|default\|style\|if\)[ >]" -- 'src/*'  | myprint "OptionUnrecognized"
 # check our custom option macro is: <<option variable "somestring"
 $GREP -e "<<option[lg]te\? " --and --not -e "<<option[lg]te\?\s\+-\?[0-9]\+\s\+-\?[0-9]\+\s\+[\'\"].*[\'\"]" -- 'src/*' | grep -v src/js | myprint "OptionBadArguments1"
 $GREP -e "<<optiondefault " --and --not -e "<<optiondefault\s\+\(-\?[0-9]\+\|[\'\"].*[\'\"]\|false\|true\)\s\+[\'\"].*[\'\"]" -- 'src/*' | grep -v src/js | myprint "OptionBadArguments2"
 $GREP -e "<<option\([lg]t\?\|default\) *>" -- 'src/*' | grep -v src/js | myprint "OptionBadArguments3"
 $GREP -e "<<option " --and --not -e "<<option\s\+\(-\?[0-9]\+\|[\'\"].*[\'\"]\|false\|true\)\s\+[\`\'\"].*[\'\"\`]" -- 'src/*' | grep -v src/js | myprint "OptionBadArguments4"
+$GREP -e "<<if def [^(>]*[&|]" -- 'src/*' | myprint "AddBracketsAroundDef2"
 # check for missing ; before statement
 $GREP 'if $ ' -- 'src/*'  | myprint "missing ; before statement"
 $GREP 'elseif $ ' -- 'src/*'  | myprint "missing ; before statement"
diff --git a/src/gui/css/optionsMacro.css b/src/gui/css/optionsMacro.css
index 110529ba577..74e84466382 100644
--- a/src/gui/css/optionsMacro.css
+++ b/src/gui/css/optionsMacro.css
@@ -63,6 +63,14 @@
 	background: #2F2F2F;
+body.lightTheme .optionMacroOption:hover {
+	background: #DDDDDD;
+body.lightTheme .optionMacroSelected {
+	background: #DDDDDD;
 .optionMacroSelected {
 	background: #2F2F2F;
 	padding: 0 10px;
diff --git a/src/gui/css/wardrobeUse.css b/src/gui/css/wardrobeUse.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ac2e643af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/css/wardrobeUse.css
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* Stylesheet for */
+#passage-wardrobe-use .optionMacro {
+	display: inline;
+#passage-wardrobe-use .optionDescription {
+	width: unset;
+	text-align: left;
+#passage-wardrobe-use .optionValue {
+	display: flex;
+#passage-wardrobe-use .optionMacroOption {
+	flex-grow: 1;
+/* Last line shouldn't grow */
+#passage-wardrobe-use .optionValue::after {
+    flex-grow: 1000000000;
+    content: '';
diff --git a/src/js/colorinput.js b/src/js/colorinput.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1c9e0ffe7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/js/colorinput.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Macro.add("colorinput", {
+	handler: function() {
+		if (this.args.length < 2) {
+			var e = [];
+			return this.args.length < 1 && e.push("variable name"), this.args.length < 2 && e.push("default value"), this.error("no " + e.join(" or ") + " specified")
+		}
+		if ("string" != typeof this.args[0]) return this.error("variable name argument is not a string");
+		var varName = this.args[0].trim();
+		if ("$" !== varName[0] && "_" !== varName[0]) return this.error('variable name "' + this.args[0] + '" is missing its sigil ($ or _)');
+		Config.debug && this.debugView.modes({
+			block: true
+		});
+		var r = Util.slugify(varName);
+		var value = this.args[1];
+		var inputElement = document.createElement("input"),
+			passage = void 0;
+		var setargs = null;
+		if (this.args.length > 3) {
+			passage = this.args[2];
+		} else if (this.args.length > 2) {
+			passage = this.args[2];
+		}
+		if (passage !== (void 0) && _typeof(passage) === "object") {
+			passage =;
+		}
+		if (!passage) {
+			passage = State.passage;
+		}
+		function gotoPassage() {
+			if (passage) {
+				var currentScrollPosition = window.pageYOffset;
+				var currentPassage = State.passage;
+				if (setargs) {
+					Scripting.evalTwineScript(setargs);
+				}
+				if (currentPassage == passage) {
+					Scripting.evalJavaScript("window.scrollTo(0, " + currentScrollPosition + ");");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		jQuery(inputElement).attr({
+			id: + "-" + r,
+			name: + "-" + r,
+			type: 'color',
+			value: value,
+			tabindex: 0
+		}).addClass("macro-" +
+		.on("change", function() {
+			State.setVar(varName, this.value);
+			if (this.value != value) { // If the value has actually changed, reload the page.  Note != and not !== because types might be different
+				gotoPassage();
+			}
+		})
+		.appendTo(this.output);
+	}
diff --git a/src/js/optionsMacro.js b/src/js/optionsMacro.js
index a8f6f24805d..25de71e2e3c 100644
--- a/src/js/optionsMacro.js
+++ b/src/js/optionsMacro.js
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 Macro.add('options', {
 	skipArgs : false,
-	tags	 : ['option', 'comment', 'optionlt', 'optionlte', 'optiongt', 'optiongte', 'optiondefault'],
+	tags	 : ['option', 'comment', 'optionlt', 'optionlte', 'optiongt', 'optiongte',
+				'optiondefault', 'optionif'],
 	handler : function () {
 		try {
 			var currentOption = this.payload[0].args[0];
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ Macro.add('options', {
 							found_index = i;
 					} else if (this.payload[i].name === 'comment') {
+					} else if (this.payload[i].name === 'optionif') {
 					} else {
 						throw new Error("Only valid tag is 'option' inside 'options'");
@@ -115,11 +117,27 @@ Macro.add('options', {
 			var showSelectedOption = true; //this.payload.length !== 3 || !description;
 			/* Now print out the list of options */
 			var output = "";
+			var optionIfIsFalse = false;
 			for (let i = 1, len = this.payload.length; i < len; ++i) {
-				if (this.payload[i].name.startsWith('option')) {
+				if (this.payload[i].name === "optionif") {
+					if (this.payload[i].args.length === 0) {
+						optionIfIsFalse = false; /* No options means to turn off optionif */
+					} else if (this.payload[i].args.length === 1) {
+						// Evaluate it and see if is false
+						if (typeof(this.payload[i].args[0]) !== 'boolean') {
+							throw new Error("optionif requires true or false for the first (and only) parameter");
+						}
+						optionIfIsFalse = !this.payload[i].args[0];
+					} else {
+						throw new Error("Only one argument expected to 'optionif'");
+					}
+					continue;
+				}
+				if (optionIfIsFalse) {
+					continue;
+				} else if (this.payload[i].name.startsWith('option')) {
 					var args = this.payload[i].args;
 					var hasComparitor = this.payload[i].name !== "option" && this.payload[i].name !== "optiondefault";
 					var argText = args[hasComparitor ? 2 : 1] || "";
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 62d97e650f2..0537e3beee6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 <<set $encyclopedia = "The Wardrobe">>
 <<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
+<<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = ($activeSlave.clothes == "choosing her own clothes" ? 1 : 0)>>
 <h1>The Wardrobe</h1>
 //$activeSlave.slaveName <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>stands on<<else>>has been placed on a cushion atop<</if>> a small platform surrounded by mirrors and an array of clothing options. $He is awaiting your fashion choices.//
@@ -14,1277 +16,512 @@
 /* 000-250-006 */
 <<if $seeImages == 1>>
-<<if $imageChoice == 1>>
-	<div class="imageRef lrgVector"><div class="mask">&nbsp;</div><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 3 0>></div>
-	<div class="imageRef lrgRender"><div class="mask">&nbsp;</div><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 3 0>></div>
+	<<if $imageChoice == 1>>
+		<div class="imageRef lrgVector"><div class="mask">&nbsp;</div><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 3 0>></div>
+	<<else>>
+		<div class="imageRef lrgRender"><div class="mask">&nbsp;</div><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 3 0>></div>
+	<</if>>
 /* 000-250-006 */
-<<link "''//Update//''">>
-	<<goto "Wardrobe Use">>
-all descriptions to show what $he is currently wearing?
