diff --git a/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js b/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js
index f2fb12898520dd23a7470bc29d510b6c98fd1cd3..20df7e46ba51428d7c38a12d0780f8be710b51b0 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js
@@ -1,319 +1,339 @@
 /* Condition
-    The current physical condition of the slave.
-    Any health improvements get added here.
-    Short term damage reduces it as it degrades.
+	The current physical condition of the slave.
+	Any health improvements get added here.
+	Short term damage reduces it as it degrades.
 Short term damage
-    Anything that hurts a slave gets transferred into this.
-    At the end of the week 25% of it will be removed and turned into condition damage instead.
-    Usage of preventatives or curatives reduces the actual condition damage by 50%.
+	Anything that hurts a slave gets transferred into this.
+	At the end of the week 25% of it will be removed and turned into condition damage instead.
+	Usage of preventatives or curatives reduces the actual condition damage by 50%.
 Long term damage
-    Once ageing beyond 30 years old there is a chance of long term damage that increases with time. Calculated on birthday.
-        Math.floor((slave.age - 25 + jsRandom(1, 15)) / 20)
-    25% of the actual condition damage taken during a week also gets added to the pool (therefore gets reduced by preventatives and curatives if active).
-    Nothing can reduce this value.
-    Perhaps the effect can still be reduced through surgical implant with high upkeep.
+	Once ageing beyond 30 years old there is a chance of long term damage that increases with time. Calculated on birthday.
+		Math.floor((slave.physicalAge - 25 + jsRandom(1, 15)) / 20)
+	25% of the actual condition damage taken during a week also gets added to the pool (therefore gets reduced by preventatives and curatives if active).
+	Nothing can reduce this value.
+	Perhaps the effect can still be reduced through surgical implant with high upkeep.
-    Aside from a source of regular short term damage high levels will also increase the chances for severe illnesses
-        3d6 rolls for illness
-            illness > 8 -- 1 62.5%
-            illness > 6 -- 2 21.3%
-            illness > 5 -- 3 11.6%
-            illness > 4 -- 4 2.8%
-            illness = 3 or 4 -- 5 1.8%
-        Carcinogens subtract Math.trunc(chem / 150) from the dice rolls for a max of -6 at >= 90
-    There should be a natural decay of carcinogens every week of 10% of the level. But at the price of 0.2 short term damage per point of chem.
-    Add carcinogen damage to serious medical procedures due to use of potent pharmaceuticals during them.
+	Aside from a source of regular short term damage high levels will also increase the chances for severe illnesses
+		3d6 rolls for illness
+			illness > 8 -- 1 62.5%
+			illness > 6 -- 2 21.3%
+			illness > 5 -- 3 11.6%
+			illness > 4 -- 4 2.8%
+			illness = 3 or 4 -- 5 1.8%
+		Carcinogens subtract Math.trunc(chem / 150) from the dice rolls for a max of -6 at >= 90
+	There should be a natural decay of carcinogens every week of 10% of the level. But at the price of 0.2 short term damage per point of chem.
+	Add carcinogen damage to serious medical procedures due to use of potent pharmaceuticals during them.
-    There is always a chance a slave gets sick. Often they will just get better on their own, but sometimes it can be more serious and require a stay in the clinic.
-    Sick slaves work at reduced effectiveness and will see their health lowered.
+	There is always a chance a slave gets sick. Often they will just get better on their own, but sometimes it can be more serious and require a stay in the clinic.
+	Sick slaves work at reduced effectiveness and will see their health lowered.
-    Depending on various factors (living conditions, assignment, rewards, muscles, health) a slave may become more or less tired.
-    Once tiredness reached 50 there will be negative effects for productivity and at 80 they become even more extreme.
-    Being tired or exhausted also reduces a slave's ability to resist the player, increasing devotion and fear.
+	Depending on various factors (living conditions, assignment, rewards, muscles, health) a slave may become more or less tired.
+	Once tiredness reached 50 there will be negative effects for productivity and at 80 they become even more extreme.
+	Being tired or exhausted also reduces a slave's ability to resist the player, increasing devotion and fear.
-    The aggregate of condition, short term damage and long term damage to provide an indication of the current overal state of the slave. The slave will die once this reached -100.
+	The aggregate of condition, short term damage and long term damage to provide an indication of the current overal state of the slave. The slave will die once this reached -100.
- * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
- * @returns {string}
- */
 /* Getting ill depends on the following factors;
-    - current condition
-    - long term damage (accumulated through getting old(er) and residual from short term damage)
-    - short term damage (accumulated through serious illness, chemical carcinogens, damaging surgeries and other health damage sources) 125%
-    - chemical carcinogens (more serious illness chance with high carcinogen levels)
-    - age (long term damge takes care of older slaves, the young ones need a specific vulnerability)
-    - use of curatives
-    - assignment (rest, clinic, spa and master suite)
-    - random chance
+	- current condition
+	- long term damage (accumulated through getting old(er) and residual from short term damage)
+	- short term damage (accumulated through serious illness, chemical carcinogens, damaging surgeries and other health damage sources) 125%
+	- chemical carcinogens (more serious illness chance with high carcinogen levels)
+	- age (long term damge takes care of older slaves, the young ones need a specific vulnerability)
+	- use of curatives
+	- assignment (rest, clinic, spa and master suite)
+	- random chance
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
 window.illness = function illness(slave) {
-    const random = jsRandom(1, 100); // high rolls are good
-    const H = slave.health;
-    let assignBonus = 0; // bonus for healthy assignments
-    // On the macro side of things disease could also happen to the acrology's population as the arcology becomes crowded, killing citizens and putting slaves at greater risk of getting ill. Again with upgrades/policies to mitigate the issue made available TODO?
-    if (slave.assignment !== "live with your agent" || slave.assignment !== "be your agent") { // Let's make sure agents don't get sick and accidentally die, they should take care of themselves
-        if (slave.assignment === "rest" || slave.assignment === "rest in the spa" || slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic" || slave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" || slave.assignment === "please you") {
-            assignBonus += 10;
-        }
-        if (random < 6) { // There is always a 5% chance of a slave feeling worse
-            if (H.illness > 0) {
-                H.illness += 1 + Math.trunc((slave.chem / 10 + jsRandom(1, 50) + 15) / 100); // Illness progresses with 1, unless chem > 350, then there's a chance for 2
-                if (H.illness > 5) {
-                    healthDamage(slave, 20 * (H.illness - 5)); // Condition penalty for going over maximum illness, very dangerous
-                    H.illness = 5;
-                }
-            } else {
-                getIll(slave);
-            }
-        } else if (random > 95) { // There is always a 5% chance of a slave getting better
-            H.illness -= 1;
-            if (H.illness < 0) {
-                H.illness = 0;
-                improveCondition(slave, 5);
-            }
-        } else if ((Math.min(H.condition - H.longDamage - H.shortDamage * 1.25, 50) + (Math.min(Math.trunc((slave.age - 18) / 3)), 0)) / 3 + random + assignBonus + nurseEffectiveness(slave) < 30 / Math.min(slave.curatives + 1, 2)) { // Chance of getting ill 30% at complete default, 20% with a favourable assignment, 15% with curatives or preventatives, 10% with both measures active and a small benefit from effective Nurse screening
-            if (H.illness > 0) {
-                H.illness += 1 + Math.trunc((slave.chem / 10 + jsRandom(1, 50) + 15) / 100);
-                if (H.illness > 5) {
-                    healthDamage(slave, 20 * (H.illness - 5));
-                    H.illness = 5;
-                }
-            } else {
-                getIll(slave);
-            }
-        } else if (H.illness > 0) { // When ill, a slave has a 60% chance of getting better the next week at complete default, 70% with a favourable assignment, 80% with curatives, 90% with both measures active and additional benefits depending on the nurse on duty
-            if ((H.condition - H.longDamage - H.shortDamage * 1.25 + (Math.min(Math.trunc((slave.age - 18) / 3)), 0)) / 3 + random + assignBonus + nurseEffectiveness(slave) > 40 / Math.clamp(slave.curatives, 1, 2)) {
-                if (nurseEffectiveness(slave) > 30 && jsRandom(1, 2) === 2 && H.illness > 1) { // A particularly effective nurse can improve illness faster
-                    H.illness -= 2;
-                } else {
-                    H.illness -= 1;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Slave .need reduction if ill or tired
-        if (slave.energy < 50) {
-            slave.need = Math.trunc(slave.need * healthPenalty(slave));
-        } else if (H.illness > 0) {
-            slave.need = Math.trunc(slave.need * (1 - (100 - Math.min(Math.pow(H.illness, 2) * 5 + 5, 95)) / 100));
-        }
-    }
+	const random = jsRandom(1, 100); // high rolls are good
+	const H = slave.health;
+	let assignBonus = 0; // bonus for healthy assignments
+	// On the macro side of things disease could also happen to the acrology's population as the arcology becomes crowded, killing citizens and putting slaves at greater risk of getting ill. Again with upgrades/policies to mitigate the issue made available TODO?
