diff --git a/devTools/dictionary_phrases.txt b/devTools/dictionary_phrases.txt
index 2e099a7fbd6eff65e1ea4e07b606f652be3de142..fd8cf0c1d729e680c0282f38a9211fbfa433b856 100644
--- a/devTools/dictionary_phrases.txt
+++ b/devTools/dictionary_phrases.txt
@@ -31,3 +31,4 @@ $slave[#Should be $slaves[
 can not#cannot
 Coca Cola#Coca-Cola
diff --git a/devTools/dictionary_wholeWords.txt b/devTools/dictionary_wholeWords.txt
index 43282c4acc535dec7b692a33ffb4830febc44338..50663be9bec5d4ad025e9b0a2f696195c24801b8 100644
--- a/devTools/dictionary_wholeWords.txt
+++ b/devTools/dictionary_wholeWords.txt
@@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ aiport#airport
@@ -3111,7 +3110,6 @@ reicarnation#reincarnation
diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js b/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
index ad90a8625601701525f4e66854e6a4524666718c..38d04553b3879acf3d41f6af6fbf98bdff7b4446 100644
--- a/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
+++ b/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100, text = `\n`)
 						text += `\nYour original hangar staff have submitted themselves completely to faith and become a sacred order of robed technological priests. This ministry of flight takes its calling very seriously; its members have even replaced their organic arms with modular bionic arms that can attach and detach all manner of intricate power tools at will. Every act of repair and improvement is consecrated by an episode of prayer and ritual; scented oils lubricant your flying machines while holy mechanical instruments assemble and dissemble airframe components according to the sanctified maintenance guidelines. With this level of devotion and care, any instance of malfunction or failure from your aircraft during future operations can be considered nothing short of a bad omen.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 75 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
-						text += `\nNot willing to risk desecrating the numerous litanies of the faith by exposing them to enemy fire on the outside of your craft, your selected personal favorite songs of prayer and excerpts of scripture are instead diligently inscribed onto every inch the interior of the aircrafts' cockpits and passenger sections, where vehicle occupants can see them and have their resolve and conviction bolstered by them before and after battle. The ceilings of each aircraft's interior must be scrubbed clean of soot every week as well, since thick and tall handmade wax candles are burnt inside of the aircraft interiors during all hours of aircraft operation so as to appease the spirit and grant divine protections.\n`;
+						text += `\nNot willing to risk desecrating the numerous litanies of the faith by exposing them to enemy fire on the outside of your craft, your selected personal favorite songs of prayer and excerpts of scripture are instead diligently inscribed onto every inch the interior of the aircraft's cockpits and passenger sections, where vehicle occupants can see them and have their resolve and conviction bolstered by them before and after battle. The ceilings of each aircraft's interior must be scrubbed clean of soot every week as well, since thick and tall handmade wax candles are burnt inside of the aircraft interiors during all hours of aircraft operation so as to appease the spirit and grant divine protections.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 80 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
 						text += `\nA grand chapel now occupies the prime area behind the common area. The peculiar architecture of the structure, combined with the highly specific paint scheme and meticulous interior decoration, makes the building itself demand a certain respect from all who enter. The layout of the building is complex, with sections for laying and using prayer mats, rows of pews for adherents to sit and be ministered to, and platforms for clergy and choir to take their place upon during services. It is also a place of great beauty; unique paintings and huge stained glass mosaic windows adorn the walls and ceilings as they illustrate the faith in ways that mere words would fail to do. On holy days, hymnal music and calls to prayer can be heard from within the building, inviting all to come and partake of the fellowship, prayer, and release within. There is no doubt that this holy temple serves as the centerpiece to the Firebase's spiritual culture.\n`;
@@ -1636,7 +1636,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100, text = `\n`)