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0>> /* begin fuckdoll check */
-Clothes: ''<span id="clothes">$activeSlave.clothes</span>.''
-<<link "Let $him choose">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "choosing her own clothes",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 1>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<span id="clothingDescription"><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//</span>
-<<link "Apron">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "an apron",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a ball gown")>>
-	| <<link "Ballgown">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a ball gown",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Bangles">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "slutty jewelry",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("battlearmor")>>
-	| <<link "Battlearmor">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "battlearmor",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("battledress")>>
-	| <<link "Battledress">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "battledress",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a biyelgee costume")>>
-	| <<link "Biyelgee costume">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a biyelgee costume",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Bodysuit">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a comfortable bodysuit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("boyshorts")>>
-	| <<link "Boyshorts">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "boyshorts",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a bra")>>
-	| <<link "Bra">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a bra",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a burkini")>>
-	| <<link "Burkini">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a burkini",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a burqa")>>
-	| <<link "Burqa">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a burqa",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a button-up shirt and panties")>>
-	| <<link "Button-up shirt and panties">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a button-up shirt and panties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a button-up shirt")>>
-	| <<link "Button-up shirt">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a button-up shirt",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Cheerleader">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a cheerleader outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Clubslut netting">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "clubslut netting",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Cutoffs and t-shirt">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "cutoffs and a t-shirt",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("cutoffs")>>
-	| <<link "Cutoffs">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "cutoffs",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a cybersuit")>>
-	| <<link "Cybersuit">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a cybersuit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a dirndl")>>
-	| <<link "Dirndl">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a dirndl",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Fallen nun">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a fallen nuns habit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a gothic lolita dress")>>
-	| <<link "Gothic lolita dress">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a gothic lolita dress",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a halter top dress")>>
-	| <<link "Haltertop dress">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a halter top dress",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a hanbok")>>
-	| <<link "Hanbok">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a hanbok",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Hijab and abaya">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a hijab and abaya",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a hijab and blouse")>>
-	| <<link "Hijab and blouse">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a hijab and blouse",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("jeans")>>
-	| <<link "Jeans">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "jeans",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("kitty lingerie")>>
-	| <<link "Kitty lingerie">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "kitty lingerie",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a klan robe")>>
-	| <<link "Ku Klux Klan robe (nice)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a klan robe",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a slutty klan robe")>>
-	| <<link "Ku Klux Klan robe (slutty)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slutty klan robe",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a latex catsuit")>>
-	| <<link "Latex catsuit">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a latex catsuit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("leather pants and a tube top")>>
-	| <<link "Leather pants and a tube top">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "leather pants and a tube top",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("leather pants and pasties")>>
-	| <<link "Leather pants and pasties">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "leather pants and pasties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("leather pants")>>
-	| <<link "Leather pants">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "leather pants",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("lederhosen")>>
-	| <<link "Lederhosen">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "lederhosen",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Leotard">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a leotard",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a nice maid outfit")>>
-	| <<link "Maid (nice)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a nice maid outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Maid (slutty)">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slutty maid outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a military uniform")>>
-	| <<link "Military uniform">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a military uniform",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a mini dress")>>
-	| <<link "Mini dress">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a mini dress",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a monokini")>>
-	| <<link "Monokini">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a monokini",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a mounty outfit")>>
-	| <<link "Mounty outfit">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a mounty outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Nice lingerie">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "attractive lingerie",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a niqab and abaya")>>
-	| <<link "Niqab and abaya">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a niqab and abaya",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a nice nurse outfit")>>
-	| <<link "Nurse (nice)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a nice nurse outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Nurse (slutty)">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slutty nurse outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a one-piece swimsuit")>>
-	| <<link "One-piece swimsuit">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a one-piece swimsuit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Overalls">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "overalls",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts")>>
-	| <<link "Oversized t-shirt and boyshorts">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("an oversized t-shirt")>>
-	| <<link "Oversized t-shirt">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "an oversized t-shirt",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("panties and pasties")>>
-	| <<link "Panties and pasties">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "panties and pasties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Panties">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "panties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a police uniform")>>
-	| <<link "Police uniform">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a police uniform",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a nice pony outfit")>>
-	| <<link "Pony outfit (nice)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a nice pony outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a slutty pony outfit")>>
-	| <<link "Pony outfit (slutty)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slutty pony outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a red army uniform")>>
-	| <<link "Red Army uniform">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a red army uniform",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a Santa dress")>>
