diff --git a/src/endWeek/economics/arcmgmt.js b/src/endWeek/economics/arcmgmt.js
index 64e5a67637416d778bd47e55cd912fe639c764c7..33b41f9455292d71d1a12cfe0c399ea36d0313db 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/economics/arcmgmt.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/economics/arcmgmt.js
@@ -106,20 +106,20 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 	V.ACitizens = V.lowerClass + V.middleClass + V.upperClass + V.topClass;
 	if (V.cheatMode === 1 || V.debugMode === 1) {
 		appendDiv(`${V.arcologies[0].prosperity} Prosperity | ${_FSScore} FS Score | ${_honeymoon} Honeymoon | ${_transportHub} Transporthub | ${_terrain} Terrain | ${_crime} Crime`);
-		appendDiv(`${_LSCD} Lower + Slave Class Demand | ${_SCD} Slave Class Demand | ${_slaveProductivity} Slave Productivity`);
-		appendDiv(`${_LCD} Lower Class Demand | ${_lowerClassP} LC Multiplier`);
-		appendDiv(`${_MCD} Middle Class Demand | ${_middleClassP} MC Multiplier`);
-		appendDiv(`${_UCD} Upper Class Demand | ${_upperClassP} UC Multiplier`);
-		appendDiv(`${_TCD} Top Class Demand | ${_topClassP} TC Multiplier`);
+		appendDiv(`${num(_LSCD)} Lower + Slave Class Demand | ${num(_SCD)} Slave Class Demand | ${num(_slaveProductivity)} Slave Productivity`);
+		appendDiv(`${num(_LCD)} Lower Class Demand | ${num(_lowerClassP)} LC Multiplier`);
+		appendDiv(`${num(_MCD)} Middle Class Demand | ${num(_middleClassP)} MC Multiplier`);
+		appendDiv(`${num(_UCD)} Upper Class Demand | ${num(_upperClassP)} UC Multiplier`);
+		appendDiv(`${num(_TCD_} Top Class Demand | ${num(_topClassP)} TC Multiplier`);
 	const percOfPop = (n) => Math.trunc((n / (V.ACitizens + V.ASlaves)) * 1000) / 10;
 	appendDiv(`${V.arcologies[0].name} is home to the following:`);
-	appendDiv(`Citizens | ${V.ACitizens} | ${percOfPop(V.ACitizens)}%`);
-	appendDiv(`Lower Class Citizens | ${V.lowerClass} | ${percOfPop(V.lowerClass)}%`);
-	appendDiv(`Middle Class Citizens | ${V.middleClass} | ${percOfPop(V.middleClass)}%`);
-	appendDiv(`Upper Class Citizens | ${V.upperClass} | ${percOfPop(V.upperClass)}%`);
-	appendDiv(`Millionaires | ${V.topClass} | ${percOfPop(V.topClass)}%`);
-	appendDiv(`Slaves | ${V.ASlaves} | ${percOfPop(V.ASlaves)}%`);
+	appendDiv(`Citizens | ${num(V.ACitizens)} | ${percOfPop(V.ACitizens)}%`);
+	appendDiv(`Lower Class Citizens | ${num(V.lowerClass)} | ${percOfPop(V.lowerClass)}%`);
+	appendDiv(`Middle Class Citizens | ${num(V.middleClass)} | ${percOfPop(V.middleClass)}%`);
+	appendDiv(`Upper Class Citizens | ${num(V.upperClass)} | ${percOfPop(V.upperClass)}%`);
+	appendDiv(`Millionaires | ${num(V.topClass)} | ${percOfPop(V.topClass)}%`);
+	appendDiv(`Slaves | ${num(V.ASlaves)} | ${percOfPop(V.ASlaves)}%`);
 	r = [];
 	if (V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME === 1) {
@@ -256,8 +256,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 		r.push(`Food vendors are offered subsidized rent and operating expenses to set up shop in your arcology.`);
 	if (V.secExpEnabled > 0) {
-		if (V.SecExp.edicts.alternativeRents === 1) {
-			/* A silly policy*/
+		if (V.SecExp.edicts.alternativeRents === 1) { // A silly policy
 			r.push(`Your citizens are allowed to pay their rents in slaves rather than cash and a few financially challenged individuals make use of this.`);
 			_rentMultiplier *= 0.95;
 			const _movement = random(0, 3);
@@ -411,8 +410,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 		if (V.arcologies[0].prosperity < (V.rep / 100)) {
 			r.push(`Your impressive reputation relative to ${V.arcologies[0].name}'s prosperity <span class="green">drives an increase in business.</span>`);
-		} else if (V.rep > 18000) {
-			/* no growth penalty if PC is at high rep, no matter how high prosperity goes */
+		} else if (V.rep > 18000) { // no growth penalty if PC is at high rep, no matter how high prosperity goes
 		} else if (V.arcologies[0].prosperity > (V.rep / 60)) {
 			r.push(`Your low reputation relative to ${V.arcologies[0].name}'s prosperity <span class="red">seriously impedes business growth.</span>`);
 			_AWeekGrowth -= 2;
@@ -530,7 +528,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
-		/* deactivated with sec Exp as they are modifiers for the trade mechanic */
+		// deactivated with sec Exp as they are modifiers for the trade mechanic
 		if (V.secExpEnabled === 0) {
 			if (V.terrain === "urban") {
 				r.push(`Since your arcology is located in the heart of an urban area, its commerce is naturally vibrant.`);
@@ -656,7 +654,6 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 			let _popCap = menialPopCap();
 			let _menialSlaveValue = menialSlaveCost();
 			const {HeM, heM} = getPronouns(assistant.pronouns().market).appendSuffix('M');