+	if (slave.assignment === "live with your agent" || slave.assignment === "be your agent") {
+		return;
+	} // Let's make sure agents don't get sick and accidentally die, they should take care of themselves
+	if (slave.assignment === "rest" || slave.assignment === "rest in the spa" || slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic" || slave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" || slave.assignment === "please you") {
+		assignBonus += 10;
+	}
+	if (random < 6) { // There is always a 5% chance of a slave feeling worse
+		if (H.illness > 0) {
+			H.illness += 1 + Math.trunc((slave.chem / 10 + jsRandom(1, 50) + 15) / 100); // Illness progresses with 1, unless chem > 350, then there's a chance for 2
+			if (H.illness > 5) {
+				healthDamage(slave, 20 * (H.illness - 5)); // Condition penalty for going over maximum illness, very dangerous
+				H.illness = 5;
+			}
+		} else {
+			getIll(slave);
+		}
+	} else if (random > 95) { // There is always a 5% chance of a slave getting better
+		H.illness -= 1;
+		if (H.illness < 0) {
+			H.illness = 0;
+			improveCondition(slave, 5);
+		}
+	} else if ((Math.min(H.condition - H.longDamage - H.shortDamage * 1.25, 50) + (Math.min(Math.trunc((slave.physicalAge - 18) / 3)), 0)) / 3 + random + assignBonus + nurseEffectiveness(slave) < 30 / Math.min(slave.curatives + 1, 2)) { // Chance of getting ill 30% at complete default, 20% with a favourable assignment, 15% with curatives or preventatives, 10% with both measures active and a small benefit from effective Nurse screening
+		if (H.illness > 0) {
+			H.illness += 1 + Math.trunc((slave.chem / 10 + jsRandom(1, 50) + 15) / 100);
+			if (H.illness > 5) {
+				healthDamage(slave, 20 * (H.illness - 5));
+				H.illness = 5;
+			}
+		} else {
+			getIll(slave);
+		}
+	} else if (H.illness > 0) { // When ill, a slave has a 60% chance of getting better the next week at complete default, 70% with a favourable assignment, 80% with curatives, 90% with both measures active and additional benefits depending on the nurse on duty
+		if ((H.condition - H.longDamage - H.shortDamage * 1.25 + (Math.min(Math.trunc((slave.physicalAge - 18) / 3)), 0)) / 3 + random + assignBonus + nurseEffectiveness(slave) > 40 / Math.clamp(slave.curatives, 1, 2)) {
+			if (nurseEffectiveness(slave) > 30 && jsRandom(1, 2) === 2 && H.illness > 1) { // A particularly effective nurse can improve illness faster
+				H.illness -= 2;
+			} else {
+				H.illness -= 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Slave .need reduction if ill or tired
+	if (slave.energy < 50) {
+		slave.need = Math.trunc(slave.need * healthPenalty(slave));
+	} else if (H.illness > 0) {
+		slave.need = Math.trunc(slave.need * (1 - (100 - Math.min(Math.pow(H.illness, 2) * 5 + 5, 95)) / 100));
+	}
-window.getIll = function getIll(slave) { // Once a new illness is rolled this determines how bad it is initially, chem levels seriously increase the chances of a higher initial value
-    const H = slave.health;
-    const illness = jsRandom(1, 6) + jsRandom(1, 6) + jsRandom(1, 6) - Math.trunc(H.chem / 150);
-    if (illness < 4) {
-        H.illness = 5; // 1.8% chance
-    } else if (illness < 5) {
-        H.illness = 4; // 2.8% chance
-    } else if (illness < 6) {
-        H.illness = 3; // 11.6% chance
-    } else if (illness < 8) {
-        H.illness = 2; // 21.3% chance
-    } else {
-        H.illness = 1; // 62.5% chance
-    }
+ * Once a new illness is rolled this determines how bad it is initially, chem levels seriously increase the chances of a higher initial value
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+window.getIll = function getIll(slave) {
+	const H = slave.health;
+	const illness = jsRandom(1, 6) + jsRandom(1, 6) + jsRandom(1, 6) - Math.trunc(H.chem / 150);
+	if (illness < 4) {
+		H.illness = 5; // 1.8% chance
+	} else if (illness < 5) {
+		H.illness = 4; // 2.8% chance
+	} else if (illness < 6) {
+		H.illness = 3; // 11.6% chance
+	} else if (illness < 8) {
+		H.illness = 2; // 21.3% chance
+	} else {
+		H.illness = 1; // 62.5% chance
+	}
-window.nurseEffectiveness = function nurseEffectiveness(slave) { // A better nurse and/or less slaves/patients to look out for makes for a better chance of curing illness
-    const V = State.variables;
-    const H = slave.health;
-    const clinicUpgrade = 1; // Creating a purchasable upgrade to increase the amount of slaves the nurse can handle -- TODO
-    const clinicScreening = 1; // Assumes the clinic is set to screening all slaves to improve their chances of staying healthy. Turning it off would allow the nurse to focus on just her patients in the clinic -- TODO
-    if (V.Nurse !== 0) {
-        let nurseEffectiveness = Math.trunc((V.Nurse.skill.nurse * clinicUpgrade / Math.max((V.CliniciIDs.length * 10 + (V.slaves.length * 2) * clinicScreening), 1)) * 20);
-        if (H.illness > 1 && slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic") {
-            if (nurseEffectiveness < 20) {
-                return nurseEffectiveness;
-            } else if (V.Nurse.skill.nurse > 80) {
-                return Math.min(nurseEffectiveness, 40);
-            } else if (V.Nurse.skill.nurse > 40) {
-                return Math.min(nurseEffectiveness, 30);
-            } else {
-                return 20;
-            }
-        } else if (H.illness < 2) { // reasonably ill slaves get no benefit from the nurse unless they are in the clinic, otherwise she can provide benefits to prevent illness in the first place and clearing up illnesses of level 1
-            nurseEffectiveness = Math.trunc(nurseEffectiveness / 4);
-            if (nurseEffectiveness < 5) {
-                return nurseEffectiveness;
-            } else {
-                return 5;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        return 0;
-    }
+ * A better nurse and/or less slaves/patients to look out for makes for a better chance of curing illness
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+window.nurseEffectiveness = function nurseEffectiveness(slave) {
+	const V = State.variables;
+	const H = slave.health;
+	const clinicUpgrade = 1; // Creating a purchasable upgrade to increase the amount of slaves the nurse can handle -- TODO
+	const clinicScreening = 1; // Assumes the clinic is set to screening all slaves to improve their chances of staying healthy. Turning it off would allow the nurse to focus on just her patients in the clinic -- TODO
+	if (V.Nurse !== 0) {
+		let nurseEffectiveness = Math.trunc((V.Nurse.skill.nurse * clinicUpgrade / Math.max((V.CliniciIDs.length * 10 + (V.slaves.length * 2) * clinicScreening), 1)) * 20);
+		if (H.illness > 1 && slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic") {
+			if (nurseEffectiveness < 20) {
+				return nurseEffectiveness;
+			} else if (V.Nurse.skill.nurse > 80) {
+				return Math.min(nurseEffectiveness, 40);
+			} else if (V.Nurse.skill.nurse > 40) {
+				return Math.min(nurseEffectiveness, 30);
+			} else {
+				return 20;
+			}
+		} else if (H.illness < 2) { // reasonably ill slaves get no benefit from the nurse unless they are in the clinic, otherwise she can provide benefits to prevent illness in the first place and clearing up illnesses of level 1
+			nurseEffectiveness = Math.trunc(nurseEffectiveness / 4);
+			if (nurseEffectiveness < 5) {
+				return nurseEffectiveness;
+			} else {
+				return 5;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		return 0;
+	}
-window.endWeekHealthDamage = function endWeekHealthDamage(slave) { // Run at the end of the week to take care of health changes
-    const H = slave.health;
-    let chemToShort = 0;
-    let shortToCondition = 0;
-    let shortToLong = 0;
-    let tiredToCondition = 0;
+ * Run at the end of the week to take care of health changes
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+window.endWeekHealthDamage = function endWeekHealthDamage(slave) {
+	const H = slave.health;
+	let chemToShort = 0;
+	let shortToCondition = 0;
+	let shortToLong = 0;
+	let tiredToCondition = 0;
-    // Checking if we are dealing with the player
-    // Player does not make use of most things slaves deal with, only short to long term damage
-    if (slave.ID !== -1) {
-        // dealing with carcinogens
