From 2c3f318686acfb91e96e18f28d76efd41bff5b34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pregmodder <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2017 13:32:03 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Fixes and fairy descriptions.

 sanityCheck                                   |   2 +-
 src/pregmod/                         |   4 +-
 src/societies/aztec/         | 166 +++++++++---------
 src/uncategorized/          |   4 +-
 .../            |  94 +++++-----
 src/uncategorized/               |  28 +--
 src/uncategorized/          |  10 +-
 src/uncategorized/                    |   2 +-
 8 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sanityCheck b/sanityCheck
index af2fdd939ea..10416fa0bd5 100755
--- a/sanityCheck
+++ b/sanityCheck
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ $GREP "=to" -- 'src/*' | myprint "EqualAndTo"
 # Check doing  $ instead of $slaves[i].foo
 $GREP -e "[$]slaves[.]"  --and --not -e '[$]slaves[.]\(length\|random\|map\|filter\|deleteAt\|push\|find\|includes\|delete\|forEach\)' -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingSlavesIndex"
 # Try to check for accidentally mixing slaves[] and activeSlave.  This can have a lot of false matches, but has caught a lot of bugs so it's worth the pain
-$GREP -e "activeSlave[.]" --and -e "slaves\[..\?\][.]" --and --not -e '[.]ID' --and --not -e 'slaves\[..\?\][.]\(slaveName\|actualAge\|relation\|assignment\|age\|devotion\|trust\|vagina\)' -- 'src/*' | myprint "MaybeAccidentalMixingOfSlavesAndActiveSlave"
+$GREP -e "activeSlave[.]" --and -e "slaves\[..\?\][.]" --and --not -e '[.]ID' --and --not -e 'slaves\[..\?\][.]\(slaveName\|slaveSurname\|actualAge\|relation\|assignment\|age\|devotion\|trust\|vagina\)' -- 'src/*' | myprint "MaybeAccidentalMixingOfSlavesAndActiveSlave"
 # Check, e.g.  <<set foo == 4>>
 $GREP "<<set[^{>=]*==" -- 'src/*' | myprint "DoubleEqualsInSet"
 # Check for, e.g   <<if slaves[foo]>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/ b/src/pregmod/
index c8050dc115b..cef956a9528 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/
+++ b/src/pregmod/
@@ -128,9 +128,7 @@ Now the only question is what to do with the would be rapist. You could toss the
 //Applying enslavement as punishment will cost ツ、$contractCost. Doing so and then selling her immediately will bring in approximately ツ、$slaveCost.//
-<<set $saleDescription = 1, $applyLaw = 0>>
-<<include "Long Slave Description">>
-<<set $saleDescription = 0>>
+<<set $saleDescription = 1>><<include "Long Slave Description">>
 <span id="result">
 <<if $cash >= $contractCost>>
diff --git a/src/societies/aztec/ b/src/societies/aztec/
index 2109fb0581c..410344dddfc 100644
--- a/src/societies/aztec/
+++ b/src/societies/aztec/
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@
 			At first, she tries to fulfill her sacrifice the best she can, trying to maintain herself pure for the goddess. She submits to every instruction trying to hold as much as her body allows her, drinking as little as she can and sleeping only when she’s told. Soon the aphrodisiacs make her resolutions dilute as she tries to touch herself to find release. Doesn´t take her long to prove how efficient her chastity belt is. She cries and tries as much as she can but she’s unable to cause any kind of pleasure. As time goes by she seems to shift her efforts on fighting to remove the chastity belt from her with no avail. Her body twitches and shakes every time more often as the aphrodisiacs hit her harder every time her dose is renewed. Later on, she tries to please any part of her body which is free to touch and needs to be restrained. Hunger and depravation of sleep take a toll on her body too and tries to drink as much as possible to fool the hunger she feels. The tea is rationed to be given only when need it and the sleep carefully monitored. By the end of the week she remains on the bottom of her cage trying to the little energy she has, only interrupted by the body spasms the aphrodisiacs cause on her body followed by a soft moan.
