diff --git a/src/npc/startingGirls/editFamily.js b/src/npc/startingGirls/editFamily.js
index 62fc3f44b4948e4442e8902fdbc89b9ca5d31160..05fb3497ee0fdccdbba705b06c1a1daab1a3ed95 100644
--- a/src/npc/startingGirls/editFamily.js
+++ b/src/npc/startingGirls/editFamily.js
@@ -1,349 +1,452 @@
 App.Intro.editFamily = function(slave) {
 	const el = new DocumentFragment();
+	const _allowPCFamily = (V.freshPC === 1 || V.saveImported === 0);
+	const canBeMom = (s) => (s.vagina > 0  && ((s.mother !== slave.mother) || (slave.mother === 0)));
+	const canBeDad = (s) => (s.dick > 0  && ((s.father !== slave.father) || (slave.father === 0)));
+	const editFamily = makeElWithID("edit-family");
+	const familyTable = makeElWithID("family-table");
+	familyTable.append(makeElWithID("dont-be-dumb"));
+	familyTable.append(mother());
+	familyTable.append(father());
+	familyTable.append(sameMotherAs());
+	familyTable.append(sameFatherAs());
+	familyTable.append(motherOfTheChildren());
+	familyTable.append(fatherOfTheChildren());
+	if (_allowPCFamily) {
+		familyTable.append(resetAllRelativesOfPC());
+	}
+	editFamily.append(familyTable);
+	editFamily.append(makeElWithID("family-tree"));
-	return el;
-	function mainDisplay() {
-		const el = new DocumentFragment();
-		const _allowPCFamily = (V.freshPC === 1 || V.saveImported === 0);
+	function mother() {
+		const div = new DocumentFragment();
+		const linkArray = [];
-		function makeElWithID(id, elType = "div") {
-			const el = document.createElement(elType);
-			el.id = id;
-			return el;
+		div.append("Mother: ");
+		const nameEl = makeElWithID("motherName");
+		nameEl.append(parentName("mother"));
+		div.append(nameEl);
+		linkArray.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Reset",
+				() => {
+					slave.mother = 0;
+					refresh();
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		if (canBeMom(V.PC) && ((V.PC.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= V.fertilityAge) && _allowPCFamily) {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"You",
+					() => {
+						slave.mother = V.PC.ID;
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		for (const potentialRel of V.slaves) {
+			if (canBeMom(potentialRel) && ((potentialRel.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= potentialRel.pubertyAgeXX) && potentialRel.newGamePlus === 0) {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						potentialRel.slaveName,
+						() => {
+							slave.mother = potentialRel.ID;
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
-		el.append()
-		const editFamily = makeElWithID("edit-family");
+		div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
-		const familyTable = makeElWithID("family-table");
-		editFamily.append(familyTable);
-		familyTable.append(makeElWithID("dont-be-dumb"));
+		return div;
+	}
-		function mother() {
-			const div = new DocumentFragment();
-			const linkArray = [];
-			const requirements = (s) => (s.vagina > 0  && ((s.mother !== slave.mother) || (slave.mother === 0)));
+	function father() {
+		const div = new DocumentFragment();
+		const linkArray = [];
-			const nameEl = makeElWithID("motherName")
-			nameEl.append(parentName("mother"));
-			div.append(nameEl);
+		div.append("Father: ");
-			div.append("Mother: ");
+		const nameEl = makeElWithID("fatherName");
+		nameEl.append(parentName("father"));
+		div.append(nameEl);
+		linkArray.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Reset",
+				() => {
+					slave.father = 0;
+					refresh();
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		if (canBeDad(V.PC) && ((V.PC.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= V.potencyAge) && _allowPCFamily) {
-					"Reset",
+					"You",
 					() => {
-						slave.mother = 0;
+						slave.father = V.PC.ID;
+			);
+		}
+		for (const potentialRel of V.slaves) {
+			if (canBeDad(potentialRel) && ((potentialRel.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= potentialRel.pubertyAgeXY) && potentialRel.newGamePlus === 0) {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						potentialRel.slaveName,
