From 6d54caa8a67d73bc2b7fc5943db1d1ca7d2b9fb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: klorpa <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 20:03:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] PartFour

 src/interaction/ | 268 ---------------
 src/npc/                | 610 +++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 636 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/interaction/

diff --git a/src/interaction/ b/src/interaction/
deleted file mode 100644
index 54e2a4c5471..00000000000
--- a/src/interaction/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-:: Research Lab [nobr]
-<<switch $temp>>
-<<case 0>>
-	<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Manage Arcology">>
-	//You switch one of the screens in your office to the feed from research facility.//<br><br>
-	<br>[[Decommission facility|Manage Arcology][$researchLab.built = "false",$researchLab.hired = 0,$menials += $researchLab.menials,$researchLab.menials = 0,$researchLab.research = "none",$researchLab.manufacture = "none",$researchLab.productionTime = 0]] //Warning! This will cancel all projects, remove all staff and shut down this facility.//
-	<br><br>[[Purchase cybernetics|Research Lab][$temp = 1]]
-	__Personnel__<br><br>&nbsp;
-	<<if $researchLab.aiModule == 1>>
-		[[Buy and install research module|Research Lab][cashX(-35000, "capEx"), $researchLab.aiModule = 2]] //This module enables your personal assistant to assist staff and direct menials assigned to your research facility, increasing efficiency. It costs <<print cashFormat(35000)>>//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials) == 0>>
-		//Facility is currently unstaffed.//
-	<<else>>
-		//You have
-		<<if $researchLab.hired == 1>>
-			one scientist
-		<<elseif $researchLab.hired > 1>>
-			$researchLab.hired scientists
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.menials != 0>> and<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.menials == 0>>
-		<<elseif $researchLab.menials == 1>>
-			one menial slave
-		<<elseif $researchLab.menials > 1>>
-			$researchLab.menials menials
-		<</if>>
-		working in your lab.
-		<<setAssistantPronouns>>
-		<<if $researchLab.aiModule != 0>>Occasionally you hear the voice of your assistant as _heA helps direct and organize work.<</if>>//
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-	&nbsp;Currently, this facility can employ $researchLab.maxSpace people.
-	<<if $researchLab.maxSpace == 5>>
-		[[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 10]]
-		//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>//
-	<<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 10>>
-		[[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 20]]
-		//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>//
-	<<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 20>>
-		[[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 30]]
-		//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>//
-	<<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 30>>
-		[[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 40]]
-		//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>//
-	<<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 40>>
-		[[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 50]]
-		//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>//
-	<<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 50>>
-		//Facility is fully expanded.//
-	<</if>>
-	<br><br>&nbsp;
-	<<if ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials) < $researchLab.maxSpace>>
-		Hire [[x1|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 1,cashX(-5000, "lab")]]
-		<<if ($researchLab.maxSpace - ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials)) >= 5>>
-			| [[x5|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 5,cashX(-25000, "lab")]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if ($researchLab.maxSpace - ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials)) >= 10>>
-			| [[x10|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 10,cashX(-50000, "lab")]]
-		<</if>>
-		scientists.<br>
-		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Each scientist will require an initial fee of <<print cashFormat(5000)>> and incur <<print cashFormat(300)>> weekly.//
-		<br>
-		<<if $menials > 0>>
-			Assign [[x1|Research Lab][$researchLab.menials += 1,$menials -= 1]]
-			<<if ($researchLab.maxSpace - ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials)) >= 5 && $menials >= 5>>
-				| [[x5|Research Lab][$researchLab.menials += 5,$menials -= 5]]
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ($researchLab.maxSpace - ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials)) >= 10 && $menials >= 10>>
-				| [[x10|Research Lab][$researchLab.menials += 10,$menials -= 10]]
-			<</if>>
-			menial slaves to lab.<br>
-		<<else>>You do not own any <<if $researchLab.menials != 0>>unassigned <</if>>menial slaves.<br>
-		<</if>>
-		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Using menial slaves is much cheaper than hiring scientists, but they are less effective. <<print cashFormat(100)>> per slave each week.//<br>
-	<<else>>
-		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Facility is fully staffed.//
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-	<<if $researchLab.hired > 0>>&nbsp;
-		Fire [[x1|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired -= 1]]
-		<<if $researchLab.hired >= 5>>
-			| [[x5|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired -= 5]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.hired >= 10>>
-			| [[x10|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired -= 10]]
-		<</if>>
-		| [[All|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired = 0]]
-		scientists.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.menials > 0>><br>&nbsp;
-		Dismiss [[x1|Research Lab][$researchLab.menials -= 1,$menials += 1]]
-		<<if $researchLab.menials >= 5>>
-			| [[x5|Research Lab][$researchLab.menials -= 5,$menials += 5]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.menials >= 10>>
-			| [[x10|Research Lab][$researchLab.menials -= 10,$menials += 10]]
-		<</if>>
-		| [[All|Research Lab][$menials += $researchLab.menials,$researchLab.menials = 0]]
-		menial slaves.