-	| <<link "Santa dress">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a Santa dress",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Scalemail bikini">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a scalemail bikini",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Schoolgirl">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a schoolgirl outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a schutzstaffel uniform")>>
-	| <<link "Schutzstaffel uniform (nice)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a schutzstaffel uniform",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a slutty schutzstaffel uniform")>>
-	| <<link "Schutzstaffel uniform (slutty)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a skimpy loincloth")>>
-	| <<link "Skimpy loincloth">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a skimpy loincloth",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a slave gown")>>
-	| <<link "Slave gown">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slave gown",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Slutty outfit">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slutty outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Spats and a tank-top">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "spats and a tank top",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("sport shorts and a sports bra")>>
-	| <<link "Sport shorts and a sports bra">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "sport shorts and a sports bra",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("sport shorts and a t-shirt")>>
-	| <<link "Sport shorts and a t-shirt">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "sport shorts and a t-shirt",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("sport shorts")>>
-	| <<link "Sport shorts">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "sport shorts",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a sports bra")>>
-	| <<link "Sports bra">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a sports bra",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "String Bikini">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a string bikini",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a striped bra")>>
-	| <<link "Striped bra">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a striped bra",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("striped panties")>>
-	| <<link "Striped panties">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "striped panties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("striped underwear")>>
-	| <<link "Striped underwear">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "striped underwear",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Succubus costume">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a succubus outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("nice business attire")>>
-	| <<link "Suit (nice)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "nice business attire",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Suit (slutty)">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "slutty business attire",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a sweater and cutoffs")>>
-	| <<link "Sweater and cutoffs">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a sweater and cutoffs",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a sweater and panties")>>
-	| <<link "Sweater and panties">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a sweater and panties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a sweater")>>
-	| <<link "Sweater">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a sweater",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a t-shirt and jeans")>>
-	| <<link "T-shirt and jeans">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a t-shirt and jeans",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a t-shirt and panties")>>
-	| <<link "T-shirt and panties">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a t-shirt and panties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a t-shirt and thong")>>
-	| <<link "T-shirt and thong">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a t-shirt and thong",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a t-shirt")>>
-	| <<link "T-shirt">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a t-shirt",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a tank-top and panties")>>
-	| <<link "Tank-top and panties">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a tank-top and panties",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a tank-top")>>
-	| <<link "Tank-top">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a tank-top",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a thong")>>
-	| <<link "Thong">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a thong",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a tube top and thong")>>
-	| <<link "Tube top and thong">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a tube top and thong",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a tube top")>>
-	| <<link "Tube top">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a tube top",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a bunny outfit")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Bunny outfit">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a bunny outfit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("body oil")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Body oil">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "body oil",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a chattel habit")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Chattel habit">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a chattel habit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("conservative clothing")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Conservative clothing">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "conservative clothing",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("harem gauze")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Harem gauze">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "harem gauze",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a huipil")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Huipil">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a huipil",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a kimono")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Kimono">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a kimono",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a maternity dress")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Maternity dress">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a maternity dress",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a slutty qipao")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Qipao (slutty)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a slutty qipao",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a long qipao")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Qipao (nice)">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a long qipao",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("stretch pants and a crop-top")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Stretch pants and a crop-top">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "stretch pants and a crop-top",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a toga")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Toga">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a toga",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("Western clothing")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Western clothing">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "Western clothing",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<link "Go naked">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "no clothing", $activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("chains")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Chains">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "chains",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-		<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Penitent nun">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a penitent nuns habit",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Restrictive latex">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "restrictive latex",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Shibari ropes">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "shibari ropes",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Uncomfortable straps">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "uncomfortable straps",$activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes = 0>>
-	<<replace "#clothes">>$activeSlave.clothes<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#clothingDescription">><br>//<<ClothingDescription>>//<</replace>>
+	Clothes: ''$activeSlave.clothes''.
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;[["Let " + $him + " choose"|Wardrobe Use][$activeSlave.clothes = "choosing her own clothes"]]
+	<br>
+	//<<ClothingDescription>>//