 						text += `\nYour original hangar staff have socialized themselves completely to the multiculturalist agenda, and have become a well-connected group within the Free Cities' international aviation engineering community. This flight club takes its profession very seriously; its members have even invested in modular bionic exosuits that can attach and detach all manner of intricate power tools at will. Every act of repair and improvement is cross-checked and verified by several qualified personnel before the serviced aircraft is approved for its net flight. Scented candles from abroad alleviate the stench of the heavy oils that lubricate your flying machines, while trendy global-trotting music drowns out the sound of heavy mechanical instruments at work. With this level of oversight and professionalism, any instance of malfunction or failure from your aircraft during future operations can be considered nothing short of sheer coincidence.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 75 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
-						text += `\nUnbeknownst to the variety of non-hostile actors that your aircraft must pass overhead in order to reach their next mission, your selected personal favorite quotes, books & articles excerpts, and works of art taken from your multiculturalist collection are diligently inscribed onto every inch the interior of the aircrafts' cockpits and passenger sections, where vehicle occupants can see them and have their resolve and conviction bolstered by them before and after battle. The ceilings of each aircraft's interior must be scrubbed clean of soot every week as well, since thick and tall imported wax candles are burnt inside of the aircraft interiors during all hours of aircraft operation in remembrance of every pilot and passenger that has died while operating from that aircraft.\n`;
+						text += `\nUnbeknownst to the variety of non-hostile actors that your aircraft must pass overhead in order to reach their next mission, your selected personal favorite quotes, books & articles excerpts, and works of art taken from your multiculturalist collection are diligently inscribed onto every inch the interior of the aircraft's cockpits and passenger sections, where vehicle occupants can see them and have their resolve and conviction bolstered by them before and after battle. The ceilings of each aircraft's interior must be scrubbed clean of soot every week as well, since thick and tall imported wax candles are burnt inside of the aircraft interiors during all hours of aircraft operation in remembrance of every pilot and passenger that has died while operating from that aircraft.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 80 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
 						text += `\nA grand supermarket now occupies the prime area behind the common area. The familiar architecture of the structure, combined with the highly prolific paint scheme and globalized interior decoration, makes the building itself achieve a certain rapport with all who enter. The layout of the building is complex, with sections for buying international delicacy foods, rows of racks for shoppers to buy rare and specialized tools and trinkets, and platforms for customers to browse all manner of Free Cities and Old World apparels, luxury cars, exotic pets, and many other amusements. It is also a place of great finds; highly coveted niche publications and artworks are on offer in the less frequented corners, and huge high resolution wallscreens adorn the walls and ceilings as they illustrate the newest products and clearance sales on offer. Everyday, upbeat music and audio adverts can be heard from within the building, inviting all to come and partake of the fun within. There is no doubt that this place serves as the centerpiece to the Firebase's materialistic culture.\n`;
@@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100, text = `\n`)
 						text += `\nParticular vehicles within the garage have been modified to be intimidating with painted or adorned demonic heads.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 70 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
-						text += `\nThe hangar, also known as the Eadokkuyado, is filled with noise of gishis performing check-ups, upgrades, and repairs on your aircrafts, while the stalwart hiko-shi prepare for the next flight for the glory of their Tenno.\n`;
+						text += `\nThe hangar, also known as the Eadokkuyado, is filled with noise of gishis performing check-ups, upgrades, and repairs on your aircraft, while the stalwart hiko-shi prepare for the next flight for the glory of their Tenno.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 75 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