+						() => {
+							slave.father = potentialRel.ID;
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		return div;
+	}
+	function sameMotherAs() {
+		const div = new DocumentFragment();
+		const linkArray = [];
+		const nameEl = makeElWithID("sameMotherNames");
+		nameEl.append(App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent('mother', slave.mother));
+		div.append(nameEl);
+		div.append("Same mother as: ");
+		linkArray.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Reset",
+				() => {
+					slave.mother = 0;
+					refresh();
+				}
+		);
-			if (requirements(V.PC) && ((V.PC.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= V.fertilityAge) && _allowPCFamily) {
+		if (canBeMom(V.PC) && _allowPCFamily) {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"You",
+					() => {
+						setRel(V.PC);
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		for (const potentialRel of V.slaves) {
+			if (canBeMom(potentialRel) && ((potentialRel.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= potentialRel.pubertyAgeXX) && potentialRel.newGamePlus === 0) {
-						"You",
+						potentialRel.slaveName,
 						() => {
-							slave.mother = V.PC.ID;
+							setRel(potentialRel);
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		return div;
+		function setRel(potentialRel) {
+			if (potentialRel.mother !== 0) {
+				slave.mother = potentialRel.mother;
+			} else if (slave.mother !== 0) {
+				potentialRel.mother = slave.mother;
+			} else {
+				slave.mother = -20 - 2*slave.ID;
+				potentialRel.mother = slave.mother;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function sameFatherAs() {
+		const div = new DocumentFragment();
+		const linkArray = [];
+		const nameEl = makeElWithID("sameFatherNames");
+		nameEl.append(App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent('father', slave.father));
+		div.append(nameEl);
+		div.append("Same father as: ");
+		linkArray.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Reset",
+				() => {
+					slave.father = 0;
+					refresh();
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		if (canBeDad(V.PC) && _allowPCFamily) {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"You",
+					() => {
+						setRel(V.PC);
+						refresh();
+					}
+			);
+		}
+		for (const potentialRel of V.slaves) {
+			if (canBeDad(potentialRel) && ((potentialRel.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= potentialRel.pubertyAgeXY) && potentialRel.newGamePlus === 0) {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						potentialRel.slaveName,
+						() => {
+							setRel(potentialRel);
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		return div;
+		function setRel(potentialRel) {
+			if (potentialRel.father !== 0) {
+				slave.father = potentialRel.father;
+			} else if (slave.father !== 0) {
+				potentialRel.father = slave.father;
+			} else {
+				slave.father = -20 - 2*slave.ID;
+				potentialRel.father = slave.father;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function motherOfTheChildren() {
+		const div = new DocumentFragment();
+		const linkArray = [];
+		const nameEl = makeElWithID("motheredNames");
+		nameEl.append(App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent("mother", slave.ID));
+		div.append(nameEl);
+		div.append("Mother of the children: ");
+		linkArray.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Reset",
+				() => {
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.mother === slave.ID && s.newGamePlus === 0) {
+							s.mother = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.PC.mother === slave.ID && _allowPCFamily) {
+						V.PC.mother = 0;
+					}
+					refresh();
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		if (slave.vagina >= 0) {
+			if (canBeMom(V.PC) && (slave.actualAge - V.PC.actualAge) >= V.fertilityAge && _allowPCFamily) {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						"You",
+						() => {
