diff --git a/src/init/setupVars.tw b/src/init/setupVars.tw
index db22ac58e77247e25b56826f64141c0cac4fd22a..648abf6c85639375db36aa7a9027887dd394e1d2 100644
--- a/src/init/setupVars.tw
+++ b/src/init/setupVars.tw
@@ -446,12 +446,11 @@
 /* NOTE: Names ending in "-iia" aren't data errors, but simply how the official romanization of "-ія" looks like. */
 <<set setup.ukrainianSlaveNames = ["Ada", "Al'bina", "Alex", "Alexandra", "Alina", "Alisa", "Alla", "Alyona", "Amaliia", "Anastasia", "Anastasiia", "Anastasiya", "Angela", "Angelina", "Anita", "Ann", "Anna", "Anzhela", "Arina", "Ayya", "Biliana", "Bohdanna", "Bohuslava", "Bozhena", "Danna", "Daria", "Darina", "Darya", "Daryna", "Dasha", "Diana", "Draha", "Edyta", "Elena", "Elisabeta", "Emiliia", "Erika", "Eva", "Halina", "Hanna", "Hordana", "Ilona", "Ira", "Irena", "Irene", "Irina", "Iryna", "Julia", "Juliva", "Kamilla", "Karina", "Karolina", "Kasia", "Kate", "Kateryna", "Katia", "Katya", "Khrystyna", "Klavdiia", "Kristina", "Larisa", "Laura", "Lena", "Lida", "Liia", "Liliia", "Liliya", "Liubomyra", "Liubov", "Liudmyla", "Liza", "Luba", "Mahda", "Mahdalyna", "Mar'iana", "Margaryta", "Maria", "Mariia", "Marina", "Mariya", "Marta", "Marusia", "Mary", "Maryna", "Masha", "Miiana", "Milena", "Mykhailyna", "Myroslava", "Nadiia", "Nastia", "Nastya", "Natalia", "Nataliia", "Nataliya", "Natalya", "Natasha", "Nina", "Odarka", "Oksana", "Okseniia", "Ol'ha", "Oleksandra", "Olena", "Olga", "Olha", "Olya", "Oryna", "Orysia", "Pavlyna", "Polina", "Priska", "Pylypyna", "Rakhil", "Reveka", "Roksolana", "Romana", "Rozaliia", "Ruslana", "Santa", "Sara", "Sasha", "Sesiliia", "Snejana", "Snizhana", "Sofiya", "Solomiia", "Sonya", "Sophie", "Sophiia", "Stepaniia", "Sveta", "Sviatoslava", "Svitlana", "Tania", "Tanya", "Tatiana", "Taya", "Tereza", "Tetiana", "Tetyana", "Tina", "Valentyna", "Valeria", "Valeriya", "Varvara", "Vasylyna", "Velana", "Vesna", "Victoria", "Vika", "Viktoriia", "Viktoriya", "Violetta", "Vira", "Volodymyra", "Yana", "Yara", "Yaroslava", "Yaryna", "Yasna", "Yelyzaveta", "Yulia", "Yuliia", "Yuliya", "Yustyna", "Zlata", "Zlatoslava", "Zoriana"]>>
 /* NOTE: Ukrainian surnames have different forms depending on the gender of the person AND the area (they are more common in Eastern Ukraine). This list uses the female form where it's common overall. */
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 <<set setup.russianSlaveNames = setup.russianSlaveNames.concat(setup.ukrainianSlaveNames)>>
 <<set setup.ukrainianSlaveNames = setup.russianSlaveNames >>
 /* Now we have bigger pool for russian and ukrainian names in game. Russian and ukrainian first names become so common on both territories thorugh USSR time and later, that it's IRL just one list. */
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
 <<set setup.ukrainianSlaveSurnames = ["Aleksandrova", "Andreeva", "Antonyuk", "Astafieva", "Avramenko", "Azanova", "Babenko", "Babich", "Baikova", "Belous", "Belova", "Bets", "Beznosyuk", "Bilous", "Bodnar", "Boiko", "Bondar", "Bondarchuk", "Bondarenko", "Borisenko", "Boychuk", "Boyko", "Chernenko", "Chorna", "Chumak", "Danilyuk", "Demchenko", "Denisenko", "Dereviankina", "Derkach", "Diachenko", "Didenko", "Dimopoulos", "Dmitrenko", "Doroshenko", "Dyachenko", "Fedorenko", "Fedorova", "Fomenko", "Frolova", "Gavrilyuk", "Gerasimenko", "Golovko", "Golub", "Gonchar", "Goncharenko", "Goncharova", "Goncharuk", "Gordienko", "Gorelova", "Gotsiy", "Grischenko", "Gritsenko", "Grytsay", "Gumenyuk", "Havryiuk", "Honcharenko", "Honcharova", "Hotlib", "Iaryn", "Ischenko", "Ishchenko", "Ivanchenko", "Ivanenko", "Ivanova", "Ivanyuk", "Ivaschenko", "Karlenko", "Karol", "Karpenko", "Kharchenko", "Khmidan", "Khomenko", "Kirichenko", "Klimenko", "Klymenko", "Koblenko", "Kolesnik", "Kolesnyk", "Kolomiets", "Kolomiiets", "Kondratyuk", "Kononenko", "Kornienko", "Korol", "Kostenko", "Kostiuk", "Kostyuk", "Kot", "Kotova", "Kots-Hotlib", "Kots", "Koval'chuk", "Koval'ova", "Koval", "Kovalchuk", "Kovalenko", "Kovtun", "Kozak", "Kozlova", "Kravchenko", "Kravchuk", "Kravets", "Kristal", "Kucher", "Kucherenko", "Kuiek", "Kulik", "Kulizhka", "Kulyk", "Kunis", "Kurovska", "Kurylenko", "Kushnir", "Kuz'menko", "Kuzmenko", "Kuznetsova", "Kyrychenko", "Lauta", "Lebedeva", "Levchenko", "Litvina", "Litvinenko", "Litvinova", "Luczenko", "Lutsenko", "Lyashenko", "Lysenko", "Lytvynenko", "Makarenko", "Makarova", "Maliouk", "Marchenko", "Marchuk", "Martynenko", "Martyniuk", "Matvienko", "Mazur", "Mel'nychuk", "Mel'nyk", "Melnichenko", "Melnichuk", "Melnik", "Mikhaylenko", "Mikhaylova", "Mironenko", "Mironova", "Miroshnichenko", "Mischenko", "Moroz", "Morozova", "Moskalenko", "Mykhailova", "Myshchenko", "Naumenko", "Nazarenko", "Nesterenko", "Nikitina", "Nikolaenko", "Nikolaeva", "Novikova", "Oleynik", "Oliinyk", "Oliynik", "Olyenik", "Omelchenko", "Onischenko", "Onopka", "Orlova", "Osmanova", "Ostapenko", "Ovcharenko", "Palamarchuk", "Panchenko", "Parkhomenko", "Pavlenko", "Pavliuk", "Pavlova", "Pavlyuk", "Petrenko", "Petrova", "Pilipenko", "Piro", "Piskun", "Poliakova", "Polischuk", "Polishchuk", "Polyakova", "Ponomarenko", "Popova", "Popovich", "Popovych", "Poslavska", "Prikhodko", "Prokopenko", "Prykhod'ko", "Pylypenko", "Radchenko", "Remez", "Romanenko", "Romaniuk", "Romanova", "Romanyuk", "Romonova", "Rudenko", "Safroncik", "Samoylenko", "Savchenko", "Savchuk", "Scherbina", "Sedokova", "Semeniuk", "Semenyuk", "Senchylo", "Serdyuk", "Sergeeva", "Sergienko", "Shapoval", "Shevchenko", "Shevchuk", "Shorokhova", "Shulga", "Shumeyko", "Shvets", "Sidorchuk", "Sidorenko", "Smerechevskaya", "Smirnova", "Sokolova", "Soroka", "Stepanenko", "Stepanova", "Stotskaya", "Svets", "Sydorenko", "Taran", "Tarasenko", "Tereschenko", "Tereshchenko", "Timchenko", "Timoshenko", "Tischenko", "Tkach", "Tkachenko", "Tkachuk", "Toksik", "Turenko", "Tymoshenko", "Tyshchenko", "Vasilenko", "Vasileva", "Vasyl'ieva", "Vasylenko", "Velchinskaya", "Velichko", "Veryovkina", "Vlasenko", "Volkova", "Voloshina", "Voloshyn", "Vovk", "Yakovenko", "Yatsenko", "Yurchenko", "Zaitseva", "Zaytseva", "Zhiuk", "Zhuk", "Zhuravska", "Zinchenko"]>>
 <<set setup.canadianSlaveNames = ["Abigail", "Addison", "Adrienne", "Agnes", "Aileen", "Alexandra", "Alexis", "Alice", "Alyssa", "Amanda", "Amelia", "Amy", "Andrea", "Ann", "Ànna", "Anne-Marie", "Anne", "Annie", "Ashley", "Audrey", "Autumn", "Ava", "Avery", "Barbara", "Beatrice", "Béatrice", "Bette", "Bianca", "Brenda", "Brooklyn", "Caitlin", "Camille", "Caroline", "Catherine", "Charlotte", "Chelsea", "Chloe", "Chloé", "Dianne", "Donna", "Elinor", "Élise", "Elizabeth", "Ellen", "Emilia", "Émilie", "Emily", "Emma", "Eva", "Evelyn", "Florence", "France", "Frances", "Frédérique", "Gabrielle", "Geneviève", "Gillian", "Grace", "Hannah", "Harper", "Helen", "Hélène", "Indira", "Isabella", "Jade", "Jeanne", "Jenna", "Jennifer", "Jessica", "Joan", "Joyce", "Julia", "Julie", "Juliette", "Justine", "Karen", "Kate", "Kathleen", "Kathryn", "Kayla", "Kim", "Laura", "Lauren", "Laurence", "Laurie", "Lea", "Léa", "Leona", "Lily", "Linda", "Lisa", "Madelyn", "Madison", "Margaret", "Maria", "Marie-France", "Marie", "Marilyn", "Maryse", "Maud", "Maude", "Megan", "Mélissa", "Mia", "Michaëlle", "Michèle", "Morgan", "Nathalie", "Nora", "Norah", "Olivia", "Rachel", "Rebecca", "Rosalie", "Roxanne", "Sabrina", "Samantha", "Sarah", "Scarlett", "Sharon", "Sheila", "Shelley", "Shirley", "Sonia", "Sophia", "Sophie", "Stephanie", "Sydney", "Sylvia", "Taylor", "Vanessa", "Victoria", "Yvonne", "Zoe", "Zoé"]>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw
index bf65638ef1cf898c14586d005b5b58cc5a4752c5..8a13eea610756361648648ed130d956fbf93d69f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Arcade Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <span id="arcadestats">
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
index ee6d56c7d9e9f571e022ddc5f1dafb7a5c15519f..075a64fcfa30d0c3c79a19c3c65bd9ee910086b0 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Brothel Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <span id="brothelstats">
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw
index b0b8e8e5ffdd7e7cf2e96016387faa075119da36..cdd74b315c15cd78b6f50790e50d2f2e1e925d2c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Clinic Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<SlaveSort $CliniciIDs>>
 <<set _DL = $CliniciIDs.length, $clinicSlaves = _DL, _SL = $slaves.length, _healthBonus = 0, _idleBonus = 0, _FLsFetish = 0, _restedSlaves = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
index 8dbdffa6dd90a65dc05db9ac47455ccfaa9ad805..3087032d97967f126957f98fcbde26af52e033b4 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Club Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <span id="clubstats">
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
index ed33c55cd44ad2567535da65a0ac70d96719a665..0437d425c4b6d790de6831056666f8d1fa96e32e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Dairy Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <span id="dairystats">
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw b/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw
index 7b1662a96aecbd0c0aa5991b5a1a22ff150c55ef..3ef296ce538f69e87cdb382da66fff98d2885836 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: End Week [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set State.expired.length = 0>>
 <<set $gingering = 0, $oralUseWeight = 5, $vaginalUseWeight = 5, $analUseWeight = 5, $mammaryUseWeight = 1, $penetrativeUseWeight = 1, $inflatedSlavesMilk = 0, $inflatedSlavesCum = 0, $subSlaves = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
index 6e3bbc38f1a2629b7449c77c9fc53dc923f1fd1b..4d3ddf5b49f632ba96b252a15aebc07f1a5add07 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Master Suite Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<SlaveSort $MastSiIDs>>
 <<set _DL = $MastSiIDs.length, $masterSuiteSlaves = _DL, _SL = $slaves.length, $legendaryAbolitionistID = 0, $masterSuiteAverageEnergy = 0, _masterSuiteAverageCum = 0, _masterSuiteAverageDick = 0, _masterSuiteAverageDom = 0, _masterSuiteAverageMilk = 0, _masterSuiteAveragePreg = 0, _masterSuiteAverageSadism = 0, _masterSuitePregnantSlaves = 0, _masterSuitePregnantSlavesMultiple = 0>>
 <<if $Concubine != 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
index d01776c7ab5a803c999194fbc0826a517db2a448..9bb08fc34f7d495a2eb04d2df8f7ada5696c8596 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
@@ -1221,16 +1221,12 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeSlave)>>@@__'' <<
 	<<link "Tie $him up and take $his virginity">>
 		<<replace "#introResult">>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk with $his legs spread. $He wriggles and protests as you take $his virginity. $He's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little pussy has been broken in.@@
 			<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
-				You secure her struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk with her vagina exposed.
+				You secure $his struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk with $his vagina exposed.
-				You cuff her wrists and ankles and secure her struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk with her legs spread.
+				You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk with $his legs spread.
-			She wriggles and protests as you take her virginity. She's certainly entered your service in a way that colors her impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;Her tight little pussy has been broken in.@@
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+			She wriggles and protests as you take $his virginity. She's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little pussy has been broken in.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
@@ -1241,16 +1237,12 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeSlave)>>@@__'' <<
 	<<link "Tie $him up and take $his virginity">>
 		<<replace "#introResult">>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his unresisting body to the couch next to your desk with $his legs spread. $He writhes and moans as you enter $his virgin pussy. You might not have even had to restrain $him for this, but being tied up and deflowered sends $him a message. $He's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.hotpink;with pain@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little pussy has been broken in.@@
 			<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
-				You secure her unresisting body to the couch next to your desk with her vagina exposed.
+				You secure $his unresisting body to the couch next to your desk with $his vagina exposed.
-				You cuff her wrists and ankles and secure her unresisting body to the couch next to your desk with her legs spread.
+				You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his unresisting body to the couch next to your desk with $his legs spread.
-			She writhes and moans as you enter her virgin pussy. You might not have even had to restrain her for this, but being tied up and deflowered sends her a message. She's certainly entered your service in a way that colors her impression of you @@.hotpink;with pain@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;Her tight little pussy has been broken in.@@
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+			$He writhes and moans as you enter $his virgin pussy. You might not have even had to restrain $him for this, but being tied up and deflowered sends $him a message. $He's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.hotpink;with pain@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little pussy has been broken in.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
@@ -1264,16 +1256,12 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeSlave)>>@@__'' <<
 	<<link "Tie $him up and rape $his virgin ass">>
 		<<replace "#introResult">>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk so that $he's straddling the back of the couch with $his butt sticking out. $He wriggles and protests until $he feels the lubricated head of <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your dick<<else>>a strap-on<</if>> pushing against $his virgin butthole, at which point $he desperately tries to break free. $He fails, but $he never stops writhing and begging you to take <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your cock<<else>>the phallus<</if>> out of $his asshole. $He's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little ass has been broken in.@@
 			<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
-				You secure her struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk with her butt sticking out.
+				You secure $his struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk with $his butt sticking out.
-				You cuff her wrists and ankles and secure her struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk so that she's straddling the back of the couch with her butt sticking out.
+				You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his struggling, screeching body to the couch next to your desk so that $he's straddling the back of the couch with $his butt sticking out.
-			She wriggles and protests until she feels the lubricated head of <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your dick<<else>>a strap-on<</if>> pushing against her virgin butthole, at which point she desperately tries to break free. She fails, but she never stops writhing and begging you to take <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your cock<<else>>the phallus<</if>> out of her asshole. She's certainly entered your service in a way that colors her impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;Her tight little ass has been broken in.@@
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+			$He wriggles and protests until $he feels the lubricated head of <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your dick<<else>>a strap-on<</if>> pushing against $his virgin butthole, at which point $he desperately tries to break free. $He fails, but $he never stops writhing and begging you to take <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your cock<<else>>the phallus<</if>> out of $his asshole. $He's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little ass has been broken in.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
@@ -1284,16 +1272,12 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeSlave)>>@@__'' <<
 	<<link "Tie $him up and break $his ass in">>
 		<<replace "#introResult">>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his unresisting body to the couch next to your desk so that $he's straddling the back of the couch with $his butt sticking out. $He lies obediently still until $he feels the lubricated head of your cock pushing against $his virgin butthole, at which point $he starts in surprise. When the pain of the buttfuck gets to be too much $he begs you to use $his <<if $activeSlave.dick == 0>>pussy<<else>>mouth<</if>> instead. $He gasps and cries as you slowly push your cock all the way up $his tight little butt, and in no time you fill $his rectum with cum. $He's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with pain@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little ass has been broken in.@@
 			<<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>
-				You secure her unresisting body to the couch next to your desk with her butt sticking out.
+				You secure $his unresisting body to the couch next to your desk with $his butt sticking out.
-				You cuff her wrists and ankles and secure her unresisting body to the couch next to your desk so that she's straddling the back of the couch with her butt sticking out.
+				You cuff $his wrists and ankles and secure $his unresisting body to the couch next to your desk so that $he's straddling the back of the couch with $his butt sticking out.
-			She lies obediently still until she feels the lubricated head of your cock pushing against her virgin butthole, at which point she starts in surprise. When the pain of the buttfuck gets to be too much she begs you to use her <<if $activeSlave.dick == 0>>pussy<<else>>mouth<</if>> instead. She gasps and cries as you slowly push your cock all the way up her tight little butt, and in no time you fill her rectum with cum. She's certainly entered your service in a way that colors her impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with pain@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;Her tight little ass has been broken in.@@
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+			$He lies obediently still until $he feels the lubricated head of your cock pushing against $his virgin butthole, at which point $he starts in surprise. When the pain of the buttfuck gets to be too much $he begs you to use $his <<if $activeSlave.dick == 0>>pussy<<else>>mouth<</if>> instead. $He gasps and cries as you slowly push your cock all the way up $his tight little butt, and in no time you fill $his rectum with cum. $He's certainly entered your service in a way that colors $his impression of you @@.mediumorchid;with pain@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ @@.lime;$His tight little ass has been broken in.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/penthouseReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/penthouseReport.tw
index 16b326270afedb1a2d199279e8aafb032d1c56ae..dd22921d62044a4b6643aeb568eecef26d9f2b1e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/penthouseReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/penthouseReport.tw
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 		<div>''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($slaves[$i])>>@@__''
 		<<if $slaves[$i].choosesOwnAssignment == 2>>
 			<<include "SA chooses own job">>
-			$pronounCap
+			$He
 		<<include "Full Report">>
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
 			<<set _ID = $HGSuiteiIDs[0], $i = $slaveIndices[_ID]>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].assignment != "live with your Head Girl">>
-				<br>@@.red;$slaves[$i].slaveName had been assigned to live with your Head Girl, but this week she was assigned to $slaves[$i].assignment. She has been released to your penthouse for reassignment.@@
+				<br>@@.red;$slaves[$i].slaveName had been assigned to live with your Head Girl, but this week $he was assigned to $slaves[$i].assignment. $He has been released to your penthouse for reassignment.@@
 				<<= removeJob($slaves[$i], "live with your Head Girl")>>
 				''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($slaves[$i])>>@@__''
 				<<if $slaves[$i].choosesOwnAssignment == 2>>
 					<<include "SA chooses own job">>
-					$pronounCap
+					$He
 				<<include "SA live with HG">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saBeYourHeadGirl.tw b/src/uncategorized/saBeYourHeadGirl.tw
index 24747489f9c020f3390a2a803f757fcc5f0e315c..948b611343fe3e36800d7cc1836836dfe1db1b12 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saBeYourHeadGirl.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saBeYourHeadGirl.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA be your Head Girl [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set $HGTimeInGrade += 1>>
 <<if $HGSuite == 1>>
@@ -7,9 +9,9 @@
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw == 0>>
-	helps manage your other slaves. She helps them when they try and fail, and punishes them when they fail to try.
+	helps manage your other slaves. $He helps them when they try and fail, and punishes them when they fail to try.
-	serves as your Consort. Though she is still your slave, her status is scarcely below that of a citizen. She @@.green;contributes to your reputation@@ just like a Concubine, and she is @@.hotpink;conscious@@ of the @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ you place in her.
+	serves as your Consort. Though $he is still your slave, $his status is scarcely below that of a citizen. $He @@.green;contributes to your reputation@@ just like a Concubine, and $he is @@.hotpink;conscious@@ of the @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ you place in $him.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<include "SA please you">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saDevotion.tw b/src/uncategorized/saDevotion.tw
index 1ab9c7f97a16723e30aca9d9221c2fb0857f65bc..ea669595c5113f4b9205acb44df5eab5039058e6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saDevotion.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saDevotion.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA devotion [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
@@ -9,7 +11,7 @@
 <<set $energyPlus = 0>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].origin == "You were acquainted with her before you were an arcology owner; your rival tried to use her to manipulate you, but you rescued her.">>
+<<if $slaves[$i].origin == "You were acquainted with her before you were an arcology owner; your rival tried to use $him to manipulate you, but you rescued her.">>
 	<<if ($rivalryDuration <= 10 || $rivalryFS == "Racial Supremacism" || $rivalryFS == "Paternalism")>>
 		You @@.mediumaquamarine;saved $slaves[$i].slaveName from a living nightmare@@ under your rival's rule. $He @@.hotpink;tries $his best to adapt to $his savior's wishes.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10>>
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration > 20 && $slaves[$i].devotion < 5>>
 		<<if Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
-			You took everything from $slaves[$i].slaveName and @@.mediumorchid;$he hates you for it.@@ Since you won't give her what $he wants, $he @@.gold;refuses to trust you.@@ Since you are putting such a personal touch into her care, $he can't find it in her to rebel as strongly.
+			You took everything from $slaves[$i].slaveName and @@.mediumorchid;$he hates you for it.@@ Since you won't give $him what $he wants, $he @@.gold;refuses to trust you.@@ Since you are putting such a personal touch into $his care, $he can't find it in $him to rebel as strongly.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@
 	<<elseif $rivalryDuration > 10 && $slaves[$i].devotion < 5>>
 		<<if Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
-			$He is @@.gold;horrified by you.@@ Your rival taught her a great deal about slave life in your arcology and indulged her deepest fantasies. $slaves[$i].slaveName considers being your pet @@.mediumorchid;a fate worse than death.@@ Since you are putting such a personal touch into her care, maybe you aren't the monster $he thought you were. $He can't find it in her to hate and fear you as much.
+			$He is @@.gold;horrified by you.@@ Your rival taught $him a great deal about slave life in your arcology and indulged $his deepest fantasies. $slaves[$i].slaveName considers being your pet @@.mediumorchid;a fate worse than death.@@ Since you are putting such a personal touch into $his care, maybe you aren't the monster $he thought you were. $He can't find it in $him to hate and fear you as much.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
@@ -44,21 +46,21 @@
 <<if $PC.preg >= 20 || ($PC.preg >= 16 && $PC.career == "escort")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 60>>
 		<<if $PC.pregMood == 2>>
-			$He is devoted to you and does her best to satisfy your demanding, hormone driven libido, no matter what you want from $him. $His efforts to give herself you to @@.hotpink;further her submission@@ to you.
+			$He is devoted to you and does $his best to satisfy your demanding, hormone driven libido, no matter what you want from $him. $His efforts to give $himself you to @@.hotpink;further $his submission@@ to you.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 		<<elseif $PC.pregMood == 1>>
-			$He is devoted to you and tries her best to accommodate your needs and desires. Your hormonal mothering @@.mediumaquamarine;leaves her slightly more trusting@@ of you.
+			$He is devoted to you and tries $his best to accommodate your needs and desires. Your hormonal mothering @@.mediumaquamarine;leaves $him slightly more trusting@@ of you.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
-			$He is devoted to you and tries her best to accommodate your needs and desires.
+			$He is devoted to you and tries $his best to accommodate your needs and desires.
 		<<if $PC.pregMood == 2>>
-			$He is @@.gold;horrified@@ of your aggressive sexual advances, forcing her @@.hotpink;bend to your will@@ or face punishment at the hands of a hormonal pregnant woman.
+			$He is @@.gold;horrified@@ of your aggressive sexual advances, forcing $him to @@.hotpink;bend to your will@@ or face punishment at the hands of a hormonal pregnant woman.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4>>
 		<<elseif $PC.pregMood == 1>>
-			$He happily @@.mediumorchid;takes advantage@@ of your hormone induced kindness, though your care @@.mediumaquamarine;builds her trust in you.@@
+			$He happily @@.mediumorchid;takes advantage@@ of your hormone induced kindness, though your care @@.mediumaquamarine;builds $his trust in you.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 4>>
@@ -77,10 +79,10 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].PCKnockedUp > 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
 	<<set _pregCountFactor = $slaves[$i].PCKnockedUp*5>>
-	$He got you pregnant<<if $slaves[$i].PCKnockedUp > 1>> more than once<</if>> and $he knows it. This is a @@.mediumorchid;huge boost@@ to her ego and gives her a slight edge on you.
+	$He got you pregnant<<if $slaves[$i].PCKnockedUp > 1>> more than once<</if>> and $he knows it. This is a @@.mediumorchid;huge boost@@ to $his ego and gives $him a slight edge on you.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= _pregCountFactor>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 0>>
-		Even better; you gave birth to her child<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 1>>ren<</if>>. To her, $he is the dominant force and you are just a bitch to be bred. $He could create a scandal if $he started running her mouth, something $he lords over you every chance $he gets under the assumption that @@.mediumaquamarine;you'll try to appease her to keep her quiet.@@
+		Even better; you gave birth to $his child<<if $slaves[$i].PCChildrenFathered > 1>>ren<</if>>. To $him, $he is the dominant force and you are just a bitch to be bred. $He could create a scandal if $he started running $his mouth, something $he lords over you every chance $he gets under the assumption that @@.mediumaquamarine;you'll try to appease $him to keep $him quiet.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5+_pregCountFactor, $slaves[$i].trust += 5+_pregCountFactor>>
@@ -89,10 +91,10 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && $slaves[$i].devotion >= -50>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName does not like you and believes that you will not punish her severely, and her @@.mediumorchid;regard for you is severely reduced@@ by this lack of respect.
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName does not like you and believes that you will not punish $him severely, and $his @@.mediumorchid;regard for you is severely reduced@@ by this lack of respect.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName neither likes nor fears you, and her @@.mediumorchid;regard for you is reduced@@ by this lack of respect.
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName neither likes nor fears you, and $his @@.mediumorchid;regard for you is reduced@@ by this lack of respect.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -100,34 +102,34 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].intelligence != 0>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].intelligence >= 3>>
 	<<if Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;brilliant mind@@ strongly resists slavery, but since you are giving her personal attention you are able to compensate for her genius.
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;brilliant mind@@ strongly resists slavery, but since you are giving $him personal attention you are able to compensate for $his genius.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;brilliant mind@@ strongly resists slavery, but $he fears you deeply enough that $he consciously forces herself to obey out of self-preservation.
+			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;brilliant mind@@ strongly resists slavery, but $he fears you deeply enough that $he consciously forces $himself to obey out of self-preservation.
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;brilliant mind@@ strongly @@.mediumorchid;resists@@ slavery and encourages her to @@.gold;fear you.@@
+			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;brilliant mind@@ strongly @@.mediumorchid;resists@@ slavery and encourages $him to @@.gold;fear you.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].intelligence >= 2>>
 	<<if Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;highly acute mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but since you are giving her personal attention you are able to compensate for her intelligence.
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;highly acute mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but since you are giving $him personal attention you are able to compensate for $his intelligence.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;highly acute mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but $he fears you deeply enough that $he consciously forces herself to obey out of self-preservation.
+			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;highly acute mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but $he fears you deeply enough that $he consciously forces $himself to obey out of self-preservation.
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;highly acute mind@@ naturally @@.mediumorchid;resists@@ slavery and encourages her to @@.gold;fear you.@@
+			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;highly acute mind@@ naturally @@.mediumorchid;resists@@ slavery and encourages $him to @@.gold;fear you.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].intelligence >= 1>>
 	<<if Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;intelligent mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but since you are giving her personal attention you are able to compensate for her cleverness.
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;intelligent mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but since you are giving $him personal attention you are able to compensate for $his cleverness.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;intelligent mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but $he fears you deeply enough that $he consciously forces herself to obey out of self-preservation.
+			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;intelligent mind@@ naturally resists slavery, but $he fears you deeply enough that $he consciously forces $himself to obey out of self-preservation.
 			$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.deepskyblue;intelligent mind@@ naturally @@.mediumorchid;resists@@ slavery.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -148,25 +150,25 @@
 <<if ($arcologies[0].FSPaternalistLaw == 1)>>
-	The totally paternalistic society of your arcology encourages her to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
+	The totally paternalistic society of your arcology encourages $him to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSPaternalist >= random(1,120))>>
-	The paternalistic culture of your arcology encourages her to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
+	The paternalistic culture of your arcology encourages $him to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<if ($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw == 1)>>
-	Your status as the prophet of your theocratic arcology encourages her to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
+	Your status as the prophet of your theocratic arcology encourages $him to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= random(1,120))>>
-	Your arcology's omnipresent religion encourages her to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
+	Your arcology's omnipresent religion encourages $him to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust you.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<if ($arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500 && $slaves[$i].devotion < 20>>
-		Being visibly pregnant in a society that loathes slave breeding fills her with @@.gold;fear@@ for herself and her unborn child. 
+		Being visibly pregnant in a society that loathes slave breeding fills $him with @@.gold;fear@@ for $himself and $his unborn child. 
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $slaves[$i].devotion < 20>>
-		Being pregnant in a society that loathes slave breeding fills her with @@.gold;worry@@ that you'll harm her or her unborn child. 
+		Being pregnant in a society that loathes slave breeding fills $him with @@.gold;worry@@ that you'll harm $him or $his unborn child. 
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
@@ -184,12 +186,12 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].origBodyOwnerID = 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-				$slaves[$i].slaveName is somewhat saddened to see her body leave forever.
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is somewhat saddened to see $his body leave forever.
 			<<elseif  $slaves[$i].devotion >= -50>>
-				$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ to find her body is gone for good, damaging her @@.gold;ability to trust you.@@
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ to find $his body is gone for good, damaging $his @@.gold;ability to trust you.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 30, $slaves[$i].trust -= 30>>
-				$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;deeply upset@@ that $he'll never see her body again. With so little left, $he finds it easy to take vengeance by @@.orangered;completely rejecting your ownership of her.@@
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;deeply upset@@ that $he'll never see $his body again. With so little left, $he finds it easy to take vengeance by @@.orangered;completely rejecting your ownership of $him.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 50, $slaves[$i].trust = 100>>
@@ -200,23 +202,23 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].indenture > -1)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].indenture <= 52>>
-	$He knows that it's less than a year until her indenture ends.
+	$He knows that it's less than a year until $his indenture ends.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he has mixed feelings about the prospect.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		The prospect of freedom @@.hotpink;encourages her to submit to your orders@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;encourages her to be optimistic.@@
+		The prospect of freedom @@.hotpink;encourages $him to submit to your orders@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;encourages $him to be optimistic.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
-		The prospect of freedom encourages her to @@.mediumaquamarine;tolerate anything.@@
+		The prospect of freedom encourages $him to @@.mediumaquamarine;tolerate anything.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
-	The fact that $he is an indentured servant, not a permanent slave, is never truly far from her mind.
+	The fact that $he is an indentured servant, not a permanent slave, is never truly far from $his mind.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he has mixed feelings about eventual freedom.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		The prospect of eventual freedom @@.hotpink;cheers her up@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;makes her optimistic.@@
+		The prospect of eventual freedom @@.hotpink;cheers $him up@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;makes $him optimistic.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
@@ -226,10 +228,10 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].indentureRestrictions >= 2>>
-		$He's also @@.mediumaquamarine;able to rely on the protection@@ of her indenture.
+		$He's also @@.mediumaquamarine;able to rely on the protection@@ of $his indenture.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].indentureRestrictions > 1>>
-		$He's also @@.mediumaquamarine;able to trust the restrictions@@ that her indenture places on her treatment.
+		$He's also @@.mediumaquamarine;able to trust the restrictions@@ that $his indenture places on $his treatment.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
@@ -239,9 +241,9 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].actualAge >= $retirementAge-5 && $PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy != 1>>
 <<if ($CitizenRetirement == 1)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].actualAge >= $retirementAge-1>>
-	$He knows that it's less than a year until her retirement from sexual slavery into citizenship.
+	$He knows that it's less than a year until $his retirement from sexual slavery into citizenship.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
-		Since $he loves you, $he has mixed feelings about the prospect, but $he prefers to think of it as your way of looking after $him. It's her favorite subject, and her strong feelings about it
+		Since $he loves you, $he has mixed feelings about the prospect, but $he prefers to think of it as your way of looking after $him. It's $his favorite subject, and $his strong feelings about it
 		<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
 			advances paternalistic ideals and @@.green;improves your reputation.@@
 			<<FSChange "Paternalist" 2>>
@@ -250,11 +252,11 @@
 			<<set $repGain += $FSSingleSlaveRep*2>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;encourages her to submit to slavery@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;encourages her to be optimistic.@@
+		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;encourages $him to submit to slavery@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;encourages $him to be optimistic.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
-		The prospect of manumission encourages her to @@.mediumaquamarine;tolerate anything.@@
+		The prospect of manumission encourages $him to @@.mediumaquamarine;tolerate anything.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@
 			<<set $repGain += $FSSingleSlaveRep>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;cheers her up@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;makes her optimistic.@@
+		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;cheers $him up@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;makes $him optimistic.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
@@ -279,7 +281,7 @@
 <<elseif ($BioreactorRetirement == 1)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].actualAge >= $retirementAge-1>>
-	$He knows that it's less than a year until her permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems.
+	$He knows that it's less than a year until $his permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he desperately tries not to think about it, though $he occasionally bursts into tears without provocation.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
@@ -291,14 +293,14 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
-	$He knows that her permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems is not far off.
+	$He knows that $his permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems is not far off.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he tries not to think about it, though $he occasionally seems preoccupied.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
@@ -317,14 +319,14 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
-	$He knows that her ultimate fate as a Fuckdoll is not far off.
+	$He knows that $his ultimate fate as a Fuckdoll is not far off.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he tries not to think about it, though $he occasionally seems preoccupied.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
@@ -333,9 +335,9 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $retirementAge-5 && $PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy == 1>>
 <<if ($CitizenRetirement == 1)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $retirementAge-1>>
-	$He knows that it's less than a year until her retirement from sexual slavery into citizenship.
+	$He knows that it's less than a year until $his retirement from sexual slavery into citizenship.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
-		Since $he loves you, $he has mixed feelings about the prospect, but $he prefers to think of it as your way of looking after $him. It's her favorite subject, and her strong feelings about it
+		Since $he loves you, $he has mixed feelings about the prospect, but $he prefers to think of it as your way of looking after $him. It's $his favorite subject, and $his strong feelings about it
 		<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
 			advances paternalistic ideals and @@.green;improves your reputation.@@
 			<<FSChange "Paternalist" 2>>
@@ -344,11 +346,11 @@
 			<<set $repGain += $FSSingleSlaveRep*2>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;encourages her to submit to slavery@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;encourages her to be optimistic.@@
+		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;encourages $him to submit to slavery@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;encourages $him to be optimistic.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
-		The prospect of manumission encourages her to @@.mediumaquamarine;tolerate anything.@@
+		The prospect of manumission encourages $him to @@.mediumaquamarine;tolerate anything.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
@@ -363,7 +365,7 @@
 			<<set $repGain += $FSSingleSlaveRep>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;cheers her up@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;makes her optimistic.@@
+		The prospect of manumission @@.hotpink;cheers $him up@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;makes $him optimistic.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
@@ -373,7 +375,7 @@
 <<elseif ($BioreactorRetirement == 1)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $retirementAge-1>>
-	$He knows that it's less than a year until her permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems.
+	$He knows that it's less than a year until $his permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he desperately tries not to think about it, though $he occasionally bursts into tears without provocation.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
@@ -385,14 +387,14 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
-	$He knows that her permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems is not far off.
+	$He knows that $his permanent inclusion in the arcology's milk production systems is not far off.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he tries not to think about it, though $he occasionally seems preoccupied.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
@@ -411,14 +413,14 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
-	$He knows that her ultimate fate as a Fuckdoll is not far off.
+	$He knows that $his ultimate fate as a Fuckdoll is not far off.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		Since $he loves you, $he tries not to think about it, though $he occasionally seems preoccupied.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts her.@@
+		The prospect @@.gold;scares@@ and @@.mediumorchid;disgusts $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
@@ -435,10 +437,10 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-		$He does her best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
+		$He does $his best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-	since $he knows that her freedom is only a few thousand dicks away.
+	since $he knows that $his freedom is only a few thousand dicks away.
 <<if $MilkMilestoneRetirement == 1>>
@@ -448,10 +450,10 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-		$He does her best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
+		$He does $his best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-	since $he knows $he will be free if her udders can gush just a bit more cream.
+	since $he knows $he will be free if $his udders can gush just a bit more cream.
 <<if $BirthsMilestoneRetirement == 1>>
@@ -461,7 +463,7 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-		$He does her best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
+		$He does $his best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	since $he knows $he only has to successfully breed a little more to be free.
@@ -474,10 +476,10 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-		$He does her best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
+		$He does $his best to @@.mediumaquamarine;stay strong,@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-	since $he knows just a bit more murder in the pit will win her freedom.
+	since $he knows just a bit more murder in the pit will win $his freedom.
@@ -489,11 +491,11 @@
 <<if $personalAttention == "sex">>
 <<if $freeSexualEnergy > 0>>
 	<<if $freeSexualEnergy == 3>>
-		$He gets a lot of sexual attention from you, since you don't have nearly enough dedicated fucktoys to sate your libido, and this @@.hotpink;<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>intensifies her love for you<<else>>forces her to get used to sex slavery<</if>>.@@
+		$He gets a lot of sexual attention from you, since you don't have nearly enough dedicated fucktoys to sate your libido, and this @@.hotpink;<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>intensifies $his love for you<<else>>forces $him to get used to sex slavery<</if>>.@@
 	<<elseif $freeSexualEnergy == 2>>
-		$He receives some sexual attention from you, since you don't have enough dedicated fucktoys to sate your libido, and this @@.hotpink;<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>builds her closeness to you<<else>>gets her used to being your sex slave<</if>>.@@
+		$He receives some sexual attention from you, since you don't have enough dedicated fucktoys to sate your libido, and this @@.hotpink;<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>builds $his closeness to you<<else>>gets $him used to being your sex slave<</if>>.@@
-		$He receives occasional sexual attention from you, since you barely have enough dedicated fucktoys to sate your libido, @@.hotpink;<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>making her feel closer to you<<else>>keeping her aware $he's your sex slave<</if>>.@@
+		$He receives occasional sexual attention from you, since you barely have enough dedicated fucktoys to sate your libido, @@.hotpink;<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>making $him feel closer to you<<else>>keeping $him aware $he's your sex slave<</if>>.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += $freeSexualEnergy>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].oralCount += $freeSexualEnergy>>
@@ -557,25 +559,25 @@
 <<if _collectiveDevotionEffect == 1>>
 	<<if _collectiveTrustEffect == 1>>
-		Since $he's ambivalent and fearful, the @@.hotpink;collective devotion@@ @@.mediumaquamarine;and trust@@ of your slaves affect her slightly.
+		Since $he's ambivalent and fearful, the @@.hotpink;collective devotion@@ @@.mediumaquamarine;and trust@@ of your slaves affect $him slightly.
 	<<elseif _collectiveTrustEffect == 0>>
-		Since $he's ambivalent about you, the @@.hotpink;collective devotion@@ your slaves feel for you affects her slightly.
+		Since $he's ambivalent about you, the @@.hotpink;collective devotion@@ your slaves feel for you affects $him slightly.
-		Since $he's ambivalent about you, the @@.hotpink;collective devotion@@ your slaves feel for you affects her slightly, but their @@.gold;general fear@@ affects her too.
+		Since $he's ambivalent about you, the @@.hotpink;collective devotion@@ your slaves feel for you affects $him slightly, but their @@.gold;general fear@@ affects $him too.
 <<elseif _collectiveDevotionEffect == 0>>
 	<<if _collectiveTrustEffect == 1>>
-		Since $he's fearful of you, the @@.mediumaquamarine;collective trust@@ your slaves place in you affects her slightly.
+		Since $he's fearful of you, the @@.mediumaquamarine;collective trust@@ your slaves place in you affects $him slightly.
 	<<elseif _collectiveTrustEffect == -1>>
-		Since $he doesn't trust you, the @@.gold;collective fear@@ your slaves feel for you affects her slightly.
