diff --git a/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js b/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
index 7865db31dbddf8e45e2edf340a80e5736ffc7484..7ce3079b17d659833c3ab8f587f850539e65c44e 100644
--- a/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
@@ -183,406 +183,52 @@ App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables = {
 	customRetirementAge: 45,
 	customMenialRetirementAge: 65,
 	FSCreditCount: 5,
-	targetArcology: {type: "New"},
-	REFeminizationCheckinIDs: [],
-	REMILFCheckinIDs: [],
-	REOrientationCheckinIDs: [],
-	REUglyCheckinIDs: [],
-	REButtholeCheckinIDs: [],
-	REFutaSisterCheckinIDs: [],
-	REReductionCheckinIDs: [],
-	activeSlave: 0,
-	activeChild: 0,
-	reminders: [],
-	boomerangSlave: 0,
-	boomerangWeeks: 0,
-	boomerangBuyer: 0,
-	bioreactorPerfectedID: 0,
-	independenceDay: 0,
-	invasionVictory: 0,
-	daughtersVictory: 0,
-	startingGirlCopied: 0,
-	startingGirlRelation: 0,
-	archetyped: 0,
-	createRelatedSlave: 0,
-	slavesVisible: 0,
-	dormitory: 20,
-	dormitoryPopulation: 0,
-	rooms: 5,
-	roomsPopulation: 0,
-	brothelDecoration: "standard",
-	brothelUpgradeDrugs: 0,
-	brothelAdsSpending: 0,
-	brothelAdsOld: 0,
-	brothelAdsModded: 0,
-	brothelAdsImplanted: 0,
-	brothelAdsStacked: 0,
-	brothelAdsPreg: 0,
-	brothelAdsXX: 0,
-	brothelName: "the Brothel",
-	brothelNameCaps: "The Brothel",
-	brothel: 0,
-	dairyDecoration: "standard",
-	dairyPrepUpgrade: 0,
-	dairyStimulatorsUpgrade: 0,
-	dairyStimulatorsSetting: 0,
-	dairyStimulatorsSettingChanged: 0,
-	dairyFeedersUpgrade: 0,
-	dairyFeedersSetting: 0,
-	dairyFeedersSettingChanged: 0,
-	dairyPregUpgrade: 0,
-	dairyPregSetting: 0,
-	dairyPregSettingChanged: 0,
-	dairyRestraintsUpgrade: 0,
-	dairyRestraintsSetting: 0,
-	dairySlimMaintainUpgrade: 0,
-	dairySlimMaintain: 0,
-	dairyHyperPregRemodel: 0,
-	dairyWeightSetting: 0,
-	dairyImplantsSetting: 1,
-	dairyUpgradeMenials: 0,
-	createBioreactors: 0,
-	bioreactorsAnnounced: 0,
-	bioreactorsHerm: 0,
-	bioreactorsXX: 0,
-	bioreactorsXY: 0,
-	bioreactorsBarren: 0,
-	dairyName: "the Dairy",
-	dairyNameCaps: "The Dairy",
-	dairy: 0,
-	cumSlaves: 0,
-	clubDecoration: "standard",
-	clubUpgradePDAs: 0,
-	clubAdsSpending: 0,
-	clubAdsOld: 0,
-	clubAdsModded: 0,
-	clubAdsImplanted: 0,
-	clubAdsStacked: 0,
-	clubAdsPreg: 0,
-	clubAdsXX: 0,
-	clubName: "the Club",
-	clubNameCaps: "The Club",
-	club: 0,
-	servantsQuartersDecoration: "standard",
-	servantsQuartersUpgradeMonitoring: 0,
-	servantsQuarters: 0,
-	servantsQuartersName: "the Servants' Quarters",
-	servantsQuartersNameCaps: "The Servants' Quarters",
-	schoolroomDecoration: "standard",
-	schoolroomUpgradeSkills: 0,
-	schoolroomUpgradeLanguage: 0,
-	schoolroomUpgradeRemedial: 0,
-	schoolroomRemodelBimbo: 0,
-	schoolroom: 0,
-	schoolroomName: "the Schoolroom",
-	schoolroomNameCaps: "The Schoolroom",
-	spaDecoration: "standard",
-	spa: 0,
-	spaSpots: 0,
-	spaUpgrade: 0,
-	spaFix: 0,
-	spaName: "the Spa",
-	spaNameCaps: "The Spa",
-	// Incubator Subsection
-	incubator: 0,
-	incubatorSlaves: 0,
-	incubatorBulkRelease: 0,
-	incubatorOrgans: [],
-	incubatorOldID: 0,
-	incubatorUpgradeSpeed: 5,
-	incubatorUpgradeWeight: 0,
-	incubatorUpgradeMuscles: 0,
-	incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims: 0,
-	incubatorUpgradeReproduction: 0,
-	incubatorUpgradeOrgans: 0,
-	incubatorImprintSetting: 0,
-	incubatorWeightSetting: 0,
-	incubatorMusclesSetting: 0,
-	incubatorGrowthStimsSetting: 0,
-	incubatorReproductionSetting: 0,
-	incubatorName: "the Incubator",
-	incubatorNameCaps: "The Incubator",
-	sortIncubatorList: "Unsorted",
-	readySlaves: 0,
-	reservedChildren: 0,
-	tanks: [],
-	clinicDecoration: "standard",
-	clinic: 0,
-	clinicUpgradeFilters: 0,
-	clinicUpgradeScanner: 0,
-	clinicUpgradePurge: 0,
-	clinicName: "the Clinic",
-	clinicNameCaps: "The Clinic",
-	arcadeDecoration: "standard",
-	arcadeUpgradeInjectors: 0,
-	arcadeUpgradeFuckdolls: 0,
-	arcadeUpgradeCollectors: 0,
-	arcadeUpgradeHealth: -1,
-	arcadeName: "the Arcade",
-	arcadeNameCaps: "The Arcade",
-	arcade: 0,
-	fuckdollsSold: 0,
-	cellblockDecoration: "standard",
-	cellblockUpgrade: 0,
-	cellblock: 0,
-	cellblockName: "the Cellblock",
-	cellblockNameCaps: "The Cellblock",
-	cellblockWardenCumsInside: 1,
-	masterSuiteDecoration: "standard",
-	masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury: 0,
-	masterSuiteUpgradePregnancy: 0, // Is the upgrade active?
-	masterSuitePregnancyFertilityDrugs: 0, // Are slaves being put on fertility drugs?
-	masterSuitePregnancyFertilitySupplements: 0, // Are those drugs being supplemented (health benefits and (even) more multiple pregnancies)
-	masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries: 0, // Are the slaves being given some nicer things to reduce stress during preg? (health/devotion/trust benefits)
-	universalHGImpregnateMasterSuiteToggle: 0, // Will the HG impregnate fertile slaves in the MS?