-	<</if>>
-	<br><br>
-	__Research__
-	<br><br>&nbsp;
-	<<if $researchLab.research != "none">>
-		//Your lab staff is currently researching @@.yellow;$researchLab.research@@.//<br>
-		[[Cancel Research|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 0,$researchLab.research = "none"]]
-	<<elseif $researchLab.manufacture != "none">>
-		//Your lab staff is currently busy with other projects.//
-	<<else>>
-		//No research active.//<br>
-		<<if $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface == 0 && $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 80,$researchLab.research = "Basic prosthetics interface"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface != 0 && $researchLab.advPLimbInterface == 0 && $stockpile.advPLimbInterface > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 120,$researchLab.research = "Advanced prosthetics interface"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.basicPLimb == 0 && $stockpile.basicPLimb > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 80,$researchLab.research = "Basic prosthetic limbs"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.advSexPLimb == 0 && $stockpile.advSexPLimb > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$stockpile.advSexPLimb -= 1,$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.research = "Advanced sex limbs"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.advGracePLimb == 0 && $stockpile.advGracePLimb > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$stockpile.advGracePLimb -= 1,$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.research = "Advanced beauty limbs"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.advCombatPLimb == 0 && $stockpile.advCombatPLimb > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$stockpile.advCombatPLimb -= 1,$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.research = "Advanced combat limbs"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.cyberneticPLimb == 0 && $researchLab.advPLimbInterface == 1 && ($researchLab.advSexPLimb + $researchLab.advGracePLimb + $researchLab.advCombatPLimb) >= 1>><br>
-			[[Develop cybernetic limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 300,$researchLab.research = "Cybernetic limbs"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.ocularImplant == 0 && $stockpile.ocularImplant > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer ocular implants|Research Lab][$stockpile.ocularImplant -= 1,$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.research = "Ocular implants"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.cochlearImplant == 0 && $stockpile.cochlearImplant > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer cochlear implants|Research Lab][$stockpile.cochlearImplant -= 1,$researchLab.productionTime = 80,$researchLab.research = "Cochlear implants"]]
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.electrolarynx == 0 && $stockpile.electrolarynx > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer electrolarynx|Research Lab][$stockpile.electrolarynx -= 1,$researchLab.productionTime = 80,$researchLab.research = "Electrolarynx"]]
-		<</if>>
-		/*<<if $researchLab.erectileImplant == 0 && $stockpile.erectileImplant > 0>><br>
-			[[Reverse engineer erectile implant|Research Lab][$stockpile.erectileImplant -= 1,$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.research = "Erectile implant"]]
-		<</if>>*/
-	<</if>>
-	<br><br>
-	__Manufacture__
-	<br><br>&nbsp;
-	<<if $researchLab.research != "none">>
-		//Your lab staff is currently busy with research.//
-	<<elseif $researchLab.manufacture != "none">>
-		//Your lab staff is currently building @@.yellow;$researchLab.manufacture@@.//
-		[[Cancel Project|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 0,$researchLab.manufacture = "none"]]
-	<<else>>
-		//No projects currently active.//<br>
-		<<if $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface == 1>><br>
-			[[Build basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 50,$researchLab.manufacture = "Basic prosthetics interface"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.advPLimbInterface == 1>><br>
-			[[Build advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 80,$researchLab.manufacture = "Advanced prosthetics interface"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.advPLimbInterface//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.basicPLimb == 1>><br>
-			[[Build basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 20,$researchLab.manufacture = "Basic prosthetic limbs"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimb//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.advSexPLimb == 1>><br>
-			[[Build advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.manufacture = "Advanced sex limbs"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.advSexPLimb//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.advGracePLimb == 1>><br>
-			[[Build advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.manufacture = "Advanced beauty limbs"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.advGracePLimb//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.advCombatPLimb == 1>><br>
-			[[Build advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 100,$researchLab.manufacture = "Advanced combat limbs"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.advCombatPLimb//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.cyberneticPLimb == 1>><br>
-			[[Build cybernetic limbs|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 150,$researchLab.manufacture = "Cybernetic limbs"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.cyberneticPLimb//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.ocularImplant == 1>><br>
-			[[Build ocular implants|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 80,$researchLab.manufacture = "Ocular implants"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.ocularImplant//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.cochlearImplant == 1>><br>
-			[[Build cochlear implants|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 60,$researchLab.manufacture = "Cochlear implants"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.cochlearImplant//
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $researchLab.electrolarynx == 1>><br>
-			[[Build electrolarynx|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 60,$researchLab.manufacture = "Electrolarynx"]] // Currently have: $stockpile.electrolarynx//
-		<</if>>
-		/*<<if $researchLab.erectileImplant == 1>><br>
-			[[Build erectile implant|Research Lab][$researchLab.productionTime = 50,$researchLab.manufacture = "Erectile implant"]] // Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.erectileImplant//
-		<</if>>*/
-	<</if>>
-<<if $researchLab.manufacture != "none"||$researchLab.research != "none">>
-	<br><br> <<= ResearchLabStockPile()>>
-<<case 1>>
-	<<set $temp = 0>>
-	<<set $nextLink = "Research Lab">>
-	//You contact a representative of one of the larger cybernetics companies and inquire about their products.<br>&nbsp;This is what they have to offer://<br><br>
-	__Hardware__<br>
-	[[Basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-25000, "lab"), $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface//<br>
-	[[Advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-60000, "lab"), $stockpile.advPLimbInterface += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(60000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advPLimbInterface//<br>
-	[[Basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-15000, "lab"), $stockpile.basicPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimb//<br>
-	[[Advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-30000, "lab"), $stockpile.advSexPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advSexPLimb//<br>
-	[[Advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-30000, "lab"), $stockpile.advGracePLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advGracePLimb//<br>
-	[[Advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-30000, "lab"), $stockpile.advCombatPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advCombatPLimb//<br>
-	[[Ocular implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-35000, "lab"), $stockpile.ocularImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(35000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.ocularImplant//<br>
-	[[Cochlear implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-15000, "lab"), $stockpile.cochlearImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.cochlearImplant//<br>
-	[[Electrolarynx|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-50000, "lab"), $stockpile.electrolarynx += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(50000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.electrolarynx//<br>
-	/*[[Erectile implant|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-25000, "lab"), $stockpile.erectileImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.erectileImplant//*/
-	<br><br>__Schematics__<br>
-	<<if $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Basic prosthetics interface">>
-		[[Basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-85000, "lab"), $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(85000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.advPLimbInterface != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced prosthetics interface">>
-		[[Advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-260000, "lab"), $researchLab.advPLimbInterface = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(260000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.basicPLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Basic prosthetic limbs">>
-		[[Basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-60000, "lab"), $researchLab.basicPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(60000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.advSexPLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced sex limbs">>
-		[[Advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-120000, "lab"), $researchLab.advSexPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.advGracePLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced beauty limbs">>
-		[[Advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-120000, "lab"), $researchLab.advGracePLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.advCombatPLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced combat limbs">>
-		[[Advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-120000, "lab"), $researchLab.advCombatPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.ocularImplant != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Ocular implants">>
-		[[Ocular implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-160000, "lab"), $researchLab.ocularImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(160000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.cochlearImplant != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Cochlear implants">>
-		[[Cochlear implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-125000, "lab"), $researchLab.cochlearImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(125000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $researchLab.electrolarynx != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Electrolarynx">>
-		[[Electrolarynx|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-125000, "lab"), $researchLab.electrolarynx = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(200000)>>.//<br>
-	<</if>>
-	/*<<if $researchLab.erectileImplant != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Erectile implant">>
-		[[Erectile implant|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-95000, "lab"), $researchLab.erectileImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(95000)>>.//
-	<</if>>*/
-	//You contact a representative of one of the most popular Japanese cybernetics companies and inquire about their products.<br>&nbsp;This is what they have to offer://<br><br>
-	__Hardware__<br>
-	[[Neural Tail Interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-10000, "lab"), $stockpile.interfacePTail += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.interfacePTail//<br>
-	[[Modular Tail|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-3000, "lab"), $stockpile.modPTail += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.modPTail//<br>
-	[[Combat Tail|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-15000, "lab"), $stockpile.warPTail += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.warPTail//<br>
-	[[Pleasure Tail|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-10000, "lab"), $stockpile.sexPTail += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.sexPTail//<br>
-	<br><br>__Schematics__<br>
-	They do not currently offer schematics for sale.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/npc/ b/src/npc/
index 0badaecef17..87002fad339 100644
--- a/src/npc/
+++ b/src/npc/
@@ -1,151 +1,102 @@
 :: FBeg [nobr]
 <<set $activeSlave.oralCount++, $oralTotal++>>
 <<set $desc = SlaveTitle($activeSlave)>>
 <<run clearSummaryCache($activeSlave)>>
 <<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
-<<setSpokenLocalPronouns $activeSlave $activeSlave>>
-<<run Enunciate($activeSlave)>>
-You call $him over to you for inspection. <<BoobsDescription>> You look at $him lustfully and instruct $him to strip.
