diff --git a/src/endWeek/saRulesFunctions.js b/src/endWeek/saRulesFunctions.js
index 94c8725c963e9e341efb1f67d3d1b5c69041d024..c953aef7a0f638d5dc992f40cfb235b71900efa3 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/saRulesFunctions.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/saRulesFunctions.js
@@ -1507,3 +1507,201 @@ App.EndWeek.Rules.speechRules = function(slave) {
 	return r;
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules = function(slave) {
+	/**
+	 * @param {FC.Assignment} assignment
+	 * @returns {{comingDay: string, providedDom: string, providedSadist: string, emptyPlace: string, peers: App.Entity.SlaveState[], manager: App.Entity.SlaveState}}
+	 */
+	function getJobText(assignment) {
+		const job = App.Utils.jobForAssignment(assignment);
+		const facility = job ? job.facility : null;
+		// defaults
+		const obj = {
+			comingDay: `you bring home more slaves`,
+			providedDom: `a whole penthouse of whores for ${him} to dominate`,
+			providedSadist: `a whole penthouse of sluts for ${him} to rape`,
+			emptyPlace: facility ? facility.name : `${his} workplace`,
+			peers: facility ? facility.employees() : [],
+			manager: (facility && facility.manager) ? facility.manager.currentEmployee : null,
+		};
+		switch (assignment) {
+			case Job.BROTHEL:
+			case Job.MADAM:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `you assign more whores to ${V.brothelName}`,
+					providedDom: `a whole brothel of whores for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `a whole brothel of whores for ${him} to rape`
+				});
+			case Job.TEACHER:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `more of your slaves enroll in ${V.schoolroomName}`,
+					providedDom: `a whole class of students to demonstrate proper submission with`,
+					providedSadist: `a whole class of students for ${him} to rape lessons into`
+				});
+			case Job.SCHOOL:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `more of your slaves enroll in ${V.schoolroomName}`,
+					providedDom: `a whole class of students for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `a whole class of students for ${him} to rape`
+				});
+			case Job.CLUB:
+			case Job.DJ:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `you assign more sluts to ${V.clubName}`,
+					providedDom: `a whole club of sluts for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `a whole club of sluts for ${him} to rape`
+				});
+			case Job.NURSE:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `the day traffic in ${V.clinicName} picks up`
+					// providedDom and providedSadist are unused; nurse gets visitors, not employees
+				});
+			case Job.ATTENDANT:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `more vulnerable slaves enter ${V.spaName}`,
+					providedDom: `all the warm, moist bodies lounging around ${V.spaName}`,
+					providedSadist: `all the warm, moist bodies lounging around ${V.spaName}`
+				});
+			case Job.SPA:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: S.Attendant ? `more of your slaves join ${him} in the pool` : `you assign more slaves to ${V.spaName}`,
+					providedDom: `a whole pool of slaves for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `a whole pool of slaves for ${him} to rape`
+				});
+			case Job.MATRON:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `more nannies are assigned to help in ${V.nurseryName}`,
+					providedDom: `all the nannies busily scurrying around ${V.nurseryName}`,
+					providedSadist: `all the nannies busily scurrying around ${V.nurseryName}`,
+				});
+			case Job.NURSERY:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `more nannies are assigned to help in ${V.nurseryName}`,
+					providedDom: `a whole nursery of nannies for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `a whole nursery of nannies for ${him} to rape`,
+				});
+			case Job.STEWARD:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `you assign more maids to ${V.servantsQuartersName}`,
+					providedDom: `so many maids for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `so many maids for ${him} to rape`,
+				});
+			case Job.QUARTER:
+			case Job.HOUSE:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					peers: V.slaves, // ALL THE SLAVES!