 						text += `\nEvery single aircraft hull in the hangar is numbered with Kanji and Katakana numerals as opposed to modern digits.\n`;
@@ -2067,7 +2067,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100, text = `\n`)
 						text += `\nParticular vehicles within the garage have been painted and modified separately, with much inspiration taken from camel cavalry of old; these 'cavalry' vehicles have been equipped with two turrets mounted on their roofs.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 70 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
-						text += `\nThe hangar, also known as Hazirat Al-Tayirat, is filled with noise of muhandises performing check-ups, upgrades, and repairs on your aircrafts, while the stalwart altayarayn prepare to strike the enemies of the new Caliphate from above.\n`;
+						text += `\nThe hangar, also known as Hazirat Al-Tayirat, is filled with noise of muhandises performing check-ups, upgrades, and repairs on your aircraft, while the stalwart altayarayn prepare to strike the enemies of the new Caliphate from above.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 75 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
 						text += `\nThe hulls of every aircraft in the hangar are painted with Arabian war chants, written in the Arabic dialect with the help of bold and heavy black paint.\n`;
@@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100, text = `\n`)
 						text += `\nParticular vehicles within the garage have been painted with your Imperial coat of arms and decorated with intimidating dragon's heads on their fronts.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 70 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
-						text += `\nThe hangar, also known as the Jikù, is filled with noise of jìshis performing check-ups, upgrades, and repairs on your aircrafts, while the stalwart feixíngyuán prepare to extend your reach to the Heavens themselves.\n`;
+						text += `\nThe hangar, also known as the Jikù, is filled with noise of jìshis performing check-ups, upgrades, and repairs on your aircraft, while the stalwart feixíngyuán prepare to extend your reach to the Heavens themselves.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 75 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
 						text += `\nWhen the mission allows, the military aircraft deployed beyond your arcology's airspace are decorated with brightly-glowing neon yellow chrysanthemum-symbol decals that herald the incoming domination of the emperor's special forces.\n`;
@@ -2191,7 +2191,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100, text = `\n`)
 					r += `\nIt is now Midnight. The lights are the first thing the Colonel's forces disable, as they still have the excellent night vision equipment you purchased for them. Some of your citizens start panicking almost immediately at the sudden blackout; this is very reminiscent of the Daughters of Liberty attack that still haunts many of their memories. Her horde of marauders purges the plaza and lower floors of the arcology mercilessly, thoughtlessly cutting through your tenants with an ease that stinks of true jealously and hatred. Most disturbingly, your penthouse's communications networks are all but destroyed, and your PA has been unreachable, seemingly hacked by some obscure technology you figure only the Colonel's contacts and few others could provide. As bad as all of this is, it is merely meant to distract and disrupt your mercenaries. The real threat is aerial.`;
 					r += `\nOutside the arcology, her many aircraft swarm the local airspace to patrol the Arcology outskirts, conduct recon scans of the upper levels, or monitor your now-secured penthouse, while shooting down any other fleeing VTOL's. You will not be escaping by air. No one will. No escaping by land either: Swarms of her drones are tasing fleeing noncombatants by the hundreds for resale, as the remainder of her army seizes control of vital arcology infrastructure. As you take note of this while donning your bathrobe, several missiles from attack VTOL's come crashing through your penthouse before detonating. Miraculously, no one is harmed by this, and it has even created a gap in a nearby wall for you to escape the penthouse through, but this is but a small comfort in the wake of the squads of disembarking troops, lead by The Colonel herself, rappelling into your penthouse to capture you directly.`;