-<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>>
-	Tears well up in $his eyes at the idea of showing $his naked body.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "tease")>>
-	$He blushes with arousal. $He has kept $his innate embarrassment at the thought of being naked, but you have infused this with overwhelming arousal. $His cheeks are red as $he removes $his clothes, giving quite a strip tease as $he does.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
-	$He subconsciously uses $his hands to try to cover $his body. $He is still repressing $his own sexuality. That type of behavior may have been allowed in the old world, but it has no place in a Free City.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "idealistic")>>
-	$He shakes $his head pleadingly. "But I don't want to," $he responds. You laugh in such a way that tells $him that $his consent is irrelevant. $He is still idealistic, believing that sex should be a consensual expression of love and intimacy. Such ideas were common in the Old World, but they have no place in a Free City. You decide to grab $him and forcefully rip $his clothes from $his body, since obedience could simply be seen as consent. $He screams and plead as you pin $his arms, ripping and tearing at the cloth that keeps $his beauty from sight.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "neglectful")>>
-	"Yes
-	<<if $activeSlave.rudeTitle == 1>>
-		<<= PoliteRudeTitle($activeSlave)>>,"
-	<<else>>
-		<<Master>>,"
-	<</if>>
-	$he replies contritely. $He has no sense of self beyond your usefulness of $him, and selflessly sacrifices $his own comfort for your pleasure.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "attention whore")>>
-	$He eagerly begins to shirk $his wear, drawing as much attention to the process as possible.
+You call $him over to you for inspection. <<BoobsDescription>> You look at $him lustfully and instruct $him to strip. 
+<<if ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>> Tears well up in $his eyes at the idea of showing $his naked body. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "tease")>> $He blushes with arousal. $He has kept $his innate embarrassment at the thought of being naked, but you have infused this with overwhelming arrousal. $His cheeks are red as $he removes $his clothes, giving quite a strip tease as $he does. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>subconsciously uses $his hands to try to cover $his body. $He is still repressing $his own sexuality. That type of behaviour may have been allowed in the old world, but it has no place in a Free City.
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "idealistic")>>shakes $his head pleadingly, "But I don't consent" $he responds. You laugh in such a way that tells $him that $his concent is irrelevant. $He is still idealistic, believing that sex should be a concensual expression of love and intimacy. Such ideas were common in the Old World, but they have no place in a Free City. You decide to grab $him and forcefully rip $his clothes from $his body, since obedience could simply be seen as consent. $He screams and plead as you pin her arms, ripping and tearing at the cloth that keeps her beauty from sight. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "neglectful")>> replied "Yes 
+	<<if $activeSlave.rudeTitle == 1>><<= PoliteRudeTitle($activeSlave)>>
+	<<else>><<Master>>
+	<</if>>" 
+	$he replies contritely. $He has no sense of self beyond your usefulness of $him, and selflessly sacrifices $his own comfort for your pleasure. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "attention whore")>>eagerly begins to shirk $his wear, drawing as much attention to the process as possible.
 	<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-		$He resists, forcing you to undress $him yourself.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > -20)>>
-		$He obeys, and moves to the center of your office to undress $himself for you.
+	$He resists, forcing you to undress $him yourself.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > -20)>> $He obeys, and moves to the center of your office to undress $himself for you.
 $He begins to undress with
-<<if ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 100)>>
-	masterful skill, teasing and taunting all the way down. $He rolls $his hips and most sexual parts as $he removes $his clothing.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 80)>>
-	arousing skill. Even though the goal is just to get $him naked, your slave knows that $his job is to entertain you with $his every move.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 60)>>
-	notable skill. $He takes the opportunity to give you a light strip tease as $he undresses.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 40)>>
-	a decent effort. $He isn't your most entertaining slave, but $he still makes an effort to arouse you with $his undressing.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 20)>>
-	some effort to be sexy. $His moves are less than skillful and the undressing is more pragmatic than arousing.
-	no effort to be sexy. $He has no entertainment skill, and the only goal of $his actions is to go from clothed to naked.
+<<if ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 100)>> masteful skill, teasing and taunting all the way down. $He rolls $his hips and most sexual parts as $he removes $his clothing.
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 80)>> arousing skill. Even though the goal is just to get $him naked, your slave knows that $his job is to entertain you with $his every move. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 60)>> notable skill. $He takes the opportunity to give you a light strip tease as $he undresses. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 40)>> a decent effort. $He isn't your most entertaining slave, but $he still makes an effort to arouse you with $his undressing.
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.entertainmentSkill >= 20)>> some effort to be sexy. $His moves are less than skillfull and the undressing is more pragmatic than arousing. 
+<<else>> no effort to be sexy. $He has no entertainment skill, and the only goal of $his actions is to go from clothed to naked. 
 <<if ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-	<<switch $activeSlave.fetish>>
-	<<case "submissive">>
-		As $he begins to strip, you grab $him without warning and begin to tear off $his clothes. Your slave expected you to allow $him to obey your command, and so $he is initially taken aback by the sudden force but $his submissive nature keeps $him from resisting. $He is such a submissive slut that you feel obligation to push $his status even further. You bind $his arms tightly behind $his back in a leather armbinder.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.nipplePiercing > 0)>>
-			You then retrieve heavy bells and attach them to $his nipple rings.
