diff --git a/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js b/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
index ae3c8f9efb2a65dd092c3192a8db45b2399a3512..77854e982ad0a54bd4b81558fee78ffe1129e132 100644
--- a/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
@@ -1040,8 +1040,7 @@ App.Data.resetOnNGPlus = {
 	Bodyguard: 0,
 	/** @type {FC.SlaveStateOrZero} */
 	Madam: 0,
-	/** @type {FC.SlaveStateOrZero} */
-	DJ: 0,
+	djID: 0,
 	/** @type {FC.SlaveStateOrZero} */
 	Milkmaid: 0,
 	milkmaidImpregnates: 0,
diff --git a/js/003-data/policiesData.js b/js/003-data/policiesData.js
index de749cfe5e10be7c2214bd6f346a965719c9f51c..e5be2e88b0319cee5ad61244fd044c3367071b55 100644
--- a/js/003-data/policiesData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/policiesData.js
@@ -497,12 +497,12 @@ App.Data.Policies.Selection = {
-		"mercenariesHelpCorp": [
+		"policies.raidingMercenaries": [
 				title: "Raiding Mercenaries",
 				text: "you will allow your mercenaries to occasionally conduct a raid directly for your benefit.",
 				activatedText: "you are allowing your mercenaries to occasionally raid for your direct benefit.",
-				requirements: function() { return (V.mercenaries > 0); },
+				requirements: function() { return (V.mercenaries > 0) && (V.mercenariesHelpCorp > 0); },
 				get note() { return `Will cost ${cashFormat(policies.cost())} weekly to maintain`; }
diff --git a/src/002-config/fc-version.js b/src/002-config/fc-version.js
index c798b23d14ca5076fcdb3b97021d744dd78d1410..95c56fcc0df620841bf4063ade116cdcc98f4d10 100644
--- a/src/002-config/fc-version.js
+++ b/src/002-config/fc-version.js
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ App.Version = {
 	base: "", // The vanilla version the mod is based off of, this should never be changed.
 	pmod: "3.5.4",
 	commitHash: null,
-	release: 1075
+	release: 1076
diff --git a/src/004-base/specialSlavesProxy.js b/src/004-base/specialSlavesProxy.js
index 64b2870e0ac6680fbdcc7be2c58a61a8919d78b1..92622b4efbf40a734577d4532cc4fc371868ca8d 100644
--- a/src/004-base/specialSlavesProxy.js
+++ b/src/004-base/specialSlavesProxy.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ App.SpecialSlavesProxy = class SpecialSlavesProxy {
 		return V.Concubine;
 	get DJ() {
-		return V.DJ;
+		return slaveStateById(V.djID);
 	get Farmer() {
 		return V.Farmer;
diff --git a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/datatypeCleanup.js b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/datatypeCleanup.js
index 79d17e6b4fef8df67fbceb4607de100ae1c73b8f..4564df3e1027f97c63cd859987bea7823421d2c2 100644
--- a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/datatypeCleanup.js
+++ b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/datatypeCleanup.js
@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ globalThis.FacilityDatatypeCleanup = (function() {
 		V.club = Math.max(+V.club, 0) || 0;
 		V.clubUpgradePDAs = Math.clamp(+V.clubUpgradePDAs, 0, 1) || 0;
 		/* madam */
-		V.DJ = V.slaves.find(s => s.assignment === Job.DJ) || 0;
+		V.djID = findSlaveId(s => s.assignment === Job.DJ);
 		V.DJignoresFlaws = Math.clamp(+V.DJignoresFlaws, 0, 1) || 0;
diff --git a/src/endWeek/endWeek.js b/src/endWeek/endWeek.js
index c949a7664ca7e789fa2768a3ca17a2e1a296f9e9..e905a4a5fd2eb3dd55c60f8510de9c84504744c6 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/endWeek.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/endWeek.js
@@ -292,9 +292,7 @@ globalThis.endWeek = (function() {
 		V.unMadam = 0;
 		V.madamCashBonus = 0;
 		V.whorePriceAdjustment = {};
-		V.DJ = 0;
 		V.unDJ = 0;
-		V.DJRepBonus = 0;
 		V.Milkmaid = 0;
 		V.Farmer = 0;
 		V.Concubine = 0;
diff --git a/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js b/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js
index b8252954db6506ee1b98fb09d045d24e7d8d5556..6b013a041e06b7b387094a7ae8ce2d69bae0d93e 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/healthFunctions.js
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ globalThis.willWorkToDeath = function(slave) {
 		return true;
 	} else if (V.Madam !== 0 && (slave.assignment === Job.BROTHEL || (slave.assignment === Job.WHORE && V.brothel > 0 && V.universalRulesFacilityWork === 1 && V.brothelSpots > 0))) {
 		return true;
-	} else if (V.DJ !== 0 && (slave.assignment === Job.CLUB || (slave.assignment === Job.PUBLIC && V.club > 0 && V.universalRulesFacilityWork === 1 && V.clubSpots > 0))) {
+	} else if (S.DJ && (slave.assignment === Job.CLUB || (slave.assignment === Job.PUBLIC && V.club > 0 && V.universalRulesFacilityWork === 1 && V.clubSpots > 0))) {
 		return true;
 	return false;
diff --git a/src/endWeek/saServeThePublic.js b/src/endWeek/saServeThePublic.js
