diff --git a/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js b/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js
index d82e10a101ad72de07ee7d9d9c506a262e8640a0..4ddadcf95aa1e5b2cace3c7ea4bd3634b6d4e23a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js
+++ b/src/pregmod/FCTV/FCTVshows.js
@@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ App.Data.FCTV.channels = {
 				get text() {
 					const r = [];
-					r.push(`<p>A moment later, a beet red Cathy was stuttering an apology to an even redder Martha. "Don't worry about it, it was just a pleasant surprise." She smiled and pressed her breasts against Cathy's. "Hope to see you 'round soon darlin'." Marth pulled her into a hug and whispered softly into her ear. "I know it's hard to adjust to, but I think you'll do just fine here." She pressed a piece of paper into Cathy's cleavage and sashayed away.</p>`);
+					r.push(`<p>A moment later, a beet red Cathy was stuttering an apology to an even redder Martha. "Don't worry about it, it was just a pleasant surprise." She smiled and pressed her breasts against Cathy's. "Hope to see you 'round soon darlin'." Martha pulled her into a hug and whispered softly into her ear. "I know it's hard to adjust to, but I think you'll do just fine here." She pressed a piece of paper into Cathy's cleavage and sashayed away.</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>Cathy fished it out to see it was an email and phone number with a lip print in bright red lipstick. "Oh my," Annie said, her eyes dancing with amusement. "It looks like you've made a friend." She turned to her husband and said, "I think they'd make a cute couple, wouldn't you?" Scott examined Cathy for a second before nodding. "So long as she makes an honest woman out of her, she has my blessing." Cathy just slowly fumed, her face scarlet in embarrassment. A moment passed before Annie couldn't take it anymore and let out loud, breast quaking, laughter.</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>Cathy glared at Annie "She was just being friendly." This just sent Annie into another fit of bosom shaking hysterics. Scott attempted to steady his wife. "Cathy, do you remember the remote she gave you?" She nodded warily. "You don't need one of those to call a waitress. The menus have a button that calls the nearest one to the table," he explained. "Remotes like that are typically reserved for VIPs or favored customers." Her brow furrowed. "But you're the owner! Why wouldn't she leave one with you?" He gave her a small grin and said, " Indeed I am, but she gave the remote to you, not me." Cathy thought that over for a second before putting her head in her hands and sulked.</p>`);
 					r.push(`<p>After a few seconds, Annie's laughter had died down to jiggling chortles. She wiped a tear from her eye, smiled and said, "Oh dear sweet kitten, never change." The chortling slowed and so did the wobbling of her bosom.</p>`);