diff --git a/src/SecExp/attackReport.tw b/src/SecExp/attackReport.tw index ab705ece147ffe147931b980d767b699dad92caa..be35bd77b376bb4ed05e6d4d88effeaf25773ab4 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/attackReport.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/attackReport.tw @@ -436,7 +436,8 @@ <<run cashX(_loot, "war")>> <br> Damage to the infrastructure was @@.yellow;virtually non-existent,@@ costing only pocket cash to bring the structure back to normal. The inhabitants as well reported little to no injuries, because of this the prosperity of the arcology did not suffer. - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _majorBattleMod, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _majorBattleMod), "war")>> <<if $PCvictoryStreak >= 3>> It seems your victories over the constant threats directed your way is having @@.green;a positive effect on the prosperity of the arcology,@@ due to the security your leadership affords. <<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 5 * _majorBattleMod>> @@ -458,7 +459,8 @@ <</if>> <br> In the raiding following the battle @@.red;the arcology sustained heavy damage,@@ which will cost quite the amount of cash to fix. Reports of @@.red;citizens or slaves killed or missing@@ flood your office for a few days following the defeat. - <<set $cash -= 5000 * _majorBattleMod, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 * _majorBattleMod), "war")>> <<if $week <= 30>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(100) * _majorBattleMod>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(150) * _majorBattleMod, @@ -543,7 +545,8 @@ <<run cashX(_loot, "war")>> <br> Damage to the city was @@.red;limited,@@ it won't take much to rebuild. Very few citizens or slaves were involved in the fight and even fewer met their end, safeguarding the prosperity of the arcology. - <<set $cash -= 2000 * _majorBattleMod, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(2000 * _majorBattleMod), "war")>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(10) * _majorBattleMod>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(20) * _majorBattleMod, $NPCSlaves -= Math.trunc(($NPCSlaves / $ASlaves) * _lostSlaves), @@ -568,7 +571,8 @@ <br> The enemy did not have the strength to raid the arcology for long, still @@.red;the arcology sustained some damage,@@ which will cost a moderate amount of cash to fix. Some citizens and slaves found themselves on the wrong end of a gun and met their demise. Some business sustained heavy damage, slightly impacting the arcology's prosperity. - <<set $cash -= 3000 * _majorBattleMod, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(3000 * _majorBattleMod), "war")>> <<if $week <= 30>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(50) * _majorBattleMod>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(75) * _majorBattleMod, @@ -627,7 +631,8 @@ <</if>> <br> The surrender allows the arcology to survive @@.red;mostly intact,@@ however reports of @@.red;mass looting and killing of citizens@@ flood your office for a few days. - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _majorBattleMod, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _majorBattleMod, "war")>> <<if $week <= 30>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(80) * _majorBattleMod>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(120) * _majorBattleMod, @@ -687,7 +692,8 @@ <</if>> <br> Fortunately the arcology survives @@.yellow;mostly intact,@@ however reports of @@.red;mass looting and killing of citizens@@ flood your office for a few days. - <<set $cash -= 1000, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1)>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "war")>> <<if $week <= 30>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(80) * _majorBattleMod>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(120) * _majorBattleMod, diff --git a/src/SecExp/edicts.tw b/src/SecExp/edicts.tw index 32a7318a0babe670098bfc66591430c7ca7d5671..fa14b45f14b6eb0dd6adab9a6705db9348236896 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/edicts.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/edicts.tw @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ <<if $alternativeRents == 0>> <br>''Alternative rent payment:'' allow citizens to pay for their rents in menial slaves rather than cash, if so they wish. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$alternativeRents = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$alternativeRents = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ <<if $enslavementRights == 0>> <br>''Enslavement rights:'' the arcology owner will be the only authority able to declare a person enslaved or not. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$enslavementRights = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$enslavementRights = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ <<if $sellData == 0 && ($secUpgrades.nanoCams == 1 || $secUpgrades.cyberBots == 1 || $secUpgrades.eyeScan == 1 || $secUpgrades.cryptoAnalyzer == 1 || $crimeUpgrades.autoTrial == 1 || $crimeUpgrades.autoArchive == 1 || $crimeUpgrades.worldProfiler == 1 || $crimeUpgrades.advForensic == 1)>> <br>''Private Data marketization:'' allow the selling of private citizens' data. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$sellData = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$sellData = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ <<if $propCampaignBoost == 0>> <br>''Obligatory educational material:'' force residents to read curated educational material about the arcology. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$propCampaignBoost = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$propCampaignBoost = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ <<if $tradeLegalAid == 0>> <br>''Legal aid for new businesses:'' Support new businesses in the arcology by helping them cover legal costs and issues. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$tradeLegalAid = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$tradeLegalAid = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ <<if $taxTrade == 0>> <br>''Trade tariffs:'' all goods transitioning in your arcology will have to pay a transition fee. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$taxTrade = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$taxTrade = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ <<if $slaveWatch == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Slave mistreatment watch:@@'' slaves will be able access a special security service in case of mistreatment. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$slaveWatch = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$slaveWatch = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ <<if $subsidyChurch == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Religious activities subsidy:@@'' will provide economic support to religious activities following the official dogma. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$subsidyChurch = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$subsidyChurch = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ <<if !$SFSupportLevel && $reqMenials > 5>> <br>''Equipment provision:'' $SF.Caps will provide the security HQ with advanced equipment. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 1000, $reqMenials -= 5]] + [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 1000, $reqMenials -= 5]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ <<elseif $SFSupportLevel && $SF.Squad.Firebase >= 4 && $reqMenials > 5>> <br>''Personnel training:'' $SF.Caps will provide the security HQ personnel with advanced training. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 2000, $reqMenials -= 5]] + [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 2000, $reqMenials -= 5]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ <<elseif $SFSupportLevel === 2 && $SF.Squad.Firebase >= 6 && $reqMenials > 5>> <br>''Troops detachment:'' $SF.Caps will provide troops to the security department. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 3000, $reqMenials -= 5]] + [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 3000, $reqMenials -= 5]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ <<elseif $SFSupportLevel === 3 && $SF.Squad.Firebase >= 6 && $reqMenials > 5>> <br>''Full Support:'' $SF.Caps will give the security department its full support. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 3000, $reqMenials -= 5]] + [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 3000, $reqMenials -= 5]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ <<elseif $SFSupportLevel === 4 && $SF.Squad.Firebase === 10 && $reqMenials > 5>> <br>''Network assistance:'' $SF.Caps will assist the security department with installing a local version of their custom network. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, $cash -=50000, $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 4000, $secHQUpkeep += 1000, $reqMenials -= 5]] + [[Implement|edicts][$SFSupportLevel++, cashX(-50000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $SFSupportUpkeep += 4000, $secHQUpkeep += 1000, $reqMenials -= 5]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ <<if $limitImmigration == 0>> <br>''Immigration limits:'' institute limits to the amount of people the arcology will accept each week. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$openBorders = 0, $limitImmigration = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$openBorders = 0, $limitImmigration = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ <<if $openBorders == 0>> <br>''Open borders:'' considerably lower requirements to become citizens. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$openBorders = 1, $limitImmigration = 0, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$openBorders = 1, $limitImmigration = 0, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ <<if $weaponsLaw == 3>> <br>''Heavy weaponry forbidden:'' set the range of weapons allowed within the arcology to non-heavy, non-explosive. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 2, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 2, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -386,14 +386,14 @@ <<elseif $weaponsLaw == 2>> <br>''All weapons allowed:'' allow residents of the arcology to buy, sell and keep weaponry of any kind within the arcology. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 3, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep -= 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 3, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep -= 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> <br> //Will slightly increase prosperity and provide a small weekly amount of reputation, but rebellions will be very well armed.// <br>''Heavily restricted weaponry:'' set the range of weapons allowed within the arcology to non-automatic, non-high caliber. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -401,14 +401,14 @@ <<elseif $weaponsLaw == 1>> <br>''Heavy weaponry forbidden:'' set the range of weapons allowed within the arcology to non-heavy, non-explosive. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 2, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep -= 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 2, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep -= 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> <br> //Will slightly increase prosperity, but will cost a small amount of authority each week and will leave rebellions decently armed.// <br>''Forbid weapons inside the arcology:'' forbid residents to buy, sell and keep weaponry while within the arcology. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 0, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 0, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ <<elseif $weaponsLaw == 0>> <br>''Heavily restricted weaponry:'' set the range of weapons allowed within the arcology to non-automatic, non-high caliber. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep -= 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$weaponsLaw = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep -= 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ <<if $soldierWages == 0>> <br>''Average wages for soldiers:'' will set the wages paid to the soldiers of the arcology to an average amount. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages += 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages += 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -437,14 +437,14 @@ <<elseif $soldierWages == 1>> <br>''Low wages for soldiers:'' will set the wages paid to the soldiers of the arcology to a low amount. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages -= 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages -= 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> <br> //Will lower all units upkeep and push loyalty to low levels.// <br>''High wages for soldiers:'' will set the wages paid to the soldiers of the arcology to a high amount. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages += 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages += 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ <<else>> <br>''Average wages for soldiers:'' will set the wages paid to the soldiers of the arcology to an average amount. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages -= 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$soldierWages -= 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ <<if $slavesOfficers == 0>> <br>''Slave Officers:'' allow your trusted slaves to lead the defense forces of the arcology. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$slavesOfficers = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$slavesOfficers = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ <<if $discountMercenaries == 0>> <br>''Mercenary subsidy:'' mercenaries willing to immigrate in your arcology will be offered a discount on rent. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$discountMercenaries = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$discountMercenaries = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ <<if $militiaFounded == 0>> <br>''Found the militia:'' lay the groundwork for the formation of the arcology's citizens' army. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$militiaFounded = 1, $recruitVolunteers = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$militiaFounded = 1, $recruitVolunteers = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ <<if $recruitVolunteers == 0>> <br>''Volunteers' militia:'' only volunteers will be accepted in the militia. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 0, $militaryService = 0, $conscription = 0, $recruitVolunteers = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 0, $militaryService = 0, $conscription = 0, $recruitVolunteers = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ <<if $conscription == 0>> <br>''Conscription:'' every citizen is required to train in the militia and serve the arcology if the need arises. <<if $authority >= 4000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 0, $militaryService = 0, $conscription = 1, $recruitVolunteers = 0, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 4000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 0, $militaryService = 0, $conscription = 1, $recruitVolunteers = 0, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 4000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ <<if $militaryService == 0>> <br>''Obligatory military service:'' every citizen is required to register and serve under the militia. <<if $authority >= 6000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 0, $militaryService = 1, $conscription = 0, $recruitVolunteers = 0, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 6000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 0, $militaryService = 1, $conscription = 0, $recruitVolunteers = 0, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 6000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ <<if $militarizedSociety == 0>> <br>''Militarized Society:'' every adult citizen is required to train and participate in the defense of the arcology. <<if $authority >= 8000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 1, $militaryService = 0, $conscription = 0, $recruitVolunteers = 0, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 8000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$militarizedSociety = 1, $militaryService = 0, $conscription = 0, $recruitVolunteers = 0, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 8000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ <<if $militaryExemption == 0 && ($conscription == 1 || $militaryService == 1 || $militarizedSociety == 1)>> <br>''Military exemption:'' allow citizens to avoid military duty by paying a weekly fee. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$militaryExemption = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$militaryExemption = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ <<if $lowerRquirements == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Revised minimum requirements:@@'' will allow citizens outside the normally accepted range to join the militia. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$lowerRquirements = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $militiaBaseDefense--, $militiaBaseHp--]] + [[Implement|edicts][$lowerRquirements = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $militiaBaseDefense--, $militiaBaseHp--]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ <<if $noSubhumansInArmy == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;No subhumans in the militia:@@'' prevent subhumans from joining the militia. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$noSubhumansInArmy = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$noSubhumansInArmy = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ <<if $pregExemption == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Military exemption for pregnancies:@@'' pregnant citizens will be allowed, and encouraged, to avoid military service. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$pregExemption = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$pregExemption = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ <<if $militiaSoldierPrivilege == 0 && $militiaFounded == 1>> <br>''Special militia privileges'' will allow citizens joining the militia to avoid paying rent. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$militiaSoldierPrivilege = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$militiaSoldierPrivilege = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ <<if $slaveSoldierPrivilege == 0>> <br>''Special slaves privileges'' will allow slaves drafted into the army to be able to have material possessions. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$slaveSoldierPrivilege = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$slaveSoldierPrivilege = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsAuthUpkeep += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ <<if $mercSoldierPrivilege == 0 && $mercenaries > 0>> <br>''Special mercenary privileges'' will allow mercenaries under contract to claim part of the loot gained from battles. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$mercSoldierPrivilege = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$mercSoldierPrivilege = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ <<if $martialSchool == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Slave martial schools:@@'' specialized schools will be set up to train slaves in martial arts and bodyguarding. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$martialSchool = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $slaveBaseMorale += 5]] + [[Implement|edicts][$martialSchool = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $slaveBaseMorale += 5]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ <<if $eliteOfficers == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Elite officers:@@'' officers will be exclusively recruited from the elite of society. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$eliteOfficers = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $militiaBaseMorale += 5, $slaveBaseMorale -= 5]] + [[Implement|edicts][$eliteOfficers = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $militiaBaseMorale += 5, $slaveBaseMorale -= 5]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ <<if $liveTargets == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Live targets drills:@@'' disobedient slaves will be used as live targets at shooting ranges. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$liveTargets = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$liveTargets = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ <<if $legionTradition == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Legionaries traditions:@@'' Fund specialized training for your recruits to turn them into the professional of Roman tradition. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$legionTradition = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $militiaBaseDefense += 2, $militiaBaseMorale += 5, $militiaBaseHp++]] + [[Implement|edicts][$legionTradition = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $militiaBaseDefense += 2, $militiaBaseMorale += 5, $militiaBaseHp++]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ <<if $pharaonTradition == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Pharaonic traditions:@@'' Fund specialized training for your recruits to turn them into an army worthy of a pharaoh. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$pharaonTradition = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $militiaBaseAttack += 2, $militiaBaseDefense += 2, $militiaBaseMorale += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$pharaonTradition = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $militiaBaseAttack += 2, $militiaBaseDefense += 2, $militiaBaseMorale += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ <<if $eagleWarriors == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Eagle warriors traditions:@@'' Fund specialized training for your mercenaries to turn them into the elite units of Aztec tradition. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$eagleWarriors = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $mercBaseAttack += 4, $mercBaseDefense -= 2, $mercBaseMorale += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$eagleWarriors = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $mercBaseAttack += 4, $mercBaseDefense -= 2, $mercBaseMorale += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ <<if $ronin == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Ronin traditions:@@'' Fund specialized training for your mercenaries to turn them into the errant samurai of Japanese tradition. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$ronin = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $mercBaseAttack += 2, $mercBaseDefense += 2, $mercBaseMorale += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$ronin = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $mercBaseAttack += 2, $mercBaseDefense += 2, $mercBaseMorale += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ <<if $mamluks == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Mamluks traditions:@@'' Fund specialized training for your slaves to turn them into the mamluks slave soldiers of Arabian tradition. <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$mamluks = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $slaveBaseAttack += 2, $slaveBaseHp++, $slaveBaseMorale += 10]] + [[Implement|edicts][$mamluks = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $edictsUpkeep += 1000, $slaveBaseAttack += 2, $slaveBaseHp++, $slaveBaseMorale += 10]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ <<if $sunTzu == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Sun Tzu Teachings:@@'' Fund specialized training for your units and officers to conform your army to the teachings of the "Art of War". <<if $authority >= 1000>> - [[Implement|edicts][$sunTzu = 1, $cash -=5000, $authority -= 1000, $militiaBaseAttack++, $militiaBaseDefense++, $mercBaseAttack++, $mercBaseDefense++, $slaveBaseAttack++, $slaveBaseDefense++, $militiaBaseMorale += 5, $mercBaseMorale += 5, $slaveBaseMorale += 5, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] + [[Implement|edicts][$sunTzu = 1, cashX(-5000, "policies"), $authority -= 1000, $militiaBaseAttack++, $militiaBaseDefense++, $mercBaseAttack++, $mercBaseDefense++, $slaveBaseAttack++, $slaveBaseDefense++, $militiaBaseMorale += 5, $mercBaseMorale += 5, $slaveBaseMorale += 5, $edictsUpkeep += 1000]] <<else>> <br>//Not enough Authority.// <</if>> diff --git a/src/SecExp/propagandaHub.tw b/src/SecExp/propagandaHub.tw index ddeca8779cb047caf5aded98b26ad0f63e0f96af..a0f2487059408cf4d92a763e951e2df1bc646c1d 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/propagandaHub.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/propagandaHub.tw @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <br><br><<if $propCampaign == 0>> <<link "Set up a propaganda campaign" "propagandaHub">> <<set $propCampaign += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $propFocus = "social engineering">> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <br> <<if $propCampaign < 5>> <<link "Invest more resources in the propaganda machine" "propagandaHub">> - <<set $cash -= 5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($propCampaign + 1) * _HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($propCampaign + 1) * _HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), "capEx")>> <<set $propCampaign += 1>> <<set $PC.hacking += .5>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<if $miniTruth == 0>> <<link "Set up the authenticity department" "propagandaHub">> <<set $miniTruth += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Set up a department tasked with guaranteeing the authenticity of all information available in the arcology. Of course if reality is against what is best for the arcology, then it should be redacted as well. @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<else>> <<if $miniTruth < 5>> <<link "Enlarge the authenticity department" "propagandaHub">> - <<set $cash -= 5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($miniTruth + 1) * _HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($miniTruth + 1) * _HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $miniTruth += 1>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<if $fakeNews == 0>> <<link "Install a news generator" "propagandaHub">> <<set $fakeNews = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Install an automatic news generator, able to fabricate thousands of plausible sounding news every day. @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<if $controlLeaks == 0>> <<link "Institute controlled leaks protocols" "propagandaHub">> <<set $controlLeaks = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), "capEx")>> <<set $PC.hacking += 1>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<if $secretService == 0>> <<link "Set up personal secret service" "propagandaHub">> <<set $secretService += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Set up a department tasked with the protection of your person, as well as operations requiring a delicate approach. @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<if $secretService < 5 && $rep >= ($secretService * 1000) + 5000>> <<link "Expand the secret service" "propagandaHub">> <<set $secretService += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($secretService + 1) * _HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($secretService + 1) * _HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Invest more resources into the project to increase its effectiveness. @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<if $blackOps == 0>> <<link "Create a black ops team" "propagandaHub">> <<set $blackOps = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Create a black ops team, ready to carry out corporate sabotage and sensitive operations to further your goals. @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ The propaganda hub is a surprisingly inconspicuous building, dimly lit from the <<if $marketInfiltration == 0>> <<link "Infiltrate the black market" "propagandaHub">> <<set $marketInfiltration = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), "capEx")>> <<set $propHubUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Establish a presence on the black market in order to manipulate it. diff --git a/src/SecExp/rebellionReport.tw b/src/SecExp/rebellionReport.tw index 50974a9a53724500d661e61b59335acf3b380d8d..597ca899c03fb58c7be4760d078b6651245c118d 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/rebellionReport.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/rebellionReport.tw @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ <<set $authority -= random(1000,1200)>> <br> The surrender allows the arcology to survive @@.yellow;mostly intact,@@ however reports of @@.red;mass looting and killing of citizens@@ flood your office for a few days. - <<set $cash -= 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "war")>> <<if $week <= 30>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(100)>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(150), @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ <<set $authority -= random(1000,1200)>> <br> The surrender allows the arcology to survive @@.yellow;mostly intact,@@ however reports of @@.red;mass looting and killing of citizens@@ flood your office for a few days. - <<set $cash -= 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "war")>> <<if $week <= 30>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(100)>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(150), @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ Thanks to the advance riot control weaponry developed by your experts, the rebels were mostly subdued or killed with @@.yellow;little to no collateral damage to the arcology@@ and its inhabitants. A few businesses were looted, but the damage was very limited. <<set $arcRepairTime += 2, $PC.engineering += .1>> - <<set $cash -= 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "war")>> <<if $week <= 30>> <<set $lowerClass -= random(20)>> <<set _lostSlaves = random(45), @@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ Unfortunately during the fighting a group of slaves infiltrated the reactor complex and sabotaged it, causing massive power fluctuations and blackouts. It will take @@.red;time and money to repair the damage@@. <<set $garrison.reactorTime = $repairTime + random(1) - $fort.reactor, $PC.engineering += .1>> - <<set $cash -= 2000>> + <<run cashX(-2000, "war")>> <<else>> While the reactor was left defenseless without a garrison, there was no attempt at sabotage. Let's hope we'll always be this lucky. <</if>> @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ Unfortunately during the fighting a group of slaves infiltrated the water management complex and sabotaged it, causing huge water leaks throughout the arcology and severely limiting the water supply. It will take @@.red;time and money to repair the damage@@. <<set $garrison.waterwayTime = $repairTime + random(1) - $fort.waterway, $PC.engineering += .1>> - <<set $cash -= 2000>> + <<run cashX(-2000, "war")>> <<else>> While the water management complex was left defenseless without a garrison, there was no attempt at sabotage. Let's hope we'll always be this lucky. <</if>> @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ Unfortunately during the fighting a group of slaves infiltrated the facility housing $assistantName's mainframe and sabotaged it. Without its AI the arcology will be next to impossible to manage. It will take @@.red;time and money to repair the damage@@. <<set $garrison.assistantTime = $repairTime + random(1) - $fort.assistant, $PC.engineering += .1>> - <<set $cash -= 2000>> + <<run cashX(-2000, "war")>> <<else>> While the $assistantName's mainframe was left defenseless without a garrison, there was no attempt at sabotage. Let's hope we'll always be this lucky. <</if>> @@ -740,7 +740,8 @@ <</if>> <</if>> The damage to the structure will be @@.red;costly to repair@@. - <<set $cash -= 2000, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<run cashX(-2000, "war")>> <<else>> While the penthouse was left without a sizable garrison, there was no dangerous assault against it. Let's hope we'll always be this lucky. <</if>> @@ -849,7 +850,8 @@ <</if>> <</if>> The damage to the structure will be @@.red;costly to repair@@. - <<set $cash -= 2000, $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<set $PC.engineering += .1>> + <<run cashX(-2000, "war")>> <<else>> There was no sizable assault against the penthouse. Let's hope we'll always be this lucky. <</if>> diff --git a/src/SecExp/riotControlCenter.tw b/src/SecExp/riotControlCenter.tw index dbe2d9124d7be679b8b4736622329b20bab699ab..7b1934ade94ac001202b7bb733ddec8b0d6d2de4 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/riotControlCenter.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/riotControlCenter.tw @@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <</if>> <br> <<if $riotUpgrades.freeMedia == 0>> - [[Provide free media access in all the arcology|riotControlCenter][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $riotUpgrades.freeMedia = 1, $riotUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Provide free media access in all the arcology|riotControlCenter][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $riotUpgrades.freeMedia = 1, $riotUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>. Will slowly lower tensions in the arcology, but will incur in upkeep costs.// <<else>> You are providing free access to many mass media in the arcology. <<if $riotUpgrades.freeMedia < 5>> <br><<link "Invest more resources in the free media project" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $riotUpgrades.freeMedia += 1>> - <<set $cash -= ((5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($riotUpgrades.freeMedia + 1)*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(((5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($riotUpgrades.freeMedia + 1)*$HackingSkillMultiplier))), "capEx")>> <<set $PC.hacking += .5>> <<set $riotUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> @@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <br> <br> <<if $riotUpgrades.rapidUnit == 0>> - [[Create rapid deployment riot units|riotControlCenter][$cash -= Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $riotUpgrades.rapidUnit = 1, $riotUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Create rapid deployment riot units|riotControlCenter][<<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx")>>, $riotUpgrades.rapidUnit = 1, $riotUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>. Will allow spending authority or reputation to lower the progress of rebellions.// <<else>> You created a rapid deployment riot unit. <<if $riotUpgrades.rapidUnit < 5>> <br><<link "Invest more resources in the rapid deployment unit" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $riotUpgrades.rapidUnit += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($riotUpgrades.rapidUnit + 1)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($riotUpgrades.rapidUnit + 1)), "capEx")>> <<set $riotUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Invest more resources into the project to increase its effectiveness. @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <<if $riotUpgrades.rapidUnitSpeed < 2>> <br><<link "Enhance the internal informants network" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $riotUpgrades.rapidUnitSpeed += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($riotUpgrades.rapidUnitSpeed + 1)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * ($riotUpgrades.rapidUnitSpeed + 1)), "capEx")>> <<set $riotUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>Invest more resources into the effectiveness of the informants network. @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <<elseif $brainImplantProject < 5>> <<link "Invest more resources in the brain implant project" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $brainImplantProject += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * $brainImplantProject*$HackingSkillMultiplier>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(50000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology * $brainImplantProject*$HackingSkillMultiplier), "capEx")>> <<set $PC.hacking += 1>> <<set $riotUpkeep += 5000>> <</link>> @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <<if $advancedRiotEquip == 0>> <<link "Develop advanced anti-riot equipment" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $advancedRiotEquip = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 30000>> + <<run cashX(-30000, "capEx")>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Will allow the selection of advanced riot equipment in case of a rebellion, which will let your troops fight at full effectiveness while doing reduced collateral damage.// <<else>> @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <<if $fort.reactor == 0>> <<link "Reinforce the reactor complex" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $fort.reactor = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>. Will add protection to the reactor building, making it less likely to be damaged and speeding up repairs if our defensive efforts should fail.// <<else>> @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <<if $fort.waterway == 0>> <<link "Reinforce the waterways" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $fort.waterway = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>. Will add protection to the waterways, making it less likely to be damaged and speeding up repairs if our defensive efforts should fail.// <<else>> @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <<if $fort.assistant == 0>> <<link "Reinforce the assistant CPU core" "riotControlCenter">> <<set $fort.assistant = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(10000 * $upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>. Will add protection to the assistant CPU core, making it less likely to be damaged and speeding up repairs if our defensive efforts should fail.// <<else>> @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ The riot control center opens its guarded doors to you. The great chamber inside <<if $SF.Toggle && $SF.Active >= 1>> <<if $SFSupportLevel >= 4 && !$SFGear && $SF.Squad.Armoury >= 8>> <<= Count()>> - <br><br> <<link "Give the riot unit access to the combat armor suits of $SF.Lower.""riotControlCenter">> <<set $SFGear = 1,$riotUpkeep += 15000,$cash -= Math.ceil(500000*_Env*(1.15+($SF.Squad.Armoury/10)))>> <</link>> + <br><br> <<link "Give the riot unit access to the combat armor suits of $SF.Lower.""riotControlCenter">> <<set $SFGear = 1,$riotUpkeep += 15000,cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(500000*_Env*(1.15+($SF.Squad.Armoury/10)))), "capEx")>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(500000*_Env*(1.15+($SF.Squad.Armoury/10))))>> <<else>> <br><br>//You have given the riot unit access to the combat armor suits of $SF.Lower.// diff --git a/src/SecExp/secBarracks.tw b/src/SecExp/secBarracks.tw index 72f02b55b83a711d241b62d9dd26a355941b7d77..ed437b171c593a32ea1ed026e5e1511586f0bfec 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/secBarracks.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/secBarracks.tw @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ While this a sore sight for many citizens of $arcologies[0].name, the barracks s <br> <<if $secBarracksUpgrades.size < 5>> <<link "Increase the size of the barracks" "secBarracks">> - <<set $cash -= 5000 * ($secBarracksUpgrades.size + 1)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 * ($secBarracksUpgrades.size + 1)), "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.size += 1>> <<set $maxUnits += 2>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> @@ -62,28 +62,28 @@ While this a sore sight for many citizens of $arcologies[0].name, the barracks s <<if $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury == 0>> <<link "Increase the quality of life of your soldiers by installing high tech furniture and appliances." "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>> and will provide a 5% bonus to morale.// <<elseif $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury == 1>> <<link "Further increase the quality of life of your soldiers by installing advanced kitchen equipment and hiring skilled chefs." "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>> and will provide a 5% bonus to morale, for a total of +10%.// <<elseif $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury == 2>> <<link "Further increase the quality of life of your soldiers by providing high speed, free access to digital media" "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>> and will provide a 5% bonus to morale, for a total of +15%.// <<elseif $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury == 3>> <<link "Further increase the quality of life of your soldiers by adding and staffing an exclusive brothel to the structure" "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.luxury += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 15000>> + <<run cashX(-15000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>> and will provide a 5% bonus to morale, for a total of +20%.// @@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ While this a sore sight for many citizens of $arcologies[0].name, the barracks s <<if $secBarracksUpgrades.training == 0>> <<link "Add a training facility to the barracks" "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.training += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>> and will allow units to accumulate some experience each week.// <<elseif $secBarracksUpgrades.training == 1>> <<link "Improve the training facility with modern equipment and skilled personnel" "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.training += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 20000>> + <<run cashX(-20000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>> and will allow units to accumulate experience each week.// @@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ While this a sore sight for many citizens of $arcologies[0].name, the barracks s <<if $secBarracksUpgrades.loyaltyMod == 0>> <<link "Add an indoctrination facility to the barracks" "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.loyaltyMod += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>> and will slowly raise loyalty of all units// <<elseif $secBarracksUpgrades.loyaltyMod == 1>> <<link "Improve the indoctrination facility with advanced equipment and skilled personnel" "secBarracks">> <<set $secBarracksUpgrades.loyaltyMod += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 20000>> + <<run cashX(-20000, "capEx")>> <<set $secBarracksUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep>> <</link>> <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>> and will raise loyalty of all units faster.// @@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ Your current maximum number of units is <<print $maxUnits>> (<<print commaNum($s <<if $secBots.troops < $secBots.maxTroops>> | <<link "Replenish the unit" "secBarracks">> - <<set $cash -= ($secBots.maxTroops - $secBots.troops) * $secBotsCost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(($secBots.maxTroops - $secBots.troops) * $secBotsCost), "securityExpansion")>> <<set $secBots.troops = $secBots.maxTroops>> <</link>> <</if>> <<else>> <<link "Rebuild the unit" "secBarracks">> - <<set $cash -= ($secBots.maxTroops - $secBots.troops) * $secBotsCost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(($secBots.maxTroops - $secBots.troops) * $secBotsCost), "securityExpansion")>> <<set $secBots.troops = $secBots.maxTroops>> <<set $secBots.active = 1>> <</link>> diff --git a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw index 04fb56cea2c5dc935777c00182d52fa4e265318a..c8d690b1138743bd36be6ace1a8c20ec355e1178 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw @@ -149,10 +149,14 @@ <br>In little more than seconds all the data collected in the years past vanished. It's a disaster. <<if $cash < 0>> The vast majority of currency is digital, so the actions of the Smiling Man have a devastating effect on the money supply. Luckily for you this means that your @@.yellowgreen;debt is reduced@@. - <<set $cash *= 0.2>> + <<set _oldCash = $cash>> + <<set _tCash = $cash * 0.2>> + <<run cashX($cash - _oldCash, "event")>> <<else>> The vast majority of currency is digital, so the actions of the Smiling Man have a devastating effect on the money supply. Unfortunately this means that your @@.red;cash reserves are gutted@@. - <<set $cash *= 0.2>> + <<set _oldCash = $cash>> + <<set _tCash = $cash * 0.2>> + <<run cashX($cash - _oldCash, "event")>> <</if>> You are not the only one affected by this however. @@.red;The economy of the entire world is severely affected@@ by the loss of vast quantities of currency. Who knows how long will it take for the global economy to recover. <<set $globalCrisisWeeks = random(8,16)>> diff --git a/src/SecExp/securityHQ.tw b/src/SecExp/securityHQ.tw index 12d88ac8b320e955b12f9eac6efb9148a428a4e0..fb7058053727229e4adc894f923a05fd6d4f7042 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/securityHQ.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/securityHQ.tw @@ -215,14 +215,14 @@ Considering the current upgrades the resting level for security is <<print $secR <br> <<if $secUpgrades.nanoCams == 0>> - [[Install a nano-camera system |securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.nanoCams = 1, $secRestPoint += 15, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Install a nano-camera system |securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.nanoCams = 1, $secRestPoint += 15, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will raise rest point of security by 10 points, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed all across the arcology closed circuit nano-cameras to keep the arcology under your watchful eye. <</if>> <br> <<if $secUpgrades.cyberBots == 0>> - [[Buy cybersecurity algorithms|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.cyberBots = 1, $secRestPoint += 15, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Buy cybersecurity algorithms|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.cyberBots = 1, $secRestPoint += 15, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will raise rest point of security by 10 points, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have bought advanced cybersecurity algorithms that will defend your arcology against hack attempts or cyber frauds. @@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ Considering the current upgrades the resting level for security is <<print $secR <br> <<if $rep > 10000>> <<if $secUpgrades.eyeScan == 0>> - [[Install invisible eye scanners|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.eyeScan = 1, $secRestPoint += 20, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Install invisible eye scanners|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.eyeScan = 1, $secRestPoint += 20, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will raise rest point of security by 15 points, but will require 10 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed numerous hidden eye scanners that accurately register the movements of everyone inside the arcology. <</if>> <br> <<if $secUpgrades.cryptoAnalyzer == 0>> - [[Buy and install crypto analyzers|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.cryptoAnalyzer = 1, $secRestPoint += 20, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Buy and install crypto analyzers|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.cryptoAnalyzer = 1, $secRestPoint += 20, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will raise rest point of security by 15 points, but will require 10 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have bought and employed sophisticated crypto analyzing software to accurately track and archive every financial movement or transaction made inside the walls of your arcology. @@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ Considering the current upgrades the maximum level of crime is <<print $crimeCap <br> <<if $crimeUpgrades.advForensic == 0>> - [[Install advanced forensic equipment|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $crimeUpgrades.advForensic = 1, $crimeCap -= 10, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Install advanced forensic equipment|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $crimeUpgrades.advForensic = 1, $crimeCap -= 10, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will bring down the crime level cap by 10 points, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed advanced forensic equipment, able to extract every bit of precious information from any clue. <</if>> <br> <<if $crimeUpgrades.autoArchive == 0>> - [[Install auto-curating archiver|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $crimeUpgrades.autoArchive = 1, $crimeCap -= 10, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Install auto-curating archiver|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $crimeUpgrades.autoArchive = 1, $crimeCap -= 10, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will bring down the crime level cap by 10 points, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed auto-curating archiver software, which will update in real time your data archives with any new relevant information on criminals residing in your arcology. @@ -283,14 +283,14 @@ Considering the current upgrades the maximum level of crime is <<print $crimeCap <br> <<if $rep > 10000>> <<if $crimeUpgrades.autoTrial == 0>> - [[Install automated trials software|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $crimeUpgrades.autoTrial = 1, $crimeCap -= 15, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Install automated trials software|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $crimeUpgrades.autoTrial = 1, $crimeCap -= 15, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will bring down the crime level cap by 15 points, but will require 10 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed advanced legal algorithms that allows the handling of legal matters much quicker and much more accurately. <</if>> <br> <<if $crimeUpgrades.worldProfiler == 0>> - [[Install worldwide profilers|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $crimeUpgrades.worldProfiler = 1, $crimeCap -= 15, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Install worldwide profilers|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $crimeUpgrades.worldProfiler = 1, $crimeCap -= 15, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will bring down the crime level cap by 15 points, but will require 10 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed advanced profiler software, which will constantly scour every known data archive on the globe (legally or not) to gather as much information as possible on dangerous criminals. @@ -318,14 +318,14 @@ Considering the current upgrades the maximum level of crime is <<print $crimeCap <br> <<if $intelUpgrades.sensors == 0>> - [[Install perimeter sensors|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $intelUpgrades.sensors = 1, $recon += 1, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Install perimeter sensors|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $intelUpgrades.sensors = 1, $recon += 1, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will increase recon capabilities, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed perimeter seismic sensors able to detect movement with high accuracy. <</if>> <br> <<if $intelUpgrades.signalIntercept == 0>> - [[Create signal interception hub|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $intelUpgrades.signalIntercept = 1, $recon += 1, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Create signal interception hub|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $intelUpgrades.signalIntercept = 1, $recon += 1, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will increase recon capabilities, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed advanced signal interception equipment. @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Considering the current upgrades the maximum level of crime is <<print $crimeCap <br> <<if $rep > 10000>> <<if $intelUpgrades.radar == 0>> - [[Install advanced radar equipment|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $intelUpgrades.radar = 1, $recon += 1, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Install advanced radar equipment|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $intelUpgrades.radar = 1, $recon += 1, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will increase recon capabilities, but will require 10 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have installed sophisticated radar equipment. @@ -361,14 +361,14 @@ Considering the current upgrades the maximum level of crime is <<print $crimeCap <br> <<if $readinessUpgrades.pathways == 0>> - [[Build specialized pathways in the arcology|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), $readinessUpgrades.pathways = 1, $readiness += 1, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Build specialized pathways in the arcology|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount)), "capEx"), $readinessUpgrades.pathways = 1, $readiness += 1, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount))>>. Will increase readiness by 1, but will increase upkeep.