diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js
index 5d41ef94edd15756d6cf8206737ec765272c22a8..deaca53322a7ef808faecc5a37e88db527e424c9 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js
@@ -12892,70 +12892,206 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s bodysuit clearly displays every last line of ${his} powerful core, displaying a gorgeously outlined six-pack through the skintight material.`);
-			case "a chattel habit": // WIP belly overhaul point
+			case "a chattel habit":
 				if (slave.belly >= 1000000) {
 					// WIP//
 				} else if (slave.belly >= 750000) {
 					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
-						r.push(`The strip of cloth designed to run down ${his} front looks tiny as it rests atop ${his} monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-						r.push(`The strip of cloth designed to run down ${his} front looks tiny as it rests atop ${his} monolithic, implant-filled belly.`);
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through in the hopes of keeping material from slipping to the side of ${his} monolithic implant-filled belly. Since ${his} navel has begun to pull flat, however, the tension does that job instead.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`The strip of cloth designed to run down ${his} front looks tiny as it rests atop ${his} monolithic pregnant belly.`);
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through in the hopes of keeping material from slipping to the side of ${his} monolithic pregnant belly. Since ${his} navel has begun to pull flat, however, the tension and the many bulges of ${his} unborn brood handle that job instead.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 600000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} titanic implant-filled belly, though the tension does a good enough job on its own.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} titanic pregnant belly; it does not stop ${his} brood from trying, however.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 450000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} gigantic implant-filled belly, though the tension does a good enough job on its own.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} gigantic pregnant belly; it does not stop ${his} brood from trying, however.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 300000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} massive implant-filled belly, though the tension does a good enough job on its own.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} massive pregnant belly; it does not stop ${his} children from trying, however.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 120000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} giant implant-filled belly.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} giant pregnant belly; it does not stop ${his} children from trying, however.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 30000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} huge implant-filled belly.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} huge pregnant belly.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is forced to one side by ${his} titanic bulging pregnant belly.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
-					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is parted to one side by ${his} massive pregnant belly.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
 					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has sunken so deeply into ${his} massively fat belly that is has been swallowed completely. The only hint of its presence is the deep trench of flab spilling around it.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is parted to one side by ${his} big pregnant belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 15000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} huge pregnant belly.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} huge implant-filled belly.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front has a diamond-shaped hole for ${his} navel to poke through, keeping the material from slipping to the side of ${his} huge pregnant belly.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 10000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is parted to one side by ${his} big pregnant belly.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is parted to one side by ${his} hugely swollen belly.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is parted to one side by ${his} big implant-filled belly.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is parted to one side by ${his} big pregnant belly.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
 					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front sinks deeply into ${his} hugely fat belly.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
 					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is often forced to the side by ${his} big fat belly.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is parted to one side by ${his} pregnant belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 5000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is often forced to the side by ${his} pregnant belly.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is often forced to the side by ${his} jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is often forced to the side by ${his} implant-filled belly.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is often forced to the side by ${his} pregnant belly.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
 					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front gently sinks into ${his} fat belly.`);
-				} else if (((slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly"))) {
-					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is pushed out by ${his} growing belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 1500 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is pushed out by ${his} small pregnant belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s mini dress tightly clings to ${his} small pregnant belly.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is pushed out by ${his} ${slave.inflationType}-swollen belly.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is pushed out by ${his} implant-rounded belly.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is pushed out by ${his} growing belly.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
 					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front is pushed out by ${his} chubby belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 100 || slave.bellyImplant >= 100) {
+					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front demurely rests over the slight swell below ${his} navel.`);
+				} else if (slave.muscles > 30) {
+					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front prominently displays ${his} ripped abs.`);
-			case "a bunny outfit":
+			case "a bunny outfit": // WIP belly overhaul point
 				if (slave.belly >= 1000000) {
 					// WIP//
 				} else if (slave.belly >= 750000) {
 					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy has burst trying to contain ${his} monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly, leaving it hanging out the hole it made.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy has burst trying to contain ${his} monolithic, implant-filled belly, leaving it hanging out the hole it made.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a ridiculously swollen ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} monolithic implant-filled belly to expand out of.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy has burst trying to contain ${his} monolithic pregnant belly, leaving it hanging out the hole it made.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a ridiculously gravig ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} monolithic pregnant belly to uncontrollably billow out of.`);