-			// <br>
 			r.push(`Your <span class="bold">business assistant</span> manages the menial slave market.`);
 			if (_menialSlaveValue <= 900 + V.assistant.market.aggressiveness) { /* BUY */
 				let _bulkMax = _popCap.value - V.menials - V.fuckdolls - V.menialBioreactors;
@@ -1453,8 +1450,8 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 			V.menials += _enslavedPC;
 			V.NPCSlaves += _enslavedNPC;
 			if (_enslaved > 1) {
-				appendDiv(`In total <span class="green">${_enslaved} lower class citizens</span> were enslaved for failing to pay their debts.`);
-				appendDiv(`<span class="green">You enslaved ${_enslavedPC}</span> of them while other debtholders in the arcology enslaved the remaining ${_enslavedNPC}.`);
+				appendDiv(`In total <span class="green">${num(_enslaved)} lower class citizens</span> were enslaved for failing to pay their debts.`);
+				appendDiv(`<span class="green">You enslaved ${num(_enslavedPC)}</span> of them while other debtholders in the arcology enslaved the remaining ${num(_enslavedNPC)}.`);
 			} else {
 				appendDiv(`<span class="green">As arcology owner you claimed the slave.</span>`);
@@ -1493,7 +1490,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 			appendDiv(`<span class="red">Visitors is NaN, report this issue!</span>`);
 			V.visitors = _oldVisitors;
-		appendDiv(`<span class="green">${V.visitors} traders and tourists</span> visited your arcology this week.`);
+		appendDiv(`<span class="green">${num(V.visitors)} traders and tourists</span> visited your arcology this week.`);
 		_enslaved += App.SecExp.propagandaEffects("enslavement").effect;
@@ -1506,7 +1503,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 			if (_weeklyRetiredMenials > 1) {
 				_weeklyRetiredMenials = Math.trunc(_weeklyRetiredMenials);
 				if (_weeklyRetiredMenials > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_weeklyRetiredMenials} of your menial slaves</span> retired as free citizens this week.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_weeklyRetiredMenials)} of your menial slaves</span> retired as free citizens this week.`);
 				} else {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="red">One of your menial slaves</span> retired as a free citizen this week.`);
@@ -1522,7 +1519,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 			if (_weeklyRetiredNPCMenials > 1) {
 				_weeklyRetiredNPCMenials = Math.trunc(_weeklyRetiredNPCMenials);
 				if (_weeklyRetiredNPCMenials > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_weeklyRetiredNPCMenials} menial slaves</span> were retired as free citizens by other slave owners in your arcology this week.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_weeklyRetiredNPCMenials)} menial slaves</span> were retired as free citizens by other slave owners in your arcology this week.`);
 				} else {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="red">One menial slave</span> was retired as a free citizen by another slave owner in your arcology this week.`);
@@ -1554,7 +1551,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				V.menialDemandFactor -= _NPCSlavesSold;
 				V.NPCSlaves = Math.trunc(_SCD * 1.6);
 				if (_NPCSlavesSold > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_NPCSlavesSold}</span> slaves were sold by your inhabitants. They've got more than enough of them already.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_NPCSlavesSold)}</span> slaves were sold by your inhabitants. They've got more than enough of them already.`);
 				} else if (_NPCSlavesSold > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="red">One slave</span> was sold by your inhabitants. They've got more than enough of them already.`);
@@ -1564,7 +1561,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				V.menialDemandFactor -= _NPCSlavesSold;
 				V.NPCSlaves = Math.trunc(_LSCD / _slaveProductivity);
 				if (_NPCSlavesSold > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_NPCSlavesSold}</span> slaves were sold by your inhabitants. There was so little work that they failed to earn their keep.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_NPCSlavesSold)}</span> slaves were sold by your inhabitants. There was so little work that they failed to earn their keep.`);
 				} else if (_NPCSlavesSold > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="red">One slave</span> was sold by your inhabitants. There was so little work that it failed to earn its keep.`);
@@ -1575,7 +1572,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 					V.menialDemandFactor -= _NPCSlavesSold;
 					V.NPCSlaves -= _NPCSlavesSold;
 					if (_NPCSlavesSold > 1) {