-		<<else>>
-			You reach into your pocket and retrieve two weighted and belled nipple clamps, attaching them tightly to your slave's delicate nipples.
-		<</if>>
-		You tell $him to bounce so that they jingle, reminding $him of $his status.
-	<<case "masochist">>
-		Once $he is fully exposed you give $him a firm slap across the tits. $He's a masochist and relishes the pain with sexual arousal. You ask your painslut if $he deserves to be punished. "Oh, ye<<s>>,
-		<<if $activeSlave.rudeTitle == 1>>
-			<<= PoliteRudeTitle($activeSlave)>>.
-		<<else>>
-			<<Master>>.
-		<</if>>
-		Plea<<s>>e puni<<sh>> your little <<s>>lut." Sensing that your slave is getting too much enjoyment from $his beating you cease.
-	<</switch>>
+		<<switch $activeSlave.fetish>>
+		<<case "submissive">> As $he begins to strip you grab $him without warning and begin to tear off $his clothes. Your slave expected you to allow $him to obey your command, and so $he is initially taken aback by the sudden force but $his submissive nature keeps $him from resisting. $He is such a submissive slut that you feel obligation to push $his status even further. You bind $his arms tightly behind $his back in a leather armbinder.  
+			<<if ($activeSlave.nipplePiercing > 0)>> You then retrieve heavy bells and attach them to her nipple rings. 
+			<<else>> You reach into your pocket and retrieve two weighted and belled nipple clamps, attaching them tightly to your slave's delicate nipples. 
+			<</if>> You tell her to bounce so that they jingle, reminding her of her status.
+		<<case "masochist">>  Once $he is fully exposed you give $him a firm slap accross the tits. $He's a massochist and relishes the pain with sexual arousal. You ask your painslut if $he deserves to be punished. "Oh yes, 
+			<<if $activeSlave.rudeTitle == 1>><<= PoliteRudeTitle($activeSlave)>>
+			<<else>><<Master>>
+			<</if>>. 
+			Please punish your little slut. Sensing that your slave is getting too much enjoyment from $his beating you cease.  
+		<</switch>>
-You stare at the naked form of your slave standing before you.
+You stare at the naked form of your slave standing before you.  
-<<if ($activeSlave.boobsTat == "rude words")>>
-	The words on $his chest stand out at you. You ask $him what $his tits say. "Fuck<<s>>lave," $he replies. You ask if that's what $he is.
-	<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
-		"I'm nobody'<<s>> property. I'm a free $woman!" $he shoots back. "We shall see," you reply.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-		$He does $his best to shake $his head.
-	<<else>>
-		"Ye<<s>>, <<Master>>, that'<<s>> what I am."
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobsTat == "possessive")>>
-	The words on $his chest stand out at you. You ask $him what $his tits say. "It'<<s>> your per<<s>>onal <<s>>ymbol," $he replies. You ask if that means $he belongs to you.
-	<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
-		"I'm nobody'<<s>> property. I'm a free $woman!" $He shoots back. "We shall see," you reply.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-		$He does $his best to shake $his head.
-	<<else>>
-		"Ye<<s>>, <<Master>>, that'<<s>> what I am."
+<<if ($activeSlave.boobsTat == "rude words")>> The words on $his chest stand out at you. You ask $him what $his tits say. "Fuckslave." $he replies. You ask if that's what $he is. 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>> "I'm nobody's property. I'm a free woman!" $He shoots back. "We shall see" you reply. 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>> $He does $his best to shake $his head. 
+	<<else>> "Yes <<Master>>, that's what I am. 
+	<</if>>  
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobsTat == "possessive")>> The words on $his chest stand out at you. You ask $him what $his tits say. "It's Your personal symbol" $he replies. You ask if that's what $he is. 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>> "I'm nobody's property. I'm a free woman!" $He shoots back. "We shall see" you reply. 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>> $He does $his best to shake $his head. 
+	<<else>> "Yes <<Master>>, that's what I am. 
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobsTat == "degradation")>>
-	The words on $his chest stand out at you. You ask $him what $his tits say. "<<Master>>'<<s>> Bitch," $he replies. You ask if that's what $he is.
-	<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
-		"I'm nobody'<<s>> property. I'm a free $woman!" $he shoots back. "We shall see," you reply.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-		$He does $his best to shake $his head.
-	<<else>>
-		"Ye<<s>>, <<Master>>, that'<<s>> what I am."
-	<</if>>
-	$His body belongs to you, and your slave needs to remember that.
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobsTat == "degradation")>> The words on $his chest stand out at you. You ask $him what $his tits say. "<<Master>>'s Bitch" $he replies. You ask if that's what $he is. 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>> "I'm nobody's property. I'm a free woman!" $He shoots back. "We shall see" you reply. 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>> $He does $his best to shake $his head. 
+	<<else>> "Yes <<Master>>, that's what I am. 
+	<</if>> 
+<<else>> $His body belongs to you, and your slave needs to remember that. 
-You then tell your slave to kneel at your feet.
-<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
-	$He rolls $his eyes. "Whatever," $he scoffs and
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.behaviorFlaw == "arrogant")>>
-	$He stands up even straighter than before, crossing $his arms and widening $his stance. $His arrogance makes obeying commands like this difficult, but that is not your concern. You give $him a look that tells $him that pain will await if $he does not obey. $He
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
-	$He confidently moves to obey. $He
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
-	$He stands up even straighter than before, crossing $his arms and widening $his stance. "I am not <<s>>ome animal," $he protests, "I am a free $woman." You laugh at $his continued delusions. Liberated $women have no place in a Free City. You remind $him that pain awaits $him should $he defy you further and $he
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "advocate")>>
-	$He smiles at the demonstration of $his rightful place as a lowly slave. $He
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "odd")>>
-	$He sticks $his tongue out at you, blowing raspberries in an act of futile defiance. $He really is an odd one. $He
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "funny")>>
-	$He smiles and turns $his butt to you, swaying it cutely as $his silly way of acknowledging your command. $He
+You then tell your slave to kneel at your feet. 
