diff --git a/js/002-config/fc-js-init.js b/js/002-config/fc-js-init.js
index 550ee01672b9960ed4cbf4b99e439ee30785b1ff..c5c8c5e63e3daa5774f6cbb578156c0da08d0ea8 100644
--- a/js/002-config/fc-js-init.js
+++ b/js/002-config/fc-js-init.js
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves = {};
 App.Data.Weather = {};
 App.Debug = {};
 App.Desc = {};
+App.Desc.Player = {};
 App.Encyclopedia = {};
 App.Encyclopedia.Entries = {};
 App.EndWeek = {};
diff --git a/src/player/desc/boobs.js b/src/player/desc/boobs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12d4fa3b0fa260d097bcb69897e1aafb61dd44d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/player/desc/boobs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+App.Desc.Player.boobs = function(slave) {
+	const r = [];
+	let frag;
+	const passage = passage();
+	if (passage === "Manage Personal Affairs") {
+		if (V.PC.boobs >= 1400) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">pair of H-cup breasts.</span>`);
+			if (V.PC.boobsImplant > 0) {
+				r.push(`They are big, round, and obviously implants. They barely move when you fuck your slaves.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`They are all natural, heavy, and a bit saggy though they have some perk to them. Once they get going, it's hard to make them stop.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel even more enormous lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1200) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">pair of G-cup breasts.</span>`);
+			if (V.PC.boobsImplant > 0) {
+				r.push(`They are kind of rounded and much too perky for their size to pass as real. They have a bit of bounce to them as you fuck a ${slave}.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`They are all natural and a little heavy. The bounce everywhere when you fuck your slaves.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel even more huge lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1000) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">pair of F-cup breasts.</span>`);
+			if (V.PC.boobsImplant > 0) {
+				r.push(`They are nice, perky and not obviously implants. Though the way they move when you fuck a slave pins them as such.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`They are nice and perky, despite their size. They bounce lewdly as you fuck your slaves.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 800) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">healthy pair of DD-cup breasts.</span> They are nice, perky and jiggle pleasantly with your every move.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel fuller lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 650) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">pair of D-cup breasts.</span> They are nice, perky and bounce pleasantly as you fuck your slaves.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 500) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">pair of C-cup breasts.</span> They are nice and perky, with just a little bounce when you fuck your slaves.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 400) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">pair of B-cup breasts.</span> They are nice and perky, with almost no bounce when you fuck your slaves.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 300) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">tiny pair of A-cup breasts.</span> They are nice and perky, but that's about it.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`They feel a bit bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`Your chest is covered in a light spray of freckles.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`Your chest is covered in dense freckles.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+			r.push(`you have a <span class="orange">masculine chest.</span>`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your chest feels swollen; the beads of milk forming on your nipples tells you why.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`Your chest is covered in a light spray of freckles.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`Your chest is covered in dense freckles.`);
+			}
+		} else {
+			r.push(`</span>you're flat.</span> You have nothing in the breast department.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your nipples cap a pair of painfully swollen bumps; milk beads from them at the slightest provocation.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`Your chest is covered in a light spray of freckles.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`Your chest is covered in dense freckles.`);
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (passage === "Economics") {
+		if (V.PC.career === "servant") {
+			if (V.PC.boobs >= 1400) {
+				r.push(`You've gotten your dress let out to accommodate your huge bust.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1200) {
+				r.push(`Your dress bulges with your big breasts.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1000) {
+				r.push(`Your dress feels tight around your breasts.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.career === "escort") {
+			if (V.PC.boobs >= 1400) {
+				r.push(`Your top strains as it struggles to cover your nipples, letting your huge`);
+				if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+					r.push(`, freckled`);
+				} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+					r.push(`, densely freckled`);
+				}
+				r.push(` bust bulge lewdly around it.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1200) {
+				r.push(`Your top can barely contain your big`);
+				if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+					r.push(`, freckled`);
+				} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+					r.push(`, heavily freckled`);
+				}
+				r.push(` breasts, leaving you looking sluttier than ever.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1000) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts spill over your slutty`);