 	<<elseif ($ < -20)>> 
-		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates oral">> 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>> 
 			She focuses on her need of release right away, now that she thinks the worst part of her penance is over as she no longer is going to be raped in the mouth just like she was last night. Soon discovers that is far from true when time for her first dose of the tea doesn’t exactly comes in a tea cup. As a mean to keep her penance accorded to the suffering the goddess demands the tea will be administered through a similar device used on dairies. A feeding phalli is quickly installed on a side of the cage. If she wants to avoid dehydration she’ll have to suck it off and only after she does it right she’ll have access to the tea. When she realizes what is in order for her she starts to cry and refuses to drink at all. As the week progresses she starts to faint every time more often as she vehemently refuses to work for her drink. She starts to faint every time more often as her body receives only the minimum amount of liquids. As a result, she’s restrained and the feeding phalli is pressed into her mouth and down her throat. Once situated, it begins to facefuck her. She gags and struggles, tears running down her face as she tries to scream while this is going on. After several minutes, she stops panicking and finally starts to inhale and exhale regularly. Only after this the transparent reservoir of tea is injected. She chucks on it but swallows desperately. According to your instructions her “feedings” are synched with her dose of aphrodisiacs which confuses her to no end and adds to her penance. The procedure goes on during the rest of the week several times a day. By the end of the week she can hardly stand up as the lack of food and sleep keeps her weak. She remains on the bottom of the cage only interrupted by her feedings and the body spasms she suffers as a result of the constant arousal.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>> 
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>> 
 			At first, she tries to relieve herself while she tries to hide her body. As a way to keep her penance according to the suffering the goddess demands a big screen was set next to her cage. After a few hours, the screen turns on and a live image of her on the cage appears. The screen then shifts to a low shot of her tight dripping wet product of her arousal, showing different stats related to it. After a few minutes, the screens changes to previously recorded footage of her naked body glistening while laying comfortably on the temazcal. After a minute, shifts again to a close shot of her ass being carefully painted with blue, the camera following the movement of the brush as it moves over her ass cheek and shifts again to a very close shot of her being fucked the night before. The video changes over and over again showing scenes of previously recorded footage of her preparation for her penance, every one carefully picked to give a good look of her body or revealing live shots of her body picked to show where her sexual arousal is more evident. The first time she sees them she burst into tears. As the week goes new clips are added showing the best scenes of her the camera was able to capture while the aphrodisiacs forced her to masturbate without success. Due her resistance to show her body for the cameras and the citizens passing by she’s immobilized to be kept standing, her body conveniently positioned to get the best shots. She tries to ignore the whole situation trying to focus on ignoring the screen. As a result, a small screen is set in front of her, the image divided in two, one half showing what the big screen projects and the other the audience and her reactions. By the end of the week she remains sitting immobilize on a stool to procure a good shot shivering.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "repressed")>> 
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "repressed")>> 
 			Although she thinks her clothes are degrading, she seems content to fulfill her duty keeping herself pure to the goddess and fighting the urge to touch herself. At first, she manages to control the heavy dose of aphrodisiacs that run through her body and tries to give no indication of the constant arousal she suffers. An occasional shake or moan escapes her lips for what she seems to be deeply ashamed. As the week goes by and her resistance reduces her body betray her most of the time. She shakes, moans and shivers with the littlest provocation, which horrify her to no end. Little does she know that her dose of aphrodisiacs has being increasing every time she’s injected and are more effective now that the lack of sleep takes a toll on her body. She hates herself for being unable to control the shameful things her body demands and burst into tears when her pelvis trusts the minute the fringes are moved by the wind and caresses her body or the necklace rubs on her nipples. By the end of the week she can’t handle it and tries to touch herself when the arousal becomes too much, which is often. She seems ashamed of her actions and often she breaks out on tears as she tries to masturbate. She remains her time left on penance in the bottom of the cage sobbing as her body keeps as much of the energy it can only interrupted by the moans she can no longer control and the shivers to run through her body when the aphrodisiacs overwhelmed her. 
-		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "attention whore")>> 
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "attention whore")>> 
 			She seems to enjoy all the attention she receives every time she tries find release as the citizens passing by scream at her for her lack of faith and takes special care in showing her body to the audience. She rejoices with the reactions of the citizens as they gasp and point while she shakes and moans. The first time the tea is offered to her she refuses it hoping to get a reaction of her crowd. As a way to keep her penance according to the suffering the goddess demands after the first night is over she’s informed that due to her good behavior she has been granted the chance to finish her penance in private. She curses and swears. Fighting with all of her strength to be left where she is. She’s taken out by forced and pinned to the floor to be immobilized. She’s blindfolded and taken to a minuscule room nearby while cries and tries to resist. Once inside she’s left to herself, her only contact with another person is the slave appointed to her care who enters to administer the aphrodisiacs when required, when her ration of tea is left on the room or when she falls sleep and is required to be awake. Little does she know the room is filled with hidden cameras which are connected to a big screen installed where her cage was as the penance must be public. As the week goes by she’s left to deal with the hunger, the lack of sleep and the constant need to release which she can no longer control. By the end of the week she can’t stand up and remains on the bottom of the room, saving her strength and sobbing. 
