From 500deaaf317d9d947a29026662d24c748f3a4be9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: inducedNCS <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2018 13:40:25 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Induced NCS branch Initial commit.

Added devNotes for the changes, and concepts.

Implemented a simplistic black market illegal wares section and a global
var list for it, defaulted to include the childhoodFertilityInducedNCS
entry.  Fixed some cannot-afford price coloration issues in existing FS
tech portion of the black market.

Ensured that all arcologies start with the arcology variable:
childFertilityInducedNCSResearch set to zero.

Added encyclopedia entry for Induced NCS.
Flushed out encyclopedia entry for Black Market.

Added $pronounCap, $pronoun, $possessiveCap, $possessive and $object
in several places it was missing.

Added code to handle incubator for the *possible* case of have NCS
inheritable, or induced in the tanks, if so then added code to ensure
such tank slaves don't grow beyond minimum slave age average height or
beyond 8 years old wichever is shorter.  Additionally it outright blocks
the secondary sexual characteristic development if the tank slave has

Modified newChildIntro, to lock the *put her on growth hromones* options
behind a test that she doesn't have NCS.

Added no-op dropouts in saAgent and physcialDevelopment for NCS slaves.

Updated PMODinit widget to set Induced NCS and NCS youthening to zero on
slaves without them.  Same for generate XX an XY slaves.

Blocked Aztec slave sacrifice breast growth for NCS slaves.

Added backwards compatibility updates.

RESS Rival actions and generic events, updated events that grow to grow
less or not at all, and that shrink to shrink more for NCS slaves.  Also
for any that affect precocious puberty, increases were amplified while
decreases were dampened for NCS slaves.

Update Arcade report to block asset growth due to milking for NCS

Updated Dairy report to reduce amount and likelyhood of asset growth due
to milking for NCS slaves.

Added guarded remote surgery option for applying induced NCS to healthy
slaves that currently lack it.  Surgery affects slave health strongly
but also can have effects on her body for the first set of treatments.

Updated saDiet, saDrugs, saGetMilked, saHormoneEffects and saLongTermEffects
to block, or have less asset growth effects (and less likely).  Also to
more asset shrinkage effects (and more likely).  All the while,
increasing or limiting decreases to precocious puberty for NCS slaves,
including some verbage changes.

Added specific youthening regiments for NCS slaves, wherin older slaves
will lose aging effects, secondary characteristics and height until
reaching an apparent visual age of about 8, while younger slaves will
simply undo any height or asset gains from other sources.

-	new file:   devNotes/inducedNCS.txt
-	modified:   src/events/intro/
-	modified:   src/gui/Encyclopedia/
-	modified:   src/init/
-	modified:   src/pregmod/
-	modified:   src/pregmod/
-	modified:   src/pregmod/
-	modified:   src/pregmod/
-	modified:   src/pregmod/
-	modified:   src/pregmod/widgets/
-	modified:   src/pregmod/widgets/
-	modified:   src/societies/aztec/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
-	modified:   src/uncategorized/
 devNotes/inducedNCS.txt                     |   52 +
 src/events/intro/       |    2 +-
 src/gui/Encyclopedia/        |   20 +-
 src/init/                       |    2 +-
 src/pregmod/              |  340 +++---
 src/pregmod/                |   10 +-
 src/pregmod/          |    9 +-
 src/pregmod/                      |   27 +-
 src/pregmod/               |   65 +-
 src/pregmod/widgets/       |    6 +
 src/pregmod/widgets/  |    2 +-
 src/societies/aztec/       |    5 +-
 src/uncategorized/ |   11 +-
 src/uncategorized/                   |   18 +-
 src/uncategorized/           |   38 +-
 src/uncategorized/            |   48 +-
 src/uncategorized/        |    2 +
 src/uncategorized/        |    2 +
 src/uncategorized/      |   69 +-
 src/uncategorized/        |  706 +++++++++---
 src/uncategorized/          |   16 +
 src/uncategorized/                 |  248 +++--
 src/uncategorized/                |  253 +++--
 src/uncategorized/            |    4 +-
 src/uncategorized/       |  799 +++++++++-----
 src/uncategorized/      | 1091 +++++++++++--------
 src/uncategorized/     |  104 ++
 27 files changed, 2671 insertions(+), 1278 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 devNotes/inducedNCS.txt