+		Since $he doesn't trust you, the @@.gold;collective fear@@ your slaves feel for you affects $him slightly.
 	<<if _collectiveTrustEffect == 1>>
-		The @@.mediumorchid;collective anger@@ your slaves feel reinforces her own feelings, but their @@.mediumaquamarine;collective trust@@ also affects her slightly.
+		The @@.mediumorchid;collective anger@@ your slaves feel reinforces $his own feelings, but their @@.mediumaquamarine;collective trust@@ also affects $him slightly.
 	<<elseif _collectiveTrustEffect == 0>>
-		The @@.mediumorchid;collective anger@@ your slaves feel reinforces her own feelings.
+		The @@.mediumorchid;collective anger@@ your slaves feel reinforces $his own feelings.
-		The @@.mediumorchid;collective anger@@ @@.gold;and fear@@ your slaves feel reinforce her own feelings.
+		The @@.mediumorchid;collective anger@@ @@.gold;and fear@@ your slaves feel reinforce $his own feelings.
@@ -583,7 +585,7 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].assignmentVisible == 1>>
 <<if ($arcade != 0) || (($dairy != 0) && ($dairyRestraintsSetting >= 2))>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 95>>
-		$He knows about <<if $arcade != 0>>$arcadeName<<if ($dairy != 0) && ($dairyRestraintsSetting >= 2)>> and $dairyName<</if>><<else>>$dairyName<</if>>, and @@.gold;fears@@ that you might send her there.
+		$He knows about <<if $arcade != 0>>$arcadeName<<if ($dairy != 0) && ($dairyRestraintsSetting >= 2)>> and $dairyName<</if>><<else>>$dairyName<</if>>, and @@.gold;fears@@ that you might send $him there.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 		$He knows some of your other slaves meet terrible, industrial fates, but $he loves you so much that $he tries not to think about it.
@@ -596,44 +598,44 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust <= 20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName loves you, so $he finds herself @@.mediumaquamarine;fearing you a little less.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName loves you, so $he finds $himself @@.mediumaquamarine;fearing you a little less.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust <= 50>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName loves you, so $he finds herself @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting you a little more.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName loves you, so $he finds $himself @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting you a little more.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 60>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust <= 20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName is devoted to you, so $he finds herself @@.mediumaquamarine;fearing you a little less.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName is devoted to you, so $he finds $himself @@.mediumaquamarine;fearing you a little less.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -50>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName hates you, but also doesn't fear you, @@.orangered;bolstering her disobedience.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName hates you, but also doesn't fear you, @@.orangered;bolstering $his disobedience.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName hates you, so $he finds herself @@.gold;trusting you a little less.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName hates you, so $he finds $himself @@.gold;trusting you a little less.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].trust > 95>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= -20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName feels no threat from you, so $he finds it easy to @@.mediumorchid;express her hatred of you.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName feels no threat from you, so $he finds it easy to @@.mediumorchid;express $his hatred of you.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName trusts you implicitly, so $he finds herself @@.hotpink;hating you a little less.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName trusts you implicitly, so $he finds $himself @@.hotpink;hating you a little less.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName trusts you implicitly, so $he finds herself @@.hotpink;liking you a little more.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName trusts you implicitly, so $he finds $himself @@.hotpink;liking you a little more.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].trust > 50>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= -20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName finds you non-threatening, so it's easy for her to @@.mediumorchid;defy you.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName finds you non-threatening, so it's easy for $him to @@.mediumorchid;defy you.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName trusts you, so $he finds herself @@.hotpink;hating you a little less.@@
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName trusts you, so $he finds $himself @@.hotpink;hating you a little less.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < -50>>
@@ -654,14 +656,14 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].tankBaby > 0)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 95)>>
-		The tank's imprinting systems left a @@.hotpink;deep, subconscious <<if $activeSlave.tankBaby == 2>>need<<else>>desire<</if>>@@ to serve her owner.
+		The tank's imprinting systems left a @@.hotpink;deep, subconscious <<if $activeSlave.tankBaby == 2>>need<<else>>desire<</if>>@@ to serve $his owner.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "unflinching")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 95)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion < $slaves[$i].oldDevotion)>>
-	$His unflinching nature leads her to forget some of the unpleasant things $he's experienced this week, @@.hotpink;reducing their impact on her feelings about you.@@
+	$His unflinching nature leads $him to forget some of the unpleasant things $he's experienced this week, @@.hotpink;reducing their impact on $his feelings about you.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion - $slaves[$i].devotion)/2>>
@@ -670,37 +672,37 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 1>>
-	The incubation facility conditioned her mind for total subservience to her owner; $he cannot resist her progress.
+	The incubation facility conditioned $his mind for total subservience to $his owner; $he cannot resist $his progress.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 2>>
-	The incubation facility conditioned her mind for total reverence of her owner; $he cannot resist her progress.
+	The incubation facility conditioned $his mind for total reverence of $his owner; $he cannot resist $his progress.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion >= ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion+5)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 1>>
-			The incubation facility conditioned her mind for total subservience to her owner; $he cannot resist her progress.
+			The incubation facility conditioned $his mind for total subservience to $his owner; $he cannot resist $his progress.
 		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= random(1,100)>>
-			The natural resilience of her mind is overcome by the omnipresent combination of faith and servitude in $arcologies[0].name, and $he does not resist her progress down the path towards total subservience.
+			The natural resilience of $his mind is overcome by the omnipresent combination of faith and servitude in $arcologies[0].name, and $he does not resist $his progress down the path towards total subservience.
 		<<elseif Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
-			$He gained so much regard for you this week that her natural reaction is to rebound a little, but since you're giving her personal attention, your charismatic presence prevents this.
+			$He gained so much regard for you this week that $his natural reaction is to rebound a little, but since you're giving $him personal attention, your charismatic presence prevents this.
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < 95>>
-			So many things served to drive her into subservience this week that her mind @@.mediumorchid;rebounds a little.@@
+			So many things served to drive $him into subservience this week that $his mind @@.mediumorchid;rebounds a little.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion = ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion+5)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion >= ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion+5)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 1>>
-		The incubation facility conditioned her mind for total subservience to her owner; $he cannot resist her progress.
+		The incubation facility conditioned $his mind for total subservience to $his owner; $he cannot resist $his progress.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
-		Though $he made progress this week, @@.mediumorchid;it is limited by her arrogance.@@
+		Though $he made progress this week, @@.mediumorchid;it is limited by $his arrogance.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion = ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion+5)>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy") && canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
 		Though $he made progress this week, @@.mediumorchid;it is limited by the independence $he regains by making snide comments.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion = ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion+5)>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout">>
-		Though $he made progress this week, @@.mediumorchid;it is limited by the independence $he regains through reliance on her faith.@@
+		Though $he made progress this week, @@.mediumorchid;it is limited by the independence $he regains through reliance on $his faith.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion = ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion+5)>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "liberated">>
-		Though $he made progress this week, @@.mediumorchid;it is limited by the independence $he retains due to her moral convictions that this is wrong.@@
+		Though $he made progress this week, @@.mediumorchid;it is limited by the independence $he retains due to $his moral convictions that this is wrong.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion = ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion+5)>>
@@ -711,11 +713,11 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].trust > -20>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= ($slaves[$i].oldTrust+5)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 1>>
-			Any natural doubts $he has are overcome by her conditioning in the incubation facility; $he cannot resist trusting her owner.
+			Any natural doubts $he has are overcome by $his conditioning in the incubation facility; $he cannot resist trusting $his owner.
 		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= random(1,100)>>
-			Any natural doubts $he harbors are overcome by her belief in Chattel Religionism, and $he does not resist her progress down the path towards total trust in you.
+			Any natural doubts $he harbors are overcome by $his belief in Chattel Religionism, and $he does not resist $his progress down the path towards total trust in you.
 		<<elseif Array.isArray($personalAttention) && $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; }) != -1>>
-			$He gained so much trust in you this week that her natural reaction is to doubt herself, but since you're giving her personal attention, $he decides to trust her understanding of your will.
+			$He gained so much trust in you this week that $his natural reaction is to doubt $himself, but since you're giving $him personal attention, $he decides to trust $his understanding of your will.
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < 95>>
 			$He gained so much trust in you this week that $he @@.gold;draws back a little@@ out of self-doubt.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust = ($slaves[$i].oldTrust+5)>>
@@ -724,9 +726,9 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= ($slaves[$i].oldTrust+5)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 1>>
-		Any natural doubts $he has are overcome by her conditioning in the incubation facility; $he cannot resist trusting her owner.
+		Any natural doubts $he has are overcome by $his conditioning in the incubation facility; $he cannot resist trusting $his owner.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "odd") && ($slaves[$i].collar != "shock punishment")>>
-		Though $he made progress this week, @@.gold;it is limited by her preoccupation with her own oddities.@@
+		Though $he made progress this week, @@.gold;it is limited by $his preoccupation with $his own oddities.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust = ($slaves[$i].oldTrust+5)>>
@@ -774,30 +776,30 @@
 <<if ($energyPlus > 0)>>
-	$His confidence in her sexuality @@.green;improved her low sex drive.@@
+	$His confidence in $his sexuality @@.green;improved $his low sex drive.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].energy += $energyPlus>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.magenta;worshipfulness is beyond improvement,@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.magenta;worshipfulness is beyond improvement,@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50) && ($slaves[$i].devotion > $slaves[$i].oldDevotion)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.hotpink;devotion increased@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.hotpink;devotion increased@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50) && ($slaves[$i].devotion == $slaves[$i].oldDevotion)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.yellow;devotion did not change@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.yellow;devotion did not change@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.mediumorchid;devotion dropped@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.mediumorchid;devotion dropped@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion > $slaves[$i].oldDevotion)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.hotpink;regard for you increased@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.hotpink;regard for you increased@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion == $slaves[$i].oldDevotion)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.yellow;regard for you did not change@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.yellow;regard for you did not change@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.mediumorchid;regard for you dropped@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.mediumorchid;regard for you dropped@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > $slaves[$i].oldDevotion)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.hotpink;resistance dropped@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.hotpink;resistance dropped@@ and $his
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion == $slaves[$i].oldDevotion)>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.yellow;resistance did not change@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.yellow;resistance did not change@@ and $his
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.mediumorchid;resistance increased@@ and her
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName's @@.mediumorchid;resistance increased@@ and $his
 <<if $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
@@ -835,10 +837,10 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50) && ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion <= 50)>>
-	@@.green;$He has gone from accepting her position to being devoted to you!@@
+	@@.green;$He has gone from accepting $his position to being devoted to you!@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20) && ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion <= 20)>>
-	@@.green;$He has gone from being ambivalent toward you to accepting your ownership of her!@@
+	@@.green;$He has gone from being ambivalent toward you to accepting your ownership of $him!@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20) && ($slaves[$i].oldDevotion < -20)>>
 	@@.green;$He has gone from disliking you to being ambivalent about you!@@
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw b/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw
index 0f52135aedaaad8da5b93429fac52040738ff343..cf5c111b0657c538bb24b0f96c2a8bf3c7bfaf95 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA diet [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 <<if $feeder == 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saGetMilked.tw b/src/uncategorized/saGetMilked.tw
index 6762e5a4eb835233fd5082436a837c865466c807..af07ea574a676743c58e55f9387b390afc31e776 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saGetMilked.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saGetMilked.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA get milked [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <!-- Statistics gathering -->
 <<set _incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].assignment === Job.DAIRY ? $facility.dairy : undefined)>>
 <<set _incomeStats.milk = 0; _incomeStats.cum = 0; _incomeStats.fluid = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saGuardsYou.tw b/src/uncategorized/saGuardsYou.tw
index 50dc26d0cdaeb0e9f266fc865b286da30ad64f31..39853b9da8cfb53311f8b26c9185c0838cbffae8 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saGuardsYou.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saGuardsYou.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA guard you [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 carries arms in your defense.
 <<if $dojo > 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saHormoneEffects.tw b/src/uncategorized/saHormoneEffects.tw
index 072eff184d00a97c78faab47a57a2b114452a71d..32b284e1449361eed7ef39dbffeb6948d0d7f97f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saHormoneEffects.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saHormoneEffects.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA hormone effects [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -400>>
 	$His hormone balance is overwhelmingly masculine.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -300>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw b/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw
index b9cc5f13edc9a571905947e0f65f7a1f7f6afaea..b5c7974b4fe5298dd43ff647f78f991c56ba7361 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA live with HG [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set $HeadGirl = $slaves[_iTemp]>>
 <<set _oralUse = 0, _analUse = 0, _vaginalUse = 0, _mammaryUse = 0, _penetrativeUse = 0>>
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@
 <<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist") && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60) && ($HeadGirl.fetishKnown == 1)>>
 	Since $HeadGirl.slaveName is a sadist, poor $slaves[$i].slaveName lives a life of fear and pain.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		Though it's hard, she manages to find @@.hotpink;sexual satisfaction@@ being a pain slave.
+		Though it's hard, $he manages to find @@.hotpink;sexual satisfaction@@ being a pain slave.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
index a37dc8ddd497bdf3c6356629a54ade5cfe34a46f..21f1070be6f7243e6ab4f5b002588f5adcbfd62a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA long term effects [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set _fetishChangeChance = fetishChangeChance($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set $bellyAccessory = $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory>>
 <<set _para = 0>>
@@ -7,23 +9,23 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll >= 100>>
-	It is perfectly adapted to life in a Fuckdoll suit.
+	$He is perfectly adapted to life in a Fuckdoll suit.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 5>>
-		This is its first week as a living sex toy. It is @@.mediumorchid;utterly terrified@@ by the prospect of spending the rest of its life like this. It is @@.green;forced to adapt@@ to life as a Fuckdoll. It must remain still, and do its best to cooperate with anyone who guides it by touch. When it obeys commands relayed by its suit, it is rewarded with orgasms; when it does not, it is punished with pain.
+		This is its first week as a living sex toy. $He is @@.mediumorchid;utterly terrified@@ by the prospect of spending the rest of its life like this. It is @@.green;forced to adapt@@ to life as a Fuckdoll. It must remain still, and do its best to cooperate with anyone who guides it by touch. When $he obeys commands relayed by its suit, it is rewarded with orgasms; when it does not, it is punished with pain.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].entertainSkill > 50>>
 			It @@.red;begins to forget its entertainment skills@@ under the terrible stress of total confinement.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].entertainSkill = 50>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 15>>
-		This is its second week as a living sex toy. Its suit continues its training as a living sex toy, @@.green;forcing it to accept any treatment@@ it is subjected to. Though the suit is capable of resisting unacceptable movement to a degree, and it includes integral shackles to secure the toy in any position desired, the Fuckdoll is now severely punished if it attempts any resistance at all.
+		This is $his second week as a living sex toy. Its suit continues its training as a living sex toy, @@.green;forcing it to accept any treatment@@ it is subjected to. Though the suit is capable of resisting unacceptable movement to a degree, and it includes integral shackles to secure the toy in any position desired, the Fuckdoll is now severely punished if it attempts any resistance at all.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].whoreSkill > 50>>
 			It @@.red;loses its refined courtesanship,@@ since all it has to remember now is how to be used.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].whoreSkill = 50>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 25>>
-		This week it @@.green;learns the most basic commands@@ its suit can pass, those for simple postures. <<if $slaves[$i].amp == 1>>These are very simple, since it lacks limbs.<<else>>One command directs it to remain standing, but cock its hips to offer its rear hole. Another requires it to get instantly down on all fours and arch its back, offering both its face hole and <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>lower holes<<else>>rear hole<</if>>.<</if>>
+		This week $he @@.green;learns the most basic commands@@ $his suit can pass, those for simple postures. <<if $slaves[$i].amp == 1>>These are very simple, since it lacks limbs.<<else>>One command directs it to remain standing, but cock its hips to offer its rear hole. Another requires it to get instantly down on all fours and arch its back, offering both its face hole and <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>lower holes<<else>>rear hole<</if>>.<</if>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "none">>
 			With no stimulation other than use, it @@.red;quickly forgets what used to make its behavior special.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "none">>
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence > 1>>
-			It was once highly intelligent, but total concentration of all its mental abilities on simple tonal commands @@.red;dulls its intelligence.@@
+			$He was once highly intelligent, but total concentration of all $his mental abilities on simple tonal commands @@.red;dulls $his intelligence.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].intelligence = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 85>>
@@ -116,13 +118,13 @@
 <<case "no clothing">>
 <<if $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
-		$He pretends to be embarrassed by her nudity but seems to get off on it. @@.lightcoral;$He's into humiliation.@@
+		$He pretends to be embarrassed by $his nudity but seems to get off on it. @@.lightcoral;$He's into humiliation.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-		$He pretends to be embarrassed by her nudity but @@.hotpink;openly gets off on it.@@
+		$He pretends to be embarrassed by $his nudity but @@.hotpink;openly gets off on it.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
-		$He pretends to be embarrassed by her nudity but @@.hotpink;secretly gets off on it.@@
+		$He pretends to be embarrassed by $his nudity but @@.hotpink;secretly gets off on it.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
 		$His libido is so strong that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys being naked and available.@@
@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@
 <<case "a penitent nuns habit">>
-	The mortification of the flesh $he endures from wearing her sackcloth habit slowly and painfully @@.hotpink;purifies her mind@@ of any but devoted, @@.gold;fearful@@ thoughts. It's also @@.red;unhealthy.@@
+	The mortification of the flesh $he endures from wearing $his sackcloth habit slowly and painfully @@.hotpink;purifies $his mind@@ of any but devoted, @@.gold;fearful@@ thoughts. It's also @@.red;unhealthy.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust -= 2, $slaves[$i].health -= 3>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 		$His chafed skin makes sex an agonizing prospect. $He seems to get off on the pain; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
@@ -143,54 +145,54 @@
 <<case "uncomfortable straps">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
-		The uncomfortable straps $he's wearing constantly give her little twinges of pain, @@.hotpink;titillating her.@@
+		The uncomfortable straps $he's wearing constantly give $him little twinges of pain, @@.hotpink;titillating $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -50)>>
-		The uncomfortable straps $he's wearing keep her @@.hotpink;servile@@ and @@.gold;afraid.@@
+		The uncomfortable straps $he's wearing keep $him @@.hotpink;servile@@ and @@.gold;afraid.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
-			The straps pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used. $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
+			The straps pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 			<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-				The straps pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
+				The straps pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
-			$His straps pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used. $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
+			$His straps pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 			<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-				$His straps pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
+				$His straps pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<case "chains">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
-		The chains $he's wearing constantly give her little twinges of pain, @@.hotpink;titillating her.@@
+		The chains $he's wearing constantly give $him little twinges of pain, @@.hotpink;titillating $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -50)>>
-		The chains $he's wearing keep her @@.hotpink;servile@@ and @@.gold;afraid.@@
+		The chains $he's wearing keep $him @@.hotpink;servile@@ and @@.gold;afraid.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
-			$His chains pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used. $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
+			$His chains pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 			<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-				$His chains pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
+				$His chains pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
-			$His chains pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used.  $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
+			$His chains pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He seems to get off on the discomfort; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 			<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-				$His chains pinch and constrict her whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
+				$His chains pinch and constrict $him whenever $he's used. $He learns to come in spite of, and then @@.lightcoral;because of the discomfort.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
@@ -198,33 +200,33 @@
 <<case "restrictive latex">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion >= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -50) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
-			The latex $he's wearing limits her world to your input and control. $He seems to get off on the lack of control; $he's a @@.lightcoral;total submissive.@@
+			The latex $he's wearing limits $his world to your input and control. $He seems to get off on the lack of control; $he's a @@.lightcoral;total submissive.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
 			As a submissive $he @@.hotpink;openly enjoys being immured in latex.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-			$His submissive tendencies help her @@.hotpink;enjoy being immured in latex.@@
+			$His submissive tendencies help $him @@.hotpink;enjoy being immured in latex.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20)>>
-		The latex $he's wearing limits her world to @@.hotpink;your input and control@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of unexpected pain.
+		The latex $he's wearing limits $his world to @@.hotpink;your input and control@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of unexpected pain.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 <<case "shibari ropes">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion >= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -50) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
-			The ropes $he's wearing restrict her and leave her completely helpless. $He seems to get off on the lack of control; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural submissive.@@
+			The ropes $he's wearing restrict $him and leave $him completely helpless. $He seems to get off on the lack of control; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural submissive.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
 			As a submissive $he @@.hotpink;openly enjoys wearing binding ropes as clothing.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-			$His submissive tendencies help her @@.hotpink;enjoy wearing binding ropes as clothing.@@
+			$His submissive tendencies help $him @@.hotpink;enjoy wearing binding ropes as clothing.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20)>>
-		The ropes $he's wearing restrict her without pain, rendering her @@.hotpink;susceptible to control@@ and @@.gold;afraid.@@
+		The ropes $he's wearing restrict $him without pain, rendering $him @@.hotpink;susceptible to control@@ and @@.gold;afraid.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 <<case "an apron">>
@@ -406,67 +408,67 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].collar == "preg biometrics">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy" && $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].preg < -1>>
-			$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, which as an infertile pregnancy fetishist, is @@.mediumorchid;crippling@@ to $him.
+			$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, which as an infertile pregnancy fetishist, is @@.mediumorchid;crippling@@ to $him.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, which as a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;pleasing@@ to $him.
+			$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, which as a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;pleasing@@ to $him.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy" && $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].preg < -1>>
-		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, which nearly causes her to have a @@.mediumorchid;mental breakdown@@, painting her as an infertile @@.lightcoral;pregnancy fetishist.@@
+		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, which nearly causes $him to have a @@.mediumorchid;mental breakdown@@, painting $him as an infertile @@.lightcoral;pregnancy fetishist.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, @@.hotpink;oddly exciting@@ $him. It would seem $he has a @@.lightcoral;pregnancy fetish!@@
+		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, @@.hotpink;oddly exciting@@ $him. It would seem $he has a @@.lightcoral;pregnancy fetish!@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 	<<elseif  $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation" && $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
-		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, which is completely humiliating, and @@.hotpink;pleasing@@ to $him.
+		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, which is completely humiliating, and @@.hotpink;pleasing@@ to $him.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif  $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation" && $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
-		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, which is completely humiliating, and @@.hotpink;oddly pleasing@@ to $him. $He seems to have a @@.lightcoral;humiliation fetish!@@
+		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, which is completely humiliating, and @@.hotpink;oddly pleasing@@ to $him. $He seems to have a @@.lightcoral;humiliation fetish!@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= -20>>
-		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her fertility, filling her @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ that you that you consider her womb little more than property, as well as @@.gold;fear@@ that it will soon be swelling with an unwelcome child.
+		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his fertility, filling $him @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ that you that you consider $his womb little more than property, as well as @@.gold;fear@@ that it will soon be swelling with an unwelcome child.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, completely @@.hotpink;degrading her@@ and making her @@.gold;fear@@ her new life.
+		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, completely @@.hotpink;degrading $him@@ and making $him @@.gold;fear@@ $his new life.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= 20>>
-		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about her womb, filling her @@.hotpink;with pride@@ that you think her womb is worth attention.
+		$His collar's display reveals all sorts of personal information about $his womb, filling $him @@.hotpink;with pride@@ that you think $his womb is worth attention.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && (($slaves[$i].collar == "tight steel") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "cruel retirement counter"))>>
-		The tight metal collar $he's wearing @@.gold;reminds her to be afraid@@ every time $he takes a breath.
+		The tight metal collar $he's wearing @@.gold;reminds $him to be afraid@@ every time $he takes a breath.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "uncomfortable leather") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "neck corset")>>
-		The uncomfortable leather collar $he's wearing @@.gold;reminds her to be afraid@@ every time $he turns her head.
+		The uncomfortable leather collar $he's wearing @@.gold;reminds $him to be afraid@@ every time $he turns $his head.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "dildo gag")>>
-		The dildo gag $he's wearing @@.gold;reminds her to be afraid@@ with every breath $he must carefully take through her nose.
+		The dildo gag $he's wearing @@.gold;reminds $him to be afraid@@ with every breath $he must carefully take through $his nose.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "ball gag")>>
-		The ball gag $he's wearing keeps her mouth filled and, since $he can't speak out, forces her @@.hotpink;to submit@@ to your will. $He @@.gold;fears@@ for her safety with every suppressed word.
+		The ball gag $he's wearing keeps $his mouth filled and, since $he can't speak out, forces $him @@.hotpink;to submit@@ to your will. $He @@.gold;fears@@ for $his safety with every suppressed word.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "bit gag")>>
-		The uncomfortable bit gag $he's wearing keeps her mouth locked and, since $he can't speak out, forces her @@.hotpink;to submit@@ to your will. $He @@.gold;fears@@ for her safety with every suppressed word.
+		The uncomfortable bit gag $he's wearing keeps $his mouth locked and, since $he can't speak out, forces $him @@.hotpink;to submit@@ to your will. $He @@.gold;fears@@ for $his safety with every suppressed word.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "porcelain mask")>>
-		The beautiful porcelain mask $he's wearing slowly erodes her identity, forcing her @@.hotpink;to submit@@ to your will. $He @@.gold;questions@@ who $he is.
+		The beautiful porcelain mask $he's wearing slowly erodes $his identity, forcing $him @@.hotpink;to submit@@ to your will. $He @@.gold;questions@@ who $he is.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "massive dildo gag")>>
-		The enormous dildo gag $he's wearing @@.gold;terrifies her@@ that $he will soon be choking down cocks of similar size. $He can feel her throat stretching around the giant dildo, and @@.mediumorchid;resents you@@ for tormenting her this way.
+		The enormous dildo gag $he's wearing @@.gold;terrifies $him@@ that $he will soon be choking down cocks of similar size. $He can feel $his throat stretching around the giant dildo, and @@.mediumorchid;resents you@@ for tormenting $him this way.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1, $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "shock punishment")>>
-		The shock collar $he's wearing makes her frequent, deserved punishments @@.gold;immediate, inescapable,@@ and @@.mediumorchid;awful.@@
+		The shock collar $he's wearing makes $his frequent, deserved punishments @@.gold;immediate, inescapable,@@ and @@.mediumorchid;awful.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20) && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw != "odd")>>
-			Since $he's rebellious her life is near-constant electroshock torture. $His resistance is @@.hotpink;worn down by the agony@@ and $he is @@.gold;thoroughly cowed,@@ but $he has been @@.red;emotionally damaged@@ by the experience to the extent that further shock torture is not likely to affect her as greatly.
+			Since $he's rebellious $his life is near-constant electroshock torture. $His resistance is @@.hotpink;worn down by the agony@@ and $he is @@.gold;thoroughly cowed,@@ but $he has been @@.red;emotionally damaged@@ by the experience to the extent that further shock torture is not likely to affect $him as greatly.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "odd">>
@@ -477,49 +479,49 @@
 	<<if (($slaves[$i].collar == "heavy gold") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "ancient Egyptian"))>>
-		$He bears the burden of her heavy gold collar with @@.mediumaquamarine;confidence.@@
+		$He bears the burden of $his heavy gold collar with @@.mediumaquamarine;confidence.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "bowtie")>>
-		The bowtie and shirt collar $he wears fill her with @@.mediumaquamarine;confidence,@@ since although they conceal a more traditional slave collar that can be used to restrain her, they don't look like it.
+		The bowtie and shirt collar $he wears fill $him with @@.mediumaquamarine;confidence,@@ since although they conceal a more traditional slave collar that can be used to restrain $him, they don't look like it.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "pretty jewelry") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "nice retirement counter") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "satin choker") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "nice retirement counter") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "stylish leather") || ($slaves[$i].collar == "silk ribbon")>>
-		The lovely collar $he wears fills her with @@.mediumaquamarine;confidence.@@
+		The lovely collar $he wears fills $him with @@.mediumaquamarine;confidence.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "leather with cowbell")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95)>>
-		  $He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how her cow collar encourages everyone to fuck her udders.
+		  $He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how $his cow collar encourages everyone to fuck $his udders.
 		  <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs") || ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		  $He @@.hotpink;likes@@ how her cow collar encourages everyone to touch her udders.
+		  $He @@.hotpink;likes@@ how $his cow collar encourages everyone to touch $his udders.
 		  <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "ball gag" || $slaves[$i].collar == "bit gag")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95)>>
-		  $He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how her gag forces her to keep silent.
+		  $He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how $his gag forces $him to keep silent.
 		  <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") || ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		  $He @@.hotpink;likes@@ how her gag forces her to keep silent.
+		  $He @@.hotpink;likes@@ how $his gag forces $him to keep silent.
 		  <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].collar == "porcelain mask")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95)>>
-		  $He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how her mask makes her beautiful enough for you.
+		  $He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how $his mask makes $him beautiful enough for you.
 		  <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") || ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		  $He @@.hotpink;likes@@ how her mask makes her beautiful enough for you.
+		  $He @@.hotpink;likes@@ how $his mask makes $him beautiful enough for you.
 		  <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].collar == "dildo gag")>>
   <<if $slaves[$i].oralSkill <= 10>>
-	Living gagged by a dildo, $he can't help but get better at having things down her throat.
+	Living gagged by a dildo, $he can't help but get better at having things down $his throat.
 	<<set $skillIncrease = 5>><<OralSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].collar == "massive dildo gag")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].oralSkill < 75>>
-	Living gagged by such an immense dildo, $he can't help but get even better at having giant things rammed down her throat.
+	Living gagged by such an immense dildo, $he can't help but get even better at having giant things rammed down $his throat.
 	<<set $skillIncrease = 5>><<OralSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
@@ -531,10 +533,10 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory != "none">>
 <<if $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory == "an extreme corset">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 100000>>
-		$His straining corset finally gives in to her giant stomach and bursts, freeing her belly.
+		$His straining corset finally gives in to $his giant stomach and bursts, freeing $his belly.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory = "none">>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-		The tight corseting has @@.orange;caused her to miscarry,@@ which @@.red;damages her health.@@
+		The tight corseting has @@.orange;caused $him to miscarry,@@ which @@.red;damages $his health.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 20>>
 		<<if lastPregRule($slaves[$i],$defaultRules)>><<set $slaves[$i].preg = -1>><<else>><<set $slaves[$i].preg = 0>><</if>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = 0, WombFlush($slaves[$i]), $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 0, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = -4>>
@@ -542,13 +544,13 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].reservedChildren > 0>><<set $reservedChildren -= $slaves[$i].reservedChildren>><<set $slaves[$i].reservedChildren = 0>><</if>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < -50>>
-				$He is @@.mediumorchid;filled with violent, consuming hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ Even though $he knew her baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it and views you as its killer.
+				$He is @@.mediumorchid;filled with violent, consuming hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ Even though $he knew $his baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it and views you as its killer.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 25, $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
-				$He is @@.mediumorchid;afflicted by desperate, inconsolable grief@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew her baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
+				$He is @@.mediumorchid;afflicted by desperate, inconsolable grief@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew $his baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 20>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
-				$He is @@.mediumorchid;consumed by enduring sorrow@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew her baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
+				$He is @@.mediumorchid;consumed by enduring sorrow@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew $his baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
 				$He is dully obedient. $He has been broken to slave life so thoroughly that even this is neither surprising nor affecting.
@@ -559,9 +561,9 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist <= -95>>
-			$His waist is so absurd that her extreme corsetage does not affect her further.
+			$His waist is so absurd that $his extreme corsetage does not affect $him further.
-			@@.lime;The extreme corseting narrows her waist.@@
+			@@.lime;The extreme corseting narrows $his waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist -= 5>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].waist < -95>> /*can only get here if waist was previously > -95 */
 				<<set $slaves[$i].waist = -95>>
@@ -580,10 +582,10 @@
 							Despite this, $he seems to get off on the pain; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
 							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
-							It only adds to her pleasure, much to her @@.hotpink;enjoyment.@@
+							It only adds to $his pleasure, much to $his @@.hotpink;enjoyment.@@
 							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-								Such constant suffering @@.lightcoral;deepens her masochism.@@
+								Such constant suffering @@.lightcoral;deepens $his masochism.@@
 								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 2>>
@@ -599,14 +601,14 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory == "a corset">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-		$His corset lets her growing belly protrude comfortably, preventing any danger to her pregnancy but preventing any effect on her waist.
+		$His corset lets $his growing belly protrude comfortably, preventing any danger to $his pregnancy but preventing any effect on $his waist.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 1500>>
-		$His corset lets her rounded belly protrude comfortably but prevents any effect on her waist.
+		$His corset lets $his rounded belly protrude comfortably but prevents any effect on $his waist.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].waist < -40>>
-			$His waist is so narrow that her corsetage does not affect it.
+			$His waist is so narrow that $his corsetage does not affect it.
-			@@.lime;The corseting narrows her waist.@@
+			@@.lime;The corseting narrows $his waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist -= 3>>
@@ -621,20 +623,20 @@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -50) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					As a pregnancy fetishist, $he @@.hotpink;openly enjoys@@ wearing her fake belly around.
+					As a pregnancy fetishist, $he @@.hotpink;openly enjoys@@ wearing $his fake belly around.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-					$His interest in pregnancy helps her @@.hotpink;enjoy@@ wearing a fake belly.
+					$His interest in pregnancy helps $him @@.hotpink;enjoy@@ wearing a fake belly.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-				$He carries her fake belly @@.hotpink;with pride@@, eager for the day you give her one of her own.
+				$He carries $his fake belly @@.hotpink;with pride@@, eager for the day you give $him one of $his own.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries ==1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
-				The fake belly $he wears @@.mediumorchid;reminds her@@ that $he isn't pregnant with a child.
+				The fake belly $he wears @@.mediumorchid;reminds $him@@ that $he isn't pregnant with a child.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vagina == 0) && isFertile($slaves[$i]) && $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus == "unset" && $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
-				The fake belly $he wears @@.gold;worries@@ her that you will soon put a real baby in $him.
+				The fake belly $he wears @@.gold;worries@@ $him that you will soon put a real baby in $him.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory == "a huge empathy belly" && $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
@@ -648,10 +650,10 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
 				<<if random(1,100) >= 20>>
-					Pretending to be pregnant has @@.lightcoral;furthered her interest in pregnancy.@@
+					Pretending to be pregnant has @@.lightcoral;furthered $his interest in pregnancy.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 40)>>
-					Lugging around a fake pregnancy for the week has shown her $he @@.coral;isn't as into pregnancy as $he thought.@@
+					Lugging around a fake pregnancy for the week has shown $him $he @@.coral;isn't as into pregnancy as $he thought.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
@@ -687,20 +689,20 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
-			It is difficult to walk in her extreme heels, but $he
+			It is difficult to walk in $his extreme heels, but $he
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 				seems to enjoy every painful step; $he's a @@.lightcoral;natural masochist.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
-				@@.hotpink;appreciates@@ every painful step you make her take.
+				@@.hotpink;appreciates@@ every painful step you make $him take.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-			$He is kept @@.hotpink;mindful@@ and @@.gold;fearful@@ by the difficulty of walking in her extreme heels.
+			$He is kept @@.hotpink;mindful@@ and @@.gold;fearful@@ by the difficulty of walking in $his extreme heels.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
-		They're so high they're a bit @@.red;unhealthy@@ for her legs.
+		They're so high they're a bit @@.red;unhealthy@@ for $his legs.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 2>>
@@ -711,7 +713,7 @@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
 			$He accepts being forced to crawl around on all fours.
-			$He @@.mediumorchid;resents being forced@@ to crawl around like some kind of animal, but it keeps her properly @@.gold;afraid.@@
+			$He @@.mediumorchid;resents being forced@@ to crawl around like some kind of animal, but it keeps $him properly @@.gold;afraid.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2,  $slaves[$i].trust -= 4>>
@@ -720,20 +722,20 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory != "none")>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "dildo")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina < 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-		Constantly wearing a dildo in her virgin pussy @@.lime;gets it used to penetration.@@
+		Constantly wearing a dildo in $his virgin pussy @@.lime;gets it used to penetration.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].vagina += 1>>
 		$His pussy easily accommodates the dildo $he's required to wear.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates penetration") && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-			The habit @@.green;reduces her dislike of having her pussy filled.@@
+			The habit @@.green;reduces $his dislike of having $his pussy filled.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "long dildo")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina < 1) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-	Constantly wearing a dildo in her virgin pussy @@.lime;gets it used to penetration.@@
+	Constantly wearing a dildo in $his virgin pussy @@.lime;gets it used to penetration.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].vagina += 1>>
 		$His pussy easily accommodates the dildo $he's required to wear.
@@ -748,7 +750,7 @@
 		Being able to hold such a long dildo is a @@.hotpink;point of pride@@ for the ostentatious size queen.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-		It penetrates her cervix causing her tremendous discomfort, making her a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
+		It penetrates $his cervix causing $him tremendous discomfort, making $him a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
@@ -756,10 +758,10 @@
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "large dildo")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].vagina < 3>>
 		<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
-			Constantly wearing a large dildo in her pussy @@.lime;stretches it out.@@
+			Constantly wearing a large dildo in $his pussy @@.lime;stretches it out.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].vagina += 1>>
-			The large dildo $he's required to wear is a stretch for her cunt, but pussies are resilient and hers isn't seriously affected.
+			The large dildo $he's required to wear is a stretch for $his cunt, but pussies are resilient and $hers isn't seriously affected.
 		$His pussy accommodates the large dildo $he's required to wear.
@@ -767,16 +769,16 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina < 2)>>
-		The big dildo in her tight cunt
+		The big dildo in $his tight cunt
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
 			is a @@.hotpink;point of pride@@ for the ostentatious size queen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-			@@.hotpink;breaks her to sexual slavery@@ slightly.
+			@@.hotpink;breaks $him to sexual slavery@@ slightly.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina == 1)>>
-			It stretches her tight cunt to soreness by the end of every day, so it also makes her a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
+			It stretches $his tight cunt to soreness by the end of every day, so it also makes $him a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
@@ -785,10 +787,10 @@
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "long, large dildo")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina < 3)>>
 		<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
-			Constantly wearing a large dildo in her pussy @@.lime;stretches it out.@@
+			Constantly wearing a large dildo in $his pussy @@.lime;stretches it out.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].vagina += 1>>
-			The large dildo $he's required to wear is a stretch for her cunt, but pussies are resilient and hers isn't seriously affected.
+			The large dildo $he's required to wear is a stretch for $his cunt, but pussies are resilient and $hers isn't seriously affected.
 		$His pussy accommodates the large dildo $he's required to wear.
@@ -796,17 +798,17 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina < 2)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-		The big, long dildo in her tight cunt
+		The big, long dildo in $his tight cunt
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
 			is a @@.hotpink;point of pride@@ for the ostentatious size queen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-			@@.hotpink;breaks her to sexual slavery@@ slightly. It also penetrates her cervix causing her tremendous discomfort, making her a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
+			@@.hotpink;breaks $him to sexual slavery@@ slightly. It also penetrates $his cervix causing $him tremendous discomfort, making $him a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina == 1)>>
-			It stretches her tight cunt to soreness by the end of every day, so it also makes her a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
+			It stretches $his tight cunt to soreness by the end of every day, so it also makes $him a little @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
@@ -817,16 +819,16 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-			$He thinks of the massive dildo stretching out her womanhood as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to take anything, dicks, hands, truly anything, inside her newly capacious cunt.
+			$He thinks of the massive dildo stretching out $his womanhood as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to take anything, dicks, hands, truly anything, inside $his newly capacious cunt.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-			$He gets off on the agony of having her cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ by a huge dildo. The terrible combination of pain and pleasure @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ but fills her with @@.gold;fear.@@
+			$He gets off on the agony of having $his cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ by a huge dildo. The terrible combination of pain and pleasure @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ but fills $him with @@.gold;fear.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-			$He submits to the agony of having her cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ by a huge dildo. Having her hole ruined at your whim @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ but fills her with @@.gold;fear.@@
+			$He submits to the agony of having $his cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ by a huge dildo. Having $his hole ruined at your whim @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ but fills $him with @@.gold;fear.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
-			The agony of having her cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ by a huge dildo fills her with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@
+			The agony of having $his cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ by a huge dildo fills $him with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
@@ -840,16 +842,16 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-			$He thinks of the massive dildo stretching out her womanhood and stomach as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to take anything, dicks, hands, arms, truly anything, inside her newly capacious cunt.