-		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "self hating")>>
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "self hating")>>
 			As week starts she tries to fulfill her duty, fighting the urge to touch herself and drinking just when she needs to, hoping that by following the rules the penance of such unworthy slave will be enough to please the goddess. As the week progresses her resolution reduces. She soon discovers how efficient a chastity belt could be when, once completely overpowered by her need of release she tries to touch herself fearing the wrath of the goddess for her lack of strength. Her body shakes and twitch every time more often as the aphrodisiacs run through her body blaming herself for not being able to keep herself in control. Her pelvis thrusts every time the airs provides extra stimulation product the sexual frustration and tries to stop it by banging her head against the cage. She soon needs to be immobilized to avoid damage. As she lays on the cage she blames herself hating her inability to fulfill her task. The lack of food has a toll on her too, as she often refuses to drink thinking the dehydration is well deserved. As a result of this, it’s forced to drink several times a day which seems to infuriate her.  By the end of the week she can hardly stand up as the lack of food and sleep keeps her weak. She remains on the bottom of the cage fed by another slave when the delirious makes clear she needs more liquid on her body and her hours of sleep are over.
 			As she starts to feel the effect of the aphrodisiacs on her body a soft moan leaves her mouth. Soon her legs are shaking and her body sweating. She tries to reach down there to relieve herself but she can’t reach. She tries to find a way to reach <<if $activeSlave.dick != 0>>her dick or her asshole<<else>>any hole<</if>> just to discover how efficient a chastity belt could be. She tries to reach harder, desperately trying to find any kind of release but she’s unable. Soon all her efforts seem focus to fool the chastity belt with no avail. After a few hours, she has finally given up and remains holding the bars of her cage, crying in despair as she uses the holds from them and thrust over and over again desperately moaning. She begs for release to anyone who pass by and burst into tears when is blatantly ignored. She refuses to drink as her need to cum is stronger. As the week goes by her hunger increases and tries to drink as much of the tea she’s provided to try to fool her stomach. As a result of this, it’s only given to her when is strictly necessary which seems to infuriate her.  By the end of the week she can hardly stand up as the lack of food and sleep keeps her weak. She remains on the bottom of the cage fed by another slave when the delirious makes clear she needs more liquid on her body and her hours of sleep are over.
@@ -252,95 +252,93 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "no clothing">>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetish != "none")>>
-				<<fetishChangeChance $activeSlave>>
-				<<if $fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-					<<set _$activeSlaveFetish. = 1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $ += 4>>
-						Her successful penance makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@ as she has probed to you and to the goddess how good slave she is. 
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "masochist")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 6, $ += 6>>
-				The constant pain you submit her to during her penance makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 4>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "humiliation")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 6, $ += 6>>
-				The constant humiliation during her penance makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@ as she has probed to you and to the goddess how good slave she is. 
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 3>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-	<<else>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetish != "none")>>
+			<<fetishChangeChance $activeSlave>>
+			<<if $fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
+				<<set $activeSlaveFetish. = 1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $ += 4>>
+				Her successful penance makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@ as she has probed to you and to the goddess how good slave she is. 
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "masochist")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 6, $ += 6>>
+					The constant pain you submit her to during her penance makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 4>>
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut")>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "humiliation")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 6, $ += 6>>
+					The constant humiliation during her penance makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@ as she has probed to you and to the goddess how good slave she is. 
