diff --git a/src/Mods/SecExp/js/secExp.js b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/secExp.js
index ad1c54f0f63d5e5437efeb7c2cc63440a87d4aa0..a739c0e6192ea9c13dc460d49ffec937b713aa23 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SecExp/js/secExp.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/secExp.js
@@ -370,246 +370,7 @@ App.SecExp.Check = (function() {
 	function general() {
-		if (jsDef(V.secExp)) {
-			if (V.secExpEnabled !== 1) {
-				V.secExpEnabled = V.secExp;
-			}
-			delete V.secExp;
-		}
-		if (typeof V.secExpEnabled !== "number") {
-			V.secExpEnabled = 0;
-		}
-		V.SecExp = V.SecExp || SecExpBase();
-		V.SecExp.settings = V.SecExp.settings || {};
-		delete V.SecExp.settings.show;
-		delete V.SecExp.army;
-		if (V.secExpEnabled > 0) {
-			Object.assign(V.secBots, {
-				active: V.secBots.active || V.arcologyUpgrade.drones > 0 ? 1 : 0,
-				ID: -1,
-				isDeployed: V.secBots.isDeployed || 0,
-				troops: Math.max(V.secBots.troops, V.arcologyUpgrade.drones > 0 ? 30 : 0),
-				maxTroops: Math.max(V.secBots.maxTroops, V.arcologyUpgrade.drones > 0 ? 30 : 0)
-			});
-			V.SecExp.core = V.SecExp.core || {};
-			V.SecExp.core.trade = V.SecExp.core.trade || 0;
-			if (passage() === "Acquisition" || V.SecExp.core.trade === 0) {
-				let init = jsRandom(20, 30);
-				if (V.terrain === "urban") {
-					init += jsRandom(10, 10);
-				} else if (V.terrain === "ravine") {
-					init -= jsRandom(5, 5);
-				}
-				if (["BlackHat", "capitalist", "celebrity", "wealth"].includes(V.PC.career)) {
-					init += jsRandom(5, 5);
-				} else if (["escort", "gang", "servant"].includes(V.PC.career)) {
-					init -= jsRandom(5, 5);
-				}
-				V.SecExp.core.trade = init;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.trade)) {
-				V.SecExp.core.trade = V.trade;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.core.authority = V.SecExp.core.authority || 0;
-			if (jsDef(V.authority)) {
-				V.SecExp.core.authority = V.authority;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.security = V.SecExp.security || {};
-			V.SecExp.security.cap = V.SecExp.security.cap || 100;
-			if (jsDef(V.security)) {
-				V.SecExp.security.cap = V.security;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.core.crimeLow = V.SecExp.core.crimeLow || 30;
-			if (jsDef(V.crime)) {
-				V.SecExp.core.crimeLow = V.crime;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.difficulty = V.SecExp.settings.difficulty || 1;
-			if (jsDef(V.difficulty)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.difficulty = V.difficulty;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.battle = V.SecExp.settings.battle || {};
-			if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled = 1;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.battlesEnabled)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled = V.battlesEnabled;
-			}
-			delete V.SecExp.battle;
-			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major || {};
-			V.SecExp.settings.battle.frequency = V.SecExp.settings.battle.frequency || 1;
-			if (jsDef(V.battleFrequency)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.frequency = V.battleFrequency;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.battle.force = V.SecExp.settings.battle.force || 0;
-			if (jsDef(V.forceBattle)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.force = V.forceBattle;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.readiness)) {
-				if(V.readiness === 10) {
-					V.sectionInFirebase = 1;
-				}
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.unitDescriptions = V.SecExp.settings.unitDescriptions || 0;
-			if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.battle.allowSlavePrestige)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.allowSlavePrestige = 1;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.allowPrestigeFromBattles)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.allowSlavePrestige = V.allowPrestigeFromBattles;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.enabled = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.enabled || 0;
-			if (jsDef(V.majorBattlesEnabled)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.enabled = V.majorBattlesEnabled;
-			}
-			if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.gameOver)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.gameOver = 1;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.majorBattleGameOver)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.gameOver = V.majorBattleGameOver;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.force = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.force || 0;
-			if (jsDef(V.forceMajorBattle)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.force = V.forceMajorBattle;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.mult = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.mult || 1;
-			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion = V.SecExp.settings.rebellion || {};
-			if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled = 1;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.rebellionsEnabled)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled = V.rebellionsEnabled;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.force = V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.force || 0;
-			if (jsDef(V.forceRebellion)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.force = V.forceRebellion;
-			}
-			if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.gameOver)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.gameOver = 1;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.rebellionGameOver)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.gameOver = V.rebellionGameOver;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.speed = V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.speed || 1;
-			if (jsDef(V.rebellionSpeed)) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.speed = V.rebellionSpeed;
-			}
-			if (V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled + V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled > 0) {
-				V.SecExp.settings.showStats = V.SecExp.settings.showStats || 0;
-				if (jsDef(V.showBattleStatistics)) {
-					V.SecExp.settings.showStats = V.showBattleStatistics;
-				}
-			}
-			V.SecExp.buildings = V.SecExp.buildings || {};
-			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub || {};
-			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active || 0;
-			if (V.SecExp.buildings.pr === null) {
-				delete V.SecExp.buildings.pr;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.SecExp.buildings.pr)) {
-				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub = V.SecExp.buildings.pr;
-				delete V.SecExp.buildings.pr;
-			}
-			if (jsDef(V.propHub)) {
-				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active = V.propHub;
-			}
-			if (V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active > 0) {
-				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.recuriterOffice = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.recuriterOffice || 0;
-				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign || 0;
-				if (jsDef(V.propCampaign)) {
-					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign = V.propCampaign;
-				}
-				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.miniTruth = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.miniTruth || 0;
-				if (jsDef(V.miniTruth)) {
-					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.miniTruth = V.miniTruth;
-				}
-				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService || 0;
-				if (jsDef(V.secretService)) {
-					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService = V.secretService;
-				}
-				if (jsDef(V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.SS)) {
-					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.SS;
-					delete V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.SS;
-				}
-				if (V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign >= 1) {
-					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.focus = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.focus || "social engineering";
-					if (jsDef(V.propFocus) && V.propFocus !== "none") {
-						V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.focus = V.propFocus;
-					}
-				}
-				if (jsDef(V.RecuriterOffice)) {
-					V.recuriterOffice = V.RecuriterOffice;
-				}
-				const vars = ['recuriterOffice', 'fakeNews', 'controlLeaks', 'marketInfiltration', 'blackOps'];
-				for(let i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
-					if (jsDef(V[vars[i]]) && V[vars[i]] > 0) {
-						V.SecExp.buildings.propHub[vars[i]] = V[vars[i]];
-						delete V[vars[i]];
-					} else {
-						V.SecExp.buildings.propHub[vars[i]] = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub[vars[i]] || 0;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks || {};
-			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active || 0;
-			if (jsDef(V.secBarracks)) {
-				V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active = V.secBarracks;
-			}
-			if (V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active > 0) {
-				V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades || {};
-				V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.size = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.size || 0;
-				V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.luxury = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.luxury || 0;
-				V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.training = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.training || 0;
-				V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.loyaltyMod = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.loyaltyMod || 0;
-				if (jsDef(V.secBarracksUpgrades)) {
-					V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades = V.secBarracksUpgrades;
-				}
-			}
-			V.SecExp.proclamation = V.SecExp.proclamation || {};
-			V.SecExp.proclamation.cooldown = V.SecExp.proclamation.cooldown || 0;
-			if (jsDef(V.proclamationsCooldown)) {
-				V.SecExp.proclamation.cooldown = V.proclamationsCooldown;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.proclamation.currency = V.SecExp.proclamation.currency || "";
-			if (jsDef(V.proclamationCurrency)) {
-				V.SecExp.proclamation.currency = V.proclamationCurrency;
-			}
-			V.SecExp.proclamation.type = V.SecExp.proclamation.type || "crime";
-			if (jsDef(V.proclamationType)) {
-				if (V.proclamationType !== "none") {
-					V.SecExp.proclamation.type = V.proclamationType;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (jsDef(V.SecExp.core)) {
-			delete V.SecExp.core.crimeCap;
-		}
+		App.SecExp.generalBC();
 	} // Closes general check function.