+					emptyPlace: "your penthouse" // always, even for servants' quarter slaves
+				});
+			case Job.MILKMAID:
+			case Job.DAIRY:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `you assign more cows to ${V.dairyName}`,
+					providedDom: `so many cows for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `so many cows for ${him} to rape`,
+				});
+			case Job.FARMER:
+			case Job.FARMYARD:
+				return Object.assign(obj, {
+					comingDay: `you assign more farmhands to ${V.farmyardName}`,
+					providedDom: `so many farmhands for ${him} to dominate`,
+					providedSadist: `so many farmhands for ${him} to rape`,
+				});
+			default:
+				return obj;
+		}
+	}
+	let r = [];
+	const {He, he, him, his, himself} = getPronouns(slave);
+	const jt = getJobText(slave.assignment);
+	if (V.universalRulesConsent === 0) {
+		if (slave.devotion <= 20) {
+			const jobMolestation = (slave.assignment === Job.QUARTER || slave.assignment === Job.HOUSE) ? ` and given ${his} job` : ``;
+			if (slave.trust > -10) {
+				if (jt.peers.length > 2 || jt.manager) {
+					r.push(`Under the rules${jobMolestation}, ${he} finds ${himself} constantly molested by other slaves, and lives ${his} life constantly <span class="trust dec">afraid.</span>`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`Under the rules${jobMolestation}, ${he} is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives ${his} life constantly <span class="trust dec">afraid</span> of the day ${jt.comingDay}`);
+				}
+				slave.trust -= 2;
+			} else {
+				if (jt.peers.length > 2 || jt.manager) {
+					r.push(`Under the rules${jobMolestation}, ${he} finds ${himself} constantly molested by other slaves, but ${he}'s already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect ${him}.`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`Under the rules${jobMolestation}, ${he} will someday find ${himself} constantly molested by other slaves, but ${he}'s already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross ${his} mind.`);
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (slave.rules.release.slaves === 1 || slave.rules.release.family === 1) {
+			const whom = (slave.rules.release.slaves === 1) ? "other slaves" : `${his} relatives`;
+			const peerCount = (slave.rules.release.slaves === 1) ? jt.peers.length : jt.peers.filter(s => areRelated(s, slave)).length;
+			if (peerCount > 2 && (slave.assignment === Job.HOUSE || slave.assignment === Job.QUARTER)) {
+				// no special requirements for servants...they ALL get the devotion bonus, even if they are frigid and fetishless
+				r.push(`Under the rules, ${he}'s allowed to demand that ${whom} get ${him} off, but only when ${he}'s finished ${his} shift. ${He} still <span class="devotion inc">adores</span> having the option.`);
+				slave.devotion += 1;
+			} else if (slave.energy > 95) {
+				r.push(`Under the rules, ${he}'s allowed to demand that ${whom} get ${him} off, and ${he}`);
+				if (peerCount > 2) {
+					if (slave.assignment === Job.NURSE) { // nurse gets visitors, not employees
+						r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">happily avails</span> ${himself} to any slaves visiting the patients under ${his} care.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">adores</span> you for giving ${him} plentiful outlets for ${his} nymphomania.`);
+					}
+				} else {
+					r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">eagerly awaits</span> the day ${jt.comingDay}.`);
+				}
+				slave.devotion += 1;
+			} else if ((slave.fetishKnown === 1) && (slave.fetishStrength > 60)) {
+				if (slave.fetish === "sadist") {
+					r.push(`Under the rules, ${he}'s allowed to sexually abuse ${whom}, and ${he}`);
+					if (peerCount > 2) {
+						if (slave.assignment === Job.NURSE) { // nurse gets visitors, not employees
+							r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">happily rapes</span> any slaves visiting the patients under ${his} care.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">adores</span> you for providing ${jt.providedSadist}.`);
+						}
+					} else {
+						r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">eagerly awaits</span> the day ${jt.comingDay}.`);
+					}
+					slave.devotion += 1;
+				} else if (slave.fetish === "dom") {
+					r.push(`Under the rules, ${he}'s allowed to force ${whom} to have sex with ${him}, and ${he}`);
+					if (peerCount > 2) {
+						if (slave.assignment === Job.NURSE) { // nurse gets visitors, not employees
+							r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">happily dominates</span> any slaves visiting the patients under ${his} care.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">adores</span> you for providing ${jt.providedDom}.`);
+						}
+					} else {
+						r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">eagerly awaits</span> the day ${jt.comingDay}.`);
+					}
+					slave.devotion += 1;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else if ((slave.devotion <= 20) && (slave.devotion >= -20)) {
+		// all slave managers have a devotion requirement which will skip this branch entirely
+		r.push(`Since ${he}'s low in the slave hierarchy, <span class="trust inc">${he} knows</span> that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with ${him} is all that protects ${him} from abuse.`);
+		if (jt.peers.length < 2) {
+			if (slave.assignment === Job.SPA) {
+				if (jt.manager) {
+					r.push(`Well, that and the fact ${jt.emptyPlace} is mostly frequented by other slaveowners' stock.`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`Well, that and the fact ${jt.emptyPlace} is ${his} little private sanctuary`);
+				}
+			} else if (!jt.manager) {
+				r.push(`Well, that and the fact ${jt.emptyPlace} is rather empty.`);
+			}
+		}
+		slave.trust += 1;
+	}
+	return r.join(' ');
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
index 8632db171a428213842f9c5fd68caaf297692723..d0b58feeb6901dc8b830868508844763146ffd79 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
@@ -70,34 +70,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for leaving plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania under $his care.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more whores to $brothelName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole brothel of whores for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more whores to $brothelName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for allowing $him a brothel of whores to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more whores to $his domain.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -250,58 +223,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2 || _S.Madam>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day you assign more whores to $brothelName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2 || _S.Madam>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more whores to $brothelName to get $him off.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole brothel of whores for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more whores to $brothelName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole brothel of whores for $him to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more whores to $brothelName for $him to dominate.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if App.Entity.facilities.brothel.employeesIDs().size > 2 || _S.Madam>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact $brothelName is rather empty.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -362,34 +284,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for leaving plentiful, tantalizing, outlets for $his nymphomania under $his care.