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 3>>
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>		
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 1, $ += 1>>
-	She understands the importance on her role as a pennant slave and her commitment to you and the goddess makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
-	<</if>>
+			She understands the importance on her role as a pennant slave and her commitment to you and the goddess makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
+		<</if>>
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20) || (($activeSlave.devotion >= -20) && ($ < -20) && ($ >= -50))>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetish != "none")>>
-			<<fetishChangeChance $activeSlave>>
-				<<if $fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-					<<set _$activeSlaveFetish. = 1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetish != "none")>>
+				<<fetishChangeChance $activeSlave>>
+					<<if $fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
+						<<set $activeSlaveFetish. = 1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 3, $ += 3>>
-				The constant submission she was subjected under your orders makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 6>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "masochist")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 3, $ += 3>>
-				The constant abuse she was subjected under your orders makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "humiliation")>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 3, $ += 3>>
-				The constant humilliation she was subjected under your orders makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 6>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut")>>
+			<<if ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 3, $ += 3>>
+						The constant submission she was subjected under your orders makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 6>>
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "masochist")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 3, $ += 3>>
+						The constant abuse she was subjected under your orders makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "humiliation")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 3, $ += 3>>
+						The constant humilliation she was subjected under your orders makes her;trust you more@@ and @@.hotpink;love you more@@.
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 6>>
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs")>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			She understands the importance of her role as a pennant slave and her commitment to you and the goddess. She neither trusts you more or less or loves you more or less.
+		<</if>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
+				The constant abuse to her mouth for her feedings and the pain you subject her to makes her @@.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
+			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 5>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates anal")>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
+				Her constant need of release without the chance to stimulate her ass and the pain you subject her to makes her @@.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
 			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs")>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
+				The constant exposure of her naked body through the screens to everyone willing to see her and the pain you subject her to makes her @@.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
+			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 4>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == " self hating ")>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
+				The constant depravation of food, sleep and sexual release makes her hate herself more. As a result she @.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
+			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 7>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-	<<else>>
-		She understands the importance of her role as a pennant slave and her commitment to you and the goddess. She neither trusts you more or less or loves you more or less.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
-			The constant abuse to her mouth for her feedings and the pain you subject her to makes her @@.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
-		<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 5>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates anal")>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
-			Her constant need of release without the chance to stimulate her ass and the pain you subject her to makes her @@.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
-		<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
-			The constant exposure of her naked body through the screens to everyone willing to see her and the pain you subject her to makes her @@.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
-		<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 4>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == " self hating ")>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
-			The constant depravation of food, sleep and sexual release makes her hate herself more. As a result she @.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
-		<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength += 7>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 2>>
-			The constant shame she was subjected in such a public way makes her @.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
-		The lack of food, sleep and the constant arousal with the chastity belt makes her @.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
-	<</if>>
+				The constant shame she was subjected in such a public way makes her @.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
+		<<else>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $ -= 5>>
+			The lack of food, sleep and the constant arousal with the chastity belt makes her @.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
+		<</if>>
 	<<elseif ($ < -20)>>
-		<<If ($activeSlave.fetish != "none")>>
-	<<fetishChangeChance $activeSlave>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.fetish != "none")>>
+			<<fetishChangeChance $activeSlave>>
 				<<if $fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-					<<set _$activeSlaveFetish. = 1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>	
+					<<set $activeSlaveFetish. = 1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>	
+				<</if>>
+		<</if>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates oral") 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 7, $ -= 7>>
 				The constant abuse to her mouth for her feedings and the pain you subject her to makes her @@.mediumorchid;trust you less@@ and @@.hotpink;hate you more@@.
 			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength -= 6>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 70bfd343768..2145afdadf1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1185,9 +1185,9 @@ $assistantName's avatar seems to be extremely escited over something. Disregardi
 <<case "businesswoman">>
 	She hops up and down clutching a virtual printout of the report, an adorable sight given her usual serious demeanor.
 <<case "fairy">>
-	//placeholder//
+	She flies around in circles excitedly, clutching a virtual printout of the report much larger than herself.
 <<case "pregnant fairy">>
-	//placeholder//
+	She flies up to you clutching a virtual printout of the report, fidgeting excitedly.
 <<case "goddess">>
 	She hops up and down clutching a virtual printout of the report, her huge breasts splattering milk everywhere and invoking a storm of kicks from her many children.
 <<case "hypergoddess">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index f27a44aab51..182a7420c2a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -730,56 +730,56 @@ She's a cute little <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">>$arcologies[0]
 <<case "fairy">>
-	She's a cute little fairy
+	She's a cute little
 	<<if $assistantFSOptions>>
 	<<switch $assistantFSAppearance>>
 	<<case "paternalist">>
-		wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
+		fairy wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
 	<<case "degradationist">>
-		wearing her birthday suit, with her hair in a mess.