+	<br>
+	<<options $activeSlave.clothes>>
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Nice://
+		<<option "an apron" "Apron">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a ball gown")`>>
+			<<option "a ball gown" "Ballgown">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "slutty jewelry" "Bangles">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("battlearmor")`>>
+			<<option "battlearmor"  "Battlearmor">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("battledress")`>>
+			<<option "battledress"  "Battledress">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a biyelgee costume")`>>
+			<<option "a biyelgee costume"  "Biyelgee costume">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a comfortable bodysuit"  "Bodysuit">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("boyshorts")`>>
+			<<option "boyshorts"  "Boyshorts">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a bra")`>>
+			<<option "a bra"  "Bra">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a burkini")`>>
+			<<option "a burkini"  "Burkini">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a burqa")`>>
+			<<option "a burqa"  "Burqa">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a button-up shirt and panties")`>>
+			<<option "a button-up shirt and panties"  "Button-up shirt and panties">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a button-up shirt")`>>
+			<<option "a button-up shirt"  "Button-up shirt">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a cheerleader outfit"  "Cheerleader">>
+		<<option "clubslut netting"  "Clubslut netting">>
+		<<option "cutoffs and a t-shirt"  "Cutoffs and t-shirt">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("cutoffs")`>>
+			<<option "cutoffs"  "Cutoffs">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a cybersuit")`>>
+			<<option "a cybersuit"  "Cybersuit">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a dirndl")`>>
+			<<option "a dirndl"  "Dirndl">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a fallen nuns habit"  "Fallen nun">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a gothic lolita dress")`>>
+			<<option "a gothic lolita dress"  "Gothic lolita dress">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a halter top dress")`>>
+			<<option "a halter top dress"  "Haltertop dress">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a hanbok")`>>
+			<<option "a hanbok"  "Hanbok">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a hijab and abaya"  "Hijab and abaya">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a hijab and blouse")`>>
+			<<option "a hijab and blouse"  "Hijab and blouse">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("jeans")`>>
+			<<option "jeans"  "Jeans">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("kitty lingerie")`>>
+			<<option "kitty lingerie"  "Kitty lingerie">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a klan robe")`>>
+			<<option "a klan robe"  "Ku Klux Klan robe (nice)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a slutty klan robe")`>>
+			<<option "a slutty klan robe"  "Ku Klux Klan robe (slutty)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a latex catsuit")`>>
+			<<option "a latex catsuit"  "Latex catsuit">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("leather pants and a tube top")`>>
+			<<option "leather pants and a tube top"  "Leather pants and a tube top">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("leather pants and pasties")`>>
+			<<option "leather pants and pasties"  "Leather pants and pasties">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("leather pants")`>>
+			<<option "leather pants"  "Leather pants">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("lederhosen")`>>
+			<<option "lederhosen"  "Lederhosen">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a leotard"  "Leotard">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a nice maid outfit")`>>
+			<<option "a nice maid outfit"  "Maid (nice)">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a slutty maid outfit"  "Maid (slutty)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a military uniform")`>>
+			<<option "a military uniform"  "Military uniform">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a mini dress")`>>
+			<<option "a mini dress"  "Mini dress">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a monokini")`>>
+			<<option "a monokini"  "Monokini">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a mounty outfit")`>>
+			<<option "a mounty outfit"  "Mounty outfit">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "attractive lingerie"  "Nice lingerie">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a niqab and abaya")`>>
+			<<option "a niqab and abaya"  "Niqab and abaya">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a nice nurse outfit")`>>
+			<<option "a nice nurse outfit"  "Nurse (nice)">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a slutty nurse outfit"  "Nurse (slutty)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a one-piece swimsuit")`>>
+			<<option "a one-piece swimsuit"  "One-piece swimsuit">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "overalls"  "Overalls">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts")`>>
+			<<option "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts"  "Oversized t-shirt and boyshorts">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("an oversized t-shirt")`>>
+			<<option "an oversized t-shirt"  "Oversized t-shirt">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("panties and pasties")`>>
+			<<option "panties and pasties"  "Panties and pasties">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "panties"  "Panties">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a police uniform")`>>
+			<<option "a police uniform"  "Police uniform">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a nice pony outfit")`>>
+			<<option "a nice pony outfit"  "Pony outfit (nice)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a slutty pony outfit")`>>
+			<<option "a slutty pony outfit"  "Pony outfit (slutty)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a red army uniform")`>>
+			<<option "a red army uniform"  "Red Army uniform">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a Santa dress")`>>
+			<<option "a Santa dress"  "Santa dress">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a scalemail bikini"  "Scalemail bikini">>
+		<<option "a schoolgirl outfit"  "Schoolgirl">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a schutzstaffel uniform")`>>
+			<<option "a schutzstaffel uniform"  "Schutzstaffel uniform (nice)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a slutty schutzstaffel uniform")`>>
+			<<option "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform"  "Schutzstaffel uniform (slutty)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a skimpy loincloth")`>>
+			<<option "a skimpy loincloth"  "Skimpy loincloth">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a slave gown")`>>
+			<<option "a slave gown"  "Slave gown">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a slutty outfit"  "Slutty outfit">>
+		<<option "spats and a tank top"  "Spats and a tank-top">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("sport shorts and a sports bra")`>>
+			<<option "sport shorts and a sports bra"  "Sport shorts and a sports bra">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("sport shorts and a t-shirt")`>>
+			<<option "sport shorts and a t-shirt"  "Sport shorts and a t-shirt">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("sport shorts")`>>
+			<<option "sport shorts"  "Sport shorts">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a sports bra")`>>
+			<<option "a sports bra"  "Sports bra">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a string bikini"  "String Bikini">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a striped bra")`>>
+			<<option "a striped bra"  "Striped bra">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("striped panties")`>>
+			<<option "striped panties"  "Striped panties">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("striped underwear")`>>
+			<<option "striped underwear"  "Striped underwear">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a succubus outfit"  "Succubus costume">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("nice business attire")`>>
+			<<option "nice business attire"  "Suit (nice)">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "slutty business attire"  "Suit (slutty)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a sweater and cutoffs")`>>
+			<<option "a sweater and cutoffs"  "Sweater and cutoffs">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a sweater and panties")`>>
+			<<option "a sweater and panties"  "Sweater and panties">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a sweater")`>>
+			<<option "a sweater"  "Sweater">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a t-shirt and jeans")`>>
+			<<option "a t-shirt and jeans"  "T-shirt and jeans">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a t-shirt and panties")`>>
+			<<option "a t-shirt and panties"  "T-shirt and panties">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a t-shirt and thong")`>>
