From 37b914844ea66781f53abd352a24e83a45baa18d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ezsh <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 00:42:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove duplicated code created by git rebasing.

 src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js | 275 ---------------------------
 1 file changed, 275 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js b/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
index dd5a981c32b..2729de236b4 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
@@ -901,281 +901,6 @@ App.EndWeek.slaveAssignmentReport = function() {
 	} // for (const slave of V.slaves)
-	// Stud gets off based on impregnations, so we need to check and see if they actually do anyone
-	if (V.StudID) {
-		const stud = S.Stud;
-		let studCumLimit = V.StudCum;
-		for (const slave of V.slaves) {
-			if (studCumLimit === 0 || stud.need <= 0) {
-				break;
-			}
-			if (canGetPregnant(slave) && canBreed(stud, slave) && slave.ID != V.StudID) {
-				stud.need -= 20;
-				if (stud.fetish === "pregnancy") {
-					stud.need -= 30;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (V.averageDick > 0) {
-		V.averageDick = V.averageDick / V.slavesWithWorkingDicks;
-	}
-	V.freeSexualEnergy = V.PC.sexualEnergy - V.fuckSlaves;
-	const penthouseSlaves = App.Entity.facilities.penthouse.employees().length;
-	if (V.freeSexualEnergy > 0) {
-		if (V.freeSexualEnergy > penthouseSlaves / 2) {
-			V.freeSexualEnergy = 3;
-		} else if (V.freeSexualEnergy > penthouseSlaves / 4) {
-			V.freeSexualEnergy = 2;
-		} else {
-			V.freeSexualEnergy = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (S.HeadGirl) {
-		const HGPossibleSlaves = [[], [], [], [], [], []];
-		for (const slave of V.slaves) {
-			if (!assignmentVisible(slave) || slave.fuckdoll === 1 || slave.ID === V.Bodyguard.ID || slave.ID === V.HeadGirl.ID || slave.fetish == "mindbroken") {
-				continue;
-			} else if (Array.isArray(V.personalAttention) && V.personalAttention.some(p => p.ID === slave.ID)) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			if ((V.headGirlTrainsHealth && < -20)) {
-				HGPossibleSlaves[0].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "health"});
-				continue;
-			}
-			if ( < 50) {
-				const hasParaphilia = (["abusive", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "breeder", "cum addict", "malicious", "neglectful", "self hating"].includes(slave.sexualFlaw));
-				if ((V.headGirlTrainsParaphilias && hasParaphilia)) {
-					HGPossibleSlaves[1].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "paraphilia"});
-					continue;
-				}
-				if (V.headGirlTrainsFlaws || V.headGirlSoftensFlaws) {
-					if (slave.behavioralFlaw !== "none" || (slave.sexualFlaw !== "none" && !hasParaphilia)) {
-						if (V.headGirlSoftensFlaws) {
-							if (slave.devotion > 20) {
-								if ((slave.behavioralFlaw !== "none" && slave.behavioralQuirk === "none") || (slave.sexualFlaw !== "none" && slave.sexualQuirk == "none" && !hasParaphilia)) {
-									HGPossibleSlaves[3].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "soften"});
-								} else {
-									HGPossibleSlaves[3].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "flaw"});
-								}
-								continue;
-							}
-						} else if (V.headGirlTrainsFlaws) {
-							HGPossibleSlaves[2].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "flaw"});
-							continue;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if ((V.headGirlTrainsObedience && slave.devotion <= 20 && >= -20)) {
-					HGPossibleSlaves[4].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "obedience"});
-					continue;
-				}
-				if ((V.headGirlTrainsSkills)) {
-					if ((slave.skill.oral < S.HeadGirl.skill.oral)) {
-						HGPossibleSlaves[5].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "oral skill"});
-					} else if ((slave.skill.vaginal < S.HeadGirl.skill.vaginal) && (slave.vagina > 0) && (canDoVaginal(slave))) {
-						HGPossibleSlaves[5].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "fuck skill"});
-					} else if ((slave.skill.anal < S.HeadGirl.skill.anal) && (slave.anus > 0) && (canDoAnal(slave))) {
-						HGPossibleSlaves[5].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "anal skill"});
-					} else if ((slave.skill.whoring < S.HeadGirl.skill.whoring)) {
-						HGPossibleSlaves[5].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "whore skill"});
-					} else if ((slave.skill.entertainment < S.HeadGirl.skill.entertainment) && !isAmputee(slave)) {
-						HGPossibleSlaves[5].push({ID: slave.ID, training: "entertain skill"});
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		V.HGTrainSlavesIDs = HGPossibleSlaves.flatten().slice(0, V.HGEnergy);
-	} else {
-		V.HGTrainSlavesIDs = [];
-	}
-	/**
-	* Accordion
-	* @version 0.7RC
-	* @author 000-250-006
-	*
-	* @param array _facListArr V.args
-	*	Multidimensional temporary array
-	*	0: The passage name for the facility's report
-	*	1: The facility name capitalized (@see todo)
-	*	2: max number of slaves allowed in facility - > 0 implies open
-	*	3: number of slaves assigned to facility
-	*	4: ID of the slave assigned to run the facility ("Boss")
-	*	5: Text title of the Boss
-	*
-	* @todo This is a proof of concept construct, if it works and cuts overhead, intended to create an object
-	*	for deeper use in multiple locations, including streamlining reports/facilities code to one widget
-	* @todo Figure out if this would be better as an object rather than an array for overhead
-	*	StoryInit also?