-	masterSuiteHyperPregnancy: 0,
-	masterSuite: 0,
-	masterSuiteName: "the Master Suite",
-	masterSuiteNameCaps: "The Master Suite",
-	// Nursery Subsection
-	nursery: 0, // counts the number of children the nursery can support
-	nurseryNannies: 0, // counts the number of nannies the nursery can support
-	nurseryBabies: 0, // counts the number of children currently in the nursery
-	MatronInfluence: 0, // check for whether the children are influenced by the Matron
-	nannyInfluence: 0, // check for whether the children are influenced by the nannies
-	nurseryDecoration: "standard",
-	nurseryWeight: 0,
-	nurseryMuscles: 0,
-	nurseryHormones: 0,
-	nurseryOrgans: 0, // not currently in use
-	nurseryImprintSetting: 0,
-	nurseryWeightSetting: 0,
-	nurseryMusclesSetting: 0,
-	nurseryHormonesSetting: 0,
-	nurseryName: "the Nursery",
-	nurseryNameCaps: "The Nursery",
-	reservedChildrenNursery: 0,
-	cribs: [], // array of children in the nursery
-	cribsFreed: [], // array of children that have been freed
-	childToSlave: -1, // number of total children that have become slaves
-	cribsIndices: 0,
-	sortNurseryList: "Unsorted",
-	targetAgeNursery: 18,
-	// Farmyard Subsection
-	farmyard: 0,
-	farmyardShowgirls: [], // array of farmhands putting on shows
-	farmyardFarmers: [], // array of farmhands farming
-	farmMenials: 0,
-	farmMenialsSpace: 0,
-	farmyardDecoration: "standard",
-	farmyardUpgrade: {
-		pump: 0,
-		fertilizer: 0,
-		hydroponics: 0,
-		machinery: 0,
-		seeds: 0,
-		lab: 0
-	},
-	farmyardCrops: 0,
-	farmyardStable: 0,
-	farmyardKennels: 0,
-	farmyardCages: 0,
-	activeCanine: 0,
-	activeHooved: 0,
-	activeFeline: 0,
-	farmyardLab: 0,
-	farmyardLabUpgrades: {animalOvaries: 0, animalTesticles: 0, animalMpreg: 0},
-	animalsBought: {
-		canines: 0,
-		hooved: 0,
-		felines: 0,
-		labradorRetrievers: 0,
-		germanShepherds: 0,
-		goldenRetrievers: 0,
-		frenchBulldogs: 0,
-		bulldogs: 0,
-		beagles: 0,
-		poodles: 0,
-		rottweilers: 0,
-		yorkshireTerriers: 0,
-		siberianHuskies: 0,
-		horses: 0,
-		bulls: 0,
-		pigs: 0,
-		siameses: 0,
-		persians: 0,
-		maineCoons: 0,
-		ragdolls: 0,
-		bengals: 0,
-		abbysinians: 0,
-		birmans: 0,
-		orientalShorthairs: 0,
-		sphynxes: 0,
-		russianBlues: 0,
-		wolves: 0,
-		foxes: 0,
-		jackals: 0,
-		dingos: 0,
-		zebras: 0,
-		cougars: 0,
-		jaguars: 0,
-		pumas: 0,
-		lynx: 0,
-		leopards: 0,
-		lions: 0,
-		tigers: 0
-	},
-	canines: [],
-	hooved: [],
-	felines: [],
-	farmyardName: "the Farmyard",
-	farmyardNameCaps: "The Farmyard",
-	HGSuite: 0,
-	HGSuiteSurgery: 1,
-	HGSuiteDrugs: 1,
-	HGSuiteHormones: 1,
-	HGSuiteEquality: 0,
-	HGSuiteName: "the Head Girl Suite",
-	HGSuiteNameCaps: "The Head Girl Suite",
-	fighterIDs: [],
-	pitBG: 0,
-	pitAnimal: 0,
-	pitAnimalType: 0,
-	pitAudience: "none",
-	pitLethal: 0,
-	pitVirginities: 0,
-	pitFought: 0,
-	pit: 0,
-	pitName: "the Pit",
-	pitNameCaps: "The Pit",
-	dojo: 0,
-	feeder: 0,
-	cockFeeder: 0,
-	suppository: 0,
-	weatherCladding: 0,
-	weatherAwareness: 0,
-	boobAccessibility: 0,
-	servantMilkers: 0,
-	servantMilkersMultiplier: 1,
-	studio: 0,
-	studioFeed: 0,
-	PCSlutContacts: 1,
-	// Porn star counts (prestige 1) and ID's (prestige 3)
-	pornStars: {},
-	pregInventor: 0,
-	pregInventorID: 0,
-	pregInventions: 0,
-	legendaryWhoreID: 0,
-	legendaryEntertainerID: 0,
-	legendaryCowID: 0,
-	legendaryBallsID: 0,
-	legendaryWombID: 0,
-	legendaryAbolitionistID: 0,
-	FSAnnounced: 0,
-	FSCredits: 0,
-	FSGotRepCredits: 0,
-	FSSingleSlaveRep: 10,
-	FSSpending: 0,
-	FSLockinLevel: 100,
-	applyLaw: 0,
-	FSPromenade: {
-		Subjugationist: 0,
-		Supremacist: 0,
-		GenderRadicalist: 0,
-		GenderFundamentalist: 0,
-		Paternalist: 0,
-		Degradationist: 0,
-		BodyPurist: 0,
-		TransformationFetishist: 0,
-		YouthPreferentialist: 0,
-		MaturityPreferentialist: 0,
-		SlimnessEnthusiast: 0,
-		AssetExpansionist: 0,
-		Pastoralist: 0,
-		PhysicalIdealist: 0,
-		ChattelReligionist: 0,
-		RomanRevivalist: 0,
-		AztecRevivalist: 0,
-		EgyptianRevivalist: 0,
-		EdoRevivalist: 0,
-		ArabianRevivalist: 0,
-		ChineseRevivalist: 0,
-		Repopulationist: 0,
-		Eugenics: 0,
-		Hedonism: 0,
-		IntellectualDependency: 0,
-		SlaveProfessionalism: 0,
-		PetiteAdmiration: 0,
-		StatuesqueGlorification: 0
-	},
-	// Corporation
-	corpAnnounced: 0,
 	corpAssetsDev: 0,
 	corpAssetsDevOld: 0,
 	corpAssetsSlave: 0,
 	corpAssetsSlaveOld: 0,
 	corpCash: 0,
-	corpCashDividend: 0,
-	corpDiv: 0,
-	corpDivArcade: 0,
-	corpDivArcadeDev: 0,
 	corpDivArcadeFromMarket: 0,
 	corpDivArcadeSlaves: 0,
-	corpDivBreak: 0,
-	corpDivBreakDev: 0,
 	corpDivBreakFromMarket: 0,
-	corpDivBreakSlaves2: 0,
 	corpDivBreakSlaves: 0,
+	corpDivBreakSlaves2: 0,
 	corpDivBreakToMarket: 0,
 	corpDivBreakToMenial: 0,
 	corpDivBreakToSurgery: 0,
 	corpDivBreakToTrain: 0,
-	corpDivDairy: 0,
-	corpDivDairyDev: 0,
 	corpDivDairyFromMarket: 0,
 	corpDivDairySlaves: 0,
-	corpDivExtra: 0,
-	corpDivExtraDev: 0,
 	corpDivExtraSlaves: 0,
 	corpDivExtraToArcade: 0,
 	corpDivExtraToBreak: 0,
 	corpDivExtraToMarket: 0,
-	corpDivLegal: 0,
-	corpDivLegalDev: 0,
+	corpDividend: 0,
 	corpDivLegalSlaves: 0,
 	corpDivLegalToMarket: 0,
 	corpDivLegalToMenial: 0,
 	corpDivLegalToSurgery: 0,
 	corpDivLegalToTrain: 0,
-	corpDivMenial: 0,
-	corpDivMenialDev: 0,
 	corpDivMenialFromMarket: 0,
 	corpDivMenialSlaves: 0,
-	corpDivSurgery: 0,
-	corpDivSurgeryDev: 0,
 	corpDivSurgeryFromMarket: 0,
-	corpDivSurgerySlaves2: 0,
 	corpDivSurgerySlaves: 0,
+	corpDivSurgerySlaves2: 0,
 	corpDivSurgeryToDairy: 0,
 	corpDivSurgeryToMarket: 0,
 	corpDivSurgeryToTrain: 0,
-	corpDivTrain: 0,
-	corpDivTrainDev: 0,
 	corpDivTrainFromMarket: 0,
-	corpDivTrainSlaves2: 0,
 	corpDivTrainSlaves: 0,
+	corpDivTrainSlaves2: 0,
 	corpDivTrainToMarket: 0,
 	corpDivTrainToWhore: 0,
-	corpDivWhore: 0,
-	corpDivWhoreDev: 0,
 	corpDivWhoreFromMarket: 0,
 	corpDivWhoreSlaves: 0,
-	corpDividend: 0,
-	corpEcon: 0,
-	corpExpandToken: 0,
-	corpIncorporated: 0,
-	corpMarket: 0,
 	corpOpCostOld: 0,
 	corpOverheadOld: 0,
 	corpProfitOld: 0,
 	corpRev: 0,
 	corpRevOld: 0,
-	corpSpec: 0,
 	corpSpecAccent: 0,
 	corpSpecAge: 0,
 	corpSpecAmputee: 0,
@@ -600,691 +246,24 @@ App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables = {
 	corpSpecMilk: 0,
 	corpSpecMuscle: 0,
 	corpSpecPussy: 0,
-	corpSpecRaces: [],
 	corpSpecSexEd: 0,
-	corpSpecToken: 0,
 	corpSpecTrust: 0,
 	corpSpecVirgin: 0,
 	corpSpecWeight: 0,
 	dividendTimer: 0,
-	newCorp: 1,
 	personalShares: 0,
 	publicShares: 0,
-	vanillaShareSplit: 1,
-	// Slave sexual services and goods variables
-	publicFuckdolls: 0,
-	classSatisfied: {
-		lowerClass: 0,
-		middleClass: 0,
-		upperClass: 0,
-		topClass: 0
-	},
-	whoreBudget: {
-		lowerClass: 7,
-		middleClass: 40,
-		upperClass: 200,
-		topClass: 1500
-	},
-	arcadePrice: 2,
-	clubSlaveSexAmount: 0,
-	shelterSlave: 0,
-	shelterSlaveBought: 0,
-	shelterAbuse: 0,
-	shelterSlaveGeneratedWeek: 0,
-	// alternate clothing access variables
-	clothesBoughtBunny: 0,
-	clothesBoughtConservative: 0,
-	clothesBoughtChains: 0,
-	clothesBoughtWestern: 0,
-	clothesBoughtOil: 0,
-	clothesBoughtHabit: 0,
-	clothesBoughtToga: 0,
-	clothesBoughtHuipil: 0,
-	clothesBoughtKimono: 0,
-	clothesBoughtHarem: 0,
-	clothesBoughtQipao: 0,
-	clothesBoughtEgypt: 0,
-	clothesBoughtBelly: 0,
-	clothesBoughtMaternityDress: 0,
-	clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie: 0,
-	clothesBoughtLazyClothes: 0,
-	clothesBoughtBimbo: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCourtesan: 0,
-	shoesBoughtHeels: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPetite: 0,
-	// non-fs
-	clothesBoughtMilitary: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCultural: 0,
-	clothesBoughtMiddleEastern: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPol: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCostume: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPantsu: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCareer: 0,
-	clothesBoughtDresses: 0,
-	clothesBoughtBodysuits: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCasual: 0,
-	clothesBoughtUnderwear: 0,
-	clothesBoughtSports: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPony: 0,
-	clothesBoughtSwimwear: 0,
-	toysBoughtDildos: 0,
-	toysBoughtGags: 0,
-	toysBoughtVaginalAttachments: 0,
-	toysBoughtButtPlugs: 0,
-	toysBoughtButtPlugTails: 0,
-	toysBoughtSmartVibes: 0,
-	buckets: 0,
