diff --git a/src/SecExp/edicts.tw b/src/SecExp/edicts.tw
index 7c20e4ab86bd4dc155afc0fdc806f0c87f7c7d97..8505010daa1ad935c1e5155ec8c46003fa5f7ba0 100644
--- a/src/SecExp/edicts.tw
+++ b/src/SecExp/edicts.tw
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
 		<br>''Troops detachment:'' <<= App.SF.Caps()>> has currently transferred troops to the security department HQ in addition to providing advanced equipment and training to security HQ personnel.
 	<<elseif $SFSupportLevel === 4>>
-		<br>''Full support:''<<= App.SF.Caps()>> is currently providing its full support to the security department, while transferring troops to the security department HQ in addition to providing advanced equipment and training to security HQ personnel.
+		<br>''Full support:'' <<= App.SF.Caps()>> is currently providing its full support to the security department, while transferring troops to the security department HQ in addition to providing advanced equipment and training to security HQ personnel.
 	<<elseif $SFSupportLevel === 5>>
-		<br>''Network assistance:''<<= App.SF.Caps()>> is currently assisting with a local install of its custom network full support and has transferred troops to the security department HQ in addition to providing advanced equipment and training to security HQ personnel.
+		<br>''Network assistance:'' <<= App.SF.Caps()>> is currently assisting with a local install of its custom network full support and has transferred troops to the security department HQ in addition to providing advanced equipment and training to security HQ personnel.
diff --git a/src/arcologyBuilding/manufacturing.js b/src/arcologyBuilding/manufacturing.js
index bac40cf74914a409ee3f81a0aa067ed590783c20..a29724021cff2704e75e4ca57b6e6f61fa761278 100644
--- a/src/arcologyBuilding/manufacturing.js
+++ b/src/arcologyBuilding/manufacturing.js
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ App.Arcology.Cell.Manufacturing = class extends App.Arcology.Cell.BaseCell {
-			if (V.cheatMode === 1) {
+			if (V.experimental.food === 1) {
 				if (V.farmyard === 0) {
 						"Construct a farming facility to grow food for your arcology and house animals",
diff --git a/src/init/storyInit.tw b/src/init/storyInit.tw
index 91dbffff3400f099fc3b8c426f90a2ec48bd0387..6cdb9ae6ad1b3f670f1dc6ff103fa30121f7516c 100644
--- a/src/init/storyInit.tw
+++ b/src/init/storyInit.tw
@@ -1287,6 +1287,12 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 <<set $cheatMode = 0>>
 <<set $cheatModeM = 1>>
+<<set $experimental = {
+	nursery: 0,
+	food: 0,
+	animalOvaries: 0,
+	dinnerParty: 0
 <<set $NaNArray = []>>
 <<set $fcnn = []>>
diff --git a/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js b/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js
index eade18a5c8af12b1a5f8b2673336a59ad3d2bd1f..0b33a2d0674bf95b602ec0880ce66bdc669988f6 100644
--- a/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js
+++ b/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ window.FutureSocieties = (function() {
 				arcology.FSGenderFundamentalistLawBimbo = 0;
 				arcology.FSGenderFundamentalistSMR = 0;
+			case "FSSupremacist":
+				arcology[FSLaw] = 0;
+				arcology[FSSMR] = 0;
+				V.noSubhumansInArmy = 0;
+				break;
 			case "FSTransformationFetishist":
 			case "FSAssetExpansionist":
 				arcology[FSSMR] = 0;
@@ -126,6 +131,7 @@ window.FutureSocieties = (function() {
 				arcology[FSLaw] = 0;
 				arcology[FSSMR] = 0;
 				V.universalRulesChildrenBecomeBreeders = 0;
+				V.pregExemption = 0;
 			case "FSRestart":
 				arcology[FSLaw] = 0;
diff --git a/src/pregmod/organFarm.tw b/src/pregmod/organFarm.tw
index ee9a5c6f4772fdfb3a71af2d538ae98a77a974af..63c37890bee896b3087e0fcfd5cbda413132b9c1 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/organFarm.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/organFarm.tw
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
-	<<if $seePreg != 0 && $seeBestiality == 1 && $cheatMode == 1>>
+	<<if $seePreg != 0 && $seeBestiality == 1 && $experimental.animalOvaries == 1>>
 		<<if $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalOvaries > 0>>
 			<<if $animalOvaries < 1>>
 				<div class="note">
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
index c235961c8f88ad4e16b7510aba580fe803e735d6..70b0f6adc7f281133f9bd8a2411f9428991749f0 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
@@ -1387,6 +1387,14 @@
 <<if ndef $cheatModeM>>
 	<<set $cheatModeM = 1>>
+<<if ndef $experimental>>
+	<<set $experimental = {
+		nursery: 0,
+		food: 0,
+		animalOvaries: 0,
+		dinnerParty: 0
+	}>>
 <<if ndef $MercenariesMessageSent>>
 	<<set $MercenariesMessageSent = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
index b385cf29d8a6a9ee707e66ab72d870572b0237f8..896280bfdda15ee90a4bbde23b26a6439e9528a3 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
 	Your arcology is named <<textbox "$arcologies[0].name" $arcologies[0].name "Manage Arcology">>
-<<if $cheatMode == 1 && $seeExtreme == 1>>
+<<if $experimental.dinnerParty == 1 && $seeExtreme == 1>>
 		[[Host Dinner Party|Dinner Party Preparations]]
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw b/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw
index 938219a78967b8407df3db7f9fe3d38eb1bd1423..f59c83755ff599b9ef88923e8e1061bde871b8e8 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw
@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@
 	<<if $familyTesting == 1 && $seePreg != 0>>
-		<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
-		<div>
-		<<if $nursery == 0>>
-			[[Build a nursery to raise children from birth|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $nursery = 5, $nurseryNannies = 1, $PC.skill.engineering += 1]]
-			<span class="detail">Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>></span>
-		<<else>>
-				The penthouse has a nursery built where infants can be brought up.