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more sluts to $clubName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole club of sluts for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more sluts to $clubName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for allowing $him a club of sluts to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@the day you assign more sluts to $his domain.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -502,58 +397,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2 || _S.DJ>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day you assign more sluts to $clubName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2 || _S.DJ>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more sluts to $clubName to get $him off.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole club of sluts for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more sluts to $clubName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole club of sluts for $him to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more sluts to $clubName for $him to dominate.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if App.Entity.facilities.club.employeesIDs().size > 2 || _S.DJ>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact $clubName is rather empty.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -615,34 +459,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if $slaves.length > 5>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;happily avails@@ $himself to any slaves visiting the patients under $his care.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day traffic in $clinicName picks up.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if $slaves.length > 5>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;happily rapes@@ any slaves visiting the patients under $his care.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day traffic in $clinicName picks up.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if $slaves.length > 5>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;happily dominates@@ any slaves visiting the patients under $his care.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day traffic in $clinicName picks up.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -808,6 +625,7 @@
+			/% diverges from App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i]) %/
 			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
 					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
@@ -1059,34 +877,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 			$He finds plenty of time to relax between $his duties, or during them, should $his company be requested.
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for all the warm, moist bodies lounging around $spaName.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more vulnerable slaves enter $spaName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing all the warm, moist bodies lounging around $spaName.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more vulnerable slaves come to $spaName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for allotting $him all the warm, moist bodies lounging around $spaName.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more vulnerable slaves enter $his domain.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -1200,58 +991,7 @@
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day another slave grabs $him from under the water.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day <<if _S.Attendant>>more of your slaves join $him in the pool<<else>>you assign more slaves to $spaName to help $him relieve $his <<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>swollen balls<<else>>tension<</if>><</if>>.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole pool of slaves for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day <<if _S.Attendant>>more of your slaves join $him in the pool<<else>>you assign more slaves to $spaName to help $him unwind<</if>>.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole pool of slaves for $him to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day <<if _S.Attendant>>more of your slaves join $him in the pool<<else>>you assign more slaves to $spaName to help $him unwind<</if>>.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if App.Entity.facilities.spa.employeesIDs().size > 2>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact $spaName is <<if _S.Attendant>>mostly frequented by other slaveowners' stock<<else>>$his little private sanctuary<</if>>.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -1301,34 +1041,7 @@
 			$He is @@.hotpink;very happy@@ with $his private room in the back of $nurseryName and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts@@ you a bit more for placing the responsibility of raising $arcologies[0].name's children in $his <<if !hasAnyArms($slaves[$i])>>figurative <</if>>hand<<if hasBothArms($slaves[$i])>>s<</if>>.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for all the nannies busily scurrying around $nurseryName.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more vulnerable slaves enter $nurseryName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing all the nannies busily scurrying around $nurseryName.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more vulnerable slaves come to $nurseryName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for allotting $him all the nannies busily scurrying around $nurseryName.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more vulnerable slaves enter $his domain.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -1442,58 +1155,7 @@
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day another slave grabs $him from under the water.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day <<if _S.Matron>>more of your slaves join $him in $nurseryName <<else>>you assign more nurses to $nurseryName to help $him relieve $his <<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>swollen balls<<else>>tension<</if>><</if>>.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole nursery of slaves for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day <<if _S.Matron>>more of your slaves join $him in $nurseryName <<else>>you assign more nurses to $nurseryName to help $him unwind<</if>>.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole nursery of slaves for $him to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day <<if _S.Matron>>more of your slaves join $him in $nurseryName <<else>>you assign more nurses to $nurseryName to help $him unwind<</if>>.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if _L.nursery > 2>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact $nurseryName is <<if _S.Matron>>mostly frequented by other slaveowners' stock<<else>>$his little private sanctuary<</if>>.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -1546,34 +1208,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.schoolroom > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for giving $him plentiful teacher's assistants for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more of your slaves enroll in $schoolroomName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.schoolroom > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole class of students for $him to rape lessons into.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more of your slaves enroll in $schoolroomName.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.schoolroom > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole class of students to demonstrate proper submission with.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more of your slaves enroll in $schoolroomName.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -1676,58 +1311,7 @@
 				$He likes $his personal space in the dormitory even if the other students sometimes bother $him.
