diff --git a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirlsPassage.js b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirlsPassage.js
index 6a85dd017b01a2e2dabf337485cd0611e2cd1640..f565fe72f9dcd20fca34b80e7b009d45ea49a67c 100644
--- a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirlsPassage.js
+++ b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirlsPassage.js
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@ App.StartingGirls.passage = function() {
 	} else {
 		const pronoun = V.slaves.length > 1 ? "they" : getPronouns(V.slaves[0]).he;
-		r.push(`${toSentence(V.slaves.map(s => SlaveFullName(s)))}'s records have been finalized; ${pronoun} will arrive with you when you take over your new arcology.`);
+		const makePlaceholder = (slave) => `<span id="placeholder-${slave.ID}"></span>`;
+		r.push(`${toSentence(V.slaves.map(s => makePlaceholder(s)))}'s records have been finalized; ${pronoun} will arrive with you when you take over your new arcology.`);
 	r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", "Current cash reserves can be found on the far left sidebar."));
 	App.Events.addNode(el, r, "p");
+	for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+		$(el).find(`#placeholder-${slave.ID}`).replaceWith(App.UI.DOM.slaveDescriptionDialog(slave));
+	}
 	const headerLinks = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", el);