// <<else>> You have built specialized pathways inside the arcology to quickly move troops around the structure. <</if>> <br> <<if $readinessUpgrades.rapidVehicles == 0>> - [[Buy rapid armored transport vehicles|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), $readinessUpgrades.rapidVehicles = 1, $readiness += 2, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Buy rapid armored transport vehicles|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount)), "capEx"), $readinessUpgrades.rapidVehicles = 1, $readiness += 2, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount))>>. Will increase readiness by 2, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have bought rapid armored transport vehicles able to bring your troops to battle much quicker than before. @@ -376,14 +376,14 @@ Considering the current upgrades the maximum level of crime is <<print $crimeCap <br> <<if $rep > 10000>> <<if $readinessUpgrades.rapidPlatforms == 0>> - [[Build rapid deployment platforms|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), $readinessUpgrades.rapidPlatforms = 1, $readiness += 2, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Build rapid deployment platforms|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount)), "capEx"), $readinessUpgrades.rapidPlatforms = 1, $readiness += 2, $reqMenials += 5, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount))>>. Will increase readiness by 2, but will require 5 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have built rapid deployment platforms able to equip and deploy units within very limited time windows. <</if>> <br> <<if $readinessUpgrades.earlyWarn == 0>> - [[Institute early warning systems|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount), $readinessUpgrades.earlyWarn = 1, $readiness += 2, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] + [[Institute early warning systems|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount)), "capEx"), $readinessUpgrades.earlyWarn = 1, $readiness += 2, $reqMenials += 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount))>>. Will increase readiness by 2, but will require 10 extra slaves in the headquarters and increases upkeep.// <<else>> You have created early warning systems that constantly analyze in real time data to determine the likeness of an attack. @@ -400,35 +400,35 @@ Considering the current upgrades the maximum level of crime is <<print $crimeCap <<if $secUpgrades.coldstorage == 6 && $rep >= 19500 && $reqMenials > 10>> <br>You have installed a cold storage facility for the Security HQ's archives with a data retention capability of two years. <br> - [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to three years|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(2400000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to three years|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(2400000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(2400000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will lower the amount of required slaves by a further 10, but will increase upkeep.// <<elseif $secUpgrades.coldstorage == 5 && $rep >= 19500 && $reqMenials > 10>> <br>You have installed a cold storage facility for the Security HQ's archives with a data retention capability of one year. <br> - [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to two years|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(1200000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to two years|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(1200000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1200000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will lower the amount of required slaves by a further 10, but will increase upkeep.// <<elseif $secUpgrades.coldstorage == 4 && $rep >= 19500 && $reqMenials > 10>> <br>You have installed a cold storage facility for the Security HQ's archives with a data retention capability of nine months. <br> - [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to one year|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(900000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to one year|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(900000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(900000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will lower the amount of required slaves by a further 10, but will increase upkeep.// <<elseif $secUpgrades.coldstorage == 3 && $rep > 18000 && $reqMenials > 10>> <br>You have installed a cold storage facility for the Security HQ's archives with a data retention capability of six months. <br> - [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to nine months|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(600000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to nine months|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(600000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(600000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will lower the amount of required slaves by a further 10, but will increase upkeep.// <<elseif $secUpgrades.coldstorage == 2 && $rep > 16000 && $reqMenials > 10>> <br>You have installed a cold storage facility for the Security HQ's archives with a data retention capability of three months. <br> - [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to six months|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(300000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to six months|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(300000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(300000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will lower the amount of required slaves by a further 10, but will increase upkeep.// <<elseif $secUpgrades.coldstorage == 1 && $rep > 14000 && $reqMenials > 10>> <br>You have installed a cold storage facility for the Security HQ's archives with a data retention capability of one month. <br> - [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to three months|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Expand the cold storage facility to increase data retention to three months|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will lower the amount of required slaves by a further 10, but will increase upkeep.// <<elseif $secUpgrades.coldstorage == 0 && $rep > 12000 && $reqMenials > 10>> - [[Install a cold storage facility|securityHQ][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Install a cold storage facility|securityHQ][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $secUpgrades.coldstorage++, $reqMenials -= 10, $secHQUpkeep += $upgradeUpkeep, $PC.hacking += 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*_HistoryDiscount*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>. Will lower the amount of required slaves by 10, but will increase upkeep.// <<elseif $secUpgrades.coldstorage > 6>> <br>You have installed a cold storage facility for the Security HQ's archives with a data retention capability of three years. diff --git a/src/SecExp/seeUnit.tw b/src/SecExp/seeUnit.tw index 53aa62a667727882e46985a7107d98558192f641..4482a5eb0c0d9a3a7884a5fe879968cc90804b4a 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/seeUnit.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/seeUnit.tw @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ <<if $secBots.maxTroops > $secBots.troops>> <br> <<link "Replenish the unit" "seeUnit">> - <<set $cash -= ($secBots.maxTroops - $secBots.troops) * $secBotsCost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(($secBots.maxTroops - $secBots.troops) * $secBotsCost), "securityExpansion")>> <<set $secBots.troops = $secBots.maxTroops>> <</link>> <</if>> @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ <br> <<link "Improve the digital control matrix" "seeUnit">> <<set $secBots.maxTroops += 10>> - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Invest in the development of more refined controls for your drones to increase the maximum number of drones in the unit. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>> per upgrade and each will increase the max by 10// @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ <br> <<link "Refine the drone network with $SF.Lower assistance" "seeUnit">> <<set $secBots.maxTroops += 10>> - <<set $cash -= 5000 + 10 * $secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.equip>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 + 10 * $secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.equip), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Utilize the technological developments made by $SF.Lower to further improve the control matrix of the security drones. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(5000 + 10 * $secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.equip)>> and will increase the max by 10// @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ <br> <<link "Improve drone weaponry and armor" "seeUnit">> <<set $secBots.equip += 1>> - <<set $cash -= (($secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.maxTroops) + 1000)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg((($secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.maxTroops) + 1000)), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Invest in better equipment for your drones to increase their battle effectiveness. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($secBotsUpgradeCost * $secBots.maxTroops) + 1000)>> and will increase attack and defense value of the unit by 15% for every upgrade.// @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ <br> <<link "Intensive officers training" "seeUnit">> <<set $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops += 10>> - <<set $cash -= 5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($militiaUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].SF)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($militiaUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].SF)), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Invest in the training of your officers to increase the maximum number of soldiers in the unit. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($militiaUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].SF))>> and will increase the max by 10// @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ <br> <<link "Improve weaponry and equipment" "seeUnit">> <<set $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].equip += 1>> - <<set $cash -= ($equipUpgradeCost * $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(($equipUpgradeCost * $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Invest in better equipment for your soldiers to increase their battle effectiveness. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($equipUpgradeCost * $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000)>> and will increase attack and defense value of the unit by 15% for every upgrade.// @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ <br> <<link "Attach Special Force advisors" "seeUnit">> <<set $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].SF = 1>> - <<set $cash -= ($equipUpgradeCost * $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(($equipUpgradeCost * $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Attach $SF.Lower advisors to the unit. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($equipUpgradeCost * $militiaUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000)>> and will slightly increase the base stats of the unit.// @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ <br> <<link "Intensive officers training" "seeUnit">> <<set $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops += 10>> - <<set $cash -= 5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($slaveUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].SF)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($slaveUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].SF)), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Invest in the training of your officers to increase the maximum number of soldiers in the unit. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($slaveUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].SF))>> and will increase the max by 10// @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ <br> <<link "Improve weaponry and equipment">> <<set $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].equip += 1>> - <<set $cash -= ($equipUpgradeCost * $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg($equipUpgradeCost * $slaveUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000), "securityExpansion")>> <<goto "seeUnit">> <</link>> Invest in better equipment for your soldiers to increase their battle effectiveness. @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ <br> <<link "Intensive officers training" "seeUnit">> <<set $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops += 10>> - <<set $cash -= 5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($mercUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].SF)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($mercUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].SF)), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Invest in the training of your officers to increase the maximum number of soldiers in the unit. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(5000 + 10 * $equipUpgradeCost * ($mercUnits[$targetIndex].equip + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].commissars + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].cyber + $mercUnits[$targetIndex].SF))>> and will increase the max by 10// @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ <br> <<link "Improve weaponry and equipment" "seeUnit">> <<set $mercUnits[$targetIndex].equip += 1>> - <<set $cash -= ($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Invest in better equipment for your soldiers to increase their battle effectiveness. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 1000)>> and will increase attack and defense value of the unit by 15% for every upgrade.// @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ <br> <<link "Attach trained medics to the unit" "seeUnit">> <<set $mercUnits[$targetIndex].medics = 1>> - <<set $cash -= ($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Attach a small squad of trained medics to the unit. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000)>> and will decrease the number of casualties suffered during battle.// @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ <br> <<link "Attach Special Force advisors" "seeUnit">> <<set $mercUnits[$targetIndex].SF = 1>> - <<set $cash -= ($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000), "securityExpansion")>> <</link>> Attach $SF.Lower advisors to the unit. <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(($equipUpgradeCost * $mercUnits[$targetIndex].maxTroops) + 5000)>> and will slightly increase the base stats of the unit.// diff --git a/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw b/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw index 07dd53384449f779271ddf0b6f1c5af2838a23f1..025c1f00ea5a2868bf4b8d46309f39b6a361c9f0 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw @@ -76,25 +76,25 @@ You quickly reach the transport hub, where a constant stream of vehicles, people /* airport */ <<if $airport == 1>> <<link "Modernize the airport">> - <<set $cash -= 5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $airport++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> and will increase trade, but will affect security// <<elseif $airport == 2>> <<link "Enlarge the airport">> - <<set $cash -= 15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $airport++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> and will increase trade, but will affect security// <<elseif $airport == 3>> <<link "Further modernize the airport">> - <<set $cash -= 45000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(45000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $airport++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(45000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> and will increase trade, but will affect security// <<elseif $airport == 4>> <<link "Further enlarge the airport">> - <<set $cash -= 85000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(85000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $airport++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(85000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> and will increase trade, but will affect security// @@ -106,19 +106,19 @@ You quickly reach the transport hub, where a constant stream of vehicles, people <<if $terrain != "oceanic" && $terrain != "marine">> <<if $railway == 1>> <<link "Modernize the railway">> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $railway++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>, will increase trade and slightly lower arcology's upkeep, but will affect security// <<elseif $railway == 2>> <<link "Enlarge the railway">> - <<set $cash -= 25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $railway++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>, will increase trade and slightly lower arcology's upkeep, but will affect security// <<elseif $railway == 3>> <<link "Further modernize and enlarge the railway">> - <<set $cash -= 65000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(65000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $railway++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(65000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>, will increase trade and slightly lower arcology's upkeep, but will affect security// @@ -128,19 +128,19 @@ You quickly reach the transport hub, where a constant stream of vehicles, people <<else>> <<if $docks == 1>> <<link "Modernize the docks">> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $docks++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>, will increase trade and slightly lower arcology's upkeep, but will affect security// <<elseif $docks == 2>> <<link "Enlarge the docks">> - <<set $cash -= 25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $docks++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>, will increase trade and slightly lower arcology's upkeep, but will affect security// <<elseif $docks == 3>> <<link "Further modernize and enlarge the docks">> - <<set $cash -= 65000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(65000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $docks++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(65000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>>, will increase trade and slightly lower arcology's upkeep, but will affect security// @@ -152,19 +152,19 @@ You quickly reach the transport hub, where a constant stream of vehicles, people /* security */ <<if $hubSecurity == 1>> <<link "Expand and modernize the surveillance system">> - <<set $cash -= 15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $hubSecurity++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> and lower the transport hub security modifiers// <<elseif $hubSecurity == 2>> <<link "Establish a rapid response team">> - <<set $cash -= 35000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(35000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $hubSecurity++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(35000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> and further lower the transport hub security modifiers// <<elseif $hubSecurity == 3>> <<link "Add additional security drones to the structure">> - <<set $cash -= 55000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(55000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), "capEx")>> <<set $hubSecurity++>> <<goto "transportHub">> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(55000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> and further lower the transport hub security modifiers// @@ -172,5 +172,5 @@ You quickly reach the transport hub, where a constant stream of vehicles, people The hub security is fully upgraded <</if>> -<br><br>[[Return this sector to standard markets|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "Markets", $transportHub = 0, $hubSecurity = 1]] +<br><br>[[Return this sector to standard markets|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Markets", $transportHub = 0, $hubSecurity = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// diff --git a/src/SecExp/unitsRebellionReport.tw b/src/SecExp/unitsRebellionReport.tw index 7d95b7628631e3c3647f6980dfc6324601ece8e5..3d362d09c22a42c9371dd08c3e0eca3edc58b3ba 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/unitsRebellionReport.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/unitsRebellionReport.tw @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ <<if _militiaRebelledID.length > 0>> had the gall to betray you and join your enemies. They participated in the looting following the rebellion, then vanished in the wastes. <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _militiaRebelledID.length>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _militiaRebelledID.length), "war")>> <br> <<removeUnits _militiaRebelledID>> <<set _slaveRebelledID = []>> @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ <<if _slaveRebelledID.length > 0>> decided in their blind arrogance to betray you. They participated in the looting following the rebellion, then vanished in the wastes. <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _slaveRebelledID.length>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _slaveRebelledID.length), "war")>> <<removeUnits _slaveRebelledID>> <br> <<set _mercRebelledID = []>> @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ <<if _mercRebelledID.length > 0>> made the grave mistake of betraying you. They participated in the looting following the rebellion, then vanished in the wastes. <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _mercRebelledID.length>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _mercRebelledID.length), "war")>> <<removeUnits _mercRebelledID>> <<recalcManpower>> <</if>> @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ <<if _militiaRebelledID.length > 0>> had the gall to betray you and join your enemies. They participated in the looting following the battle, then vanished in the wastes. <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _militiaRebelledID.length>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _militiaRebelledID.length), "war")>> <br> <<removeUnits _militiaRebelledID>> <<set _slaveRebelledID = []>> @@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ <<if _slaveRebelledID.length > 0>> decided in their blind arrogance to betray you. They participated in the looting following the battle, then vanished in the wastes. <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _slaveRebelledID.length>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _slaveRebelledID.length), "war")>> <<removeUnits _slaveRebelledID>> <br> <<set _mercRebelledID = []>> @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ <<if _mercRebelledID.length > 0>> made the grave mistake of betraying you. They participated in the looting following the battle, then vanished in the wastes. <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 1000 * _mercRebelledID.length>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000 * _mercRebelledID.length), "war")>> <<removeUnits _mercRebelledID>> <<recalcManpower>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/SecExp/weaponsManufacturing.tw b/src/SecExp/weaponsManufacturing.tw index 475c1367d99c60e2cc252e0970d6c6095934a142..9988c33196d97347a0dc2f553b49d3dc728e8912 100644 --- a/src/SecExp/weaponsManufacturing.tw +++ b/src/SecExp/weaponsManufacturing.tw @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ You own <<print commaNum($menials)>> free menial slaves. This manufacturing comp <br> <<if $weapProductivity < 5>> <<link "Invest in automating the complex">> - <<set $cash -= 10000 * $weapProductivity>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000 * $weapProductivity), "capEx")>> <<set $weapProductivity++>> <<if $currentUpgrade.time > 0>> <<set _percentComplete = $currentUpgrade.time / ($baseUpgradeTime / ($weapProductivity - 1))>> @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ You own <<print commaNum($menials)>> free menial slaves. This manufacturing comp <br> <<if $weapLab < 3>> <<link "Invest in research and development">> - <<set $cash -= 10000 * $weapLab>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000 * $weapLab), "capEx")>> <<set $weapLab++>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 0, type: "attack", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 10000*$HackingSkillMultiplier>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*$HackingSkillMultiplier), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(10000*$HackingSkillMultiplier)>> and will increase the base attack value of the security drones.// @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 0, type: "defense", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(10000), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>> and will increase the base defense value of the security drones.// @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 0, type: "hp", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 30000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(30000), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(30000)>> and will increase the base hp value of the security drones.// @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "attack", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 30000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(30000), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(30000)>> and will increase the base attack value of human troops.// @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "defense", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 30000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(30000), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(30000)>> and will increase the base defense value of human troops.// @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "hp", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 60000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(60000), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(60000)>> and will increase the base hp value of human troops.// @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "morale", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 60000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(60000), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(60000)>> and will increase the base morale value of human troops.// @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "attackAndDefense", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 120000*$HackingSkillMultiplier>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(120000*$HackingSkillMultiplier), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(120000*$HackingSkillMultiplier)>> and will increase the base attack and "defense" values of human troops.// @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "hpAndMorale", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 120000*$HackingSkillMultiplier>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(120000*$HackingSkillMultiplier), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(120000*$HackingSkillMultiplier)>> and will increase the base hp and morale values of human troops.// @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "hpAndMorale", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 300000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(300000), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(300000)>> and will increase the base morale and hp values of human troops.// @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ __Upgrades__: unit: 1, type: "all", time: _time}>> - <<set $cash -= 1000000*$HackingSkillMultiplier>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(1000000*$HackingSkillMultiplier), "capEx")>> <<goto "weaponsManufacturing">> <</link>> <br>//Will take _time weeks, cost <<print cashFormat(1000000*$HackingSkillMultiplier)>> and will increase all base stats of human troops.// @@ -464,4 +464,4 @@ __Upgrades__: <</if>> <</for>> <</if>> -<br>[[Return this sector to standard manufacturing|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "Manufacturing", $weapManu = 0]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// +<br>[[Return this sector to standard manufacturing|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Manufacturing", $weapManu = 0]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw b/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw index 560a8c27e996e9234deb90e2e73ab61ed42070e3..c0415911488fe17266134abb0d1d2c734b29d2a3 100644 --- a/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw +++ b/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ <<if $SF.Squad.Firebase > 5 && $secExp > 0 && $SFSupportLevel >= 4 && $maxUnits === 16 && $readiness <= 10>> - <br><br>[[Provide the security force with their own section.|Firebase][$maxUnits += 4,$readiness = 10,$cash -= Math.ceil((750000*(1.15+($SF.Size/1000))*(1.15+($SF.Squad.Firebase/10)))*_Env)]] + <br><br>[[Provide the security force with their own section.|Firebase][$maxUnits += 4,$readiness = 10,cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil((750000*(1.15+($SF.Size/1000))*(1.15+($SF.Squad.Firebase/10)))*_Env)), "capEx")]] @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil((750000*(1.15+($SF.Size/1000))*(1.15+($SF.Squad.Firebase/10)))*_Env))>>@@ diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw b/src/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw index 44f85264a25f2e52ff397005fae90eda0ca6c4ce..6d8b0387e1f3a5e741676ec1f43716503a6a6141 100644 --- a/src/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw +++ b/src/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw @@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ Despite your direct elevator, interaction with the majority of your security for <<replace "#aliveresult">> <<if random(1,100) > 50>> For all your skillful maneuvering to reach this position, ultimately the win comes down to chance. This time, however, luck was not on your side. As the victor sweeps up $his spoils, the other security force clap you on the back and offer their condolences for your defeat. Though you may have lost your ¤, it seems you've @@.green;made some friends.@@ - <<set $rep += 1000, $cash -= 500000>> + <<set $rep += 1000>> + <<run cashX(-500000, "event")>> <<else>> For all your skillful maneuvering to reach this position, ultimately the win comes down to chance. This time, however, luck has rendered you the victor. A silence falls over the room as the result is declared, but after some time your opponent breaks the hush by joking that life as your slave is probably easier than fighting for $arcologies[0].name. After some awkward laughter the night continues, and at the end your former mercenary joins you on your trip back to the penthouse to submit to processing and to begin $his new life as your sexual servant. $He's not young, but $he's tough and not distrusting of you due to $his service in $SF.Lower. <br> diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/Upgrades.tw b/src/SpecialForce/Upgrades.tw index 133ed6f648366441562d9481a2ed73c8e450f624..1fe617a441ff48d8fb447c11c227e5a9e67fd441 100644 --- a/src/SpecialForce/Upgrades.tw +++ b/src/SpecialForce/Upgrades.tw @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ <<if $SF.Upgrade > 0 && ($SF.Size !== _max)>> <<set _cost = Math.ceil(Math.abs($cash*.05*(1.25+($SF.Size/1000))))>> - <br>[[Re-unlock upgrading.|Firebase][$SF.Upgrade = 0,$cash -= _cost]] @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_cost)>> <</if>> + <br>[[Re-unlock upgrading.|Firebase][$SF.Upgrade = 0,cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "specialForces")]] @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_cost)>> <</if>> <<if ($SF.Size < 30 || $SF.Size !== _max) && $SF.Upgrade < 1>> <<set _T1 = $SF.Size >= 30>> @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cF>> - <<link "Upgrade Firebase">> <<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Firebase++, $cash -= _cF>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Firebase">> <<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Firebase++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cF), "specialForces")>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Firebase.//<</if>> @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cA>> - <<link "Upgrade Armory">> <<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Armoury++, $cash -= _cA>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Armory">> <<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Armoury++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cA), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Armory.//<</if>> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cDrugs>> - <<link "Upgrade Drug Lab">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Drugs++, $cash -= _cDrugs>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Drug Lab">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Drugs++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cDrugs), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Drug Lab.//<</if>> @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cDrones>> - <<link "Upgrade Drone Bay">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Drones++, $cash -= _cDrones>> <<goto "Firebase">> <</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Drone Bay">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Drones++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cDrones), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">> <</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Drone Bay.//<</if>> @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cAV>> - <<link "Upgrade Attack Vehicle Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.AV++, $cash -= _cAV>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Attack Vehicle Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.AV++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cAV), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Attack Vehicle Fleet.//<</if>> @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cTV>> - <<link "Upgrade Transport Vehicle Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.TV++, $cash -= _cTV>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Transport Vehicle Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.TV++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cTV), "specialForces")>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Transport Vehicle Fleet.//<</if>> @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cPGT>> - <<link "Upgrade Prototype Goliath tank">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.PGT++, $cash -= _cPGT>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Prototype Goliath tank">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.PGT++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cPGT), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Prototype Goliath Tank.//<</if>> @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cAA>> - <<link "Upgrade Attack Aircraft Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.AA++, $cash -= _cAA>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Attack Aircraft Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.AA++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cAA), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Attack Aircraft Fleet.//<</if>> @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cTA>> - <<link "Upgrade Transport Aircraft Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.TA++, $cash -= _cTA>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Transport Aircraft Fleet">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.TA++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cTA), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Transport Aircraft Fleet.//<</if>> @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cSP>> - <<link "Upgrade Spaceplane">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.SpacePlane++, $cash -= _cSP>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Spaceplane">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.SpacePlane++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cSP), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Spaceplane.//<</if>> @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cGunS>> - <<link "Upgrade Gunship">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.GunS++, $cash -= _cGunS>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Gunship">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.GunS++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cGunS), "specialForces")>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Gunship.//<</if>> @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cSat>> - <<link "Upgrade Satellite">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Satellite.lv++, $cash -= _cSat>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Satellite">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Satellite.lv++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cSat), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Satellite.//<</if>> @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cGR>> - <<link "Upgrade Giant Robot">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.GiantRobot++, $cash -= _cGR>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Giant Robot">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.GiantRobot++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cGR), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade the Giant Robot.//<</if>> @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cMS>> - <<link "Upgrade Cruise Missile">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.MissileSilo++, $cash -= _cMS>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Cruise Missile">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.MissileSilo++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cMS), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Cruise Missile.//<</if>> @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cAC>> - <<link "Upgrade Aircraft Carrier">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.AircraftCarrier++, $cash -= _cAC>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Aircraft Carrier">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.AircraftCarrier++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cAC), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Aircraft Carrier.//<</if>> @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cSub>> - <<link "Upgrade Submarine">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Sub++, $cash -= _cSub>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Submarine">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.Sub++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cSub), "specialForces")>> <<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Submarine//<</if>> @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cHAT>> - <<link "Upgrade Amphibious Transport">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.HAT++, $cash -= _cHAT>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Upgrade Amphibious Transport">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Squad.HAT++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cHAT), "specialForces")>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to upgrade Amphibious Transport.//<</if>> @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ <<if $cash >= _cSFF>> - <<link "Build $SF.Lower's support facility">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Facility.Active++, $cash -= _cSFF>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> + <<link "Build $SF.Lower's support facility">><<set $SF.Upgrade = 1, $SF.Facility.Active++>><<run cashX(forceNeg(_cSFF), "specialForces")>><<goto "Firebase">><</link>> <<else>>//Cannot afford to build $SF.Lower's support facility.//<</if>> diff --git a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw index 5f3d2eb934c8f9f2149576c24225bcaff1ac3e88..e8d24d228fc48e09815fd6fecf191673ed391057 100644 --- a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw +++ b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <br><br> <<if $farmyardUpgrade.pump == 0>> - [[Upgrade the water pump|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardUpgrade.pump = 1]] + [[Upgrade the water pump|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardUpgrade.pump = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and slightly increases crop yield.// <br> <<else>> @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <br> <</if>> <<if $farmyardUpgrade.fertilizer == 0>> - [[Use a higher-quality fertilizer|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(2000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardUpgrade.fertilizer = 1]] + [[Use a higher-quality fertilizer|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(2000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardUpgrade.fertilizer = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(2000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and slightly increases upkeep costs and crop yield.// <br> <<else>> @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <br> <</if>> <<if $farmyardUpgrade.hydroponics == 0>> - [[Purchase a hydroponics system|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardUpgrade.hydroponics = 1]] + [[Purchase a hydroponics system|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardUpgrade.hydroponics = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and slightly decreases upkeep costs.// <br> <<else>> @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <br> <</if>> <<if $farmyardUpgrade.machinery == 0>> - [[Upgrade the machinery to increase the yield of crops|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardUpgrade.machinery = 1]] + [[Upgrade the machinery to increase the yield of crops|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardUpgrade.machinery = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and moderately decreases upkeep costs.// <br> <<else>> @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <br> <</if>> <<if $farmyardUpgrade.seeds == 0>> - [[Purchase genetically modified seeds|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology),$farmyardUpgrade.seeds = 1]] + [[Purchase genetically modified seeds|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"),$farmyardUpgrade.seeds = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and moderately increases crop yield.// <br> <<else>> @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <<if $cheatMode == 1>> <<if $rep > 18000>> <<if $farmyardUpgrade.lab == 0>> - [[Purchase an R&D lab to experiment with different plant and animal types|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardUpgrade.lab = 1, $farmyardLab = 1]] + [[Purchase an R&D lab to experiment with different plant and animal types|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardUpgrade.lab = 1, $farmyardLab = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and unlocks the Research Lab.// <br> <<else>> @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <<if ($farmyardKennels == 0)>> <br> - [[Add kennels|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardKennels = 1]] + [[Add kennels|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardKennels = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and allows you to keep dogs// <br> <<elseif ($farmyardKennels == 1)>> @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <<if $rep > 10000>> <br> - [[Upgrade kennels|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardKennels = 2]] + [[Upgrade kennels|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardKennels = 2]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and allows you to keep exotic canines// <</if>> <br> @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <<if ($farmyardStable == 0)>> <br> - [[Add stables|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardStable = 1]] + [[Add stables|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardStable = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and allows you to keep hooved animals// <br> <<elseif ($farmyardStable == 1)>> @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <</if>> <<if $rep > 15000>> <br> - [[Upgrade stables|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardStable = 2]] + [[Upgrade stables|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardStable = 2]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and allows you to keep exotic hooved animals// <</if>> <br> @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <<if ($farmyardCages == 0)>> <br> - [[Add cages|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardCages = 1]] + [[Add cages|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardCages = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and allows you to keep cats// <br> <<elseif ($farmyardCages == 1)>> @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and <</if>> <<if $rep > 15000>> <br> - [[Upgrade cages|Farmyard][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyardCages = 2]] + [[Upgrade cages|Farmyard][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $farmyardCages = 2]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and allows to keep exotic felines// <</if>> <<elseif ($farmyardCages == 2)>> diff --git a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardAnimals.tw b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardAnimals.tw index b992a284e7b9a3d724ca76bc916aa6b2487e5f54..18e327357b7d2e31be8e78f27c845e14c87776f0 100644 --- a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardAnimals.tw +++ b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardAnimals.tw @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Dogs: <br><br> <<if $animalsBought.labradorRetrievers == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Labrador Retrievers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.labradorRetrievers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Labrador Retrievers")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Labrador Retrievers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.labradorRetrievers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Labrador Retrievers")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.labradorRetrievers == 1>> Labrador Retrievers @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.germanShepherds == 0>> - <<link "Purchase German Shepherds" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.germanShepherds = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("German Shepherds")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase German Shepherds" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.germanShepherds = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("German Shepherds")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.germanShepherds == 1>> German Shepherds @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.goldenRetrievers == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Golden Retrievers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.goldenRetrievers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Golden Retrievers")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Golden Retrievers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.goldenRetrievers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Golden Retrievers")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.goldenRetrievers == 1>> Golden Retrievers @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.frenchBulldogs == 0>> - <<link "Purchase French Bulldogs" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.frenchBulldogs = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("French Bulldogs")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase French Bulldogs" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.frenchBulldogs = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("French Bulldogs")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.frenchBulldogs == 1>> French Bulldogs @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.bulldogs == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Bulldogs" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.bulldogs = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Bulldogs")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Bulldogs" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.bulldogs = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Bulldogs")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.bulldogs == 1>> Bulldogs @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.beagles == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Beagles" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.beagles = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Beagles")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Beagles" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.beagles = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Beagles")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.beagles == 1>> Beagles @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.poodles == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Poodles" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.poodles = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Poodles")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Poodles" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.poodles = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Poodles")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.poodles == 1>> Poodles @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.rottweilers == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Rottweilers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.rottweilers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Rottweilers")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Rottweilers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.rottweilers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Rottweilers")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.rottweilers == 1>> Rottweilers @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.yorkshireTerriers == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Yorkshire Terriers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.yorkshireTerriers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Yorkshire Terriers")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Yorkshire Terriers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.yorkshireTerriers = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Yorkshire Terriers")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.yorkshireTerriers == 1>> Yorkshire Terriers @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.siberianHuskies == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Siberian Huskies" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.siberianHuskies = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Siberian Huskies")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Siberian Huskies" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.siberianHuskies = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("Siberian Huskies")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.siberianHuskies == 1>> Siberian Huskies @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Hooved Animals: <br><br> <<if $animalsBought.horses == 0>> - <<link "Purchase horses" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.horses = 1, $animalsBought.hooved += 1, $hooved.push("horses")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase horses" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.horses = 1, $animalsBought.hooved += 1, $hooved.push("horses")>><</link>> <<elseif $animalsBought.horses == 1>> Horses <<if $activeHooved.species != "horse">> @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Cats: <br><br> <<if $animalsBought.siameses == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Siamese cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.siameses = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Siamese cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Siamese cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.siameses = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Siamese cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.siameses == 1>> Siamese cats @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.persians == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Persian cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.persians = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Persian cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Persian cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.persians = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Persian cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.persians == 1>> Persian cats @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.maineCoons == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Maine Coon cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.maineCoons = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Maine Coon cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Maine Coon cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.maineCoons = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Maine Coon cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.maineCoons == 1>> Maine Coon cats @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.ragdolls == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Ragdoll cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.ragdolls = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Ragdoll cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Ragdoll cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.ragdolls = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Ragdoll cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.ragdolls == 1>> Ragdoll cats @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.bengals == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Bengal cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.bengals = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Bengal cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Bengal cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.bengals = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Bengal cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.bengals == 1>> Bengal cats @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.abbysinians == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Abbysinian cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.abbysinians = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Abbysinian cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Abbysinian cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.abbysinians = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Abbysinian cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.abbysinians == 1>> Abbysinian cats @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.birmans == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Birman cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.birmans = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Birman cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Birman cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.birmans = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Birman cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.birmans == 1>> Birman cats @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.orientalShorthairs == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Oriental Shorthair cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.orientalShorthairs = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Oriental Shorthair cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Oriental Shorthair cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.orientalShorthairs = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Oriental Shorthair cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.orientalShorthairs == 1>> Oriental Shorthair cats @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.sphynxes == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Sphynx cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.sphynxes = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Sphynx cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Sphynx cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.sphynxes = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Sphynx cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.sphynxes == 1>> Sphynx cats @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.russianBlues == 0>> - <<link "Purchase Russian Blue cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.russianBlues = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Russian Blue cats")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase Russian Blue cats" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.russianBlues = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("Russian Blue cats")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.russianBlues == 1>> Russian Blue cats @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ Canines: <br><br> <<if $animalsBought.wolves == 0>> - <<link "Purchase wolves" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.wolves = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("wolves")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase wolves" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.wolves = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("wolves")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.wolves == 1>> /*A couple of adult wolves are lounging about in their kennels.