 				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy has burst trying to contain ${his} titanic bulging pregnant belly leaving it hanging out the hole it made.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy has burst trying to contain ${his} massive pregnant belly leaving it hanging out the hole it made.`);
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a absurdly swollen ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} titanic implant-filled belly to bulge through.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a absurdly gravid ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} titanic pregnant belly to spill out of.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 450000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a massively swollen ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} gigantic implant-filled belly to bulge through.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a massively gravid ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} gigantic pregnant belly to bulge through.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 300000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a hugely swollen ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} massive implant-filled belly to bulge through.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed to accomodate such a hugely gravid ${girl} and comes with a gap in the front for ${his} massive pregnant belly to bulge through.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 120000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed with a gap in the front for ${his} giant implant-filled belly to bulge through.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is specially designed with a gap in the front for ${his} giant pregnant belly to bulge through.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 30000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is carefully fitted to contain ${his} huge implant-filled belly, but only emphasizes just how large ${he} has gotten.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is carefully fitted to contain ${his} huge pregnant belly, but only emphasizes just how large and ripe ${he} is.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s tailored teddy is strained to capacity by ${his} massively fat belly. ${His} flab juts out around its edges while drawing it focuses on drawing attention to ${his} folds, rolls and assorted jiggling.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is stretched to tearing by ${his} big pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 15000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled to its limit by ${his} huge pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the taut material.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled to its limit by ${his} huge implant-filled belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the taut material.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled to its limit by ${his} huge pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the taut material.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 10000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled out by ${his} big pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled with ${his} hugely swollen belly, forcing it to bulge prominently.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled out by ${his} big implant-filled belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled out by ${his} big pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s tailored teddy is stretched out by ${his} hugely fat belly. It barely contains the mass while drawing attention to ${his} folds, rolls and subtle motions.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} has recently begun wearing a teddy that can accommodate ${his} big fat belly. It completely contains the mass while drawing attention to ${his} folds and rolls.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is stretched out by ${his} pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 5000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled by ${his} pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is uncomfortably tight around ${his} jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly, forcing the material to bulge around the sloshing bulge.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled by ${his} implant-filled belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is filled by ${his} pregnant belly. ${His} popped navel prominently pokes through the material.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is stretched out by ${his} fat belly. ${His} flab juts out around its edges and it does nothing to hide ${his} folds and rolls.`);
-				} else if (((slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly"))) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy bulges with ${his} growing belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 1500 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy bulges with ${his} small pregnancy.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy bulges with ${his} ${slave.inflationType}-bloated belly.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy bulges with ${his} implant-rounded belly.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy bulges with ${his} growing belly.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is stretched by ${his} chubby belly. It does nothing to hide ${his} folds and rolls.`);
+				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 100 || slave.bellyImplant >= 100) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy bulges over ${his} lower belly, making ${him} look a little bloated.`);
+				} else if (slave.muscles > 30) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s teddy is carefully fitted to highlight ${his} six pack and fully display ${his} ripped abs.`);
 			case "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman":
@@ -12963,38 +13099,97 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s unfathomable, hyper-swollen, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} belly.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s unfathomable, hyper-swollen, implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s unfathomable, hyper-swollen, implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and takes full advantage of its lack of restriction to bulge tremendously in every direction. ${His} silken vest sensually frames what little it can of ${his} boundless middle.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s unfathomable, hyper-swollen pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} brood-filled squirming belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s unfathomable, hyper-swollen pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties while ${his} silken vest sensually frames what little it can of the bulging mass.`);
 				} else if (slave.belly >= 750000) {
 					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly completely hides ${his} lacy g-string and takes full advantage of its lack of restriction to bulge tremendously.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic, implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and takes full advantage of its lack of restriction to bulge tremendously. ${His} silken vest sensually frames what little it can of ${his} boundless middle.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} brood-filled squirming belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties while ${his} silken vest sensually frames what little it can of the bulge-coated mass. ${His} exposed middle gives ${his} children the room they so desperately need to keep growing.`);
 				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic bulging pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} overfilled squirming belly.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} overfilled belly.`);