 	function secRestPoint() {
diff --git a/src/Mods/SecExp/js/secExpBC.js b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/secExpBC.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efbc3f89b41104e62e9f9cb74b4c3a268f8dcdf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Mods/SecExp/js/secExpBC.js
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+// @ts-nocheck
+App.SecExp.generalBC = function (){
+	if (jsDef(V.secExp)) {
+		if (V.secExpEnabled !== 1) {
+			V.secExpEnabled = V.secExp;
+		}
+		delete V.secExp;
+	}
+	if (typeof V.secExpEnabled !== "number") {
+		V.secExpEnabled = 0;
+	}
+	V.SecExp = V.SecExp || SecExpBase();
+	V.SecExp.settings = V.SecExp.settings || {};
+	delete V.SecExp.settings.show;
+	delete V.SecExp.army;
+	if (V.secExpEnabled > 0) {
+		Object.assign(V.secBots, {
+			active: V.secBots.active || V.arcologyUpgrade.drones > 0 ? 1 : 0,
+			ID: -1,
+			isDeployed: V.secBots.isDeployed || 0,
+			troops: Math.max(V.secBots.troops, V.arcologyUpgrade.drones > 0 ? 30 : 0),
+			maxTroops: Math.max(V.secBots.maxTroops, V.arcologyUpgrade.drones > 0 ? 30 : 0)
+		});
+		V.SecExp.core = V.SecExp.core || {};
+		V.SecExp.core.trade = V.SecExp.core.trade || 0;
+		if (passage() === "Acquisition" || V.SecExp.core.trade === 0) {
+			let init = jsRandom(20, 30);
+			if (V.terrain === "urban") {
+				init += jsRandom(10, 10);
+			} else if (V.terrain === "ravine") {
+				init -= jsRandom(5, 5);
+			}
+			if (["BlackHat", "capitalist", "celebrity", "wealth"].includes(V.PC.career)) {
+				init += jsRandom(5, 5);
+			} else if (["escort", "gang", "servant"].includes(V.PC.career)) {
+				init -= jsRandom(5, 5);
+			}
+			V.SecExp.core.trade = init;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.trade)) {
+			V.SecExp.core.trade = V.trade;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.core.authority = V.SecExp.core.authority || 0;
+		if (jsDef(V.authority)) {
+			V.SecExp.core.authority = V.authority;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.security = V.SecExp.security || {};
+		V.SecExp.security.cap = V.SecExp.security.cap || 100;
+		if (jsDef(V.security)) {
+			V.SecExp.security.cap = V.security;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.core.crimeLow = V.SecExp.core.crimeLow || 30;
+		if (jsDef(V.crime)) {
+			V.SecExp.core.crimeLow = V.crime;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.difficulty = V.SecExp.settings.difficulty || 1;
+		if (jsDef(V.difficulty)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.difficulty = V.difficulty;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.battle = V.SecExp.settings.battle || {};
+		if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled = 1;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.battlesEnabled)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled = V.battlesEnabled;
+		}
+		delete V.SecExp.battle;
+		V.SecExp.settings.battle.major = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major || {};
+		V.SecExp.settings.battle.frequency = V.SecExp.settings.battle.frequency || 1;
+		if (jsDef(V.battleFrequency)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.frequency = V.battleFrequency;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.battle.force = V.SecExp.settings.battle.force || 0;
+		if (jsDef(V.forceBattle)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.force = V.forceBattle;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.readiness)) {
+			if(V.readiness === 10) {
+				V.sectionInFirebase = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.unitDescriptions = V.SecExp.settings.unitDescriptions || 0;
+		if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.battle.allowSlavePrestige)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.allowSlavePrestige = 1;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.allowPrestigeFromBattles)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.allowSlavePrestige = V.allowPrestigeFromBattles;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.enabled = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.enabled || 0;
+		if (jsDef(V.majorBattlesEnabled)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.enabled = V.majorBattlesEnabled;
+		}
+		if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.gameOver)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.gameOver = 1;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.majorBattleGameOver)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.gameOver = V.majorBattleGameOver;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.force = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.force || 0;
+		if (jsDef(V.forceMajorBattle)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.force = V.forceMajorBattle;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.mult = V.SecExp.settings.battle.major.mult || 1;
+		V.SecExp.settings.rebellion = V.SecExp.settings.rebellion || {};
+		if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled = 1;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.rebellionsEnabled)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled = V.rebellionsEnabled;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.force = V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.force || 0;
+		if (jsDef(V.forceRebellion)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.force = V.forceRebellion;
+		}
+		if (!jsDef(V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.gameOver)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.gameOver = 1;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.rebellionGameOver)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.gameOver = V.rebellionGameOver;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.speed = V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.speed || 1;
+		if (jsDef(V.rebellionSpeed)) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.speed = V.rebellionSpeed;
+		}
+		if (V.SecExp.settings.battle.enabled + V.SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled > 0) {
+			V.SecExp.settings.showStats = V.SecExp.settings.showStats || 0;
+			if (jsDef(V.showBattleStatistics)) {
+				V.SecExp.settings.showStats = V.showBattleStatistics;
+			}
+		}
+		V.SecExp.buildings = V.SecExp.buildings || {};
+		V.SecExp.buildings.propHub = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub || {};
+		V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active || 0;
+		if (V.SecExp.buildings.pr === null) {
+			delete V.SecExp.buildings.pr;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.SecExp.buildings.pr)) {
+			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub = V.SecExp.buildings.pr;
+			delete V.SecExp.buildings.pr;
+		}
+		if (jsDef(V.propHub)) {
+			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active = V.propHub;
+		}
+		if (V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.active > 0) {
+			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.recuriterOffice = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.recuriterOffice || 0;
+			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign || 0;
+			if (jsDef(V.propCampaign)) {
+				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign = V.propCampaign;
+			}
+			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.miniTruth = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.miniTruth || 0;
+			if (jsDef(V.miniTruth)) {
+				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.miniTruth = V.miniTruth;
+			}
+			V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService || 0;
+			if (jsDef(V.secretService)) {
+				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService = V.secretService;
+			}
+			if (jsDef(V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.SS)) {
+				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.secretService = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.SS;
+				delete V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.SS;
+			}
+			if (V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.campaign >= 1) {
+				V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.focus = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.focus || "social engineering";
+				if (jsDef(V.propFocus) && V.propFocus !== "none") {
+					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub.focus = V.propFocus;
+				}
+			}
+			if (jsDef(V.RecuriterOffice)) {
+				V.recuriterOffice = V.RecuriterOffice;
+			}
+			const vars = ['recuriterOffice', 'fakeNews', 'controlLeaks', 'marketInfiltration', 'blackOps'];
+			for(let i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
+				if (jsDef(V[vars[i]]) && V[vars[i]] > 0) {
+					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub[vars[i]] = V[vars[i]];
+					delete V[vars[i]];
+				} else {
+					V.SecExp.buildings.propHub[vars[i]] = V.SecExp.buildings.propHub[vars[i]] || 0;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		V.SecExp.buildings.barracks = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks || {};