index 43a8ed4fe5390045911d3b0b5582a603e3e3c19a..0ba7049fd4e6f60cc534eb59b12ddcef99ea34e0 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/saServeThePublic.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/saServeThePublic.js
@@ -142,36 +142,36 @@ App.SlaveAssignment.serveThePublic = (function() {
 				if ((slave.hears === -1 && slave.earwear !== "hearing aids") || (slave.hears === 0 && slave.earwear === "muffling ear plugs") || (slave.hears === -2)) {
 					r += ` ${His} inability to move to the rhythm of the music is very off putting to those looking to party.`;
-				if (V.DJ !== 0) {
-					const DJpronouns = getPronouns(V.DJ);
-					if (V.DJRepBonus > 0) {
+				if (S.DJ) {
+					const DJpronouns = getPronouns(S.DJ);
+					if (DJRepBonus() > 0) {
 						if (slave.assignment === Job.PUBLIC) {
 							r += ` Working`;
 						} else {
 							r += ` Living and working`;
-						r += ` out of the club, ${he} comes under ${SlaveFullName(V.DJ)}'s `;
-						if (V.DJRepBonus < 0.1) {
+						r += ` out of the club, ${he} comes under ${SlaveFullName(S.DJ)}'s `;
+						if (DJRepBonus() < 0.1) {
 							r += `completely inept`;
-						} else if (V.DJRepBonus < 0.2) {
+						} else if (DJRepBonus() < 0.2) {
 							r += `unskilled`;
-						} else if (V.DJRepBonus < 0.3) {
+						} else if (DJRepBonus() < 0.3) {
 							r += `skillful`;
 						} else {
 							r += `masterful`;
 						r += ` leadership.`;
-						if (V.DJ.face > 40 && (V.DJ.intelligence + V.DJ.intelligenceImplant > 50)) {
+						if (S.DJ.face > 40 && (S.DJ.intelligence + S.DJ.intelligenceImplant > 50)) {
 							if (slave.devotion > 20) {
 								r += ` The DJ is such a gorgeous diva that ${he}'s swept along by ${DJpronouns.possessive} charisma, and does ${his} best to be a worthy part of ${DJpronouns.possessive} entourage.`;
 						if (V.DJignoresFlaws !== 1) {
 							if (!["abusive", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "breeder", "cum addict", "malicious", "neglectful", "none", "self hating"].includes(slave.sexualFlaw) && jsRandom(1, 100) > 90) {
-								r += ` ${SlaveFullName(V.DJ)} manages to <span class="flaw break">break</span> ${slave.slaveName} of ${his} sexual flaws.`;
+								r += ` ${SlaveFullName(S.DJ)} manages to <span class="flaw break">break</span> ${slave.slaveName} of ${his} sexual flaws.`;
 								slave.sexualFlaw = "none";
 							} else if (slave.behavioralFlaw !== "none" && jsRandom(1, 100) > 90) {
-								r += ` ${SlaveFullName(V.DJ)} manages to <span class="flaw break">break</span> ${slave.slaveName} of ${his} flaws.`;
+								r += ` ${SlaveFullName(S.DJ)} manages to <span class="flaw break">break</span> ${slave.slaveName} of ${his} flaws.`;
 								slave.behavioralFlaw = "none";
@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ App.SlaveAssignment.serveThePublic = (function() {
 				r += ` ${He} spends reduced hours working the floor in ${V.clubName} in order to <span class="green">offset ${his} lack of rest.</span>`;
 			} else if (slave.health.tired + 15 >= 90 && !willWorkToDeath(slave)) {
 				r += ` ${He} attempts to turn down citizens due to ${his} exhaustion, but can do little to stop it or the resulting `;
-				if (V.DJ !== 0) {
-					r += `<span class="trust dec">severe punishment</span> by ${V.DJ.slaveName}. ${His} <span class="devotion dec">reluctance</span> is worked around by your watchful DJ, preventing citizens from ever realizing ${his} intent.`;
+				if (S.DJ) {
+					r += `<span class="trust dec">severe punishment</span> by ${S.DJ.slaveName}. ${His} <span class="devotion dec">reluctance</span> is worked around by your watchful DJ, preventing citizens from ever realizing ${his} intent.`;
 				} else {
 					r += `<span class="trust dec">severe punishment.</span> ${He} <span class="devotion dec">purposefully underperforms,</span> choosing ${his} overall well-being over the consequences, <span class="reputation dec">aggravating citizens and damaging the establishment's image.</span>`;
 					repX(forceNeg(50), "disobedience", slave);
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ App.SlaveAssignment.serveThePublic = (function() {
 				r += ` ${He} spends reduced hours serving in order to <span class="green">offset ${his} lack of rest.</span>`;
 			} else if (slave.health.tired + 15 >= 90 && !willWorkToDeath(slave)) {
 				r += ` ${He} attempts to turn down citizens due to ${his} exhaustion, but can do little to avoid it or the resulting `;
-				if (V.club > 0 && V.universalRulesFacilityWork === 1 && V.clubSpots > 0 && V.DJ !== 0) {
-					r += `<span class="trust dec">severe punishment</span> by ${V.DJ.slaveName}. ${His} <span class="devotion dec">reluctance</span> is worked around by your watchful DJ, preventing citizens from ever realizing ${his} intent.`;
