diff --git a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
index 0fc7d00b6a11578342a7bbcbdc55e935430253bd..241238f6cf0d2df8face25cec09188f519c9d4ca 100644
--- a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
+++ b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
@@ -4818,4 +4818,8 @@ Pregmod
 	-pregnancy overhaul phase 3 (belly implants) completed
-	-fixed <<m>>
\ No newline at end of file
+	-fixed <<m>>
+	186
+	-fixes
+	-SFanon's stuff
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/devNotes/twine JS b/devNotes/twine JS
index e54827c92a9498e15ba6b7ba038044006d63ae25..ede916492651e32275eb65302745616d6d2d3c4f 100644
--- a/devNotes/twine JS	
+++ b/devNotes/twine JS	
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ window.lastSurgeryRuleFor = function(slave, rules, what) {
 	return null;
-window.lastEyesSurgeryRule = function(slave, rules) {
+window.lastEyeSurgeryRule = function(slave, rules) {
 	return lastSurgeryRuleFor(slave, rules, "eyes");
diff --git a/src/init/dummy.tw b/src/init/dummy.tw
index d8c7e69b913a96f36708767a8d0e5879182c4976..8cdf21a7c5803705e44b645e9fbac1d00e1fe64b 100644
--- a/src/init/dummy.tw
+++ b/src/init/dummy.tw
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $ArcologyNamesEugenics, $ArcologyNamesRepopulationist, $ArcologyNamesHedonisticD
 $hare1, $hare2, $hare3, $hareSpeed, $hareSpeed1, $hareSpeed2, $hareSpeed3, $origin1, $origin2, $origin3, $LurcherSpeed
 $SSSlavesIDs, $SSLevel, $SSLBSCA, $SSLBCA, $SSLBHC, $SSLBC, $SSLASAST, $SSLASM, $SSLAM, $SSLSLPH, $SSLSLSC, $SSLSLAC, $SSLC, $SSLAAST, $SSLevelGarage, $SSLevelHangar, $SSLevelDroneBay, $SSLevelLaunchBay
-$activeSlave.bodySwap, $activeSlave.customImageFormat, $activeSlave.customHairVector, $activeSlave.shoeColor, $activeSlave.newGamePlus
+$activeSlave.bodySwap, $activeSlave.customImageFormat, $activeSlave.customHairVector, $activeSlave.shoeColor, $activeSlave.newGamePlus, $activeSlave.HasBeenAssignedToFacilitySupport
 $PC.origRace, $PC.origSkin
diff --git a/src/js/storyJS.tw b/src/js/storyJS.tw
index 96265e0c8bbddc1c44b66d0fd559534fa43ede10..6f74bc541fb41da582b0abbb698f34ef768f27ab 100644
--- a/src/js/storyJS.tw
+++ b/src/js/storyJS.tw
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ window.lastSurgeryRuleFor = function(slave, rules, what) {
 	return null;
-window.lastEyesSurgeryRule = function(slave, rules) {
+window.lastEyeSurgeryRule = function(slave, rules) {
 	return lastSurgeryRuleFor(slave, rules, "eyes");
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw b/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
index c9b328416c0d9528a8f7e305686a2c5205cab49a..49f753402b33906f1f4418bbb8d83d4e1a539f1d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ securityForceX */
 			<<replace "#result3">>
 				You ask The Colonel if she would like to stretch her legs up on the surface. It doesn't take much effort for her to agree.
 				<<if $PC.warfare < 10>>
-					<br>Your complete lack of skill at warfare ensures that <<if $Bodyguard != 0>>in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, <</if>>you need; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
+					<br>Your complete lack of skill at warfare ensures that <<if $Bodyguard != 0>>in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, <</if>>you need; two full squads of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
 				<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 100 && $career == "mercenary">>
 					<br>Your mastery of wet work and prior experience in a PMC, satisfies The Colonel that you only need; one solider and a single vehicle<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> plus $Bodyguard.slaveName<</if>>. Being able to see and interact with the arcology owner even more directly if they so wish boosts the mood of your citizen's while also giving them an increased opportunity to try gaining favour with you.
 					<<set $rep += 10, $cash += $EnvCash2>>
@@ -1228,11 +1228,11 @@ securityForceX */
 					<br>Your mastery of wet work, satisfies The Colonel that you only need; two soldiers and a single vehicle<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> plus $Bodyguard.slaveName<</if>>. Being able to see and interact with the arcology owner directly if they so wish boosts the mood of your citizens while also giving them the opportunity to try gaining favour with you.
 					<<set $rep += 5, cash += $EnvCash3>>
 				<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 60>>
-					<br>Your expertness at warfare means that <<if $Bodyguard != 0>>in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName <</if>>you only require; a sqaud of $securityForceName on foot, a two fighters, a tiny convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
+					<br>Your expertness at warfare means that <<if $Bodyguard != 0>>in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName <</if>>you only require; a squad of $securityForceName on foot, a two fighters, a tiny convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
 				<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 30>>
-					<br>As you have some skill at warfare, you only need<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName<</if>>; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a small convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
+					<br>As you have some skill at warfare, you only need<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName<</if>>; two full squads of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a small convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
 				<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 10>>
-					<br>Your F.N.G tier skills at warfare ensures that <<if $Bodyguard != 0>>in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, <</if>>you need; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
+					<br>Your F.N.G tier skills at warfare ensures that <<if $Bodyguard != 0>>in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, <</if>>you need; two full squads of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName's ground vehicles.
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
 					Stopping at a paternalist shop, you help The Colonel select some luxurious and relaxing treatments for her main slave.