+							setRel(V.PC);
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
 			for (const potentialRel of V.slaves) {
-				if (requirements(potentialRel) && ((potentialRel.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= potentialRel.pubertyAgeXX) && potentialRel.newGamePlus === 0) {
+				if (canBeMom(potentialRel) && ((potentialRel.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= potentialRel.pubertyAgeXX) && potentialRel.newGamePlus === 0) {
 							() => {
-								slave.mother = potentialRel.ID
+								setRel(potentialRel);
-					)
+					);
+		}
-			div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
-			return div;
-		}
-		<br>''Father:'' <span id="fatherName">
-	<<parentName "father">></span>
-		<<link "Reset">>
-			slave.father = 0;
-			<<redisplayFamily>>
-		<</link>>
-		if (V.PC.dick > 0) && ((V.PC.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= V.potencyAge) && ((V.PC.father !== slave.father) || (slave.father === 0)) && _allowPCFamily {
-			| <<link "You">>
-	slave.father = V.PC.ID;
-	<<redisplayFamily>>
-	<</link>>
-		}
-		<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-			if (V.slaves[_efw].dick > 0) && (((V.slaves[_efw].actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= V.slaves[_efw].pubertyAgeXY)) && ((V.slaves[_efw].father !== slave.father) || (slave.father === 0)) && V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0 {
-				|
-				_id = V.slaves[_efw].ID;
-				_slaveName = V.slaves[_efw].slaveName;
-				<<print "
-				<<link _slaveName>>
-					slave.father = " + _id + ";
-					<<redisplayFamily>>
-				<</link>>
-				">>
+		return div;
+		function setRel(potentialRel) {
+			potentialRel.mother = slave.ID;
+			if (slave.vagina === 0) {
+				slave.vagina = 1;
-		<</for>>
-		<br>''Same mother as:'' <span id="sameMotherNames">
-	V.App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent('mother', slave.mother)</span>
-		<<link "Reset">>
-			slave.mother = 0;
-			<<redisplayFamily>>
-		<</link>>
-		if (slave.mother !== V.PC.ID) && (V.PC.mother !== slave.ID) && _allowPCFamily {
-			|
-			<<link "You">>
-				if (V.PC.mother !== 0) {
-					slave.mother = V.PC.mother;
-				} else if (slave.mother !== 0) {
-					V.PC.mother = slave.mother;
-				} else {
-					slave.mother = -20 - 2*slave.ID;
-					V.PC.mother = slave.mother;
-				}
-				<<redisplayFamily>>
-			<</link>>
-		<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-			if (V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-				if (V.saveImported === 1) {|
-				_slaveName = V.slaves[_efw].slaveName;
-				_slave = V.slaves[_efw];
-				if (slave.mother !== _slave.ID) && (_slave.mother !== slave.ID) {
-					|
-					<<print "
-						<<link _slaveName>>
-							_slave = V.slaves[" + _efw + "];
-							if (_slave.mother !== 0) {
-								slave.mother = _slave.mother;
-							} else if (slave.mother !== 0) {
-								_slave.mother = slave.mother;
-							} else {
-								slave.mother = -20 - 2*slave.ID;
-								_slave.mother = slave.mother;
-							}
-							<<redisplayFamily>>
-						<</link>>
-					">>
+	function fatherOfTheChildren() {
+		const div = new DocumentFragment();
+		const linkArray = [];
+		const nameEl = makeElWithID("fatheredNames");
+		nameEl.append(App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent("father", slave.ID));
+		div.append(nameEl);
+		div.append("Father of the children: ");
+		linkArray.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Reset",
+				() => {
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.father === slave.ID && s.newGamePlus === 0) {
+							s.father = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.PC.father === slave.ID && _allowPCFamily) {
+						V.PC.father = 0;
+					}
+					refresh();
+			)
+		);
+		if (slave.dick > 0) {
+			if (canBeMom(V.PC) && (slave.actualAge - V.PC.actualAge) >= V.potencyAge && _allowPCFamily) {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						"You",
+						() => {
+							V.PC.father = slave.ID;
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