 					r += `\nYou run. You run faster than you ever have in your life, past burning shops, burning vehicles, burning crowds, and burning bodies. An entire team of The Colonel's men are chasing you, lead by The Colonel herself, with their heavy kit probably the only reason they haven't caught you yet. They obviously want you alive, and you have been sharp enough to realize that this is very bad news for you. During your sprint, you also happen to run past several security cameras that impassively capture high-definition full-color footage of your retreat. When you eventually bump into one of your mercenaries and are escorted to a shelter, the personnel responsible for overseeing the camera feeds upload the footage of your great chase to the internet, where the entire world can see you being hounded by the men and women you personally hired to protect you and your arcology.`;
-					r += `\nEventually, The Colonel's coup collapses. The selfish and malevolent troops following her, easily distracted by the myriad opportunities for rich plunder all around them, end up scattering throughout the arcology and loosing cohesion, allowing for your much better organized security forces, mercenary hunter-killer teams, and even local enraged citizens to regroup and eventually overwhelm each enemy looter gang individually until a grinding total victory is achieved by the end of the week. The Colonel never finds, captures, or kills you. Nor is she ever found, captured, or killed herself. But she did set you on the run, and humiliatingly enough, the entire Free City now knows about it. Everyone has seen the clip. When you think about it she did manage to kill you after all, in a manner of speaking.`;
+					r += `\nEventually, The Colonel's coup collapses. The selfish and malevolent troops following her, easily distracted by the myriad opportunities for rich plunder all around them, end up scattering throughout the arcology and losing cohesion, allowing for your much better organized security forces, mercenary hunter-killer teams, and even local enraged citizens to regroup and eventually overwhelm each enemy looter gang individually until a grinding total victory is achieved by the end of the week. The Colonel never finds, captures, or kills you. Nor is she ever found, captured, or killed herself. But she did set you on the run, and humiliatingly enough, the entire Free City now knows about it. Everyone has seen the clip. When you think about it she did manage to kill you after all, in a manner of speaking.`;
 					r += `\nYour arcology is once more yours, but your people will never forget the horrifying week they spent being slaughtered and hunted by The Colonel's marauders, butchered by the army that you convinced them to allow, or the fact that you couldn't save them because you were very busy being hunted yourself.`;
diff --git a/src/init/dummy.tw b/src/init/dummy.tw
index b30c762d2e5c6ce81e981463ee50566e22fb9ba4..5e12dfa938f8b325599ce1f9fd5279a6eef2b357 100644
--- a/src/init/dummy.tw
+++ b/src/init/dummy.tw
@@ -133,5 +133,8 @@ $W.O.L
 $FSCummunismDecoration, $FSIncestFetishistDecoration, $FSGenderFundamentalistResearch, $FSPaternalistResearch, $FSDegradationistResearch, $FSBodyPuristResearch, $FSMaturityPreferentialistResearch, $FSPastoralistResearch, $FSPhysicalIdealistResearch, $FSRepopulationFocusResearch, $FSRestartResearchPassed
 $0, $2
 $defaultColorMap /* delete when light/normal colormodes are finished */
diff --git a/src/js/rulesAssistant.js b/src/js/rulesAssistant.js
index 295ee026945a2ab22414a4d295d68666046831ac..22a80143d2974600d08dd0ad689b8c490ebd2e70 100644
--- a/src/js/rulesAssistant.js
+++ b/src/js/rulesAssistant.js
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ window.RASummaryCell = function RASummaryCell() {
 	/* start loop for row*/
 	for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { /* i is for rows/"what they are fed" */
 		/* Check if this row will have anything interesting*/
-		for (j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { /* j is the rule set it comes from/"obediant slaves" */
+		for (j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { /* j is the rule set it comes from/"obedient slaves" */
 			values = V.defaultRules[j].set[keys[i]];
 			if (values && values !== "no default setting") {
diff --git a/src/js/slaveListing.js b/src/js/slaveListing.js
index 6f4a2976f68ac706b79a716c9d8a44bcc014a2b9..97bd795317153ae45394b85b5fb8eb1330cf170c 100644
--- a/src/js/slaveListing.js
+++ b/src/js/slaveListing.js
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveList.slaveSelectionList = function() {
 		// clamsi fragment to create a function which combines results of two optional tests
-		// done this way to test for tests presense only once