+		V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active || 0;
+		if (jsDef(V.secBarracks)) {
+			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active = V.secBarracks;
+		}
+		if (V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.active > 0) {
+			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades || {};
+			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.size = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.size || 0;
+			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.luxury = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.luxury || 0;
+			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.training = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.training || 0;
+			V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.loyaltyMod = V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades.loyaltyMod || 0;
+			if (jsDef(V.secBarracksUpgrades)) {
+				V.SecExp.buildings.barracks.upgrades = V.secBarracksUpgrades;
+			}
+		}
+		V.SecExp.proclamation = V.SecExp.proclamation || {};
+		V.SecExp.proclamation.cooldown = V.SecExp.proclamation.cooldown || 0;
+		if (jsDef(V.proclamationsCooldown)) {
+			V.SecExp.proclamation.cooldown = V.proclamationsCooldown;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.proclamation.currency = V.SecExp.proclamation.currency || "";
+		if (jsDef(V.proclamationCurrency)) {
+			V.SecExp.proclamation.currency = V.proclamationCurrency;
+		}
+		V.SecExp.proclamation.type = V.SecExp.proclamation.type || "crime";
+		if (jsDef(V.proclamationType)) {
+			if (V.proclamationType !== "none") {
+				V.SecExp.proclamation.type = V.proclamationType;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (jsDef(V.SecExp.core)) {
+		delete V.SecExp.core.crimeCap;
+	}
diff --git a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
index dc53b2c38a1a24b3924d8d15b79f41dc01696d13..88ca2598303e22be61244f454caadede97a07118 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
@@ -215,359 +215,6 @@ App.SF.Init = function() {
 	// V.arcologies[0].SFRaid = 1; V.arcologies[0].SFRaidTarget = -1;
-/* no-usedOnce */
-App.SF.BC = function() {
-	function InitClean() {
-		delete V.SFMODToggle;
-		delete V.securityForceActive;
-		delete V.securityForceCreate;
-		delete V.securityForceEventSeen;
-	}
-	function MainClean() {
-		delete V.securityForceActive;
-		delete V.securityForceRecruit;
-		delete V.securityForceTrade;
-		delete V.securityForceBooty;
-		delete V.securityForceIncome;
-		delete V.securityForceMissionEfficiency;
-		delete V.securityForceProfitable;
-		delete V.TierTwoUnlock;
-		delete V.securityForceDepravity;
-		delete V.SFAO;
-		delete V.securityForceUpgradeTokenReset;
-		delete V.securityForceUpgradeToken;
-		delete V.securityForceGiftToken;
-		delete V.securityForceRulesOfEngagement;
-		delete V.securityForceFocus;
-		delete V.securityForceAccountability;
-		delete V.securityForceName;
-		delete V.SubsidyActive;
-		delete V.securityForceSubsidyActive;
-	}
-	function ColonelClean() {
-		delete V.ColonelCore;
-		delete V.securityForceColonelToken;
-		delete V.securityForceColonelSexed;
-		delete V.ColonelRelationship;
-		delete V.securityForceSexedColonelToken;
-	}
-	function TradeShowClean() {
-		delete V.OverallTradeShowAttendance;
-		delete V.CurrentTradeShowAttendance;
-		delete V.TradeShowIncome;
-		delete V.TotalTradeShowIncome;
-		delete V.TradeShowHelots;
-		delete V.TotalTradeShowHelots;
-	}
-	function UnitsClean() {
-		delete V.securityForceInfantryPower;
-		delete V.securityForceArcologyUpgrades;
-		delete V.securityForceVehiclePower;
-		delete V.securityForceDronePower;
-		delete V.securityForceStimulantPower;
-		delete V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank;
-		delete V.securityForceAircraftPower;
-		delete V.securityForceSpacePlanePower;
-		delete V.securityForceAC130;
-		delete V.securityForceSatellitePower;
-		delete V.securityForceGiantRobot;
-		delete V.securityForceMissileSilo;
-		delete V.securityForceAircraftCarrier;
-		delete V.securityForceSubmarine;
-		delete V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport;
-		delete V.securityForcePersonnel;
-		delete V.securityForceFortressZeppelin;
-		delete V.securityForceHeavyTransport;
-	}
-	if (typeof V.SF !== "object") {
-		if (V.securityForceEventSeen < 1) {
-			V.securityForceActive = -1;
-		} else {
-			V.securityForceActive = 2;
-		}
-		V.SF = {Toggle: V.SFMODToggle, Active: V.securityForceActive};
-		InitClean();
-		if (V.securityForceName === undefined) {
-			V.securityForceName = "the special force";
-		}
-		if (V.SF.Active >= 1) {
-			Object.assign(V.SF, {
-				Depravity: V.securityForceDepravity,
-				Upgrade: V.securityForceUpgradeToken,
-				Gift: V.securityForceGiftToken,
-				UC: {Assign: V.SF.SpecOps, Lock: V.SF.SpecOpsLock},
-				ROE: V.securityForceRulesOfEngagement,
-				Target: V.securityForceFocus,
-				Regs: V.securityForceAccountability,
-				Lower: V.securityForceName,
-			});
-			MainClean();
-			if (V.ColonelCore === undefined) {
-				V.ColonelCore = "";
-			}
-			if (V.ColonelDiscussion === undefined) {
-				V.ColonelDiscussion = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.ColonelSexed === undefined) {
-				V.ColonelSexed = 0;
-			}
-			V.SF.Colonel = {
-				Core: V.ColonelCore,
-				Talk: V.securityForceColonelToken,
-				Fun: V.securityForceColonelSexed,
-				Status: V.ColonelRelationship
-			};
-			ColonelClean();
-			if (V.TradeShowIncome === undefined) {
-				V.TradeShowIncome = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.TotalTradeShowIncome === undefined) {
-				V.TotalTradeShowIncome = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.TradeShowHelots === undefined) {
-				V.TradeShowHelots = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.TotalTradeShowHelots === undefined) {
-				V.TotalTradeShowHelots = 0;
-			}
-			V.SF.MercCon = {
-				History: V.OverallTradeShowAttendance,
-				CanAttend: V.CurrentTradeShowAttendance,
-				Income: V.TradeShowIncome,
-				Revenue: V.TotalTradeShowIncome,
-				Menials: V.TradeShowHelots,
-				TotalMenials: V.TotalTradeShowHelots,
-				Mercs: 0,
-				TotalMercs: 0
-			};
-			TradeShowClean();
-			if (V.SF.MercCon.History > 0) {
-				V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend = 1;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceSpacePlanePower === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceSpacePlanePower = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceAC130 === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceAC130 = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceSatellitePower === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceSatellitePower = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceGiantRobot === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceGiantRobot = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceMissileSilo === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceMissileSilo = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceAircraftCarrier === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceAircraftCarrier = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceSubmarine === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceSubmarine = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport === undefined) {
-				V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport = 0;
-			}
-			V.SF.ArmySize = V.securityForcePersonnel;
-			V.SF.SatLaunched = 0;
-			V.SF.Squad = {
-				Armoury: V.securityForceInfantryPower,
-				Firebase: V.securityForceArcologyUpgrades,
-				AV: V.securityForceVehiclePower,
-				TV: V.securityForceVehiclePower,
-				Drones: V.securityForceDronePower,
-				Drugs: V.securityForceStimulantPower,
-				PGT: V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank,
-				AA: V.securityForceAircraftPower,
-				TA: V.securityForceAircraftPower,
-				SpacePlane: V.securityForceSpacePlanePower,
-				GunS: V.securityForceAC130,
-				Satellite: V.securityForceSatellitePower,
-				GiantRobot: V.securityForceGiantRobot,
-				MissileSilo: V.securityForceMissileSilo,
-				AircraftCarrier: V.securityForceAircraftCarrier,
-				Sub: V.securityForceSubmarine,
-				HAT: V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport
-			};
-			UnitsClean();
-		} else {
-			App.SF.Init();
-		}
-	} else if (typeof V.SF === "object") {
-		V.SF.FS = V.SF.FS || {};
-		V.SF.FS.Tension = V.SF.FS.Tension || -1;
-		if (V.SF.Toggle && V.SF.Active >= 1) {
-			V.SF.UC = V.SF.UC || {};
-			V.SF.Depravity = V.SF.Depravity || 0;
-			V.SF.Upgrade = V.SF.Upgrade || 0;
-			V.SF.Gift = V.SF.Gift || 0;
-			V.SF.UC.Assign = V.SF.UC.Assign || 0;
-			V.SF.UC.Lock = V.SF.UC.Lock || 0;
-			V.SF.ROE = V.SF.ROE || "hold";
-			V.SF.Target = V.SF.Target || "recruit";
-			V.SF.Regs = V.SF.Regs || "strict";
-			V.SF.Lower = V.SF.Lower || "the special force";
-			V.SF.ArmySize = V.SF.ArmySize || 40;
-			V.SF.Squad = V.SF.Squad || {};
