diff --git a/src/js/generateMarketSlave.js b/src/js/generateMarketSlave.js
index 74dea10443297b2056335f0c97f9b277814312d8..d979b91f35fe78234ac296869b798698c278fe4e 100644
--- a/src/js/generateMarketSlave.js
+++ b/src/js/generateMarketSlave.js
@@ -642,9 +642,37 @@ window.generateMarketSlave = function(market = "kidnappers", numArcology = 1) {
 						V.activeSlave.abortionTat = jsRandom(1, (Math.min(V.activeSlave.physicalAge-V.fertilityAge, V.activeSlave.physicalAge-V.minimumSlaveAge))*2);
+				if (jsRandom(1, 100) > 50) {
+					//tat em up
+					let tattoos = ["boobsTat", "buttTat", "lipsTat", "vaginaTat", "dickTat", "anusTat", "shouldersTat", "armsTat", "legsTat", "backTat", "stampTat", "bellyTat", "abortionTat", "birthsTat", 
+				];
+					let modPool = jsRandom(0, 10);
+					for (i = 0; i < modPool; i++) {
+						let tat = tattoos[Math.floor(Math.random() * tattoos.length)];
+						if (V.activeSlave[tat] < 3) {
+							V.activeSlave[tat]++;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (jsRandom(1, 100) > 50) {
+					//pierce em up
+					let piercings = ["corsetPiercing", "nipplesPiercing", "areolaePiercing", "lipsPiercing", "tonguePiercing", "vaginaPiercing", "clitPiercing", "dickPiercing", "anusPiercing"];
+					let modPool = jsRandom(0, 10);
+					for (i = 0; i < modPool; i++) {
+						let pierce = piercings[Math.floor(Math.random() * piercings.length)];
+						if (V.activeSlave[pierce] < 3) {
+							V.activeSlave[pierce]++;
+						}
+					}
+				}
 				if (jsRandom(1, 100) > 50) {
 					//scar em up
+				if (jsRandom(1, 100) > 50) {
+					//brand em up
+				}
 			if (V.arcologies[market].FSIntellectualDependency > 20) {
 				r += `The only thing that rivals their idiocy is their uncontrollable libido. `;
@@ -686,8 +714,34 @@ window.generateMarketSlave = function(market = "kidnappers", numArcology = 1) {
 			if (V.arcologies[market].FSBodyPurist > 80) {
 				r += `They're quite pristine, free of any genomic damage or addictions regardless of any transformations they've had. `;
+				V.activeSlave.brand = {};
+				V.activeSlave.scar = {};
 				V.activeSlave.chem = 0;
 				V.activeSlave.addict = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.boobsTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.buttTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.lipsTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.vaginaTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.dickTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.anusTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.shouldersTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.armsTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.legsTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.backTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.stampTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.bellyTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.abortionTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.birthsTat = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.corsetPiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.nipplesPiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.areolaePiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.lipsPiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.tonguePiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.vaginaPiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.clitPiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.dickPiercing = 0;
+				V.activeSlave.anusPiercing = 0;
 			} else if (V.arcologies[market].FSTransformationFetishist > 80) {
 				r += `They vary in terms of what size their implants are, not whether they have them. `;
 				V.activeSlave.chem += jsRandom(10, 100);