+			<<option "a t-shirt and thong"  "T-shirt and thong">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a t-shirt")`>>
+			<<option "a t-shirt"  "T-shirt">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a tank-top and panties")`>>
+			<<option "a tank-top and panties"  "Tank-top and panties">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a tank-top")`>>
+			<<option "a tank-top"  "Tank-top">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a thong")`>>
+			<<option "a thong"  "Thong">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a tube top and thong")`>>
+			<<option "a tube top and thong"  "Tube top and thong">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a tube top")`>>
+			<<option "a tube top"  "Tube top">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman")`>>
+			<<option "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman" "Attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a bunny outfit")`>>
+			<<option "a bunny outfit" "Bunny outfit">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("body oil")`>>
+			<<option "body oil" "Body oil">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a chattel habit")`>>
+			<<option "a chattel habit" "Chattel habit">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("conservative clothing")`>>
+			<<option "conservative clothing" "Conservative clothing">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("harem gauze")`>>
+			<<option "harem gauze" "Harem gauze">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a huipil")`>>
+			<<option "a huipil" "Huipil">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a kimono")`>>
+			<<option "a kimono" "Kimono">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a maternity dress")`>>
+			<<option "a maternity dress" "Maternity dress">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a slutty qipao")`>>
+			<<option "a slutty qipao" "Qipao (slutty)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a long qipao")`>>
+			<<option "a long qipao" "Qipao (nice)">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("stretch pants and a crop-top")`>>
+			<<option "stretch pants and a crop-top" "Stretch pants and a crop-top">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a toga")`>>
+			<<option "a toga" "Toga">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("Western clothing")`>>
+			<<option "Western clothing" "Western clothing">>
+		<<optionif>>
+	<</options>>
+	<<options $activeSlave.clothes>>
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Harsh://
+		<<option "no clothing" "Go naked">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("chains")`>>
+			<<option "chains" "Chains">>
+		<<optionif>>
+		<<option "a penitent nuns habit" "Penitent nun">>
+		<<option "restrictive latex" "Restrictive latex">>
+		<<option "shibari ropes" "Shibari ropes">>
+		<<option "uncomfortable straps" "Uncomfortable straps">>
+	<</options>>
 <</if>> /* closes fuckdoll check for color picker */
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll != 0 || $activeSlave.clothes == "restrictive latex" || $activeSlave.clothes == "a latex catsuit" || $activeSlave.clothes == "a cybersuit" || $activeSlave.clothes == "a comfortable bodysuit">>
-<<if ($seeImages == 1) && ($imageChoice == 1)>>
-	/* prepare display of currently selected color. */
-	/* TODO: update currently selected color upon outfit select */
-	/* _clothingBaseColor is set by display (Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Shoe_), but not all outfits define a color. */
-	/* _skinColour is used as fallback default (set by Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Skin_). */
-	<<set _clothingBaseColor = _skinColour >>
-	<<if def _outfitBaseColour>>
-		/* set default color predefined by choice of outfit */
-		<<set _clothingBaseColor = _outfitBaseColour>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if def $activeSlave.clothingBaseColor>>
-		/* regard current user selection */
-		<<set _clothingBaseColor = $activeSlave.clothingBaseColor>>
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Color://&nbsp;&nbsp;
+	<<if ($seeImages == 1) && ($imageChoice == 1)>>
+		/* prepare display of currently selected color. */
+		/* TODO: update currently selected color upon outfit select */
+		/* _clothingBaseColor is set by display (Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Shoe_), but not all outfits define a color. */
+		/* _skinColour is used as fallback default (set by Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Skin_). */
+		<<set _clothingBaseColor = _skinColour >>
+		<<if def _outfitBaseColour>>
+			/* set default color predefined by choice of outfit */
+			<<set _clothingBaseColor = _outfitBaseColour>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<if def $activeSlave.clothingBaseColor>>
+			/* regard current user selection */
+			<<set _clothingBaseColor = $activeSlave.clothingBaseColor>>
+		<</if>>
+		/* Display an HTML5 color picker */
+		<<colorinput "$activeSlave.clothingBaseColor" _clothingBaseColor "Wardrobe Use">>
+		<<if def $activeSlave.clothingBaseColor>>
+			&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Reset default color|Wardrobe Use][delete $activeSlave.clothingBaseColor]]
+		<</if>>
+		<<unset _clothingBaseColor>> /* clean up temporary variable */
+	<<else>>
+		//Custom outfit color is currently only used for embedded vector art by NoX &amp; deepmurk.//
-	/* Display an HTML5 color picker */
-	/* This is hackish due to direct access of SugarCube internal data structure. Improvements are welcome. */
-	<<print '<input type="color" value="'+_clothingBaseColor+'" onInput="SugarCube.State.variables.activeSlave.clothingBaseColor =;">'>>
-	<<link "use default color">>
-		<<run delete $activeSlave.clothingBaseColor >>
-		/* reload passage to display everything correctly */
-		<<goto "Wardrobe Use">>
-	<</link>>
-	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Note: Only latex outfits support a custom color.//
-	<<unset _clothingBaseColor>> /* clean up temporary variable */
-	//Custom outfit color is currently only used for embedded vector art by NoX &amp; deepmurk.//
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0>> /* begin fuckdoll check */
-<br>Collar: ''<span id="collar">$activeSlave.collar</span>.''
+Collar: ''$activeSlave.collar.''
 <<if $activeSlave.collar != "none">>
-	<<link "Remove">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.collar = "none">>
-		<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<span id="collarDescription"><br>//<<collarDescription>>//</span>
-<<link "Stylish leather">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "stylish leather">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Satin choker">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "satin choker">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Silken ribbon">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "silk ribbon">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Heavy gold">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "heavy gold">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Pretty jewelry">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "pretty jewelry">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if ($seeAge != 0)>>
-	| <<link "Nice retirement counter">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.collar = "nice retirement counter">>
-		<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Bell">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "bell collar">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Cowbell">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "leather with cowbell">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("bowtie")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Bowtie collar">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.collar = "bowtie">>
-		<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("ancient Egyptian")>>
-	| //FS// <<link "Ancient Egyptian">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "ancient Egyptian">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Remove|Wardrobe Use][$activeSlave.collar = "none"]]
+<<options $activeSlave.collar>>
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Nice://
+	<<option "stylish leather" "Stylish leather">>
+	<<option "satin choker" "Satin choker">>
+	<<option "silk ribbon" "Silken ribbon">>
+	<<option "heavy gold" "Heavy gold">>
+	<<option "pretty jewelry" "Pretty jewelry">>
+	<<optionif `$seeAge != 0`>>
+		<<option "nice retirement counter" "Nice retirement counter">>
+	<<optionif>>
+	<<option "bell collar" "Bell">>
+	<<option "leather with cowbell" "Cowbell">>
+	<<optionif `isItemAccessible("bowtie")`>>
+		<<option "bowtie" "Bowtie collar">>
+	<<optionif `isItemAccessible("ancient Egyptian")`>>
+		<<option "ancient Egyptian" "Ancient Egyptian">>
+	<<optionif>>
+<<options $activeSlave.collar>>
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Harsh://
+	<<option "tight steel" "Tight steel">>
+	<<optionif `$seeAge != 0`>>
+		<<option "cruel retirement counter" "Cruel retirement counter">>
+	<<optionif>>
+	<<option "uncomfortable leather" "Uncomfortable leather">>
+	<<optionif `$activeSlave.preg > -1 && ($activeSlave.ovaries == 1 || $activeSlave.mpreg == 1) && $seePreg != 0`>>