-			for (let i = 0; i < App.SF.upgrades.list('all').length; i++) {
-				V.SF.Squad[App.SF.upgrades.list('all')[i]] = V.SF.Squad[App.SF.upgrades.list('all')[i]] || 0;
-			}
-			V.SF.SatLaunched = V.SF.SatLaunched || 0;
-			V.SF.Colonel = V.SF.Colonel || {};
-			V.SF.Colonel.Core = V.SF.Colonel.Core || "";
-			V.SF.Colonel.Talk = V.SF.Colonel.Talk || 0;
-			V.SF.Colonel.Fun = V.SF.Colonel.Fun || 0;
-			V.SF.Colonel.Status = V.SF.Colonel.Status || 0;
-			V.SF.MercCon = V.SF.MercCon || {};
-			V.SF.MercCon.History = V.SF.MercCon.History || 0;
-			V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend = V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend || 0;
-			if (V.SF.MercCon.History >= 1) {
-				V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend = -1;
-			}
-			V.SF.MercCon.Income = V.SF.MercCon.Income || 0;
-			V.SF.MercCon.Revenue = V.SF.MercCon.Revenue || 0;
-			V.SF.MercCon.Mercs = V.SF.MercCon.Mercs || 0;
-			V.SF.MercCon.Menials = V.SF.MercCon.Menials || 0;
-			V.SF.MercCon.TotalMenials = V.SF.MercCon.TotalMenials || 0;
-			V.SF.MercCon.TotalMercs = V.SF.MercCon.TotalMercs || 0;
-			if (typeof V.SF.Squad.Satellite === "object") {
-				if (V.SF.Squad.Satellite.InOrbit > 0) {
-					V.SF.SatLaunched = V.SF.Squad.Satellite.InOrbit; delete V.SF.Squad.Satellite.InOrbit;
-				}
-				V.SF.Squad.Satellite = V.SF.Squad.Satellite.lv;
-			}
-			delete V.SF.FS.upgrade; delete V.SF.UC.num;
-			if (jsDef(V.choice)) {
-				V.SF.Gift = V.choice;
-			}
-			if (V.Tour !== undefined) {
-				V.SF.tour = V.Tour || 0;
-			}
-			if (V.SF.Squad.Troops) {
-				V.SF.ArmySize = V.SF.Squad.Troops;
-				delete V.SF.Squad.Troops;
-			}
-			if (V.SF.MercCon !== undefined) {
-				if( V.SF.MercCon.View !== undefined) {
-					delete V.SF.MercCon.View;
-				}
-				if (V.SF.MercCon.Helots !== undefined) {
-					V.SF.MercCon.Menials = V.SF.MercCon.Helots;
-					delete V.SF.MercCon.Helots;
-				}
-				if (V.SF.MercCon.TotalHelots !== undefined) {
-					V.SF.MercCon.TotalMenials = V.SF.MercCon.TotalHelots;
-					delete V.SF.MercCon.TotalHelots;
-				}
-			}
-			if (V.SF.SpecOps !== undefined && V.SF.SpecOpsLock !== undefined) {
-				V.SF.UC = {Assign: V.SF.SpecOps, Lock: V.SF.SpecOpsLock};
-			}
-			if (V.SFUC !== undefined) {
-				V.SF.UC.num = V.SFUC || 0;
-			}
-			if (V.SpecOpsLock !== undefined) {
-				V.SF.SpecOpsLock = V.SpecOpsLock;
-			}
-			if (V.SF.U !== undefined) {
-				V.SF.Upgrade = V.SF.U || 0;
-			}
-			if (V.SF.WG !== undefined) {
-				V.SF.Gift = V.SF.WG || 0;
-			}
-			if (V.SF.Depravity < 0) {
-				V.SF.Depravity = 0;
-			}
-			if (V.SFUnit !== undefined) {
-				if (V.SFUnit.AT !== undefined) {
-					V.SFUnitTA = 0;
-				}
-				if (V.SFTradeShow !== undefined) {
-					V.SF.MercCon = V.SFTradeShow;
-				}
-				delete V.SFTradeShow;
-				if (V.SFColonel !== undefined) {
-					V.SF.Colonel = V.SFColonel;
-				}
-				if (V.SF.Squad !== undefined && V.SF.Squad.Satellite !== undefined && V.SatLaunched !== undefined) {
-					V.SF.Squad.Sat = {lv: V.SF.Squad.Satellite, InOrbit: V.SatLaunched};
-					V.SF.Squad.Satellite = V.SF.Squad.Sat;
-					delete V.SF.Squad.Sat;
-					delete V.SatLaunched;
-				}
-			}
-		} // closes: V.SF.Toggle && V.SF.Active >= 1
-	}
-	delete V.Tour; delete V.SFColonel; delete V.SFUnit;
-	delete V.SF.tour; delete V.SF.Caps; delete V.SF.Size; delete V.choice;
-	delete V.SF.Units; delete V.SpecOpsLock; delete V.SF.U; delete V.SF.WG;
-	delete V.SF.Subsidy; delete V.SF.SpecOps; delete V.SF.SpecOpsLock; delete V.SFUC;
-	if (V.SF.BadOutcome !== undefined) {
-		delete V.SF.BadOutcome;
-	}
-	if (V.arcologies[0].SFRaid !== undefined) {
-		delete V.arcologies[0].SFRaid;
-	}
-	if (V.arcologies[0].SFRaidTarget !== undefined) {
-		delete V.arcologies[0].SFRaidTarget;
-	}
-	if (V.SF.Facility !== undefined) {
-		delete V.SF.Facility;
-	}
-	if (V.SF.MWU !== undefined) {
-		delete V.SF.MWU;
-	}
-	if (V.SF.Bonus !== undefined) {
-		delete V.SF.Bonus;
-	}
-	InitClean();
-	MainClean();
-	ColonelClean();
-	TradeShowClean();
-	UnitsClean();
-	if (V.week < 72 && V.SF.Active !== -1) { V.SF.Active = -1; }
-/* usedOnce */
 App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 	const Revivalisms = ['Arabian_Revivalism', 'Aztec_Revivalism', 'Chinese_Revivalism', 'Edo_Revivalism', 'Egyptian_Revivalism', 'Multiculturalism', 'Roman_Revivalism'];
 	let FS_OPTIONS = ['Asset_Expansionism', 'Body_Purism', 'Chattel_Religionism', 'Degradationism', 'Eugenics', 'Gender_radicalism', 'Gender_traditionalism', 'Hedonistic_Decadence', 'Maturity_Preferentialism', 'Paternalism', 'Physical_Idealism', 'Repopulation', 'Slave_Pastoralism', 'Slimness_Enthusiasm', 'Transformation_Fetishism', 'Youth_Preferentialism'];
diff --git a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForceBC.js b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForceBC.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b848c1b539e874ff337b2cf52eee7749d799c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForceBC.js
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// @ts-nocheck
+/* no-usedOnce */
+App.SF.BC = function() {
+	function InitClean() {
+		delete V.SFMODToggle;
+		delete V.securityForceActive;
+		delete V.securityForceCreate;
+		delete V.securityForceEventSeen;
+	}
+	function MainClean() {
+		delete V.securityForceActive;
+		delete V.securityForceRecruit;
+		delete V.securityForceTrade;
+		delete V.securityForceBooty;
+		delete V.securityForceIncome;
+		delete V.securityForceMissionEfficiency;
+		delete V.securityForceProfitable;
+		delete V.TierTwoUnlock;
+		delete V.securityForceDepravity;
+		delete V.SFAO;
+		delete V.securityForceUpgradeTokenReset;
+		delete V.securityForceUpgradeToken;
+		delete V.securityForceGiftToken;
+		delete V.securityForceRulesOfEngagement;
+		delete V.securityForceFocus;
+		delete V.securityForceAccountability;
+		delete V.securityForceName;
+		delete V.SubsidyActive;
+		delete V.securityForceSubsidyActive;
+	}
+	function ColonelClean() {
+		delete V.ColonelCore;
+		delete V.securityForceColonelToken;
+		delete V.securityForceColonelSexed;
+		delete V.ColonelRelationship;
+		delete V.securityForceSexedColonelToken;
+	}
+	function TradeShowClean() {
+		delete V.OverallTradeShowAttendance;
+		delete V.CurrentTradeShowAttendance;
+		delete V.TradeShowIncome;
+		delete V.TotalTradeShowIncome;
+		delete V.TradeShowHelots;
+		delete V.TotalTradeShowHelots;
+	}
+	function UnitsClean() {
+		delete V.securityForceInfantryPower;
+		delete V.securityForceArcologyUpgrades;
+		delete V.securityForceVehiclePower;
+		delete V.securityForceDronePower;
+		delete V.securityForceStimulantPower;
+		delete V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank;
+		delete V.securityForceAircraftPower;
+		delete V.securityForceSpacePlanePower;
+		delete V.securityForceAC130;
+		delete V.securityForceSatellitePower;
+		delete V.securityForceGiantRobot;
+		delete V.securityForceMissileSilo;
+		delete V.securityForceAircraftCarrier;
+		delete V.securityForceSubmarine;
+		delete V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport;
+		delete V.securityForcePersonnel;
+		delete V.securityForceFortressZeppelin;
+		delete V.securityForceHeavyTransport;
+	}
+	if (typeof V.SF !== "object") {
+		if (V.securityForceEventSeen < 1) {
+			V.securityForceActive = -1;
+		} else {
+			V.securityForceActive = 2;
+		}
+		V.SF = {Toggle: V.SFMODToggle, Active: V.securityForceActive};
+		InitClean();
+		if (V.securityForceName === undefined) {
+			V.securityForceName = "the special force";
+		}
+		if (V.SF.Active >= 1) {
+			Object.assign(V.SF, {
+				Depravity: V.securityForceDepravity,
+				Upgrade: V.securityForceUpgradeToken,
+				Gift: V.securityForceGiftToken,
+				UC: {Assign: V.SF.SpecOps, Lock: V.SF.SpecOpsLock},
+				ROE: V.securityForceRulesOfEngagement,
+				Target: V.securityForceFocus,
+				Regs: V.securityForceAccountability,
+				Lower: V.securityForceName,
+			});
+			MainClean();
+			if (V.ColonelCore === undefined) {
+				V.ColonelCore = "";
+			}
+			if (V.ColonelDiscussion === undefined) {
+				V.ColonelDiscussion = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.ColonelSexed === undefined) {
+				V.ColonelSexed = 0;
+			}
+			V.SF.Colonel = {
+				Core: V.ColonelCore,
+				Talk: V.securityForceColonelToken,
+				Fun: V.securityForceColonelSexed,
+				Status: V.ColonelRelationship
+			};
+			ColonelClean();
+			if (V.TradeShowIncome === undefined) {
+				V.TradeShowIncome = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.TotalTradeShowIncome === undefined) {
+				V.TotalTradeShowIncome = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.TradeShowHelots === undefined) {
+				V.TradeShowHelots = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.TotalTradeShowHelots === undefined) {
+				V.TotalTradeShowHelots = 0;
+			}
+			V.SF.MercCon = {
+				History: V.OverallTradeShowAttendance,
+				CanAttend: V.CurrentTradeShowAttendance,
+				Income: V.TradeShowIncome,
+				Revenue: V.TotalTradeShowIncome,
+				Menials: V.TradeShowHelots,