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and takes full advantage of its lack of restriction to bulge massively. ${His} silken vest sensually frames what little it can of ${his} immense middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties while ${his} silken vest sensually frames what little it can of the bulging mass. ${His} children greatly appreciate the space granted by ${his} exposed middle and squirm happily in their cramped confines.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 450000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s gigantic implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and takes full advantage of its freedom to hang heavily. ${His} silken vest sensually frames what little it can of ${his} immense middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s gigantic pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties while ${his} silken vest sensually frames what little it can. ${His} children appreciate the space granted by ${his} exposed middle.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 300000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and takes full advantage of its freedom to hang heavily. ${His} silken vest sensually frames what it can of ${his} immense middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and takes full advantage of its freedom to bulge hugely. ${His} silken vest sensually frames what it can of ${his} immense middle.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 120000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s giant implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and bulges heavily from ${his} body. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} ponderous middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s giant pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties and bulges heavily from ${his} body. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} ponderous middle.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massively fat belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest struggles to sensually frame ${his} immense, jiggly gut while dwarfed by it.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 15000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly")) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} ponderous stomach.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} ponderous stomach.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy middle.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s hugely swollen belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heaving stomach.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge implant-filled belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy stomach.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly completely hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy middle.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s hugely fat belly hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy, constantly jiggling gut.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big fat belly hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} hefty, jiggling gut.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy middle.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy stomach.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s implant-filled belly hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy stomach.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly hides ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy middle.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fat belly is large enough to hide ${his} panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} heavy, jiggly gut.`);
-				} else if (((slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly"))) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s growing belly rests above ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} swelling belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 1500 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s small pregnant belly rests above ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} motherly figure.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s ${slave.inflationType}-swollen belly rests above ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} rounded middle.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s implant-rounded belly rests above ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} swollen figure.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s growing belly rests above ${his} silken panties. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} swelling form.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s chubby belly rests above ${his} silken panties, barely hanging over the top of them. ${His} silken vest sensually frames ${his} soft stomach.`);
+				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 100 || slave.bellyImplant >= 100) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s silken panties rest just beneath the slight swell of ${his} lower belly, but ${his} matching vest draws attention away from it.`);
+				} else if (slave.muscles > 30) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s ripped abs are sensually framed by ${his} sliken vest.`);
 			case "a maternity dress":
@@ -13010,30 +13205,91 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly is so large that ${his} dress, despite being designed to flatter pregnancies, is inadequate to contain it due to sheer size. The dress bunches up as it rests atop ${his} belly.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic, implant-filled belly is so large that ${his} dress, despite being designed to flatter pregnancies, is inadequate to contain it due to sheer size. The dress bunches up as it rests atop ${his} belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic, implant-filled belly stretches ${his} once loose dress to its limit. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to sizeable middles, but ${he} has managed to render it inadequate; ${he} can't actually manage to pull it all the way over ${his} sheer mass. The dress often ends up bunched atop ${his} belly unless someone is kind enough to lend a pair of hands to tug it down the rest of the way.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic pregnant belly is so large that ${his} dress, despite being designed to flatter pregnancies, is inadequate to contain it due to sheer size. The dress bunches up as it rests atop ${his} belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic pregnant belly stretches ${his} once loose dress to its limit. It is specially tailored to be modest yet flatter pregnancies, but ${he} has managed to render it inadequate; ${he} can't actually manage to pull it all the way over ${his} sheer gravidity. The dress often ends up bunched atop ${his} belly unless someone is kind enough to lend a pair of hands to tug it down the rest of the way.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 600000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic implant-filled belly stretches ${his} once loose dress into a more form fitting attire. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} abnormaly large middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic pregnant belly stretches ${his} once loose dress into a more form fitting attire, showing off ${his} protruding navel and the many bulges of life filling ${him}. Even at ${his} abnormal size, its special tailoring allows it to retain its modesty.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 450000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s gigantic implant-filled belly completely fills ${his} once loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} abnormaly large middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s gigantic pregnant belly completely fills ${his} once loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} abnormal pregnancy.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 300000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive implant-filled belly fills ${his} once loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} spectacular middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive pregnant belly fills ${his} once loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} spectacular pregnancy.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 120000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s giant implant-filled belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} expanded middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s giant pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} full pregnancy.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic bulging pregnant belly strains ${his} dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} abnormal pregnancy.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive pregnant belly fills ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} full pregnancy.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massively fat belly stretches ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on massive, jiggly guts all the same.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} full pregnancy.`);