-	// pregmod variables
-	specialSlavesPriceOverride: 0,
-	pregAccessibility: 0,
-	dickAccessibility: 0,
-	ballsAccessibility: 0,
-	buttAccessibility: 0,
-	ageMode: 0,
-	enema: 0,
-	medicalEnema: 0,
-	dairyPiping: 0,
-	inflatedSlavesMilk: 0,
-	inflatedSlavesCum: 0,
-	milkPipeline: 0,
-	cumPipeline: 0,
-	wcPiping: 0,
-	burstee: 0,
-	slaveDeath: 0,
-	clinicInflateBelly: 0,
-	playerBred: 0,
-	propOutcome: 0,
-	EliteSires: ["crazy", "futa", "moves", "preggo", "quick", "virgin"],
-	startingPoint: -1,
-	PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy: 0,
-	raped: -1,
-	children: [],
-	missingParentID: -10000,
-	startingSlaveRelative: 0,
-	mom: 0,
-	// animalParts: 0,
-	originOveride: 0,
-	playerAging: 2,
-	pregSpeedControl: 0,
-	clinicSpeedGestation: 0,
-	playerSurgery: 0,
-	playerGetsMilked: 0,
-	bodyswapAnnounced: 0,
-	surnamesForbidden: 0,
-	menstruation: 0,
-	FCTVcount: 0,
-	FCTVrate: 4,
-	FCTVreceiver: 0,
-	receiverAvailable: 0,
-	FCTVshow: 0,
-	FCTVremote: 0,
-	lastShow: 0,
-	randShow: 0,
-	FCNNstation: 0,
-	MercenariesMessageSent: 0,
-	SpecialForcesMessageSent: 0,
-	BodyguardHasSucessfullyRecivedSignal: 0,
-	finalChoice: "none",
-	eliteTotal: 12,
-	eliteDead: 0,
-	eliteVegetable: 0,
-	eliteFate: 0,
-	swanSong: 0,
-	swanSongWeek: 99999,
-	failedElite: 0,
-	eugenicsFullControl: 0,
-	badC: 0,
-	badB: 0,
-	schoolSuggestion: 0,
-	TSS: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	GRI: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	SCP: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	LDE: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	TGA: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	TCR: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	TFS: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	futaAddiction: 0,
-	HA: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	NUL: {
-		schoolUpgrade: 0,
-		schoolPresent: 0,
-		schoolProsperity: 0,
-		subsidize: 0,
-		schoolAnnexed: 0,
-		studentsBought: 0,
-		schoolSale: 0
-	},
-	IDNumber: 1,
-	nIDNumber: 1, // tracks children in the nursery
-	week: 1,
-	weddingPlanned: 0,
-	personalAttention: "sex",
-	HeadGirl: 0,
-	HGTimeInGrade: 0,
-	HGEnergy: 0,
-	HGCum: 0,
-	Recruiter: 0,
-	recruiterTarget: "desperate whores",
-	recruiterProgress: 0,
-	recruiterIdleRule: "number",
-	recruiterIdleNumber: 20,
-	recruiterIOUs: 0,
-	bodyguardTrains: 1,
-	Bodyguard: 0,
-	Madam: 0,
-	DJ: 0,
-	Milkmaid: 0,
-	milkmaidImpregnates: 0,
-	Farmer: 0,
-	Collectrix: 0,
-	Stewardess: 0,
-	stewardessImpregnates: 0,
-	Schoolteacher: 0,
-	Attendant: 0,
-	Matron: 0,
-	Nurse: 0,
-	Wardeness: 0,
-	Concubine: 0,
-	economicUncertainty: 10,
-	justiceEvents: ["slave deal", "slave training", "majority deal", "indenture deal", "virginity deal", "breeding deal"],
-	// not in setupVars because we remove events from this array as they occur
-	prisonCircuit: ["low tier criminals", "gangs and smugglers", "white collar", "military prison"],
-	prisonCircuitIndex: 0,
-	fixedNationality: 0,
-	fixedRace: 0,
-	ui: "start",
-	tooltipsEnabled: 1,
-	brandTarget: {primary: "buttock", secondary: "buttock", local: "buttock"},
-	brandDesign: {primary: "your initials", official: "your initials", local: "your initials"},
-	scarTarget: {primary: "left cheek", secondary: "left cheek", local: "left cheek"},
-	scarDesign: {primary: "generic", local: "generic"},
-	oralTotal: 0,
-	vaginalTotal: 0,
-	analTotal: 0,
-	mammaryTotal: 0,
-	penetrativeTotal: 0,
-	milkTotal: 0,
-	cumTotal: 0,
-	foodTotal: 0,
-	birthsTotal: 0,
-	pitKillsTotal: 0,
-	collaboration: 0,
-	traitor: 0,
-	traitorType: 0,
-	traitorWeeks: 0,
-	hackerSupport: 0,
-	hostage: 0,
-	hostageAnnounced: 0,
-	hostageRescued: 0,
-	hostageGiveIn: 0,
-	rivalSet: 0,
-	rivalryFS: 0,
-	rivalryFSAdopted: 0,
-	rivalryFSRace: 0,
-	rivalOwner: 0,
-	rivalOwnerEnslaved: 0,
-	rivalryPower: 0,
-	rivalryDuration: 0,
-	rivalRace: 0,
-	rivalGender: 0,
-	nationHate: 0,
-	slaveMedic: 0,
-	PShoot: 0,
-	PSnatch: 0,
-	PStrip: 0,
-	PRaid: 0,
-	PRaidTarget: 0,
-	PAid: 0,
-	PPit: 0,
-	dispensary: 0,
-	dispensaryUpgrade: 0,
-	organFarmUpgrade: 0,
-	completedOrgans: [],
-	ImplantProductionUpgrade: 0,
-	permaPregImplant: 0,
-	injectionUpgrade: 0,
-	hormoneUpgradeMood: 0,
-	hormoneUpgradeShrinkage: 0,
-	hormoneUpgradePower: 0,
-	pubertyHormones: 0,
-	dietXXY: 0,
-	dietCleanse: 0,
-	cumProDiet: 0,
-	dietFertility: 0,
-	curativeUpgrade: 0,
-	growthStim: 0,
-	reproductionFormula: 0,
-	aphrodisiacUpgrade: 0,
-	aphrodisiacUpgradeRefine: 0,
-	healthyDrugsUpgrade: 0,
-	superFertilityDrugs: 0,
-	bellyImplants: 0,
-	cervixImplants: 0,
-	meshImplants: 0,
-	prostateImplants: 0,
-	youngerOvaries: 0,
-	sympatheticOvaries: 0,
-	fertilityImplant: 0,
-	asexualReproduction: 0,
-	animalOvaries: 0,
-	// {} currently unused
-	animalTesticles: 0,
-	// {} currently unused
-	animalMpreg: 0,
-	// {} currently unused
-	geneticMappingUpgrade: 0,
-	pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade: 0,
-	cloningSystem: 0,
-	geneticFlawLibrary: 0,
-	surgeryUpgrade: 0,
-	barracks: 0,
-	mercenaries: 0,
-	mercenariesHelpCorp: 0,
-	personalArms: 0,
-	saleDescription: 0,
-	gingering: 0,
-	beforeGingering: 0,
-	gingeringDetected: 0,
-	gingeringDetection: 0,
-	surgeryDescription: 0,
-	encyclopedia: "How to Play",
-	showEncyclopedia: 1,
-	trinkets: [],
-	SPcost: 1000,
-	debtWarned: 0,
-	internationalTrade: 1,
-	internationalVariety: 0,
-	slaveCostFactor: 0.95,
-	menialDemandFactor: 0,
-	menialSupplyFactor: 0,
-	demandTimer: 0,
-	supplyTimer: 0,
-	elapsedDemandTimer: 0,
-	elapsedSupplyTimer: 0,
-	slaveCostRandom: 0,
-	deltaDemand: 0,
-	deltaDemandOld: 0,
-	deltaSupply: 0,
-	deltaSupplyOld: 0,
-	NPCSexSupply: {
-		lowerClass: 3000,
-		middleClass: 3000,
-		upperClass: 3000,
-		topClass: 3000
-	},
-	NPCMarketShare: {
-		lowerClass: 1000,
-		middleClass: 1000,
-		upperClass: 1000,
-		topClass: 1000
-	},
-	sexSubsidies: {
-		lowerClass: 0,
-		middleClass: 0,
-		upperClass: 0,
-		topClass: 0
-	},
-	sexSupplyBarriers: {
-		lowerClass: 0,
-		middleClass: 0,
-		upperClass: 0,
-		topClass: 0
-	},
-	minimumSlaveCost: 2500,
-	facilityCost: 100,
-	enduringRep: 1000,
-	rep: 0,
-	repLastWeek: 0,
-	arcologyUpgrade: {
-		drones: 0,
-		hydro: 0,
-		apron: 0,
-		grid: 0,
-		spire: 0
-	},
-	AGrowth: 2,
-	ACitizens: 4250,
-	lowerClass: 3120,
-	LSCBase: 800,
-	visitors: 0,
-	rentDefaults: {
-		lowerClass: 20,
-		middleClass: 50,
-		upperClass: 180,
-		topClass: 650
-	},
-	rent: {
-		lowerClass: 20,
-		middleClass: 50,
-		upperClass: 180,
-		topClass: 650
-	},
-	rentEffectL: 1,
-	middleClass: 890,
-	MCBase: 200,
-	rentEffectM: 1,
-	upperClass: 200,
-	UCBase: 40,
-	rentEffectU: 1,
-	topClass: 40,
-	TCBase: 20,
-	rentEffectT: 1,
-	GDP: 278.6,
-	NPCSlaves: 900,
-	ASlaves: 900,
-	AProsperityCap: 0,
-	food: 125000,
-	foodLastWeek: 0,
-	foodProduced: 0,
-	foodStored: 0,
-	farmyardFoodCost: 5,
-	foodCost: 25,
-	foodMarket: 0,
-	foodRate: {
-		slave: 2,
-		lower: 1.8,
-		middle: 2,
-		upper: 2.2,
-		top: 2.4
-	},
-	foodConsumption: 0, // total amount food consumed per week
-	revealFoodEffects: 0,
-	rations: 0,
-	building: {},
-	menials: 0,
-	fuckdolls: 0,
-	menialBioreactors: 0,
-	prestigeAuctioned: 0,
-	slaveMarketLimit: 20,
-	slavesSeen: 0,
-	slaveOrphanageTotal: 0,
-	citizenOrphanageTotal: 0,
-	privateOrphanageTotal: 0,
-	breederOrphanageTotal: 0,
-	alwaysSubsidizeRep: 0,
-	alwaysSubsidizeGrowth: 0,
-	ProImmigrationCash: 0,
-	ProImmigrationRep: 0,
-	AntiImmigrationCash: 0,
-	AntiImmigrationRep: 0,
-	ProEnslavementCash: 0,
-	ProEnslavementRep: 0,
-	AntiEnslavementCash: 0,
-	AntiEnslavementRep: 0,
-	BasicSMR: 1,
-	HealthInspectionSMR: 0,
-	EducationSMR: 0,
-	FrigiditySMR: 0,
-	BasicBeautySMR: 0,
-	QualityBeautySMR: 0,
-	BasicWeightSMR: 0,
-	BasicIntelligenceSMR: 0,
-	QualityIntelligenceSMR: 0,
-	BasicHeightSMR: 0,
-	AdvancedHeightSMR: 0,
-	IntelligenceEugenicsSMR: 0,
-	HeightEugenicsSMR: 0,
-	FaceEugenicsSMR: 0,
-	HonestySMR: 0,
-	ProRefugees: 0,
-	ProRecruitment: 0,
-	OralEncouragement: 0,
-	VaginalEncouragement: 0,
-	AnalEncouragement: 0,
-	OralDiscouragement: 0,
-	VaginalDiscouragement: 0,
-	AnalDiscouragement: 0,
-	CashForRep: 0,
-	RepForCash: 0,
-	Cash4Babies: 0,
-	RegularParties: 0,
-	PAPublic: 0,
-	CoursingAssociation: 0,
-	Lurcher: 0,
-	coursed: 0,
-	RaidingMercenaries: 0,
-	raided: 0,
-	MixedMarriage: 0,
-	CulturalOpenness: 0,
-	goodImageCampaign: 0,
-	sexualOpeness: 0,
-	policyCost: 5000,
-	expiree: 0,
-	retiree: 0,