+				TotalMenials: V.TotalTradeShowHelots,
+				Mercs: 0,
+				TotalMercs: 0
+			};
+			TradeShowClean();
+			if (V.SF.MercCon.History > 0) {
+				V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend = 1;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceSpacePlanePower === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceSpacePlanePower = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceAC130 === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceAC130 = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceSatellitePower === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceSatellitePower = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceGiantRobot === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceGiantRobot = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceMissileSilo === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceMissileSilo = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceAircraftCarrier === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceAircraftCarrier = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceSubmarine === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceSubmarine = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport === undefined) {
+				V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport = 0;
+			}
+			V.SF.ArmySize = V.securityForcePersonnel;
+			V.SF.SatLaunched = 0;
+			V.SF.Squad = {
+				Armoury: V.securityForceInfantryPower,
+				Firebase: V.securityForceArcologyUpgrades,
+				AV: V.securityForceVehiclePower,
+				TV: V.securityForceVehiclePower,
+				Drones: V.securityForceDronePower,
+				Drugs: V.securityForceStimulantPower,
+				PGT: V.securityForceHeavyBattleTank,
+				AA: V.securityForceAircraftPower,
+				TA: V.securityForceAircraftPower,
+				SpacePlane: V.securityForceSpacePlanePower,
+				GunS: V.securityForceAC130,
+				Satellite: V.securityForceSatellitePower,
+				GiantRobot: V.securityForceGiantRobot,
+				MissileSilo: V.securityForceMissileSilo,
+				AircraftCarrier: V.securityForceAircraftCarrier,
+				Sub: V.securityForceSubmarine,
+				HAT: V.securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport
+			};
+			UnitsClean();
+		} else {
+			App.SF.Init();
+		}
+	} else if (typeof V.SF === "object") {
+		V.SF.FS = V.SF.FS || {};
+		V.SF.FS.Tension = V.SF.FS.Tension || -1;
+		if (V.SF.Toggle && V.SF.Active >= 1) {
+			V.SF.UC = V.SF.UC || {};
+			V.SF.Depravity = V.SF.Depravity || 0;
+			V.SF.Upgrade = V.SF.Upgrade || 0;
+			V.SF.Gift = V.SF.Gift || 0;
+			V.SF.UC.Assign = V.SF.UC.Assign || 0;
+			V.SF.UC.Lock = V.SF.UC.Lock || 0;
+			V.SF.ROE = V.SF.ROE || "hold";
+			V.SF.Target = V.SF.Target || "recruit";
+			V.SF.Regs = V.SF.Regs || "strict";
+			V.SF.Lower = V.SF.Lower || "the special force";
+			V.SF.ArmySize = V.SF.ArmySize || 40;
+			V.SF.Squad = V.SF.Squad || {};
+			for (let i = 0; i < App.SF.upgrades.list('all').length; i++) {
+				V.SF.Squad[App.SF.upgrades.list('all')[i]] = V.SF.Squad[App.SF.upgrades.list('all')[i]] || 0;
+			}
+			V.SF.SatLaunched = V.SF.SatLaunched || 0;
+			V.SF.Colonel = V.SF.Colonel || {};
+			V.SF.Colonel.Core = V.SF.Colonel.Core || "";
+			V.SF.Colonel.Talk = V.SF.Colonel.Talk || 0;
+			V.SF.Colonel.Fun = V.SF.Colonel.Fun || 0;
+			V.SF.Colonel.Status = V.SF.Colonel.Status || 0;
+			V.SF.MercCon = V.SF.MercCon || {};
+			V.SF.MercCon.History = V.SF.MercCon.History || 0;
+			V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend = V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend || 0;
+			if (V.SF.MercCon.History >= 1) {
+				V.SF.MercCon.CanAttend = -1;
+			}
+			V.SF.MercCon.Income = V.SF.MercCon.Income || 0;
+			V.SF.MercCon.Revenue = V.SF.MercCon.Revenue || 0;
+			V.SF.MercCon.Mercs = V.SF.MercCon.Mercs || 0;
+			V.SF.MercCon.Menials = V.SF.MercCon.Menials || 0;
+			V.SF.MercCon.TotalMenials = V.SF.MercCon.TotalMenials || 0;
+			V.SF.MercCon.TotalMercs = V.SF.MercCon.TotalMercs || 0;
+			if (typeof V.SF.Squad.Satellite === "object") {
+				if (V.SF.Squad.Satellite.InOrbit > 0) {
+					V.SF.SatLaunched = V.SF.Squad.Satellite.InOrbit; delete V.SF.Squad.Satellite.InOrbit;
+				}
+				V.SF.Squad.Satellite = V.SF.Squad.Satellite.lv;
+			}
+			delete V.SF.FS.upgrade; delete V.SF.UC.num;
+			if (jsDef(V.choice)) {
+				V.SF.Gift = V.choice;
+			}
+			if (V.Tour !== undefined) {
+				V.SF.tour = V.Tour || 0;
+			}
+			if (V.SF.Squad.Troops) {
+				V.SF.ArmySize = V.SF.Squad.Troops;
+				delete V.SF.Squad.Troops;
+			}
+			if (V.SF.MercCon !== undefined) {
+				if( V.SF.MercCon.View !== undefined) {
+					delete V.SF.MercCon.View;
+				}
+				if (V.SF.MercCon.Helots !== undefined) {
+					V.SF.MercCon.Menials = V.SF.MercCon.Helots;
+					delete V.SF.MercCon.Helots;
+				}
+				if (V.SF.MercCon.TotalHelots !== undefined) {
+					V.SF.MercCon.TotalMenials = V.SF.MercCon.TotalHelots;
+					delete V.SF.MercCon.TotalHelots;
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.SF.SpecOps !== undefined && V.SF.SpecOpsLock !== undefined) {
+				V.SF.UC = {Assign: V.SF.SpecOps, Lock: V.SF.SpecOpsLock};
+			}
+			if (V.SFUC !== undefined) {
+				V.SF.UC.num = V.SFUC || 0;
+			}
+			if (V.SpecOpsLock !== undefined) {
+				V.SF.SpecOpsLock = V.SpecOpsLock;
+			}
+			if (V.SF.U !== undefined) {
+				V.SF.Upgrade = V.SF.U || 0;
+			}
+			if (V.SF.WG !== undefined) {
+				V.SF.Gift = V.SF.WG || 0;
+			}
+			if (V.SF.Depravity < 0) {
+				V.SF.Depravity = 0;
+			}
+			if (V.SFUnit !== undefined) {
+				if (V.SFUnit.AT !== undefined) {
+					V.SFUnitTA = 0;
+				}
+				if (V.SFTradeShow !== undefined) {
+					V.SF.MercCon = V.SFTradeShow;
+				}
+				delete V.SFTradeShow;
+				if (V.SFColonel !== undefined) {
+					V.SF.Colonel = V.SFColonel;
+				}
+				if (V.SF.Squad !== undefined && V.SF.Squad.Satellite !== undefined && V.SatLaunched !== undefined) {
+					V.SF.Squad.Sat = {lv: V.SF.Squad.Satellite, InOrbit: V.SatLaunched};
+					V.SF.Squad.Satellite = V.SF.Squad.Sat;
+					delete V.SF.Squad.Sat;
+					delete V.SatLaunched;
+				}
+			}
+		} // closes: V.SF.Toggle && V.SF.Active >= 1
+	}
+	delete V.Tour; delete V.SFColonel; delete V.SFUnit;
+	delete V.SF.tour; delete V.SF.Caps; delete V.SF.Size; delete V.choice;
+	delete V.SF.Units; delete V.SpecOpsLock; delete V.SF.U; delete V.SF.WG;
+	delete V.SF.Subsidy; delete V.SF.SpecOps; delete V.SF.SpecOpsLock; delete V.SFUC;
+	if (V.SF.BadOutcome !== undefined) {
+		delete V.SF.BadOutcome;
+	}
+	if (V.arcologies[0].SFRaid !== undefined) {
+		delete V.arcologies[0].SFRaid;
+	}
+	if (V.arcologies[0].SFRaidTarget !== undefined) {
+		delete V.arcologies[0].SFRaidTarget;
+	}
+	if (V.SF.Facility !== undefined) {
+		delete V.SF.Facility;
+	}
+	if (V.SF.MWU !== undefined) {
+		delete V.SF.MWU;
+	}
+	if (V.SF.Bonus !== undefined) {
+		delete V.SF.Bonus;
+	}
+	InitClean();
+	MainClean();
+	ColonelClean();
+	TradeShowClean();
+	UnitsClean();
+	if (V.week < 72 && V.SF.Active !== -1) { V.SF.Active = -1; }
+/* usedOnce */
diff --git a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
index eee6002ecf79b6634b3dcf86934c228ac840d1ed..c2a4d138f6fe3367b14cbe99ef239d994e708c0b 100644
--- a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
+++ b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ App.Update.globalVariables = function(node) {
-	policies.BC();
+	App.Update.policies();
 	// Player Arcology
diff --git a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/policiesBC.js b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/policiesBC.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..861bd621fd7562681ca91ba7aedaac0713191f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/policiesBC.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// @ts-nocheck
+App.Update.policies = function() {
+	function convertMain(variable, pro, anti) {
+		if (V[pro]) {
+			V.policies[variable] = 1;
+		} else if (V[anti]) {
+			V.policies[variable] = -1;
+		}
+	}
+	function convertRetirement(variable, retireType, amountRequired) {
+		if (V[retireType] && V[amountRequired]) {
+			V.policies.retirement[variable] = V[amountRequired];
+		}
+	}
+	if (V.releaseID < 1069) {
+		V.policies.childProtectionAct = V.childProtectionAct;
+		V.policies.culturalOpenness = V.CulturalOpenness;
+		V.policies.sexualOpeness = V.sexualOpeness;
+		V.policies.proRefugees = V.ProRefugees;
+		V.policies.publicFuckdolls = V.publicFuckdolls;
+		V.policies.proRecruitment = V.ProRecruitment;
+		V.policies.cash4Babies = V.Cash4Babies;
+		V.policies.regularParties = V.RegularParties;
+		V.policies.publicPA = V.PAPublic;
+		V.policies.coursingAssociation = V.CoursingAssociation;
+		V.policies.raidingMercenaries = V.RaidingMercenaries;
+		V.policies.mixedMarriage = V.MixedMarriage;
+		V.policies.goodImageCampaign = V.goodImageCampaign;
+		V.policies.alwaysSubsidizeRep = V.alwaysSubsidizeRep;
+		V.policies.alwaysSubsidizeGrowth = V.alwaysSubsidizeGrowth;
+		convertMain('immmigrationCash', 'ProImmigrationCash', 'AntiImmigrationCash');
+		convertMain('immmigrationRep', 'ProImmigrationRep', 'AntiImmigrationRep');
