diff --git a/devNotes/Extended Family Mode Explained.txt b/devNotes/Extended Family Mode Explained.txt
index 133682e127105715ac020cbb94852e651a796514..235e9ffb9ebbf0e4efb5e1985e7fff6e4a24ab56 100644
--- a/devNotes/Extended Family Mode Explained.txt	
+++ b/devNotes/Extended Family Mode Explained.txt	
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 Extended family mode (mod)
-In short, extended family mode replaces the old .relation + .relationTarget system with a completely new system capable of handling a limitless number of relatives. Or at least until your game crashes from trying to handle it all. Fully incompatable with the old system and fully functional with ng+.
+In short, extended family mode replaces the old .relation + .relationTarget system with a completely new system capable of handling a limitless number of relatives. Or at least until your game crashes from trying to handle it all. Fully incompatible with the old system and fully functional with ng+.
 The backbone of the system: .father and .mother
-Everything about a slave's family can be gathered by looking into her mother and father. Beyond the obvious mother-daughter relation, you can check two seperate slaves' parents to see if they are related to each other, allowing for sisters, half-sisters, and with a .birthWeek check, twins with little effort.
+Everything about a slave's family can be gathered by looking into her mother and father. Beyond the obvious mother-daughter relation, you can check two separate slaves' parents to see if they are related to each other, allowing for sisters, half-sisters, and with a .birthWeek check, twins with little effort.
 The following values are used with .mother and .father:
 Valid slave IDs (in other words, a value > 0) - Serves as both a target for checks and as a check itself to see if effort should be expended to search for the parent.
 0 - Slave has no known parent. A slave with a parent value of 0 is capable of having a parent added via reRelativeRecruiter
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ areSisters(slave1, slave2) - combines all of the above and returns the sister va
 totalRelatives(slave) - returns how many relatives a slave has as an integer. Useful both as a check and for its value. Recommended to use as a check in instances where you want a relative, but don't care what it is.
-mutualChildren(slave1, slave2, slaves) - checks the slave array for children shared by the two slave arguements and returns the number of mutual children as an integer. Currently used solely to encourage two slaves into a relationship if they have kids together.
+mutualChildren(slave1, slave2, slaves) - checks the slave array for children shared by the two slave arguments and returns the number of mutual children as an integer. Currently used solely to encourage two slaves into a relationship if they have kids together.
 The utility JS, courtesy of FCGudder. This JS should only be called if you know it will find something, use your limiters! These will always return the only relative if only one outcome is possible, so technically they can be used creatively. randomAvailable JS should be followed with random JS as a fallback for circumstances where you must find something, but would prefer it to be sensible if possible.
 randomRelatedSlave(slave, filterFunction) - returns a random related slave to the slave passed into it. filterFunction is called in the following JS but not needed if you just want a random relative.
diff --git a/devNotes/QuickList.txt b/devNotes/QuickList.txt
index 632cf31284fee54d07a5fa6ffdca26fbe7473353..7e15b9986fa34b80b8f3061c0f6a2eef2ad5b8ea 100644
--- a/devNotes/QuickList.txt
+++ b/devNotes/QuickList.txt
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ QuickList is built from the interaction of six parts.
 1] The Quick List option enable/disable control.
 2] The list context, basically if there are more than one, and the
-    context is correct, the togle, the table will be available.
+    context is correct, the toggle, the table will be available.
 3] The Slave Summary Passage contains the Quick List toggle button,
     clicking it either shows or hides the quick list table.
 4] The Slave Summary Passage contains the actual quick list table, which
     if shown has a button for each slave name in the list, in columns up
     to 5 wide.
-5] The Slave Summary Passage contains invivisible <a> links or any other
+5] The Slave Summary Passage contains invisible <a> links or any other
     html element nearby or tied to each slave's name.  These are 
     generated with an html attribute id set to "slave-##" where ## is the
     slave's ID.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ QuickList is built from the interaction of six parts.
 The slave summary passage is called in many strange contexts, and for 
 this reason, there is some serious complexity in getting consistent 
-results.  As it stands now, the passage sometimes calls itsefl 
+results.  As it stands now, the passage sometimes calls itself 
 recursively (for facilities), but it doesn't do that for the Main 
 penthouse page.  
@@ -27,11 +27,10 @@ list context to get the slave names in the list, all without disturbing
 the principal list context for the slave data.