diff --git a/devNotes/inducedNCS.txt b/devNotes/inducedNCS.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a19f580f41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devNotes/inducedNCS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Induced NCS:
+        The idea is a genetic change that you can't undo, once done.  It is an expensive damaging process, and the
+        first time it is run many of the secondary sexual characteristics development will reverse strongly: 
+        including height, hips width, shoulders width, dick or clit size, labia or scrotum size, and breast size.
+        In addition, from then on, every week a small chance of shrinking any of these items.  In addition, growth
+        features (drugs, hormones, food) work at a disadvantage, while growth-reversal features (drugs, hormones, 
+        food) work at an advantage.  Finally, precocious puberty is generically incremented, such that drugs, 
+        hormones or treatments that advance puberty are heightened while simultaneously drugs, hormones or 
+        treatements that work against puberty are lowered, with the exception of hormone blockers, which work as
+        advertised.
+Slaves generated with .inducedNCS set to 0, and added to the backwards compatibility.
+Purchased only in the black market.
+        Implemented a skeleton 'illegal goods' black market patterning it after the existing FS shopping in the
+        black market.
+Added description in the Encyclopedia.
+Updated Surgery, unlike most surgery, can't be applied to unhealthy slaves (health > 0).
+Updated Surgery Degradation.
+Updated sa Drugs.
+Updated sa Hormones.
+Updated sa Long Term Effects.
+        Added NCS youthening.
+        NCS youthening, NCS will youthen slave appearances towards 8 years old if older, while younger slaves will
+        simply, not apear to age at all.
+            1: every slave visually appearing less than 9 will not be affected.
+            2: visually 45 yrs and over will always look 1 year younger each week.
+            3: from 44 down to 9, the slave accumulates NCSyouthening points every week building towards a sliding
+                youthening value which starts at 2 weeks for 44, and evenly progresses towards 10 weeks for slaves 
+                12 and under.
+                Formula, slaves <= 8 are ignored.
+                Caluclate _youtheningDifference the slaves visual age less 8, yielding 0 to say 38 or so, more than
+                that will be dealt with further down the line.  Take the _youthDifference devide by four and add .25
+                to evenly break into 0 below 9, and 10 at 45, round to int to get the _youtheningLevel.  Subtract 
+                _youtheningLevel from 11 to find out the _youtheningRequirement
+                Every week, slaves that appear older than 8 year old lolis or shotas will have their NCSyouthening 
+                incremented.  Then this youthening is tested against the _youtheningRequirement, if at or better,
+                the NCS youthens the slave, and resets the NCSyouthening.
+Slaves generated with .NCSyouthening set to 0, and added to the backwards compatibility.
diff --git a/src/events/intro/ b/src/events/intro/
index b017a8fc970..a2507175827 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/
+++ b/src/events/intro/
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 <<set $neighboringArcologies = Math.clamp($neighboringArcologies, 0, 8)>>
 <<for $i = 0; $i <= $neighboringArcologies; $i++>>
-	<<set $activeArcology = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: "north", government: "an individual", leaderID: 0, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, ownership: 50, minority: 20, PCminority: 0, demandFactor: 0, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSAztecRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, CyberEconomic: 1, CyberEconomicTarget: -1, CyberReputation: 1, CyberReputationTarget: -1, rival: 0, FSRestart: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", FSCummunism: "unset", FSIncestFetishist: "unset", FSGenderRadicalistResearch: 0, FSGenderFundamentalistResearch: 0, FSPaternalistResearch: 0, FSDegradationistResearch: 0, FSBodyPuristResearch: 0, FSTransformationFetishistResearch: 0, FSYouthPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSMaturityPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch: 0, FSAssetExpansionistResearch: 0, FSPastoralistResearch: 0, FSPhysicalIdealistResearch: 0, FSRepopulationFocusResearch: 0, FSRestartResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch: 0, FSCummunismResearch: 0, FSIncestFetishistResearch: 0}>>
+	<<set $activeArcology = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: "north", government: "an individual", leaderID: 0, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, ownership: 50, minority: 20, PCminority: 0, demandFactor: 0, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSAztecRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, CyberEconomic: 1, CyberEconomicTarget: -1, CyberReputation: 1, CyberReputationTarget: -1, rival: 0, FSRestart: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", FSCummunism: "unset", FSIncestFetishist: "unset", FSGenderRadicalistResearch: 0, FSGenderFundamentalistResearch: 0, FSPaternalistResearch: 0, FSDegradationistResearch: 0, FSBodyPuristResearch: 0, FSTransformationFetishistResearch: 0, FSYouthPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSMaturityPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch: 0, FSAssetExpansionistResearch: 0, FSPastoralistResearch: 0, FSPhysicalIdealistResearch: 0, FSRepopulationFocusResearch: 0, FSRestartResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch: 0, FSCummunismResearch: 0, FSIncestFetishistResearch: 0, childFertilityInducedNCSResearch: 0}>>
 	<<if $i == 0>>
 		<<set $activeArcology.direction = 0>>
 		<<set $ = "Arcology X-4">>
diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/
index e6088bd3262..bcc5097958f 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/
@@ -2810,7 +2810,25 @@ LORE: INTERVIEWS
 	**Our guarantee does not cover slaveowners who underestimate their slaves' potency and wind up pregnant.
 <<case "The Black Market">>
-	//Place holder//
+        <h4>The Black Market</h4>
+        You may be the ruler of your arcology, but you don't exist in a vacuum. You can do all kinds of thing and get lots of things that regular citizens can't. So the Black Market, is a chance for less prominent citizens to do or get stuff like an arcology leader might experience. But for a ruler like yourself, it's a chance to avoid the severe scruitiny you're subject to on a regular basis, and to get a hold of bleeding edge or illegal research and technologies.  The market itself is always moving from place to place, but if you're reputable enough, you can find it when you need it.
+        <br><br>
+        You will be able to find all manner of Future Society Technologies, while not exactly illegal, they are hard to get through regular channels.  Everyweek, the dealers will have a few for you to purchase if you like.  But for the truely illegal or unethical items, Your only choice is to go to the Black Market.  
+        <br><br>
+        <dl>
+                <dt>Black market specialty goods:</dt>
+                <dd>[[Childhood Fertility Induced NCS|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Childhood Fertility Induced NCS"]]</dd>
+        </dl>
+<<case "Childhood Fertility Induced NCS">>
+        <dl>
+                <dt>Childhood Fertility Induced NCS</dt>
+                <dd>
+                        This uses a designer retrograde virus to set the Genetic markers for the Neotenic Complex Syndrome, a syndrome originally called Syndrome X discovered in the early 2000's. Which in layman's terms;suppresses the growth and secondary sexual characteristics of slaves@@; both male and female. The original condition was usually fatal or dangerous.  This @@.lime;modified@@ version of the genetic flaw is not dangerous, but in addition to the growth blockage, it permits the slave to continue the @@.lime;development of gonads,@@ albeit at a much slower pace.  Even allowing for pregnancies.  What it does is to specifically block (and will even reverse) all secondary sexual characteristics. Slaves put on this genetic engineered blend will be permanently changed and will no longer grow in stature or assets without severe chemical assistance, and even then at a reduced rate when compared to non-NCS-Induced slaves, and should their ongoing growth treatments stop they will slowly regress back to the physicallity of a child.<br><br>
+              ;The genetic tampering is considered illegal,@@ but there is also a @@.yellow;moral question as this abrogates the rights of slaves to ever grow up.@@<br><br>
+                        Can only be purchased in [[The Black Market|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "The Black Market"]].
+                </dd>
+        </dl>
 <<case "Security Expansion">>
 	<<include "encyclopediaSecExpMain">>
diff --git a/src/init/ b/src/init/
index 775e0779e58..00f6d443408 100644
--- a/src/init/
+++ b/src/init/
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ erectileImplant: 0
 } >>
 <<set $merchantFSWares = ["GenderRadicalistResearch", "TransformationFetishistResearch", "AssetExpansionistResearch", "SlimnessEnthusiastResearch", "YouthPreferentialistResearch", "HedonisticDecadenceResearch"]>>
-<<set $merchantIllegalWares = []>>
+<<set $merchantIllegalWares = ["childhoodFertilityInducedNCS"]>>
 <<if ndef $PC.hacking>>
 	<<set $PC.hacking = 0>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/ b/src/pregmod/
index edd2fc40236..9e9ea19b9d2 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/
+++ b/src/pregmod/
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 	<<set $incubatorSlaves += 1>>
 	<<if $tanks[_inc].growTime > 0>>
 		<<set $tanks[_inc].growTime -= $incubatorUpgradeSpeed>>
-		<br>;<<print $tanks[_inc].slaveName>>'s@@ growth is currently being accelerated. She <<if Math.round($tanks[_inc].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed) <= 0>>is @@.lime;ready for release.@@ She will be ejected from her tank upon your approach<<else>>will be ready for release in about <<print Math.round($tanks[_inc].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed)>> weeks<</if>>.
+		<br>;<<print $tanks[_inc].slaveName>>'s@@ growth is currently being accelerated. $pronounCap <<if Math.round($tanks[_inc].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed) <= 0>>is @@.lime;ready for release.@@ $pronounCap will be ejected from $possessive tank upon your approach<<else>>will be ready for release in about <<print Math.round($tanks[_inc].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed)>> weeks<</if>>.
-;$tanks[_inc].slaveName@@ is @@.lime;ready for release.@@ She will be ejected from her tank upon your approach.
+;$tanks[_inc].slaveName@@ is @@.lime;ready for release.@@ $pronounCap will be ejected from $possessive tank upon your approach.
 	<<if $incubatorUpgradeWeight == 1>>
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 5>>
-			The weight monitoring systems are overloading her intake causing;rapid weight gain.@@
+			The weight monitoring systems are overloading $possessive intake causing;rapid weight gain.@@
 		<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 2>>
 			<<if $tanks[_inc].weight > 10>>
 				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 1>>
-				The weight monitoring systems detect she is overweight and;decrease her caloric intake.@@
+				The weight monitoring systems detect $pronoun is overweight and;decrease $possessive caloric intake.@@
 			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].weight < -10>>
 				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 30>>
@@ -61,19 +61,19 @@
 				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 1>>
-				The weight monitoring systems detect she is underweight and;increase her caloric intake.@@
+				The weight monitoring systems detect $pronoun is underweight and;increase $possessive caloric intake.@@
-				She is @@.lime;currently a healthy weight;@@ efforts will be made to maintain it.
+				$pronounCap is @@.lime;currently a healthy weight;@@ efforts will be made to maintain it.
 		<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 0>>
 			<<if $tanks[_inc].weight > -100>>
-				Her developing body;quickly sheds its gained weight.@@
+				$possessiveCap developing body;quickly sheds its gained weight.@@
 				<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 40>>
 		<<if $tanks[_inc].weight > -100>>
-			Her developing body;quickly sheds its gained weight.@@
+			$possessiveCap developing body;quickly sheds its gained weight.@@
 			<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 40>>
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 5>>
-			The strength monitoring systems are overloading her with steroids causing;rapid muscle development.@@
+			The strength monitoring systems are overloading $object with steroids causing;rapid muscle development.@@
 		<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 1>>
 			<<if $tanks[_inc].muscles > 10>>
 				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles-->>
-				The strength monitoring systems detect she is overly muscular and;decrease her steroid dosage.@@
+				The strength monitoring systems detect $pronoun is overly muscular and;decrease $possessive steroid dosage.@@
 			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].muscles < -10>>
 				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 30>>
@@ -121,19 +121,19 @@
 				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles++>>
-				The strength monitoring systems detect she is weak and;increase her steroid dosage.@@
+				The strength monitoring systems detect $pronoun is weak and;increase $possessive steroid dosage.@@
-				She has @@.lime;a healthy musculature;@@ efforts will be made to maintain it.
+				$pronounCap has @@.lime;a healthy musculature;@@ efforts will be made to maintain it.
 		<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 0>>
 			<<if $tanks[_inc].muscles > -100>>
-				Her developing body;quickly loses its gained muscle.@@
+				$possessiveCap developing body;quickly loses its gained muscle.@@
 				<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 40>>
 		<<if $tanks[_inc].muscles > -100>>
-			Her developing body;quickly loses its gained muscle.@@
+			$possessiveCap developing body;quickly loses its gained muscle.@@
 			<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 40>>
@@ -142,39 +142,55 @@
 		<<set _heightLimit = Math.trunc(Math.clamp((Height.mean($tanks[_inc].height) * 1.25),0,274))>>
 		<<set _heightLimitAge = Height.forAge($tanks[_inc].height, $tanks[_inc])>>
+                <<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        /* NCS should block physical growth beyond that of a toddler, but some players
+                        * might like a little more.  So using $minimumSlaveAge or 8, whichever is lesser.
+                        */
+                        <<set _limitAge = Math.min(8, $$minimumSlaveAge)>>
+                        <<set _heightLimitAge = Height.forAge($tanks[_inc].height, _limitAge, $tanks[_inc].genes)>>
+                        <<set _heightLimit =  _heightLimitAge>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<if $tanks[_inc].height >= _heightLimit>>
-			The monitoring system detects her body is not able to support further increases in height, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to @@.yellow;maintain her current stature.@@
+			The monitoring system detects $possessive body is not able to support further increases in height, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to @@.yellow;maintain $possessive current stature.@@
 			<<set $tanks[_inc].height = _heightLimit>>
 		<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 2>>
-			The monitoring system floods her body with growth stimulants, causing;a sharp increase in growth rate.@@
-			<<if $incubatorWeightSetting >= 1 && $incubatorMusclesSetting <= 1 && $incubatorReproductionSetting <= 1>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(3,6)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(2,5)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(2,5)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(0,1)>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
+                        <<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                The monitoring system floods $possessive body with growth stimulants, but $possessive NCS;prevents an increase in $possessive growth rate.@@
+                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height = _heightLimitAge>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                The monitoring system floods $possessive body with growth stimulants, causing;a sharp increase in growth rate.@@
+                                <<if $incubatorWeightSetting >= 1 && $incubatorMusclesSetting <= 1 && $incubatorReproductionSetting <= 1>>
+                                        <<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(3,6)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(2,5)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <<else>>
+                                        <<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(2,5)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
+                                        <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(0,1)>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 1>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].height > _heightLimitAge>>
-				The monitoring system detects she is near the expected height, so it carefully regulates stimulants injections to @@.yellow;maintain her current stature.@@
+                        <<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+				The monitoring system detects $pronoun is near the expected height for $possessive NCS condition, so it carefully regulates stimulants injections to @@.yellow;maintain $possessive current stature.@@
+                                <<set $tanks[_inc].height = _heightLimitAge>>
+			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].height > _heightLimitAge>>
+				The monitoring system detects $pronoun is near the expected height, so it carefully regulates stimulants injections to @@.yellow;maintain $possessive current stature.@@
 				<<if random(1,10) == 10>>
 					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
@@ -189,7 +205,7 @@
-				The monitoring system detects her body is capable of developing more rapidly and;increases her growth stimulant dosage.@@
+				The monitoring system detects $possessive body is capable of developing more rapidly and;increases $possessive growth stimulant dosage.@@
 				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
 				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
@@ -206,15 +222,15 @@
 		<<set $tanks[_inc].height = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].height, 0, _heightLimit)>>
-		With the growth stimulant injections offline, her body is left to develop naturally.
+		With the growth stimulant injections offline, $possessive body is left to develop naturally.
 	<<if $incubatorUpgradeReproduction == 1>>
 		<<if $incubatorReproductionSetting == 2>>
-			Her developing body is being flooded with hormones.
+			$possessiveCap developing body is being flooded with hormones.
 			<<if $incubatorWeightSetting == 1>>
-				Combined with the abundant food provided to her, her body grows rapidly.
+				Combined with the abundant food provided to $object, $possessive body grows rapidly.
 				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
 					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < 500>>
@@ -225,69 +241,72 @@
 						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(3,8)>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+					<<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                                /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                                $possesiveCap NCS;blocks all growth@@ despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding $possessive body.
+					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 2000>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips += 2>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 4>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 500>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 3>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 200>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;causes her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;causes $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 2>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
@@ -296,55 +315,58 @@
 					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > -500>>
 						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 100>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+					<<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                                /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                                $possesiveCap NCS;blocks all growth@@ despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding $possessive body.
+					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 16>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 4>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 10>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 9>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 3>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 4>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 2>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 2>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 			<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 1>>
-				Combined with the healthy food provided to her, her body grows readily.
+				Combined with the healthy food provided to $object, $possessive body grows readily.
 				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
 					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < 500>>
@@ -355,69 +377,72 @@
 						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(2,6)>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+					<<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                                /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                                $possesiveCap NCS;blocks all growth@@ despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding $possessive body.
+					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 1000>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 3>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 500>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 200>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
@@ -426,55 +451,58 @@
 					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > -500>>
 						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 100>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+					<<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                                /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                                $possesiveCap NCS;blocks all growth@@ despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding $possessive body.
+					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 3>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 2>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 10>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 2>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-				Since her body has little to work with, her growth is fairly minor.
+				Since $possessive body has little to work with, $possessive growth is fairly minor.
 				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
 					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < 500>>
@@ -485,69 +513,72 @@
 						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(2,4)>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+					<<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                                /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                                $possesiveCap NCS;blocks all growth@@ despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding $possessive body.
+					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 700>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips += 2>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 2>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 200>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly balloon $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 50>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly grow her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly grow $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 20>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly grow her breasts.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;rapidly grow $possessive breasts.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 10>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her hips to widen for childbirth.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive hips to widen for childbirth.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause her rear to grow fatter.@@
+							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive rear to grow fatter.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
@@ -556,49 +587,52 @@
 					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > -500>>
 						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 100>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
+					<<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                                /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                                $possesiveCap NCS;blocks all growth@@ despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding $possessive body.
+					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 2>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 2>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
 					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause her penis to swell.@@
+							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones;cause $possessive penis to swell.@@
 							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
@@ -609,28 +643,38 @@
 			<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
 				<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
 				<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance = 250>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 400 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-					The added estrogen;causes her breasts to swell.@@
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 50>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-					The added estrogen;causes her hips to widen.@@
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 5 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-					The added estrogen;causes her butt to grow.@@
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
+                                <<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                        /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                        $possesiveCap NCS;blocks growth@@ despite the added estrogen.
+                                <<else>>
+                                        <<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 400 && random(1,100) > 60>>
+                                                The added estrogen;causes $possessive breasts to swell.@@
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 50>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                        <<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
+                                                The added estrogen;causes $possessive hips to widen.@@
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                        <<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 5 && random(1,100) > 80>>
+                                                The added estrogen;causes $possessive butt to grow.@@
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
+                                        <</if>>
 			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
 				<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXY = 1>>
 				<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance = -250>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 3 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-					The added testosterone;causes her balls to swell.@@
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 3 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-					The added testosterone;causes her penis to grow.@@
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
+                                <<if $tanks[_inc].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                                        /* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+                                        $possesiveCap NCS;blocks all growth@@ despite the added testosterone.
+				<<else>>
+                                        <<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 3 && random(1,100) > 80>>
+                                                The added testosterone;causes $possessive balls to swell.@@
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                        <<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 3 && random(1,100) > 60>>
+                                                The added testosterone;causes $possessive penis to grow.@@
+                                                <<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
+                                        <</if>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/ b/src/pregmod/
index cb3d265e5ee..c7c5453917a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/
+++ b/src/pregmod/
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ You beckon the curious girl to your hefty breasts, having noticed how hungrily s
-<<if _momInterest == "boobs" || _dadInterest == "boobs">>
+<<if (($activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0) && ((_momInterest == "boobs") || (_dadInterest == "boobs")))>>
 	<br>You noticed her interest in her <<if _momInterest == "boobs" && _dadInterest == "boobs">>parent's<<elseif _momInterest == "boobs">>mother's<<else>>father's<</if>> massive breasts when she was around them.
 	<<if $activeSlave.boobs >= 4000 && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 1>>
 		<br><<link "Start her on a regimen of hyper breast growth drugs">>
@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ You beckon the curious girl to your hefty breasts, having noticed how hungrily s
-<<if _momInterest == "dick" || _dadInterest == "dick">>
+<<if (($activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0) && ((_momInterest == "dick") || (_dadInterest == "dick")))>>
 	<br>You noticed her interest in her <<if _momInterest == "dick" && _dadInterest == "dick">>parent's<<elseif _momInterest == "dick">>mother's<<else>>father's<</if>> enormous cock while she was around them.
 	<<if $activeSlave.dick >= 10 && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 1>>
 		<br><<link "Start her on a regimen of hyper penis growth drugs">>
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ You beckon the curious girl to your hefty breasts, having noticed how hungrily s
-<<if _momInterest == "balls" || _dadInterest == "balls">>
+<<if (($activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0) && ((_momInterest == "balls") || (_dadInterest == "balls")))>>
 	<br>You noticed her interest in her <<if _momInterest == "balls" && _dadInterest == "balls">>parent's<<elseif _momInterest == "balls">>mother's<<else>>father's<</if>> pendulous testicles while she was around them.
 	<<if $activeSlave.balls >= 6 && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 1>>
 		<br><<link "Start her on a regimen of hyper testicle growth drugs">>
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ You beckon the curious girl to your hefty breasts, having noticed how hungrily s
-<<if _momInterest == "hips" || _dadInterest == "hips">>
+<<if (($activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0) && ((_momInterest == "hips") || (_dadInterest == "hips")))>>
 	<br>You noticed her interest in her <<if _momInterest == "hips" && _dadInterest == "hips">>parent's<<elseif _momInterest == "hips">>mother's<<else>>father's<</if>> door jamming hips while she was around them.
 	<<if $activeSlave.hips == 2 && $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>
 		<br><<link "Surgically widen her hips">>
@@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ You beckon the curious girl to your hefty breasts, having noticed how hungrily s
-<<if _momInterest == "butt" || _dadInterest == "butt">>
+<<if (($activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0) && ((_momInterest == "butt") || (_dadInterest == "butt")))>>
 	<br>You noticed her interest in her <<if _momInterest == "butt" && _dadInterest == "butt">>parent's<<elseif _momInterest == "butt">>mother's<<else>>father's<</if>> ever-jiggling ass while she was around them.
 	<<if $activeSlave.butt >= 10 && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 1>>
 		<br><<link "Start her on a regimen of hyper ass growth drugs">>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/ b/src/pregmod/
index 02076b3c9a8..791c4d0628c 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/
+++ b/src/pregmod/
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
 <<widget "PhysicalDevelopment">>
-<<if $args[0].genes == "XX">>
+<<if ($args[0].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+/* NCS completely blocks all natural physical growth: no height increases. It also blocks all hormonal secondary sexual * caracteristics. So, on the female side: no boobs, no butt, no hips, and no labia. And on the male side: no dick, no clit, no balls, no scrotum, no shoulders. */
+/* so this is a big old NO-OP to skip the physical development. */
+<<elseif $args[0].genes == "XX">>
 /* loli becoming a woman */
 <<switch $args[0].physicalAge>>
@@ -2704,4 +2709,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pregmod/ b/src/pregmod/
index 24ef6730cad..7d7401cdd88 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/
+++ b/src/pregmod/
@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].boobsImplant += 50, $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 50000)>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100, $slaves[$i].boobsImplant -= 100>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100, $slaves[$i].boobsImplant -= 100>>
+                <</if>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 1000)>>
+<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+        /*  NCS is blocking boob expansion. */
+<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 1000)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 1000) && (random(1,100) > 60)>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
@@ -23,6 +28,9 @@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].buttImplant += .25, $slaves[$i].butt += .25>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 10)>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1, $slaves[$i].buttImplant -= 1>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1, $slaves[$i].buttImplant -= 1>>
+                <</if>>
@@ -118,7 +126,10 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].preg >= 10)>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18>>
+		<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        /* Sort-of No-op, NCS prevents boob growth */
+                        <<set _boobTarget = 0>>
+		<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 50>>
 				<<set _boobTarget = 10000>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 30>>
@@ -163,7 +174,7 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].weight <= 65)>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-			<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
+			<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > 60))>>
 				<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 200>>
 					<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > 32 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
@@ -177,7 +188,7 @@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
+		<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10))>>
 			<<if random(1,100) > 80 && (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
@@ -186,7 +197,7 @@
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget>>
+		<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget))>>
