From 64991c79c7c5275e2a7489654d8eeae69cecbaca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pregmodder <>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 00:08:52 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] corrected it to match others in the passage

 devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt | 2 +-
 src/uncategorized/              | 4 ++--
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
index 2e11c8c3a4d..7bd6a278309 100644
--- a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
+++ b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-	-minor fixes
+	-minor fixes and a major fix to personal attention
 	-additional new vectors for the new embedded vector art
 	-added option to c-section a slave should you feel like it
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index a3ba80655ce..91a2c18b20a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
 			The incubation facility conditioned her mind for total subservience to her owner; she can not resist her progress.
 		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= random(1,100)>>
 			The natural resilience of her mind is overcome by the omnipresent combination of faith and servitude in $arcologies[0].name, and she does not resist her progress down the path towards total subservience.
-		<<elseif $personalAttention.length > 0>>
+		<<elseif Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
 			She gained so much regard for you this week that her natural reaction is to rebound a little, but since you're giving her personal attention, your charismatic presence prevents this.
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < 95>>
 			So many things served to drive her into subservience this week that her mind @@.mediumorchid;rebounds a little.@@
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
 			Any natural doubts she has are overcome by her conditioning in the incubation facilty; she can not resist trusting her owner.
 		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= random(1,100)>>
 			Any natural doubts she harbors are overcome by her belief in Chattel Religionism, and she does not resist her progress down the path towards total trust in you.
-		<<elseif $personalAttention.length > 0>>
+		<<elseif Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
 			She gained so much trust in you this week that her natural reaction is to doubt herself, but since you're giving her personal attention, she decides to trust her understanding of your will.
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < 95>>
 			She gained so much trust in you this week that she;draws back a little@@ out of self-doubt.