 If the list context has more than one slave, and is either the first 
-call for the Main/penthous list, or the recursive call for any other
+call for the Main/penthouse list, or the recursive call for any other
 facility, And we haven't *already* built a quick list table, then we 
-procede to build the quick list table.
+proceed to build the quick list table.
 We use special attributes on the built button to name the invisible
 link to which we'll navigate, the speed that we'll animate our 
 navigation and an offset.
diff --git a/devNotes/scene-guide.txt b/devNotes/scene-guide.txt
index 720be2c9074111d58f5394036390d6f072012c5b..adc85a7038e1b9952967a462a866bebb7c29ecb7 100644
--- a/devNotes/scene-guide.txt
+++ b/devNotes/scene-guide.txt
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ If you want to change a variable, you do something like
 <<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
 Which would, in this case, give a devotion increase of 5.
-Colour is changed with YOUR @@.colorname;COLORED TEXT@@ HERE
+Color is changed with YOUR @@.colorname;COLORED TEXT@@ HERE
 So a random (really stupid) example might be:
 <<if $activeSlave.fetish == 'mindbroken'>>
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ TODO
 And then fill it in later than it is to end up with a situation where you have a dozen unclosed tags and you can't remember where they are or what they do.
-2. For very simple stuff, it's fine to "inline" your stuff. For example, when penetrating a slave, doing "you fuck her <<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>>" to show "pussy" or "ass" as necessary. However, if you need to do the same comparison a bunch of times, do something like
+2. For very simple stuff, its fine to "inline" your stuff. For example, when penetrating a slave, doing "you fuck her <<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>pussy<<else>>ass<</if>>" to show "pussy" or "ass" as necessary. However, if you need to do the same comparison a bunch of times, do something like
 <<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
 	<<set _targetOrifice = "vagina">>
diff --git a/player variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/player variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index 7876dc32130891dbf19ae86af69828075cc4ac2a..976e924b04dc0c4fbc32b0eec53b6046d0f58e8c 100644
--- a/player variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/player variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ How many fetuses you are carrying
 1 - 8
-How far along the your pregnancy is. (used for postpartum)
+How far along your pregnancy is. (used for postpartum)
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ The method of consumption of .refreshment
 3 - snorted
 4 - injected
 5 - popped
-6 - orally disolved
+6 - orally dissolved
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ accepts string
 your original race
-accpets string
+accepts string
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ how many children you've had by sex with citizens (not whoring)
-how many times you've giving birth to your own self-cest babies
+how many times you've giving birth to your own selfcest babies
diff --git a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index 1be37a90ae8f6ebd9b2e08d4459ffb2a977386a5..1ccd47c60507c0c4c6fd149d8a554bf41d106662 100644
--- a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ accepts string
-career prior to enlavement
+career prior to enslavement
 accepts string
@@ -651,15 +651,15 @@ slave's assignment
 		"guard you"
 		"recruit girls"
 shows assignment in descriptions
 0 - yes
 1 - no
-how many weeks a slave is sentance to work a job
+how many weeks a slave is sentenced to work a job
 accepts int
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ accepts string
 hair length
-accpets int
+accepts int
 150     - calf-length
 149-100 - ass-length
 99-30   - long
@@ -1594,7 +1594,7 @@ has vagina piercing
-vigina tattoo
+vagina tattoo
 takes one of the following strings or 0
 "tribal patterns"
@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ If broodmother birth her last baby and her implant is on pause, she will be in c
-Number of weeks left until last baby will be birthed. Mainly informative only. Updated automaticaly at birth process based on remaining fetuses.
+Number of weeks left until last baby will be birthed. Mainly informative only. Updated automatically at birth process based on remaining fetuses.
@@ -1774,7 +1774,7 @@ accepts int
-is dick pireced
+is dick pierced
 0 - no
 1 - yes
 2 - heavy
@@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ takes one of the following strings or 0
-does the slave have a prosate?
+does the slave have a prostate?