-        // They decay naturally at a rate of 10%, but at as they decay cause short term damage
-        if (slave.chem > 0) {
-            if (slave.chem > 10) {
-                chemToShort += Math.max(Math.trunc(slave.chem * 0.1), 1);
-            } else if (slave.chem > jsRandom(0, 9)) {
-                chemToShort += 1;
-            }
-            slave.chem -= chemToShort;
-            H.shortDamage += Math.max(Math.trunc(chemToShort * 0.2), 2);
-        }
+	// Checking if we are dealing with the player
+	// Player does not make use of most things slaves deal with, only short to long term damage
+	if (slave.ID !== -1) {
+		// dealing with carcinogens
+		// They decay naturally at a rate of 10%, but at as they decay cause short term damage
+		if (slave.chem > 0) {
+			if (slave.chem > 10) {
+				chemToShort += Math.max(Math.trunc(slave.chem * 0.1), 1);
+			} else if (slave.chem > jsRandom(0, 9)) {
+				chemToShort += 1;
+			}
+			slave.chem -= chemToShort;
+			H.shortDamage += Math.max(Math.trunc(chemToShort * 0.2), 2);
+		}
-        // dealing with illness
-        if (H.illness > 0) {
-            H.shortDamage += Math.trunc(Math.pow(H.illness, 1.52) * 3 + 2); // 5, 10, 17, 26, 36 points of damage per respective level of illness
-        }
+		// dealing with illness
+		if (H.illness > 0) {
+			H.shortDamage += Math.trunc(Math.pow(H.illness, 1.52) * 3 + 2); // 5, 10, 17, 26, 36 points of damage per respective level of illness
+		}
-        // Reducing condition for tired slaves
-        if (H.tired > 100) {
-            tiredToCondition += Math.trunc((H.tired - 100) * 0.5) + normalRandInt(5, 0.5);
-            H.tired = 100;
-        } else if (H.tired > 80) {
-            tiredToCondition += normalRandInt(5, 0.5);
-        } else if (H.tired > 50) {
-            tiredToCondition += normalRandInt(2, 0.5);
-        } else {
-            H.tired = Math.max(H.tired, 0);
-        }
-        if (tiredToCondition > 0) {
-            H.condition -= tiredToCondition;
-        }
+		// Reducing condition for tired slaves
+		if (H.tired > 100) {
+			tiredToCondition += Math.trunc((H.tired - 100) * 0.5) + normalRandInt(5, 0.5);
+			H.tired = 100;
+		} else if (H.tired > 80) {
+			tiredToCondition += normalRandInt(5, 0.5);
+		} else if (H.tired > 50) {
+			tiredToCondition += normalRandInt(2, 0.5);
+		} else {
+			H.tired = Math.max(H.tired, 0);
+		}
+		if (tiredToCondition > 0) {
+			H.condition -= tiredToCondition;
+		}
-        // Long term damage due to age calculated on birthdays only
-        if (slave.birthWeek === 0 && slave.age > 29) {
-            H.longDamage += Math.trunc((slave.age - 25 + jsRandom(1, 15)) / 20);
-        }
-    } else if (slave.condition < 100) { // The player gets an automatic 5 condition recovery each weak up to 100
-        slave.condition = Math.min(slave.condition + 5, 100);
-    }
+		// Long term damage due to age calculated on birthdays only
+		if (slave.birthWeek === 0 && slave.physicalAge > 29) {
+			H.longDamage += Math.trunc((slave.physicalAge - 25 + jsRandom(1, 15)) / 20);
+		}
+	} else if (H.condition < 100) { // The player gets an automatic 5 condition recovery each weak up to 100
+		H.condition = Math.min(H.condition + 5, 100);
+	}
-    // recovering and transferring short term damage to condition and long term
-    if (H.shortDamage > 0) {
-        shortToCondition += Math.max(Math.trunc(H.shortDamage * 0.25), 1); // 25% of short term damage gets transferred
-        H.shortDamage -= shortToCondition;
-        if (slave.curatives > 0 || slave.ID === -1) { // transferred damage is half if on preventatives/curatives or target is the player
-            shortToCondition = Math.trunc(shortToCondition * 0.5);
-        }
-        H.condition -= shortToCondition;
-        shortToLong += Math.trunc(shortToCondition * 0.25); // 25% of transferred damage gets added to long term damage, minimum of 16 short term damage before any long term damage is accumulated
-        H.longDamage += shortToLong;
-    }
+	// recovering and transferring short term damage to condition and long term
+	if (H.shortDamage > 0) {