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massively fat belly stretches ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on massive, jiggly guts all the same.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 15000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} pregnancy.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge implant-filled belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} expanded middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} advanced pregnancy.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 10000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} pregnancy.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s hugely swollen belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} rounded stomach.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big implant-filled belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} expanded middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} advanced pregnancy.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s hugely fat belly fills out ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on giant, jiggly guts all the same.`);
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s hugely fat belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on giant, jiggly guts all the same.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big fat belly fills out ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on large, jiggly guts all the same.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} growing pregnancy.`);
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big fat belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on large, jiggly guts all the same.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 5000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} growing pregnancy.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} swollen middle.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s implant-filled belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} rounded middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} growing pregnancy.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fat belly fills out ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on big, jiggly guts all the same.`);
-				} else if (((slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly"))) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s growing belly is noticeable under ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} growing pregnancy.`);
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fat belly fills out ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to a growing pregnancy, though it works on big, jiggly guts all the same.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 1500 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s small pregnant belly is noticeable under ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} pregnancy.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s ${slave.inflationType}-swollen belly is noticeable under ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} distended stomach.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s implant-rounded belly is noticeable under ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} swollen middle.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s growing belly is noticeable under ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} early pregnancy.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s chubby belly is noticeable under ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} pudgy belly.`);
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s chubby belly is noticeable under ${his} loose dress. It is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} pudgy belly.`);
+				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 100 || slave.bellyImplant >= 100) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s loose dress completely hides the slight swell beneath ${his} navel.`);
+				} else if (slave.muscles > 30) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s loose dress totally hides ${his} ripped abs.`);
 			case "stretch pants and a crop-top":
@@ -13043,30 +13299,91 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic, implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge tremendously from ${his} body.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s monolithic pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge tremendously from ${his} body. ${His} children constantly squirm in an effort to take advantage of reduced restrictions on ${his} body.`);
 				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic bulging pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely.`);
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang heavily from ${his} body.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s titanic pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang heavily from ${his} body. ${His} children greatly appreciate the space granted by ${his} exposed middle and squirm happily in their cramped confines.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 450000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s gigantic implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang heavily from ${his} body.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s gigantic pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang heavily from ${his} body. ${His} children appreciate the lack of restraint around their cramped home.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely.`);
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang heavily from ${his} body.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang heavily from ${his} body, giving ${his} children plenty of room to keep growing.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 120000) {
+					if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s giant implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge heavily out from ${his} body while pushing ${his} stretch pants low.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s giant pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge heavily out from ${his} body while pushing ${his} stretch pants low.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massively fat belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang and jiggle freely while obscuring ${his} stretch pants.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 15000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					}
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 10000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s hugely swollen belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s hugely fat belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang and jiggle freely while obscuring ${his} stretch pants.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s big fat belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