+		fairy and completely unclothed, with her hair in a mess and covered in dirt.
 	<<case "roman revivalist">>
-		wearing a small handkercheif wrapped around her like a toga, with one tiny breast sticking out. A wreath made of twisted clovers sits on her head.
+		fairy wearing a small handkercheif wrapped around her like a toga, with one tiny breast sticking out. A wreath made of twisted clovers sits on her head.
 	<<case "aztec revivalist">>
-		//Placeholder//
+		fairy, yellow paint creating tribal patterns across her naked form.
 	<<case "egyptian revivalist">>
-		wearing a simple white linen dress and has eyeshadow poorly applied around her eyes.
+		fairy wearing a simple white linen dress and has eyeshadow poorly applied around her eyes.
 	<<case "edo revivalist">>
-		wearing a fine kimono and holding a little fan. She looks like a little Hina doll.
+		fairy wearing a fine kimono and holding a little fan. She looks like a little Hina doll.
 	<<case "arabian revivalist">>
-		wearing a strip of silk as a dress.
+		fairy wearing a strip of silk as a dress.
 	<<case "chinese revivalist">>
-		wearing a silk cheongsam with a little green cap on her head. Her hair is braided on the sides. She looks like a figurine from some kind of game.
+		fairy wearing a silk cheongsam with a little green cap on her head. Her hair is braided on the sides. She looks like a figurine from some kind of game.
 	<<case "chattel religionist">>
-		wearing a little gold-white habit.
+		fairy wearing a little gold-white habit.
 	<<case "physical idealist">>
-		wearing a training bra and spats. She has abs poorly drawn on her belly with a marker.
+		fairy wearing a training bra and spats. She has abs poorly drawn on her belly with a marker.
 	<<case "hedonistic decadence">>
-		//Placeholder//
+		fairy, naked and sitting in a cup of pudding, happily digging into its contents.
 	<<case "repopulation focus">>
-		wearing a simple dress. Her belly appears to be swollen and ready to burst, but a quick lift of her skirt shows that she's smuggling a grape under there.
+		fairy wearing a simple dress. Her belly appears to be swollen and ready to burst, but a quick lift of her skirt shows that she's smuggling a grape under there.
 	<<case "gender radicalist">>
-		wearing a pair of pants. Just the pants.
+		fairy wearing a pair of pants. Just the pants.
 	<<case "gender fundamentalist">>
-		wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
+		fairy wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
 	<<case "asset expansionist">>
-		wearing a pair of pants and a t-shirt. She has two blueberries stuffed into the front of her shirt.
+		fairy wearing a pair of pants and a t-shirt. She has two blueberries stuffed into the front of her shirt.
 	<<case "transformation fetishist">>
-		naked and covered in jelly. She's pretending to be a slime.
+		wearing a pair of tight jeans and a t-shirt. She has two grapes stuffed into her shirt, and some cotton shoved in the back of her jeans.
 	<<case "pastoralist">>
-		wearing only a pair of overalls. The overalls are just loose enough to let her nearly flat chest to peek out when she turns or bends over.
+		fairy wearing only a pair of overalls. The overalls are just loose enough to let her nearly flat chest to peek out when she turns or bends over.
 	<<case "maturity preferentialist">>
-		wearing an old wool dress and spinning a cane.
+		fairy wearing an old wool dress and spinning a cane.
 	<<case "youth preferentialist">>
-		wearing a kindergartner's uniform, complete with rain cap and red backpack.
+		fairy wearing a kindergartner's uniform, complete with rain cap and red backpack.
 	<<case "slimness enthusiast">>
-		wearing a handkerchief with a hole in it like a poncho. She looks as slim as usual, with her naked body completely visible from the sides.
+		fairy wearing a handkerchief with a hole in it like a poncho. She looks as slim as usual, with her naked body completely visible from the sides.
 	<<case "body purist">>
-		wearing her birthday suit, with pale unblemished skin on full display and silky golden hair cascading down her back.
+		fairy wearing her birthday suit, with pale unblemished skin on full display and silky golden hair cascading down her back.