(OLD)*/ @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.foxes == 0>> - <<link "Purchase foxes" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.foxes = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("foxes")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase foxes" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.foxes = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("foxes")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.foxes == 1>> /*Red foxes play in one corner of their kennels, chasing one another.(OLD)*/ @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.jackals == 0>> - <<link "Purchase jackals" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.jackals = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("jackals")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase jackals" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.jackals = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("jackals")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.jackals == 1>> /*A group of male jackals are fighting over a potential mate, causing quite a ruckus.(OLD)*/ @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.dingos == 0>> - <<link "Purchase dingos" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.dingos = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("dingos")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase dingos" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.dingos = 1, $animalsBought.canines += 1, $canines.push("dingos")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.dingos == 1>> /*The dingos are eating their meal, growling at each other when one gets to close to another's food.(OLD)*/ @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ Hooved Animals: <br><br> <<if $animalsBought.zebras == 0>> - <<link "Purchase zebras" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.zebras = 1, $animalsBought.hooved += 1, $hooved.push("zebras")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase zebras" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.zebras = 1, $animalsBought.hooved += 1, $hooved.push("zebras")>><</link>> <<elseif $animalsBought.zebras == 1>> Zebras <<if $activeHooved.species != "zebra">> @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Felines <br><br> <<if $animalsBought.cougars == 0>> - <<link "Purchase cougars" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.cougars = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("cougars")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase cougars" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.cougars = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("cougars")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.cougars == 1>> /*The cougars are sleeping, their lean bodies scattered around under trees. (OLD)*/ @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.jaguars == 0>> - <<link "Purchase jaguars" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.jaguars = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("jaguars")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase jaguars" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.jaguars = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("jaguars")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.jaguars == 1>> /*You can see a few jaguars laying around in the trees in their enclosure. (OLD)*/ @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.lynx == 0>> - <<link "Purchase lynxs" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.lynx = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("lynx")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase lynxs" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.lynx = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("lynx")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.lynx == 1>> /*The lynxes are playfully running around their enclosure. (OLD)*/ @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.leopards == 0>> - <<link "Purchase leopards" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.leopards = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("leopards")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase leopards" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.leopards = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("leopards")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.leopards == 1>> /*The leopards are lazing about in the trees in their enclosure. (OLD)*/ @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.lions == 0>> - <<link "Purchase lions" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.lions = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("lions")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase lions" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.lions = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("lions")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.lions == 1>> /*Most of the lions are sunning themselves. (OLD)*/ @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ <br> <</if>> <<if $animalsBought.tigers == 0>> - <<link "Purchase tigers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set $cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $animalsBought.tigers = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("tigers")>><</link>> + <<link "Purchase tigers" "FarmyardAnimals">><<set cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $animalsBought.tigers = 1, $animalsBought.felines += 1, $felines.push("tigers")>><</link>> <br> <<elseif $animalsBought.tigers == 1>> /*Some of the tigers are swimming, and the ones that aren't are lazing about. (OLD)*/ diff --git a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardLab.tw b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardLab.tw index 9d0d431c6578f6fde5cdaf2b4f32e47537525ef6..44b855b0d9d73ffbb5cdbe8cf8330ca63d540186 100644 --- a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardLab.tw +++ b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyardLab.tw @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps Research Lab <hr> <<if $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalOvaries == 0>> - [[Retrofit the pharmaceutical fabricator to work with animal ovaries|FarmyardLab][$cash -= 25000, $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalOvaries = 1]] + [[Retrofit the pharmaceutical fabricator to work with animal ovaries|FarmyardLab][cashX(-25000, "capEx"), $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalOvaries = 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>> and allows you to implant animal ovaries into slaves.// <br> <<elseif $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalOvaries == 1>> @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps Research Lab <br> <</if>> <<if $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalTesticles == 0>> - [[Retrofit the pharmaceutical fabricator to work with animal testicles|FarmyardLab][$cash -= 25000, $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalTesticles = 1]] + [[Retrofit the pharmaceutical fabricator to work with animal testicles|FarmyardLab][cashX(-25000, "capEx"), $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalTesticles = 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>> and allows you to implant animal testicles into slaves.// <br> <<elseif $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalTesticles == 1>> @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps Research Lab <br> <</if>> <<if $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalMpreg == 0>> - [[Retrofit the pharmaceutical fabricator to work with animal anal wombs and ovaries|FarmyardLab][$cash -= 25000, $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalMpreg = 1]] + [[Retrofit the pharmaceutical fabricator to work with animal anal wombs and ovaries|FarmyardLab][cashX(-25000, "capEx"), $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalMpreg = 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>> and allows you to implant animal anal wombs and ovaries into slaves.// <br> <<elseif $farmyardLabUpgrades.animalMpreg == 1>> diff --git a/src/facilities/nursery/nursery.tw b/src/facilities/nursery/nursery.tw index bdbce35f4f2f307e19a7d322ebf4b749ac37e2ed..12e0f76eab4272f12bcfb97ed8432f979e785d36 100644 --- a/src/facilities/nursery/nursery.tw +++ b/src/facilities/nursery/nursery.tw @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ $nurseryNameCaps <br>It can support $nursery child<<if $nursery != 1>>ren<</if>>. Currently $nurseryBabies rooms are in use. <<if $nursery < 50>> - [[Add another room|Nursery][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $nursery += 5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + [[Add another room|Nursery][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $nursery += 5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<if $freeCribs == 0>> All of the rooms are currently occupied by growing children. <</if>> @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ $nurseryNameCaps <</if>> <<if $nursery > 1 && $reservedChildrenNursery < $freeCribs>> - [[Remove a room|Nursery][$cash -= Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $nursery -= 5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will reduce upkeep costs// + [[Remove a room|Nursery][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $nursery -= 5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will reduce upkeep costs// <</if>> <br><br> @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Target age for release: <<textbox "$targetAgeNursery" $targetAgeNursery "Nursery <</if>> <<else>> The amount of food the children eat is not being monitored, meaning they may end up becoming malnourished. - [[Carefully monitor the amount of food the children eat|Nursery][$cash -= Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $nurseryWeight = 1]] + [[Carefully monitor the amount of food the children eat|Nursery][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $nurseryWeight = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <br> @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ Target age for release: <<textbox "$targetAgeNursery" $targetAgeNursery "Nursery <</if>> <<else>> The children are not getting any exercise, meaning they will likely end up becoming weak and frail. - [[Allow the children to remain active|Nursery][$cash -= Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $nurseryMuscles = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + [[Allow the children to remain active|Nursery][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $nurseryMuscles = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <br> <<if $nurseryUpgradeHormones == 1>> @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ Target age for release: <<textbox "$targetAgeNursery" $targetAgeNursery "Nursery <</if>> <<else>> The children are not being given growth hormones. - [[Give the children growth hormones|Nursery][$cash -= Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $nurseryUpgradeHormones = 1, $nurseryHormonesSetting = 0]] + [[Give the children growth hormones|Nursery][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $nurseryUpgradeHormones = 1, $nurseryHormonesSetting = 0]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <br> /* TODO: this may need a rewrite - I'm not much of a writer */ @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ Target age for release: <<textbox "$targetAgeNursery" $targetAgeNursery "Nursery <<if $nurseryOrgans == 1>> Surgical tools have been added to the tank to be able to extract tissue samples from the occupant. <<elseif $organFarm >= 1>> - The cribs lack the ability to extract tissue samples to be used by the organ fabricator. [[ the growth cribs with surgical extraction tools|Nursery][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $nurseryOrgans = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + The cribs lack the ability to extract tissue samples to be used by the organ fabricator. [[ the growth cribs with surgical extraction tools|Nursery][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "farmyard"), $nurseryOrgans = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<else>> The cribs lack the ability to extract tissue samples and the dispensary lacks the ability to make use of them to fabricate organs. <</if>> diff --git a/src/interaction/researchLab.tw b/src/interaction/researchLab.tw index 98994d586055de7fe91b42b0f06d0e4f55846504..1a347af9b8530d193a84acb51af4efae6e520aa5 100644 --- a/src/interaction/researchLab.tw +++ b/src/interaction/researchLab.tw @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ <br> <<if $researchLab.aiModule == 1>> - [[Buy and install research module|Research Lab][$cash -= 35000, $researchLab.aiModule = 2]] //This module enables your assistant to assist staff and direct menials assigned to your research facility, increasing efficiency. It costs <<print cashFormat(35000)>>//<br> + [[Buy and install research module|Research Lab][cashX(-35000, "capEx"), $researchLab.aiModule = 2]] //This module enables your assistant to assist staff and direct menials assigned to your research facility, increasing efficiency. It costs <<print cashFormat(35000)>>//<br> <</if>> <<if ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials) == 0>> //Facility is currently unstaffed.// @@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ Currently, this facility can employ $researchLab.maxSpace people. <<if $researchLab.maxSpace == 5>> - [[Expand facility|Research Lab][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $researchLab.maxSpace = 10]] + [[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 10]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 10>> - [[Expand facility|Research Lab][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $researchLab.maxSpace = 20]] + [[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 20]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 20>> - [[Expand facility|Research Lab][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $researchLab.maxSpace = 30]] + [[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 30]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 30>> - [[Expand facility|Research Lab][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $researchLab.maxSpace = 40]] + [[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 40]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 40>> - [[Expand facility|Research Lab][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $researchLab.maxSpace = 50]] + [[Expand facility|Research Lab][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.maxSpace = 50]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<elseif $researchLab.maxSpace == 50>> //Facility is fully expanded.// @@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ <br><br> <<if ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials) < $researchLab.maxSpace>> - Hire [[x1|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 1,$cash -= 5000]] + Hire [[x1|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 1,cashX(-5000, "lab")]] <<if ($researchLab.maxSpace - ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials)) >= 5>> - | [[x5|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 5,$cash -= 25000]] + | [[x5|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 5,cashX(-25000, "lab")]] <</if>> <<if ($researchLab.maxSpace - ($researchLab.hired + $researchLab.menials)) >= 10>> - | [[x10|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 10,$cash -= 50000]] + | [[x10|Research Lab][$researchLab.hired += 10,cashX(-50000, "lab")]] <</if>> scientists.<br> //Each scientist will require an initial fee of <<print cashFormat(5000)>> and incur <<print cashFormat(300)>> weekly.// @@ -210,47 +210,47 @@ //You contact a representative of one of the larger cybernetics companies and inquire about their products.<br> This is what they have to offer://<br><br> __Hardware__<br> - [[Basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 25000, $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface//<br> - [[Advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 60000, $stockpile.advPLimbInterface += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(60000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advPLimbInterface//<br> - [[Basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 15000, $stockpile.basicPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimb//<br> - [[Advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 30000, $stockpile.advSexPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advSexPLimb//<br> - [[Advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 30000, $stockpile.advGracePLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advGracePLimb//<br> - [[Advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 30000, $stockpile.advCombatPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advCombatPLimb//<br> - [[Ocular implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 35000, $stockpile.ocularImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(35000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.ocularImplant//<br> - [[Cochlear implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 15000, $stockpile.cochlearImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.cochlearImplant//<br> - [[Electrolarynx|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 50000, $stockpile.electrolarynx += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(50000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.electrolarynx//<br> - /*[[Erectile implant|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 25000, $stockpile.erectileImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.erectileImplant//*/ + [[Basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-25000, "lab"), $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimbInterface//<br> + [[Advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-60000, "lab"), $stockpile.advPLimbInterface += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(60000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advPLimbInterface//<br> + [[Basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-15000, "lab"), $stockpile.basicPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.basicPLimb//<br> + [[Advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-30000, "lab"), $stockpile.advSexPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advSexPLimb//<br> + [[Advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-30000, "lab"), $stockpile.advGracePLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advGracePLimb//<br> + [[Advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-30000, "lab"), $stockpile.advCombatPLimb += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.advCombatPLimb//<br> + [[Ocular implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-35000, "lab"), $stockpile.ocularImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(35000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.ocularImplant//<br> + [[Cochlear implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-15000, "lab"), $stockpile.cochlearImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.cochlearImplant//<br> + [[Electrolarynx|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-50000, "lab"), $stockpile.electrolarynx += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(50000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.electrolarynx//<br> + /*[[Erectile implant|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-25000, "lab"), $stockpile.erectileImplant += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>. Currently have: $stockpile.erectileImplant//*/ <br><br>__Schematics__<br> <<if $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Basic prosthetics interface">> - [[Basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 85000, $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(85000)>>.//<br> + [[Basic prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-85000, "lab"), $researchLab.basicPLimbInterface = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(85000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.advPLimbInterface != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced prosthetics interface">> - [[Advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 260000, $researchLab.advPLimbInterface = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(260000)>>.//<br> + [[Advanced prosthetics interface|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-260000, "lab"), $researchLab.advPLimbInterface = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(260000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.basicPLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Basic prosthetic limbs">> - [[Basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 60000, $researchLab.basicPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(60000)>>.//<br> + [[Basic prosthetic limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-60000, "lab"), $researchLab.basicPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(60000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.advSexPLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced sex limbs">> - [[Advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 120000, $researchLab.advSexPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br> + [[Advanced sex limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-120000, "lab"), $researchLab.advSexPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.advGracePLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced beauty limbs">> - [[Advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 120000, $researchLab.advGracePLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br> + [[Advanced beauty limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-120000, "lab"), $researchLab.advGracePLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.advCombatPLimb != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Advanced combat limbs">> - [[Advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 120000, $researchLab.advCombatPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br> + [[Advanced combat limbs|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-120000, "lab"), $researchLab.advCombatPLimb = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.ocularImplant != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Ocular implants">> - [[Ocular implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 160000, $researchLab.ocularImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(160000)>>.//<br> + [[Ocular implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-160000, "lab"), $researchLab.ocularImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(160000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.cochlearImplant != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Cochlear implants">> - [[Cochlear implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 125000, $researchLab.cochlearImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(125000)>>.//<br> + [[Cochlear implants|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-125000, "lab"), $researchLab.cochlearImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(125000)>>.//<br> <</if>> <<if $researchLab.electrolarynx != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Electrolarynx">> - [[Electrolarynx|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 125000, $researchLab.electrolarynx = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(200000)>>.//<br> + [[Electrolarynx|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-125000, "lab"), $researchLab.electrolarynx = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(200000)>>.//<br> <</if>> /*<<if $researchLab.erectileImplant != 1 && $researchLab.research != "Erectile implant">> - [[Erectile implant|Research Lab][$temp = 1, $cash -= 95000, $researchLab.erectileImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(95000)>>.// + [[Erectile implant|Research Lab][$temp = 1, cashX(-95000, "lab"), $researchLab.erectileImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(95000)>>.// <</if>>*/ <</switch>> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/pregmod/cloningWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/cloningWorkaround.tw index 535a608fba3ad3495402bd86266f824f871cf3e3..68e2aae85eff58a91b22a1f08a40f13c92a46321 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/cloningWorkaround.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/cloningWorkaround.tw @@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ __Chosen surrogate: _receive __ _impreg will be cloned and _receive shall act as the incubator. <<if _impreg != "Undecided" && _receive != "Undecided">> - [[Implant clone ovum|Surrogacy][$cash -= ($surgeryCost*2), $surgeryType = 'clone']] + [[Implant clone ovum|Surrogacy][cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", _receive), $surgeryType = 'clone']] <</if>> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw b/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw index 5cf3d650f73fbb79abf1547d636e971f13af929f..8606c05d6fc8a49de9ca54ce443b21745888c286 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw @@ -9,46 +9,46 @@ You're @@.orange;$PC.actualAge years old.@@ <<if $PC.actualAge >= 65>> <<if $PC.visualAge > $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look older.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<elseif $PC.visualAge < $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look younger.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<else>> You could benefit from a face lift. - <br>[[Get a face lift|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] + <br>[[Get a face lift|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.actualAge >= 50>> <<if $PC.visualAge > $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look older.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<elseif $PC.visualAge < $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look younger.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<else>> You could benefit from a face lift. - <br>[[Get a face lift|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] + <br>[[Get a face lift|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.actualAge >= 35>> <<if $PC.visualAge > $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look older.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<elseif $PC.visualAge < $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look younger.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<else>> You could go for a face lift, though making yourself look older could be useful. - <br>[[Get a face lift|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] + <br>[[Get a face lift|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PC.visualAge > $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look older.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<elseif $PC.visualAge < $PC.actualAge>> You've had surgery to make yourself @@.lime;look younger.@@ - <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] + <br>[[Undo Facial surgery|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 0, $PC.visualAge = $PC.physicalAge, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "restoreFace"]] <<else>> You could undergo facial surgery to make yourself look older, though you could also make yourself look even younger. - <br>[[Remodel your face to appear younger|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1,$cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] + <br>[[Remodel your face to appear younger|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageDown"]] | [[Remodel your face to appear older|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.faceImplant = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ageUp"]] <</if>> <</if>> @@ -58,120 +58,120 @@ You're @@.orange;$PC.actualAge years old.@@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original skin tone was $PC.origSkin.<</if>> <br> <<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> - [[Restore natural color|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = $PC.origSkin, $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Restore natural color|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = $PC.origSkin, cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "pure white">> - [[Pure White|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "pure white", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Pure White|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "pure white", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "extremely pale">> - [[Extremely Pale|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "extremely pale", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Extremely Pale|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "extremely pale", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "pale">> - [[Pale|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "pale", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Pale|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "pale", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "extremely fair">> - [[Extremely Fair|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "extremely fair", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Extremely Fair|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "extremely fair", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "very fair">> - [[Very Fair|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "very fair", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Very Fair|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "very fair", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "fair">> - [[Fair|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "fair", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Fair|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "fair", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "white">> - [[White|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "white", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[White|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "white", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "light">> - [[Light|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "light", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Light|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "light", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "lightened">> - [[Lightened|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "lightened", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Lightened|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "lightened", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "light olive">> - [[Light Olive|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "light olive", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Light Olive|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "light olive", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "olive">> - [[Olive|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "olive", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Olive|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "olive", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "natural">> - [[Natural|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "natural", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Natural|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "natural", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "tanned">> - [[Tanned|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "tanned", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Tanned|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "tanned", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "bronzed">> - [[Bronzed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "bronzed", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Bronzed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "bronzed", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "dark olive">> - [[Dark Olive|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "dark olive", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Dark Olive|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "dark olive", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "dark">> - [[Dark|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "dark", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Dark|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "dark", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "light brown">> - [[Light Brown|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "light brown", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Light Brown|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "light brown", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "brown">> - [[Brown|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "brown", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Brown|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "brown", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "dark brown">> - [[Dark Brown|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "dark brown", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Dark Brown|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "dark brown", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "black">> - [[Black|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "black", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Black|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "black", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "ebony">> - [[Ebony|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "ebony", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | + [[Ebony|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "ebony", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] | <</if>> <<if $PC.skin != "pure black">> - [[Pure Black|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "pure black", $cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] + [[Pure Black|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "pure black", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] <</if>> -[[Custom Color|PC Skin Workaround][$cash -= 2000, $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] +[[Custom Color|PC Skin Workaround][cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] <br><br>"Maybe some breast work? I assure you they are lovely." She says as she brushes the back of your head with her own pair. "@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(5000)>>@@ for a reduction, @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(10000)>>@@ for implants, that includes size ups, and @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for additional breast tissue. That last one might as well be real!<<if $PC.boobsBonus <= 0>> With a little work, we can even remove a small amount of fat from your breasts to bring your cup size down without damaging their inner workings. Though we'll have to build them up some before we can stick reasonable implants into you.<</if>>"<br> <<if $PC.boobsBonus > 2>> <<if $PC.boobsImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;pair of round H-cup breasts;@@ they are very obviously implants. - <br>//You are starting to experience back pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastReductionImplant"]] + <br>//You are starting to experience back pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastReductionImplant"]] <<else>> You have a @@.orange;heavy H-cup bust.@@ They tend to sag a little when you free them from your top, though they have some perk to them. - <br>//You are starting to experience back pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 2, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] + <br>//You are starting to experience back pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 2, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.boobsBonus == 2>> <<if $PC.boobsImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;pair of rounded G-cup breasts;@@ they are a little too perky for their size to pass as natural. - <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 3, $cash -= 10000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargementImplant"]] + <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 3, cashX(-10000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargementImplant"]] <<else>> You have a @@.orange;huge G-cup bust.@@ - <br>[[Add additional breast tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 3, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 1, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] + <br>[[Add additional breast tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.boobsBonus == 1>> <<if $PC.boobsImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;pair of perky F-cup breasts;@@ you can barely tell they are implanted. - <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 2, $cash -= 10000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargementImplant"]] + <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 2, cashX(-10000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargementImplant"]] <<else>> You have a @@.orange;hefty F-cup bust.@@ - <br>[[Add additional breast tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] + <br>[[Add additional breast tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.boobsBonus == -1>> You have a @@.orange;pair of D-cup breasts.@@ - <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have fatty tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -2, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "flatChest"]] + <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 0, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have fatty tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -2, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "flatChest"]] <<elseif $PC.boobsBonus == -2>> You have a @@.orange;average pair of C-cup breasts.@@ - <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have fatty tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -3, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | //You lack sufficient fatty tissue to permit additional size reduction short of total breast removal.// + <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have fatty tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -3, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | //You lack sufficient fatty tissue to permit additional size reduction short of total breast removal.// <<elseif $PC.boobsBonus == -3>> You have a @@.orange;small pair of B-cup breasts.@@ - <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "flatChest"]] | //You lack sufficient fatty tissue to permit additional size reduction short of total breast removal.// + <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "flatChest"]] | //You lack sufficient fatty tissue to permit additional size reduction short of total breast removal.// <<elseif $PC.boobs == 1>> You have a @@.orange;big pair of DD-cup breasts.@@ - <br>[[Get a pair of breast implants|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 1, $PC.boobsImplant = 1, $cash -= 10000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargementImplant"]] | [[Add additional breast tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have fatty tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -1, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "flatChest"]] + <br>[[Get a pair of breast implants|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 1, $PC.boobsImplant = 1, cashX(-10000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargementImplant"]] | [[Add additional breast tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastEnlargement"]] | [[Have fatty tissue removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobsBonus = -1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breastShrinkage"]] | [[Have them removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "flatChest"]] <<elseif $PC.title == 1>> You have a @@.orange;masculine chest.@@ At your request, breast tissue could be added until you have a healthy bust, though society is unlikely to approve. - <br>[[Get a pair of breasts|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 1, $PC.boobsBonus = -1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breasts"]] + <br>[[Get a pair of breasts|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 1, $PC.boobsBonus = -1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breasts"]] <<else>> @@.orange;You're flat.@@ "We can fix that, if you want." - <br>[[Get a pair of breasts|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 1, $PC.boobsBonus = -1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "breasts"]] + <br>[[Get a pair of breasts|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.boobs = 1, $PC.boobsBonus = -1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "breasts"]] <</if>> <<if $PC.belly >= 100 && $PC.preg > 3>> @@ -247,37 +247,37 @@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original <</if>> <<elseif $PC.belly >= 100 && $PC.preg < 1>> She pinches your belly. "How about a tummy tuck? We can smooth this right out, cheaply too, @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(500)>>.@@" She lets your saggy middle flop back to its usual drooping state. - [[Firm up your stomach|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.belly = 0, $cash -= 500, $surgeryType = "tummyTuck"]] + [[Firm up your stomach|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.belly = 0, cashX(-500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "tummyTuck"]] <</if>> <br><br>"How about a new butt?" She says as she wiggles her own at you. "Same prices as the breasts."<br> <<if $PC.butt > 2>> <<if $PC.buttImplant == 1>> You have an @@.orange;enormous, round, hard butt;@@ it is very obviously a pair of huge implants. - <br>//You can barely squeeze your rear into your clothes and are starting to get stuck in chairs; any bigger and it might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, $PC.buttImplant = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "buttReductionImplant"]] + <br>//You can barely squeeze your rear into your clothes and are starting to get stuck in chairs; any bigger and it might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, $PC.buttImplant = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttReductionImplant"]] <<else>> You have an @@.orange;enormous, jiggly butt.@@ - <br>//You can barely squeeze your rear into your clothes and are starting to get stuck in chairs; any bigger and it might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have fat removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 2, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "buttShrinkage"]] + <br>//You can barely squeeze your rear into your clothes and are starting to get stuck in chairs; any bigger and it might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology.// | [[Have fat removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 2, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttShrinkage"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.butt == 2>> <<if $PC.buttImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;huge, round, firm butt;@@ it's easily identifiable as fake. - <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, $PC.buttImplant = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "buttReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 3, $cash -= 10000, $surgeryType = "buttEnlargementImplant"]] + <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, $PC.buttImplant = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 3, cashX(-10000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttEnlargementImplant"]] <<else>> You have a @@.orange;huge, soft butt.@@ - <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 3, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "buttEnlargement"]] | [[Have fat removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 1, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "buttShrinkage"]] + <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttEnlargement"]] | [[Have fat removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 1, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttShrinkage"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.butt == 1>> <<if $PC.buttImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;big firm butt;@@ anyone that feels it can tell it's fake, but at a glance you can't tell otherwise. - <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, $PC.buttImplant = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "buttReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 2, $cash -= 10000, $surgeryType = "buttEnlargementImplant"]] + <br>[[Have your implants removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, $PC.buttImplant = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttReductionImplant"]] | [[Get the next size up|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 2, cashX(-10000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttEnlargementImplant"]] <<else>> You have a @@.orange;big butt.@@ - <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "buttEnlargement"]] | [[Have fat removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, $cash -= 5000, $surgeryType = "buttShrinkage"]] + <br>[[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttEnlargement"]] | [[Have fat removed|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 0, cashX(-5000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttShrinkage"]] <</if>> <<else>> You have a @@.orange;cute, but normal butt.@@ At your request, fat could be added until you have a healthy rear; alternatively, a pair of implants could be inserted instead. - <br>[[Get a pair of butt implants|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 1, $PC.buttImplant = 1, $cash -= 10000, $surgeryType = "buttEnlargementImplant"]] | [[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "buttEnlargement"]] + <br>[[Get a pair of butt implants|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 1, $PC.buttImplant = 1, cashX(-10000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttEnlargementImplant"]] | [[Add additional fatty tissue|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.butt = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "buttEnlargement"]] <</if>> <<if $PC.dick == 1>> @@ -289,49 +289,49 @@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original <</if>> <<if $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 3>> You have a @@.orange;monstrous, massive pair of balls@@ roughly the size of small watermelons; it's impossible to sit normally so you've had to buy special chairs, you've given up on wearing pants, and they're so obvious that people probably assume they're fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distended belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it. - <br>//You have trouble moving around and need special furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; you can hardly even walk anymore. It might be worth getting rid of the cosmetic gel.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]] + <br>//You have trouble moving around and need special furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; you can hardly even walk anymore. It might be worth getting rid of the cosmetic gel.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]] <<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>> You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and they're so obvious that people probably assume they're fake, but every slave you fuck gets a swollen belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it. - <br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 4, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]] + <br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 4, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]] <<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>> You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time. - <br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]] + <br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]] <<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and your all-natural balls are so obvious they attract a lot of attention, but every slave you fuck gets a distended belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it. - <br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 4, $PC.balls = 3, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] + <br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 4, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] <<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>> You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time but every slave you fuck gets a swollen belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it. - <br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] + <br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] <<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move. - <br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] + <br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] <<elseif $PC.balls == 0 && $AGrowth == 2>> <<if $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and everyone can tell they are fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distinct slap with each thrust and you love it. - <br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, $cash -= 20000, $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, $cash -= 20000, $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] + <br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] <<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 2>> You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time. - <br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, $cash -= 20000, $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, $cash -= 20000, $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] + <br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] <<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move. - <br>[[Remove the gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, $cash -= 20000, $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] + <br>[[Remove the gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] <<else>> You have a @@.orange;normal, uneventful pair of balls.@@ - <br>[[Get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] + <br>[[Get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] <</if>> <<else>> <<if $PC.ballsImplant > 2>> You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and everyone can tell they are fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distinct slap with each thrust and you love it. - <br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] + <br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] <<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 2>> You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time. - <br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] + <br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] <<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 1>> You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move. - <br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $cash -= 7500, $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] + <br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] <<else>> You have a @@.orange;normal, uneventful pair of balls.