+				if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+					r.push(`top, showing off your freckled cleavage.`);
+				} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+					r.push(`top, freckle packed cleavage.`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`top.`);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (V.PC.boobs >= 1400) {
+				r.push(`You've gotten your top retailored to fit your huge bust.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1200) {
+				r.push(`Your top strains against your big breasts`);
+				if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+					r.push(`breasts, revealing a peak of freckled cleavage.`);
+				} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+					r.push(`breasts, revealing a peak of densely freckled cleavage.`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`breasts.`);
+				}
+			} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1000) {
+				r.push(`Your top feels tight around your breasts.`);
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (V.PC.boobs >= 1400) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts are`);
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`enormous with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`enormous and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`enormous.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.boobsImplant > 0) {
+				r.push(`They are big, round, and obviously implants. They insist on maintaining their shape no matter how you move.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`They are all natural, heavy, and a bit saggy though they retain some perk. Every single move you make sends ripples through your cleavage. You catch yourself watching them move in the mirror every so often.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel even more enormous lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1200) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts are`);
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`huge with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`huge and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`huge.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.boobsImplant > 0) {
+				r.push(`They are unnaturally perky for their size. When you shake them, they barely move.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`They are all natural and a little heavy. They bounce lewdly when you shake them and take a little too long to calm down.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel even more huge lately; this is this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1000) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts are pretty`);
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`big with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`big and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`big.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.boobsImplant > 0) {
+				r.push(`They are nice, perky and not obviously implants. They jiggle only slightly when you shake them though.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`They are nice and perky, despite their size. They bounce lewdly when you shake them.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 800) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts are on the larger side of`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`things, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`things.`);
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 650) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts are certainly`);
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`eye-catching with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`eye-catching and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`eye-catching.`);
+			}
+			r.push(`They are nice and perky, with just the right amount of bounce when you shake them.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 500) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts are fairly average, at least to old world`);
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`standards, with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`standards, and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`standards.`);
+			}
+			r.push(`They are very perky, but aren't big enough to have a nice bounce when you shake them.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 400) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts are considered small by most`);
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`standards, with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`standards, and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`standards.`);
+			}
+			r.push(`Their size makes them extremely perky, at the cost of having little to no bounce.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 300) {
+			r.push(`Your breasts, if they can even be called that, are`);
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				r.push(`covered in a light spray of freckles.`);
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				r.push(`covered in dense freckles.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`tiny even by old world standards.`);
+			}
+			r.push(`On the plus side, no chance of sag.`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				r.push(`Your breasts feel more substantial lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.`);
+			}
+		} else if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+			r.push(`Your chest is quite`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				frag = `masculine, though the pair of wet spots forming over your nipples suggest otherwise,`;
+			} else {
+				frag = `masculine`;
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				frag += ` and covered in a light spray of freckles.`;
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				frag += ` and covered in dense freckles.`;
+			} else {
+				frag += `.`; // all this frag bs is to make sure there is no space before the period.  Sigh.