-				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely and slightly obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 5000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely and slightly obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely and slightly obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely and slightly obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely and slightly obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fat belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
-				} else if (((slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly"))) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s growing belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely.`);
+				} else if (slave.belly >= 1500 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+					if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s small pregnant belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely.`);
+					} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s ${slave.inflationType}-swollen belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s implant-rounded belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s growing belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to bulge freely.`);
+					}
 				} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s chubby belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure the top of ${his} stretch pants.`);
+				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 100 || slave.bellyImplant >= 100) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s stretch pants are fastened just beneath the slight swell of ${his} lower belly rendering it completely obvious.`);
+				} else if (slave.muscles > 30) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s ripped abs are prominently displayed for all to see.`);
 			case "spats and a tank top":
@@ -13089,64 +13406,195 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 							r.push(`monolithic pregnant belly`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-						r.push(`titanic, bulging pregnancy`);
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`titanic implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`titanic pregnancy`);
+						}
+					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 450000) {
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`gigantic implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`gigantic pregnancy`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
-						r.push(`massive pregnancy`);
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`massive implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`massive pregnancy`);
+						}
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 120000) {
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`giant implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`giant pregnancy`);
+						}
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 30000) {
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`huge implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`huge pregnancy`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
 						r.push(`massively fat belly`);
-					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
-						r.push(`huge pregnancy`);
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 15000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`huge pregnancy`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`huge implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`huge pregnancy`);
+						}
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 10000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`big pregnancy`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+							r.push(`hugely swollen belly`);
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`big implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`big pregnancy`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
 						r.push(`hugely fat belly`);
 					} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
 						r.push(`big fat belly`);
-					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
-						r.push(`pregnant belly`);
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 5000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`pregnant belly`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+							r.push(`jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly`);
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`implant-filled belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`pregnant belly`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
 						r.push(`fat belly`);
-					} else if (((slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly"))) {
-						r.push(`growing pregnancy`);
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 1500 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`small pregnant belly`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+							r.push(`${slave.inflationType}-swollen belly`);
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`implant-rounded belly`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`growing pregnancy`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
 						r.push(`chubby belly`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 100 || slave.bellyImplant >= 100) {
+						r.push(`slightly swollen belly`);
+					} else if (slave.muscles > 30) {
+						r.push(`ripped abs`);
+					}
+					if (slave.boobs > 4000) {
+						r.push(`by ${his} huge tits, leaving them to rest on it instead.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`by ${his} big tits, leaving it completely exposed to view.`);
+					}
+					if (slave.belly >= 30000) {
+						r.push(`It's hard to tell from the front, but there is a pair of spats fighting valiantly to hug the base of ${his} gravidity.`);
+					} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
+						r.push(`It's hard to tell from the front, but there is a pair of spats hidden beneath that shelf of flab.`);
-					r.push(`by ${his} big tits, leaving it completely exposed to view.`);
 				} else {
 					if (slave.belly >= 1000000) {
+						// wip
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 750000) {
 						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
-							r.push(`unfathomable, hyper-swollen, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly`);
 						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-							r.push(`unfathomable, hyper-swollen, implant-filled belly`);
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} monolithic belly, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats struggle to stay up beneath the boundless mass.`);
 						} else {
-							r.push(`unfathomable, hyper-swollen pregnant belly`);
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} monolithic pregnancy, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats struggle to stay up with so many shifting bulges threatening to unseat them.`);
-					} else if (slave.belly >= 750000) {
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 600000) {
 						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
-							r.push(`monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly`);
 						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-							r.push(`monolithic, implant-filled belly`);
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} titanic belly, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats are left to fend for themselves beneath the oppressive mass.`);
 						} else {
-							r.push(`monolithic pregnant belly`);
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} titanic pregnancy, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats are left to fend for themselves against the onslaught of squirming life within.`);
+						}
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 450000) {
