diff --git a/devTools/DL-Loop.sh b/devTools/DL-Loop.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f8e8e36eee36d0005cdcf43097296d5476b39cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devTools/DL-Loop.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+echo "Use temp?" && read varname1
+echo "Use upstream or origin? 1:0" && read varname2
+echo "Use master or current branch? 1:0" && read varname3
+echo "Dry run? 1:0" && read varname4
+if [[ $varname2 == 1 ]];then
+	varname2='pregmodfan'
+	varname2=$(git remote show origin|grep -e /|head -n 1|sed s#git@ssh.gitgud.io:#https://gitgud.io/#|cut -c 32-|sed s#/fc-pregmod.git##)
+if [[ $varname3 == 1 ]];then
+	varname3='pregmod-master'
+	varname3=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+if [[ $varname4 == 1 ]];then
+ echo "https://gitgud.io/$varname2/fc-pregmod/raw/$varname3/"
+	for ((i=0; i<=$#; i++))
+	do
+		if [[ $varname1 == y ]]; then
+			wget -q -P /tmp/ https://gitgud.io/$varname2/fc-pregmod/raw/$varname3/${!i}
+		else
+			#curl $varname3/raw/pregmod-master/${!i}
+			wget -q https://gitgud.io/$varname2/fc-pregmod/raw/$varname3/${!i}
+		fi 
+	done
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/devTools/PreCompile.sh b/devTools/PreCompile.sh
index 00c65c70264e08b5ec35d89303e86f26a2d50ee6..521e454a78ca89587c2af65d9a6e72f8ac6bb740 100755
--- a/devTools/PreCompile.sh
+++ b/devTools/PreCompile.sh
@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ while true;do gen=0;cd $4;
 	git fetch -q && if [ `git rev-list ...origin|wc -l` -gt 0 ];then git pull -q&&gen=1;fi #stackoverflow.com/a/17192101
 	if [[ $gen > 0 ]];then rm bin/*;./compile.sh -q&&cd bin/
 		mv *.h* FC-`git log -1 --format=%cd --date=format:%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M`-`git log|head -1|cut -c8-11`.html
-		mega-put -c *.h* $3&&mega-rm $3`mega-ls GitFC/|head -n 1`
+		mega-put -c *.h* $3&&mega-rm $3`mega-ls $3head -n 1`
 clear;sleep 15m;done
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
index 4d2fc8a2a132267b8541c6d98ddd85c08678d185..b58a8526c213df0be3c55363fe3bfcb877b53d82 100644
--- a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
+++ b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@
 		For such a criminal a simple execution is not enough. You order the $girl captured and crucified outside the city, with a mask resembling $his famous symbol. Your men quickly obey. $He never once shows sign of pain or fear, remaining stoic and proud to the end.
 		Once $his life ends, you order a statue erected in commemoration of the death of the Smiling Man. From this day forward the statue of the crucified criminal will adorn your arcology and his legend will be forever entangled with yours.
 		<br>Having dealt with the Smiling Man will provide @@.green;a large boost to your reputation, as well as a moderate amount of reputation each week.@@
+		<<run repX(10000, "architecture")>>
 	<<elseif $smilingManFate == 2>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "no clothing">>
 		<<if $relationshipLM >= 4>>
@@ -426,4 +427,4 @@
 		<<include "New Slave Intro">>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js b/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
index 365f311eaad694395403d22fbe0244708c1f4585..8ba81753fddc1f22237a381147f8cd256ecef437 100644
--- a/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
+++ b/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
@@ -722,8 +722,12 @@ window.SlaveSummaryUncached = (function() {
 		} else if (slave.health > 20) {
 			makeSpan(c, "H", ["green", "strong"], true, slave.health);
-		if (passage() === "Clinic" && V.clinicUpgradeScanner && slave.chem > 15) {
-			makeSpan(c, `C${Math.ceil(slave.chem/10)}`, ["cyan", "strong"]);
+		if (passage() === "Clinic" && V.clinicUpgradeScanner) {
+			if(slave.chem > 15) {
+				makeSpan(c, `C${Math.ceil(slave.chem/10)}`, ["cyan", "strong"]);
+			} else if (slave.chem <= 15 && slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic") {
+				makeSpan(c, `Discharged: ${slave.name}.`, ["green", "strong"]);
+			}
@@ -748,8 +752,12 @@ window.SlaveSummaryUncached = (function() {
 		} else {
 			makeSpan(c, "Unnaturally healthy", "green", true, slave.health);
-		if (passage() === "Clinic" && V.clinicUpgradeScanner && slave.chem > 15) {
-			makeSpan(c, `Carcinogen buildup: ${Math.ceil(slave.chem/10)}.`, "cyan");
+		if (passage() === "Clinic" && V.clinicUpgradeScanner) {
+			if(slave.chem > 15) {
+				makeSpan(c, `Carcinogen buildup: ${Math.ceil(slave.chem/10)}.`, "cyan");
+			} else if (slave.chem <= 15 && slave.assignment === "get treatment in the clinic") {
+				makeSpan(c, `Discharged: ${slave.name}.`, "green");
+			}
@@ -4628,4 +4636,4 @@ window.SlaveSummaryUncached = (function() {
 	return SlaveSummaryUncached;
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