 			<<if random(1,100) > 80>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > random(32,100) && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
@@ -194,7 +205,9 @@
-		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 32 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 1 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 90>>
+		<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        /* No-op, we don't grow hips on NCS */
+		<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 32 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 1 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 90>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 28 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 0 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 70>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
@@ -375,4 +388,4 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].hStyle != "shaved" && $slaves[$i].bald != 1 && $slaves[$i].haircuts == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hLength < 150)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].hLength += 1>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pregmod/ b/src/pregmod/
index d51d3a16315..a3520269e42 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/
+++ b/src/pregmod/
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 	<<if ndef $thisWeeksFSWares>>
 		<<set $thisWeeksFSWares = $merchantFSWares.randomMany(2)>>
+	<<if ndef $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares>>
+		<<set $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares = $merchantIllegalWares.randomMany(1)>>
+	<</if>>
 	"Now when it comes to the legal, relatively boring stuff, I've got the following available:"
@@ -34,9 +37,9 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 				<<if $seePreg != 0 && $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistResearch == 0>>
 					<<if $organFarmUpgrade > 0>>
 						<<if $cash >= 75000>>
-							[[Purchase schematics for anal pregnancy|The Black Market][$cash -= 75000, $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("GenderRadicalistResearch")]] //<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.//
+							[[Purchase schematics for anal pregnancy|The Black Market][$cash -= 75000, $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("GenderRadicalistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.@@//
-							You cannot afford the asking price of <<print cashFormat(75000)>> for anal pregnancy schematics. "No discounts. No haggling. No price naming. Take it or leave it."
+							You cannot afford the asking price of;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>@@ for anal pregnancy schematics. "No discounts. No haggling. No price naming. Take it or leave it."
 						You lack the facilities needed to grow organs, so anal pregnancy schematics are currently out of your reach.
@@ -52,9 +55,9 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch == 0>>
 					<<if $ImplantProductionUpgrade == 1>>
 						<<if $cash >= 50000>>
-							[[Purchase designs for immense implants|The Black Market][$cash -= 50000, $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("TransformationFetishistResearch")]] //<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.//
+							[[Purchase designs for immense implants|The Black Market][$cash -= 50000, $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("TransformationFetishistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@//
-							You cannot afford the asking price of <<print cashFormat(50000)>> for absurdly huge implant designs. "No big fake boobs for you. How sad it must be to be flat and enslaved by such a poor <<if $PC.title == 1>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>"
+							You cannot afford the asking price of;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>@@ for absurdly huge implant designs. "No big fake boobs for you. How sad it must be to be flat and enslaved by such a poor <<if $PC.title == 1>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>"
 						You lack the facilities needed to produce implants of this caliber, so absurdly huge implant designs are currently unobtainable.
@@ -67,9 +70,9 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 			<<if $thisWeeksFSWares[_bm] == "AssetExpansionistResearch">>
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
 					<<if $cash >= 50000>>
-						[[Purchase formulas for extremely powerful growth drugs|The Black Market][$cash -= 50000, $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("AssetExpansionistResearch")]] //<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.//
+						[[Purchase formulas for extremely powerful growth drugs|The Black Market][$cash -= 50000, $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("AssetExpansionistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@//
-						You cannot afford the asking price of <<print cashFormat(50000)>> for extremely powerful growth drug formulas. "Why'd you even come here if you didn't have the credits to buy anything?"
+						You cannot afford the asking price of;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>@@ for extremely powerful growth drug formulas. "Why'd you even come here if you didn't have the credits to buy anything?"
 					You already possess formulas for extremely powerful growth drugs.
@@ -79,9 +82,9 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 			<<if $thisWeeksFSWares[_bm] == "SlimnessEnthusiastResearch">>
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch == 0>>
 					<<if $cash >= 75000>>
-						[[Purchase formulas for growth reversing drugs|The Black Market][$cash -= 75000, $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("SlimnessEnthusiastResearch")]] //<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.//
+						[[Purchase formulas for growth reversing drugs|The Black Market][$cash -= 75000, $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("SlimnessEnthusiastResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.@@//
-						You cannot afford the asking price of <<print cashFormat(75000)>> for growth reversing drug formulas. "<<if $PC.boobsBonus > 0>>Guess you'll be keeping those knockers for now, <<if $PC.title == 0>>little miss top heavy<<else>>mr busty<</if>><<else>>Guess you don't mind sore backs. Leads to less sore knees, from what I've heard<</if>>."
+						You cannot afford the asking price of;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>@@ for growth reversing drug formulas. "<<if $PC.boobsBonus > 0>>Guess you'll be keeping those knockers for now, <<if $PC.title == 0>>little miss top heavy<<else>>mr busty<</if>><<else>>Guess you don't mind sore backs. Leads to less sore knees, from what I've heard<</if>>."
 					You already possess formulas for growth reversing drugs.
@@ -91,9 +94,9 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 			<<if $thisWeeksFSWares[_bm] == "YouthPreferentialistResearch">>
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch == 0>>
 					<<if $cash >= 45000>>
-						[[Purchase formulas for extremely effective anti-aging beauty creams|The Black Market][$cash -= 45000, $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("YouthPreferentialistResearch")]] //<<print cashFormat(45000)>>.//
+						[[Purchase formulas for extremely effective anti-aging beauty creams|The Black Market][$cash -= 45000, $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("YouthPreferentialistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(45000)>>.@@//
-						You cannot afford the asking price of <<print cashFormat(45000)>> for extremely effective anti-aging beauty creams. "<<if $PC.visualAge > 40>>Those wrinkles don't look that bad on you, so don't worry about not being able to afford this<<else>>Just tell them they look young, and well, don't give them any mirrors. Probably should keep your money troubles from them too<</if>>."
+						You cannot afford the asking price of;<<print cashFormat(45000)>>@@ for extremely effective anti-aging beauty creams. "<<if $PC.visualAge > 40>>Those wrinkles don't look that bad on you, so don't worry about not being able to afford this<<else>>Just tell them they look young, and well, don't give them any mirrors. Probably should keep your money troubles from them too<</if>>."
 					You already possess formulas for extremely effective anti-aging beauty cream.
@@ -103,9 +106,9 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 			<<if $thisWeeksFSWares[_bm] == "HedonisticDecadenceResearch">>
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch == 0>>
 					<<if $cash >= 65000>>
-						[[Purchase recipes for highly addictive solid slave food|The Black Market][$cash -= 65000, $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("HedonisticDecadenceResearch")]] //<<print cashFormat(65000)>>.//
+						[[Purchase recipes for highly addictive solid slave food|The Black Market][$cash -= 65000, $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("HedonisticDecadenceResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(65000)>>.@@//
-						You cannot afford the asking price of <<print cashFormat(65000)>> for highly addictive solid slave food recipes. "I promise you'll not be able to recreate this at home, so if you want to give your begging slave the treat she deserves, buy now! Or, you know, come back with money."
+						You cannot afford the asking price of;<<print cashFormat(65000)>>@@ for highly addictive solid slave food recipes. "I promise you'll not be able to recreate this at home, so if you want to give your begging slave the treat she deserves, buy now! Or, you know, come back with money."
 					You already possess recipes for highly addictive solid slave food.
@@ -118,10 +121,38 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
-	He gestures to a door in the back of the stall. "The good shit's back there, here's a list:"
-	<<if $merchantIllegalWares.length > 1>>
-	<<elseif $merchantIllegalWares.length == 1>>
-	<<else>>
-		<br>You appear to already possess all the black market schematics he has to offer.
+        He gestures to a door in the back of the stall. "The good shit's back there<<if $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares.length > 1>>, here's a list: <<elseif $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares.length == 1>>, only one this week: <<else>>.<</if>>"
+        <<if $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares.length == 0>>
+                <br>You appear to already possess all the black market schematics he has to offer.
+        <</if>>
+	<<if $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares.length >= 1>> 
+                <dl>
+		<<for _bim = 0; _bim < $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares.length; _bim++>>
+			<<if $thisWeeksIllegalFSWares[_bim] == "childhoodFertilityInducedNCS">>
+                                <dt>@@.cyan;Childhood Fertility Induced NCS (Induced Neotenic Complex Syndrome or Syndrome X modified for fertility).@@</dt> 
+                                <dd>
+                                <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist > 0>>
+                                        <<set _match = "Knowing your arcology, I think you'll be happy with the results!">>
+                                <<else>>
+                                        <<set _match = "I'm not sure this is a good match for your arcology's current society, but I'm sure you'll have fun.">>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<set _toydolls = "If you like sexy little toy dolls, I mean biological ''@@.coral;lolis@@'' or ''@@.coral;shotas@@'' for life, then this is the one for you.  I picked it up from an exotics dealer, who picked it up from some old world government research center.", _norefunds = "Remember, though, no money back on this. Technology like this doesn't exist anywhere else, your younger slaves will stay that way forever, and your older ones will slowly begin to regress towards that nice mid-childhood state. If you want to build yourself a cadre of ''@@.coral;preteen@@'' delights for yourself or your customers, then buy now!">>
+				<<if $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch == 0>>
+					<<if $cash >= 135000>>
+                                                "_toydolls _match _norefunds"<br>
+						[[Purchase childhood fertility induced NCS|The Black Market][$cash -= 135000, $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("childFertilityInducedSyndromeX")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>.@@//<br>
+					<<else>>
+                                                "_toydolls _match _norefunds Or, you know, come back with money."<br>
+						You cannot afford the asking price of;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>@@ for the Childhood Fertility Induced NCS (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br>
+					<</if>>
+                                        He notices your interest and lets you read the information [[Childhood Fertility Induced NCS|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Childhood Fertility Induced NCS"]].
+				<<else>>
+					You already possess the Childhood Fertility Induced NCS (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br>
+					<<set _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("childhoodFertilityInducedNCS")>>
+				<</if>>
+                                </dd>
+			<</if>>
+		<</for>>
+                </dl>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/ b/src/pregmod/widgets/
index 790c8396c93..a881444ff4a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/
@@ -282,6 +282,12 @@
 <<if ndef $args[0].skillWA>>
 	<<set $args[0].skillWA = 0>>
+<<if ndef $args[0].inducedNCS>>
+        <<set $args[0].inducedNCS = 0>>
+<<if ndef $args[0].NCSyouthening>>
+        <<set $args[0].NCSyouthening = 0>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/ b/src/pregmod/widgets/
index a6c7320818c..7d010d7eda0 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/
@@ -3150,4 +3150,4 @@ _Slave.faceShape face.
 	<br><<if $seeImages != 1 || $seeSummaryImages != 1 || $imageChoice == 1>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<</if>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/societies/aztec/ b/src/societies/aztec/
index 153b0c2cf83..ebc0d47b2b2 100644
--- a/src/societies/aztec/
+++ b/src/societies/aztec/
@@ -239,7 +239,8 @@
 	Once the penance time is over she is carried out of the cage due to being so weak that she cannot longer support her own weight. After a short ceremony, she is taken back to the penthouse to rest.
-	<<if $activeSlave.lactation > 1>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.inducedNCS == 1>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.lactation > 1>>
 		Her breasts are grotesquely bloated, super sensitive and leaking milk from a week of neglected hyper-lactation.
 		<<set $activeSlave.boobs += 500>>
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.lactation > 0>>
@@ -379,4 +380,4 @@
 	<<include "Remove activeSlave">>
-<<set $sacrificeType = 0>>
\ No newline at end of file
+<<set $sacrificeType = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 30d20ff53ba..0b766f7d72f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -747,7 +747,16 @@
 	<<set $merchantFSWares = ["GenderRadicalistResearch", "TransformationFetishistResearch", "AssetExpansionistResearch", "SlimnessEnthusiastResearch", "YouthPreferentialistResearch", "HedonisticDecadenceResearch"]>>
 <<if ndef $merchantIllegalWares>>
-	<<set $merchantIllegalWares = []>>
+	<<set $merchantIllegalWares = ["childhoodFertilityInducedNCS"]>>
+<<elseif $merchantIllegalWares.length == 0>>
+	<<set _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("childhoodFertilityInducedNCS")>>
+	<<set $merchantIllegalWares.push("childhoodFertilityInducedNCS")>>
+<<if ndef $arcologies[0].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch>>
+	<<for _bci = 0; _bci < $arcologies.length; _bci++>>
+		<<set $arcologies[_bci].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 0>>
+	<</for>>
+	<<set $arcologies[0].childFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 0>>
 <<if $SFMODToggle == 1 && $securityForceCreate == 1>> 
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index ecff3b5a1d1..beb5c016fd1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -11631,7 +11631,11 @@ You tell her kindly that you understand, and that she'll be trained to address t
 			She proudly shows your other slaves her breast growth by keeping track of the increasing distance between a couple of chosen freckles on the front of her boobs.
 		The dose of growth hormones necessary to cause such rapid tissue changes left her feeling;rather ill,@@ but she is recovering normally.
-		<<set $ -= 10, $activeSlave.boobs += 200>>
+                <<if $activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $ -= 10, $activeSlave.boobs += 200>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $ -= 10, $activeSlave.boobs += 100>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<elseif _injection == "butt">>
 		@@.lime;buttocks have grown,@@ delighting her.
 		<<set $activeSlave.butt++>>
@@ -11652,9 +11656,15 @@ You tell her kindly that you understand, and that she'll be trained to address t
 	<<elseif _injection == "dickMinus">>;dick has shrunk,@@ delighting her.
 		<<set $activeSlave.dick-->>
+                <<if (($activeSlave.inducedNCS == 1) && ($activeSlave.dick > 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                        <<set $activeSlave.dick-->>
+                <</if>>
 		<<if $activeSlave.balls > 1 && random(1,100) > 70>>
 		  	As a side effect, her @@orange:lime;balls have also atrophied,@@ which she sees as an added benefit.
 			<<set $activeSlave.balls-->>
+                        <<if (($activeSlave.inducedNCS == 1) && ($activeSlave.balls > 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                <<set $activeSlave.balls-->>
+                        <</if>>
 		The dose of growth hormones and male hormone treatment necessary to cause such rapid tissue reduction left her feeling;rather ill,@@ but she is recovering normally.
 		<<set $ -= 10>>
@@ -17250,7 +17260,11 @@ You tell her kindly that you understand, and that she'll be trained to address t
 			purring that she'd love to.
 		You talk through the $activeSlave.slaveName's medical condition with her, and give her a <<if $PC.medicine >= 100>>personal examination with the speed and accuracy of years of general practice<<else>>thorough exam<</if>>. Once this is done, you give $assistantName technical directions to make minor changes to $activeSlave.slaveName's drug regime, designed to make her @@.lime;breasts grow just slightly faster.@@ The effect is minimal, but the point is made. She's still not happy to be transformed into a big-breasted sex slave, but she's relieved that was her only punishment for expressing her unhappiness about it.
-		<<set $activeSlave.boobs += 100>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $activeSlave.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $activeSlave.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 <<if $activeSlave.lactation < 2>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index c796fb05da9..2d578f98a34 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -97,24 +97,26 @@
 				<<silently>><<include "SA get milked">><</silently>>
 			<<set _milkprofits += $cash-_oldCash>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 2000)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 5000)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 10000)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 25>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 10) && (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].balls)))>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 10) && (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].dick)))>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 0)>>
-				<<set _milked++>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
-				<<set _cockmilked++>>
+			<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 2000)>>
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
+                                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 5000)>>
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
+                                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 10000)>>
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 25>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 10) && (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].balls)))>>
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 10) && (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].dick)))>>
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 0)>>
+                                        <<set _milked++>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
+                                        <<set _cockmilked++>>
+                                <</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 8c1bd25ef9a..3f9fbc27129 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -408,12 +408,15 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 0) && (($dairySlimMaintain == 0) || ($slaves[$i].boobs > 700))>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 2000)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
+			<<set _growth = 100>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 5000)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
+			<<set _growth = 50>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 10000)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 25>>
+			<<set _growth = 25>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].prostate == 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].prostate = 2, $slaves[$i].health -= 10, $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
@@ -454,7 +457,10 @@
 						<<if $slaves[$i].boobs <= 20000 && $slaves[$i].boobs+_growth > 20000>>
 							<<set _boobtacular++>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
+                                                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                                        <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2)>>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs = 50000>>
@@ -474,6 +480,9 @@
 						<<if $slaves[$i].boobs <= 20000 && $slaves[$i].boobs+_growth > 20000>>
 							<<set _boobtacular++>>
+                                                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                                        <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2)>>
+                                                <</if>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
 				<<elseif $dairyFeedersSetting > 1>>
@@ -492,6 +501,9 @@
 						<<if $slaves[$i].boobs <= 20000 && $slaves[$i].boobs+_growth > 20000>>
 							<<set _boobtacular++>>
+                                                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                                        <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2)>>
+                                                <</if>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
@@ -510,20 +522,27 @@
 						<<if $slaves[$i].boobs <= 20000 && $slaves[$i].boobs+_growth > 20000>>
 							<<set _boobtacular++>>
+                                                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                                        <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2)>>
+                                                <</if>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 1>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 125)>>
+					<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 125)>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 125) && (random(1,600) > (30+(10*$slaves[$i].balls)-(10*$dairyRestraintsSetting)-($injectionUpgrade*10)))>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
 					<<if ($slaves[$i].balls == 125)>>
 						<<set _balltacular++>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls < 10)>>
-					<<if (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].balls)-(10*$dairyRestraintsSetting)-($injectionUpgrade*10)))>>
+					<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].balls)-(10*$dairyRestraintsSetting)-($injectionUpgrade*10)))>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 125) && (random(1,50) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].balls)-(10*$dairyRestraintsSetting)-($injectionUpgrade*10)))>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
 					<<if ($slaves[$i].balls == 10)>>
@@ -532,7 +551,9 @@
 				<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 0>>
 					<<if $slaves[$i].dick < 10>>
-						<<if (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].dick)-(10*$dairyRestraintsSetting)-($injectionUpgrade*10)))>>
+						<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].dick)-(10*$dairyRestraintsSetting)-($injectionUpgrade*10))))>>
+							<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
+						<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,50) > (40+(10*$slaves[$i].dick)-(10*$dairyRestraintsSetting)-($injectionUpgrade*10))))>>
 							<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
@@ -568,10 +589,13 @@
 					<<if $slaves[$i].boobs <= 20000 && $slaves[$i].boobs+_growth > 20000>>
 						<<set _boobtacular++>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs = 50000>>
+					<<set _growth = 50000>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                        <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2)>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
 			<<elseif $dairyFeedersSetting > 0>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].boobs < 25000>>
 					<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 1>>
@@ -588,6 +612,9 @@
 					<<if $slaves[$i].boobs <= 20000 && $slaves[$i].boobs+_growth > 20000>>
 						<<set _boobtacular++>>
+                                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                                <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2)>>
+                                        <</if>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
@@ -606,6 +633,9 @@
 					<<if $slaves[$i].boobs <= 20000 && $slaves[$i].boobs+_growth > 20000>>
 						<<set _boobtacular++>>
+                                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                                <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2)>>
+                                        <</if>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += _growth>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 907154f6bd9..fbfb0c8ec62 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -465,6 +465,8 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.pronoun = "she", $activeSlave.possessivePronoun = "hers", $activeSlave.possessive = "her", $activeSlave.object = "her", $activeSlave.objectReflexive = "herself", $activeSlave.noun = "girl">>
+<<set $activeSlave.inducedNCS = 0>>
+<<set $activeSlave.NCSyouthening = 0>>
 <<if passage() == "Slave Markets" && $slaveMarket == "corporate">>
 	<<if ($captureUpgradeRace != "unselected") && ($captureUpgradeRace != "none")>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index e9c081a4e42..2a2a646826c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -631,6 +631,8 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.pronoun = "she", $activeSlave.possessivePronoun = "hers", $activeSlave.possessive = "her", $activeSlave.object = "her", $activeSlave.objectReflexive = "herself", $activeSlave.noun = "girl">>
+<<set $activeSlave.inducedNCS = 0>>
+<<set $activeSlave.NCSyouthening = 0>>
 <<if passage() == "Slave Markets" && $slaveMarket == "corporate">>
 	<<if ($captureUpgradeRace != "unselected") && ($captureUpgradeRace != "none")>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 719c85da713..d139f604e33 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -564,10 +564,20 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 	Since you're not displeased with the breast expansion, you accept the health compensation and even make discreet inquiries to see of the effect can perhaps be replicated. Unfortunately, it seems that the result that occurred was as much due to luck as anything else. The process cannot be safely marketed.
 	<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) {
 		if (s.curatives > 1) {
-			s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
+                        if (s.inducedNCS > 0) {
+                                s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 50;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                                s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
+                        }
 		if (s.inflationType == "curative") {
-			s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 300 * s.inflation;
+                        if (s.inducedNCS > 0) {
+                                s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 150 * s.inflation;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                                s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 300 * s.inflation;
+                        }
@@ -598,19 +608,31 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 			<<SetBellySize $slaves[$i]>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].hips < 1>>
+			<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1))>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
 			<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 1>>
+                                            <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= .5>>
+                                        <</if>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1>>
+                                        /* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects
+                                        */
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 1>>
+                                            <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= .5>>
+                                        <</if>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections" && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(15,35)>>
@@ -619,19 +641,31 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 			<<SetBellySize $slaves[$i]>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].hips < 1>>
+			<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1))>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
 			<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1.5>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 1>>
+                                            <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= .75>>
+                                        <</if>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1.5>>
+                                        /* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects
+                                        */
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 1>>
+                                            <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= .75>>
+                                        <</if>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections") && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(20,45)>>
@@ -640,19 +674,31 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 			<<SetBellySize $slaves[$i]>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].hips < 1>>
+			<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1))>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 2>>
 			<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 2>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 1>>
+                                            <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1>>
+                                        <</if>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 2>>
+                                        /* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects
+                                        */
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 1>>
+                                            <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 1>>
+                                        <</if>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].incudedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
+                        <</if>>
@@ -668,7 +714,12 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 	The hapless manufacturer eventually goes bankrupt. However, you do manage to force surgical correction of the pregnancies before they do. As additional compensation, they agree to naturally enhance your afflicted slaves' busts knowing full well that most buyers are not interested in slaves that have been knocked up. At the managers expense, your slaves move through a top-flight surgeons care and are pregnancy free and sporting @@.lime;larger breasts@@.
 	<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) {
 		if (s.drugs == "breast injections") {
-			s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
+                        if (s.inducedNCS > 0) {
+                                s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 50;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                                s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
+                        }
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 0f76db2cda1..f78e2fbceb0 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -142,8 +142,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<case "Body Purism">>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
 		struggling against her restraints on the operating table as a pair of 2000cc implants are forced into her chest.
@@ -174,8 +178,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<case "Slimness Enthusiasm">>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 4>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 4>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 750>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 2>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "crude">>
 		screaming as she watches her breasts swell from the intense amount of A-HGH being pumped into them.
@@ -189,9 +198,14 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.lactation = 2>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 4>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 2>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 0>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 4>>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
 		standing in front of a mirror sobbing as droplets of milk form on her $hostage.nipples nipples, courtesy of her newly implanted lactation drugs.
@@ -205,9 +219,14 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<case "Physical Idealism">>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs = 400>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs = 400>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 2>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs = 300>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 1>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 10>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 2>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 28>>
 		<<set $hostage.vagina = 2>>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
@@ -300,7 +319,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.pregWeek = $rivalryDuration>>
 		<<set WombImpregnate($hostage, $hostage.pregType, 0, $hostage.preg)>>
 		<<SetBellySize $hostage>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 50>>
@@ -360,8 +383,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<case "Body Purism">>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetish = "boobs">>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 10>>
 		blushing as she attempts to get dressed with her massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits getting in the way.
@@ -394,8 +421,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 0>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 5>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 5>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 750>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 3>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetish = "boobs">>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 10>>
 		blushing as she attempts to get dressed with her massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits getting in the way.