@@ - <br>[[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] + <br>[[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> @@ -340,13 +340,13 @@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original <br><br> "Looking a little loose down there, I can fix that for you. Get you nice and tight again. Oh, and our pussies are guaranteed to not lose their tightness or your money back! @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for a brand new vagina." <br> -[[Get a tighter vagina|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.newVag = 1, $cash -= 15000, $surgeryType = "tightPussy"]] +[[Get a tighter vagina|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.newVag = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "tightPussy"]] <</if>> <<if $PC.preg == -2 && $PC.physicalAge < 70>> <br><br> Now we can only do this so many times before your body just can't handle it, but if you absolutely must have a child with your, um, vintage, then we can do something for you. For @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>,@@ we can clone and replace your depleted ovaries with slightly younger ones. They'll get you a couple more years of ovulation before they dry up too, but if you're desperate for a child, they may be your last option. - [[Regenerate your ovaries and cheat menopause for a couple more years|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ovaryAge = 53, $PC.preg = 0, $cash -= 50000, $surgeryType = "ovulationRestart"]] + [[Regenerate your ovaries and cheat menopause for a couple more years|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ovaryAge = 53, $PC.preg = 0, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ovulationRestart"]] <</if>> <br><br> @@ -358,30 +358,30 @@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original <<if $PC.dick == 1 && $PC.vagina == 1>> You have working @@.orange;male and female reproductive organs@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@ "We'll store some of your sperm for you, should you decide to lose your maleness, and have it shipped to your arcology. Who you decide to use it on, well... That's up to you!" <br> - [[Remove your male half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $cash -= 25000, $surgeryType = "herm2female"]] | - [[Remove your female half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $cash -= 25000, $surgeryType = "herm2male"]] + [[Remove your male half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2female"]] | + [[Remove your female half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2male"]] <<if $PC.title > 0>> - | [[Remove your male half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $cash -= 25000, $surgeryType = "herm2truefemale"]] + | [[Remove your male half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2truefemale"]] <<else>> - | [[Remove your female half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $cash -= 25000, $surgeryType = "herm2truemale"]] + | [[Remove your female half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2truemale"]] <</if>> <<elseif $PC.dick == 1>> You have @@.orange;male genitalia@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@ "We'll store some of your sperm for you, should you decide to lose your maleness, and have it shipped to your arcology. Who you decide to use it on, well... That's up to you!" <br> - [[Have your male organs replaced with female ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $cash -= 50000, $surgeryType = "male2female"]] | - [[Add a female reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $cash -= 150000, $surgeryType = "male2herm"]] + [[Have your male organs replaced with female ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2female"]] | + [[Add a female reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2herm"]] <<if $PC.title > 0>> - | [[Become a woman|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $cash -= 50000, $surgeryType = "male2truefemale"]] - | [[Become a hermaphrodite girl|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $cash -= 150000, $surgeryType = "male2hermfemale"]] + | [[Become a woman|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2truefemale"]] + | [[Become a hermaphrodite girl|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2hermfemale"]] <</if>> <<else>> You have @@.orange;female genitalia@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@ <br> - [[Have your female organs replaced with male ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, $cash -= 50000, $surgeryType = "female2male"]] | - [[Add a male reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $cash -= 150000, $surgeryType = "female2herm"]] + [[Have your female organs replaced with male ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2male"]] | + [[Add a male reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2herm"]] <<if $PC.title == 0>> - | [[Become a man|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $cash -= 50000, $surgeryType = "female2truemale"]] - | [[Become a hermaphrodite boy|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $cash -= 150000, $surgeryType = "female2hermmale"]] + | [[Become a man|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2truemale"]] + | [[Become a hermaphrodite boy|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2hermmale"]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/pregmod/geneLab.tw b/src/pregmod/geneLab.tw index b925fa3794b21b982a11b945a4f13e4231f1a395..d474d8cdfbabc3cf173fa5a45ee925adf41297a8 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/geneLab.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/geneLab.tw @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Genetic Harvesting //An organ farm is needed to grow the blank embryo to serve as a clone base// <br> <<else>> - [[Purchase methods for human cloning|Gene Lab][$cash -= 100000*_PCSkillCheck, $cloningSystem = 1]] + [[Purchase methods for human cloning|Gene Lab][cashX(forceNeg(100000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx"), $cloningSystem = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(100000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow children to be created with indentical base genetics as the source DNA// <br> diff --git a/src/pregmod/huskSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/huskSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw index 2bb0b94411c9c3b9d7feee7a2007b36349e992b5..4c3f7d718633ac8f22e33995b8b9bee4f4c2d7c2 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/huskSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/huskSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ __Select an eligible slave:__ <<if WombReserveCount($slaves[_i]) == 0>> <<if $slaves[_i].ID != $activeSlave.ID>> <<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_i])>> - <br><<print "[[_name|Husk Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[" + _i + "], $cash -= 10000]]">> + <br><<print "[[_name|Husk Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[" + _i + "], cashX(-10000, "slaveSurgery", $slaves[_i])]]">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/pregmod/implantManufactory.tw b/src/pregmod/implantManufactory.tw index d3bbf66b93a75e4af05ecbbfc31fcb7989ff55fe..d68a1da0e58bb9fa9649313d4dc00817759148cc 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/implantManufactory.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/implantManufactory.tw @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ The manufactory is capable of producing customized fillable implants. //You lack the reputation to access plans for supportive breast implants// <br> <<elseif ($meshImplants != 1) && ($rep > 10000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase plans for supportive mesh breast implants|Implant Manufactory][$cash -= 40000*_PCSkillCheck, $meshImplants = 1]] + [[Purchase plans for supportive mesh breast implants|Implant Manufactory][<<run cashX(forceNeg(40000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $meshImplants = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(40000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the construction of organic and supportive mesh breast implants.// <br> @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ The manufactory is capable of producing customized fillable implants. //You lack the reputation to access experimental fillable abdominal implants// <br> <<elseif ($bellyImplants == 0) && ($rep > 2000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase schematics for fillable abdominal implants|Implant Manufactory][$cash -= 30000*_PCSkillCheck, $bellyImplants = 1]] + [[Purchase schematics for fillable abdominal implants|Implant Manufactory][<<run cashX(forceNeg(30000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $bellyImplants = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the construction of fillable abdominal implants for the autosurgery.// <br> @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ The manufactory is capable of producing customized fillable implants. //You lack the reputation to access experimental cervix filter micropumps schematics for abdominal implants// <br> <<elseif ($bellyImplants == 1) && ($cervixImplants == 0) && ($rep >6000*_PCSkillCheck)>> /* nanotech like technology much more impressive and costly than simple implant */ - [[Purchase schematics for cervix filter micropumps|Implant Manufactory][$cash -= 70000*_PCSkillCheck, $cervixImplants = 1]] + [[Purchase schematics for cervix filter micropumps|Implant Manufactory][<<run cashX(forceNeg(70000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $cervixImplants = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(70000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the construction of cervix filter micropumps for fillable abdominal implants using the autosurgery.// <br> @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The manufactory is capable of producing customized fillable implants. <<elseif ($cervixImplants == 1) && ($rep > 8000*_PCSkillCheck)>> The manufactory is capable of crafting cervix filter micropumps for fillable abdominal implants. <br> - [[Purchase conversion kits for rectal filter micropumps|Implant Manufactory][$cash -= 60000*_PCSkillCheck, $cervixImplants = 2]] + [[Purchase conversion kits for rectal filter micropumps|Implant Manufactory][<<run cashX(forceNeg(60000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $cervixImplants = 2]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(60000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the construction of the anal equivalent of the cervix micropumps using the autosurgery.// <br> @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ The manufactory is capable of producing customized fillable implants. //You lack the reputation to access fertility boosting ovarian implants// <br> <<else>> - [[Purchase schematics for fertility enhancing ovarian implants|Implant Manufactory][$cash -= 10000*_PCSkillCheck, $fertilityImplant = 1]] + [[Purchase schematics for fertility enhancing ovarian implants|Implant Manufactory][<<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $fertilityImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the construction of implants that encourage multiple eggs being released during ovulation.// <br> @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ The manufactory is capable of producing customized fillable implants. //You lack the reputation to access experimental pregnancy generator schematics// <br> <<elseif ($permaPregImplant == 0) && ($rep > 4000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase schematics for an experimental implantable pregnancy generator|Implant Manufactory][$cash -= 40000*_PCSkillCheck, $permaPregImplant = 1]] + [[Purchase schematics for an experimental implantable pregnancy generator|Implant Manufactory][<<run cashX(forceNeg(40000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $permaPregImplant = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(40000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the construction of implants that force perpetual pregnancy.// <br> @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Fluid Production Implants //You lack the reputation to access plans for prostate implants// <br> <<elseif ($prostateImplants != 1) && ($rep > 3000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase plans for ejaculation enhancing prostate implants|Implant Manufactory][$cash -= 30000*_PCSkillCheck, $prostateImplants = 1]] + [[Purchase plans for ejaculation enhancing prostate implants|Implant Manufactory][<<run cashX(forceNeg(30000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $prostateImplants = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the construction of a prostate implant designed to stimulate fluid production for massive ejaculations. Beware of leaking and dehydration.// <br> diff --git a/src/pregmod/incubator.tw b/src/pregmod/incubator.tw index c73049ad8aaaf2cba6f5698385bf97acf9f0cf83..fae743fe30a8dfa5c3a6d7521a1796abafc9e434 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/incubator.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/incubator.tw @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ $incubatorNameCaps is a clean, cold hall designed to be lined with tanks and the <</if>> <br>It can support $incubator <<if $incubator == 1>>child<<else>>children<</if>>. Currently $incubatorSlaves tanks are in use. -[[Add another incubation tank|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(60000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubator += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(60000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// +[[Add another incubation tank|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(60000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubator += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(60000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<if $freeTanks == 0>> All of the tanks are currently occupied by growing children. <<elseif $incubator > 1 && $reservedChildren < $freeTanks>> - [[Remove an incubation tank|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubator -= 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will reduce upkeep costs// + [[Remove an incubation tank|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubator -= 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will reduce upkeep costs// <</if>> <br><br> @@ -243,41 +243,41 @@ Target age for release: <<textbox "$targetAge" $targetAge "Incubator">> [[Minimu <<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>> It has been upgraded with perfected growth accelerants; children grow at the rate of 1 week to 1 year. <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>> - It has been upgraded with advanced experimental growth accelerants; children grow at the rate of 3 weeks to 1 year. [[Fund speculative research into maximizing growth rate|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(500000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 52]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(500000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + It has been upgraded with advanced experimental growth accelerants; children grow at the rate of 3 weeks to 1 year. [[Fund speculative research into maximizing growth rate|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(500000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 52]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(500000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>> - It has been upgraded with advanced growth accelerants; children grow at the rate of 6 weeks to 1 year. [[Fund research into increasing growth rate even further|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(75000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 18]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(75000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + It has been upgraded with advanced growth accelerants; children grow at the rate of 6 weeks to 1 year. [[Fund research into increasing growth rate even further|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(75000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 18]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(75000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>> - It has been upgraded with growth accelerants; children grow at the rate of 9 weeks to 1 year. [[Further upgrade the incubators with specialized stem cells to speed growth|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 9]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + It has been upgraded with growth accelerants; children grow at the rate of 9 weeks to 1 year. [[Further upgrade the incubators with specialized stem cells to speed growth|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 9]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>> - The incubation tanks are basic; children grow at the rate of 12 weeks to 1 year. [[Upgrade the incubators with growth accelerating drugs|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 6]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + The incubation tanks are basic; children grow at the rate of 12 weeks to 1 year. [[Upgrade the incubators with growth accelerating drugs|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeSpeed = 6]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <br> <<if $incubatorUpgradeWeight == 1>> Advanced caloric monitoring systems have been installed in the tanks to monitor and maintain a developing child's weight. <<else>> - There are no systems in place to control a growing child's weight; they will likely come out emaciated from rapidly growing. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with weight monitoring systems|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeWeight = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + There are no systems in place to control a growing child's weight; they will likely come out emaciated from rapidly growing. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with weight monitoring systems|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeWeight = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <br> <<if $incubatorUpgradeMuscles == 1>> Advanced monitoring and steroid injection systems have been installed in the tanks to monitor and maintain a developing child's musculature. <<else>> - There are no systems in place to control a growing child's musculature; they will likely come out frail and weak from rapidly growing. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with muscle monitoring systems|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeMuscles = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + There are no systems in place to control a growing child's musculature; they will likely come out frail and weak from rapidly growing. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with muscle monitoring systems|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeMuscles = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <br> <<if $incubatorUpgradeReproduction == 1>> Advanced monitoring and hormone injection systems have been installed in the tanks to influence a developing child's reproductive organs. <<else>> - There are no systems in place to control a growing child's reproductive capability. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with hormone monitoring systems|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeReproduction = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + There are no systems in place to control a growing child's reproductive capability. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with hormone monitoring systems|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeReproduction = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <br> <<if $incubatorUpgradeOrgans == 1>> Surgical tools have been added to the tank to be able to extract tissue samples from the occupant. <<elseif $organFarmUpgrade >= 1>> - The tanks lack the ability to extract tissue samples to be used by the organ fabricator. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with surgical extraction tools|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeOrgans = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + The tanks lack the ability to extract tissue samples to be used by the organ fabricator. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with surgical extraction tools|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeOrgans = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<else>> The tanks lack the ability to extract tissue samples and the dispensary lacks the ability to make use of them to fabricate organs. <</if>> @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Target age for release: <<textbox "$targetAge" $targetAge "Incubator">> [[Minimu <<if $incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims == 1>> Advanced monitoring and stimulant injection systems have been installed in the tanks to monitor and maintain a developing child's height. <<elseif $growthStim == 1>> - There are no systems in place to control a growing child's height. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with stimulants injection systems|Incubator][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// + There are no systems in place to control a growing child's height. [[Upgrade the growth tanks with stimulants injection systems|Incubator][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will increase upkeep costs// <<else>> There are no systems in place to control a growing child's height and you lack the capability to fabricate growth stimulants. <</if>> diff --git a/src/pregmod/manageEconomy.tw b/src/pregmod/manageEconomy.tw index acd1c9cc63e1bc81a98d2e279af643f2444bc96e..cbebb68ee086955ec4471372bf8febf397a03a00 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/manageEconomy.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/manageEconomy.tw @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ __Economy__<br> <br><br>The recent terrible weather has damaged the local infrastructure. It is @@.red;reducing the local economy score by <<print $econWeatherDamage>>.@@ <<if $disasterResponse == 0>> <br>Locals will do their best to repair the damage on their own, but setting up a disaster response unit <br>will improve the recovery of infrastructure critical for keeping goods, people and information flowing smoothly in and out of your arcology. - <br>Creating the unit will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>> and incur upkeep. [[Create Disaster Response Unit|Manage Economy][$cash -= 50000, $disasterResponse = 1]] + <br>Creating the unit will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>> and incur upkeep. [[Create Disaster Response Unit|Manage Economy][cashX(-50000, "capEx"), $disasterResponse = 1]] <<elseif $disasterResponse == 1>> <br>You are sending your disaster response unit to repair critical infrastructure. They are doing what they can. - <br>The unit can be made more effective with an additional investment of <<print cashFormat(100000)>>. This will also increase upkeep. [[Improve Disaster Response Unit|Manage Economy][$cash -= 100000, $disasterResponse = 2]] + <br>The unit can be made more effective with an additional investment of <<print cashFormat(100000)>>. This will also increase upkeep. [[Improve Disaster Response Unit|Manage Economy][cashX(-100000, "capEx"), $disasterResponse = 2]] <<else>> <br>Your highly capable disaster response unit is rapidly repairing the weather damage. <</if>> @@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ _percTopClass = Math.trunc(($topClass / ($ACitizens + $ASlaves)) * 1000) / 10>> <<if $weatherAwareness > 0>> <<if $antiWeatherFreeze == 0>> <br><br>The extreme weather hurts your arcology's ability to function. Reinforcing your passenger terminals increase the weather range at which they can operate.<br> - Reinforcing passenger terminals costs <<print cashFormat(50000)>> and increase upkeep. [[Reinforce|Manage Economy][$antiWeatherFreeze = 1, $cash -= 50000]] + Reinforcing passenger terminals costs <<print cashFormat(50000)>> and increase upkeep. [[Reinforce|Manage Economy][$antiWeatherFreeze = 1, cashX(-50000, "capEx")]] <<elseif $antiWeatherFreeze == 1>> <br><br>You have reinforced your passenger terminals to function even during bad weather. You can invest into all-weather transportation to remain functional no matter what.<br> - Investing in all-weather transportation costs <<print cashFormat(100000)>> and increase upkeep. [[Invest|Manage Economy][$antiWeatherFreeze = 2, $cash -= 100000]] + Investing in all-weather transportation costs <<print cashFormat(100000)>> and increase upkeep. [[Invest|Manage Economy][$antiWeatherFreeze = 2, cashX(-100000, "capEx")]] <<elseif $antiWeatherFreeze == 2>> <br><br>Your arcology's passenger terminals remain fully operational even during the most extreme weather. <</if>> diff --git a/src/pregmod/ovaTransplantWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/ovaTransplantWorkaround.tw index c3d8d21bb429747373a546c4e9bce80800f935dc..335d100478b9c8783ee3caa0599ef28ce630effb 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/ovaTransplantWorkaround.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/ovaTransplantWorkaround.tw @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ __Select a slave to serve as the host__ <<capture _otw>> <<if ($donatrix.ID != $slaves[_otw].ID && $slaves[_otw].ovaries > 0 || $slaves[_otw].mpreg > 0) && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_otw]) && $slaves[_otw].preg >= 0 && $slaves[_otw].preg < $slaves[_otw].pregData.normalBirth/10 && $slaves[_otw].pregWeek >= 0 && $slaves[_otw].pubertyXX == 1 && $slaves[_otw].pregType < 12 && $slaves[_otw].bellyImplant == -1 && $slaves[_otw].broodmother == 0 && $slaves[_otw].inflation <= 2 && $slaves[_otw].physicalAge < 70>> <<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_otw])>> - <br><<print "[[_name|Surrogacy][$receptrix = $slaves[" + _otw + "], $cash -= ($surgeryCost*2), $surgeryType = 'transplant']]">> <<if $slaves[_otw].pregType >= 4>>//Using a slave carrying multiples is unadvisable//<</if>> + <br><<print "[[_name|Surrogacy][$receptrix = $slaves[" + _otw + "], cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery"), $surgeryType = 'transplant']]">> <<if $slaves[_otw].pregType >= 4>>//Using a slave carrying multiples is unadvisable//<</if>> <<set _eligibility = 1>> <</if>> <</capture>> @@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ __Select a slave to serve as the host__ <<if $PC.vagina == 1 && $donatrix.ID != -1 && $PC.preg >= 0 && $PC.preg < 4 && $PC.pregType < 8 && $PC.physicalAge < 70>> <br> - [[Use your own womb|Surrogacy][$receptrix = $PC, $cash -= ($surgeryCost*2), $surgeryType = 'transplant']] + [[Use your own womb|Surrogacy][$receptrix = $PC, cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery"), $surgeryType = 'transplant']] <</if>> diff --git a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw index e76e1c4fb73f2807eec263fae883b1bceca73c72..cbac6399e76e1242648545697f53b4231edd96af 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>. <span id="called"> <<link "Place an order">> <<replace #called>> - <<set $purchasedSagBGone = 1, $cash -= 50>> + <<set $purchasedSagBGone = 1, cashX(-50, "PCmedical"),>> Your order should arrive by next week. If the advertisement is to be believed, all you need to do is rub the cream into your breasts several times a day and it will ward off sagging. <</replace>> <</link>> // This will cost <<print cashFormat(50)>> // @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>. <span id="called"> <<link "Place an order">> <<replace #called>> - <<set $purchasedSagBGone = 1, $cash -= 50>> + <<set $purchasedSagBGone = 1, cashX(-50, "PCmedical"),>> Your order should arrive by next week. If the advertisement is to be believed, all you need to do is rub the cream into your breasts several times a day and it will ward off sagging. <</replace>> <</link>> // This will cost <<print cashFormat(50)>> // diff --git a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw index 788020a3bd05ebbd37fc7414891d93c185a43d13..944894cc83c36179016540b535f1456b2e6b9155 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ __Select an eligible slave:__ <<if $slaves[_i].fuckdoll == 0>> <<if ($slaves[_i].ID != $activeSlave.ID)>> <<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_i])>> - <br><<print "[[_name|Slave Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[" + _i + "], $cash -= 10000]]">> + <br><<print "[[_name|Slave Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[" + _i + "], cashX(-10000, "slaveSurgery", $slaves[_i])]]">> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw index 2b7995d10e07f284f77138007bddd715ffff542c..22735efba7f34b3c0918999cf6213b60c357b388 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ _impreg will provide the seed and _receive shall carry it. <<if _impreg != "Undecided" && _receive != "Undecided">> - [[Implant fertilized ovum|Surrogacy][$cash -= ($surgeryCost*2), $surgeryType = 'surrogacy']] + [[Implant fertilized ovum|Surrogacy][cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", _receive), $surgeryType = 'surrogacy']] <</if>> <br><br> diff --git a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw index 2952782163f23e959e9ccb2929a77f26c4a3bd01..9179990963c0ab3e1d4b298be313f7f56ec90a7f 100644 --- a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw +++ b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $seePreg != 0 && $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistResearch == 0>> <<if $organFarmUpgrade > 0>> <<if $cash >= 75000>> - [[Purchase schematics for anal pregnancy|The Black Market][$cash -= 75000, $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("GenderRadicalistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase schematics for anal pregnancy|The Black Market][cashX(-75000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("GenderRadicalistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>@@ for anal pregnancy schematics. "No discounts. No haggling. No price naming. Take it or leave it." <</if>> @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch == 0>> <<if $ImplantProductionUpgrade == 1>> <<if $cash >= 50000>> - [[Purchase designs for immense implants|The Black Market][$cash -= 50000, $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("TransformationFetishistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase designs for immense implants|The Black Market][cashX(-50000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("TransformationFetishistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>@@ for absurdly huge implant designs. "No big fake boobs for you. How sad it must be to be flat and enslaved by such a poor <<if $PC.title == 1>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>" <</if>> @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>> <<if $dispensary == 1>> <<if $cash >= 50000>> - [[Purchase formulas for extremely powerful growth drugs|The Black Market][$cash -= 50000, $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("AssetExpansionistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase formulas for extremely powerful growth drugs|The Black Market][cashX(-50000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("AssetExpansionistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>@@ for extremely powerful growth drug formulas. "Why'd you even come here if you didn't have the credits to buy anything?" <</if>> @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch == 0>> <<if $dispensary == 1>> <<if $cash >= 75000>> - [[Purchase formulas for growth reversing drugs|The Black Market][$cash -= 75000, $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("SlimnessEnthusiastResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase formulas for growth reversing drugs|The Black Market][cashX(-75000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("SlimnessEnthusiastResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(75000)>>@@ for growth reversing drug formulas. "<<if $PC.boobsBonus > 0>>Guess you'll be keeping those knockers for now, <<if $PC.title == 0>>Little-Miss-Top-Heavy<<else>>Mr. Busty<</if>><<else>>Guess you don't mind sore backs. Leads to less sore knees, from what I've heard<</if>>." <</if>> @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch == 0>> <<if $dispensary == 1>> <<if $cash >= 45000>> - [[Purchase formulas for extremely effective anti-aging beauty creams|The Black Market][$cash -= 45000, $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("YouthPreferentialistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(45000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase formulas for extremely effective anti-aging beauty creams|The Black Market][cashX(-45000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("YouthPreferentialistResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(45000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(45000)>>@@ for extremely effective anti-aging beauty creams. "<<if $PC.visualAge > 40>>Those wrinkles don't look that bad on you, so don't worry about not being able to afford this<<else>>Just tell them they look young, and, well, don't give them any mirrors. Probably should keep your money troubles from them, too<</if>>." <</if>> @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch == 0>> <<if $dispensary == 1>> <<if $cash >= 65000>> - [[Purchase recipes for highly addictive solid slave food|The Black Market][$cash -= 65000, $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("HedonisticDecadenceResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(65000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase recipes for highly addictive solid slave food|The Black Market][cashX(-65000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("HedonisticDecadenceResearch")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(65000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(65000)>>@@ for highly addictive solid slave food recipes. "I promise you'll not be able to recreate this at home, so if you want to give your begging slave the treat she deserves, buy now! Or, you know, come back with money." <</if>> @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch == 0>> <<if $cash >= 135000>> "_toydolls _match _norefunds"<br> - [[Purchase childhood fertility induced NCS|The Black Market][$cash -= 135000, $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("childFertilityInducedSyndromeX")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>.@@//<br> + [[Purchase childhood fertility induced NCS|The Black Market][cashX(-135000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("childFertilityInducedSyndromeX")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>.@@//<br> <<else>> "_toydolls _match _norefunds Or, you know, come back with money."<br> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>@@ for the Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@ (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br> @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $ImplantProductionUpgrade == 1>> <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>> <<if $cash >= 20000>> - [[Purchase blueprints for a supportive uterine mesh|The Black Market][$cash -= 20000, $UterineRestraintMesh = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("UterineRestraintMesh")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase blueprints for a supportive uterine mesh|The Black Market][cashX(-20000, "capEx"), $UterineRestraintMesh = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("UterineRestraintMesh")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>@@ for a supportive uterine mesh. <</if>> @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $ImplantProductionUpgrade == 1>> <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>> <<if $cash >= 20000>> - [[Purchase documents regarding the broodmother implant firmware hack|The Black Market][$cash -= 20000, $PGHack = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("PGHack")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase documents regarding the broodmother implant firmware hack|The Black Market][cashX(-20000, "capEx"), $PGHack = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("PGHack")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>@@ for the broodmother implant firmware data. <</if>> @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<else>> <<if $RapidCellGrowthFormula == 0>> <<if $cash >= 70000>> - [[Purchase formulas for elasticity increasing injections|The Black Market][$cash -= 70000, $RapidCellGrowthFormula = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("RapidCellGrowthFormula")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(70000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase formulas for elasticity increasing injections|The Black Market][cashX(-70000, "capEx"), $RapidCellGrowthFormula = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("RapidCellGrowthFormula")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(70000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(70000)>>@@ for elasticity increasing injections. <</if>> @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $seePreg == 1>> <<if $ImplantProductionUpgrade == 1>> <<if $cash >= 20000>> - [[Purchase schematics for implants that synchronize ova release|The Black Market][$cash -= 50000, $sympatheticOvaries = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("sympatheticOvaries")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase schematics for implants that synchronize ova release|The Black Market][cashX(-50000, "capEx"), $sympatheticOvaries = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("sympatheticOvaries")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>@@ for implants that synchronize ova release. <</if>> @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $seePreg == 1>> <<if $organFarmUpgrade > 0>> <<if $cash >= 20000>> - [[Purchase designs for asexually reproducing ovaries|The Black Market][$cash -= 80000, $asexualReproduction = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("asexualReproduction")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(80000)>>.@@// + [[Purchase designs for asexually reproducing ovaries|The Black Market][cashX(-80000, "capEx"), $asexualReproduction = 1, _dump = $merchantIllegalWares.delete("asexualReproduction")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(80000)>>.@@// <<else>> You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(80000)>>@@ for asexually reproducing ovaries. <</if>> @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <<if $organFarmUpgrade > 0>> <<if $cash >= 25000>> <<if $animalOvaries == 0>> - [[Purchase schematics for animal ovaries|FarmyardLab][$cash -= 25000, $animalOvaries = 1]] + [[Purchase schematics for animal ovaries|FarmyardLab][cashX(-25000, "capEx"), $animalOvaries = 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>> and allows you to implant animal ovaries into slaves.// <br> <<else>> @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <</if>> <<if $cash >= 25000>> <<if $animalTesticles == 0>> - [[Purchase schematics for animal testicles|FarmyardLab][$cash -= 25000, $animalTesticles = 1]] + [[Purchase schematics for animal testicles|FarmyardLab][cashX(-25000, "capEx"), $animalTesticles = 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>> and allows you to implant animal testicles into slaves.// <br> <<else>> @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady <</if>> <<if $cash >= 25000>> <<if $animalMpreg == 0>> - [[Purchase schematics for animal anal wombs and ovaries|FarmyardLab][$cash -= 25000, $animalMpreg = 1]] + [[Purchase schematics for animal anal wombs and ovaries|FarmyardLab][cashX(-25000, "capEx"), $animalMpreg = 1]] <br>//Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>> and allows you to implant animal anal wombs and ovaries into slaves.// <br> <<else>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw index 75bff50947fd10a28a0be500863c6abf581cb8aa..b0ac09113c329e1249fafd9a8cc2fb1210200678 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw @@ -247,26 +247,26 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to <<if $slaves[$i].boobs < 400>> <<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 200>> <<set $slaves[$i].boobsImplant += 200>> - <<set $cash -= 200>> + <<run cashX(-200, "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>> <<elseif $slaves[$i].butt < 3>> <<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>> <<set $slaves[$i].buttImplant += 1>> - <<set $cash -= 200>> + <<run cashX(-200, "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>> <<elseif $slaves[$i].face < 95 && $slaves[$i].faceImplant <= 10>> <<set $slaves[$i].face = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].face+20,-100,100)>> <<set $slaves[$i].faceImplant += 25-5*Math.trunc($PC.medicine/100)-5*$surgeryUpgrade>> - <<set $cash -= 200>> + <<run cashX(-200, "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>> <<elseif ($slaves[$i].waist > -10)>> <<set $slaves[$i].waist -= 20>> - <<set $cash -= 200>> + <<run cashX(-200, "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>> <<elseif $slaves[$i].visualAge > 35 && $slaves[$i].ageImplant == 0 && $slaves[$i].faceImplant <= 10>> <<set $slaves[$i].ageImplant = 1>><<AgeImplantAdjustment $slaves[$i]>> <<set $slaves[$i].faceImplant += 25-5*Math.trunc($PC.medicine/100)-5*$surgeryUpgrade>> - <<set $cash -= 200>> + <<run cashX(-200, "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>> <<elseif $slaves[$i].lips <= 40>> <<set $slaves[$i].lips += 10>> <<set $slaves[$i].lipsImplant += 10>> - <<set $cash -= 200>> + <<run cashX(-200, "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>> <</if>> <</if>> <</for>> @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to <<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>> <<replace "#result">> You bring $him out to a pretty balcony and put $him through an extended photo shoot. $He has no idea what you're planning, but $he's skilled enough not to need to. $He dons different outfits, changes makeup, and even shifts personas for the camera, producing hundreds of elegant, sensual and eye-catching images. You dismiss $him back to the club when you're done, and $he clearly thinks little of it. The next day, however, you walk $him out onto the club in the morning. When the two of you, <<= WrittenMaster()>> and DJ, reach the main club, $he stops short when $he catches sight of the main billboard screen. There $he is, resplendent and opulent, <<if $showInches == 2>>thirty feet<<else>>ten meters<</if>> tall, giving the viewer a sultry look. $He only breaks down for a single moment, but it's quite a moment: $he cries rather inelegantly, <<if canTalk($activeSlave)>><<say sobb>>ing "I love you <<Master>>" into your ear<</if>> before giving you a @@.hotpink;wet kiss.@@ Then $he runs over to stand under the screen, looking back at you to give you a @@.green;picture-perfect@@ imitation of the billboard $he's standing under before laughing at $himself a little. - <<set $cash -= 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "event", $activeSlave)>> <<set $rep += 500>> <<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>> <</replace>> @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to <<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>> <<replace "#result">> For the coming week, $he does the publicity rounds. It's a little different than a free celebrity might do, but the mere act of letting $him be interviewed is enough of a display of your confidence in $his loyalty that people @@.green;take notice.@@ $He will be @@.green;forever remembered@@ as one of the first slaves to go before the press and articulately explain why $he loves being your property. $He looks good doing it, too. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>> <<set $rep += 500>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1>> <</replace>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw b/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw index 366764464782418e88605fc8fa5846b3e2315aa4..afe071aa6f5696d8b1062146c9c743de12ec1836 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw @@ -266,7 +266,8 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen <br><<link "Offer to sponsor her for a promotional video">> <<replace "#result">> Despite her hulking, muscular exterior, the citizen proves to be a shrewd and capable advertisement executive as well. The two of you sit beside a hefty dumbbell rack for some time and together craft a simple promotional ad campaign featuring the herculean physical form of the citizen. Shooting the video is simple, footage of the citizen going about her various fitness routines is inspiring enough, and soon her every muscle and sinew is being broadcast across the world to laud the physical achievements of $arcologies[0].name. Your citizens are @@.green;filled with pride,@@ knowing the rest of the world was just awed by their pursuit of bodily perfection. - <<set $rep += 1000, $cash -= 1000>> + <<set $rep += 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> // This will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>>. // <</if>> @@ -292,7 +293,8 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen <br><<link "Offer to sponsor the restaurant with an advertisement">> <<replace "#result">> You soon discover that the owner of the establishment is a matronly woman who sources her dairy from other mothers in the arcology, having found that new or expectant mothers are often in need of a revenue stream. The two of you sit at the counter for some time, though the owner often excuses herself for a milking in the back room, and together craft a simple promotional ad campaign featuring a simple slogan. Posters bearing the words "Got MILF?" soon grace the walls of $arcologies[0].name, and your citizens take to the idea of motherly milkshakes and admire your @@.green;marketing acumen@@. - <<set $rep += 1000, $cash -= 1000>> + <<set $rep += 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> // This will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>>. // <</if>> @@ -318,7 +320,8 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen <br><<link "Pay for $his treatment">> <<replace "#result">> It takes a moment for you to convince the woman that you aren't playing some cruel joke on $him, but once you do $he practically squeals with joy as you take $him through the doors of the clinic and announce your intent to pay to give your loyal citizen the absolute transformative works. When you next see $him it's on a gurney as $he's wheeled out of the surgery, $his patient's gown jutting out from $his chest due to the size of $his new rack. Through swollen lips $he gushes to you about how great $he feels to finally be a veritable bimbo, and how $he's going to tell every citizen $he fucks in $arcologies[0].name @@.green;that they have you to thank for $his new body@@. - <<set $rep += 1000, $cash -= 1000>> + <<set $rep += 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> // The treatment will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>>. // <</if>> @@ -355,7 +358,8 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen <br><<link "Pay for a day of treatment for her">> <<replace "#result">> It takes a moment for you to convince the woman that you aren't playing some cruel joke on her, but once you do she practically squeals with joy as you take her through the doors of the spa and announce your intent to pay for a day of cleansing, pampering and luxury. When you next see her it's on a wallscreen television at your penthouse praising you profusely. The rejuvenated young woman has clearly spread word of your generosity @@.green;across $arcologies[0].name@@. - <<set $rep += 1000, $cash -= 1000>> + <<set $rep += 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> // The treatment will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>>. // <</if>> @@ -384,7 +388,8 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen <br><<link "Fuck $him over dinner">> <<replace "#result">> It takes a moment for you to convince the young $girl and $his father that you aren't playing some cruel joke on them, but once you do $he enthusiastically agrees to be your companion for the evening. With a pretty young thing on your arm for the rest of the night, and $his father trailing behind the two of you at a respectful distance, you take $arcologies[0].name by storm amidst a flurry of speculative whispers and contemplative rumors. Later that night, you conclude your date with a pleasant meal at one of $arcologies[0].name's choicest restaurants with fine dining and even finer conversation. To the credit of $his father, he politely continues eating his dinner without batting an eye when you <<if $PC.dick == 0>>don a strap-on and <</if>>take his daughter over the dinner table. When you part ways, the young $girl is clearly smitten with you - so it's no wonder that by the next day the story of your encounter has @@.green;spread across $arcologies[0].name like wildfire@@. - <<set $rep += 500, $cash -= 500>> + <<set $rep += 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> // This will cost <<print cashFormat(500)>>. // <</if>> @@ -423,7 +428,8 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen <br><<link "Fuck $him over dinner">> <<replace "#result">> It takes a moment for you to convince the older woman and $his sons that you aren't playing some cruel joke on them, but once you do $he enthusiastically agrees to be your companion for the evening. With a mature lady on your arm for the rest of the night, and $his sons trailing behind the two of you at a respectful distance, you take $arcologies[0].name by storm amidst a flurry of speculative whispers and contemplative rumors. Later that night, you conclude your date with a pleasant meal at one of $arcologies[0].name's choicest restaurants with fine dining and even finer conversation. To the credit of $his sons, they politely continue eating their dinner without batting an eye when you <<if $PC.dick == 0>>don a strap-on and <</if>>take their mother over the dinner table. When you part ways, the older woman is clearly smitten with you - so it's no wonder that by the next day the story of your encounter has @@.green;spread across $arcologies[0].name like wildfire@@. - <<set $rep += 500, $cash -= 500>> + <<set $rep += 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> // This will cost <<print cashFormat(500)>>. // <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/apartments.tw b/src/uncategorized/apartments.tw index 5710b16ea7979c89aebe468fd8f3f36b316b0727..4b675a582e87221c3a2f59234ee5837ef5da477f 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/apartments.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/apartments.tw @@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ You control this part of the arcology and all these tenants pay you rent. <<if $sectors[$AS].type != "DenseApartments">> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector of apartments for dense occupancy by as many citizens as possible|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "DenseApartments"]] + [[Upgrade this sector of apartments for dense occupancy by as many citizens as possible|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "DenseApartments"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<if $sectors[$AS].type != "LuxuryApartments">> <br> - [[Improve this sector of apartments for occupancy by the Free Cities' wealthiest citizens|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "LuxuryApartments"]] + [[Improve this sector of apartments for occupancy by the Free Cities' wealthiest citizens|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "LuxuryApartments"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<if $sectors[$AS].type != "Apartments">> <br> - [[Return this sector to standard, mixed housing|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "Apartments"]] + [[Return this sector to standard, mixed housing|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Apartments"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/arcmgmt.tw b/src/uncategorized/arcmgmt.tw index 0b353a58e7a07b725e190fe7c3b18c425659dda4..7237a899cacff606155e8d6a1e0c10b51df8f536 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/arcmgmt.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/arcmgmt.tw @@ -1548,11 +1548,11 @@ Your ''business assistant'' manages the menial slave market. <<set _menialBulkPremium = Math.trunc(1+Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/_menialSlaveValue,0,_bulkMax)/400)>> _HeM acquires more chattel, since it's a buyers' market. <<if ($arcologies[0].FSPastoralist != "unset") && ($arcologies[0].FSPaternalist == "unset")>> - <<set $menialBioreactors += Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100),0,_bulkMax)), $menialSupplyFactor -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100),0,_bulkMax)), $cash -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100),0,_bulkMax))*(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100)>> + <<set $menialBioreactors += Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100),0,_bulkMax)), $menialSupplyFactor -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100),0,_bulkMax)), cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100),0,_bulkMax))*(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium-100)), "menialTransfer")>> <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset")>> - <<set $fuckdolls += Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2),0,_bulkMax)), $menialSupplyFactor -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2),0,_bulkMax)), $cash -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2),0,_bulkMax))*((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2)>> + <<set $fuckdolls += Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2),0,_bulkMax)), $menialSupplyFactor -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2),0,_bulkMax)), cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2),0,_bulkMax))*((_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium)*2)), "menialTransfer")>> <<else>> - <<set $menials += Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+100),0,_bulkMax)), $menialSupplyFactor -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium),0,_bulkMax)), $cash -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium),0,_bulkMax)*(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium))>> + <<set $menials += Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+100),0,_bulkMax)), $menialSupplyFactor -= Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium),0,_bulkMax)), cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(Math.clamp(($cash-$marketAssistantLimit)/(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium),0,_bulkMax)*(_menialSlaveValue+_menialBulkPremium))), "menialTransfer")>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw b/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw index b48c07a212696a4fb4cc768c380bd4ea4caff53e..04aa173a28b88cabbab7ced8278b41baa164e4c0 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw @@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ Choose piercing style: <<if ($activeSlave.vagina != -1) || ($activeSlave.dick != 0)>> <<if $activeSlave.clitPiercing != 3>> <br> - Give $him a [[smart piercing?|Body Modification][$activeSlave.clitPiercing = 3,$activeSlave.clitSetting = "all",$cash -=$SPcost,$degradation += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat($SPcost)>>, unlocks options to mold sexuality// + Give $him a [[smart piercing?