-	birthee: 0,
-	CustomRetirementAgePolicy: 0,
-	BioreactorRetirement: 0,
-	ArcadeRetirement: 0,
-	CitizenRetirement: 0,
-	citizenRetirementMenials: 0,
-	citizenRetirementTrigger: 0,
-	FSSupLawTrigger: 0,
-	FSSubLawTrigger: 0,
-	SexMilestoneRetirement: 0,
-	MilkMilestoneRetirement: 0,
-	CumMilestoneRetirement: 0,
-	BirthsMilestoneRetirement: 0,
-	KillsMilestoneRetirement: 0,
-	retirementSex: 10000,
-	retirementMilk: 50000,
-	retirementCum: 500000,
-	retirementBirths: 5,
-	retirementKills: 3,
-	nicaea: 0,
-	nicaeaAnnounceable: 0,
-	nicaeaAnnounced: 0,
-	nicaeaPreparation: 0,
-	nicaeaInvolvement: -2,
-	nicaeaPower: 0,
-	nicaeaHeld: 0,
-	nicaeaFocus: "",
-	nicaeaAssignment: "",
-	nicaeaAchievement: "",
-	peacekeepers: 0,
-	peacekeepersFate: 0,
-	mercRomeo: 0,
-	oralUseWeight: 5,
-	vaginalUseWeight: 5,
-	analUseWeight: 5,
-	childProtectionAct: 1,
-	niceWeather: [],
-	lightWeather: [],
-	heavyWeather: [],
-	extremeWeather: [],
-	weatherToday: {},
-	customSlaveOrdered: 0,
-	// I am not a slave object! Do not treat me like one!
-	customSlave: {},
-	huskSlaveOrdered: 0,
-	huskSlave: {},
-	// non-vanilla shit
-	// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
-	one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode: 0,
-	activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge: 0,
-	activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge: 999,
-	oneTimeDisableDisability: 0,
-	targetAge: 18,
-	pubertyLength: 5,
-	maxGrowthAge: 24,
-	// Job Fulfillment Center
-	JFCOrder: 0,
-	Role: "",
-	cheatMode: 0,
-	cheatModeM: 1,
-	experimental: {
-		nursery: 0,
-		food: 0,
-		animalOvaries: 0,
-		dinnerParty: 0
-	},
-	NaNArray: [],
-	fcnn: [
-		"...coming up at the top of the hour: Catgirl slaves, science fact or science fiction...",
-		"...coming up at the top of the hour: Malnockestivi Smith, Free Cities' first MtFtMtFtH transgendered person...",
-		"...new arcology construction up 23% worldwide this year, according to...",
-		"...United States Congress spends 1,264th consecutive day gridlocked over post office...",
-		"...coming up at the top of the hour: Arcology owners: oversexed oligarchs or attractive, oversexed oligarchs?...",
-		"...coming up at the top of the hour: Anal sex: not just for sex any more...",
-		"...coming up at the top of the hour: Oral sex: the new hello...",
-		"...new book by prominent feminist suggests that women should not be used as sexual appliances...",
-		"...just ahead, interview with Desha Moore, prominent advocate for compulsory female enslavement...",
-		"...just ahead, Slave Market Trends: will the pierced anus be in again this year...",
-		"...just ahead, Slave Market Trends: upstart slave trainers avoid implants...",
-		"...implant technology firm BusTech notches successful initial public offering...",
-		"...the upcoming shortage of authentic leather and what it means for the whip industry...",
-		"...dairy conglomerate Creem Inc. denies allegations of adulterating breast milk with...",
-		"...two-time award-winning actress Linda Loveless debuted new implants on the red carpet this...",
-		"...dick size: are your slaves lying to you when they tell you you're too big...",
-		"...just ahead, slave expert's opinion on best shemale slaves to use for double penetration...",
-		"...Free Cities social conservatives criticize marriage, say your slaves should be enough...",
-		"...councilman Taggart suggested in a public address that involuntary enslavement...",
-		"...councilman Taggart denies allegations that he has remained faithful to his wife...",
-		"...councilman Taggart presented evidence that regulation of the sex slave market would...",
-		"...after a word from our sponsors. Creem Inc.: for all your dairy needs...",
-		"...after a word from our sponsors. Horstmann Ltd, Free Cities' finest whipmakers...",
-		"...after a word from our sponsors. Coming soon to theaters, Quintuple, the musical...",
-		"...critical of low-end slave training corporation Wallerson & Sons for practices that they say...",
-		"...training corporation Wallerson & Sons called a study on slave illness rates 'ludicrous,' but...",
-		"...our tech correspondent: the possibilities of virally-administered gene therapy...",
-		"...our tech correspondent: breakthrough in in-vitro drug treatments that promise to...",
-		"...our tech correspondent: next year to see release of two competing aphrodisiacs...",
-		"...our tech correspondent: the coming permanent aphrodisiac implants, and what they mean...",
-		"...Sex Slaves in Space: what it takes to keep a mining crew happy for an 18-month contract...",
-		"...the implant-drug balance: how much tissue growth is necessary to support larger...",
-		"...the actress stated that the cut to full nudity in the script violated contractual...",
-		"...doping scandal as Slave Games watchdog alleges champion used internal reservoir of lube...",
-		"...next on Extreme Surgery: the mouthpussy experimenters and what they...",
-		"...'A hole's a hole,' said CEO of upstart budget glory hole franchise...",
-		"...underground slave pit fights step into the light this evening as...",
-		"...underground slave pit fight champion, freed yesterday, sells herself back into...",
-		"...with the lead designer of the MP17, the new machine pistol marketed specifically for bodyguards...",
-		"...the new Aegis drone series: because your arcology's security is your most important possession...",
-		"...the BAe Goshawk: because you deserve to travel at twice the speed of sound in the finest style...",
-		"...this year's Goat.cx award for outstanding orifice innovation goes to...",
-		"...public controversy over cannibalism. Decadence taken too far or an acceptable next step...",
-		"...sixth day of street cleaners' strike. Spokesman for the strikers: 'It's getting too nasty...",
-		"...debuts new book, 'So Long, And Thanks For All The Dicks', in which the recently retired sex slaves tell-all about...",
-		"...cure for lactose intolerance, for which he was awarded the International Association of Pastoralist...",
-		"...from the Free Cities have become increasingly common clientele for the black market...",
-		"...a risky gamble on the three-hour-long hardcore sex scene, but the box office figures for just...",
-	],
+	sortIncubatorList: "Unsorted",
 	SF: {},
 	// Misc mod variables
-	recruiterEugenics: 0,
 	AgeEffectOnTrainerPricingPC: 1,
 	AgeEffectOnTrainerEffectivenessPC: 1,
 	AgeTrainingUpperBoundPC: 14,
 	AgeTrainingLowerBoundPC: 12,
 	IsInPrimePC: 3,
 	IsPastPrimePC: 5000,
-	prostheticsUpgrade: 0,
-	adjustProstheticsCompleted: 0,
-	adjustProsthetics: [],
-	researchLab: {
-		aiModule: 1,
-		tasks: [],
-		maxSpace: 0,
-		hired: 0,
-		menials: 0,
-	},
-	prosthetics: {},
-	merchantFSWares: ["AssetExpansionistResearch", "GenderRadicalistResearch", "HedonisticDecadenceResearch", "SlaveProfessionalismResearch", "SlimnessEnthusiastResearch", "TransformationFetishistResearch", "YouthPreferentialistResearch"],
-	merchantIllegalWares: ["asexualReproduction", "childhoodFertilityInducedNCS", "PGHack", "RapidCellGrowthFormula", "sympatheticOvaries", "UterineRestraintMesh"],
-	// "AnimalOrgans" for future use
-	RapidCellGrowthFormula: 0,
-	UterineRestraintMesh: 0,
-	PGHack: 0,
-	diversePronouns: 0,
-	// Security Expansion
-	wasToggledBefore: 0,
-	// moved first build to post toggle
-	secExpEnabled: 0,
-	// Career-skill gain
-	masteredXP: 200,
-	// Weather effect on economy
-	antiWeatherFreeze: 0,
-	econWeatherDamage: 0,
-	disasterResponse: 0,
-	postSexCleanUp: 1,
-	sideBarOptions: {
-		compact: 1,
-		Cash: 1,
-		Upkeep: 1,
-		SexSlaveCount: 1,
-		roomPop: 1,
-		Rep: 1,
-		GSP: 1,
-		Authority: 1,
-		Security: 1,
-		Crime: 1
-	},
-	DefaultBirthDestination: "individually decided fates",
-	abbreviateHormoneBalance: 2,
 	// END OLD INIT VARIABLES SECTION, after this, variables were being created in other places in the game
 	shelterGirlsIDs: [], // Only needed in endweek loop
@@ -1550,7 +529,6 @@ App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables = {
 	SFGear: 0,
 	SavedLeader: 0,
 	SavedSFI: 0,
-	sectionInFirebase: 0,
 	/* base vars */
 	secExp: {},
@@ -1652,6 +630,865 @@ App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables = {
 	defaultRules: [],
+// The other half of the above whitelist.  However, entries in this array will be forced to the values set here upon starting NG+.