-	* @todo Figure out why we're not using ndef/-1 for a bunch of these story variables. Leaky conditionals
-	* @todo Figure out why we're using variable space with capitalized facility names when we can parse it from true name
-	*/
-	const facListArr = [
-		["Arcade Report", App.Entity.facilities.arcade],
-		["Brothel Report", App.Entity.facilities.brothel],
-		["Cellblock Report", App.Entity.facilities.cellblock],
-		["Clinic Report",],
-		["Club Report",],
-		["Dairy Report", App.Entity.facilities.dairy],
-		["Farmyard Report", App.Entity.facilities.farmyard],
-		["Schoolroom Report", App.Entity.facilities.schoolroom],
-		["Spa Report",],
-		["Nursery Report", App.Entity.facilities.nursery],
-		["Servants' Quarters Report", App.Entity.facilities.servantsQuarters],
-		["Children Report", "Nursery Children", V.nursery, V.nurseryBabies],
-		["Incubator Report", App.Entity.facilities.incubator],
-		["Master Suite Report", App.Entity.facilities.masterSuite],
-		["Penthouse Report", "The Penthouse"],
-		["Rules Assistant Report", "Rules Assistant", V.rulesAssistantAuto], /** should be last — may reassign slaves **/
-		["Lab Report", "Lab", V.researchLab.level]
-	];
-	function _getReportElementStats(ar) {
-		if (typeof ar[1] == "string") {
-			if (ar[1] === "The Penthouse") { // special case because we have to combine several facilities
-				return {
-					name: ar[1],
-					established: 1,
-					entriesNumberInitial: initialPenthouseTotalEmployeesCount,
-					entriesNumber: _countPenthousePopulation(),
-					manager: null
-				};
-			} else {
-				return {
-					name: ar[1],
-					established: ar[2],
-					entriesNumberInitial: null,
-					entriesNumber: ar[3],
-					manager: null
-				};
-			}
-		} else {
-			return {
-				name: ar[1].nameCaps,
-				established: ar[1].established,
-				entriesNumberInitial: initialEmployeesCount[ar[1].desc.baseName],
-				entriesNumber: ar[1].hostedSlaves,
-				manager: ar[1].manager
-			};
-		}
-	}
-	const buttonClasses = V.useAccordion > 0 ? ["buttonBar", "accordion"] : ["buttonBar"];  // Is Accordion turned on?
-	const disTxt = V.useAccordion > 0 ? "" : " disabled='disabled'";  // Chunk the row from our array we're working on to make reading code easier, null some text vars we'll need
-	for (const facSubArr of facListArr) {
-		const reportContent = document.createElement("div");
-		App.UI.DOM.includePassage(reportContent, facSubArr[0]);
-		if (V.useAccordion === 1) {
-			reportContent.className = "accHidden";
-		}
-		const stats = _getReportElementStats(facSubArr); // needs to be inside the loop after the report passage to get the employees number after re-assignments
-		const str = facSubArr[0].replace(/\W+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); // Normalize the passage name to use as an element ID
-		if (stats.established) { /** Do we have one of these facilities? */
-			if (stats.entriesNumber === 0 && !stats.manager) { // Is there anyone inside the facility?