|Body Modification][$activeSlave.clitPiercing = 3,$activeSlave.clitSetting = "all",cashX(forceNeg($SPcost), "slaveMod", $activeSlave),$degradation += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat($SPcost)>>, unlocks options to mold sexuality// <<else>> <br> $He already has a smart piercing! diff --git a/src/uncategorized/changeLanguage.tw b/src/uncategorized/changeLanguage.tw index b00b7acb19a634a228f6a840ceafa98e1394e491..330aa85ba1e075d25dbc0ff4985a28de40b7654c 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/changeLanguage.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/changeLanguage.tw @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Select a custom language to be applied: <<textbox "$seed" $seed "Change Language <<set $slaves[_cl].accent -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "capEx")>> <</if>> <</for>> <br><br>//Language changed.// @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Select a custom language to be applied: <<textbox "$seed" $seed "Change Language <<set $slaves[_cl].accent -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "capEx")>> <</if>> <</for>> <br><br>//Language changed.// @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Select a custom language to be applied: <<textbox "$seed" $seed "Change Language <<set $slaves[_cl].accent -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "capEx")>> <</if>> <</for>> <br><br>//Language changed.// @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Select a custom language to be applied: <<textbox "$seed" $seed "Change Language <<set $slaves[_cl].accent -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "capEx")>> <</if>> <</for>> <br><br>//Language changed.// @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Select a custom language to be applied: <<textbox "$seed" $seed "Change Language <<set $slaves[_cl].accent -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "capEx")>> <</if>> <</for>> <br><br>//Language changed.// @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Select a custom language to be applied: <<textbox "$seed" $seed "Change Language <<set $slaves[_cl].accent -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "capEx")>> <</if>> <</for>> <br><br>//Language changed.// @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Select a custom language to be applied: <<textbox "$seed" $seed "Change Language <<set $slaves[_cl].accent -= 1>> <</if>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "capEx")>> <</if>> <</for>> <br><br>//Language changed.// diff --git a/src/uncategorized/corporationDevelopments.tw b/src/uncategorized/corporationDevelopments.tw index f41ea0798ddb130554253e388ec7809cbb689f4d..539f26e0efedc10162178f12b8f11c930b6c313b 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/corporationDevelopments.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/corporationDevelopments.tw @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $cash > $sharePrice*1000>> <<link "<<print commaNum(1000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $corpCash += Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000)>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(98,99)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $cash > $sharePrice*5000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(5000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 5000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $corpCash += Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95)>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(98,99)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $cash > $sharePrice*10000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(10000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 10000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $corpCash += Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9)>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(98,99)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $cash > $sharePrice*15000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(15000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 15000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $corpCash += Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85)>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(98,99)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $cash > $sharePrice*20000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(20000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 20000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $corpCash += Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8)>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(98,99)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<link "<<print commaNum(1000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 1000>> <<set $publicShares -= 1000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(101,102,$PC.trading >= 100 ? 101 : 102)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> <br>You bought <<print commaNum(1000)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil($sharePrice*1000))>>,@@ driving the share price up slightly. @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $publicShares > 5000 && $cash >= $sharePrice*5000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(5000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 1000>> <<set $publicShares -= 5000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(101,102,$PC.trading >= 100 ? 101 : 102)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> <br>You bought <<print commaNum(5000)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*5000)*.95))>>,@@ driving the share price up slightly. @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $publicShares > 10000 && $cash >= $sharePrice*10000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(10000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 10000>> <<set $publicShares -= 10000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(101,102,$PC.trading >= 100 ? 101 : 102)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> <br>You bought <<print commaNum(10000)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*10000)*.9))>>,@@ driving the share price up slightly. @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $publicShares > 15000 && $cash >= $sharePrice*15000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(15000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 15000>> <<set $publicShares -= 15000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(101,102,$PC.trading >= 100 ? 101 : 102)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> <br>You bought <<print commaNum(15000)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*15000)*.85))>>,@@ driving the share price up somewhat. @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ You hold <<print commaNum($personalShares)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<p <<if $publicShares > 20000 && $cash >= $sharePrice*20000>> | <<link "<<print commaNum(20000)>> valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8))>>@@">> <<set $personalShares += 20000>> <<set $publicShares -= 20000>> - <<set $cash -= Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8)), "stocksTraded")>> <<set $sharePrice = (Math.trunc($sharePrice*either(101,102,$PC.trading >= 100 ? 101 : 102)))/100>> <<replace "#CorpAction">> <br>You bought <<print commaNum(20000)>> shares valued at @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.ceil(($sharePrice*20000)*.8))>>,@@ driving the share price up significantly. diff --git a/src/uncategorized/dairy.tw b/src/uncategorized/dairy.tw index 7810c9fd99e55a132a4bcf56cc62e33cdbda7407..1117e5fb25e876db93ea47316394cdff921ae177 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/dairy.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/dairy.tw @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ $dairyNameCaps <</if>> <<else>> $dairyNameCaps is not prepared to support cow pregnancies, and therefore cannot be used to contract out fertile slaves' wombs. - <br> [[Upgrade the dairy to support pregnancies|Dairy][$cash -= 2500, $dairyPregUpgrade = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(2500)>> and will increase upkeep costs// + <br> [[Upgrade the dairy to support pregnancies|Dairy][cashX(-2500, "capEx")>>, $dairyPregUpgrade = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(2500)>> and will increase upkeep costs// <</if>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/dispensary.tw b/src/uncategorized/dispensary.tw index 2c85a95329396ca676fe9ebe9523e038c8ae5b4b..7480c628bf5897858d34e2665042479f252e5e5d 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/dispensary.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/dispensary.tw @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ The Dispensary <<if ($dispensaryUpgrade == 0)>> <<if ($rep > 5000)>> - [[Upgrade the pharmaceutical fabricator|Dispensary][$cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dispensaryUpgrade = 1, $drugsCost = (($drugsCost*2)/3)]] + [[Upgrade the pharmaceutical fabricator|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx")>>, $dispensaryUpgrade = 1, $drugsCost = (($drugsCost*2)/3)]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <br> //Will improve production efficiency further decreasing costs.// <br> @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The fabricator is producing <<if $injectionUpgrade == 0>> standard growth hormones. <<if $rep > 6000>> - [[Purchase data on prototype growth hormone tests|Dispensary][$cash -= 25000*_PCSkillCheck, $injectionUpgrade = 1]] + [[Purchase data on prototype growth hormone tests|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(25000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $injectionUpgrade = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should improve the reliability of growth injections of all kinds.// <br> @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ The fabricator is producing <<elseif $injectionUpgrade == 1>> prototype growth hormones. <<if $rep > 10000>> - [[Upgrade the fabricator to customize each slave's growth hormones|Dispensary][$cash -= 50000*_PCSkillCheck, $injectionUpgrade = 2]] + [[Upgrade the fabricator to customize each slave's growth hormones|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(50000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $injectionUpgrade = 2]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(50000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should improve the reliability of growth injections of all kinds.// <br> @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ The fabricator is producing <<elseif $injectionUpgrade == 2>> prototype growth hormones. <<if $rep > 14000>> - [[Upgrade the fabricator with prototype biomechanical microfactories|Dispensary][$cash -= 100000*_PCSkillCheck, $injectionUpgrade = 3]] + [[Upgrade the fabricator with prototype biomechanical microfactories|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(100000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $injectionUpgrade = 3]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(100000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should improve the reliability of growth injections of all kinds.// <br> @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ The fabricator is producing <<if $hormoneUpgradeMood == 0>> standardized hormone replacement therapies. <<if $rep > 2000>> - [[Upgrade for individualized therapy|Dispensary][$cash -= 10000*_PCSkillCheck, $hormoneUpgradeMood = 1]] + [[Upgrade for individualized therapy|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $hormoneUpgradeMood = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should eliminate the occasional moodiness and sexual disinterest caused by generalized therapy.// <br> @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ The hormone replacement therapies <<if $hormoneUpgradePower == 0>> are traditional: they're formulated to mimic natural hormones. <<if $rep > 4000>> - [[Purchase data on advanced HRT|Dispensary][$cash -= 25000*_PCSkillCheck, $hormoneUpgradePower = 1]] + [[Purchase data on advanced HRT|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(25000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $hormoneUpgradePower = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should increase the power of hormone therapies.// <br> @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ The hormone replacement therapies <<if $hormoneUpgradeShrinkage == 0>> are broad-spectrum. <<if $rep > 4000>> - [[Purchase data on targeted HRT|Dispensary][$cash -= 25000*_PCSkillCheck, $hormoneUpgradeShrinkage = 1]] + [[Purchase data on targeted HRT|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(25000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $hormoneUpgradeShrinkage = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should reduce atrophy of organs corresponding to original sex.// <br> @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ The hormone replacement therapies //You lack the reputation to fund forced puberty drugs// <br> <<elseif ($pubertyHormones == 0) && ($rep > 4500*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Fund research into powerful hormonal injections to jumpstart puberty|Dispensary][$cash -= 30000*_PCSkillCheck, $pubertyHormones = 1]] + [[Fund research into powerful hormonal injections to jumpstart puberty|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(30000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $pubertyHormones = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the production of powerful hormonal drugs designed to force a slave through puberty without regard for side effects. // <br> @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Dietary Upgrades //You lack the reputation to fund research into hermaphrodite hormones// <br> <<elseif ($dietXXY == 0) && ($rep > 3500*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Fund research into developing hermaphrodite hormone therapies|Dispensary][$cash -= 10000*_PCSkillCheck, $dietXXY = 1]] + [[Fund research into developing hermaphrodite hormone therapies|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $dietXXY = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow for specially balanced meals to be served in the cafeteria designed to promote both halves of a herm's sexuality. // <br> @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Dietary Upgrades //You lack the reputation to access breeders' dietary blends// <br> <<elseif ($reproductionFormula == 0) && ($rep > 10000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase reputable breeders' dietary blends|Dispensary][$cash -= 25000*_PCSkillCheck, $reproductionFormula = 1]] + [[Purchase reputable breeders' dietary blends|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(25000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $reproductionFormula = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow for specially refined meals to be served in the cafeteria designed to promote energetic sperm and robust pregnancies. Side effects may include an increased number of twins being conceived.// <br> @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Dietary Upgrades <</if>> <<if $cumProDiet == 0>> - [[Purchase recipes to encourage cum production|Dispensary][$cash -= 5000*_PCSkillCheck, $cumProDiet = 1]] + [[Purchase recipes to encourage cum production|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(5000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $cumProDiet = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow for specially designed meals to be served in the cafeteria to promote cum production.// <br> @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Dietary Upgrades <<if $seePreg == 1>> <<if $dietFertility != 1>> - [[Purchase recipes to encourage ovulation|Dispensary][$cash -= 5000*_PCSkillCheck, $dietFertility = 1]] + [[Purchase recipes to encourage ovulation|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(5000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $dietFertility = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow for specially designed meals to be served in the cafeteria to promote slave fertility.// <br> @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Dietary Upgrades <</if>> <<if $dietCleanse == 0>> - [[Purchase cleansing recipes to lessen carcinogen buildup|Dispensary][$cash -= 10000*_PCSkillCheck, $dietCleanse = 1]] + [[Purchase cleansing recipes to lessen carcinogen buildup|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $dietCleanse = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow for specially designed meals to be served in the cafeteria to counteract excessive drug use.// <br> @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ Dietary Upgrades Pharmacological Upgrades <hr> <<if ($curativeUpgrade == 0) && ($rep > 6000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase data on advanced curatives|Dispensary][$cash -= 25000*_PCSkillCheck, $curativeUpgrade = 1]] + [[Purchase data on advanced curatives|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(25000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $curativeUpgrade = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should improve the effectiveness of curative treatment.// <br> @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Pharmacological Upgrades <</if>> <<if ($growthStim == 0) && ($rep > 6000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase data on growth stimulants|Dispensary][$cash -= 20000*_PCSkillCheck, $growthStim = 1]] + [[Purchase data on growth stimulants|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(20000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $growthStim = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the manufacturing of drugs to encourage growth in slave height.// <br> @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Pharmacological Upgrades <</if>> <<if ($aphrodisiacUpgradeRefine == 0) && ($rep > 6000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase data on refined aphrodisiacs|Dispensary][$cash -= 20000*_PCSkillCheck, $aphrodisiacUpgradeRefine = 1]] + [[Purchase data on refined aphrodisiacs|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(20000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $aphrodisiacUpgradeRefine = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will prevent most physical side effects of aphrodisiacs. Once the formulas are changed they cannot be changed back.// <br> @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Pharmacological Upgrades <</if>> <<if ($aphrodisiacUpgrade == 0) && ($rep > 6000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase data on aphrodisiac withdrawal treatment|Dispensary][$cash -= 10000*_PCSkillCheck, $aphrodisiacUpgrade = 1]] + [[Purchase data on aphrodisiac withdrawal treatment|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $aphrodisiacUpgrade = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should prevent most negative effects of withdrawal.// <br> @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Pharmacological Upgrades <<if ($healthyDrugsUpgrade == 0)>> <<if ($injectionUpgrade != 0) && ($curativeUpgrade == 1) && ($aphrodisiacUpgrade == 1)>> <<if ($rep >= 15000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Fund research into drug formulations without negative physical side effects|Dispensary][$cash -= 500000*_PCSkillCheck,$healthyDrugsUpgrade = 1]] + [[Fund research into drug formulations without negative physical side effects|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(500000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>,$healthyDrugsUpgrade = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(500000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will prevent the negative side effects of excessive drug usage on your slaves.// <br> @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Fertility Focused Pharmacology <hr> <<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>> <<if $superFertilityDrugs == 1 && ($rep > 10000*_PCSkillCheck) && $pregSpeedControl != 1>> - [[Fund research pregnancy speed control methods|Dispensary][$cash -= 200000*_PCSkillCheck, $pregSpeedControl = 1, $clinicSpeedGestation = 0]] + [[Fund research pregnancy speed control methods|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(200000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $pregSpeedControl = 1, $clinicSpeedGestation = 0]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(200000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> // Fund underground research labs to develop methods for controlling pregnancy progress. // <br> @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ Fertility Focused Pharmacology <</if>> <<elseif $birthsTotal > 10>> <<if ($rep > 10000*_PCSkillCheck) && $pregSpeedControl != 1>> - [[Fund research pregnancy speed control methods|Dispensary][$cash -= 200000*_PCSkillCheck, $pregSpeedControl = 1, $clinicSpeedGestation = 0]] + [[Fund research pregnancy speed control methods|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(200000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $pregSpeedControl = 1, $clinicSpeedGestation = 0]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(200000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> // Fund underground research labs to develop methods for controlling pregnancy progress. // <br> @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ Fertility Focused Pharmacology <</if>> <<if ($superFertilityDrugs == 0) && ($rep > 2500*_PCSkillCheck) && $seeHyperPreg == 1>> - [[Purchase data on powerful fertility drugs|Dispensary][$cash -= 20000*_PCSkillCheck, $superFertilityDrugs = 1]] + [[Purchase data on powerful fertility drugs|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(20000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $superFertilityDrugs = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Should improve the likelihood of conception and multiples. // <br> @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Future Societies Research //You lack the reputation to access experimental gigantic implants and elasticizing filler.// <br> <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch == 0)>> - [[Purchase data on gigantic implants and elasticizing filler|Dispensary][$cash -= 20000*_PCSkillCheck, $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1]] + [[Purchase data on gigantic implants and elasticizing filler|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(20000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>, $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> //Will allow the fabrication of gigantic implants using the autosurgery and filler capable of overfilling existing fillable implants.// <br> @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ Future Societies Research <<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistDecoration == 100>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>> <<if ($rep >= 5000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Fund research into drug formulations for growth without limit|Dispensary][$cash -= 30000*_PCSkillCheck,$arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow creation of drugs to push assets to unthinkable sizes.// + [[Fund research into drug formulations for growth without limit|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(30000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>,$arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow creation of drugs to push assets to unthinkable sizes.// <br> <<else>> // You lack the reputation to access the research necessary to develop advanced growth drug formulations. // @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Future Societies Research <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastDecoration == 100>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch == 0)>> <<if ($rep >= 5000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Fund research into drug formulations for slimming slaves|Dispensary][$cash -= 30000*_PCSkillCheck,$arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow creation of drugs to shrink assets.// + [[Fund research into drug formulations for slimming slaves|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(30000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>,$arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow creation of drugs to shrink assets.// <br> <<else>> // You lack the reputation to access the research necessary to develop asset reducing drug formulations. // @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ Future Societies Research <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistDecoration == 100>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch == 0)>> <<if ($rep >= 5000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Fund research into skin care designed to reverse the effects of aging|Dispensary][$cash -= 30000*_PCSkillCheck,$arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow creation of beauty creams designed to make slaves look young again.// + [[Fund research into skin care designed to reverse the effects of aging|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(30000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>,$arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(30000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow creation of beauty creams designed to make slaves look young again.// <br> <<else>> // You lack the reputation to access the research necessary to develop beauty creams designed to make slaves look young again. // @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Future Societies Research <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDecoration == 100>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch == 0)>> <<if ($rep >= 5000*_PCSkillCheck)>> - [[Purchase recipes for concentrated, shaped slave food|Dispensary][$cash -= 50000*_PCSkillCheck,$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(50000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow production of solid slave food in various familiar shapes and flavors. Addictive and a little fatty.<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">> Since your slaves don't deserve luxuries, a modified recipe formulated to cause severe stomach cramps minutes after ingestion will be developed.<</if>> // + [[Purchase recipes for concentrated, shaped slave food|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(50000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>,$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(50000*_PCSkillCheck)>>. Will allow production of solid slave food in various familiar shapes and flavors. Addictive and a little fatty.<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">> Since your slaves don't deserve luxuries, a modified recipe formulated to cause severe stomach cramps minutes after ingestion will be developed.<</if>> // <br> <<else>> // You lack the reputation to access the research necessary to purchase concentrated, shaped slave food recipes. // @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ Future Societies Research The fabricator has been upgraded to manufacture tasty, extremely addictive, solid slave food in various familiar shapes and flavors. While they look and taste like real food, their consistency is all wrong. Slaves gorging on them are likely to experience steady weight gain.<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">> Since your slaves don't deserve luxuries, all food crafted will cause severe stomach cramps minutes after ingestion. Coupled with their addictive nature, it ought to be quite torturous.<</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 50 && $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>> <br> - [[Purchase diet recipes|Dispensary][$cash -= 10000*_PCSkillCheck,$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch = 1]] + [[Purchase diet recipes|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>,$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> Will prevent rampant weight gain from ruining your slim slaves. @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ Future Societies Research The fabricator has been upgraded to manufacture tasty, extremely addictive, solid slave food in various familiar shapes and flavors. While they look and taste like real food, their consistency is all wrong. Slaves gorging on them are likely to experience steady weight gain.<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">> Since your slaves don't deserve luxuries, all food crafted will cause severe stomach cramps minutes after ingestion. Coupled with their addictive nature, it ought to be quite torturous.<</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>> <br> - [[Purchase diet recipes|Dispensary][$cash -= 10000*_PCSkillCheck,$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch = 1]] + [[Purchase diet recipes|Dispensary][<<run cashX(forceNeg(10000*_PCSkillCheck), "capEx")>>,$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000*_PCSkillCheck)>>// <br> Will prevent rampant unwanted weight gain from ruining your <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>slim <</if>>slaves. diff --git a/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw b/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw index c4e124a1eeb73763f13f33ba46a11df4d59ddc57..7d37bec590e2d2dde16cf084cf7f868abe3e504a 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw @@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your You have a word with them, stepping closer and speaking quietly to defuse the situation. You tell them you're aware that they're in a difficult place, but you also explain that the Free Cities are a new and changing place. No one can rely on the old way of doing things any more. You offer to pay each of them a small stipend to help tide them over until they find other employment. They're surprised at your munificence but @@.green;accept it with gratitude.@@ <<set $nextButton = "Continue">> <<set $rep += 500>> - <<set $cash -= 1000>> + <<run cashX(-1000, "event")>> <<set $PStrip = 2>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>>// @@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your <<set $nextButton = "Continue">> <<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 1>> <<set $rep += 100>> - <<set $cash -= 500>> + <<run cashX(-500, "event")>> <<set $PStrip = 3>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(500)>>// @@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your In a time of uncertainty, the public adores people who protect them. So, in addition to publicly procuring yourself the latest weapons and armor, you update the arcology's drone systems. The security drones' riot cannons can be replaced for easy maintenance, so it's rather easy to provide them with alternate, lethal weaponry that they can switch to if it becomes necessary. $arcologies[0].name becomes known as one of the best-protected in the Free Cities. @@.green;Your reputation has greatly improved.@@ <<set $nextButton = "Continue">> <<set $rep += 1500>> - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "event")>> <<set $personalArms = 3>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// @@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your In a time of uncertainty, the public looks up to people who project strength. So, you purchase yourself some of the latest armor and weapons, and make sure they are visible in a glass-walled cabinet in your office. Many of your wealthier tenants follow suit. A few of them even emulate your example and practice using these implements once a week. @@.green;Your reputation has improved.@@ <<set $nextButton = "Continue">> <<set $rep += 500>> - <<set $cash -= 2000>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(2000)>>// + <<run cashX(-2000, "event")>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(2000)>>// <<set $personalArms = 1>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(2000)>>// @@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your <<link "Buy in">> <<replace "#result">> You receive a brief but elegant confirmation. It looks like you've RSVP'd. - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "event")>> <<set $PShoot = 1>> <</replace>> <</link>> @@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your <</if>> are extremely grateful, though they would be less hopeful if they knew the true nature of the aircraft coming to retrieve them. <<set $PAid = 1>> - <<set $cash -= _price>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_price), "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(_price)>>// diff --git a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw index ff8b4b04498be48d0c63ba482311ed5c24fbb841..bb72d2a509a6e8321aa1f64e36c70509d24190d7 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw @@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ __Construction__ <br> <<if $arcologyUpgrade.drones != 1>> - //The first major upgrade needed is the installation of a drone security system so higher-class citizens will feel safe and protected should they choose to immigrate. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Install drone security system|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $arcologyUpgrade.drones = 1, $secBots.active = 1, $secBots.troops = 30, $secBots.maxTroops = 30, $PC.engineering += 1]] + //The first major upgrade needed is the installation of a drone security system so higher-class citizens will feel safe and protected should they choose to immigrate. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Install drone security system|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $arcologyUpgrade.drones = 1, $secBots.active = 1, $secBots.troops = 30, $secBots.maxTroops = 30, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<elseif $arcologyUpgrade.hydro != 1>> - //The next major upgrade needed is the installation of a better water reclamation system so your residents will have access to cheaper water and hydroponically grown food. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Upgrade water reclamation system|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $arcologyUpgrade.hydro = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + //The next major upgrade needed is the installation of a better water reclamation system so your residents will have access to cheaper water and hydroponically grown food. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Upgrade water reclamation system|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $arcologyUpgrade.hydro = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<elseif $arcologyUpgrade.apron != 1>> - //The next major upgrade needed is the installation of a broader apron at the bottom of the arcology to increase its surface area and gather more solar energy. Right now, tenants that use a lot of power have to import it from outside. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Install solar apron|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $arcologyUpgrade.apron = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + //The next major upgrade needed is the installation of a broader apron at the bottom of the arcology to increase its surface area and gather more solar energy. Right now, tenants that use a lot of power have to import it from outside. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Install solar apron|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $arcologyUpgrade.apron = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<elseif $arcologyUpgrade.grid != 1>> - //The next major upgrade needed is an improvement of the arcology's electrical transmission lines to make efficient use of the additional power from the solar apron. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Upgrade transmission lines|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $arcologyUpgrade.grid = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + //The next major upgrade needed is an improvement of the arcology's electrical transmission lines to make efficient use of the additional power from the solar apron. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Upgrade transmission lines|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $arcologyUpgrade.grid = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<elseif $arcologyUpgrade.spire != 1>> - //The next major upgrade needed is the addition of a spire at the top of the arcology to increase the space available for the wealthiest citizens to own whole floors. This huge project will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(250000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Add spire|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(250000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $arcologyUpgrade.spire = 1, $sectors[1].type = "Apartments", $sectors[2].type = "Apartments", $sectors[3].type = "Apartments", $sectors[4].type = "Apartments", $sectors[1].ownership = 1, $sectors[2].ownership = 1, $sectors[3].ownership = 1, $sectors[4].ownership = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + //The next major upgrade needed is the addition of a spire at the top of the arcology to increase the space available for the wealthiest citizens to own whole floors. This huge project will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(250000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>.// [[Add spire|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(250000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $arcologyUpgrade.spire = 1, $sectors[1].type = "Apartments", $sectors[2].type = "Apartments", $sectors[3].type = "Apartments", $sectors[4].type = "Apartments", $sectors[1].ownership = 1, $sectors[2].ownership = 1, $sectors[3].ownership = 1, $sectors[4].ownership = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<else>> //The arcology's public areas are fully upgraded.// <</if>> @@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ __Construction__ <br> <<if $weatherCladding == 0>> - //Extreme weather is becoming common worldwide. The arcology's exterior can be hardened to reduce damage in case of heavy weather, but this will reduce its beauty somewhat and will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>. Your citizens are <<if $weatherAwareness == 0>>likely to disapprove of this measure as alarmism.<<else>>@@.yellow;concerned that this measure has not been taken already.@@<</if>> // [[Apply weather cladding|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $weatherCladding = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + //Extreme weather is becoming common worldwide. The arcology's exterior can be hardened to reduce damage in case of heavy weather, but this will reduce its beauty somewhat and will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>. Your citizens are <<if $weatherAwareness == 0>>likely to disapprove of this measure as alarmism.<<else>>@@.yellow;concerned that this measure has not been taken already.@@<</if>> // [[Apply weather cladding|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $weatherCladding = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<elseif $weatherCladding == 1 && $arcologyUpgrade.spire == 1>> The arcology's exterior is jacketed with unsightly but sturdy weather cladding. Your arcology is so prosperous that remodeling the cladding into something beautiful is within the realm of possibility. This massive project will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(3500000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and without a doubt render your arcology one of the wonders of the world. -[[Remodel weather cladding|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(3500000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $weatherCladding = 2, $PC.engineering += 1]] +[[Remodel weather cladding|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(3500000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $weatherCladding = 2, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<elseif $weatherCladding == 1>> //The arcology's exterior is jacketed with unsightly but sturdy weather cladding.// <<elseif $weatherCladding == 2>> @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ __Construction__ <<if ($receiverAvailable == 1) && ($FCTVenable != 0) && ($FCTVreceiver == 0)>> You have not installed an FCTV receiver. Installing this receiver yourself will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>. You can have your citizens pay for the fiberoptic upgrades, reducing the cost to <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>. You can also have them heavily subsidize installation, they will be upset about it, but it will only cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>. - [[No subsidy|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FCTVreceiver = 1, $receiverAvailable = $week, $rep += 500, $PC.engineering += 1]] | [[Light subsidy|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FCTVreceiver = 1, $receiverAvailable = $week, $PC.engineering += 1]] | [[Heavy subsidy|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FCTVreceiver = 1, $receiverAvailable = $week, $rep -= 1500, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[No subsidy|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FCTVreceiver = 1, $receiverAvailable = $week, $rep += 500, $PC.engineering += 1]] | [[Light subsidy|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FCTVreceiver = 1, $receiverAvailable = $week, $PC.engineering += 1]] | [[Heavy subsidy|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FCTVreceiver = 1, $receiverAvailable = $week, $rep -= 1500, $PC.engineering += 1]] <<elseif ($FCTVreceiver == 3)>> You have installed the FCTV receiver and have access to the full range of FCTV's programs. High viewership rates amongst your citizens makes it easier to pursue your societal goals. <<elseif ($FCTVreceiver == 2)>> @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ __Construction__ __Security__ <<if $propHub == 0>> <br> - [[Set up the propaganda Hub|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc((5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), $propHub = 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1,$RecuriterOffice = 0]] + [[Set up the propaganda Hub|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc((5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier))), "capEx"), $propHub = 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1,$RecuriterOffice = 0]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier)))>>.// <br>//Building specialized in the management of authority.// <<else>> @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ __Construction__ <</if>> <<if $secHQ == 0>> <br> - [[Set up the security headquarters|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc((5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), $secHQ = 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1]] + [[Set up the security headquarters|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc((5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier))), "capEx"), $secHQ = 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>.// <br>//Building specialized in the management of security and crime.// <<else>> @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ __Construction__ <<if $secBarracks == 0>> <br> - [[Set up the barracks|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $secBarracks = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Set up the barracks|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $secBarracks = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <br>//Building specialized in the management of armed forces.// <<else>> @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ __Construction__ <<if $riotCenter == 0 && $rebellionsEnabled == 1>> <br> - [[Set up the riot control center|Manage Arcology][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $riotCenter = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Set up the riot control center|Manage Arcology][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $riotCenter = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<if $PC.engineering < 100>><<set $PC.engineering += 1>><</if>> <br>//Building specialized in the management and suppression of rebellions.// diff --git a/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw b/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw index 6f3ca4f4fa34112ed327434af901b5bdb2870f29..2d14acb3fc20c46398f249e7ead161319cc8f26b 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/managePenthouse.tw @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ __Penthouse Capacity__ <br> The main penthouse dormitory, which houses slaves who aren't living in a facility and aren't granted a luxurious standard of living, has a capacity of ''$dormitory'' slaves. -[[Expand the dormitory|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc($dormitory*1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dormitory += 10, $PC.engineering += .1]] +[[Expand the dormitory|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc($dormitory*1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $dormitory += 10, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($dormitory*1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <br> //Exceeding this limit is bad for slaves' health, devotion and trust// @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The main penthouse dormitory, which houses slaves who aren't living in a facilit <br> The penthouse also features little individual rooms, which house slaves who do enjoy a luxurious standard of living. They have a capacity of ''$rooms'' slaves. -[[Expand the rooms|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc($rooms*1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $rooms += 5, $PC.engineering += .1]] +[[Expand the rooms|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc($rooms*1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $rooms += 5, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($rooms*1000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <br> //The number of rooms determines the number of slaves that can be granted luxury// @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <br> <<if $masterSuite == 0>> - [[Improve your master bedroom to house a harem of personal toys|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $masterSuite = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Improve your master bedroom to house a harem of personal toys|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $masterSuite = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> Your penthouse is capped by a master suite with room for an entire harem of personal toys. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <br> <<if $servantsQuarters == 0>> - [[Build a dormitory to house large numbers of house servants|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $servantsQuarters = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Build a dormitory to house large numbers of house servants|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $servantsQuarters = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> Your penthouse includes a dormitory to house large numbers of house servants. @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <br> <<if $schoolroom == 0>> - [[Build a schoolroom where slaves can be educated|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $schoolroom = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Build a schoolroom where slaves can be educated|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $schoolroom = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> Your penthouse includes a schoolroom where slaves can be educated. @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <br> <<if $spa == 0>> - [[Install open baths to provide relaxation space for resting slaves|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $spa = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Install open baths to provide relaxation space for resting slaves|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $spa = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The penthouse includes a fully appointed spa where slaves can rest and recuperate. @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <<if $familyTesting == 1 && $seePreg != 0>> <br> <<if $nursery == 0>> - [[Build a nursery to raise children from birth|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $nursery = 5, $nurseryNannies = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Build a nursery to raise children from birth|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $nursery = 5, $nurseryNannies = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The penthouse has a nursery built where infants can be brought up. @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <br> <<if $clinic == 0>> - [[Expand the surgical recovery area to accommodate patients and a nurse|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $clinic = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Expand the surgical recovery area to accommodate patients and a nurse|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $clinic = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The surgical recovery area has been expanded to take in more unhealthy slaves and be staffed by a nurse. @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <br> <<if $cellblock == 0>> - [[Construct cells to properly confine disobedient slaves|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $cellblock = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Construct cells to properly confine disobedient slaves|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $cellblock = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The lower level of the penthouse includes a hallway of cells to confine slaves in. @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <<if $familyTesting == 1 && $seePreg != 0>> <<if $arcologyUpgrade.grid == 1>> <<if $incubator == 0>> - [[Install an incubation chamber to rapidly age children|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $incubator = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Install an incubation chamber to rapidly age children|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $incubator = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The penthouse has a specialized facility dedicated to rapidly aging children. @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <</if>> <<if $HGSuite != 1>> - [[Build a small suite for a Head Girl to live in|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $HGSuite = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Build a small suite for a Head Girl to live in|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $HGSuite = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> There is a small but handsome suite next to yours reserved for the Head Girl. @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ __Penthouse Facilities__ <<if $researchLab.built == "true">> Your penthouse is now equipped with a research lab. <<else>> - [[Clear out one of the floors and install research equipment|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $researchLab.built = "true", $researchLab.maxSpace = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Clear out one of the floors and install research equipment|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $researchLab.built = "true", $researchLab.maxSpace = 5, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $servantMilkers != 1>> - Your penthouse is equipped with basic milkers for lactating slaves. [[Install more and tie them into the liquid systems|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $servantMilkers = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] + Your penthouse is equipped with basic milkers for lactating slaves. [[Install more and tie them into the liquid systems|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $servantMilkers = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(25000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> Every room in the penthouse is equipped with milkers tied into the liquid systems, letting slaves with full udders drain them anywhere. @@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $boobAccessibility != 1>> <<if $pregAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility || $buttAccessibility>> - Your penthouse has already been widened for overly wide slaves but there are no special accommodations for slaves with enormous breasts. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $boobAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] + Your penthouse has already been widened for overly wide slaves but there are no special accommodations for slaves with enormous breasts. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $boobAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> - Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous breasts. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $boobAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous breasts. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $boobAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $pregAccessibility != 1>> <<if $boobAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility || $buttAccessibility>> - Your penthouse has already been widened to make life for overly wide slaves easier but there are no special accommodations for slaves with enormous pregnancies. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $pregAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] + Your penthouse has already been widened to make life for overly wide slaves easier but there are no special accommodations for slaves with enormous pregnancies. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $pregAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> - Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous pregnancies. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $pregAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous pregnancies. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $pregAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $dickAccessibility != 1>> - Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous dicks. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dickAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] + Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous dicks. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $dickAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The entire penthouse has been remodeled to make life with enormous dicks easier. Carts, slings and harnesses are available to keep things from dragging and there is now plenty of room for huge genitals to occupy when a slave must use appliances, tables and seats. @@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $ballsAccessibility != 1>> <<if $boobAccessibility == 1 || $buttAccessibility || $pregAccessibility>> - Your penthouse has already been widened to make life for overly wide slaves easier but there are no special accommodations for slaves with enormous testicles. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $ballsAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] + Your penthouse has already been widened to make life for overly wide slaves easier but there are no special accommodations for slaves with enormous testicles. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $ballsAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> - Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous testicles. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $ballsAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous testicles. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $ballsAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $buttAccessibility != 1>> <<if $boobAccessibility == 1 || $dickAccessibility || $ballsAccessibility>> - Your penthouse has already been widened to make life for overly wide slaves easier but there are no special accommodations for slaves with gigantic posteriors. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $buttAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] + Your penthouse has already been widened to make life for overly wide slaves easier but there are no special accommodations for slaves with gigantic posteriors. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $buttAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> - Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous posteriors. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $buttAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + Your penthouse has no special accessibility provisions for slaves with enormous posteriors. [[Remodel for accessibility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $buttAccessibility = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $boobAccessibility > 0 || $pregAccessibility > 0 || $dickAccessibility > 0 || $ballsAccessibility > 0 || $buttAccessibility > 0>> <<set _removeCost = Math.trunc(((5000*($boobAccessibility+$pregAccessibility+$dickAccessibility+$ballsAccessibility+$buttAccessibility)))*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)>> <br> -//[[Remove the accessibility renovations|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= _removeCost, $boobAccessibility = 0, $pregAccessibility = 0, $dickAccessibility = 0, $ballsAccessibility = 0, $buttAccessibility = 0]] Will cost <<print cashFormat(_removeCost)>>// +//[[Remove the accessibility renovations|Manage Penthouse][<<run cashX(forceNeg(_removeCost), "capEx")>>, $boobAccessibility = 0, $pregAccessibility = 0, $dickAccessibility = 0, $ballsAccessibility = 0, $buttAccessibility = 0]] Will cost <<print cashFormat(_removeCost)>>// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $feeder == 0>> - [[Upgrade the kitchen's nutritional sensing systems|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $feeder = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] + [[Upgrade the kitchen's nutritional sensing systems|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $feeder = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The kitchen mounts sensors to refine diets in real time. @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $cockFeeder == 0>> - [[Enhance the feeding system with faux phalli|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $cockFeeder = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] + [[Enhance the feeding system with faux phalli|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $cockFeeder = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The kitchen dispenses food from phalli slaves must suck off in order to eat. //[[Remove them|Manage Penthouse][$cockFeeder = 0]]// @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $suppository == 0>> - [[Replace the drug dispensers with reciprocating dildo suppositories|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $suppository = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] + [[Replace the drug dispensers with reciprocating dildo suppositories|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $suppository = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The kitchen applies drugs that can be absorbed rectally by assfucking slaves with dildos that cum the pharmaceuticals. //[[Remove them|Manage Penthouse][$suppository = 0]]// @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $dairy != 0>> <<if $dairyPiping == 0>> - [[Install pipes connecting the Dairy to the rest of your penthouse for use in enema play|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dairyPiping = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] + [[Install pipes connecting the Dairy to the rest of your penthouse for use in enema play|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $dairyPiping = 1, $PC.engineering += .5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> Various taps around the penthouse supply product from $dairyName for use in enema play and force-feeding. @@ -271,12 +271,12 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $studio == 0>> - [[Install a media hub to convert slave video feeds into pornography|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $studio = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Install a media hub to convert slave video feeds into pornography|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $studio = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> The arcology's video systems are connected to a media hub that can convert slave video feeds into pornography. <<if $studioFeed == 0>> - [[Upgrade the media hub to allow better control of pornographic content|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $studioFeed = 1]] + [[Upgrade the media hub to allow better control of pornographic content|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $studioFeed = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> It has been upgraded to allow superior control of a slave's pornographic content. @@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $dojo == 0>> - [[Set up a personal armory to support a bodyguard|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dojo = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Set up a personal armory to support a bodyguard|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $dojo = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<elseif $dojo == 1>> - There is a small armory next to your office that can support a bodyguard. [[Upgrade the armory with a private room for the bodyguard|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dojo = 2, $PC.engineering += .5]] + There is a small armory next to your office that can support a bodyguard. [[Upgrade the armory with a private room for the bodyguard|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $dojo = 2, $PC.engineering += .5]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> There is a small armory next to your office that can support a bodyguard, with a little room for her to rest in when off duty. @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $dispensary == 0>> <<if $rep > 2000>> - [[Install a pharmaceutical fabricator|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dispensary = 1, $drugsCost = $drugsCost*.75, $PC.engineering += .1]] + [[Install a pharmaceutical fabricator|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $dispensary = 1, $drugsCost = $drugsCost*.75, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to obtain cutting-edge pharmaceutical technology// @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $ImplantProductionUpgrade == 0>> <<if $rep > 2000>> - [[Install an implant manufactory|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $ImplantProductionUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] + [[Install an implant manufactory|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $ImplantProductionUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to obtain cutting-edge implant fabrication technology// @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $organFarmUpgrade == 0>> <<if $rep > 10000>> - [[Install an experimental organ farm|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(70000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $organFarmUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] + [[Install an experimental organ farm|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(70000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $organFarmUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(70000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to obtain an experimental organ fabricator// @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $geneticMappingUpgrade == 0>> <<if $rep > 14000>> - [[Install a genetic sequencer|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= 120000, $geneticMappingUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] + [[Install a genetic sequencer|Manage Penthouse][cashX(-120000, "capEx")>>, $geneticMappingUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += .1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(120000)>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to purchase a cutting-edge genetic sequencer// @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<case 1>> There is a facility to construct mechanical prosthetic limbs for amputated slaves. <<if ($rep > 14000)>> - [[Research advanced prototype prosthetics|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $prostheticsUpgrade = 2]] + [[Research advanced prototype prosthetics|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $prostheticsUpgrade = 2]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to research and produce prototype prosthetics.// @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<case 2>> There is a prosthetics facility upgraded to use advanced materials and designs. <<if ($rep > 16000)>> - [[Research high-tech cybernetic limbs|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $prostheticsUpgrade = 3]] + [[Research high-tech cybernetic limbs|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $prostheticsUpgrade = 3]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to research and produce prototype cybernetic limbs.// @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ There is a high-tech facility to build prosthetics and state-of-the-art cybernetic replacement limbs. <<default>> <<if ($rep > 12000)>> - [[Construct a mechanical prosthetics facility|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $prostheticsUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Construct a mechanical prosthetics facility|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $prostheticsUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(100000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to construct a prosthetics facility.// @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 0>> <<if $rep > 10000>> - [[Upgrade the remote surgery|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $surgeryUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Upgrade the remote surgery|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $surgeryUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to secure rare surgery upgrades// @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ __Penthouse Upgrades__ <br> <<if $pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade == 0>> <<if $rep > 10000>> - [[Upgrade the pregnancy monitoring systems|Manage Penthouse][$cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] + [[Upgrade the pregnancy monitoring systems|Manage Penthouse][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade = 1, $PC.engineering += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<else>> //You lack the reputation to purchase improved pregnancy monitoring systems// diff --git a/src/uncategorized/manufacturing.tw b/src/uncategorized/manufacturing.tw index 762ae8da63988a3f6fa948bc9e10332ed1652930..794fdc4c900109cc41e86601f555dd119481e998 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/manufacturing.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/manufacturing.tw @@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ This is a space in the arcology's service areas, <<if $dairy == 0>> <br> - [[Construct a dairy to milk slaves on an industrial scale|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $dairy = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Dairy"]] + [[Construct a dairy to milk slaves on an industrial scale|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $dairy = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Dairy"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will incur upkeep costs// <</if>> <<if $cheatMode == 1>> <<if $farmyard == 0>> <br> - [[Construct a farming facility to grow food for your arcology and house animals|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $farmyard = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Farmyard"]] + [[Construct a farming facility to grow food for your arcology and house animals|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $farmyard = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Farmyard"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will incur upkeep costs// @@.red;Alpha Content!@@ <</if>> <</if>> @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ This is a space in the arcology's service areas, <<if $mercenaries>> <<if $barracks != 1>> <br> - [[Build an armory to properly house your mercenaries|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $barracks = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Barracks"]] + [[Build an armory to properly house your mercenaries|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $barracks = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Barracks"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> but will reduce mercenary upkeep// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ This is a space in the arcology's service areas, <<if $secExp == 1>> <<if $weapManu != 1>> <br> - [[Convert this sector to weapons manufacturing|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $weapManu = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "weapManu"]] + [[Convert this sector to weapons manufacturing|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $weapManu = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "weapManu"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(30000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> but will provide a weekly income and will unlock upgrades for our troops// <</if>> <</if>> <br> -[[Convert to pens to increase the number of menial slaves you can house|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "Pens"]] +[[Convert to pens to increase the number of menial slaves you can house|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Pens"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <<if $sectors[$AS].type != "Sweatshops">> <br> - [[Convert these facilities to use the labor of menial slaves|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "Sweatshops"]] + [[Convert these facilities to use the labor of menial slaves|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Sweatshops"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<if $sectors[$AS].type != "Manufacturing">> <br> - [[Return this sector to standard manufacturing|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "Manufacturing"]] + [[Return this sector to standard manufacturing|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Manufacturing"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/markets.tw b/src/uncategorized/markets.tw index 1b6ff9a4f076418d24c767914f51111a86895b9b..9e8c2956958b012d5f1a383ecc9e60c73cc718aa 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/markets.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/markets.tw @@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ This is an area of the concourse occupied by large stores and markets, many of w <<if $arcade == 0>> <br> - [[Construct a sex arcade to present slaves' holes for public use|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $arcade = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Arcade"]] + [[Construct a sex arcade to present slaves' holes for public use|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $arcade = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Arcade"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will incur upkeep costs// <</if>> <<if $pit == 0>> <br> - [[Build a pit to host proper slave fights|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $pit = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Pit"]] + [[Build a pit to host proper slave fights|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $pit = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Pit"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<if $secExp == 1 && $transportHub == 0>> <br> - [[Centralize and modernize the transport hub|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $transportHub = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "transportHub", $docks = 1, $railway = 1, $airport = 1]] + [[Centralize and modernize the transport hub|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $transportHub = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "transportHub", $docks = 1, $railway = 1, $airport = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw b/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw index a59e9efb0e2e23320c84c112aa1c22ae40de8b55..9444ed25947310c5b037201854fda5d311a4fb8e 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Despite $his devotion and trust, $he is still a slave, and probably knows that $ <<replace "#result2">> You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to a straightforward ceremony for a slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangement. The wedding will take place during the upcoming week. <<set $weddingPlanned = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <<if ($eventSlave.vagina != 0) && ($eventSlave.anus != 0) && ($eventSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>> @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ Despite $his devotion and trust, $he is still a slave, and probably knows that $ <<replace "#result2">> You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to an orgiastic ceremony for a slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangements. The wedding orgy will take place during the upcoming week. <<set $weddingPlanned = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will involve the slave having sex with a very large number of citizens// <</if>> @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Despite $his devotion and trust, $he is still a slave, and probably knows that $ <<replace "#result2">> You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to a ceremony for a fertile slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangements. The wedding will take place during the upcoming week. <<set $weddingPlanned = 3>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "event")>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will involve you impregnating the slave// <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw b/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw index 1c7713f623a82e9c8dc3c4ac240d8dcadf51690c..cc35022ee633e2e13b21413384edc1b76498939c 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ <<if $buyArcologyDirection != 0 && def $buyArcologyDirection>> <<set _nei = $arcologies.findIndex(function(s) { return s.direction == $buyArcologyDirection; })>> <<run cashX(forceNeg($transaction*(500*Math.trunc($arcologies[_nei].prosperity*(1+($arcologies[_nei].demandFactor/100))))), "war")>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> <<set $arcologies[_nei].PCminority += $transaction>> <<set $arcologies[_nei].demandFactor += $transaction*5>> <</if>> @@ -363,7 +363,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of togas" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtToga = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtToga = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -382,7 +383,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of kimonos" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtKimono = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtKimono = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -401,7 +403,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of silken harem garb" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtHarem = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtHarem = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -420,7 +423,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of huipils" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtHuipil = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtHuipil = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -439,7 +443,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of qipaos" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtQipao = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtQipao = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -458,7 +463,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of Egyptian necklace replicas" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtEgypt = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtEgypt = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -478,7 +484,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of conservative clothing" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtConservative = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtConservative = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -497,7 +504,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of binding chains" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtChains = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtChains = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -517,7 +525,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of bunny suits" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtBunny = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtBunny = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -537,7 +546,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of body oil" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtOil = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtOil = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -556,7 +566,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of stretch pants and crop-tops" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtLazyClothes = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtLazyClothes = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -576,7 +587,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of chattel religionist habits" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtHabit = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtHabit = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -596,7 +608,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of western clothing" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtWestern = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtWestern = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -616,7 +629,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of maternity clothing" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtMaternityDress = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtMaternityDress = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -633,7 +647,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of maternity lingerie" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(7500-_prices)>> + <<set $clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(7500-_prices), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(7500-_prices))>>// <</if>> <<else>> @@ -650,7 +665,8 @@ If $activeArcology.name has developed enough to begin exporting worthwhile goods <</link>> <<elseif $activeArcology.direction != $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>> <br><<link "Purchase a shipment of empathy bellies" "Neighbor Interact">> - <<set $clothesBoughtBelly = 1, $cash -= Math.trunc(15000-(_prices*2))>> + <<set $clothesBoughtBelly = 1>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(15000-(_prices*2))), "capEx")>> <</link>> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000-(_prices*2)))>>// <</if>> <<else>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw b/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw index 7424d4ab3f8fccbfbb92ac66b5294539c8a3eda6..5e737e2d58ae99b383dd65525033c557224030a2 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ You have decided to start over and will be able to take a few things with you: a You <<if $cash >= _fee>>have<<else>>lack<</if>> the funds to bring more than $slavesToImportMax slaves with you (or your equivalent) to a new arcology. It will cost @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_fee)>>@@ to insure another slave's safe transfer. <<if $cash >= _fee>> You have @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat($cash)>>@@ to spend. - <br>[[Increase slave import capacity by 1.|New Game Plus][$cash -= _fee, $slavesToImportMax++]] + <br>[[Increase slave import capacity by 1.|New Game Plus][<<run cashX(forceNeg(_fee), "capEx")>>, $slavesToImportMax++]] <</if>> <br> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pCitizensAndCivilians.tw b/src/uncategorized/pCitizensAndCivilians.tw index 6699c497cfa8ccb22d46a585b5bec85421f0fd1a..19a7a82ce14b20559dd2edbf66cd611632a851a5 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pCitizensAndCivilians.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pCitizensAndCivilians.tw @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Knight-Captain reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Knights — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Knights">> <</replace>> @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Centurion reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Evocati — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and bearing a Roman standard. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Evocati">> <</replace>> @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Centurion reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Shorn Ones — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and bearing an Aztec standard adorned on a spear. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $nextButton = "Continue">> <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Shorn Ones">> <</replace>> @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "General of the Imperial Guard, reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Imperial Guards — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and bearing an Imperial Chinese war banner. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $nextButton = "Continue">> <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Imperial Guards">> <</replace>> @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "First Medjay reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Medjay — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and bearing a faux cheetah cloak. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Medjay">> <</replace>> @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Your Samurai-Lord reports for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Samurai — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons, exterior plates styled after lacquered Samurai armor, and an enraged mask covering the face. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Samurai">> <</replace>> @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Corbaci reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Janissaries — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and cloaked in an outer garment of fine oriental silks. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Janissaries">> <</replace>> @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Inquisitor-General reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Knights Templar — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and bearing a cloak emblazoned with the symbol of God. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Knights Templar">> <</replace>> @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Satrap reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Immortals — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and more than one wicked, curved blade. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Immortals">> <</replace>> @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "The Vast Legions reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Vast Legions — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of bulky, heavily armored prototype armor. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Vast Legions">> <</replace>> @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Surgeon-General reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Surgical Corps — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest medical equipment. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Surgical Corps">> <</replace>> @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Guess that makes me a bitch, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Inglorious Bitches — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor slathered in garish neon paint. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Inglorious Bitches">> <</replace>> @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Allfather reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Thousand Sons — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, a private gym, and a suit of prototype armor that preserves a sample of the wearer's genetic material in the event of death. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Thousand Sons">> <</replace>> @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Fetal Guardian reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Guardians of the Unborn — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, three fertile slavegirls for the men, assured maternity leave for the ladies, and a suit of prototype armor designed to keep even the most heavily pregnant mercenary's child safe and sound. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Guardians of the Unborn">> <</replace>> @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Your Right Hand reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Shadowed Hand of the Societal Elite — are well looked after. They are each assigned a glorious apartment, a slave of their choice, what ever luxuries they can think of, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and defenses. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Shadowed Hand">> <</replace>> @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Foehammer reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries — no, the Asgardians — are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, a private gym, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Asgardians">> <</replace>> @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Lead Foodie reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries - no, the Tasters - are well looked after. They are each assigned a comfy apartment, a freshly enslaved, plush servant, all the food and drink they can want (while off duty), and a suit of self-propelling prototype armor designed for maximum comfort without sacrificing protection. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Tasters">> <</replace>> @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Knights of the Blood reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries - no, the Knights of the Blood - are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, three freshly enslaved servants of inferior races, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Knights of the Blood">> <</replace>> @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Knights of the Purge reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries - no, the Knights of the Purge - are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, three freshly enslaved servants of the inferior race, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Knights of the Purge">> <</replace>> @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a redesigned contract between you. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "First Warden reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries - no, the Wardens - are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons and a collapsible riot shield. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Wardens">> <</replace>> @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Master Purifier reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries - no, the Purifiers - are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with a cleansing flamethrower. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Purifiers">> <</replace>> @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Lord-Abstinent reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries - no, the Abstemious - are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of sleek prototype armor equipped with advanced restraining weapons. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Abstemious">> <</replace>> @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You ask for a meeting with your mercenaries' captain and lay out a proposal for a new contract between you over $PC.refreshment. As he reviews the terms, he looks skeptical, then surprised, then interested, and finally, he breaks out into laughter. "<<= properTitle()>>," he says, "you have no idea how fun this is going to be." He rises and gives you a short bow. "Lead Ranger reporting for duty, <<= properTitle()>>." The mercenaries - no, the Rangers - are well looked after. They are each assigned a nice apartment, a freshly enslaved servant, and a suit of prototype armor equipped with the latest weapons - and an improbably massive revolver on the hip. Word of the innovation runs through the Free Cities @@.green;like wildfire.@@ <<set $rep += 1000>> - <<set $cash -= _cost>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_cost), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 5>> <<set $mercenariesTitle = "Rangers">> <</replace>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pInvasion.tw b/src/uncategorized/pInvasion.tw index ab202522e993b82c9d5ff0d4124c47c2d79912bb..fa4f2e798081303828e9ef2ea6b79dc267e7f75b 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pInvasion.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pInvasion.tw @@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ The loose militia lately organized by the arcology owners has been called out to <<if $mercenaries + $personalArms < 2>> @@.red;The counterattack fails.@@ The enemy is eventually defeated, but only after they get mired in urban combat in the streets of the Free City. @@.red;$arcologies[0].name takes considerable damage from <<if $terrain == "ravine">>cliffside fire<<else>>stray fire<</if>>, and many supplies have been lost or stolen.@@ The repairs will be extremely costly. <<if $terrain == "ravine">> - <<set $cash -= Math.trunc($cash*0.8)>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc($cash*0.8)), "war")>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "war")>> <<else>> - <<set $cash -= Math.trunc($cash*0.9)>> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc($cash*0.9)), "war")>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> <</if>> <<elseif $mercenaries + $personalArms < 6>> @@.yellow;The counterattack succeeds.@@ @@.red;$arcologies[0].name takes minor damage from stray fire,@@ but the repairs are not too costly. Your participation in the counterattack that saved the Free City was noted, and @@.green;you are acclaimed as a protector of its people.@@ <<set $invasionVictory = 2>> - <<set $cash -= Math.trunc($cash*0.2)>> - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc($cash*0.2)), "war")>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "war")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <<else>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pMercenaries.tw b/src/uncategorized/pMercenaries.tw index b66ed740baa5d8bfea8a2ffc67cab88ae4e3e196..9c565e205fc8e09c67f385b37e339f6386991201 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pMercenaries.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pMercenaries.tw @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The budgetary difficulty many old world countries are in has resulted in unemplo <<replace "#result">> You hire some reputable mercenaries, kit them in excellent gear, and quarter them in $arcologies[0].name. The sight of armed men on patrol has @@.red;offended some of the more free-spirited citizens@@ of $arcologies[0].name. <<set $rep -= 500>> - <<set $cash -= _price>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg(_price), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 1>> <<set $mercTotalManpower = 15>> <<set $mercFreeManpower = 15>> @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The budgetary difficulty many old world countries are in has resulted in unemplo <<replace "#result">> You hire a full platoon of reputable mercenaries with a veteran officer to command them, kit them in excellent gear, and quarter them in $arcologies[0].name. The sight of many armed men on patrol has @@.red;deeply offended some of the more free-spirited citizens@@ of $arcologies[0].name. <<set $rep -= 1000>> - <<set $cash -= (_price*2)>> + <<run cashX(forceNeg((_price*2)), "mercenaries")>> <<set $mercenaries = 3>> <<set $mercTotalManpower = 30>> <<set $mercFreeManpower = 30>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersDeficit.tw b/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersDeficit.tw index 809a437f071b4d8a6b2519029f8f96dfb59cbe0d..15df2535defd2afa467832f583ceb84ee6bbf650 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersDeficit.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersDeficit.tw @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The singular solution to the two problems is obvious. It's equally obvious that Understanding that the general needs to couch the situation in a way he can justify in public, and perhaps in a way he can justify to himself, you offer to house the prisoners on a contract basis, with immediate payment to the general so he can meet his forces' immediate needs. Naturally, the prisoners will be kept busy while you keep them; menial labor seems appropriate. It's unlikely that the situation will ever stabilize to the point where they can be released, so for safety, they should all be detained indefinitely. And of course, each prisoner's individual detention will be available for resale. Just like any other slave's. <br><br> The general is unable to keep from smiling slightly when he hears that you understand perfectly and are willing and able to assist. There's some bitterness there, but not much. The two of you adjust the terms. The new menial slaves will be delivered immediately, several hundred of them; the general prefers to have this be a one-time transfer. After all, having an ongoing prisoner pipeline between his prisoner pens and the Free City might draw unwanted political attention. For now, he has the funds he needs, not to mention an empty prison camp. - <<set $peacekeepers.attitude += 5, $cash -= 100000, $menials += 200>> + <<set $peacekeepers.attitude += 5, cashX(-100000), "peacekeepers") $menials += 200>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(100000)>> and provide a number of menial slaves// <<else>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersIndependence.tw b/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersIndependence.tw index 811b5c3faab6d4bc4fbc0ededd06b346b3b4324a..1ca4a4cdf984f80b16f7f8fe000011f877631d42 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersIndependence.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersIndependence.tw @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ General $peacekeepers.generalName contacts you again, looking more tired and bat You immediately wire General $peacekeepers.generalName <<print cashFormat(100000)>>, not an impressive sum by Free Cities standards, but probably enough to turn the scales in his plans to keep his force together as it transitions from old world peacekeeping to autocratic nation building. Soon enough, he'll be able to support his men and women through armed extortion, the original form of taxation and, arguably, the only form of taxation. <br><br> "You have my thanks," he says formally. "We'll be in control here soon enough. The one thing we'll have an almost limitless supply of is people. I don't think anyone's likely to notice a few menial slaves transferred into the Free City. I'm sure a regular trade already exists; we'll just be adding a few undesirables to it." He ends the call, looking determined. Despite his confidence, he has his work cut out for him. - <<set $cash -= 100000, $peacekeepers.strength = 50, $peacekeepers.attitude += 5, $peacekeepers.undermining = 0>> + <<set cashX(-100000), "peacekeepers") $peacekeepers.strength = 50, $peacekeepers.attitude += 5, $peacekeepers.undermining = 0>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(100000)>>// <<else>> @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ General $peacekeepers.generalName contacts you again, looking more tired and bat You immediately wire General $peacekeepers.generalName <<print cashFormat(250000)>>, enough to keep his force together through the critical period as it transitions from old world peacekeeping to autocratic nation building. Soon enough, he'll be able to support his men and women through armed extortion, the original form of taxation and, arguably, the only form of taxation. <br><br> "That's extremely generous of you," he says, with an undertone of relief. "This is going to go much more smoothly than I'd originally thought. And I see that we're going to have friends and allies out here, as we establish ourselves. We're going to have quite a few undesirables to rid ourselves of, here, and the menial slave trade between this area and the Free City seems like an opportune way to do that." He ends the call, looking confident. - <<set $cash -= 250000, $peacekeepers.strength = 50, $peacekeepers.attitude += 25, $peacekeepers.undermining = 0>> + <<set cashX(-250000), "peacekeepers") $peacekeepers.strength = 50, $peacekeepers.attitude += 25, $peacekeepers.undermining = 0>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(250000)>>// <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pRaidInvitation.tw b/src/uncategorized/pRaidInvitation.tw index fd0df933de53406b04335bf5ba218d8afebea10d..f94a12c3d317a6f44fe2529717846e1b9bab35f1 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pRaidInvitation.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pRaidInvitation.tw @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Fund a quick raid on the refugees with <<print cashFormat(5000)>>, targeting: <br> <<link "Ex-soldiers">> <<replace "#result">> Your mercenaries probably would have been enthusiastic even before the recent combat, but now they're positively eager. The split agreed upon is that they keep the proceeds from the sale of anything that isn't sex slave material, while you keep anything that is. - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "war")>> <<set $PRaid = 1>> <<set $PRaidTarget = 1>> <</replace>> @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Fund a quick raid on the refugees with <<print cashFormat(5000)>>, targeting: <br> <<link "Healthy civilians">> <<replace "#result">> Your mercenaries probably would have been enthusiastic even before the recent combat, but now they're positively eager. The split agreed upon is that they keep the proceeds from the sale of anything that isn't sex slave material, while you keep anything that is. - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "war")>> <<set $PRaid = 1>> <<set $PRaidTarget = 2>> <</replace>> @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Fund a quick raid on the refugees with <<print cashFormat(5000)>>, targeting: <br> <<link "The largest possible group of slaves">> <<replace "#result">> Your mercenaries probably would have been enthusiastic even before the recent combat, but now they're positively eager. The split agreed upon is that they keep the proceeds from the sale of anything that isn't sex slave material, while you keep anything that is. - <<set $cash -= 5000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "war")>> <<set $PRaid = 1>> <<set $PRaidTarget = 3>> <</replace>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pRivalryActions.tw b/src/uncategorized/pRivalryActions.tw index 4d0457a79671f8aec5bc1e8d48eaee1297a15886..d94aa897f19d9af34d8bfb84376c2001e8bf47d6 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pRivalryActions.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pRivalryActions.tw @@ -3820,13 +3820,13 @@ You remind yourself that success in this conflict will not be defined by the tra <<if random(1,100) > 50>> <<replace "#result">> Money is your infantry, your weapon, your ammunition in one. Last century, your soldiers would have died taking the enemy's positions. Today, your ¤ die @@.green;taking@@ <<if _num < $seeDicks>>his<<else>>her<</if>> holdings. Once more unto the breach. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> <<set $rivalryPower += 2>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#result">> Money is your infantry, your weapon, your ammunition in one. Last century, your soldiers would have died before the enemy's machine guns. Today, your ¤ die @@.red;failing to take@@ <<if _num < $seeDicks>>his<<else>>her<</if>> holdings. Once more unto the breach. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> <<set $rivalryPower += 1>> <</replace>> <</if>> @@ -3835,14 +3835,14 @@ You remind yourself that success in this conflict will not be defined by the tra <<if random(1,100) > 70>> <<replace "#result">> Since you are not so uncouth as to, for example, help fund a coup attempt, you fund traditional acts of corporate sabotage, including hacking, slander, and actual, physical thievery. There are some @@.red;minor rumors@@ that you are to blame, but they're outweighed by the @@.green;great pressure@@ these incidents put on your enemy. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> <<set $rep -= 100>> <<set $rivalryPower += 5>> <</replace>> <<else>> <<replace "#result">> Since you are not so uncouth as to, for example, help fund a coup attempt, you fund traditional acts of corporate sabotage, including hacking, slander, and actual, physical thievery. Unfortunately, you seem to be a step behind this week. Your enemy @@.red;prevents@@ many of your attacks, and even manages to turn a few minor players into public confessions that @@.red;damage@@ your reputation. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> <<set $rep -= 500>> <<set $rivalryPower += 2>> <</replace>> @@ -3851,14 +3851,14 @@ You remind yourself that success in this conflict will not be defined by the tra <br><<link "Use <<print cashFormat(25000)>> creating local shortages">> <<replace "#result">> With enough money, it's entirely possible to temporarily overwhelm even the advanced free market of the Free Cities. You choose a few critical items — pharmaceutical materials, electronic components, and other physical items — and purchase shipments intended for your rival's arcology. <<if _num < $seeDicks>>His<<else>>Her<</if>> tenants are @@.green;seriously inconvenienced@@ and blame their difficulties on their hapless landlord. - <<set $cash -= 25000>> + <<run cashX(-25000, "war")>> <<set $rivalryPower += 3>> <</replace>> <</link>> <br><<link "Devote <<print cashFormat(50000)>> to purchasing the support of your peers">> <<replace "#result">> Your fellow arcology owners have an interest in seeing the funder of the Daughters' attempt on you destroyed, but few of them are willing to spend any money or real effort on the matter. You do a few of them the favor of making the money and effort spent yours. Your rival finds <<if _num < $seeDicks>>his<<else>>her<</if>> dealings with your mutual peers becoming @@.green;strangely difficult.@@ Market opinion is swinging your way. - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "war")>> <<set $rivalryPower += 5>> <</replace>> <</link>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pRivalryVictory.tw b/src/uncategorized/pRivalryVictory.tw index 7bdfe3d3cac27b00c1762e69389ec6b5d1d1765b..2afcda7ded9f5803fdf1270208df05515c1df4e0 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pRivalryVictory.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pRivalryVictory.tw @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ For the first time, you receive a direct call from your rival. You pictured the <span id="result2"> <br><<link "Place a bounty of <<print cashFormat(10000)>> on your rival's psychological warfare tool">> <<replace "#result2">> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> You make sure to post a bounty sufficient to ensure that $hostage.slaveName, your rival's psychological warfare tool, does not escape or go unrescued, depending on one's point of view. She is quickly picked out of the chaos of your rival's escape and delivered to you. <<set $hostageRescued = 1>> <</replace>> @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ For the first time, you receive a direct call from your rival. You pictured the <</if>> <<else>> "All my remaining liquid assets have just been @@.red;expended in an attack on the value of your holdings,@@ and my arcology has been heavily sabotaged. You'll get nothing from me." It's not entirely true, but the damage to your holdings does outweigh your gains by a significant margin. Your rival vanishes back into the old world. - <<set $cash -= random(10000,25000)>> + <<run cashX(random(-10000,-25000), "war")>> <</if>> <</replace>> <</link>> @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ For the first time, you receive a direct call from your rival. You pictured the - but only for a few days. <br><br> Your bounty is quickly claimed, and you are treated to the delicious moment of finding your rival's head delivered to your doorstep. It might not have done much good, but damn did it feel good. - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "war")>> <<for _prv = 0; _prv < $arcologies.length; _prv++>> <<if $arcologies[_prv].rival == 1>> <<set $arcologies[_prv].embargo = 0>> @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ For the first time, you receive a direct call from your rival. You pictured the <span id="result2"> <br><<link "Place a bounty of <<print cashFormat(10000)>> on your rival's psychological warfare tool">> <<replace "#result2">> - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "war")>> You make sure to post a bounty sufficient to ensure that $hostage.slaveName, your rival's psychological warfare tool, does not escape or go unrescued, depending on one's point of view. She is quickly picked out of the chaos of your rival's escape and delivered to you. <<set $hostageRescued = 1>> <</replace>> @@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ For the first time, you receive a direct call from your rival. You pictured the <</if>> <<else>> "All my remaining liquid assets have just been @@.red;expended in an attack on the value of your holdings,@@ and my arcology has been heavily sabotaged. You'll get nothing from me." It's not entirely true, but the damage to your holdings does outweigh your gains by a significant margin. - <<set $cash -= random(10000,25000)>> + <<run cashX(random(-10000,-25000), "war")>> <</if>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "war")>> <<include "P rivalry capture">> <</replace>> <</link>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pSchoolSuggestion.tw b/src/uncategorized/pSchoolSuggestion.tw index e3af1155036dbb2905eee910c74b2218b3e2f19e..715a697b961553ffdefea59c25aecd9652aec733 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pSchoolSuggestion.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pSchoolSuggestion.tw @@ -40,33 +40,37 @@ The older gentleman who seems to have been acting as unofficial moderator before <<link "The Slave School">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting The Slave School about opening a branch campus here, immediately. - <<set $TSS.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $TSS.schoolPresent = 1>><<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <br><<link "The Growth Research Institute">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting the Growth Research Institute about opening a branch campus here, immediately. - <<set $GRI.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $GRI.schoolPresent = 1>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <br><<link "St. Claver Preparatory">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting St. Claver Preparatory about opening a branch campus here, immediately. - <<set $SCP.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $SCP.schoolPresent = 1>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <<if $seePreg != 0>> <br><<link "The Cattle Ranch">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting The Cattle Ranch about opening a local pasture, immediately. - <<set $TCR.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $TCR.schoolPresent = 1>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>> <br><<link "The Hippolyta Academy">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting The Hippolyta Academy about opening a local branch, immediately. - <<set $HA.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $HA.schoolPresent = 1>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>> @@ -76,19 +80,22 @@ The older gentleman who seems to have been acting as unofficial moderator before <<link "L'École des Enculées">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting L'École des Enculées about opening a branch campus here, immediately. - <<set $LDE.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $LDE.schoolPresent = 1>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <br><<link "The Gymnasium-Academy">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting the Gymnasium-Academy about opening a branch campus here, immediately. - <<set $TGA.