+App.Data.resetOnNGPlus = {
+	targetArcology: {type: "New"},
+	REFeminizationCheckinIDs: [],
+	REMILFCheckinIDs: [],
+	REOrientationCheckinIDs: [],
+	REUglyCheckinIDs: [],
+	REButtholeCheckinIDs: [],
+	REFutaSisterCheckinIDs: [],
+	REReductionCheckinIDs: [],
+	activeSlave: 0,
+	activeChild: 0,
+	reminders: [],
+	boomerangSlave: 0,
+	boomerangWeeks: 0,
+	boomerangBuyer: 0,
+	bioreactorPerfectedID: 0,
+	independenceDay: 0,
+	invasionVictory: 0,
+	daughtersVictory: 0,
+	startingGirlCopied: 0,
+	startingGirlRelation: 0,
+	archetyped: 0,
+	createRelatedSlave: 0,
+	slavesVisible: 0,
+	dormitory: 20,
+	dormitoryPopulation: 0,
+	rooms: 5,
+	roomsPopulation: 0,
+	brothelDecoration: "standard",
+	brothelUpgradeDrugs: 0,
+	brothelAdsSpending: 0,
+	brothelAdsOld: 0,
+	brothelAdsModded: 0,
+	brothelAdsImplanted: 0,
+	brothelAdsStacked: 0,
+	brothelAdsPreg: 0,
+	brothelAdsXX: 0,
+	brothelName: "the Brothel",
+	brothelNameCaps: "The Brothel",
+	brothel: 0,
+	dairyDecoration: "standard",
+	dairyPrepUpgrade: 0,
+	dairyStimulatorsUpgrade: 0,
+	dairyStimulatorsSetting: 0,
+	dairyStimulatorsSettingChanged: 0,
+	dairyFeedersUpgrade: 0,
+	dairyFeedersSetting: 0,
+	dairyFeedersSettingChanged: 0,
+	dairyPregUpgrade: 0,
+	dairyPregSetting: 0,
+	dairyPregSettingChanged: 0,
+	dairyRestraintsUpgrade: 0,
+	dairyRestraintsSetting: 0,
+	dairySlimMaintainUpgrade: 0,
+	dairySlimMaintain: 0,
+	dairyHyperPregRemodel: 0,
+	dairyWeightSetting: 0,
+	dairyImplantsSetting: 1,
+	dairyUpgradeMenials: 0,
+	createBioreactors: 0,
+	bioreactorsAnnounced: 0,
+	bioreactorsHerm: 0,
+	bioreactorsXX: 0,
+	bioreactorsXY: 0,
+	bioreactorsBarren: 0,
+	dairyName: "the Dairy",
+	dairyNameCaps: "The Dairy",
+	dairy: 0,
+	cumSlaves: 0,
+	clubDecoration: "standard",
+	clubUpgradePDAs: 0,
+	clubAdsSpending: 0,
+	clubAdsOld: 0,
+	clubAdsModded: 0,
+	clubAdsImplanted: 0,
+	clubAdsStacked: 0,
+	clubAdsPreg: 0,
+	clubAdsXX: 0,
+	clubName: "the Club",
+	clubNameCaps: "The Club",
+	club: 0,
+	servantsQuartersDecoration: "standard",
+	servantsQuartersUpgradeMonitoring: 0,
+	servantsQuarters: 0,
+	servantsQuartersName: "the Servants' Quarters",
+	servantsQuartersNameCaps: "The Servants' Quarters",
+	schoolroomDecoration: "standard",
+	schoolroomUpgradeSkills: 0,
+	schoolroomUpgradeLanguage: 0,
+	schoolroomUpgradeRemedial: 0,
+	schoolroomRemodelBimbo: 0,
+	schoolroom: 0,
+	schoolroomName: "the Schoolroom",
+	schoolroomNameCaps: "The Schoolroom",
+	spaDecoration: "standard",
+	spa: 0,
+	spaSpots: 0,
+	spaUpgrade: 0,
+	spaFix: 0,
+	spaName: "the Spa",
+	spaNameCaps: "The Spa",
+	// Incubator Subsection
+	incubator: 0,
+	incubatorSlaves: 0,
+	incubatorBulkRelease: 0,
+	incubatorOrgans: [],
+	incubatorOldID: 0,
+	incubatorUpgradeSpeed: 5,
+	incubatorUpgradeWeight: 0,
+	incubatorUpgradeMuscles: 0,
+	incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims: 0,
+	incubatorUpgradeReproduction: 0,
+	incubatorUpgradeOrgans: 0,
+	incubatorImprintSetting: 0,
+	incubatorWeightSetting: 0,
+	incubatorMusclesSetting: 0,
+	incubatorGrowthStimsSetting: 0,
+	incubatorReproductionSetting: 0,
+	incubatorName: "the Incubator",
+	incubatorNameCaps: "The Incubator",
+	reservedChildren: 0,
+	tanks: [],
+	clinicDecoration: "standard",
+	clinic: 0,
+	clinicUpgradeFilters: 0,
+	clinicUpgradeScanner: 0,
+	clinicUpgradePurge: 0,
+	clinicName: "the Clinic",
+	clinicNameCaps: "The Clinic",
+	arcadeDecoration: "standard",
+	arcadeUpgradeInjectors: 0,
+	arcadeUpgradeFuckdolls: 0,
+	arcadeUpgradeCollectors: 0,
+	arcadeUpgradeHealth: -1,
+	arcadeName: "the Arcade",
+	arcadeNameCaps: "The Arcade",
+	arcade: 0,
+	fuckdollsSold: 0,
+	cellblockDecoration: "standard",
+	cellblockUpgrade: 0,
+	cellblock: 0,
+	cellblockName: "the Cellblock",
+	cellblockNameCaps: "The Cellblock",
+	cellblockWardenCumsInside: 1,
+	masterSuiteDecoration: "standard",
+	masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury: 0,
+	masterSuiteUpgradePregnancy: 0,				/* Is the upgrade active? */
+	masterSuitePregnancyFertilityDrugs: 0,			/* Are slaves being put on fertility drugs? */
+	masterSuitePregnancyFertilitySupplements: 0,	/* Are those drugs being supplemented (health benefits and (even) more multiple pregnancies) */
+	masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries: 0,			/* Are the slaves being given some nicer things to reduce stress during preg? (health/devotion/trust benefits) */
+	universalHGImpregnateMasterSuiteToggle: 0,		/* Will the HG impregnate fertile slaves in the MS? */
+	masterSuiteHyperPregnancy: 0,
+	masterSuite: 0,
+	masterSuiteName: "the Master Suite",
+	masterSuiteNameCaps: "The Master Suite",
+	// Nursery Subsection
+	nursery: 0,						/* counts the number of children the nursery can support */
+	nurseryNannies: 0,					/* counts the number of nannies the nursery can support */
+	nurseryBabies: 0,					/* counts the number of children currently in the nursery */
+	MatronInfluence: 0,				/* check for whether the children are influenced by the Matron */
+	nannyInfluence: 0,					/* check for whether the children are influenced by the nannies */
+	nurseryDecoration: "standard",
+	nurseryWeight: 0,
+	nurseryMuscles: 0,
+	nurseryHormones: 0,
+	nurseryOrgans: 0,					/* not currently in use */
+	nurseryImprintSetting: 0,
+	nurseryWeightSetting: 0,
+	nurseryMusclesSetting: 0,
+	nurseryHormonesSetting: 0,
+	nurseryName: "the Nursery",
+	nurseryNameCaps: "The Nursery",
+	reservedChildrenNursery: 0,
+	cribs: [],							/* array of children in the nursery */
+	cribsFreed: [],					/* array of children that have been freed */
+	childToSlave: -1,					/* number of total children that have become slaves */
+	// Farmyard Subsection %/
+	farmyard: 0,
+	farmyardShowgirls: [],			/* array of farmhands putting on shows */
+	farmyardFarmers: [],			/* array of farmhands farming */
+	farmMenials: 0,
+	farmMenialsSpace: 0,
+	farmyardDecoration: "standard",
+	farmyardUpgrade: {
+		pump: 0, fertilizer: 0, hydroponics: 0, machinery: 0, seeds: 0, lab: 0
+	},
+	farmyardCrops: 0,
+	farmyardStable: 0,
+	farmyardKennels: 0,
+	farmyardCages: 0,
+	activeCanine: 0,
+	activeHooved: 0,
+	activeFeline: 0,
+	farmyardLab: 0,
+	farmyardLabUpgrades: {animalOvaries: 0, animalTesticles: 0, animalMpreg: 0},
+	animalsBought: {
