diff --git a/src/js/textInput.js b/src/js/textInput.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f24d6c434af8a499431aa765cfd55143c50461..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/js/textInput.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Macro.add("textinput", {
-	// Signifies that the macro is a container macro.
-	tags: null,
-	handler: function() {
-		if (this.args.length < 2) {
-			const errors = [];
-			if (this.args.length === 0) {
-				errors.push("variable name");
-			}
-			if (this.args.length < 2) {
-				errors.push("default value");
-			}
-			return this.error(`no ${errors.join(" or ")} specified`);
-		}
-		// Ensure that the variable name argument is a string.
-		if (typeof this.args[0] !== "string") {
-			return this.error("variable name argument is not a string");
-		}
-		const varName = this.args[0].trim();
-		// Try to ensure that we receive the variable's name (incl. sigil), not its value.
-		if (varName[0] !== "$" && varName[0] !== "_") {
-			return this.error(`variable name '${varName}' is missing its sigil ($ or _)`);
-		}
-		const that = this;
-		const defaultValue = this.args[1];
-		const el = document.createElement("textarea");
-		// Setup and append the textarea element to the output buffer.
-		jQuery(el)
-			.attr({
-				rows: 4,
-				// cols: 68, // instead of setting "cols" we set the `min-width` in CSS
-				tabindex: 0 // for accessibility
-			})
-			.addClass("macro-textarea") // "hijack" the .macro-textarea class
-			.on("input", function() {
-				Wikifier.setValue(varName, this.value);
-				if (that.payload[0].contents !== "") {
-					Wikifier.wikifyEval(that.payload[0].contents.trim());
-				}
-			})
-			.appendTo(this.output);
-		// Set the story variable and textarea element to the default value.
-		Wikifier.setValue(varName, defaultValue);
-		// Ideally, we should be setting `.defaultValue` here, but IE doesn't support it,
-		// so we have to use `.textContent`, which is equivalent.
-		el.textContent = defaultValue;
-	}