+			$He thinks of the massive dildo stretching out $his womanhood and stomach as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to take anything, dicks, hands, arms, truly anything, inside $his newly capacious cunt.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-			$He gets off on the agony of having her cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ and her cervix penetrated by a huge dildo. The terrible combination of pain and pleasure @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ but fills her with @@.gold;fear.@@
+			$He gets off on the agony of having $his cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ and $his cervix penetrated by a huge dildo. The terrible combination of pain and pleasure @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ but fills $him with @@.gold;fear.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-			$He submits to the agony of having her cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ and her cervix penetrated by a huge dildo. Having her hole and cervix ruined at your whim @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ but fills her with @@.gold;fear.@@
+			$He submits to the agony of having $his cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ and $his cervix penetrated by a huge dildo. Having $his hole and cervix ruined at your whim @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ but fills $him with @@.gold;fear.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
-			The agony of having her cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ and her cervix penetrated by a huge dildo fills her with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@
+			The agony of having $his cunt @@.lime;permanently stretched@@ and $his cervix penetrated by a huge dildo fills $him with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
@@ -862,20 +864,20 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "long, huge dildo") || ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "long, large dildo") || ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "long dildo")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > 4) && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
 	  <<if (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-		The dildo penetrating her womb @@.orange;caused her to miscarry,@@ which @@.red;damages her health.@@
+		The dildo penetrating $his womb @@.orange;caused $him to miscarry,@@ which @@.red;damages $his health.@@
 		<<set  $slaves[$i].health -= 20>>
 		<<if lastPregRule($slaves[$i],$defaultRules)>><<set $slaves[$i].preg = -1>><<else>><<set $slaves[$i].preg = 0>><</if>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = 0, WombFlush($slaves[$i]), $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 0, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = -4>>
 		<<run SetBellySize($slaves[$i])>>
 		$He is
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < -50>>
-		  @@.mediumorchid;filled with violent, consuming hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ Even though $he knew her baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it and views you as its killer.
+		  @@.mediumorchid;filled with violent, consuming hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ Even though $he knew $his baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it and views you as its killer.
 		  <<set  $slaves[$i].devotion -= 25,  $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
-		  @@.mediumorchid;afflicted by desperate, inconsolable grief@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew her baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
+		  @@.mediumorchid;afflicted by desperate, inconsolable grief@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew $his baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
 		  <<set  $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10,  $slaves[$i].trust -= 20>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
-		  @@.mediumorchid;consumed by enduring sorrow@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew her baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
+		  @@.mediumorchid;consumed by enduring sorrow@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew $his baby was destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for it.
 		  <<set  $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5,  $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
 		  dully obedient. $He has been broken to slave life so thoroughly that even this is neither surprising nor affecting.
@@ -894,36 +896,36 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].buttplugAttachment == "tail")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].anus < 1>>
-				Constantly wearing a tail plug in her virgin butthole @@.lime;stretches it out@@ and @@.gold;is a constant degrading reminder of her submission.@@
+				Constantly wearing a tail plug in $his virgin butthole @@.lime;stretches it out@@ and @@.gold;is a constant degrading reminder of $his submission.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-				$His asshole is used to being penetrated and wearing her tailed buttplug doesn't affect it, though it still serves as @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of her submission.@@
+				$His asshole is used to being penetrated and wearing $his tailed buttplug doesn't affect it, though it still serves as @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of $his submission.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates anal") && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-				It @@.green;gets her habituated to having her asshole filled.@@
+				It @@.green;gets $him habituated to having $his asshole filled.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen") && ($slaves[$i].buttplug == "long plug")>>
-			The overly long plug delving the depths of her rear @@.hotpink;gets her off,@@ since $he's a size queen.
+			The overly long plug delving the depths of $his rear @@.hotpink;gets $him off,@@ since $he's a size queen.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].anus < 1>>
-				Constantly wearing a plug in her virgin butthole @@.lime;stretches it out.@@
+				Constantly wearing a plug in $his virgin butthole @@.lime;stretches it out.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
-				$His asshole is used to being penetrated and wearing her buttplug doesn't affect it.
+				$His asshole is used to being penetrated and wearing $his buttplug doesn't affect it.
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates anal") && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-				It @@.green;gets her habituated to having her asshole filled.@@
+				It @@.green;gets $him habituated to having $his asshole filled.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen") && ($slaves[$i].buttplug == "long plug")>>
-			The overly long plug delving the depths of her rear @@.hotpink;gets her off,@@ since $he's a size queen.
+			The overly long plug delving the depths of $his rear @@.hotpink;gets $him off,@@ since $he's a size queen.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
@@ -932,31 +934,31 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].buttplugAttachment == "tail")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 2)>>
-				The uncomfortable tailed plug in her asshole
+				The uncomfortable tailed plug in $his asshole
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-					@@.hotpink;gets her off,@@ since $he's a size queen, while serving as @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of her submission.@@
+					@@.hotpink;gets $him off,@@ since $he's a size queen, while serving as @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of $his submission.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					@@.hotpink;breaks her to anal slavery@@ slightly, while serving as a @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of her submission.@@
+					@@.hotpink;breaks $him to anal slavery@@ slightly, while serving as a @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of $his submission.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 1)>>
-					It stretches her tight rosebud painfully, making her somewhat @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
+					It stretches $his tight rosebud painfully, making $him somewhat @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].anus < 3>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 1) || (random(1,2) == 1)>>
-				Constantly wearing a large tailed plug up her ass @@.lime;loosens her sphincter.@@
+				Constantly wearing a large tailed plug up $his ass @@.lime;loosens $his sphincter.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
-				The large tailed plug $he's required to wear up her ass stretches it to the limit, but on the rare occasions when the plug is removed, her rear hole still tightens up.
+				The large tailed plug $he's required to wear up $his ass stretches it to the limit, but on the rare occasions when the plug is removed, $his rear hole still tightens up.
 			$His anus accommodates the large plug $he's required to wear.
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ her rear-end.
+				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ $his rear-end.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
@@ -964,31 +966,31 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 2)>>
-				The uncomfortable plug in her asshole
+				The uncomfortable plug in $his asshole
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-					@@.hotpink;gets her off,@@ since $he's a size queen.
+					@@.hotpink;gets $him off,@@ since $he's a size queen.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-					@@.hotpink;breaks her to anal slavery@@ slightly.
+					@@.hotpink;breaks $him to anal slavery@@ slightly.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 1)>>
-					It stretches her tight rosebud painfully, making her somewhat @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
+					It stretches $his tight rosebud painfully, making $him somewhat @@.gold;less trusting@@ of you.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].anus < 3>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 1) || (random(1,2) == 1)>>
-				Constantly wearing a large plug up her ass @@.lime;loosens her sphincter.@@
+				Constantly wearing a large plug up $his ass @@.lime;loosens $his sphincter.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
-				The large plug $he's required to wear up her ass stretches it to the limit, but on the rare occasions when the plug is removed, her rear hole still tightens up.
+				The large plug $he's required to wear up $his ass stretches it to the limit, but on the rare occasions when the plug is removed, $his rear hole still tightens up.
 			$His anus accommodates the large plug $he's required to wear.
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ her rear-end.
+				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ $his rear-end.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
@@ -999,24 +1001,24 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 4)>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-					$He thinks of the horribly huge tailed plug $he has wear in her butt as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to being able to safely take unlubricated anal from them. Even so, the tail hanging from her rear is @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of her submission.@@
+					$He thinks of the horribly huge tailed plug $he has wear in $his butt as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to being able to safely take unlubricated anal from them. Even so, the tail hanging from $his rear is @@.gold;a constant degrading reminder of $his submission.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					$He gets off on the agony of having her anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge tailed buttplug, but can't ignore the tail hanging from the back of the plug. The terrible combination of anal pleasure and degradation @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ and fills her with @@.gold;humiliation.@@
+					$He gets off on the agony of having $his anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge tailed buttplug, but can't ignore the tail hanging from the back of the plug. The terrible combination of anal pleasure and degradation @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ and fills $him with @@.gold;humiliation.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 7>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					$He submits to the agony of having her anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge tailed buttplug and the shame of having a tail dangle from the back of the plug. Having her hole ruined at your whim and in such a degrading fashion @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ and fills her with @@.gold;humiliation.@@
+					$He submits to the agony of having $his anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge tailed buttplug and the shame of having a tail dangle from the back of the plug. Having $his hole ruined at your whim and in such a degrading fashion @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ and fills $him with @@.gold;humiliation.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 7>>
-					The agony of having her anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge tailed buttplug fills her with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;humiliation.@@
+					The agony of having $his anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge tailed buttplug fills $him with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;humiliation.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
-			$His gaping anus accommodates the huge tailed plug $he's required to wear, serving little purpose other than to remind her of her @@.gold;humiliation.@@
+			$His gaping anus accommodates the huge tailed plug $he's required to wear, serving little purpose other than to remind $him of $his @@.gold;humiliation.@@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ her rear-end.
+				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ $his rear-end.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
@@ -1025,16 +1027,16 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 4)>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-					$He thinks of the horribly huge plug $he has wear in her butt as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to being able to safely take unlubricated anal from them.
+					$He thinks of the horribly huge plug $he has wear in $his butt as @@.lime;preparation for the biggest cocks,@@ and @@.hotpink;looks forward@@ to being able to safely take unlubricated anal from them.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					$He gets off on the agony of having her anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge buttplug. The terrible combination of pain and pleasure @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ but fills her with @@.gold;fear.@@
+					$He gets off on the agony of having $his anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge buttplug. The terrible combination of pain and pleasure @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ but fills $him with @@.gold;fear.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					$He submits to the agony of having her anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge buttplug. Having her hole ruined at your whim @@.hotpink;breaks her will@@ but fills her with @@.gold;fear.@@
+					$He submits to the agony of having $his anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge buttplug. Having $his hole ruined at your whim @@.hotpink;breaks $his will@@ but fills $him with @@.gold;fear.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
-					The agony of having her anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge buttplug fills her with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@
+					The agony of having $his anal sphincter @@.lime;permanently gaped@@ by a huge buttplug fills $him with @@.mediumorchid;resentment@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
@@ -1042,7 +1044,7 @@
 			$His gaping anus accommodates the huge plug $he's required to wear.
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ her rear-end.
+				In fact, $he @@.hotpink;regularly orgasms@@ even in non-sexual situations as the plug is @@.green;constantly stimulating@@ $his rear-end.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
@@ -1052,21 +1054,21 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].buttplugAttachment == "tail")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
-			$He shows a surprising lack of resistance to the routine of having a tail inserted in her ass each morning; $he seems to @@.lightcoral;naturally enjoy the humiliation.@@
+			$He shows a surprising lack of resistance to the routine of having a tail inserted in $his ass each morning; $he seems to @@.lightcoral;naturally enjoy the humiliation.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 			<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-				Slowly, her shame at having a tail inserted in her ass each morning turns to secret enjoyment and finally to @@.lightcoral;open arousal at the humiliating accessory.@@
+				Slowly, $his shame at having a tail inserted in $his ass each morning turns to secret enjoyment and finally to @@.lightcoral;open arousal at the humiliating accessory.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttplug == "plug") || ($slaves[$i].buttplug == "large plug") || ($slaves[$i].buttplug == "long, large plug") || ($slaves[$i].buttplug == "long plug")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
-			$He shows a surprising lack of resistance to the routine of getting the plug up her butt in the morning; $he seems to @@.lightcoral;naturally enjoy anal stimulation.@@
+			$He shows a surprising lack of resistance to the routine of getting the plug up $his butt in the morning; $he seems to @@.lightcoral;naturally enjoy anal stimulation.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0)>>
 		<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-			Slowly, her anguish at getting the plug up her butt in the morning turns to secret enjoyment and finally to @@.lightcoral;open arousal at having her anus filled.@@
+			Slowly, $his anguish at getting the plug up $his butt in the morning turns to secret enjoyment and finally to @@.lightcoral;open arousal at having $his anus filled.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
@@ -1091,7 +1093,7 @@
 				Recently, $he's been fantasizing about submitting to big strong men. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a man @@.green;mellows.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-				Recently, $he's been reconsidering her reluctance to be sodomized by a man. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a man @@.green;mellows.@@
+				Recently, $he's been reconsidering $his reluctance to be sodomized by a man. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a man @@.green;mellows.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
 				Recently, $he's been fantasizing about getting knocked up. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a man @@.green;mellows.@@
@@ -1099,23 +1101,23 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "adores men")>>
-				$He enjoys spending time with men, and starts to @@.green;reconsider her unwillingness to be fucked by men.@@
+				$He enjoys spending time with men, and starts to @@.green;reconsider $his unwillingness to be fucked by men.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 40)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].analCount > 0) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-				Every time $he cums with a dick up her ass, her @@.green;resistance to sex with men is worn away.@@
+				Every time $he cums with a dick up $his ass, $his @@.green;resistance to sex with men is worn away.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > random(1,100))>>
-				The atmosphere in your arcology is so ubiquitously sexual that $he @@.green;reconsiders her unwillingness to have sex with men.@@
+				The atmosphere in your arcology is so ubiquitously sexual that $he @@.green;reconsiders $his unwillingness to have sex with men.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
-			$His weak libido limits natural development of her sexuality.
+			$His weak libido limits natural development of $his sexuality.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].genes == "XY">>
@@ -1123,27 +1125,27 @@
 			<<switch _roll>>
 			<<case 1>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].nosePiercing>>
-					$He's fascinated by her <<if $slaves[$i].nosePiercing > 1>>slutty nose piercings, and unconsciously thinks of herself as @@.green;prettier and more suited to take dick.@@<<else>>nice little nasal piercing, and feels like @@.green;more of a girly girl.@@<</if>>
+					$He's fascinated by $his <<if $slaves[$i].nosePiercing > 1>>slutty nose piercings, and unconsciously thinks of $himself as @@.green;prettier and more suited to take dick.@@<<else>>nice little nasal piercing, and feels like @@.green;more of a girly girl.@@<</if>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
 			<<case 2>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].eyebrowPiercing>>
-					$His <<if $slaves[$i].eyebrowPiercing > 1>>degrading eyebrow piercings make her feel @@.green;a little less disinclined to accept being on the bottom.@@<<else>>cute eyebrow piercing makes her feel @@.green;a little girlier.@@<</if>>
+					$His <<if $slaves[$i].eyebrowPiercing > 1>>degrading eyebrow piercings make $him feel @@.green;a little less disinclined to accept being on the bottom.@@<<else>>cute eyebrow piercing makes $him feel @@.green;a little girlier.@@<</if>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
 			<<case 3>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].lipsPiercing>>
-					$He kind of likes her <<if $slaves[$i].lipsPiercing > 1>>whorish lip ring, and seems @@.green;less disturbed by the idea of her mouth as a fuckhole.@@<<else>>pretty little lip piercing, and feels like @@.green;$he has a nice mouth.@@<</if>>
+					$He kind of likes $his <<if $slaves[$i].lipsPiercing > 1>>whorish lip ring, and seems @@.green;less disturbed by the idea of $his mouth as a fuckhole.@@<<else>>pretty little lip piercing, and feels like @@.green;$he has a nice mouth.@@<</if>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
 			<<case 4>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].navelPiercing>>
-					$He sometimes stares at her <<if $slaves[$i].navelPiercing > 1>>navel chain, turning this way and that to make it move, unconsciously @@.green;getting used to her fuckable body.@@<<else>>little feminine navel piercing, and seems to think @@.green;her lower half is kind of pretty.@@<</if>>
+					$He sometimes stares at $his <<if $slaves[$i].navelPiercing > 1>>navel chain, turning this way and that to make it move, unconsciously @@.green;getting used to $his fuckable body.@@<<else>>little feminine navel piercing, and seems to think @@.green;$his lower half is kind of pretty.@@<</if>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
 			<<case 5>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].earPiercing>>
-					Every morning, $he's greeted by her girly reflection in the mirror, <<if $slaves[$i].earPiercing > 1>>whose slutty ear piercings make her @@.green;feel more fuckable.@@<<else>>complete with pretty pierced ears @@.green;like a good slave girl.@@<</if>>
+					Every morning, $he's greeted by $his girly reflection in the mirror, <<if $slaves[$i].earPiercing > 1>>whose slutty ear piercings make $him @@.green;feel more fuckable.@@<<else>>complete with pretty pierced ears @@.green;like a good slave girl.@@<</if>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
@@ -1153,7 +1155,7 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 40)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-				$He's found herself enjoying watching big strong men use other slaves recently. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
+				$He's found $himself enjoying watching big strong men use other slaves recently. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
 				$He's started fantasizing about cocks being shoved up $his butt even when there are no cocks being shoved up $his butt. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
@@ -1180,7 +1182,7 @@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
-			$His poor sex drive limits natural development of her sexuality.
+			$His poor sex drive limits natural development of $his sexuality.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 85)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 60)>>
@@ -1254,7 +1256,7 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 40)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-				$He's found herself enjoying the sight of female slaves being forced to fuck recently. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
+				$He's found $himself enjoying the sight of female slaves being forced to fuck recently. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
 				$He's started fantasizing about how a girl might feel, struggling to get away from $him. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
@@ -1293,10 +1295,10 @@
 				$He can't see a woman without doing $his best to find a way the rules will allow $his to abuse the poor girl. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
-				$He can't see a woman without doing $his best to get $his hands on her breasts. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
+				$He can't see a woman without doing $his best to get $his hands on $his breasts. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy" && canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
-				$He can't see a woman without plotting to plant $his seed in her womb. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
+				$He can't see a woman without plotting to plant $his seed in $his womb. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
@@ -1433,17 +1435,17 @@
 		<<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk>>
 		<<case "confident">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
-			$His confidence and poise affect her sexual outlook. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a dom!@@
+			$His confidence and poise affect $his sexual outlook. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a dom!@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<<case "cutting">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
-			$His willingness to cut a partner down makes her more dominant in bed. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a dom!@@
+			$His willingness to cut a partner down makes $him more dominant in bed. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a dom!@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<<case "funny">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist")>>
-			Pain becomes an outlet for all the mental troubles lurking behind her funny facade. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a masochist!@@
+			Pain becomes an outlet for all the mental troubles lurking behind $his funny facade. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a masochist!@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<<case "adores men">>
@@ -1468,7 +1470,7 @@
 		<<case "advocate">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
-			$His conviction that slavery is right seeps into her sexuality. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a submissive!@@
+			$His conviction that slavery is right seeps into $his sexuality. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a submissive!@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
@@ -1521,51 +1523,51 @@
 		<<switch $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk>>
 		<<case "gagfuck queen">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut">>
-			$His eagerness to get roughly throatfucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced her oral fixation.@@
+			$His eagerness to get roughly throatfucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his oral fixation.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<case "painal queen">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
-			$His eagerness to get roughly assfucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced her anal fixation.@@
+			$His eagerness to get roughly assfucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his anal fixation.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<case "strugglefuck queen">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist">>
-			$His eagerness to get roughly fucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced her masochism.@@
+			$His eagerness to get roughly fucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his masochism.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<case "tease">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
-			The rush $he feels when $he shows herself off has @@.lightcoral;advanced her humiliation fetish.@@
+			The rush $he feels when $he shows $himself off has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his humiliation fetish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<case "romantic">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy">>
-			$His romanticism has @@.lightcoral;advanced her reproduction fetish.@@
+			$His romanticism has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his reproduction fetish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<case "perverted">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
-			$His desire to be seen doing the forbidden has @@.lightcoral;advanced her humiliation fetish.@@
+			$His desire to be seen doing the forbidden has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his humiliation fetish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].energy < 94)>>
-			$He's such a pervert that the depravity all around her @@.green;improves her sex drive.@@
+			$He's such a pervert that the depravity all around $him @@.green;improves $his sex drive.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
 		<<case "caring">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive">>
-			$His caring nature has @@.lightcoral;advanced her submissiveness.@@
+			$His caring nature has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his submissiveness.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<case "unflinching">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist">>
-			$His unflinching nature has @@.lightcoral;advanced her masochism.@@
+			$His unflinching nature has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his masochism.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<case "size queen">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
-			$His size queen tendencies have @@.lightcoral;advanced her devotion to being an anal slut.@@
+			$His size queen tendencies have @@.lightcoral;advanced $his devotion to being an anal slut.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
@@ -1589,7 +1591,7 @@
 		<<case "tease">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation">>
-			The rush $he feels when $he shows herself off has deepened into a fetish for being publicly fucked. @@.lightcoral;$He's a humiliation fetishist!@@
+			The rush $he feels when $he shows $himself off has deepened into a fetish for being publicly fucked. @@.lightcoral;$He's a humiliation fetishist!@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<<case "romantic">>
@@ -1628,30 +1630,30 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 75>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 50>>
-			$He has the confidence to pursue what pleases her, @@.lightcoral;increasing her kinkiness.@@
+			$He has the confidence to pursue what pleases $him, @@.lightcoral;increasing $his kinkiness.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
-			$He's too afraid to pursue what pleases her, @@.coral;reducing her sexual distinctiveness.@@
+			$He's too afraid to pursue what pleases $him, @@.coral;reducing $his sexual distinctiveness.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 4>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
-			$He's so unhappy with her life as a sex slave that @@.coral;her interest in unusual sex decreases.@@
+			$He's so unhappy with $his life as a sex slave that @@.coral;$his interest in unusual sex decreases.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 4>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust <= 50>>
-			$He lacks the confidence to pursue what pleases her, @@.coral;reducing her kinkiness.@@
+			$He lacks the confidence to pursue what pleases $him, @@.coral;reducing $his kinkiness.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-			$He's not fully comfortable being a sex slave, @@.coral;reducing her interest in kinky sex.@@
+			$He's not fully comfortable being a sex slave, @@.coral;reducing $his interest in kinky sex.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 2>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].prostate == 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].vagina == -1>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
-			$He thinks of her anus as her primary sexual organ, but $he lacks prostate or a g-spot to be internally stimulated by a cock inside her rear hole, @@.coral;reducing her ability to appreciate anal.@@
+			$He thinks of $his anus as $his primary sexual organ, but $he lacks prostate or a g-spot to be internally stimulated by a cock inside $his rear hole, @@.coral;reducing $his ability to appreciate anal.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 4>>
@@ -1659,7 +1661,7 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 5>>
-		@@.coral;$He has lost all interest in her fetishes and is now sexually vanilla.@@
+		@@.coral;$He has lost all interest in $his fetishes and is now sexually vanilla.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 0>>
@@ -1670,7 +1672,7 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout") && ($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].trust < -20)>>
-		$He is inwardly @@.gold;terrified@@ by living in what $he sees as a powerful theocratic society inimical to her old world faith.
+		$He is inwardly @@.gold;terrified@@ by living in what $he sees as a powerful theocratic society inimical to $his old world faith.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1*Math.trunc($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist/25)>>
 		$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hatred and disgust@@ by Chattel Religionism, which $he believes to be heretical and wrong.
@@ -1678,15 +1680,15 @@
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 20)>>
-		$He is experiencing considerable spiritual anguish as $he is torn between obedience and conviction that Chattel Religionism is heretical and wrong. This @@.gold;hinders her acceptance of her place@@ in slave society.
+		$He is experiencing considerable spiritual anguish as $he is torn between obedience and conviction that Chattel Religionism is heretical and wrong. This @@.gold;hinders $his acceptance of $his place@@ in slave society.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1*Math.trunc($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist/25)>>
-		$He is badly torn between Chattel Religionism and her old world faith, but $he is doing her best to defer these spiritual issues for now.
+		$He is badly torn between Chattel Religionism and $his old world faith, but $he is doing $his best to defer these spiritual issues for now.
-		$He has experienced a religious epiphany, and now accepts Chattel Religionism in her mind, her heart, and her <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>womanhood<<else>>anus<</if>>. @@.green;$He has become sinful,@@ maliciously eager to transgress against the faith $he has abandoned.
+		$He has experienced a religious epiphany, and now accepts Chattel Religionism in $his mind, $his heart, and $his <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>womanhood<<else>>anus<</if>>. @@.green;$He has become sinful,@@ maliciously eager to transgress against the faith $he has abandoned.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "sinful", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
-		$He now sees that everything $he has suffered up to now has been a necessary and divinely ordained trial to bring her into the true faith as a holy sex slave, @@.mediumaquamarine;enormously boosting her trust in you.@@
+		$He now sees that everything $he has suffered up to now has been a necessary and divinely ordained trial to bring $him into the true faith as a holy sex slave, @@.mediumaquamarine;enormously boosting $his trust in you.@@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].trust < -30)>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust = -10>>
@@ -1697,91 +1699,52 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength+$slaves[$i].devotion+$slaves[$i].trust > random(1,500)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			$His need to submit has @@.green;softened her arrogance into confidence.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
-			$His need to be humiliated has @@.green;softened her bitchiness into a penchant for repartee.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-			Her need to submit has @@.green;softened her arrogance into confidence.@@
+			$His need to submit has @@.green;softened $his arrogance into confidence.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
-			Her need to be humiliated has @@.green;softened her bitchiness into a penchant for repartee.@@
+			$His need to be humiliated has @@.green;softened $his bitchiness into a penchant for repartee.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
->>>>>>> c547d50929b37f22d65ea192fed560be624b963d
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates men")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-			$He dislikes men, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he comes around, and decides that @@.green;$he needs a man to knock her up.@@
+			$He dislikes men, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he comes around, and decides that @@.green;$he needs a man to knock $him up.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores men", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			$He dislikes men and adores boobs, which @@.green;softens her hatred of men into a love of women.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-			She dislikes men and adores boobs, which @@.green;softens her hatred of men into a love of women.@@
+			$He dislikes men and adores boobs, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of men into a love of women.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
->>>>>>> c547d50929b37f22d65ea192fed560be624b963d
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY > 85)>>
 			$He dislikes the company of men but likes their cocks; $he learns to @@.green;enjoy the male presence that comes with taking the dick.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores men", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			$He dislikes men and has constant needs; women are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens her hatred of men into a love of feminine company.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-			She dislikes men and has constant needs; women are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens her hatred of men into a love of feminine company.@@
+			$He dislikes men and has constant needs; women are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of men into a love of feminine company.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
->>>>>>> c547d50929b37f22d65ea192fed560be624b963d
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates women")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
 			$He dislikes women, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he comes around, and decides that @@.green;$he loves pregnant girls.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores women", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			$He dislikes women and has a real oral fixation; eating dick is the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens her hatred of women into a love of men.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-			She dislikes women and has a real oral fixation; eating dick is the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens her hatred of women into a love of men.@@
+			$He dislikes women and has a real oral fixation; eating dick is the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of women into a love of men.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
->>>>>>> c547d50929b37f22d65ea192fed560be624b963d
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX > 85)>>
 			$He dislikes the company of women but likes fucking them; $he learns to @@.green;enjoy the feminine presence that comes with getting some pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores women", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			$He dislikes women and has constant needs; men are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens her hatred of women into a love of maleness.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			$His need for constant sex has @@.green;softened her devoutness into an appetite for sacrilege.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
-			$His subconscious need to be abused has@@.green;converted her liberated philosophy into an ability to advocate for slavery.@@
-			<<SoftenBehavioralFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-			She dislikes women and has constant needs; men are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens her hatred of women into a love of maleness.@@
+			$He dislikes women and has constant needs; men are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of women into a love of maleness.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			Her need for constant sex has @@.green;softened her devoutness into an appetite for sacrilege.@@
+			$His need for constant sex has @@.green;softened $his devoutness into an appetite for sacrilege.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
-			Her subconscious need to be abused has@@.green;converted her liberated philosophy into an ability to advocate for slavery.@@
+			$His subconscious need to be abused has@@.green;converted $his liberated philosophy into an ability to advocate for slavery.@@
 			<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
->>>>>>> c547d50929b37f22d65ea192fed560be624b963d
@@ -1789,50 +1752,50 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength+$slaves[$i].devotion+$slaves[$i].trust > random(1,500)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-			$His arrogance was probably a reflection of her subconscious need to submit, which is so satisfied by sexual slavery that @@.green;$he no longer needs to act arrogant.@@
+			$His arrogance was probably a reflection of $his subconscious need to submit, which is so satisfied by sexual slavery that @@.green;$he no longer needs to act arrogant.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
-			$His bitchiness was probably a reflection of her sexual need to be publicly humiliated, which is so satisfied by sexual slavery that @@.green;$he no longer needs to be insulting@@ to get the degradation $he subconsciously needs.
+			$His bitchiness was probably a reflection of $his sexual need to be publicly humiliated, which is so satisfied by sexual slavery that @@.green;$he no longer needs to be insulting@@ to get the degradation $he subconsciously needs.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates men")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-			$He dislikes the company of men, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he decides that men, those hunky impregnators, can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of men, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he decides that men, those hunky impregnators, can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
-			$He dislikes the company of men and adores boobs; $he finds that $he doesn't mind ogling titties with the boys, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of men and adores boobs; $he finds that $he doesn't mind ogling titties with the boys, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY > 85)>>
-			$He dislikes the company of men but likes their cocks; $he gets used to putting up with maleness if it gets her the dick, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of men but likes their cocks; $he gets used to putting up with maleness if it gets $him the dick, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			$He dislikes the company of men and has constant needs; $he can't afford to narrow the playing field, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of men and has constant needs; $he can't afford to narrow the playing field, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates women")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-			$He dislikes the company of women, but fetishizes pregnancy; that women, with their motherly hips and fertile cunts, can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of women, but fetishizes pregnancy; that women, with their motherly hips and fertile cunts, can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			$He dislikes the company of women and has a real oral fixation; $he decides that women, with their soft, kissable lips can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of women and has a real oral fixation; $he decides that women, with their soft, kissable lips can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX > 85)>>
-			$He dislikes the company of women but likes fucking them; $he gets used to putting up with girls to get into their pants, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of women but likes fucking them; $he gets used to putting up with girls to get into their pants, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			$He dislikes the company of women and has constant needs; $he can't afford to narrow the playing field, and @@.green;gets over her hatred.@@
+			$He dislikes the company of women and has constant needs; $he can't afford to narrow the playing field, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			$He finally resolves her internal dilemma between the faith $he was brought up in and her all-consuming need to be a slut by deciding that $he prefers being a sinner. @@.green;$He is no longer devoutly faithful@@ to her old religion.
+			$He finally resolves $his internal dilemma between the faith $he was brought up in and $his all-consuming need to be a slut by deciding that $he prefers being a sinner. @@.green;$He is no longer devoutly faithful@@ to $his old religion.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
-			$His pre-enslavement belief that $he deserves rights and respect fades in light of how much $he likes being beaten and abused. @@.green;$He is no longer a modern, liberated girl,@@ and accepts her place as a sex slave as natural.
+			$His pre-enslavement belief that $he deserves rights and respect fades in light of how much $he likes being beaten and abused. @@.green;$He is no longer a modern, liberated girl,@@ and accepts $his place as a sex slave as natural.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
@@ -1847,205 +1810,121 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "none")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates anal")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].anusPiercing>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			The constant stimulation her guiche piercings give her most intimate areas helps her with her anal hangups, @@.green;softening her hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			$His sexual fascination with things entering her asshole @@.green;softens her hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			As a nymphomaniac $he appreciates kinky sex, so $he @@.green;softens her hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].tonguePiercing>>
-			$He can't stop sucking on her tongue piercings, and $he gets over her oral hangups, @@.green;softening her hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			$He can't get her beloved cum without choking down dick, so $he @@.green;softens her hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			$He needs sex so much $he often has to encourage her partners orally, so $he @@.green;softens her hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates penetration")>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].vaginaPiercing>>
-			$His pussy piercings get her used to the idea that it's a fuckhole, not her precious womanhood, @@.green;softening her hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			$His sexual fascination with anal penetration @@.green;softens her hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			As a nymphomaniac $he appreciates kinky sex, so $he @@.green;softens her hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive intercourse.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
-			<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "apathetic")>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-		$His subconscious drive to submit @@.green;softens her sexual apathy into constant care for her partners' wants.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer be apathetic in bed, and @@.green;softens her sexual apathy into care for what keeps her partners aroused.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "crude")>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-		$He needs to avoid making unsexy noises during buttsex to be an appealing enough anal partner to satisfy her backdoor needs, @@.green;softening her crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer afford to disgust partners, and @@.green;softens her sexual crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "judgemental")>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-		$His subconscious belief that $he's worthless @@.green;softens her judgemental behavior into eagerness to be fucked by the biggest cocks.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer be selective, and @@.green;softens her judgemental behavior into a love of big dicks, though $he now loves them all.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
-		$He decides that hiding won't get her the humiliation $he craves, and @@.green;softens her shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		$He decides that hiding isn't getting her enough sex, and @@.green;softens her shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "idealistic")>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-		$His appetite for submission has @@.green;softened her innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find romance@@ in the life of a sex slave.
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		$His appetite for sex has @@.green;softened her innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find something romantic@@ in a constant whirl of intercourse.
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-		$He grew up being taught that good girls do not take cock up their good girl anuses, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened her repression into arousal at the perversion@@  of dicks up her behind.
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-		$He grew up being taught that good girls do not put their good girl mouths on boys' private parts, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened her repression into arousal at the perverted@@ idea of dicks down her throat.
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		$He grew up being taught that good girls do not happily fuck anything that moves, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened her repression into arousal at the perversion@@ of revelling in sexual addiction.
-		<<SoftenSexualFlaw $slaves[$i]>>
-			The constant stimulation her guiche piercings give her most intimate areas helps her with her anal hangups, @@.green;softening her hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ She still struggles if she's fucked in the ass, but she gets off on it anyway.
+			The constant stimulation $his guiche piercings give $him most intimate areas helps $him with $his anal hangups, @@.green;softening $his hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			Her sexual fascination with things entering her asshole @@.green;softens her hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ She still struggles if she's fucked in the ass, but she gets off on it anyway.
+			$His sexual fascination with things entering $his asshole @@.green;softens $his hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			As a nymphomaniac she appreciates kinky sex, so she @@.green;softens her hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ She still struggles if she's fucked in the ass, but she gets off on it anyway.
+			As a nymphomaniac $he appreciates kinky sex, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].tonguePiercing>>
-			She can't stop sucking on her tongue piercings, and she gets over her oral hangups, @@.green;softening her hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ She still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
+			$He can't stop sucking on $his tongue piercings, and $he gets over $his oral hangups, @@.green;softening $his hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			She can't get her beloved cum without choking down dick, so she @@.green;softens her hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ She still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
+			$He can't get $his beloved cum without choking down dick, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			She needs sex so much she often has to encourage her partners orally, so she @@.green;softens her hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ She still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
+			$He needs sex so much $he often has to encourage $his partners orally, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates penetration")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].vaginaPiercing>>
-			Her pussy piercings get her used to the idea that it's a fuckhole, not her precious womanhood, @@.green;softening her hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ She still cries, but she climaxes as she cries.
+			$His pussy piercings get $him used to the idea that it's a fuckhole, not $his precious womanhood, @@.green;softening $his hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			Her sexual fascination with anal penetration @@.green;softens her hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ She still cries, but she climaxes as she cries.
+			$His sexual fascination with anal penetration @@.green;softens $his hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			As a nymphomaniac she appreciates kinky sex, so she @@.green;softens her hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive intercourse.@@ She still cries, but she climaxes as she cries.
+			As a nymphomaniac $he appreciates kinky sex, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive intercourse.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
 			<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "apathetic")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-		Her subconscious drive to submit @@.green;softens her sexual apathy into constant care for her partners' wants.@@
+		$His subconscious drive to submit @@.green;softens $his sexual apathy into constant care for $his partners' wants.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		She needs sex so badly that she can no longer be apathetic in bed, and @@.green;softens her sexual apathy into care for what keeps her partners aroused.@@
+		$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer be apathetic in bed, and @@.green;softens $his sexual apathy into care for what keeps $his partners aroused.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "crude")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-		She needs to avoid making unsexy noises during buttsex to be an appealing enough anal partner to satisfy her backdoor needs, @@.green;softening her crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
+		$He needs to avoid making unsexy noises during buttsex to be an appealing enough anal partner to satisfy $his backdoor needs, @@.green;softening $his crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		She needs sex so badly that she can no longer afford to disgust partners, and @@.green;softens her sexual crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
+		$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer afford to disgust partners, and @@.green;softens $his sexual crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "judgemental")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-		Her subconscious belief that she's worthless @@.green;softens her judgemental behavior into eagerness to be fucked by the biggest cocks.@@
+		$His subconscious belief that $he's worthless @@.green;softens $his judgemental behavior into eagerness to be fucked by the biggest cocks.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		She needs sex so badly that she can no longer be selective, and @@.green;softens her judgemental behavior into a love of big dicks, though she now loves them all.@@
+		$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer be selective, and @@.green;softens $his judgemental behavior into a love of big dicks, though $he now loves them all.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
-		She decides that hiding won't get her the humiliation she craves, and @@.green;softens her shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
+		$He decides that hiding won't get $him the humiliation $he craves, and @@.green;softens $his shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		She decides that hiding isn't getting her enough sex, and @@.green;softens her shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
+		$He decides that hiding isn't getting $him enough sex, and @@.green;softens $his shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "idealistic")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
-		Her appetite for submission has @@.green;softened her innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find romance@@ in the life of a sex slave.
+		$His appetite for submission has @@.green;softened $his innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find romance@@ in the life of a sex slave.
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		Her appetite for sex has @@.green;softened her innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find something romantic@@ in a constant whirl of intercourse.
+		$His appetite for sex has @@.green;softened $his innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find something romantic@@ in a constant whirl of intercourse.
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-		She grew up being taught that good girls do not take cock up their good girl anuses, but she's just now decided she prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened her repression into arousal at the perversion@@  of dicks up her behind.
+		$He grew up being taught that good girls do not take cock up their good girl anuses, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened $his repression into arousal at the perversion@@ of dicks up $his behind.
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-		She grew up being taught that good girls do not put their good girl mouths on boys' private parts, but she's just now decided she prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened her repression into arousal at the perverted@@ idea of dicks down her throat.
+		$He grew up being taught that good girls do not put their good girl mouths on boys' private parts, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened $his repression into arousal at the perverted@@ idea of dicks down $his throat.
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		She grew up being taught that good girls do not happily fuck anything that moves, but she's just now decided she prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened her repression into arousal at the perversion@@ of revelling in sexual addiction.
+		$He grew up being taught that good girls do not happily fuck anything that moves, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad girl and has @@.green;softened $his repression into arousal at the perversion@@ of revelling in sexual addiction.
 		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
->>>>>>> c547d50929b37f22d65ea192fed560be624b963d
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates anal")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].anusPiercing>>
-			The constant stimulation her guiche piercings give her most intimate areas helps her with her anal hangups, so @@.green;her previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
+			The constant stimulation $his guiche piercings give $him most intimate areas helps $him with $his anal hangups, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			$His sexual fascination with things entering her asshole overcomes her professed hatred of anal, so @@.green;her previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
+			$His sexual fascination with things entering $his asshole overcomes $his professed hatred of anal, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			As a nymphomaniac $he doesn't really care which hole $he's getting fucked in, so @@.green;her previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
+			As a nymphomaniac $he doesn't really care which hole $he's getting fucked in, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].tonguePiercing>>
-			$He can't stop sucking on her tongue piercings, so @@.green;$he gets over her oral hangups.@@
+			$He can't stop sucking on $his tongue piercings, so @@.green;$he gets over $his oral hangups.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			$He can't get her beloved cum without sucking, so @@.green;$he forcibly overcomes her strong gag reflex.@@
+			$He can't get $his beloved cum without sucking, so @@.green;$he forcibly overcomes $his strong gag reflex.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			$He needs sex so much $he often has to encourage her partners orally, so @@.green;$he forcibly overcomes her strong gag reflex.@@
+			$He needs sex so much $he often has to encourage $his partners orally, so @@.green;$he forcibly overcomes $his strong gag reflex.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates penetration")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].vaginaPiercing>>
-			$His pussy piercings get her used to the idea that it's a fuckhole, not her precious womanhood, so @@.green;her previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
+			$His pussy piercings get $him used to the idea that it's a fuckhole, not $his precious womanhood, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			$He's fascinated with the perversity of being anally penetrated, so @@.green;her previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
+			$He's fascinated with the perversity of being anally penetrated, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-			$He needs sex like $he needs air, so @@.green;her previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
+			$He needs sex like $he needs air, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "apathetic")>>
@@ -2053,7 +1932,7 @@
 		$He likes being on top so much @@.green;$he can no longer bear being lazy in bed.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		$He needs sex so badly that @@.green;$he can no longer afford to wait apathetically for others to fuck her.@@
+		$He needs sex so badly that @@.green;$he can no longer afford to wait apathetically for others to fuck $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "crude")>>
@@ -2079,7 +1958,7 @@
 		$He always expected to be able to turn down sex, but @@.green;$he's finally realized that $he doesn't want to be asked.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		Hard as it is for her to admit, $he recognizes her own willingness to take sex from other slaves if it isn't forthcoming, and @@.green;accepts that a slave nympho can't worry about trifles like consent.@@
+		Hard as it is for $him to admit, $he recognizes $his own willingness to take sex from other slaves if it isn't forthcoming, and @@.green;accepts that a slave nympho can't worry about trifles like consent.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
@@ -2104,16 +1983,16 @@
 <<case "cum addict">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			$His cum addiction @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			$His cum addiction @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His cum addiction @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards oral fixation.@@
+			$His cum addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards oral fixation.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His cum addiction @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as an abject cumslut.@@
+			$His cum addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject cumslut.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
@@ -2125,13 +2004,13 @@
 		$His paraphilia is satisfied by constant oral sex with you.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].inflation != 0 && $slaves[$i].inflationType == "cum">>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by swelling her body with cum.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by swelling $his body with cum.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].dietCum == 1>>
 		$His paraphilia is satisfied by what $he gets to eat.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].dietCum == 2>>
-		Other slaves in your penthouse are disturbed by her insatiable appetite for human ejaculate, which her heavy cum-diet encourages.
