diff --git a/src/facilities/fsPassage.js b/src/facilities/fsPassage.js
index aad78c0bdfaba982f1dbf4ebd7e558476de026a5..a9cd1a1e6b6e16432b21db360c75e81dfab19a56 100644
--- a/src/facilities/fsPassage.js
+++ b/src/facilities/fsPassage.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ App.UI.FSPassage = function() {
 	const arc = V.arcologies[0];
 	const {hisA} = getPronouns(assistant.pronouns().main).appendSuffix('A');
 	V.FSReminder = "";
+	const _FSCredits = FutureSocieties.availCredits();
@@ -17,7 +18,10 @@ App.UI.FSPassage = function() {
 			"MOD_Edit FS Cheat"
+	el.append(overview());
+	el.append(spending());
 	return el;
@@ -415,6 +419,20 @@ App.UI.FSPassage = function() {
 		return el;
+	function overview() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		const r = [];
+		if (_FSCredits > 0) {
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("span", `${V.arcologies[0].name}'s society is ready to begin accepting a new societal direction.`, "yellow"));
+		} else if (V.FSGotRepCredits >= 3) {
+			r.push(`Your society is so radically changed that it is starting to take on a life of its own. The major decisions about its direction have been made.`);
+		} else {
+			r.push(`You must develop your reputation further for ${V.arcologies[0].name}'s society to be ready for a new societal direction.`);
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		return el;
+	}
 	function unlocks() {
 		const el = new DocumentFragment();
 		const r = [];
@@ -424,4 +442,208 @@ App.UI.FSPassage = function() {
 		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
 		return el;
+	function spending() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		let r = [];
+		const warn = (V.FSSpending > 10000);
+		V.FSSpending = Number(V.FSSpending) || 0;
+		V.FSSpending = Math.clamp(Math.ceil(V.FSSpending/1000)*1000, 0, 10000);
+		r.push(`You are spending ¤`);
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeTextBox(
+			V.FSSpending,
+			(v) => { V.FSSpending = v; },
+			true
+		));
+		r.push(`each week to support your societal goals.`);
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		if (warn) {
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", el, `Spending more than ${cashFormat(10000)} weekly would be counterproductive`, "note");
+		}
+		return el;
+	}
+	function rename() {
+		const el = document.createElement('span');
+		el.id = "mass";
+		// Make title
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist !== "unset"
+		|| V.arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") {
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h3", el, "Names");
+		}
+		const linkArray = [];
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Give all your slaves devotional names",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.chattelReligionistSlaveNames.random();
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Give all your lactating slaves cow names",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.cowSlaveNames.random();
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Give all your idiotic slaves stripper names",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.bimboSlaveNames.random();
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Rename all your slaves according to Roman custom",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.romanSlaveNames.random(),
+							slave.slaveSurname = setup.romanSlaveSurnames.random();
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Rename all your slaves according to ancient Aztec custom",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.aztecSlaveNames.random(),
+							slave.slaveSurname = 0;
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Rename all your slaves according to ancient Egyptian custom",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.ancientEgyptianSlaveNames.random(),
+							slave.slaveSurname = 0;
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Rename all your slaves according to feudal Japanese custom",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.edoSlaveNames.random(),
+							slave.slaveSurname = setup.edoSlaveSurnames.random();
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Rename all your slaves according to Degradationist custom",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							DegradingName(slave);
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Rename your obedient slaves according to Paternalist custom",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							if (slave.devotion > 20 || (slave.devotion >= -20 && slave.trust < -20)) {
+								const _toSearch = slave.slaveName;
+								if (_toSearch.indexOf("Miss") === -1) {
+									if (_toSearch.indexOf("Ms.") === -1) {
+										if (_toSearch.indexOf("Mrs.") === -1) {
+											if (slave.relationship > 4) {
+												/*
+												<<for V.j = 0; V.j < V.slaves.length; V.j++>>
+													if (slave.relationshipTarget === V.slaves[V.j].ID) {
+														slave.slaveName = ("Mrs. " + slave.slaveName + " " + V.slaves[V.j].slaveName);
+													}
+												<</for>>
+												*/
+												slave.slaveName = ("Mrs. " + slave.slaveName);
+											} else if ((slave.actualAge > 24)) {
+												slave.slaveName = ("Ms. " + slave.slaveName);
+											} else {
+												slave.slaveName = ("Miss " + slave.slaveName);
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						refresh("Obedient slaves renamed.");
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		if (V.arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Give all your slaves simple bimbo names",
+					() => {
+						for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+							slave.slaveName = setup.bimboSlaveNames.random();
+							slave.slaveSurname = 0;
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		return el;
+		function refresh(text = "Slaves renamed.") {
+			jQuery("#mass").empty().append(text);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/futureSociety.tw b/src/uncategorized/futureSociety.tw
index 11f44c670eb6616838e7cb4a489b2a9c915e2355..f30b2ac185c36f6478bf836813e3930e0d755fc3 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/futureSociety.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/futureSociety.tw
@@ -5,39 +5,6 @@
-You have unlocked
-<span class="note">
-	<<= num($FSGotRepCredits, true)>>
-	of <<= num($FSCreditCount, true)>>
-possible societal customizations.
-You are spending <<print cashFormat($FSSpending)>> each week to support your societal goals.
-<<if $FSSpending > 900>>
-	[[Decrease|Future Society][$FSSpending -= 1000]] |
-	Decrease |
-<<if $FSSpending < 10000>>
-	<<link "Increase">><<set $FSSpending += 1000>><<goto "Future Society">><</link>>
-	Increase
-<<if $FSSpending > 10000>><<set _warn = 1>><</if>>
-<<set $FSSpending = Number($FSSpending) || 0>>
-<<set $FSSpending = Math.clamp(Math.ceil($FSSpending/1000)*1000, 0, 10000)>>
-	You are spending ¤<<textbox "_newFSSpending" $FSSpending>> each week to support your societal goals. [[Save changes|Future Society][$FSSpending = Number(_newFSSpending) || 0]]
-<<if _warn>>
-	<div class="note">
-		Spending more than <<print cashFormat(10000)>> weekly would be counterproductive
-	</div>
 <span id="mass">
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset"