diff --git a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js index 8ca2521f28b86282376f842aaa68b0cf6da51304..40c7c518b18ef6595eba5e5051a844cf3d494286 100644 --- a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js +++ b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js @@ -1,79 +1,571 @@ +App.Update.shred = function() { + let r = `Deleting old values... `; + const shredList = [ + "ACitizenLimit", + "AMenials", + "ASlaveLimit", + "ArcologyNamesArabianRevivalist", + "ArcologyNamesAssetExpansionist", + "ArcologyNamesAztecRevivalist", + "ArcologyNamesBodyPurist", + "ArcologyNamesChattelReligionist", + "ArcologyNamesChineseRevivalist", + "ArcologyNamesDegradationist", + "ArcologyNamesEdoRevivalist", + "ArcologyNamesEgyptianRevivalist", + "ArcologyNamesEugenics", + "ArcologyNamesGenderFundamentalist", + "ArcologyNamesGenderRadicalist", + "ArcologyNamesHedonisticDecadence", + "ArcologyNamesMaturityPreferentialist", + "ArcologyNamesPastoralist", + "ArcologyNamesPaternalist", + "ArcologyNamesPhysicalIdealist", + "ArcologyNamesRepopulationist", + "ArcologyNamesRomanRevivalist", + "ArcologyNamesSlimnessEnthusiast", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAmerindian", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAsian", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistBlack", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistIndoAryan", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistLatina", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMalay", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMiddleEastern", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMixedRace", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistPacificIslander", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSemitic", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSouthernEuropean", + "ArcologyNamesSubjugationistWhite", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistAmerindian", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistAsian", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistBlack", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistIndoAryan", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistLatina", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistMalay", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistMiddleEastern", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistMixedRace", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistPacificIslander", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistSemitic", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistSouthernEuropean", + "ArcologyNamesSupremacistWhite", + "ArcologyNamesTransformationFetishist", + "ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialist", + "BasicShortSMR", + "BasicTallSMR", + "CitizenRetirementTrigger", + "DJCareers", + "FSArabianRevivalist", + "FSArabianRevivalistLaw", + "FSAssetExpansionist", + "FSAssetExpansionistSMR", + "FSBodyPurist", + "FSBodyPuristLaw", + "FSChattelReligionist", + "FSChattelReligionistLaw", + "FSChineseRevivalist", + "FSChineseRevivalistLaw", + "FSCreditCountString", + "FSDegradationist", + "FSDegradationistLaw", + "FSEdoRevivalist", + "FSEdoRevivalistLaw", + "FSEgyptianRevivalist", + "FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw", + "FSGenderFundamentalist", + "FSGenderFundamentalistSMR", + "FSGenderRadicalist", + "FSGenderRadicalistLaw", + "FSGotRepCreditFive", + "FSGotRepCreditFour", + "FSGotRepCreditOne", + "FSGotRepCreditSix", + "FSGotRepCreditThree", + "FSGotRepCreditTwo", + "FSMaturityPreferentialist", + "FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw", + "FSPastoralist", + "FSPastoralistLaw", + "FSPaternalist", + "FSPaternalistLaw", + "FSPhysicalIdealist", + "FSPhysicalIdealistSMR", + "FSRomanRevivalist", + "FSRomanRevivalistLaw", + "FSSlimnessEnthusiast", + "FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR", + "FSSubjugationist", + "FSSubjugationistLawME", + "FSSubjugationistRace", + "FSSupremacist", + "FSSupremacistLawME", + "FSSupremacistRace", + "FSTransformationFetishist", + "FSTransformationFetishistSMR", + "FSYouthPreferentialist", + "FSYouthPreferentialistLaw", + "Flag", + "HGCareers", + "HGSuiteSlaves", + "LCRent", + "LurcherSpeed", + "MCRent", + "PCName", + "PCWounded", + "REBoobCollisionSub", + "REIfYouEnjoyItSub", + "RERelationshipSlave", + "RERepressedAnalVirginSub", + "RESadisticDescriptionSub", + "REShowerForceSub", + "SlaveSummaryFiler", + "TCRent", + "TradeShowHelots", + "UCRent", + "XX", + "XY", + "activeArcology", + "adopted", + "afghanSlaveNames", + "africaNationalities", + "africanAmericanSlaveNames", + "albanianSlaveNames", + "algerianSlaveNames", + "amerindianNationalities", + "analCount", + "ancientEgyptianSlaveNames", + "animalParts", + "appraiserGender", + "arcadeSlaves", + "arcologyName", + "argentinianSlaveNames", + "armenianSlaveNames", + "asiaNationalities", + "asianAmericanSlaveNames", + "asianNationalities", + "assayType", + "assayedSlave", + "assayedSlaveAvailable", + "assetAffected", + "assetDirection", + "assignFilter", + "attendantCareers", + "australiaNationalities", + "australianSlaveNames", + "austrianSlaveNames", + "aztecSlaveNames", + "badNames", + "badWords", + "bangladeshiSlaveNames", + "basenationalities", + "belarusianSlaveNames", + "belgianSlaveNames", + "bellyAccessories", + "bermudianSlaveNames", + "blackNationalities", + "blackSouthAfricanSlaveNames", + "bodyguardCareers", + "bolivianSlaveNames", + "boughtCanines", + "boughtCougars", + "boughtDingos", + "boughtFelines", + "boughtFoxes", + "boughtJackals", + "boughtJaguars", + "boughtLeopards", + "boughtLions", + "boughtLynx", + "boughtPumas", + "boughtTigers", + "boughtWolves", + "brazilianSlaveNames", + "britishSlaveNames", + "brothelSlaves", + "bruneianSlaveNames", + "burmeseSlaveNames", + "buttplugs", + "buyArcologyDirection", + "cambodianSlaveNames", + "cameroonianSlaveNames", + "canadianSlaveNames", + "captureAssetPrice", + "captureAssets", + "captureUpgradeAge", + "captureUpgradeGender", + "captureUpgradeRace", + "cellblockSlaves", + "chattelReligionistSlaveNames", + "chileanSlaveNames", + "chineseSlaveNames", + "clubSlaves", + "colombianSlaveNames", + "congoleseSlaveNames", + "corpCash", + "corpEasy", + "corpExpand", + "corpPeopleEnslaved", + "corpProfit", + "corpValue", + "cowSlaveNames", + "cubanSlaveNames", + "customValue", + "cyberMod", + "czechSlaveNames", + "dairySlaves", + "dangerousPregancy", + "danishSlaveNames", + "day", + "defaultCanine", + "defaultCaninePlural", + "defaultFeline", + "defaultFelinePlural", + "defaultHooved", + "defaultHoovedPlural", + "dickAccessories", + "djiboutianSlaveNames", + "dominicanSlaveNames", + "drugAssetPrice", + "drugAssets", + "drugUpgradeHormones", + "drugUpgradeInjectionOne", + "drugUpgradeInjectionTwo", + "drugs", + "dutchSlaveNames", + "edoSlaveNames", + "educatedCareers", + "egyptianSlaveNames", + "emiratiSlaveNames", + "enslaveChance", + "entertainmentCareers", + "entrapmentAssetPrice", + "entrapmentAssets", + "entrapmentUpgradeDevotionOne", + "entrapmentUpgradeDevotionTwo", + "entrapmentUpgradeIntelligence", + "estonianSlaveNames", + "ethiopianSlaveNames", + "europeNationalities", + "eventSlaves", + "fakeBellies", + "farmerCareers", + "farmyardSlaves", + "farmyardUpgradeList", + "fetishChangeChance", + "fighterOne", + "fighterOneDeadliness", + "fighterTwo", + "fighterTwoDeadliness", + "filipinaSlaveNames", + "finnishSlaveNames", + "frenchSlaveNames", + "gaboneseSlaveNames", + "generalAssetPrice", + "generalAssets", + "generalUpgradeBreaking", + "generalUpgradeMuscle", + "generalUpgradeWeight", + "germanSlaveNames", + "ghananSlaveNames", + "girls", + "gratefulCareers", + "greekSlaveNames", + "greenlandicSlaveNames", + "guatemalanSlaveNames", + "haitianSlaveNames", + "hare1", + "hare2", + "hare3", + "hareSpeed", + "hareSpeed1", + "hareSpeed2", + "hareSpeed3", + "harshCollars", + "helots", + "hostageCost", + "hungarianSlaveNames", + "icelandicSlaveNames", + "implanted", + "indianSlaveNames", + "individualCosts", + "indoaryanNationalities", + "indonesianSlaveNames", + "iranianSlaveNames", + "iraqiSlaveNames", + "irishSlaveNames", + "israeliSlaveNames", + "italianSlaveNames", + "jamaicanSlaveNames", + "japaneseSlaveNames", + "jordanianSlaveNames", + "kazakhSlaveNames", + "kenyanSlaveNames", + "koreanSlaveNames", + "latinaNationalities", + "latinaSlaveNames", + "lebaneseSlaveNames", + "libyanSlaveNames", + "limbs", + "limbsComplete", + "limbsCompleted", + "lithuanianSlaveNames", + "lowerClassSatisfied", + "lowerClassSexDemand", + "lowerRate", + "madamCareers", + "malayNationalities", + "malaysianSlaveNames", + "malianSlaveNames", + "manuallyRetired", + "marshalleseSlaveNames", + "masterSuiteSlaves", + "matronCareers", + "menialCareers", + "mexicanSlaveNames", + "middleClassSexDemand", + "middleRate", + "middleeastNationalities", + "middleeasternNationalities", + "milfSlave", + "milkmaidCareers", + "minimumChildAge", + "modded", + "modestClothes", + "monegasqueSlaveNames", + "montenegrinSlaveNames", + "month", + "moroccanSlaveNames", + "nepaleseSlaveNames", + "newZealanderSlaveNames", + "nigerianSlaveNames", + "northamericaNationalities", + "norwegianSlaveNames", + "nurseCareers", + "nurserySlaves", + "old", + "oldSharePrice", + "omaniSlaveNames", + "oralCount", + "organsCompleted", + "origin", + "origin1", + "origin2", + "origin3", + "origins", + "pacificislanderNationalities", + "pakistaniSlaveNames", + "personalAttentionChanged", + "personalShares", + "peruvianSlaveNames", + "piercingLocation", + "place", + "playerGetsMilked", + "polishSlaveNames", + "pornStarAbusiveID", + "pornStarAbusives", + "pornStarAnalAddictID", + "pornStarAnalAddicts", + "pornStarAnalID", + "pornStarAnals", + "pornStarAttentionWhoreID", + "pornStarAttentionWhores", + "pornStarBBWID", + "pornStarBBWs", + "pornStarBoobs", + "pornStarBoobsID", + "pornStarBreastGrowthID", + "pornStarBreastGrowths", + "pornStarBreederID", + "pornStarBreeders", + "pornStarCaringID", + "pornStarCarings", + "pornStarCumAddictID", + "pornStarCumAddicts", + "pornStarCumSlutID", + "pornStarCumSluts", + "pornStarDeepThroatID", + "pornStarDeepThroats", + "pornStarDomID", + "pornStarDoms", + "pornStarFuckdollID", + "pornStarFuckdolls", + "pornStarGainerID", + "pornStarGainers", + "pornStarHumiliationID", + "pornStarHumiliations", + "pornStarID", + "pornStarLoliID", + "pornStarLolis", + "pornStarMalicious", + "pornStarMaliciousID", + "pornStarMasochistID", + "pornStarMasochists", + "pornStarNeglectfulID", + "pornStarNeglectfuls", + "pornStarPainalID", + "pornStarPainals", + "pornStarPervertID", + "pornStarPerverts", + "pornStarPreggoID", + "pornStarPreggos", + "pornStarPregnancyID", + "pornStarPregnancySluts", + "pornStarRapeID", + "pornStarRapees", + "pornStarRomanticID", + "pornStarRomantics", + "pornStarSadistID", + "pornStarSadists", + "pornStarSelfHatingID", + "pornStarSelfHatings", + "pornStarSizeQueenID", + "pornStarSizeQueens", + "pornStarStruggleFuckID", + "pornStarStruggleFucks", + "pornStarStudID", + "pornStarStuds", + "pornStarSubID", + "pornStarSubs", + "pornStarTeaseID", + "pornStarTeases", + "pornStarUnflinchingID", + "pornStarUnflinchings", + "portugueseSlaveNames", + "pregNo", + "pregYes", + "publicShares", + "puertoRicanSlaveNames", + "recruiterCareers", + "recruiterMother", + "recruiterSister", + "recruiters", + "relations", + "rents", + "romanSlaveNames", + "romanianSlaveNames", + "russianSlaveNames", + "sammarineseSlaveNames", + "saudiSlaveNames", + "schoolTitle", + "schoolroomSlaves", + "schoolsPerfected", + "schoolsPresent", + "schoolteacherCareers", + "scottishSlaveNames", + "sellArcologyDirection", + "semiticNationalities", + "serbianSlaveNames", + "servantMilkersJobs", + "servantsQuartersSlaves", + "sexSubsidiesLC", + "sexSupplyBarriersLC", + "sharePrice", + "shoes", + "showBestiality", + "showMainClothing", + "showWardrobe", + "singaporeanSlaveNames", + "sissy", + "skillIncrease", + "slaveAssetPrice", + "slaveAssets", + "slaveDemandT", + "slaveDemandU", + "slaveExpiration", + "slaveProductivity", + "slaveRate", + "slavesOriginal", + "slim", + "slimPass", + "slovakSlaveNames", + "southamericaNationalities", + "southerneuropeanNationalities", + "spaSlaves", + "space", + "spanishSlaveNames", + "stacked", + "startingSlaveRelative", + "stewardessCareers", + "stockpile", + "sudaneseSlaveNames", + "surgicalAssetPrice", + "surgicalAssets", + "surgicalUpgradeCosmetics", + "surgicalUpgradeGenitalia", + "surgicalUpgradeImplants", + "swedishSlaveNames", + "swissSlaveNames", + "syrianSlaveNames", + "taitorWeeks", + "tanzanianSlaveNames", + "target1", + "target2", + "target3", + "targetEscape1", + "targetEscape2", + "targetEscape3", + "thaiSlaveNames", + "titles", + "topClassSexDemand", + "topRate", + "trainingAssetPrice", + "trainingAssets", + "trainingRegimen", + "trainingUpgradeAccent", + "trainingUpgradeEducation", + "trainingUpgradeSexEd", + "transaction", + "tunisianSlaveNames", + "turkishSlaveNames", + "tuvaluanSlaveNames", + "ugandanSlaveNames", + "ukrainianSlaveNames", + "uneducatedCareers", + "unmodded", + "upperClassSexDemand", + "upperRate", + "uruguayanSlaveNames", + "uzbekSlaveNames", + "vaginaTotal", + "vaginalAccessories", + "vaginalCount", + "venezuelanSlaveNames", + "veryYoungCareers", + "vietnameseSlaveNames", + "vignettes", + "wardenessCareers", + "weddingSlaveID", + "welfare", + "whiteAmericanSlaveNames", + "whiteNationalities", + "whiteSouthAfricanSlaveNames", + "whoreCareers", + "year", + "yemeniSlaveNames", + "young", + "youngCareers", + "zambianSlaveNames", + "zimbabweanSlaveNames" + ]; + for (let shred of shredList) { + if (typeof V[shred] !== "undefined") { + if (V.debugMode){ + r += `<div>Found old value: $${shred}, deleted it.</div>`; + } + delete V[shred]; + } + } + return r += "Done!"; +}; + App.Update.generalBC = function() { let r = ""; if (Array.isArray(V.nationalities)) { V.nationalities = weightedArray2HashMap(V.nationalities); } - if (typeof V.brothelSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.brothelSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.clubSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.clubSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.arcadeSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.arcadeSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.dairySlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.dairySlaves; - } - if (typeof V.servantsQuartersSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.servantsQuartersSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.masterSuiteSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.masterSuiteSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.HGSuiteSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.HGSuiteSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.farmyardSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.farmyardSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.cellblockSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.cellblockSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.schoolroomSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.schoolroomSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.spaSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.spaSlaves; - } if (typeof V.spaSpots === "undefined") { V.spaSpots = 0; } - if (typeof V.nurserySlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.nurserySlaves; - } - - if (typeof V.hostageCost !== "undefined") { - delete V.hostageCost; - } - - if (typeof V.youngCareers !== "undefined") { - delete V.youngCareers, V.educatedCareers, V.uneducatedCareers, V.gratefulCareers, V.menialCareers, V.entertainmentCareers, V.whoreCareers, V.HGCareers, V.madamCareers, V.DJCareers, V.bodyguardCareers, V.wardenessCareers, V.nurseCareers, V.attendantCareers, V.matronCareers, V.milkmaidCareers, V.farmerCareers, V.stewardessCareers, V.schoolteacherCareers; - - delete V.whiteNationalities, V.asianNationalities, V.latinaNationalities, V.middleeasternNationalities, V.blackNationalities, V.indoaryanNationalities, V.pacificislanderNationalities, V.malayNationalities, V.amerindianNationalities, V.southerneuropeanNationalities, V.semiticNationalities; - - delete V.whiteAmericanSlaveNames, V.africanAmericanSlaveNames, V.asianAmericanSlaveNames, V.latinaSlaveNames, V.russianSlaveNames, V.egyptianSlaveNames, V.brazilianSlaveNames, V.chineseSlaveNames, V.koreanSlaveNames, V.indianSlaveNames, V.indonesianSlaveNames, V.bangladeshiSlaveNames, V.japaneseSlaveNames, V.nigerianSlaveNames, V.pakistaniSlaveNames, V.mexicanSlaveNames, V.filipinaSlaveNames, V.ethiopianSlaveNames, V.germanSlaveNames, V.saudiSlaveNames, V.turkishSlaveNames, V.colombianSlaveNames, V.argentinianSlaveNames, V.vietnameseSlaveNames, V.iranianSlaveNames, V.congoleseSlaveNames, V.frenchSlaveNames, V.thaiSlaveNames, V.britishSlaveNames, V.italianSlaveNames, V.spanishSlaveNames, V.kenyanSlaveNames, V.ukrainianSlaveNames, V.canadianSlaveNames, V.peruvianSlaveNames, V.venezuelanSlaveNames, V.irishSlaveNames, V.icelandicSlaveNames, V.finnishSlaveNames, V.newZealanderSlaveNames, V.polishSlaveNames, V.greekSlaveNames, V.israeliSlaveNames, V.armenianSlaveNames, V.moroccanSlaveNames, V.romanianSlaveNames, V.swedishSlaveNames, V.lithuanianSlaveNames, V.bolivianSlaveNames, V.haitianSlaveNames, V.cubanSlaveNames, V.whiteSouthAfricanSlaveNames, V.blackSouthAfricanSlaveNames, V.chileanSlaveNames, V.belgianSlaveNames, V.danishSlaveNames, V.norwegianSlaveNames, V.hungarianSlaveNames, V.estonianSlaveNames, V.slovakSlaveNames, V.kazakhSlaveNames, V.zimbabweanSlaveNames, V.ugandanSlaveNames, V.tanzanianSlaveNames, V.dutchSlaveNames, V.austrianSlaveNames, V.swissSlaveNames, V.puertoRicanSlaveNames, V.czechSlaveNames, V.portugueseSlaveNames, V.jamaicanSlaveNames, V.malaysianSlaveNames, V.guatemalanSlaveNames, V.ghananSlaveNames, V.serbianSlaveNames, V.australianSlaveNames, V.burmeseSlaveNames, V.algerianSlaveNames, V.sudaneseSlaveNames, V.iraqiSlaveNames, V.uzbekSlaveNames, V.nepaleseSlaveNames, V.afghanSlaveNames, V.yemeniSlaveNames, V.lebaneseSlaveNames, V.tunisianSlaveNames, V.emiratiSlaveNames, V.libyanSlaveNames, V.jordanianSlaveNames, V.omaniSlaveNames, V.malianSlaveNames, V.sammarineseSlaveNames, V.marshalleseSlaveNames, V.syrianSlaveNames, V.bermudianSlaveNames, V.uruguayanSlaveNames, V.monegasqueSlaveNames, V.montenegrinSlaveNames, V.cambodianSlaveNames, V.cameroonianSlaveNames, V.gaboneseSlaveNames, V.djiboutianSlaveNames, V.greenlandicSlaveNames, V.tuvaluanSlaveNames, V.zambianSlaveNames, V.albanianSlaveNames, V.bruneianSlaveNames, V.singaporeanSlaveNames; - - delete V.cowSlaveNames, V.chattelReligionistSlaveNames, V.romanSlaveNames, V.aztecSlaveNames, V.ancientEgyptianSlaveNames, V.edoSlaveNames; - - delete V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistWhite, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistAsian, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistLatina, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMiddleEastern, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistBlack, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistIndoAryan, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistPacificIslander, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMalay, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistAmerindian, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistSouthernEuropean, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistSemitic, V.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMixedRace; - - delete V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistWhite, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAsian, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistLatina, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMiddleEastern, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistBlack, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistIndoAryan, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistPacificIslander, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMalay, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAmerindian, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSouthernEuropean, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSemitic, V.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMixedRace; - - delete V.ArcologyNamesGenderRadicalist, V.ArcologyNamesGenderFundamentalist, V.ArcologyNamesPaternalist, V.ArcologyNamesDegradationist, V.ArcologyNamesBodyPurist, V.ArcologyNamesTransformationFetishist, V.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialist, V.ArcologyNamesMaturityPreferentialist, V.ArcologyNamesSlimnessEnthusiast, V.ArcologyNamesAssetExpansionist, V.ArcologyNamesPastoralist, V.ArcologyNamesPhysicalIdealist, V.ArcologyNamesChattelReligionist, V.ArcologyNamesRomanRevivalist, V.ArcologyNamesAztecRevivalist, V.ArcologyNamesEgyptianRevivalist, V.ArcologyNamesEdoRevivalist, V.ArcologyNamesArabianRevivalist, V.ArcologyNamesChineseRevivalist; - - /* pregmod-exclusive variables below */ - delete V.veryYoungCareers, V.recruiterCareers; - delete V.northamericaNationalities, V.southamericaNationalities, V.europeNationalities, V.asiaNationalities, V.middleeastNationalities, V.africaNationalities, V.australiaNationalities; - delete V.belarusianSlaveNames, V.dominicanSlaveNames, V.scottishSlaveNames; - delete V.ArcologyNamesEugenics, V.ArcologyNamesRepopulationist, V.ArcologyNamesHedonisticDecadence; - delete V.drugs, V.harshCollars, V.shoes, V.bellyAccessories, V.vaginalAccessories, V.dickAccessories, V.buttplugs; - } - - if (typeof V.Flag !== "undefined") { - delete V.Flag; - } if (typeof V.brandTarget === "string") { V.brandTarget = {primary: V.brandTarget, secondary: "buttock", local: "buttock"}; @@ -98,33 +590,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { V.scarDesign = {primary: "generic", local: "generic"}; } - if (typeof V.servantMilkersJobs !== "undefined") { - delete V.servantMilkersJobs; - } - - if (typeof V.fakeBellies !== "undefined") { - delete V.fakeBellies; - } - - if (typeof V.badWords !== "undefined") { - delete V.badWords; - } - - if (typeof V.badNames !== "undefined") { - delete V.badNames; - } - - if ((typeof V.origin !== "undefined") || (typeof V.origins !== "undefined")) { - delete V.origin, V.origins; - } - - if ((typeof V.hare1 !== "undefined") || (typeof V.hareSpeed1 !== "undefined")) { - delete V.hare1, V.hare2, V.hare3, V.hareSpeed, V.hareSpeed1, V.hareSpeed2, V.hareSpeed3, V.origin1, V.origin2, V.origin3, V.LurcherSpeed; - } - - if (typeof V.basenationalities !== "undefined") { - delete V.basenationalities; - } if (typeof V.marrying !== "object") { V.marrying = []; @@ -133,11 +598,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { V.weddingPlanned = 0; } - if (typeof V.weddingSlaveID !== "undefined") { - delete V.weddingSlaveID; - V.weddingPlanned = 0; - } - if (typeof V.reminders === "undefined") { V.reminders = []; } else if (!Array.isArray(V.reminders)) { @@ -190,9 +650,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.HGSeverity === "undefined") { V.HGSeverity = 0; } - if (typeof V.recruiters !== "undefined") { - delete V.recruiters; - } if (typeof V.fixedNationality === "undefined") { V.fixedNationality = 0; } @@ -217,75 +674,10 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.peacekeepers === "undefined") { V.peacekeepers = 0; } - if (typeof V.modestClothes !== "undefined") { - delete V.modestClothes; - } if (typeof V.completedOrgans === "undefined") { V.completedOrgans = []; } - if (typeof V.eventSlaves !== "undefined") { - delete V.eventSlaves; - } - if (typeof V.place !== "undefined") { - delete V.place; - } - if ((typeof V.assayedSlave !== "undefined") || (typeof V.assayedSlaveAvailable !== "undefined") || typeof V.assayType !== "undefined") { - delete V.assayedSlave, V.assayedSlaveAvailable, V.assayType; - } - if ((typeof V.RERepressedAnalVirginSub !== "undefined") || (typeof V.REBoobCollisionSub !== "undefined") || (typeof V.REIfYouEnjoyItSub !== "undefined") || (typeof V.RESadisticDescriptionSub !== "undefined") || typeof V.REShowerForceSub !== "undefined") { - delete V.RERepressedAnalVirginSub, V.REBoobCollisionSub, V.REIfYouEnjoyItSub, V.RESadisticDescriptionSub, V.REShowerForceSub; - } - if ((typeof V.unmodded !== "undefined") || (typeof V.modded !== "undefined") || (typeof V.XX !== "undefined") || (typeof V.XY !== "undefined") || (typeof V.old !== "undefined") || (typeof V.young !== "undefined") || (typeof V.pregYes !== "undefined") || (typeof V.pregNo !== "undefined") || (typeof V.implanted !== "undefined") || (typeof V.slimPass !== "undefined") || (typeof V.slim !== "undefined") || typeof V.stacked !== "undefined") { - delete V.unmodded, V.modded, V.XX, V.XY, V.old, V.young, V.pregYes, V.pregNo, V.implanted, V.slimPass, V.slim, V.stacked; - } - if ((typeof V.recruiterMother !== "undefined") || typeof V.recruiterSister !== "undefined") { - delete V.recruiterMother, V.recruiterSister; - } - if (typeof V.relations !== "undefined") { - delete V.relations; - } - if (typeof V.milfSlave !== "undefined") { - delete V.milfSlave; - } - if (typeof V.vignettes !== "undefined") { - delete V.vignettes; - } - if (typeof V.piercingLocation !== "undefined") { - delete V.piercingLocation; - } - if ((typeof V.target1 !== "undefined") || (typeof V.target2 !== "undefined") || typeof V.target3 !== "undefined") { - delete V.target1, V.target2, V.target3; - } - if ((typeof V.targetEscape1 !== "undefined") || (typeof V.targetEscape2 !== "undefined") || typeof V.targetEscape3 !== "undefined") { - delete V.targetEscape1, V.targetEscape2, V.targetEscape3; - } - if ((typeof V.oralCount !== "undefined") || (typeof V.vaginalCount !== "undefined") || typeof V.analCount !== "undefined") { - delete V.oralCount, V.vaginalCount, V.analCount; - } - if ((typeof V.fighterOne !== "undefined") || typeof V.fighterTwo !== "undefined") { - delete V.fighterOne, V.fighterTwo; - } - if ((typeof V.fighterOneDeadliness !== "undefined") || typeof V.fighterTwoDeadliness !== "undefined") { - delete V.fighterOneDeadliness, V.fighterTwoDeadliness; - } - if (typeof V.adopted !== "undefined") { - delete V.adopted; - } - if (typeof V.fetishChangeChance !== "undefined") { - delete V.fetishChangeChance; - } - if ((typeof V.titles !== "undefined") || (typeof V.schoolsPresent !== "undefined") || (typeof V.schoolsPerfected !== "undefined") || typeof V.schoolTitle !== "undefined") { - delete V.titles, V.schoolsPresent, V.schoolsPerfected, V.schoolTitle; - } - if (typeof V.appraiserGender !== "undefined") { - delete V.appraiserGender; - } - if ((typeof V.assetDirection !== "undefined") || typeof V.assetAffected !== "undefined") { - delete V.assetDirection, V.assetAffected; - } - if (typeof V.rents !== "undefined") { - delete V.rents; - } + if (typeof V.rent === "undefined") { V.rent = {}; } @@ -294,39 +686,20 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { } if (typeof V.LCRent !== "undefined") { V.rent.lowerClass = V.LCRent; - delete V.LCRent; } if (typeof V.MCRent !== "undefined") { V.rent.middleClass = V.MCRent; - delete V.MCRent; } if (typeof V.UCRent !== "undefined") { V.rent.upperClass = V.UCRent; - delete V.UCRent; } if (typeof V.TCRent !== "undefined") { V.rent.topClass = V.TCRent; - delete V.TCRent; - } - if (typeof V.space !== "undefined") { - delete V.space; - } - if (typeof V.vaginaTotal !== "undefined") { - delete V.vaginaTotal; } V.enduringTrust = Number(V.enduringTrust) || 0; V.enduringDevotion = Number(V.enduringDevotion) || 0; V.averageTrust = Number(V.averageTrust) || 0; V.averageDevotion = Number(V.averageDevotion) || 0; - if (typeof V.limbsComplete !== "undefined") { - delete V.limbsComplete; - } - if (typeof V.minimumChildAge !== "undefined") { - delete V.minimumChildAge; - } - if (typeof V.customValue !== "undefined") { - delete V.customValue; - } if (typeof V.tabChoice === "undefined") { V.tabChoice = {Main: "all"}; } @@ -354,11 +727,9 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { V.BasicWeightSMR = 0; } if (typeof V.BasicTallSMR !== "undefined") { - delete V.BasicTallSMR; V.BasicHeightSMR = 1; } if (typeof V.BasicShortSMR !== "undefined") { - delete V.BasicShortSMR; V.BasicHeightSMR = -1; } if (typeof V.BasicHeightSMR === "undefined") { @@ -502,18 +873,9 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.missingParentID === "undefined") { V.missingParentID = -10000; } - if (typeof V.startingSlaveRelative !== "undefined") { - delete V.startingSlaveRelative; - } if (typeof V.mom === "undefined") { V.mom = 0; } - if (typeof V.animalParts !== "undefined") { - delete V.animalParts; - } - if (typeof V.showBestiality !== "undefined") { - delete V.showBestiality; - } if (typeof V.seeBestiality === "undefined") { V.seeBestiality = 0; } @@ -571,9 +933,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.dangerousPregnancy === "undefined") { V.dangerousPregnancy = 1; } - if (typeof V.dangerousPregancy !== "undefined") { - delete V.dangerousPregancy; - } if (typeof V.retainCareer === "undefined") { V.retainCareer = 1; } @@ -734,9 +1093,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { lab: 0 }; } - if (typeof V.farmyardUpgradeList !== "undefined") { - delete V.farmyardUpgradeList; - } if (typeof V.farmyardCrops === "undefined") { V.farmyardCrops = 0; } @@ -769,30 +1125,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.felines === "undefined") { V.felines = []; } - if (typeof V.boughtCanines !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtCanines; - } - if (typeof V.boughtFelines !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtFelines; - } - if (typeof V.defaultCanine !== "undefined") { - delete V.defaultCanine; - } - if (typeof V.defaultHooved !== "undefined") { - delete V.defaultHooved; - } - if (typeof V.defaultFeline !== "undefined") { - delete V.defaultFeline; - } - if (typeof V.defaultCaninePlural !== "undefined") { - delete V.defaultCaninePlural; - } - if (typeof V.defaultHoovedPlural !== "undefined") { - delete V.defaultHoovedPlural; - } - if (typeof V.defaultFelinePlural !== "undefined") { - delete V.defaultFelinePlural; - } if (typeof V.activeCanine === "undefined") { V.activeCanine = 0; } @@ -802,39 +1134,7 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.activeFeline === "undefined") { V.activeFeline = 0; } - if (typeof V.boughtWolves !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtWolves; - } - if (typeof V.boughtFoxes !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtFoxes; - } - if (typeof V.boughtJackals !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtJackals; - } - if (typeof V.boughtDingos !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtDingos; - } - if (typeof V.boughtCougars !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtCougars; - } - if (typeof V.boughtJaguars !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtJaguars; - } - if (typeof V.boughtPumas !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtPumas; - } - if (typeof V.boughtLynx !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtLynx; - } - if (typeof V.boughtLeopards !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtLeopards; - } - if (typeof V.boughtLions !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtLions; - } - if (typeof V.boughtTigers !== "undefined") { - delete V.boughtTigers; - } + if (typeof V.legendaryWombID === "undefined") { V.legendaryWombID = 0; @@ -842,9 +1142,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.FSCreditCount === "undefined") { V.FSCreditCount = 5; } - if (typeof V.FSCreditCountString !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSCreditCountString; - } if (typeof V.FSGotRepCredits === "undefined") { if (V.FSGotRepCreditSix === 1) { V.FSGotRepCredits = 7; @@ -864,33 +1161,13 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { V.FSGotRepCredits = 0; } } - if (typeof V.FSGotRepCreditSix !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSGotRepCreditSix; - } - if (typeof V.FSGotRepCreditFive !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSGotRepCreditFive; - } - if (typeof V.FSGotRepCreditFour !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSGotRepCreditFour; - } - if (typeof V.FSGotRepCreditThree !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSGotRepCreditThree; - } - if (typeof V.FSGotRepCreditTwo !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSGotRepCreditTwo; - } - if (typeof V.FSGotRepCreditOne !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSGotRepCreditOne; - } + if (typeof V.makeDicks === "undefined") { V.makeDicks = 0; } if (typeof V.showEconomicDetails === "undefined") { V.showEconomicDetails = 0; } - if (typeof V.assignFilter !== "undefined") { - delete V.assignFilter; - } if (typeof V.personalAttention === "undefined") { V.personalAttention = "sex"; } @@ -898,7 +1175,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.personalAttention === "number") { V.personalAttention = [{ID: V.personalAttention, trainingRegimen: V.trainingRegimen}]; } - delete V.trainingRegimen, V.personalAttentionChanged; } if (typeof V.huskSlaveOrdered === "undefined") { @@ -1041,12 +1317,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.showNumbersMax === "undefined") { V.showNumbersMax = 20; } - if (typeof V.showWardrobe !== "undefined") { - delete V.showWardrobe; - } - if (typeof V.showMainClothing !== "undefined") { - delete V.showMainClothing; - } if (typeof V.surnameOrder === "undefined") { V.surnameOrder = 0; } @@ -1206,32 +1476,17 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.AMenials !== "undefined") { V.ASlaves += Math.trunc(V.AMenials / 2); - delete V.AMenials; } if (typeof V.helots !== "undefined") { V.menials = V.helots; - delete V.helots; } if (typeof V.TradeShowHelots !== "undefined") { V.TradeShowMenials = V.TradeShowHelots; - delete V.TradeShowHelots; } - if (typeof V.seeBuilding === "undefined") { V.seeBuilding = V.seeArcology; } - - if (typeof V.year !== "undefined") { - delete V.year; - } - if (typeof V.day !== "undefined") { - delete V.day; - } - if (typeof V.month !== "undefined") { - delete V.month; - } - if (typeof V.arcologies === "undefined") { V.arcologies = []; V.arcologies[0] = { @@ -1280,7 +1535,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if (typeof V.arcologyName !== "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].name = V.arcologyName; - delete V.arcologyName; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].name === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].name = "Arcology X-4"; } @@ -1370,14 +1624,11 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if ((typeof V.FSSupremacist !== "undefined") && V.FSSupremacist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist = V.FSSupremacist; V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace = V.FSSupremacistRace; - delete V.FSSupremacist; - delete V.FSSupremacistRace; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSSupremacistLawME !== "undefined") && V.FSSupremacistLawME !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME = V.FSSupremacistLawME; - delete V.FSSupremacistLawME; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME = 0; } @@ -1394,14 +1645,11 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if ((typeof V.FSSubjugationist !== "undefined") && V.