+		Other slaves in your penthouse are disturbed by $his insatiable appetite for human ejaculate, which $his heavy cum-diet encourages.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $feeder != 0>>
 		$His paraphilia is satisfied by the way $he gets to eat.
@@ -2145,22 +2024,22 @@
 <<case "anal addict">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			$His anal addiction @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			$His anal addiction @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His anal addiction @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards an intense preference for buttsex.@@
+			$His anal addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards an intense preference for buttsex.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His anal addiction @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as an abject buttslut.@@
+			$His anal addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject buttslut.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 	<<if ["whore", "serve the public", "work in the brothel", "serve in the club", "work a glory hole", "be confined in the arcade"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by how many dicks get shoved up her butt at work.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by how many dicks get shoved up $his butt at work.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass") && ["please you", "serve in the master suite", "be your Concubine"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 		$His paraphilia is satisfied by constant anal sex with you.
@@ -2169,7 +2048,7 @@
 		$His paraphilia is satisfied by the way $he gets to take medication.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].buttplug == "huge plug" || $slaves[$i].buttplug == "long, huge plug">>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by the enormous plug $he wears in her ass.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by the enormous plug $he wears in $his ass.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 0)>>
@@ -2180,7 +2059,7 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].prostate == 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].vagina == -1>>
 	<<if random(1,5) == 1>>
-		Since $he lacks a prostate or a g-spot to be stimulated by cocks up her butt, her @@.green;purely psychological addiction to asshole sex resolves itself,@@ and $he @@.coral;starts to consider other sexual pursuits.@@
+		Since $he lacks a prostate or a g-spot to be stimulated by cocks up $his butt, $his @@.green;purely psychological addiction to asshole sex resolves itself,@@ and $he @@.coral;starts to consider other sexual pursuits.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk = "none">>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
@@ -2189,16 +2068,16 @@
 <<case "attention whore">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			Being an attention whore @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			Being an attention whore @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His addiction to exposure @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards a humiliation fetish.@@
+			$His addiction to exposure @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards a humiliation fetish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His addiction to exposure @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as an abject humiliation whore.@@
+			$His addiction to exposure @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject humiliation whore.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
@@ -2207,7 +2086,7 @@
 		$His paraphilia is satisfied by how often $he gets publicly fucked at work.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].clothes == "none">>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her total nudity.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his total nudity.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 		$He doesn't seem to feel $he's getting fucked in public enough, leaving the attention whore @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
@@ -2217,125 +2096,125 @@
 <<case "breast growth">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			Being a breast expansion fanatic @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			Being a breast expansion fanatic @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His addiction to breast growth @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards a boob fetish.@@
+			$His addiction to breast growth @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards a boob fetish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His addiction to breast growth @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as an abject slut for mammary intercourse.@@
+			$His addiction to breast growth @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject slut for mammary intercourse.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 	<<if ["get milked", "work in the dairy"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment) && $slaves[$i].lactation > 0>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her work as a cow; $he can feel her udders swelling with milk.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as a cow; $he can feel $his udders swelling with milk.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].health < 0>>
-		$His paraphilia is ameliorated by her poor health; $he knows $he can't take expansion right now.
+		$His paraphilia is ameliorated by $his poor health; $he knows $he can't take expansion right now.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections">>
-		$His paraphilia makes her feel @@.mediumaquamarine;fulfilled to be a sex slave@@ if it means breast expansion like this.
+		$His paraphilia makes $him feel @@.mediumaquamarine;fulfilled to be a sex slave@@ if it means breast expansion like this.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections">>
 		$His paraphilia makes breast injections very satisfying for $him.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections">>
-		$His paraphilia makes her feel @@.mediumaquamarine;fulfilled to be a sex slave@@ if it means breast expansion like this.
+		$His paraphilia makes $him feel @@.mediumaquamarine;fulfilled to be a sex slave@@ if it means breast expansion like this.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 		<<set _para = 1>>
-		$He feels her breasts are shrinking horribly, leaving the growth addict @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
+		$He feels $his breasts are shrinking horribly, leaving the growth addict @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
 		<<set _para = -1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 <<case "abusive">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "dom">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			Being addicted to sexually abusing others @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			Being addicted to sexually abusing others @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His addiction to sexual force @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards sexual dominance.@@
+			$His addiction to sexual force @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards sexual dominance.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His need to force others to pleasure her @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as a total dom.@@
+			$His need to force others to pleasure $him @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a total dom.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Head Girl")>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her work as your Head Girl.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Head Girl.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Wardeness")>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her work as your Wardeness.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Wardeness.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Stewardess")>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her work as the Stewardess.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as the Stewardess.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
-		$He gets few chances to indulge her need to hold others down as $he fucks them, leaving her @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
+		$He gets few chances to indulge $his need to hold others down as $he fucks them, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
 		<<set _para = -1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 <<case "malicious">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "sadist">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			Being addicted to others' sexual anguish @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			Being addicted to others' sexual anguish @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His addiction to tormenting others sexually @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards sadism.@@
+			$His addiction to tormenting others sexually @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards sadism.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His need to be the only one enjoying sex @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as a complete sexual sadist.@@
+			$His need to be the only one enjoying sex @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a complete sexual sadist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Head Girl")>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her work as your Head Girl.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Head Girl.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Wardeness")>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her work as your Wardeness.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Wardeness.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
-		$He gets few chances to indulge her need to subject others to sexual anguish, leaving her @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
+		$He gets few chances to indulge $his need to subject others to sexual anguish, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
 		<<set _para = -1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 <<case "self hating">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			$His sexual self hatred @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			$His sexual self hatred @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His sexual self hatred @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards masochism.@@
+			$His sexual self hatred @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards masochism.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His sexual self hatred @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as a total masochist.@@
+			$His sexual self hatred @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a total masochist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyRestraintsSetting >= 2)>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her horrible life as a producer of useful fluids and a receptacle for machine rape.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his horrible life as a producer of useful fluids and a receptacle for machine rape.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif ["work a glory hole", "be confined in the arcade"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her horrible life as a helpless hole for an infinite bag of dicks.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his horrible life as a helpless hole for an infinite bag of dicks.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < -50>>
-		$His paraphilia is satisfied by her constant terror.
+		$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his constant terror.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 		$He doesn't seem to feel $he's treated poorly enough, leaving the self hating slut @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
@@ -2345,16 +2224,16 @@
 <<case "neglectful">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			$His sexual self neglect @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			$His sexual self neglect @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His sexual self neglect @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards submissiveness.@@
+			$His sexual self neglect @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards submissiveness.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His sexual self neglect @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as a total submissive.@@
+			$His sexual self neglect @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a total submissive.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
@@ -2369,50 +2248,50 @@
 		$His paraphilia is satisfied by how $he's expected to serve other slaves' sexual needs.
 		<<set _para = 1>>
-		$He doesn't seem to feel $he's serving others' sexual needs enough, leaving her @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
+		$He doesn't seem to feel $he's serving others' sexual needs enough, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
 		<<set _para = -1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 <<case "breeder">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-			$His breeding obsession @@.coral;disinterests her in her current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes her @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
+			$His breeding obsession @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-			$His breeding obsession @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards appreciation for impregnation.@@
+			$His breeding obsession @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards appreciation for impregnation.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			$His breeding obsession @@.lightcoral;forces her back towards her past life as an abject impregnation whore.@@
+			$His breeding obsession @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject impregnation whore.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
-		Living in a society that rejects her paraphilia
+		Living in a society that rejects $his paraphilia
 		<<if $slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1>>
-			would have mentally and emotionally crippled her; but as a designated breeder , $he can't help but @@.hotpink;love her role@@ in society.
+			would have mentally and emotionally crippled $him; but as a designated breeder , $he can't help but @@.hotpink;love $his role@@ in society.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 			@@.mediumorchid;mentally and emotionally cripples@@ $him.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
-		Living in a society that glorifies her paraphilia @@.hotpink;leaves her in perpetual ecstasy.@@
+		Living in a society that glorifies $his paraphilia @@.hotpink;leaves $him in perpetual ecstasy.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
-		$He knows $he will be pregnant until her body gives out, and @@.hotpink;$he couldn't be happier.@@
+		$He knows $he will be pregnant until $his body gives out, and @@.hotpink;$he couldn't be happier.@@
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "labor supressors" && $slaves[$i].preg >= 40>>
-		Under the effects of labor suppression drugs, $he knows $he will be pregnant until you decided to allow her birth. @@.hotpink;$He couldn't be happier.@@
+		Under the effects of labor suppression drugs, $he knows $he will be pregnant until you decided to allow $his birth. @@.hotpink;$He couldn't be happier.@@
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
-		$His growing hyperpregnancy feeds her paraphilia and @@.hotpink;fulfills her deepest fantasies.@@
+		$His growing hyperpregnancy feeds $his paraphilia and @@.hotpink;fulfills $his deepest fantasies.@@
 		<<set _para = 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
@@ -2462,12 +2341,12 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
 		<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-			Since $he has had her prostate constantly stimulated to encourage her to give cum, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to look forward to anal penetration.@@
+			Since $he has had $his prostate constantly stimulated to encourage $him to give cum, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to look forward to anal penetration.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-			Since $he has had her prostate constantly stimulated to encourage her to give cum, @@.lightcoral;$he sinks deeper into sexual reliance on penetration of her butthole.@@
+			Since $he has had $his prostate constantly stimulated to encourage $him to give cum, @@.lightcoral;$he sinks deeper into sexual reliance on penetration of $his butthole.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
@@ -2479,10 +2358,10 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].energy > 95>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].attrKnown == 1>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20)>>
-	$He's having trouble accepting it, but the sex surrounding her @@.hotpink;is intriguing to a nymphomaniac.@@
+	$He's having trouble accepting it, but the sex surrounding $him @@.hotpink;is intriguing to a nymphomaniac.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-	@@.hotpink;$His acceptance of her life as a sex slave is driven faster@@ by how satisfied $he is by the availability of her favorite activity.
+	@@.hotpink;$His acceptance of $his life as a sex slave is driven faster@@ by how satisfied $he is by the availability of $his favorite activity.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 	@@.hotpink;$He loves being your nympho slut.@@
@@ -2495,15 +2374,15 @@
 <<if !["heels", "pumps", "boots", "extreme heels"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive">>
 <<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" || $slaves[$i].career == "a breeding bull">>
-	Since $he sees herself as an animal, $he is perfectly content walking on all fours.
+	Since $he sees $himself as an animal, $he is perfectly content walking on all fours.
 <<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
-	Living as a sex slave on all fours @@.lightcoral;turns her into a sexual submissive.@@
+	Living as a sex slave on all fours @@.lightcoral;turns $him into a sexual submissive.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	Living as a sex slave on all fours @@.lightcoral;pushes her deeper into submission.@@
+	Living as a sex slave on all fours @@.lightcoral;pushes $him deeper into submission.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
@@ -2512,39 +2391,39 @@
 <<switch $slaves[$i].career>>
 <<case "a slave">>
-	$He has been a slave so long that $he can barely remember making decisions for herself, and @@.hotpink;feels naturally drawn@@ to her <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
+	$He has been a slave so long that $he can barely remember making decisions for $himself, and @@.hotpink;feels naturally drawn@@ to $his <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<case "a dairy slave">>
-	$He is @@.hotpink;thankful@@ that you saved her from becoming a mindless cow<<if $slaves[$i].trust < 50>>, though $he still has her doubts<</if>>.
+	$He is @@.hotpink;thankful@@ that you saved $him from becoming a mindless cow<<if $slaves[$i].trust < 50>>, though $he still has $his doubts<</if>>.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 <<case "a Fuckdoll">>
-	$He was once a Fuckdoll, leaving her @@.hotpink;willing to obey on an instinctual level.@@
+	$He was once a Fuckdoll, leaving $him @@.hotpink;willing to obey on an instinctual level.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
 <<case "a cum dump" "a meat toilet">>
-	$He was trained to be nothing more than a warm hole to fuck, leaving her @@.hotpink;obedient@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;willing.@@
+	$He was trained to be nothing more than a warm hole to fuck, leaving $him @@.hotpink;obedient@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;willing.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<case "a dairy cow">>
-	$His mental conditioning @@.hotpink;leaves her mellow@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting.@@
+	$His mental conditioning @@.hotpink;leaves $him mellow@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].lactation == 0>>
-		However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of sheer panic@@ over her dried up breasts.
+		However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of sheer panic@@ over $his dried up breasts.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0 && $slaves[$i].bellyImplant < 1500>>
-		However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of panic@@ that her milk will dry up if $he doesn't get pregnant again soon.
+		However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of panic@@ that $his milk will dry up if $he doesn't get pregnant again soon.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 <<case "a breeding bull">>
-	$His mental conditioning @@.hotpink;leaves her mellow@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting.@@
+	$His mental conditioning @@.hotpink;leaves $him mellow@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<if !canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
-		However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of sheer panic@@ over her inability to get hard.
+		However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of sheer panic@@ over $his inability to get hard.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 	<<elseif !canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
 		However, $he is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that $he is unable to mount and fuck others any more.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 <<case "a slave since birth">>
-	The tank's imprinting left a lasting impression on her; deep down $he
+	The tank's imprinting left a lasting impression on $him; deep down $he
 	<<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 2>>
 		@@.hotpink;knows you are to be obeyed@@ or @@.gold;bad things will happen,@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
@@ -2555,16 +2434,16 @@
 	even if $he can't understand why.
 <<case "a breeder">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $arcologies[0].FSRepopulation != "unset">>
-		$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. However, being surrounded with happy, heavily pregnant women leaves her @@.hotpink;slightly more accepting@@ of her fate and @@.mediumaquamarine;hopeful@@ that her trained body will be useful to you.
+		$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. However, being surrounded with happy, heavily pregnant women leaves $him @@.hotpink;slightly more accepting@@ of $his fate and @@.mediumaquamarine;hopeful@@ that $his trained body will be useful to you.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
-		$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. $He @@.gold;watches in horror@@ as her middle visibly swells before her eyes. $He @@.hotpink;slips more into submission@@ as the pressure in her womb increases.
+		$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. $He @@.gold;watches in horror@@ as $his middle visibly swells before $his eyes. $He @@.hotpink;slips more into submission@@ as the pressure in $his womb increases.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10, $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 || $slaves[$i].pregWeek < 0>>
-		$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. $He @@.gold;fears@@ that her entire life will revolve around pregnancy and @@.hotpink;slips more into submission@@ of her fate.
+		$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. $He @@.gold;fears@@ that $his entire life will revolve around pregnancy and @@.hotpink;slips more into submission@@ of $his fate.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-		$He remembers how her womb used to be swollen with children as often as possible, and is @@.hotpink;thankful@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;grateful@@ that $he isn't just meat to fuck pregnant anymore.
+		$He remembers how $his womb used to be swollen with children as often as possible, and is @@.hotpink;thankful@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;grateful@@ that $he isn't just meat to fuck pregnant anymore.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<case "a bioreactor">>
@@ -2573,10 +2452,10 @@
 <<case "a Futanari Sister">>
 	<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite">>
-			As a former Futanari Sister, the fuckpit in $masterSuiteName feels like home to her, and $he has @@.mediumaquamarine;no desire to ever leave.@@
+			As a former Futanari Sister, the fuckpit in $masterSuiteName feels like home to $him, and $he has @@.mediumaquamarine;no desire to ever leave.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-			$He knows that $masterSuiteName features a fuckpit much like the one $he spent years enjoying as a Futanari Sister, and @@.hotpink;does her best@@ to be a good girl in the hope you'll send her there someday.
+			$He knows that $masterSuiteName features a fuckpit much like the one $he spent years enjoying as a Futanari Sister, and @@.hotpink;does $his best@@ to be a good girl in the hope you'll send $him there someday.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
@@ -2584,7 +2463,7 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -50>>
 		<<if setup.gratefulCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-			$He remembers how hard her life was before $he was a slave, and
+			$He remembers how hard $his life was before $he was a slave, and
 			<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 50>>
 				@@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you a bit more@@ for improving it.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust > -20>>
@@ -2632,11 +2511,11 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
 	Its smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing is slaved to its stimulation systems.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-	The effects of her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing cannot reach her shattered mind.
+	The effects of $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing cannot reach $his shattered mind.
 <<switch $slaves[$i].clitSetting>>
 <<case "none">>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing disrupts arousal, @@.red;reducing her sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating her.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing disrupts arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 5>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 10>>
@@ -2645,165 +2524,165 @@
 <<case "all">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 95>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing her sex drive.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
 <<case "women">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX < 95>>
-		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;increases her attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring her when $he's around them.
+		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 4+$assistant+$assistant>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing her libido.@@
+			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
 <<case "anti-women">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX > 0>>
-		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;suppresses her attraction to girls@@ by making her private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
+		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(4+$assistant+$assistant),0,100)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing her libido.@@
+			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].energy-->>
 <<case "men">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY < 95>>
-		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;increases her attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring her when $he's around cocks.
+		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 4+$assistant+$assistant>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing her libido.@@
+			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
 <<case "anti-men">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY > 0>>
-		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;suppresses her attraction to guys@@ by making her private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
+		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(4+$assistant+$assistant),0,100)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing her libido.@@
+			This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].energy-->>
 <<case "vanilla">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "none") && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-		After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;her sexuality returns to normal.@@
+		After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<case "oral">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when $he's using her mouth.
+		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 	<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-		After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
+		After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her oral fetish.@@
+		$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his oral fetish.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "anal">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when her rear hole is being fucked.
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 <<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-	After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when her ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
+	After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her anal fetish.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his anal fetish.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "boobs">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when her tits are being touched.
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 <<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-	After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when her nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for her tits.@@
+	After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her boob fetish.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his boob fetish.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "submissive">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 <<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-	After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
+	After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her submission.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his submission.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "humiliation">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 <<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-	After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
+	After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her humiliation fetish.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his humiliation fetish.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "pregnancy">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 <<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-	After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick == 1>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
+	After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick == 1>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her pregnancy fetish.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his pregnancy fetish.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "dom">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 <<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-	After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
+	After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her dominance.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his dominance.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "masochist">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 <<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-	After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
+	After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her masochism.@@
+	$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his masochism.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 <<case "sadist">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "sadist")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-			$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress her current fetish,@@ encouraging her to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
+			$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
 		<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant)>>
-			After her smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
+			After $his smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing encourages many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-			$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances her sadism.@@
+			$His smart <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>clit<<else>>frenulum<</if>> piercing @@.lightcoral;advances $his sadism.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
@@ -2822,18 +2701,18 @@
 	<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
-			With so much sexual attention focused on her anus, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view buttsex as the centerpiece of her sexuality.@@
+			With so much sexual attention focused on $his anus, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view buttsex as the centerpiece of $his sexuality.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-			With so much sexual attention focused on her anus, @@.lightcoral;her love of anal increases.@@
+			With so much sexual attention focused on $his anus, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
-			With her anus constantly sold for use, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view buttsex as the centerpiece of her sexuality.@@
+			With $his anus constantly sold for use, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view buttsex as the centerpiece of $his sexuality.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			With her anus constantly sold for use, @@.lightcoral;her love of anal increases.@@
+			With $his anus constantly sold for use, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
@@ -2845,18 +2724,18 @@
 	<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,90)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
-		Since most of her orgasms are caused by prostate stimulation from anal sex with citizens, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view her asshole as her primary sexual organ.@@
+		Since most of $his orgasms are caused by prostate stimulation from anal sex with citizens, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view $his asshole as $his primary sexual organ.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-		After many, many prostate orgasms with a citizen's cock up her butt, @@.lightcoral;her love of anal increases.@@
+		After many, many prostate orgasms with a citizen's cock up $his butt, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
-		Since most of her orgasms are caused by prostate stimulation from anal sex with customers, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view her asshole as her primary sexual organ.@@
+		Since most of $his orgasms are caused by prostate stimulation from anal sex with customers, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view $his asshole as $his primary sexual organ.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-		After many, many prostate orgasms with a customer's cock up her butt, @@.lightcoral;her love of anal increases.@@
+		After many, many prostate orgasms with a customer's cock up $his butt, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
@@ -2872,10 +2751,10 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
 	<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut">>
-		While masturbating, $he's at first surprised but then aroused by her drug-enhanced ejaculation. After repeatedly covering herself in the stuff, @@.lightcoral;$he's become a cum fetishist.@@
+		While masturbating, $he's at first surprised but then aroused by $his drug-enhanced ejaculation. After repeatedly covering $himself in the stuff, @@.lightcoral;$he's become a cum fetishist.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-		$His masturbation sessions have come to consist mainly of her blowing massive loads of cum into her own mouth. @@.lightcoral;$His ejaculate addiction increases.@@
+		$His masturbation sessions have come to consist mainly of $him blowing massive loads of cum into $his own mouth. @@.lightcoral;$His ejaculate addiction increases.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
@@ -2901,11 +2780,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "neglectful">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade")>>
-			Serving as a sex worker drives her deeper and deeper into submission, and $he pays less and less attention to her own pleasure. @@.yellow;$He's become sexually self neglectful,@@ and only cares about getting others off.
+			Serving as a sex worker drives $him deeper and deeper into submission, and $he pays less and less attention to $his own pleasure. @@.yellow;$He's become sexually self neglectful,@@ and only cares about getting others off.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "neglectful">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -2914,11 +2793,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "neglectful">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on submission. @@.yellow;$He's become sexually self neglectful,@@ and only cares about getting others off.
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on submission. @@.yellow;$He's become sexually self neglectful,@@ and only cares about getting others off.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "neglectful">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -2927,19 +2806,19 @@
 <<case "cumslut">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "cum addict">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].dietCum > 0>>
-			In addition to being an orally fixated cumslut, $he eats ejaculate in her food, making the taste omnipresent for $him. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
+			In addition to being an orally fixated cumslut, $he eats ejaculate in $his food, making the taste omnipresent for $him. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].inflation != 0 && $slaves[$i].inflationType == "cum">>
-			In addition to being an orally fixated cumslut, $he is required to keep her belly bloated with cum at all times, making her life revolve around being full of cum. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
+			In addition to being an orally fixated cumslut, $he is required to keep $his belly bloated with cum at all times, making $his life revolve around being full of cum. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif $cockFeeder != 0>>
@@ -2947,7 +2826,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -2955,11 +2834,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "cum addict">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on oral stimulation. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on oral stimulation. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -2970,19 +2849,19 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 80>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].anus > 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].prostate > 0>>
-			$He has a powerful sex drive, and constantly coming to prostate stimulation drives her ever deeper into her identity as a helpless anal slut. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
+			$He has a powerful sex drive, and constantly coming to prostate stimulation drives $him ever deeper into $his identity as a helpless anal slut. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "anal addict">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "chastity belt">>
-			$He has a powerful sex drive, and since her pussy's off limits, $he sinks ever deeper into her identity as a helpless anal slut. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
+			$He has a powerful sex drive, and since $his pussy's off limits, $he sinks ever deeper into $his identity as a helpless anal slut. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "anal addict">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -2992,11 +2871,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "anal addict">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on constant buttsex. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on constant buttsex. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "anal addict">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3005,11 +2884,11 @@
 <<case "humiliation">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "attention whore">>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
-			Serving as a public sex worker gives her plenty of delicious humiliation, and $he cares less and less about sex itself and more about making people blush. @@.yellow;$He's become an attention whore.@@
+			Serving as a public sex worker gives $him plenty of delicious humiliation, and $he cares less and less about sex itself and more about making people blush. @@.yellow;$He's become an attention whore.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "attention whore">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3017,11 +2896,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "attention whore">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on stares to get off. @@.yellow;$He's become an attention whore.@@
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on stares to get off. @@.yellow;$He's become an attention whore.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "attention whore">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3030,27 +2909,27 @@
 <<case "boobs">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "breast growth">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections" || $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections">>
-			$He loves her tits, and feeling them respond to drug injections starts to hold more fascination for her than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by her swelling boobs.@@
+			$He loves $his tits, and feeling them respond to drug injections starts to hold more fascination for $him than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections">>
-			$He loves her tits, and watching them steadily swell from the hyper injections starts to hold more fascination for her than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by her swelling boobs.@@
+			$He loves $his tits, and watching them steadily swell from the hyper injections starts to hold more fascination for $him than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 100) && ($slaves[$i].boobs < 1000)>>
-			$He loves her tits, and feeling them grow under female hormone treatments starts to hold more fascination for her than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by her swelling boobs.@@
+			$He loves $his tits, and feeling them grow under female hormone treatments starts to hold more fascination for $him than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3058,11 +2937,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "breast growth">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on her tits for relief. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by her swelling boobs.@@
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on $his tits for relief. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3076,7 +2955,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "malicious">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3085,11 +2964,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "malicious">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on degradation in other slaves to get off. $He becomes @@.yellow;sexually addicted to inflicting pain and anguish.@@
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on degradation in other slaves to get off. $He becomes @@.yellow;sexually addicted to inflicting pain and anguish.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "malicious">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3100,11 +2979,11 @@
 		<<if $HeadGirl != 0>>
 		<<if $HGSeverity >= 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].ID == $HeadGirl.ID>>
-			As Head Girl, $he's plentifully provided with misbehaving slaves to dominate sexually. $He becomes more and more eager until $he's actively @@.yellow;sexually abusive, getting off on the thrill of forcing herself on other slaves.@@
+			As Head Girl, $he's plentifully provided with misbehaving slaves to dominate sexually. $He becomes more and more eager until $he's actively @@.yellow;sexually abusive, getting off on the thrill of forcing $himself on other slaves.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "abusive">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3114,11 +2993,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "abusive">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on pain in others to get off. $He's become @@.yellow;sexually abusive, getting off on the thrill of forcing herself on other slaves.@@
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on pain in others to get off. $He's become @@.yellow;sexually abusive, getting off on the thrill of forcing $himself on other slaves.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "abusive">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3127,19 +3006,19 @@
 <<case "masochist">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "self hating">>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade")>>
-			Condemned to serve as a public fuckhole, her masochistic tendencies darken into sexual appreciation for her life as a human sex toy. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
+			Condemned to serve as a public fuckhole, $his masochistic tendencies darken into sexual appreciation for $his life as a human sex toy. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "self hating">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyRestraintsSetting >= 2)>>
-			Strapped into a milking machine's tender, penetrative embrace, her masochistic tendencies darken into sexual appreciation for her life as a human factory. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
+			Strapped into a milking machine's tender, penetrative embrace, $his masochistic tendencies darken into sexual appreciation for $his life as a human factory. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "self hating">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3147,11 +3026,11 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "self hating">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
-			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes her dependent on sexual self harm. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
+			$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on sexual self harm. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "self hating">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -3165,11 +3044,11 @@
 				$He's stuffed full of child and brings a new life into the world each week, with or without a good fucking,
-			causing her to pay more sexual attention to pregnancy than to impregnation. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
+			causing $him to pay more sexual attention to pregnancy than to impregnation. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $slaves[$i].pregSource == -1 && $slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1 && $slaves[$i].devotion > 75>>
@@ -3177,7 +3056,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 120000>>
@@ -3185,7 +3064,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].births > 10>>
@@ -3193,15 +3072,15 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyPregSetting >= 2) && ($slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1)>>
-			With her womanhood fucked full of cum and fertility drugs, her pregnancy fetish deepens into true perversity. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
+			With $his womanhood fucked full of cum and fertility drugs, $his pregnancy fetish deepens into true perversity. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-				Allowing her to indulge in her fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
+				Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
 				<<FSChange "Hedonism" 2>>
@@ -4031,7 +3910,7 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].bellyFluid > 2000>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].inflation > 1>>
-			$He finds herself only capable of handling @@.yellow;two liters of $slaves[$i].inflationType inside $his body at once,@@ far less than $his required bloating.
+			$He finds $himself only capable of handling @@.yellow;two liters of $slaves[$i].inflationType inside $his body at once,@@ far less than $his required bloating.
 			$His body cannot handle having so much $slaves[$i].inflationType inside it, forcing $him to release $his contents until $he feels better.
@@ -4044,78 +3923,78 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= 40>>
-				$He's full-term and has never been hornier. $His pregnancy fetish combined with her ripe belly confers a @@.green;huge improvement in her sexual appetite.@@
+				$He's full-term and has never been hornier. $His pregnancy fetish combined with $his ripe belly confers a @@.green;huge improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 30>>
-				Being a pregnancy fetishist and hugely pregnant confers an @@.green;improvement in her sexual appetite.@@
+				Being a pregnancy fetishist and hugely pregnant confers an @@.green;improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 20>>
-				Being a pregnancy fetishist and pregnant confers a @@.green;slow improvement in her sexual appetite.@@
+				Being a pregnancy fetishist and pregnant confers a @@.green;slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 10>>
-				$His new pregnancy excites her and produces @@.green;very slow improvement in her sexual appetite.@@
+				$His new pregnancy excites $him and produces @@.green;very slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg <= 10 && $slaves[$i].preg > 3>>
-				The rigors of early pregnancy do not seem to decrease her sex drive. If anything, it seems to be exciting $him.
+				The rigors of early pregnancy do not seem to decrease $his sex drive. If anything, it seems to be exciting $him.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
-				Given her enthusiasm, $he appears to have a @@.lightcoral;pregnancy fetish.@@
+				Given $his enthusiasm, $he appears to have a @@.lightcoral;pregnancy fetish.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 		<<else>> /* not pregnancy fetish */
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].energy < 41)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].preg <= 10) && $slaves[$i].preg > 3>>
-					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce her sexual appetite.@@
+					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= 40)>>
-					$He is full-term and feels massively unattractive, @@.red;greatly suppressing her sexual appetite.@@
+					$He is full-term and feels massively unattractive, @@.red;greatly suppressing $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 4>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > 30)>>
-					$His advanced pregnancy @@.red;greatly suppresses her sexual appetite.@@
+					$His advanced pregnancy @@.red;greatly suppresses $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > 20)>>
-					$His growing pregnancy @@.red;suppresses her sexual appetite.@@
+					$His growing pregnancy @@.red;suppresses $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500)>>
-					$His visible pregnancy causes her to feel unattractive, @@.red;reducing her sex drive.@@
+					$His visible pregnancy causes $him to feel unattractive, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy < 61)>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].preg <= 10 && $slaves[$i].preg > 3>>
-					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;slightly reduce her sexual appetite.@@
+					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;slightly reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= 40)>>
 					$He is full-term and @@.green;hornier than ever.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > 30)>>
-					$His advanced pregnancy @@.green;increases her libido.@@
+					$His advanced pregnancy @@.green;increases $his libido.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].energy < 90>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].preg <= 10) && $slaves[$i].preg > 3>>
-					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce her sexual appetite.@@
+					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= 40)>>
 					$He is full-term and suffering from an @@.green;unquenchable need for sex.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 4>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 30>>
-					$His advanced pregnancy comes with a hugely increased libido, @@.green;greatly increasing her sexual drive.@@
+					$His advanced pregnancy comes with a hugely increased libido, @@.green;greatly increasing $his sexual drive.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 20>>
-					$His growing pregnancy comes with an increased libido, @@.green;spurring her sexual appetite.@@
+					$His growing pregnancy comes with an increased libido, @@.green;spurring $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].preg <= 10 && $slaves[$i].preg > 3>>
-					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce her sexual appetite.@@
+					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= 40)>>
-					$He is full-term and horny as hell. $His hormones and already high libido have her acting like $he hasn't had a good fuck in nine months.
+					$He is full-term and horny as hell. $His hormones and already high libido have $him acting like $he hasn't had a good fuck in nine months.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 30>>
-					$His advanced pregnancy, combined with her already high libido, has her practically begging for sex whenever $he has a spare moment.
+					$His advanced pregnancy, combined with $his already high libido, has $him practically begging for sex whenever $he has a spare moment.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 20>>
-					$His growing pregnancy, combined with her already high libido, has her always itching for some sex.
+					$His growing pregnancy, combined with $his already high libido, has $him always itching for some sex.
@@ -4124,34 +4003,34 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].preg >= 10)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-				$He @@.mediumaquamarine;feels right@@ to be growing heavy with child. To her, a growing baby means better milk.
+				$He @@.mediumaquamarine;feels right@@ to be growing heavy with child. To $him, a growing baby means better milk.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
-				$He is filled with a feeling of @@.mediumorchid;revulsion@@ that your child is growing within her body.
+				$He is filled with a feeling of @@.mediumorchid;revulsion@@ that your child is growing within $his body.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].relationship == -3>>
-					This is compounded by the fact that you @@.gold;forced her to marry you@@ and @@.mediumorchid;raped her pregnant.@@
+					This is compounded by the fact that you @@.gold;forced $him to marry you@@ and @@.mediumorchid;raped $him pregnant.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= -5>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50) && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
 				$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ that your child is growing within $him.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].relationship == -3>>
-					This is compounded by the fact that $he is your @@.hotpink;devoted wife@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;feels it is her duty@@ to bear your children.
+					This is compounded by the fact that $he is your @@.hotpink;devoted wife@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;feels it is $his duty@@ to bear your children.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].pregSource == $slaves[$i].relationshipTarget) && ($slaves[$i].relationship > 2)>>
-				$He can't help but feel @@.mediumaquamarine;satisfaction@@ in carrying her lover's child.
+				$He can't help but feel @@.mediumaquamarine;satisfaction@@ in carrying $his lover's child.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 			/* pregmod start */
 			<<if $slaves[$i].pregSource == $slaves[$i].ID>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-					$He's @@.hotpink;aroused@@ at the mere concept that the baby growing inside her was conceived by her own sperm.
+					$He's @@.hotpink;aroused@@ at the mere concept that the baby growing inside $him was conceived by $his own sperm.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-					$He often becomes preoccupied with @@.gold;worry@@ that her self-conceived child will be born unhealthy.
+					$He often becomes preoccupied with @@.gold;worry@@ that $his self-conceived child will be born unhealthy.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
@@ -4160,15 +4039,15 @@
 				<<if $Nurse == 0 && $slaves[$i].assignment != "get treatment in the clinic">>
 					<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 20 && $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && $slaves[$i].trust <= 50>>
 						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "self hating">>
-							$He is @@.hotpink;delirious with joy@@ over her straining womb. Every week $he gets bigger, fuller and tighter; in her mind, it won't be long until $he bursts, bringing her children into the world.
+							$He is @@.hotpink;delirious with joy@@ over $his straining womb. Every week $he gets bigger, fuller and tighter; in $his mind, it won't be long until $he bursts, bringing $his children into the world.
 							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10>>
-							$He is @@.gold;utterly terrified@@ by her straining womb. Every week $he gets bigger, fuller and tighter; in her mind, it won't be long until $he bursts, bringing her children into @@.mediumorchid;this wretched world.@@<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 600000>> $He is absolutely huge, her stretchmark streaked orb of a belly keeps her painfully immobilized. $He counts every second, hoping that $he can make it to the next. $His mind @@.red;can't handle it and shatters,@@ leaving her nothing more than an overfilled broodmother.<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken">><</if>>
+							$He is @@.gold;utterly terrified@@ by $his straining womb. Every week $he gets bigger, fuller and tighter; in $his mind, it won't be long until $he bursts, bringing $his children into @@.mediumorchid;this wretched world.@@<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 600000>> $He is absolutely huge, $his stretchmark streaked orb of a belly keeps $him painfully immobilized. $He counts every second, hoping that $he can make it to the next. $His mind @@.red;can't handle it and shatters,@@ leaving $him nothing more than an overfilled broodmother.<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken">><</if>>
 							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
 							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && $slaves[$i].trust <= 20>>
-						$He is @@.gold;utterly terrified@@ by her straining womb and filled @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ that you've turned her into nothing more than a rapid breeding vessel.
+						$He is @@.gold;utterly terrified@@ by $his straining womb and filled @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ that you've turned $him into nothing more than a rapid breeding vessel.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 80 && $slaves[$i].trust <= 80>>
@@ -4178,34 +4057,34 @@
 			<<case "labor supressors">>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
-					$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ that you're forcing her to continue carrying your child.
+					$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ that you're forcing $him to continue carrying your child.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 			<<case "slow gestation">>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
-					$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ that you're tormenting her by prolonging her pregnancy.
+					$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ that you're tormenting $him by prolonging $his pregnancy.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].induce == 1>>
-				$His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren visibly shift<<else>> visibly shifts<</if>> within her womb as <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>they prepare<<else>>it prepares<</if>> to enter the world. $He experiences several contractions, but not enough to deter her from her work.
+				$His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren visibly shift<<else>> visibly shifts<</if>> within $his womb as <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>they prepare<<else>>it prepares<</if>> to enter the world. $He experiences several contractions, but not enough to deter $him from $his work.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "labor supressors">>
 				$His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> oddly calm; it is unlikely $he will give birth soon, despite being overdue.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].broodmother == 0>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 41>>
-					$He is constantly beset by her squirming child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>. They're overdue, so $he's likely to go into labor at any moment, but they aren't quite ready to leave their home.
+					$He is constantly beset by $his squirming child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>. They're overdue, so $he's likely to go into labor at any moment, but they aren't quite ready to leave their home.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 39>>
-					$He is constantly beset by her squirming child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>. Given their liveliness, and how long $he has been pregnant, it is likely that $he will go into labor at any time now.
+					$He is constantly beset by $his squirming child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>. Given their liveliness, and how long $he has been pregnant, it is likely that $he will go into labor at any time now.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 38>>
-					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe her kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> and to catch her breath. $He is far enough along that $he may go into labor any day now.
+					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe $his kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> and to catch $his breath. $He is far enough along that $he may go into labor any day now.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 37>>
-					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe her kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>. $He is far enough along that $he may go into early labor.
+					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe $his kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>. $He is far enough along that $he may go into early labor.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0 && $slaves[$i].preg > 37>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].broodmother == 1>>
-					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe her kicking children and to catch her breath. It's only a matter of time until the next one drops into position to be born.
+					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe $his kicking children and to catch $his breath. It's only a matter of time until the next one drops into position to be born.
-					$He is constantly beset by her squirming children and often has to stop to handle labor pains. $He is never quite sure when the next one will drop into position to be born.
+					$He is constantly beset by $his squirming children and often has to stop to handle labor pains. $He is never quite sure when the next one will drop into position to be born.
 			/* pregmod end */
@@ -4214,48 +4093,48 @@
 					<<switch random(1,4)>>
 					<<case 1>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "odd">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;acting oddly.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;acting oddly.@@
 					<<case 2>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "hates men">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;disliking the company of men.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;disliking the company of men.@@
 					<<case 3>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "hates women">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;disliking the company of women.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;disliking the company of women.@@
 					<<case 4>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;taking solace in overeating.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;taking solace in overeating.@@
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none") && ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "none")>>
 					<<switch random(1,8)>>
 					<<case 1>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates oral">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;rejecting oral sex.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting oral sex.@@
 					<<case 2>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;rejecting anal sex.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting anal sex.@@
 					<<case 3>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;rejecting penetrative sex.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting penetrative sex.@@
 					<<case 4>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to become @@.red;paranoid about her naked body.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to become @@.red;paranoid about $his naked body.@@
 					<<case 5>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "repressed">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to begin @@.red;rejecting sex.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting sex.@@
 					<<case 6>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "apathetic">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy causes her to become @@.red;inert during sex.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy causes $him to become @@.red;inert during sex.@@
 					<<case 7>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "crude">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy leads her to @@.red;become quite crude.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to @@.red;become quite crude.@@
 					<<case 8>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "judgemental">>
-						The stress of her growing pregnancy causes her to become overly @@.red;judgemental of her partners.@@
+						The stress of $his growing pregnancy causes $him to become overly @@.red;judgemental of $his partners.@@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95) && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)) && ($slaves[$i].oralCount+$slaves[$i].vaginalCount+$slaves[$i].analCount > 200) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
-				The combination of pregnancy and constant sex has @@.lightcoral;sexualized pregnancy for her.@@
+				The combination of pregnancy and constant sex has @@.lightcoral;sexualized pregnancy for $him.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
 		<</if>> /* closes not fuckdoll or mindbroken check; still .preg >= 10 */
@@ -4306,7 +4185,7 @@
                 <<if ($slaves[$i].inducedNCS == 0)>>
                         <<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 30) && ((($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine" || $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") && $masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries == 1) || ($slaves[$i].diet == "high caloric"))>>
                                 <<if ($slaves[$i].weight <= 65)>>
-                                        $He has @@.lime;gained weight@@ in order to better sustain <<print $his>>self and $his children.
+                                        $He has @@.lime;gained weight@@ in order to better sustain $himself and $his children.
                                         <<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
                                 <<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
@@ -4365,7 +4244,7 @@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
 			<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory)>>
-				$His growing pregnancy renders her fake belly moot.