@@ -418,7 +450,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 20>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetish = "boobs">>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 10>>
 		groaning as she lowers her growing body onto her cot. She shoves a massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc milky breast aside so she can massage her hugely distended belly. She moans in pain under the massive amount of high-caloric fluid within her gut.
@@ -484,8 +520,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			give your ass plenty of attention."
 		<<case "boobs">>
 			get a big pair of fillable implants in you right away."
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		<<case "sadist">>
 			have a sissy little bitch in reach for you to torment as you please."
 		<<case "masochist">>
@@ -594,7 +634,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set WombImpregnate($hostage, $hostage.pregType, 0, $hostage.preg)>>
 		<<SetBellySize $hostage>>
 		<<set $hostage.vagina = 3>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.lactation = 1>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
@@ -616,7 +660,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set WombImpregnate($hostage, $hostage.pregType, 0, $hostage.preg)>>
 		<<SetBellySize $hostage>>
 		<<set $hostage.vagina = 3>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 150>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.lactation = 1>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
@@ -693,10 +741,15 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<case "Body Purism">>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 7>>
-		<<set $hostage.buttImplant = 4>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 7>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 3>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
+                <<set $hostage.buttImplant = 4>>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralQuirk = "insecure">>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "crude">>
@@ -740,8 +793,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 20>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 750>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "none">>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualQuirk = "size queen">>
@@ -772,8 +830,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 50>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 5>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 5>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 3>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "crude">>
@@ -782,8 +845,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 75>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 5>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 5>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 3>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<<set $hostage.behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "crude">>
@@ -797,8 +865,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 21>>
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 3>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -901,7 +973,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set WombImpregnate($hostage, $hostage.pregType, 0, $hostage.preg)>>
 		<<SetBellySize $hostage>>
 		<<set $hostage.vagina = 4>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.lactation = 1>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
@@ -920,7 +996,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set WombImpregnate($hostage, $hostage.pregType, 0, $hostage.preg)>>
 		<<SetBellySize $hostage>>
 		<<set $hostage.vagina = 4>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 200>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.lactation = 1>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
@@ -983,8 +1063,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<case "Body Purism">>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 		getting her taut <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits massaged by a pair of flat slaves. She is rambling on about how much happier she is with her massive implants than when she was flat like them.
@@ -1014,8 +1098,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 50>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 7>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 7>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 750>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 4>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 		getting her immobilizing <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc breasts massaged by a pair of flat slaves. She is rambling on about how much happier she is with her massive tits and ass than when she was flat like them.
@@ -1037,8 +1126,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 100>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 3>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 		getting her immobilizing <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc breasts, massive ass, and cow-like body massaged by a trio of slim slaves. She is rambling on about how much happier she is with her massive assets than when she was thin like them.
@@ -1046,8 +1140,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 100>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 3>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 40>>
 		<<set $hostage.vagina = 4>>
@@ -1059,8 +1158,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 35>>
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 3>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -1248,8 +1351,13 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		giving an interview. She gushes over how great it feels being so soft and how happy she is to be feeding her people. She continues with how terrible it is that some people want slaves to be hard and sinewy instead of being motherly providers.
 	<<case "Physical Idealism">>
 		<<set $hostage.weight = 150>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-		<<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 6>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <<set $hostage.butt = 3>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength = 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 60>>
 		<<set $hostage.vagina = 5>>
@@ -1272,8 +1380,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "anal addict">>
 		<<case "boobs">>
 			"I love my big boobs and get off watching them get bigger!"
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 			<<set $hostage.sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 		<<case "sadist">>
 			"Nothing turns me on more than crushing my lovers' nuts! That or maybe whipping or cutting them... Or anything that makes them bleed..."
@@ -1500,7 +1612,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -1509,7 +1625,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -1535,7 +1655,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 50>>
@@ -1545,7 +1669,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 150>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -1554,7 +1682,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 200>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -1696,28 +1828,44 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<if $rivalryDuration <= 5>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
 		trying desperately to stand despite her massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		reluctantly exploring her new massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc implants.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		happily playing with her truly immense <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc breast implants and huge butt implants.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		happily getting titfucked in her immobilizing <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits.
 		resting atop her mountainous <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits, whining about not being allowed larger implants.
@@ -1827,27 +1975,43 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 750>>
+                <</if>>
 		trying desperately to stand despite her massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		reluctantly exploring her new massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits, bigger bottom, and softer body.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		happily playing with her truly immense <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc breasts and huge butt.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		happily getting titfucked in her immobilizing <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits.
 		resting atop her mountainous <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits, whining about not being allowed to have her assets swollen more.
@@ -1915,27 +2079,43 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		trying desperately to extract the milk from her massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits. She appears to have gained some weight.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		reluctantly asking for her massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits to be milked. She's certainly getting soft.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		happily asking for her truly immense <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc breasts to be milked. Her body has become notably plush.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		begging for her immobilizing <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits to be drained. She has become quite fat.
 		resting atop her mountainous <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits, whining about not being allowed to have her assets swollen more and that she isn't being milked.
@@ -1945,7 +2125,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 25>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 28>>
 		trying desperately to vomit up all the food forced into her bloated body while being thwarted by a specialized gag. She appears to have gained some weight.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
@@ -1953,7 +2137,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 28>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "cumslut">>
@@ -1962,8 +2150,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 21>>
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 3>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -1976,7 +2168,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 35>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "cumslut">>
@@ -1984,8 +2180,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<case "buttslut">>
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 35>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -1997,7 +2197,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 40>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "cumslut">>
@@ -2005,8 +2209,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<case "buttslut">>
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 35>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -2016,7 +2224,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		relaxing in her comfy bed surrounded by mountains of molded slave food. She is eagerly shoving handfuls of the fattening treats into her mouth while simultaneously begging for someone to fill her neglected pussy. She has become quite fat; her body jiggles with every motion.
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 60>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "cumslut">>
@@ -2024,8 +2236,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<case "buttslut">>
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 45>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -2294,7 +2510,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.lactation = 1>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
@@ -2305,7 +2525,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.lactation = 1>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
@@ -2332,7 +2556,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 50>>
@@ -2341,7 +2569,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 150>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
@@ -2351,7 +2583,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 200>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -2492,28 +2728,44 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<if $rivalryDuration <= 5>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
 		crying while trying to get comfortable with her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		reluctantly exploring new resting positions due to her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc implants.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		happily resting her head on her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc breast implants.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		contently resting atop her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits.
 		resting atop her mountainous <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits, daydreaming about being even bigger.
@@ -2623,27 +2875,43 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 750>>
+                <</if>>
 		crying over her swollen breasts and butt.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		cringing as she feels her huge soft tits and ass.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		giggling as she gropes her soft body.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		happily massaging her super soft body and huge assets.
 		resting in her own mountainous softness.
@@ -2709,27 +2977,43 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		Sobbing as she massages her sore <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		crying as rubs her uncomfortably massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders and softening belly.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		humming as she soothes her truly immense sore <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders. She lets off a content sigh as she jiggles her soft belly.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		happily playing with her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders. She squirms and giggles as her entire body jiggles in response.
 		moans lewdly as a pair of slaves massage her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders, and as a third appears from under her heavy body.
@@ -2739,7 +3023,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 25>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 28>>
 		sobbing as she is forcibly raped and broken in.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
@@ -2747,7 +3035,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 28>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "cumslut">>
@@ -2756,8 +3048,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 21>>
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 3>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -2770,7 +3066,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 35>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "cumslut">>
@@ -2778,8 +3078,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<case "buttslut">>
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 35>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -2791,7 +3095,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 40>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "cumslut">>
@@ -2799,8 +3107,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<case "buttslut">>
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 35>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
 			<<set $hostage.pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -2810,7 +3122,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		happily stuffing her face as another guy fucks her fat body.
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 60>>
 		greedily stuffing her face with slave food as a pair of guys double team her ruined pussy.
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
@@ -2821,8 +3137,12 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 45>>
 			Another struggles to support her weight as he plows her gaping anus.
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
-			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 			She takes time between bites to hungrily fondle her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits.
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			<<set $hostage.preg++>>
@@ -3090,7 +3410,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -3099,7 +3423,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -3125,7 +3453,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 50>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 50>>
@@ -3135,7 +3467,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 300>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 150>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -3144,7 +3480,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 400>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 200>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.oralCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 100>>
 		<<set $hostage.analCount += 100>>
@@ -3286,27 +3626,43 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		sobbing as an autosurgery reads out how much her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc implants can be expanded this week.
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 2000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 2000>>
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
 		crying as an autosurgery reads out how much her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc implants can be expanded this week.
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
 		blushing as an autosurgery reads out how much her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc implants can be expanded this week.
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		getting excited as an autosurgery reads out how much her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc implants can be expanded this week.
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 1000>>
 		throwing a fit that her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc fake tits are too big to expand further.
@@ -3414,27 +3770,43 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1500>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 750>>
+                <</if>>
 		weeping as the breast injections swell her breasts to <<print $hostage.boobs>>ccs.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		cringing as the breast injections swell her breasts to <<print $hostage.boobs>>ccs along with her butt.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		smiling as the breast injections swell her breasts to <<print $hostage.boobs>>ccs. She runs her hand across her huge butt and softening body.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		practically orgasming as the breast injections swell her breasts to <<print $hostage.boobs>>ccs. She sinks her hands into her enormous butt and fat belly.
 		shouting at a plastic surgeon to make her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc tits even larger.
@@ -3502,27 +3874,43 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		Sobbing as the milkers drain her <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		sighing as the milkers drain her big <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders while she massages her softening belly.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 15>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		sighing with relief as the milkers drain her huge <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders while she massages her jiggly belly.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 20>>
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 1000>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 500>>
+                <</if>>
 		happily humming as the milkers drain her giant <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders while she plays with her fat belly and breasts.
 		moaning loudly as the milkers drain her massive <<print $hostage.boobs>>cc udders.
@@ -3532,7 +3920,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 25>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 28>>
 		sobbing as she is forced is experience all manner of perversion in an effort to reveal her fetishes.
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration <= 10>>
@@ -3540,7 +3932,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 28>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "submissive">>
@@ -3555,7 +3951,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 21>>
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 1>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 			struggling to hold back her joy as she checks out her new <<print $hostage.boobsImplant>>cc implants.
 		<<case "sadist">>
@@ -3576,7 +3976,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.fetishStrength += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 35>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "submissive">>
@@ -3591,7 +3995,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.analCount += 35>>
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 3>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 			happily teasing a dick between her new <<print $hostage.boobsImplant>>cc implants.
 		<<case "sadist">>
@@ -3611,7 +4019,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $ -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 40>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "submissive">>
@@ -3627,7 +4039,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 4>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
 			groping her already huge <<print $hostage.boobsImplant>>cc breasts and begging for them to be even bigger.
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "sadist">>
 			cumming hard as the slave mounting her writhes in pain at her torment.
@@ -3644,7 +4060,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 		<<set $hostage.weight += 5>>
-		<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $hostage.vaginalCount += 60>>
 		<<switch $hostageFetish>>
 		<<case "submissive">>
@@ -3660,7 +4080,11 @@ Your inter-arcology war with the arcology owner behind the Daughters of Liberty
 			<<set $hostage.anus = 4>>
 		<<case "boobs">>
 			crying with joy after her breasts ruined a shirts she was just able to fit into that morning.
-			<<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<if $hostage.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 100>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                <<set $hostage.boobs += 50>>
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $hostage.boobsImplant += 100>>
 		<<case "sadist">>
 			laughing maniacally as she beats a slave viciously as she rides her. She keeps going even after the poor girl's dick breaks from penetrating her at a bad angle.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index c60e288f2a2..95988b05406 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1021,6 +1021,22 @@ $pronounCap has
+<<if $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch == 1>>
+Apply a retro-virus treatment:
+        <<if $activeSlave.inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if $ > 0>>
+		        [[Induced NCS Treatment|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.inducedNCS = 1,$cash -= $surgeryCost * 4, $ -= 80,$surgeryType = "retrograde virus injection NCS"]] //This will induce NCS in $possessive genetic code//
+                <<else>>
+                        She's too unhealthy for the Induced NCS Treatment
+                <</if>>
+        <<else>>
+                //She already has Induced NCS//
+        <</if>>
 Deal with her hair:
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index f7e74bc8b67..d471b5088e9 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -115,15 +115,21 @@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].weight -= _weightLoss+($feeder*2)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 200>>
-		<<if random(1,_assetLoss) <= 1+$feeder>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,_assetLoss) <= 1+$feeder))>>;Her breasts get a little smaller.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+		<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(-_assetLoss, _assetLoss - 2) <= 1+$feeder))>>
+;Her breasts get smaller.@@
+			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].butt > 1>>
-		<<if random(1,_assetLoss) <= 1+$feeder>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,_assetLoss) <= 1+$feeder))>>;Her butt gets a little smaller.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+		<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].butt > 2) && (random(-_assetLoss, _assetLoss - 2) <= 1+$feeder))>>
+;Her butt gets smaller.@@
+			<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].weight < -95)>>
@@ -289,10 +295,17 @@
 			She gains a little weight, but her progress was severely limited by what she was forced to eat,;making for an anxious week for her.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                        <<set _assetGain = Math.trunc(_assetGain * 2)>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += _weightGain+($feeder*2)>>
 		<<if random(1,_assetGain) <= 1+$feeder>>
 			@@.lime;Her breasts get a little bigger.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+			        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
+                        <<else>>
+			        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 25>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if random(1,_assetGain) <= 1+$feeder>>
 			@@.lime;Her butt gets a little bigger.@@
@@ -340,14 +353,24 @@
 		She attacks lifting with real enthusiasm, further increasing her mass.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 90>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 200)>>
-;Her breasts get a little smaller.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].butt > 1)>>
-;Her butt gets a little smaller.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<if ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > 90)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 45)))>>
+                <<if ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 200)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 100)))>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                      ;$possessiveCap breasts get a little smaller.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                        <<else>>
+                      ;$possessiveCap breasts get smaller.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].butt > 1)>>
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) || ($slaves[$i].butt == 1))>>
+                      ;$possessiveCap butt gets a little smaller.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                      ;$possessiveCap butt gets smaller.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if random(1,100) > 80>>
 		Her workout successes have;improved her health.@@
@@ -393,15 +416,25 @@
 			She approaches endurance work with real enthusiasm, quickly slimming her down.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 90>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 200)>>
-;Her breasts get a little smaller.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].butt > 1)>>
-;Her butt gets a little smaller.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
+                <<if ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > 90)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 45)))>>
+                        <<if ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 200)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 100)))>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                              ;$possessiveCap breasts get a little smaller.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                                <<else>>
+                              ;$possessiveCap breasts get smaller.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].butt > 1)>>
+                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) || ($slaves[$i].butt == 1))>>
+                              ;$possessiveCap butt gets a little smaller.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                                <<else>>
+                              ;$possessiveCap butt gets smaller.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<if random(1,100) > 80>>
 			Her workout successes have;improved her health.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].health += 10>>
@@ -420,9 +453,14 @@
 			Since she is rather weak, her routine slowly tones her soft muscles.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].muscles++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 200)>>
-;Her breasts get a little smaller.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+		<<if ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 200)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 100)))>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                      ;$possessiveCap breasts get a little smaller.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                        <<else>>
+                      ;$possessiveCap breasts get smaller.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 1)>>
@@ -463,9 +501,12 @@
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 6) && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
+	<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 6) && (random(1,100) > 90))>>
 		Her @@.lime;balls swell@@ to better accommodate her increased cum production.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
+		It's @@.lime;balls grow slightly@@ to better accommodate its increased cum production.
+		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
 <<case "XX">> /* Female Hormones */
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>> /* herm */
@@ -477,24 +518,34 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 500)>>
-			Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs < 500))>>
+			$possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 4 && random(1,100) > 75>>
-			Her rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit her developing femininity.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
+			$possessiveCap rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit $possessive developing femininity.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist > -30>>
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;slim her waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 1 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-			Her dick;shrinks slightly@@ due to her body chemistry.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 1 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-			Her balls;shrivel@@ due to her body chemistry.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].dick > 1) && ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > 95)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 43)))>>
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2))>>
+                                $possessiveCap dick;shrinks down@@ due to $possessive body chemistry.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                $possessiveCap dick;shrinks slightly@@ due to $possessive body chemistry.
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].balls > 1) && ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > 95)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 43)))>>
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2))>>
+                                $possessiveCap balls;shrink down@@ due to $possessive body chemistry.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                $possessiveCap balls;shrivel@@ $possessive to her body chemistry.
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>> /* female */
@@ -506,16 +557,16 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 600)>>
-			Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs < 600))>>
+			$possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist > -20>>
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;slim her waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 5 && random(1,100) > 75>>
-			Her rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit her developing femininity.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 5) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
+			$possessiveCap rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit $possessive developing femininity.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].balls > 0>> /* male */
@@ -527,24 +578,34 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400)>>
-			Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400))>>
+			$possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist > -10>>
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;slim her waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 3 && random(1,100) > 75>>
-			Her rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit her developing femininity.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 3) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
+			$possessiveCap rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit $possessive developing femininity.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 1 && random(1,100) > 99>>
-			Her dick;shrinks slightly@@ due to her body chemistry.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].dick > 1) && ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > 99)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 48)))>>
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2))>>
+                                $possessiveCap dick;shrinks down@@ due to $possessive body chemistry.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                $possessiveCap dick;shrinks slightly@@ due to $possessive body chemistry.
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 1 && random(1,100) > 99>>
-			Her balls;shrivel@@ due to her body chemistry.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].balls > 1) && ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (random(1,100) > 99)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 48)))>>
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2))>>
+                                $possessiveCap balls;shrink down@@ due to $possessive body chemistry.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                $possessiveCap balls;shrivel@@ $possessive to her body chemistry.
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
@@ -568,17 +629,20 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;gain muscle.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 1>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-			Her dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ due to the male hormones in her diet.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
+			$possessiveCap dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ due to the male hormones in $possessive diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].balls < 3 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-			Her balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in her diet.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
+			$possessiveCap balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in $possessive diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 400)>>
-			Her breasts;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in her diet.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
+		<<if ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 400)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20)))>>
+                        $possessiveCap breasts;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in $possessive diet.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist < 0>>
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;thicken her waist.@@
@@ -593,9 +657,12 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;gain muscle.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 1>>
-		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 500)>>
-			Her breasts;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in her diet.
+		<<if ((($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 500)) || (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20)))>>