-				// No — it's empty, so we display the heading without a button and with a thinner bar under it
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("strong", res, `${} Report`);
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("hr", res).style.margin = "0";
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", res, `${} is currently empty`, "gray");
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("br", res);
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("br", res);
-				/** Old code: <<= '<div id="button-' + _str + '" class="unStaffed">' + _facSubArr[1] + ' is currently unstaffed</div>'>> */
-			} else {
-				const btn = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("button", res, `${}  Report`, buttonClasses);
-				btn.type = "button" + disTxt;
- = `button-${str}`;
-				if (_.isNil(stats.entriesNumber)) {
-					// Yes, display the bar with information
-					btn.setAttribute("data-after", '');
-				} else {
-					// Yes, display the bar with information
-					const diffNum = stats.entriesNumber - stats.entriesNumberInitial;
-					let diffText = diffNum === 0 ? "" : (diffNum > 0 ? ` (+${diffNum})` : ` (${diffNum})`);
-					btn.setAttribute("data-after", `${stats.entriesNumber}${diffText} slave${stats.entriesNumber !== 1 ? 's': ''} in ${}`);
-				}
-			}
-			res.appendChild(reportContent);
-		}
-	}
-	// <<unset _ii>>
-	/** /Accordion */
-	/* release loading screen as soon as the event loop can run */
-	//App.UI.EndWeekAnim.end();
-	return res;
-	/**
-	 * @param {DocumentFragment} c
-	 */
-	function _printDebugInfo(c) {
-		c.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
-		c.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Slave services supply and demand this week:"));
-		const table = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("table", c, null, "finance");
-		table.border = "1";
-		const titleRow = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("tr", table);
-		titleRow.align = "center";
-		const tcl = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("th", titleRow, "Client's class");
-		tcl.align = "right";
-		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("th", titleRow, "Lower");
-		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("th", titleRow, "Middle");
-		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("th", titleRow, "Upper");
-		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("th", titleRow, "Top");
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param {string} caption
-		 * @param {number} [lower]
-		 * @param {number} [middle]
-		 * @param {number} [upper]
-		 * @param {number} [top]
-		 */
-		function numericRow(caption, lower, middle, upper, top) {
-			const row = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("tr", table);
-			row.align = "right";
-			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("td", row, caption);
-			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("td", row, lower == null ? "N/A" : commaNum(lower));
-			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("td", row, middle == null ? "N/A" : commaNum(middle));
-			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("td", row, upper == null ? "N/A" : commaNum(upper));
-			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("td", row, top == null ? "N/A" : commaNum(top));
-		}
-		numericRow("Demand", lowerClassSexDemand, middleClassSexDemand, upperClassSexDemand, topClassSexDemand);
-		numericRow("Brothel Supply", V.slaveJobValues.brothel.lowerClass, V.slaveJobValues.brothel.middleClass, V.slaveJobValues.brothel.upperClass, V.slaveJobValues.brothel.topClass);
-		if (clubSupply.lowerClass || clubSupply.middleClass) {
-			numericRow("Club Supply", clubSupply.lowerClass, clubSupply.middleClass);
-		}
-		if (arcadeSupply.lowerClass || arcadeSupply.middleClass || arcadeSupply.upperClass) {
-			numericRow("Arcade Supply", arcadeSupply.lowerClass, arcadeSupply.middleClass, arcadeSupply.upperClass);
-		}
-		numericRow("NPC Supply", V.NPCSexSupply.lowerClass, V.NPCSexSupply.middleClass, V.NPCSexSupply.upperClass, V.NPCSexSupply.topClass);
-		numericRow("Unsatisfied", lowerClassSexDemand, middleClassSexDemand, upperClassSexDemand, topClassSexDemand)
-	}
-	function _countPenthousePopulation() {
-		const fs = App.Entity.facilities;
-		return fs.penthouse.employeesIDs().size + fs.headGirlSuite.totalEmployeesCount + fs.armory.totalEmployeesCount
-	}
-	function _printSlaveError(warning, slave) {
-		const warningLine = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", res);
-		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", warningLine, warning + `for ${slave.slaveName}.`, "yellow");
-		warningLine.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Report this as a bug if it reoccurs."));
-	}
 	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave