diff --git a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
index 4654302a21205a87e06340ca28daa42b751d82b1..110b0caf90f17cdf5e56223b82dfa40db8e06557 100644
--- a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
+++ b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
@@ -2,8 +2,19 @@
+	53
+	-fixes
+	-more code improvements
+	-more REFI work
+	52
+	-fixes
+	-Deepmurks skin color rework
 	-added monokini
 	-various fixes, code cleanup, etc
diff --git a/devNotes/twine JS b/devNotes/twine JS
index bbe5727bd65e3a275dfcc86c67452a4c12f530ae..502f21b4c5c83d61f9eb3ac210fc9201c95e4f80 100644
--- a/devNotes/twine JS	
+++ b/devNotes/twine JS	
@@ -7413,7 +7413,7 @@ window.todaysOutfit = function(slave) {
 		} else if(slave.assignment == "be the Wardeness") {
 			wardrobeAssignment.push({text: "and dons battledress, the better to intimidate the prisoners.", clothes: "battledress"});
 			wardrobeAssignment.push({text: "and slips into a scalemail bikini, the better to intimidate the prisoners.", clothes: "a scalemail bikini"});
-			wardrobeAssignment.push({text: "and dons a scandalous habit to make it perfectly clear that crossing this nun will result in sexual punishment.", clothes: "a fallen nun's habit"});
+			wardrobeAssignment.push({text: "and dons a scandalous habit to make it perfectly clear that crossing this nun will result in sexual punishment.", clothes: "a fallen nuns habit"});
 			if(isItemAccessible("stretch pants and a crop-top")) {
 				wardrobeAssignment.push({text: "and decides to take it easy by slipping into some stretch pants. They come off just as quickly as they come on, just in case.", clothes: "stretch pants and a crop-top"});
diff --git a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index c228ff7c541bd1a4b497d15f8cfda4f86d83df21..96ba186cf7e8f7f7696b97a1c50b7792b4057b9f 100644
--- a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -903,6 +903,8 @@ accepts string
+"messy bun"
@@ -1955,8 +1957,8 @@ may accept strings, use at own risk
 "cutoffs and a t-shirt"
 "a slutty outfit"
 "uncomfortable straps"
-"a fallen nun's habit"
-"a penitent nun's habit"
+"a fallen nuns habit"
+"a penitent nuns habit"
 "slutty jewelry"
 "harem gauze"
 "a slave gown"
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/REFI.tw b/src/uncategorized/REFI.tw
index d2ba783455f0dc5981cbe44141384d8ed2144ad0..fc111bb18f9a5f5b2eec0a7614abaee25c5ea0e7 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/REFI.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/REFI.tw
@@ -745,8 +745,65 @@ You have $subSlave.slaveName pinned up against a railing on a balcony that overl
 <<elseif $PC.belly >= 5000>>
-	<<link "Turn her into another pregnancy obsessed whore">>
-		You are proggo and she thinks you are hot. //This is obviously a placeholder//
+	<<link "Temper her interest into an pregnancy obsession">>
+		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.accent >= 3>>
+				<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
+					She takes a long, frustrating time for her to communicate that she's fascinated by pregnancy, since she doesn't know the $language words for things like gravid and swollen belly nor does have the hands to gesture it.
+				<<else>>
+					She fumbles through a gestured explanation that she's fascinated by pregnancy, since she doesn't know the $language words for things like gravid and swollen belly.
+				<</if>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.voice == 0>>
+				<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
+					She's mute and has no hands, so it takes a long, frustrating time for her to communicate that she's fascinated by pregnancy.
+				<<else>>
+					She's mute, so she uses gestures to communicate her attraction to the pregnant form.
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				She can't form
+				<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
+					words and has no hands, so it takes a long, frustrating time for her to communicate that she's fascinated by pregnancy.
+				<<else>>
+					words, so she uses gestures to communicate her attraction to the pregnant figure.
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.lips > 70>>
+				She <<says>>s through her massive dick-sucking lips,
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
+				She <<says>>s through her big oral piercings,
+			<<else>>
+				She <<says>>s,
+			<</if>>
+			"<<Master>>, I don't know. I ju<<s>>t thought that wa<<s>> really hot."
+		<</if>>
+		You gently lower your pregnant self onto the couch and ask her whether she wants to get pregnant too; as she starts to answer you grunt and rub your
+		<<if $PC.belly >= 120000>>
+			massive baby bump with both hands
+		<<elseif $PC.belly >= 100000>>
+			massive baby bump
+		<<elseif $PC.belly >= 60000>>
+			giant baby bump
+		<<elseif $PC.belly >= 15000>>
+			huge baby bump
+		<<elseif $PC.belly >= 10000>>
+			big baby bump
+		<<elseif $PC.belly >= 5000>>
+			baby bump
+		<</if>>
+		before informing her that <<if $PC.pregType > 1>>they've<<else>>he's<</if>> been so active lately. You continue fondling your pregnancy, watching her progressively redden until she frames a response:
+		<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1 && !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if canPenetrate($activeSlave)>>
+				she wriggles around until her throbbing erection is pointed right at you.
+			<<else>>
+				she does everything in her power to gesture towards your gravid middle.
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+			she points at your gravid middle before quivering with lust.
+		<<else>>
+			"You're <<s>>o hot, <<Master>>!"
+		<</if>>
+		You tell her that getting to spend time with your gravid swell is a very special reward for very good slaves, and if she keeps being a good girl you'll make sure she gets the chance to lavish attention on it. With that, you pull her in and hug her to your stomach, sending her over the edge.
 		@@.hotpink;She has become more devoted to you,@@ and @@.lightcoral;she has developed a pregnancy fetish.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "pregnancy", $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 65>>
@@ -856,6 +913,101 @@ You have $subSlave.slaveName pinned up against a railing on a balcony that overl
+<<if canPenetrate($activeSlave) && (($PC.preg >= 28 && $PC.pregMood == 2) || $PC.preg >= 36) && $activeSlave.belly < 5000 && $activeSlave.amp != 1>>
+	<br><<link "Sate your libido by giving her a taste of lusty pregnant sex">>
+		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
+		<<replace "#result">>
+		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.accent >= 3>>
+				<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
+					She takes a long, frustrating time for her to communicate that she's fascinated by pregnancy, since she doesn't know the $language words for things like insemination and swollen belly nor does have the hands to gesture it.
+				<<else>>
+					She fumbles through a gestured explanation that she's fascinated by pregnancy, since she doesn't know the $language words for things like insemination and swollen belly.
+				<</if>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.voice == 0>>
+				<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
+					She's mute and has no hands, so it takes a long, frustrating time for her to communicate that she's fascinated by pregnancy.
+				<<else>>
+					She's mute, so she uses gestures to communicate her attraction to the pregnant sex.
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				She can't form
+				<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
+					words and has no hands, so it takes a long, frustrating time for her to communicate that she's fascinated by pregnancy.
+				<<else>>
+					words, so she uses gestures to communicate her attraction to the pregnant sex.
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.lips > 70>>
+				She <<says>>s through her massive dick-sucking lips,
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
+				She <<says>>s through her big oral piercings,
+			<<else>>
+				She <<says>>s,
+			<</if>>
+			"<<Master>>, I don't know. I ju<<s>>t thought that wa<<s>> really hot."
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $PC.pregMood == 2>>
+			You ask her if she gets off from pregnant sex, causing her to redden. Before she can frame a response, you've got her on the floor, pinned beneath your
+			<<if $PC.belly >= 100000>>
+				crushingly
+			<</if>>
+			gravid bulk with her dick hilted in your needy pussy. You skip all pretense and ride her long and hard until she's exhausted and your libido a little lighter. When you finally do release her from your lust, she can barely rise to her feet; you may have ridden her @@.red;a little too hard.@@ You remind her that she was saying something; in response,
+			<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+				she pantomimes a pregnant belly, your pregnant belly, and uses gestures to how much she enjoyed it atop her.
+			<<else>>
+				"Pregnant <<s>>e<<x>> with <<Master>> i<<s>> the be<<s>>t!"
+			<</if>>
+			She has become @@.hotpink;more devoted to you,@@ @@.gold;mostly out of fear of your sexual appetite,@@ but @@.lightcoral;with a newfound pregnancy fetish,@@ even if though you got a little domineering.
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.trust -= 4, $activeSlave.health -= 5>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.penetrativeCount += 3, $penetrativeTotal += 3>>
+		<<elseif $PC.pregMood == 1>>
+			You ask her if she finds you attractive, even with such a
+			<<if $PC.belly >= 100000>>
+				massive
+			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 60000>>
+				giant
+			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 15000>>
+				huge
+			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 10000>>
+				big
+			<</if>>
+			belly, and she reddens, knowing she can't say no. You kindly ask her again, pushing her to frame a response:
+			<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+				she pantomimes a pregnant belly, your pregnant belly, and uses gestures to indicate arousal.
+			<<else>>
+				"Of cour<<s>>e I find you attractive, <<Master>>, but the way your belly bulge<<s>> out <<s>>o far and the way it move<<s>> when you u<<s>>e u<<s>> ju<<s>>t... It turn<<s>> me on <<s>>o much lately!"
+			<</if>>
+			You waddle to the couch, slowly settle yourself onto it and spread your legs wide revealing your aching sex. She's almost beside herself, shuddering at the invitation, but before she can answer, you struggle forward and pull her onto you. She wastes no more time on words, instead trying her hardest to split her focus between filling your pussy and molesting your gravid swell. Mentally, you are in no position to control her actions, being in such a hormonal state, but she doesn't overstep her boundaries and dutifully brings you to orgasm. Even better, once she is satisfied, she still doesn't leave your vulnerable side, instead cozying up for some post-coital quality time with the her fecund <<WrittenMaster>>.
+			She has become @@.hotpink;much more devoted to you,@@ @@.mediumaquamarine;more trusting of you,@@ and @@.lightcoral;she has developed a pregnancy fetish.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 6, $activeSlave.trust += 4>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.penetrativeCount++, $penetrativeTotal++>>
+		<<else>>
+			You order her to lie down on the couch, an order she follows dutifully. You correct her; she should be on her back for what's to come. She's almost beside herself, shuddering at the prospect of what's to come, but first, you ask her if the thought of being ridden by such a pregnant woman turns her on. She turns red, but before she has the chance to formulate an answer, you've got her telltale erection lined up with your needy pussy. You force her to frame a response:
+			<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+				she only manages a nod before you spear yourself on her dick. This was happening either way.
+			<<else>>
+				"Ye<<s>>, <<Master>>, that mu<<s>>t feel ama-" her voice catches as you spear yourself on her dick. Her answer really didn't matter since her cock already spilled her thoughts.
+			<</if>>
+			You begin riding her, eager to scratch that growing itch that's been hounding you lately, only to find her hands tracing your
+			<<if $PC.belly >= 100000>>
+				massive
+			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 60000>>
+				giant
+			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 15000>>
+				huge
+			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 10000>>
+				big
+			<</if>>
+			baby bump as you bounce. She takes an active roll in being used like this, not that it surprises you, but her interest in your middle is what you wanted to see. You've @@.lightcoral;driven her to embrace her pregnancy fetish.@@ As you dismount, you remind her that getting to sate her <<WrittenMaster>>'s growing libido like this is a very special reward for very good slaves, and it would do her well to remain in your favor. @@.hotpink;She wholeheartedly agrees.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 6>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.penetrativeCount++, $penetrativeTotal++>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "pregnancy", $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 1, $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 65>>
+		<</replace>>
+	<</link>> //This option will penetrate your vagina.//
 <br><<link "Steer her away from fertility obsession for the moment">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
@@ -890,7 +1042,6 @@ You have $subSlave.slaveName pinned up against a railing on a balcony that overl
 <<case "boobs">>
 <<link "Turn her into another breast fetishist">>
 	<<replace "#name">>$activeSlave.slaveName<</replace>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
index a87391ab4bcc4663403813b0013060cc3a8d0a29..2e85ed9c922a7bd6015c47d9774b57558b94dd2f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
@@ -3398,7 +3398,7 @@ She can't manage to
 <<case "a scalemail bikini">>
 	pull her scalemail bikini bottom up over her buttocks, not without risking a nasty cut from the material. She's got it
 <<case "a monokini">>
-	pull her monokini up over her buttocks, let alone to where she put on the shoulder straps. She's got it
+	pull her monokini up over her buttocks, let alone to where she needs it to be to put on the shoulder straps. She's got it
 	get her outfit pulled up over her buttocks. She's got it
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
index bc67af4ce9388e88a34cfcc4e22bb387e18a6ed4..c4efb2f39b3a7710e1782bb0d17f3f97af8469ee 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
@@ -1450,6 +1450,7 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<SlaveFullName $activeSlave>>@@__'' <<if
+	<<if $PC.preg >= 28>>
 	<<if $PC.pregMood == 2 && canPenetrate($activeSlave)>>
 		<<link "She has a dick and you need it">>
@@ -1500,6 +1501,7 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<SlaveFullName $activeSlave>>@@__'' <<if
+	<</if>>
 <<if $PC.boobs == 1 && $activeSlave.boobs < (800+(200*$PC.boobsBonus)) && $activeSlave.boobs >= 300>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/recETSWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/recETSWorkaround.tw
index 3e4fdcb9d39cceb24d7be344db63e5b635fa7426..a62f4b7ec9fa00cf624c1658dbd1ddfe8f520c1f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/recETSWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/recETSWorkaround.tw
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ They hug each other tightly as the older brother slips a hand down his younger's
 <<set $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge>>
 <<set $activeSlave.visualAge = $activeSlave.actualAge>>
 <<set $activeSlave.ovaryAge = $activeSlave.actualAge>>
-<<ResyncHeight $activeSlave>>
+<<set $activeSlave.height += random(-5,5)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.pubicHStyle = "shaved">>
 <<set $activeSlave.dick += 2>>
 <<set $activeSlave.balls += 2>>
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ They cheer happily and hug each other tightly. They ought to be an interesting a
 <<set $activeSlave.slaveName = $activeSlave.birthName>>
 <<set $activeSlave.ID = $activeSlave.ID + 1000>>
-<<ResyncHeight $activeSlave>>
+<<set $activeSlave.height += random(-5,5)>>
 <<if $familyTesting == 1>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.relation = "sister">>
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ They hug each other tightly as the they slip a hand down the other's pants. They
 <<set $activeSlave.slaveName = $activeSlave.birthName>>
 <<set $activeSlave.ID = $activeSlave.ID + 1000>>
-<<ResyncHeight $activeSlave>>
+<<set $activeSlave.height += random(-5,5)>>
 <<if $familyTesting == 1>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.relation = "sister">>
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ They cheer happily and hug each other tightly. They ought to be an interesting a
 <<set $activeSlave.slaveName = $activeSlave.birthName>>
 <<set $activeSlave.ID = $activeSlave.ID + 1000>>
 <<set $activeSlave.genes = "XY">>
-<<ResyncHeight $activeSlave>>
+<<set $activeSlave.height += random(-5,5)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.vagina = -1>>
 <<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.pubertyXY = 1>>