+                        $possessiveCap Her breasts;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in $possessive diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist < 15>>
 			Hormonal changes;thicken her waist.@@
@@ -609,16 +676,16 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].muscles < 30>>
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;gain muscle.@@
-		<<if $slaves[$i].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-			Her dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ due to the male hormones in her diet.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
+			$possessiveCap dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ due to the male hormones in $possessive diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist < 30>>
 			Hormonal changes;thicken her waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist++>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].balls < 4 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-			Her balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in her diet.
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
+			$possessiveCap balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in $possessive diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 300)>>
@@ -649,20 +716,20 @@
 		Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 800)>>
-		Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ to fit her developing femininity.
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].boobs < 800))>>
+		$possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ to fit $possessive developing femininity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 5 && random(1,100) > 75>>
-		Her rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit her developing femininity.
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 5) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
+		$possessiveCap rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit $possessive developing femininity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].dick < 5 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-		Her dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ to fit her developing masculinity.
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 5) && (random(1,100) > 90))>>
+		$possessiveCap dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ to fit $possessive developing masculinity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].balls < 5 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-		Her balls @@.lime;swell@@ to fit her developing masculinity.
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 5) && (random(1,100) > 90))>>
+		$possessiveCap balls @@.lime;swell@@ to fit $possessive developing masculinity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].waist < 0>>
@@ -901,12 +968,18 @@
 		<<if random(1,2) <= 1>>;Its breasts get a little smaller.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                        <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].butt > 1>>
 		<<if random(1,5) <= 1>>;Its butt gets a little smaller.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].butt > 2))>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <</if>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].weight < -95)>>
@@ -979,9 +1052,12 @@
 <<case "cum production">>
 	Fuckdoll suits have easily attached reservoirs to catch excess cum.
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 6) && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
+	<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 6) && (random(1,100) > 90))>>
 		Its @@.lime;balls swell@@ to better accommodate its increased cum production.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
+		It's @@.lime;balls grow slightly@@ to better accommodate its increased cum production.
+		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
 <<case "XX">> /* Female Hormones */
@@ -989,17 +1065,17 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>> /* herm */
 		<<if $slaves[$i].weight < 30>>
 			Hormonal changes encourage its body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500)>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500))>>
 			Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist > -30>>
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;slim its waist.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 4 && random(1,100) > 75>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
 			Its rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit its growing curves.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
@@ -1014,9 +1090,9 @@
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>> /* female */
 		<<if $slaves[$i].weight < 40>>
 			Hormonal changes encourage its body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 600)>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 600))>>
 			Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -1024,16 +1100,16 @@
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;slim its waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 5 && random(1,100) > 75>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 5) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
 			Its rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit its developing femininity.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].balls > 0>> /* male */
 		<<if $slaves[$i].weight < 20>>
 			Hormonal changes encourage its body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 400)>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 600))>>
 			Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -1041,7 +1117,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;slim its waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 3 && random(1,100) > 75>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 3) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
 			Its rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit its developing femininity.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
@@ -1065,11 +1141,11 @@
 			Hormonal changes;thicken its waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist++>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 95>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
 			Its dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ due to the male hormones in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].balls < 3 && random(1,100) > 95>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
 			Its balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
@@ -1098,11 +1174,11 @@
 			Hormonal changes;thicken its waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist++>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 95>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
 			Its dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ due to the male hormones in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].balls < 4 && random(1,100) > 95>>
+                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95))>>
 			Its balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
@@ -1128,19 +1204,19 @@
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;thin its waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-	<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 800)>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 800))>>
 		Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ to fit its developing femininity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].butt < 5 && random(1,100) > 75>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 5) && (random(1,100) > 75))>>
 		Its rear @@.lime;rounds out@@ to fit its developing femininity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].dick < 5 && random(1,100) > 90>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 5) && (random(1,100) > 90))>>
 		Its dick @@.lime;grows slightly@@ to fit its developing masculinity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].balls < 5 && random(1,100) > 90>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 5) && (random(1,100) > 90))>>
 		Its balls @@.lime;swell@@ to fit its developing masculinity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index fcbcbb7767a..f7fae9a232f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 :: SA drugs [nobr]
+/*  Induced NCS is working at a genetical level against all types of growth, but doesn't stop it, generally about
+*   1/2 the growth, however, boob and butt fat is interpreted as excess fat by NCS and so is converted to slave
+*   sexual energy.
 <<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections" || $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive butt injections" || $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive penis enhancement" || $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive testicle enhancement">>
 	<<set _intensive = 1>>
@@ -104,6 +108,11 @@
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2.2)>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in fighting the breast growth, converting the excess fat into sexual energy for $object.
+                <<set $slaves[$i].energy += _growth>>
+        <</if>>
 	<<set _growth = 25*Math.trunc(_growth*0.8)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += Math.clamp(_growth, 25, 5000)>>
 	<<if random(1,100) > 30+($slaves[$i].areolae*10) && $slaves[$i].areolae < 3>>
@@ -195,6 +204,11 @@
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2.2)>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in fighting the breast growth, converting the excess fat into sexual energy for $object.
+                <<set $slaves[$i].energy += _growth>>
+        <</if>>
 	<<set _growth = 25*Math.trunc(_growth*0.8)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += Math.clamp(_growth, 25, 200)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].areolae < 3>>
@@ -277,7 +291,13 @@
 		monstrous cheeks tend to grow very slowly.
 	<<set _growth*=0.2>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].butt += Math.clamp(_growth,0.2,1)>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2.2)>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in fighting the butt 
+                growth<<if _growth > 1>>, converting the excess fat into sexual energy for $object<<else>> and no change happens<</if>>.
+                <<set $slaves[$i].energy += _growth>>
+        <</if>>
+	<<set $slaves[$i].butt += Math.clamp(_growth,0,2)>>
 	<<if _intensive>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].anus > 1>>
 			The reckless drug therapy has the side effect of rejuvenating her sphincter muscles, @@.lime;tightening up $possessive <<if $slaves[$i].anus > 4>>gaping<<elseif $slaves[$i].anus > 3>>loose<<else>>relaxed<</if>> anus.@@
@@ -333,7 +353,12 @@
 		inhuman cheeks tend to grow slowly.
 		<<set _growth += .4>>
-	<<if _growth > 1>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                <<set _growth = Math.trunc(_growth/2.2)>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in fighting the butt growth<<if _growth > 1>>, converting the excess fat into sexual energy for $object<<else>> and no change happens<</if>>.
+                <<set $slaves[$i].energy += _growth>>
+        <</if>>
+	<<if ((_growth > 1) || ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1))>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].butt += _growth>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
@@ -351,7 +376,11 @@
 			@@.lime;$possessiveCap lips swell rapidly.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].lips += 5>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].lips += 2>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].lips += 5>>
+                <</if>>
 <<case "growth stimulants">>
@@ -479,7 +508,10 @@
 	<<if _growth > 0>>	
 		/*age modifier*/
 		<<set _ageMod = 1>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].genes == "XY">>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        $possessiveCap NCS inhibits $possessive body response to the treatment.
+                        <<set _ageMod = .25>>
+		<<elseif $slaves[$i].genes == "XY">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 3>>
 				$possessiveCap very young body responds extremely well to the treatment.
 				<<set _ageMod = 2.5>>
@@ -525,7 +557,11 @@
 		/*... and calculates final value*/
 		<<set _growth = (_growth + _growth * _heightDiff) * _ageMod>>	
-		<<set _growth = Math.round(Math.clamp(_growth,0,5))>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        <<set _growth = Math.round(Math.clamp(_growth,0,5))>>
+                <<else>>
+                        <<set _growth = Math.round(Math.clamp(_growth,0,2))>>
+                <</if>>
 		/*communicates the amount of growth*/
 		<<if _growth < 1>> 												/*in case _heightDiff manages to bring _growth down enough*/
 			Despite the treatment, $possessive height does not increase this week.
@@ -591,6 +627,9 @@
 <<case "penis enhancement" "intensive penis enhancement">>
 	<<set _growth = 60-($injectionUpgrade*10)>>
 	<<if _intensive>><<set _growth -= 20>><</if>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+	        <<set _growth -= 30>>
+        <</if>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
 		<<if (random(1,100) > _growth+($slaves[$i].dick*5))>>
 			@@.lime;$possessiveCap cock grows painfully,@@ becoming both longer and girthier.
@@ -626,8 +665,15 @@
 			$possessiveCap cock is now so huge that further drug enhancement will not increase its size. @@.yellow;$possessiveCap drug regimen has been ended.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
-			@@.lime;$possessiveCap cock grows painfully,@@ becoming both longer and girthier.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                @@.lime;$possessiveCap cock grows painfully,@@ becoming both longer and girthier.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
+                         <<elseif random(1,100 - $slaves[$i].dick) > 50>>
+                                @@.lime;$possessiveCap cock grows painfully,@@ becoming both longer and girthier, depsite $possessive NCS.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                The treatment fails to over come $possessive NCS and $possessive cock fails to grow.
+                         <</if>>
 		$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of hyper growth hormones, right into $possessive clit.@@
@@ -636,8 +682,15 @@
 			$possessiveCap clit is now so huge that further drug enhancement will not increase its size. @@.yellow;$possessiveCap drug regimen has been ended.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
-			@@.lime;$possessiveCap clit grows painfully,@@ becoming both longer and girthier.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                @@.lime;$possessiveCap clit grows painfully,@@ becoming both longer and girthier.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
+                         <<elseif random(1,16 - $slaves[$i].clit) > 8>>
+                                @@.lime;$possessiveCap clit grows painfully,@@ becoming both longer and girthier, despite $possessive NCS.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                The treatment fails to over come $possessive NCS and $possessive clit fails to grow.
+                        <</if>>
@@ -646,13 +699,16 @@
 	<<set _growth = 60-($injectionUpgrade*10)>>
 	<<if _intensive>><<set _growth -= 20>><</if>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+	        <<set _growth -= 30>>
+        <</if>>
 	<<if (random(1,100) > _growth+($slaves[$i].balls*5))>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls swell painfully.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
 		Despite being filled with testicle enhancers and painfully swollen with resultant cum overproduction, $possessive balls do not grow.
-	<<if $slaves[$i].dick == 1>>
+	<<if $slaves[$i].dick == 1 && $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].scrotum > 0>>
 		As a side effect of the testicle enhancement drugs, @@.lime;$possessive micropenis grows,@@ becoming merely tiny.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
@@ -666,33 +722,42 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls >= 125)>>
 		$possessiveCap balls are now so immense that further drug enhancement will not increase their size. However, leaving her on them will still stimulate cum production.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls < 125)>>
-		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls swell painfully.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 2>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                        @@.lime;$possessiveCap balls swell painfully.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls += 2>>
+                <<elseif random(1,400 - $slaves[$i].balls) > 200>>
+                        @@.lime;$possessiveCap balls swell painfully, despite $possessive NCS.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
+                <<else>>
+                        The treatment fails to over come $possessive NCS and $possessive balls fail to grow.
+                <</if>>
 <<case "steroids">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick == 0) && (random(1,100) > 40+($slaves[$i].clit*10))>>
-		The gear $pronoun's on @@.lime;increases the size of $possessive clit.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick != 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
-		The gear $pronoun's on @@.lime;increases the size of $possessive penis.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine") && ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "androgynous") && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
-		The gear $pronoun's on;hardens $possessive face into androgyny.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls != 0) && ($slaves[$i].scrotum != 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
-		The gear $pronoun's on @@.lime;increases the size of $possessive balls.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-	<<elseif random(1,100) > 110-($slaves[$i].anus*10)>>
-		The steroids $pronoun's on have an effect on $possessive stretched anal muscles, giving $object a @@.lime;tighter butthole.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].anus -= 1>>
-	<<elseif random(1,100) > 110-($slaves[$i].vagina*10)>>
-		The steroids $pronoun's on have an effect on $possessive vaginal muscles, giving $object a @@.lime;tighter pussy.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].vagina -= 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 10) && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
-		The gear $pronoun's on;hardens $possessive pretty face a little.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].face -= 5>>
-	<</if>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0 || random(1,100) > 50>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick == 0) && (random(1,100) > 40+($slaves[$i].clit*10))>>
+                        The gear $pronoun's on @@.lime;increases the size of $possessive clit.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick != 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
+                        The gear $pronoun's on @@.lime;increases the size of $possessive penis.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine") && ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "androgynous") && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
+                        The gear $pronoun's on;hardens $possessive face into androgyny.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls != 0) && ($slaves[$i].scrotum != 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3) && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
+                        The gear $pronoun's on @@.lime;increases the size of $possessive balls.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
+                <<elseif random(1,100) > 110-($slaves[$i].anus*10)>>
+                        The steroids $pronoun's on have an effect on $possessive stretched anal muscles, giving $object a @@.lime;tighter butthole.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].anus -= 1>>
+                <<elseif random(1,100) > 110-($slaves[$i].vagina*10)>>
+                        The steroids $pronoun's on have an effect on $possessive vaginal muscles, giving $object a @@.lime;tighter pussy.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].vagina -= 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 10) && (random(1,100) > 95)>>
+                        The gear $pronoun's on;hardens $possessive pretty face a little.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].face -= 5>>
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
 <<case "anti-aging cream">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge <= 18)>>
@@ -741,10 +806,12 @@
 		$pronounCap's on super fertility drugs, so $pronoun is more likely to conceive, and will have multiple pregnancy.
-	<<if $slaves[$i].lactation == 0 && random(0,50) < $slaves[$i].health>>
-		The hormonal changes produced by the fertility drugs have the side effect of @@.lime;inducing lactation,@@ indistinguishable from natural lactation.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].lactation == 0 && random(0,50) < $slaves[$i].health>>
+                        The hormonal changes produced by the fertility drugs have the side effect of @@.lime;inducing lactation,@@ indistinguishable from natural lactation.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY < 100 && random(0,10) < $slaves[$i].health>>
 		The hormonal changes produced by the fertility drugs cause $object to begin;finding men more attractive.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += random(5,10)>>
@@ -779,9 +846,11 @@
 		$pronounCap's on fertility drugs, so $pronoun is more likely to conceive, and may experience multiple pregnancy.
-	<<if $slaves[$i].lactation == 0 && random(0,100) < $slaves[$i].health>>
-		The hormonal changes produced by the fertility drugs have the side effect of @@.lime;inducing lactation,@@ indistinguishable from natural lactation.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].lactation == 0 && random(0,100) < $slaves[$i].health>>
+                        The hormonal changes produced by the fertility drugs have the side effect of @@.lime;inducing lactation,@@ indistinguishable from natural lactation.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
+                <</if>>
 <<case "appetite suppressors">>
@@ -803,81 +872,97 @@
 <<case "penis atrophiers">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive penis,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from it.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive penis,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from it<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
+        <<set _shrinkage = 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].dick == 1>>
 		$possessiveCap penis is now so miniscule that further drug use will fail to shrink it further; @@.yellow;$possessive drug regimen has been ended.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick >= 20>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap cock shrinks painfully,@@ becoming massively shorter and thinner.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 3>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 3>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick >= 10>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap cock shrinks painfully,@@ becoming shorter and thinner.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 2>>
-	<<elseif (random(1,100) > (40-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].dick*5))) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 1)>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 2>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (40-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].dick*5)))) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 1)>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap cock shrinks painfully,@@ becoming shorter and thinner.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 1>>
+	<</if>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2)>>
+                <<set _shrinkage *= 2>>
+        <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= _shrinkage>>
 <<case "testicle atrophiers">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive testicles,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from them.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive testicles,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from them<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
+        <<set _shrinkage = 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].balls == 1>>
 		$possessiveCap balls are now so minuscule that further drug use will fail to shrink them further; @@.yellow;$possessive drug regimen has been ended.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].balls >= 100>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls shrink painfully,@@ becoming massively smaller and leaving $possessive scrotum looser.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 5>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 5>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].balls >= 80>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls shrink painfully,@@ becoming massively smaller and leaving $possessive scrotum looser.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 4>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 4>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].balls >= 60>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls shrink painfully,@@ becoming massively smaller and leaving $possessive scrotum looser.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 3>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 3>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].balls >= 40>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls shrink painfully,@@ becoming much smaller and leaving $possessive scrotum looser.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 2>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 2>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].balls >= 20>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller and leaving $possessive scrotum looser.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
-	<<elseif (random(1,100) > (40-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].balls*2))) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 1)>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 1>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (40-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].balls*2)))) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 1)>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap balls shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller and leaving $possessive scrotum looser.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 1>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2)>>
+                <<set _shrinkage *= 2>>
+	<</if>>
+        <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= _shrinkage>>
 <<case "clitoris atrophiers">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive clitoris,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from it.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive clitoris,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from it<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].clit == 0>>
 		$possessiveCap clit is now so minuscule that further drug use will fail to shrink it further; @@.yellow;$possessive drug regimen has been ended.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
-	<<elseif (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].clit*5))) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 0)>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].clit*5)))) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 0)>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap clit shrinks painfully,@@ becoming smaller.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 2)>>
+                <<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+	<</if>>
 <<case "labia atrophiers">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive labia majora,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from them.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive labia majora,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from them<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].labia == 0>>
 		$possessiveCap labia are now so minuscule that further drug use will fail to shrink them further; @@.yellow;$possessive drug regimen has been ended.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
-	<<elseif (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].labia*5))) && ($slaves[$i].labia > 0)>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].labia*5)))) && ($slaves[$i].labia > 0)>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap labia shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].labia -= 1>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].labia > 2)>>
+                <<set $slaves[$i].labia -= 1>>
+	<</if>>
 <<case "nipple atrophiers">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive nipples,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from it.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive nipples,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from it<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
 	<<switch $slaves[$i].nipples>>
 	<<case "huge">>
-		<<if (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*15)))>>
+		<<if (($slaves[].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*15))))>>
 			@@.lime;$possessiveCap nipples shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller and puffy.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
 	<<case "puffy">>
-		<<if (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*15)))>>
+		<<if (($slaves[].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*15))))>>
 			@@.lime;$possessiveCap nipples shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller and cuter.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
 	<<case "cute">>
-		<<if (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*15)))>>
+		<<if (($slaves[].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (60-($injectionUpgrade*15))))>>
 			@@.lime;$possessiveCap nipples shrink painfully,@@ becoming tiny.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "tiny">>
@@ -887,26 +972,32 @@
 <<case "lip atrophiers">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive lips,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from them.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of atrophiers right into $possessive lips,@@ causing $possessive body to begin pulling resources from them<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
+        <<set _shrinkage = 0>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant) == 0>>
 		$possessiveCap natural lips are now so thin that further drug use will fail to shrink them further; @@.yellow;$possessive drug regimen has been ended.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant) >= 70>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap natural lips shrink painfully,@@ becoming massively smaller and thinner.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].lips -= 5>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 5>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant) >= 50>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap natural lips shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller and thinner.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].lips -= 3>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 3>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant) >= 20>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap natural lips shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller and thinner.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].lips -= 1>>
-	<<elseif (random(1,100) > (40-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant))) && (($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant) > 0)>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 1>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (40-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant)))) && (($slaves[$i].lips-$slaves[$i].lipsImplant) > 0)>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap natural lips shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller and thinner.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].lips -= 1>>
+                <<set _shrinkage = 1>>
+	<</if>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant > 1)>>
+                <<set _shrinkage *= 2>>
+        <<set $slaves[$i].lips -= _shrinkage>>
 <<case "breast redistributors">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of fat redistributors right into $possessive breasts,@@ causing $possessive body to begin moving fatty tissue from them to $possessive core.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of fat redistributors right into $possessive breasts,@@ causing $possessive body to begin moving fatty tissue from them to $possessive core<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
+        <<set _factor = 0>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) <= 100>>
 		$possessiveCap natural breast tissue is now so thin that further drug use will fail to shrink it further; @@.yellow;$possessive drug regimen has been ended.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
@@ -915,28 +1006,28 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) >= 20000>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap breasts shrink painfully,@@ becoming massively smaller while $possessive;waistline swells tremendously.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 2000>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 20>>
+		<<set _factor = 20>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) >= 10000>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap breasts shrink painfully,@@ becoming greatly smaller while $possessive;waistline swells.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 1000>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 10>>
+		<<set _factor = 10>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) >= 5000>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap breasts shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller while $possessive;waistline swells.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 500>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 5>>
+		<<set _factor = 5>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) >= 1000>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap breasts shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller while $possessive;waistline grows.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 300>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 3>>
+		<<set _factor = 3>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 100>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap breasts shrink painfully,@@ becoming smaller while $possessive;waistline grows slightly.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
+		<<set _factor = 1>>
+	<</if>>
+        <<set $slaves[$i].weight += _factor>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 200)>>
+                <<set _shrinkage *= 2>>
+        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100*_factor>>
 <<case "butt redistributors">>
-	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of fat redistributors right into $possessive buttocks,@@ causing $possessive body to begin moving fatty tissue from it to $possessive core.
+	$pronounCap receives @@.lime;direct injections of fat redistributors right into $possessive buttocks,@@ causing $possessive body to begin moving fatty tissue from it to $possessive core<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>, $possessive NCS amplifies the effectiveness<</if>>.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) <= 0>>
 		$possessiveCap natural ass flesh is now so thin that further drug use will fail to shrink it further; @@.yellow;$possessive drug regimen has been ended.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].drugs = "no drugs">>
@@ -951,7 +1042,7 @@
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap butt shrinks painfully,@@ becoming smaller while $possessive;waistline swells tremendously.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 20>>
-	<<elseif (random(1,100) > (50-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant))) && ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) >= 0>>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) || (random(1,100) > (50-($injectionUpgrade*10)-($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant)))) && ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) >= 0>>