+		shortToCondition += Math.max(Math.trunc(H.shortDamage * 0.25), 1); // 25% of short term damage gets transferred
+		H.shortDamage -= shortToCondition;
+		if (slave.curatives > 0 || slave.ID === -1) { // transferred damage is half if on preventatives/curatives or target is the player
+			shortToCondition = Math.trunc(shortToCondition * 0.5);
+		}
+		H.condition -= shortToCondition;
+		shortToLong += Math.trunc(shortToCondition * 0.25); // 25% of transferred damage gets added to long term damage, minimum of 16 short term damage before any long term damage is accumulated
+		H.longDamage += shortToLong;
+	}
-    // Making sure condition doesn't get too high
-    if (H.condition > 150) {
-        H.condition -= Math.trunc(Math.pow(H.condition - 150, 0.5));
-    }
+	// Making sure condition doesn't get too high
+	if (H.condition > 150) {
+		H.condition -= Math.trunc(Math.pow(H.condition - 150, 0.5));
+	}
-    H.health = H.condition - H.longDamage - H.shortDamage;
+	H.health = H.condition - H.longDamage - H.shortDamage;
-window.tired = function tired(slave) { // Run at the end of the week to take care of tiredness changes
-    const V = State.variables;
-    const H = slave.health;
-    let livingRules = 0;
-    let assignment = 0;
-    let reward = 0;
-    let muscles;
-    let health;
-    let tiredChange;
+ * Run at the end of the week to take care of tiredness changes
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+window.tired = function tired(slave) {
+	const V = State.variables;
+	const H = slave.health;
+	let livingRules = 0;
+	let assignment = 0;
+	let reward = 0;
+	let muscles;
+	let health;
+	let tiredChange;
-    // Assignment
-    if (slave.assignment === "rest" || slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic") {
-        assignment -= normalRandInt(15, 2); // Reduces tired by an average of 15 points while on a relaxing assignment
-    } else if (slave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" || slave.assignment === "please you" || slave.assignment === "guard you" || slave.assignment === "be the Attendant" || slave.assignment === "be the Matron" || slave.assignment === "be the Stewardess" || slave.assignment === "be the Milkmaid" || slave.assignment === "be the Farmer" || slave.assignment === "be the DJ" || slave.assignment === "be your Concubine" || slave.assignment === "be the Madam" || slave.assignment === "be the Schoolteacher" || slave.assignment === "be the Wardeness" || slave.assignment === "be the Nurse" || slave.assignment === "be your Head Girl" || slave.assignment === "recruit girls" || slave.assignment === "learn in the schoolroom" || slave.assignment === "take classes" || slave.assignment === "live with your Head Girl") {
-        assignment -= normalRandInt(5); // Reduces tired by an average of 5 points while on a relatively easy assignment/in a leadership position
-    } else if (slave.assignment === "rest in the spa") {
-        assignment -= normalRandInt(20, 1.5) * (V.spaUpgrade + 1); // Reduces tired by an average of 20 points while in the spa, 40 points with the upgraded spa
-        if (V.Attendant !== 0) {
-            assignment -= Math.trunc(V.Attendant.skill.attendant / 10); // Maximum of 10 extra points of negative tiredness due to attendant skill
-        }
-    } else if (slave.assignment === "whore" || slave.assignment === "work in the brothel" || slave.assignment === "work a glory hole" || slave.assignment === "be confined in the arcade" || slave.assignment === "serve the public" || slave.assignment === "serve in the club") {
+	// Assignment
+	if (slave.assignment === "rest" || slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic") {
+		assignment -= normalRandInt(15, 2); // Reduces tired by an average of 15 points while on a relaxing assignment