+			}
+			r.push(frag);
+		} else {
+			r.push(`Your chest is`);
+			if (V.PC.lactation > 0) {
+				frag = `non-existent, save for the pair of bulging milk glands beneath your nipples,`;
+			} else {
+				frag = `non-existent`;
+			}
+			if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
+				frag += ` and covered in a light spray of freckles.`;
+			} else if (V.PC.markings === "heavily freckled") {
+				frag += ` and covered in dense freckles.`;
+			} else {
+				frag += `.`;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return r.join(" ");
diff --git a/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw b/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw
index 3b36ea4884a7679a7d43e8a72de958a43d492823..1569f34830a2bdf2492b1e0e16cb31d65fd7186a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 		<<if ($playerAging != 0)>>Your birthday is <<if $PC.birthWeek == 51>>next week<<else>>in <<print 52-$PC.birthWeek>> weeks<</if>>.<</if>>
 		Looking down,
-		<<PlayerBoobs>>
+		<<= App.Desc.Player.boobs()>>
 		<<if $PC.prostate > 2 && $PC.belly < 10000>> Your pubic mound bulges outward noticeably thanks to your massive prostate.<<elseif $PC.prostate == 2 && $PC.belly < 5000>> Your pubic mound swells outward slightly due to your oversized prostate.<</if>>
 		Beneath all that,
diff --git a/src/pregmod/personalNotes.tw b/src/pregmod/personalNotes.tw
index 107146bd8eea66eca10f1f17db64d007f78bac09..aadb19b6dd149d08acde929f323085b4bd64c274 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/personalNotes.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/personalNotes.tw
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <<if $useTabs == 0>>__Personal Notes__<</if>>
 <<if ($playerAging != 0)>>Your birthday is <<if $PC.birthWeek == 51>>next week<<if $playerAging == 2>>; you'll be turning <<print $PC.actualAge+1>><</if>><<else>>in <<print 52-$PC.birthWeek>> weeks<</if>>.<</if>>
+<<= App.Desc.Player.boobs()>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw
index fb9f61c052366eb36fe465c7505b5387765b190a..6a6345efc76c930872f5ebe3365fc6d3c27b8b3d 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw
@@ -1,272 +1,5 @@
 :: player description widgets [nobr widget]
-<<widget "PlayerBoobs">>
-<<set _passage = passage()>>
-<<if _passage == "Manage Personal Affairs">>
-	<<if $PC.boobs >= 1400>>
-		you have a @@.orange;pair of H-cup breasts.@@
-		<<if $PC.boobsImplant > 0>>
-			They are big, round, and obviously implants. They barely move when you fuck your slaves.
-		<<else>>
-			They are all natural, heavy, and a bit saggy though they have some perk to them. Once they get going, it's hard to make them stop.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel even more enormous lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1200>>
-		you have a @@.orange;pair of G-cup breasts.@@
-		<<if $PC.boobsImplant > 0>>
-			They are kind of rounded and much too perky for their size to pass as real. They have a bit of bounce to them as you fuck a slave.
-		<<else>>
-			They are all natural and a little heavy. The bounce everywhere when you fuck your slaves.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel even more huge lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1000>>
-		you have a @@.orange;pair of F-cup breasts.@@
-		<<if $PC.boobsImplant > 0>>
-			They are nice, perky and not obviously implants. Though the way they move when you fuck a slave pins them as such.
-		<<else>>
-			They are nice and perky, despite their size. They bounce lewdly as you fuck your slaves.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 800>>
-		you have a @@.orange;healthy pair of DD-cup breasts.@@ They are nice, perky and jiggle pleasantly with your every move.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel fuller lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 650>>
-		you have a @@.orange;pair of D-cup breasts.@@ They are nice, perky and bounce pleasantly as you fuck your slaves.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 500>>
-		you have a @@.orange;pair of C-cup breasts.@@ They are nice and perky, with just a little bounce when you fuck your slaves.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 400>>
-		you have a @@.orange;pair of B-cup breasts.@@ They are nice and perky, with almost no bounce when you fuck your slaves.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 300>>
-		you have a @@.orange;tiny pair of A-cup breasts.@@ They are nice and perky, but that's about it.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			They feel a bit bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			Your chest is covered in a light spray of freckles.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			Your chest is covered in dense freckles.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.title == 1>>
-		you have a @@.orange;masculine chest.@@
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your chest feels swollen; the beads of milk forming on your nipples tells you why.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			Your chest is covered in a light spray of freckles.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			Your chest is covered in dense freckles.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		@@you're flat.@@ You have nothing in the breast department.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your nipples cap a pair of painfully swollen bumps; milk beads from them at the slightest provocation.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			Your chest is covered in a light spray of freckles.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			Your chest is covered in dense freckles.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif _passage == "Economics">>
-	<<if $PC.career == "servant">>
-		<<if $PC.boobs >= 1400>>
-			You've gotten your dress let out to accommodate your huge bust.
-		<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1200>>
-			Your dress bulges with your big breasts.
-		<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1000>>
-			Your dress feels tight around your breasts.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.career == "escort">>
-		<<if $PC.boobs >= 1400>>
-			Your top strains as it struggles to cover your nipples, letting your huge<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>, freckled<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>, densely freckled<</if>> bust bulge lewdly around it.