 		@@.lime;$possessiveCap butt shrinks painfully,@@ becoming smaller while $possessive;waistline swells greatly.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 10>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 1f9a23a4766..faa18786ee1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -417,11 +417,11 @@ gets milked this week.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 3)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 2)>>
-			<<if (random(1,100) > 70)>>
+			<<if (random(1,100) > (70 + ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS * 15)))>>
 				Constant semen production and continual emptying and refilling @@.lime;increases the size of her tiny testicles.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-		<<elseif (random(1,100) > 90)>>
+		<<elseif (random(1,100) > (90 + ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS * 5)))>>
 			Constant semen production and continual emptying and refilling @@.lime;increases the size of her small testicles.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 6006521460f..8eaac27a8bd 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -76,56 +76,74 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 350>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 25)>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].shoulders+(Math.abs($slaves[$i].shouldersImplant)) > -1) && ($slaves[$i].shoulders > -2) && (random(1,100) < 40+(20*$hormoneUpgradePower))>>
+			Feminine hormones team up with $possessive NCS to cause @@.lime;$possessive shoulders to shrink into a more childlike narrowness@@ than before.
+			<<set $slaves[$i].shoulders-->>
+		<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 25)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].shoulders+(Math.abs($slaves[$i].shouldersImplant)) > -1) && ($slaves[$i].shoulders > -2) && (random(1,100) < 20+(10*$hormoneUpgradePower))>>
 			$possessiveCap body has not yet found its final bone structure, which typically happens in the mid-twenties. Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive shoulders to develop into a more feminine narrowness@@ than they would have done naturally.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].shoulders-->>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].hips-(Math.abs($slaves[$i].hipsImplant)) < 1) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) <= 20+(10*$hormoneUpgradePower))>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips-(Math.abs($slaves[$i].hipsImplant)) < 1) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) <= 20+(10*$hormoneUpgradePower))>>
 			$possessiveCap body has not yet found its final bone structure, which typically happens in the mid-twenties. Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive hips to develop more broadly@@ than they would have done naturally.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].hips++>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "masculine")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into androgyny.@@
+		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>><childlike <</if>>androgyny.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into femininity.@@
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike normalcy<<else>>femininity<</if>>.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "normal"))>>
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into childlike cuteness.@@
+		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "cute">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant < 0) && ($slaves[$i].face < 75)>>
 		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive facial structure to soften and become less unattractive.@@
 		<<set _faceInc = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set _faceInc *= 2>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<FaceIncrease $slaves[$i] _faceInc>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice < 3) && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more feminine.@@
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike<<else>>feminine<</if>>.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].voice++>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 10 && $slaves[$i].diet != "muscle building" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "steroids">>
 		Hormonal effects;reduce $possessive musculature.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].waist > -30>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $possessive @@.lime;waist to narrow.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].waist -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 1400>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 4>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
-	<</if>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 1400>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 4>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
+                <</if>>
+        <<else>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS blocks asset growth despite the fact that $possessive body is swimming in hormones.
+        <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1 && $slaves[$i].ovaries != 0 && $slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 2>>
 		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive vagina to produce more copious natural lubricant.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube++>>
@@ -133,15 +151,30 @@
 	<<if $hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 1>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive dick to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick-->>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 1>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls-->>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].clit > 0>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 1))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive clit to shring down greatly.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].clit-->>
@@ -161,44 +194,55 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 300>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "masculine")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into femininity.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant < 0) && ($slaves[$i].face < 60)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive facial structure to soften and become less unattractive.@@
-		<<set _faceInc = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-		<<FaceIncrease $slaves[$i] _faceInc>>
-	<</if>>
+		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>><childlike <</if>>androgyny.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike normalcy<<else>>femininity<</if>>.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "normal"))>>
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into childlike cuteness.@@
+		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "cute">>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant < 0) && ($slaves[$i].face < 60)>>
+                Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive facial structure to soften and become less unattractive.@@
+                <<set _faceInc = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set _faceInc *= 2>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<FaceIncrease $slaves[$i] _faceInc>>
+        <</if>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice < 3) && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more feminine.@@
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike<<else>>feminine<</if>>.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].voice++>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 30 && $slaves[$i].diet != "muscle building" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "steroids">>
 		Hormonal effects;reduce $possessive musculature.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].waist > -10>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $possessive @@.lime;waist to narrow.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].waist -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 1000>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 4>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
-	<</if>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 1000>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 4>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1 && $slaves[$i].ovaries != 0 && $slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 2>>
 		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive vagina to produce more copious natural lubricant.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube++>>
@@ -206,15 +250,30 @@
 	<<if $hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 1>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive dick to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick-->>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 1>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50 ) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+			        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls-->>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].clit > 0>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+		<<elseif $slaves[$i].clit > 0>>
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 1))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive clit to shrink down greatly.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].clit-->>
@@ -235,43 +294,54 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 250>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "masculine")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into androgyny.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into femininity.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
-	<</if>>
+		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>><childlike <</if>>androgyny.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike normalcy<<else>>femininity<</if>>.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "normal")>>
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into childlike cuteness.@@
+		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "cute">>
+        <</if>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant < 0) && ($slaves[$i].face < 30)>>
 		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive facial structure to soften and become less unattractive.@@
 		<<set _faceInc = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set _faceInc *= 2>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<FaceIncrease $slaves[$i] _faceInc>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice < 2) && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more feminine.@@
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike<<else>>feminine<</if>>.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].voice++>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 30 && $slaves[$i].diet != "muscle building" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "steroids">>
 		Hormonal effects;reduce $possessive musculature.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].waist > 0>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $possessive @@.lime;waist to narrow.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].waist -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 800>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 3>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 800>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 3>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1 && $slaves[$i].ovaries != 0 && $slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 1>>
 		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive vagina to produce more copious natural lubricant.@@
@@ -280,15 +350,30 @@
 	<<if $hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 2>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive dick to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick-->>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 2>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls-->>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].clit > 1>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive clit to shring down greatly.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+			        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].clit-->>
@@ -309,40 +394,51 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 200>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "masculine")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into androgyny.@@
+		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>><childlike <</if>>androgyny.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike normalcy<<else>>femininity<</if>>.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant < 0) && ($slaves[$i].face < 0)>>
 		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive facial structure to soften and become less unattractive.@@
 		<<set _faceInc = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set _faceInc *= 2>>
+                <</if>>
 		<<FaceIncrease $slaves[$i] _faceInc>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice < 2) && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more feminine.@@
+		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive voice to become higher and more <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>childlike<<else>>feminine<</if>>.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].voice++>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 30 && $slaves[$i].diet != "muscle building" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "steroids">>
 		Hormonal effects;reduce $possessive musculature.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].waist > 10>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $possessive @@.lime;waist to narrow.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].waist -= 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 650>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 2>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 650>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny">>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive tiny @@.lime;nipples to grow to a more normal size.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 2>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;the natural size of $possessive butt to increase.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt++>>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1 && $slaves[$i].ovaries != 0 && $slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 1>>
 		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive vagina to produce more copious natural lubricant.@@
@@ -351,15 +447,29 @@
 	<<if $hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 3>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive dick to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive dick to atrophy.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick-->>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 3>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive testicles to atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls-->>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].clit > 2>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive clit to shring down greatly.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;$possessive clit to shrink significantly.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].clit-->>
@@ -379,9 +489,16 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 100>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+	<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "masculine")>>
+		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to soften into <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>><childlike <</if>>androgyny.@@
+		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+	<</if>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+            <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500>>
+                    Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;a small amount of natural breast growth.@@
+                    <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+            <</if>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
@@ -404,75 +521,97 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -350>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 25)>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].hips+(Math.abs($slaves[$i].hipsImplant)) > -1) && ($slaves[$i].hips > -2) && (random(1,100) <= 20+(10*$hormoneUpgradePower))>>
+			Masculine hormones team up with $possessive NCS to cause @@.lime;$possessive hips to shrink into a more childlike narrowness@@ than before.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].hips -= 1>>
+		<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 25)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].shoulders-(Math.abs($slaves[$i].shouldersImplant)) < 1) && ($slaves[$i].shoulders < 2) && (random(1,100) < 20+(10*$hormoneUpgradePower))>>
 			$possessiveCap body has not yet found its final bone structure, which typically happens in the mid-twenties. Hormonal effects cause;$possessive shoulders to develop a more masculine wideness@@ than they would have done naturally.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].shoulders += 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].hips+(Math.abs($slaves[$i].hipsImplant)) > -1) && ($slaves[$i].hips > -2) && (random(1,100) <= 20+(10*$hormoneUpgradePower))>>
 			$possessiveCap body has not yet found its final bone structure, which typically happens in the mid-twenties. Hormonal effects cause;$possessive hips to develop more narrowly@@ than they would have done naturally.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into masculinity.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "masculine">>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
-		<<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 1)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
-	<</if>>	
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].hips -= 1>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into masculinity.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "masculine">>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine")>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
+                        <<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 1)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+                <</if>>	
+        <</if>>
 	<<if ($hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0)>>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) > 1)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].butt > 2))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive butt to decrease a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt-->>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 100)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 200))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive tits to shrink a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples != "cute") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
+                /* nothing, just don't advanced to cute */
+	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples != "cute") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;nipples to shrink to a more masculine size.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 5)>>
-		Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 5)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 5)>>
+                        Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 5)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 5) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 50) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
+                        Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 80)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>	
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 5) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 50) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
-		Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 80)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<</if>>	
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX < 100)>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $object to become;more attracted to women.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
@@ -484,64 +623,80 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -300>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into masculinity.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "masculine">>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine")>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
-		<<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 1)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
-	<</if>>	
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous")>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into masculinity.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "masculine">>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine")>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
+                        <<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 1)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+                <</if>>	
+        <</if>>
 	<<if ($hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0)>>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) > 1)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].butt > 2))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive butt to decrease a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt-->>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 300)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive tits to shrink a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples != "cute") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
+                /* nothing, just don't advanced to cute */
+	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples != "cute") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;nipples to shrink to a more masculine size.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 5)>>
-		Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 5)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 4) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 50) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
-		Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 40)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 5)>>
+                        Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 5)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 4) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 50) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
+                        Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 40)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>	
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX < 100)>>
@@ -555,61 +710,77 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -250>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine" && $slaves[$i].faceShape != "androgynous">>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 20)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
-		<<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 1)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine" && $slaves[$i].faceShape != "androgynous">>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 20)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
+                        <<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 1)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+                <</if>>	
 	<<if ($hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0)>>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) > 2)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive butt to decrease a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt-->>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 400)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive tits to shrink a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples != "cute") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
+                /* nothing, just don't advanced to cute */
+	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples != "cute") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
 		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;nipples to shrink to a more masculine size.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 4)>>
-		Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 4)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 3) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 35) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
-		Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 25)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 4)>>
+                        Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 4)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 3) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 35) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
+                        Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 25)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>	
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX < 95)>>
@@ -623,28 +794,40 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -200>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine" && $slaves[$i].faceShape != "androgynous">>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 40)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
-		<<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 2)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].faceShape != "masculine" && $slaves[$i].faceShape != "androgynous">>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive face to harden into androgyny.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 40)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
+                        <<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 2)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+                <</if>>	
 	<<if ($hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0)>>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) > 3)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive butt to decrease a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt-->>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 600)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive tits to shrink a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
@@ -653,31 +836,33 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 3)>>
-		Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 2) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 15) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
-		Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 9)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 3)>>
+                        Hormonal effects add @@.lime;a bit more heft to $possessive penis.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 3)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to hang a little heavier.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 2) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 15) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
+                        Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 9)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>	
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX < 90)>>
@@ -691,54 +876,68 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -100>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 60)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
-		<<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 2)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 60)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive facial structure to harden and become less attractive.@@
+                        <<set _faceDec = 1+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].face-_faceDec,-100,100)>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 2)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive voice to become deeper and less feminine.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].voice-->>
+                <</if>>	
 	<<if ($hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0)>>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) > 4)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive butt to decrease a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive butt to decrease.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].butt-->>
 		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 800)>>
-			Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive tits to shrink a lot.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Hormonal effects cause;the natural size of $possessive tits to shrink.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10+(15*$hormoneUpgradePower)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles < 0) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
-		Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<</if>>	
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 2)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive micropenis to return to a more normal size.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 2)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to drop.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 1)>>
-		Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].muscles < 0) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "slimming")>>
+                        Hormonal effects @@.lime;build up $possessive musculature.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>	
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].waist < 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause $possessive;waist to broaden.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].waist += 2+$hormoneUpgradePower>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick < 2)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive micropenis to return to a more normal size.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls < 2)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive balls to drop.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause @@.lime;$possessive clit to grow significantly.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].clit++>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube > 1)>>
+                        Hormonal effects cause;$possessive vagina to produce less natural lubricant.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube-->>
+                <</if>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX < 80)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 93207a5b65d..233df3ebeed 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -3421,10 +3421,10 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries != 0) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 2)>>
 		<<set _Effects.push("VaginaWetter")>>
-	<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 2)>>
+	<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 2) && (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) || (random(1,100) > 50))>>
 		<<set _Effects.push("ButtBigger")>>
-	<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500)>>
+	<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500) && (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) || (random(1,100) > 50))>>
 		<<set _Effects.push("BoobsBigger")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant <= 10>>
@@ -3452,10 +3452,20 @@
 		<<set _Effects = _Effects.random()>>
 		<<switch _Effects>>
 		<<case "DickShrink">>
-			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$possessive dick atrophy.@@
+	                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2))>>
+                                Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $possessive NCS makes;$possessive dick shrink down to be more childlike.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$possessive dick atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
 		<<case "BallsShrink">>
-			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$possessive testicles atrophy.@@
+	                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2))>>
+                                Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $possessive NCS makes;$possessive balls shrink down to be more childlike.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$possessive testicles atrophy.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
 		<<case "VoiceHigher">>
 			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$possessive voice higher and more feminine.@@
@@ -3479,7 +3489,12 @@
 			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$possessive face soften into femininity.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
 		<<case "ClitSmaller">>
-			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$possessive clit shrink significantly.@@
+	                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 1))>>
+                                Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $possessive NCS makes;$possessive clit shrink down to be more childlike.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes;$possessive clit shrink significantly.@@
+                        <</if>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
 		<<case "Devoted">>
 			Hormonal effects make $object a bit more @@.hotpink;docile.@@
@@ -3569,7 +3584,12 @@
-<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance, -400, 400)>>
+        /* NCS helps primary sexual maturity */
+<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+        <<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance, -400, 400)>>
+        <<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance * 1.5, -400, 400)>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].drugs != "hormone blockers">>
 	<<include "SA hormone effects">>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
@@ -3668,164 +3688,217 @@
 <<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
-    <<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0>>  /* Female type */
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XX" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.1>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "fertility">>
-		 <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 0.1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 0.2>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 100) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
-			$pronounCap feels an;unusual calmness@@ in $possessive belly and breasts.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
-			$pronounCap feels @@.lime;unusual warmness@@ in $possessive clitoris.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.5>>
-		$pronounCap feels an @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $possessive belly and breasts.
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
-			$possessiveCap breasts feel @@.lime;heavy, hot and sensitive.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
-			<<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
-			<</if>>
-	    <</if>>
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
-			$pronounCap feels @@.lime;strange minor pains@@ in $possessive pelvis.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
-			$pronounCap feels a @@.lime;strange weight@@ on $possessive rear.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].labia < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
-			$pronounCap feels an @@.lime;unusual tenderness@@ in $possessive labia.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].labia += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += .5>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.2>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 0.2>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 0.4>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.1>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 0.2>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 0.1>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 0.2>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX < $fertilityAge)>>
-		$possessiveCap body is showing signs of @@.lime;early puberty.@@
-    <</if>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0>>  /* Female type */
+                <<set _precocious = 0>>