+<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>> $He rolls $his eyes sasses you a bit, "Whatever," she scoffs and 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.behaviorFlaw == "arrogant")>> $He stands up even straghter than before, crossing $his arms and widening $his stance. $His arrogance makes obeying commands like this difficult, but that is not your concern. You give $him a look that tells $him that pain will await if $he does not obey. $He
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "confident")>> $He confidently moves to obey. $He
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>> $He stands up even straighter than before, crossing $his arms and widening $his stance. "I am not some animal," $he protests "I am a free woman." You laugh at $his continued delusions. Liberated women have no place in a Free City. You remind her that pain awaits $him should $he defy you further and $he
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "advocate")>> $He smiles at the demonstration of $his rightful place as a lowly slave. $He
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "odd")>> $He sticks her tongue out at you, blowing rasberries in an act of futile defiance. $He really is an odd one. $He
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "funny")>> $He smiles and turns $his butt to you, swaying it cutely as $his silly way of acknowledging your command. $He
-	$He nods, and
+$He nods, and 
 <<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.fear < -50)>>
-		drops terrified to the ground.
+	drops terrified to the ground. 
-		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-			gestures
-		<<elseif (_lisping == 1)>>
-			lisps
-		<<else>>
-			declares
+		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>gestures
+		<<elseif (_lisping == 1)>>lisps
+		<<else>>declares
+		<</if>> 
+	angrily that slavery is wrong and $he will not bow. You look at your Assistant who silently summons two other, more obedient slaves from their duties. 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.nipplePiercing > 1)>> You reach out and grab $him by her nipple chain, pulling her in harshly. She yelps in pain, but knows better than to pull away.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.nosePiercing > 1)>> You reach out and grab $him by her nose ring, pulling her in harshly. She yelps in pain, but knows better than to pull away.
+		<<else>> You reach out and grab $him firmly by the collar. 
-		angrily that slavery is wrong and $he will not bow. You gesture at $assistantName, who silently summons two other, more obedient slaves from their duties.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.nipplePiercing > 1)>>
-			You reach out and grab $him by $his nipple chain, pulling $him in harshly. $He yelps in pain, but knows better than to pull away.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.nosePiercing > 1)>>
-			You reach out and grab $him by $his nose ring, pulling $him in harshly. $He yelps in pain, but knows better than to pull away.
-		<<else>>
-			You reach out and grab $him firmly by the collar.
-		<</if>>
-		"One more chance, slut." By now, the other slaves have arrived and are standing loyally by your side. Your loyal slaves force $him to $his knees.
+	"One more chance, slut" by now, the other slaves have arrived and are standing loyally by your side. Your loyal slaves force $him to $his knees.  
-	"Head at crotch level," you clarify. "Remember your purpose."
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
-	is not enthusiastic, but is obedient enough to go down without much threat of discipline.
+	"Head at crotch level," you clarify. "Remember your purpose"
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>> is not enthusiastic, but is obedient enough to go down without much threat of discipline. 
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>
 		<<switch $activeSlave.fetish>>
@@ -154,63 +105,55 @@ You then tell your slave to kneel at your feet.
 		<<case "dom">>
 			would rather be standing by your side making your other sluts bow, but $he still knows that you are $his <<Master>>.
 		<<case "sadist">>
-			would rather be pushing one of your other whores painfully to their knees, but $he still obeys.
+			would rather be pushing one of your other whores painfully to her knees, but $he still obeys. 
 		<<case "masochist">>
-			waits just long enough to receive a disciplinary slap, making $him blush with arousal as $he kneels before you.
+			waits just long enough to recieve a disciplinary slap, making $him blush with arousal as $he kneels before you. 
 		<<case "cumslut">>
 			is excited to be closer to your delicious crotch, and hurries to match $his eyes to your package.
 		<<case "humiliation">>
-			makes a big show of it as $he lowers $himself dramatically before you.
+			makes a big show of it as $he lowers $himself dramatically before you. 
 		<<case "buttslut">>
-			leans heavily forward so that $his ass sticks out ridiculously far as $he bends $his knees and goes to the floor.
+			leans heavily forward so that $his ass sticks out ridiculously far as $he bends $his knees and goes to the floor. 
 		<<case "pregnancy">>
 			obeys your command and goes to $his knees.
 		<<case "boobs">>
-			pulls $his shoulders back strongly while leaning far enough forward to drag $his
-			<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>>
-				weighty mammaries
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 2000)>>
-				cumbersome udders
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>>
-				massive slave tits
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 800)>>
-				forward-thrust breasts
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 500)>>
-				meager chest
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs <= 400)>>
-				pathetic slave boobs
-			<<else>>
-				tits
-			<</if>>
+			pulls $his shoulders back strongly while leaning far enough forward to drag $his 
+			<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>> wieghty mammaries 
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 2000)>> cumbersome udders 
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>> massive slave tits 
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 800)>> forward-thrust breasts 
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 500)>> meeger chest 
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs <= 400)>> pathetic slave boobs 
+			<<else>> tits 
+			<</if>> 
 			across your body as $he goes down.
 			obeys your command and goes to $his knees.
-		obeys your command and goes to $his knees.
+	obeys your command and goes to $his knees.	
-<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-	The other slaves guide $him to adjust $his posture so $his eyes are directly in line with your package.
-	$He kneels so that $his eyes are directly level with your package.
+<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>> The other slaves guide $him to adjust $his posture so $his eyes ar directly in line with your package. 
+<<else>> $He kneels so that $his eyes are directly level with your package.
 <<if ($ > 50)>>
-	$He cant help but stare in lust at your
+$He cant help but stare in lust at your 
 	<<if $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 3>>
-		monstrous, massive pair of watermelon-sized balls.
+	monstrous, massive pair of watermellon sized balls.
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-		enormous, heavy pair of balls.
+	enormous, heavy pair of balls.
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-		huge pair of balls, bulging like softballs from behind your suit.
+	huge pair of balls, bulging like softballs from behind your suit.
 	<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-		enormous, heavy pair of balls.
+	enormous, heavy pair of balls.
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-		huge pair of balls, bulging like softballs from behind your suit.
+	huge pair of balls, bulging like softballs from behind your suit.
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
-		large pair of balls, swinging heavily as you move.
+	large pair of balls, swinging heavily as you move. 
 	<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
 		enormous, heavy pair of balls.
 	<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
@@ -225,287 +168,218 @@ You then tell your slave to kneel at your feet.
 	Your balls loom directly in front of $his face.
-Now kneeling at your feet naked before you, your slave waits for $his Master's command. You take some time to survey the slut's properly displayed body.