+		<<option "preg biometrics" "Pregnancy biometrics">>
+	<<optionif>>
+	<<option "shock punishment" "Shock punishment">>
+	<<option "dildo gag" "Dildo gag">>
+	<<optionif `isItemAccessible("massive dildo gag") && $activeSlave.oralSkill > 50`>>
+		<<option "massive dildo gag" "Massive dildo gag">>
+	<<optionif>>
+	<<option "ball gag" "Ball gag">>
+	<<option "bit gag" "Bit gag">>
+	<<option "neck corset" "Neck corset">>
+	<<option "porcelain mask" "Porcelain mask">>
-<<link "Tight steel">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "tight steel">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if ($seeAge != 0)>>
-	| <<link "Cruel retirement counter">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.collar = "cruel retirement counter">>
-		<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Uncomfortable leather">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "uncomfortable leather">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if $activeSlave.preg > -1 && ($activeSlave.ovaries == 1 || $activeSlave.mpreg == 1) && $seePreg != 0>>
-	| <<link "Pregnancy biometrics">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.collar = "preg biometrics">>
-		<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Shock punishment">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "shock punishment">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Dildo gag">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "dildo gag">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("massive dildo gag")>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.oralSkill > 50>>
-		| <<link "Massive dildo gag">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.collar = "massive dildo gag">>
-			<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-	<<else>>
-		| Massive dildo gag
-	<</if>>
-| <<link "Ball gag">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "ball gag">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Bit gag">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "bit gag">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Neck corset">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "neck corset">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Porcelain mask">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "porcelain mask">>
-	<<replace "#collar">>$activeSlave.collar<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#collarDescription">><br>//<<collarDescription>>//<</replace>>
 <<if $activeSlave.eyewear == "corrective glasses" || $activeSlave.eyewear == "glasses" || $activeSlave.eyewear == "blurring glasses" || $activeSlave.collar == "porcelain mask">>
-<<if ($seeImages == 1) && ($imageChoice == 1)>>
-	/* prepare display of currently selected color. */
-	/* _glassesColor is always set by display (Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Outfit_) */
-	<<if def $activeSlave.glassesColor>>
-		/* regard current user selection */
-		<<set _glassesColor = $activeSlave.glassesColor>>
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Color://
+	<<if ($seeImages == 1) && ($imageChoice == 1)>>
+		/* prepare display of currently selected color. */
+		/* _glassesColor is always set by display (Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Outfit_) */
+		<<if def $activeSlave.glassesColor>>
+			/* regard current user selection */
+			<<set _glassesColor = $activeSlave.glassesColor>>
+		<</if>>
+		/* Display an HTML5 color picker */
+		<<colorinput "$activeSlave.glassesColor" _glassesColor "Wardrobe Use">>
+		<<if def $activeSlave.glassesColor>>
+			[[use default color|Wardrobe Use][delete $activeSlave.glassesColor]]
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Note: Only glasses and porcelain masks support a custom color. If both are worn, they will share the same color.//<br>
-	/* Display an HTML5 color picker */
-	/* This is hackish due to direct access of SugarCube internal data structure. Improvements are welcome. */
-	<<print '<input type="color" value="'+_glassesColor+'" onInput="SugarCube.State.variables.activeSlave.glassesColor =;">'>>
-	<<link "use default color">>
-		<<run delete $activeSlave.glassesColor >>
-		/* reload passage to display everything correctly */
-		<<goto "Wardrobe Use">>
-	<</link>>
-	<br>
-	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Note: Only glasses and porcelain masks support a custom color. If both are worn, they will share the same color.//
 <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>
-	<br>Shoes: ''<span id="shoes">$</span>.''
-	<span id="shoeDescription"><br>//$He is<<if $ == "none">>n't wearing any shoes.<<else>> wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>><</if>>//</span>
-	<<link "Go barefoot">>
-		<<set $ = "none">>
-		<<replace "#shoes">>$<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#shoeDescription">><br>//$He is wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	| <<link "Flats">>
-		<<set $ = "flats">>
-		<<replace "#shoes">>$<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#shoeDescription">><br>//$He is wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	| <<link "Heels">>
-		<<set $ = "heels">>
-		<<replace "#shoes">>$<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#shoeDescription">><br>//$He is wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	| <<link "Pumps">>
-		<<set $ = "pumps">>
-		<<replace "#shoes">>$<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#shoeDescription">><br>//$He is wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	| <<link "Thigh boots">>
-		<<set $ = "boots">>
-		<<replace "#shoes">>$<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#shoeDescription">><br>//$He is wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	| <<link "Painfully extreme heels">>
-		<<set $ = "extreme heels">>
-		<<replace "#shoes">>$<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#shoeDescription">><br>//$He is wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if ($seeImages == 1) && ($imageChoice == 1)>>
-	/* prepare display of currently selected color. */
-	/* _shoeColour is always set by display (Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Shoe_) */
-	/* TODO: update currently selected color upon shoe select */
-	<<if def $activeSlave.shoeColor>>
-		/* regard current user selection */
-		<<set _shoeColour = $activeSlave.shoeColor>>
-	<</if>>
-	/* Display an HTML5 color picker */
-	/* This is hackish due to direct access of SugarCube internal data structure. Improvements are welcome. */
-	<<print '<input type="color" value="'+_shoeColour+'" onInput="SugarCube.State.variables.activeSlave.shoeColor =;">'>>
-	<<link "use default color">>
-		<<run delete $activeSlave.shoeColor >>
-		/* reload passage to display everything correctly */
-		<<goto "Wardrobe Use">>
-	<</link>>
+	Feet and legs: ''$''
+	<<if $activeSlave.legAccessory != "none">> with ''$activeSlave.legAccessory''<</if>>
-<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>
-	<br>Leg accessory: ''<span id="legAccessory">$activeSlave.legAccessory</span>.''
+	//$He is<<if $ == "none">>n't wearing any shoes.<<else>> wearing<<footwearDescription>><<heelDescription>><</if>>//
+	<br>
+	<<options $>>
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shoes:
+		<<option "none" "Go barefoot">>
+		<<option "flats" "Flats">>
+		<<option "heels" "Heels">>
+		<<option "pumps" "Pumps">>
+		<<option "boots" "Thigh boots">>
+		<<option "extreme heels" "Painfully extreme heels">>
+	<</options>>
+	<<options $activeSlave.legAccessory>>
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stockings:
+		<<option "none" "None">>
+		<<option "short stockings" "Short Stockings">>
+		<<option "long stockings" "Long Stockings">>
+	<</options>>
+	<<if ($seeImages == 1) && ($imageChoice == 1) && $ != "none">>
+		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Color://&nbsp;&nbsp;
+		/* prepare display of currently selected color. */
+		/* _shoeColour is always set by display (Art_Vector_Set_Colour_Shoe_) */
+		/* TODO: update currently selected color upon shoe select */
+		<<if def $activeSlave.shoeColor>>
+			/* regard current user selection */
+			<<set _shoeColour = $activeSlave.shoeColor>>
+		<</if>>
+		/* Display an HTML5 color picker */
+		<<colorinput "$activeSlave.shoeColor" _shoeColour>>
+		<<if def $activeSlave.shoeColor>>
+			&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Reset default color|Wardrobe Use][delete $activeSlave.shoeColor]]
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<</if>>
-	<<link "None">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.legAccessory = "none">>
-		<<replace "#legAccessory">>$activeSlave.legAccessory<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	| <<link "Short Stockings">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.legAccessory = "short stockings">>
-		<<replace "#legAccessory">>$activeSlave.legAccessory<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	| <<link "Long Stockings">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.legAccessory = "long stockings">>
-		<<replace "#legAccessory">>$activeSlave.legAccessory<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<br>Torso accessory: ''<span id="bellyAccessory">$activeSlave.bellyAccessory</span>.''