-		<</for>>
-		<br>''Same father as:'' <span id="sameFatherNames">
-	V.App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent('father', slave.father)</span>
-		<<link "Reset">>
-			slave.father = 0;
-			<<replace '#fatherName'>>
-	<</replace>>
-			<<replace '#sameFatherNames'>>
-	<</replace>>
-			<<redisplayFamily>>
-		<</link>>
-		if (slave.father !== V.PC.ID) && (V.PC.father !== slave.ID) && _allowPCFamily {
-			|
-			<<link "You">>
-				if (V.PC.father !== 0) {
-					slave.father = V.PC.father;
-				} else if (slave.father !== 0) {
-					V.PC.father = slave.father;
-				} else {
-					slave.father = (-20 - 2*slave.ID -1);
-					V.PC.father = slave.father;
+			for (const potentialRel of V.slaves) {
+				if (canBeMom(potentialRel) && ((potentialRel.actualAge - slave.actualAge) >= potentialRel.pubertyAgeXX) && potentialRel.newGamePlus === 0) {
+					linkArray.push(
+						App.UI.DOM.link(
+							potentialRel.slaveName,
+							() => {
+								potentialRel.father = slave.ID;
+								refresh();
+							}
+						)
+					);
-				<<redisplayFamily>>
-			<</link>>
+			}
-		<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-			if (V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-				if (V.saveImported === 1) {|
+		div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		return div;
-				_slaveName = V.slaves[_efw].slaveName;
-				_slave = V.slaves[_efw];
-				if (slave.father !== _slave.ID) && (_slave.father !== slave.ID) {
-					|
-					<<print "
-						<<link _slaveName>>
-							_slave = V.slaves[" + _efw + "];
-							if (_slave.father !== 0) {
-								slave.father = _slave.father;
-							} else if (slave.father !== 0) {
-								_slave.father = slave.father;
-							} else {
-								slave.father = (-20 - 2*slave.ID -1);
-								_slave.father = slave.father;
+	function resetAllRelativesOfPC() {
+		return App.UI.DOM.makeElement(
+			"div",
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Reset ALL PC Relatives",
+				() => {
+					let _sameMother = 0;
+					let _sameFather = 0;
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.newGamePlus === 0) {
+							if (s.mother === V.PC.ID) {
+								s.mother = 0;
-							<<redisplayFamily>>
-						<</link>>
-					">>
-				}
-			}
-		<</for>>
-		<br>''Mother of the children:'' <span id="motheredNames">
-	V.App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent("mother", slave.ID)</span>
-		<<link "Reset">>
-			<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-				if (V.slaves[_efw].mother === slave.ID && V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-					V.slaves[_efw].mother = 0;
-				}
-			<</for>>
-			if (V.PC.mother === slave.ID && _allowPCFamily) {
-				V.PC.mother = 0;
-			}
-			<<redisplayFamily>>
-		<</link>>
-		if (slave.vagina >= 0) {
-			if ((slave.actualAge - V.PC.actualAge) >= V.fertilityAge) && ((V.PC.mother !== slave.mother) || (slave.mother === 0)) && _allowPCFamily {
-				|
-				<<link "You">>
-					V.PC.mother = slave.ID;
-					if (slave.vagina === 0) {
-						slave.vagina = 1;
-					}
-					<<redisplayFamily>>
-				<</link>>
-			}
-			<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-				if (V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-					_slaveName = V.slaves[_efw].slaveName;
-					_slave = V.slaves[_efw];
-					if ((slave.actualAge - _slave.actualAge) >= V.fertilityAge) && ((_slave.mother !== slave.mother) || (slave.mother === 0)) {
-						|
-						<<print "
-						<<link _slaveName>>
-							_slave = V.slaves[" + _efw + "];
-							_slave.mother = slave.ID;
-							if (slave.vagina === 0) {
-								slave.vagina = 1;
+							if (s.father === V.PC.ID) {
+								s.father = 0;
+							}
+							if (s.mother === V.PC.mother) {
+								_sameMother++;
+							}
+							if (s.father === V.PC.father) {
+								_sameFather++;
-							<<redisplayFamily>>
-						<</link>>
-						">>
+						}
-				}
-			<</for>>
-		}
-		<br>''Father of the children:'' <span id="fatheredNames">
-	V.App.StartingGirls.listOfSlavesWithParent("father", slave.ID)</span>
