diff --git a/src/js/storyJS.js b/src/js/storyJS.js
index 1d9a97fd8aa7fc8669e6a5ad71795452e355a843..eb172c1209d03e14dd89b6d7b3286db066625e0b 100644
--- a/src/js/storyJS.js
+++ b/src/js/storyJS.js
@@ -977,3 +977,84 @@ window.generateAssistantPronouns = function() {
 		V.marketAssistantPronouns.noun = "girl";
+window.printTrinkets = function printTrinkets() {
+	function trinketPluralReplacer(desc) {
+		switch (desc) {
+			/* not supported
+				best in show ribbons
+				napkins
+				saPorn trinkets
+				wedding photos
+			*/
+			// should never have plurals
+			case "a collection of diplomas from expensive schools":
+			case "a framed low denomination piece of paper money from your native country":
+			case "a battered old assault rifle":
+			case "a framed picture of a slave with her sale price scrawled across the bottom":
+			case "an artist's impression of an early arcology design":
+			case "a framed copy of the first news story featuring yourself":
+			case "a miniature model of your first arcology":
+			case "a copy of the first porno you starred in":
+			case "a framed picture of your late Master":
+			case "your favorite handgun, whose sight has instilled fear in many":
+			case "a news clipping of your first successful live hack":
+			case "a damaged plate carrier bearing Daughters of Liberty insignia":
+			case "a Daughters of Liberty flag that once hung in their forward command post within your arcology":
+			case "a Daughters of Liberty brassard":
+			case "a shot-torn flag of the failed nation whose militants attacked the Free City":
+				return desc;
+			// manual replacement
+			case "a thank-you note from a MILF tourist whom you made feel welcome in the arcology":
+				return "several thank-you notes from MILF tourists whom you made feel welcome in the arcology";
+			// replacement by groups
+			default:
+				let r = desc;
+				if (desc.endsWith("citizen")) { // will not reduce spam from different future societies
+					r = r.replace("message", "messages");
+					r = r.replace("from a", "from");
+					r = r.replace("a ", "several ");
+					r = r.replace("citizen", "citizens");
+					r = r.replace("number", "numbers");
+					r = r.replace("test", "tests");
+				} else if (desc.endsWith("acquaintance")) {
+					r = r.replace("note", "notes");
+					r = r.replace("from a", "from");
+					r = r.replace("a ", "several ");
+					r = r.replace("owner", "owners");
+				}
+				return r;
+		}
+	}
+	if (State.variables.trinkets.length === 0)
+		return '';
+	const trinkets = weightedArray2HashMap(State.variables.trinkets);
+	let trinketString = [];
+	let plurals = false;
+	for (let trinketDesc in trinkets) {
+		if (trinkets[trinketDesc] === 1) {
+			trinketString.push(trinketDesc);
+		} else if (trinkets[trinketDesc] > 1) {
+			trinketString.push(trinketPluralReplacer(trinketDesc));
+			plurals = true;
+		}
+	}
+	// depending on length of trinketString, add necessary conjunctions
+	if (trinketString.length === 1) {
+		if (plurals === false) {
+			trinketString = `a single item: ${trinketString[0]}`;
+		} else {
+			trinketString = trinketString[0];
+		}
+	} else if (trinketString.length === 2 && plurals === false) {
+		trinketString = `a couple of items: ${trinketString[0]}, and ${trinketString[1]}`;
+	} else {
+		trinketString[trinketString.length - 1] = "and " + trinketString[trinketString.length - 1];
+		trinketString = trinketString.join(", ");
+	}
+	return `There's a display case behind your desk, with ${trinketString}.`;
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
index 1ccfe6471e364b873b1339505976bf1430b3ad85..160f9ae27cdc35e6a923fc11f28c99c0592c0804 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
@@ -179,22 +179,7 @@
-<<if $trinkets.length > 0>>
-There's a display case behind your desk,
-<<if $trinkets.length > 2>>
-	with
-	<<for $i = 0; $i < $trinkets.length; $i++>>
-		<<if $i < $trinkets.length-1>>
-			$trinkets[$i],
-		<<else>>
-			and $trinkets[$i].
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-<<elseif $trinkets.length > 1>>
-	with a couple of items: $trinkets[0], and $trinkets[1].
-	with a single item: $trinkets[0].
+<<= printTrinkets()>>
 A small mirror resides on your desk, facing you.
 A $PC.visualAge year old<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>, freckled<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">>, densely freckled<</if>> $PC.faceShape face stares back at you.
@@ -204,4 +189,3 @@ A $PC.visualAge year old<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">>, freckled<<elseif $PC.