 0 - no
 1 - normal
 2 - hyperstimulated +20%
@@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@ balls:*
 ball size
 0   - none
-1   - vestigal
+1   - vestigial
 2   - small
 3   - average
 4   - large
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ has makeup
 3  - color-coordinated with hair
 4  - heavy
 5  - neon
-6  - color-cooridinated neon
+6  - color-coordinated neon
 7  - metallic
 8  - color-coordinated metallic
@@ -1883,7 +1883,7 @@ nail type
 4  - bright and glittery
 5  - very long and garish
 6  - neon
-7  - color-cooridinated neon
+7  - color-coordinated neon
 8  - metallic
 9  - color-coordinated metallic
@@ -2117,7 +2117,7 @@ standardReward:
-follows rules or is exept from them
+follows rules or is exempt from them
 0 - exempt
 1 - obeys
@@ -2139,14 +2139,14 @@ dietCum:
 how much of her diet is cum
 0 - none
-1 - suplemented
+1 - supplemented
 2 - nearly entirely
 how much of her diet is milk
 0 - none
-1 - suplemented
+1 - supplemented
 2 - nearly entirely
@@ -2430,7 +2430,7 @@ attraction to men
 96+   - passionate about men
 *if both attrXX and attrXY > 95, slave will be omnisexual*
-*if energy > 95 and either attrXX or attrXY > 95, slave will be nypmhomanic
+*if energy > 95 and either attrXX or attrXY > 95, slave will be nymphomaniac
@@ -2522,7 +2522,7 @@ sexualQuirk:
 "strugglefuck queen" - knows how much resistance her partners want
 "tease"              - is a tease
 "romantic"           - enjoys the closeness of sex
-"perverted"          - enjoys breaking sexual bondaries
+"perverted"          - enjoys breaking sexual boundaries
 "caring"             - enjoys bring her partners to orgasm
 "unflinching"        - willing to do anything
 "size queen"         - prefers big cocks
@@ -2628,7 +2628,7 @@ How saggy her belly is after being distended for too long.
 How saggy her belly is from being too pregnant.
-1+ changes belly description and overides/coincides with bellySag
+1+ changes belly description and overrides/coincides with bellySag
@@ -2770,7 +2770,7 @@ Has the slave's belly implant been filled this week. Causes health damage for ov
-Does the slave have a cervical implant that slowly feeds cum from bing fucked into a fillable implant.
+Does the slave have a cervical implant that slowly feeds cum from being fucked into a fillable implant.
 0 - no
 1 - yes
@@ -2903,7 +2903,7 @@ Is she on gestation altering drugs?
 "slow gestation"
 "speed up"
-"labor supressors"
+"labor suppressors"
@@ -2914,7 +2914,7 @@ Array that holds an amputee's constructed limbs for anon's hotswap mod. Elements
-Slave has undergone hair removal sugery
+Slave has undergone hair removal surgery
 0 - no
 1 - yes
@@ -2989,7 +2989,7 @@ Has the slave had a vasectomy?
-Is the slave's hair under constant maintenace?
+Is the slave's hair under constant maintenance?
 0 - no
 1 - yes
@@ -3002,71 +3002,71 @@ Used to tell if the slave is from this game or a previous.
 Her skill as a head girl
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a recruiter
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a bodyguard
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a brothel madam
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a DJ
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a nurse
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a teacher
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as an attendant
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a stewardess
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a milk maid
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Her skill as a wardeness
-accpts int
+accepts int
 default cap is 200
 Whether she was put in the incubator at birth
-attpts int
+accepts int
 0 - no
 1 - yes, comforting
 2 - yes, terrifying
@@ -3079,7 +3079,7 @@ How to set up your own hero slave.