+		// done this way to test for tests presence only once
 		const listPostNote = options.expCheck ?
 			(options.postNote ?
 				(s, i) => options.expCheck(s) ? '<span class="lime">Has applicable career experience.</span><br>' : '' + options.postNote(s, i) :
diff --git a/src/js/utilJS.js b/src/js/utilJS.js
index 7371986280fae3311af417e6dbbeb93aa50648ca..fa3c7e068e3b6cf943fb88313e6d4cd5691c1a9e 100644
--- a/src/js/utilJS.js
+++ b/src/js/utilJS.js
@@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@ App.UI.tabbar = function() {
- * replaces special HTML charachters with their '&xxx' forms
+ * replaces special HTML characters with their '&xxx' forms
  * @param {string} text
  * @returns {string}
@@ -2290,11 +2290,11 @@ window.IncreasePCSkills = function(input, increase = 1) {
 	player[input] += increase;
 	if (oldSkill <= 10) {
 		if (player[input] >= 10) {
-			return `<span class="green"> <br>You have gained basic knowlege in ${input}.</span>`;
+			return `<span class="green"> <br>You have gained basic knowledge in ${input}.</span>`;
 	} else if (oldSkill <= 30) {
 		if (player[input] >= 30) {
-			return `<span class="green"> <br>You have gained some knowlege in ${input}.</span>`;
+			return `<span class="green"> <br>You have gained some knowledge in ${input}.</span>`;
 	} else if (oldSkill <= 60) {
 		if (player[input] >= 60) {
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw b/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
index bd6abe7a7b655c1b23b70449ab8ec39b2a9f0cad..71fc552cd4fa899b75ad3a7e81033c470f849d1a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
 	<<case "Ecuadorian">>
 		<<set $nickname = either("'Cañari'", "'Cuenca'", "'Ecuadorian'", "'Equator'", "'Galápagos'", "'Glorious May'", "'Guayaquil'", "'Ingapirca'", "'Julian'", "'Latacunga'", "'Liberal'", "'Luz de América'", "'Machala'", "'Mama Negra'", "'New Granada'", "'Party Bus'", "'Portoviejo'", "'Quito'", "'Quitus'", "'Rondador'", "'Tomebamba'")>>
 	<<case "Egyptian">>
-		<<set $nickname = either("'Aegean'", "'Al-Askar'", "'Alexandria'", "'Cairo'", "'Cleopatra'", "'Egyptian'", "'Fustat'", "'Giza'", "'Gypsy'", "'Kemet'", "'Luxor'", "'Memphis'", "'Misirlou'", "'Nasser'", "'Pharoah'", "'Ptah'", "'Pyramid'", "'Sadat'", "'Sinai'", "'Sphinx'", "'Suez'", "'Thebes'")>>
+		<<set $nickname = either("'Aegean'", "'Al-Askar'", "'Alexandria'", "'Cairo'", "'Cleopatra'", "'Egyptian'", "'Fustat'", "'Giza'", "'Gypsy'", "'Kemet'", "'Luxor'", "'Memphis'", "'Misirlou'", "'Nasser'", "'Pharaoh'", "'Ptah'", "'Pyramid'", "'Sadat'", "'Sinai'", "'Sphinx'", "'Suez'", "'Thebes'")>>
 	<<case "Emirati">>
 		<<set $nickname = either("'Abu Dhabi'", "'Ajman'", "'Bedouin'", "'Dubai'", "'Emir'", "'Emirati'", "'Emiri'", "'Emirian'", "'Fujairah'", "'Gulf Tiger'", "'Ras Al Khaimah'", "'Sharjah'", "'Trucial'", "'U.A.E.'", "'Umm Al Quwain'")>>
 	<<case "Equatoguinean">>
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
 	<<case "Malian">>
 		<<set $nickname = either("'Azawad'", "'Bamako'", "'Djenné'", "'French Sudan'", "'Hippopotamus'", "'Malian'", "'Mandinka'", "'Mansa Musa'", "'Sahel'", "'Sikasso'", "'Timbuktu'", "'Trans-Sahara'", "'Tuareg'")>>
 	<<case "Maltese">>
-		<<set $nickname = either("'Birkirkara'", "'George Cross'", "'Għargħar'", "'Maltese Falcon'", "'Maltese'", "'Melita'", "'Mosta'", "'Pharoah Hound'", "'Valletta'")>>
+		<<set $nickname = either("'Birkirkara'", "'George Cross'", "'Għargħar'", "'Maltese Falcon'", "'Maltese'", "'Melita'", "'Mosta'", "'Pharaoh Hound'", "'Valletta'")>>
 	<<case "Marshallese">>
 		<<set $nickname = either("'Bikini Atoll'", "'Ebeye'", "'Enewetak'", "'Leroij'", "'Majuro'", "'Marshall'", "'Marshallese'", "'Rita'", "'Stick Chart'")>>
 	<<case "Mauritanian">>
@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@
 <<case "deaf">>
 	<<set $nickname = either("'Adder'", "'Cochlear'", "'Deaf Ears'", "'Deaf'", "'Deafened'", "'Decibel'", "'Ear Plugs'", "'Earless'", "'Earmuffs'", "'Hearing Aid'", "'Hearing Impaired'", "'Lip Reader'", "'Post'", "'Sign Language'", "'Stone Deaf'", "'Tinnitus'", "'Unhearing'")>>
-	<<set $situationDesc = "is deaf. $He is on constant alert for the commands and orders $he can not hear, and is at the mercy of everyone.">>
+	<<set $situationDesc = "is deaf. $He is on constant alert for the commands and orders $he cannot hear, and is at the mercy of everyone.">>
 	<<set $applyDesc = "accepts that $his disability defines $him. $He takes pride in knowing that $he's being insulted on the fact that $he can't hear any insults.">>
 	<<set $notApplyDesc = "understands that $he is expected to obey, work, and fuck just like any of your other slaves, regardless of $his hearing.">>