+				$His growing pregnancy renders $his fake belly moot.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory = "none">>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > 20) && ($slaves[$i].lactation == 0)>>
@@ -4411,10 +4290,10 @@
 	$slaves[$i].slaveName is ripe for breeding, so you ejaculate inside $him often. When you bore of $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>cunt<</if>>, you keep $him around as you fuck other slaves so you can pull out of them, shove your cock into $him, and fill $him with your seed anyway.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-			$He attempts to resist this treatment, and spends most of her days bound securely, with your cum dripping out of her <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. This regimen fills $him with @@.mediumorchid;hatred,@@ @@.gold;fear,@@ and @@.lime;a pregnancy.@@
+			$He attempts to resist this treatment, and spends most of $his days bound securely, with your cum dripping out of $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. This regimen fills $him with @@.mediumorchid;hatred,@@ @@.gold;fear,@@ and @@.lime;a pregnancy.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
-				This unpleasant interlude leaves her @@.red;hating penetration@@ of her now-pregnant <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
+				This unpleasant interlude leaves $him @@.red;hating penetration@@ of $his now-pregnant <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
@@ -4422,12 +4301,12 @@
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-			$He complies fearfully with your use of her body.
+			$He complies fearfully with your use of $his body.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-			$He is @@.hotpink;absurdly pleased@@ by this treatment, @@.mediumaquamarine;trustingly@@ serving as your breeding bitch until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@ $He's so aroused by the constant insemination that having your dick, wet from another slave, pushed inside her to climax is often enough to bring $him to orgasm in turn.
+			$He is @@.hotpink;absurdly pleased@@ by this treatment, @@.mediumaquamarine;trustingly@@ serving as your breeding bitch until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@ $He's so aroused by the constant insemination that having your dick, wet from another slave, pushed inside $him to climax is often enough to bring $him to orgasm in turn.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				Such total satisfaction of her pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens her fetish.@@
+				Such total satisfaction of $his pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
@@ -4448,18 +4327,18 @@
 	<<elseif $HGCum == 0>>
 		It's $HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to impregnate fertile slaves, but your Head Girl can only fuck a limited number of slaves enough to ensure impregnation each week.
 	<<elseif !canBreed($slaves[$i], $HeadGirl)>>
-		It's $HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to impregnate fertile slaves, but $HeadGirl.slaveName's sperm is unable to fertilize $slaves[$i].slaveName's ova, so $he doesn't waste her seed trying.
+		It's $HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to impregnate fertile slaves, but $HeadGirl.slaveName's sperm is unable to fertilize $slaves[$i].slaveName's ova, so she doesn't waste her seed trying.
 		It's $HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to get $him pregnant, a task your
 		<<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "pregnancy") && ($HeadGirl.fetishKnown == 1) && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
 			pregnancy fetishist Head Girl is @@.hotpink;extremely pleased@@ to take on.
 			<<set $HeadGirl.devotion += 2>>
 			<<if ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens her pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
+				The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
 				<<set $HeadGirl.fetishStrength += 4>>
 		<<elseif $HeadGirl.career == "a breeding bull">>
-			Head Girl feels @@.hotpink;$he was meant for.@@
+			Head Girl feels @@.hotpink;she was meant for.@@
 			<<set $HeadGirl.devotion += 1>>
 		<<elseif ($HeadGirl.attrXX > 65) && ($HeadGirl.attrKnown == 1)>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>-hungry Head Girl is @@.hotpink;happy@@ to take on.
@@ -4470,17 +4349,17 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-				$slaves[$i].slaveName feels a need to be bred by the Head Girl, and submits herself to her superior's virile cock until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName feels a need to be bred by the Head Girl, and submits $himself to $his superior's virile cock until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
 				<<if (($HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist") || ($HeadGirl.fetish == "dom")) && ($HeadGirl.fetishKnown == 1) && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					$His interest is piqued, however, when $slaves[$i].slaveName shows signs of resistance. $HeadGirl.slaveName @@.hotpink;enthusiastically@@ @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor girl@@ pregnant, ejaculating inside her victim more often than is really necessary for @@.lime;conception.@@
+					Her interest is piqued, however, when $slaves[$i].slaveName shows signs of resistance. $HeadGirl.slaveName @@.hotpink;enthusiastically@@ @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor girl@@ pregnant, ejaculating inside her victim more often than is really necessary for @@.lime;conception.@@
 					<<set $HeadGirl.devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
-					$slaves[$i].slaveName tries to resist her, so $HeadGirl.slaveName is forced to @@.mediumorchid;rape the poor girl@@ pregnant, regularly ejaculating inside her until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
+					$slaves[$i].slaveName tries to resist her, so $HeadGirl.slaveName is forced to @@.mediumorchid;rape the poor girl@@ pregnant, regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
-					This unpleasant interlude leaves her @@.red;hating penetration@@ of her violated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>anus<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
+					This unpleasant interlude leaves $him @@.red;hating penetration@@ of $his violated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>anus<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
 					<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
@@ -4489,14 +4368,14 @@
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
 				<<if (($HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist") || ($HeadGirl.fetish == "dom")) && ($HeadGirl.fetishKnown == 1) && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					$His interest is piqued, however, when it becomes clear that $slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred. $HeadGirl.slaveName @@.hotpink;enthusiastically@@ ensures that her victim @@.mediumorchid;does not enjoy@@ a week of being @@.lime;raped pregnant.@@
+					Her interest is piqued, however, when it becomes clear that $slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred. $HeadGirl.slaveName @@.hotpink;enthusiastically@@ ensures that her victim @@.mediumorchid;does not enjoy@@ a week of being @@.lime;raped pregnant.@@
 					<<set $HeadGirl.devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-					$slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred, but $HeadGirl.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor girl@@ pregnant anyway, regularly ejaculating inside her until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
+					$slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred, but $HeadGirl.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor girl@@ pregnant anyway, regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
-					This unpleasant interlude leaves her @@.red;hating penetration@@ of her violated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>anus<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
+					This unpleasant interlude leaves $him @@.red;hating penetration@@ of $his violated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>anus<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
 					<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
@@ -4505,27 +4384,27 @@
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion < 75)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-					$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;very willing to be bred@@ by your Head Girl, and eagerly takes her superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
+					$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;very willing to be bred@@ by your Head Girl, and eagerly takes $his superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-						Such total satisfaction of her pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens her fetish.@@
+						Such total satisfaction of $his pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish.@@
 						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
-					$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to be bred by the Head Girl, and takes her superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
+					$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to be bred by the Head Girl, and takes $his superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
 					$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, considers getting bred by your Head Girl @@.hotpink;a dream come true,@@ and gets fucked bareback daily until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-						Such total satisfaction of her pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens her fetish.@@
+						Such total satisfaction of $his pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish.@@
 						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
-					$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing to be bred@@ by the Head Girl, whom $he respects, and submissively takes her superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
+					$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing to be bred@@ by the Head Girl, whom $he respects, and submissively takes $his superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
@@ -4548,14 +4427,14 @@
 	<<case "be your Concubine">>
 		<<if ($PC.dick == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken") && ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human")>>
-			As your concubine, $he takes care to only share her fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>> with you. $His efforts paid off; @@.lime;$he has become pregnant with your child.@@
+			As your concubine, $he takes care to only share $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>> with you. $His efforts paid off; @@.lime;$he has become pregnant with your child.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -1, 1)>>
 	<<case "serve in the master suite">>
 		<<if ($PC.dick == 1) && ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human") && (($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1 && $slaves[$i].vagina > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].anus > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "pussy" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1) || ($slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass"))>>
-			You frequently avail yourself to her fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. It's no surprise when @@.lime;$he ends up pregnant with your child.@@
+			You frequently avail yourself to $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. It's no surprise when @@.lime;$he ends up pregnant with your child.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -1, 1)>>
@@ -4581,7 +4460,7 @@
 	<<case "please you">>
 		<<if ($PC.dick == 1) && ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human") && (($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1 && $slaves[$i].vagina > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].anus > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "pussy" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1) || ($slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass"))>>
-			You frequently avail yourself to her fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. It's no surprise when @@.lime;$he ends up pregnant with your child.@@
+			You frequently avail yourself to $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. It's no surprise when @@.lime;$he ends up pregnant with your child.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -1, 1)>>
@@ -4677,7 +4556,7 @@
 	<<include "SA inflation">>
 	<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory)>>
-		$He has trouble keeping <<print $him>>self full of
+		$He has trouble keeping $himself full of
 		<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
 			<<case "cum" "milk" "water" "food">>
@@ -4749,10 +4628,10 @@
 		<<case "food">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none" && $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "fitness" && random(1,100) > 70>>
-				Stuffing her face with food all week @@.red;drives $him to gluttony.@@
+				Stuffing $his face with food all week @@.red;drives $him to gluttony.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none" && $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "fitness" && random(1,100) > 70>>
-				Stuffing her face with food all week @@.red;drives $him to hate eating.@@
+				Stuffing $his face with food all week @@.red;drives $him to hate eating.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
@@ -4931,14 +4810,14 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none" || $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 10) && $slaves[$i].devotion > 20 && random(1,100) > 85>>
-		Having an implant simulating pregnancy drives her to @@.lightcoral;begin fantasizing about being actually pregnant.@@
+		Having an implant simulating pregnancy drives $him to @@.lightcoral;begin fantasizing about being actually pregnant.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>
 	<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory)>>
-		$His implant rounded belly renders her fake one moot.
+		$His implant rounded belly renders $his fake one moot.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory = "none">>
@@ -4954,20 +4833,20 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken", $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 		<<if random(1,5) == 1>>
-			$He has been used as a sexual slave for so long, and is so hopeless that her future as a slave will be anything but torment, that her mind finally slips. @@.red;$He has been irretrievably broken.@@
+			$He has been used as a sexual slave for so long, and is so hopeless that $his future as a slave will be anything but torment, that $his mind finally slips. @@.red;$He has been irretrievably broken.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken", $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
-			$He's so unhappy and terrified that the effects of the extreme stress on her mind and body are unpredictable. This week,
+			$He's so unhappy and terrified that the effects of the extreme stress on $his mind and body are unpredictable. This week,
 			<<set _stressEffect = random(1,4)>>
 			<<switch _stressEffect>>
 			<<case 1>>
-				@@.mediumorchid;her hatred of sexual slavery was self-reinforcing.@@
+				@@.mediumorchid;$his hatred of sexual slavery was self-reinforcing.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 			<<case 2>>
-				@@.mediumorchid;her mental state was bad for her health.@@
+				@@.mediumorchid;$his mental state was bad for $his health.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 5>>
 			<<case 3>>
-				@@.orange;her face grew a little more haggard.@@
+				@@.orange;$his face grew a little more haggard.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].face -= 2>>
 				$he managed to bear it without lasting harm.
@@ -4983,7 +4862,7 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
 		<<if (random(1,100) > 100+$slaves[$i].trust)>>
 			<<set _effect = random(1,4)>>
-			Being so afraid so constantly drives her to find solace in
+			Being so afraid so constantly drives $him to find solace in
 			<<if _effect == 1>>
 			self-denial. @@.red;$He has developed anorexia.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
@@ -4991,10 +4870,10 @@
 			stress eating. @@.red;$He's now a nervous glutton.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 3>>
-			the scraps of prayer and superstition $he can remember from her life before $he was a slave. @@.red;$He's now religious.@@
+			the scraps of prayer and superstition $he can remember from $his life before $he was a slave. @@.red;$He's now religious.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "devout">>
-			the remnants of modern philosophy and education $he can remember from her life before $he was a slave. @@.red;$He feels mentally liberated.@@
+			the remnants of modern philosophy and education $he can remember from $his life before $he was a slave. @@.red;$He feels mentally liberated.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "liberated">>
@@ -5005,24 +4884,24 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20)>>
 		<<if (random(1,500) > 500+$slaves[$i].devotion)>>
 			<<set _effect = random(1,6)>>
-			Being so angry at her life as a sex slave has
+			Being so angry at $his life as a sex slave has
 			<<if _effect == 1>>
-                                driven her into @@.red;sexual apathy.@@
+                                driven $him into @@.red;sexual apathy.@@
                                 <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "apathetic">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 2>>
-                                convinced her that the conservative parts of her upbringing were right: sex is evil. @@.red;$He's now repressed.@@
+                                convinced $him that the conservative parts of $his upbringing were right: sex is evil. @@.red;$He's now repressed.@@
                                 <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "repressed">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 3>>
-                                given her a dread of being nude. @@.red;$He's now shamefast.@@
+                                given $him a dread of being nude. @@.red;$He's now shamefast.@@
                                 <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 4>>
-                                deprived her of any motivation to keep sex appealing or even clean. @@.red;$He's now crude.@@
+                                deprived $him of any motivation to keep sex appealing or even clean. @@.red;$He's now crude.@@
                                 <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "crude">>
 			<<elseif _effect == 5>>
-                                driven her to find refuge in high standards. @@.red;$He's now judgemental.@@
+                                driven $him to find refuge in high standards. @@.red;$He's now judgemental.@@
                                 <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "judgemental">>
-                                convinced her that sex is only this way here. Convinced that sexual slavery is wrong, @@.red;$He's become sexually idealistic.@@
+                                convinced $him that sex is only this way here. Convinced that sexual slavery is wrong, @@.red;$He's become sexually idealistic.@@
                                 <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
@@ -5042,17 +4921,17 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= -20)>>
-		$He views the mark of the Societal Elite @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ as it brands her as nothing more than your breeding bitch.
+		$He views the mark of the Societal Elite @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ as it brands $him as nothing more than your breeding bitch.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-		$He bears the mark of the Societal Elite as a sign of her superiority. As such, $he @@.mediumorchid;behaves like a spoiled child@@ and tries to have everything her way.
+		$He bears the mark of the Societal Elite as a sign of $his superiority. As such, $he @@.mediumorchid;behaves like a spoiled child@@ and tries to have everything $his way.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none") && ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "confident")>>
 			$He has become @@.red;quite arrogant.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "arrogant">>
-		$He bears the mark of the Societal Elite @@.hotpink;with pride.@@ It signals that $he is yours, and yours alone, drawing her ever closer to her beloved <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
+		$He bears the mark of the Societal Elite @@.hotpink;with pride.@@ It signals that $he is yours, and yours alone, drawing $him ever closer to $his beloved <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10>>
@@ -5063,16 +4942,16 @@
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
 					<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
-						$He can't stop herself from eating the @@.hotpink;addictive, delicious@@ slave treats available throughout the arcology. $He knows they are fattening and @@.gold;starts obsessing@@ even more about her weight, appearance and how others view $him.
+						$He can't stop $himself from eating the @@.hotpink;addictive, delicious@@ slave treats available throughout the arcology. $He knows they are fattening and @@.gold;starts obsessing@@ even more about $his weight, appearance and how others view $him.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
 						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
 							<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
-						$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how they tempt her away from a fit lifestyle, but often @@.hotpink;finds herself absentmindedly snacking on them.@@
+						$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how they tempt $him away from a fit lifestyle, but often @@.hotpink;finds $himself absentmindedly snacking on them.@@
 						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
-							The more her @@.lime;waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;less $he finds herself trusting you.@@
+							The more $his @@.lime;waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;less $he finds $himself trusting you.@@
 							<<set $slaves[$i].trust--, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 							<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
@@ -5080,23 +4959,23 @@
 							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
-						$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he can keep her mouth filled at @@.hotpink;nearly all times.@@
+						$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he can keep $his mouth filled at @@.hotpink;nearly all times.@@
 						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
-							Since her belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep her sated,@@ though her constant gorging has a @@.lime;huge impact on her waistline.@@
+							Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated,@@ though $his constant gorging has a @@.lime;huge impact on $his waistline.@@
 							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
 							<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 3>>
-							Since her belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep her sated.@@ Since the food is fat free, her waistline is spared her bad habits.
+							Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated.@@ Since the food is fat free, $his waistline is spared $his bad habits.
 							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
 						$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he @@.hotpink;can't stop eating them.@@
 						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
-							The @@.lime;more her waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;more horrifying her body becomes to her.@@
+							The @@.lime;more $his waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;more horrifying $his body becomes to $him.@@
 							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 							<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
-							$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for, even if $he is disgusted by her actions.
+							$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for, even if $he is disgusted by $his actions.
 							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
@@ -5109,40 +4988,40 @@
 				<<else>> /* no treats for you */
 					<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
-						$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;relieved@@ $he doesn't have to fret over eating the treats and gaining weight as her <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> is carefully directing $him.
+						$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;relieved@@ $he doesn't have to fret over eating the treats and gaining weight as $his <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> is carefully directing $him.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
 						$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ that $he isn't permitted to eat the treats. $He's seen others try one, only to start shoveling them down.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
-						$He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to stuff her face with the tempting treats like the other slaves $he sees.
+						$He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to stuff $his face with the tempting treats like the other slaves $he sees.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
 						$He @@.hotpink;is relieved@@ that $he doesn't have to eat the treats and is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for your apparent consideration.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-						$He <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>sees<<else>>knows<</if>> how much the other slaves enjoy the delicious treats and @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to enjoy them, feeling you are doing this to @@.gold;spite her.@@
+						$He <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>sees<<else>>knows<</if>> how much the other slaves enjoy the delicious treats and @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to enjoy them, feeling you are doing this to @@.gold;spite $him.@@
 						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion--, $slaves[$i].trust-->>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
-					The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. $He cannot stop herself from eating them, but $he can @@.gold;fear@@ your cruelty as her @@.hotpink;will steadily erodes@@ from the concentrated aphrodisiacs in her food.
+					The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. $He cannot stop $himself from eating them, but $he can @@.gold;fear@@ your cruelty as $his @@.hotpink;will steadily erodes@@ from the concentrated aphrodisiacs in $his food.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
-					The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. Since $he is not permitted to eat them, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he breathes a sigh of relief,@@ though $he is fully aware of what happens to those not as fortunate as $him. $He @@.hotpink;tries her best to be obedient@@ hoping to not undergo the agony, but her efforts pale in comparison to the effects of the food based aphrodisiacs.
+					The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. Since $he is not permitted to eat them, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he breathes a sigh of relief,@@ though $he is fully aware of what happens to those not as fortunate as $him. $He @@.hotpink;tries $his best to be obedient@@ hoping to not undergo the agony, but $his efforts pale in comparison to the effects of the food based aphrodisiacs.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust++>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
-				Watching citizens sculpt their slaves to their ideals fills her with @@.mediumaquamarine;relief@@ that someone will find her attractive; that or make her so.
+				Watching citizens sculpt their slaves to their ideals fills $him with @@.mediumaquamarine;relief@@ that someone will find $him attractive; that or make $him so.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
 				Watching both citizens and other slaves lie around and shirk exercise disappoints $him. $He @@.gold;fears@@ that $he'll be prevented from exercising and grow soft too.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
-				Being part of a society that welcomes gluttony makes her @@.mediumaquamarine;feel right at home.@@
+				Being part of a society that welcomes gluttony makes $him @@.mediumaquamarine;feel right at home.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
 				$He feels fat just watching your society gorge itself. $He @@.gold;fears@@ that $he'll be a bloated hog soon too.
@@ -5153,16 +5032,16 @@
 		<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
-					$He can't stop herself from eating the @@.hotpink;addictive, delicious@@ slave treats available throughout the arcology. $He knows they are fattening and @@.gold;starts obsessing@@ even more about her weight, appearance and how others view $him.
+					$He can't stop $himself from eating the @@.hotpink;addictive, delicious@@ slave treats available throughout the arcology. $He knows they are fattening and @@.gold;starts obsessing@@ even more about $his weight, appearance and how others view $him.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
 					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
-					$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how they tempt her away from a fit lifestyle, but often @@.hotpink;finds herself absentmindedly snacking on them.@@
+					$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how they tempt $him away from a fit lifestyle, but often @@.hotpink;finds $himself absentmindedly snacking on them.@@
 					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
-						The more her @@.lime;waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;less $he finds herself trusting you.@@
+						The more $his @@.lime;waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;less $he finds $himself trusting you.@@
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust--, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
@@ -5170,23 +5049,23 @@
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
-					$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he can keep her mouth filled at @@.hotpink;nearly all times.@@
+					$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he can keep $his mouth filled at @@.hotpink;nearly all times.@@
 					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
-						Since her belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep her sated,@@ though her constant gorging has a @@.lime;huge impact on her waistline.@@
+						Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated,@@ though $his constant gorging has a @@.lime;huge impact on $his waistline.@@
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 3>>
-						Since her belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep her sated.@@ Since the food is fat free, her waistline is spared her bad habits.
+						Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated.@@ Since the food is fat free, $his waistline is spared $his bad habits.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
 					$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he @@.hotpink;can't stop eating them.@@
 					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
-						The @@.lime;more her waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;more horrifying her body becomes to her.@@
+						The @@.lime;more $his waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;more horrifying $his body becomes to $him.@@
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
-						$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for, even if $he is disgusted by her actions.
+						$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for, even if $he is disgusted by $his actions.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
@@ -5199,28 +5078,28 @@
 			<<else>> /* no treats for you */
 				<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
-					$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;relieved@@ $he doesn't have to fret over eating the treats and gaining weight as her <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> is carefully directing $him.
+					$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;relieved@@ $he doesn't have to fret over eating the treats and gaining weight as $his <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> is carefully directing $him.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
 					$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ that $he isn't permitted to eat the treats. $He's seen others try one, only to start shoveling them down.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
-					$He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to stuff her face with the tempting treats like the other slaves $he sees.
+					$He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to stuff $his face with the tempting treats like the other slaves $he sees.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
 					$He @@.hotpink;is relieved@@ that $he doesn't have to eat the treat and is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for your apparent consideration.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
-					$He <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>sees<<else>>knows<</if>> how much the other slaves enjoy the delicious treats and @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to enjoy them, feeling you are doing this to @@.gold;spite her.@@
+					$He <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>sees<<else>>knows<</if>> how much the other slaves enjoy the delicious treats and @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to enjoy them, feeling you are doing this to @@.gold;spite $him.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion--, $slaves[$i].trust-->>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
-				The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. $He cannot stop herself from eating them, but $he can @@.gold;fear@@ your cruelty as her @@.hotpink;will steadily erodes@@ from the concentrated aphrodisiacs in her food.
+				The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. $He cannot stop $himself from eating them, but $he can @@.gold;fear@@ your cruelty as $his @@.hotpink;will steadily erodes@@ from the concentrated aphrodisiacs in $his food.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
-				The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. Since $he is not permitted to eat them, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he breathes a sigh of relief,@@ though $he is fully aware of what happens to those not as fortunate as $him. $He @@.hotpink;tries her best to be obedient@@ hoping to not undergo the agony, but her efforts pale in comparison to the effects of the food based aphrodisiacs.
+				The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. Since $he is not permitted to eat them, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he breathes a sigh of relief,@@ though $he is fully aware of what happens to those not as fortunate as $him. $He @@.hotpink;tries $his best to be obedient@@ hoping to not undergo the agony, but $his efforts pale in comparison to the effects of the food based aphrodisiacs.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust++>>
@@ -5231,21 +5110,12 @@
 <<set $pornFameBonus = 1>>
 <<if $studio == 1>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<if $slaves[$i].pornFameSpending > 0>>
-	<<set $pornFameBonus += 0.2 + (($slaves[$i].pornFameSpending/10000)/$HackingSkillMultiplier)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].pornFameSpending >= 4000)>>
-		$His near-ubiquitous presence in arcology pornography greatly increases $his impact on society.
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pornFameSpending >= 2000)>>
-		$His presence in arcology pornography increases $his impact on society.
 <<if $slaves[$i].pornFame > 0>>
 	<<set $pornFameBonus += (Math.ceil($slaves[$i].pornFame/100000))>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].pornFame >= 100000)>>
-		$possessiveCap near-ubiquitous presence in arcology pornography greatly increases $possessive impact on society.
+		$His near-ubiquitous presence in arcology pornography greatly increases $his impact on society.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pornFame >= 10000)>>
-		$possessiveCap presence in arcology pornography increases $possessive impact on society.
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+		$His presence in arcology pornography increases $his impact on society.
 		$His occasional presence in arcology pornography slightly increases $his impact on society.
@@ -5410,7 +5280,7 @@
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight > 130>>
 		$slaves[$i].slaveName is so fat, society just assumes there is a baby somewhere in there, though they wish it was more obvious.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].pregWeek < 0>>
-			But fortunately for her, word of her recent birth has gotten around @@.green;reassuring the masses@@ that $he can still bear children.
+			But fortunately for $him, word of $his recent birth has gotten around @@.green;reassuring the masses@@ that $he can still bear children.
 			<<FSChangePorn "Repopulationist" 2>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].collar == "preg biometrics">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
@@ -5506,13 +5376,13 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].vasectomy == 0>>
-		Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of her working testicles.
+		Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $his working testicles.
 		<<FSChangePorn "Eugenics" $slaves[$i].balls>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick > 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].vasectomy == 1>>
-		Society @@.green;approves@@ of her vasectomy.
+		Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his vasectomy.
 		<<FSChangePorn "Eugenics" 1>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick > 0 && $slaves[$i].balls == 0>>
-		Society @@.green;approves@@ of her lack of testicles.
+		Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his lack of testicles.
 		<<FSChangePorn "Eugenics" 2>>
@@ -5913,9 +5783,9 @@
 	<<if $rep > 10000>>
-		$His brand is considered a minor enhancement to her beauty since you are very well liked.
+		$His brand is considered a minor enhancement to $his beauty since you are very well liked.
 	<<elseif $rep < 5000>>
-		$His brand is considered a minor blemish on her beauty since you are not well liked.
+		$His brand is considered a minor blemish on $his beauty since you are not well liked.
@@ -5925,47 +5795,47 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].eyes != 0>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].eyes == -2>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		Even though $he is blind, $he is devoted enough to you to allow herself to lower her guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep her safe.
+		Even though $he is blind, $he is devoted enough to you to allow $himself to lower $his guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep $him safe.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 		Since $he's blind and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant@@, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what $he can't see.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
-		$He may be blind, but $he knows nobody would dare harm her under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building her trust@@ in you.
+		$He may be blind, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > -20>>
-		$His blindness forces her to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies her fear@@ as $he has severely limited capabilities to defend herself.
+		$His blindness forces $him to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies $his fear@@ as $he has severely limited capabilities to defend $himself.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
-		Being blind forces her to @@.hotpink;completely rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the terror@@ $he faces constantly being unable to tell what will happen to $him.
+		Being blind forces $him to @@.hotpink;completely rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the terror@@ $he faces constantly being unable to tell what will happen to $him.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].eyes == -1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].eyewear != "corrective glasses") && ($slaves[$i].eyewear != "corrective contacts")>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
 	        <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-                        Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, her blurred vision makes her @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive,@@ since $he can't always see what's happening to $him.
+                        Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, $his blurred vision makes $him @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive,@@ since $he can't always see what's happening to $him.
                         <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
                 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
-                        $His blurred vision @@.hotpink;reduces her distaste for her life slightly,@@ since her fuzzy vision allows her to ignore the details of everyone $he's expected to fuck.
+                        $His blurred vision @@.hotpink;reduces $his distaste for $his life slightly,@@ since $his fuzzy vision allows $him to ignore the details of everyone $he's expected to fuck.
                         <<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-                        $His blurred vision tends to make her @@.mediumorchid;a little more fearful,@@ since $he can never tell what's about to happen to $him.
+                        $His blurred vision tends to make $him @@.mediumorchid;a little more fearful,@@ since $he can never tell what's about to happen to $him.
                         <<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].eyes == 2>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].eyewear == "blurring glasses") || ($slaves[$i].eyewear == "blurring contacts")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		$He tolerates the annoyance of blurred vision induced by her eyewear.
+		$He tolerates the annoyance of blurred vision induced by $his eyewear.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
-		Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, the blurred vision induced by her eyewear actually makes her @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive.@@
+		Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, the blurred vision induced by $his eyewear actually makes $him @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
-		The blurred vision induced by her eyewear actually @@.hotpink;reduces her distaste for her life slightly,@@ since her fuzzy vision allows her to ignore the details of everyone $he's expected to fuck.
+		The blurred vision induced by $his eyewear actually @@.hotpink;reduces $his distaste for $his life slightly,@@ since $his fuzzy vision allows $him to ignore the details of everyone $he's expected to fuck.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-		The blurred vision induced by her eyewear actually @@.mediumorchid;infuriates her.@@
+		The blurred vision induced by $his eyewear actually @@.mediumorchid;infuriates $him.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
@@ -5976,19 +5846,19 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].muscles < -95>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		$He knows $he is near helpless but is devoted enough to you to allow herself to lower her guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep her safe.
+		$He knows $he is near helpless but is devoted enough to you to allow $himself to lower $his guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep $him safe.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 		Since $he's near helpless and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant@@, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what $he can't see.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 	<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
-		$He may be physically frail and vulnerable, but $he knows nobody would dare harm her under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building her trust@@ in you.
+		$He may be physically frail and vulnerable, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > -20>>
-		$His frailty forces her to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies her fear@@ as $he has no chance of defending herself.
+		$His frailty forces $him to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies $his fear@@ as $he has no chance of defending $himself.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
-		Being frail and near helpless forces her to @@.hotpink;heavily rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the terror@@ $he faces constantly knowing that whatever anyone wants to do to her, there is nothing $he can do to stop it.
+		Being frail and near helpless forces $him to @@.hotpink;heavily rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the terror@@ $he faces constantly knowing that whatever anyone wants to do to $him, there is nothing $he can do to stop it.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
@@ -5999,18 +5869,18 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
 		$His mouth full of orthodontia is quite uncomfortable,
 		<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence > 0>>
-			but $he has the presence of mind to know that it's for her own good, and $he doesn't blame you for it.
+			but $he has the presence of mind to know that it's for $his own good, and $he doesn't blame you for it.
 			and $he's stupid enough to @@.mediumorchid;blame you@@ for the discomfort.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-		$He puts up with the discomfort produced by her orthodontia for your sake.
+		$He puts up with the discomfort produced by $his orthodontia for your sake.
 	<<if random(1,10) == 1>>
-	$His braces @@.lime;straighten her teeth.@@ They can now be removed to leave her with a beautiful smile, or left on.
+	$His braces @@.lime;straighten $his teeth.@@ They can now be removed to leave $him with a beautiful smile, or left on.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].teeth = "cosmetic braces">>
@@ -6187,7 +6057,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-		$He's so addicted to sex that $his lack of natural sex hormones doesn't affect her sex drive.
+		$He's so addicted to sex that $his lack of natural sex hormones doesn't affect $his sex drive.
@@ -6202,7 +6072,7 @@
 			<<if $slaves[$i].prostate != 0>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
 					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
-						is such a buttslut that $his's null status doesn't affect $his libido at all; $he's got her prostate and that's all $he cares about.
+						is such a buttslut that $his's null status doesn't affect $his libido at all; $he's got $his prostate and that's all $he cares about.
 						is a buttslut, but not enough of one that $his lack of<<if $seeDicks > 0>> a dick or<</if>> a pussy isn't frustrating.
 						<<set _frustration = 1>>
@@ -6231,7 +6101,7 @@
 	<<if _frustration > 0>>
-		This @@.red;affects her libido@@ and is
+		This @@.red;affects $his libido@@ and is
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
 			annoying, but $he puts up with it for your sake.
@@ -6247,35 +6117,35 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].energy <= 50)>>
-		$He's so worshipful of you that $he derives erotic satisfaction simply from being your slave, giving her @@.green;more of an appetite for sex.@@
+		$He's so worshipful of you that $he derives erotic satisfaction simply from being your slave, giving $him @@.green;more of an appetite for sex.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-	$He's so devoted to you that her appetite for sex isn't affected by the unpleasant parts of slave life.
+	$He's so devoted to you that $his appetite for sex isn't affected by the unpleasant parts of slave life.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy <= 5)>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave")>>
-		$His assignment constantly requires her to fuck. $He obeys, but @@.red;her appetite for sex is reduced.@@
+		$His assignment constantly requires $him to fuck. $He obeys, but @@.red;$his appetite for sex is reduced.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-		Sometimes, $he wishes $he weren't a sex slave, @@.red;reducing her appetite for sex,@@ though less than if her assignment required her to fuck constantly.
+		Sometimes, $he wishes $he weren't a sex slave, @@.red;reducing $his appetite for sex,@@ though less than if $his assignment required $him to fuck constantly.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave")>>
-		$His assignment forces her to let herself get fucked constantly, @@.red;reducing her appetite for sex.@@
+		$His assignment forces $him to let $himself get fucked constantly, @@.red;reducing $his appetite for sex.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
-		$He isn't used to life as a sex slave, and the constant sexual anxiety @@.red;reduces her appetite for sex,@@ though less than if her assignment forced her to let herself get fucked constantly.
+		$He isn't used to life as a sex slave, and the constant sexual anxiety @@.red;reduces $his appetite for sex,@@ though less than if $his assignment forced $him to let $himself get fucked constantly.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave")>>
-		$His assignment subjects her to constant rape, @@.red;rapidly reducing her appetite for sex.@@
+		$His assignment subjects $him to constant rape, @@.red;rapidly reducing $his appetite for sex.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 5>>
-		$He hates being a sex slave, @@.red;reducing her appetite for sex,@@ though less than if her assignment subjected her to constant rape.
+		$He hates being a sex slave, @@.red;reducing $his appetite for sex,@@ though less than if $his assignment subjected $him to constant rape.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
@@ -6319,17 +6189,17 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].need>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].need > $slaves[$i].energy/2>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
-		$He is not allowed to get off as frequently as her aphrodisiac fueled sex drive demands, and the constant frustration
+		$He is not allowed to get off as frequently as $his aphrodisiac fueled sex drive demands, and the constant frustration
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-			@@.red;stresses her body considerably.@@
+			@@.red;stresses $his body considerably.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20)>>
-			drives her mad with lust. $He @@.mediumorchid;blames you@@ for this @@.gold;cruelty.@@
+			drives $him mad with lust. $He @@.mediumorchid;blames you@@ for this @@.gold;cruelty.@@
 			<<set _decay = 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20)>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= _decay, $slaves[$i].trust -= _decay>>
-		$He is not allowed to get off as frequently as her healthy sex drive demands, and the constant frustration @@.red;wears away at her libido.@@
+		$He is not allowed to get off as frequently as $his healthy sex drive demands, and the constant frustration @@.red;wears away at $his libido.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20)>>
@@ -6345,7 +6215,7 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].face > 80>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].face <= 95>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 95>>
-		$He is so healthy and trusting that @@.lime;the minute flaws in her facial appearance seem to be smoothed away@@ every time $he sleeps.
+		$He is so healthy and trusting that @@.lime;the minute flaws in $his facial appearance seem to be smoothed away@@ every time $he sleeps.
 		<<FaceIncrease $slaves[$i] 5>>
@@ -6355,7 +6225,7 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].visualAge > 20 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge > 20>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 95 && $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].ageAdjust == 40>>
-			$He has been living a happy, healthy and trusting life under you for so long that you swear @@.lime;$he looks a little younger@@ than a girl her age should.
+			$He has been living a happy, healthy and trusting life under you for so long that you swear @@.lime;$he looks a little younger@@ than a girl $his age should.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].visualAge-->>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].ageAdjust = 0>>
 		<<elseif random(1,100) > 60>>
@@ -6396,7 +6266,7 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].visualAge > 15 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge > 15>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20 && $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].ageAdjust == -40>>
-			$He has been living a miserable life under your feet for so long that you swear @@.orange;$he looks a little older@@ than a girl her age should.
+			$He has been living a miserable life under your feet for so long that you swear @@.orange;$he looks a little older@@ than a girl $his age should.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].visualAge++>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].ageAdjust = 0>>
 		<<elseif random(1,100) > 40>>
@@ -6412,10 +6282,10 @@
 	<<set _countNCS = 0>>
 	**      To prevent the NCS from firing on every attribute in one year, this variable counts the
-	**      number of NCS affects that fire.  Most affects will only trigger if one or two other
-	**      have already fired, but won't fire beyond.  There are two exceptions to that, first,
+	**      number of NCS affects that fire. Most affects will only trigger if one or two other
+	**      have already fired, but won't fire beyond. There are two exceptions to that, first,
 	**      massively oversized growth assets, which will fire always, e.g. boobs > 5000, dick > 10,
-	**      etc.  Second, Body structure, hips/shoulders may fire any time, (decreasing random).
+	**      etc. Second, Body structure, hips/shoulders may fire any time, (decreasing random).
 	**      Youthening (visual age year number reduction)
 	**      Happens on a sliding scale, the older a slave is, the faster the de-aging goes.
@@ -6466,7 +6336,7 @@
 		<<elseif _heightDelta > -15>><<set _shrinkage = 2>>
 		<<else>><<set _shrinkage = 1>>
-		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ is actively @@.orange;reducing $his stature, leaving her shorter.@@
+		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ is actively @@.orange;reducing $his stature, leaving $him shorter.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].height -= _shrinkage, _countNCS++>>
@@ -6589,7 +6459,7 @@
 	*       Pussy/Ass-Pussy rejuvination.
-	*       10% chance of either one rejuvinating per week.  (The Child Whore's delight!)
+	*       10% chance of either one rejuvinating per week. (The Child Whore's delight!)
 	<<if ((_countNCS < 2) && ($slaves[$i].vagina > 1) && (random(1,100) < ($slaves[$i].vagina * 10)))>>
 		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ manages to @@.lime;reverse the stretching in $his vagina, $his pussy now looks more childlike.@@
@@ -6608,7 +6478,7 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		$He is immobilized by her
+		$He is immobilized by $his
 		<<set $anchors = []>>
 		<<if tooBigBreasts($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set $anchors.push("tits")>>
@@ -6643,9 +6513,9 @@
 				<<print $anchors[0]>>,
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].amp == 1)>>
-				<<if $anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately her limblessness<<else>>or would be if $he had limbs<</if>>,
+				<<if $anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his limblessness<<else>>or would be if $he had limbs<</if>>,
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].heels == 1 && !["heels", "pumps", "boots", "extreme heels"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
-				<<if $anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately her heels having been clipped<<else>>or would be if her heels weren't clipped<</if>>,
+				<<if $anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his heels having been clipped<<else>>or would be if $his heels weren't clipped<</if>>,
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].amp == 1)>>
@@ -6671,7 +6541,7 @@
 			heels having been clipped,
-		making her life more difficult. Other slaves have to help her at times, which
+		making $his life more difficult. Other slaves have to help $him at times, which
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
 				the devoted slave bears with equanimity.
@@ -6687,7 +6557,7 @@
 			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < 10>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].trust > -20>>
-				$He's @@.gold;aware of her total vulnerability@@ to punishment.
+				$He's @@.gold;aware of $his total vulnerability@@ to punishment.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
@@ -6700,20 +6570,20 @@
 				<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 5>>
 					$he @@.orange;loses some muscle definition.@@
-					her @@.orange;muscles steadily atrophy.@@
+					$his @@.orange;muscles steadily atrophy.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 3>>
 		<<elseif !canWalk($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "muscle building")>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > -80>>
-				Since $he is incapable of moving herself,
+				Since $he is incapable of moving $himself,
 				<<if $universalRulesImmobileSlavesMaintainMuscles == 1 && $slaves[$i].muscles >= 0>>
-					and is required to maintain her musculature, $he regularly lifts weights to stave off muscular atrophy.
+					and is required to maintain $his musculature, $he regularly lifts weights to stave off muscular atrophy.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].muscles >= -5>>
 					$he steadily @@.orange;loses muscle definition.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles-->>
-					her @@.orange;muscles steadily atrophy.@@
+					$his @@.orange;muscles steadily atrophy.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles-->>
@@ -6740,7 +6610,7 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
-			$His immense breasts are so big they pin her to the floor, taking the weight off her body.
+			$His immense breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his body.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
 				$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
@@ -6752,26 +6622,26 @@
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 25000)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big and a constant reminder of her progress. No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade her from going bigger.
+					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big and a constant reminder of $his progress. No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big. They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for her body.
+					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big. They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his body.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 5>>
-					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big, but $he takes measures to keep comfortable and pain free as to not concern you with her troubles.
+					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big, but $he takes measures to keep comfortable and pain free as to not concern you with $his troubles.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 10000)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					$His huge breasts are becoming troublesome for her slight form, but that only drives her desire to go even bigger.
+					$His huge breasts are becoming troublesome for $his slight form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					Dragging her huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for her slight form.
+					Dragging $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his slight form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 2>>
-					$He finds her breasts uncomfortably large, but $he grins and bears it for you.
+					$He finds $his breasts uncomfortably large, but $he grins and bears it for you.
@@ -6779,12 +6649,12 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					The weight of her big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
+					The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her slight form.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is uncomfortable for her slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
@@ -6810,19 +6680,19 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
-			$His titanic breasts are so massive they dwarf her body. $He <<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>happily embraces<<else>>has no choice but to accept<</if>> immobility.
+			$His titanic breasts are so massive they dwarf $his body. $He <<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>happily embraces<<else>>has no choice but to accept<</if>> immobility.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000)>>
-			$His immense breasts are so huge they rest upon the floor even when $he tries to stand, taking the weight off her tiny body.
+			$His immense breasts are so huge they rest upon the floor even when $he tries to stand, taking the weight off $his tiny body.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
 				$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
 				$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-				$He finds pulling them along a big burden, but her devotion to you is far stronger than her discomfort.
+				$He finds pulling them along a big burden, but $his devotion to you is far stronger than $his discomfort.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 6000)>>
-			$His giant breasts are so big they pin her to the floor, taking the weight off her tiny body.
