From 32f11c8adb4a85d64daddcb2b8df42dc52ea166f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lowercase-donkey <>
Date: Sun, 19 May 2019 20:23:46 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] SlavePronouns is never used now

 devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt        |  2 +-
 devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt |  2 --
 src/js/assayJS.js                             | 13 -------------
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt b/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt
index e6c1d7afe51..1e92894883d 100644
--- a/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt
+++ b/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ A slave can be linked with the macro <<EventNameLink _Slave>>. This allows the p
 <<SlaveTitle _Slave>> sets $desc (which ends up being a string like "slavegirl", "MILF", "futanari" and so on, depending on slave).
-<<SlavePronouns _Slave>> allows you to use the variables $pronoun ("she"/"he"/"it"), $pronounCap ("She"/"He"/"It"), $possessive ("her"/"his"/"its"), $possessiveCap ("Her"/"His"/"Its") and $object ("her"/"him"/"it"). There is NO variable for self-possession ("hers"/"his"/"its") and for "herself", you need to use <<= $object>>self.
+<<setLocalPronouns _Slave>> allows you to use the variables $pronoun ("she"/"he"/"it"), $pronounCap ("She"/"He"/"It"), $possessive ("her"/"his"/"its"), $possessiveCap ("Her"/"His"/"Its") and $object ("her"/"him"/"it"). There is NO variable for self-possession ("hers"/"his"/"its") and for "herself", you need to use <<= $object>>self.
 One more macro initializes several others and is required when you have a slave speak and want to use direct quotes: <<Enunciate _Slave>> allows you to use <<Master>>, <<WrittenMaster>>, <<says>> (which turns into "lisps" when that's the case) and the lisping replacers <<s>>, <<ss>>, <<S>>, <<c>> and <<z>>.
 The text should be about large enough to fit on the screen assuming typical monitor sizes. In terms of visible text, about 1000 words are a fine limit to aim for. There's a lot to keep in mind in terms of different appearances and circumstances, so keep your document with slave variables as a reference nearby.
diff --git a/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt b/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt
index 164361af93a..ee2de0e7458 100644
--- a/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt	
+++ b/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt	
@@ -218,8 +218,6 @@ getSlave(ID) - Returns the slave object with the matching ID.
 getPronouns(slave) - Returns an object containing a slave's pronouns.
-SlavePronouns(slave) - Sets global pronoun variables to a slave's pronouns. ($he, $He, $His, $his, $him) (obsolete?)
 WrittenMaster(slave) - Returns a slave's title for the player and sets lisping. Returns $activeSlave if not given an argument.
 Enunciate(slave) - Syncs lisp widgets with slave.
diff --git a/src/js/assayJS.js b/src/js/assayJS.js
index 85d9c11a4b1..b0cab4b9a58 100644
--- a/src/js/assayJS.js
+++ b/src/js/assayJS.js
@@ -393,19 +393,6 @@ window.getPronouns = function (slave) {
 	return new App.Utils.Pronouns(slave);
- * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
- */
-window.SlavePronouns = function SlavePronouns(slave) {
-	const V = State.variables;
-	const pronouns = getPronouns(slave);
-	V.pronoun = pronouns.pronoun;
-	V.pronounCap = capFirstChar(pronouns.pronoun);
-	V.possessive = pronouns.possessive;
-	V.possessiveCap = capFirstChar(pronouns.possessive);
-	V.object = pronouns.object;
  * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
  * @returns {string}	// I think