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist = V.FSSubjugationist; V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace = V.FSSubjugationistRace; - delete V.FSSubjugationist; - delete V.FSSubjugationistRace; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSSubjugationistLawME !== "undefined") && V.FSSubjugationistLawME !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME = V.FSSubjugationistLawME; - delete V.FSSubjugationistLawME; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME = 0; } @@ -1417,55 +1665,45 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if ((typeof V.FSDegradationist !== "undefined") && V.FSDegradationist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist = V.FSDegradationist; - delete V.FSDegradationist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSDegradationistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSDegradationistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationistLaw = V.FSDegradationistLaw; - delete V.FSDegradationistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSPaternalist !== "undefined") && V.FSPaternalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist = V.FSPaternalist; - delete V.FSPaternalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSPaternalistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSPaternalistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalistLaw = V.FSPaternalistLaw; - delete V.FSPaternalistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "undefined") && V.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist = V.FSGenderFundamentalist; - delete V.FSGenderFundamentalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSGenderFundamentalistSMR !== "undefined") && V.FSGenderFundamentalistSMR !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR = V.FSGenderFundamentalistSMR; - delete V.FSGenderFundamentalistSMR; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR = 0; } delete V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLaw; if ((typeof V.FSGenderRadicalist !== "undefined") && V.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist = V.FSGenderRadicalist; - delete V.FSGenderRadicalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist = "unset"; } - if (typeof V.FSGenderRadicalistLaw !== "undefined") { - delete V.FSGenderRadicalistLaw; - } if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty = 0; } @@ -1477,42 +1715,36 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if ((typeof V.FSBodyPurist !== "undefined") && V.FSBodyPurist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist = V.FSBodyPurist; - delete V.FSBodyPurist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSBodyPuristLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSBodyPuristLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristLaw = V.FSBodyPuristLaw; - delete V.FSBodyPuristLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "undefined") && V.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist = V.FSPhysicalIdealist; - delete V.FSPhysicalIdealist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSPhysicalIdealistSMR !== "undefined") && V.FSPhysicalIdealistSMR !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistSMR = V.FSPhysicalIdealistSMR; - delete V.FSPhysicalIdealistSMR; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistSMR === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistSMR = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSTransformationFetishist !== "undefined") && V.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist = V.FSTransformationFetishist; - delete V.FSTransformationFetishist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSTransformationFetishistSMR !== "undefined") && V.FSTransformationFetishistSMR !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistSMR = V.FSTransformationFetishistSMR; - delete V.FSTransformationFetishistSMR; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistSMR === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistSMR = 0; } @@ -1520,14 +1752,12 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if ((typeof V.FSAssetExpansionist !== "undefined") && V.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist = V.FSAssetExpansionist; - delete V.FSAssetExpansionist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSAssetExpansionistSMR !== "undefined") && V.FSAssetExpansionistSMR !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistSMR = V.FSAssetExpansionistSMR; - delete V.FSAssetExpansionistSMR; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistSMR === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistSMR = 0; } @@ -1535,98 +1765,84 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if ((typeof V.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "undefined") && V.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = V.FSSlimnessEnthusiast; - delete V.FSSlimnessEnthusiast; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR !== "undefined") && V.FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR = V.FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR; - delete V.FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "undefined") && V.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist = V.FSMaturityPreferentialist; - delete V.FSMaturityPreferentialist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw = V.FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw; - delete V.FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "undefined") && V.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist = V.FSYouthPreferentialist; - delete V.FSYouthPreferentialist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSYouthPreferentialistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSYouthPreferentialistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistLaw = V.FSYouthPreferentialistLaw; - delete V.FSYouthPreferentialistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSPastoralist !== "undefined") && V.FSPastoralist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist = V.FSPastoralist; - delete V.FSPastoralist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSPastoralistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSPastoralistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralistLaw = V.FSPastoralistLaw; - delete V.FSPastoralistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSChattelReligionist !== "undefined") && V.FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist = V.FSChattelReligionist; - delete V.FSChattelReligionist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSChattelReligionistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSChattelReligionistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw = V.FSChattelReligionistLaw; - delete V.FSChattelReligionistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSRomanRevivalist !== "undefined") && V.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist = V.FSRomanRevivalist; - delete V.FSRomanRevivalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSRomanRevivalistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSRomanRevivalistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistLaw = V.FSRomanRevivalistLaw; - delete V.FSRomanRevivalistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "undefined") && V.