+Now kneeling at your feet naked before you, your slave waits for $his Master's command. You take some time to survey the slut's properly displayed body. 
-<<if $activeSlave.butt > 6>>
-	$His massive ass is so huge that $he it squishes around $his heels, almost reaching the floor.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-	$His ass is so round and large it rolls out from $his back in two perfect mounds. The cheeks are so thick it forms a perfect crevice between them, more than a couple inches deep.
-	$His cute and tight ass rests gently on $his ankles.
+<<if $activeSlave.butt > 6>> $His massive ass is so huge that $he it squishes around her heels, almost reaching the floor. 
+<<elseif $activeSlave.butt > 4>> $His ass is so round and large it rolls out from her back in two perfect mounds. The cheeks are so thick it forms a perfect crevice between them, more than a couple inches deep.
+<<else>> $His cute and tight ass rests gently on $his ankles. 
 <<if ($ > 95)>>
-	$His eyes fill with lust at the helplessness of kneeling at your crotch.
+		Her eyes fill with lust at the helplessness of kneeling at your crotch. 
 <<if ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-	<<switch $activeSlave.fetish>>
-	<<case "submissive">>
-		$He keeps $his eyes down and poises $his body to be fully available to $his master, trying to model for you the image of the perfect submissive.
-	<<case "dom">>
-		Despite $his kneeling stature, $his back is straight and shoulders back.
-	<<case "masochist">>
-		$He positions $himself uncomfortably, bringing visual pleasure to you and pain to $himself. $He accentuates $his most sensitive parts, inviting you to slap or spank them.
-	<<case "cumslut">>
-		$he goes to $his knees, all the while staring at your <<if $PC.dick != 0>>manly bulge<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != 0>>feminine mound<</if>>.
-	<<case "humiliation">>
-		$He eagerly takes to this humiliating position, hoping to demonstrate $his willingness to be degraded by $his <<Master>>.
-	<<case "buttslut">>
-		$He positions $himself, sticking $his butt out as far as $he can manage, hoping to draw your attention to $his favorite area.
-	<<case "boobs">>
-		$he kneels with $his back strongly arching far back and diligently works to touch $his elbows behind $his back to best display $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>>
-			colossal mammaries
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 2000)>>
-			gigantic udders
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>>
-			massive slave tits
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 800)>>
-			prominent breasts
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 400)>>
-			modest chest
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs <= 400)>>
-			pathetic slave boobs
-		<</if>>
-		for $his master.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.lactation > 0)>>
-			milk dribbles down the soft curves of $his chest as a further sign of $his arousal.
-		<</if>>
-		This is, of course, how all slaves are supposed to kneel, but $he takes the pose with added dedication.
-	<<default>>
-		$He positions $himself with $his knees spread wide, hoping that you will turn your attention to $his wet pussy.
-	<</switch>>
+		<<switch $activeSlave.fetish>>
+		<<case "submissive">>
+			$He keeps her eyes down and poises her body to be fully availible to $his master, trying to model for you the image of the perfect submissive. 
+		<<case "dom">>
+			Despite $his kneeling stature, $his back is straight and shoulders back.
+		<<case "masochist">>
+			$He positions $himself uncomfortably, bringing visual pleasure to you and pain to $himself. $He accentuates $his most sensitive parts, inviting you to slap or spank them.
+		<<case "cumslut">>
+			$he goes to $his knees, all the while staring at your <<if $PC.dick != 0>>manly bulge.<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> <</if>>.<<else>> feminine mound.<</if>>
+		<<case "humiliation">>
+			$He eagerly takes to this humilating position, hoping to demonstrate $his willingness to be degraded by $his <<Master>>. 
+		<<case "buttslut">>
+			$He positions $himself, sticking $his butt out as far as $he can manage, hoping to draw your attention to $his favorite area. 
+		<<case "boobs">>
+			$he kneels with $his back strongly arching far back and dilligently works to touch $his elbows behind $his back to best display $his 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>> colossal mammaries 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 2000)>> gigantic udders 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>> massive slave tits 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 800)>> prominent breasts 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 400)>> modest chest 
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs <= 400)>> pathetic slave boobs 
+	<</if>> for $his master. 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.lactation > 0)>> milk dribbles down the soft curves of $his chest as a further sign of $his arousal. 
+	<</if>>
+	This is, of course, how all slaves are supposed to kneel, but $he takes the pose with added dedication. 
+		<<default>>
+			$He postions $himself with $his knees spread wide, hoping that you will turn your attention to $his wet pussy.
+		<</switch>>
-You tell your slave to
+You tell your slave to 
 <<if $PC.dick != 0>>suck your cock
 	<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat you out
 <<else>>eat you out.
-<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.fear < -50)>>
-		fearfully
-	<<else>>
-		reluctantly
+<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>> 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.fear < -50)>> fearfully 
+	<<else>> reluctantly 
+	<</if>> 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>> slowly 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>> 
+	<<if ($ > 75)>> hungrily 
+	<<else>> obediently 
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
-	slowly
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-	<<if ($ > 75)>>
-		hungrily
-	<<else>>
-		obediently
-	<</if>>
-	compliantly
-begins to
-<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-	lift your kilt,
-<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-	lift your kilt,
-	unzip your pants,
+<<else>> compliantly 
-but you stop $him. A good slave must beg for such an honor.
+begins to 
+<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>> lift your kilt, 
+<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> lift your kilt, 
+<<else>> unzip your pants, 
+<</if>> but you stop her.
+A good slave must beg for such an honor. 
-<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.fear < -50)>>
-		Tears begin to stream down $his eyes as $he holds $his hands up, pleading for you not to hit $him. You will have to break $him more before $he will be able to comply.
-	<<else>>
-		$He shakes $his head defiantly. You will have to break $him more before $he will comply.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
-	"Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>," $he stops for a moment, "may I... May I <<s>>uck your cock?" $His words are insincere, but it's a start. You nod and allow $him to begin.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-	"Would it plea<<s>>e you, <<Master>>," $he begins, "if I were to <<s>>uck your cock?" you nod, and command $him to begin.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
-	<<if ($ > 95)>> $He eagerly complies.
-		"Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>," $he pleads, "thi<<s>> <<s>>lave
+<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>> 
+	<<if ($activeSlave.fear < -50)>> 
+	Tears begin to stream down $his eyes as $he holds $his hands up, pleading for you not to hit $him. You will have to break $him more before $he will be able to comply. 
+	<<else>> $He shakes $his head defiantly. You will have to break $him more before $he will comply.