+                /* Just having NCS speeds precocious Puberty, but also hormonal puberty affects are 
+                * increased while secondary growth is supressed
+                */
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.8>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XX" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                <<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "fertility">>
+                         <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
+                        <<set _precocious += 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
+                        <<set _precocious += 0.1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
+                        <<set _precocious += 0.2>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 100) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
+                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 300))>>
+                                        Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive tits to shrink down.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
+                                <<else>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels an;unusual calmness@@ in $possessive belly and breasts.
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels @@.lime;unusual warmness@@ in $possessive clitoris.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.5>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                                $pronounCap feels an @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $possessive belly and breasts.
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
+                                        $possessiveCap breasts feel @@.lime;heavy, hot and sensitive.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
+                                        <<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
+                                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels @@.lime;strange minor pains@@ in $possessive pelvis.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels a @@.lime;strange weight@@ on $possessive rear.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].labia < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels an @@.lime;unusual tenderness@@ in $possessive labia.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].labia += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
+                        <<set _precocious += .5>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
+                        <<set _precocious += 0.2>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
+                        <<set _precocious += 0.4>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
+                                <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
+                                <<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
+                                <<set _precocious += 0.1>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
+                                <<set _precocious += 0.2>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
+                        <<set _precocious += 1>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                        <<set _precocious *= 2>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += _precocious>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX < $fertilityAge)>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                $possessiveCap body is showing signs of @@.lime;early puberty.@@
+                        <<else>>
+                                A routine scan confirms that $possessive body is advancing towards @@.lime;early puberty.@@ puberty, despite not really showing signs of secondary sexual characteristics.
+                        <</if>>
+                <</if>>
 	<</if>> /* closes female type */
  	<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY) && $slaves[$i].balls >= 1 && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0>>  /* Male type */
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XY" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 0.2>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.2>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.5>>
-		$pronounCap feels an @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $possessive groin.
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
-			$possessiveCap penis feels @@.lime;heavy, hot and oversensitive@@.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
-			$possessiveCap balls feel @@.lime;heavy, full and oversensitive@@.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 1>>
-		$pronounCap feels @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $possessive breasts.
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
-			$possessiveCap chest feels @@.lime;hot and sensitive@@.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
-			<<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
-			<</if>>
-	    <</if>>
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
-			$pronounCap feels @@.lime;strange minor pains@@ in $possessive pelvis.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
-			$pronounCap feels a @@.lime;strange weight@@ to $possessive rear.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
-			$pronounCap feels an;unusual lightness@@ in $possessive penis.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	    <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
-			$pronounCap feels an;unusual emptiness@@ to $possessive scrotum.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
-	    <</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 0.2>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 0.4>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
-	    <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 0.1>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 0.2>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.1>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 0.2>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY < $potencyAge)>>
-		$possessiveCap body is showing signs of @@.lime;early puberty.@@
-    <</if>>
+                <<set _precocious = 0>>
+                /* Just having NCS speeds precocious Puberty, but also hormonal puberty affects are increased while secondary growth is supressed */
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.8>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XY" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
+                        <<set _precocious += 0.2>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
+                        <<set _precocious += 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 0.5>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                                $pronounCap feels an @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $possessive groin.
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
+                                        $possessiveCap penis feels @@.lime;heavy, hot and oversensitive@@.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
+                                            $possessiveCap balls feel @@.lime;heavy, full and oversensitive@@.
+                                            <<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
+                        <<set _precocious -= 1>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                                $pronounCap feels @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $possessive breasts.
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
+                                        $possessiveCap chest feels @@.lime;hot and sensitive@@.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
+                                        <<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
+                                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels @@.lime;strange minor pains@@ in $possessive pelvis.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels a @@.lime;strange weight@@ to $possessive rear.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
+                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2))>>
+                                        Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive dick to shrink.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                                <<else>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels an;unusual lightness@@ in $possessive penis.
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
+                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 300))>>
+                                        Hormonal effects work with $possessive NCS and cause;$possessive balls to shrink.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                                <<else>>
+                                        $pronounCap feels an;unusual emptiness@@ to $possessive scrotum.
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
+                    <<set _precocious += 0.2>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
+                    <<set _precocious += 0.4>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
+                    <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
+                    <<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
+                                <<set _precocious += 0.1>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
+                                <<set _precocious += 0.2>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
+                                <<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
+                                <<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
+                        <<set _precocious += 1>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+                        <<set _precocious *= 2>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += _precocious>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY < $potencyAge)>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0>>
+                                $possessiveCap body is showing signs of @@.lime;early puberty.@@
+                        <<else>>
+                                A routine scan confirms that $possessive body is advancing towards @@.lime;early puberty.@@ puberty, despite not really showing signs of secondary sexual characteristics.
+                        <</if>>
+                <</if>>
 	<</if>> /* closes male type */
@@ -4090,7 +4163,10 @@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<</if>> /* closes not fuckdoll or mindbroken check; still .preg >= 10 */
-		<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18>>
+		<<if $slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1>>
+                        /* NCS: always working against secondary sexual characteristics even in pregnancies. */
+                        <<set _boobTarget = 0>>
+		<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 50>>
 				<<set _boobTarget = 10000>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 30>>
@@ -4131,56 +4207,58 @@
 				<<set _boobTarget = 400>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 30) && ((($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine" || $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") && $masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries == 1) || ($slaves[$i].diet == "high caloric"))>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].weight <= 65)>>
-				$pronounCap has @@.lime;gained weight@@ in order to better sustain <<print $possessive>>self and $possessive children.
-				<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
-				<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
-					$possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;greatly swell@@ to meet the upcoming demand.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 200>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > 32 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
-						$possessiveCap immensely engorged;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $possessive pregnancy as $possessive body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2)>>
-					$possessiveCap hips @@.lime;widen@@ for $possessive upcoming birth.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 14)>>
-					$possessiveCap butt @@.lime;swells with added fat@@ from $possessive changing body.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 80 && (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
-				$possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;swell@@ in preparation for $possessive growing brood.
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].preg > random(32,82)>>
-						$possessiveCap swollen;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $possessive pregnancy as $possessive body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 80>>
-				Pregnancy @@.lime;causes $possessive breasts to swell somewhat.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > random(32,100) && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
-					$possessiveCap;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $possessive pregnancy as $possessive body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 32 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 1 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-			$possessiveCap hips @@.lime;widen@@ to better support $possessive gravidity.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 28 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 0 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-			$possessiveCap hips @@.lime;widen@@ to better support $possessive gravidity.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 30) && ((($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine" || $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") && $masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries == 1) || ($slaves[$i].diet == "high caloric"))>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].weight <= 65)>>
+                                        $pronounCap has @@.lime;gained weight@@ in order to better sustain <<print $possessive>>self and $possessive children.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                                <<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
+                                        <<if (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
+                                                $possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;greatly swell@@ to meet the upcoming demand.
+                                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 200>>
+                                                <<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > 32 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
+                                                        $possessiveCap immensely engorged;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $possessive pregnancy as $possessive body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                        <<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2)>>
+                                                $possessiveCap hips @@.lime;widen@@ for $possessive upcoming birth.
+                                                <<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                        <<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 14)>>
+                                                $possessiveCap butt @@.lime;swells with added fat@@ from $possessive changing body.
+                                                <<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
+                                <<if random(1,100) > 80 && (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
+                                        $possessiveCap breasts @@.lime;swell@@ in preparation for $possessive growing brood.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
+                                                <<if $slaves[$i].preg > random(32,82)>>
+                                                        $possessiveCap swollen;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $possessive pregnancy as $possessive body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget>>
+                                <<if random(1,100) > 80>>
+                                        Pregnancy @@.lime;causes $possessive breasts to swell somewhat.@@
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > random(32,100) && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
+                                                $possessiveCap;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $possessive pregnancy as $possessive body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
+                                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<if $slaves[$i].preg > 32 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 1 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 90>>
+                                $possessiveCap hips @@.lime;widen@@ to better support $possessive gravidity.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+                        <<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 28 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 0 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 70>>
+                                $possessiveCap hips @@.lime;widen@@ to better support $possessive gravidity.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].preg == 15>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0>>
@@ -4833,23 +4911,23 @@
 			<<set _effect = random(1,6)>>
 			Being so angry at her life as a sex slave has
 			<<if _effect == 1>>
-			driven her into;sexual apathy.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "apathetic">>
+                                driven her into;sexual apathy.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "apathetic">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 2>>
-			convinced her that the conservative parts of her upbringing were right: sex is evil.;She's now repressed.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "repressed">>
+                                convinced her that the conservative parts of her upbringing were right: sex is evil.;She's now repressed.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "repressed">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 3>>
-			given her a dread of being nude.;She's now shamefast.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
+                                given her a dread of being nude.;She's now shamefast.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 4>>
-			deprived her of any motivation to keep sex appealing or even clean.;She's now crude.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "crude">>
+                                deprived her of any motivation to keep sex appealing or even clean.;She's now crude.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "crude">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 5>>
-			driven her to find refuge in high standards.;She's now judgemental.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "judgemental">>
+                                driven her to find refuge in high standards.;She's now judgemental.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "judgemental">>
-			convinced her that sex is only this way here. Convinced that sexual slavery is wrong,;She's become sexually idealistic.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
+                                convinced her that sex is only this way here. Convinced that sexual slavery is wrong,;She's become sexually idealistic.@@
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
@@ -5163,40 +5241,43 @@
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge < 30)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's youthful body; $pronoun furthers the fashion for young slaves.
-	<<set _youth_rep_change = ((30-$slaves[$i].visualAge)/5)>>
-	<<FSChangePorn "YouthPreferentialist" _youth_rep_change>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS > 0) && ($slaves[$i].visualAge <= 18)>>
+                Society;strongly approves@@ of you keeping $slaves[$i].slaveName forever young and youthening; this furthers the fashion for young slaves.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 2>>
+	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].visualAge < 30)>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's youthful body; $pronoun furthers the fashion for young slaves.
+                <<set _youth_rep_change = ((30-$slaves[$i].visualAge)/5)>>
+                <<FSChangePorn "YouthPreferentialist" _youth_rep_change>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge >= 30)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's mature body; $pronoun furthers the fashion for older ladies.
-	<<set _maturity_rep_change = (($slaves[$i].visualAge-25)/5)>>
-	<<FSChangePorn "MaturityPreferentialist" _maturity_rep_change>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's mature body; $pronoun furthers the fashion for older ladies.
+                <<set _maturity_rep_change = (($slaves[$i].visualAge-25)/5)>>
+                <<FSChangePorn "MaturityPreferentialist" _maturity_rep_change>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 100)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of your heavy hormonal feminization of $slaves[$i].slaveName; this advances public interest in girls with soft little dicks.
-	<<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of your heavy hormonal feminization of $slaves[$i].slaveName; this advances public interest in girls with soft little dicks.
+                <<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $potencyAge)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of you keeping $slaves[$i].slaveName from going through puberty; this advances public interest in girls with soft little dicks.
-	<<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 2>>
+                Society;approves@@ of you keeping $slaves[$i].slaveName from going through puberty; this advances public interest in girls with soft little dicks.
+                <<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls == 0)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of your keeping a gelded slave; this advances public interest in girls with soft dickclits.
-	<<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of your keeping a gelded slave; this advances public interest in girls with soft dickclits.
+                <<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].anus > 0) && ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of your keeping a contented dickgirl bottom; this advances public interest in girls who get hard when assfucked.
-	<<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of your keeping a contented dickgirl bottom; this advances public interest in girls who get hard when assfucked.
+                <<FSChangePorn "GenderRadicalist" 1>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500)>>
-	Society <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>;approves@@<<else>>;approves@@<</if>> of your keeping a pregnant slave; this also supports the idea that slave women should bear babies.
-	<<FSChangePorn "GenderFundamentalist" 1>>
+                Society <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>;approves@@<<else>>;approves@@<</if>> of your keeping a pregnant slave; this also supports the idea that slave women should bear babies.
+                <<FSChangePorn "GenderFundamentalist" 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg == 0)>>
-	Society <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>;approves@@<<else>>;approves@@<</if>> of your keeping a slave fertile; this also supports the idea that slave women should bear babies.
-	<<FSChangePorn "GenderFundamentalist" 1>>
+                Society <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>;approves@@<<else>>;approves@@<</if>> of your keeping a slave fertile; this also supports the idea that slave women should bear babies.
+                <<FSChangePorn "GenderFundamentalist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 95) && canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
 		Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's stiff, unrestrained dick, since $pronoun isn't even worshipful of you.
@@ -5315,41 +5396,44 @@
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being properly educated; this advances ideas about slave improvement.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS > 0) && ($slaves[$i].visualAge <= $potencyAge) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $potencyAge)>>
+                Society;approves@@ of you keeping $slaves[$i].slaveName perpetually young and innocent looking so you can keep taking care of $object; this advances paternalistic ideals.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
+	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being properly educated; this advances ideas about slave improvement.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].intelligence < 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
-	Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being stupid and uneducated; this holds back ideas about slave improvement.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" -1>>
+                Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being stupid and uneducated; this holds back ideas about slave improvement.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" -1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].health > 80)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive shining health; this advances belief in a slaveowner's duty.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive shining health; this advances belief in a slaveowner's duty.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion+$slaves[$i].trust > 180)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].relationship == -3)>>
-		Society;approves very strongly@@ of $possessive happiness as your wife; this advances paternalistic ideals.
-		<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 5>>
+                        Society;approves very strongly@@ of $possessive happiness as your wife; this advances paternalistic ideals.
+                        <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 5>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].relationship == -2)>>
-		Society;strongly approves@@ of $possessive emotional bond to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
-		<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 2>>
+                        Society;strongly approves@@ of $possessive emotional bond to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
+                        <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 2>>
-		Society;approves@@ of $possessive attachment to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
-		<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
+                        Society;approves@@ of $possessive attachment to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
+                        <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
-		Society;approves@@ of $possessive attachment to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
-		<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
+                        Society;approves@@ of $possessive attachment to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
+                        <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 95)>>
-		Society;approves@@ of $possessive trust in you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
-		<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
+                        Society;approves@@ of $possessive trust in you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
+                        <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].choosesOwnAssignment == 1)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being allowed to choose $possessive own job, advancing ideals about slave self-actualization.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being allowed to choose $possessive own job, advancing ideals about slave self-actualization.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].relationship == -3)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
@@ -5361,8 +5445,8 @@
 	<<if ($modScore > 15 || ($piercingScore > 8 && $tatScore > 5))>>
-	Society;disapproves@@ of $possessive degrading body modifications, which dulls the public interest in letting slaves choose their own appearance.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" -1>>
+                Society;disapproves@@ of $possessive degrading body modifications, which dulls the public interest in letting slaves choose their own appearance.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Paternalist" -1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
 		Society;strongly disapproves@@ of your owning a Fuckdoll.
@@ -5370,8 +5454,8 @@
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken")>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive broken spirit; $pronoun serves as an example of a soulless fuckpuppet.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive broken spirit; $pronoun serves as an example of a soulless fuckpuppet.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].trust <= 4)>>
 		Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fear of you.
@@ -5390,12 +5474,12 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade")>>
-	Society;approves@@ of how $pronoun is restrained for involuntary use, seeing this as the future of sexual relations.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of how $pronoun is restrained for involuntary use, seeing this as the future of sexual relations.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" 1>>
 	<<if ($modScore > 15 || ($piercingScore > 8 && $tatScore > 5))>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive many body modifications, which advances the public taste for such degradation of slave bodies.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive many body modifications, which advances the public taste for such degradation of slave bodies.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" 1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].voice != 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].lips > 95>>
@@ -5404,8 +5488,8 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].choosesOwnAssignment == 1)>>
-	Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being allowed to choose $possessive own job; this holds back ideas about slave degradation.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" -1>>
+                Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being allowed to choose $possessive own job; this holds back ideas about slave degradation.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Degradationist" -1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
 		Society;approves@@ of your owning a Fuckdoll.
@@ -5426,15 +5510,15 @@
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].buttImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant == -1)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's natural body; this supports the fashion for surgically untouched slaves.
-	<<FSChangePorn "BodyPurist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's natural body; this supports the fashion for surgically untouched slaves.
+                <<FSChangePorn "BodyPurist" 1>>
-	Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's implants; this holds back acceptance of the idea that slaves should be all-natural.
-	<<FSChangePorn "BodyPurist" -1>>
+                Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's implants; this holds back acceptance of the idea that slaves should be all-natural.
+                <<FSChangePorn "BodyPurist" -1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].corsetPiercing == 0 && $piercingScore < 3 && $tatScore < 2)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive unmarked, unblemished skin, advancing the fashion for unspoiled slaves.
-	<<FSChangePorn "BodyPurist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive unmarked, unblemished skin, advancing the fashion for unspoiled slaves.
+                <<FSChangePorn "BodyPurist" 1>>
 	<<set _race = $slaves[$i].race>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].faceImplant <= 5 && _race.indexOf("surgically") == -1>>
@@ -5531,24 +5615,28 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 4) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>>
-	Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's boorishly large tits and ass; $pronoun damages the fashion for slender slaves.
-	<<FSChangePorn "SlimnessEnthusiast" -1>>
+                Society;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's boorishly large tits and ass; $pronoun damages the fashion for slender slaves.
+                <<FSChangePorn "SlimnessEnthusiast" -1>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS > 0)>>
+                Society;strongly disaproves @@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName who can't get bigger; Her shrinking body hurts the fashion for Asset expansion.
+                <<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" -2>>
+	<</if>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 2000)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's huge tits; $possessive breasts further the fashion for bouncing boobs on slaves.
-	<<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's huge tits; $possessive breasts further the fashion for bouncing boobs on slaves.
+                <<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 7)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive massive ass; $possessive butt furthers the fashion for big behinds on slaves.
-	<<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive massive ass; $possessive butt furthers the fashion for big behinds on slaves.
+                <<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 8)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive massive member, which might be nonfunctional, but is a wonder of expansionism.
-	<<set _Dic = $slaves[$i].dick-8>>
-	<<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" _Dic>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive massive member, which might be nonfunctional, but is a wonder of expansionism.
+                <<set _Dic = $slaves[$i].dick-8>>
+	        <<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" _Dic>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 6)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive enormous penis; $possessive cock furthers the fashion for dangling dicks on slaves.
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive enormous penis; $possessive cock furthers the fashion for dangling dicks on slaves.
 		<<FSChangePorn "AssetExpansionist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 6)>>
@@ -5563,12 +5651,12 @@
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 0)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's milky udders; the sight of $possessive creamy milk encourages the public taste for dairy straight from the nipple.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Pastoralist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's milky udders; the sight of $possessive creamy milk encourages the public taste for dairy straight from the nipple.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Pastoralist" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "get milked") && ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of how $slaves[$i].slaveName gets cockmilked; the sight of $possessive product encourages experimentation with cum-based concoctions.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Pastoralist" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of how $slaves[$i].slaveName gets cockmilked; the sight of $possessive product encourages experimentation with cum-based concoctions.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Pastoralist" 1>>
@@ -5606,29 +5694,29 @@
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].weight > 160)>>
-	Society;strongly approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's glorious rolls; everyone wants to own a pillowy slave like $object.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 3>>