+		canines: 0, hooved: 0, felines: 0, labradorRetrievers: 0, germanShepherds: 0, goldenRetrievers: 0, frenchBulldogs: 0, bulldogs: 0, beagles: 0, poodles: 0, rottweilers: 0, yorkshireTerriers: 0, siberianHuskies: 0, horses: 0, bulls: 0, pigs: 0, siameses: 0, persians: 0, maineCoons: 0, ragdolls: 0, bengals: 0, abbysinians: 0, birmans: 0, orientalShorthairs: 0, sphynxes: 0, russianBlues: 0, wolves: 0, foxes: 0, jackals: 0, dingos: 0, zebras: 0, cougars: 0, jaguars: 0, pumas: 0, lynx: 0, leopards: 0, lions: 0, tigers: 0
+	},
+	canines: [],
+	hooved: [],
+	felines: [],
+	farmyardName: "the Farmyard",
+	farmyardNameCaps: "The Farmyard",
+	HGSuite: 0,
+	HGSuiteSurgery: 1,
+	HGSuiteDrugs: 1,
+	HGSuiteHormones: 1,
+	HGSuiteEquality: 0,
+	HGSuiteName: "the Head Girl Suite",
+	HGSuiteNameCaps: "The Head Girl Suite",
+	fighterIDs: [],
+	pitBG: 0,
+	pitAnimal: 0,
+	pitAnimalType: 0,
+	pitAudience: "none",
+	pitLethal: 0,
+	pitVirginities: 0,
+	pitFought: 0,
+	pit: 0,
+	pitName: "the Pit",
+	pitNameCaps: "The Pit",
+	dojo: 0,
+	feeder: 0,
+	cockFeeder: 0,
+	suppository: 0,
+	weatherCladding: 0,
+	weatherAwareness: 0,
+	boobAccessibility: 0,
+	servantMilkers: 0,
+	servantMilkersMultiplier: 1,
+	studio: 0,
+	studioFeed: 0,
+	PCSlutContacts: 1,
+	/* Porn star counts (prestige 1) and ID's (prestige 3) */
+	pornStars: {},
+	pregInventor: 0,
+	pregInventorID: 0,
+	pregInventions: 0,
+	legendaryWhoreID: 0,
+	legendaryEntertainerID: 0,
+	legendaryCowID: 0,
+	legendaryBallsID: 0,
+	legendaryWombID: 0,
+	legendaryAbolitionistID: 0,
+	FSAnnounced: 0,
+	FSCredits: 0,
+	FSGotRepCredits: 0,
+	FSSingleSlaveRep: 10,
+	FSSpending: 0,
+	FSLockinLevel: 100,
+	applyLaw: 0,
+	FSPromenade: {
+		Subjugationist: 0, Supremacist: 0, GenderRadicalist: 0, GenderFundamentalist: 0, Paternalist: 0, Degradationist: 0, BodyPurist: 0, TransformationFetishist: 0, YouthPreferentialist: 0, MaturityPreferentialist: 0, SlimnessEnthusiast: 0, AssetExpansionist: 0, Pastoralist: 0, PhysicalIdealist: 0, ChattelReligionist: 0, RomanRevivalist: 0, AztecRevivalist: 0, EgyptianRevivalist: 0, EdoRevivalist: 0, ArabianRevivalist: 0, ChineseRevivalist: 0, Repopulationist: 0, Eugenics: 0, Hedonism: 0, IntellectualDependency: 0, SlaveProfessionalism: 0, PetiteAdmiration: 0, StatuesqueGlorification: 0
+	},
+	// new corporation variables
+	newCorp: 1,
+	vanillaShareSplit: 1,
+	corpEcon: 0,
+	corpCashDividend: 0,
+	corpDiv: 0,
+	corpExpandToken: 0,
+	corpSpec: 0,
+	corpSpecToken: 0,
+	corpDivExtra: 0,
+	corpDivLegal: 0,
+	corpDivBreak: 0,
+	corpDivSurgery: 0,
+	corpDivTrain: 0,
+	corpDivArcade: 0,
+	corpDivMenial: 0,
+	corpDivDairy: 0,
+	corpDivWhore: 0,
+	corpDivExtraDev: 0,
+	corpDivLegalDev: 0,
+	corpDivBreakDev: 0,
+	corpDivSurgeryDev: 0,
+	corpDivTrainDev: 0,
+	corpDivArcadeDev: 0,
+	corpDivMenialDev: 0,
+	corpDivDairyDev: 0,
+	corpDivWhoreDev: 0,
+	corpSpecRaces: [],
+	corpAnnounced: 0,
+	corpIncorporated: 0,
+	corpMarket: 0,
+	/* Slave sexual services and goods variables */
+	publicFuckdolls: 0,
+	classSatisfied: {
+		lowerClass: 0, middleClass: 0, upperClass: 0, topClass: 0
+	},
+	whoreBudget: {
+		lowerClass: 7, middleClass: 40, upperClass: 200, topClass: 1500
+	},
+	arcadePrice: 2,
+	clubSlaveSexAmount: 0,
+	shelterSlave: 0,
+	shelterSlaveBought: 0,
+	shelterAbuse: 0,
+	shelterSlaveGeneratedWeek: 0,
+	// alternate clothing access variables
+	clothesBoughtBunny: 0,
+	clothesBoughtConservative: 0,
+	clothesBoughtChains: 0,
+	clothesBoughtWestern: 0,
+	clothesBoughtOil: 0,
+	clothesBoughtHabit: 0,
+	clothesBoughtToga: 0,
+	clothesBoughtHuipil: 0,
+	clothesBoughtKimono: 0,
+	clothesBoughtHarem: 0,
+	clothesBoughtQipao: 0,
+	clothesBoughtEgypt: 0,
+	clothesBoughtBelly: 0,
+	clothesBoughtMaternityDress: 0,
+	clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie: 0,
+	clothesBoughtLazyClothes: 0,
+	clothesBoughtBimbo: 0,
+	clothesBoughtCourtesan: 0,
+	shoesBoughtHeels: 0,
+	clothesBoughtPetite: 0,
+	// non-fs
+	clothesBoughtMilitary: 0,
+	clothesBoughtCultural: 0,
+	clothesBoughtMiddleEastern: 0,
+	clothesBoughtPol: 0,
+	clothesBoughtCostume: 0,
+	clothesBoughtPantsu: 0,
+	clothesBoughtCareer: 0,
+	clothesBoughtDresses: 0,
+	clothesBoughtBodysuits: 0,
+	clothesBoughtCasual: 0,
+	clothesBoughtUnderwear: 0,
+	clothesBoughtSports: 0,
+	clothesBoughtPony: 0,
+	clothesBoughtSwimwear: 0,
+	toysBoughtDildos: 0,
+	toysBoughtGags: 0,
+	toysBoughtVaginalAttachments: 0,
+	toysBoughtButtPlugs: 0,
+	toysBoughtButtPlugTails: 0,
+	toysBoughtSmartVibes: 0,
+	buckets: 0,
+	specialSlavesPriceOverride: 0,
+	pregAccessibility: 0,
+	dickAccessibility: 0,
+	ballsAccessibility: 0,
+	buttAccessibility: 0,
+	ageMode: 0,
+	enema: 0,
+	medicalEnema: 0,
+	dairyPiping: 0,
+	inflatedSlavesMilk: 0,
+	inflatedSlavesCum: 0,
+	milkPipeline: 0,
+	cumPipeline: 0,
+	wcPiping: 0,
+	burstee: 0,
+	slaveDeath: 0,
+	clinicInflateBelly: 0,
+	playerBred: 0,
+	propOutcome: 0,
+	EliteSires: ["crazy", "futa", "moves", "preggo", "quick", "virgin"],
+	startingPoint: -1,
+	PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy: 0,
+	raped: -1,
+	children: [],
+	missingParentID: -10000,
+	startingSlaveRelative: 0,
+	mom: 0,
+	/* animalParts: 0,*/
+	originOveride: 0,
+	playerAging: 2,
+	pregSpeedControl: 0,
+	clinicSpeedGestation: 0,
+	playerSurgery: 0,
+	playerGetsMilked: 0,
+	bodyswapAnnounced: 0,
+	surnamesForbidden: 0,
+	menstruation: 0,
+	FCTVcount: 0,
+	FCTVrate: 4,
+	FCTVreceiver: 0,
+	receiverAvailable: 0,
+	FCTVshow: 0,
+	FCTVremote: 0,
+	lastShow: 0,
+	randShow: 0,
+	FCNNstation: 0,
+	MercenariesMessageSent: 0,
+	SpecialForcesMessageSent: 0,
+	BodyguardHasSucessfullyRecivedSignal: 0,
+	finalChoice: "none",
+	eliteTotal: 12,
+	eliteDead: 0,
+	eliteVegetable: 0,
+	eliteFate: 0,
+	swanSong: 0,
+	failedElite: 0,
+	eugenicsFullControl: 0,
+	badC: 0,
+	badB: 0,
+	schoolSuggestion: 0,
+	TSS: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	GRI: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	SCP: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	LDE: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	TGA: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	TCR: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	TFS: {
+		farmUpgrade: 0, schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0, compromiseWeek: 0
+	},
+	futaAddiction: 0,
+	HA: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	NUL: {
+		schoolUpgrade: 0, schoolPresent: 0, schoolProsperity: 0, subsidize: 0, schoolAnnexed: 0, studentsBought: 0, schoolSale: 0
+	},
+	IDNumber: 1,
