diff --git a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
index 9764b9c276f2faccc75cda742ac013d02d5e31fd..293b9a9d6a3c8e6b645d11768ff3a596afbee753 100644
--- a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
+++ b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
+	26
+	-added anon's aphrodisiac demonstration to FCTV
+	-fuckdoll onversion now unsets inflation
diff --git a/devNotes/twine JS b/devNotes/twine JS
index 37f83404ec625d1c18549e98554131be59362b9f..94a59dff86a10812d099a0276da17d5112daae3c 100644
--- a/devNotes/twine JS	
+++ b/devNotes/twine JS	
@@ -975,6 +975,28 @@ window.nippleColor = function(slave) {
+window.overpowerCheck = function(slave, PC) {
+	var strength;
+	if(State.variables.arcologies[0].FSPhyscialIdealist != "unset") {
+		if(PC.title == 1) {
+			strength = 130;
+		} else {
+			strength = 100;
+		}
+	} elseif(PC.title == 1) {
+		strength = 50;
+	} else {
+		strength = 30;
+	}
+	strength += (185-slave.height);
+	strength -= (PC.belly/1000);
+	return strength;
 window.jsAlert = function(obj)
diff --git a/src/events/intro/pcExperienceIntro.tw b/src/events/intro/pcExperienceIntro.tw
index 77ba483b6a47b381837dd29c29241d92c6f3ceaf..1d2993b5b62a6fbb22c3ad936173c1bbe107470d 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/pcExperienceIntro.tw
+++ b/src/events/intro/pcExperienceIntro.tw
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@
     You know how to @@.yellowgreen;lower your upkeep@@, but @@.red;not conduct business@@. Your starting slaves will have free @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ and @@.hotpink;devotion@@.//
     <br>[[Gang Leader|PC Rumor Intro][$PC.career = "gang"]]
-    <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//As am ex-gang leader, you know how to haggle slaves.
+    <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//As an ex-gang leader, you know how to haggle slaves.
     <<if $showSecExp == 1>>
         In addition asserting your authority @@.green;will be easier@@ and @@.yellowgreen;security HQ upgrades will be cheaper@@.
     However you will @@.red;find reputation quite hard@@ to maintain. Your starting slaves will be @@.green;fitter@@  and posses a free level of @@.cyan;combat skill@@ .//
     <br>[[Incursion Specialist|PC Rumor Intro][$PC.career = "BlackHat"]]
-    <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//As am ex-hacker for hire, you know how to gain access computer systems and other devices. @@.green;Certain upgrades may be cheaper@@ , and you may find alternative approaches to problems.
+    <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//As an ex-hacker for hire, you know how to gain access computer systems and other devices. @@.green;Certain upgrades may be cheaper@@ , and you may find alternative approaches to problems.
     <<if $showSecExp == 1>>
         However you will @@.red;find authority quite hard@@ to maintain.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
index 83ec20f060be2a0f9813228abfac975090387ffa..4e1844a6412d0fe256b06189b8832aba16abd9d7 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
@@ -970,12 +970,37 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.
 				<<set _fctvs = $slaves.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $Concubine.ID; })>>
 				<<set $slaves[_fctvs].penetrativeCount += 1, $penetrativeTotal += 1>>
 			<<elseif $sexualOpeness == 1>>
-				find your favorite cock to get a creampie from.
+				find your favorite cock to get a creampie from. You've never had a more lust-filled orgasm.
-				find your favorite squirt dildo to creampie yourself with.
+				find your favorite squirt dildo to creampie yourself with. You've never had a more lust-filled orgasm.
-			You've never had a more lust-filled orgasm.
+	<<else>>
+		The random function begins playing a Free Cities documentary on the benefits of aphrodisiacs, which is almost halfway over. A montage of out-of-context shots of injectors, suppositories, and bottles of liquid interspersed with very horny, sweaty slaves needily grinding on each other plays before cutting back to the presenter, a gorgeous young woman with long, brown hair in a tight one-piece red dress and matching heels. Her dress, practically a second skin, proudly reveals that she definitely isn't wearing a bra or panties of any kind but still leaves plenty up to the imagination increasing her enticing presence. She's with a handsome man in a labcoat, and they're sitting on a couch in an office with a microphone on a coffee table between them.
+		<br>
+		"I met with one of the leading scientists working on cleaner, higher-purity aphrodisiacs." the woman presenting narrates.
+		<br>
+		The scientist's volume fades in, and you can finally hear what he has to say. "The problem with most of the cheap stuff is it can make you sick and it can be really hard to kick an addiction to it. With products similar to what we aim to create those risks are severely mitigated, showing that the potential for healthy, prolonged use of aphrodisacs exists, and that cessation of use can be significantly easier."
+		<br>
+		The woman cuts in with a question. "But won't an easier time quitting mean a weaker product?"
+		<br>
+		"Not at all." he says confidently. "But I'd rather show you than tell you." he says, motioning to the camera. He signals to someone off-camera and an unresisting woman in a nun's outfit is dragged out and placed on her knees in the middle of the room by two men in street clothes.
+		<br>
+		"This was a nun from the old world, recently made a slave." he explains. "We do all of our testing on legally purchased slaves who are slated to work in brothels that use aphrodisiacs anyway, so there's no harm done."
+		<br>
+		One of the men from earlier walks back into frame and hands the scentist an injector. "This is one of our latest prototypes, the purest we've produced yet. I'm proud to be able to show it off today." he says as he prepares an injection site on the right side of the nun's neck. He moves the injector close to her neck, just barely grazing her skin. "Before I do this, for the cameras, how do you feel about taking it up the ass in front of this nice girl, Sister?"