+		convertMain('enslavementCash', 'ProEnslavementCash', 'AntiEnslavementCash');
+		convertMain('enslavementRep', 'ProEnslavementRep', 'AntiEnslavementRep');
+		convertMain('cashForRep', 'CashForRep', 'RepForCash');
+		convertMain('oralAppeal', 'OralEncouragement', 'OralDiscouragement');
+		convertMain('vaginalAppeal', 'VaginalEncouragement', 'VaginalDiscouragement');
+		convertMain('analAppeal', 'AnalEncouragement', 'AnalDiscouragement');
+		convertRetirement('sex', 'SexMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementSex');
+		convertRetirement('milk', 'MilkMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementMilk');
+		convertRetirement('cum', 'CumMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementCum');
+		convertRetirement('births', 'BirthsMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementBirths');
+		convertRetirement('kills', 'KillsMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementKills');
+		if (V.BioreactorRetirement) {
+			V.policies.retirement.fate = "bioreactor";
+		} else if (V.ArcadeRetirement) {
+			V.policies.retirement.fate = "arcade";
+		} else if (V.CitizenRetirement) {
+			V.policies.retirement.fate = "citizen";
+		}
+		V.policies.retirement.menial2Citizen = V.citizenRetirementMenials;
+		V.policies.retirement.customAgePolicy = V.policies.retirement.customAgePolicySet || V.CustomRetirementAgePolicy;
+		V.policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy = V.PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy;
+		V.policies.SMR.basicSMR = V.BasicSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.healthInspectionSMR = V.HealthInspectionSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.educationSMR = V.EducationSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.frigiditySMR = V.FrigiditySMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.weightSMR = V.BasicWeightSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.honestySMR = V.HonestySMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.beauty.basicSMR = V.BasicBeautySMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.beauty.qualitySMR = V.QualityBeautySMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.height.basicSMR = V.BasicHeightSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.height.advancedSMR = V.AdvancedHeightSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.intelligence.basicSMR = V.BasicIntelligenceSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.intelligence.qualitySMR = V.QualityIntelligenceSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.eugenics.faceSMR = V.FaceEugenicsSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.eugenics.heightSMR = V.HeightEugenicsSMR;
+		V.policies.SMR.eugenics.intelligenceSMR = V.IntelligenceEugenicsSMR;
+	}
diff --git a/src/facilities/nursery/widgets/children/longChildDescription.js b/src/facilities/nursery/widgets/children/longChildDescription.js
index c4aa78761a622c029132e842c450a625e3437158..450353465b8c4f5e4969c136c4f78de75959b799 100644
--- a/src/facilities/nursery/widgets/children/longChildDescription.js
+++ b/src/facilities/nursery/widgets/children/longChildDescription.js
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 		PC = V.PC,
 		slaves = V.slaves,
 		desc = child.actualAge < 13 ? `child` : `teen`, // TODO:
-		girl = V.girl,
 		father = child.father === -1 ? PC : getSlave(child.father),
 		mother = child.mother === -1 ? PC : getSlave(child.mother);
 		r = ``;
-	const
-		{ he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His } = getPronouns(child);
+	const {
+		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His, girl
+	} = getPronouns(child);
 	// helper functions
 	function accent(child) {
diff --git a/src/interaction/policies/policies.js b/src/interaction/policies/policies.js
index a266ae3e29fca26bd3ea82b645142664a8aba8d5..b2e5ee597a90982a3ddcee19cb83096e3d8a470d 100644
--- a/src/interaction/policies/policies.js
+++ b/src/interaction/policies/policies.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 globalThis.policies = (function() {
 	return {
 		countEugenicsSMRs: countEugenicsSMRs,
-		BC: BC,
 		cost: cost,
@@ -19,91 +18,6 @@ globalThis.policies = (function() {
 		return value;
-	function BC() {
-		function convertMain(variable, pro, anti) {
-			if (V[pro]) {
-				V.policies[variable] = 1;
-			} else if (V[anti]) {
-				V.policies[variable] = -1;
-			}
-		}
-		function convertRetirement(variable, retireType, amountRequired) {
-			if (V[retireType] && V[amountRequired]) {
-				V.policies.retirement[variable] = V[amountRequired];
-			}
-		}
-		if (V.releaseID < 1069) {
-			V.policies.childProtectionAct = V.childProtectionAct;
-			V.policies.culturalOpenness = V.CulturalOpenness;
-			V.policies.sexualOpeness = V.sexualOpeness;
-			V.policies.proRefugees = V.ProRefugees;
-			V.policies.publicFuckdolls = V.publicFuckdolls;
-			V.policies.proRecruitment = V.ProRecruitment;
-			V.policies.cash4Babies = V.Cash4Babies;
-			V.policies.regularParties = V.RegularParties;
-			V.policies.publicPA = V.PAPublic;
-			V.policies.coursingAssociation = V.CoursingAssociation;
-			V.policies.raidingMercenaries = V.RaidingMercenaries;
-			V.policies.mixedMarriage = V.MixedMarriage;
-			V.policies.goodImageCampaign = V.goodImageCampaign;
-			V.policies.alwaysSubsidizeRep = V.alwaysSubsidizeRep;
-			V.policies.alwaysSubsidizeGrowth = V.alwaysSubsidizeGrowth;
-			convertMain('immmigrationCash', 'ProImmigrationCash', 'AntiImmigrationCash');
-			convertMain('immmigrationRep', 'ProImmigrationRep', 'AntiImmigrationRep');
-			convertMain('enslavementCash', 'ProEnslavementCash', 'AntiEnslavementCash');
-			convertMain('enslavementRep', 'ProEnslavementRep', 'AntiEnslavementRep');
-			convertMain('cashForRep', 'CashForRep', 'RepForCash');
-			convertMain('oralAppeal', 'OralEncouragement', 'OralDiscouragement');
-			convertMain('vaginalAppeal', 'VaginalEncouragement', 'VaginalDiscouragement');
-			convertMain('analAppeal', 'AnalEncouragement', 'AnalDiscouragement');
-			convertRetirement('sex', 'SexMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementSex');
-			convertRetirement('milk', 'MilkMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementMilk');
-			convertRetirement('cum', 'CumMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementCum');
-			convertRetirement('births', 'BirthsMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementBirths');
-			convertRetirement('kills', 'KillsMilestoneRetirement', 'retirementKills');
-			if (V.BioreactorRetirement) {
-				V.policies.retirement.fate = "bioreactor";
-			} else if (V.ArcadeRetirement) {
-				V.policies.retirement.fate = "arcade";
-			} else if (V.CitizenRetirement) {
-				V.policies.retirement.fate = "citizen";
-			}
-			V.policies.retirement.menial2Citizen = V.citizenRetirementMenials;
-			V.policies.retirement.customAgePolicy = V.policies.retirement.customAgePolicySet || V.CustomRetirementAgePolicy;
-			V.policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy = V.PhysicalRetirementAgePolicy;
-			V.policies.SMR.basicSMR = V.BasicSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.healthInspectionSMR = V.HealthInspectionSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.educationSMR = V.EducationSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.frigiditySMR = V.FrigiditySMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.weightSMR = V.BasicWeightSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.honestySMR = V.HonestySMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.beauty.basicSMR = V.BasicBeautySMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.beauty.qualitySMR = V.QualityBeautySMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.height.basicSMR = V.BasicHeightSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.height.advancedSMR = V.AdvancedHeightSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.intelligence.basicSMR = V.BasicIntelligenceSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.intelligence.qualitySMR = V.QualityIntelligenceSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.eugenics.faceSMR = V.FaceEugenicsSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.eugenics.heightSMR = V.HeightEugenicsSMR;
-			V.policies.SMR.eugenics.intelligenceSMR = V.IntelligenceEugenicsSMR;
-		}
-	}
 	function cost() { return 5000; }
diff --git a/src/interaction/prostheticConfig.tw b/src/interaction/prostheticConfig.tw
index e44f47ea79b77bbb7ccabbac51730ea837bd952d..8a68dbe21a99b923a830f662d4882e026c8c74ad 100644
--- a/src/interaction/prostheticConfig.tw
+++ b/src/interaction/prostheticConfig.tw
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ This room is lined with shelves and cabinets; it could be easily mistaken for a
 	<p class="indent">
-	$He has <<print App.Desc.eyesColor(getSlave($AS))>>. To change $his eye color visit the [[auto salon|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "", $secondaryTailColor = ""]].