 <<set $activeSlave = {slaveName: "blank", slaveSurname: 0, birthName: "blank", birthSurname: 0, genes: "XX", weekAcquired: 0, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 0, prestige: 0, pornFame: 0, pornFameSpending: 0, prestigeDesc: 0, recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, father: 0, mother: 0, daughters: 0, sisters: 0, canRecruit: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, training: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), actualAge: 18, visualAge: 18, physicalAge: 18, ovaryAge: 18, ageImplant: 0, health: 0, minorInjury: 0, trust: 0, oldTrust: 0, devotion: 0, oldDevotion: 0, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 170, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "slave", race: "white", markings: "none", eyes: 1, eyeColor: "brown", origEye: "brown", eyewear: "none", origHColor: "brown", hColor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", skin: "light", hLength: 60, hStyle: "short", pubicHStyle: "neat", waist: 0, corsetPiercing: 0, PLimb: 0, amp: 0, heels:0, voice: 2, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, boobsImplant: 0, boobsImplantType: 0, boobShape: "normal", nipples: "cute",  nipplesPiercing: 0, nipplesAccessory: 0, areolae: 0, areolaePiercing: 0, boobsTat: 0, lactation: 0, lactationAdaptation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, hips: 0, hipsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, buttImplantType: 0, buttTat: 0, face: 0, faceImplant: 0, faceShape: "normal", lips: 15, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: 0, teeth: "normal", tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaLube: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: 0, preg: -1, pregSource: 0, pregType: 0, broodmother: 0, broodmotherFetuses: 0, broodmotherOnHold: 0, broodmotherCountDown: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, cSec: 0, bellyAccessory: "none", labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", foreskin: 0, anus: 0, dick: 0, analArea: 1, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: 0, prostate: 0, balls: 0, scrotum: 0, ovaries: 0, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: 0, makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, shouldersTat: 0, armsTat: 0, legsTat: 0, backTat: 0, stampTat: 0, vaginalSkill: 0, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 0, entertainSkill: 0, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "restrictive", standardPunishment: "situational", standardReward: "situational", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", dietCum: 0, dietMilk: 0, tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", curatives: 0, chem: 0, aphrodisiacs: 0, addict: 0, fuckdoll: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "no clothing", collar: "none", shoes: "none", vaginalAccessory: "none", dickAccessory: "none", legAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", buttplugAttachment: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 0, energy: 50, need: 0, attrXX: 0, attrXY: 0, attrKnown: 0, fetish: "none", fetishStrength: 70, fetishKnown: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, publicCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "", customLabel: "", customDesc: "", customTitle: "", customTitleLisp: "", rudeTitle: 0, customImage: 0, currentRules: [], bellyTat: 0, induce: 0, mpreg: 0, inflation: 0, inflationType: "none", inflationMethod: 0, milkSource: 0, cumSource: 0, burst: 0, pregKnown: 0, pregWeek: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, bellyFluid: 0, bellyImplant: -1, bellySag: 0, bellySagPreg: 0, bellyPain: 0, cervixImplant: 0, birthsTotal: 0, pubertyAgeXX: 13, pubertyAgeXY: 13, scars: 0, breedingMark: 0, underArmHStyle: "waxed", bodySwap: 0, HGExclude: 0, ballType: "human", eggType: "human", reservedChildren: 0, choosesOwnChastity: 0, pregControl: "none", readyLimbs: [], ageAdjust: 0, bald: 0, origBodyOwner: "", death: "", hormoneBalance: 0, onDiet: 0, breastMesh: 0, slavesFathered: 0, PCChildrenFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, PCKnockedUp: 0, origSkin: "white", vasectomy: 0, haircuts: 0, newGamePlus: 0, skillHG: 0, skillRC: 0, skillBG: 0, skillMD: 0, skillDJ: 0, skillNU: 0, skillTE: 0, skillAT: 0, skillST: 0, skillMM: 0, skillWA: 0, tankBaby: 0}>>
 Making your slave; add their name to the following, then go down the documentation adding in your changes.
--each variable must be seperated from the last by a comma followed by a space
+-each variable must be separated from the last by a comma followed by a space
 -each variable must be assigned to _HS
 -if your slave's variable matches the default, you do not have to list it
 -strings MUST be in " or your slave will not compile properly
@@ -3089,7 +3089,7 @@ Making your slave; add their name to the following, then go down the documentati
 <<set $heroSlaves.push(_HS)>>
 Once finished, add it into "customSlavesDatabase".
-To test if your slave is functioning, start up a normal game, swap to cheat mode, max your rep, and view other slave owner's stock in the slave market. If you can not find your slave in the list, and you didn't start the game with your slave, you should double check your slave for errors. If a slave named "Blank" is present, then you likely messed up. Once you find your slave, check their description to make sure it is correct. If it is not, you messed up somewhere in setting them up.
+To test if your slave is functioning, start up a normal game, swap to cheat mode, max your rep, and view other slave owner's stock in the slave market. If you cannot find your slave in the list, and you didn't start the game with your slave, you should double check your slave for errors. If a slave named "Blank" is present, then you likely messed up. Once you find your slave, check their description to make sure it is correct. If it is not, you messed up somewhere in setting them up.
@@ -3110,11 +3110,11 @@ To test if your slave is functioning, start up a normal game, swap to cheat mode
 wombJS.tw subsystem:
-This is womb processor/simulator script. It's take care about calculation of belly sizes based on individual foetus sizes, 
-with full support of broodmothers implant random turning on and off possibility. Also this can be expanded to store more parents data in each individual fetus in future. Should be initialized for all slaves not female only. Currently it's not affect pregnancy mechanic in game directly - it's addon for beter sizes calulation, and optional mechanics for future usage.
