diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3440d8c0eaa3915c788fcd6eda18a4bbf704497d..527e5f44172d384e9b6a0fced8fa87b8e244410d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ How to mod (basic doc):
 	Ensure executable permission on file "devTools/tweeGo/tweego" (not tweego.exe!)
-	Ensure executable permission on file "compile.sh"
-	In the root dir of sources (where you see src, devTools, bin...) run command "./compile.sh" from console
+	In the root dir of sources (where you see src, devTools, bin...) run command "make" from console
 	Not supported directly (I don't have access to Mac for testing).
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index fd8fb7c15e8ed78580f911595b44f03d300c8ddc..1e1dc781a814e329cf446ea863ed6bffc19553a9 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -1,42 +1,51 @@
-TWEEGO := ""
+HASH := $(shell git rev-list -n 1 --abbrev-commit HEAD)
+COMMIT := $(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
 uname := $(shell uname -s)
 arch := $(shell uname -m)
-ifeq ($(uname),Linux)
-	ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
-		TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix64
-	else
-		TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix86
-	endif
-else ifeq ($(uname),Darwin)
-	ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
-		TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_osx64
-	else
-		TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_osx86
+TWEEGO := $(shell command -v tweego || echo "$?")
+ifneq ($(TWEEGO),0)
+	ifeq ($(uname),Linux)
+		ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
+			TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix64
+		else
+			TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix86
+		endif
+	else ifeq ($(uname),Darwin)
+		ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
+			TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_osx64
+		else
+			TWEEGO := ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_osx86
+		endif
+	TWEEGO := "tweego"
 all: bin/FC_pregmod.html bin/resources
-bin/resources: ./resources
-	ln -s $< $@
+bin/resources: resources
+	test -L "$@" || ln -s "../$<" bin/
 bin/FC_pregmod.html: bin/FC_pregmod_tmp
-	./devTools/embed_favicon.py $@
 	git checkout -- src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw
 	mv $< $@
 bin/FC_pregmod_tmp: src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw
 	$(TWEEGO) -o $@ src/ --head devTools/head.html
+	./devTools/embed_favicon.py $@
-	sed -Ei "s/build .releaseID/\0 commit $(COMMIT)/" src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw"
-	sed -Ei "s/build .releaseID/\0 commit $(COMMIT)/" $<
+	sed -Ei "s/build .releaseID/\0 commit $(COMMIT)/" $@
+	sed -Ei "s/build .releaseID/\0 commit $(COMMIT)/" $@
-	./sanityCheck java
+	./sanityCheck.sh java
+git: all
+	mv bin/FC_pregmod.html bin/FC_pregmod_$(HASH)_.html
-.PHONY: all sanity jsanity
\ No newline at end of file
+.PHONY: all sanity jsanity git