-		<<link "Reset">>
-			<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-				if (V.slaves[_efw].father === slave.ID && V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-					V.slaves[_efw].father = 0;
-				}
-			<</for>>
-			if (V.PC.father === slave.ID && _allowPCFamily) {
-				V.PC.father = 0;
-			}
-			<<redisplayFamily>>
-		<</link>>
-		if (slave.dick > 0) {
-			if ((slave.actualAge - V.PC.actualAge) >= V.potencyAge) && ((V.PC.father !== slave.father) || (slave.father === 0)) && _allowPCFamily {
-				|
-				<<link "You">>
-					V.PC.father = slave.ID;
-					<<redisplayFamily>>
-				<</link>>
-			}
-			<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-				if (V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-					_slaveName = V.slaves[_efw].slaveName;
-					_slave = V.slaves[_efw];
-					if ((slave.actualAge - _slave.actualAge) >= V.potencyAge) && ((_slave.father !== slave.father) || (slave.father === 0)) {
-						|
-						<<print "
-						<<link _slaveName>>
-							_slave = V.slaves[" + _efw + "];
-							_slave.father = slave.ID;
-							<<redisplayFamily>>
-						<</link>>
-						">>
+					if (_sameMother === 0 && slave.mother === V.PC.mother) {
+						slave.mother = 0;
-				}
-			<</for>>
-		}
-		<br>
-		if (_allowPCFamily) {
-			<<link "Reset ALL PC Relatives">>
-				_sameMother = 0, _sameFather = 0;
-				<<for _efw = 0; _efw < V.slaves.length; _efw++>>
-					if (V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-						if (V.slaves[_efw].mother === V.PC.ID) {
-							V.slaves[_efw].mother = 0;
-						}
-						if (V.slaves[_efw].father === V.PC.ID) {
-							V.slaves[_efw].father = 0;
-						}
-						if (V.slaves[_efw].mother === V.PC.mother) {
-							_sameMother++;
-						}
-						if (V.slaves[_efw].father === V.PC.father) {
-							_sameFather++;
-						}
+					if (_sameFather === 0 && slave.father === V.PC.father) {
+						slave.father = 0;
-				<</for>>
-				if (_sameMother === 0 && slave.mother === V.PC.mother) {
-					slave.mother = 0;
-				}
-				if (_sameFather === 0 && slave.father === V.PC.father) {
-					slave.father = 0;
-				}
-				<<for _efw = 0; (_efw < V.slaves.length && (_sameMother === 1 || _sameFather === 1)); _efw++>>
-					if (V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
-						if (V.slaves[_efw].mother === V.PC.mother && _sameMother === 1) {
-							V.slaves[_efw].mother = 0, _sameMother = 0;
-						}
-						if (V.slaves[_efw].father === V.PC.father && _sameFather === 1) {
-							V.slaves[_efw].father = 0, _sameFather = 0;
+					for (let _efw = 0; (_efw < V.slaves.length && (_sameMother === 1 || _sameFather === 1)); _efw++) {
+						if (V.slaves[_efw].newGamePlus === 0) {
+							if (V.slaves[_efw].mother === V.PC.mother && _sameMother === 1) {
+								V.slaves[_efw].mother = 0;
+								_sameMother = 0;
+							}
+							if (V.slaves[_efw].father === V.PC.father && _sameFather === 1) {
+								V.slaves[_efw].father = 0;
+								_sameFather = 0;
+							}
-				<</for>>
-				if (slave.mother === V.PC.ID) {
-					slave.mother = 0;
-				}
-				if (slave.father === V.PC.ID) {
-					slave.father = 0;
+					if (slave.mother === V.PC.ID) {
+						slave.mother = 0;
+					}
+					if (slave.father === V.PC.ID) {
+						slave.father = 0;
+					}
+					V.PC.father = 0;
+					V.PC.mother = 0;
+					refresh();
-				V.PC.father = 0;
-				V.PC.mother = 0;
-				<<redisplayFamily>>
-			<</link>>
-		}
-		<br>
-		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id="familySummary">
-	V.App.Desc.family(slave)</span>
-		<br>
-		</div>
-		<div id="family-tree"></div>
-		</div>
+			)
+		);
+	}
+	function makeElWithID(id, elType = "div") {
+		const el = document.createElement(elType);
+		el.id = id;
+		return el;
+	const familySummary = makeElWithID("familySummary");
+	familySummary.append(App.Desc.family(slave));
+	el.append(familySummary);
+	return el;
-	 * 
+	 *
 	 * @param {string} rel "mother", etc.  Property of slave object.
 	function parentName(rel) {