+This is womb processor/simulator script. It's take care about calculation of belly sizes based on individual fetus sizes, 
+with full support of broodmothers implant random turning on and off possibility. Also this can be expanded to store more parents' data in each individual fetus in future. Should be initialized for all slaves not female only. Currently it's not affect pregnancy mechanic in game directly - it's addon for better sizes calculation, and optional mechanics for future usage.
 Design limitations:
 - Mother can't gestate children with different speeds at same time. All speed changes apply to all fetuses.
-- Sizes of inividual fetuses updated only on call of WombGetVolume - not every time as called WombProgress. This is for better overail code speed.
+- Sizes of individual fetuses updated only on call of WombGetVolume - not every time as called WombProgress. This is for better overall code speed.
 - For broodmothers we need actual "new ova release" code now. But it's possible to control how many children will be added each time, and so - how much children is ready to birth each time.
@@ -3128,7 +3128,7 @@ Impregnation:
 <<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, 3, -1, 15)>> 
 $activeSlave, 3 fetuses, -1 - player is father, 15 week is initial time for fetuses. Can be used on already pregnant slaves (broodmothers use it).
 <<SetSlaveBelly $activeSlave>> 
-Last line needed only if you need to show description with changed state immidiately, an advanced initial prenancy time set (showing already).
+Last line needed only if you need to show description with changed state immediately, an advanced initial pregnancy time set (showing already).
 Advancing pregnancy:
@@ -3143,7 +3143,7 @@ Check if we have any babies in womb with is at minimum 40 week of gestation age?
 <<set _babies = WombBirth($activeSlave, 34)>>
-In array _babies will be placed all babyies from womb of $activeSlave who gestation age at least 34 weeks (can be any). Others will be leaved in womb.
+In array _babies will be placed all babies from womb of $activeSlave who gestation age at least 34 weeks (can be any). Others will be leaved in womb.
 <<set WombFlush($activeSlave)>>
 Will empty womb. You also still should set .preg .pregType .pregSource .pregWeek to 0, or call WombNormalizePreg. 
@@ -3177,5 +3177,3 @@ WombZeroID($activeSlave, _SlaveID) - automatically scan all fetuses and if their
 All this womb system can be much more automated (.preg .pregType .pregSource .pregWeek may have to be done in a way, that they will have no need to be controlled manually anywhere at all. Just will be set fully automatically). But in this case many changes in present game code needed, to REMOVE legacy code.
 Right now they are set correctly, based on state of .womb object through pregnancy, but not outside. Also old style pregnancy initiation (setting only .preg to >0 and .pregType to >=1 ) working too - WombImpregnation function for proper setup of .womb will be called on next SetBellySize call. Also old style pregnancy progression through using .preg++ is supported too, but can have minor issues with character descriptions in some cases, if SetBellySize widget not called before descriptions widgets.
diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
index 85dab59f7c34cfc93bfe89980875f02d29066eac..766e0f06a22d0643ab10f44dc9de48f3e41283c2 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Design Your Master
  <br><br>__Career background options__
  <br>Being an ex-
- <br>''business owner'' (also referred to as capitalist) enhances the business-focused personal attention, increasing the @@.yellowgreen;[[money|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@ it produces and improving arcology prosperity when business-focused personal attention is selected. Also
+ <br>''business owner'' (also referred to as capitalist) enhances the business-focused personal attention, increasing the @@.yellowgreen;[[money|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@ it produces and improving arcology prosperity when business-focused personal attention is selected. Also,
  <<if $showSecExp == 1>>
 		upgrades in the propaganda hub will be @@.yellowgreen;[[cheaper|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@ and
diff --git a/src/pregmod/basenationalitiesControls.tw b/src/pregmod/basenationalitiesControls.tw
index 69339f977b9e8cd5c3277b3fd21515d0df382e89..d2b378ca8f14ccf01f93e46a4003be574cf73c0b 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/basenationalitiesControls.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/basenationalitiesControls.tw
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 <<set _len = Object.keys($nationalitiescheck).length>>
 <<for _nation, _i range $nationalitiescheck>>
 	_nation @@.orange;<<= ($nationalities[_nation] * _percentPerPoint).toFixed(2)>>%@@
-	<<if _i < _len-1>> | <</if>>
+	<<if _len != 0>> | <</if>>
 <<unset _percentPerPoint>>