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist = V.FSEgyptianRevivalist; - delete V.FSEgyptianRevivalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw = V.FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw; - delete V.FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw = 0; } @@ -1640,42 +1856,36 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { if ((typeof V.FSEdoRevivalist !== "undefined") && V.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist = V.FSEdoRevivalist; - delete V.FSEdoRevivalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSEdoRevivalistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSEdoRevivalistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistLaw = V.FSEdoRevivalistLaw; - delete V.FSEdoRevivalistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSArabianRevivalist !== "undefined") && V.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist = V.FSArabianRevivalist; - delete V.FSArabianRevivalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSArabianRevivalistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSArabianRevivalistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistLaw = V.FSArabianRevivalistLaw; - delete V.FSArabianRevivalistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalistLaw = 0; } if ((typeof V.FSChineseRevivalist !== "undefined") && V.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist = V.FSChineseRevivalist; - delete V.FSChineseRevivalist; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist = "unset"; } if ((typeof V.FSChineseRevivalistLaw !== "undefined") && V.FSChineseRevivalistLaw !== 0) { V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistLaw = V.FSChineseRevivalistLaw; - delete V.FSChineseRevivalistLaw; } else if (typeof V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistLaw === "undefined") { V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalistLaw = 0; } @@ -1705,26 +1915,13 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { V.postSexCleanUp = 1; } - if (typeof V.individualCosts !== "undefined") { - delete V.individualCosts; - } - if (typeof V.sissy !== "undefined") { - delete V.sissy; - } + if (((typeof V.DefaultBirthDestination === "undefined") || (V.DefaultBirthDestination === "") || (V.DefaultBirthDestination === "anywhere"))) { V.DefaultBirthDestination = "individually decided fates"; } if (typeof V.abbreviateHormoneBalance === "undefined") { V.abbreviateHormoneBalance = 2; } - if (typeof V.skillIncrease !== "undefined") { - delete V.skillIncrease; - } - - if (typeof V.activeArcology !== "undefined") { - delete V.activeArcology; - } - V.HackingSkillMultiplier = upgradeMultiplier('hacking'); V.upgradeMultiplierArcology = upgradeMultiplier('engineering'); V.upgradeMultiplierMedicine = upgradeMultiplier('medicine'); @@ -1897,10 +2094,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { }); V.completedOrgans = _newOrgans; - if (typeof V.organsCompleted !== "undefined") { - delete V.organsCompleted; - } - if ((V.PC.customTitle === "")) { V.PC.customTitle = undefined, V.PC.customTitleLisp = undefined; } @@ -1912,9 +2105,6 @@ App.Update.generalBC = function() { V.building = App.Arcology.defaultBuilding(); } } - if (typeof V.slavesOriginal !== "undefined") { - delete V.slavesOriginal; - } return r; }; @@ -1991,9 +2181,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { if (typeof V.REReductionCheckinIDs === "undefined") { V.REReductionCheckinIDs = []; } - if (typeof V.RERelationshipSlave !== "undefined") { - delete V.RERelationshipSlave; - } if (typeof V.dormitory === "undefined") { V.dormitory = 20; } @@ -2270,7 +2457,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { } if (typeof V.taitorWeeks !== "undefined") { V.traitorWeeks = V.taitorWeeks; - delete V.taitorWeeks; } if (typeof V.rivalGender === "undefined") { if ((V.rivalOwner > 0)) { @@ -2597,10 +2783,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { if (typeof V.citizenRetirementMenials === "undefined") { V.citizenRetirementMenials = 0; } - if (typeof V.citizenRetirementTrigger === "undefined") { - V.citizenRetirementTrigger = V.CitizenRetirementTrigger || 0; - delete V.CitizenRetirementTrigger; - } if (typeof V.FSSupLawTrigger === "undefined") { V.FSSupLawTrigger = 0; } @@ -2610,10 +2792,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { if (typeof V.FSSlaveProfLawTrigger === "undefined") { V.FSSlaveProfLawTrigger = 0; } - if (typeof V.manuallyRetired !== "undefined") { - delete V.manuallyRetired; - } - if (typeof V.justiceEvents === "undefined") { V.justiceEvents = ["indenture deal", "majority deal", "slave deal", "slave training", "virginity deal"]; } @@ -2703,79 +2881,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { V.pornStars.sadist = {p1count: V.pornStarSadists, p3ID: V.pornStarSadistID}; V.pornStars.masochist = {p1count: V.pornStarMasochists, p3ID: V.pornStarMasochistID}; V.pornStars.pregnancy = {p1count: V.pornStarPregnancySluts, p3ID: V.pornStarPregnancyID}; - - /* Reset all the old porn type counts */ - delete V.pornStarFuckdolls; - delete V.pornStarRapees; - delete V.pornStarPreggos; - delete V.pornStarBBWs; - delete V.pornStarGainers; - delete V.pornStarStuds; - delete V.pornStarLolis; - delete V.pornStarDeepThroats; - delete V.pornStarStruggleFucks; - delete V.pornStarPainals; - delete V.pornStarTeases; - delete V.pornStarRomantics; - delete V.pornStarPerverts; - delete V.pornStarCarings; - delete V.pornStarUnflinchings; - delete V.pornStarSizeQueens; - delete V.pornStarNeglectfuls; - delete V.pornStarCumAddicts; - delete V.pornStarAnalAddicts; - delete V.pornStarAttentionWhores; - delete V.pornStarBreastGrowths; - delete V.pornStarAbusives; - delete V.pornStarMalicious; - delete V.pornStarSelfHatings; - delete V.pornStarBreeders; - delete V.pornStarSubs; - delete V.pornStarCumSluts; - delete V.pornStarAnals; - delete V.pornStarHumiliations; - delete V.pornStarBoobs; - delete V.pornStarDoms; - delete V.pornStarSadists; - delete V.pornStarMasochists; - delete V.pornStarPregnancySluts; - - /* Reset old level 3 prestige variables */ - delete V.pornStarID; - delete V.pornStarFuckdollID; - delete V.pornStarRapeID; - delete V.pornStarPreggoID; - delete V.pornStarBBWID; - delete V.pornStarGainerID; - delete V.pornStarStudID; - delete V.pornStarLoliID; - delete V.pornStarDeepThroatID; - delete V.pornStarStruggleFuckID; - delete V.pornStarPainalID; - delete V.pornStarTeaseID; - delete V.pornStarRomanticID; - delete V.pornStarPervertID; - delete V.pornStarCaringID; - delete V.pornStarUnflinchingID; - delete V.pornStarSizeQueenID; - delete V.pornStarNeglectfulID; - delete V.pornStarCumAddictID; - delete V.pornStarAnalAddictID; - delete V.pornStarAttentionWhoreID; - delete V.pornStarBreastGrowthID; - delete V.pornStarAbusiveID; - delete V.pornStarMaliciousID; - delete V.pornStarSelfHatingID; - delete V.pornStarBreederID; - delete V.pornStarSubID; - delete V.pornStarCumSlutID; - delete V.pornStarAnalID; - delete V.pornStarHumiliationID; - delete V.pornStarBoobsID; - delete V.pornStarDomID; - delete V.pornStarSadistID; - delete V.pornStarMasochistID; - delete V.pornStarPregnancyID; } /* make sure that any new genres get added correctly (and populate V.pornStars for very old games) */ @@ -2828,12 +2933,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { V.NPCSlaves = V.ASlaves; V.ASlaves += V.menials + V.fuckdolls + V.menialBioreactors; } - if ((typeof V.ACitizenLimit !