-<span id="bellyAccessoryDescription">//<<if $activeSlave.bellyAccessory != "none">><br><</if>><<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//</span>
+Torso accessory: ''$activeSlave.bellyAccessory.''
-<<link "None">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "none">>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Tight corset">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a corset">>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">><br>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-| <<link "Extreme corset">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "an extreme corset">>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">><br>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.belly > 10000)>>
-| <<link "Supportive band">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a support band">>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">><br>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("a small empathy belly")>> /* works for all of them */
-	<<if $activeSlave.belly < 1500 && $activeSlave.weight < 130>>
-		| <<link "1st Trimester belly">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a small empathy belly">>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">><br>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		| <<link "2nd Trimester belly">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a medium empathy belly">>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">><br>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		| <<link "3rd Trimester belly">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a large empathy belly">>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">><br>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		| <<link "3rd Trimester twins belly">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a huge empathy belly">>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#bellyAccessoryDescription">><br>//<<clothingCorsetDescription>><<CorsetPiercingDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-	<<else>>
-		| $His stomach is too big to fit an empathy belly around.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>
-	//Extreme corsets will endanger the life within $him.//
+<<options $activeSlave.bellyAccessory>>
+	<<option "none" "None">>
+	<<option "a corset" "Tight corset">>
+	<<optionif `($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)`>>
+		<<option "an extreme corset" "Extreme corset">>
+	<<optionif `($activeSlave.belly > 10000)`>>
+		<<option "a support band" "Supportive band">>
+	<<optionif `isItemAccessible("a small empathy belly") && $activeSlave.belly < 1500 && $activeSlave.weight < 130`>> /* works for all of them */
+		<<option "a small empathy belly" "1st Trimester belly">>
+		<<option "a medium empathy belly" "2nd Trimester belly">>
+		<<option "a large empathy belly" "3rd Trimester belly">>
+		<<option "a huge empathy belly" "3rd Trimester twins belly">>
+	<<optionif>>
+	<<comment>>
+		<<if isItemAccessible("a small empathy belly") && ($activeSlave.belly >= 1500 || $activeSlave.weight >= 130)>>
+			//($His stomach is too big to fit an empathy belly around.)//
+			<br>
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>
+			//Extreme corsets will endanger the life within $him.//
+			<br>
+		<</if>>
+<<set _chastityDevice="None">>
+<<if $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="Full Chastity">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="Genital Chastity">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="Combined Chastity Cage">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="Combined Chastity Belt">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="Chastity Belt">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="Chastity Cage">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="Anal Chastity">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 0 && $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 0 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 0>>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="None">>
+	<<set _chastityDevice="THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR">>
-	Chastity device: ''<span id="chastity"><<if $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>Full Chastity<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>Genital Chastity<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1>>Combined Chastity Cage>><<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>Combined Chastity Belt<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 1>>Chastity Belt<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 1>>Chastity Cage<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 1>>Anal Chastity<<elseif $activeSlave.chastityAnus == 0 && $activeSlave.chastityPenis == 0 && $activeSlave.chastityVagina == 0>>None<<else>>THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR<</if>></span>.''
-	<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>><<replace "#chastity">>None<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-	| <<link "Anal Chastity">><<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 1>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>><<replace "#chastity">>Anal Chastity<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-		| <<link "Chastity Belt">><<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1>><<replace "#chastity">>Vaginal Chastity<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-		| <<link "Combined Chastity Belt">><<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>><<replace "#chastity">>Combined Chastity Belt<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-		| <<link "Chastity Cage">><<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>><<replace "#chastity">>Chastity Cage<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-		| <<link "Combined Chastity Cage">><<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 1>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>><<replace "#chastity">>Combined Chastity Cage<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-			| <<link "Genital Chastity">><<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1>><<replace "#chastity">>Genital Chastity<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-			| <<link "Full Chastity">><<set $activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 1>><<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>><<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1>><<replace "#chastity">>Full Chastity<</replace>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+<<options _chastityDevice>>
+	Chastity device: ''_chastityDevice.''
+	<<option "None" "None" "$activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0">>
+	<<option "Anal Chastity" "Anal Chastity" "$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0, $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0">>
+	<<optionif `$activeSlave.vagina > -1`>>
+		<<option "Chastity Belt" "Chastity Belt" "$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0, $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1">>
+		<<option "Combined Chastity Belt" "Combined Chastity Belt" "$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0, $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1">>
+	<<optionif `$activeSlave.dick > 0`>>
+		<<option "Chastity Cage" "Chastity Cage" "$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0, $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0">>
+		<<option "Combined Chastity Cage" "Combined Chastity Cage" "$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0, $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0">>
+	<<optionif `$activeSlave.dick > 0 && $activeSlave.vagina > -1`>>
+			<<option "Genital Chastity" "Genital Chastity" "$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0, $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1">>
+			<<option "Full Chastity" "Full Chastity" "$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0, $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1, $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1">>
 <<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-	<br><br>Vaginal accessory: ''<span id="vaginalAccessory">$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory</span>.''
-	<span id="vaginalAccessoryDescription"><<if $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory != "none">><br><</if>>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//</span>
-	<<link "None">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none">>
-		<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("bullet vibrator")>>
-		| <<link "Bullet vibrator">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "bullet vibrator">>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("smart bullet vibrator")>>
-		| <<link "Smart bullet vibrator">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "smart bullet vibrator">>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	| <<link "Dildo">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "dildo">>
-		<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("long dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-		| <<link "Long dildo">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long dildo">>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	| <<link "Large dildo">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "large dildo">>
-		<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("long, large dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-		| <<link "Large and long dildo">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long, large dildo">>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.vagina >= 2>>
-		| <<link "Huge dildo">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "huge dildo">>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		<<if isItemAccessible("long, huge dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-			| <<link "Huge and long dildo">>
-				<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long, huge dildo">>
-				<<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>>
-				<<replace "#vaginalAccessoryDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-				<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+	Vaginal accessory: ''$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory.''