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} gigantic belly, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats are left to fend for themselves beneath the oppressive mass.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} gigantic pregnancy, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats are left to fend for themselves against the onslaught of squirming life within.`);
-					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} titanic, bulging pregnancy, and can only rest atop it.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} massive pregnancy, only resting atop it.`);
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} massive belly, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats are left to fend for themselves beneath the oppressive mass.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top cannot even attempt to cover ${his} massive pregnancy, only rest atop it, while ${his} spats are left to fend for themselves beneath the restless mass.`);
+						}
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 120000) {
+						if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging belly. ${His} spats struggle to manage any of ${his} impressive bulk.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering any of ${his} lewd, bulging pregnancy. ${His} spats struggle to manage any of ${his} impressive bulk.`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is incapable of covering ${his} massively fat belly, so it merely rests atop it.`);
-					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 10000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly")) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging pregnancy, barely covering half its bulk.`);
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 15000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a huge empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging pregnancy, barely covering a fourth of its bulk while ${his} spats are stuck only coming up to its base.`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging belly, barely covering a fourth of its bulk while ${his} spats are stuck only coming up to its base.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging pregnancy, barely covering a fourth of its bulk while ${his} spats are stuck only coming up to its base.`);
+						}
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 10000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a large empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging pregnancy, barely covering half its bulk while ${his} spats are stuck only coming up to its base.`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top and spats cannot even attempt to cover ${his} hugely swollen belly, leaving it lewdly jutting out.`);
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging belly, barely covering half its bulk while ${his} spats are stuck only coming up to its base.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top is currently making a laughable attempt at covering ${his} lewd, bulging pregnancy, barely covering half its bulk while ${his} spats are stuck only coming up to its base.`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top fails to contain ${his} hugely fat belly, leaving it hanging loose and covering ${his} spats from view.`);
 					} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top fails to contain ${his} big fat belly, leaving it hanging loose and covering ${his} spats from view.`);
-					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly")) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top can't entirely cover ${his} big pregnancy, leaving ${him} looking particularly slutty.`);
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 5000 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a medium empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top can't entirely cover ${his} big pregnancy, leaving ${him} looking particularly slutty with ${his} spats pulled up only to its base.`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top only slightly covers ${his} jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly. ${His} spats only come up to the base of it.`);
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top can't entirely cover ${his} implant-filled belly, allowing it to bulge out ${his} spats.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top can't entirely cover ${his} big pregnancy, leaving ${him} looking particularly slutty with ${his} spats pulled up only to its base.`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top can't entirely contain ${his} fat belly, leaving a bit of it hanging loose and covering ${his} spats from view.`);
-					} else if (((slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) || (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly"))) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top bulges with ${his} growing pregnancy, leaving some of it exposed to view at the bottom.`);
+					} else if (slave.belly >= 1500 || slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+						if (slave.bellyAccessory === "a small empathy belly") {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top bulges with ${his} small pregnancy, leaving some of it exposed to view at the bottom.`);
+						} else if (isBellyFluidLargest) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top can't entirely cover ${his} ${slave.inflationType}-swollen belly, allowing it to hang loose and slightly push ${his} spats downwards.`);
+						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top bulges with ${his} implant-rounded belly, which peeks out from the bottom.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top bulges with ${his} growing pregnancy, leaving some of it exposed to view at the bottom.`);
+						}
 					} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s top bulges with ${his} chubby belly, leaving some of it exposed to view.`);
+					} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 100 || slave.bellyImplant >= 100) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s spats are a bit tight around ${his} lower belly.`);
+					} else if (slave.muscles > 30) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s ripped abs frequently peek out from beneath ${his} top.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js
index 73c21d997789da26b7937bf25840771dcc0df8fb..df6ea16b6d82ed8d99820389e8507f0046493b68 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js
@@ -1356,13 +1356,16 @@ App.Desc.crotch = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				case "a chattel habit":
 					r.push(`The strip of cloth running down ${his} front`);
+					if (setup.fakeBellies.includes(slave.bellyAccessory) || slave.weight > 95 || slave.belly >= 5000) {
+						r.push(`comes with a clip to fasten it to the underside of ${his} belly and`);
+					}
 					if (slave.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection(slave)) {
 						r.push(`splits well above the base of ${his} dick, allowing ${his} erection to stand out proudly.`);
-					} else if ((slave.chastityVagina) && (slave.chastityAnus)) {
+					} else if (slave.chastityVagina && slave.chastityAnus) {
 						r.push(`has the new religion's symbol for chastity embossed on it in gold, implying that this holy sex slave should only be used for oral.`);
-					} else if ((slave.vagina < 0) || (slave.chastityVagina)) {
+					} else if (slave.vagina < 0 || slave.chastityVagina) {
 						r.push(`has the new religion's symbol for anal sex embossed on it in gold, implying that this holy sex slave should be approached from the rear.`);
-					} else if ((slave.chastityAnus) && canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+					} else if (slave.chastityAnus && canDoVaginal(slave)) {
 						r.push(`has the new religion's symbol for anal chastity embossed on it in gold, implying that this holy sex slave should be used for vaginal sex or oral sex only.`);
 					} else if (slave.vagina === -1) {
 						r.push(`has the new religion's stylized for anal sex embossed on it in gold, since this slave's front is quite featureless.`);