+	<</if>> 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>"Plea<<s>>e <<Master>>" $he stops for a moment, "may I... May I suck our cock." $His words are insincere, but it's a start. You nod and allow $him to begin. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>> "Would it plea<<s>>e you, <<Master>>," $he begins, "if I were to <<s>>uck your cock?" you nod, and command her to begin. 
+<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>> 
+	<<if ($ > 95)>> $He eagerly complies, "Plea<<s>>e <<Master>>" $he pleads, "thi<<s>> <<s>>lave 
 		<<if ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 40)>>
-			<<switch $activeSlave.fetish>>
-			<<case "cumslut">>
-				need<<s>> your cock in $his mouth. Your <<s>>lave need<<s>> to drink your cum. Thi<<s>> <<s>>lave
-			<</switch>>
+		<<switch $activeSlave.fetish>>
+		<<case "cumslut">> need<<s>> your cock in $his mouth. Your <<s>>lave need<<s>> to drink your cum. Thi<<s>> <<s>>lave
+		<</switch>>
-		need<<s>> $his <<Master's>> cock." Your slave is obviously horny for $his Master's cock. "You're a slutty little whore, aren't you? Fine. You may suck my cock."
+	need<<s>> $his <<Master's>> cock." Your slave is obviously horny for $his Master's cock. "You're a slutty little whore, aren't you? Fine. You may suck my cock."
-		$He smiles up at you, "Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>," $he pleads earnestly, "Your loyal <<s>>lave need<<s>> to plea<<s>>e $his <<Master>>. Would it plea<<s>>e you to let thi<<s>> <<s>>lave <<s>>uck your cock?" You smile, pleased at $him, and order $him to begin.
-	<</if>>
-	$He begs, and you allow $him to begin.
+	$He smiles up at you, "Plea<<s>>e <<Master>>," $he pleads earnestly, "Your loyal <<s>>lave need<<s>> to plea<<s>>e $his <<Master>>. Would it plea<<s>>e you to let thi<<s>> <<s>>lave <<s>>uck your cock?" You smile, pleased at her, and order her to begin. 
+	<</if>>	
+<<else>> $He begs, and you allow $him to begin.
 <<if ($activeSlave.devotion > -20)>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.oralSkill <= 20)>>
-		Your slave
-		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
-			slowly
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-			<<if ($ > 95)>>
-				hungrily
-			<<else>>
-				obediently
+	Your slave 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>> slowly 
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>> 
+			<<if ($ > 95)>> hungrily 
+			<<else>> obediently 
-		begins again to
-		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<else>>
-			unzip your pants,
+	begins again to 
+		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<else>> unzip your pants, 
-		your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth. $He is not very experienced giving blowjobs, and has some trouble using $his hands and mouth simultaneously.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-			$His lip piercings feel amazing, making up for $his lack of skill.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>>
-			$His lip piercings add a nice bit of variety to an otherwise average blowjob.
-		<<else>>
-			Despite $his lack of skill, you still relish the power of having your slut at your feet, begging for your cock. You decide to fuck $his facehole instead and grab $his hair pulling $him roughly in to meet your cock.
+	Your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth. $He is not very experienced giving blowjobs, and has some trouble using $his hands and mouth simultaniously.
+		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>> $His lip piercings feel amazing, making up for her lack of skill.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>> $His lip piercings add a nice bit of veriety to an otherwise average blowjob. 
+		<<else>> Despite $his lack of skill, you still relish the power of having your slut at your feet, begging for your cock. You decide to fuck $his facehole instead and grab $his hair pulling $him roughly in to meet your cock. 
-		<<if $PC.balls > 2>>
-			Your massive, heavy balls are so large that they slap your slave in the neck as you fuck $his facehole.
+		<<if $PC.balls > 2>>Your massive, heavy balls are so large that they slap your slave in the neck as you fuck $his facehole. 
 		<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-			Your cantaloupe-sized balls are so large that they slap your slave on the chest as you fuck $his facehole.
+		Your cantelope sized balls are so large that they slap your slave on the chest as you fuck $his facehole. 
 		<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-			Your swollen, heavy balls slap your slave on the chin as you fuck $his facehole.
+		Your swollen, heavy balls slap your slave on the chin as you fuck $his facehole. 
 		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-			Your massive, heavy balls are so large that they slap your slave in the neck as you fuck $his facehole.
+		Your massive, heavy balls are so large that they slap your slave in the neck as you fuck $his facehole. 
 		<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-			Your swollen, heavy balls are so large that they slap your slave on the chest as you fuck $his facehole.
+		Your swollen, heavy balls are so large that they slap your slave on the chest as you fuck $his facehole. 
 		<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
-			You're swollen balls slap your slave on the chin as you fuck $his facehole.
+		You're swollen balls slap your slave on the chin as you fuck $his facehole.
-			Your balls slap $him on the chin.
-		<</if>>
+		Your balls slap her on the chin.
+		<</if>>	
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.oralSkill <= 50)>>
-		Your slave
-		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
-			slowly
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-			<<if ($ > 95)>>
-				hungrily
-			<<else>>
-				obediently
+	Your slave 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>> slowly 
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>> 
+			<<if ($ > 95)>> hungrily 
+			<<else>> obediently 
-		begins again to
-		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<else>>
-			unzip your pants,
+	begins again to 
+		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<else>> unzip your pants, 
-		your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth. $His oral skills are above average, and you thoroughly enjoy the sensations as $he practices $his art on your manhood.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-			$His lip piercings feel amazing, adding pleasure on top of $his skill.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>>
-			$His lip piercings add a nice bit of variety to an otherwise above-average blowjob.
-		<<else>>
-			You feel $him suck as $he strokes your cock and squeezer $his tits, giving you a show.
+	Your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth. $His oral skills are above average, and you thoroghly enjoy the sensations as $he practices $his art on your manhood.
+		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>> $His lip piercings feel amazing, adding pleasure on top of $his skill. .
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>> $His lip piercings add a nice bit of veriety to an otherwise above-average blowjob. 