+			$His giant breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his tiny body.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
 				$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
@@ -6834,9 +6704,9 @@
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 5000)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big and a constant reminder of her progress. No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade her from going bigger.
+					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big and a constant reminder of $his progress. No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big. They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for her childish form.
+					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big. They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his childish form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 4>>
@@ -6847,12 +6717,12 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 80)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					$His huge breasts are troublesome for her childish form, but that only drives her desire to go even bigger.
+					$His huge breasts are troublesome for $his childish form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					Hauling her huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her childish form.
+					Hauling $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his childish form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-					$He finds her breasts uncomfortably large for her tiny body, but $he grins and bears it for you.
+					$He finds $his breasts uncomfortably large for $his tiny body, but $he grins and bears it for you.
@@ -6860,12 +6730,12 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					The weight of her big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
+					The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her slight form.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is uncomfortable for her slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
@@ -6891,17 +6761,17 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
-			$His immense breasts are so huge they rest upon the floor even when $he tries to stand, taking the weight off her small body.
+			$His immense breasts are so huge they rest upon the floor even when $he tries to stand, taking the weight off $his small body.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
 				$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
 				$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-				$He finds pulling them along a burden, but her devotion to you is far stronger than her discomfort.
+				$He finds pulling them along a burden, but $his devotion to you is far stronger than $his discomfort.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 12000)>>
-			$His giant breasts are so big they pin her to the floor, taking the weight off her young body.
+			$His giant breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his young body.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
 				$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
@@ -6914,26 +6784,26 @@
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				$His giant tits are debilitatingly big.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade her from going bigger.
+					No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for her childish form.
+					They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his childish form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 5>>
-					$He does her best to not let them get the better of her youthful body.
+					$He does $his best to not let them get the better of $his youthful body.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 5000)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 80)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					$His huge breasts are troublesome for her childish form, but that only drives her desire to go even bigger.
+					$His huge breasts are troublesome for $his childish form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					Dragging her huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for her childish form.
+					Dragging $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his childish form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 4>>
-					$His huge tits are uncomfortably big for her childish form, but $he keeps it to herself out of devotion to you.
+					$His huge tits are uncomfortably big for $his childish form, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion to you.
@@ -6941,12 +6811,12 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					The weight of her big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
+					The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her slight form.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is uncomfortable for her slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
@@ -6972,7 +6842,7 @@
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 25000)>>
-			$His immense breasts are so big they pin her to the floor, taking the weight off her youthful body.
+			$His immense breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his youthful body.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
 				$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
@@ -6984,23 +6854,23 @@
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 17000)>>
 			$His giant tits are debilitatingly big.
 			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-				No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade her from going bigger.
+				No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-				They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for her youthful form.
+				They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his youthful form.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3, $slaves[$i].health -= 10>>
-				$He finds them painfully uncomfortable, but finds ways to mitigate it to not distract you with her worries.
+				$He finds them painfully uncomfortable, but finds ways to mitigate it to not distract you with $his worries.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 10000)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					$His huge breasts are troublesome for her slight form, but that only drives her desire to go even bigger.
+					$His huge breasts are troublesome for $his slight form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					Dragging her huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for her slight form.
+					Dragging $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his slight form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2, $slaves[$i].health -= 3>>
-					$His huge tits are uncomfortably big for her slight form, but $he keeps it to herself out of devotion to you.
+					$His huge tits are uncomfortably big for $his slight form, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion to you.
@@ -7008,12 +6878,12 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 5)>>
 			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					The weight of her big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
+					The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
 				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her slight form.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-					The weight of her big boobs is uncomfortable for her slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
+					The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
@@ -7025,9 +6895,9 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > 30)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 4)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 20)>>
-				$His womb takes up most of her body and puts tremendous pressure on her skin and organs. This is @@.mediumorchid;very worrying@@ to $him. $He is in @@.red;constant pain@@ and each movement within her straining womb causes additional discomfort. $He is @@.gold;terrified@@ that at any moment $he could burst.
+				$His womb takes up most of $his body and puts tremendous pressure on $his skin and organs. This is @@.mediumorchid;very worrying@@ to $him. $He is in @@.red;constant pain@@ and each movement within $his straining womb causes additional discomfort. $He is @@.gold;terrified@@ that at any moment $he could burst.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence > -2>>
- 					$His slowed gestation rate gives her body more time to adapt to her hyper gravidity, easing some of her worries.
+ 					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his hyper gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
  					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4>>
@@ -7036,23 +6906,23 @@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 20>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
-				$His womb greatly fills her body and compresses her internal organs. $He is in constant @@.mediumorchid;discomfort@@ and @@.red;pain@@ and can't wait for these children to be born.
+				$His womb greatly fills $his body and compresses $his internal organs. $He is in constant @@.mediumorchid;discomfort@@ and @@.red;pain@@ and can't wait for these children to be born.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence > -2>>
- 					$His slowed gestation rate gives her body more time to adapt to her hyper gravidity, easing some of her worries.
+ 					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his hyper gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 10>>
-				$His full womb puts pressure on her organs. It is quite @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ to $him.
+				$His full womb puts pressure on $his organs. It is quite @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ to $him.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 13)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 20)>>
 				$His bloated womb is constantly straining to hold together. This is @@.mediumorchid;very worrying@@ to $him. $He moans @@.red;painfully@@ with each movement within $him.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence > -2>>
- 					$His slowed gestation rate gives her body more time to adapt to her hyper gravidity, easing some of her worries.
+ 					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his hyper gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7061,7 +6931,7 @@
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-					$His belly is very heavy and juts out quite far from her body. Between constantly getting in the way and the discomfort of being so full, her belly is @@.mediumorchid;very annoying@@ to $him.
+					$His belly is very heavy and juts out quite far from $his body. Between constantly getting in the way and the discomfort of being so full, $his belly is @@.mediumorchid;very annoying@@ to $him.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7073,16 +6943,16 @@
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 5)>>
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-					$His pregnant belly is quite tiring to carry around, leading her to be @@.mediumorchid;somewhat annoyed.@@
+					$His pregnant belly is quite tiring to carry around, leading $him to be @@.mediumorchid;somewhat annoyed.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 20)>>
-				$His straining womb is @@.mediumorchid;very worrying@@ to $him. $He @@.red;moans with pain@@ every time one of her brood moves within $him.
+				$His straining womb is @@.mediumorchid;very worrying@@ to $him. $He @@.red;moans with pain@@ every time one of $his brood moves within $him.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence > -2>>
- 					$His slowed gestation rate gives her body more time to adapt to her hyper gravidity, easing some of her worries.
+ 					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his hyper gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
@@ -7091,7 +6961,7 @@
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-					$His belly is very heavy and juts out quite far from her body. Between constantly getting in the way and the discomfort of being so full, her belly is @@.mediumorchid;very annoying@@ to $him.
+					$His belly is very heavy and juts out quite far from $his body. Between constantly getting in the way and the discomfort of being so full, $his belly is @@.mediumorchid;very annoying@@ to $him.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7100,9 +6970,9 @@
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > 20)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 4)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 20)>>
-				$His womb is becoming @@.mediumorchid;distressing@@ to $him. $He is in @@.red;pain@@ with each motion within her straining womb. $He is @@.gold;terrified@@ of what awaits her at the end of this pregnancy.
+				$His womb is becoming @@.mediumorchid;distressing@@ to $him. $He is in @@.red;pain@@ with each motion within $his straining womb. $He is @@.gold;terrified@@ of what awaits $him at the end of this pregnancy.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence > -2>>
- 					$His slowed gestation rate gives her body more time to adapt to her hyper gravidity, easing some of her worries.
+ 					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his hyper gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
@@ -7111,11 +6981,11 @@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 20>>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
-				$His womb is becoming quite full causing her some @@.mediumorchid;discomfort@@. $He is eager to be free of this burden.
+				$His womb is becoming quite full causing $him some @@.mediumorchid;discomfort@@. $He is eager to be free of this burden.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-				$His big belly on her small body keeps getting in her way, @@.mediumorchid;annoying her.@@
+				$His big belly on $his small body keeps getting in $his way, @@.mediumorchid;annoying $him.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
@@ -7124,7 +6994,7 @@
 				$His bloated womb is beginning to get too crowded, @@.mediumorchid;worrying@@ $him. $He moans with @@.red;discomfort@@ with each movement within $him.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence > -2>>
- 					$His slowed gestation rate gives her body more time to adapt to her hyper gravidity, easing some of her worries.
+ 					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his hyper gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7133,7 +7003,7 @@
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-					$His belly is getting heavy and starting to get in her way. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being full, her belly is @@.mediumorchid;annoying@@ to $him.
+					$His belly is getting heavy and starting to get in $his way. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being full, $his belly is @@.mediumorchid;annoying@@ to $him.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
@@ -7145,7 +7015,7 @@
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-					$His belly is getting heavy and starting to get in her way. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being full, her belly is @@.mediumorchid;annoying@@ to $him.
+					$His belly is getting heavy and starting to get in $his way. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being full, $his belly is @@.mediumorchid;annoying@@ to $him.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
@@ -7155,15 +7025,15 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].eyes > 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > random(20,100)>>
-		Its suit blinds it, and its @@.mediumorchid;vision worsens@@ from long disuse.
+		$His suit blinds $him, and $his @@.mediumorchid;vision worsens@@ from long disuse.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].eyes = -1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].curatives == 0 && $slaves[$i].inflationType != "curative">>
-		The extreme physical stress of living in the suit @@.red;damages its health.@@
+		The extreme physical stress of living in the suit @@.red;damages $his health.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].health = -10>>
-		The <<if $slaves[$i].curatives == 1>>preventatives<<elseif $slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative">>rectal curatives<<else>>curatives<</if>> protect it from the extreme physical stress of living in the suit.
+		The <<if $slaves[$i].curatives == 1>>preventatives<<elseif $slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative">>rectal curatives<<else>>curatives<</if>> protect $him from the extreme physical stress of living in the suit.
@@ -7178,14 +7048,14 @@
 				$His gigantic boobs make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
 				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
-					Every little inconvenience just feeds her breast growth obsession, so $he's more bothered that they aren't an even bigger problem for her daily life.
+					Every little inconvenience just feeds $his breast growth obsession, so $he's more bothered that they aren't an even bigger problem for $his daily life.
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-					Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does her best.
+					Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
 				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-					This torment makes her @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
+					This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-					$He already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
+					$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7229,13 +7099,13 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
 <<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 600000>>
-	$His belly implant takes up most of her body cavity, is tremendously heavy, and protrudes massively from her abdomen. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being so extremely full, her belly is @@.mediumorchid;really frustrating@@ to $him.
+	$His belly implant takes up most of $his body cavity, is tremendously heavy, and protrudes massively from $his abdomen. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being so extremely full, $his belly is @@.mediumorchid;really frustrating@@ to $him.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 150000>>
-	$His belly implant takes up a good deal of her body cavity, is extremely heavy, and protrudes greatly from her abdomen. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being so very full, her belly is @@.mediumorchid;very annoying@@ to $him.
+	$His belly implant takes up a good deal of $his body cavity, is extremely heavy, and protrudes greatly from $his abdomen. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being so very full, $his belly is @@.mediumorchid;very annoying@@ to $him.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 10000>>
-	$His belly implant is quite heavy and tends to get in her way. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being full, her belly is @@.mediumorchid;annoying@@ to $him.
+	$His belly implant is quite heavy and tends to get in $his way. Between constantly bumping things and the discomfort of being full, $his belly is @@.mediumorchid;annoying@@ to $him.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
@@ -7257,18 +7127,18 @@
 <<if $masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries == 1 && $slaves[$i].broodmother == 2 && ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite" || $slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine")>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].diet != "high caloric">>
 <<if $slaves[$i].preg > 20>>
-	The pregnancy generator places heavy strain on her as her body @@.red;consumes itself@@ to keep releasing eggs and maintain her many developing babies.
+	The pregnancy generator places heavy strain on $him as $his body @@.red;consumes itself@@ to keep releasing eggs and maintain $his many developing babies.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].weight lt -2>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 1>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].chem += 2>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].weight lt -2>>
-		$He is @@.mediumorchid;gravely concerned@@ over her withered body and @@.gold;terrified@@ of what will happen next.
+		$He is @@.mediumorchid;gravely concerned@@ over $his withered body and @@.gold;terrified@@ of what will happen next.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4.0>>
-		$He is @@.mediumorchid;concerned@@ by her withering body and @@.gold;fears@@ her future.
+		$He is @@.mediumorchid;concerned@@ by $his withering body and @@.gold;fears@@ $his future.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1.0>>
@@ -7284,7 +7154,7 @@
 		<<if random(2,10) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her breasts@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 5000>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost breast tissue@@.
@@ -7296,7 +7166,7 @@
 		<<if random(2,10) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her ass fat@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 4>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost some ass fat@@.
@@ -7318,7 +7188,7 @@
 		<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her breasts@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 2000>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost breast tissue@@.
@@ -7330,7 +7200,7 @@
 		<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her ass fat@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 3>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost some ass fat@@.
@@ -7352,7 +7222,7 @@
 		<<if random(1,6) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her breasts@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 1000>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost breast tissue@@.
@@ -7364,7 +7234,7 @@
 		<<if random(1,6) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her ass fat@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost some ass fat@@.
@@ -7385,7 +7255,7 @@
 		<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her breasts@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 1000>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost breast tissue@@.
@@ -7397,7 +7267,7 @@
 		<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
-			  With nothing else to draw from, her body @@.red;rapidly consumes her ass fat@@.
+			  With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat@@.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
 			  $He has @@.red;lost some ass fat@@.
@@ -7412,40 +7282,40 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].preg gt 30>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].amp isnot 1>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion lt -4 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  When $he isn't laboring or performing her duties $he can be seen pressing down on her grotesque belly desperately trying to coax the device out of her body.  $He is  @@.gold;mortified@@ by her body and @@.mediumorchid;loathes you@@ for doing this to $him.
+	  When $he isn't laboring or performing $his duties $he can be seen pressing down on $his grotesque belly desperately trying to coax the device out of $his body. $He is @@.gold;mortified@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;loathes you@@ for doing this to $him.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4.0>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 5 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  $He runs her hands across her bulging belly, feeling the life within threatening to burst $him.  $He is  @@.gold;disgusted@@ by her body and @@.mediumorchid;hates you@@ for doing this to $him.
+	  $He runs $his hands across $his bulging belly, feeling the life within threatening to burst $him. $He is @@.gold;disgusted@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;hates you@@ for doing this to $him.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3.0>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 20 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  $He runs her hands across her bulging belly, feeling the life within growing larger.  $He is  @@.gold;concerned@@ by her body and @@.mediumorchid;is uncertain@@ on her situation.
+	  $He runs $his hands across $his bulging belly, feeling the life within growing larger. $He is @@.gold;concerned@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;is uncertain@@ on $his situation.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2.0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion lt -4 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  When $he isn't laboring or performing her duties $he can be seen desperately thrashing trying to coax the device out of her body.  $He is  @@.gold;mortified@@ by her body and @@.mediumorchid;loathes you@@ for doing this to $him.
+	  When $he isn't laboring or performing $his duties $he can be seen desperately thrashing trying to coax the device out of $his body. $He is @@.gold;mortified@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;loathes you@@ for doing this to $him.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4.0>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 5 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  $He attempts to shift beneath her bulging belly, feeling the life within threatening to burst $him.  $He is  @@.gold;disgusted@@ by her body and @@.mediumorchid;hates you@@ for doing this to $him.
+	  $He attempts to shift beneath $his bulging belly, feeling the life within threatening to burst $him. $He is @@.gold;disgusted@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;hates you@@ for doing this to $him.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3.0>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 20 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  $He pushes her bulging belly out, feeling the life within growing larger.  $He is  @@.gold;concerned@@ by her body and @@.mediumorchid;is uncertain@@ on her situation.
+	  $He pushes $his bulging belly out, feeling the life within growing larger. $He is @@.gold;concerned@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;is uncertain@@ on $his situation.
 	  	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2.0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2.0>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].births gt 100) and ($slaves[$i].devotion lt 0) and ($slaves[$i].trust lt 0) and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  Being constantly pregnant and giving birth to over a hundred offspring has taken its toll on $slaves[$i].slaveName's mind.  Feeling that $he is nothing more than a breeder has destroyed any hopes that $he had. $slaves[$i].slaveName has become completely broken, leaving her nothing more than a baby filled sack.
+	  Being constantly pregnant and giving birth to over a hundred offspring has taken its toll on $slaves[$i].slaveName's mind. Feeling that $he is nothing more than a breeder has destroyed any hopes that $he had. $slaves[$i].slaveName has become completely broken, leaving $him nothing more than a baby filled sack.
 	  <<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken">>
 	  <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	  <<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight lt -2) and ($slaves[$i].boobs lt 100) and ($slaves[$i].butt lt 1) and ($slaves[$i].muscles lt 1) and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
-	  Watching her body sacrifice itself for a pregnancy $he hates takes its toll on $slaves[$i].slaveName's mind.  Feeling that $he is nothing more than a host for her brood has destroyed any hopes $he had left.  $slaves[$i].slaveName has become completely broken.
+	  Watching $his body sacrifice itself for a pregnancy $he hates takes its toll on $slaves[$i].slaveName's mind. Feeling that $he is nothing more than a host for $his brood has destroyed any hopes $he had left. $slaves[$i].slaveName has become completely broken.
 	  <<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken">>
 	  <<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 	  <<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
@@ -7460,7 +7330,7 @@
-	$His high-calorie and nutrient filled diet allows her body to handle its demanding pregnancy, though being stuffed only compounds the pressure within her abdomen. $He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ needing to have her stomach bloated with food at all times, but @@.mediumaquamarine;appreciates@@ the effort you are putting into keeping her healthy.
+	$His high-calorie and nutrient filled diet allows $his body to handle its demanding pregnancy, though being stuffed only compounds the pressure within $his abdomen. $He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ needing to have $his stomach bloated with food at all times, but @@.mediumaquamarine;appreciates@@ the effort you are putting into keeping $him healthy.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 0.2>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 0.3>>
@@ -7481,12 +7351,12 @@
     $His giant pregnancy makes life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
     <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-      Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does her best.
+      Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
     <<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-      This torment makes her @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
+      This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
       <<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-      $He already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
+      $He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
      <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7500,12 +7370,12 @@
     $His giant belly makes life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
     <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 40)>>
-      Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does her best.
+      Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
     <<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-      This torment makes her @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
+      This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
       <<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-      $He already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
+      $He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
       <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7514,25 +7384,25 @@
 <<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
         <<if ($slaves[$i].dick >= 30)>>
                 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-                        $His titanic penis rests upon the floor even when $he stands. $He finds moving @@.mediumorchid;terrifying@@ since $he drags her cock along.
+                        $His titanic penis rests upon the floor even when $he stands. $He finds moving @@.mediumorchid;terrifying@@ since $he drags $his cock along.
                         <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
                         $His titanic penis rests upon the floor even when $he stands. $He pays close attention as $he moves to keep it pristine for you.
         <<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 20)>>
                 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-                        $His enormous cock is @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for her to drag around.
+                        $His enormous cock is @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for $him to drag around.
                         <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-                        $His enormous cock is uncomfortable for her to move with, but $he bears its weight out of devotion to you.
+                        $His enormous cock is uncomfortable for $him to move with, but $he bears its weight out of devotion to you.
         <<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick >= 10)>>
                 <<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
                         <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-                                $His giant dick is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her body.
+                                $His giant dick is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his body.
                                 <<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-                                $He can't seem to get comfortable with her giant dick, but $he keeps it to herself out of devotion.
+                                $He can't seem to get comfortable with $his giant dick, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion.
@@ -7545,14 +7415,14 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-		$His giant penis make life a struggle: $he has to drag it along as $he moves, has trouble fitting into beds and sitting in chairs, and constantly has to make sure to not get her dick caught in doors.
+		$His giant penis make life a struggle: $he has to drag it along as $he moves, has trouble fitting into beds and sitting in chairs, and constantly has to make sure to not get $his dick caught in doors.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-			 Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does her best.
+			 Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-			This torment makes her @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
+			This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-			$He already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
+			$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
@@ -7569,17 +7439,17 @@
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls > 50)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-			$His enormous balls are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for her to carry.
+			$His enormous balls are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for $him to carry.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-			$He finds her enormous balls a little uncomfortable, but $he bears their weight out of devotion to you.
+			$He finds $his enormous balls a little uncomfortable, but $he bears their weight out of devotion to you.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls > 25)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-			$His huge balls are @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for her body.
+			$His huge balls are @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his body.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
-			$He can't seem to get comfortable with her huge balls, but $he keeps it to herself out of devotion.
+			$He can't seem to get comfortable with $his huge balls, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion.
@@ -7591,14 +7461,14 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-		$His giant balls make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and has to be constantly mindful of things striking her oversensitive testicles, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and has to be constantly mindful of things striking her oversensitive testicles<</if>>.
+		$His giant balls make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and has to be constantly mindful of things striking $his oversensitive testicles, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and has to be constantly mindful of things striking $his oversensitive testicles<</if>>.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-			Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does her best.
+			Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-			This torment makes her @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
+			This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
-			$He already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
+			$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
@@ -7607,9 +7477,9 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].hips > 2)>>
 	$His inhumanly wide hips make walking difficult. $He can barely move without swinging them side to side seductively, and $he keeps bumping things with them.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-		Since $he's devoted to you, $he embraces her wide body and does everything $he can to show it off for you.
+		Since $he's devoted to you, $he embraces $his wide body and does everything $he can to show it off for you.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > -20)>>
-		This gait makes her feel like a huge whore, @@.hotpink;increasing her submissiveness.@@
+		This gait makes $him feel like a huge whore, @@.hotpink;increasing $his submissiveness.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
 		$He hates that $he is forced to bear such freakish hips and @@.mediumorchid;blames you@@ for every trip, bumped object, and hip checked slave.
@@ -7621,15 +7491,15 @@
 <<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 15)>>
 	$His butt is a massive burden to $him. $He dreads walking down narrow hallways and getting dressed in the morning.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-		$He lives a life of @@.mediumorchid;annoyance@@ over knocking things over, bumping people, and getting stuck in chairs with her godly ass.
+		$He lives a life of @@.mediumorchid;annoyance@@ over knocking things over, bumping people, and getting stuck in chairs with $his godly ass.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-		$He lives a life of minor annoyances knocking things over, bumping people and getting stuck in chairs with her godly ass, but bears them with pride out of devotion.
+		$He lives a life of minor annoyances knocking things over, bumping people and getting stuck in chairs with $his godly ass, but bears them with pride out of devotion.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].butt > 10)>>
 	$His butt has gotten absolutely enormous.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
-		$He finds it a  @@.mediumorchid;massive nuisance@@ to live with.
+		$He finds it a @@.mediumorchid;massive nuisance@@ to live with.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
 		$He finds it a massive nuisance to live with, but does anyway out of devotion to you.
@@ -7646,12 +7516,12 @@
 		$His giant butt make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-			Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does her best.
+			Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust > -20)>>
-			This torment makes her @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
+			This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
-			$He already believes you capable of tormenting her, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers her@@ daily.
+			$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
@@ -7771,7 +7641,7 @@
 			<<if $slaves[$i].voice == 0 || $slaves[$i].lips > 95>>
 				$He has managed to pick up enough $language that @@.green;$he's now able to understand most of what $he hears.@@
-				$He has managed to pick up enough $language that @@.green;$he's now reasonably fluent in the language.@@ $His accent is quite heavy, but $he can make <<print $him>>self understood.
+				$He has managed to pick up enough $language that @@.green;$he's now reasonably fluent in the language.@@ $His accent is quite heavy, but $he can make $himself understood.
 	<<elseif canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
@@ -7784,7 +7654,7 @@
 			<<if ($week - $slaves[$i].weekAcquired) > (10 + _minweeks)>>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].accent -= 1>>
-				$He does her best to speak proper, unaccented $language, as encouraged by the rules. @@.green;$His accent has diminished to imperceptibility.@@
+				$He does $his best to speak proper, unaccented $language, as encouraged by the rules. @@.green;$His accent has diminished to imperceptibility.@@
@@ -7797,184 +7667,17 @@
 	<<set $repGain += (10*$slaves[$i].prestige)>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<if $studio == 1>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].pornFameSpending > 0>>
-	<<set _oldFame = $slaves[$i].pornFame>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].pornFame < 35) && ($slaves[$i].prestige > 1)>>
-		Interest in porn of $him is very high, since $he's already quite prestigious.
-                <<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += 1*$HackingSkillMultiplier>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pornFame < 10) && ($slaves[$i].prestige > 0)>>
-		Interest in porn of $him is high, since $he's already prestigious.
-                <<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += 1*$HackingSkillMultiplier>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].pornFame += (($slaves[$i].pornFameSpending/1000)/$HackingSkillMultiplier)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].prestige < 3) && ($slaves[$i].pornFame >= 100) && (_oldFame < 100)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestige = 3>>
-		@@.green;$He has become world famous for $his career in slave pornography!@@ Millions are now intimately familiar with
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "It is world famous for its career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with the sight of it being used.">>
-			the sight of it being used,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing it offering itself">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].analCount + $slaves[$i].vaginalCount > 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with the sight of her being raped.">>
-			the sight of her being raped,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her crying">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "gagfuck queen")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with the sounds $he makes when being throatfucked.">>
-			the sounds $he makes when being throatfucked,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her getting facefucked">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "painal queen") && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with her screams of anal pain.">>
-			her screams of anal pain,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her taking a brutal assfuck">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "strugglefuck queen")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with the sight of her being gagfucked.">>
-			how $he struggles when taking a fuck,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her screaming and struggling">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with her lewd striptease.">>
-			her lewd striptease,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her stripping">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "romantic")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with her authentic pleasure.">>
-			her authentic pleasure,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her in ecstasy">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with her most perverted tendencies.">>
-			her most perverted tendencies,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her doing something perverted">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "caring")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with her devotion to her partners' pleasure.">>
-			her devotion to her partners' pleasure,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her smiling genuinely">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "unflinching")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with her willingness to do things not repeated in polite company.">>
-			her willingness to do things not repeated in polite company,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her doing something extreme">>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with the sight of her holes stretched to their limits.">>
-			the sight of her holes stretched to their limits,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her stuffed to her limit">>
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with the growth of her belly and her pregnant pussy.">>
-			the sight of her rounded belly and pregnant pussy,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her pregnant pussy getting pounded">>
-		<<else>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is world famous for her career in slave pornography. Millions are intimately familiar with the sight of her being fucked.">>
-			the sight of $him being fucked,
-			<<set $desc = "a framed shot from porn starring " + $slaves[$i].slaveName + " showing her getting fucked">>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $trinkets.push($desc)>>
-		so it is now extremely prestigious to own $him.
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].prestige < 2) && ($slaves[$i].pornFame >= 35) && (_oldFame < 35)>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].prestige = 2>>
-	@@.green;$He has become famous for $his recurring role in slave pornography!@@ $His many fans relish
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "It is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Its many fans relish the sight of it being used.">>
-		the sight of it being used,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].analCount + $slaves[$i].vaginalCount > 0)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish the sight of her being raped.">>
-		the sight of her being raped,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "gagfuck queen")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish the sounds $he makes when being throatfucked.">>
-		the sounds $he makes when being throatfucked,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "painal queen") && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish her screams of anal pain.">>
-		her screams of anal pain,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "strugglefuck queen")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish the sight of her being gagfucked.">>
-		how $he struggles when taking a fuck,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish her lewd striptease.">>
-		$his lewd striptease,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "romantic")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish her authentic pleasure.">>
-		her authentic pleasure,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish her most perverted tendencies.">>
-		her most perverted tendencies,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "caring")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish her devotion to her partners' pleasure.">>
-		her devotion to her partners' pleasure,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "unflinching")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring in slave pornography. Her many fans relish her willingness to do things not repeated in polite company.">>
-		her willingness to do things not repeated in polite company,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring in slave pornography. Her many fans relish the sight of her holes stretched to their limits.">>
-		the sight of her holes stretched to their limits,
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish her rounded belly and pregnant pussy.">>
-		the sight of her rounded belly and pregnant pussy,
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is famous for her recurring role in slave pornography. Her many fans relish the sight of her being fucked.">>
-		the sight of her being fucked,
-	<</if>>
-	so it is now very prestigious to own $him.
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].prestige < 1) && ($slaves[$i].pornFame >= 10) && (_oldFame < 10)>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].prestige = 1>>
-	@@.green;$He has become well known from slave pornography!@@ Thousands have enjoyed
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "It is well known from slave pornography. Its many fans relish the sight of it being used.">>
-		the sight of it being used,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].analCount + $slaves[$i].vaginalCount > 0)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed the sight of her being raped.">>
-		the sight of $him being raped,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "gagfuck queen")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed the sounds she makes when being throatfucked.">>
-		the sounds $he makes when being throatfucked,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "painal queen") && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed her screams of anal pain.">>
-		$his screams of anal pain,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "strugglefuck queen")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed the sight of her being gagfucked.">>
-		how $he struggles when taking a fuck,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed her lewd striptease.">>
-		her lewd striptease,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "romantic")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed her authentic pleasure.">>
-		her authentic pleasure,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed her most perverted tendencies.">>
-		her most perverted tendencies,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "caring")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed her devotion to her partners' pleasure.">>
-		her devotion to her partners' pleasure,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "unflinching")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed her willingness to do things not repeated in polite company.">>
-		her willingness to do things not repeated in polite company,
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed the sight of her holes stretched to their limits.">>
-		the sight of her holes stretched to their limits,
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed the sight of her rounded belly and pregnant pussy.">>
-		the sight of her rounded belly and pregnant pussy,
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].prestigeDesc = "She is well known from slave pornography. Thousands have enjoyed the sight of her being fucked.">>
-		the sight of $him being fucked,
-	<</if>>
-	so it is now prestigious to own $him.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].prestige >= 3)>>
-		Further paid publicity cannot increase $his fame, so subsidy of porn featuring $him has stopped.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].pornFameSpending = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].pornFame = Math.trunc($slaves[$i].pornFame)>>
 /* saPorn */
 <<if $slaves[$i].pornPrestige == 3>>
-	$pronounCap is the whore people envision of when they think of $slaves[$i].pornFameType porn. $possessiveCap ever presence on the internet @@.green;boosts $possessive owner's reputation.@@
+	$He is the whore people envision of when they think of $slaves[$i].pornFameType porn. $His ever presence on the internet @@.green;boosts $possessive owner's reputation.@@
 	<<set $repGain += (100*$slaves[$i].pornPrestige)>>
 	<<set _donations = Math.floor($slaves[$i].pornFame/(random(13,20)))+(random(-5000,5000))>>
 	<<if _donations > 0>>
-		A number of gifts and donations totalling @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_donations)>>@@ were also sent to $object, among other things.
+		A number of gifts and donations totalling @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_donations)>>@@ were also sent to $him, among other things.
 		<<set $cash += _donations>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].pornFeed > 0>>
 	<<include "SA Porn">>
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
 <<if $seeAge != 0>>
@@ -8108,5 +7811,5 @@
-<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs === -1 && $slaves[$i].energy - _oldEnergy > _maxEnergyGain>>Anaphrodisiacs @@.red;limit her sex drive.@@<<set $slaves[$i].energy = _oldEnergy + _maxEnergyGain>><</if>>
+<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs === -1 && $slaves[$i].energy - _oldEnergy > _maxEnergyGain>>Anaphrodisiacs @@.red;limit $his sex drive.@@<<set $slaves[$i].energy = _oldEnergy + _maxEnergyGain>><</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw b/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw
index 28ab9247f42bd4d7c65f552869e4df172842623a..c8ec90ae3c7af5d2ef27a9da661d2767a5bc374e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA please you [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 serves you this week.
 <<set _trainingEfficiency = 5+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].devotion/30)+$slaves[$i].intelligence>>
@@ -793,13 +795,8 @@ serves you this week.
 				obediently serving you in the classical way, driving into your womanhood.
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
 				week obediently serving you by driving into your backdoor.
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			<<elseif $PC.vagina == 1 || $slaves[$i].career == "a breeding bull" || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-				eagerly driving $his cock into your pussy, thoroughly enjoying fucking pussy bareback and cumming deep inside.
 			<<elseif $PC.vagina == 1 && ($slaves[$i].career == "a breeding bull" || ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy"))>>
-				eagerly driving $possessive cock into your pussy, thoroughly enjoying fucking pussy bareback and cumming deep inside.
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+				eagerly driving $his cock into your pussy, thoroughly enjoying fucking pussy bareback and cumming deep inside.
 			<<elseif $PC.vagina == 1>>
 				serving you in the classical way, warming your bed and lovingly driving $his shaft into your womanhood.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw
index c245bb07742fd08470fb9b5e4d27f405cc76c255..73412ffbefbe02c375f6385976002d2df456837b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA recruit girls [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set $bellyAccessory = $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory>>
 /* Note on target sum: HG and Recruiter are the initial 2 counted (no facility req'd), while HGSuite counts the HG's girl, other facilities count associated leader */
@@ -691,13 +693,8 @@
 			$He lacks the intelligence to compose thoughtful remarks; a lot the time $he merely +1s what others have said.
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-		<<if $studio && $slaves[$i].pornFame >= 10>>
-			$His fan base from arcology porn significantly drives up $his followers count.
 		<<if $studio && $slaves[$i].pornFame >= 1000 && $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 0>>
-			Her fan base from arcology porn significantly drives up her followers count.
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+			$His fan base from arcology porn significantly drives up $his followers count.
 	<</if>> /*temp close EWM so next two lines always show */
 	<<if _FSmatch > 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
index 28704893b915d9b65d5deee8f8ba40ff46f2ff69..0e2a6e391cb7a82f92592941b3753674e13730b9 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA relationships [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<set _SL = $slaves.length, _SlaveI = $slaves[$i], _SlaveJ = null, _drop = 0>>
 	<<if _SlaveI.relationship == 0 && _SlaveI.fetish != "mindbroken">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRivalries.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRivalries.tw
index 5aaecc3d0b6b70f5f9593c56ae302763575e4923..3f47a4b7c8bf825d0467714e74d608ccbc9914cc 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRivalries.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRivalries.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA rivalries [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set _SL = $slaves.length>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].rivalry == 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
index aae869cb0b84bcaafeef79fccacad6933683e139..d7b285125d3f5b3301817f1345fbd09c3bd083d4 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA rules [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw b/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
index a1b205bc8461a580253dc00e6aeea5b6e751917b..8fda43e908b1f4613b6d06ee16ddb726bc6c23f6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA serve the public [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <!-- Statistics gathering -->
 <<set _incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].assignment === Job.CLUB ? $facility.club : undefined)>>
@@ -430,23 +432,13 @@ $His appearance attracted $beauty members of the public (<<print Math.trunc($bea
 		charms are only for the @@.green;most prominent citizens.@@ When $he's not
 		<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) && (random(1,4) == 1)>>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-			pleasing high society with $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 0>>prestigious<<else>>popular<</if>> pussy,
-		<<elseif ($beauty > 70) && (random(1,3) == 1)>>
-			getting gangbanged,
-		<<elseif (random(1,2) == 1)>>
-			giving away one of $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 0>>famous<<else>>top-tier<</if>> blowjobs,
-		<<else>>
-			providing free access to $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 0>>legendary<<else>>notorious<</if>> anus,
-			pleasing high society with her <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>prestigious<<else>>popular<</if>> pussy,
+			pleasing high society with $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>prestigious<<else>>popular<</if>> pussy,
 		<<elseif ($beauty > 70) && (random(1,3) == 1)>>
 			getting gangbanged,
 		<<elseif (random(1,2) == 1)>>
-			giving away one of her <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>famous<<else>>top-tier<</if>> blowjobs,
+			giving away one of $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>famous<<else>>top-tier<</if>> blowjobs,
-			providing free access to her <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>legendary<<else>>notorious<</if>> anus,
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac
+			providing free access to $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>legendary<<else>>notorious<</if>> anus,
 		$he offers personal training and sexual therapy.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw b/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw
index d17fdc320b9dc197a2c01bfb3b2ad634195dbd01..c245941b415a2e2de47b1a3d4d88bab4222b809e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA serve your other slaves [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<set _oralUse = 0, _analUse = 0, _vaginalUse = 0, _mammaryUse = 0, _penetrativeUse = 0>>
 <<set _dom = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].subTarget]>>
@@ -8,7 +10,7 @@
 <<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
-		is forced to serve your other slaves' sexual needs by constant punishment. Being castigated and raped @@.gold;frightens her into obedience.@@
+		is forced to serve your other slaves' sexual needs by constant punishment. Being castigated and raped @@.gold;frightens $him into obedience.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "strugglefuck queen">>
 			She secretly likes being raped @@.hotpink;and wants more.@@
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw b/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
index b2617f65b2e8b69d51f071dde4c3a444586cdaae..ce2e73ec409e76e84452863cf813b23c3a17f0b9 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA whore [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <!-- Statistics gathering -->
 <<set _incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].assignment === Job.BROTHEL ? $facility.brothel : undefined)>>
@@ -50,13 +52,13 @@
 	is forced to sell
-her body.
+$his body.
 <<set $beautyMultiplier = 1>>
 <<if $brothel > 0>>
 	<<if (($universalRulesFacilityWork == 1) && ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") && ($brothelSpots > 0)) || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore")>>
-		Since there's extra space in $brothelName, she sells herself there.
+		Since there's extra space in $brothelName, $he sells $himself there.
 		<<set $brothelSpots -= 1>>
 	<<if $brothelAdsSpending != 0>>
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ her body.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 4)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Her stacked body fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting her more business.
+			$His stacked body fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting $him more business.
 		<<elseif $brothelAdsStacked == -1>>
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ her body.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].weight <= 10)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Her slim body fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting her more business.
+			$His slim body fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting $him more business.
@@ -82,12 +84,12 @@ her body.
 		<<if $brothelAdsPreg == 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 5000) || ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 5000)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Her gravid body fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting her more attention.
+			$His gravid body fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting $him more attention.
 		<<elseif $brothelAdsPreg == -1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].belly < 100) && ($slaves[$i].weight < 30) && (!setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory)) && ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant <= 0)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Her flat belly fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting her more attention.
+			$His flat belly fits $brothelName's ad campaign, getting $him more attention.
 		<<if $brothelAdsModded == 1>>
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ her body.
 		<<elseif $brothelAdsModded == -1>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].corsetPiercing == 0 && $piercingScore < 3 && $tatScore < 2>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Very clean bodies like hers are a major draw.
+			Very clean bodies like $hers are a major draw.
 		<<if $brothelAdsImplanted == 1>>
@@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ her body.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].waist < -10)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant > 0)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Many citizens come to the brothel looking to rent a plastic slut like her.
+			Many citizens come to the brothel looking to rent a plastic slut like $him.
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ her body.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant == -1)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].faceImplant < 30)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Many citizens come to the brothel looking to play with a natural girl like her.
+			Many citizens come to the brothel looking to play with a natural girl like $him.
@@ -133,28 +135,28 @@ her body.
 		<<if $brothelAdsOld == 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 30)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			She's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is mature slaves.
+			$He's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is mature slaves.
 		<<elseif $brothelAdsOld == -1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 30 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			She's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is young slaves.
+			$He's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is young slaves.
 		<<elseif $brothelAdsOld == -2>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 18 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 13)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			She's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is teenage slaves.
+			$He's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is teenage slaves.
 		<<elseif $brothelAdsOld == -3>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 13)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			She's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is loli slaves.
+			$He's perfect for $brothelName, whose brand is loli slaves.
 		<<if $brothelAdsXX == 1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
 			<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-			Almost everyone who comes to $brothelName is looking to fuck a girl like her.
+			Almost everyone who comes to $brothelName is looking to fuck a girl like $him.
 		<<elseif $brothelAdsXX == -1>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ her body.
 			Living and working
-		out of the brothel, she comes under <<= SlaveFullName($Madam)>>'s
+		out of the brothel, $he comes under <<= SlaveFullName($Madam)>>'s
 		<<if $madamCashBonus < 0.1>>
 			completely inept
 		<<elseif $madamCashBonus < 0.2>>
@@ -184,17 +186,17 @@ her body.
 		<<if ($Madam.dick > 2) && canAchieveErection($Madam)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-			The Madam rapes her when she fails to meet standards.
+			The Madam rapes $him when $he fails to meet standards.
-			The Madam uses her dick to reward her when she does well and needs some loving.
+			The Madam uses her dick to reward $him when $he does well and needs some loving.
 		<<if $MadamIgnoresFlaws != 1>>
 			<<if !["none", "neglectful", "cum addict", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "abusive", "malicious", "self hating", "breeder"].includes($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw) && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
-				<<= SlaveFullName($Madam)>> manages to @@.green;break@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName of her sexual flaws.
+				<<= SlaveFullName($Madam)>> manages to @@.green;break@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName of $his sexual flaws.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw != "none") && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
-				<<= SlaveFullName($Madam)>> manages to @@.green;break@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName of her flaws.
+				<<= SlaveFullName($Madam)>> manages to @@.green;break@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName of $his flaws.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
@@ -204,69 +206,69 @@ her body.