-						appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_NPCSlavesSold}</span> slaves were sold by your inhabitants. They've got more than enough of them already.`);
+						appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_NPCSlavesSold)}</span> slaves were sold by your inhabitants. They've got more than enough of them already.`);
 					} else if (_NPCSlavesSold > 0) {
 						appendDiv(`<span class="red">One slave</span> was sold by your inhabitants. They've got more than enough of them already.`);
@@ -1587,7 +1584,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 					V.menialDemandFactor -= _NPCSlavesSold;
 					V.NPCSlaves -= _NPCSlavesSold;
 					if (_NPCSlavesSold > 1) {
-						appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_NPCSlavesSold}</span> were sold by your inhabitants. They saw an opportunity for profit.`);
+						appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_NPCSlavesSold)}</span> were sold by your inhabitants. They saw an opportunity for profit.`);
 					} else if (_NPCSlavesSold > 0) {
 						appendDiv(`<span class="red">One slave</span> was sold by your inhabitants. They saw an opportunity for profit.`);
@@ -1600,7 +1597,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 					V.menialSupplyFactor -= _NPCSlavesBought;
 					V.NPCSlaves += _NPCSlavesBought;
 					if (_NPCSlavesBought > 1) {
-						appendDiv(`<span class="green">${_NPCSlavesBought} slaves</span> were bought by your inhabitants. They were too cheap to pass up on.`);
+						appendDiv(`<span class="green">${num(_NPCSlavesBought)} slaves</span> were bought by your inhabitants. They were too cheap to pass up on.`);
 					} /* there's no way this ever ends up needing a 1 slave version*/
@@ -1630,12 +1627,12 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 					const _intellectualDependencyEnslaved = Math.trunc(_LCImmigration * 0.25);
 					_LCImmigration -= _intellectualDependencyEnslaved;
 					_enslaved += _intellectualDependencyEnslaved;
-					r.push(`<span class="green">${_intellectualDependencyEnslaved} dumb immigrants</span> were enslaved for their own good.`);
+					r.push(`<span class="green">${num(_intellectualDependencyEnslaved)} dumb immigrants</span> were enslaved for their own good.`);
 				V.lowerClass += _LCImmigration;
 				if (_LCImmigration > 1) {
-					r.push(`<span class="green">${_LCImmigration} lower class citizens</span> moved to your arcology.`);
+					r.push(`<span class="green">${num(_LCImmigration)} lower class citizens</span> moved to your arcology.`);
 				} else if (_LCImmigration > 0) {
 					r.push(`<span class="green">One lower class citizen</span> moved to your arcology.`);
@@ -1646,9 +1643,9 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				V.lowerClass -= _LCEmigration;
 				_enslaved += _enslavedEmigrants;
 				if (_LCEmigration > 1) {
-					r.push(`<span class="red">${_LCEmigration} lower class citizens</span> had no work and tried to leave your arcology.`);
+					r.push(`<span class="red">${num(_LCEmigration)} lower class citizens</span> had no work and tried to leave your arcology.`);
 					if (_enslavedEmigrants > 1) {
-						r.push(`<span class="green">${_enslavedEmigrants} of them were enslaved instead.</span>`);
+						r.push(`<span class="green">${num(_enslavedEmigrants)} of them were enslaved instead.</span>`);
 					} else if (_enslavedEmigrants > 0) {
 						r.push(`<span class="green">One of them was enslaved instead.</span>`);
@@ -1664,7 +1661,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				V.menialSupplyFactor -= _NPCSlavesBought;
 				V.NPCSlaves += _NPCSlavesBought;
 				if (_NPCSlavesBought > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${_NPCSlavesBought} slaves</span> were bought by your inhabitants. They did not have enough of them to satisfy their needs.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${num(_NPCSlavesBought)} slaves</span> were bought by your inhabitants. They did not have enough of them to satisfy their needs.`);
 				} else if (_NPCSlavesBought > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="green">One slave</span> was bought by your inhabitants. They did not quite have enough of them to satisfy their needs.`);
@@ -1693,7 +1690,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				const _MCImmigration = Math.trunc((_MCD - V.middleClass) * (0.3 * _terrain)) + 1 + secExpImigrationBonus.effect;
 				V.middleClass += _MCImmigration;
 				if (_MCImmigration > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${_MCImmigration} middle class citizens</span> moved to your arcology.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${num(_MCImmigration)} middle class citizens</span> moved to your arcology.`);