+				if (V.club > 0 && V.universalRulesFacilityWork === 1 && V.clubSpots > 0 && S.DJ) {
+					r += `<span class="trust dec">severe punishment</span> by ${S.DJ.slaveName}. ${His} <span class="devotion dec">reluctance</span> is worked around by your watchful DJ, preventing citizens from ever realizing ${his} intent.`;
 				} else {
 					r += `<span class="trust dec">severe punishment.</span> ${He} <span class="devotion dec">purposefully underperforms,</span> choosing ${his} overall well-being over the consequences, <span class="reputation dec">causing a scene and damaging the image of your public servants.</span>`;
 					repX(forceNeg(100), "disobedience", slave);
diff --git a/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js b/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
index 9ff7803af55461ccb7253aa3a636654ce99045b8..4fa4fce42e4cebccf09fdc6c7a370406c61fa905 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ App.EndWeek.slaveAssignmentReport = function() {
 				} else if (V.unDJ === 5) {
 					_printSlaveUnassignedNote(slave, "can no longer hear");
-				if (V.DJ === 0) {
+				if (V.djID === 0) {
 					removeJob(slave, Job.DJ);
diff --git a/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js b/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js
index 18469448a5525b9578299418306adae2412efdc8..07957119502fbeff4b069c7b23e37d87c4cefca6 100644
--- a/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js
+++ b/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ App.Events.RERelativeRecruiter = class RERelativeRecruiter extends App.Events.Ba
 			App.Events.addParagraph(frag, t);
 			t = [];
-			t.push(`You look up the ${_this.params.relative}. ${He2} costs ${cashFormat(cost)}, a bargain, but you won't be able to inspect ${him2} beyond his likely resemblance to ${eventSlave.slaveName}.`);
+			t.push(`You look up the ${_this.params.relative}. ${He2} costs ${cashFormat(cost)}, a bargain, but you won't be able to inspect ${him2} beyond ${his2} likely resemblance to ${eventSlave.slaveName}.`);
 			t.push(_this._getBackgroundDescription(V.activeSlave, _this.params.background));
 			App.Events.addParagraph(frag, t);
@@ -561,7 +561,8 @@ App.Events.RERelativeRecruiter = class RERelativeRecruiter extends App.Events.Ba
 			const origSlave = BaseSlave();
-			const genepoolRec = App.Entity.Utils.GenePoolRecordCleanup(V.genePool.find(s => s.ID === _this.actors[0]));
+			const genepoolRec = V.genePool.find(s => s.ID === _this.actors[0]);
+			App.Entity.Utils.GenePoolRecordCleanup(genepoolRec);
 			Object.assign(origSlave, genepoolRec);
 			const newSlave = generateRelatedSlave(origSlave, _this.params.relative);
diff --git a/src/js/assayJS.js b/src/js/assayJS.js
index dd9544d81470e8ed762d1baa45e3853b85ac5fe0..5be576962ca5afce0b39732b498a65cd20d8935b 100644
--- a/src/js/assayJS.js
+++ b/src/js/assayJS.js
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ globalThis.inferiorRaceP = function(slave) {
 globalThis.isLeaderP = function(slave) {
 	/** @type {FC.SlaveStateOrZero[]} */
-	const leaders = [V.HeadGirl, V.Bodyguard, V.Recruiter, V.Concubine, S.Nurse, S.Attendant, V.Matron, V.Madam, V.DJ, V.Milkmaid, V.Farmer, S.Stewardess, S.Schoolteacher, S.Wardeness];
+	const leaders = [V.HeadGirl, V.Bodyguard, V.Recruiter, V.Concubine, S.Nurse, S.Attendant, V.Matron, V.Madam, S.DJ, V.Milkmaid, V.Farmer, S.Stewardess, S.Schoolteacher, S.Wardeness];
 	return leaders.some(leader => leader && leader.ID && leader.ID === slave.ID);
diff --git a/src/js/assignJS.js b/src/js/assignJS.js
index 3924410b8a0dc7acb5bd03625d95034d2d997257..c21f0bf8a8d75a7e3dd21dffec468cc1f8cda2dc 100644
--- a/src/js/assignJS.js
+++ b/src/js/assignJS.js
@@ -508,8 +508,8 @@ globalThis.removeJob = function(slave, assignment, saveRecord = false) {
 			V.Bodyguard = 0;
 		} else if (V.Madam !== 0 && slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) {
 			V.Madam = 0;
-		} else if (V.DJ !== 0 && slave.ID === V.DJ.ID) {
-			V.DJ = 0;
+		} else if (V.djID === slave.ID) {
+			V.djID = 0;
 		} else if (V.Milkmaid !== 0 && slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) {
 			V.Milkmaid = 0;
 		} else if (V.Farmer !== 0 && slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) {
diff --git a/src/js/economyJS.js b/src/js/economyJS.js
index 5a1c2afdc3711f96811f7e0f639e82eba9f526c0..034448782ce4e313258b8bafe87304f72a471a41 100644
--- a/src/js/economyJS.js
+++ b/src/js/economyJS.js
@@ -1,3 +1,48 @@
+globalThis.DJRepBonus = function() {
+	let value = 0;
+	const djIntel = S.DJ.intelligence + S.DJ.intelligenceImplant;
+	if (S.DJ.relationship === -3 && S.DJ.devotion > 50) {
+		value += 0.1;
+		// $He tries $his best to be your energetic, cheerful $wife.