 <<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*$beautyMultiplier)>>
-Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a day)<<if $beauty > 160>>, so many that <<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>each of her holes were<<elseif canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) || canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>each of her available holes were<<else>>her mouth and anywhere else a cock could fit were<</if>> often filled by more than one cock<<elseif $beauty > 140>>, so many that she spent much of her time getting gangbanged<<elseif $beauty > 120>>, so many that customers often <<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i]) || canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>spitroasted<<else>>double-teamed<</if>> the slut<<elseif $beauty > 100>>, so many that she frequently had sex with multiple customers at once<<elseif $beauty > 70>>, so many that she occasionally had sex with multiple customers at once<</if>>. They paid <<print cashFormat($FResult)>> on average.
+$His appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a day)<<if $beauty > 160>>, so many that <<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>each of $his holes were<<elseif canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) || canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>each of $his available holes were<<else>>$his mouth and anywhere else a cock could fit were<</if>> often filled by more than one cock<<elseif $beauty > 140>>, so many that $he spent much of $his time getting gangbanged<<elseif $beauty > 120>>, so many that customers often <<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i]) || canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>spitroasted<<else>>double-teamed<</if>> the slut<<elseif $beauty > 100>>, so many that $he frequently had sex with multiple customers at once<<elseif $beauty > 70>>, so many that $he occasionally had sex with multiple customers at once<</if>>. They paid <<print cashFormat($FResult)>> on average.
 <<set _incomeStats.customers = $beauty>>
 <<if $seeAge == 1>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $minimumSlaveAge && $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $fertilityAge && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i]) && ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset" || $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset") && $arcologies[0].FSRestart == "unset">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].birthWeek == 0>>
-		She just turned $minimumSlaveAge this week, giving her an immense boost to both popularity and price. She is also expected to become fertile soon, giving her an additional boost as customers clamor to claim her fresh womb.
+		$He just turned $minimumSlaveAge this week, giving $him an immense boost to both popularity and price. $He is also expected to become fertile soon, giving $him an additional boost as customers clamor to claim $his fresh womb.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].birthWeek < 4>>
-		This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck her, giving her a boost to both popularity and price. She was also anticipated to become fertile this month, and her womb is still unoccupied, giving her an additional boost.
+		This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck $him, giving $him a boost to both popularity and price. $He was also anticipated to become fertile this month, and $his womb is still unoccupied, giving $him an additional boost.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].birthWeek == 0>>
-		She just turned $minimumSlaveAge this week, giving her an immense boost to both popularity and price.
+		$He just turned $minimumSlaveAge this week, giving $him an immense boost to both popularity and price.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].birthWeek < 4>>
-		This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck her, giving her a boost to both popularity and price.
+		This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck $him, giving $him a boost to both popularity and price.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $fertilityAge && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i]) && ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset" || $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset")>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].birthWeek == 0>>
-		She is expected to become fertile soon, giving her an immense boost to both popularity and price as customers clamor to claim her fresh womb.
+		$He is expected to become fertile soon, giving $him an immense boost to both popularity and price as customers clamor to claim $his fresh womb.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].birthWeek < 4 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0>>
-		This is still the first month in which she was anticipated to become fertile, and her womb is still unoccupied, giving her a boost to both popularity and price.
+		This is still the first month in which $he was anticipated to become fertile, and $his womb is still unoccupied, giving $him a boost to both popularity and price.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "sinful")>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;secretly enjoys@@ how utterly sinful and depraved it is for her to sell her body.
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;secretly enjoys@@ how utterly sinful and depraved it is for $him to sell $his body.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "cutting")>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;openly enjoys@@ the direct, frank language of prostitution, and delights customers with cutting remarks even as they fuck her.
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;openly enjoys@@ the direct, frank language of prostitution, and delights customers with cutting remarks even as they fuck $him.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "caring")>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName sees her role as helping people with their sexual needs, and she @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts that her place@@ in society is an important one.
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName sees $his role as helping people with their sexual needs, and $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts that $his place@@ in society is an important one.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
 <<set $injury = 0>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel">>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].curatives > 0) || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative">>
-	The drugs <<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative">>she holds inside her belly<<else>>she's on<</if>> protect her from the wear of whoring.
+	The drugs <<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative">>$he holds inside $his belly<<else>>$he's on<</if>> protect $him from the wear of whoring.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].health < -50)>>
-	The stress of whoring while ill is @@.red;very hard on her.@@
+	The stress of whoring while ill is @@.red;very hard on $him.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 10>>
 	<<set $injury = 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].health < -20) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-	The stress of whoring while ill is @@.red;hard on her.@@
+	The stress of whoring while ill is @@.red;hard on $him.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 7>>
 	<<set $injury = 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].vagina < 0)>>
 	<<set $desc = SlaveTitle($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if (($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill) >= 200)>>
-	She's such an expert whore that she copes with the stress of being a $desc prostitute.
+	$He's such an expert whore that $he copes with the stress of being a $desc prostitute.
 	<<elseif random(1,100) > 40+(10*($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill))>>
-	The stress of being a $desc prostitute is @@.red;hard on her.@@
+	The stress of being a $desc prostitute is @@.red;hard on $him.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 7>>
 	<<set $injury = 1>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "chastity belt") && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if (($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill) >= 200)>>
-	She's such an expert whore that she copes with the stress of being limited to buttsex and oral.
+	$He's such an expert whore that $he copes with the stress of being limited to buttsex and oral.
 	<<elseif random(1,100) > 40+(10*($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill))>>
-	The stress of being limited to buttsex and oral is @@.red;hard on her.@@
+	The stress of being limited to buttsex and oral is @@.red;hard on $him.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 7>>
 	<<set $injury = 1>>
@@ -284,40 +286,40 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 	<<if ($seed > 80)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "sore ass">>
-	Rough anal with a careless customer left her with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
+	Rough anal with a careless customer left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
 	<<include "minor injury response">>
 	<<elseif ($seed > 60)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "black eye">>
-	A violent customer left her with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
+	A violent customer left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
 	<<include "minor injury response">>
 	<<elseif ($seed > 40)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "split lip">>
-	An abusive customer left her with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
+	An abusive customer left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
 	<<include "minor injury response">>
 	<<elseif ($seed > 20)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "bad bruise">>
-	A rough customer left her with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
+	A rough customer left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
 	<<include "minor injury response">>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "sore muscle">>
-	The hard labor of constant sex left her with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
+	The hard labor of constant sex left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
 <<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina == 0)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1) || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-		Her virginity goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*10))>>. She's so full of aphrodisiacs that she @@.hotpink;enjoys the experience.@@ @@.lime;Her pussy is now broken in.@@
+		$His virginity goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*10))>>. $He's so full of aphrodisiacs that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys the experience.@@ @@.lime;$His pussy is now broken in.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].vagina = 1>>
 		<<set $FResult += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-		Her virginity goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*10))>>. Losing her virginity in this way @@.hotpink;confirms her submission to you.@@ @@.lime;Her pussy is now broken in.@@
+		$His virginity goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*10))>>. Losing $his virginity in this way @@.hotpink;confirms $his submission to you.@@ @@.lime;$His pussy is now broken in.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].vagina = 1>>
 		<<set $FResult += 10>>
-		Her virginity goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*10))>>. She tries to resist, and losing her virginity to a rape makes her @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ you a great deal. @@.lime;Her pussy is now broken in.@@
+		$His virginity goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*10))>>. $He tries to resist, and losing $his virginity to a rape makes $him @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ you a great deal. @@.lime;$His pussy is now broken in.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].vagina = 1>>
@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vagina < 3)>>
 		<<if (random(1,100) > ((170-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].vagina*10)+($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill/3)))>>
-		@@.lime;Her pussy gets loosened by the intense use.@@
+		@@.lime;$His pussy gets loosened by the intense use.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].vagina += 1>>
@@ -334,17 +336,17 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].anus == 0)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1) || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	Her tight little anus goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*5))>>. She's so full of aphrodisiacs that she @@.hotpink;enjoys the experience.@@ Her fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;she won't sit down.@@
+	$His tight little anus goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*5))>>. $He's so full of aphrodisiacs that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys the experience.@@ $His fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;$he won't sit down.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].anus = 2>>
 	<<set $FResult += 5>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-	Her tight little anus goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*5))>>. The pain and humiliation @@.hotpink;confirm her submission to you.@@ Her fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;she won't sit down.@@
+	$His tight little anus goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*5))>>. The pain and humiliation @@.hotpink;confirm $his submission to you.@@ $His fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;$he won't sit down.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].anus = 2>>
 	<<set $FResult += 5>>
-	Her tight little anus goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*5))>>. The pain and humiliation increases her @@.mediumorchid;hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ for you. Her fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;she won't sit down.@@
+	$His tight little anus goes to the highest bidder, earning <<print cashFormat(($beauty*5))>>. The pain and humiliation increases $his @@.mediumorchid;hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ for you. $His fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;$he won't sit down.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].anus = 2>>
@@ -353,17 +355,17 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].anus < 3)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina < 0)>>
 	<<if ((random(1,100) > ((150-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].anus*10)+($slaves[$i].analSkill/6))))>>
-		@@.lime;Her asshole sees constant use in place of a pussy and loosens.@@
+		@@.lime;$His asshole sees constant use in place of a pussy and loosens.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "chastity belt")>>
 	<<if ((random(1,100) > ((150-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].anus*10)+($slaves[$i].analSkill/6))))>>
-		@@.lime;Her asshole sees constant use in place of her protected pussy and loosens.@@
+		@@.lime;$His asshole sees constant use in place of $his protected pussy and loosens.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
 	<<if ((random(1,100) > ((160-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].anus*10)+($slaves[$i].analSkill/6))))>>
-		@@.lime;Her asshole loosens with constant use.@@
+		@@.lime;$His asshole loosens with constant use.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
@@ -374,27 +376,27 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 	<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
 <<if setup.whoreCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
-	She has sex work experience from her life before she was a slave, making her more effective.
+	$He has sex work experience from $his life before $he was a slave, making $him more effective.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].skillS >= $masteredXP>>
-	She has experience as a prostitute from working for you, making her more effective.
+	$He has experience as a prostitute from working for you, making $him more effective.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
 <<elseif !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-	Since she can't walk, she spends all of her time in her own room in the brothel. Customers come in, fuck her, and leave.
+	Since $he can't walk, $he spends all of $his time in $his own room in the brothel. Customers come in, fuck $him, and leave.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill <= 10)>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill <= 30)>>
-	As a skilled prostitute, she gets a little more money out of customers.
+	As a skilled prostitute, $he gets a little more money out of customers.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill <= 60)>>
-	As an expert prostitute, she gets more money out of customers.
+	As an expert prostitute, $he gets more money out of customers.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill >= 100)>>
-	As a masterful prostitute, she makes more money.
+	As a masterful prostitute, $he makes more money.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].amp != 1)>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill < 100)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].whoreSkill += 10+$slaves[$i].intelligence>>
-	She @@.green;gains experience as a public slut,@@ and gets better at
+	$He @@.green;gains experience as a public slut,@@ and gets better at
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill <= 30)>>
 		basic street smarts.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill <= 60)>>
@@ -406,40 +408,40 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	The aphrodisiac cocktail has her so desperately horny that regardless of her personal feelings, she @@.hotpink;gets off with customers all week.@@ In her drug-addled state she doesn't remember enough to learn sexual skills.
+	The aphrodisiac cocktail has $him so desperately horny that regardless of $his personal feelings, $he @@.hotpink;gets off with customers all week.@@ In $his drug-addled state $he doesn't remember enough to learn sexual skills.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].energy <= 95)>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
-		She tries to refuse being sold as a whore, so she is restrained for sale. She loses a bit of herself to a week of rape, but remembers enough to know @@.mediumorchid;you're responsible,@@ and @@.gold;can force her if necessary.@@
+		$He tries to refuse being sold as a whore, so $he is restrained for sale. $He loses a bit of $himself to a week of rape, but remembers enough to know @@.mediumorchid;you're responsible,@@ and @@.gold;can force $him if necessary.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
-		She doesn't show much enthusiasm, but the habit of slave prostitution @@.hotpink;wears away at her will.@@
+		$He doesn't show much enthusiasm, but the habit of slave prostitution @@.hotpink;wears away at $his will.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].oralSkill + $slaves[$i].analSkill >= 200) && (($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill >= 100) || !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]))>>
-		She's a @@.aquamarine;sexual master@@
+		$He's a @@.aquamarine;sexual master@@
 		<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-			and despite <<if $slaves[$i].vagina < 0>>her lack of a<<else>>the inaccessibility of her<</if>> front hole, her
+			and despite <<if $slaves[$i].vagina < 0>>$his lack of a<<else>>the inaccessibility of $his<</if>> front hole, $his
-		body commands @@.yellowgreen;a high price.@@ When she's not
+		body commands @@.yellowgreen;a high price.@@ When $he's not
 		<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) && (random(1,4) == 1)>>
-			pleasing the rich with her <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>prestigious<<else>>popular<</if>> pussy,
+			pleasing the rich with $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>prestigious<<else>>popular<</if>> pussy,
 		<<elseif ($beauty > 70) && (random(1,3) == 1)>>
 			getting gangbanged,
 		<<elseif (random(1,2) == 1)>>
-			performing one of her <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>famous<<else>>top-tier<</if>> blowjobs,
+			performing one of $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>famous<<else>>top-tier<</if>> blowjobs,
 		<<elseif canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-			selling access to her <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>legendary<<else>>notorious<</if>> anus,
+			selling access to $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>legendary<<else>>notorious<</if>> anus,
-			pleasing the masses with her chest,
+			pleasing the masses with $his chest,
-		she works social gatherings and high society.
+		$he works social gatherings and high society.
-		She shows diligence, and her sexual skills improve, according to what the customers demand<<if !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>> and what's possible for her<</if>>.
+		$He shows diligence, and $his sexual skills improve, according to what the customers demand<<if !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>> and what's possible for $him<</if>>.
 		<<set $skillIncrease = 5+$slaves[$i].intelligence+$oralUseWeight>>
 		<<OralSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
 		<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
@@ -453,7 +455,7 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].amp != 1)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].whoreSkill < 100)>>
-		She gains experience as a prostitute.
+		$He gains experience as a prostitute.
 		<<set $skillIncrease = 10+$slaves[$i].intelligence>>
 		<<WhoreSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
@@ -461,25 +463,25 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if $slaves[$i].minorInjury != 0>>
-	She attracts fewer people due to her minor injury.
+	$He attracts fewer people due to $his minor injury.
 	<<set $beauty -= 1>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel" && $slaves[$i].devotion >= 50>>
-	Being so far from your presence @@.mediumorchid;weakens her intense devotion to you.@@
+	Being so far from your presence @@.mediumorchid;weakens $his intense devotion to you.@@
 <<if $showEWM == 1>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].releaseRules == "restrictive") && ($slaves[$i].standardReward !== "orgasm")>>
-	She's a better whore because prostitution is her main sexual outlet.
+	$He's a better whore because prostitution is $his main sexual outlet.
 <<if $familyTesting == 1>>
 	<<if totalRelatives($slaves[$i]) > 0>>
 		<<set _children = $slaves.filter(function(s) { return ($slaves[$i].ID == s.father || $slaves[$i].ID == s.mother || s.ID == $slaves[$i].father || s.ID == $slaves[$i].mother || areSisters($slaves[$i], s) > 0) && s.assignment == "whore"; })>>
 		<<if _children.length > 2>>
-			Since her relatives,
+			Since $his relatives,
 			<<for _sw = 0; _sw < _children.length; _sw++>>
 				<<if _sw < _children.length-1>>
@@ -487,21 +489,21 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 					and _children[_sw].slaveName,
-			are selling themselves too, she earns extra ¤ by working with them.
+			are selling themselves too, $he earns extra ¤ by working with them.
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
 				Customers are very enthusiastic about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
 			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
 				Customers are very enthusiastic about being able to participate in incestuous sex.
 		<<elseif _children.length > 1>>
-			Since her relatives, _children[0].slaveName and _children[1].slaveName, are selling themselves too, she earns extra ¤ by working with them.
+			Since $his relatives, _children[0].slaveName and _children[1].slaveName, are selling themselves too, $he earns extra ¤ by working with them.
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
 				Customers are very enthusiastic about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
 			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
 				Customers are very enthusiastic about being able to participate in incestuous sex.
 		<<elseif _children.length > 0>>
-			Since her relative, _children[0].slaveName, is selling herself too, she earns extra ¤ by working with her.
+			Since $his relative, _children[0].slaveName, is selling herself too, $he earns extra ¤ by working with $him.
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
 				Customers are very enthusiastic about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
 			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
@@ -513,7 +515,7 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 	<<if $slaves[$i].relation != 0>>
 		<<set $j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].relationTarget]>>
 		<<if def $j && $slaves[$j].assignment == $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-			Since her $slaves[$j].relation $slaves[$j].slaveName is selling herself too, she earns extra ¤ by working with her.
+			Since $his $slaves[$j].relation $slaves[$j].slaveName is selling herself too, $he earns extra ¤ by working with $him.
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
 				Customers are very enthusiastic about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
 			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
@@ -525,7 +527,7 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if $slaves[$i].relationship > 0>>
 	<<set $j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].relationshipTarget]>>
 	<<if def $j && $slaves[$j].assignment == $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-		Her
+		$His
 		<<if $slaves[$j].relationship <= 1>>
 		<<elseif $slaves[$j].relationship <= 2>>
@@ -537,27 +539,27 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 		<<elseif $slaves[$j].relationship > 4>>
 			slave wife
-		$slaves[$j].slaveName is also whoring, so she earns a bit more.
+		$slaves[$j].slaveName is also whoring, so $he earns a bit more.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].relationship == -1>>
-	She relies on customers' desire to fuck her for emotional support, making her an excellent, if occasionally disturbing, whore.
+	$He relies on customers' desire to fuck $him for emotional support, making $him an excellent, if occasionally disturbing, whore.
 <<if $slaves[$i].rivalry != 0>>
 	<<set $j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].rivalryTarget]>>
 	<<if def $j && $slaves[$j].assignment == $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-		She earns a little less ¤ due to bickering with $slaves[$j].slaveName.
+		$He earns a little less ¤ due to bickering with $slaves[$j].slaveName.
 <<if canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].voiceImplant > 0>>
-			Her high-pitched bimbo voice makes it easier for her to entice potential customers.
+			$His high-pitched bimbo voice makes it easier for $him to entice potential customers.
-			Her high, girly voice makes it easier for her to entice potential customers.
+			$His high, girly voice makes it easier for $him to entice potential customers.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].voice == 1>>
-		Most potential customers find her deep voice unattractive, making it harder for her to entice them.
+		Most potential customers find $his deep voice unattractive, making it harder for $him to entice them.
@@ -569,140 +571,140 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist > 20) || ($arcologies[0].FSPaternalist > 20)>>
 	<<if $modScore <= 7>>
-		Most customers disapprove of excessive body ornamentation and are pleased that she's unspoiled in that regard.
+		Most customers disapprove of excessive body ornamentation and are pleased that $he's unspoiled in that regard.
 		Most customers disapprove of body mods and consider hers unappealing.
 	<<if $modScore > 15 || ($piercingScore > 8 && $tatScore > 5)>>
-		She has so much body art that most customers don't think she needs any more.
+		$He has so much body art that most customers don't think $he needs any more.
 	<<elseif !($slaves[$i].corsetPiercing == 0 && $piercingScore < 3 && $tatScore < 2)>>
-		Her body art helps attract customers.
+		$His body art helps attract customers.
 <<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && $slaves[$i].inflation > 1)>>
-	On such a heavy aphrodisiac dose, she can't wait for each customer to fuck her.<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>> Which is practically nonstop, as anyone that fucks her ass gets a hit of the aphrodisiacs within her belly.<</if>>
+	On such a heavy aphrodisiac dose, $he can't wait for each customer to fuck $him.<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>> Which is practically nonstop, as anyone that fucks $his ass gets a hit of the aphrodisiacs within $his belly.<</if>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	On aphrodisiacs, she climaxes with every customer.<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>> Which happens often, as anyone that fucks her ass gets a tiny hit of the aphrodisiacs within her belly.<</if>>
+	On aphrodisiacs, $he climaxes with every customer.<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>> Which happens often, as anyone that fucks $his ass gets a tiny hit of the aphrodisiacs within $his belly.<</if>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
-	She's so devoted that she does her best and pleases every customer.
+	$He's so devoted that $he does $his best and pleases every customer.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-	She's so devoted that she works hard to please customers.
+	$He's so devoted that $he works hard to please customers.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
-	She's afraid of you, so she works hard to please customers.
+	$He's afraid of you, so $he works hard to please customers.
-	She neither loves nor fears you enough to work hard, and makes a poor whore.
+	$He neither loves nor fears you enough to work hard, and makes a poor whore.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 4) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
-		She makes a river of ¤ with her huge, fashionable assets.
+		$He makes a river of ¤ with $his huge, fashionable assets.
 		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<if $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-				Her high voice contributes to her bimbo image, so she does even better.
+				$His high voice contributes to $his bimbo image, so $he does even better.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast >= 20>>
-		She makes no extra ¤ with her large assets since many citizens consider them disgusting.
+		$He makes no extra ¤ with $his large assets since many citizens consider them disgusting.
-		She receives extra ¤ for having huge assets.
+		$He receives extra ¤ for having huge assets.
 	<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 0>>
 		<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">>
-			Society's appetite for stacked whores with dicks makes her especially profitable.
+			Society's appetite for stacked whores with dicks makes $him especially profitable.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge >= 30)>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		Her mature body is very fashionable.
+		$His mature body is very fashionable.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		Her old body is badly out of fashion.
+		$His old body is badly out of fashion.
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		Her youthful body is very fashionable.
+		$His youthful body is very fashionable.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		Her young body is out of fashion.
+		$His young body is out of fashion.
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty + $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty > 0>>
 	<<if $genderLawPass == 1>>
 		<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
-			She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably feminine body.
+			$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably feminine body.
-			She receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
+			$He receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
 		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-			Her high voice contributes to her girlish image, so she does even better.
+			$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw == 1>>
 	<<if slimPass($slaves[$i]) == 1>>
-		She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably sleek little body.
+		$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably sleek little body.
 		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-			Her high voice contributes to her girlish image, so she does even better.
+			$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceLaw2 == 1>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs >= 2000) && ($slaves[$i].butt >= 5) && ($slaves[$i].weight > 95)>>
-		She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably plump body.
+		$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably plump body.
 		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i])&& $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-			Her high voice contributes to her feminine image, so she does even better.
+			$His high voice contributes to $his feminine image, so $he does even better.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 500) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 3)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30) && $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist == "unset" && ($slaves[$i].weight <= 10) && $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence == "unset">>
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-				She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably sleek little body.
+				$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably sleek little body.
-				She receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
+				$He receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
 			<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-				Her high voice contributes to her girlish image, so she does even better.
+				$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
 		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">> /* no muscle malus for muscle loving societies */
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistStrongFat == 1 && ($slaves[$i].weight <= 30)>> /* reduced weight malus for fat loving societies */
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably sleek little body.
+					$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably sleek little body.
-					She receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
+					$He receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
 				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					Her high voice contributes to her girlish image, so she does even better.
+					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight <= 10)>>
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably sleek little body.
+					$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably sleek little body.
-					She receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
+					$He receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
 				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					Her high voice contributes to her girlish image, so she does even better.
+					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
 		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].weight <= 30)>> /* reduced weight malus for fat loving societies */
 			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceStrongFat == 1>> /* no muscle malus for muscle loving societies */
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably sleek little body.
+					$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably sleek little body.
-					She receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
+					$He receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
 				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					Her high voice contributes to her girlish image, so she does even better.
+					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
 			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					She makes extra ¤ due to her fashionably sleek little body.
+					$He makes extra ¤ due to $his fashionably sleek little body.
-					She receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
+					$He receives extra ¤ for having a sleek, girlish figure.
 				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					Her high voice contributes to her girlish image, so she does even better.
+					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
@@ -711,53 +713,53 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].buttImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].waist >= -95) && ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant == -1) && ($slaves[$i].faceImplant < 30)>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">>
-		With her all-natural, implant free appearance, she's very profitable.
+		With $his all-natural, implant free appearance, $he's very profitable.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist >= 20>>
-		Customers are disappointed by her all-natural, implant free appearance.
+		Customers are disappointed by $his all-natural, implant free appearance.
-		Some discerning customers appreciate her all-natural, implant free appearance.
+		Some discerning customers appreciate $his all-natural, implant free appearance.
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">>
-		The public is willing to pay more for her augmented body.
+		The public is willing to pay more for $his augmented body.
 <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">>
-		Her fuckable nipples give her a profitable edge over those without such body modifications.
+		$His fuckable nipples give $him a profitable edge over those without such body modifications.
-		Her fuckable nipples entice some of the more adventurous customers.
+		$His fuckable nipples entice some of the more adventurous customers.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing > 2) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-	Almost everyone loves her enthusiasm for sex encouraged by her smart piercing.
+	Almost everyone loves $his enthusiasm for sex encouraged by $his smart piercing.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing > 2)>>
-	Almost everyone appreciates her reduced reluctance towards sex encouraged by her smart piercing.
+	Almost everyone appreciates $his reduced reluctance towards sex encouraged by $his smart piercing.
 <<if $slaves[$i].teeth == "removable">>
-	The extra attention she receives from her ability to give toothless sucks is balanced out by the customers who are disgusted by it.
+	The extra attention $he receives from $his ability to give toothless sucks is balanced out by the customers who are disgusted by it.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].teeth == "pointy">>
-	The extra attention she receives from her terrifying mouth of sharp teeth is balanced out by the customers who are scared off by them.
+	The extra attention $he receives from $his terrifying mouth of sharp teeth is balanced out by the customers who are scared off by them.
 <<if $slaves[$i].dick != 0>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist == "unset">>
-		She sees fewer customers because many prefer whores without cocks.
+		$He sees fewer customers because many prefer whores without cocks.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist < 50>>
-		Her cock entices some customers and disappoints others; it has little effect on her popularity.
+		$His cock entices some customers and disappoints others; it has little effect on $his popularity.
-		The overwhelming majority of potential customers consider her cock an attraction.
+		The overwhelming majority of potential customers consider $his cock an attraction.
 <<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 95>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">>
-		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name her muscles make her a very profitable whore.
+		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name $his muscles make $him a very profitable whore.
-		Her muscles scare off some customers, but some pay well to enjoy a muscular whore.
+		$His muscles scare off some customers, but some pay well to enjoy a muscular whore.
@@ -766,14 +768,14 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if $slaves[$i].lactation > 0>>
-	She appeals to customers who like lactation play, or just want a whore they can drink milk from.
+	$He appeals to customers who like lactation play, or just want a whore they can drink milk from.
 <<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500 || setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
-		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name, her pregnancy makes her a profitable whore<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>, even if it's not real<</if>>.
+		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name, $his pregnancy makes $him a profitable whore<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>, even if it's not real<</if>>.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
-		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name, her<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>> apparent<</if>> pregnancy is a massive turn off to potential customers.
+		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name, $his<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>> apparent<</if>> pregnancy is a massive turn off to potential customers.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">>
 		The new respect for traditional gender roles has given many citizens a taste for pregnant whores<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>, even if they only look pregnant<</if>>.
@@ -798,226 +800,226 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Japanese") || ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Edo Revivalist")>>
-		As a proper Japanese girl, she is considered extremely desirable.
+		As a proper Japanese girl, $he is considered extremely desirable.
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Chinese") || ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Chinese Revivalist")>>
-		As a proper Chinese girl, she is considered extremely desirable.
+		As a proper Chinese girl, $he is considered extremely desirable.
 <<if $slaves[$i].intelligence > 0>>
-	Her intelligence gives her an advantage at the business of selling her body.
+	$His intelligence gives $him an advantage at the business of selling $his body.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].intelligence < 0>>
-	Her stupidity gives her a handicap at the business of selling her body.
+	$His stupidity gives $him a handicap at the business of selling $his body.
 <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 0>>
-	She attracts more attention because it's prestigious to fuck her.
+	$He attracts more attention because it's prestigious to fuck $him.
 <<if $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>
 	Customers line up for the chance to buy time with the face of $slaves[$i].pornType porn.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 1>>
-	She has a sizable fanbase, one that is eager to buy time with her.
+	$He has a sizable fanbase, one that is eager to buy time with $him.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 0>>
-	A few of her fans recognize her and eagerly patronize her.
+	A few of $his fans recognize $him and eagerly patronize $him.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
 <<switch $slaves[$i].fetish>>
 <<case "submissive">>
-	She gets more ¤ for her eagerness to submit.
+	$He gets more ¤ for $his eagerness to submit.
 <<case "cumslut">>
-	She gets more ¤ for her enjoyment of cum.
+	$He gets more ¤ for $his enjoyment of cum.
 <<case "humiliation">>
-	She gets more ¤ for her eagerness to be humiliated by citizens.
+	$He gets more ¤ for $his eagerness to be humiliated by citizens.
 <<case "buttslut">>
 	<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-		She gets more ¤ for her obvious enjoyment of buttsex.
+		$He gets more ¤ for $his obvious enjoyment of buttsex.
 <<case "dom">>
-	She gets some more ¤ for her enthusiasm dominating other slaves in group sex.
+	$He gets some more ¤ for $his enthusiasm dominating other slaves in group sex.
 <<case "boobs">>
-	She receives more ¤ for her eagerness to get some hands on her chest.
+	$He receives more ¤ for $his eagerness to get some hands on $his chest.
 <<case "masochist">>
-	She gets more ¤ for her obvious enjoyment of pain.
+	$He gets more ¤ for $his obvious enjoyment of pain.
 <<case "sadist">>
-	She gets some more ¤ for her willingness to abuse other slaves.
+	$He gets some more ¤ for $his willingness to abuse other slaves.
 <<case "pregnancy">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0>>
 	<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-		As an impregnation fetishist she's very enthusiastic about vaginal sex.
+		As an impregnation fetishist $he's very enthusiastic about vaginal sex.
 		<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-			As an impregnation fetishist she's very enthusiastic about anal sex.
+			As an impregnation fetishist $he's very enthusiastic about anal sex.
 <<case "mindbroken">>
-	She gets less ¤ because she just lies there, mind broken.
+	$He gets less ¤ because $he just lies there, mind broken.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 1)>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-	As a nymphomaniac she gets sexual release from every transaction and is wildly successful.
+	As a nymphomaniac $he gets sexual release from every transaction and is wildly successful.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 80)>>
-	With her powerful sex drive she rarely has to fake an orgasm.
+	With $his powerful sex drive $he rarely has to fake an orgasm.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.9>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	With her aphrodisiac boosted libido, it's barely possible to discern her from a natural nymphomaniac.
+	With $his aphrodisiac boosted libido, it's barely possible to discern $him from a natural nymphomaniac.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.9>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 60)>>
-	With her good sex drive she often orgasms with customers.
+	With $his good sex drive $he often orgasms with customers.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.8>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 40)>>
-	With her average sex drive she occasionally orgasms with customers.
+	With $his average sex drive $he occasionally orgasms with customers.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.5>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 20)>>
-	With her poor sex drive she almost never orgasms with customers.
+	With $his poor sex drive $he almost never orgasms with customers.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.1>>
-	Since she's frigid, she rarely experiences authentic arousal at work.
+	Since $he's frigid, $he rarely experiences authentic arousal at work.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 15)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-		Her general disgust with sex makes her a very poor whore.
+		$His general disgust with sex makes $him a very poor whore.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-		Her sexual disgust with men makes her a poor whore.
+		$His sexual disgust with men makes $him a poor whore.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-		Her sexual disgust with men hinders her, though she is more enthusiastic with female customers.
+		$His sexual disgust with men hinders $him, though $he is more enthusiastic with female customers.
-		Her sexual disgust with men hinders her, though she makes up for it with female customers.
+		$His sexual disgust with men hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with female customers.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 85)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-		Her sexual disgust with men makes her a poor whore.
+		$His sexual disgust with men makes $him a poor whore.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-		Her indifference to men and women makes her a poor whore.
+		$His indifference to men and women makes $him a poor whore.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-		Her sexual indifference to men hinders her, though she is more enthusiastic with female customers.
+		$His sexual indifference to men hinders $him, though $he is more enthusiastic with female customers.
-		Her sexual indifference to men hinders her, though she makes up for it with female customers.
+		$His sexual indifference to men hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with female customers.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 95)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-		Her sexual disgust with women hinders her, though she makes up for it with male customers.
+		$His sexual disgust with women hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with male customers.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-		Her sexual indifference to women hinders her, though she makes up for it with male customers.
+		$His sexual indifference to women hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with male customers.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-		She has the advantage of sexual sincerity with both men and women.
+		$He has the advantage of sexual sincerity with both men and women.
-		She's a good whore with male customers, and truly enthusiastic with women.
+		$He's a good whore with male customers, and truly enthusiastic with women.
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-		Her sexual disgust with women hinders her, though she is enthusiastic with male customers.
+		$His sexual disgust with women hinders $him, though $he is enthusiastic with male customers.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-		Her sexual indifference to women hinders her, though she is enthusiastic with male customers.
+		$His sexual indifference to women hinders $him, though $he is enthusiastic with male customers.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-		She's a good whore with female customers, and truly enthusiastic with men.
+		$He's a good whore with female customers, and truly enthusiastic with men.
-		She's openly lustful towards all customers, men and women.
+		$He's openly lustful towards all customers, men and women.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
-	She's better at her job because she's such a confident whore.
+	$He's better at $his job because $he's such a confident whore.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "cutting")>>
-	She gets a lot of attention for her ability to joke at a customer's expense.
+	$He gets a lot of attention for $his ability to joke at a customer's expense.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "funny")>>
-	She brings unintentional comic relief to the hard work  of prostitution.
+	$He brings unintentional comic relief to the hard work  of prostitution.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores women")>>
-	She's a favorite among female customers, whom she greets with real enthusiasm.
+	$He's a favorite among female customers, whom $he greets with real enthusiasm.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores men")>>
-	She's a favorite among male customers, whom she greets with frank and open lust.
+	$He's a favorite among male customers, whom $he greets with frank and open lust.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness")>>
-	She's eager to please customers because she finds validation in their willingness to pay for sex with her.
+	$He's eager to please customers because $he finds validation in their willingness to pay for sex with $him.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure")>>
-	She thinks of herself as really beautiful, despite the occasional harshness of sex work.
+	$He thinks of $himself as really beautiful, despite the occasional harshness of sex work.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "sinful")>>
-	She identifies with prostitutes from the holy books, and scandalizes customers with her explicit scriptural references.
+	$He identifies with prostitutes from the holy books, and scandalizes customers with $his explicit scriptural references.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "advocate")>>
-	She reassures uncomfortable customers that prostitution isn't bad for her at all.
+	$He reassures uncomfortable customers that prostitution isn't bad for $him at all.
 <<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "gagfuck queen")>>
-	She's a favorite among customers who like to throatfuck a retching whore.
+	$He's a favorite among customers who like to throatfuck a retching whore.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "painal queen")>>
-	She's a favorite among customers who like to assrape a struggling whore.
+	$He's a favorite among customers who like to assrape a struggling whore.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "strugglefuck queen")>>
-	She's a favorite among customers who like to wrestle with a struggling whore.
+	$He's a favorite among customers who like to wrestle with a struggling whore.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease")>>
-	Despite being a whore, she somehow retains the ability to blush enticingly at nudity.
+	Despite being a whore, $he somehow retains the ability to blush enticingly at nudity.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "romantic")>>
-	Despite being a whore, she somehow retains the ability to make her customers feel special.
+	Despite being a whore, $he somehow retains the ability to make $his customers feel special.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted")>>
-	She enjoys unexpected, perverted requests from customers.
+	$He enjoys unexpected, perverted requests from customers.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "unflinching")>>
-	She's impossible to disgust or surprise, pleasing customers with odd tastes.
+	$He's impossible to disgust or surprise, pleasing customers with odd tastes.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
-	She's very eager to spend quality time with big cocks, making her a favorite among the well-endowed.
+	$He's very eager to spend quality time with big cocks, making $him a favorite among the well-endowed.
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "caring")>>
-	She's a relaxing whore to patronize, doing everything she can to make her customers comfortable.
+	$He's a relaxing whore to patronize, doing everything $he can to make $his customers comfortable.
 <<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw>>
 <<case "arrogant">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she treats clients like they are beneath her dignity.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he treats clients like they are beneath $his dignity.
 <<case "bitchy">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she makes cutting remarks to clients.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he makes cutting remarks to clients.
 <<case "odd">>
-	She receives less ¤ because clients are annoyed by her odd behavior.
+	$He receives less ¤ because clients are annoyed by $his odd behavior.
 <<case "hates men">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she can't conceal her distaste for the company of men.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he can't conceal $his distaste for the company of men.
 <<case "hates women">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she can't conceal her distaste for the company of women.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he can't conceal $his distaste for the company of women.
 <<case "devout">>
-	She receives less ¤ because people are annoyed by her habit of praying for forgiveness during sex.
+	$He receives less ¤ because people are annoyed by $his habit of praying for forgiveness during sex.
 <<case "liberated">>
-	She receives less ¤ because people are annoyed by her obvious belief that being forced to serve them is wrong.
+	$He receives less ¤ because people are annoyed by $his obvious belief that being forced to serve them is wrong.
 <<switch $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw>>
 <<case "hates oral">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she tries to avoid sucking cock.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he tries to avoid sucking cock.
 <<case "hates anal">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she tries to avoid taking it up the ass.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he tries to avoid taking it up the ass.
 <<case "hates penetration">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she tries to avoid getting fucked.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he tries to avoid getting fucked.
 <<case "repressed">>
-	She receives less ¤ because customers who don't feel like forcing her sometimes have to cajole her past her repressed sexuality.
+	$He receives less ¤ because customers who don't feel like forcing $him sometimes have to cajole $him past $his repressed sexuality.
 <<case "idealistic">>
-	She receives less ¤ because customers who don't feel like forcing her sometimes have to convince her to have sex with them.
+	$He receives less ¤ because customers who don't feel like forcing $him sometimes have to convince $him to have sex with them.
 <<case "apathetic">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she often just lies there taking dick.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he often just lies there taking dick.
 <<case "crude">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she isn't exactly the most elegant sexual partner.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he isn't exactly the most elegant sexual partner.
 <<case "judgemental">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she openly disdains unattractive customers.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he openly disdains unattractive customers.
 <<case "shamefast">>
-	She receives less ¤ because she sometimes hesitates to take her clothes off and get to work.
+	$He receives less ¤ because $he sometimes hesitates to take $his clothes off and get to work.
 <<case "cum addict">>
-	Her abject begging for cum annoys customers who aren't looking for oral, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.
+	$His abject begging for cum annoys customers who aren't looking for oral, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.
 <<case "anal addict">>
-	Her abject begging for buttsex annoys customers who aren't interested in fucking her ass, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.
+	$His abject begging for buttsex annoys customers who aren't interested in fucking $his ass, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.
 <<case "attention whore">>
-	She loses customers by her constant attention seeking.
+	$He loses customers by $his constant attention seeking.
 <<case "breast growth">>
-	Her excessive obsession with her own breasts, to the detriment of most sexual intercourse, loses customers.
+	$His excessive obsession with $his own breasts, to the detriment of most sexual intercourse, loses customers.
 <<case "abusive">>
-	She loses customers whenever her sexual abusiveness becomes apparent.
+	$He loses customers whenever $his sexual abusiveness becomes apparent.
 <<case "malicious">>
-	She loses customers whenever her sexual maliciousness becomes apparent.
+	$He loses customers whenever $his sexual maliciousness becomes apparent.
 <<case "self hating">>
-	She loses customers during the crying jags brought on by her self hatred.
+	$He loses customers during the crying jags brought on by $his self hatred.
 <<case "neglectful">>
-	The occasional customer who likes a whore to climax authentically and can tell the difference is disappointed by her neglect of her own pleasure, but they're rare. Most are thrilled by her.
+	The occasional customer who likes a whore to climax authentically and can tell the difference is disappointed by $his neglect of $his own pleasure, but they're rare. Most are thrilled by $him.
 <<case "breeder">>
-	Her obsession with pregnancy loses customers who aren't interested in that.
+	$His obsession with pregnancy loses customers who aren't interested in that.
 <</if>> /* CLOSES EWM */
@@ -1026,13 +1028,13 @@ Her appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a da
 <<if $slaves[$i].devotion < 10>>
 <<if random(1,100) > 70>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill <= 30) && canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-	After being fucked too hard too often, she now @@.red;dislikes being penetrated.@@
+	After being fucked too hard too often, $he now @@.red;dislikes being penetrated.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].analSkill <= 30) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-	After so much anal pain, she now @@.red;dislikes being buttfucked.@@
+	After so much anal pain, $he now @@.red;dislikes being buttfucked.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].oralSkill <= 30)>>
-	After one too many facials, she now @@.red;dislikes sucking cock.@@
+	After one too many facials, $he now @@.red;dislikes sucking cock.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates oral">>
@@ -1146,43 +1148,43 @@ In total, you were paid @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($beauty*$FR
 <<switch $slaves[$i].fetish>>
 <<case "submissive" "masochist">>
 	<<if _analUse+_vaginalUse > 0>>
-		She enjoys being fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the <<print _analUse+_vaginalUse>> dicks stuck inside her this week.