 				} else if (_MCImmigration > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="green">One middle class citizen</span> moved to your arcology.`);
@@ -1702,7 +1699,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				const _MCEmigration = Math.trunc((V.middleClass - _MCD) * 0.4);
 				V.middleClass -= _MCEmigration;
 				if (_MCEmigration > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_MCEmigration} middle class citizens</span> left your arcology.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_MCEmigration)} middle class citizens</span> left your arcology.`);
 				} else if (_MCEmigration > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="red">One middle class citizen</span> left your arcology.`);
@@ -1731,7 +1728,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				const _UCImmigration = Math.trunc((_UCD - V.upperClass) * (0.3 * _terrain)) + 1 + secExpImigrationBonus.effect;
 				V.upperClass += _UCImmigration;
 				if (_UCImmigration > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${_UCImmigration} upper class citizens</span> moved to your arcology.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${num(_UCImmigration)} upper class citizens</span> moved to your arcology.`);
 				} else if (_UCImmigration > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="green">One upper class citizen</span> moved to your arcology.`);
@@ -1740,7 +1737,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				const _UCEmigration = Math.trunc((V.upperClass - _UCD) * 0.4);
 				V.upperClass -= _UCEmigration;
 				if (_UCEmigration > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_UCEmigration} upper class citizens</span> left your arcology.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_UCEmigration)} upper class citizens</span> left your arcology.`);
 				} else if (_UCEmigration > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="red">One upper class citizen</span> left your arcology.`);
@@ -1775,7 +1772,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				const _TCImmigration = Math.trunc((_TCD - V.topClass) * (0.3 * _terrain)) + 1 + secExpImigrationBonus.effect;
 				V.topClass += _TCImmigration;
 				if (_TCImmigration > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${_TCImmigration} millionaires</span> moved to your arcology.`); /* Fat Cat? One-Percenter? */
+					appendDiv(`<span class="green">${num(_TCImmigration)} millionaires</span> moved to your arcology.`); /* Fat Cat? One-Percenter? */
 				} else if (_TCImmigration > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="green">One millionaire</span> moved to your arcology.`);
@@ -1784,7 +1781,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				const _TCEmigration = Math.trunc((V.topClass - _TCD) * 0.4) + 1;
 				V.topClass -= _TCEmigration;
 				if (_TCEmigration > 1) {
-					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${_TCEmigration} millionaires</span> left your arcology.`);
+					appendDiv(`<span class="red">${num(_TCEmigration)} millionaires</span> left your arcology.`);
 				} else if (_TCEmigration > 0) {
 					appendDiv(`<span class="red">One millionaire</span> left your arcology.`);
@@ -1815,12 +1812,12 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 			V.citizenRetirementTrigger = 2;
 			r.push(`You have enacted citizen retirement, the slaves of eligible age are granted freedom.`);
 			if (_menialsRetirement > 1) {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${_menialsRetirement} of your menial slaves</span> were retired.`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${num(_menialsRetirement)} of your menial slaves</span> were retired.`);
 			} else if (_menialsRetirement > 0) {
 				r.push(`<span class="red">One of your menial slaves</span> was retired.`);
 			if (_ASlavesRetirement > 1) {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${_ASlavesRetirement} slaves</span> in your arcology were given a citizen retirement.`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${num(_ASlavesRetirement)} slaves</span> in your arcology were given a citizen retirement.`);
 			/* I could bother with a single slave retirement message, but that's never going to get used*/
@@ -1874,7 +1871,7 @@ App.EndWeek.arcManagement = function() {
 				r.push(`<span class="red">${capFirstChar(numberWithPluralOne(_expiration, "slave"))} died</span> due to the tough working conditions in your arcology.`);
 			if (_expirationPC > 1) {
-				r.push(`Of which <span class="red">${_expirationPC} were yours.</span>`);
+				r.push(`Of which <span class="red">${num(_expirationPC)} were yours.</span>`);
 			} else if (_expirationPC > 0) {
 				r.push(`<span class="red">One of them was yours.</span>`);