+	$He has <<print App.Desc.eyesColor(getSlave($AS))>>. To change $his eye color visit the [[auto salon|Salon]].
diff --git a/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js b/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js
index b4431734faa401fd4c0f0b2b076ed36367e2c22f..71cbccd05a848523b39eb7ce8bea823696ffa6df 100644
--- a/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js
+++ b/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.modify = function(slave) {
 	makeRoomLink(el, "Auto salon", "Salon", ' Modify hair (color, length, style), nails, and even skin color.',
 		() => {
 			V.activeSlave = slave;
-			V.primaryTailColor = "";
-			V.secondaryTailColor = "";
diff --git a/src/js/salon.js b/src/js/salon.js
index 5892475b4a20ba21710e9910a363db3a14d171d3..4069c507d753be823befbfcb7ebdd2f69d627b6f 100644
--- a/src/js/salon.js
+++ b/src/js/salon.js
@@ -359,6 +359,8 @@ App.Medicine.Salon.hair = function(slave, {primaryHairColor = 0, secondaryHairCo
 					"Restore natural color",
 					() => {
 						slave.hColor = slave.origHColor;
+						App.Art.refreshSlaveArt(slave, 3, "artFrame");
+						cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
@@ -462,7 +464,7 @@ App.Medicine.Salon.hair = function(slave, {primaryHairColor = 0, secondaryHairCo
-		const oldHLength = (V.showInches === 2) ? Math.round(slave.hLength/2.54) : slave.hLength;
+		const oldHLength = (V.showInches === 2) ? Math.round(slave.hLength / 2.54) : slave.hLength;
 		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, `Cut or lengthen ${his} hair:`);
 		div.append(createList(App.Medicine.Modification.hairStyles.Length, method));
@@ -474,7 +476,7 @@ App.Medicine.Salon.hair = function(slave, {primaryHairColor = 0, secondaryHairCo
 					v = Math.max(v, 0); // Positive hair length only
 					// If they entered "inches," convert
 					if (V.showInches === 2) {
-						v = Math.round(v*2.54);
+						v = Math.round(v * 2.54);
 					slave.hLength = v;
 					cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
@@ -590,7 +592,7 @@ App.Medicine.Salon.hair = function(slave, {primaryHairColor = 0, secondaryHairCo
 			slave.hLength = newVal.hLength;
-		const oldHLength = (V.showInches === 2) ? Math.round(slave.hLength/2.54) : slave.hLength;
+		const oldHLength = (V.showInches === 2) ? Math.round(slave.hLength / 2.54) : slave.hLength;
 		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, `Set wig length to:`, "choices");
 		div.append(createList(array, method));
 		div.append(" | Custom length: ");
@@ -601,7 +603,7 @@ App.Medicine.Salon.hair = function(slave, {primaryHairColor = 0, secondaryHairCo
 					v = Math.max(v, 10); // Wigs must be at least 10 cm
 					// If they entered "inches," convert
 					if (V.showInches === 2) {
-						v = Math.round(v*2.54);
+						v = Math.round(v * 2.54);
 					slave.hLength = v;
 					cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
@@ -680,3 +682,113 @@ App.Medicine.Salon.hair = function(slave, {primaryHairColor = 0, secondaryHairCo
+ * Update hair in salon
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @param {object} params
+ * @param {number|string} [params.primaryTailColor]
+ * @param {string} [params.secondaryTailColor]
+ * @returns {node}
+ */
+App.Medicine.Salon.tail = function(slave, {primaryTailColor = 0, secondaryTailColor = ""} = {}) {
+	const frag = new DocumentFragment();
+	let updatePrimary = (newVal) => { primaryTailColor = newVal.value; apply(); };
+	let updateSecondary = (newVal) => { secondaryTailColor = newVal.value; apply(); };
+	const {His, his} = getPronouns(slave);
+	if (slave.tail !== "none") {
+		frag.append(tailDye());
+	}
+	return jQuery("#salonTail").empty().append(frag);
+	function tailDye() {
+		const frag = new DocumentFragment();
+		let div;
+		let p;
+		frag.append(`${His} tail is ${slave.tailColor}.`);
+		div = document.createElement("div");
+		div.classList.add("choices");
+		if (slave.origHColor !== slave.hColor) {
+			div.append(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Match current hair",
+					() => {
+						slave.tailColor = slave.hColor;
+						App.Art.refreshSlaveArt(slave, 3, "artFrame");
+						cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
+						apply();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+			div.append(" or ");
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, "choose a new one: ", "note");
+		} else {
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, `Choose a dye color before dyeing ${his} tail:`, "note");
+		}
+		frag.append(div);
+		div = document.createElement("div");
+		div.classList.add("choices");
+		div.append(`Colors:`);
+		div.append(createList(App.Medicine.Modification.Color.Primary, updatePrimary));
+		frag.append(div);
+		div = document.createElement("div");
+		div.classList.add("choices");
+		div.append(`Highlights:`);
+		div.append(createList(App.Medicine.Modification.Color.Secondary, updateSecondary));
+		frag.append(div);
+		if (primaryTailColor !== 0) {
+			p = document.createElement("p");
+			p.classList.add("choices");
+			p.append(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					`Color ${his} tail`,
+					() => {
+						slave.tailColor = (primaryTailColor + secondaryTailColor);
+						App.Art.refreshSlaveArt(slave, 3, "artFrame");
+						cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
+						App.Medicine.Salon.tail(slave); // discard selections after locking them in.