+		$He enjoys being fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the <<print _analUse+_vaginalUse>> dicks stuck inside $him this week.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _analUse+_vaginalUse>>
 <<case "dom" "sadist">>
 	<<if _penetrativeUse > 0>>
-		She enjoys being on top, and got special sexual satisfaction from the _penetrativeUse times she got to fuck someone this week.
+		$He enjoys being on top, and got special sexual satisfaction from the _penetrativeUse times $he got to fuck someone this week.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 2*_penetrativeUse>>
 <<case "cumslut">>
 	<<if _oralUse > 0>>
-		She enjoys sucking, and got sexual satisfaction from the _oralUse blowjobs she gave this week.
+		$He enjoys sucking, and got sexual satisfaction from the _oralUse blowjobs $he gave this week.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _oralUse>>
 <<case "buttslut">>
 	<<if _analUse > 0>>
-		She enjoys getting buttfucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _analUse times she was sodomized this week.
+		$He enjoys getting buttfucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _analUse times $he was sodomized this week.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _analUse>>
 <<case "boobs">>
 	<<if _mammaryUse > 0>>
-		She enjoys <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>having her tits fucked<<else>>giving a good titfuck<</if>>, and got sexual satisfaction from the _mammaryUse times they were used this week.
+		$He enjoys <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>having $his tits fucked<<else>>giving a good titfuck<</if>>, and got sexual satisfaction from the _mammaryUse times they were used this week.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _mammaryUse>>
 <<case "pregnancy">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0>>
 	<<if _vaginalUse > 0>>
-		She enjoys having her pussy fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _vaginalUse times she got dick this week.
+		$He enjoys having $his pussy fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _vaginalUse times $he got dick this week.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _vaginalUse>>
 		<<if _analUse > 0>>
-			She enjoys having her ass fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _analUse times she got dick this week.
+			$He enjoys having $his ass fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _analUse times $he got dick this week.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _analUse>>
 <<case "humiliation">>
-	She enjoys the humiliation of being a public slut, and got a bit of sexual satisfaction from every sex act she performed this week.
+	$He enjoys the humiliation of being a public slut, and got a bit of sexual satisfaction from every sex act $he performed this week.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty>>
@@ -1196,392 +1198,392 @@ In total, you were paid @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($beauty*$FR
 <<set $seed = random(1,10)>>
 <<switch $seed>>
 <<case 1>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that she witnessed a domestic dispute over another whore,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that $he witnessed a domestic dispute over another whore,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 2>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that she saw a free whore finally sink into slavery,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that $he saw a free whore finally sink into slavery,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 3>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that construction forced her to move from her usual spot,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that construction forced $him to move from $his usual spot,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 4>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that a customer used a new and improved sex toy on her,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that a customer used a new and improved sex toy on $him,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 5>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was an appointment with an unusually perverted family,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was an appointment with an unusually perverted family,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 6>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that she saw a man sell his wife into slavery,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that $he saw a man sell his wife into slavery,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 7>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that she saw a woman sell her daughters into slavery,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that $he saw a woman sell her daughters into slavery,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 8>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that she watched a citizen descend into aphrodisiac addiction,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that $he watched a citizen descend into aphrodisiac addiction,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<case 9>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that she watched a citizen develop the beginnings of sex addiction,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that $he watched a citizen develop the beginnings of sex addiction,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to her at work was that she witnessed a citizen administering a brutal public punishment to one of his slaves,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "the most interesting thing that happened to $him at work was that $he witnessed a citizen administering a brutal public punishment to one of his slaves,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<set $seed = random(1,5)>>
 <<switch $seed>>
 <<case 1>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a citizen punished one of his slaves by tying her up in public near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into her business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a citizen punished one of his slaves by tying her up in public near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into $his business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case 2>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a citizen shared one of his slaves with the public near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into her business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a citizen shared one of his slaves with the public near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into $his business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case 3>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a private brothel offered a promotion near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into her business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a private brothel offered a promotion near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into $his business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case 4>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "some free sluts threw an aphrodisiac street party near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into her business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "some free sluts threw an aphrodisiac street party near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into $his business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a contract breaker was punished with the pillory near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into her business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a contract breaker was punished with the pillory near where $slaves[$i].slaveName was working. This cut into $his business that day,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<set $seed = random(1,5)>>
 <<switch $seed>>
 <<case 1>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "one of her regular customers got a divorce and came to her for repeated consolation,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "one of $his regular customers got a divorce and came to $him for repeated consolation,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case 2>>
 	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a brothel near where $slaves[$i].slaveName usually works had business trouble,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case 3>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a competing whore that looks like her fell ill, driving a customer to look for an alternative,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a competing whore that looks like $him fell ill, driving a customer to look for an alternative,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case 4>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a street whore that works near her was badly beaten by an abusive customer and had to take time off. The reduced competition got her more business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a street whore that works near $him was badly beaten by an abusive customer and had to take time off. The reduced competition got $him more business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "an influx of tourists came into her part of the arcology, earning her more business for a day,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "an influx of tourists came into $his part of the arcology, earning $him more business for a day,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
 <<switch $slaves[$i].fetish>>
 <<case "submissive">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she deeply impressed a customer with her sincere submission to him,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she lost a customer who secretly wanted her to show a little initiative,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he deeply impressed a customer with $his sincere submission to him,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he lost a customer who secretly wanted $him to show a little initiative,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "cumslut">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she deeply impressed a customer with her hunger for his cum,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disgusted a customer who didn't know how much cum fetishes revolted him until she displayed hers,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he deeply impressed a customer with $his hunger for his cum,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disgusted a customer who didn't know how much cum fetishes revolted him until $he displayed hers,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "humiliation">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked public sex until she got him to try it,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disgusted a customer who didn't know how much exhibitionism turned him off until he tried public sex with her,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked public sex until $he got him to try it,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disgusted a customer who didn't know how much exhibitionism turned him off until he tried public sex with $him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "buttslut">>
 	<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked fucking buttholes until she got him to try fucking hers,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disgusted a customer who didn't know how much buttsex turned him off until she got him to try fucking her ass,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked fucking buttholes until $he got him to try fucking hers,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disgusted a customer who didn't know how much buttsex turned him off until $he got him to try fucking $his ass,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].butt >= 3>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked big butts until she gave him a lap dance he'll never forget,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked big butts until $he gave him a lap dance he'll never forget,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned extra gratitude from a citizen who appreciated a nice rear, even if it is off limits,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disgusted a customer who didn't know how much butts turned him off until he put her hands on hers,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned extra gratitude from a citizen who appreciated a nice rear, even if it is off limits,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disgusted a customer who didn't know how much butts turned him off until he put $his hands on $hers,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "boobs">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she deeply impressed a customer by orgasming to nothing but the feeling of her sucking her nipples,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disappointed a female customer who didn't know how uninterested she was in nipple play before trying it,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he deeply impressed a customer by orgasming to nothing but the feeling of her sucking $his nipples,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disappointed a female customer who didn't know how uninterested $he was in nipple play before trying it,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she left a lasting impression on a pair of customer after nearly passing out from a series of intense orgasms from getting her nipples fucked,", type: "cash", effect: 2})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he left a lasting impression on a pair of customer after nearly passing out from a series of intense orgasms from getting $his nipples fucked,", type: "cash", effect: 2})>>
 <<case "sadist">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she deeply impressed a customer who brought his own slave to her for abuse with her sadism,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer brought her his own slave to abuse, but the sight proved to be a turn off for him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he deeply impressed a customer who brought his own slave to $him for abuse with $his sadism,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer brought $him his own slave to abuse, but the sight proved to be a turn off for him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "masochist">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she helped a customer discover a new fetish by orgasming when he accidentally hurt her,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disturbed a customer who accidentally hurt her by orgasming,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he helped a customer discover a new fetish by orgasming when he accidentally hurt $him,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disturbed a customer who accidentally hurt $him by orgasming,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "dom">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she made a female customer her bitch: fortunately, the customer wanted to be her bitch and came back for more", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she accidentally overwhelmed a customer with her sexual dominance,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he made a female customer $his bitch: fortunately, the customer wanted to be $his bitch and came back for more", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he accidentally overwhelmed a customer with $his sexual dominance,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "pregnancy">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked pregnancy play until she begged him to knock her up,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disgusted a customer who didn't know how much pregnancy play turned him off until she begged him to knock her up,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who didn't know how much he liked pregnancy play until $he begged him to knock $him up,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disgusted a customer who didn't know how much pregnancy play turned him off until $he begged him to knock $him up,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw>>
 <<case "arrogant">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she manages to give a citizen the impression she thinks herself better than him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he manages to give a citizen the impression $he thinks $himself better than him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "bitchy">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she makes an emasculating remark to a customer right after he fucks her,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he makes an emasculating remark to a customer right after he fucks $him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "odd">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she infuriates a potential customer with her nervous tics,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he infuriates a potential customer with $his nervous tics,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "hates men">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her disgust towards men surfaces at a bad time, losing her a male customer,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his disgust towards men surfaces at a bad time, losing $him a male customer,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "hates women">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her disgust towards women surfaces at a bad time, losing her a female customer,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his disgust towards women surfaces at a bad time, losing $him a female customer,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "gluttonous">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she accidentally lingers at a meal, missing a customer appointment,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he accidentally lingers at a meal, missing a customer appointment,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "anorexic">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her bulimia surfaces at an extremely inopportune moment, turning a customer off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his bulimia surfaces at an extremely inopportune moment, turning a customer off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "devout">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer catches her praying to herself as he inserts himself into her, turning him off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer catches $him praying to $himself as he inserts himself into $him, turning him off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "liberated">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she treats a rude potential customer impolitely, because she thinks that's fair,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he treats a rude potential customer impolitely, because $he thinks that's fair,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<switch $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw>>
 <<case "hates oral">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she vomits while trying to deepthroat a customer,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he vomits while trying to deepthroat a customer,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "hates anal">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she cries while taking anal from a customer who isn't into painal,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he cries while taking anal from a customer who isn't into painal,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "hates penetration">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she cries while taking a pounding from a customer who likes his sex consensual,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he cries while taking a pounding from a customer who likes his sex consensual,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "shamefast">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she cries while a potential customer looks her over,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disrobed so slowly that a potential customer gave up on her,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he cries while a potential customer looks $him over,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disrobed so slowly that a potential customer gave up on $him,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "idealistic">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she cries when explaining the price of her body to a potential customer,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he cries when explaining the price of $his body to a potential customer,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "repressed">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she misunderstands a potential customer's lewd requests, turning her off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he misunderstands a potential customer's lewd requests, turning her off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "apathetic">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she fails to notice when a customer achieves orgasm,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he fails to notice when a customer achieves orgasm,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<case "neglectful">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she brings a denial fetishist to orgasm three times without cumming herself, earning their repeat business,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he brings a denial fetishist to orgasm three times without cumming $himself, earning their repeat business,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<case "cum addict">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she's so focused on sucking down a customer's cum that she managed to drive him to repeated orgasm, earning his repeated business once he got the feeling back in his legs,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he's so focused on sucking down a customer's cum that $he managed to drive him to repeated orgasm, earning his repeated business once he got the feeling back in his legs,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<case "anal addict">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she takes a trio of dicks in her ass without hesitation, earning repeat business from one of them thoroughly impressed by her anal addiction,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he takes a trio of dicks in $his ass without hesitation, earning repeat business from one of them thoroughly impressed by $his anal addiction,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<case "attention whore">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a man who loves fucking her in the middle of crowded rooms,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a man who loves fucking $him in the middle of crowded rooms,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<case "breast growth">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a woman with huge breasts who enjoys roleplaying her breast expansion fetishes with her,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a woman with huge breasts who enjoys roleplaying her breast expansion fetishes with $him,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<case "abusive">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a man who loves physically abusive sex, though his testicles could only take so much in one week,", type: "cash", effect: 2})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a man who loves physically abusive sex, though his testicles could only take so much in one week,", type: "cash", effect: 2})>>
 <<case "malicious">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a masochistic woman who enjoys being whipped and degraded,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a masochistic woman who enjoys being whipped and degraded,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<case "self hating">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from an abusive man who thoroughly enjoyed how diligently she took it,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from an abusive man who thoroughly enjoyed how diligently $he took it,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<case "breeder">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a pregnancy fetishist nearly driven mad with lust over her pregnancy obsession,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a pregnancy fetishist nearly driven mad with lust over her pregnancy obsession,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk>>
 <<case "confident">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she confidently presses forward with a wavering potential customer, and makes the sale,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he confidently presses forward with a wavering potential customer, and makes the sale,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "cutting">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she makes such a gloriously cutting remark to a male customer that a female bystander comes to her for repeat business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he makes such a gloriously cutting remark to a male customer that a female bystander comes to $him for repeat business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "funny">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she makes a group of citizens laugh so hard, one of them comes to her for repeat business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he makes a group of citizens laugh so hard, one of them comes to $him for repeat business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "fitness">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she continues a marathon gangbang past the point where most would have passed out,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he continues a marathon gangbang past the point where most would have passed out,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "adores women">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she strikes up a personal friendship with a regular female customer,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he strikes up a personal friendship with a regular female customer,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "adores men">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she strikes up a personal friendship with a regular male customer,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he strikes up a personal friendship with a regular male customer,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "insecure">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she successfully convinces a regular customer that she's reliant on him emotionally,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he successfully convinces a regular customer that $he's reliant on him emotionally,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "sinful">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she helps a customer get past her religious hangups through sex with her friendly neighborhood whore,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he helps a customer get past her religious hangups through sex with her friendly neighborhood whore,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "advocate">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she successfully convinces a wavering potential customer that there's nothing wrong with banging a whore,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he successfully convinces a wavering potential customer that there's nothing wrong with banging a whore,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<switch $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk>>
 <<case "gagfuck queen">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earns repeat business from a citizen who's obsessed with gagfucks,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earns repeat business from a citizen who's obsessed with gagfucks,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "painal queen">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earns repeat business from a citizen who's obsessed with painal,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earns repeat business from a citizen who's obsessed with painal,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "strugglefuck queen">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earns repeat business from a citizen who's obsessed with strugglefucking,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earns repeat business from a citizen who's obsessed with strugglefucking,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "tease">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she convinces a citizen who's never had sex with a prostitute to patronize her with some truly inspired flirting,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a few partiers were so impressed with her provocative teasing that they repeated her wit to friends,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he convinces a citizen who's never had sex with a prostitute to patronize $him with some truly inspired flirting,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a few partiers were so impressed with $his provocative teasing that they repeated $his wit to friends,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "romantic">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a citizen becomes infatuated with her, since he's convinced she's infatuated with him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a citizen becomes infatuated with $him, since he's convinced $he's infatuated with him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "perverted">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earns some momentary notoriety by engaging in a previously unheard-of sex act,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earns some momentary notoriety by engaging in a previously unheard-of sex act,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<case "caring">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she serves as an impromptu sounding board for a customer having marital trouble,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was so enamored with her kind and caring manner than he proposed to her and offered to take her away, and when she refused, he left a sizable tip,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he serves as an impromptu sounding board for a customer having marital trouble,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was so enamored with $his kind and caring manner than he proposed to $him and offered to take $him away, and when $he refused, he left a sizable tip,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].pitKills > 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earns repeat business from a customer obsessed with the fact that she's a killer,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earns repeat business from a customer obsessed with the fact that $he's a killer,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].oralCount > 500)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer into degradation becomes obsessed with driving her oral mileage as high as possible,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer into degradation becomes obsessed with driving $his oral mileage as high as possible,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].analCount > 500) && ($slaves[$i].anus > 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer into degradation becomes obsessed with driving her anal mileage as high as possible,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer into degradation becomes obsessed with driving $his anal mileage as high as possible,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalCount > 500) && ($slaves[$i].vagina > 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer into degradation becomes obsessed with driving her pussy mileage as high as possible,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer into degradation becomes obsessed with driving $his pussy mileage as high as possible,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she really pushed herself to please a customer with tastes that disgusted her,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he really pushed $himself to please a customer with tastes that disgusted $him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion < -50)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her fury at being sold for sex turned a customer off before he could fuck her,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his fury at being sold for sex turned a customer off before he could fuck $him,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she treasured a love token given to her by a customer she fooled into thinking her affection was real,", type: "devotion", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he treasured a love token given to $him by a customer $he fooled into thinking $his affection was real,", type: "devotion", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 95)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she really pushed herself to accept a customer with tastes that frightened her,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he really pushed $himself to accept a customer with tastes that frightened $him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust < -50)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her tearful terror at being forced to sell herself for sex turned a customer off before he could fuck her,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his tearful terror at being forced to sell $himself for sex turned a customer off before he could fuck $him,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].livingRules == "luxurious">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got a truly perfect night's sleep, which put her in the right frame of mind for the whole day,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got a truly perfect night's sleep, which put $him in the right frame of mind for the whole day,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].livingRules == "spare">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got a poor night's sleep in the noisy dormitory, which took the shine off her efforts for the whole day", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got a poor night's sleep in the noisy dormitory, which took the shine off $his efforts for the whole day", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].releaseRules == "permissive" || $slaves[$i].releaseRules == "masturbation">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer asked if she masturbates, and then spent an hour jerking off as she described how,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer asked if $he masturbates, and then spent an hour jerking off as $he described how,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].releaseRules == "restrictive">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer asked if she masturbates, and seemed disappointed when she answered honestly,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer asked if $he masturbates, and seemed disappointed when $he answered honestly,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a closeted female customer asked about her sex life with other slaves, and was enthralled by her answer,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a closeted female customer asked about $his sex life with other slaves, and was enthralled by $his answer,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].health > 80)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer in the medical field was fascinated by her health, and spent almost as much time examining her as he did having sex with her,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer in the medical field was fascinated by $his health, and spent almost as much time examining $him as he did having sex with $him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].weight < 10)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned extra gratitude from a customer who misses girls without a spare tire around their middle,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned extra gratitude from a customer who misses girls without a spare tire around their middle,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight < 95)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told her that he's looking forward to patronizing her once she gains a lot more weight,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told $him that he's looking forward to patronizing $him once $he gains a lot more weight,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned extra gratitude from a customer who loves them big and soft", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned extra gratitude from a customer who loves them big and soft", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].weight > 30)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned extra gratitude from a customer who enjoyed the way her middle jiggled as he fucked her,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned extra gratitude from a customer who enjoyed the way $his middle jiggled as he fucked $him,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].weight > 95)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told her that he's looking forward to patronizing her once she loses a lot of weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told $him that he's looking forward to patronizing $him once $he loses a lot of weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight > 30)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told her that he's looking forward to patronizing her once she loses some weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told $him that he's looking forward to patronizing $him once $he loses some weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight <= -30)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told her that he's looking forward to patronizing her once she gains some weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told $him that he's looking forward to patronizing $him once $he gains some weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight < -95)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told her that he's looking forward to patronizing her once she gains a lot of weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a potential customer told $him that he's looking forward to patronizing $him once $he gains a lot of weight.", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she took it in public, with her copious ejaculation getting her another customer right away,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he took it in public, with $his copious ejaculation getting $him another customer right away,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she bloated a female customer's belly with her copious ejaculate, leading her to say she is looking forward to come back and get filled again,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he bloated a female customer's belly with $his copious ejaculate, leading $him to say $he is looking forward to come back and get filled again,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1) || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her piteous begging for sex due to her extreme aphrodisiac dosage turned a potential customer off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his piteous begging for sex due to $his extreme aphrodisiac dosage turned a potential customer off,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her piteous begging for sex coupled with her bloated belly pleased a customer who loves desperate girls,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "her piteous begging for sex coupled with her bloated belly horrified a customer who didn't realize how low a girl could stoop,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his piteous begging for sex coupled with $his bloated belly pleased a customer who loves desperate girls,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$his piteous begging for sex coupled with $his bloated belly horrified a customer who didn't realize how low a girl could stoop,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].addict > 50)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she zoned out badly due to a low point between aphrodisiac doses, disappointing a customer,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he zoned out badly due to a low point between aphrodisiac doses, disappointing a customer,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 10000) || ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 10000)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who likes to do nothing more than cuddle with her swollen belly,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a night with guy who likes rough, hard sex with heavily pregnant girls took its toll on her", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who likes to do nothing more than cuddle with $his swollen belly,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a night with guy who likes rough, hard sex with heavily pregnant girls took its toll on $him", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 5000)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who loved the way her belly moved as he fucked her,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disgusted a customer when his forceful fucking caused her to release her contained $slaves[$i].inflationType all over him,", type: "rep", effect: -2})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who loved the way $his belly moved as he fucked $him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disgusted a customer when his forceful fucking caused $him to release $his contained $slaves[$i].inflationType all over him,", type: "rep", effect: -2})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 100) && !canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disappointed a customer who was sure she could get $slaves[$i].slaveName's cock erect,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who seems unthreatened by her soft dick,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disappointed a customer who was sure $he could get $slaves[$i].slaveName's cock erect,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who seems unthreatened by $his soft dick,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance <= -100)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a female customer who adores the masculinity produced by $slaves[$i].slaveName's hormone regime,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a female customer who adores the masculinity produced by $slaves[$i].slaveName's hormone regime,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who likes to see his wife get fucked by a dickgirl whore,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who likes to see his wife get fucked by a dickgirl whore,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 3)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a female customer who likes big stiff cocks, and cannot lie,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she irritated a male customer who brought his girlfriend with him by accidentally showing him up,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a female customer who likes big stiff cocks, and cannot lie,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he irritated a male customer who brought his girlfriend with him by accidentally showing him up,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 3)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she loses a customer who wants her to look like a natural girl, since her balls are too big to be hidden,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he loses a customer who wants $him to look like a natural girl, since $his balls are too big to be hidden,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina == 1)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got extra business from a customer who really likes her, and wants to fuck her pussy as much as possible while it's still tight,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got extra business from a customer who really likes $him, and wants to fuck $his pussy as much as possible while it's still tight,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vagina > 2)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disappointed a customer whose cock is just too small for her big cunt,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disappointed a customer whose cock is just too small for $his big cunt,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "cutting") && ($slaves[$i].intelligence >= 2)>>
-			<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she helped a customer discover a new fetish by making cutting remarks when his cock was too small for her big cunt,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+			<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he helped a customer discover a new fetish by making cutting remarks when his cock was too small for $his big cunt,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
-			<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she irritated a male customer with her complaints that he was too small to please her,", type: "rep", effect: -2})>>
+			<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he irritated a male customer with $his complaints that he was too small to please $him,", type: "rep", effect: -2})>>
 <<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].anus == 1)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got extra business from a customer who really likes her butthole, and wants to fuck it as much as possible while it's still tight,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got extra business from a customer who really likes $his butthole, and wants to fuck it as much as possible while it's still tight,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].anus > 2)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disappointed a customer whose cock is just too small for her loose butthole,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disappointed a customer whose cock is just too small for $his loose butthole,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].face > 40)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she lost a potential customer who was so intimidated by her great beauty that he decided to find a homelier whore,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he lost a potential customer who was so intimidated by $his great beauty that he decided to find a homelier whore,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].face < -10)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who lacks self-confidence, and is more comfortable with homely whores,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who lacks self-confidence, and is more comfortable with homely whores,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge > 40)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer with serious mommy issues,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer with serious mommy issues,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].lips > 70)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she earned repeat business from a customer who likes to play with her lips nonsexually (don't ask),", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he earned repeat business from a customer who likes to play with $his lips nonsexually (don't ask),", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if !canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she impressed a customer who didn't know how relaxing a girl who can't talk could be,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he impressed a customer who didn't know how relaxing a girl who can't talk could be,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].muscles > 95)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she impressed a customer who was so eager to share workout plans with her that he almost forgot to have sex with her,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she gained repeat business from a female customer who likes a girl who can bench-press her before and after they fuck,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disappointed a customer by accidentally revealing that she's considerably stronger than him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he impressed a customer who was so eager to share workout plans with $him that he almost forgot to have sex with $him,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he gained repeat business from a female customer who likes a girl who can bench-press $him before and after they fuck,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disappointed a customer by accidentally revealing that $he's considerably stronger than him,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she was well compensated for providing fresh milk for the coffee served at a customer's business meeting", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she served as a conveniently lactating whore near a trendy arcology coffeehouse,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he was well compensated for providing fresh milk for the coffee served at a customer's business meeting", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he served as a conveniently lactating whore near a trendy arcology coffeehouse,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].amp == 1)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she disappointed a customer who thought he'd enjoy fucking an amputee, but found it revolting,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he disappointed a customer who thought he'd enjoy fucking an amputee, but found it revolting,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].amp == -1)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a strange customer was excited by the sight of her prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was disgusted at the thought of her basic prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was put off by her prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a strange customer was excited by the sight of $his prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was disgusted at the thought of $his basic prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was put off by $his prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].amp == -2)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was excited by her vibrating fingertips,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was excited by $his vibrating fingertips,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was indifferent to the thought of having sex with a slave with artificial limbs,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was put off by her crude artificial limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was put off by $his crude artificial limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].amp == -3)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a strange customer was excited by the sight of her artificial limbs,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a strange customer was excited by the sight of $his artificial limbs,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was indifferent to the thought of having sex with a slave with artificial limbs,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was put off by the sight of her prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was put off by the sight of $his prosthetic limbs,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].amp == -4)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was excited by the thought of having sex with a slave with p-limbs, but was scared off by her combat p-limbs,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was excited by the thought of having sex with a slave with p-limbs, but was scared off by $his combat p-limbs,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was indifferent to the thought of having sex with a slave with artificial limbs,", type: "cash", effect: 0})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was greatly intimidated by her combat p-limbs,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was greatly intimidated by $his combat p-limbs,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif ($slaves[$i].amp == -5)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was fascinated by her cybernetic limbs, and spent almost as much time examining them as he did having sex with her,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was fascinated by $his cybernetic limbs, and spent almost as much time examining them as he did having sex with $him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was excited by the thought of having sex with a cybernetically enhanced slave,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was greatly intimidated by the sight of her cybernetic limbs and was frightened away,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was greatly intimidated by the sight of $his cybernetic limbs and was frightened away,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].heels == 1)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].shoes != "heels") && ($slaves[$i].shoes != "pumps") && ($slaves[$i].shoes != "extreme heels") && ($slaves[$i].shoes != "boots")>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she enticed a new customer who had never really considered buttsex before he saw her crawling along with her asshole vulnerable,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he enticed a new customer who had never really considered buttsex before he saw $him crawling along with $his asshole vulnerable,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 1500)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant == 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a young customer hired her to jump rope so he could watch her massive natural breasts flop around,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a young customer hired $him to jump rope so he could watch $his massive natural breasts flop around,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "chastity belt")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a wavering customer who was disappointed that her pussy is unavailable decided to try her ass instead,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a wavering customer who was disappointed that $his pussy is unavailable decided to try $his ass instead,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer really enjoyed being able to treat her however he liked without eliciting a reaction,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer really enjoyed being able to treat $him however he liked without eliciting a reaction,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].intelligence <= -2)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer managed to trick her into fucking him without payment,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer managed to trick $him into fucking him without payment,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].face > 10)>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].face > 10)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was surprised by her penis, so she hid it and enjoyed the buttsex without touching it,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was surprised by $his penis, so $he hid it and enjoyed the buttsex without touching it,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].analSkill >= 100)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was surprised by her penis, so she hid it and skillfully pretended to be a real girl,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was surprised by $his penis, so $he hid it and skillfully pretended to be a real girl,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was surprised by her penis, so she hid it, but could barely tolerate anal without touching it", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a customer was surprised by $his penis, so $he hid it, but could barely tolerate anal without touching it", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 	<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].analSkill < 100)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].anus > 2)>>
-				<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a pair of customers enticed by her beauty but disappointed by her loose butthole doubled up on her poor anus without mercy,", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
+				<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a pair of customers enticed by $his beauty but disappointed by $his loose butthole doubled up on $his poor anus without mercy,", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
@@ -1589,146 +1591,146 @@ In total, you were paid @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($beauty*$FR
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") || ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she advertised herself by forcing a slave in the stocks to eat her ass, drumming up business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he advertised $himself by forcing a slave in the stocks to eat $his ass, drumming up business,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she cooperated with a citizen who wanted to whip her tits black and blue", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he cooperated with a citizen who wanted to whip $his tits black and blue", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].health < 20)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she attracted the attention of a slaveowner alarmed by her poor health, and thought he seemed kind,", type: "devotion", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he attracted the attention of a slaveowner alarmed by $his poor health, and thought he seemed kind,", type: "devotion", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill >= 100)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she was hired to apply her skills to a customer's virgin son,", type: "devotion", effect: 0})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he was hired to apply $his skills to a customer's virgin son,", type: "devotion", effect: 0})>>
 <<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].analSkill < 100)>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].anus < 2)>>
-			<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a guy with a huge cock paid for the right to fuck her in her tight ass all night,", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
+			<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a guy with a huge cock paid for the right to fuck $him in $his tight ass all night,", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].relationship <= -2)>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].intelligence < 1)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she accidentally mentions how much she loves you during intercourse with a customer who doesn't like to share,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he accidentally mentions how much $he loves you during intercourse with a customer who doesn't like to share,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<if ($slaves[$i].prestige > 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a college fraternity visiting the arcology for rush week hired her for a gangbang,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a college fraternity visiting the arcology for rush week hired $him for a gangbang,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she lost a customer who couldn't bear to see a beautiful $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace be a whore,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he lost a customer who couldn't bear to see a beautiful $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace be a whore,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she had a bad time in general, since most of her customers didn't care about a $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace prostitute's health or well-being,", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he had a bad time in general, since most of $his customers didn't care about a $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace prostitute's health or well-being,", type: "health", effect: -1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge > 35)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his MILF fetish in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his MILF fetish in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge <= 20)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for young girls in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for young girls in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick < 3)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who is coming to terms with Gender Radicalism, and is unthreatened by her little penis,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who is coming to terms with Gender Radicalism, and is unthreatened by $his little penis,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge > 25)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who thinks she resembles his ex-wife, who would never let him fuck her butt,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who thinks $he resembles his ex-wife, who would never let him fuck her butt,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].pregType > 1) && ($slaves[$i].pregKnown > 1) && ($slaves[$i].belly >= 10000)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who loves fucking girls with wombs filled by more than a single child,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who loves fucking girls with wombs filled by more than a single child,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
 	<<if canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who misses the risk of getting a girl pregnant,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who misses the risk of getting a girl pregnant,", type: "cash", effect: 3})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligence > 1)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who likes to chat with intelligent prostitutes as they fuck her,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who likes to chat with intelligent prostitutes as they fuck $him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">>
 	<<if canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 2)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who prefers girls with high-pitched screams,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who prefers girls with high-pitched screams,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for breast implants in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for breast implants in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant == 0)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for natural breasts in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for natural breasts in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">>
 	<<if canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 2)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who loves her high-pitched squeals of pleasure,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who loves $his high-pitched squeals of pleasure,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she was publicly mocked as an ugly fat cow with dangling udders,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he was publicly mocked as an ugly fat cow with dangling udders,", type: "rep", effect: -1})>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 300)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for flat chested girls in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who wants to keep his fetish for flat chested girls in the closet,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation == 0)>>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she lost a customer who could not understand why nothing was coming out of her nipples when he sucked on them,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he lost a customer who could not understand why nothing was coming out of $his nipples when he sucked on them,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>
-		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she lost a customer who refused she could possibly be a proper cow with nipples like hers,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+		<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he lost a customer who refused $he could possibly be a proper cow with nipples like hers,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 95)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she lost a customer who could barely believe that she wasn't capable of holding herself in a handstand,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he lost a customer who could barely believe that $he wasn't capable of holding $himself in a handstand,", type: "cash", effect: -1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who desperately wants his cock to be the one that converts her,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who desperately wants his cock to be the one that converts $him,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].race == "white")>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].height >= 185)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she attracted a customer who thought her appearance worthy of a lusty northern barbarian,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he attracted a customer who thought $his appearance worthy of a lusty northern barbarian,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 75)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligence >= 2)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she indulged a citizen by following a fertility ritual completely,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he indulged a citizen by following a fertility ritual completely,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got extra business from a group of citizens competing to get off with whores of each of the arcology's ethnic groups in the least time,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got extra business from a group of citizens competing to get off with whores of each of the arcology's ethnic groups in the least time,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].face > 40)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligence > 1)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who wished to do nothing more than converse with a beautiful and intelligent girl,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who wished to do nothing more than converse with a beautiful and intelligent girl,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
@@ -1737,20 +1739,20 @@ In total, you were paid @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($beauty*$FR
 	<<if canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].accent < 2)>>
-	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she got repeat business from a customer who prefers prostitutes who can tell lovely stories,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
+	<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he got repeat business from a customer who prefers prostitutes who can tell lovely stories,", type: "cash", effect: 1})>>
-<<set _vignettes.push({text: "one of the companies with an office in your arcology retained her for a team-building bukkake party for its employees,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
-<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a man dragged his crying wife along so she could watch him fuck a whore,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
+<<set _vignettes.push({text: "one of the companies with an office in your arcology retained $him for a team-building bukkake party for its employees,", type: "rep", effect: 1})>>
+<<set _vignettes.push({text: "a man dragged his crying wife along so $he could watch him fuck a whore,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
 <<set _vignettes.push({text: "a woman dragged her angry husband along so he could watch her get eaten out by a whore,", type: "rep", effect: 0})>>
-<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you loving her,", type: "devotion", effect: 1})>>
-<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you letting a customer hurt her,", type: "devotion", effect: -1})>>
-<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you protecting her from a mean customer,", type: "trust", effect: 1})>>
-<<set _vignettes.push({text: "she went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you selling her for good,", type: "trust", effect: -1})>>
+<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you loving $him,", type: "devotion", effect: 1})>>
+<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you letting a customer hurt $him,", type: "devotion", effect: -1})>>
+<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you protecting $him from a mean customer,", type: "trust", effect: 1})>>
+<<set _vignettes.push({text: "$he went to sleep after being sold for sex all day, and had a dream about you selling $him for good,", type: "trust", effect: -1})>>
 <<set _vignette = _vignettes.random()>>
 __This week__ _vignette.text
@@ -1767,23 +1769,23 @@ __This week__ _vignette.text
 <<elseif (_vignette.type == "devotion")>>
 	<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		@@.hotpink;increasing her devotion to you.@@
+		@@.hotpink;increasing $his devotion to you.@@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		@@.hotpink;increasing her acceptance of you.@@
+		@@.hotpink;increasing $his acceptance of you.@@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > -10>>
-		@@.hotpink;reducing her dislike of you.@@
+		@@.hotpink;reducing $his dislike of you.@@
-		@@.hotpink;reducing her hatred of you.@@
+		@@.hotpink;reducing $his hatred of you.@@
 	<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;reducing her devotion to you.@@
+		@@.mediumorchid;reducing $his devotion to you.@@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;reducing her acceptance of you.@@
+		@@.mediumorchid;reducing $his acceptance of you.@@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > -10>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;increasing her dislike of you.@@
+		@@.mediumorchid;increasing $his dislike of you.@@
-		@@.mediumorchid;increasing her hatred of you.@@
+		@@.mediumorchid;increasing $his hatred of you.@@
 		an incident without lasting effect.
@@ -1792,19 +1794,19 @@ __This week__ _vignette.text
 <<elseif (_vignette.type == "trust")>>
 	<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 20>>
-		@@.mediumaquamarine;increasing her trust in you.@@
+		@@.mediumaquamarine;increasing $his trust in you.@@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust > -10>>
-		@@.mediumaquamarine;reducing her fear of you.@@
+		@@.mediumaquamarine;reducing $his fear of you.@@
-		@@.mediumaquamarine;reducing her terror of you.@@
+		@@.mediumaquamarine;reducing $his terror of you.@@
 	<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 20>>
-		@@.gold;reducing her trust in you.@@
+		@@.gold;reducing $his trust in you.@@
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust > -20>>
-		@@.gold;increasing her fear of you.@@
+		@@.gold;increasing $his fear of you.@@
-		@@.gold;increasing her terror of you.@@
+		@@.gold;increasing $his terror of you.@@
 		an incident without lasting effect.
@@ -1812,9 +1814,9 @@ __This week__ _vignette.text
 	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1*_vignette.effect>>
 <<elseif (_vignette.type == "health")>>
 	<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
-		@@.green;improving her health.@@
+		@@.green;improving $his health.@@
 	<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
-		@@.red;affecting her health.@@
+		@@.red;affecting $his health.@@
 		an incident without lasting effect.
@@ -1834,11 +1836,11 @@ __This week__ _vignette.text
 <</if>> /* CLOSES VIGNETTES */
 <<if $slaves[$i].energy > 40 && $slaves[$i].energy < 95>>
-	Being used sexually all week @@.lime;increases her sex drive.@@
+	Being used sexually all week @@.lime;increases $his sex drive.@@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].cervixImplant == 1 && _cervixPump > 0 && canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-	She notices her @@.lime;belly has grown@@ from vaginal sex throughout week.
+	$He notices $his @@.lime;belly has grown@@ from vaginal sex throughout week.
 	<<set $slaves[$i].bellyImplant += _cervixPump*20>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saWorkAGloryHole.tw b/src/uncategorized/saWorkAGloryHole.tw
index c8df2bc50781cc1c1fff30e0aad62c0cf5cb72cb..f6724c40d5a3a43d463f44900b7013ba8740dca9 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saWorkAGloryHole.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saWorkAGloryHole.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: SA work a glory hole [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <!-- Statistics gathering -->
 <<set _incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].assignment === Job.ARCADE ? $facility.arcade : undefined)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/schoolroomReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/schoolroomReport.tw
index c4323975fd61179621bb308d19e0b581ac1f51ae..517af9c248a87ac405eab0ab9f0e83100b35af45 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/schoolroomReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/schoolroomReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Schoolroom Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<SlaveSort $SchlRiIDs>>
 <<set _DL = $SchlRiIDs.length, $schoolroomSlaves = _DL, _SL = $slaves.length, _idleBonus = 0, _FLsFetish = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw
index c82db200d5962a23094ad789a33c925a7821e015..daf1e2e7f711197b0ea4b7117ae328a2b4fe6bae 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Servants' Quarters Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<SlaveSort $ServQiIDs>>
 <<set _DL = $ServQiIDs.length, $servantsQuartersSlaves = _DL, _SL = $slaves.length, _FLsFetish = 0, $stewardessBonus = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw
index c4d91e2d3f41aff9fc9ff3eda77e029b20264e62..6d30bb1deed2446c0e1d6a351ebaa70be224621e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Spa Report [nobr]
+<<run SlavePronouns($slaves[$i])>>
 <<SlaveSort $SpaiIDs>>
 <<set _DL = $SpaiIDs.length, $spaSlaves = _DL, _SL = $slaves.length, _bonusToggle = 0, _healthBonus = 0, _idleBonus = 0, _restedSlaves = 0, _trustBonus = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/useGuard.tw b/src/uncategorized/useGuard.tw
index ca41245dd98cf5930905e41511998e2be62fa0d5..350c56961f9bfef9d566753392fa587c2b2a3f2d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/useGuard.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/useGuard.tw
@@ -132,4 +132,3 @@ $slaves[$i].slaveName is standing behind your left shoulder, guarding your perso
diff --git a/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw b/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw
index e09e96ec5003b0c9cdba521d0f92f7569c2a54ce..081c9e0172e9b80552494d3979afd434d2766ca8 100644
--- a/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw
@@ -661,38 +661,7 @@
  $args[1]: Amount of increase.
 <<widget "FaceIncrease">>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<run SlavePronouns($args[0])>>
-<<if $args[0].face <= -95>>
-	@@.green;$His face is no longer horrifying,@@ and is now merely ugly.
-<<elseif $args[0].face <= -40>>
-	<<if $args[0].face+$args[1] > -40>>
-		@@.green;$His face is no longer ugly,@@ and is now merely unattractive.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $args[0].face <= -10>>
-	<<if $args[0].face+$args[1] > -10>>
-		@@.green;$His face is no longer unattractive,@@ and is now somewhat tolerable.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $args[0].face <= 10>>
-	<<if $args[0].face+$args[1] > 10>>
-		@@.green;$His face is now decently attractive,@@ rather than merely tolerable.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $args[0].face <= 40>>
-	<<if $args[0].face+$args[1] > 40>>
-		@@.green;$His face is now quite beautiful,@@ rather than merely pretty.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $args[0].face <= 95>>
-	<<if $args[0].face+$args[1] > 95>>
-		@@.green;$His face is now perfect.@@ It's difficult to imagine how it could be any more beautiful.
-	<</if>>
-<<set $args[0].face = Math.clamp($args[0].face+$args[1],-100,100)>>
-<<if $args[0].face > 95>><<set $args[0].face = 100>><</if>>
 	<<= faceIncrease($args[0], $args[1]) >>
->>>>>>> 6e45118c01af6ccf28b6f1acf0dfc1e26ee960ac