-		<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1200>>
-			Your top can barely contain your big<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>, freckled<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>, heavily freckled<</if>> breasts, leaving you looking sluttier than ever.
-		<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1000>>
-			Your breasts spill over your slutty top<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>, showing off your freckled cleavage<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>, freckle packed cleavage<</if>>.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $PC.boobs >= 1400>>
-			You've gotten your top retailored to fit your huge bust.
-		<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1200>>
-			Your top strains against your big breasts<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>, revealing a peak of freckled cleavage<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>, revealing a peak of densely freckled cleavage<</if>>.
-		<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1000>>
-			Your top feels tight around your breasts.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $PC.boobs >= 1400>>
-		Your breasts are
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			enormous with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			enormous and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<<else>>
-			enormous.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.boobsImplant > 0>>
-			They are big, round, and obviously implants. They insist on maintaining their shape no matter how you move.
-		<<else>>
-			They are all natural, heavy, and a bit saggy though they retain some perk. Every single move you make sends ripples through your cleavage. You catch yourself watching them move in the mirror every so often.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel even more enormous lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1200>>
-		Your breasts are
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			huge with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			huge and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<<else>>
-			huge.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.boobsImplant > 0>>
-			They are unnaturally perky for their size. When you shake them, they barely move.
-		<<else>>
-			They are all natural and a little heavy. They bounce lewdly when you shake them and take a little too long to calm down.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel even more huge lately; this is this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 1000>>
-		Your breasts are pretty
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			big with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			big and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<<else>>
-			big.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.boobsImplant > 0>>
-			They are nice, perky and not obviously implants. They jiggle only slightly when you shake them though.
-		<<else>>
-			They are nice and perky, despite their size. They bounce lewdly when you shake them.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 800>>
-		Your breasts are on the larger side of things<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples<</if>>.
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			The tops of your breasts and your cleavage are lightly freckled.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			They are covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 650>>
-		Your breasts are certainly
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			eye-catching with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			eye-catching and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<<else>>
-			eye-catching.
-		<</if>>
-		They are nice and perky, with just the right amount of bounce when you shake them.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 500>>
-		Your breasts are fairly average, at least to old world
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			standards, with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			standards, and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<<else>>
-			standards.
-		<</if>>
-		They are very perky, but aren't big enough to have a nice bounce when you shake them.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 400>>
-		Your breasts are considered small by most
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			standards, with light freckling on the tops and in your cleavage.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			standards, and covered in freckles, which are particularly dense in the cleft between them.
-		<<else>>
-			standards.
-		<</if>>
-		Their size makes them extremely perky, at the cost of having little to no bounce.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel bigger lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.boobs >= 300>>
-		Your breasts, if they can even be called that, are
-		<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>
-			covered in a light spray of freckles.
-		<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>
-			covered in dense freckles.
-		<<else>>
-			tiny even by old world standards.
-		<</if>>
-		On the plus side, no chance of sag.
-		<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>
-			Your breasts feel more substantial lately; this is likely a side effect of your lactation, though you could do without the wet spots forming over your nipples.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.title == 1>>
-		Your chest is quite masculine<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>, though the pair of wet spots forming over your nipples suggest otherwise,<</if>><<if $PC.markings == "freckles">> and covered in a light spray of freckles<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">> and covered in dense freckles<</if>>.
-	<<else>>
-		Your chest is non-existent<<if $PC.lactation > 0>>, save for the pair of bulging milk glands beneath your nipples,<</if>><<if $PC.markings == "freckles">> and covered in a light spray of freckles<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">> and covered in dense freckles<</if>>.
-	<</if>>
 <<widget "PlayerBelly">>
 <<set _passage = passage()>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
index 9285a8b0b52caeeda008199566f6a0082cf6286c..c82d5670aae6ec7a3a3c9ad65c054743146b25b3 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 A small mirror resides on your desk, facing you.
 A $PC.visualAge year old, $PC.faceShape<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>, freckled<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>, densely freckled<</if>> face stares back at you.
 <<if ($playerAging != 0) && $PC.birthWeek == 51>>You'll be turning <<print $PC.actualAge+1>> next week.<</if>>
+<<= App.Desc.Player.boobs()>>