+	} else if (slave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" || slave.assignment === "please you" || slave.assignment === "guard you" || slave.assignment === "be the Attendant" || slave.assignment === "be the Matron" || slave.assignment === "be the Stewardess" || slave.assignment === "be the Milkmaid" || slave.assignment === "be the Farmer" || slave.assignment === "be the DJ" || slave.assignment === "be your Concubine" || slave.assignment === "be the Madam" || slave.assignment === "be the Schoolteacher" || slave.assignment === "be the Wardeness" || slave.assignment === "be the Nurse" || slave.assignment === "be your Head Girl" || slave.assignment === "recruit girls" || slave.assignment === "learn in the schoolroom" || slave.assignment === "take classes" || slave.assignment === "live with your Head Girl") {
+		assignment -= normalRandInt(5); // Reduces tired by an average of 5 points while on a relatively easy assignment/in a leadership position
+	} else if (slave.assignment === "rest in the spa") {
+		assignment -= normalRandInt(20, 1.5) * (V.spaUpgrade + 1); // Reduces tired by an average of 20 points while in the spa, 40 points with the upgraded spa
+		if (V.Attendant !== 0) {
+			assignment -= Math.trunc(V.Attendant.skill.attendant / 10); // Maximum of 10 extra points of negative tiredness due to attendant skill
+		}
+	} else if (slave.assignment === "whore" || slave.assignment === "work in the brothel" || slave.assignment === "work a glory hole" || slave.assignment === "be confined in the arcade" || slave.assignment === "serve the public" || slave.assignment === "serve in the club") {
 		assignment += 0; // These assignments get their tiredness increase from tiredFucks()
-    } else if (slave.assignment === "work as a farmhand") {
+	} else if (slave.assignment === "work as a farmhand") {
 		assignment += normalRandInt(10, 2); // Increases tired by an average of 10 points while on a very demanding assignment
 	} else if (slave.assignment === "be a servant") {
-        assignment += normalRandInt(5); // Increases tired by an average of 5 points while on a demanding assignment
-    } else if (slave.assignment === "be your agent" || slave.assignment === "live with your agent") {
-        assignment -= normalRandInt(15, 2); // Making sure agents don't get exhausted, surely they can afford to do some relaxing
-    } else if (slave.assignment === "work in the dairy") {
-        if (V.dairyRestraintsSetting > 1) {
-            assignment += normalRandInt(15, 2); // Full industrial Dairy is exhausting
-        } else if (V.dairyRestraintsSetting > 0) {
-            assignment += normalRandInt(5); // Restraining while milking is a little stressful
-        } else {
-            assignment -= normalRandInt(5); // Being a free range cow is relatively relaxing
-        }
-    } else if (slave.assignment === "get milked") {
-        assignment -= normalRandInt(2); // Feels good to lighten the load
-    }
+		assignment += normalRandInt(5); // Increases tired by an average of 5 points while on a demanding assignment
+	} else if (slave.assignment === "be your agent" || slave.assignment === "live with your agent") {
+		assignment -= normalRandInt(15, 2); // Making sure agents don't get exhausted, surely they can afford to do some relaxing
+	} else if (slave.assignment === "work in the dairy") {
+		if (V.dairyRestraintsSetting > 1) {
+			assignment += normalRandInt(15, 2); // Full industrial Dairy is exhausting
+		} else if (V.dairyRestraintsSetting > 0) {
+			assignment += normalRandInt(5); // Restraining while milking is a little stressful
+		} else {
+			assignment -= normalRandInt(5); // Being a free range cow is relatively relaxing
+		}
+	} else if (slave.assignment === "get milked") {
+		assignment -= normalRandInt(2); // Feels good to lighten the load
+	}
-    // Living Conditions
+	// Living Conditions
 	// PM - What they return to after a day of work. Do this after the assignment to allow kinder facility decorations.
-    if (slave.livingRules === "spare") {
-        livingRules -= 1; // Barely reduce tiredness while sleeping in spare conditions
-        if (V.dormitory < V.dormitoryPopulation) {
-            livingRules += 5; // Overcrowding penalty
-        }
-    } else if (slave.livingRules === "luxurious") {
-        livingRules -= normalRandInt(10); // Reduces tired by an average of 10 points while sleeping under luxurious conditions
-        // PM - Luxury rooms are rooms and not subject to overcrowding penalties.