+	nIDNumber: 1,	/* tracks children in the nursery */
+	week: 1,
+	weddingPlanned: 0,
+	personalAttention: "sex",
+	HeadGirl: 0,
+	HGTimeInGrade: 0,
+	HGEnergy: 0,
+	HGCum: 0,
+	Recruiter: 0,
+	recruiterTarget: "desperate whores",
+	recruiterProgress: 0,
+	recruiterIdleRule: "number",
+	recruiterIdleNumber: 20,
+	recruiterIOUs: 0,
+	bodyguardTrains: 1,
+	Bodyguard: 0,
+	Madam: 0,
+	DJ: 0,
+	Milkmaid: 0,
+	milkmaidImpregnates: 0,
+	Farmer: 0,
+	Collectrix: 0,
+	Stewardess: 0,
+	stewardessImpregnates: 0,
+	Schoolteacher: 0,
+	Attendant: 0,
+	Matron: 0,
+	Nurse: 0,
+	Wardeness: 0,
+	Concubine: 0,
+	economicUncertainty: 10,
+	justiceEvents: ["slave deal", "slave training", "majority deal", "indenture deal", "virginity deal", "breeding deal"], /* not in setupVars because we remove events from this array as they occur */
+	prisonCircuit: ["low tier criminals", "gangs and smugglers", "white collar", "military prison"],
+	prisonCircuitIndex: 0,
+	fixedNationality: 0,
+	fixedRace: 0,
+	ui: "start",
+	tooltipsEnabled: 0,
+	brandTarget: {primary: "buttock", secondary: "buttock", local: "buttock"},
+	brandDesign: {primary: "your initials", official: "your initials", local: "your initials"},
+	scarTarget: {primary: "left cheek", secondary: "left cheek", local: "left cheek"},
+	scarDesign: {primary: "generic", local: "generic"},
+	oralTotal: 0,
+	vaginalTotal: 0,
+	analTotal: 0,
+	mammaryTotal: 0,
+	penetrativeTotal: 0,
+	milkTotal: 0,
+	cumTotal: 0,
+	foodTotal: 0,
+	birthsTotal: 0,
+	pitKillsTotal: 0,
+	collaboration: 0,
+	traitor: 0,
+	traitorType: 0,
+	traitorWeeks: 0,
+	hackerSupport: 0,
+	hostage: 0,
+	hostageAnnounced: 0,
+	hostageRescued: 0,
+	hostageGiveIn: 0,
+	rivalSet: 0,
+	rivalryFS: 0,
+	rivalryFSAdopted: 0,
+	rivalryFSRace: 0,
+	rivalOwner: 0,
+	rivalOwnerEnslaved: 0,
+	rivalryPower: 0,
+	rivalryDuration: 0,
+	rivalRace: 0,
+	rivalGender: 0,
+	nationHate: 0,
+	slaveMedic: 0,
+	PShoot: 0,
+	PSnatch: 0,
+	PRaid: 0,
+	PAid: 0,
+	PPit: 0,
+	dispensary: 0,
+	dispensaryUpgrade: 0,
+	organFarmUpgrade: 0,
+	completedOrgans: [],
+	ImplantProductionUpgrade: 0,
+	permaPregImplant: 0,
+	injectionUpgrade: 0,
+	hormoneUpgradeMood: 0,
+	hormoneUpgradeShrinkage: 0,
+	hormoneUpgradePower: 0,
+	pubertyHormones: 0,
+	dietXXY: 0,
+	dietCleanse: 0,
+	cumProDiet: 0,
+	dietFertility: 0,
+	curativeUpgrade: 0,
+	growthStim: 0,
+	reproductionFormula: 0,
+	aphrodisiacUpgrade: 0,
+	aphrodisiacUpgradeRefine: 0,
+	healthyDrugsUpgrade: 0,
+	superFertilityDrugs: 0,
+	bellyImplants: 0,
+	cervixImplants: 0,
+	meshImplants: 0,
+	prostateImplants: 0,
+	youngerOvaries: 0,
+	sympatheticOvaries: 0,
+	fertilityImplant: 0,
+	asexualReproduction: 0,
+	animalOvaries: 0, /* {pigOvaries: 0, canineOvaries: 0, horseOvaries: 0, cowOvaries: 0} currently unused*/
+	animalTesticles: 0, /* {pigTestes: 0, dogTestes: 0, horseTestes: 0, cowTestes: 0} currently unused*/
+	animalMpreg: 0, /* {pigMpreg: 0, dogMpreg: 0, horseMpreg: 0, cowMpreg: 0} currently unused*/
+	geneticMappingUpgrade: 0,
+	pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade: 0,
+	cloningSystem: 0,
+	geneticFlawLibrary: 0,
+	surgeryUpgrade: 0,
+	barracks: 0,
+	mercenaries: 0,
+	mercenariesHelpCorp: 0,
+	personalArms: 0,
+	saleDescription: 0,
+	gingering: 0,
+	beforeGingering: 0,
+	gingeringDetected: 0,
+	gingeringDetection: 0,
+	surgeryDescription: 0,
+	encyclopedia: "How to Play",
+	showEncyclopedia: 1,
+	trinkets: [],
+	SPcost: 1000,
+	debtWarned: 0,
+	internationalTrade: 1,
+	internationalVariety: 0,
+	slaveCostFactor: 0.95,
+	menialDemandFactor: 0,
+	menialSupplyFactor: 0,
+	demandTimer: 0,
+	supplyTimer: 0,
+	elapsedDemandTimer: 0,
+	elapsedSupplyTimer: 0,
+	slaveCostRandom: 0,
+	deltaDemand: 0,
+	deltaDemandOld: 0,
+	deltaSupply: 0,
+	deltaSupplyOld: 0,
+	NPCSexSupply: {
+		lowerClass: 3000, middleClass: 3000, upperClass: 3000, topClass: 3000
+	},
+	NPCMarketShare: {
+		lowerClass: 1000, middleClass: 1000, upperClass: 1000, topClass: 1000
+	},
+	sexSubsidies: {
+		lowerClass: 0, middleClass: 0, upperClass: 0, topClass: 0
+	},
+	sexSupplyBarriers: {
+		lowerClass: 0, middleClass: 0, upperClass: 0, topClass: 0
+	},
+	minimumSlaveCost: 2500,
+	facilityCost: 100,
+	enduringRep: 1000,
+	rep: 0,
+	repLastWeek: 0,
+	arcologyUpgrade: {
+		drones: 0, hydro: 0, apron: 0, grid: 0, spire: 0
+	},
+	AGrowth: 2,
+	ACitizens: 4250,
+	lowerClass: 3120,
+	LSCBase: 800,
+	visitors: 0,
+	rentDefaults: {
+		lowerClass: 20, middleClass: 50, upperClass: 180, topClass: 650
+	},
+	rent: {
+		lowerClass: 20, middleClass: 50, upperClass: 180, topClass: 650
+	},
+	rentEffectL: 1,
+	middleClass: 890,
+	MCBase: 200,
+	rentEffectM: 1,
+	upperClass: 200,
+	UCBase: 40,
+	rentEffectU: 1,
+	topClass: 40,
+	TCBase: 20,
+	rentEffectT: 1,
+	GDP: 278.6,
+	NPCSlaves: 900,
+	ASlaves: 900,
+	AProsperityCap: 0,
+	food: 125000,
+	foodLastWeek: 0,
+	foodProduced: 0,
+	foodStored: 0,
+	farmyardFoodCost: 5,
+	foodCost: 25,
+	foodMarket: 0,
+	foodRate: {
+		slave: 2, lower: 1.8, middle: 2, upper: 2.2, top: 2.4
+	},
+	foodConsumption: 0,	/* total amount food consumed per week */
+	revealFoodEffects: 0,
+	rations: 0,
+	building: {},
+	menials: 0,
+	fuckdolls: 0,
+	menialBioreactors: 0,
+	prestigeAuctioned: 0,
+	slaveMarketLimit: 20,
+	slavesSeen: 0,
+	slaveOrphanageTotal: 0,
+	citizenOrphanageTotal: 0,
+	privateOrphanageTotal: 0,
+	breederOrphanageTotal: 0,
+	alwaysSubsidizeRep: 0,
+	alwaysSubsidizeGrowth: 0,
+	ProImmigrationCash: 0,
+	ProImmigrationRep: 0,
+	AntiImmigrationCash: 0,
+	AntiImmigrationRep: 0,
+	ProEnslavementCash: 0,
+	ProEnslavementRep: 0,
+	AntiEnslavementCash: 0,
+	AntiEnslavementRep: 0,
+	BasicSMR: 1,
+	HealthInspectionSMR: 0,
+	EducationSMR: 0,
+	FrigiditySMR: 0,
+	BasicBeautySMR: 0,
+	QualityBeautySMR: 0,
+	BasicWeightSMR: 0,
+	BasicIntelligenceSMR: 0,
+	QualityIntelligenceSMR: 0,
+	BasicHeightSMR: 0,
+	AdvancedHeightSMR: 0,
+	IntelligenceEugenicsSMR: 0,
+	HeightEugenicsSMR: 0,
+	FaceEugenicsSMR: 0,
+	HonestySMR: 0,
+	ProRefugees: 0,
+	ProRecruitment: 0,
+	OralEncouragement: 0,
+	VaginalEncouragement: 0,
+	AnalEncouragement: 0,
+	OralDiscouragement: 0,
+	VaginalDiscouragement: 0,
+	AnalDiscouragement: 0,
+	CashForRep: 0,
+	RepForCash: 0,
+	Cash4Babies: 0,
+	RegularParties: 0,
+	PAPublic: 0,
+	CoursingAssociation: 0,
+	Lurcher: 0,
+	coursed: 0,
+	RaidingMercenaries: 0,
+	raided: 0,
+	MixedMarriage: 0,
+	CulturalOpenness: 0,