+		<<else>> You feel $him suck as $he strokes your cock and squeezer $his tits, giving you a show.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.oralSkill >= 50)>>
-		Your slave
-		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
-			slowly
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-			<<if ($ > 95)>>
-				hungrily
-			<<else>>
-				obediently
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.oralSkill >= 50)>> Your slave 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>> slowly 
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>> 
+			<<if ($ > 95)>> hungrily 
+			<<else>> obediently 
-		begins again to
-		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<else>>
-			unzip your pants,
+		begins again to 
+		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<else>> unzip your pants, 
-		your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth. Your slave has fair amount of skill, and begins to work your shaft with $his hand while sucking you with $his mouth.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-			$His lip piercings feel amazing, adding even more pleasure to $his skillful craft.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>>
-			$His lip piercings add a nice bit of variety to an already above-average blowjob.
+	Your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth. Your slave has fair amount of skill, and begins to work your shaft with $his hand while sucking you with $his mouth. 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>> $His lip piercings feel amazing, adding even more pleasure to her skillful craft.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>> $His lip piercings add a nice bit of veriety to an already above-average blowjob. 
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.oralSkill >= 90)>>
-		$He places $his arms behind $his back and
-		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-			lifts your kilt
-		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-			lifts your kilt
-		<<elseif $PC.balls == 0 && $AGrowth == 2>>
-			lifts your kilt
-		<<else>>
-			unzips your pants
+	$He places $his arms behind $his back and 
+		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>> lifts your kilt 
+		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> lifts your kilt 
+		<<elseif $PC.balls == 0 && $AGrowth == 2>> lifts your kilt 
+		<<else>> unzips your pants
-		with $his teeth. Your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth, all while keeping $his hands behind $his back. $He is a master of $his craft, and begins to suck vigorously, all while rolling $his tongue up and down your shaft, expanding and relaxing it alternatingly.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing >= 1)>>
-			You would have a hard enough time not cumming even without $his piercings, but with the metal rubbing up and down the shaft of your cock as $he rolls $his
-			<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 0)>>
-				studded
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>>
-				studded and ringed
+	with $his teeth. Your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth, all while keeping $his hands behind $his back.
+	$He is a master of $his craft, and begins to suck vigorously, all while rolling $his tongue up and down your shaft, expanding and relaxing it alternatingly. 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing >= 1)>> You would have a hard enough time not cumming even without $his piercings, but with the metal rubbing up and down the shaft of your cock as she rolls her 
+			<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 0)>>studded
+			<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>>studded and ringed
-			tongue around your member, you have to force yourself not to cum before $he begs for it.
+		tongue around your member, you have to force yourself not to cum before $he begs for it. 
-		Your slave
-		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>>
-			slowly
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-			<<if ($ > 95)>>
-				hungrily
-			<<else>>
-				obediently
+	Your slave 
+		<<if ($activeSlave.devotion < 20)>> slowly 
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>> 
+			<<if ($ > 95)>> hungrily 
+			<<else>> obediently 
-		begins again to
-		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-			lift your kilt,
-		<<else>>
-			unzip your pants,
+	begins again to 
+		<<if $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> lift your kilt, 
+		<<else>> unzip your pants, 
-		your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-			$His lip piercings feel amazing, making up for $his lack of skill.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>>
-			$His lip piercings add a nice bit of variety to an otherwise average blowjob.
+	Your member flops out, and $he begins to take it in $his mouth.
+		<<if ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>> $His lip piercings feel amazing, making up for her lack of skill.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 1)>> $His lip piercings add a nice bit of veriety to an otherwise average blowjob. 
-	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "gagfuck queen")>>
-		$He works hard to shove your cock deep into $his throat, gagging violently with each thrust.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "gagfuck queen")>> $He works hard to shove your cock deep into her throat, gagging violently with each thrust. 
-	Feeling yourself ready to burst, you tell your slut to beg for your delicious cum. With $his mouth full of cock, the words come out as a muffled "Fpleem cmm mepheh" $His reply is not understandable, but the vibrations on your cock send you over the edge.
+Feeling yourself ready to burst, you tell your slut to beg for your delicious cum. With $his mouth full of cock, the words come out muffled "Fpleem cmm mepheh" $His reply is not understandable, but the vibrations on your cock send you over the edge. 
-	<<if $PC.balls > 2>>
-		Your massive, heavy balls generate so much cum that it fills your slave's mouth, expanding $his stomach and squirting from $his nose and eyes. You remove your cock and spray the rest on $his helpless body. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum.
+	<<if $PC.balls > 2>>Your massive, heavy balls generate so much cum that it fills your slave's mouth, expanding $his stomach and squirting from $his nose and eyes. You remove your cock and spray the rest on $his helpless body. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum. 
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-		Your cantaloupe-sized balls slap your slave on the chest, and shoot out load after load of cum. The white juice fills $his mouth, squirts from $his nose, and continues to spray even after removing it from $his mouth. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum.
+	Your cantelope sized balls slap your slave on the chest, and shoot out load after load of cum. The white juice fills her mouth, squirts from her nose, and continues to spray even after removing it from $his mouth. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum. 
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-		Your swollen, heavy balls slap your slave on the chin, and cum shoots down $his throat.
+	Your swollen, heavy balls slap your slave on the chin, and cum shoots down $his throat.
 	<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-		Your massive, heavy balls generate so much cum that it fills your slave's mouth, expanding $his stomach and squirting from $his nose and eyes. You remove your cock and spray the rest on $his helpless body. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum.
+	Your massive, heavy balls generate so much cum that it fills your slave's mouth, expanding $his stomach and squirting from $his nose and eyes. You remove your cock and spray the rest on $his helpless body. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum. 
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-		Your swollen, heavy balls slap your slave on the chest, the white juice fills $his mouth, squirts from $his nose, and continues to spray even after removing it from $his mouth. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum.
+	Your swollen, heavy balls slap your slave on the chest, the white juice fills her mouth, squirts from her nose, and continues to spray even after removing it from $his mouth. By the end of it all your slave is drenched from head to toe in cum. 
 	<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
-		You're swollen balls slap your slave on the chin, and cum shoots down $his throat.
+	You're swollen balls slap your slave on the chin, and cum shoots down $his throat.
-		Your balls slap $him on the chin as you cum.
+	Your balls slap her on the chin as you cum.
-	You decide that you still want a blowjob, so you signal your other slaves to hold $him in place while you fuck $his helpless facehole.
+You decide that you still want a blowjob, so you signal your other slaves to hold $him in place while you fuck $his helpless facehole.
-You look down at your cum-filled slave as $he awaits further orders.
+You look down at your cum-filled slave as $he awaits further orders. 
 <<if (random(1,100) > (100 + $activeSlave.devotion))>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.fetish != "cumslut") && ($ <= 95) && ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "hates oral")>>