-		wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light she's giving off. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
+		fairy wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light she's giving off. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
-		wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light she's giving off. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
+		fairy wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light she's giving off. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
 <<if ($cockFeeder == 1) && ($seed == 1)>>
 	A recognizable little representation of one of your slaves underneath her, with her tongue sticking out to catch her dripping love juices. The slave must be down in the kitchen, getting a meal out of the food dispensers. The fairy notices you watching and winks, dripping even more with your eyes on her.
@@ -813,52 +813,52 @@ She's a cute little <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">>$arcologies[0]
 	<<if $assistantFSOptions>>
 	<<switch $assistantFSAppearance>>
 	<<case "paternalist">>
-		wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
+		fairy wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
 	<<case "degradationist">>
-		wearing her birthday suit, with her hair in a mess.
+		fairy, completely unclothed, with her hair in a mess and covered in dirt.
 	<<case "roman revivalist">>
-		wearing a small handkercheif wrapped around her like a toga, with one tiny milky breast sticking out. A wreath made of twisted clovers sits on her head.
+		fairy wearing a small handkercheif wrapped around her like a toga, with one tiny milky breast sticking out. A wreath made of twisted clovers sits on her head.
 	<<case "aztec revivalist">>
-		//Placeholder//
+		fairy, yellow paint creating tribal patterns across her naked form and curving around her swollen belly.
 	<<case "egyptian revivalist">>
-		wearing a simple white linen dress and has eyeshadow poorly applied around her eyes.
+		fairy wearing a simple white linen dress and has eyeshadow poorly applied around her eyes.
 	<<case "edo revivalist">>
-		wearing a fine kimono and holding a little fan. She looks like a little Hina doll.
+		fairy wearing a fine kimono and holding a little fan. She looks like a little Hina doll.
 	<<case "arabian revivalist">>
-		wearing a strip of silk as a dress.
+		fairy wearing a strip of silk as a dress.
 	<<case "chinese revivalist">>
-		wearing a silk cheongsam with a little green cap on her head. Her hair is braided on the sides. She looks like a figurine from some kind of game.
+		fairy wearing a silk cheongsam with a little green cap on her head. Her hair is braided on the sides. She looks like a figurine from some kind of game.
 	<<case "chattel religionist">>
-		wearing a little gold-white habit and glowing with purity.
+		fairy wearing a little gold-white habit and glowing with purity.
 	<<case "physical idealist">>
-		wearing a training bra and spats. Her large belly sticks out even more.
+		fairy wearing a training bra and spats. Her large belly sticks out even more.
 	<<case "hedonistic decadence">>
-		//Placeholder//
+		fairy, nude and sitting upon a large pastry, covered in cream. She occasionally pulls off a piece to nibble on.
 	<<case "repopulation focus">>
-		wearing a lovely maternity dress, which shows off her swollen belly.
+		fairy wearing a lovely maternity dress, which shows off her swollen belly.
 	<<case "gender radicalist">>
-		wearing a pair of pants. Just the pants.
+		fairy wearing a pair of pants. Just the pants.
 	<<case "gender fundamentalist">>
-		wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
+		fairy wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of her waist length golden-blonde hair. She looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.
 	<<case "asset expansionist">>
-		wearing a pair of pants and a t-shirt. She has two blueberries stuffed into the front of her shirt.
+		fairy wearing a pair of pants and a t-shirt. She has two blueberries stuffed into the front of her shirt.
 	<<case "transformation fetishist">>
-		nude and covered in jelly. She's rubbing it all over her swollen belly.
+		fairy wearing a pair of tight jeans and a t-shirt. She has two grapes stuffed into her shirt, and some cotton shoved in the back of her jeans.
 	<<case "pastoralist">>
-		wearing only a pair of overalls. The overalls are open enough to let her belly pour out.
+		fairy wearing only a pair of overalls. The overalls are open enough to let her belly pour out.
 	<<case "maturity preferentialist">>
-		wearing an old wool dress and rocking back and forth on a rocking chair, cradling her belly.
+		fairy wearing an old wool dress and rocking back and forth on a rocking chair, cradling her belly.
 	<<case "youth preferentialist">>
-		wearing a kindergartner's uniform, complete with rain cap and red backpack. Her swollen belly looks out of place.
+		fairy wearing a kindergartner's uniform, complete with rain cap and red backpack. Her swollen belly looks out of place.
 	<<case "slimness enthusiast">>
-		wearing a handkerchief with a hole in it like a poncho. Her pregnant belly forces the poncho to spread wide, leaving little of her body to the imagination.