-    } else {
+	if (slave.livingRules === "spare") {
+		livingRules -= 1; // Barely reduce tiredness while sleeping in spare conditions
+		if (V.dormitory < V.dormitoryPopulation) {
+			livingRules += 5; // Overcrowding penalty
+		}
+	} else if (slave.livingRules === "luxurious") {
+		livingRules -= normalRandInt(10); // Reduces tired by an average of 10 points while sleeping under luxurious conditions
+		// PM - Luxury rooms are rooms and not subject to overcrowding penalties.
+	} else {
 		livingRules -= normalRandInt(5); // Reduces tired by an average of 5 points while sleeping under normal conditions
-        if (V.dormitory < V.dormitoryPopulation) {
-            livingRules += 5; // Overcrowding penalty
-        }
+		if (V.dormitory < V.dormitoryPopulation) {
+			livingRules += 5; // Overcrowding penalty
+		}
-    // Rewards
-    if (V.spaSpots > 0 && (slave.rules.reward === "relaxation" || slave.rules.reward === "situational")) {
-        if (slave.rules.reward === "relaxation") { // Considering the strength of the reward
-            reward += 2;
-        } else {
-            reward += 1;
-        }
-        if (slave.devotion > 50) { // Considering how often the slave gets rewarded
-            reward *= 3;
-        } else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
-            reward *= 2;
-        } else if (slave.devotion < -20 || slave.trust >= -20) {
-            reward = 0;
-        }
-        V.spaSpots -= reward; // Reducing the available space in the spa depending on how often the slave can be found there
-        if (reward > 0) {
-            reward = -(Math.max(normalRandInt(reward), 0) * (V.spaUpgrade + 1));
-        }
-    }
+	// Rewards
+	if (V.spaSpots > 0 && (slave.rules.reward === "relaxation" || slave.rules.reward === "situational")) {
+		if (slave.rules.reward === "relaxation") { // Considering the strength of the reward
+			reward += 2;
+		} else {
+			reward += 1;
+		}
+		if (slave.devotion > 50) { // Considering how often the slave gets rewarded
+			reward *= 3;
+		} else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+			reward *= 2;
+		} else if (slave.devotion < -20 || slave.trust >= -20) {
+			reward = 0;
+		}
+		V.spaSpots -= reward; // Reducing the available space in the spa depending on how often the slave can be found there
+		if (reward > 0) {
+			reward = -(Math.max(normalRandInt(reward), 0) * (V.spaUpgrade + 1));
+		}
+	}
-    // Muscles
-    if (slave.muscles < 0) {
-        muscles = -Math.trunc((slave.muscles / 10) * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100)); // Being weak increases tiredness, building muscles eventually reduces tiredness
-    } else {
-        muscles = -Math.trunc(5 * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100)); // Muscle benefits max out at 0
-    }
+	// Muscles
+	if (slave.muscles < 0) {
+		muscles = -Math.trunc((slave.muscles / 10) * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100)); // Being weak increases tiredness, building muscles eventually reduces tiredness
+	} else {
+		muscles = -Math.trunc(5 * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100)); // Muscle benefits max out at 50
+	}
-    // Health
-    health = Math.trunc((H.shortDamage / 2 - H.condition / 10) * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100)); // Current condition reduces tiredness, health damage increases tiredness
+	// Health
+	health = Math.trunc((H.shortDamage / 2 - H.condition / 10) * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100)); // Current condition reduces tiredness, health damage increases tiredness
-    tiredChange = livingRules + assignment + reward + muscles + health;
-    H.tired += tiredChange;
+	tiredChange = livingRules + assignment + reward + muscles + health;
+	H.tired += tiredChange;
 	if (H.tired < 0) {
 		H.tired = 0;
@@ -324,5 +344,5 @@ window.tired = function tired(slave) { // Run at the end of the week to take car
  * @returns {void}
 window.tiredFucks = function tiredFucks(slave) {
-    slave.health.tired += Math.trunc(slave.sexAmount * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100) / 25);
+	slave.health.tired += Math.trunc(slave.sexAmount * (1 + normalRandInt(0, 5) / 100) / 25);