+                Society;strongly approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's glorious rolls; everyone wants to own a pillowy slave like $object.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 3>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight > 95)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fat body; it shows just how much luxurious your life must be to pamper a slave as much as $object.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 2>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fat body; it shows just how much luxurious your life must be to pamper a slave as much as $object.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight > 30)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's chubby form; the public enjoys the sight of a well rounded slave.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's chubby form; the public enjoys the sight of a well rounded slave.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles < -30)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of how soft $pronoun is; the sexual advantages of being able to effortlessly overpower $object are not lost on them.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of how soft $pronoun is; the sexual advantages of being able to effortlessly overpower $object are not lost on them.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95)>>
-	Society;approves@@ of $possessive intense fetish; the expectation that everyone's deepest desires should be fulfilled grows.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
+                Society;approves@@ of $possessive intense fetish; the expectation that everyone's deepest desires should be fulfilled grows.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
 	<<if (_para > 0)>>
-	Society;is pleased@@ that $pronoun is allowed to fully indulge $possessive paraphilia.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
+                Society;is pleased@@ that $pronoun is allowed to fully indulge $possessive paraphilia.
+                <<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" 1>>
 	<<elseif (_para < 0)>>
-	Society;frowns@@ upon $object not being allowed to indulge in $possessive paraphilia.
-	<<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" -2>>
+	        Society;frowns@@ upon $object not being allowed to indulge in $possessive paraphilia.
+	        <<FSChangePorn "Hedonism" -2>>
@@ -5733,16 +5821,16 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].eyes == -1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].eyewear != "corrective glasses") && ($slaves[$i].eyewear != "corrective contacts")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-		Since she's on the cusp of devotion, her blurred vision makes her @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive,@@ since she can't always see what's happening to her.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
-		Her blurred vision @@.hotpink;reduces her distaste for her life slightly,@@ since her fuzzy vision allows her to ignore the details of everyone she's expected to fuck.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-	<<else>>
-		Her blurred vision tends to make her @@.mediumorchid;a little more fearful,@@ since she can never tell what's about to happen to her.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	        <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
+                        Since she's on the cusp of devotion, her blurred vision makes her @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive,@@ since she can't always see what's happening to her.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
+                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
+                        Her blurred vision @@.hotpink;reduces her distaste for her life slightly,@@ since her fuzzy vision allows her to ignore the details of everyone she's expected to fuck.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
+                <<else>>
+                        Her blurred vision tends to make her @@.mediumorchid;a little more fearful,@@ since she can never tell what's about to happen to her.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
+                <</if>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].eyes == 2>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].eyewear == "blurring glasses") || ($slaves[$i].eyewear == "blurring contacts")>>
@@ -5875,13 +5963,13 @@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].analArea += 1>>
 	$possessiveCap anal area is getting used to being
 	<<if $slaves[$i].analArea > 3>>
-	permanently gaped, and the puckered skin around $possessive anus now runs from $possessive tailbone all the way down to the <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>bottom of $possessive pussy<<else>>base of $possessive dick<</if>>.
+                permanently gaped, and the puckered skin around $possessive anus now runs from $possessive tailbone all the way down to the <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>bottom of $possessive pussy<<else>>base of $possessive dick<</if>>.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].analArea > 2>>
-	very loose, and the puckered skin around $possessive anus now covers more of the space between $possessive buttocks.
+                very loose, and the puckered skin around $possessive anus now covers more of the space between $possessive buttocks.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].analArea > 1>>
-	nice and relaxed, and it now looks quite lewd.
+                nice and relaxed, and it now looks quite lewd.
-	penetrated, and to put it delicately, $possessive anus is now a bit more eye-catching.
+                penetrated, and to put it delicately, $possessive anus is now a bit more eye-catching.
@@ -5892,33 +5980,33 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].foreskin > 0>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].foreskin - $slaves[$i].dick < -1>>
 	<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
-	$possessiveCap cockhead has grown to the point where it is much too large for $possessive foreskin, making $possessive erections so uncomfortable to achieve that $possessive;appetite for sex is reduced@@ by $possessive reluctance to undergo the discomfort.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-	<<if random(1,300) < $slaves[$i].energy>>
-		Despite this, she spends enough of $possessive time hard that $possessive foreskin @@.lime;stretches out naturally.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin += 1>>
-	<</if>>
+                $possessiveCap cockhead has grown to the point where it is much too large for $possessive foreskin, making $possessive erections so uncomfortable to achieve that $possessive;appetite for sex is reduced@@ by $possessive reluctance to undergo the discomfort.
+                <<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
+                <<if random(1,300) < $slaves[$i].energy>>
+                        Despite this, she spends enough of $possessive time hard that $possessive foreskin @@.lime;stretches out naturally.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].foreskin += 1>>
+                <</if>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].foreskin - $slaves[$i].dick < 0>>
 	<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
-	$possessiveCap cockhead has grown to the point where it is too large for $possessive foreskin, making $possessive erections uncomfortable to achieve; $possessive;arousal is slightly impeded@@ by $possessive reluctance to undergo the discomfort.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
-	<<if random(1,500) < $slaves[$i].energy>>
-		Despite this, she spends enough of $possessive time hard that $possessive foreskin @@.lime;stretches out naturally.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin += 1>>
-	<</if>>
+                $possessiveCap cockhead has grown to the point where it is too large for $possessive foreskin, making $possessive erections uncomfortable to achieve; $possessive;arousal is slightly impeded@@ by $possessive reluctance to undergo the discomfort.
+                <<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
+                <<if random(1,500) < $slaves[$i].energy>>
+                        Despite this, she spends enough of $possessive time hard that $possessive foreskin @@.lime;stretches out naturally.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].foreskin += 1>>
+                <</if>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].foreskin - $slaves[$i].dick > 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
-	<<if random(30,110) > $slaves[$i].energy>>
-		$possessiveCap penis has gotten so small that even when she's hard, $possessive loose foreskin rarely retracts. Despite $possessive regular erections,;$possessive foreskin atrophies.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
+                <<if random(30,110) > $slaves[$i].energy>>
+                        $possessiveCap penis has gotten so small that even when she's hard, $possessive loose foreskin rarely retracts. Despite $possessive regular erections,;$possessive foreskin atrophies.@@
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].foreskin -= 1>>
+                <</if>>
-	<<if random(40,120) > $slaves[$i].energy>>
-;$possessiveCap foreskin atrophies,@@ which is not surprising, since $possessive penis has shrunk and it's almost never hard.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
+                <<if random(40,120) > $slaves[$i].energy>>
+              ;$possessiveCap foreskin atrophies,@@ which is not surprising, since $possessive penis has shrunk and it's almost never hard.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].foreskin -= 1>>
+                <</if>>
@@ -6150,6 +6238,105 @@
+/*  NCS youthening and shrinkage of giant organs and regular shrinking for regular organs happening
+* when not youthening
+<<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1)>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].visualAge > 8 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge > 8>>
+                <<set $slaves[$i].NCSyouthening++>>
+                <<set _youthDifference = $slaves[$i].physicalAge - 8>>
+                <<set _youtheningLevel = Math.round(Math.clamp((_youthDifference / 4) + .25, 0, 10))>>
+                <<set _youtheningRequirement = 11 - _youtheingLevel>>
+                <<if $slaves[$i].NCSyouthening <= _youtheningRequirement>>
+                        <<if $seeAge == 1>>
+                                $pronounCap has been living under the effects of $possessive NCS for a while and the accumulated effects make @@.lime;$object look younger again.@@
+                        <</if>>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].visualAge-->>
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].NCSyouthening = 0>>
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].boobs >= 3000) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive bouncing breasts.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round($slaves[$i].boobs * .1)>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 5) && ($slaves[$i].boobs >= 300) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive tits.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round($slaves[$i].boobs * .1)>>
+        <</if>>
+        /* height */
+        <<set _averageHeight = Height.mean($slaves[$i])>>
+        <<set _heightDelta = $slaves[$i].height - _averageHeight>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].height > 176) || (_heightDelta > 5) || (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 4) && (($slaves[$i].height > 126) || (_heightDelta > 0)) && (random(1,100) > 50)))>>
+                <<if _heightDelta > 15>><<set _shrinkage = 5>>
+                <<elseif _heightDelta > 5>><<set _shrinkage = 4>>
+                <<elseif _heightDelta > -5>><<set _shrinkage = 3>>
+                <<elseif _heightDelta > -15>><<set _shrinkage = 2>>
+                <<else>><<set _shrinkage = 1>>
+                <</if>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces $possessive stature, leaving her shorter.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].height -= _shrinkage>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].hips >= 2) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive freakish hips.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].hips -= 1>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 3) && ($slaves[$i].hips >= -1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive hips making $possessive appear more childlike.@@
+                <<set $slaves[$i].hips -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].shoulders >= 2) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive domineering shoulders.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].shoulders -= 1>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 3) && ($slaves[$i].shoulders >= -1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive shoulders making $possessive appear more childlike.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].shoulders -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].dick >= 10) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive giant dick.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].dick -= 2>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 3) && ($slaves[$i].dick >= 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive dick.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].clit >= 5) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive enourmous clit-dick.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].clit -= 2>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 3) && ($slaves[$i].clit >= 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive clit.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].balls >= 10) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive titanic balls.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].balls -= 2>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 3) && ($slaves[$i].balls >= 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive balls.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].butt >= 10) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive bolbuous butt.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 6) && ($slaves[$i].butt >= 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive butt.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].labia >= 5) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive sagging labia.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].labia -= 2>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 6) && ($slaves[$i].labia >= 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive labia.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].labia -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].scrotum >= 5) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive pendulous scrotum.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].scrotum -= 2>>
+        <<elseif (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 6) && ($slaves[$i].scrotum >= 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;reduces the size of $possessive scrotum.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].scrotum -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if (($slaves[$i].voice < 3) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                $possessiveCap NCS kicks in and;raises the pitch of $possessive voice, $possessive now sounds more childlike.@@
+                <<set  $slaves[$i].voice -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 		She is immobilized by her
@@ -6265,19 +6452,23 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 30000+($slaves[$i].muscles*100))>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 30000+($slaves[$i].muscles*100))>>
-			Her breasts are larger than her body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
-		<<else>>
-			Her breasts are far, far beyond what her body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
+		        <<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
+		                <<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
+		                        <<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
+		                                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 30000+($slaves[$i].muscles*100))>>
+			                                $possessiveCap breasts are larger than $possessive body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+			                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
+		                                <<else>>
+			                                $possessiveCap breasts are far, far beyond what $possessive body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+			                                <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+		                                <</if>>
+                                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                                        This effect is compounded by $possessive NCS.
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 35>>
+                                                <</if>>
+		                        <</if>>
+		                <</if>>
+		        <</if>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
 			Her immense breasts are so big they pin her to the floor, taking the weight off her body.
@@ -6323,19 +6514,23 @@
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 3>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 5000+($slaves[$i].muscles*10))>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 5000+($slaves[$i].muscles*10))>>
-			Her breasts are larger than her body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
-		<<else>>
-			Her breasts are far, far beyond what her body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
+                                                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 5000+($slaves[$i].muscles*10))>>
+                                                        $possesiveCap breasts are larger than $possesive body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
+                                                <<else>>
+                                                        $possesiveCap breasts are far, far beyond what $possesive body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                                        This effect is compounded by $possesive NCS.
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 35>>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
 			Her titanic breasts are so massive they dwarf her body. She has no choice but to accept immobility.
@@ -6390,19 +6585,23 @@
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 12>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 10000+($slaves[$i].muscles*20))>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 10000+($slaves[$i].muscles*20))>>
-			Her breasts are larger than her body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
-		<<else>>
-			Her breasts are far, far beyond what her body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
+                                                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 10000+($slaves[$i].muscles*20))>>
+                                                        $possessiveCap breasts are larger than $possessive body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
+                                                <<else>>
+                                                        $possessiveCap breasts are far, far beyond what $possessive body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                                        This effect is compounded by $possessive NCS.
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 35>>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
 			Her immense breasts are so huge they rest upon the floor even when she tries to stand, taking the weight off her small body.
@@ -6457,19 +6656,23 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000+($slaves[$i].muscles*50))>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000+($slaves[$i].muscles*50))>>
-			Her breasts are larger than her body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
-		<<else>>
-			Her breasts are far, far beyond what her body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<</if>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
+                                        <<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300>>
+                                                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000+($slaves[$i].muscles*50))>>
+                                                        $possessiveCap breasts are larger than $possessive body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
+                                                <<else>>
+                                                        $possessiveCap breasts are far, far beyond what $possessive body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they;naturally lose mass.@@
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                                <<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
+                                                        This effect is compounded by $possessive NCS.
+                                                        <<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 35>>
+                                                <</if>>
+                                        <</if>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 25000)>>
 			Her immense breasts are so big they pin her to the floor, taking the weight off her youthful body. She finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
@@ -6655,30 +6858,30 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000)>>
-	<<if $boobAccessibility == 1>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-		She's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to life with gigantic boobs.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-	Her gigantic boobs make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>she has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>she barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-		Since she's devoted to you, she just does her best.
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-		This torment makes her;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after her.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-	<<else>>
-		She already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 1)>>
+        <<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000)>>
+                        <<if $boobAccessibility == 1>>
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
+                                        She's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to life with gigantic boobs.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                Her gigantic boobs make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>she has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>she barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
+                                <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
+                                        Since she's devoted to you, she just does her best.
+                                <<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
+                                        This torment makes her;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after her.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
+                                <<else>>
+                                        She already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
+                                        <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
+                                <</if>>
+                        <</if>>
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
+<<if (($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].lactation > 1))>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 800)>>
 	The powerful lactation drugs $pronoun's implanted with @@.lime;rapidly swell $possessive small breasts.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
@@ -6997,30 +7200,30 @@
 <<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].dick >= 30)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-		Her titanic penis rests upon the floor even when she stands. She finds moving @@.mediumorchid;terrifying@@ since she drags her cock along.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-	<<else>>
-		Her titanic penis rests upon the floor even when she stands. She pays close attention as she moves to keep it pristine for you.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 20)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-		Her enormous cock is @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for her to drag around.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-	<<else>>
-		Her enormous cock is uncomfortable for her to move with, but she bears its weight out of devotion to you.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick >= 10)>>
-	<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-			Her giant dick is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her body.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-		<<else>>
-			She can't seem to get comfortable with her giant dick, but she keeps it to herself out of devotion.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+        <<if ($slaves[$i].dick >= 30)>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
+                        Her titanic penis rests upon the floor even when she stands. She finds moving @@.mediumorchid;terrifying@@ since she drags her cock along.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
+                <<else>>
+                        Her titanic penis rests upon the floor even when she stands. She pays close attention as she moves to keep it pristine for you.
+                <</if>>
+        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 20)>>
+                <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
+                        Her enormous cock is @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for her to drag around.
+                        <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
+                <<else>>
+                        Her enormous cock is uncomfortable for her to move with, but she bears its weight out of devotion to you.
+                <</if>>
+        <<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick >= 10)>>
+                <<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+                        <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
+                                Her giant dick is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her body.
+                                <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
+                        <<else>>
+                                She can't seem to get comfortable with her giant dick, but she keeps it to herself out of devotion.
+                        <</if>>
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].dick >= 20)>>
@@ -7284,10 +7487,10 @@
 	<<set _oldFame = $slaves[$i].pornFame>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].pornFame < 35) && ($slaves[$i].prestige > 1)>>
 		Interest in porn of $object is very high, since $pronoun's already quite prestigious.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += 1/$HackingSkillMultiplier>>
+                <<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += 1*$HackingSkillMultiplier>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pornFame < 10) && ($slaves[$i].prestige > 0)>>
 		Interest in porn of $object is high, since $pronoun's already prestigious.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += 1/$HackingSkillMultiplier>>
+                <<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += 1*$HackingSkillMultiplier>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += (($slaves[$i].pornFameSpending/1000)/$HackingSkillMultiplier)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].prestige < 3) && ($slaves[$i].pornFame >= 100) && (_oldFame < 100)>>
@@ -7451,11 +7654,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
 		It did not know.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		She did not notice.
+                $pronounCap did not notice.
 	<<elseif $week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 10>>
-		She remembered it only dimly.
+                $pronounCap remembered it only dimly.
-		She remembered it, but no one cared.
+		$pronounCap remembered it, but no one cared.
 <<if $retiree == 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 417cfc0c7b7..5e43c95c812 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1978,6 +1978,110 @@ As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes,
 	<br><br>As this was a non-invasive procedure $possessive health was not affected.
+<<case "retrograde virus injection NCS">>
+        The procedure lasts the better part of a week every other day in the surgery room for a series of 4 sets of injections. $pronounCap feels worse each time a few hours after the injections.  $pronounCap doesn't quite know what it's about, just that $pronoun feels pretty bad. The process has <<if ($PC.medicine >= 100)>>you<<else>>the remote surgeon<</if>> inject $possessive body everywhere, over every few inches, leaving a small needle marks as the process runs that fade out within minutes.  Despite the marks fading the process is very-invasive work, and leaves $pronoun;feeling weak and tired.@@<br><br>
+        Over the course of the treatment $pronoun begins to feel the inital effects and on inspection, when $pronoun <<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>is carried<<else>>walks<</if>> out of the surgery room, $pronounCap feels somehow smaller, changed in several ways.<br>
+	<<if $activeSlave.underArmHStyle != "hairless" && $activeSlave.underArmHStyle != "bald">>
+                <<set $activeSlave.underArmHStyle = "bald">>
+                The first thing $pronoun notices is that $possessive armpit hair has just fallen out, in a small pile <<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>below $object<<else>>at $possessive feet<</if>>.  <<if $activeSlave.pubicHStyle != "hairless" && $activeSlave.pubicHStyle != "bald">><<set $activeSlave.pubicHStyle = "bald">>The same thing happens to $possessive pubic hair.<</if>>
+        <<elseif $activeSlave.pubicHStyle != "hairless" && $activeSlave.pubicHStyle != "bald">>
+                The first thing $pronoun notices is that $possessive pubic hair has just fallen out, in a small pile <<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>below $object<<else>>at $possessive feet<</if>>.
+        <</if>>
+        <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>
+                <<set _sense = "sees">>
+                $pronounCap inspects <<print $object>>self in the mirror.
+        <<elseif $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
+                <<set _sense = "feels">>
+                $pronounCap examines <<print $object>>self with $possessive own hands.
+        <<else>>
+                <<set _sense = "hears">>
+                $pronounCap listens as a menial slave describes $possessive new looks.
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.dick > 2>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive dick is;smaller.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.dick -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.balls > 1>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive balls are;smaller.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.balls -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.scrotum > 1>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive scrotum is;smaller.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.scrotum -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.shoulders > -1>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive shoulders are;less wide.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.shoulders -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.hips > -1>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive hips are;less wide.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.hips -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.clit > 2>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive clit is;smaller.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.clit -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.labia > 2>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive labia is;smaller.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.labia -= 1>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.voice < 3>>
+                <<if $activeSlave.voice < 2>>
+                        $pronounCap hears $possessive voice comming out as;higher@@ and more girly than it was before.
+                        <<set $activeSlave.voice += 1>>
+                <<elseif $activeSlave.voice < 3>>
+                        $pronounCap hears $possessive voice comming out as;higher@@ and more feminine than it was before.
+                        <<set $activeSlave.voice += 1>>
+                <</if>>
+                <<if ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
+                        $pronounCap laughs at <<print $object>>self hapily as $pronoun gets used to $posessive voice.
+                <<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
+                        $pronounCap laughs grimly at <<print $object>>self as $pronoun gets used to it.
+                <<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
+                        It comes out far higher than it was before, $pronoun feels this new voice is not $possessive.
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 300>>
+                $pronounCap _sense $possessive boobs are;smaller.@@
+                <<set $activeSlave.boobs -= Math.round($activeSlave.boobs * .1)>>
+        <</if>>
+        <<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 18>>
+                <<set $activeSlave.visualAge -= 1>>
+                $pronounCap feels a little;younger.@@
+        <<else>>
+                <<set _averageHeight = Height.mean($activeSlave)>>
+                <<set _heightDelta = $activeSlave.height - _averageHeight>>
+                <<if $activeSlave.height > 126 || _heightDelta > 0>>
+                        <<if _heightDelta > 15>><<set _shrinkage = 5>>
+                        <<elseif _heightDelta > 5>><<set _shrinkage = 4>>
+                        <<elseif _heightDelta > -5>><<set _shrinkage = 3>>
+                        <<elseif _heightDelta > -15>><<set _shrinkage = 2>>
+                        <<else>><<set _shrinkage = 1>>
+                        <</if>>
+                        $pronounCap _sense $pronoun is a little;shorter.@@
+                        <<set $activeSlave.height -= _shrinkage>>
+                <</if>>
+        <</if>>
+        <br><br>
+        You explain that $pronoun's never going to grow older and $pronoun'll stay younger. You sit back and let $object absorb that data for a moment.
+        <br><br>
+	<<if $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
+		$pronounCap is @@.hotpink;happy@@ with how young $possessive body has become<<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 26>>and is excited about the process continuing<</if>>.  $pronounCap is already @@.mediumaquamarine;wondering@@ what new kinky things you have planned for $object.
+		<<set $ += 5>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
+                <<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 26>><<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>><</if>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion >= -20>>
+		$pronounCap isn't thrilled with $possessive new younger body, but it doesn't bother $object much, since $pronoun knows it just better secures $possessive position in your arcology.  
+                <<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 26>>
+                        $pronounCap does feel a little extra @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ that you would spend so much on an older slave like $object.
+		        <<set $ += 5>>
+                <</if>>
+	<<else>>
+		$pronounCap is @@.mediumorchid;sad@@ and;frightened@@ that you would force this curse of non-aging on $object.
+		<<set $ -= 5>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
+	<</if>>
 	ERROR bad/missing surgery descript
 	Surgtyp: $surgeryType