+	goodImageCampaign: 0,
+	sexualOpeness: 0,
+	policyCost: 5000,
+	expiree: 0,
+	retiree: 0,
+	birthee: 0,
+	CustomRetirementAgePolicy: 0,
+	BioreactorRetirement: 0,
+	ArcadeRetirement: 0,
+	CitizenRetirement: 0,
+	citizenRetirementMenials: 0,
+	citizenRetirementTrigger: 0,
+	FSSupLawTrigger: 0,
+	FSSubLawTrigger: 0,
+	SexMilestoneRetirement: 0,
+	MilkMilestoneRetirement: 0,
+	CumMilestoneRetirement: 0,
+	BirthsMilestoneRetirement: 0,
+	KillsMilestoneRetirement: 0,
+	retirementSex: 10000,
+	retirementMilk: 50000,
+	retirementCum: 500000,
+	retirementBirths: 5,
+	retirementKills: 3,
+	nicaea: 0,
+	nicaeaAnnounceable: 0,
+	nicaeaAnnounced: 0,
+	nicaeaPreparation: 0,
+	nicaeaInvolvement: -2,
+	nicaeaPower: 0,
+	nicaeaHeld: 0,
+	peacekeepers: 0,
+	peacekeepersFate: 0,
+	mercRomeo: 0,
+	oralUseWeight: 5,
+	vaginalUseWeight: 5,
+	analUseWeight: 5,
+	childProtectionAct: 1,
+	weatherToday: {},
+	customSlaveOrdered: 0,
+	/* I am not a slave object! Do not treat me like one! */
+	customSlave: {},
+	huskSlaveOrdered: 0,
+	huskSlave: {},
+	/* non-vanilla shit*/
+	one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode: 0,
+	activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge: 0,
+	activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge: 999,
+	oneTimeDisableDisability: 0,
+	targetAge: 18,
+	pubertyLength: 5,
+	maxGrowthAge: 24,
+	/* Job Fulfillment Center */
+	JFCOrder: 0,
+	Role: "",
+	cheatMode: 0,
+	cheatModeM: 1,
+	experimental: {
+		nursery: 0,
+		food: 0,
+		animalOvaries: 0,
+		dinnerParty: 0
+	},
+	NaNArray: [],
+	/* Misc mod variables */
+	recruiterEugenics: 0,
+	prostheticsUpgrade: 0,
+	adjustProstheticsCompleted: 0,
+	adjustProsthetics: [], /* format: {id: string, workleft: int, slaveID: int}*/
+	/* task: {type: "research"/"craft/craftFit", id: string, workLeft: int, [if constructFit] slaveID: int}*/
+	researchLab: {
+		level: 0,
+		aiModule: 1,
+		tasks: [],
+		maxSpace: 0,
+		hired: 0,
+		menials: 0,
+	},
+	prosthetics: {},
+	merchantFSWares: ["AssetExpansionistResearch", "GenderRadicalistResearch", "HedonisticDecadenceResearch", "SlaveProfessionalismResearch", "SlimnessEnthusiastResearch", "TransformationFetishistResearch", "YouthPreferentialistResearch"],
+	merchantIllegalWares: ["asexualReproduction", "childhoodFertilityInducedNCS", "PGHack", "RapidCellGrowthFormula", "sympatheticOvaries", "UterineRestraintMesh"], /* "AnimalOrgans" for future use */
+	RapidCellGrowthFormula: 0,
+	UterineRestraintMesh: 0,
+	PGHack: 0,
+	diversePronouns: 0,
+	/* Security Expansion */
+	wasToggledBefore: 0,
+	/* moved first build to post toggle */
+	/* Career-skill gain */
+	masteredXP: 200,
+	/* Weather effect on economy */
+	antiWeatherFreeze: 0,
+	econWeatherDamage: 0,
+	disasterResponse: 0,
+	postSexCleanUp: 1,
+	sideBarOptions: {
+		compact: 1, Cash: 1, Upkeep: 1, SexSlaveCount: 1, roomPop: 1, Rep: 1, GSP: 1, Authority: 1, Security: 1, Crime: 1
+	},
+	DefaultBirthDestination: "individually decided fates",
+	abbreviateHormoneBalance: 2,
+	legendaryFacility: 0,
+	fcnn: [],
 App.Data.ignoreGameStateVariables = [
 	// pronouns
diff --git a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
index 29f9e342cd8e7a049750350bf0a9d7f52f8f4096..29dd08a4e8091a7999a64e4886aeba101d2a1042 100644
--- a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
+++ b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
 <<run App.Update.setNonexistantProperties(V, App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables)>>
+/* resetOnNGPlus contains half of the variables we need, but we use it politely here instead of forcing it so it fills in holes instead of overwriting data */
+<<run App.Update.setNonexistantProperties(V, App.Data.resetOnNGPlus)>>
 	<<= App.Update.oldVersions()>>
diff --git a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
index 3a8e1766b763fc87174bd49189fb0e3c40843f39..b8ea98a6ba941ded7b72aa1f1ca9dfa48a025157 100644
--- a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
+++ b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
 App.Update.autoshred = function() {
-	const defaultGameStateVariables = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables));
+	const set = new Set(
+		Object.getOwnPropertyNames(App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables).concat(
+			Object.getOwnPropertyNames(App.Data.resetOnNGPlus)
+		)
+	);
 	let extraCount = 0;
 	for (const v in V) {
-		if (!defaultGameStateVariables.has(v)) {
+		if (!set.has(v)) {
 			if (V.debugMode) {
 				if (!App.Data.ignoreGameStateVariables.includes(v)) {
 					console.log("Not on whitelist, removed:", "V."+v+":", V[v]);
diff --git a/src/init/storyInit.tw b/src/init/storyInit.tw
index 0a1e8930f9f42dd732e3ab3d054a794c7816eadc..a99ac2cd9036269f4919a345a3537f37903cd29f 100644
--- a/src/init/storyInit.tw
+++ b/src/init/storyInit.tw
@@ -12,8 +12,16 @@ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/* Set up the game as politely as possible.  If values are already set, they are preserved. */
 <<run App.Update.setNonexistantProperties(V, App.Data.defaultGameStateVariables)>>
+/* These variables must be created AND set to default values, NG+ or not */
+for (let variable in App.Data.resetOnNGPlus) {
+	V[variable] = App.Data.resetOnNGPlus[variable];
 <<set $ver = App.Version.base, $pmodVer = App.Version.pmod, $releaseID = App.Version.release>>
 <<set _NGPOffset = 1200000>>
@@ -98,6 +106,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 /* Porn star counts (prestige 1) and ID's (prestige 3) */
+<<set $pornStars = {}>>
 <<for _genre range App.Porn.getAllGenres()>>
 	<<set $pornStars[_genre.fameVar] = { p1count: 0, p3ID: 0 }>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw b/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw
index d396386253eb87c2fe67df02d001cb5a568454ad..ccacf4a86b0076f2bdaa8534bd753e40f51f6114 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 :: New Game Plus [nobr]
 <<set $ui = "start">> <<unset $SlaveSummaryFiler>>
+<<if ndef $slavesToImport>>
+	<<silently>><<include "Backwards Compatibility">><</silently>>
 <<if ndef $slavesToImport>><<set $slavesToImport = 0>><</if>>
 <<if ndef $slavesToImportMax>><<set $slavesToImportMax = 5>><</if>>
-<<silently>><<include "Backwards Compatibility">><</silently>>
 <<set _fee = 50000+($slavesToImportMax*10000)>>
 <<run setupLastWeeksCash()>>
 <<run setupLastWeeksRep()>>