+	<br>
+	//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//
+	<<options $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory>>
+		<<option "none" "None">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("bullet vibrator")`>>
+			<<option "bullet vibrator" "Bullet vibrator">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("smart bullet vibrator")`>>
+			<<option "smart bullet vibrator" "Smart bullet vibrator">>
+		<<option "dildo" "Dildo">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("long dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)`>>
+			<<option "long dildo" "Long dildo">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("long, large dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)`>>
+			<<option "long, large dildo" "Large and long dildo">>
+		<<optionif `$activeSlave.vagina >= 2`>>
+			<<option "huge dildo" "Huge dildo">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("long, huge dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)`>>
+			<<option "long, huge dildo" "Huge and long dildo">>
+	<</options>>
 	<<if isItemAccessible("vibrator") && $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory != "none" && ($activeSlave.vaginalAccessory != "bullet vibrator" && $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory != "smart bullet vibrator") && $toysBoughtVaginalAttachments == 1>>
-		<br><br>
-		Vaginal accessory attachment:
-		''<span id="vaginalAttachment">$activeSlave.vaginalAttachment</span>.''
-		<span id="vaginalAttachmentDescription"><<if ($activeSlave.vaginalAttachment != "none")>><br><</if>>//<<vaginalAttachmentDescription>>//</span>
-		<br>
-		<<link "None">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAttachment = "none">>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAttachment">>$activeSlave.vaginalAttachment<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAttachmentDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		| <<link "Vibrating dildo">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAttachment = "vibrator">>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAttachment">>$activeSlave.vaginalAttachment<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#vaginalAttachmentDescription">>//<<vaginalAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
+		<<options $activeSlave.vaginalAttachment>>
+			Vaginal accessory attachment: ''$activeSlave.vaginalAttachment.'' //<<vaginalAttachmentDescription>>//
+			<<option "none" "None">>
+			<<option "vibrator" "Vibrating dildo">>
+		<</options>>
 <<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-	<br><br>Dick accessory: ''<span id="dickAccessory">$activeSlave.dickAccessory</span>.''
-	<span id="dickAccessoryDescription">
-	<<if ($activeSlave.dickAccessory != "none")>>
-	<br><</if>>//<<dickAccessoryDescription>>//
-	</span>
-	<<link "None">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">>
-		<<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#dickAccessoryDescription">>//<<dickAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("bullet vibrator") && $toysBoughtVaginalAttachments == 1>>
-		| <<link "Bullet vibrator">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "bullet vibrator">>
-			<<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#dickAccessoryDescription">>//<<dickAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		<<if isItemAccessible("smart bullet vibrator") && $toysBoughtSmartVibes == 1>>
-			| <<link "Smart bullet vibrator">>
-				<<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "smart bullet vibrator">>
-				<<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>>
-				<<replace "#dickAccessoryDescription">>//<<dickAccessoryDescription>>//<</replace>>
-				<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+	Dick accessory: ''$activeSlave.dickAccessory.''
+	<br>//<<dickAccessoryDescription>>//
+	<<options $activeSlave.dickAccessory>>
+		<<option "none" "None">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("bullet vibrator") && $toysBoughtVaginalAttachments == 1`>>
+			<<option "bullet vibrator" "Bullet vibrator">>
+		<<optionif `isItemAccessible("smart bullet vibrator") && $toysBoughtSmartVibes == 1`>>
+			<<option "smart bullet vibrator" "Smart bullet vibrator">>
+	<</options>>
-Anal accessory: ''<span id="buttplug">$activeSlave.buttplug</span>.''
-<span id="buttplugDescription">//<<buttplugDescription>>//</span>
+Anal accessory: ''$activeSlave.buttplug.''
-<<link "None">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "none">>
-	<<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-| <<link "Normal">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "plug">>
-	<<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("long plug") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	| <<link "Long">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long plug">>
-		<<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-| <<link "Large">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "large plug">>
-	<<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("long, large plug") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	| <<link "Long and large">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long, large plug">>
-		<<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>>
-		<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if $activeSlave.anus >= 2>>| <<link "Huge">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "huge plug">>
-	<<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>>
-	<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("long, huge plug")>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0) && $activeSlave.anus >= 2>>
-		| <<link "Long and huge">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long, huge plug">>
-			<<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>>
-			<<replace "#buttplugDescription">>//<<buttplugDescription>>//<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if isItemAccessible("tail") && $activeSlave.buttplug != "none">>
-	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anal accessory attachment: ''<span id="buttplugAttach">$activeSlave.buttplugAttachment</span>.''
-	<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.buttplugAttachment = "none">><<replace "#buttplugAttach">>$activeSlave.buttplugAttachment<</replace>><</link>>
-	<<if $toysBoughtButtPlugTails == 1>>
-		| <<link "Tail">><<set $activeSlave.buttplugAttachment = "tail">><<replace "#buttplugAttach">>$activeSlave.buttplugAttachment<</replace>><</link>>
-		| <<link "Cat tail">><<set $activeSlave.buttplugAttachment = "cat tail">><<replace "#buttplugAttach">>$activeSlave.buttplugAttachment<</replace>><</link>>
-		| <<link "Fox tail">><<set $activeSlave.buttplugAttachment = "fox tail">><<replace "#buttplugAttach">>$activeSlave.buttplugAttachment<</replace>><</link>>
-	<</if>>
+<<options $activeSlave.buttplug>>
+	<<option "none" "None">>
+	<<option "plug" "Normal">>
+	<<option "large plug" "Large">>
+	<<optionif `isItemAccessible("long plug") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)`>>
+		<<option "long plug" "Long">>
+	<<optionif `isItemAccessible("long, large plug") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)`>>
+		<<option "long, large plug" "Long and large">>
+	<<optionif `$activeSlave.anus >= 2`>>
+		<<option "huge plug" "Huge">>
+	<<optionif `$activeSlave.anus >= 2 && isItemAccessible("long, huge plug") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0) && $activeSlave.anus >= 2`>>
+		<<option "long, huge plug" "Long and huge">>
+<<if isItemAccessible("tail") && $activeSlave.buttplug != "none" && $toysBoughtButtPlugTails == 1>>
+	Anal accessory attachment: ''$activeSlave.buttplugAttachment''.
+	<<options $activeSlave.buttplugAttachment>>
+		<<option "none" "None">>
+		<<option "tail" "Tail">>
+		<<option "cat tail" "Cat tail">>
+		<<option "fox tail" "Fox tail">>
+	<</options>>
-<<link "''//Update//''">>
-	<<goto "Wardrobe Use">>
-all descriptions to show what $he is currently wearing?
 <<elseif $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 1>>
 	<br><br> There are no changes you can make to $him at this time.