== "undefined") || typeof V.ASlaveLimit !== "undefined") { - delete V.ACitizenLimit, V.ASlaveLimit; - } - if ((typeof V.welfare !== "undefined") || (typeof V.slaveDemandU !== "undefined") || typeof V.slaveDemandT !== "undefined" || (typeof V.slaveProductivity !== "undefined") || (typeof V.enslaveChance !== "undefined") || typeof V.slaveExpiration !== "undefined") { - delete V.welfare, V.slaveDemandU, V.slaveDemandT, V.slaveProductivity, V.enslaveChance, V.slaveExpiration; - } /* Corporation variables added*/ if (typeof V.vanillaShareSplit === "undefined") { @@ -2845,9 +2944,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { if (typeof V.corpDiv === "undefined") { V.corpDiv = 0; } - if (typeof V.corpExpand !== "undefined") { - delete V.corpExpand; - } if (typeof V.corpExpandToken === "undefined") { V.corpExpandToken = 0; } @@ -2917,9 +3013,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { if (typeof V.corpSpecRaces === "undefined") { V.corpSpecRaces = []; } - if (typeof V.corpEasy !== "undefined") { - delete V.corpEasy; - } V.dividendTimer = V.dividendTimer || 13; if (typeof V.corpEcon === "undefined") { V.corpEcon = 0; @@ -2933,7 +3026,6 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { /* Paying the player for his old corporation, so they can get the new one started with haste. It should perhaps have a message going with it*/ V.mercenariesHelpCorp = 0; V.corpMarket = 0; - delete V.corpPeopleEnslaved, V.slaveAssets, V.slaveAssetPrice, V.corpProfit, V.corpCash, V.corpValue, V.sharePrice, V.oldSharePrice, V.personalShares, V.publicShares, V.generalAssetPrice, V.generalAssets, V.entrapmentAssets, V.entrapmentAssetPrice, V.captureAssets, V.captureAssetPrice, V.trainingAssets, V.trainingAssetPrice, V.surgicalAssets, V.surgicalAssetPrice, V.drugAssets, V.drugAssetPrice, V.generalUpgradeBreaking, V.generalUpgradeWeight, V.generalUpgradeMuscle, V.entrapmentUpgradeDevotionOne, V.entrapmentUpgradeDevotionTwo, V.entrapmentUpgradeIntelligence, V.captureUpgradeGender, V.surgicalUpgradeGenitalia, V.captureUpgradeAge, V.captureUpgradeRace, V.trainingUpgradeAccent, V.trainingUpgradeEducation, V.trainingUpgradeSexEd, V.surgicalUpgradeCosmetics, V.surgicalUpgradeImplants, V.drugUpgradeHormones, V.drugUpgradeInjectionOne, V.drugUpgradeInjectionTwo; if (typeof V.sectors !== "undefined") { for (let _i = 0; _i < V.sectors.length; _i++) { if (V.sectors[_i].type === "CorporateMarket") { @@ -2948,38 +3040,25 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { if (typeof V.publicFuckdolls === "undefined") { V.publicFuckdolls = 0; } - if (typeof V.lowerClassSexDemand !== "undefined") { - delete V.lowerClassSexDemand; - } + if (typeof V.classSatisfied === "undefined") { V.classSatisfied = {}; } if (typeof V.lowerClassSatisfied !== "undefined") { V.classSatisfied.lowerClass = V.lowerClassSatisfied; - delete V.lowerClassSatisfied; - } - if (typeof V.middleClassSexDemand !== "undefined") { - delete V.middleClassSexDemand; - } - if (typeof V.upperClassSexDemand !== "undefined") { - delete V.upperClassSexDemand; - } - if (typeof V.topClassSexDemand !== "undefined") { - delete V.topClassSexDemand; } + if (typeof V.sexSubsidies === "undefined") { V.sexSubsidies = {}; } if (typeof V.sexSubsidiesLC !== "undefined") { V.sexSubsidies.lowerClass = V.sexSubsidiesLC; - delete V.sexSubsidiesLC; } if (typeof V.sexSupplyBarriers === "undefined") { V.sexSupplyBarriers = {}; } if (typeof V.sexSupplyBarriersLC !== "undefined") { V.sexSupplyBarriers.lowerClass = V.sexSupplyBarriersLC; - delete V.sexSupplyBarriersLC; } if (typeof V.arcadePrice === "undefined") { V.arcadePrice = 2; @@ -3027,21 +3106,7 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function() { if (typeof V.rations === "undefined") { V.rations = 0; } - if (typeof V.slaveRate !== "undefined") { - delete V.slaveRate; - } - if (typeof V.lowerRate !== "undefined") { - delete V.lowerRate; - } - if (typeof V.middleRate !== "undefined") { - delete V.middleRate; - } - if (typeof V.upperRate !== "undefined") { - delete V.upperRate; - } - if (typeof V.topRate !== "undefined") { - delete V.topRate; - } + EconomyDatatypeCleanup(); ArcologyDatatypeCleanup(); @@ -3313,11 +3378,9 @@ App.Update.oldVersions = function() { break; } }); - delete V.limbs; } if (typeof V.limbsCompleted !== "undefined") { V.adjustProstheticsCompleted = V.limbsCompleted; - delete V.limbsCompleted; } /* lab */ @@ -3471,7 +3534,6 @@ App.Update.oldVersions = function() { sexT: {amount: V.stockpile.sexPTail, research: 0}, erectile: {amount: V.stockpile.erectileImplant, research: V.researchLab.erectileImplant} }; - delete V.stockpile; delete V.researchLab.basicPLimbInterface; delete V.researchLab.advPLimbInterface; delete V.researchLab.basicPLimb; @@ -3485,22 +3547,6 @@ App.Update.oldVersions = function() { delete V.researchLab.erectileImplant; } } - if (typeof V.cyberMod !== "undefined") { - delete V.cyberMod; - } - /* unify cybermod & vanilla finished*/ - - if (typeof V.buyArcologyDirection !== "undefined") { - delete V.buyArcologyDirection; - } - if (typeof V.sellArcologyDirection !== "undefined") { - delete V.sellArcologyDirection; - } - if (typeof V.transaction !== "undefined") { - delete V.transaction; - } - - delete V.SlaveSummaryFiler; } if (V.releaseID < 1047) { if (V.loliGrow > 0) { @@ -3918,7 +3964,6 @@ App.Update.oldVersions = function() { } if (typeof V.PCWounded !== "undefined") { _newPC.majorInjury = V.PCWounded; - delete V.PCWounded; } if (typeof V.girls !== "undefined") { if (V.girls === 1) { @@ -3928,7 +3973,6 @@ App.Update.oldVersions = function() { } else { _newPC.rules.living = "luxurious"; } - delete V.girls; } if (typeof V.playerGetsMilked !== "undefined") { if (V.playerGetsMilked === 2) { @@ -3936,7 +3980,6 @@ App.Update.oldVersions = function() { } else if (V.playerGetsMilked === 1) { V.PC.rules.lactation = "maintain"; } - delete V.playerGetsMilked; } WombInit(_newPC); @@ -3946,7 +3989,6 @@ App.Update.oldVersions = function() { if (typeof V.PC.name === "undefined") { if (typeof V.PCName !== "undefined") { V.PC.name = V.PCName; - delete V.PCName; } } if (typeof V.PC.surname === "undefined") { diff --git a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw index 2483e037978fc0fe9b9455b6e35a4a7956c01231..8ea8185535a292173b37bcb8365f5b8bf5405e0b 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw @@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ <br> <<include "SecExpBackwardCompatibility">> <</if>> </div> - +<div> + <<= App.Update.shred()>> +</div> /* leave this at the bottom of BC */ <div> <<= App.Update.cleanUp()>>