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $TGA.schoolPresent = 1>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <br><<link "The Futanari Sisters">> <<replace "#result">> You thank your leading citizens and announce your decision: you'll be contacting the Futanari Sisters about moving a harem of futas here, immediately. - <<set $TFS.schoolPresent = 1, $cash -= 10000>> + <<set $TFS.schoolPresent = 1>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "policies")>> <</replace>> <</link>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pSlaveMedic.tw b/src/uncategorized/pSlaveMedic.tw index 6cb09a1a2672bed91c943f9304e1bc2b17022d2a..7f170509611400b262f957035d5229edbffaf039 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pSlaveMedic.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pSlaveMedic.tw @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ When you enter the lounge of their <<if $barracks>>barracks<<else>>main living a <</link>> <br><<link "Offer a very generous <<print cashFormat(25000)>> for $him">> <<replace "#result">> - <<set $cash -= 25000>> + <<run cashX(-25000, "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave)>> "Huh," says the mercenary. "$He's popular, but for that we could probably buy two of $him. Might be fun to train a couple of new nurses. Let me ask the boys and girls." He speaks into his helmet for a few minutes, and then turns back to you. "Sold. Enjoy, $he's a good fuck." <<include "New Slave Intro">> <</replace>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pens.tw b/src/uncategorized/pens.tw index 87237e005cee368c40c149cf9ffc889184aa64a8..0a52b8c577f9cdeb26d6a48bf649089bcade5aa7 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/pens.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/pens.tw @@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ This is a space in the arcology's service areas, designed to house hundreds of s <</if>> <br> -[[Convert this sector into a manufacturing district|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $sectors[$AS].type = "Manufacturing"]] +[[Convert this sector into a manufacturing district|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Manufacturing"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// diff --git a/src/uncategorized/personalAssistantOptions.tw b/src/uncategorized/personalAssistantOptions.tw index f651118d5b026b9ea70d164ba2b0d130ce48ea61..94ab779deb786ace0c23e6b1fc3b1cce15d6085b 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/personalAssistantOptions.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/personalAssistantOptions.tw @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ __Computer Core Upgrades__ <br> <<if $assistantPower == 0>> - //The first upgrade needed is a switch to a holographic memory core to store the immense quantity of data $assistantName gathers. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>.// [[Install holographic memory core|Personal assistant options][$cash -= Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $assistantPower += 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1]] + //The first upgrade needed is a switch to a holographic memory core to store the immense quantity of data $assistantName gathers. This upgrade will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>.// [[Install holographic memory core|Personal assistant options][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(20000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $assistantPower += 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1]] <<elseif $assistantPower == 1>> - //The final upgrade needed is a transition to optical RAM. This huge project will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>.// [[Install optical RAM|Personal assistant options][$cash -= Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier), $assistantPower += 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1]] + //The final upgrade needed is a transition to optical RAM. This huge project will cost <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier))>>.// [[Install optical RAM|Personal assistant options][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(50000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier)), "capEx"), $assistantPower += 1, $PC.engineering += 1, $PC.hacking += 1]] <<else>> //The arcology's computer core is fully upgraded.// <</if>> @@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ __Downloadable Appearances:__ <br> /* <<if $assistantExtra1 == 0>> - [[Purchase a set of monstergirl appearances|Assistant Events][$event = "", $cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplier), $assistantExtra1 = 1]] + [[Purchase a set of monstergirl appearances|Assistant Events][$event = "", cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplier)), "capEx"), $assistantExtra1 = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(6000*$upgradeMultiplier))>>// <<else>>You have downloaded a set of monstergirl appearances for your avatar. <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/policies.tw b/src/uncategorized/policies.tw index 5c5cf0cecf75421cea18e599b06c97a354468a63..dae4313c36cec0337bf21216c21b48a61ef8989c 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/policies.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/policies.tw @@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistCreed == 1>> <br>''Chattel Religionist Creed:'' Chattel Religionism in your arcology subscribes to the creed established by the $nicaeaName, which honors <<if $nicaeaFocus == "slaves">>slaves<<else>>slaveowners<</if>>, enhances <<if $nicaeaAssignment == "whore">>prostitution<<elseif $nicaeaAssignment == "serve the public">>public service<<else>>fucktoy duty<</if>>, and respects <<if $nicaeaAchievement == "slaves">>owning many sex slaves<<elseif $nicaeaAchievement == "devotion">>worshipful slaves<<else>>trusting slaves<</if>>. The creed is <<if $nicaeaPower > 1>>strong<<else>>somewhat weak<</if>>. - [[Repeal|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistCreed = 0, $cash -=10000, $rep -= 2000]] + [[Repeal|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistCreed = 0, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 2000]] //Repealing this policy costs twice as much as implementing one.// <</if>> @@ -730,32 +730,32 @@ <<if $BasicSMR == 0>> <br>''Basic SMR:'' the slave market will be subject to very basic regulations designed to offer buyers some confidence. - [[Implement|Policies][$BasicSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BasicSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help your reputation and affect slaves in the markets// <</if>> <<if $HealthInspectionSMR == 0>> <br>''Health Inspection SMR:'' in order to be sold in the slave market, chattel will have to pass a straightforward health inspection. - [[Implement|Policies][$HealthInspectionSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$HealthInspectionSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will improve the health of slaves in the markets// <</if>> <<if $EducationSMR == 0>> <br>''Basic Education SMR:'' in order to be sold in the slave market, chattel will have to be put through a straightforward course of slave education. - [[Implement|Policies][$EducationSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$EducationSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will cause all slaves who pass through the markets to become educated// <</if>> <<if $FrigiditySMR == 0>> <br>''Frigidity SMR:'' in order to be sold in the slave market, slaves must have their sex drives reduced until they're virtually gone. - [[Implement|Policies][$FrigiditySMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$FrigiditySMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will reduce the sex drive of slaves in the markets and annoy those looking for sex slaves// <</if>> <<if $BasicBeautySMR == 0>> <<if $QualityBeautySMR == 0>> <br>''Basic Beauty Standards:'' no unattractive slaves may be sold in the slave markets. - [[Implement|Policies][$BasicBeautySMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 3000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BasicBeautySMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 3000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves. <</if>> <</if>> @@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ <<if $BasicBeautySMR == 0>> <<if $QualityBeautySMR == 0>> <br>''Quality Beauty Standards:'' only attractive slaves may be sold in the slave markets. - [[Implement|Policies][$QualityBeautySMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$QualityBeautySMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves. <</if>> <</if>> @@ -771,33 +771,33 @@ <<if $BasicWeightSMR == 0>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceSMR == 0>> <br>''Basic Weight Standards:'' slaves must not exceed a weight threshold to be sold in the slave markets. - [[Implement|Policies][$BasicWeightSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 3000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BasicWeightSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 3000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $BasicHeightSMR == 0 && $AdvancedHeightSMR == 0>> <br>''Basic Height Standards (Tall):'' tall slaves will be favored in the slave markets and those not quite tall enough will undergo height increasing surgery. This will not preclude the sale of short slaves, just the care of them. - [[Implement|Policies][$BasicHeightSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BasicHeightSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 5000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves.// <br>''Basic Height Standards (Short):'' short slaves will be favored in the slave markets and those just above the cut off will undergo height reducing surgery. This will not preclude the sale of tall slaves, just the care of them. - [[Implement|Policies][$BasicHeightSMR = -1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BasicHeightSMR = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 5000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves. <</if>> <<if $BasicHeightSMR == 0 && $AdvancedHeightSMR == 0>> <br>''Quality Height Standards (Tall):'' only slaves of above average height for their age may be sold in the slave markets. - [[Implement|Policies][$AdvancedHeightSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AdvancedHeightSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves.// <br>''Quality Height Standards (Short):'' only slaves of below average height for their age may be sold in the slave markets. - [[Implement|Policies][$AdvancedHeightSMR = -1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AdvancedHeightSMR = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves. <</if>> <<if $BasicIntelligenceSMR == 0>> <<if $QualityIntelligenceSMR == 0>> <br>''Basic Intelligence Standards:'' no stupid slaves may be sold in the slave markets. - [[Implement|Policies][$BasicIntelligenceSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 2000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BasicIntelligenceSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 2000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves. <</if>> <</if>> @@ -805,14 +805,14 @@ <<if $BasicIntelligenceSMR == 0>> <<if $QualityIntelligenceSMR == 0>> <br>''Quality Intelligence Standards:'' only intelligent slaves may be sold in the slave markets. - [[Implement|Policies][$QualityIntelligenceSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$QualityIntelligenceSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 10000]] <br> //This will raise the price of slaves significantly. <</if>> <</if>> <<if $IntelligenceEugenicsSMR == 0>> <br>''Intelligence Eugenics SMR:'' in order to be sold in the slave market, chattel will have to either pass a challenging intelligence test or be sterilized. - [[Implement|Policies][$IntelligenceEugenicsSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$IntelligenceEugenicsSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will <<if $seeDicks == 0>> sterilize @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ <</if>> <<if $HeightEugenicsSMR == 0>> <br>''Height Eugenics SMR:'' in order to be sold in the slave market, chattel will have to either be taller than a very tall minimum height or be sterilized. - [[Implement|Policies][$HeightEugenicsSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$HeightEugenicsSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will <<if $seeDicks == 0>> sterilize @@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ <</if>> <<if $FaceEugenicsSMR == 0>> <br>''Facial Eugenics SMR:'' in order to be sold in the slave market, chattel will have to either pass a rigorous facial exam or be sterilized. - [[Implement|Policies][$FaceEugenicsSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$FaceEugenicsSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will <<if $seeDicks == 0>> sterilize @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ <<if $HonestySMR == 0>> <br>''Gingering Prohibition SMR:'' slave sellers will have to contract to provide slaves honestly and without drugging to improve their behavior. - [[Implement|Policies][$HonestySMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$HonestySMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will prevent dishonest adulteration of slaves in the markets// <</if>> @@ -861,11 +861,11 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">> <<if $citizenRetirementTrigger == 0>> <br>''Menial Slave Citizen Retirement:'' all slaveowners will be required to pay into accounts to support their slaves as lower-class citizens in retirement. - [[Implement|Policies][$citizenRetirementMenials = 1, $cash -= 5000, $rep -= 1000, $citizenRetirementTrigger = 1]] + [[Implement|Policies][$citizenRetirementMenials = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $citizenRetirementTrigger = 1]] <br> //Will add upkeep to all menial slaves// <<else>> <br>''Menial Slave Citizen Retirement:'' all slaveowners will be required to pay into accounts to support their slaves as lower-class citizens in retirement. - [[Implement|Policies][$citizenRetirementMenials = 1, $cash -= 5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$citizenRetirementMenials = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will add upkeep to all menial slaves// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -874,13 +874,13 @@ <<if $CustomRetirementAgePolicy == 0>> <br>''Redefined Mandatory Retirement Age:'' you will set your arcology's standard retirement age for sex slaves at age <br> <<textbox "$customRetirementAge" $customRetirementAge "Policies">> - [[Implement|Policies][$CustomRetirementAgePolicy = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$CustomRetirementAgePolicy = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy == 0>> <br>''Physical Retirement Age:'' you will set your arcology's standard retirement age for sex slaves once their bodies reach age <br> <<textbox "$customRetirementAge" $customRetirementAge "Policies">> - [[Implement|Policies][$PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $BioreactorRetirement == 0>> @@ -888,14 +888,14 @@ <<if $CitizenRetirement == 0>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">> <br>''Sex Slave Citizen Retirement:'' all slaveowners will be required to pay into accounts to support their slaves as lower-class citizens in retirement. - [[Implement|Policies][$CitizenRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$CitizenRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will add upkeep to all sex slaves// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist == "unset">> <br>''Public Arcade Retirement:'' once reaching mandatory retirement age, slaves will be placed in cheap public arcades to be used until useless. - [[Implement|Policies][$ArcadeRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$ArcadeRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br>''Public Fluid Production Retirement:'' once reaching mandatory retirement age, slaves will be converted for full-time milk<<if $seeDicks != 0>>, vaginal secretion, and semen<</if>> production. - [[Implement|Policies][$BioreactorRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BioreactorRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <</if>> <</if>> @@ -904,30 +904,30 @@ <<if $CitizenRetirement == 1>> <<if $SexMilestoneRetirement == 0>> <br>''Sexual Milestone Retirement:'' slaves will be rewarded with their freedom once they have been fucked <<print commaNum($retirementSex)>> times. - [[Implement|Policies][$SexMilestoneRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$SexMilestoneRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $MilkMilestoneRetirement == 0>> <br>''Productive Cow Retirement:'' slaves will be rewarded with their freedom once they have given <<print commaNum($retirementMilk)>> liters of milk. - [[Implement|Policies][$MilkMilestoneRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$MilkMilestoneRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $CumMilestoneRetirement == 0>> <br>''Productive Bull Retirement:'' slaves will be rewarded with their freedom once they have given <<print commaNum($retirementCum)>> deciliters of cum. - [[Implement|Policies][$CumMilestoneRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$CumMilestoneRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $BirthsMilestoneRetirement == 0>> <br>''Fertile Breeder Retirement:'' slaves will be rewarded with their freedom once they add $retirementBirths new slaves to the population of $arcologies[0].name. - [[Implement|Policies][$BirthsMilestoneRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$BirthsMilestoneRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $KillsMilestoneRetirement == 0>> <br>''Champion Gladiatrix Retirement:'' slaves will be rewarded with their freedom once they have killed $retirementKills of their fellow slaves in the pit. - [[Implement|Policies][$KillsMilestoneRetirement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$KillsMilestoneRetirement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">> <<if $MixedMarriage == 0>> <br>''Marriage between Owners and Slaves:'' you will provide a legal basis for citizens to marry their slaves without impacting their rights as slaveowners. - [[Implement|Policies][$MixedMarriage = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$MixedMarriage = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist >= 60>> <br> //Will not damage your reputation due to your arcology's advanced Paternalism// <<else>> @@ -941,17 +941,17 @@ <<if $OralEncouragement+$VaginalEncouragement+$AnalEncouragement == 0>> <<if $OralDiscouragement == 0>> <br>''Oral Sex Encouragement:'' you will use your personal influence to make blowjobs the most fashionable sex act in the arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$OralEncouragement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$OralEncouragement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase the weight on slaves' oral skills// <</if>> <<if $VaginalDiscouragement == 0>> <br>''Vaginal Sex Encouragement:'' you will use your personal influence to keep pussies the most fashionable holes in the arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$VaginalEncouragement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$VaginalEncouragement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase the weight on slaves' vaginal skills// <</if>> <<if $AnalDiscouragement == 0>> <br>''Anal Sex Encouragement:'' you will use your personal influence to make anuses the most fashionable holes in the arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$AnalEncouragement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AnalEncouragement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase the weight on slaves' anal skills// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -959,44 +959,44 @@ <<if $OralDiscouragement == 0>> <<if $OralEncouragement == 0>> <br>''Anti-Oral Campaign:'' you will use your personal influence to denigrate oral sex. - [[Implement|Policies][$OralDiscouragement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$OralDiscouragement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will decrease the weight on slaves' oral skills// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $VaginalDiscouragement == 0>> <<if $VaginalEncouragement == 0>> <br>''Anti-Vaginal Campaign:'' you will use your personal influence to communicate disapproval of vaginal sex. - [[Implement|Policies][$VaginalDiscouragement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$VaginalDiscouragement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will decrease the weight on slaves' vaginal skills// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $AnalDiscouragement == 0>> <<if $AnalEncouragement == 0>> <br>''Anti-Anal Campaign:'' you will use your personal influence to communicate disgust with putting things up the butt. - [[Implement|Policies][$AnalDiscouragement = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AnalDiscouragement = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will decrease the weight on slaves' anal skills// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $sexualOpeness == 0>> <br>''Penetrative Sex Campaign:'' you will use your personal influence and interest in being penetrated to make slave based penetration fashionable and acceptable. - [[Implement|Policies][$sexualOpeness = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$sexualOpeness = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will not be well received, but will head off potentially damaging rumors. This policy assumes you wish to be penetrated.// <</if>> /* sub FS policies */ <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusPregPolicy == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus == "unset" && $arcologies[0].FSRestart == "unset" && $seePreg == 1>> <br>''Pregnancy Encouragement:'' you will use your personal influence to spur interest in pregnancy. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusPregPolicy = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusPregPolicy = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusMilfPolicy == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus == "unset" && $arcologies[0].FSRestart == "unset">> <br>''Motherly Preference:'' you will use your personal influence to spur interest in MILFs. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusMilfPolicy = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusMilfPolicy = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist == "unset">> <br>''Incest Encouragement:'' you will use your personal influence to spur interest in incest. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <br><br>__Population Policy__ @@ -1004,12 +1004,12 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">> <<if $ProRefugees == 0>> <br>''Encourage Refugee Servitude:'' the image of slavery in your arcology will be softened, encouraging old world refugees to consider slavery. - [[Implement|Policies][$ProRefugees = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$ProRefugees = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase immigration of refugees to become menial slaves// <</if>> <<if $ProRecruitment == 0>> <br>''Encourage Self-Enslavement:'' your image as a slaveowner will be softened, encouraging the desperate to consider coming to you for enslavement. - [[Implement|Policies][$ProRecruitment = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$ProRecruitment = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase the chances of desperate people offering themselves to you for enslavement// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ <<if $AntiImmigrationCash == 0>> <<if $ProImmigrationCash == 0>> <br>''Immigration Promotion:'' you will offer citizen immigrants a generous promotion. - [[Implement|Policies][$ProImmigrationCash = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$ProImmigrationCash = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly to maintain, and increase the citizen population// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ <<if $AntiImmigrationRep == 0>> <<if $ProImmigrationRep == 0>> <br>''Welcome Program:'' you will use your personal influence to encourage wealthy people to immigrate. - [[Implement|Policies][$ProImmigrationRep = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$ProImmigrationRep = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will annoy some longstanding citizens, and increase the citizen population// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ <<if $ProImmigrationCash == 0>> <<if $AntiImmigrationCash == 0>> <br>''Immigrant Information Brokerage:'' you will covertly sell information on troubled potential immigrants to your arcology to their old world enemies. - [[Implement|Policies][$AntiImmigrationCash = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AntiImmigrationCash = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will produce <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly, and slow growth of the citizen population// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ <<if $ProImmigrationRep == 0>> <<if $AntiImmigrationRep == 0>> <br>''Citizen Input on Immigration:'' you will selectively turn away potential immigrants to the arcology based on the recommendations of citizens. - [[Implement|Policies][$AntiImmigrationRep = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AntiImmigrationRep = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will produce a small amount of reputation weekly, and slow growth of the citizen population// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ <<if $AntiEnslavementCash == 0>> <<if $ProEnslavementCash == 0>> <br>''Enslavement Kickbacks:'' you will take kickbacks in return for turning a blind eye to enslavement of poor citizens. - [[Implement|Policies][$ProEnslavementCash = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$ProEnslavementCash = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will produce <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly, and reduce the population of citizens// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ <<if $AntiEnslavementRep == 0>> <<if $ProEnslavementRep == 0>> <br>''Covert Upstart Enslavement:'' you will offer prominent citizens your tacit assistance in enslaving rivals. - [[Implement|Policies][$ProEnslavementRep = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$ProEnslavementRep = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will produce a small amount of reputation weekly, and reduce the population of citizens// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ <<if $ProEnslavementCash == 0>> <<if $AntiEnslavementCash == 0>> <br>''Poor Citizen Relief:'' you will offer limited emergency assistance to poor citizens in danger of being enslaved. - [[Implement|Policies][$AntiEnslavementCash = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AntiEnslavementCash = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly to maintain, and slow population movement from citizens to slaves// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ <<if $ProEnslavementRep == 0>> <<if $AntiEnslavementRep == 0>> <br>''Charity Promotion Efforts:'' you will use your personal influence to discourage enslavement of citizens. - [[Implement|Policies][$AntiEnslavementRep = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$AntiEnslavementRep = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will annoy some prominent citizens, and slow population movement from citizens to slaves// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1082,62 +1082,62 @@ <<if $alwaysSubsidizeGrowth == 0>> <br>''Economic Growth Subsidy:'' promising new businesses will be offered generous subsidies, driving arcology prosperity. - [[Implement|Policies][$alwaysSubsidizeGrowth = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$alwaysSubsidizeGrowth = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly to maintain, and improve arcology prosperity// <</if>> <<if $alwaysSubsidizeRep == 0>> <br>''Self-Promotion Program:'' subtle paid advertising will communicate your good side to the public and ease any rumors about you. - [[Implement|Policies][$alwaysSubsidizeRep = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$alwaysSubsidizeRep = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly to maintain, and improve your reputation// <</if>> <<if $RepForCash == 0>> <<if $CashForRep == 0>> <br>''Business Generosity:'' you will do your best to help your citizens, even when it disadvantages you personally. - [[Implement|Policies][$CashForRep = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$CashForRep = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost approximately <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly, and improve your reputation// <br>''Business Selfishness:'' you will leverage your position as arcology owner for money, even when it disadvantages citizens. - [[Implement|Policies][$RepForCash = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$RepForCash = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost some reputation, and produce approximately <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $goodImageCampaign == 0>> <br>''Good Image Campaign:'' positive rumors will be spread throughout the arcology regarding you. - [[Implement|Policies][$goodImageCampaign = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$goodImageCampaign = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly to maintain, and lessen any potential rumors about you while giving a small boost to your reputation// <</if>> <<if $seePreg != 0>> <<if $Cash4Babies == 0>> <br>''Free Trade of Slave Babies:'' you will legalize slave children to be sold after birth rather than put into slave orphanages. - [[Implement|Policies][$Cash4Babies = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$Cash4Babies = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Can supply easy money, but will harm your reputation// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $RegularParties == 0>> <br>''Regular Entertainments:'' you will host regular parties for prominent citizens, an expected social duty of an arcology owner. - [[Implement|Policies][$RegularParties = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$RegularParties = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly<<if $rep > 18000>>, and prevent damage to your reputation<</if>>// <</if>> <<if $PAPublic == 0>> <br>''Public Personal Assistant:'' $assistantName will become part of your public image. - [[Implement|Policies][$PAPublic = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$PAPublic = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //May improve cultural development if $assistantName's appearance is fashionable// <</if>> <<if $CoursingAssociation == 0>> <br>''Coursing Association:'' you will sponsor a Coursing Association that will hold monthly races. - [[Implement|Policies][$CoursingAssociation = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$CoursingAssociation = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain// <</if>> <<if ($RaidingMercenaries == 0) && ($mercenariesHelpCorp == 1)>> <br>''Mercenary Raiding:'' you will allow your mercenaries to occasionally conduct a raid directly for your benefit. - [[Implement|Policies][$RaidingMercenaries = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$RaidingMercenaries = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat($policyCost)>> weekly to maintain// <</if>> @@ -1147,11 +1147,11 @@ <<if $TSS.subsidize == 0>> <<if $TSS.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''The Slave School subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TSS.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TSS.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine The Slave School:'' you will covertly hurt this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TSS.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TSS.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1160,11 +1160,11 @@ <<if $GRI.subsidize == 0>> <<if $GRI.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''The Growth Research Institute subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$GRI.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$GRI.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine the Growth Research Institute:'' you will covertly hurt this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$GRI.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$GRI.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1173,11 +1173,11 @@ <<if $SCP.subsidize == 0>> <<if $SCP.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''St. Claver Preparatory subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$SCP.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$SCP.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine St. Claver Preparatory:'' you will covertly hurt this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$SCP.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$SCP.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1186,11 +1186,11 @@ <<if $LDE.subsidize == 0>> <<if $LDE.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''L'École des Enculées subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$LDE.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$LDE.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine L'École des Enculées:'' you will covertly hurt this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$LDE.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$LDE.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1199,11 +1199,11 @@ <<if $TGA.subsidize == 0>> <<if $TGA.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''The Gymnasium-Academy subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TGA.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TGA.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine the Gymnasium-Academy:'' you will covertly hurt this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TGA.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TGA.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1212,11 +1212,11 @@ <<if $TCR.subsidize == 0>> <<if $TCR.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''The Cattle Ranch subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's local branch in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TCR.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TCR.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine The Cattle Ranch:'' you will covertly hurt this school's local branch in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TCR.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TCR.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1225,11 +1225,11 @@ <<if $TFS.subsidize == 0>> <<if $TFS.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''Futanari Sisters subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TFS.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TFS.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine the Futanari Sisters:'' you will covertly hurt this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$TFS.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$TFS.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1238,11 +1238,11 @@ <<if $HA.subsidize == 0>> <<if $HA.schoolProsperity < 10>> <br>''Hippolyta Academy subsidy:'' you will subsidize this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$HA.subsidize = 1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$HA.subsidize = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <br>''Undermine the Hippolyta Academy:'' you will covertly hurt this school's branch campus in your arcology. - [[Implement|Policies][$HA.subsidize = -1, $cash -=5000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$HA.subsidize = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies")]] <br> //Will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>> weekly to maintain; does not cost reputation to start// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1252,9 +1252,9 @@ <<if $arcologies.length > 1>> <<if $CulturalOpenness == 0>> <br>''Cultural Openness:'' you will promote the exchange of ideas between arcologies, increasing cultural crossover between your arcology and its neighbors. - [[Implement|Policies][$CulturalOpenness = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$CulturalOpenness = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br>''Cultural Defensiveness:'' you will do your best to suppress the exchange of ideas between arcologies, reducing cultural crossover between your arcology and its neighbors. - [[Implement|Policies][$CulturalOpenness = -1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$CulturalOpenness = -1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Ethnic Preservation SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves of inferior races with dicks will have to have their balls removed to prevent racial pollution. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSupremacistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSupremacistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance racial Supremacy// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1272,9 +1272,9 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Universal Enslavement of the Impure:@@'' will force anyone not of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race to emigrate or accept enslavement, and make sex with non-$arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace people such an expectation that the appetite for all such slaves will increase slightly. <<if $FSSupLawTrigger == 0>> - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME = 1, $FSSupLawTrigger = 1, $cash -= 5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME = 1, $FSSupLawTrigger = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <<else>> - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME = 1, $cash -= 5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <br> //Will affect the slave market and arcology drastically// <</if>> @@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Racial Purity SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, subhumans with dicks will have to have their balls removed to prevent racial pollution. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance racial Subjugation// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1294,9 +1294,9 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Universal Enslavement of Subhumans:@@'' will force slavery on all $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace subhumans in your arcology, and make sex with $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace people such an expectation that the appetite for all such slaves will increase slightly. <<if $FSSubLawTrigger == 0>> - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME = 1, $FSSubLawTrigger = 1, $cash -= 5000, $rep-= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME = 1, $FSSubLawTrigger = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep-= 1000]] <<else>> - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME = 1, $cash -= 5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <br> //Will affect the slave market and arcology drastically// <</if>> @@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusDecoration >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Occupied Womb SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves will be made capable of pregnancy, if they are not, and subsequently impregnated. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance repopulation efforts. Due to surgery costs, male slaves will become less common.// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusDecoration >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Universal Pregnancy Subsidy:@@'' pregnant citizens will be offered reduced rent. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will reduce your rental income// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartDecoration >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Population Control SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slave ovaries and testicles will be removed. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance starting society over.// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartDecoration >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Taxation of Fertile Non-Elite:@@'' fertile civilians, who are not part of society's elite, will face increased taxation. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRestartLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRestartLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase your rental income, but the lower class will dislike you.// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1347,41 +1347,41 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= 20>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceLaw2 == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Fashionable Feminine Ideal:@@'' you will do your best to start a fashion for elegant girls with just the right amount of T&A. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBimbo == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Bimbo Fetishism:@@'' you will do your best to encourage sexual attraction to female stupidity. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBimbo = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBimbo = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Mandatory Feminization SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves with dicks must have their balls removed. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance Gender Fundamentalism// <</if>> <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist >= 20>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceLaw2 == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Fashionable Feminine Aspiration:@@'' you will do your best to start a fashion for turning slaves into elegant girls with just the right amount of T&A. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <</if>> <<if $seeDicks != 0>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist >= 60>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta == 0)>> <br>''@@.lime;Futanari Focused Radicalism:@@'' you will encourage veneration of slaves with both dicks and pussies. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will affect citizens' appreciation of futas// <br>''@@.lime;Cock and Balls Focused Radicalism:@@'' you will encourage an appreciation for stiff dicks and swinging balls. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 2, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 2, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will affect slaves' attractiveness to citizens// <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Bottom Heavy Radicalism:@@'' you will encourage an appreciation for broad hips, plush asses, big buttholes, and skilled sphincters. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 3, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 3, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will affect slaves' attractiveness to citizens// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceLaw2 == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Femboy Focused Radicalism:@@'' you will encourage an appreciation for cute, flat chested slaves with small male genitals and no vagina. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 4, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta = 4, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will affect slaves' attractiveness to citizens// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1393,14 +1393,14 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationistSMR == 0>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Human Dignity SMR:@@'' the slave markets will be required to treat incoming slaves reasonably well. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPaternalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPaternalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will reduce the arcology's prosperity and help advance Paternalism// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist >= 60>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Good Treatment Subsidy:@@'' slaveowners who treat their slaves well will be offered reduced rent. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPaternalistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPaternalistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will reduce your rental income// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1410,14 +1410,14 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalistSMR == 0>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Agonizing Induction SMR:@@'' slave markets are required to punish new slaves severely simply to introduce them to pain. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSDegradationistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSDegradationistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance Degradationism// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Universal Arcade Access Mandate:@@'' slaveowners will be required to allow their menial slaves to use the sex arcades. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSDegradationistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSDegradationistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will reduce labor efficiency, damaging the arcology's prosperity// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1426,13 +1426,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Body Purity SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in your arcology, slaves must be stripped of implants and body modifications. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Body Purism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Drug Purity Mandate:@@'' all drugs in the arcology will be subjected to rigorous testing for purity. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will reduce slaving profits, damaging the arcology's prosperity// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Mandatory Bimbofication SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in your arcology, slaves must be given a set of fake tits and ass. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Transformation Fetishism// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1449,13 +1449,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Respect for Youth SMR:@@'' slave markets in your arcology are required to treat younger slaves carefully. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Youth Preferentialism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Youthful Citizen Subsidy:@@'' young citizens will be offered reduced rent. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will reduce your rental income// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1464,13 +1464,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistSMR == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Respect for Maturity SMR:@@'' slave markets in your arcology are required to treat mature slaves properly. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Maturity Preferentialism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Mature Citizen Subsidy:@@'' older citizens will be offered reduced rent. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will reduce your rental income// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1479,11 +1479,11 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Physical fitness SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, chubby slaves will have to be forced to work out first. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta != 3 && $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceLaw2 == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Flat Feminine Ideal:@@'' you will do your best to start a fashion for elegant girls with just the right amount of T&A, none! - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Flat slaves will enjoy increased attractiveness to citizens// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1491,20 +1491,20 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Asset Expansion SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves will have to have their assets expanded with growth hormones. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Universal Slave Lactation SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves must be actively lactating. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPastoralistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPastoralistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Pastoralism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Animal Products Ban:@@'' animal products that compete with slave fluids will be banned. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPastoralistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPastoralistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will reduce market freedom, damaging the arcology's prosperity// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Lifting SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves will have to be <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistLaw == 1>>toned<<else>>bulked<</if>>. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Physical Idealism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist >= 60>> @@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ <<if $BasicWeightSMR == 0>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceSMR == 0 && $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Corpulence SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves must be plump. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Hedonistic Decadence// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1562,13 +1562,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Consecration by Public Use SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves must be offered for public use for a single day. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance Chattel Religionism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Official Religion:@@'' you will be enshrined as the prophet of a vibrant slaveowning religion. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase your renown// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1576,7 +1576,7 @@ <<if $nicaeaHeld == 1>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistCreed == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Chattel Religionist Creed:@@'' Chattel Religionism in your arcology will subscribe to the creed established by the $nicaeaName, which honors <<if $nicaeaFocus == "slaves">>slaves<<else>>slaveowners<</if>>, enhances <<if $nicaeaAssignment == "whore">>prostitution<<elseif $nicaeaAssignment == "serve the public">>public service<<else>>fucktoy duty<</if>>, and respects <<if $nicaeaAchievement == "slaves">>owning many sex slaves<<elseif $nicaeaAchievement == "devotion">>worshipful slaves<<else>>trusting slaves<</if>>. The creed is <<if $nicaeaPower > 1>>strong<<else>>somewhat weak<</if>>. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistCreed = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistCreed = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] //Repealing this policy costs twice as much as implementing it.// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1584,13 +1584,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Market Slave Expendability SMR:@@'' slave markets are encouraged to immediately dispose of low quality menial slaves in gladiatorial combats. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance Roman Revivalism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Republican Military Establishment:@@'' all citizens of stature will be required to participate personally in the defense of the state. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will improve your arcology's combat power during crises// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1599,13 +1599,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Captured and Incorrigible Slaves Tribute:@@'' all captured and incorrigible slaves must be made tribute to the altars. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will help advance Aztec Revivalism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Mandatory Artisan Training:@@'' to inherit or receive a trade a citizen must pass a mandatory course in one of the academies. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will improve your arcology's combat power during crises// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1614,13 +1614,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Egyptian Cultural Induction SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves must be instructed in the cultural tenets of ancient Egypt. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Egyptian Revivalism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Pharaoh's Consort:@@'' your Head Girl will be given legal status as your Consort. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will increase your Head Girl's prominence// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1629,13 +1629,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Edo Cultural Induction SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves must be instructed in the cultural tenets of Edo Japan. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Edo Revivalism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Cultural Insularity:@@'' will protect the arcology from old world influences. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will speed the acceptance of all future societies// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1644,13 +1644,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Arabian Cultural Induction SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves must be instructed in the cultural tenets of the old Caliphate. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Arabian Revivalism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Jizya Tax:@@'' will raise the rents of unassimilated citizens, speeding the acceptance of all future societies. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will moderately increase rental income and improve acceptance of all future societies// <</if>> <</if>> @@ -1659,13 +1659,13 @@ <<if $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist >= 40>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistSMR == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Imperial Cultural Induction SMR:@@'' in order to be sold in the arcology, slaves must be instructed in the cultural tenets of Imperial China. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistSMR = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistSMR = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000, $minimumSlaveCost += 500]] <br> //Will help advance Chinese Revivalism// <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist >= 90>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistLaw == 0>> <br>''@@.lime;Slave Administrator Enabling Law:@@'' will afford your Head Girl considerable legal power, allowing her to accomplish even more slave training. - [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistLaw = 1, $cash -=5000, $rep -= 1000]] + [[Implement|Policies][$arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistLaw = 1, cashX(-10000, "policies"), $rep -= 1000]] <br> //Will moderately increase rental income// <</if>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/private.tw b/src/uncategorized/private.tw index e6be3e5525112443ccd38f15158b9221a8f2b269..bfc4d6c03d1868e5c937ed8c5cc69d0f097c00a0 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/private.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/private.tw @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This is a privately-owned <<set $price = 1000*Math.trunc($arcologies[0].prosperity*(1+($arcologies[0].demandFactor/100)))>> You will have to acquire an additional 4% interest in $arcologies[0].name to take control of this sector. Such an interest is worth <<print cashFormat($price)>> and will require a transaction cost of <<print cashFormat(10000)>> to acquire for a total cost of <<print cashFormat($price+10000)>>. <<if $arcologies[0].ownership+$arcologies[0].minority <= 96>> - [[Buy|Main][$cash -= $price+10000, $arcologies[0].demandFactor += 20, $sectors[$AS].ownership = 1]] + [[Buy|Main][cashX(forceNeg($price+10000), "capEx"), $arcologies[0].demandFactor += 20, $sectors[$AS].ownership = 1]] <<if $rep >= 18000>> <br> <<set $repPrice = Math.clamp($price/2, 0, 18000)>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reAWOL.tw b/src/uncategorized/reAWOL.tw index 93c50ae9d56ba4a7aaf1d91bc625bc30a0ae0096..16642d2aabdac67f3c2ce205de492b608706cb5a 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/reAWOL.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/reAWOL.tw @@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ Your window of opportunity to act is closing. If you have plans for punishing th <<link "You want $him dead">> <<replace "#bountyresult">> Despite the trouble $he has caused you, the culmination of this mercenary's wanton flight from the rest of the $mercenariesTitle is decidedly an anti-climax. The last you hear of $him is in the footnote of one of your daily reports, with some minute yet suitably gory pictures as an accompaniment. When the stolen weapons are returned to their rightful place in your arcology, the unfortunate matter is concluded once and for all. @@.green;Your reputation improves,@@ a result of the fear of crossing you that your unpleasantness has inspired. - <<set $rep += 1000, $cash -= 5000>> + <<set $rep += 1000>> + <<run cashX(-5000, "capEx")>> <</replace>> <</link>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/resEndowment.tw b/src/uncategorized/resEndowment.tw index 007a8e23704dbfbff8e620a0421c4db5784facdb..d48bb60c9e4fa2368c328a2a44880135af708356 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/resEndowment.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/resEndowment.tw @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You pause measuringly before forwarding facts and figures to the surprised representative. You matter-of-factly prove the school's shortsightedness in focusing on young slaves; it's a field with a lot of competition and brutal overhead. There's potential elsewhere: MILFs. They're never virgins and they go for lower prices, but their skills can be advanced without ruining them, and material costs are lower. After furious internal debate, the school agrees to your suggestion. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $TSS.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You and the representative discuss the school's focus on efficiency. You offer to endow a basic skill training program, and prove based on your own training methods that it won't unduly affect the low overhead and high volume the school relies on. The school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $TSS.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ <<link "Make a generous contribution">> <<replace "#result">> You make a generous contribution to the school. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express your interest in the institute's curative research. The representative admits the field is notoriously difficult, but readily agrees that the institute could certainly focus on health to a greater extent than it already does; its surviving test subjects will probably leave testing programs at a unique level of vitality. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $GRI.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You introduce your plans to the representative by forwarding the records of the GRI test subjects you've purchased and what you've done with them. His eyes widen at the profitability you've found in use of their already-impressive breasts to produce milk. The institute readily agrees to pursue the field by focusing more heavily on lactation and breast expansion. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $GRI.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ <<link "Make a generous contribution">> <<replace "#result">> You make a generous contribution to the institute. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous graduates on a physical level, but mention exasperation with the unfortunate tendency of some of them to question their place in life. You crossdeck a series of research reports that outline a method of reducing any girl to idiotic devotion. The representative is dubious, since it will reduce prices, but you point out the potential for commensurately reduced overhead, and the school eventually agrees. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $SCP.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You state general satisfaction with previous graduates, but mention some doubt about the school's focus on the physical to the exclusion of the mental. You outline a plan under which surgical recovery time could be used for low intensity training, and after reviewing it the school agrees to implement it without delay. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $SCP.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ <<link "Make a generous contribution">> <<replace "#result">> You make a generous contribution to the school. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous graduates, but point out that on arrival, you found it necessary to do some additional work before they discovered their true calling as constant buttsluts. The representative quickly hides his incredulous glee as you crossdeck a series of research reports that suggest the potential for a pharmaceutical fix for this blemish. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $LDE.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You state general satisfaction with previous graduates, but express some regret that the hormonal treatments that feminize the school's products tend to impact certain amusing parts of their anatomy. The representative is dubious, since that minimization is a major part of the school's brand, but you wax rhapsodic on the advantages of a well-endowed bottom kept soft by hormones, and the school eventually agrees. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $LDE.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ <<link "Make a generous contribution">> <<replace "#result">> You make a generous contribution to the school. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous graduates, but point out that their mental conditioning is incomplete at best. The representative quickly hides his incredulous glee as you outline a basic plan for an advanced training center that would use refined versions of old world mental conditioning techniques to produce total loyalty. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $TGA.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous graduates, but point out that in this uncertain world, it's important that every possible resource be used to defend slave society. The representative quickly hides his incredulous glee as you outline a basic plan for a combat training program that will make Gymnasium-Academy graduates lethal fighters that can be trusted not to use their talents to rebel. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $TGA.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ <<link "Make a generous contribution">> <<replace "#result">> You make a generous contribution to the school. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You and the representative discuss the academy's focus on raw quality. You offer to endow a better educational program able to enhance the mental faculties of the graduates without negatively affecting their physical development. The school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $HA.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous graduates, but point out that if they truly wish to distinguish themselves in the world, they need to focus on their trademark features. The representative quickly hides his incredulous glee as you outline a research program that will make Hippolyta Academy graduates powerful colossi. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $HA.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous graduates, but point out that if they truly wish to distinguish themselves in the world, they need to focus on their trademark features. The representative quickly hides his incredulous glee as you outline a research program that will make Hippolyta Academy graduates strong yet graciously soft and feminine battlemaids. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. <<set $HA.schoolUpgrade = 3>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ <<link "Make a generous contribution">> <<replace "#result">> You make a generous contribution to the school. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous cows, but point out that once they give birth, it's up to you to do all the work in keeping them lactating. It quickly dawns on the representative that purchasers may want to buy a bull to keep their herd naturally milky. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slave milking. <<set $TCR.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ <<replace "#result">> You express general satisfaction with previous graduates, but point out that it would be quite enjoyable to bring in their milk yourself. The representative tries to explain that they aren't ready yet, but quickly changes his tune when he hears how much you'll be sending their way. The grateful school spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slave milking. <<set $TCR.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ <<link "Make a generous contribution">> <<replace "#result">> You make a generous contribution to the farm. It spreads @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ using you as an example of investment in the future of slaveowning. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ <br><br> The grateful Sisters spread @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ deflecting inquiries into their secretive world by praising you instead. <<set $TFS.schoolUpgrade = 1>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ <br><br> The grateful Sisters spread @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ deflecting inquiries into their secretive world by praising you instead. <<set $TFS.schoolUpgrade = 2>> - <<set $cash -= 50000>> + <<run cashX(-50000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1500>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(50000)>>// @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ <<link "Patronize them without taking sides">> <<replace "#result">> You donate funds to the Sisters with your compliments, ensuring that neither matron controls the contributed funds. They understand, and spread @@.green;word of your generosity,@@ deflecting inquiries into their secretive world by praising you instead. - <<set $cash -= 10000>> + <<run cashX(-10000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 1000>> <</replace>> <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ <br><br> Days later, the grateful institution begins a mass marketing campaign all across the world's Free Cities, which includes adverts in FCNN, FCTV, and FC social media about the upcoming changes to their Sister inventory and their need for willing new blood and new specialists to help them bolster their ranks. You feature prominently in each and every promotional item as their foremost contributor. Thanks to this @@.green;you will be a household name in the Free Cities for some time.@@ Such a public flex of your financial muscles has also made your relative power very clear to some in the New World, attracting important players who @@.green;will start to show an interest@@ in doing business with you and your Free City. <<set $TFS.schoolUpgrade = 3>> - <<set $cash -= 250000>> + <<run cashX(-250000, "capEx")>> <<set $rep += 2000>> <<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 1>> <<set $TFS.compromiseWeek = $week>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/shops.tw b/src/uncategorized/shops.tw index aafcc38c16b9a42e21fca3cddacd91edca26c4ea..dada283f36dc8a2d80196792fce1e2ac6f1f4064 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/shops.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/shops.tw @@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ This is a section of the promenade <<if $brothel == 0>> <br> - [[Convert this sector of the promenade into a brothel|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $brothel = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Brothel"]] + [[Convert this sector of the promenade into a brothel|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $brothel = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Brothel"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will incur upkeep costs// <</if>> <<if $club == 0>> <br> - [[Build a club to serve as a focal point for public sluts|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $club = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Club"]] + [[Build a club to serve as a focal point for public sluts|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $club = 5, $sectors[$AS].type = "Club"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>> and will incur upkeep costs// <</if>> @@ -105,162 +105,162 @@ This is a section of the promenade <<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Subjugationist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Subjugationist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Subjugationist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Subjugationist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Subjugationist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Subjugationist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Subjugationist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Supremacist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Supremacist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Supremacist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Supremacist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Supremacist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Supremacist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Supremacist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.GenderRadicalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Gender Radicalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.GenderRadicalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Gender Radicalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Gender Radicalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.GenderRadicalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Gender Radicalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.GenderFundamentalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Gender Fundamentalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.GenderFundamentalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Gender Fundamentalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Gender Fundamentalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.GenderFundamentalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Gender Fundamentalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Paternalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Paternalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Paternalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Paternalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Paternalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Paternalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Paternalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Degradationist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Degradationist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Degradationist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Degradationist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Degradationist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Degradationist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Degradationist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.BodyPurist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Body Purist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.BodyPurist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Body Purist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Body Purist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.BodyPurist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Body Purist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.TransformationFetishist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Transformation Fetishist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.TransformationFetishist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Transformation Fetishist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Transformation Fetishist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.TransformationFetishist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Transformation Fetishist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.YouthPreferentialist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Youth Preferentialist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.YouthPreferentialist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Youth Preferentialist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Youth Preferentialist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.YouthPreferentialist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Youth Preferentialist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.MaturityPreferentialist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Maturity Preferentialist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.MaturityPreferentialist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Maturity Preferentialist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Maturity Preferentialist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.MaturityPreferentialist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Maturity Preferentialist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.SlimnessEnthusiast == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Slimness Enthusiast establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.SlimnessEnthusiast = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Slimness Enthusiast"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Slimness Enthusiast establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.SlimnessEnthusiast = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Slimness Enthusiast"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.AssetExpansionist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Asset Expansionist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.AssetExpansionist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Asset Expansionist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Asset Expansionist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.AssetExpansionist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Asset Expansionist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Pastoralist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Pastoralist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Pastoralist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Pastoralist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Pastoralist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Pastoralist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Pastoralist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.PhysicalIdealist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Physical Idealist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.PhysicalIdealist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Physical Idealist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Physical Idealist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.PhysicalIdealist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Physical Idealist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Hedonism == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Hedonistic establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Hedonism = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Hedonism"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Hedonistic establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Hedonism = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Hedonism"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Repopulationist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Repopulationist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Repopulationist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Repopulationist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Repopulationist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Repopulationist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Repopulationist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.Eugenics == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Eugenics establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Eugenics = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Eugenics"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Eugenics establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Eugenics = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Eugenics"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.ChattelReligionist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Chattel Religionist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.ChattelReligionist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Chattel Religionist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Chattel Religionist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.ChattelReligionist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Chattel Religionist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.RomanRevivalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Roman Revivalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.RomanRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Roman Revivalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Roman Revivalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.RomanRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Roman Revivalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.AztecRevivalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Aztec Revivalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.AztecRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Aztec Revivalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Aztec Revivalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.AztecRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Aztec Revivalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.EgyptianRevivalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Egyptian Revivalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.EgyptianRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Egyptian Revivalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Egyptian Revivalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.EgyptianRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Egyptian Revivalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.EdoRevivalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Edo Revivalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.EdoRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Edo Revivalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Edo Revivalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.EdoRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Edo Revivalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.ArabianRevivalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Arabian Revivalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.ArabianRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Arabian Revivalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Arabian Revivalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.ArabianRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Arabian Revivalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> <<if $FSPromenade.ChineseRevivalist == 0>> <br> - [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Chinese Revivalist establishments|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.ChineseRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Chinese Revivalist"]] + [[Upgrade this sector to appeal to Chinese Revivalist establishments|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.ChineseRevivalist = 1, $sectors[$AS].type = "Chinese Revivalist"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> <<if $sectors[$AS].type != "Shops">> <br> - [[Return this sector to standard outlets|Main][$cash -= Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology), $FSPromenade.Subjugationist = 0, $FSPromenade.Supremacist = 0, $FSPromenade.GenderRadicalist = 0, $FSPromenade.GenderFundamentalist = 0, $FSPromenade.Paternalist = 0, $FSPromenade.Degradationist = 0, $FSPromenade.BodyPurist = 0, $FSPromenade.TransformationFetishist = 0, $FSPromenade.YouthPreferentialist = 0, $FSPromenade.MaturityPreferentialist = 0, $FSPromenade.SlimnessEnthusiast = 0, $FSPromenade.AssetExpansionist = 0, $FSPromenade.Pastoralist = 0, $FSPromenade.PhysicalIdealist = 0, $FSPromenade.ChattelReligionist = 0, $FSPromenade.RomanRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.AztecRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.EgyptianRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.EdoRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.ArabianRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.ChineseRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.Repopulationist = 0, $FSPromenade.Eugenics = 0, $FSPromenade.Hedonism = 0, $sectors[$AS].type = "Shops"]] + [[Return this sector to standard outlets|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $FSPromenade.Subjugationist = 0, $FSPromenade.Supremacist = 0, $FSPromenade.GenderRadicalist = 0, $FSPromenade.GenderFundamentalist = 0, $FSPromenade.Paternalist = 0, $FSPromenade.Degradationist = 0, $FSPromenade.BodyPurist = 0, $FSPromenade.TransformationFetishist = 0, $FSPromenade.YouthPreferentialist = 0, $FSPromenade.MaturityPreferentialist = 0, $FSPromenade.SlimnessEnthusiast = 0, $FSPromenade.AssetExpansionist = 0, $FSPromenade.Pastoralist = 0, $FSPromenade.PhysicalIdealist = 0, $FSPromenade.ChattelReligionist = 0, $FSPromenade.RomanRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.AztecRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.EgyptianRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.EdoRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.ArabianRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.ChineseRevivalist = 0, $FSPromenade.Repopulationist = 0, $FSPromenade.Eugenics = 0, $FSPromenade.Hedonism = 0, $sectors[$AS].type = "Shops"]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(5000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>// <</if>> <</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/wardrobe.tw b/src/uncategorized/wardrobe.tw index db77cfb605f5c3ba1a800fcf2af6b894678f3776..1945770f9151373f3f6976085741c29189f27de6 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/wardrobe.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/wardrobe.tw @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a bunny outfit")>> - [[Order a shipment of bunny suits|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtBunny = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of bunny suits|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtBunny = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with classic bunny suits and bowties. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("conservative clothing")>> - [[Order a shipment of conservative clothes|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtConservative = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of conservative clothes|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtConservative = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with modest outfits. @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("chains")>> - [[Order a shipment of chains|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtChains = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of chains|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtChains = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with various lengths of binding chains. @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("Western clothing")>> - [[Order a shipment of western outfits|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtWestern = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of western outfits|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtWestern = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with cowgirl outfits. @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("body oil")>> - [[Order a shipment of body oil|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtOil = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of body oil|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtOil = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with various body oils. @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("stretch pants and a crop-top")>> - [[Order a shipment of comfortable, rather stretchy, clothes|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtLazyClothes = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of comfortable, rather stretchy, clothes|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtLazyClothes = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with various comfy pants and rather tight crop-tops. @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a chattel habit")>> - [[Order a shipment of chattel habits|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtHabit = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of chattel habits|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtHabit = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with habits from the chattel religion. @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("ancient Egyptian")>> - [[Order a shipment of Egyptian necklaces|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtEgypt = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of Egyptian necklaces|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtEgypt = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with ancient Egyptian necklaces. @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a toga")>> - [[Order a shipment of togas|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtToga = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of togas|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtToga = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with fine roman-styled togas. @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a huipil")>> - [[Order a shipment of huipil|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtHuipil = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of huipil|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtHuipil = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with exquisite Aztec Huipil. @@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a kimono")>> - [[Order a shipment of kimonos|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtKimono = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of kimonos|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtKimono = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>>You are well stocked with elegant Japanese Kimonos. <</if>> <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("harem gauze")>> - [[Order a shipment of harem outfits|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtHarem = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of harem outfits|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtHarem = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with Arabic harem garb made from the finest available silks. @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a slutty qipao")>> - [[Order a shipment of qipaos|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtQipao = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of qipaos|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtQipao = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with slutty Chinese qipaos. @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a maternity dress")>> - [[Order a shipment of maternity dresses|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtMaternityDress = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of maternity dresses|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtMaternityDress = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with dresses specially tailored for pregnant women. @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman")>> - [[Order a shipment of maternity lingerie|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of maternity lingerie|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with sexy silken lingerie designed for pregnant women. @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("battlearmor")>> - [[Order a shipment of military themed clothing|Wardrobe][$cash -= 5000, $clothesBoughtMilitary = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of military themed clothing|Wardrobe][cashX(-5000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtMilitary = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with a variety of military themed garb. @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a dirndl")>> - [[Order a shipment of cultural outfits|Wardrobe][$cash -= 15000, $clothesBoughtCultural = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of cultural outfits|Wardrobe][cashX(-15000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtCultural = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with a variety of signature outfits from a variety of countries. @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a burqa")>> - [[Order a shipment of burqas and similar garb|Wardrobe][$cash -= 5000, $clothesBoughtMiddleEastern = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of burqas and similar garb|Wardrobe][cashX(-5000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtMiddleEastern = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with a number of burqas and similar clothing. @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("jeans")>> - [[Order an extra large shipment of casual clothing|Wardrobe][$cash -= 5000, $clothesBoughtCasual = 1]] + [[Order an extra large shipment of casual clothing|Wardrobe][cashX(-5000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtCasual = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with casual clothing. @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a police uniform")>> - [[Order a shipment of professional garments|Wardrobe][$cash -= 2500, $clothesBoughtCareer = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of professional garments|Wardrobe][cashX(-2500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtCareer = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(2500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with selection of professional outfits. @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a gothic lolita dress")>> - [[Order a shipment of professionally tailored dresses|Wardrobe][$cash -= 15000, $clothesBoughtDresses = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of professionally tailored dresses|Wardrobe][cashX(-15000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtDresses = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with selection of fine dresses. @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a cybersuit")>> - [[Order a shipment of exotic bodysuits|Wardrobe][$cash -= 7500, $clothesBoughtBodysuits = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of exotic bodysuits|Wardrobe][cashX(-7500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtBodysuits = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(7500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with selection of bodysuits. @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("boyshorts")>> - [[Order a shipment of undergarments|Wardrobe][$cash -= 5000, $clothesBoughtUnderwear = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of undergarments|Wardrobe][cashX(-5000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtUnderwear = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with underwear. @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("sport shorts and a sports bra")>> - [[Order a shipment of exercise wear|Wardrobe][$cash -= 2500, $clothesBoughtSports = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of exercise wear|Wardrobe][cashX(-2500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtSports = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(2500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with exercise wear. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a one-piece swimsuit")>> - [[Order a shipment of swimwear|Wardrobe][$cash -= 3500, $clothesBoughtSwimwear = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of swimwear|Wardrobe][cashX(-3500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtSwimwear = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(3500)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with swimwear. @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a nice pony outfit")>> - [[Order a shipment of specialized latex ponygirl outfits|Wardrobe][$cash -= 10000, $clothesBoughtPony = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of specialized latex ponygirl outfits|Wardrobe][cashX(-10000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtPony = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with ponygirl bodysuits. @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a schutzstaffel uniform")>> - [[Order a shipment of politically incorrect clothing|Wardrobe][$cash -= 15000, $clothesBoughtPol = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of politically incorrect clothing|Wardrobe][cashX(-15000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtPol = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with selection of outfits once considered distasteful. @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if !isItemAccessible("shimapan panties")>> - [[Order a large crate of panties from Japan|Wardrobe][$cash -= 2500, $clothesBoughtPantsu = 1]] + [[Order a large crate of panties from Japan|Wardrobe][cashX(-2500, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtPantsu = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(2500)>>// <<else>> You have an impressive stash of panties and other striped underwear that may or may not be have at one point been used. @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br><br> <<if !isItemAccessible("a small empathy belly")>> - [[Order a shipment of fake pregnancy bellies|Wardrobe][$cash -= 15000, $clothesBoughtBelly = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of fake pregnancy bellies|Wardrobe][cashX(-15000, "capEx"), $clothesBoughtBelly = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(15000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with silicone pregnancy bellies modeled after variously sized women. @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br><br> <<if $toysBoughtDildos == 0>> - [[Order a shipment of extra long dildos|Wardrobe][$cash -= 10000, $toysBoughtDildos = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of extra long dildos|Wardrobe][cashX(-10000, "capEx"), $toysBoughtDildos = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with extra long dildos in a variety of sizes. @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if $toysBoughtButtPlugs == 0>> - [[Order a shipment of extra long buttplugs|Wardrobe][$cash -= 10000, $toysBoughtButtPlugs = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of extra long buttplugs|Wardrobe][cashX(-10000, "capEx"), $toysBoughtButtPlugs = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with extra long buttplugs in a variety of sizes. @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if $toysBoughtButtPlugTails == 0>> - [[Order a shipment of attachable tails|Wardrobe][$cash -= 5000, $toysBoughtButtPlugTails = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of attachable tails|Wardrobe][cashX(-5000, "capEx"), $toysBoughtButtPlugTails = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with tails to attach to your buttplugs. @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if $toysBoughtGags == 0>> - [[Order a shipment of extra long dildo gags|Wardrobe][$cash -= 5000, $toysBoughtGags = 1]] + [[Order a shipment of extra long dildo gags|Wardrobe][cashX(-5000, "capEx"), $toysBoughtGags = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with extra long dildo gags. @@ -301,12 +301,12 @@ The room containing all the clothes and accessories you have available to dress <br> <<if $enema == 0>> - [[Order enema supplies|Wardrobe][$cash -= 5000, $enema = 1]] + [[Order enema supplies|Wardrobe][cashX(-5000, "capEx"), $enema = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>>// <<else>> You are well stocked with specially formulated liquids to be used safely for long term enemas along with the tools needed to keep a slave bloated for extended periods of time. <<if $medicalEnema == 0>> - [[Order medical enema supplies|Wardrobe][$cash -= 25000, $medicalEnema = 1]] + [[Order medical enema supplies|Wardrobe][cashX(-25000, "capEx"), $medicalEnema = 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(25000)>>// <<else>> You are also well stocked with drugs to be mixed with the enema water for use in medical enemas. diff --git a/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw b/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw index 76faae141d100934cf831ffc4f1d76c182ece806..c7e4ef4e0514207bb420546cbeb4947654ad539e 100644 --- a/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw +++ b/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw @@ -746,21 +746,21 @@ This experience <<case 20>> $arcologies[0].name is not customized to support this goal. <<if $arcologies[0][_FS] >= 10>> - [[Modify your arcology's internal media to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 40, $cash -= 2500]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(2500)>>// + [[Modify your arcology's internal media to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 40, cashX(-2500, "capEx")]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(2500)>>// <<else>> You must advance this goal before customization to support it becomes available. <</if>> <<case 40>> $arcologies[0].name's media is supporting this goal. <<if $arcologies[0][_FS] >= 30>> - [[Redecorate your arcology's public spaces to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 60, $cash -= 10000]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// + [[Redecorate your arcology's public spaces to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 60, cashX(-10000, "capEx")]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// <<else>> You must advance this goal before further customization to support it becomes available. <</if>> <<case 60>> $arcologies[0].name's media is supporting this goal, and $arcologies[0].name's public spaces are decorated to support it too. <<if $arcologies[0][_FS] >= 50>> - [[Station slaves in your arcology's public spaces to promote this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 80, $cash -= 10000]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// + [[Station slaves in your arcology's public spaces to promote this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 80, cashX(-10000, "capEx")]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>>// <<else>> You must advance this goal before further customization to support it becomes available. <</if>> @@ -768,11 +768,11 @@ This experience $arcologies[0].name's media is supporting this goal; $arcologies[0].name's public spaces are decorated to support it, and have slaves stationed in them to support it too. <<if $arcologies[0][_FS] >= 70>> <<if def $args[3]>> /* Only for FSRepopulation */ - [[Customize the exterior of the arcology to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 100, State.variables[$args[1]] = 1, State.variables[$args[2]] = 1, State.variables[$args[3]] = 1, $cash -= 20000]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>>// + [[Customize the exterior of the arcology to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 100, State.variables[$args[1]] = 1, State.variables[$args[2]] = 1, State.variables[$args[3]] = 1, cashX(-20000, "capEx")]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>>// <<elseif def $args[1]>> - [[Customize the exterior of the arcology to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 100, State.variables[$args[1]] = 1, $cash -= 20000]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>>// + [[Customize the exterior of the arcology to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 100, State.variables[$args[1]] = 1, cashX(-20000, "capEx")]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>>// <<else>> - [[Customize the exterior of the arcology to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 100, $cash -= 20000]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>>// + [[Customize the exterior of the arcology to support this goal|Future Society][$arcologies[0][_FSDecoration] = 100, cashX(-20000, "capEx")]] //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>>// <</if>> <<else>> You must advance this goal before further customization to support it becomes available. @@ -804,71 +804,71 @@ This experience /* Called as <<SetFacilityDecoration "facilityDecoration">>, will generate a clickable list of potential decorations, quotes are needed to pass facilityDecoration as reference - DO NOT INCLUDE $ PREFIX! */ <<widget "SetFacilityDecoration">> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSSupremacist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Supremacist")>> - <br> [[Supremacist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Supremacist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Supremacist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Supremacist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Subjugationist")>> - <br> [[Subjugationist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Subjugationist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Subjugationist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Subjugationist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Repopulation Focus")>> - <br> [[Repopulation Focus redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Repopulation Focus", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Repopulation Focus redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Repopulation Focus", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSRestart >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Eugenics")>> - <br> [[Eugenics redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Eugenics", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Eugenics redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Eugenics", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Gender Radicalist")>> - <br> [[Gender Radicalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Gender Radicalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Gender Radicalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Gender Radicalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Gender Fundamentalist")>> - <br> [[Gender Fundamentalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Gender Fundamentalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Gender Fundamentalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Gender Fundamentalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSPaternalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Paternalist")>> - <br> [[Paternalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Paternalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Paternalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Paternalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Body Purist")>> - <br> [[Body Purist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Body Purist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Body Purist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Body Purist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Transformation Fetishist")>> - <br> [[Transformation Fetishist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Transformation Fetishist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Transformation Fetishist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Transformation Fetishist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Youth Preferentialist")>> - <br> [[Youth Preferentialist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Youth Preferentialist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Youth Preferentialist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Youth Preferentialist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Maturity Preferentialist")>> - <br> [[Maturity Preferentialist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Maturity Preferentialist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Maturity Preferentialist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Maturity Preferentialist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Slimness Enthusiast")>> - <br> [[Slimness Enthusiast redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Slimness Enthusiast", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Slimness Enthusiast redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Slimness Enthusiast", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Asset Expansionist")>> - <br> [[Asset Expansionist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Asset Expansionist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Asset Expansionist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Asset Expansionist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSPastoralist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Pastoralist")>> - <br> [[Pastoralist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Pastoralist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Pastoralist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Pastoralist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Physical Idealist")>> - <br> [[Physical Idealist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Physical Idealist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Physical Idealist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Physical Idealist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Hedonistic")>> - <br> [[Hedonistic redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Hedonistic", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Hedonistic redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Hedonistic", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Chattel Religionist")>> - <br> [[Chattel Religionist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Chattel Religionist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Chattel Religionist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Chattel Religionist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSDegradationist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Degradationist")>> - <br> [[Degradationist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Degradationist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Degradationist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Degradationist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <<if ($arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Roman Revivalist")>> - <br> [[Roman Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Roman Revivalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Roman Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Roman Revivalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Aztec Revivalist")>> - <br> [[Aztec Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Aztec Revivalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Aztec Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Aztec Revivalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Egyptian Revivalist")>> - <br> [[Egyptian Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Egyptian Revivalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Egyptian Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Egyptian Revivalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Edo Revivalist")>> - <br> [[Edo Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Edo Revivalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Edo Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Edo Revivalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Arabian Revivalist")>> - <br> [[Arabian Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Arabian Revivalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Arabian Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Arabian Revivalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist >= 20) && (State.variables[$args[0]] != "Chinese Revivalist")>> - <br> [[Chinese Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Chinese Revivalist", $cash -= 5000]] + <br> [[Chinese Revivalist redecoration|Future Society][State.variables[$args[0]] = "Chinese Revivalist", cashX(-5000, "capEx")]] <</if>> <</widget>>