+	}
+	if (!canSee(S.DJ)) {
+		value += 0.15;
+	}
+	if ( S.DJ.skill.entertainment > 10 && S.DJ.skill.entertainment <= 30) {
+		value += 0.05;
+		// $DJ.slaveName's basic skills marginally <span class="green">improve</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	} else if (S.DJ.skill.entertainment <= 60) {
+		value += 0.1;
+		// $DJ.slaveName's skills <span class="green">improve</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	} else if (S.DJ.skill.entertainment < 100) {
+		value += 0.15;
+		// $DJ.slaveName's skills greatly <span class="green">improve</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	} else if (S.DJ.skill.entertainment >= 100) {
+		value += 0.20;
+		// $DJ.slaveName's mastery immensely <span class="green">;improves</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	}
+	if (S.DJ.muscles > 5 && S.DJ.muscles <= 95) {
+		value += 0.05;
+		// $His toned body helps $him lead $his fellow club sluts by letting $him dance all night.
+	}
+	if (djIntel > 15) {
+		value += 0.05 * Math.floor((-0.00008 * djIntel * djIntel) + (0.0337 * djIntel) + 0.5);
+		// $He's smart enough to make an actual contribution to the music, greatly enhancing the entire experience.
+	}
+	if (S.DJ.face > 95) {
+		value += 0.05;
+		// $His great beauty is a further draw, even when $he's in $his DJ booth, but especially when $he comes out to dance.
+	}
+	if (setup.DJCareers.includes(S.DJ.career)) {
+		value += 0.05;
+		// $He has musical experience from $his life before $he was a slave, a grounding that gives $his tracks actual depth.
+	} else if (S.DJ.skill.DJ >= V.masteredXP) {
+		value += 0.05;
+		// $He has musical experience from working for you, giving $his tracks actual depth.
+	}
+	return value;
 globalThis.CategoryAssociatedGroup = Object.freeze({
@@ -1424,72 +1469,27 @@ globalThis.slaveJobValues = function(lowerClassSexDemandRef, middleClassSexDeman
 	// Accounting for the DJ.
-	V.DJ = V.slaves.find(s => {
-		return s.assignment === Job.DJ;
-	});
-	if (V.DJ !== 0) {
-		if (!canTalk(V.DJ)) {
-			V.DJ = 0;
+	if (S.DJ) {
+		if (!canTalk(S.DJ)) {
+			V.djID = 0;
 			V.unDJ = 1;
-		} else if (V.DJ.preg > 37 && V.DJ.broodmother === 2) {
-			V.DJ = 0;
+		} else if (S.DJ.preg > 37 && S.DJ.broodmother === 2) {
+			V.djID = 0;
 			V.unDJ = 2;
-		} else if (V.DJ.fetish === "mindbroken") {
-			V.DJ = 0;
+		} else if (S.DJ.fetish === "mindbroken") {
+			V.djID = 0;
 			V.unDJ = 3;
-		} else if (!canWalk(V.DJ)) {
-			V.DJ = 0;
+		} else if (!canWalk(S.DJ)) {
+			V.djID = 0;
 			V.unDJ = 4;
-		} else if (!canHear(V.DJ)) {
-			V.DJ = 0;
+		} else if (!canHear(S.DJ)) {
+			V.djID = 0;
 			V.unDJ = 5;
-	if (V.DJ !== 0) {
-		const djIntel = V.DJ.intelligence + V.DJ.intelligenceImplant;
-		V.DJRepBonus = 0;
-		if (V.DJ.relationship === -3 && V.DJ.devotion > 50) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.1;
-			// $He tries $his best to be your energetic, cheerful $wife.
-		}
-		if (!canSee(V.DJ)) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.15;
-		}
-		if ( V.DJ.skill.entertainment > 10 && V.DJ.skill.entertainment <= 30) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.05;
-			// $DJ.slaveName's basic skills marginally <span class="green">improve</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
-		} else if (V.DJ.skill.entertainment <= 60) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.1;
-			// $DJ.slaveName's skills <span class="green">improve</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
-		} else if (V.DJ.skill.entertainment < 100) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.15;
-			// $DJ.slaveName's skills greatly <span class="green">improve</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
-		} else if (V.DJ.skill.entertainment >= 100) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.20;
-			// $DJ.slaveName's mastery immensely <span class="green">;improves</span> the atmosphere in $clubName.
-		}
-		if (V.DJ.muscles > 5 && V.DJ.muscles <= 95) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.05;
-			// $His toned body helps $him lead $his fellow club sluts by letting $him dance all night.
-		}
-		if (djIntel > 15) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.05 * Math.floor((-0.00008 * djIntel * djIntel) + (0.0337 * djIntel) + 0.5);
-			// $He's smart enough to make an actual contribution to the music, greatly enhancing the entire experience.
-		}
-		if (V.DJ.face > 95) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.05;
-			// $His great beauty is a further draw, even when $he's in $his DJ booth, but especially when $he comes out to dance.
-		}
-		if (setup.DJCareers.includes(V.DJ.career)) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.05;
-			// $He has musical experience from $his life before $he was a slave, a grounding that gives $his tracks actual depth.
-		} else if (V.DJ.skill.DJ >= V.masteredXP) {
-			V.DJRepBonus += 0.05;
-			// $He has musical experience from working for you, giving $his tracks actual depth.
-		}
+	if (S.DJ) {
 		// The DJ adding to 'club'
-		SJVClub(V.slaves[V.slaveIndices[V.DJ.ID]]);
+		SJVClub(S.DJ);
 	// Checking for space in the club
@@ -1675,7 +1675,7 @@ globalThis.slaveJobValues = function(lowerClassSexDemandRef, middleClassSexDeman
 		if (s.assignment === Job.CLUB || toTheClub === 1) {
-			beautyMultiplier += V.DJRepBonus;
+			beautyMultiplier += DJRepBonus();
 			if (canHear(s) === false) {
 				beautyMultiplier -= 0.65;
 				// $His inability to move to the rhythm of the music is very off putting to those looking to party.
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/style/clothing.js b/src/npc/descriptions/style/clothing.js
index 8ef339077f185d7ba19c8cfb57c2c68f57dc1e0e..21b118bd427eeab4fa4fbcb16a98663710f18ad6 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/style/clothing.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/style/clothing.js
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ App.Desc.clothing = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				r.push(`${His} uniform is pinned with the`);
 				if (slave.ID === V.Bodyguard.ID || slave.ID === V.HeadGirl.ID || slave.ID === V.Recruiter.ID || slave.ID === V.Concubine.ID) {
 					r.push(`golden whip and manacles insignia of a senior slave officer,`);
-				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.DJ.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
+				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.djID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
 					r.push(`golden manacles insignia of a junior slave officer,`);
 				} else if ((slave.skill.combat > 0) && getLimbCount(slave, 105) > 0) {
 					r.push(`silver spear and manacles insignia of an augmented slave soldier,`);
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ App.Desc.clothing = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				r.push(`${His} uniform is pinned with the`);
 				if (slave.ID === V.Bodyguard.ID || slave.ID === V.HeadGirl.ID || slave.ID === V.Recruiter.ID || slave.ID === V.Concubine.ID) {
 					r.push(`golden whip and manacles insignia of a senior slave officer,`);
-				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.DJ.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
+				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.djID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
 					r.push(`golden manacles insignia of a junior slave officer,`);
 				} else if ((slave.skill.combat > 0) && getLimbCount(slave, 105)) {
 					r.push(`silver spear and manacles insignia of an augmented slave soldier,`);
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ App.Desc.clothing = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				r.push(`${His} uniform is pinned with the`);
 				if ((slave.ID === V.Bodyguard.ID) || (slave.ID === V.HeadGirl.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Recruiter.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Concubine.ID)) {
 					r.push(`golden whip and manacles insignia of a senior slave officer,`);
-				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.DJ.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
+				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.djID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
 					r.push(`golden manacles insignia of a junior slave officer,`);
 				} else if ((slave.skill.combat > 0) && getLimbCount(slave, 105)) {
 					r.push(`silver spear and manacles insignia of an augmented slave soldier,`);
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ App.Desc.clothing = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				r.push(`${His} uniform is pinned with the`);
 				if ((slave.ID === V.Bodyguard.ID) || (slave.ID === V.HeadGirl.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Recruiter.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Concubine.ID)) {
 					r.push(`golden whip and manacles insignia of a senior slave officer,`);
-				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.DJ.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
+				} else if ((slave.ID === V.Madam.ID) || (slave.ID === V.NurseID) || (slave.ID === V.AttendantID) || (slave.ID === V.Matron.ID) || (slave.ID === V.djID) || (slave.ID === V.Milkmaid.ID) || (slave.ID === V.Farmer.ID) || (slave.ID === V.StewardessID) || (slave.ID === V.SchoolteacherID) || (slave.ID === V.WardenessID)) {
 					r.push(`golden manacles insignia of a junior slave officer,`);
 				} else if ((slave.skill.combat > 0) && getLimbCount(slave, 105)) {
 					r.push(`silver spear and manacles insignia of an augmented slave soldier,`);
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
index f369a72f3c1cef8d77b4d4da4e268ed40c2e15c2..6c3762e4ba3e20be09c6d6b62e3c4f9f7a322d19 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 	<<case "madam strategy">>
 		<<set $activeSlave = getSlave($Madam.ID)>>
 	<<case "DJ publicity">>
-		<<set $activeSlave = getSlave($DJ.ID)>>
+		<<set $activeSlave = getSlave($djID)>>
 	<<case "tired milkmaid" "tired collectrix">>
 		<<set $activeSlave = getSlave($Milkmaid.ID)>>
 	<<case "loving concubine">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
index 92b5101f0b6c23ebf3fa9eb8132874f56c182ff7..08136f0578b437d766014341087575a220b29d26 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
@@ -3080,7 +3080,7 @@ As you pass by the area of the penthouse where slaves sleep one morning, you're
-You recognize the tune: it's one of <<if $DJ != 0>>$DJ.slaveName's most popular tracks<<elseif $club != 0>>the most popular tracks in $clubName<<else>>the most popular house tracks in the Free City<</if>>, and it's made for sexy dancing. Shaking $his
+You recognize the tune: it's one of <<if _S.DJ>>_S.DJ.slaveName's most popular tracks<<elseif $club != 0>>the most popular tracks in $clubName<<else>>the most popular house tracks in the Free City<</if>>, and it's made for sexy dancing. Shaking $his
 <<if $activeSlave.hips > 2>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.weight > 30>>
 		awe inspiring, soft
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/club.tw b/src/uncategorized/club.tw
index 74fe3887039bebc101bcab61b9c8f4e59a3b3bce..2595248737fa5521982e80daea7032a1845820b2 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/club.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/club.tw
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
 		$clubNameCaps is dotted with pretty, flirtatious slaves, stripping on stages, serving drinks, and dancing. They're very willing to suck patrons off in the open or give a public handjob, and there are little private rooms for them to use when engaging in heavier intercourse.
 	<<elseif _CL > 0>>
 		There are a few pretty, flirtatious slaves, stripping on stages, serving drinks, and dancing. They're very willing to suck patrons off in the open or give a public handjob, and there are little private rooms for them to use when engaging in heavier intercourse.
-	<<elseif $DJ != 0>>
-		<<setLocalPronouns $DJ>>
-		$clubNameCaps is doing business normally, without a complement of sex slaves to spice things up. $DJ.slaveName is alone in $clubName, and can accomplish little by $himself.
+	<<elseif _S.DJ>>
+		<<setLocalPronouns _S.DJ>>
+		$clubNameCaps is doing business normally, without a complement of sex slaves to spice things up. _S.DJ.slaveName is alone in $clubName, and can accomplish little by $himself.
 		$clubNameCaps is doing business normally, without a complement of sex slaves to spice things up.
 		<div class="choices" style="font-style:normal">
@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@
-	<<if $DJ != 0>>
-		<<if $DJignoresFlaws != 1>>
-			$DJ.slaveName will attempt to fix flaws in <<print $clubName>>'s sluts.
+	<<if _S.DJ>>
+		<<if _S.DJignoresFlaws != 1>>
+			_S.DJ.slaveName will attempt to fix flaws in <<print $clubName>>'s sluts.
 			[[Ignore flaws|Club][$DJignoresFlaws = 1]]
-			$DJ.slaveName has been instructed to ignore flaws in <<print $clubName>>'s sluts.
+			_S.DJ.slaveName has been instructed to ignore flaws in <<print $clubName>>'s sluts.
 			[[Fix flaws|Club][$DJignoresFlaws = 0]]
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
index 96f2a61ae0acc1a872b7f97a0460d4db7b6336d7..86815abbe5cc6cae26a35875306c3ed78986111e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
@@ -10,44 +10,41 @@
 <!-- Statistics gathering; income is rep boosts in numbers, and profit will be rep per cash unit, or cash unit per rep -->
 <<set $facility = $facility || {}, $facility.club = initFacilityStatistics($facility.club)>>
-<<if $DJ != 0>>
-	<<set _FLs = $slaveIndices[$DJ.ID]>>
-	<<if ($slaves[_FLs].health.condition < -80)>>
-		<<run improveCondition($slaves[_FLs], 20)>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[_FLs].health.condition < -40>>
-		<<run improveCondition($slaves[_FLs], 15)>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[_FLs].health.condition < 0>>
-		<<run improveCondition($slaves[_FLs], 10)>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[_FLs].health.condition < 90>>
-		<<run improveCondition($slaves[_FLs], 7)>>
+<<if _S.DJ>>
+	<<if (_S.DJ.health.condition < -80)>>
+		<<run improveCondition(_S.DJ, 20)>>
+	<<elseif _S.DJ.health.condition < -40>>
+		<<run improveCondition(_S.DJ, 15)>>
+	<<elseif _S.DJ.health.condition < 0>>
+		<<run improveCondition(_S.DJ, 10)>>
+	<<elseif _S.DJ.health.condition < 90>>
+		<<run improveCondition(_S.DJ, 7)>>
-	<<if $slaves[_FLs].devotion <= 60>>
-		<<set $slaves[_FLs].devotion += 5>>
+	<<if _S.DJ.devotion <= 60>>
+		<<set _S.DJ.devotion += 5>>
-	<<if $slaves[_FLs].trust < 60>>
-		<<set $slaves[_FLs].trust += 3>>
+	<<if _S.DJ.trust < 60>>
+		<<set _S.DJ.trust += 3>>
-	<<if $slaves[_FLs].fetishStrength <= 95>>
-		<<if $slaves[_FLs].fetish != "humiliation">>
-			<<if fetishChangeChance($slaves[_FLs]) > random(0,100)>>
-				<<set _FLsFetish = 1, $slaves[_FLs].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[_FLs].fetish = "humiliation">>
+	<<if _S.DJ.fetishStrength <= 95>>
+		<<if _S.DJ.fetish != "humiliation">>
+			<<if fetishChangeChance(_S.DJ) > random(0,100)>>
+				<<set _FLsFetish = 1, _S.DJ.fetishKnown = 1, _S.DJ.fetish = "humiliation">>
-		<<elseif $slaves[_FLs].fetishKnown == 0>>
-			<<set _FLsFetish = 1, $slaves[_FLs].fetishKnown = 1>>
+		<<elseif _S.DJ.fetishKnown == 0>>
+			<<set _FLsFetish = 1, _S.DJ.fetishKnown = 1>>
-			<<set _FLsFetish = 2, $slaves[_FLs].fetishStrength += 4>>
+			<<set _FLsFetish = 2, _S.DJ.fetishStrength += 4>>
-	<<if $slaves[_FLs].rules.living != "luxurious">>
-		<<set $slaves[_FLs].rules.living = "luxurious">>
+	<<if _S.DJ.rules.living != "luxurious">>
+		<<set _S.DJ.rules.living = "luxurious">>
 	/% Make sure we have registered living expenses as for any other slave %/
-	<<run getSlaveStatisticData($DJ, $facility.club)>>
-	<<set $DJ = $slaves[_FLs]>>
-	<<setLocalPronouns $DJ>>
-	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<= SlaveFullName($DJ)>> is performing as the DJ.
-	<<if $DJ.relationship == -3 && $DJ.devotion > 50>>
+	<<run getSlaveStatisticData(_S.DJ, $facility.club)>>
+	<<setLocalPronouns _S.DJ>>
+	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<= SlaveFullName(_S.DJ)>> is performing as the DJ.
+	<<if _S.DJ.relationship == -3 && _S.DJ.devotion > 50>>
 		$He tries $his best to be your energetic, cheerful $wife.
 	<<if (_FLsFetish == 1)>>
@@ -55,40 +52,40 @@
 	<<elseif (_FLsFetish == 2)>>
 		Every day $he gets to enjoy hundreds of stares on $his skin, and @@.lightsalmon;becomes more of an exhibitionist.@@
-	<<if getBestVision($DJ) === 0>>
+	<<if getBestVision(_S.DJ) === 0>>
 		$His lack of eyesight doesn't slow $him down; rather, it strengthens $his other senses. $His tracks have a distinct sound, since $he experiences noise as $his sight.
-	<<if ($DJ.skill.entertainment <= 10)>>
-		Though $DJ.slaveName does $his best to lead on the club, with $his lack of skill $he can do little.
-	<<elseif ($DJ.skill.entertainment <= 30)>>
-		$DJ.slaveName's basic skills marginally @@.green;improve@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
-	<<elseif ($DJ.skill.entertainment <= 60)>>
-		$DJ.slaveName's skills @@.green;improve@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
-	<<elseif ($DJ.skill.entertainment < 100)>>
-		$DJ.slaveName's skills greatly @@.green;improve@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
-	<<elseif ($DJ.skill.entertainment >= 100)>>
-		$DJ.slaveName's mastery immensely @@.green;improves@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	<<if (_S.DJ.skill.entertainment <= 10)>>
+		Though _S.DJ.slaveName does $his best to lead on the club, with $his lack of skill $he can do little.
+	<<elseif (_S.DJ.skill.entertainment <= 30)>>
+		_S.DJ.slaveName's basic skills marginally @@.green;improve@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	<<elseif (_S.DJ.skill.entertainment <= 60)>>
+		_S.DJ.slaveName's skills @@.green;improve@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	<<elseif (_S.DJ.skill.entertainment < 100)>>
+		_S.DJ.slaveName's skills greatly @@.green;improve@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
+	<<elseif (_S.DJ.skill.entertainment >= 100)>>
+		_S.DJ.slaveName's mastery immensely @@.green;improves@@ the atmosphere in $clubName.
-	<<if ($DJ.muscles > 5) && ($DJ.muscles <= 95)>>
+	<<if (_S.DJ.muscles > 5) && (_S.DJ.muscles <= 95)>>
 		$His toned body helps $him lead $his fellow club sluts by letting $him dance all night.
-	<<if ($DJ.intelligence+$DJ.intelligenceImplant > 15)>>
+	<<if (_S.DJ.intelligence+_S.DJ.intelligenceImplant > 15)>>
 		$He's smart enough to make an actual contribution to the music, greatly enhancing the entire experience.
-	<<if ($DJ.face > 95)>>
+	<<if (_S.DJ.face > 95)>>
 		$His great beauty is a further draw, even when $he's in $his DJ booth, but especially when $he comes out to dance.
-	<<if setup.DJCareers.includes($DJ.career)>>
+	<<if setup.DJCareers.includes(_S.DJ.career)>>
 		$He has musical experience from $his life before $he was a slave, a grounding that gives $his tracks actual depth.
-	<<elseif $DJ.skill.DJ >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<elseif _S.DJ.skill.DJ >= $masteredXP>>
 		$He has musical experience from working for you, giving $his tracks actual depth.
-		<<set $slaves[_FLs].skill.DJ += random(1,Math.ceil(($DJ.intelligence+$DJ.intelligenceImplant)/15) + 8)>>
+		<<set _S.DJ.skill.DJ += random(1,Math.ceil((_S.DJ.intelligence+_S.DJ.intelligenceImplant)/15) + 8)>>
 	<<if (_DL + $clubSlavesGettingHelp < 10)>>
 		<<set $i = _FLs>> /* apply following SA passages to facility leader */
-		<<if ($legendaryEntertainerID == 0) && ($slaves[_FLs].prestige == 0) && ($slaves[_FLs].skill.entertainment >= 100) && ($slaves[_FLs].devotion > 50)>>
-			<<set $legendaryEntertainerID = $slaves[_FLs].ID>>
+		<<if ($legendaryEntertainerID == 0) && (_S.DJ.prestige == 0) && (_S.DJ.skill.entertainment >= 100) && (_S.DJ.devotion > 50)>>
+			<<set $legendaryEntertainerID = _S.DJ.ID>>
 		<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since $he doesn't have enough sluts in $clubName to make it worthwhile for $him to be on stage 24/7, $he spends $his extra time slutting it up $himself. $He has sex with $slaves[$i].sexAmount citizens, @@.green;pleasing them immensely,@@ since it's more appealing to fuck the DJ than some club slut.