+					}
+				)
+			);
+			p.append(` ${primaryTailColor}${secondaryTailColor} now?`);
+			frag.append(p);
+		}
+		return frag;
+	}
+	function createList(array, method) {
+		const links = [];
+		for (const item of array) {
+			if (item.hasOwnProperty("requirements")) {
+				if (item.requirements(slave) === false) {
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			const title = item.title || capFirstChar(item.value);
+			links.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					title,
+					() => method(item)
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		return App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(links);
+	}
+	function apply() {
+		App.Art.refreshSlaveArt(slave, 3, "artFrame");
+		App.Medicine.Salon.tail(
+			slave,
+			{
+				primaryTailColor: primaryTailColor,
+				secondaryTailColor: secondaryTailColor,
+			}
+		);
+	}
diff --git a/src/personalAssistant/assistant.js b/src/personalAssistant/assistant.js
index 19712cbac6e288288d68d496f898fbbc34304187..848c946ec417d7bf96e5e383c36b1b1dbc983d9c 100644
--- a/src/personalAssistant/assistant.js
+++ b/src/personalAssistant/assistant.js
@@ -6,45 +6,7 @@ globalThis.assistant = (function() {
 	function BC() {
-		function convert(oldVar, variable, value = null) {
-			if (jsDef(V[oldVar])) {
-				if (typeof V[oldVar] !== "number" || (typeof V[oldVar] === "number" && V[oldVar] > 0)) {
-					V.assistant[variable] = value === null ? V[oldVar] : value;
-				}
-			}
-			delete V[oldVar];
-		}
-		const object = Object.assign({},
-		{
-		personality: V.assistant,
-		name: V.assistantName,
-		power: V.assistantPower,
-		appearance: V.assistantAppearance,
-		});
-		V.assistant = object;
-		delete V.assistantName; delete V.assistantPower;
-		delete V.assistantAppearance; delete V.assistantPronouns;
-		convert('marketAssistantAnnounced', 'market', {});
-		convert('assistantExtra1', 'Extra1');
-		convert('assistantExtra2', 'Extra2');
-		convert('assistantNameAnnounced', 'announcedName');
-		convert('assistantBodyDesire', 'bodyDesire');
-		convert('assistantOptions', 'options');
-		convert('assistantFSOptions', 'fsOptions');
-		convert('assistantFSAppearance', 'fsAppearance');
-		if (V.assistant.market) {
-			Object.assign(V.assistant.market,
-			{
-			relationship: V.marketAssistantRelationship,
-			limit: V.marketAssistantLimit,
-			aggressiveness: V.marketAssistantAggressiveness,
-			});
-		}
-		delete V.marketAssistantRelationship; delete V.marketAssistantLimit;
-		delete V.marketAssistantAggressiveness; delete V.marketAssistantPronouns;
+		App.Update.assistantBC();
 	function pronouns() {
@@ -67,20 +29,18 @@ globalThis.assistant = (function() {
 	function manage() {
 		V.assistant = V.assistant || {};
-		Object.assign(V.assistant,
-		{
-		personality: V.assistant.personality || 0,
-		name: V.assistant.name || "your personal assistant",
-		power: V.assistant.power || 0,
-		appearance: V.assistant.appearance || "normal",
+		Object.assign(V.assistant, {
+			personality: V.assistant.personality || 0,
+			name: V.assistant.name || "your personal assistant",
+			power: V.assistant.power || 0,
+			appearance: V.assistant.appearance || "normal",
 		if (V.assistant.market) {
-			Object.assign(V.assistant.market,
-			{
-			relationship: V.assistant.market.relationship || "cute",
-			limit: V.assistant.market.limit || 0,
-			aggressiveness: V.assistant.market.aggressiveness || 0,
+			Object.assign(V.assistant.market, {
+				relationship: V.assistant.market.relationship || "cute",
+				limit: V.assistant.market.limit || 0,
+				aggressiveness: V.assistant.market.aggressiveness || 0,
 		if (V.week < 18) {
diff --git a/src/personalAssistant/assistantBC.js b/src/personalAssistant/assistantBC.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7ef8a4f3d827f4f7e055f08f43f047ee0f126f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/personalAssistant/assistantBC.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// @ts-nocheck
+App.Update.assistantBC = function() {
+	function convert(oldVar, variable, value = null) {
+		if (jsDef(V[oldVar])) {
+			if (typeof V[oldVar] !== "number" || (typeof V[oldVar] === "number" && V[oldVar] > 0)) {
+				V.assistant[variable] = value === null ? V[oldVar] : value;
+			}
+		}
+		delete V[oldVar];
+	}
+	V.assistant = Object.assign({}, {
+		personality: V.assistant,
+		name: V.assistantName,
+		power: V.assistantPower,
+		appearance: V.assistantAppearance,
+	});
+	delete V.assistantName; delete V.assistantPower;
+	delete V.assistantAppearance; delete V.assistantPronouns;
+	convert('marketAssistantAnnounced', 'market', {});
+	convert('assistantExtra1', 'Extra1');
+	convert('assistantExtra2', 'Extra2');
+	convert('assistantNameAnnounced', 'announcedName');
+	convert('assistantBodyDesire', 'bodyDesire');
+	convert('assistantOptions', 'options');
+	convert('assistantFSOptions', 'fsOptions');
+	convert('assistantFSAppearance', 'fsAppearance');
+	if (V.assistant.market) {
+		Object.assign(V.assistant.market, {
+			relationship: V.marketAssistantRelationship,
+			limit: V.marketAssistantLimit,
+			aggressiveness: V.marketAssistantAggressiveness,
+		});
+	}
+	delete V.marketAssistantRelationship; delete V.marketAssistantLimit;
+	delete V.marketAssistantAggressiveness; delete V.marketAssistantPronouns;
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/salon.tw b/src/uncategorized/salon.tw
index 8f92721d5448b2f3dbf03ec38ceecb13b7d9c512..2d0ef9efd71a2d4bd67968bdb7d759e3af25611a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/salon.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/salon.tw
@@ -286,71 +286,10 @@
 	| [[Tiger Stripes|Salon][getSlave($AS).skin = "tiger striped",cashX(forceNeg($modCost), "slaveMod", getSlave($AS))]]
-<<if getSlave($AS).tail != "none">>
-	$His tail is <<= getSlave($AS).tailColor>>.
-	<<if getSlave($AS).tailColor != getSlave($AS).hColor>>
-		[[Match current hair|Salon][getSlave($AS).tailColor = getSlave($AS).hColor]] or <span class="note">choose a new one:</span>
-	<<else>>
-		<span class="note">Choose a dye color before dyeing $his tail:</span>
-	<</if>>
-	<div class="choices">
-		Colors:
-			[[Auburn|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "auburn"]]
-			| [[Black|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "black"]]
-			| [[Blazing Red|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "blazing red"]]
-			| [[Blonde|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "blonde"]]
-			| [[Blue-Violet|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "blue-violet"]]
-			| [[Blue|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "blue"]]
-			| [[Brown|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "brown"]]
-			| [[Burgundy|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "burgundy"]]
-			| [[Chestnut|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "chestnut"]]
-			| [[Chocolate|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "chocolate brown"]]
-			| [[Copper|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "copper"]]
-			| [[Dark Blue|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "dark blue"]]
-			| [[Dark Brown|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "dark brown"]]
-			| [[Dark Orchid|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "dark orchid"]]
-			| [[Deep Red|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "deep red"]]
-			| [[Ginger|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "ginger"]]
-			| [[Golden|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "golden"]]
-			| [[Green-yellow|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "green-yellow"]]
-			| [[Green|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "green"]]
-			| [[Grey|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "grey"]]
-			| [[Hazel|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "hazel"]]
-			| [[Jet Black|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "jet black"]]
-			| [[Neon Blue|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "neon blue"]]
-			| [[Neon Green|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "neon green"]]
-			| [[Neon Pink|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "neon pink"]]
-			| [[Pink|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "pink"]]
-			| [[Platinum Blonde|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "platinum blonde"]]
-			| [[Purple|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "purple"]]
-			| [[Red|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "red"]]
-			| [[Sea Green|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "sea green"]]
-			| [[Silver|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "silver"]]
-			| [[Strawberry-Blonde|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "strawberry-blonde"]]
-			| [[White|Salon][$primaryTailColor = "white"]]
-	</div>
-	<div class="choices">
-		Highlights:
-			[[None|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = ""]]
-			| [[Black|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with black highlights"]]
-			| [[Blazing Red|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with blazing red highlights"]]
-			| [[Blonde|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with blonde highlights"]]
-			| [[Grey|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with grey highlights"]]
-			| [[Neon Blue|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with neon blue highlights"]]
-			| [[Neon Green|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with neon green highlights"]]
-			| [[Neon Pink|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with neon pink highlights"]]
-			| [[Rainbow|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with rainbow highlights"]]
-			| [[Silver|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with silver highlights"]]
-			| [[White|Salon][$secondaryTailColor = " with white highlights"]]
-	</div>
-	<<if $primaryTailColor != 0>>
-		<div class="choices">
-			[["Dye " + $his + " tail"|Salon][getSlave($AS).tailColor = ($primaryTailColor + $secondaryTailColor),cashX(forceNeg($modCost), "slaveMod", getSlave($AS)), $primaryTailColor = 0, $secondaryTailColor = ""]] $primaryTailColor $secondaryTailColor now?
-		</div>
-	<</if>>
+<p id="salonTail"></p>
+	App.Medicine.Salon.tail(getSlave(V.AS));
 /* MARKS */