+		fairy wearing a handkerchief with a hole in it like a poncho. Her pregnant belly forces the poncho to spread wide, leaving little of her body to the imagination.
 	<<case "body purist">>
-		wearing her birthday suit, with pale unblemished pregnant belly on full display and silky golden hair cascading down her back.
+		fairy wearing her birthday suit, with pale unblemished pregnant belly on full display and silky golden hair cascading down her back.
-		wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light coming from her belly. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
+		fairy wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light coming from her belly. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
-		wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light coming from her belly. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
+		fairy wearing her birthday suit, with her nude form obscured by the light coming from her belly. Her silky golden hair cascading down her back.
 <<if ($cockFeeder == 1) && ($seed == 1)>>
 	A recognizable little representation of one of your slaves beside her, with her tongue scraping across her breast to catchthe beads of milk that flow. The slave must be down in the kitchen, getting a meal out of the food dispensers. The fairy notices you watching and winks, her unattended breast giving out a small spray of milk.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 558cf858c48..294c6d32143 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -100,28 +100,12 @@
-<<if $slaves[$i].PCKnockedUp > 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
-		She got you pregnant and she knows it. This is a huge deal to her and uses it to threaten you and @@.mediumorchid;remain unbroken.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 0>>
-			Even better; you gave birth to her child<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 1>>children<</if>>. To her, she is the dominant force and you are just bitch to be bred.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-		She got you pregnant and she knows it. She is broken to your will enough to know to keep it to herself. But she @@.mediumorchid;harbors doubts@@ over your dominance.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 0>>
-			You even kept her child<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 1>>children<</if>>. She feels herself @@.hotpink;drawn to you@@ knowing you didn't @@.mediumaquamarine;snuff out the life, her life,@@ growing inside you.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust += 4>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		She got you pregnant and she knows it. This is a big deal to her and she uses it to @@.hotpink;forge an even stronger connection@@ to you.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 0>>
-			You even kept her child<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 1>>children<</if>>. She @@.mediumaquamarine;must mean something special@@ to you.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
-		<</if>>
+<<if $slaves[$i].PCKnockedUp > 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
+	She got you pregnant and she knows it. This is a @@.mediumorchid;huge boost@@ to her ego and gives her an a slight edge on you.
+	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
+	<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 0>>
+		Even better; you gave birth to her child<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 1>>children<</if>>. To her, she is the dominant force and you are just bitch to be bred. She could create a scandal if she started running her mouth, something she lords over you every chance she gets under the assumption that @@.mediumaquamarine;you'll try to appease her to keep her quiet.@@
+		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index e06e8079101..e0bbf930fe6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -706,16 +706,16 @@
-					<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk is "perverted">>
+					<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
 						is such a pervert that she @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with her own _PCrelative.
 						<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
 					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
 						is so inured to the perversities of slavery that she @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with her own _PCrelative.
 						<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk is "sinful">>
+					<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
 						is torn between sinful delight and deep disgust that she's carrying on an incestuous relationship with her own _PCrelative.
 					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 75>>
-						is so devoted to you that she accepts carrying on an incestuous relationship with her own mother.
+						is so devoted to you that she accepts carrying on an incestuous relationship with her own _PCrelative.
 					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 50>>
 						is somewhat @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ that she's carrying on an incestuous relationship with her own _PCrelative.
 						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
@@ -730,10 +730,10 @@
 					<<if _SlaveI.preg > 0>>
 						<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == -1>>
-							<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk is "perverted">>
+							<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
 								She's even @@.hotpink;aroused@@ by the constant awareness that her _PCrelative is the parent of the daughter<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>s<</if>> she's carrying.
 								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk is "sinful">>
+							<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
 								Her feelings about carrying her <<print _PCrelative>>'s child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> are @@.hotpink;secretly less mixed,@@ though.
 								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
 							<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 39ffc21904e..25beba84d97 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ Treat nails:
 $possessiveCap skin is $
 <<if ($dyedSkin.indexOf($ != -1)>>
-	[[Remove coloring|Salon][$ = "$activeSlave.origSkin,$cash -= $modCost]]
+	[[Remove coloring|Salon][$ = $activeSlave.origSkin,$cash -= $modCost]]
 <<if ($dyedSkin.indexOf($ == -1)>>