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if _L.schoolroom > 2 || _S.Schoolteacher>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day more students enroll in $schoolroomName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _L.schoolroom > 2 || _S.Schoolteacher>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.schoolroom > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more students enroll in $schoolroomName to get $him off.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.schoolroom > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole class of students for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more students enroll in $schoolroomName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.schoolroom > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole class of students for $him to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day more students enroll in $schoolroomName for $him to dominate.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if _L.schoolroom > 2 || _S.Schoolteacher>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact $schoolroomName is rather empty.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -1774,34 +1358,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.servantsQuarters > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for leaving plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania under $his charge.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more maids to $servantsQuartersName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.servantsQuarters > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing so many maids for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more maids to $servantsQuartersName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.servantsQuarters > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for allowing $him so many maids to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more maids to $his domain.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -1982,36 +1539,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-							Under the rules and $his job, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules and $his job, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day you bring home more slaves.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-							Under the rules and $his job, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules and $his job, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves to get $him off, but only when $he's finished $his shift. $He still @@.hotpink;adores@@ having the option.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse, though it does nothing to stop them from using $him.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact your penthouse is rather empty.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -2057,34 +1585,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.dairy > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for leaving plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania under $his charge.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $dairyName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.dairy > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing so many cows for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $dairyName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.dairy > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for allowing $him so many cows to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $his domain.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -2311,58 +1812,7 @@
 					<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-				<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-							<<if _L.dairy > 2 || $MilkmaidID != 0>>
-								Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day you assign more cows to $dairyName.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-						<<else>>
-							<<if _L.dairy > 2 || $MilkmaidID != 0>>
-								Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-							<<if _L.dairy > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves to get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves to get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $dairyName to get $him off.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-								<<if _L.dairy > 2>>
-									Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole dairy of cows for $him to rape.
-								<<else>>
-									Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $dairyName for $him to rape.
-								<</if>>
-								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-								<<if _L.dairy > 2>>
-									Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole dairy of cows for $him to dominate.
-								<<else>>
-									Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $dairyName for $him to dominate.
-								<</if>>
-								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-						<<if _L.dairy > 2 || $MilkmaidID != 0>>
-							Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-						<<else>>
-							Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact $dairyName is rather empty.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
+				<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 					<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -2399,34 +1849,7 @@
 				<<unset $slaveUsedRest>>
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.farmyard > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for leaving plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania under $his charge.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $farmyardName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.farmyard > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing so many cows for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $farmyardName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.farmyard > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for allowing $him so many cows to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more cows to $his domain.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -2569,58 +1992,7 @@
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if _L.farmyard > 2 || $FarmerID != 0>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day you assign more cows to $farmyardName.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _L.farmyard > 2 || $FarmerID != 0>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if _L.farmyard > 2>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves to get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves to get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more slaves to $farmyardName to get $him off.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if _L.farmyard > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole farmyard of slaves for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more slaves to $farmyardName for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if _L.farmyard > 2>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole farmyard of slaves for $him to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you assign more slaves to $farmyardName for $him to dominate.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if _L.farmyard > 2 || $FarmerID != 0>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact $farmyardName is rather empty.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
@@ -2987,58 +2359,7 @@
-			<<if ($universalRulesConsent == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > -10)>>
-						<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid.@@
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he is free game for other slaves to molest, and lives $his life constantly @@.gold;afraid@@ of the day you bring home more slaves.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-							Under the rules, $he finds $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it doesn't seriously affect $him.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he will someday find $himself constantly molested by other slaves, but $he's already in such constant terror it that it doesn't cross $his mind.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_release.slaves === 1)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-						<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing plentiful outlets for $his nymphomania.
-						<<else>>
-							Under the rules, $he's allowed to demand that other slaves get $him off, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you bring home more sluts to get $him off.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
-							<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole penthouse of sluts for $him to rape.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to sexually abuse other slaves, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you bring home more sluts for $him to rape.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-							<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;adores@@ you for providing a whole penthouse of whores for $him to dominate.
-							<<else>>
-								Under the rules, $he's allowed to force other slaves to have sex with $him, and $he @@.hotpink;eagerly awaits@@ the day you bring home more whores for $him to dominate.
-							<</if>>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-					<<if $slaves.length > 2 || $menials > 0>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse.
-					<<else>>
-						Since $he's low in the slave hierarchy, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he knows@@ that the rule that slaves must get consent before having sex with $him are all that protect $him from abuse. Well, that and the fact your penthouse is rather empty.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+			<<= App.EndWeek.Rules.consentRules($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 0)>>
 				<<if ($week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 4) && $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>