-		<</if>>
-		</div>
+		<<if $experimental.nursery == 1>>
+			<div>
+				<<if $nursery == 0>>
+					[[Build a nursery to raise children from birth|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $nursery = 5, $nurseryNannies = 1, $PC.skill.engineering += 1]]
+					<span class="detail">Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>></span>
+				<<else>>
+						The penthouse has a nursery built where infants can be brought up.
+				<</if>>
+			</div>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/nonRandomEvent.tw b/src/uncategorized/nonRandomEvent.tw
index af321d54b07444ac3db3d5b946c780d92b135734..aa9f340454b7ba070ecf7d68e51fcd4845e505aa 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/nonRandomEvent.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/nonRandomEvent.tw
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 <<elseif (_effectiveWeek == 46) && ($mercenaries > 0)>>
 	<<goto "P raid invitation">>
-<<elseif (_effectiveWeek == 48) && ($cheatMode == 1)>>
+<<elseif (_effectiveWeek == 48) && ($experimental.food == 1)>>
 	<<set $foodCrisis = 1>>
 	<<goto "P food crisis">>
 <<elseif (_effectiveWeek == 50) && ($rations > 0)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/options.tw b/src/uncategorized/options.tw
index 18ec7934246cce11c0c653b3621c0ecb1f1f280d..d23f707e2f72d9d31d9ebfba40b1b7e52c0c656e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/options.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/options.tw
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ This save was created using FC version $ver build $releaseID.
 <button class="tablinks" onclick="App.UI.tabbar.openTab(event, 'CONTENT&FLAVOR')" id="tab CONTENT&FLAVOR">Content & flavour</button>
 <button class="tablinks" onclick="App.UI.tabbar.openTab(event, 'MODS')" id="tab MODS">Mods</button>
 <button class="tablinks" onclick="App.UI.tabbar.openTab(event, 'DEBUG/CHEATING')" id="tab DEBUG/CHEATING">Debug/cheating</button>
+<button class="tablinks" onclick="App.UI.tabbar.openTab(event, 'Experimental')" id="tab Experimental">Experimental</button>
 <div id="Display" class="tabcontent">
@@ -1033,3 +1034,46 @@ This save was created using FC version $ver build $releaseID.
+<div id="Experimental" class="tabcontent">
+	<div class="subHeading" style="fontWeight:bold">
+		Experimental means just that: experimental.  Options below are likely to be in an <span class="yellow">even more incomplete or broken state than usual.</span>  <span class="red">THEY MAY NOT WORK AT ALL.</span>  Make sure you back up your save before enabling any of these, and if you are that interested, consider helping to improve them.
+	</div>
+	<<if ($familyTesting === 1 && $seePreg !== 0)>>
+		<<options $experimental.nursery>>
+			Nursery is
+			<<option 1 "Enabled">>
+			<<option 0 "Disabled">>
+			<<comment>>
+			This will enable the experimental nursery, which allows players to interact with growing slave children.  An alternative to the incubator.
+		<</options>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<options $experimental.food>>
+		Food is
+		<<option 1 "Enabled">>
+		<<option 0 "Disabled">>
+		<<comment>>
+		This will enable the experimental food supply and demand system, as well as a new farmyard building and assignments.
+	<</options>>
+	<<if $seeExtreme === 1 && $seeBestiality === 1>>
+		<<options $experimental.animalOvaries>>
+			Animal Ovaries
+			<<option 1 "Enabled">>
+			<<option 0 "Disabled">>
+			<<comment>>
+			This will allow slaves to be impregnated by animals.
+		<</options>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $seeExtreme === 1>>
+		<<options $experimental.dinnerParty>>
+			Dinner party
+			<<option 1 "Enabled">>
+			<<option 0 "Disabled">>
+			<<comment>>
+			This will enable a controversial but very broken event.  Warning: Snuff, cannibalism.
+		<</options>>
+	<</if>>