 		<<if $showEWD != 0>>
@@ -105,18 +102,18 @@
 	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<if (_DL != 1)>>''The _DL slaves pleasing citizens in $clubName''<<else>>''The one slave pleasing citizens in $clubName''<</if>> worked hard to @@.green;increase your reputation@@ this week.
-<<if ($DJ != 0)>>
+<<if _S.DJ>>
 	<<set $i = _FLs>> /* apply following SA passages to facility leader */
 	<<if $showEWD != 0>>
 		/* 000-250-006 */
 		<<if $seeImages && $seeReportImages>>
 		<div class="imageRef tinyImg">
-			<<= SlaveArt($slaves[_FLs], 0, 0)>>
+			<<= SlaveArt(_S.DJ, 0, 0)>>
 		/* 000-250-006 */
-		<span class='slave-name'><<= SlaveFullName($slaves[_FLs])>></span> is performing as the DJ in $clubName.
+		<span class='slave-name'><<= SlaveFullName(_S.DJ)>></span> is performing as the DJ in $clubName.
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnClothes($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<run tired($slaves[$i])>>
@@ -140,7 +137,6 @@
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
-	<<set $DJ = $slaves[_FLs]>>
 <<if (_DL > 0)>>
@@ -257,6 +253,6 @@
-<<if _DL > 0 || $DJ != 0>>
+<<if _DL > 0 || _S.DJ>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/djSelect.tw b/src/uncategorized/djSelect.tw
index a2c43a88d432afeb1590a8ca20cb3a21d21638a3..721284c8b0bf9be71ef29ac835897be55e377d5c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/djSelect.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/djSelect.tw
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 :: DJ Select [nobr jump-to-safe jump-hidden jump-from-safe]
 <<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Club", $encyclopedia = "DJ">>
-<<if ($DJ != 0)>>
-	<<set $DJ = getSlave($DJ.ID)>>
-	<<setLocalPronouns $DJ>>
-	<span class='slave-name'><<= SlaveFullName($DJ)>></span> is serving as your DJ.<br><br>$He will headline entertainment in $clubName.
+<<if (_S.DJ)>>
+	<<setLocalPronouns _S.DJ>>
+	<span class='slave-name'><<= SlaveFullName(_S.DJ)>></span> is serving as your DJ.<br><br>$He will headline entertainment in $clubName.
 	You have not selected a DJ.
 <br><br>''Appoint a DJ from your devoted slaves:''
-<br><br>[[None|Club][removeJob($DJ, "be the DJ")]]
+<br><br>[[None|Club][removeJob(_S.DJ, "be the DJ")]]
 <<print App.UI.SlaveList.facilityManagerSelection(App.Entity.facilities.club, "Club")>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
index 92be7400d7536e8ec6225009174cee4887cccf52..fe1403fdd8e2953f137c2b85076c5be249e88c39 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
 		<<set $PESSevent.push("madam strategy")>>
-	<<if ($DJ != 0) && (_L.club >= 5) && ($DJ.face > 95) && ($DJ.skill.entertainment >= 100)>>
+	<<if _S.DJ && (_L.club >= 5) && (_S.DJ.face > 95) && (_S.DJ.skill.entertainment >= 100)>>
 		<<set $PESSevent.push("DJ publicity")>>
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
 		<<set $PETSevent.push("comforting attendant")>>
-	<<if _S.Nurse && (_L.clinic > 0) && (_S.Nurse.energy > 95) || ((_S.Nurse.fetishStrength > 60) && (_S.Nurse.fetish == "sadist" || _S.Nurse.fetish == "dom"))>>
+	<<if _S.Nurse && (_L.clinic > 0) && (_S.Nurse.energy > 95 || (_S.Nurse.fetishStrength > 60 && (_S.Nurse.fetish == "sadist" || _S.Nurse.fetish == "dom")))>>
 		<<set $subSlave = $slaves.find(function(s) { return s.anus != 0 && s.assignment == "get treatment in the clinic"; })>>
 		<<if (def $subSlave)>>
 			<<set $PETSevent.push("nurse molestation")>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw b/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
index 99a131e73debfe0dfb59c5f579a011669feadeff..71426e5e0846d12ecfc05562564736d0ab81ea1e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 <<if ($activeSlave.ID == $Madam.ID)>>
 	<<set _qualifiedNicknames.push("Madam")>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.ID == $DJ.ID)>>
+<<if ($activeSlave.ID == $djID)>>
 	<<set _qualifiedNicknames.push("DJ")>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.ID == $Recruiter.ID)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
index 49822c11a94849c8c3ac457dbf4f8856be044b7b..455f0ed014784845f43423d1ec317bb6b5af5b15 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $DJ.ID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve in the club")>>
+				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $djID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve in the club")>>
 					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
 						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to ingratiate $himself with the DJ, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
 						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>