+		<br>
+		The nun looks up with anger and defiance before speaking in a low tone "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor m-" the scientist injects her, and her eyes immediately widen. Her cheeks quickly flush and her breathing becomes labored as she clenches her teeth. "What's the matter?" the scientist teases. "No more verses?"
+		<br>
+		The nun unconciously moves closer to him, and finds herself hugging his thigh and rubbing her crotch against his leg like a dog. Her robes are soaked right at the spot where her pussy ought to be, and she's drooling as she undoes the scientist's pants. When his big, soft cock flops out and slaps her face, she desperately licks and sucks on it to get it hard before hungrily deepthroating it at a maddening pace. The scientist eventually grabs her hair and rips his cock out of her mouth before blowing his load all over her face, all on camera. "One more time for the cameras." he says. "How do you feel about taking it up the ass in front of this nice girl, Sister?"
+		<br>
+		"Please fuck me." the nun whimpers. "Please. I need it. My... it burns."
+		<br>
+		"Fuck you in your ass?" he clarifies.
+		<br>
+		"Anywhere. Please, now. Please."
+		<br>
+		He bends her over the couch, right next to the presenter, who's been watching the entire time. She's transfixed with genuine interest in the aphrodisiacs and genuine cocklust for the scientist. The scientist slides his spit-covered cock into the nun's ass, and she thanks him through tears as she moans and desperately rubs her clit. He's pounding her hard and fast, and she cums quickly, but clearly she isn't satiated judging by how quickly she goes back to slamming her ass against the scientist after cumming. Eventually the sight of it is too much for the presenter, who mouths "fuck it" before hiking up the bottom of her dress to her hips revealing a beatifully puffy pussy and a carefully-sculpted landing strip. The presenter shifts over on the couch, and pulls the nun by her hair to make her eat her cunt. They go on like this for some time, with the nun and presenter frequently changing places, much to the delight of the scientist. By the end of the scene the nun is crying on the floor, leaking cum from every holy hole and staring off into space. The benefits of aphrodisiacs are quite clear.
 	It seems there's a technical error preventing you from streaming, you tell $assistantName to look into it.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw b/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw
index 6a20cb58d965d87b7e129d446e97eae58e9a3fed..a0ce0e8d64d553f07e7e1912bfcaf9b2331589da 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw
@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ The prosthesis facility has constructed $possessive prosthetic limbs.
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<br>$pronounCap is a normal sex slave, not a living sex toy.
 	<<if $activeSlave.indentureRestrictions < 1 && $activeSlave.breedingMark != 1>>
-		[[Encase in a Fuckdoll suit|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.subTarget=0, $activeSlave.sentence=0, $activeSlave.training=0, $activeSlave.toyHole="all her holes", $activeSlave.pubicHStyle="waxed", $activeSlave.livingRules="spare", $activeSlave.speechRules="restrictive", $activeSlave.releaseRules="restrictive", $activeSlave.relationshipRules="restrictive", $activeSlave.fuckdoll=1, $activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes=0, $activeSlave.clothes="a Fuckdoll suit", $activeSlave.collar="none", $activeSlave.shoes="heels", $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory="none", $activeSlave.dickAccessory="none", $activeSlave.buttplug="none", $activeSlave.attrKnown=1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown=1, $surgeryType = "fuckdoll"]] //This is permanent and will greatly restrict $possessive//
+		[[Encase in a Fuckdoll suit|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.subTarget=0, $activeSlave.sentence=0, $activeSlave.training=0, $activeSlave.toyHole="all her holes", $activeSlave.pubicHStyle="waxed", $activeSlave.livingRules="spare", $activeSlave.speechRules="restrictive", $activeSlave.releaseRules="restrictive", $activeSlave.relationshipRules="restrictive", $activeSlave.fuckdoll=1, $activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes=0, $activeSlave.clothes="a Fuckdoll suit", $activeSlave.collar="none", $activeSlave.shoes="heels", $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory="none", $activeSlave.dickAccessory="none", $activeSlave.buttplug="none", $activeSlave.attrKnown=1, $activeSlave.fetishKnown=1, $activeSlave.inflation=0, $activeSlave.inflationType="none", $activeSlave.inflationMethod=0, $activeSlave.inflationSource=0, $surgeryType = "fuckdoll"]] //This is permanent and will greatly restrict $possessive//
 	<br>$pronounCap is encased in a Fuckdoll suit. [[Extract it|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.fuckdoll=0, $activeSlave.clothes="no clothing", $activeSlave.shoes="none", $surgeryType = "fuckdollExtraction"]]
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw b/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw
index d651f9567b3cee201521c292551b0da2eae54f95..65389ab07f3faee560dd58bdfe99730d8c2f5fbd 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
 As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes,
 <<if $surgeryType == "fuckdoll">>
+	<<SetBellySize $activeSlave>>
 	your new Fuckdoll <<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>stumbles<<else>>is carried<</if>> out of the surgery room. The only <<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>areas of skin visible are those around its vulva and anus<<else>>area of skin visible is that around its anus<</if>><<if $activeSlave.lips > 95>>, though its lips are also visible as its facepussy makes the standard Fuckdoll mouth insert unnecessary<</if>>. You can see it starting to struggle against the constricting material of the Fuckdoll suit as the sedation wears off. Other than the tiny area of exposed skin and the slight movement, there's no indication that the sex doll in front of you is alive at all.
 <<elseif $surgeryType == "fuckdollExtraction">>
 	$activeSlave.slaveName <<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>walks<<else>>is carried<</if>> out of the surgery room.